Records of new algal taxa within various aquatic and aerophytic habitats in Slovenia Aleksandra KRIVOGRAD KLEMENČIČ1, Mihael J. TOMAN2, Damjan BALABANIČ3 1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Sanitary Engineering, Zdravstvena pot 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; e-mail: 2 University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology, Večna pot 111, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 Pulp and Paper Institute, Bogišićeva 8, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract. In Slovenia, the first algal research dates back to the year 1845, when Kützing referred to several localities in Slovenian territory in his work »Phycologia germanica«. The present knowledge of diversity, variety and abundance of algae, however, is still incomplete, which applies both to aquatic and terrestrial species. The presented study carried out in 2005 and 2006 included 30 different aquatic and 5 terrestrial environments. It embraced data on species composition and distribution of benthic species in aquatic ecosystems and terrestrial environments. 634 taxa from ten classes were identified, 170 of which were discovered in Slovenia for the very first time. Most new identified taxa in Slovenia belong to Bacillariophyceae, specifically Navicula and Nitzschia. The genera of Amphidinium, Bumilleria, Heterothrix, Stylopyxis, Entomoneis, Stenopterobia, Chlorophysema, Podohedra and Poloidion had not been recorded in Slovenia prior to this study. Key words: benthic algae, aerophytic algae, springs, waterfalls, oxbow lakes, brackish waters, Slovenia NOVI TAKSONI ALG V RAZLIČNIH VODNIH IN AEROFITSKIH HABITATIH V SLOVENIJI - Prve raziskave alg na območju Slovenije segajo v leto 1845, ko je Kützing v svojem delu »Phycologia germanica« omenil tudi naše kraje. Poznavanje vrstne strukture, pestrosti in abundance alg pa je še vedno nepopolno. To velja tako za vodne kot kopenske vrste. Predstavljene sezonske raziskave v letih 2005 in 2006 vključujejo 30 različnih vodnih okolij in 5 terestričnih. Vključujejo podatke o vrstni sestavi in razširjenosti bentoških vrst v vodnih ekosistemih in terestričnih okoljih. Evidentirali smo 634 taksonov iz desetih razredov, od tega 170 taksonov prvič na ozemlju Slovenije. Največ na novo ugotovljenih taksonov v Sloveniji pripada razredu kremenastih alg in sicer rodovoma Navicula in Nitzschia. Rodovi Amphidinium, Bumilleria, Heterothrix, Stylopyxis, Entomoneis, Stenopterobia, Chlorophysema, Podohedra in Poloidion pa do sedaj niso bili znani v Sloveniji. Ključne besede: bentoške alge, aerofitske alge, izviri, slapovi, mrtvice, brakične vode, Slovenija NATURA SLOVENIAE 11(2): 5-26 ZOTKS Gibanje znanost mladini, Ljubljana, 2009 Introduction At present, algology is a deficient sub-discipline of biology and ecology in Slovenia. There are many reasons for this state of affairs, including the fact that today the research is largely dedicated to polluted aquatic ecosystems (lakes, dams, rivers), mainly as monitoring of potential contamination or changes in trophicity. The algae of distinct (including extreme) environments, such as peat bogs, fens, marshy meadows, thermal springs, pools, brackish waters, soil, humid rocks, rock walls, stumps, tree trunks, etc., are particularly poorly investigated (Krivograd Klemenčič 2007). A better knowledge of algal diversity is important in the processes of natural heritage conservation. Algae are key indicators of anthropogenic pressures on aquatic ecosystems and mineralization level. The presence, absence and abundance of algae are the parameters for the assessment of conditions of aquatic ecosystems (Wetzel & Likens 1995). The importance of algae is even greater in extreme conditions, such as blooming lakes (Sedmak & Kosi 1997). Stevenson (1996) estimates that about 26,000 algal species inhabit inland waters. In Slovenia, 2,067 species of algae and cyanobacteria have been identified so far (Vrhovšek et al. 2006). The data indicate great diversity of aquatic ecosystems; however, it is difficult to verify this number, considering that many of the localities of aquatic ecosystems studied in the past do not exist anymore or have been severely altered or polluted (Vrhovšek et al. 2006). At the same time, the new recorded species increase this number. In Slovenia, the study of algae started in 1845, when the world-famous algologist Kützing referred to a few localities from Slovenian territory in his book »Phycologia germanica« (Kützing 1845). Some other well-known algologists completed his work: Grunow, Hansgirg, Pascher, Keissler and Pevalek (Vrhovšek et al. 2006). The first systematic algal research was conducted by Lazar (Lazar 1960, Lazar 1975). Until then, 512 algal species had been known (Vrhovšek et al. 2006). Lazar collected his research results in the book »Alge Slovenije« (Lazar 1960) and later in his book »Razširjenost sladkovodnih alg v Sloveniji« (Lazar 1975). After 1975, some individual algologists worked in Slovenia: Golubić, Munda, Vrhovšek and Kosi. The algae in karst caves have been studied in detail by Mulec (2005), Mulec et al. (2007, 2008), Mulec & Kosi 2008. However, the last comprehensive contribution on algae in Slovenia was the »Monograph on Freshwater and Terrestrial Algae in Slovenia« (Vrhovšek et al. 2006). Materials and methods Selection of sampling points The Excel computer database of freshwater and terrestrial algae of the Limnos Company was the basis for the selection of 30 sampling sites in aquatic and 5 in terrestrial environments (Fig. 1, Tab. 1). The examined habitats presented in this study, previously algologically poorly examined, were springs, waterfalls, oxbows, bogs, mires, brackish waters and terrestrial aerophytic habitats. Additional criterion for the selection of sampling sites applied in this study was type of substratum on which algae were attached in aquatic environments, limestone, silicate, flysch and other substrates, such as decayed wood stump, limestone rocks, concrete and soil in terrestrial habitats. Figure 1. Map of Slovenia with marked sampling sites. See Table 1 for sampling sites codes. Slika 1. Zemljevid Slovenije z označenimi vzorčnimi mesti. Oznake vzorčnih mest so prikazane v Tabeli 1. Table 1. Sampling sites with codes Tabela 1. Seznam vzorčnih mest z oznakami Habitat Code Sampling site Substratum with attached algae Bedrock No. of taxa springs A1 spring on Kopanj concrete, wood, moss limestone 26 A2 spring on Koroški Selovec stones, wood, moss silicate 54 A3.1 Sica spring - basin rocks, pebbles, detritus limestone 88 A3.2 Sica spring - beginning of the water course stones, wood, macrophytes limestone 87 A4 spring on Medvedje Brdo moss limestone 47 waterfalls B1 small waterfall on Navrški vrh rocks, moss limestone 37 B2 waterfall on the Bistrica tributary on Pohorje moss silicate 94 B3.1 waterfall near the path in the Pekel canyon at Borovnica moss limestone 28 B3.2 the first waterfall in the Pekel canyon at Borovnica rocks limestone 52 B3.3 the fifth waterfall in the Pekel canyon at Borovnica rocks limestone 37 oxbows C1 sampling site river Mura oxbow -Zaton I wood, macrophytes silicate 37 C2 sampling site river Mura oxbow -Zaton II wood, detritus silicate 75 C3 sampling site river Mura oxbow -Mali Bakovci wood, detritus, macrophytes silicate 107 bogs, mires D1 Radensko polje macrophytes limestone 84 D2 bog at Koroški Selovec macrophytes silicate 79 D3 Zejna dolina bog moss limestone 118 D4 bog at Holmec moss, macrophytes silicate 59 D5 Mali plac bog on Ljubljansko barje wood, detritus, macrophytes limestone 59 D6 Ledina bog on Jelovica moss, macrophytes limestone 125 D7 bog above the Tinčeva bajta on Pohorje wood, moss, detritus, macrophytes silicate 85 D8 bog I on the way to Osankarica moss silicate 51 D9 bog II on the way to Osankarica wood, moss, detritus, macrophytes silicate 84 D10 Crno jezero on Pohorje wood, moss, macrophytes silicate 105 D11 puddle on Navrški vrh wood, silt silicate 61 D12 puddle on Jelovica wood, stones, silt limestone 56 brackisch E1 Fazana estuary stones, concrete, flysch 60 waters macrophytes E2 Rižana estuary stones, concrete, macrophytes flysch 87 E3.1 Roja estuary (I) wood, macroalgae flysch 97 E3.2 Roja estuary (II) macrophytes, detritus flysch 81 constructed F1 Constructed wetland Dobrava near macrophytes silicate 14 wetland Ormož aerophytic G1 pine stump on Jelovica decayed wood stump / 8 habitats G2 wet cliffs at the water course Sica spring rocks, moss limestone 51 G3.1 Huda luknja cave entrance rocks, moss limestone 25 G3.2 Huda luknja (soil at the cave entrance) soil limestone 12 G3.3 abandoned railway tunnel near the Huda luknja cave concrete walls, limestone rocks / 28 Sampling and identification of algae A list of sampling sites is shown in Table 1. The samples were taken in 2005 and 2006. At least one but not more than four samples were collected at each sampling site. In total, 131 samples were taken at 35 sampling sites, 114 of which were taken from 30 sampling sites in aquatic environments and 17 from five terrestrial sampling sites. Only benthos algae were collected at the sampling sites in aquatic environments. Algae in aquatic environments were sampled semiquantitatively. Phototrophs were taken randomly from different colonised substrata. In bogs, mires, oxbow lakes, springs, waterfalls and estuaries, scrapes of algal mat were sampled from the surface of pebbles, stones, rocks, macrophytes and submersed wood. Algae associated with mosses were sampled by squeezing the submerged talus of a moss (mires, e.g. a spring at Koroški Selovec, a spring at Medvedje Brdo, a waterfall on the Bistrica tributary). Samples of silt were taken from the bottom of both puddles. Water at the springs at Koroški Selovec and Kopanj is directed through a pipe into a wooden trough, which was scraped for floristic analysis (Tab. 1). In aerophytic habitats, surfaces with algal mats were scraped using a sharp knife. Specimens were afterwards resuspended in a small quantity of distilled water. Samples were preserved in the field with 35 % formaldehyde (Merck) with the final concentration of 4 %. Samples from bogs, mires and the constructed wetland were examined twice, prior to and after fixation with formaldehyde. Such samples often contain flagellates, which change their morphology to indistinguishable level when formaldehyde is applied (Wotowski & Hindak 2005). Samples were examined in the laboratory using light microscopes Nikon Eclipse E400 and Nikon Eclipse TE300, equipped with digital camera Nikon Digital Camera DXM 1200, Japan. Images were processed using software Lucia 4.6 (Laboratory Imaging s.r.o., Czech Republic). In order to determine the diatoms to the level of species, the samples first had to be treated suitably with concentrated HNO3 (Schaumburg et al. 2004). Permanent slides with diatoms were made from the treated samples by Naphrax (Schaumburg et al. 2004). Slides were examined under a magnification of 1000 and 1200x, and phase contrast microscopy was applied where necessary. Individual algal cells were photographed to observe cell structures in detail. Abundance of individual taxa was estimated using the method described by Grbović (1994) (Tab. 2). Table 2. Scale for estimation of algal taxa abundance (Grbović 1994). Preglednica 2. Lestvica za ocenjevanje pogostosti posameznih taksonov alg (Grbović 1994). Abundance estimation Taxa present in % of visual fields 1 - single 3 - customary 5 - dominate 1-15 >15-60 >60-100 The following keys were used for algal identification: Cleve-Euler (1951, 1952, 1953a, b, 1955), Ettl (1978, 1983), Ettl & Gärtner (1988, 1995), Heering (1914), Hindak (1996, 2006), Hindak et al. (1978), Hortobagyi (1973), Komarek & Anagnostidis (1998, 2005), Krammer (2000), Krammer & Lange Bertalot (1997a, b, 2004a, b), Lazar (1960), Lenzenweger (1996, 1997, 1999, 2003), Popovsky & Pfiester (1990), Rieth (1980), Starmach (1968, 1972, 1974, 1977, 1980, 1983), Wotowski & Hindak (2005). Results and discussion In the present study, 464 algal taxa were identified of a total of 2,067 taxa from the list of freshwater and terrestrial algae in Slovenia (Vrhovšek et al. 2006). 170 algal taxa were identified for the first time in Slovenia (Tabs. 3-4) (compare Vrhovšek et al. 2006). The majority of new identified taxa belonged to Bacillariophyceae (108), followed by Cyanobacteria (19), Chlorophyceae (15), Zygnematophyceae (16), Xanthophyceae (8), Euglenophyceae (2), Dinophyceae (1) and Chrysophyceae (1). Most new recorded taxa belonged to the Navicula (32) and Nitzschia genera (17). The genera of Amphidinium, Bumllleria, Heterothrix, Stylopyxis, Entomoness, Stenopterobia, Chlorophysema, Podohedra and Poloidion were identified for the first time in Slovenia. A 1 A 2 A 3.1 A 3.2 A 4 B 1 B 2 B 3.1 B 3.2 B 3.3 C 1 C 2 C 3 D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D 6 D 7 D 8 D 9 D 10 D 11 D 12 E 1 E 2 E 3.1 E 3.2 PROKARYOTA CYANOPHYTA CYANOPHYCEAE Anabaena augstumna/isSchmidle • Aphanocapsa hya/ina (Lyngbye) • Borzia curta (Lemmermann) Anaqnostidis & Komarek • Ca loth rix minima Frémy • Chroococcus obliteratus Richter • ChroococcusprescottiiDrouet & Daily • Chroococcus quaternarius Zalessky • Cyanothece major (Schröter) Komarek • Homoeothrix janthina (Bornet & Flahault) Starmach • Leptolyngbya jadertina (Kützing ex Hansairal Anaanostidis • Limnothrix redekei (yan Goor) Meffert • Merismopedia hya/ina (Ehrenberg) Kützing • Oscillatoria margaritifera Kützing ex Gomont • Pseudanabaena biceps Böcher • SpiruHna labyrinthiformis Kützing ex Gomont • Woronichinia elorantae Komarek & Komarkova-Legnerova • Woronichinia robusta (Skuja) Komarek & Hindak • EUKARYOTA EUGLENOPHYTA EUGLENOPHYCEAE Colacium siderophus Skuja • u u C C » ä » w < £ o ° CL fl) Ä 3 5=3 Si cr i/) 5' QJ fl) 7T . fl> H 3 "> B- 3 " T3 l/l E-o zs -a m iT QJ fD N n ZJ O fD - fD < in s1" cr fD A A A A A B B B B B C C C D D D D D D D D D D D D E E E E l 2 3.1 3.2 4 1 2 3.1 3.2 3.3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3.1 3.2 Euglena anabaena Mainx • Phacus a latus Klebs • DINOPHYTA DINOPHYCEAE Amphidinium sphagnicola Conrad • HETEROKONTOPHYTA XANTHOPHYCEAE BumiHeria klebsiana Pascher • BumiHeria spirotaenia Pascher • • Characiopsis anas Pascher • Characiopsis tuba (Hermann) Lemmermann • Gloeobotrys bichlorus Etti • Heterodendron squamosum Pascher • Heterothrìx quadrata (Pascher) Pascher • Peromelia minuta Rich • CHRYSOPHYCEAE Stylopyxis sp. • BACILLARIOPHYCEAE Achnanthes bremeyeriLange-Bertalot • • • Achnanthes lapidosa Krasske • • • Achnanthes laterostrata Hustedt • Achnanthesparvula Kützing • • Achnanthes p/oenensis Hustedt • Achnanthes rechtensis Leclercq • • Achnanthes rupestoides Hohn • Achnanthes subatomoides (Hustedt) Lanqe-Bertalot • • • • • Amphipleura ruti/ans (Trentepohl) Cleve • • A 1 A 2 A 3.1 A 3.2 A 4 B 1 B 2 B 3.1 B 3.2 B 3.3 C 1 C 2 C 3 D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D 6 D 7 D 8 D 9 D 10 D 11 D 12 E 1 E 2 E 3.1 E 3.2 Amphora inariensis Krammer • • • • • Anomoeoneis brachysira var. zellenis (Grunow) Krammer • • Autacoseira crenutata (Ehrenberg) Krammer • • Autacoseira distans(Ehrenberg) Simonsen • Caloneis leptosoma (Grunow) Krammer • Cocconeis scutellum Ehrenberg • • Cyclotella glabriuscula (Grunow) Hakansson • • Cymbella amphlcephala var. hercynlca (Schmidt) Cleve • • Cymbella brehmll Hustedt • Cymbella subcuspidata Krammer • Diploneis didyma (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg • • Diploneis elliptica var. ladogensisCleve • Diploneis modica Hustedt • Diploneis petersenii Hustedt • • • • • • Entomoneis aiata (Ehrenberg) Ehrenberg • Entomoneispaludosa (W.Smith) Reimer • • Eunotia faba Ehrenberg • Eunotia implicata Nörpel • • • • • • • • • • Eunotia incisa Gregory • • • • Eunotia meisten Hustedt • Eunotia nymanniana Grunow • Eunotia paludosa var. trinacria (Grunow) Nörpel • • Eunotia serra var. tetraodon (Ehrenberg) Nörpel • Fragilaria construenst subsalina (Hustedt) Hustedt • Gomphonema affine Kützing • A i A 2 A 3.1 A 3.2 A 4 B 1 B 2 B 3.1 B 3.2 B 3.3 C 1 C 2 C 3 D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D 6 D 7 D 8 D 9 D 10 D 11 D 12 E 1 E 2 E 3.1 E 3.2 Gomphonema exiguumvar. minutissimum Grunow • • • Gomphonema subtile Ehrenberg • Gyrosigma balticum (Ehrenberg) Rabenhorst • Gyrosigma fasciola (Ehrenberg) Griffith & Henfrey • Mastogloia pumila (Cleve & Möller) Cleve • Mebsira monHiformisvav. octogona (Grunow) Hustedt • Meridion circularevar. constrictum (Ralfs) Van Heurck • • • Navicula amphibola Cleve • • Navicula c/ementioides Hustedt • Navicula complanata Grunow • Navicula decussis 0strup • Navicula digitoradiata (Gregory) Ralfs • Navicula disjuncta Hustedt • Navicula elginensis var. cuneata (M. Moller) Lange-Bertalot • Navicula hambergii Hustedt • Navicula heimansiiMan Dam & Kooyman • • • Navicula ignota var. palustris (Hustedt) Lund • • • Navicula jaernefeltii Hustedt • Navicula joubaudiiGermam • • Navicula lapidosa Krasske • Navicula lenziiHustedt • Navicula mediocris Krasske • Navicula meniscus Schumann • Navicula monoculata var. monoculata Hustedt • • • A 1 A 2 A 3.1 A 3.2 A 4 B 1 B 2 B 3.1 B 3.2 B 3.3 C 1 C 2 C 3 D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D 6 D 7 D 8 D 9 D 10 D 11 D 12 E 1 E 2 E 3.1 E 3.2 Navicula nivaloides Bock • Navicula paramutica Bock • • Navicula placenta Ehrenberg • Navicula pori fera Hustedt • Navicula protracta (Grunow) Cleve • Navicula pupula var. pseudopupula (Krasske) Hustedt • Navicula pusilla var. pusilla W.Smith • Navicula similis Krasske • Navicula s/esvicensisGrunow • Navicula splendiculaMan Landingham • Navicula tenelloides Hustedt • Navicula tenera Hustedt • Navicula tridentula Krasske • Navicula ventralis Krasske • Neidium binodeforme Krammer • Nitzschia acidoc/inata Lange-Bertalot • • • • Nitzschia alpina Hustedt • • • Nitzschia dausii Hantzsch • Nitzschia coarctata Grunow • • Nitzschia compressa var. balatonis (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot • • Nitzschia compressa var. vexans (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot • Nitzschia debilis (Arnott) Grunow • • • Nitzschia hantzschiana Rabenhorst • • • Nitzschia heufìeriana Grunow • • Nitzschia homburgiensis Lange-Bertalot • t tU a o tt a Ü I f e rb H tU & j i« e uu ( s tn n 3- n> 3 3 3 tu —i IQ W —i tU 4 o 3 i n i Ü tu' i Si Cr tu e Ü i«' X Q e < tu Q e v tu (li g Q S 05' C a s tu' R CD z il tu' tu" G z il tu' n a' a z il tu' p z il tu' e rb Q a i-* > 2A 2 1 4 A 1 B ^ n 2C 3 C 1D 2D I I 4 D 5 D 6D 7D 8 D 9D 0 D 1 D 2 D A 1 A 2 A 3.1 A 3.2 A 4 B 1 B 2 B 3.1 B 3.2 B 3.3 C 1 C 2 C 3 D 1 D 2 D 3 D 4 D 5 D 6 D 7 D 8 D 9 D 10 D 11 D 12 E 1 E 2 E 3.1 E 3.2 Koliella longiseta (Vischer) Hindak • Koliella spicuUformis (Vischer) Hindak • Microspora abbreviata (Rabenhorst) • • • • • • • Microspora palustris var. /ro/rorWichmann • Scenedesmus maximusQN. & G.S.West) • Scenedesmus ovalternus Chodat • Uronema elongatum Hodgetts • ZYGNEMATOPHYCEAE Closterium costatum Corda ex Ralfs • Closterium ralfsiivar. hybridum Rabenhorst • Cosmarium depressumt minuta Heimerl • Cosmarium furcatospermum W. & G.S. West • Cosmarium microsphinctumvdx. crispulum Nordstedt • Cosmariumpokornyanum var. tay/oriiGmnb\. • Cosmariumpygmaeumvar. heimeriii (W.&G.S.West) Krieger & Gerloff • Cosmariumsphagnicoium\N. & G.S. West • Cosmarium vexatum var. lacustre Messikommer • • Euastrum ansatumvar. pyxidatum Delponte • Hyalotheca dissi/iensf. bidentula (Nordst.) Boldt • Micrasterias thomasiana Archner • Pleurotaenlum trabecula var. crassum Wittrock • Staurastrum brachiatum Ralfs • Staurodesmus extensusvar. isthmosus (Hei merli Coes. • Staurodesmus triangularis (Lagerheim) Teiling • Table 4. List of new recorded algal taxa in aerophytic environments in Slovenia. See Table 1 for sampling site codes. Tabela 4. Seznam novo ugotovljenih taksonov v aerofitskih okoljih za Slovenijo. Oznake vzorčnih mest so prikazane v Tabeli 1. Taxa Sampling sites G1 G2 G3.1 G3.2 G3.3 PROKARYOTA CYANOPHYTA CYANOPHYCEAE Gloeocapsa lignicola Rabenhorst • Leptolyngbya graciilima (Zopf ex Hansgirg) Anagnostidis & Komarek • Phormidium papyraceum Gomont ex Gomont • • EUKARYOTA HETEROKONTOPHYTA BACILLARIOPHYCEAE Achnanthes kryophila Petersen • • Amphora inariensis Krammer • Cymbella similis Krasske • Navicula insociabili Krasske • • Navicula nivaloides Bock • • Navicula soehrensis Krasske • Navicula tenelloides Hustedt • Nitzschia alpina Hustedt • • Orthoseira dendroteres (Ehrenberg) Crawford • • Pinnularia intermedia (Lagerstedt) Cleve • Pinnularia obcsura Krasske • Stauroneis obtusa Lagerstedt • CHLOROPHYTA CHLOROPHYCEAE Coccomyxa confluens (Kützing) Fott • Podohedra bicaudata Geitler • Podohedra falcata Düringer • Poloidion didymos Pascher • Trentepohlia annulata Brand • Springs A total of 20 taxa were identified in four springs, which had not been registered before in Slovenia. 18 belonged to Bacillariophyceae and 2 to Xanthophyceae. Most of them were from the genera of Achnanthes (4), Navicula (4) and Nitzschia (4). Especially rich site regarding the »new« species was the spring of Šica (13), where both new species of the Xanthophyceae class (Bumilleria spirotaenia and Heterothrix quadrata) were recorded. B. spirotaenia occurs as green mat on silted bottoms of water bodies (Ettl 1978); something similar was observed at the sampling point in the Šica spring. Waterfalls 18 new taxa for Slovenia were identified in five waterfalls. Of the newly found taxa in Slovenia, 16 were from Bacillariophyceae, Homoeothrx janthiina from Cyanobacteria and Heterodendron squarrosum from Xanthophyceae. Most new species belonged to the genera of Navicula (4) and Achnanthes (3). Oxbows In the oxbows of the Mura River, a total of 25 taxa were identified, which had not been known before in Slovenia. Of the new taxa, 19 belonged to diatoms, Borzia curta and Woronichinia robusta to Cyanobacteria, BumiHeria klebsiana and B. spirotaenia to Xanthophyceae, while Characium ensfforme and Microspora abbreviata belonged to Chlorophyceae. Bogs and mires Samples from Radensko polje contained 12 taxa, previously not identified in Slovenia. Eight new taxa belonged to diatoms, three to Chlorophyceae, and Peroniella minuta to Xanthophyceae. In mires and in the lake of Črno jezero, 85 new taxa were identified, 44 of which belonged to Bacillariophyceae, 14 to Zygnematophyceae, 12 to Cyanophyceae, eight to Chlorophyceae, three to Xanthophyceae, two to Euglenophyceae, one to Dinophyceae, and one to Chrysophyceae. The most recently identified taxa belonged to the genera of Navicula (12), Pinnuiaria (9) and Eunotia (6). There were 15 new taxa for Slovenia identified in the bog at Koroški Selovec, 15 in the peat bog of Žejna dolina (Krivograd Klemenčič & Paradiž 2006), 11 in the peat bog at Holmec, six in the peat bog of Mali plac at the Ljubljana bog, 12 in the peat bog of Ledina, 27 in the lake of Črno jezero, 10 in the bog above the Tinče cottage, eight in the bog I on the way to Osankarica, and nine in the bog II on the way to Osankarica. In puddles at Jelovica and Navrški vrh, nine taxa were identified that had not been recorded before in Slovenia. Four new taxa belonged to Chlorophyceae, three to Bacillariophyceae, and two to Zygnematophyceae. Brackish water 36 taxa were identified as new records in Slovenia. 33 new taxa belonged to diatoms and three to Cyanobacteria. Constructed wetland 14 taxa were identified (Krivograd Klemenčič 2008), but there were no new records for Slovenia. Aerophytic habitats In total, 18 new taxa were recorded in aerophytic habitats, which have not been known until now in Slovenia. 12 taxa belonged to Bacillariophyceae, four to Chlorophyceae. Gloeocapsa lignicola and Phormidium papyraceum belonged to Cyanobacteria. The majority of identified species were typical aerophytes. Especially rich in »new« species were humid rocks at the entrance to the cave of Huda luknja. At this sampling site, a green alga Poloidion didymos was identified, which is the only representative of the Poloidion genus often inhabiting humid soils and mosses from the liverworts group (Ettl & Gärtner 1995). The other three species of the Chlorophyceae class (Podohedra bicaudata, P. falcata and Trentepohia annuiata) were identified on a pine stump on the Jelovica plateau. All three species are rather common in Europe, but they were identified for the first time in Slovenia, because this habitat (tree stumps) had simply been overlooked in previous studies. Reasons for the high number of new recorded taxa in Slovenia 1. Poor algal research in the territory of Slovenia. In Slovenia, algae have been studied systematically only by Lazar (1975). After 1975, the studies of few algologists have been limited mainly to polluted watercourses and lakes (retarding basins). Many other habitats have been studied only by Krivograd Klemenčič (2001) within the framework of her master's thesis. In his paper, Lazar (1975) presented thoroughly the classes of Chlorophyceae, Zygnematophyceae, Chrysophyceae and Euglenophyceae. To a lesser extent, he also studied Cyanophyceae, Chrysophyceae and Xanthophyceae. Regarding Bacillariophyceae, Lazar (1975) wrote: »The data on diatoms are very poor because I limited myself only to those most common and frequent and to those which I was able to determine without losing much time.« It can be therefore assumed that the above mentioned statement was one of the reasons why the majority of new identified taxa within our research were from the group of diatoms, and less from other algal groups. 2. Overlooked habitats. The largest number (29) of the new recorded algal taxa was identified in the outfall of the Roja watercourse. Brackish waters in Slovenia are algologically poorly studied. Prior to this research, the only study of algae in brackish waters of Slovenia was carried out at the outfall of the Dragonja River (Krivograd Klemenčič et al. 2003), in which the authors identified 38 algal taxa, unknown until then in the territory of Slovenia. In addition to freshwater and brackish algae, marine species can be found in brackish waters, which are carried to the mouth of watercourses by tide. There are some data on macrobenthic algae in the Slovenian sea (Matjašič & Štirn 1975; Battelli 1998, 2002), but no information on the species composition of microbenthic algae. Therefore, the marine algal species identified in brackish waters (Leptolyngbya jadertina, Oscillatoria margaritffera, Cocconeis scutellum, Dipioneis didyma, etc.), with the exception of macrobenthic green alga Enteromorpha intestinaiis, were recorded as new species in Slovenia. Interestingly high number of the new identified taxa (28) was recorded in the lake of Črno jezero at Pohorje, which is the only lake with low pH in Slovenia and as such represents a habitat for many algal species that do not thrive in other parts of Slovenia. The lake Črno jezero at Pohorje had not been algologically researched prior to this study. Moreover, raised bogs, fens, marshes, pools and terrestrial aerophytic habitats have been poorly researched in Slovenia as well. For example, of the eight species on a pine stump at Jelovica four had not been previously recorded in Slovenia. Among them was a green alga Trentepohia annuiata, which can be easily observed macroscopically as an orange mat on the surface of pine stumps. 3. Inadvertence of particular algal species. The authors may have incorrectly identified many species of algae, in particular the small ones (under 10 pm). They might have overlooked them or even lost them due to an unsuitable sampling procedure. In this study, the scanning electronic microscopy (SEM) was not used for identification of diatoms owing to the problems connected with SEM sample preparation. Specifically, most samples were taken from stagnant water from a siliceous substratum, which contained much organic material. This material cannot be removed in the preparation of diatom samples by concentrated HNO3 to the extent that enabled the visibility of the cell surface structure by SEM. It is reasonable to assume that by the application of a more suitable procedure for the preparation of diatoms for SEM and subsequent identification of algae by the means of SEM, a much larger number of new records of diatoms would have been identified. Povzetek Prve raziskave alg na območju Slovenije segajo že v leto 1845, ko je Kützing v svojem delu »Phycologia germanica« omenil tudi naše kraje. Poznavanje vrstne strukture, pestrosti in abundance alg pa je še vedno nepopolno. To velja tako za vodne kot aerofitske vrste. Predstavljene sezonske raziskave v letih 2005 in 2006 vključujejo 30 različnih vodnih okolij in 5 terestričnih okolij. Vključujejo podatke o vrstni sestavi in razširjenosti bentoških vrst v vodnih ekosistemih in terestričnih okoljih. Evidentirali smo 464 od skupno 2067 taksonov, do zdaj znanih za Slovenijo, in 170 taksonov, ki doslej še niso bili zabeleženi na našem ozemlju. Največ za Slovenijo novih taksonov pripada razredu kremenastih alg (108), in sicer rodovoma Navicuia (32) in Nitzschia (17), sledijo Cyanobacteria z 19, Chlorophyceae s 15, Zygnematophyceae s 16, Xanthophyceae z osmimi, Euglenophyceae z dvema, Dinophyceae z enim in Chrysophyceae prav tako z enim taksonom. Rodovi Amphidinium, Bumiiieria, Heterothrix, Styiopyxis, Entomoneis, Stenopterobia, Chiorophysema, Podohedra in Poioidion so bili v Sloveniji ugotovljeni prvič. V izvirih smo ugotovili 20, v slapovih 18, v mrtvicah reke Mure 25, v barjih in močvirjih 106, v brakičnih vodah 36 ter v aerofitskih habitatih 18 za Slovenijo novih taksonov alg. V rastlinski čistilni napravi Dobrova pri Ormožu nismo ugotovili za Slovenijo novih taksonov alg. 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