A. KOCIJAN et al.: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO2/EPOXY ... 355–361 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO 2 /EPOXY COATINGS ON AISI 316L STAINLESS STEEL: SURFACE PROPERTIES AND BIOCOMPATIBILITY PRIMERJAVA SUPERHIDROFILNIH IN SUPERHIDROFOBNIH TiO 2 /EPOKSI PREVLEK NA NERJAVNEM JEKLU AISI 316L: POVR[INSKE LASTNOSTI IN BIOKOMPATIBILNOST Aleksandra Kocijan 1 , Marjetka Conradi 1 , Matej Ho~evar 1 , Damjana Drobne 2 1 Institute of Metals and Technology, Lepi pot 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana, Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia aleksandra.kocijan@imt.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-11-15; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2018-01-09 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.190 TiO2/epoxy coatings were successfully applied to the surface of AISI 316L stainless steel to change the wetting properties, with the aim being to improve the biocompatibility of the superhydrophobic/superhydrophilic surfaces. Contact-angle measurements were used to evaluate the wetting properties of the non-coated, epoxy-coated, as-received TiO2/epoxy-coated and fluoroalkyl- silane (FAS)-TiO2/epoxy-coated substrates. The as-received TiO2/epoxy coating and FAS-TiO2/epoxy coating showed super- hydrophilic and superhydrophobic characteristics, respectively. The average surface roughness (Sa) of the superhydrophobic surface was higher compared to the superhydrophilic surface due to the formation of agglomerates. The biocompatibility evaluated by cell attachment showed that AISI 316L stainless steel with a hydrophilic nature and low Sa is the most favourable surface for bone osteosarcoma cells (MG-63) growth. On the other hand, the two limiting cases of surfaces, superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic coatings with increased roughness compared to AISI 316L, showed lower biocompatibility. Keywords: stainless steel, epoxy coating, TiO 2, wetting properties, biocompatibility Na povr{ino nerjavnega jekla tipa AISI 316L smo uspe{no nanesli TiO2/epoksi prevleke z namenom regulacije omo~itvenih lastnosti, ki vplivajo na izbolj{anje biokompatibilnosti superhidrofobnih/superhidrofilnih povr{in. Z meritvami kontaktnih kotov smo dolo~ili omo~itvene lastnosti ~iste jeklene povr{ine ter jeklene povr{ine prevle~ene z epoksidno smolo, s TiO2/epoksi prevleko in fluoroalkilsilan (FAS)-TiO2/epoksi prevleko. TiO2/epoksi prevleka je pokazala superhidrofilno, FAS-TiO2/epoksi prevleka superhidrofobno naravo. Povpre~na hrapavost povr{ine (Sa) superhidrofobne povr{ine je bila vi{ja kot na superhidrofilni povr{ini zaradi opa`ene tvorbe aglomeratov. Analiza biokompatibilnosti je pokazala, da je nerjavno jeklo AISI 316L s hidrofilno naravo in nizko Sa najprimernej{a povr{ina za rast kostnega osteosarkoma (MG-63). Po drugi strani pa sta oba mejna primera prevlek s superhidrofilno in superhidrofobno naravo z ve~jo hrapavostjo v primerjavi z AISI 316L, pokazala manj{o stopnjo biokompatibilnosti. Klju~ne besede: nerjavno jeklo, epoksi prevleka, TiO2, omo~itvene lastnosti, biokompatibilnost 1 INTRODUCTION The major issues in the biomedical applications of stainless steels are related to understanding the relation- ship between the surface properties of the material and the cellular responses, accompanied by the risk of micro- bial infections. 1 The interaction of nanoscale surface topographies with cells was proven to play a crucial role in the biocompatibility of implants. 2 Various nanoscale surface modifications have been proposed in order to enhance the biocompatibility and antibacterial activity of medical implants. 3 Epoxy resins are widely used as long-term protective coatings for stainless steels in various applications. 4,5 However, their susceptibility to abrasion 6 and poor resistance to crack propagation, due to a highly cross-linked structure 7 , have inspired major research efforts to develop improved nanostructured composite coatings by adding various inorganic nano- fillers such as silica 8–10 or TiO 2 . 11,12 The unique surface properties and high surface energy of the nanomaterials provide additional available sites for protein adsorption, which enhances the interaction between the cells and the implant. 13 K. Webb et al. 1 reported that hydrophilic surfaces promote significantly greater cell attachment, cell spreading, and cytoskeletal organization compared to hydrophobic surfaces. D. S. Kommireddy et al. 14 studied super-hydrophilic TiO 2 nanoparticle thin films prepared by using a layer-by-layer nano-assembly method. The biocompatibility of the coating was demon- strated by the successful attachment of human dermal fibroblast cell culture. K. Mehrabi et al. 15 reported that the presence of nanoscale features on the surface of implants enhanced the growth and attachment of osteoblast bone-forming cells. Such enhancement is due to an increase in the surface area that provides more area for the cell–substrate interaction, more surface energy, Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 355–361 355 UDK 620.1:667.648.2:62-4 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(3)355(2018) more protein adsorption, integrin clustering, and as a result, higher cell adhesion. K. Anselme et al. 16 reported on the influence of topography, chemistry and surface energy on osteoblast/material interaction. These surface characteristics determine how the biological molecules will adsorb to the surface and more particularly deter- mine the orientation of the adsorbed molecules. K. Das et al. 17 showed that osteoblast proliferation was signi- ficantly higher on an anodized nanotube surface.The surface properties changed with the emergence of nanoscale morphology. The higher nanometer-scale roughness, low contact angle and high surface energy in the nanoporous surface enhanced the osteoblast-material interactions. A growing number of studies report that a topographical modification of the cell-substrate interface is a significant regulator of cellular adhesion and function. 18 The future surface modifications will go in the direction of controlling cellular interactions, with the aim being to enhance tissue regeneration, to regulate cellular adhesion and their differentiation. 19 In the present study we focus on the biocompatibility of epoxy coatings on AISI 316L stainless steel by adding as-received and surface-modified TiO 2 nanoparticles with an emphasis on tuning the wetting properties bet- ween the two limiting cases, i.e., superhydrophobic/ superhydrophilic coatings. The surface morphology, surface roughness, contact-angle and surface energy, as well as the biocompatibility of as-received and sur- face-modified TiO 2 /epoxy coatings on the AISI 316L stainless steel, were evaluated and compared with the characteristics of bare and epoxy-coated AISI 316L stainless steel. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials. • Austenitic stainless steel AISI 316L (17 % Cr, 10 % Ni, 2.1 % Mo, 1.4 % Mn, 0.38 % Si, 0.041 % P, 0.021 % C, < 0.005%Si nmass fraction) was used as the substrate. A two-component USP Class VI biocompatible epoxy EPO-TEK 302-3M (EPOXY TECHNOLOGY, Inc.) was mixed in the % of mass fractions ratio 100:45. TiO 2 nanoparticles with mean diameters of 30 nm were provided by Cinkarna Celje, whereas the 300-nm particles were supplied by US Research Nanomaterials, Inc. Surface modification of TiO 2 . • The TiO 2 particles were functionalized in1%o fv olume fractions of fluoroalkylsilane or FAS17 (C 16 H 19 F 17 O 3 Si) ethanol solution. The solution was shaken for a few minutes and left overnight prior to use in the experiments. Steel substrate preparation. • The steel sheet with a thickness of 1.5 mm was cut into discs of 25-mm diameter. The steel discs were grinded mechanically with SiC emery paper (up to 4000 grit), diamond polished (up to 1 μm), ultrasonically cleaned with ethanol and dried in warm air. Coating preparation. • Prior to the TiO 2 nanoparticle adsorption, the diamond-polished AISI 316L substrate was spin-coated with a 300-nm layer of epoxy (as determined by ellipsometry) and then cured for1ha t 70 °C and post-cured at 150 °C for another hour. 20 We decided on a thin base epoxy layer to improve the TiO 2 nanoparticle adhesion as the oxide layer growing on the surface of the clean AISI 316L substrate prevents adhe- sion and is very difficult to remove. The nanoparticles were further applied to the epoxy-coated AISI 316L sur- face by spin-coating 20 μL of3%ofmass fractions of TiO 2 nanoparticle ethanol solution. We consecutively applied three deposits of dual-size, dual-layer coating consisting of 30-nm and 300-nm FAS-TiO 2 nano- particles. The coating was then dried in an oven for approximately 30 min at 100 °C. The same procedure was repeated with the as-received, non-functionalized TiO 2 nanoparticles. Surface roughness. • An optical 3D metrology sys- tem, Alicona Infinite Focus (Alicona Imaging GmbH), was employed for the surface-roughness analysis. At least three measurements per sample were performed at a magnification of 20× with a lateral resolution of 0.9 μm and a vertical resolution of about 50 nm. IF-Measure- Suite (Version 5.1) software was used for the roughness analysis. The software offers the possibility to calculate the average surface roughness, S a , for each sample, based on the general surface-roughness Equation (1): Sa LL zxy xy xy L L y x = ∫ ∫ 11 0 0 (,)dd (1) where L x and L y are the acquisition lengths of the sur- face in the x and y directions and z(x,y) is the height. The size of the analyzed area was 714×542 μm 2 .T o level the profile, corrections were made to exclude the general geometrical shape and possible measurement- induced misfits. Contact-angle measurements. • The static contact- angle measurements of water (W) on a clean AISI 316L diamond-polished sample, on the epoxy-coated AISI 316L substrate, on the TiO 2 /epoxy-coated AISI 316L substrate and on the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy-coated AISI 316L substrate were performed using a surface-energy evalu- ation system (Advex Instruments s.r.o.). Liquid drops of 5 μL were deposited on different spots of the substrates to avoid the influence of roughness and gravity on the shape of the drop. The drop contour was analysed from the image of the deposited liquid drop on the surface and the contact angle was determined using Young-Laplace fitting. To minimize the errors due to roughness and heterogeneity, the average values of the contact angles of the drop were calculated approximately 30 s after the deposition from at least five measurements on the studied coated steel. All the contact-angle measurements were carried out at 20 °C and ambient humidity. As the contact angles were only available for water, an A. KOCIJAN et al.: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO2/EPOXY ... 356 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 355–361 equation-of-state approach 21 was used to calculate the corresponding surface energies. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). • SEM anal- ysis using a FE-SEM JEOL JSM-6500F was employed to investigate the surface morphology of the coatings as well as the morphology and distribution of the attached cells after a biological evaluation. The samples were sputtered with gold prior to the imaging. The thickness of the coatings was determined by cross-section SEM images. The specimen cross-sections for SEM were prepared using a JEOL Cross Section Polisher SM-09010. Biocompatibility evaluation. • Fast-growing bone osteosarcoma cells (MG-63; (ATCC® CRL-1427™) were used for the assessment of cytocompatibility/bio- compatibility on sterilized epoxy, epoxy-TiO 2 and stainless-steel samples (given/obtained by the Krasteva Institute of Biophysics and Biomedical Engineering, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria). MG63 cells were cultured under controlled conditions (37 °C, 5%CO 2 , high humidity) in Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium (DMEM), supplemented with etal bovine serum (FBS; 10 %, v/v) and 4-mM L-glutamine (all the reagents were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich, Stein- heim, Germany). Cells were routinely subcultured once a week or when they reached 65–70 % confluence. Before harvesting with Trypsin-0.25 % EDTA (Sigma-Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany) for approximately 10 minutes at 37 °C, the cells were washed three times with Phosphate Buffered Saline without Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ (PBS; Sigma- Aldrich, Steinheim, Germany). The cells were then re-suspended in the growth medium, centrifuged at 200 g for 5 min, and plated at a seeding density of3×1 0 4 cells/cm 2 in 6-well plates (Sigma-Aldrich, TPP ®, Steinheim, Germany) containing epoxy, epoxy-TiO 2 and stainless-steel samples, all in 3 mL of growth medium ( 2 7×1 0 4 cells/well) and incubated for 24 h under controlled laboratory conditions (5 % CO 2 /95 % air at 37 °C). Then, the cells were further processed for SEM fixation. After 24 h of incubation, the cell-culture medium was removed, cells were washed three times with PBS and fixed for 24 h at 4 °C using a modified Karnovsky fixative, composed of 2.5 % glutaraldehyde (SPI Supplies, West Chester, PA, USA) and 0.4 % paraformaldehyde (Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) in a 0.1-M Na-phosphate buffer (NaH 2 PO 4 2·H 2 O and Na 2 HPO 4 2·H 2 O; all the chemicals from Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany). Then the samples were washed in t h eb u f f e rf o r3×1 0m i na n dpost-fixated with 1 % osmium tetroxide (OsO 4 ) (SPI Supplies, West Chester, P A,USA;1×60min), followed by washing in the buffer for 3 × 10 min. The samples were dehydrated through an alcohol gradient (30–100 %) (EtOH; Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) with each step lasting 10 min. Further dehydration steps were conducted with a mixture of Hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDS; SPI Supplies, West Chester, PA, USA) and absolute EtOH (1:1; v/v; 10 min), 3:1 (HMDS: absolute EtOH, v/v; 10 min) and absolute HMDS (10 min) and HMDS (2 h), which was finally left to evaporate. The SEM was used to visualize the distribution, the number and the shape of the attached M63 cells. Optical Microscopy. • Optical microscope Microphot FXA (Nikon, Japan) with an Olympus DP73 camera was used to visualise the number and the distribution of the attached MG63 cells. Twenty images from different fields of view were randomly taken per sample, and each of the four different surfaces was investigated in tripli- cate. The software program Stream Motion was used to quantify (the percentage of coverage) the number and distribution of adhered cells and the results are shown as the arithmetic mean ± the standard deviation. The diffe- rence in the median-measured parameters in the exposed and unexposed groups was tested with the non-para- metric Mann-Whitney U test. All the calculations were performed with Statgraphics Plus 4.0. All the data were A. KOCIJAN et al.: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO2/EPOXY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 355–361 357 Figure 1: SEM images of surface morphology of: a) as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coatings on AISI 316L stainless steel and b) FAS-TiO 2 / epoxy coatings on AISI 316L stainless steel; the zoomed-out insets show the significant morphology difference between the two coatings submitted for an analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s multiple range test, where appropriate. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Surface properties The morphology of the as-received TiO 2 /epoxy and FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coatings was compared by SEM imaging (Figure 1). The SEM images reveal a difference in the morphology between the two coatings, which is mostly reflected in the different length scales of the average size of the nanoparticle agglomerates. FAS functionalization apparently does not homogenize the particle distribution as the formation of large agglome- rates up to a few tens of microns is observed during the deposition of the FAS-TiO 2 nanoparticles (Figure 1b). In contrast, in the as-received TiO 2 nanoparticle coatings, the nanoparticles are more finely dispersed and agglome- rates of the order of only a few microns are observed (Figure 1a). This is confirmed by the average surface- roughness measurements, which are reported in Table 1. To analyse the surface wettability, we performed five static contact-angle measurements with water (W) on different spots all over the sample and to calculate the corresponding surface energy. The average surface- roughness parameter was used to evaluate the morphol- ogy difference between the two coatings under investiga- tion. Table 1: Surface properties of diamond-polished AISI 316L, epoxy coated AISI 316L and TiO 2 coatings prepared from FAS-TiO 2 and as-received TiO 2 nanoparticles: static water contact angles ( W ), the corresponding surface energies ( ) and the average surface roughness (S a ). All data are reported as mean ± standard deviation (n=5) Substrate q W (°) g (mN/m) S a (nm) 0065 AISI 316L 57±1 49±5 31±4 epoxy coated AISI 316L 71±1 41±3 50±5 TiO 2/epoxy coated AISI 316L < 5 72±7 423±20 FAS-TiO 2/epoxy coated AISI 316L 160±3 0.24±0.02 618±30 With the contact-angle measurements it was con- firmed that we were able to synthesise two limiting cases of coatings concerning their wetting characteristics. The FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating was superhydrophobic and the as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating was superhydrophilic. As the contact angles were only available for water, an equation-of-state approach 21,22 was used to calculate the surface energies with the Equation (2): cos () =− + −− 12 2 s l sl e b (2) For a given value of the surface tension of a probe liquid l (i.e., for water l = 72.8 mN/m) 23 and W measured on the same solid surface, the constant and the solid surface-tension s values were determined using the least-squares analysis technique. For the fitting with equation (2), a literature value of = 0.0001234 (mJ/m 2 ) –2 was used, as weighted for a variety of solid surfaces. 21,22 The calculated values of the solid surface energy are listed in Table 1 and confirm the two limits of the superhydrophobic and the superhydrophilic surface. The measured average surface roughness indicates a slight difference in the average surface-roughness parameter S a (Table 1) between the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy and the as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coatings, which is in agree- ment with the surface morphology evaluated with the SEM. The rougher FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy surface is covered with large agglomerates, whereas in the as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coatings the nanoparticles are more finely dispersed, resulting in a reduced roughness (Table 1 and Figure 1). As a reference we also measured the contact angles, surface energies and average surface roughness on diamond-polished AISI 316L and epoxy-coated AISI 316L. 3.2 Biocompatibility Biomaterials are never truly inert, but they are bio- tolerable to different degrees. The cyto-compatibility of a material can be assessed in vitro by observing the growth and differentiation that is manifested by the cellular density and morphological characteristics of cells grown on specific surfaces. After the initial cell attachment, the cells are transformed with time: a decrease in the cell widths and an increase in the cell lengths. The time dependence of the cell morphological transition could be explained in terms of the re-organization of focal contacts and the intracellular cytoskeleton. 24 The cytocompatibility/biocompatibility of the AISI 316L stainless steel, the epoxy-coated AISI 316L, the as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating on AISI 316L and the A. KOCIJAN et al.: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO2/EPOXY ... 358 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 355–361 Figure 2: SEM images of MG63 cells attached to AISI 316L stainless-steel surface: a) distribution, attachment pattern and shape of the cells, b) flatten cells with one or two longer protrusions, c) round- shaped cell has many outgrowths in various shapes, mostly tubular or vesicular structures of up to 2 μm in size FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating on AISI 316L were evaluated using the attachment of bone osteosarcoma cells. In the case of bare AISI 316L stainless steel (Fig- ure 2), the cells were randomly distributed over the sur- face of the specimens and half of the surface was covered with attached cells (Table 2). The majority of the cells were 50–100 μm. The morphology of the cells was 95 % polygonal, with less than 5 % being round shaped. They differed in terms of size and the degree of flatness. The flatter the cell, the larger the area they were occupying. Most of the cells had one or two longer pro- trusions. Some cells had one very long protrusion, which was even longer than the entire cell and could reach up to 100 μm or even more. The surface morphology of the flat part was less structured with rare tubular protrusions. The round cells or rounded parts of the flat cells had many outgrowths in various shapes, but they were mostly tubular or vesicular structures of up to 2 μm in size. In some round-shaped cells the vesicular outgrowths pre- vailed. The round-shaped cells were, in most cases, not attached to the surface by filamentous expansions, but there were some exceptions, which appeared to be a transitional phase. Table 2: Cell attachment after 24 h of exposure expressed as a percentage of the covered surface; all data are reported as mean ± standard deviation (n=5) Material Cell attachment (% of covered surface) AISI 316L 55±9 Epoxy coated AISI 316L 20±6 TiO 2 /epoxy coated AISI 316L 12±2 FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coated AISI 316L 7±2 In the case of the epoxy-coated AISI 316L samples (Figure 3), the adhesion pattern was similar to the bare AISI 316L stainless steel. However, the cells were more randomly attached over the surface and the percentage of the covered surface was two times lower (Table 2). The size of the cells was up to 100 μm along the longest axis. Most of the cells (up to 90 %) had two morphological features. One part of the cell was flat, cuboidal-to-elon- gated in one axis, with numerous delicate cellular filamentous extensions attached to the material surface. Some cells had one very long filamentous protrusion. The other part of the same cell was round shaped and 10–30 μm in diameter. This region was higher in the z axis, rounded, with edges detached from the surface. The surface morphology of the round and flat parts of the cell was also significantly different. The surface of the flat part was less structured with rare tubular protrusions. The upper surface of the round part of a cell had many outgrowths in various shapes, ranging from tubular, lamellar to vesicular structures up to 2 μm in size. In the case of the superhydrophilic as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coating on AISI 316L (Figure 4), the cells were distributed more randomly and formed cluster patterns across the surface, compared to the AISI 316L and epoxy-coated AISI 316L samples. The cells covered 8 % less surface than observed on the epoxy-coated AISI 316L samples (Table 2). The majority of the cells measured approximately 50 μm in diameter. Most of the cells (95 %) were elongated, spindle-shaped. Some (less than 5 %) were round shaped, but not completely rounded. No cells or parts of them were flat and tightly attached to the surface by delicate filamentous protru- sions. Most of the cells had one very long filamentous protrusion, sometimes exceeding the size of the cells. Occasionally, the protrusions of different cells were tightly connected. The round cells or parts of the cells were more structured than the flatter parts of the cell. The cell surface was covered with mostly tubular protru- A. KOCIJAN et al.: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO2/EPOXY ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 355–361 359 Figure 4: SEM images of MG63 cells attached to hydrophilic as-received TiO 2 /epoxy-coated AISI 316L surface: a) distribution, attachment pattern and shape of the cells, b) cells are predominantly rounded and tightly attached to the surface with only one very long filamentous protrusion, c) magnified part of the cell Figure 3: SEM images of MG63 cells attached to epoxy-coated AISI 316L surface: a) distribution, attachment pattern and shape of the cells, b) cells with flat and cuboidal to elongated parts, with numerous delicate cellular filamentous extensions, c) round-shaped part of the cell sions of different densities. Vesicles apparently adsorbed to the surface were also observed. In the case of the superhydrophobic FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating on AISI 316L (Figure 5), the cells attached to the surface exhibited a similar pattern of attachment as in the case of the as-received TiO 2 /epoxy-coated AISI 316L samples. The percentage of covered surface with cells is the lowest of all the compared samples: only7%ofthe surface was covered by cells (Table 2). The cells pre- ferred to grow on flat surfaces with fewer TiO 2 particles. However, they were also found to overgrow the TiO 2 particles deposited on the flat surface. The majority of the cells measured approximately 30–50 μm in diameter. Most of the cells were spindle-shaped with a rounded central part; they exhibited different degrees of round- ness. Approximately 10 % of the cells were irregularly round shaped. Some spindle-like cells had a stocky protrusion that was strongly attached to the surface by delicate filamentous protrusions. Some cells had one or two very long filamentous protrusions up to 200 μm. The protrusions of the different cells were occasionally connected. The round cells or parts of the cells were more structured than the flatter parts of the cell. The cell surface was covered with mostly tubular protrusions of different densities. Vesicles apparently adsorbed to the surface were also observed. Several studies have indicated superior cell attach- ment and cell spreading on (super)hydrophilic surfaces compared to hydrophobic surfaces. 1,14 We evaluated two limiting cases of surface wettability, i.e., superhydro- phobic vs. superhydrophilic coatings, and the results were comparable with the literature data. 1,14 This study shows that both surface topographical and chemical cues modulate the cell morphology and spreading. We ob- served a variability in cell abundance, size, shape, number, shape and size of the protrusions as well as the surface structures of the cells. We found that different surface characteristics significantly modulated the mor- phological features of cells and their abundance. The results indicated improved cell adhesion on the bare AISI 316L stainless steel compared to the superhydro- phobic/superhydrophilic coatings. This suggests that surfaces with moderate hydrophilic nature (i.e., contact angles around 50–60°) are more appropriate for pro- posed applications. In addition to the appropriate wetting properties, we have shown that the low surface rough- ness also plays a crucial role in improving the cell adhesion. On AISI 316L surface, the cells appeared flattened and were able to maintain their osteoblastic morphology. The cells were attached to the material surface by numerous fine filamentous extensions. This is in line with the literature data, which report that cell adhesion is generally better on hydrophilic surfaces. 25 The cell growth indicated by a portion of covered mate- rial was less pronounced on the other three materials, especially on the superhydrophobic surface. However, all three materials exhibited some unique characteristics that were manifested in the different morphological responses of the cells. Optimal tissue regeneration can be induced only by the selective cell adhesion/activation for cells of interest, but not for others. 4 CONCLUSIONS In our work we were able to significantly influence the wetting properties and biocompatibility of coated AISI 316L stainless steel by altering the surface topographical and chemical features. Superhydrophobic FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy and superhydrophilic as-received TiO 2 /epoxy coatings were successfully fabricated, result- ing not only in opposite wetting characteristics but also in different average surface-roughness properties. This was reflected in the formation of larger agglomerates in the FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy coating, making the superhydro- phobic surface more rough compared to the super- hydrophilic surface. The biological evaluation showed a significant variation in the cell abundance, size and shape as well as the surface structure of the cells. The results showed that AISI 316L stainless steel is the most favourable surface for bone osteosarcoma cells (MG-63), followed by the epoxy, superhydrophilic and superhydro- phobic coatings, respectively. The information provided in our work shows that the four applied surfaces interact very differently with bone osteosarcoma cells in terms of attachment pattern and could thus be used for different purposes where low or high attachment intensity is required. The results pre- sented in this paper can inspire new strategies for the preparation of titanium dioxide nanoparticle surfaces for biomedical applications. A. KOCIJAN et al.: COMPARATIVE STUDY OF SUPERHYDROPHILIC AND SUPERHYDROPHOBIC TiO2/EPOXY ... 360 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 3, 355–361 Figure 5: SEM images of MG63 cells attached to hydrophobic FAS-TiO 2 /epoxy-coated AISI 316L samples: a) distribution, attach- ment pattern and shape of the cells at lower magnification, b) cells are spindle-shaped with rounded central part and they exhibit different degrees of roundness, c) magnified part of the cell Acknowledgments The authors acknowledge the project (Antibacterial Nanostructured Surfaces for Biological Applications, ID J2-7196) that was financially supported by the Slovenian Research Agency. 5 REFERENCES 1 K. Webb, V. Hlady, P. A. Tresco, Relative importance of surface wettability and charged functional groups on NIH 3T3 fibroblast attachment, spreading, and cytoskeletal organization, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research, 41 (1998) 3, 422–430 2 M.-Y. Lan, C.-P. Liu, H.-H. Huang, S.-W. 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