Also available at ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 4 (2011) 245–254 On local properties of 1-planar graphs with high minimum degree Dávid Hudák , Tomáš Madaras ∗ Institute of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences University of P. J. Šafárik Jesenná 5, 041 54 Košice, Slovak Republic Received 10 December 2009, accepted 23 December 2010, published online 26 May 2011 Abstract A graph is called 1-planar if there exists its drawing in the plane such that each edge contains at most one crossing. We prove that each 1-planar graph of minimum degree 7 contains a pair of adjacent vertices of degree 7 as well as several small graphs whose ver- tices have small degrees; we also prove the existence of a 4-cycle with relatively small degree vertices in 1-planar graphs of minimum degree at least 6. Keywords: 1-planar graph, light graph. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C10 1 Introduction Throughout this paper, we consider connected graphs without loops or multiple edges; we use the standard graph terminology by [8]. A graphG is called planar if there exists its drawingD(G) in the plane such that no two edges of D(G) have an internal point (a crossing) in common; the drawing D(G) with this property is called a plane graph. Planar graphs are one of the most studied graph families, possessing a wide variety of applications. There are several different approaches generalizing the concept of planarity. One of them allows, in a drawing of a graph, a constant number of crossings per edge. In particular, if there exists a drawing D(G) of a graph G in the plane such that each edge of D(G) contains at most one crossing, then G is called 1-planar. These graphs were introduced by Ringel [19] in connection with the simultaneous vertex/face colouring of plane graphs (note ∗This work was supported by Science and Technology Assistance Agency under the contract No. APVV-0007- 07. E-mail addresses: (Dávid Hudák), (Tomáš Madaras) Copyright c© 2011 DMFA Slovenije 246 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 245–254 that the graph of adjacency/incidence of vertices and faces of a plane graph is 1-planar); in [19], it was proved that 1-planar graphs are 7-colourable (a linear 7-colouring algorithm was presented in [7]), and Borodin ([1, 3]) proved Ringel’s conjecture that these graphs are 6-colourable. Comparing to the family of planar graphs, the family of 1-planar graphs is still only little explored (for example, except the above mentioned colouring results, there is only one other paper [5] on acyclic colourings of 1-planar graphs). In general, 1-planar graphs differ from planar ones in several fundamental aspects – they are not minor closed, their recognition is NP-complete (see [16]) and, for sufficiently large n, there are exponentially many nonisomorphic critical non-1-planar graphs on n vertices ([15, 16]). On the other hand, concerning the local structure, 1-planar graphs show a similar be- haviour as planar graphs. Recently, the local structure of these graphs was studied in [11], [4], [12]; it was shown that, under certain conditions (like prescribed minimum degree or girth), 1-planar graphs contain various small subgraphs whose vertices have small degrees (that is, bounded above by a constant depending only on the type of the subgraph). In this paper, we continue this research by studying the local properties of 1-planar graphs which have (or are close to have) the maximum possible minimum degree (by [19], this value is equal to 7). Our motivation comes from analogical results for planar graphs of minimum degree 5 which contain a large variety of subgraphs with vertices of small degrees. For example, Borodin in [2] proved that each planar graph of minimum degree 5 contains a 3- cycle with the weight (that is, the sum of degrees of its vertices) at most 17; similar results hold also for short cycles and stars (see [13, 6, 14, 17, 18]). Note that, for planar graphs of minimum degree 4, analogical results do not hold (for details, see [9] and [10]). Therefore, one may expect that, with the increasing minimum degree of a 1-planar graph, there will appear many small subgraphs with similar properties. In the following, let K∗2,3 denote a graph K2,3 with an extra edge between two vertices of the smaller bipartition, and let W5 denote the 5-wheel (the 4-sided pyramid graph). We prove Theorem 1.1. Each 1-planar graph of minimum degree 7 contains a) a pair of adjacent 7-vertices, b) a copy of K4 with all vertices of degree at most 13, c) a copy of K∗2,3 with all vertices of degree at most 13, d) a copy of W5 with all vertices of degree at most 11. In addition, we prove Theorem 1.2. Each 1-planar graph of minimum degree 6 contains a copy of C4 with all vertices of degree at most 47. The proofs of all these results follow the same strategy – we assume the existence of a hypothetical counterexample G to a particular theorem, and its 1-planar drawing D = D(G). The drawing D is then transformed into asociated plane graph G× = (V ×, E×, F×) of G in such a way that all crossings of D become new 4-vertices. These 4-vertices are called false, the vertices of G× which correspond to the original vertices of D are called true; a face of G× is a false face if it is incident with at least one false vertex, otherwise it is a true face. Next, we proceed by Discharging Method. Each vertex and D. Hudák and T. Madaras: On local properties of 1-planar graphs. . . 247 each face of G× is assigned a quantity c called initial charge; this can be done in several different ways, of which we use the following two ones: c(v) = degG×(v)− 4 for each vertex v ∈ V ×, c(α) = degG×(α)− 4 for each face α ∈ F×, (1) c(v) = degG×(v)− 6 for each vertex v ∈ V ×, c(α) = 2 degG×(α)− 6 for each face α ∈ F×, (2) By Euler polyhedral formula, we obtain that, under the first initial charge assignment,∑ x∈V ×∪F× c(x) = −8 (or -12 under the second assignment). Next, the initial charges of elements of G× are locally redistributed in such a way that the total sum of all charges remains the same (hence, negative). This redistribution is performed by a set of discharging rules which specify the way of transfer of a charge from one element to another one in specific configurations of vertices and faces of G×. Finally, by a case analysis, it is shown that, after discharging, each element ofG× has a nonnegative final charge c∗; thus, the total sum of final charges is also nonnegative, a contradiction. For purposes of these proofs, we use more specialized notation. Given a d-vertex x of G×, x1, . . . , xd will denote its neighbours in clockwise order. By fi, i = 1, . . . , d, we denote the face of G× which contains the facial subwalk xixxi+1 (index modulo d). If fi is a 3-face, then f ′i denotes a face having the common edge xixi+1 (index modulo d) with fi; further, if f ′i is a 3-face, then its third vertex (which is different from xi and xi+1) will be denoted by x′i. 2 Proofs Proof of Theorem 1.1a). By contradiction. Suppose that there exists a 1-planar graph G of minimum degree 7 such that each its 7-vertex is adjacent only with ≥ 8-vertices. We proceed with the Discharging Method with the initial charge assignment (1); the initial charges are redistributed according to the following rules: Rule 1: Each ≥ 7-vertex v ∈ V × redistributes its initial charge uniformly among incident 3-faces. Rule 2: Each 3-face with a positive charge after application of Rule 1 sends 37 to each incident 7-vertex. Rule 3: Each 7-vertex with a positive charge after application of Rules 1 and 2 redistributes this charge uniformly among incident false 3-faces. We check the nonnegativity of final charges of vertices and faces ofG×. Since false vertices and ≥ 4-faces of G× are not influenced by discharging, their final charge is equal to the initial one; hence, it is nonnegative. Also, from the formulation of discharging rules, it is easy to see that the final charge of ≥ 7-vertices is nonnegative. Thus, it is enough to analyze just the final charge of 3-faces; let α be a 3-face of G×. Case 1: Let α be true and incident only with ≥ 8-vertices. Then, by Rule 1, c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 3 · 8−48 = −1 + 3 2 > 0. Case 2: Let α be true and incident with exactly one 7-vertex. By Rules 1 and 2, c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 8−48 + 7−4 7 − 3 7 = 0. (Note that after application of Rule 1, each true 3-face has a positive charge at least 37 .) 248 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 245–254 Case 3: Let α = [xyz] be false with a false vertex x. Case 3.1: If both y, z are≥ 8-vertices, then, by Rule 1, c∗(α) ≥ −1+2· 8−48 = −1+2· 1 2 = 0. Case 3.2: Suppose that, without loss of generality, y is a 7-vertex and z is an ≥ 8-vertex. If y is incident with an ≥ 4-face, then c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 7−47−1 + 8−4 8 = 0; similarly, if z is incident with an ≥ 4-face, then c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 7−47 + 8−4 8−1 = 0. Hence, suppose that both y, z are incident with 3-faces only. Then there exists a true 3-face incident with y, which sends, by Rule 2, 37 to y. Then, by Rule 3, y sends at least 3 7 7−1 = 1 14 to α, and we obtain c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 7−47 + 8−4 8 + 1 14 = 0. Proof of Theorem 1.1b). By contradiction. Suppose that there exists a 1-planar graph G of minimum degree 7 such that each its subgraph K4 contains at least one ≥ 14-vertex, called big; vertices of degrees between 7 and 13 are called intermediate. We proceed with the Discharging Method with the initial charge assignment (2); the initial charges are redistributed according to following rules: Rule 1: Each ≥ 4-face α ∈ F× redistributes its initial charge uniformly among incident 4-vertices. Rule 2: Each intermediate vertex sends 17 to each adjacent 4-vertex. Rule 3: Let [xyz] be a 3-face of G×, x be a 4-vertex and y be an intermediate vertex. Then y sends additional 114 to x. Rule 4: Each big vertex sends 47 to each adjacent 4-vertex. Rule 5: Let [xyz] be a 3-face of G×, x be a 4-vertex and y be a big vertex. Then y sends additional 27 to x. We check the nonnegativity of final charges of vertices and faces of G×. From the formu- lation of discharging rules, it is easy to see that the final charge of all faces is nonnegative. Thus, it is enough to analyze just the final charge of vertices. Case 1: Let x be a 4-vertex of G×. If x is incident with at least two ≥ 4-faces, then, by Rule 1, c∗(x) ≥ −2 + 2 · 2·4−62 = −2 + 2 · 1 = 0. If x is incident with exactly one ≥ 4-face, then, by Rules 1, 2 and 3 (or, eventually, 1, 4 and 5) we obtain the estimation c∗(x) ≥ −2 + 2·4−62 + 4 · 1 7 + 6 · 1 14 = 0. Finally, if x is incident only with 3-faces, then its neighbours in G× induce a K4, hence, one of them is big; then, by Rules 2, 3, 4 and 5, we obtain c∗(x) ≥ −2 + 3 · 17 + 6 · 1 14 + 4 7 + 2 · 2 7 = 0. Case 2: Let x be an intermediate d-vertex of G×. Then c∗(x) ≥ d − 6 − d · 17 ≥ 0 for d ≥ 7. Case 3: Let x be a big d-vertex of G×. Then c∗(x) ≥ d− 6− d · 47 ≥ 0 for d ≥ 14. Proof of Theorem 1.1c). By contradiction. Suppose that there exists a 1-planar graph G of minimum degree 7 such that each its subgraph K∗2,3 contains at least one ≥ 14-vertex, called big; vertices of degrees between 7 and 13 are called intermediate. We proceed with the Discharging Method with the initial charge assignment (1); the initial charges are redistributed according to following rules (the first four rules are applied in the first phase of discharging): D. Hudák and T. Madaras: On local properties of 1-planar graphs. . . 249 Rule 1: Each intermediate vertex sends 37 to each incident 3-face. Rule 2: Let α = [xyz] be a 3-face of G×, β be an ≥ 4-face having the common edge xy with α and let v be a true vertex of β which is incident to x or y. Then v sends 314 to α. Rule 3: Each big vertex sends 47 to each incident 3-face. Rule 4: Let α = [xyz], β = [yzv] be 3-faces of G× and v be a big vertex. Then v sends 17 to α. Rule 5: Each 3-face with positive charge after application of Rules 1 – 4 redistributes this charge uniformly among adjacent 3-faces that have negative charge after application of the above-mentioned rules. Rule 6: Each ≥ 5-face sends 15 to each adjacent 3-face. We check the nonnegativity of final charges of vertices and faces of G×. Firstly, all false vertices have nonnegative final charge as they are not involved in the discharging procedure. For a 4-face α, c∗(α) = c(α) = 0; if α is an r-face of G× with r ≥ 5, then, by Rule 6, c∗(α) ≥ r − 4− r · 15 = 4 5r − 4 ≥ 0. Let v be an intermediate d-vertex of G×. Observe that, in Rule 2, v just further re- distributes (potentially into two 314 ) the spared charge 3 7 (as Rule 1 is not applied in this situation). Hence, c∗(v) ≥ d− 4− 37d ≥ 0 for d ≥ 7. Let v be a big d-vertex and α be a face incident with v. If α is a 3-face, then both Rule 3 and 4 may be involved with the total contribution 47 + 1 7 = 5 7 ; if α is an ≥ 4-face, then Rule 2 is possibly applied with the total contribution 2 · 314 = 3 7 . We conclude that the maximum charge transferred from v involving a face incident with v is 57 ; therefore, c∗(v) ≥ d− 4− 57d ≥ 0 for d ≥ 14. In the following, we analyze the final charge of 3-faces in more detail. Case 1: Let a 3-face α be incident with a big vertex. Then at least one of the remaining two vertices is true and, by Rules 3 and 1 or 3, c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 47 + 3 7 = 0. Case 2: Let all vertices of a 3-face α be intermediate. Then c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 3 · 37 > 0. Case 3: Let a 3-face α be incident with a false vertex c and two other vertices x, y; accord- ing to Case 1, x, y are intermediate. Let α1, α2 and α3 be faces of G× incident with edges xy, xc and yc, respectively. Case 3.1: Let some of αi, i = 1, 2, 3 be an ≥ 4-face. If α2 or α3 is an ≥ 4-face, then, by Rules 1 and 2, c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 37 + 3 14 = 1 14 > 0. If α1 is an ≥ 5-face, then, by Rules 1 and 6, c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 37 + 1 5 = 2 35 > 0. Suppose that α1 is a 4-face. Then there exists a true vertex on α1 that is incident to x or y; hence, by Rules 2 and 1, c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 37 + 3 14 = 1 14 > 0. Case 3.2: Let all αi, i = 1, 2, 3, be 3-faces. Denote α1 = [xyz1], α2 = [xcz2], α3 = [ycz3] (observe that z2 and z3 are true vertices). Case 3.2.1: Let z1 be a true vertex. Then at least one of z1, z2, z3 is big (to avoid a light copy of K∗2,3); by Rules 1 and 4, we have c ∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 37 + 1 7 = 0. Case 3.2.2: Suppose that z1 is false; further, we can suppose that both z2, z3 are intermedi- ate (otherwise we argue similarly as in the Case 3.2.1). Let β1, β2 be faces that are adjacent to α1 through the edge xz1 and yz1, respectively. If both β1, β2 are ≥ 4-faces, then, by Rules 1 and 2, the face α1 receives at least 2 · 37 + 2 · 3 14 = 9 7 and (having initial charge −1) keeps at least 27 . Since α is the only 3-face adjacent to α1, the face α1 sends at least 250 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 245–254 2 7 to α by Rule 5, so that c ∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 37 + 2 7 > 0. If exactly one of β1, β2, say β1, is a 3-face, then its third vertex (different from x, z1) is big (otherwise we find a light copy of K∗2,3). Using Rules 1, 4 and 2 (note that z1 is adjacent to a true vertex incident with β2), we obtain that α1 receives at least 2 · 37 + 1 7 + 3 14 = 17 14 and (subtracting the initial charge −1) keeps at least 314 . By Rule 5, this charge is sent to α, and so we obtain c∗(α) ≥ −1+2 · 37 + 3 14 > 0. Finally, suppose that both β1, β2 are 3-faces. Then both these faces are incident with big vertices and, by Rules 1 and 3, they receive at least 37 + 4 7 = 1; we conclude that, after the first phase, β1 and β2 have nonnegative charge (hence, by Rule 5, α1 sends a charge to at most one 3-face). Using Rules 1 and 4, we obtain that, in the first phase, α1 receives at least 2 · 37 + 2 · 1 7 ; thus, by Rule 5, α1 may send at least 1 7 to α and we have c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 37 + 1 7 = 0. Proof of Theorem 1.1d). By contradiction. Suppose that there exists a 1-planar graph G of minimum degree 7 such that each its subgraph W5 contains a big vertex of degree at least 12. We proceed with the Discharging Method with the initial charge assignment (1); the initial charges are redistributed according to following rules (which are applied sequentially; by ci(x), we denote the charge of an element x ∈ V × ∪ F× after application of the first i rules): Rule 1: Each ≥ 7-vertex sends 49 to each incident false 3-face and 1 3 to each incident true 3-face. Let k(v) be the number of false 3-faces incident with a vertex v. Rule 2: If v is a vertex of G× with c1(v) ≥ 118k(v), then v sends 1 18 to each incident false 3-face; if c1(v) < 118k(v) or k(v) = 0, no charge is transferred. Let n(v) be the number of 3-faces [xyz] such that x is a 7-vertex and y is a false vertex of G× (such faces will be called awkward). Rule 3: If v is a non-big vertex of G× with c2(v) > 0, then v shares its charge equally among all incident awkward faces; further, if c2(v) ≥ 118n(v), then v sends 1 18 to each incident awkward face. Rule 4: Each big vertex sends 13 to each adjacent 7-vertex. Rule 5: If a 7-vertex v has received a contribution from a big vertex, then this contribution is further redistributed equally among all false 3-faces incident with v. We check the nonnegativity of final charges of vertices and faces of G×. As ≥ 4-faces and 4-vertices are not influenced by the discharging, it is enough to analyze 3-faces and ≥ 7-vertices of G×. Case 1: Let α = [xyz] be a 3-face. Case 1.1: If α is a true 3-face, then, by Rule 1, c∗(α) = c1(α) ≥ −1 + 3 · 13 = 0. Case 1.2: Suppose that α is a non-awkward false 3-face and z is its false vertex. Let x be a d-vertex, d ≥ 8. Then c1(x) ≥ d − 4 − d · 49 = 5 9d − 4 ≥ 1 18d. Thus c1(x) ≥ 1 18k(x) and, by Rule 2, x sends 118 to α. The same consideration applies to y; hence, we obtain that c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 49 + 2 · 1 18 = 0. Case 1.3: Let α be an awkward face with 7-vertex x. D. Hudák and T. Madaras: On local properties of 1-planar graphs. . . 251 Case 1.3.1: Let y be a big d-vertex. Then c1(y) ≥ d− 4− 49d = 5 9d− 4 ≥ 1 18d ≥ 1 18k(y); hence, by Rule 2, y sends 118 to α. Further, x receives 1 3 from y by Rule 4. By parity argument, k(x) ≤ 6, and x sends, by Rule 5, at least 16 · 1 3 = 1 18 to each incident false 3-face. Therefore, we obtain c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 49 + 1 18 + 1 18 = 0. Case 1.3.2: Let y be a d-vertex with d ∈ {9, 10, 11}. Note that c1(y) ≥ 118k(y) and y sends 118 to α by Rule 2. Further, c2(y) ≥ d− 4− k(y) · 4 9 − (d− k(y)) · 1 3 − n(y) · 1 18 = 2 3d−4− 1 9k(y)− 1 18n(y) ≥ 2 3d−4− 1 9k(y)− 1 18k(y) = 2 3d−4− 3 18k(y) ≥ 2 3d−4− 3 18d = 9 18d− 4 ≥ 1 18d for d ≥ 9. This implies that y sends additional 1 18 to α by Rule 3; in total, we obtain c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 49 + 1 18 + 1 18 = 0. Case 1.3.3: Let y be an 8-vertex. Still, y sends 118 to α by Rule 2. Suppose first that x is incident with at least one ≥ 4-face. Then c1(x) ≥ 7 − 4 − 6 · 49 = 3 9 = 1 18 · 6; hence, x may send 118 to α by Rule 2. Now, let x be incident only with 3-faces; note that, in this case, the number of false 3-faces containing x is even. If at least three of them are true 3-faces, then c1(x) ≥ 7 − 4 − 4 · 49 − 3 · 1 3 = 2 9 = (7 − 3) · 1 18 and again, x can send 1 18 to α by Rule 2. So suppose that there is exactly one true 3-face incident with x. Then x and its four true neighbours induce a copy of W5 in G. Thus, at least one of neighbours of x is big and sends, by Rule 4, 13 to x; by Rule 5, this charge is equally redistributed among six false 3-faces incident with x, which yields the contribution 118 to α, and so c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 49 + 1 18 + 1 18 = 0. Case 1.3.4: Let y be a 7-vertex. Then we may use the arguments from Case 1.3.3 con- cluding that each of x, y sends 118 to α either by Rule 2 or by Rule 5. Hence, we have c∗(α) ≥ −1 + 2 · 49 + 2 · 1 18 = 0. Case 2: Let x be a non-big d-vertex. Note that transfers from x by Rules 2, 3 or 5 are performed only if x has sufficient charge after application of Rule 1; after these subsequent transfers, x is discharged to 0. Hence, it is enough to check the situation after using the Rule 1. Let t be number of transfers of 49 by Rule 1 from x to incident false 3-faces, and q the number of transfers of 13 from x to other incident 3-faces. Then t+ q ≤ d and t ≤ 2 · ⌊ d 2 ⌋ , and we obtain c1(x) ≥ d−4− 49 t− 1 3q = d−4− 1 3 (t+q)− 1 9 t ≥ d−4− 1 3d− 1 9 ·2· ⌊ d 2 ⌋ ≥ 0 for d ≥ 7. Case 3: Let x be a big d-vertex. Let n and p be numbers of false and true 3-faces incident with x and s be the number of 7-vertices adjacent to x. Then p + n ≤ d and s ≤ d; moreover, since each pair of false 3-faces in the neighbourhood of x contains at least one vertex of degree 6= 7, it follows that p + n + s ≤ 2d − n2 . Then, by Rules 1, 2 and 4, we obtain the estimation c∗(x) ≥ d − 4 − 49n − 1 3p − 1 18n − 1 3s = d − 4 − n 2 − p 3 − s 3 ≥ d− 4− 23d = d 3 − 4 ≥ 0 for d ≥ 12. Proof of Theorem 1.2. By contradiction. Suppose that there exists a 1-planar graph G of minimum degree 6 such that each its 4-cycle contains a big vertex of degree at least 48. We proceed with the Discharging Method with the initial charge assignment (2); the initial charges are redistributed according to the following rules : Rule 1: Each big face sends 12 to each incident 4-vertex. Rule 2: Let β = [xyz] be a 3-face having the common edge yz with a big face α, and let x be a 4-vertex. Then α sends 14 to x. 252 Ars Math. Contemp. 4 (2011) 245–254 Rule 3: Let β = [xyz] be a 3-face having the common edge xy with a big face α, and let x be a 4-vertex. Then α sends 18 to x. Rule 4: Let β = [xyz] be a 3-face adjacent with a 3-face γ = [yzw] that has a common edge zw with a big face α, and let x be a 4-vertex. Then α sends 18 to x. Rule 5: Let α, β be two incident big faces with the common edge xy, and let x be a 4-vertex. Then α sends 14 to x. Rule 6: Let y be a big vertex adjacent to an 4-vertex x. Then y sends 58 to x. Rule 7: Let α = [xyz] be a 3-face, y be big, and x be a 4-vertex. Then y sends additional 5 16 to x. Rule 8: Let α = [xyz], β = [yzw] be 3-faces, w be big, and x be a 4-vertex. Then w sends 1 4 to x. Rule 9: Let α = [xyz], β = [xyw] be 3-faces, w be big, and x be a 4-vertex. Then w sends additional 18 to x. Rule 10: Let α = [xyz] be a 3-face having a common edge xy with a big face β, z be big, and x be a 4-vertex. Then z sends additional 14 to x. Rule 11: Let α = [xyz], β = [yzv], and γ = [yvw] be 3-faces, w be big, and x be a 4-vertex. Then w sends additonal 18 to x. We will analyze the final charges of vertices and faces of G×. Case 1: Let x be a 4-vertex. Case 1.1: If all fi, i = 1, . . . , 4 are big, then, by Rule 1, c∗(x) ≥ −2 + 4 · 12 = 0. Case 1.2: Let exactly one of fi, say f4, be a 3-face. Then c∗(x) ≥ −2+3· 12+2· 1 8+4· 1 4 = 3 4 > 0 by Rules 1 (applied three times), 3 (twice), and 5 (four times). Case 1.3: Let two of fi, i = 1, . . . , 4 be 3-faces. According to the symmetry, we distin- guish two cases: Case 1.3.1: Let f2,f4 be 3-faces. Then one of xi, say x1, is big (otherwise x1x3x2x4 is a light 4-cycle). By Rules 1 (twice), 3 (four times), 6 (once) and 7 (once), c∗(x) ≥ −2 + 2 · 12 + 4 · 1 8 + 5 8 + 5 16 > 0. Case 1.3.2: Let f1, f4 be 3-faces. If one of x1,. . . ,x4 is big, then c∗(x) ≥ −2 + 2 · 12 + 2 · 1 8 + 2 · 1 4 + 5 8 > 0 by Rules 1 (applied twice), 3 (twice), 5 (twice), and 6 (once). So, assume that no neighbour of x is big. Consider the face f ′1. If f ′ 1 is big, then it sends 14 to x by Rule 2; otherwise it is a 3-face. If x ′ 1 is a true vertex, then it must be big (otherwise x1x′1x2x4 is a light 4-cycle). The big vertex x ′ 1 sends 1 4 to x by Rule 8. It remains to resolve the case when f ′1 is a 3-face, but x ′ 1 is a false vertex. Then consider the faces f ′l1 , f ′r 1 that share with f ′ 1 common edge x ′ 1x1 or x ′ 1x2, respectively. If some of them is a 3-face, then its third vertex z 6= x′1, x1 (or z 6= x′1, x2) must be big (otherwise x4x1zx2 is a light 4-cycle). Hence, it contributes 18 to x by Rule 11. If some of these faces is big, then it sends 18 to x by Rule 4. Consequently, x receives ≥ 1 4 due to the transfers through edge x1x2. The same consideration is applied on the transfers through edge x4x1. Thus, we obtain c∗(x) ≥ −2 + 2 · 12 + 2 1 8 + 2 · 1 4 + 2 · 1 4 = 1 4 > 0. Case 1.4: Let three of fi, say f1, f2, and f4, be 3-faces. Note that at least one of neighbours of x is big. Case 1.4.1: If x has at least two big neighbours, then c∗(x) ≥ −2 + 12 + 2 · 1 8 + 2 · 5 8 + 2 · 5 16 +2 · 1 8 > 0 by Rules 1 (applied once), 3 (twice), 6 (at least twice), 7 (at least twice) and 9 (at least twice). D. Hudák and T. Madaras: On local properties of 1-planar graphs. . . 253 Case 1.4.2: Let x have exactly one big neighbour. If x1 or x2 is big, then c∗(x) ≥ −2 + 1 2 +2 · 1 8 + 5 8 +2 · 5 16 + 1 8 + 1 4 > 0 by Rules 1 (applied once), 3 (twice), 6 (once), 7 (twice), 9 (once) and 10 (once). Suppose, without loss of generality, that x3 is big. Consider now the faces f ′1, f ′ 4. We may use the same argumentation as in Case 1.3.2. The transfer through edges x1x2 and x1x4 is always at least 2 · 14 . Thus, in total, c ∗(x) ≥ −2+ 12 +2 · 1 8 + 5 8 + 5 16 + 1 8 +2 · 1 4 > 0 by Rules 1 (applied once), 3 (twice), 6 (once), 7 (once), 9 (once), and the above mentioned contribution. Case 1.5: Let all faces incident with x be 3-faces. Note that at least one of neighbours of x is big. If at least two neighbours of x are big, then c∗(x) ≥ −2+ 2 · 58 +4 · 5 16 +2 · 1 8 > 0 by Rules 6 (twice), 7 (four times) and 9 (four times). Let exactly one of neighbours of x, say x1, be big. Then, using the same argumentation as in Case 1.3.2, x receives at least 2 · 14 through edges x2x3 and x3x4. In total, c ∗(x) ≥ −2 + 58 + 2 · 5 16 + 2 · 1 8 + 1 2 = 0 by Rules 6 (applied once), 7 (twice), 9 (twice), and the above mentioned contribution. Case 2: Let α be a big face. Observe that Rules 3, 4 just halve the charge 14 that is saved (since, in situation of Rules 3, 4, there is no such transfer as in Rule 2). Also, in Rule 5, the full transfer of 14 is saved, because the situation of Rules 3 and 4 is not involved in this rule. Hence, we may roughly consider that, through each edge incident with α, 14 of charge is transfered. Also, note that Rule 1 applies to at most bdeg(α)2 c vertices incident with α. Therefore, c∗(α) ≥ c(α)−bdeg(α)2 c · 1 2 −deg(α) · 1 4 ≥ 2 ·deg(α)−6− deg(α) 4 − deg(α) 4 = 3 2 · deg(α)− 6 ≥ 0 if deg(α) ≥ 4. Case 3: Let x be a big vertex. Note that Rule 7 just halves the charge that is saved in the corresponding situation when Rule 6 is not used, Rules 9, 11 work in the same way in connection with Rule 8. The Rule 10 sends the full charge that was saved in Rule 8. We can use very rough estimation 58 + 1 4 for a charge assigned to a neighbour of x, and to an edge of a 3-face incident with x. 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