Informatica 32 (2008) 429-435 429 A Readability Checker with Supervised Learning Using Deep Indicators Tim vor der Brück, Sven Hartrumpf, Hermann Helbig Intelligent Information and Communication Systems (IICS) FernUniversität in Hagen, 58084 Hagen, Germany E-mail: Keywords: readability, syntactic and semantic analysis, nearest neighbor Received: May 11, 2008 Checking for readability or simplicity of texts is important for many institutional and individual users. Formulas for approximately measuring text readabili ty have a long tradition. Usually, they exploi t surface-oriented indicators like sentence length, word length, word frequency, etc. However, in many cases, this information is not adequate to realistically approximate the cognitive difficulties a person can have to understand a text Therefore we use deep syntactic and semantic indicators in addition. The syntactic information is represented by a dependency tree, the semantic information by a semantic network. Both representati ons are automatically generated by a deep syntactico-semantic analysis. A global readabili ty score is determined by applying a nearest neighbor algorithm on 3,000 ratings of 300 test persons. The evaluation showed that the deep syntactic and semantic indicators lead to promising results comparable to the best surface-based indicators. The combination of deep and shallow indicators leads to an improvement over shallow indicators alone. Finally, a graphical user interface was developed which highlights difficult passages, depending on the individual indicator values, and displays a global readability score. Povzetek: Strojno ucenje z odvisnostnimi drevesije uporabljeno za ugotavljanje berljivosti besedil. 1 Introduction Readability checkers are used to highlight text passages that are difficult to read. They can help authors to write texts in an easy-to-read style. Furthermore they often display a global readability score which is derived by a readability formula. Such a formula describes the readability of a text numerically. There exists a large amount of readability formulas (13). Most of them use only surface-oriented indicators like word frequency, word length, or sentence length. Such indicators have only indirect and limited access to judging real understandability. Therefore, we use deep syntactic and semantic indicators1 in addition to surface-oriented indicators. The semantic indicators operate mostly on a semantic network (SN); in contrast, the syntactic indicators mainly work on a dependency tree containing linguistic categories and surface text parts. The SNs and the dependency trees are derived by a deep syntactico-semantic analysis based on word-class functions. Furthermore, we collected a whole range of readability criteria from almost all linguistic levels: morphology, lexicon, syntax, semantics, and discourse2 (7). To make these criteria operable, each criterion is underpinned by one or more readability indicators that have been investigated in the (psycho-)linguistic literature and can be automatically 1An indicator is called deep if it requires a deep syntactico-semantic analysis. 2In this article, discourse criteria are subsumed under the heading se- mantic because they form only a small group and rely directly on semantic information. determined by NLP tools (see (11) for details). Two typical readability indicators for the syntactic readability criterion of syntactic ambiguity are the center embedding depth of subclauses and the number of argument ambiguities (concerning their syntactic role3). 2 Related work There are various methods to derive a numerical representation of text readability. One of the most popular readability formulas is the so-called Flesch Reading Ease (4). The formula employs the average sentence length and the average number of syllables for estimating readability. The sentence length is intended to roughly approximate sentence complexity, while the number of syllables approximates word frequency since usually long words are less used. Later on, this formula was adjusted to German (1). Despite of its age, the Flesch formula is still widely used. Also, the revised Dale-Chall readability index (2) mainly depends on surface-oriented indicators. Actually, it is based on sentence length and the occurrences of words in a given list of words which are assumed to be difficult to read. Recently, several more sophisticated approaches which use advanced NLP technology were developed. They determine for instance the embedding depth of clauses, the usage of active/passive voice or text cohesion (17; 9; 21). 3Such ambiguities can occur in German because of its relatively free constituent order. 430 Informática 32 (2008) 429-435 T. vor der Brück et al. Diagnostics, Readability Score Figure 1: System architecture of the readability checker DeLite. The methods of (3; 22) go a step beyond pure analysis and also create suggestions for possible improvements. Some approaches, e.g., (20), integrate their readability checkers into a graphical user interface, which is vital for practical usage. As far as we know, all approaches for determining text readability are based on surface or syntactic structures but not on a deep semantic representation which represents the cognitive difficulties for text understanding more adequately. Readability formulas usually combine several so-called readability indicators like sentence or word length by a linear combination. Examples for non-linear approaches are the nearest neighbor approach of Heilman et al. (9) and the employment of support vector machines by Lars-son (15) to separate the vectors of indicator values for given texts into the three different readability classes easy, medium, and difficult. A drawback of the latter method is that this classification is rather rough. 3 System architecture A text is processed in several steps (see Figure 1) by our readability checker DeLite (an association of Lite as in light/easy reading and De as in Deutsch/German; there is also a prototype EnLite for English). First, the Controller passes the text to a deep syntactico-semantic analy- sis (WOCADI4 parser, (6)), which is based on a word-class functional analysis and is supported by a large semantically oriented lexicon (8). The parser output for each sentence is a morpho-lexical analysis, one or more (in case of ambiguities) syntactic dependency trees, one or more SNs, and intrasentential and intersentential coreferences determined by a hybrid rule-statistical coreference resolution module. The resulting SNs follow the MultiNet formalism (multi-layered extended semantic network, (10), example in Figure 2). On the basis of this analysis, the text is divided into sentences, phrases, and words in the Preparation Layer. The individual indicator values are determined by the Calculation Layer. DeLite currently uses 48 morphological, lexical, syntactic, and semantic indicators; below we concentrate on some deep syntactic and semantic ones. Each indicator is attached to a certain processing module depending on the type of required information: words, phrases, sentences, or the entire document. Each module iterates over all objects of its associated type that exist in the text and triggers the calculation of the associated indicators. Examples for indicators operating on the word level are the indicators number of word characters or number of word readings. Semantic and syntactic indicators usually operate on the sentence level. As the result of this calculation step an association from text segments to indicator values is established. In the Evaluation Layer, the values of each indicator are averaged to the so-called aggregated indicator value. Note that there exists for each indicator only one aggregated indicator value per text. The readability score is then calculated (see Sect. 4) by the fc-nearest neighbor algorithm of the machine learning toolkit RapidMiner (18). In contrast to surface-oriented indicators, a deep indicator can usually only be determined for a given sentence (most deep indicators operate on sentences) if certain prerequisites are met (e.g., full parse or chunk parse is available). If this is not the case, the associated sentence is omitted for determining the aggregated indicator value. If an indicator could not be calculated for any sentence of the text at all, its value is set to some fixed constant. Finally, all this information is marked up in XML and in a user-friendly HTML format and is returned to the calling process by the Exportation Layer. 4 Deriving a readability score using the ^-nearest neighbor algorithm A nearest neighbor algorithm is a supervised learning method. Thus, before this method can be applied to new data, a training phase is required. In this phase, a vector of aggregated indicator values is determined by RapidMiner (see Sect. 4) for each text of our readability study comprising 3,000 ratings from 300 users. The vector components are normalized and multiplied by weights representing the 4WOCADI is the abbreviation of Word-Class based Disambiguating. A READABILITY CHECKER WITH. Informatica 32 (2008) 429-435 431 importance of the individual indicators where the weights are automatically learned by an evolutionary algorithm. All vectors are stored together with the average user ratings for the associated texts. To derive a readability score for a previously unseen text, the vector of weighted and normalized aggregated indicator values is determined for this text first (see above). Afterwards, the k vectors of the training data with the smallest distance to the former vector are extracted. The readability score is then given as a weighted sum of the user ratings associated with those k vectors. 5 Syntactic indicators 5.1 Clause Center Embedding Depth A sentence is difficult to read if the syntactic structure is very complex (5). One reason for a high complexity can be that the sentence contains deeply embedded subordinate clauses. The difficulty can be increased if the subordinate clause is embedded into the middle of a sentence since the reader has to memorize the superior clause until its continuation after the termination of the subordinate clause (12), for example: Er verließ das Haus, in dem die Frau, die er liebte, wohnte, sofort. (literal translation from German: He left the house where the woman he loved lived immediately.) In contrast to (21), two separate indicators are employed for the embedding depth: one measuring embedding depth in general and one focusing only on center embedding depth which allows it to compare both effects. In our experiments only center embedding depth was considerably correlated to the readability ratings from the participants. Center embedding depth is calculated for each main verb in the following way. First, we determine the path from the root of the dependency tree to each main verb. Then, we count the occurrences of the dependency relations for relative or other subordinated clauses on this path. However, they are only taken into account if the embedded clause is not located on the border of the superior clause. 5.2 Distance between Verb and Separable Prefix In German, so-called separable prefix verbs are split into two words in clauses with main clause word order, for example einladen (invite) ^ Er lädt... ein. (He invites____). If the verb is far away from the verb prefix, it can be difficult for readers to associate both parts. 5.3 Number of Words per Nominal Phrase According to (19), long NPs degrade readability. Hence, some information from the long NP should better be placed in a subordinate clause or a new sentence. Therefore we count the average number of words contained in an NP where a larger number results in a worse readability score. Note that we only consider maximal NPs (i.e., NPs not contained in a larger NP); otherwise a large indicator value for the long NP could be compensated by small indicator values for the contained NPs which should be avoided. 6 Semantic indicators 6.1 SN Quality An incomplete parse from WOCADI is mainly caused by syntactic or semantic defects of the sentence since the parser builds the syntactic structure as a dependency tree and the semantic representation as an SN in parallel. Therefore, the indicator SN quality is a mixed one: semantic and syntactic. Consider for instance the two sentences Das Werk kam vor allem bei jungen Theatergängern an. Schulbusse reisten an, um es sich anzusehen.5 (The work was very well accepted by young visitors of the theater. School buses arrived to watch it.) The second sentence, which is syntactically correct, is semantically incorrect and therefore difficult to read. The semantic lexicon employed by the parser requires that the first argument (which plays the semantic role of the agent) of ansehen.1.16 (to watch) is of type human. Thus, this sentence is rejected by the parser as incorrect. In other cases the sentence might be accepted but considered as semantically improbable. This information, which is provided by the parser, is used by DeLite and turned out to be very valuable for estimating text readability. Three parse result types are differentiated: complete parse (around 60% of the sentences; note that this means complete syntactic structure and semantic representation at the same time), chunk parse (25%), failure (15%).7 These three cases are mapped to different numerical values of the indicator SN quality. Additionally, if a full parse or a chunk parse is available, the parser provides a numerical value specifying the likelihood that the sentence is semantically correct which is determined by several heuristics. This information is incorporated into the quality score of this indicator too.8 6.2 Number of Propositions per Sentence DeLite also looks at the number of propositions in a sentence. More specifically, all SN nodes are counted which have the ontological sort si(tuation) (10, p. 412) or one of its subsorts. In a lot of cases, readability can be judged more accurately by the number of propositions than by sentence length or similar surface-oriented indicators. Consider for instance a sentence containing a long list of NPs: Mr. Miller, Dr. Peters, Mr. Schmitt, Prof. Kurt, . . . were 5from the newspaper Schleswig-Holstein am Sonntag, 2007 6Note that the readings of a lexeme are distinguished by numerical suffixes. 7The absence of a complete parse is problematic only for a part of the indicators, mainly deep syntactic and semantic ones. And even for some of these indicators, one can define fallback strategies to approximate indicator values by using partial results (chunks). 8Naturally, this indicator depends strongly on the applied parser. A different parser might lead to quite different results. 430 Informática 32 (2008) 90-435 T. vor der Brück et al. c2o sub this/der.4 ARG1 CAUS c280ioVoa sub speed/geschwindigkeit AFF ARG1 c292st subr val.0 c9?decl.-sent.dn subs achieve/bewirken temp past.0 ARG2 MODL can.0/können.0, c284da subs reduce/reduzieren ARG1 TEMP present.0 CsTR md c250as subs fear/angst c246d sub driver/fahrer c291st suBR val.0 CsTR c255dvio pred neighbor/nachbar Figure 2: Simplified SN for the corpus sentence Das könnte bewirken, dass der Fahrer aus Angst vor den Nachbarn die Geschwindigkeit reduziert. (This could achieve that the driver reduces the speed for fear of the neighbors.) present. Although this sentence is quite long it is not difficult to understand (14). In contrast, short sentences can be dense and contain many propositions, e.g., concisely expressed by adjective or participle clauses. 6.3 Number of Connections between SN Nodes/Discourse Entities The average number of nodes which are connected to an SN node is determined. A large value often indicates a lot of semantic dependencies. For this indicator, the arcs leading to and leaving from an SN node are counted. Note that the evaluation showed that better results (stronger correlation and higher weight) are achieved if only SN nodes are regarded which are assigned the ontological sort object (10, p. 409-411). These SN nodes roughly represent the discourse entities of a sentence. 6.4 Length of Causal and Concessive Chains Argumentation is needed to make many texts readable. But if an author puts too many ideas in too few words, the passage becomes hard to read. For example, the following sentence from a newspaper corpus has been automatically identified as pathologic because it contains three causal relations (CAUS and CSTR in Figure 2) chained together: Das könnte bewirken, dass der Fahrer aus Angst vor den Nachbarn die Geschwindigkeit reduziert. (This could achieve that the driver reduces the speed for fear of the neighbors.). Again, length measurements on the surface will not help to detect the readability problem, which exists for at least some user groups. Splitting such a sentence into several ones is a way out of too dense argumentation. 7 Evaluation To judge the viability of our approach, we conducted an online readability study with 500 texts, more than 300 participants, and around 3,000 human ratings for individual texts. The participants rated the text readability on a 7 point Likert scale (16). Almost 70 % of the participants were between 20 and 40 years old; the number of participants over 60 was very small (3 %). The participants were mainly well-educated. 58 % of them owned a university or college degree. There is none who had no school graduation at all. Our text corpus originated from the municipal domain and differs significantly from newspaper corpora, which are widely used in computational linguistics. It contains a lot of ordinances with legal terms and abbreviations, e.g., g 65 Abs. 1Satz1 Nr. 2 i.V.m. g 64 Abs. 1 Satz 2 LWGNRW (section 65.1.1 (2) in connection with section 64.1.2 LWG NRW). This corpus has been chosen because local administrations in Germany have committed themselves to make their web sites accessible; one central aspect of accessibility is simple language. Figure 4 shows the mean absolute error (MAE) and the root mean square error (RMSE) of DeLite's global readability score in contrast to the average user rating determined by a 10 fold cross-validation over all 500 test documents. The ordinate contains MAE and RMSE, the abscissa, on a logarithmic scale, the number of neighbors used. The lowest errors (MAE: 0.122, RMSE: 0.148) and highest correlation (0.528) were obtained with 30 nearest neighbors. The nearest neighbor algorithm determined the weights of each indicator using an evolutionary algorithm. The resulting indicator weights, in the case all indicators are used simultaneously, are given in Table 1. The correlations of the indicators in comparison with the user ratings are displayed in Table 2. Correlation and weights of deep syntactic and semantic indicators turned A READABILITY CHECKER WITH. Informatica 32 (2008) 429-435 431 Indicator Weight Type Number of words per sentence Passive without semantic agent Number of word readings Distance between verb and complement SN quality Number of connections between discourse entities Inverse concept frequency Clause center embedding depth Number of sentence constituents Maximum path length in the SN Number of causal relations in a chain Number of compound simplicia Word form frequency Number of connections between SN nodes 0.679 Sur 0.601 Syn/Sem 0.520 Sem 0.518 Syn 0.470 Syn/Sem 0.467 Sem 0.453 0.422 0.406 0.395 0.390 0.378 Sem Syn Syn Sem Sem Sur 0.363 Sur 0.326 Sem XML report R1 (text structure) XML report R2 (indicators) Readability score: ***** (71/100) Peters lädt Herrn Müller und seine Frau am Donnerstag defi:31.1.2008 iri seihe Villa .in.Düsseldorf zürn Essen ein._ Readability ¡1 distance between verb andpiefix-too large] • .Understandablllty -ir:r"K (Amstad);70,Ia2 • Number of words: 23 « Number of syllables:34 • f^ümber of-sentences: 1 • Average sentence length:23 « Nymber of abbreviations: 1 • Nuitib'ef of acronyms: 0 • Morphological level/97 29% » Lexical level:95.6i% • Syntactic level:61.36% a Semantic evel:44:.26% • Discourse level: 100.0% Morphological level g No problems fSuhd Lexical level H Lexical ambiguity Abstract nouns Syntactic level H Syntactic .ambiguity Syntactic complexity Sentence length Semantic level H Semantic complexity Dependencies Figure 3: DeLite screenshot showing a sentence which contains a large distance between verb (lädt) and separable verb prefix (ein). English translation for the example sentence: Dr. Peters invites Mr. Müller and his wife for dinner on Thursday, Jan. 31, 2006 to his villa in Düsseldorf. Table 1: Indicators with largest weights in our readability function (Syn=syntactic, Sem=semantic, and Sur=surface indicator type). out to be quite comparable to surface-oriented indicators. Finally as a baseline, DeLite was compared to the readability index resulting from employing the nearest neighbor approach only on the indicators of the Flesch readability index, i.e. average sentence length and number of syllables per word. The correlation of DeLite with the user ratings is 0.528, which clearly outperforms the Flesch indicators (0.432). Indicator Corr. Type Number of words per sentence 0.430 Sur SN quality 0.399 Syn/Sem Inverse concept frequency 0.330 Sem Word form frequency 0.262 Sur Number of reference candidates for a 0.209 Sem pronoun Number of propositions per sentence 0.180 Sem Clause center embedding depth 0.157 Syn Passive without semantic agent 0.155 Syn/Sem Number of SN nodes 0.148 Sem Pronoun without antecedent 0.140 Sem Number of causal relations in a chain 0.139 Sem Distance between pronoun and an- 0.138 Sem tecedent Maximum path length in the SN 0.132 Sem Number of connections between dis- 0.132 Sem course entities Table 2: Indicators most strongly correlated with user ratings (Syn=syntactic, Sem=semantic, and Sur=surface indicator type). 8 User interface Besides a low-level server interface, DeLite provides a graphical user interface for comfortable usage. In Figure 3, a screenshot of this interface is shown.9 The types of readability problems found in the text are displayed on the right side. If the user clicks on such a type, the associated difficult-to-read text segments are highlighted. Additional support for the user is provided if he/she wants to have more information about the readability problem. By moving the mouse pointer over the highlighted text segment, a fly-over help text with a more detailed description is displayed. Moreover, if the user clicks on the highlighted segment, additional text segments are marked in bold face. These additional segments are needed to fully describe and explain specific readability problems. Figure 3 shows the readability analysis of a verb which is too far away from its separable prefix (see Sect. 5.2). The prefix ein- is highlighted as problematic and additionally the main verb lädt is marked in bold face for better understanding. 9Note that the classification of indicators is slightly different in the screenshot than in this article. This is caused by the fact that we want to evaluate surface-oriented indicators in comparison to linguistically informed indicators. 430 Informática 32 (2008) 92-435 T. vor der Brück et al. Number of neighbors Figure 4: Mean absolute error (MAE) and root mean square error (RMSE) between the DeLite readability score and the average user rating of a text depending on the number of neighbors. 9 Conclusion An overview of some typical examples of deep syntactic and semantic readability indicators has been given. In our evaluation, it turned out that these indicators have weights and correlations comparable to the best surface-based indicators in accurately judging readability. In the future, the parser employed in DeLite will be continually improved. Currently, DeLite is only a diagnosis tool; we will investigate how DeLite can propose reformulations for improving readability. Finally, the automatic distinction between real ambiguities that exist for humans and spurious ambiguities that exist only for machines (e.g., NLP methods like PP attachment and interpretation) must be sharpened. Deep syntactic and semantic indicators turned out to be quite valuable for assessing readability and are expected to be a vital part of future readability checkers. Acknowledgments We wish to thank our colleagues Christian Eichhorn, Ingo Glöckner, Johannes Leveling, and Rainer Osswald for their support for this work. The research reported here was in part funded by the EU project Benchmarking Tools and Methods for the Web (BenToWeb, FP6-004275). References [1] Amstad, T. (1978). Wie verständlich sind unsere Zeitungen? Ph.D. thesis, Universität Zürich, Zurich, Switzerland. [2] Chall, J. and Dale, E. (1995). Readability Revisited: The New Dale-ChallReadability Formula. Brookline, Massachusetts: Brookline Books. [3] Chandrasekar, R. and Srinivas, B. (1996). 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