Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished1 American Home over 100 years of serving American^ Slovenians Vol. 106, No. 24 American Home Ameriška Domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 17, 2004 Phone: (216) 431-0628 erniail: ah@buckeyevveb.coin 70c Fireworks Campaign The American Home newspaper is holding another campaign for NEW subscribers. Any new subscription to the American Home will cost only $15.00 a year, instead of the usual $35.00 during this promotion. The usual anonymous American Home friend will pay $15.00 toward the first 30 new persons who send in their $15.00, and the American Home will kick in the remaining $5.00. The campaign ends July 4lh. So rocket your $15.00 to American Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 and watch the fireworks of happiness on the person who will be the recipient of this wonderful and thoughtful gift which will last the entire year. And remember, by reading the American Home newspaper, you will automatically be perpetuating your magnificent Slovenian heritage. Don’t be a dud; this is your explosive chance to shine! All Invited to Ohio KSKJ Day The 53rd annual Ohio KSKJ Day Picnic will be held on Sunday, June 27, from 12 noon to 8 p.m., at Slovenska Pristava Slovenian Recreation Center in Harpersfield, Ohio. It is sponsored by the Ohio Federation of American Slovenian Catholic Union (KSKJ) Lodges as a social event for all KSKJ members, their families and friends. Everyone is kindly invited to come and join the get-together to renew old acquaintances and enjoy good fellowship. The Veseli Godci Or chestra will furnish music for our listening and dancing pleasure from 3 to 7 p.m. There will be food and liquid refreshments available. A bake sale will feature homemade delicacies by the members. Free refreshment tickets worth $2.00 will be given to children 14 years of age and under until 5 p.m. Games and contests for children will begin at 4 p.m. The swimming pool will also be open at a cost. Admission and parking are free. —Joseph V. Hočevar Ohio Federation President Sergeant Ed Arhar Receives Diploma Retired U.S. WWII Army veteran. Sergeant Edward F. Arhar, (right), of Euclid, Ohio, received an honorary high school diploma at the Copley (Ohio) High School graduation ceremony on Sunday, June 6 with his granddaughter Megan Ce-vasco (center). Fittingly, it was the 6011’ anniversary of D-Day. Ed served in the European Theater of Operations, was in the Battle of the Bulge and defended Antwerp, Belgium against the VI rockets. He also defended Eisenhower’s headquarters in Rheims, France. Ed is currently the 3rd Vice Commander of Post 1655 of the St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans. Ed, and his wife Anne’s granddaughter, Megan Cevasco, 18, (center), will attend Ohio Northern University in the fall. She has been accepted into the six-year Doctor of Pharmacy program. Megan was selected as the “OHSAA Outstanding Senior Scholar-Athlete.” She received a Trustee Merit Competition Scholarship to attend ONU. She has received awards from the Columbus Citizen Foundation, the St. Vitus Mihevc and Nielsen grants, the Catholic War Veterans, the Summit County Farm Bureau, and the Ganyard trust. She will continue her basketball career as a Lady Polar Bear at ONU. She has been a two-time Cleveland Plain Dealer and WAKR ‘‘Player of the Week.” Megan hopes to become pharmacist for a professional sports team. Anne (left) and Ed Arhar look forward to following Megan’s basketball and pharmacy career. She has provided her family with much entertainment, earning the nickname “Hollywood” for all her moves. Megan is the daughter of Paul and Chris Cevasco of Copley, Ohio. Congratulations to all! On Sunday, June 6, members of St. Vitus Post 1655 stand in back of their memorial Monument in the Veterans Cemetery near Rittman, Ohio. Left to right, Fted Spelich, 7om Tulluch, Richard Mott, Ed Kotar, Steve Piorkowski, Ray Yartz, Edmund Turk, 7om Kirk, Lou Stromski, Bob Mills, Joseph Baškovič, Tony Baznik, Dan Reiger, John l ^vfrrk. Bill Lipoid, Joseph Hočevar, Jim Logar, Joe Avsec; front: Tony Grdina. (More on jyRC 6 ) (Photo by TONY GRDINA) Post WWII Slovenes in Trieste The Slovenian American Heritage Foundation invites all to attend the fourth talk in their 2004 lecture series. The meeting will feature a presentation by Dr. Vladimir Rus, who will discuss the struggles of Slovenians living in Trieste (Trst), Italy following the Second World War. The gathering will take place on Wednesday, June 23 at 7:00 p.m. at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue in Euclid. Following the meeting and lecture, a special reception will be held celebrating Slovenia’s Independence Day.- At the end of World War 11 the Slovenes living in the “Primorska” region expected to be finally free of oppressions. But discrimination and oppression of various kinds continued afterwards by both Allied and Yugoslav forces. In his presentation, Dr. Rus will place these events in a historical context and illustrate the stmggles and chal lenges of this period with accounts from his own personal experience. Dr. Rus, in addition to being a founding trustee of the Slovenian American Heritage Foundation, is the President of the Cleveland-Ljubljana Sister Cities^ AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA o (N w z D 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 ^AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) < Z > O James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Suscl - Slovenian Editor O D Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir '^2 2 UJ 3 < NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 24 June 17, 2004 Gifts From My Father by RUDY FLIS It has been longer than I care to remember since I last said “Happy Father’s Day, dad.” My gifts to him were always Camel cigarettes, cigarette cases and ash trays,” none were good for his health, which I was unaware of at the time. But more important to me were the gifts my dad gave to me. How to dig in the garden, feed and water the chickens every day, and a general work ethic. I did not like working as much as I enjoyed playing, and I learned to clean my plate of my mom’s delicious cooking as my dad always did. My love of good food persists to this day. Polkas and waltzes were my dad’s soul music. How happy he was whenever my brother Mickey played his accordion, or at weddings with their great neighborhood bands and the constant beat of the music of our heritage. My dad’s love of this music is now my love to enjoy the rest of my life. But most of all, my dad demonstrated to me as I grew up, the powerful love an immigrant could have for his adopted country. Each holiday our American flag, attached to a bamboo pole, was hung on our porch. During World War II as we waited at bus stops, my dad would approach strangers with his wallet in hand and say, “These are my boys,” as the strangers smiled as they looked at my brothers picture of them in uniform. My dad was very proud of my brothers in service. He taught me by his actions how lucky I am to be an American; that feeling, with a strong love of America, exists in my heart and soul and always will, is my hope. Pride of country, love of country and enjoyment of country are gifts from my dad to me, that are mine to this day. I know of only one other man who demonstrated such love and devotion to his country, President Ronald Reagan. May God bless America and a Happy Fathers Day to all you wonderful dads. Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong. _Bob Mills . XSL ' Slovenian President Janez Drnovšek signs the Condolences Book in honor of United States President Ronald Reagan. (Photo courtesy of Phil Hrvatin) Vacation There will be no Ameriška Domovina (American Home) printed the week of July 4,h. The of- fice will be closed from July 5lh until July 12lh for our annual summer vacation. SNPJ Picnic and Dance Seeks Lodging in Slovenia I am seeking lodging in a house or apartment in Aij-dovscina or Vipava or surrounding areas of Slovenia for three weeks starting the last week of July. If anyone has any ideas or contacts, please call Emma Dalpiaz at (440) 205-0564, Mentor, OH. Thank you. To celebrate the 100,h anniversary of SNPJ and to honor the Lodge #158 Loya-lite members who have attained their 50,h or 60,h SNPJ anniversaries this year, a Picnic and Dance will be held on Sunday, June 27. This event will be held at the SNPJ Recreation Grounds (the farm) on Heath Road (off Rt. 6), Kirtland, Ohio. The gate will open at 12 noon and the admission will be $5.00. Delicious dinners will be served at a cost of $7.00 from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m. Various foods will be available throughout the day, including krofe. Bobby Kravos and the Boys in the Band will provide music from 3:30 until 7:30 p.m. The Beaverdale, Pennsylvania reunion will be held at the picnic. If you are originally from that area, you surely will want to attend. For additional information please contact Pat Nevar at 216-481-0163 or Ruth Korelec at 216-531-8368. You’ll always miss 100 percent of the shots you don’t take. _________________________ —Wayne Gretzky 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina The Story of Father’s Day (Obtained from www.holidavs.neO “Father’s Day, contrary to popular misconception, was not established as a holiday in order to help greeting card manufacturers sell more cards. In fact 'when a ‘father’s day’ was first proposed there were no Father’s Day cardsl •I UC‘ ■ m? Mrs. John B. Dodd, of Washington (state), first proposed the idea of a ‘father’s day’ in 1909. Mrs, Dodd wanted a special day to honor her father, William Smart, a Civil War veteran, who was widowed when his wife (Mrs-Dodd’s mother) died in childbirth with their sixth child. Mr. Smart was left to raise the newborn and his other five children by himself on a rural farm in eastern Washington state. It was after Mrs. Dodd became an adult that she realized the strength and selflessness her father had shown in raising his children as a single parent. The first Father’s Day was observed on June 19, 1910 in Spokane, Washington. At about the same time, in various towns and cities across America, other people were beginning to celebrate a ‘father’s day.’ In 1924, President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father’s Day. Finally, in 1966, President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father’s Day. Father s Day has become a day to nof'4dhij^tbnor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male f- —~ *- ^ i------ j *- • - —■•s, ©n\T icv friends are all to be honored on Father’s Dky. announcing the birth of his first daughter. Friday, Dec. 31, 1948 As a businessman, I’m used to doing inventory at the end of each year. During the past year, our camp had 24 births, (9 boys and 15 girls), two deaths and 4 weddings. Three and a half years ago, there were 50 of us from our home village of Ziri in Austrian refugee camps. Now we are down tb-6. Of those 50, 9 were Home Guardsmen who were forcibly returned to Yugoslavia, where they suffered a martyr’s death. (In addition to those, there were many others from our home village who stayed home after the . war and were killed by the communists). Another 10 went to the Spittal camp, and from there, most of those 10 went back home voluntarily. The larger camps had communist agents who convinced them to come back to the “workers’ paradise.” The camp administration (run by the United Nations and later by the International Refugee Organization) supported these efforts to convince people to go back home. They ran announcements on camp loudspeakers which were critical of refugee leaders such as Bishop Rozman. But most of the people Who returned voluntarily were men who had wives or.chib dren back home, and Were willing to risk prison and discrimination to be back • with their families. Many of the rest of our villagers went to Canada and Argentina. They were people such as my brother-in-law Mire, who joined the partisans earlier in die war, but went over to the Home Guard when he saw What the partisans really stood for. Even though Mire had a wife • and children in Slovenia, he could not return because he would be treated as a milb tary deserter. As for thyself, niy wife, Cilka, and our new baby ' Janko, our future is not much clearer now than it has been , for the past three years. We pray that 1949 will bring whiat we have been asking for so long - a home where we can work and live in freedom. (To Be Continued) '4 Father’yVay Greeting^ ^ American Home subscribers who are fathers ^Ve been enrolled in a Novena of Masses Winning on Father's Day and in a ^ ^embrance in all the prayers of the Marianists ^^9 this year._________'________________________ It has been a long time from that day, I was only a toddler when my mommy hugged me and kissed me. Years had passed since, and 1 grew up to become a soldier. They were hard times then and almost all young men became soldiers. We defended our homes and our villages from violent men with red stars on their berets and a clinched fist salute. We almost succeeded that fateful spring in eliminating the Bolshevik terror in our land, but Soviet hordes from the south helped them and we had to leave. Remember, mother, how you embraced me before 1 left. “Be careful, my son, and come back soon,” you said with tears in your eyes. I left with the others hoping to return in a fortnight. We went to Austria and in Vetrinj made camp by a creek next to a church. After several days the British announced that we are being transferred to a camp in Italy. We boarded the British trucks singing along the way. What a deception. They transported us to the Jugoslav border and under heavy hand turned us over to the Communist who brutalized us immediately. We had to give them everything we had of value. They packed us into freight railroad cars destined to Celje and from there on foot to the infamous camp of Teharje and here we rest... awaiting for the new spring when flowers and new growth sprouts from our remains. Mother, I treasure your kiss more than ever now when I am enjoying eternal peace. I vividly remember what you taught me, with love, to pronounce my first Slovenian words, helped me take my first step, and picked me up. when I fell on my face. Always looked after me, “My poor baby.” 1 grew up, went to school, met friends, and you always taught me to be honest and respectful to my fellowman. When I reached adulthood a terrible war broke out. In our midst appeared a group of men educated in Moscow and trained in the Spanish civil war, who ^ preached a new and violent 8 doctrine. I joined many others to confront them. I did what my conscience told me and what you taught me, but I landed in Teharje. I can see your tears when you learned that they murdered me. Mother, that fortnight will come soon and you, dad, and I will be together again, forever. —Tabor DSPB -S.V. Euclid Pensioners Picnic Slovene Pensioners of Euclid Annual Picnic will be held at the SNPJ Farm, Kirt-land, Ohio from noon to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, July 28, Dinner tickets are $13.00; dance only - $5.00. Music by A1 Battistelli. Information call Jackie <216)486-3522. Thoughtful articles Editor, Keep up with those interesting article?; especial ly the histories arid tinjely Slovenian news. Slovenia is united > at last within (tie Europa. The Seths would never allow this. —Tony Pechaver Rancho Cordova, CA When the well’s dry, we know the worth of water. -Bob Mills Paul J. Hribar Joyce Ann Hribar Attorneys at Law Omni Bldg., Suite S00 27801 Euclid Avenue, near 1-90 Euclid, Ohio 44132 216 -- 261 -0200 - fax 261-7334 - ; • Probate, Estate Planning Real Estate, Trusts and General Civil Practice Visit us www.hribarkiw.com For Sale WIOCLIFFE, Master bungalow, 4 hr,, 2Vt baths, dining room, family room w/wbfp, rec room, sun room, fenced yard, AC, 2/2 car garage, principles only, conventional, by owner, by appointment, call 440-943-1253, family space! $178,900. _______ —---■■ : 1 11 1 ' ■ 1 -—-1 Flower Power 2004 Seasonal Planting and Pruning, Grass cutting, edging, and planting flower beds and displays. Fertilizing and soil amendments available mulches, manure, and soils). Bird feeders, feeds, and bath fountains, Landscape Design tailor made for you... Call Michael J. Mivsek for appointment (216)361-9909 Make the gas company wonder if you’ve moved. Our Freedom 90 gaš furnace is one of the most efficient you can buy. Over 90% efficient - compared to arourtd 65% for most older furnaces. You can shrink your monthly gas bill to a fraction of its former self. And enjoy greater peace of mind, thanks to the Freedom 90 s lifetime limited warranty. So see your American-Standard dealer about the Freedom 90. and give your neighborhood meter reader something to wonder about. A AMERICAN I STANDARD \ \ \ I I / / / Built To A Higher Standard GORJAN (440)944-9444 „ Highland HtsPOH 44143 Y\ HEATING AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 17, AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 17, Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane*? * Harry by RAY MLAKAR Unfortunately, we lost another President, Ronald Reagan, and am sure a lot of our readers were watching the events on their TV. A sorrowful time for the family, friends, and America. Without a doubt he was admired by many for they came from far and near to pay tribute to him. As I look at the calendar I see it will be Father’s Day this coming Sunday and so here is wishing all fathers a “Happy Father’s Day,” a day set aside to pay homage, honor and respect to our fathers. Those of our readers who are fortunate to have fathers still living, be sure to tell him how much you appreciate all he has done for you over the years. As we reflect back, I am sure we can never thank him sufficiently for all he has done for us. This past week I, too, went to a wake for a commanding officer whom I served with in the U.S. Army Reserves as well as working with him at the Reserve Center as a civilian technician, Lt. Col. Paul P. Robinette. In going to the wake I was fortunate in meeting up with some of the soldiers who were in his unit. As I reflected back, it goes without saying that a good many of the commanders that I served with have died. I hope they are now with God. 1 knew Paul Robinette for well over 25 years as a commander as well as a civilian technician like I was. “Robby” as he was called, always seemed to have a good outlook and happy disposition, for nothing ever seemed to get him down. In the years that we worked together, he only moved up the ladder in his civilian status as a civil service employee. And moved up right along in his military career as a Lt. Col. When I first met him back in 1957 he was only a 2nd Lt. He was the commander of the 459,h Trans Co. which was an Amphibious Duck company. We had vehicles that were capable of driving on the road as well as in water. As I reflect back, everyone of the civilians that I worked with in the Battalion have already died and it seems that I am now the only one left from when we started in 1957. In last week’s article I stated that I, along with my transportation units, were being moved to the new Armory on the far East Side in Warrensville Township. If I thought it was a drive from Parma Heights to Garfield Heights, it was now double the distance driving out to Warrensville which was approximately 20 miles one way. It really got to be a hectic drive especially when they were building 1-480 highway, for during the years that I was working traffic was temporarily halted when it got to Brook-park in the Brooklyn area. Even though I was new to the Center, it did not take them long to insure that since I more or less looked after Schlegel USAR Center, I would assume the same kind of responsibility at Huisman USAR Center. Aside from insuring that various contractors were doing their jobs, when anything went wrong with the building itself, it was my responsibility to put in the necessary work requests to Columbus to have the obligatory repairs done. It seems that each week something went wrong either in the plumbing line, boiler failure or overhead garage doors did not operate. During the week they always left it up to me to insure that the windows were closed, lights were out, motor-pool gate secured and the American flag taken down. However, on weekends when we had a drill, I made it understood with the commanders that they would not dismiss the troops until he made sure the windows were closed, gates locked, flag taken down. Although the new Center was bigger in size, I felt it could not compare to Schlegel USAR Center for the new Center had only one vault where all the various units stored their weapons, whereas at Schle-gal, we had eight individual vaults. This enabled each unit to store their own weapons, as well as other sensitive items that needed extra security, in their own area. Well, I have quite a few stories of amusement to reflect upon and will bring those out in future articles, but feel it is now time for some old jokes. Some of the jokes you may have already heard. Not that I had them in my column, but they were used by one of the world’s greatest comedians, one who devoted a lot of his time to entertaining the Armed Forces. See if you can guess his name. Are you ready? Some of his famous quips were: “On turning 70, you still chase women, but only down hill. On turning 80, that’s the time of your life when even your birthday suit needs pressing. On turning 90: You know you are getting old when the candles cost more than the cake. When turning 100: I don’t feel old; in fact I don’t feel anything until noon. Then it is time for my nap.” On boxing: I ruined my hands in the ring, the referee kept stepping on them. On sailors: They spend the first six days of the week sowing their wild oats, then they go to church on Sundays and pray for a crop failure. On never winning an Oscar: Welcome to the Academy awards, or as it is called at my home, ‘Passover.’ On golf: Golf is my profession. Show business is just to pay the greens fees. On presidents: I have performed for 12 Presidents and entertained about six. On why he chose showbiz for his career When I was bom the doctor said to my mother, ‘Congratulations, you have an eight pound ham.’ On receiving the Congressional Gold Medal: I feel very humble, but I think I have the strength of character to fight it. On his family’s early poverty: Four of us slept in one bed. When it got cold, mother threw on another brother. On his six brothers: That’s how I learned to dance, - waiting for the bathroom. On his early failures: I would not have had anything to eat if it wasn’t for the stuff the audience threw at me. On going to heaven: I’ve done benefits for all religions. I had to blow the hereafter on a technicality. Did you guess who the comedian was? He was bom on May 29, 1903 and went to heaven on July 27, 2003. Although he was not bom in Cleveland, he got his start here and claimed it as his hometown. Give up. Okay, one more hint, his theme song was “Thanks for the Memories.” Well, I ‘HOPE’ you got it. It was Bob Hope. Well, I spoke my piece and time to say goodnight for the kerosene in my lamp is running low. In the Meantime, may the Good Lord Bless and Watch over all of you and keep you in good health. Jim’s Journal By Jim Debevec It's Cool To Be Slovenian! IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Kopor^, Jr. 27359 Tungsten Rd. Euclid, OH 44132 216—731-9780 Last Friday I didn’t get to watch too much of the President Ronald Reagan funeral in Washington, DC. When we came home from work around 9:30 p.m., we turned on the television; they were showing the second half of the funeral in Simi Valley, California. With the three-hour time difference, the sun was getting ready to make its spectacular exit from the western sky. Family and dignitaries were seated on a large platform with the casket in front of them and in the background you could see the clear sky with the sun beginning to make its descent over the horizon. President Reagan’s eldest son, Michael came up to the microphone and spoke admiringly about his father. Next came daughter Patti Davis who also gave a wonderful tribute to her dad. Finally, Ron Reagan came and really delivered a tremendous eulogy about his father. Then eight military personnel, representing all branches of Service, lifted the casket and brought it to its last resting place before burial. The color guard began to unfurl the American flag when the family minister came forward and spoke a final tribute. This lasted for some time while the military held their ramrod straight position, securely holding the flag a few inches on top of the casket. I was interested to see how they could bear up during this stand-perfectly-still time. As did the rest of the funeral, eve-■ything went perfect. The American flag which had been draped around the casket was then completely taken off, and folded its required 13 times, and presented to Nancy Reagan. All day long, she held up well and didn’t shed a tear. But holding the flag to her breast, Mrs. Reagan went up to the coffin, laid the flag on top and put her arms around the casket, kissed it and didn’t want to let go. Tears came down her cheeks. Anyone watching could not help but feel her sorrow. At length, the sun slowly faded over the mountains, extinguishing its light on that part of the earth and also bringing an end to the well-planned funeral services for a much-loved President, loving husband, and caring father. Genealogists Meet in July The Ohio chapter of the Slovenian Genealogy Society In tcrnational (SCSI) will holds its summer meetings as follows: WEST SIDE GROUP: Monday, July 12 at the'Parma Re gional Library, 7335 Ridge Road, 7 - 8:30 p.m. EAST SIDE GROUP: Tuesday, July 13 from 7 - 8:30 p 01 at the Euclid Public Library, 631 East 222 St. Linda Pinkava Silakoski, an attorney whose specialty >! immigration and naturalization law, will present an interestini program entitled, “When They Got Here, How They Stayed U.S. Immigration Law Then and Now.” Linda’s experience in this area of law certainly lends itsel! to our having a better understanding of why our families emigrated to the United States and what they had to deal with after reaching our shores. And she is Slovenian! If you have any questions call Rose Marie at 440-230' 2251. The SGSI is a non-profit organization incorporated under 501c(b) regulations. All donations are tax deductible and are used to preserve Slovenian ancestral records. Summer Polka Mass Wednesday, June 23 6:00 p.m. Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine Chardon Rd., Euclid, OH Dinner: $8. OO Available from 4 to 8 p.m. Contact Ed Harie 216 524-8126 or Gene March 440449-1783 FOR TICKET INFORMATION 5 Real beauty of berries by SUSAN V. SELIGSON Health These gems of the fruit world hold a special secret: fiber that tastes great. Few fruits deliver a thrill as sweet, messy, and primal as a blackberry or raspberry Plucked ripe from the bramble. Those who hike to pick berries the old-fashioned way brave danger-like thorns and swarming bees just to Set at the delectable morsels. Fortunately for those of us who fear getting scratched °r stung, berries are popping UP with heartening regularity 'n supermarkets, and no longer just during summer and fall. They can be a little Pricey, like many lush foods, but they are well worth it. (If Vou are . still worried about ^ remote risk of getting frfot tainted with the bug 'tyclospora, buy domestic berries - and wash them in c°ld water.) Blackberries, raspberries, and boysenberries have nutritional powers that eclipse foose of many other fruits. ~foe cup of berries packs half foe vitamin C you’ll need all Another antioxidant, anthocyanin, gives blackber-es their purple color and guard against cancer. erries are also a good *°Urce of folic acid, shown 0 Prevent neurological birth defeCts. .. But their best-kept secrets le ‘n the tiny seeds that get ?fock between your teeth and the gel that makes such ^rific jam and cobbler. Ber-es are among the tastiest, richest sources of fruit-borne fiber. Long touted for its health benefits, fiber is the indigestible part of plants that helps prevent heart disease, the nation’s leading killer, as well as colon cancer. In fact, some researchers believe that people who don’t eat enough fiber may be endangering their health just as much as.do people who smoke or let their high blood pressure go untreated. Like most plant foods, berries contain two basic kinds of fiber - water-soluble and insoluble; these add up to the “total dietary fiber” you sometimes see on nutrition charts. One berry is actually a cluster of many tiny fruits, each with its own seed that provides insoluble fiber, the same stuff that is in bran cereals. Surrounding each seed is a fleshy mini-fruit loaded with pectin, a soluble fiber that, when boiled, helped hold jam together. Many studies have found that soluble fiber lowers cholesterol, often the culprit in heart and artery disease. If that isn’t reason enough to love fiber, there is more. Researchers credit diets rich in fiber with preventing hemorrhoids. And one preliminary study found that insoluble fiber reduces blood levels of the hormone estrogen, which may lower a woman’s risk of breast cancer. How can something we don’t digest work such wonders? Think of fiber as a Roto-Rooter that clears junk from the body. Insoluble fiber - the stuff that forms the seeds of berries, puts the crunch in peppers, and gives the grit to whole wheat -absorbs the liquid in our intestines, adding bulk, which helps our bodies push waste out easily. Insoluble fiber may dilute the concentration of cancer-causing substances in our intestines. It may also speed up digestion, so there is simply less time for carcinogens to damage cells in the colon walls. Remember that berries are delicate and must be handled with care. When picking them from the vine, choose only those that slide readily off the stem; the others aren’t ripe. “Try to pick raspberries in the late afternoon, when the flavor is highest, or in early morning, when there is no dew on the fruit,” advises Robert Hendrickson, author of The Berry Book. Unlike raspberries with their hollow centers, blackberries are pludked core and all. Those of us who do our picking in the produce aisle should know that these thin-skinned fruits begin molding a few days after they are picked, so buy berries no more than two days before you intend to eat them. You may put berries in salads or pop a handful in your mouth and let the juice stain your tongue and run down your chin. Your clothes may never recover, but your heart will thank you. Success is getting what you want... happiness is liking what you get. O^LEY park, SOUTH EUCLID, Oflk) -7 Charlie Ipavec and family enjoy the ^!nal Herrmann’s Royal Lipizzafte^Sfa'lfions'of Austria hosted by the City of South h0r 1(1 and the Cuyahoga County Libraryfatouth Euclid Branch. The show featured 18 \^es to an audience of 3,000 over a ’3-(faV period. The highlight of the show was Airs l^pVe the Ground where a stallioft performs'a vertically military capriole (a verticle s. a backward kick of the hind legs at the height of the leap). (Photo by PHILIP R. HRVATIN) i---i--------------------------------i Apricot Delight Cream 1 cup soft butter and 1 cup sugar. Sift 2 cup i i flour, Vi t. salt, Vi t. baking soda. Mix slowly into creamed , i mixture. Stir in 1 Vi c. flaked coconut, Vi c. chopped nuts.! \ Press 3 cups of this mixture into 13x9 greased pan. Bake 12 ! i minutes at 400°. Take out and spread 1 cup apricot jam on i ! top. Spread the rest of crumb mixture on top and bake 25 , l minutes more. If jam is too thick, you could add a little water , , so it spreads easily. From the personal cookbook of the late \ X --Frances Peterlin i Taco Salad Dinner \ This is my brother Larry’s creation, inspired by BW3’s t taco salad. He promises that this is much better. Ingredients: 2 lb. ground meat 2 packets of taco seasoning 2 Vidalia onions, chopped 1 head of lettuce, shredded 2 large tomatoes, cut up 16 oz. shredded cheddar cheese Mild or hot taco sauce 1 bag of Tostitos Directions: In a large skillet, brown the ground meat and when fully ! cooked, drain the grease. Mix in taco seasoning. Turn the i heat down and let it simmer for 10 minutes. Meanwhile,, shred the lettuce, chop the onions and tomatoes. To serve, place the meat in the center of the plates,, topping with the cheddar cheese and taco sauce. Microwave i for 30 seconds to melt the cheese. Next, spread the onions,! then tomatoes on the mixture, and top with the shredded! lettuce. Arrange the Tostitos around the plates for a finishing \ touch. —Kim Ann Kaifesh! X Our Family and Friends Recipes \ PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 17, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 17, 2004 Adventures in Spain by ANN MARIE MANFREDA NOTE: Ann Maric Manfreda of Cleveland is finishing her senior year at Kent State University. Part of her circulum include a work-studies program in Spain for the summer. This is her first report on her adventures in Spain: MADRID, Spain (via Internet) — Today is Monday (June 14), my second week here. This past weekend was great. We went to Ibiza Island off the coast of Spain from Friday until early morning Sunday. We got up really early as our flight was at 5:55 a.m. on Sunday, so we had only three hours of sleep that night. The island is beautiful. The beach we went to is very clean and the water is like five different shades of blue. It was amazing to see. Basically, we laid out and shopped, but it was nice to get away for a weekend. However, it was so touristy, that it felt like we weren’t in Spain any longer. The majority of the people who go to Ibiza are English and surprisingly, French. It is only two hours for them to get to Ibiza so it’s almost like a vacation spot for them. I’m having a lot of fun here and meeting lots of different people. We were told that a new group of 30 students are coming in next week for six weeks from UCF Florida. That is where most of my classmates are from, but they are not doing Adelante, they’re doing it strictly for a grade through their school. So we are all excited waiting for the new people to show up. We haven’t had a chance to go to any museums, but we will next week. I will start my job Monday. I met a Slovenian guy when we were sitting at Puerta del Sol. He was a biker and he hiked all the way from Ljubljana to Madrid. He said that some of his belongings had been stolen while he slept. His last stop was in Portugal to see the Europa 2004 football games. Till next time... ■ LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services Rokodelec Contractor jf'it not your worst fears; to your confidence rather than your doubts. My dream i's that you will travel the road ahead with liberty’s lamp guiding your steps and opportunity’s arm steadying your way.” -Ronald Wilson Reagan ___________________--St. Vitus Catholic War Vets Newsletter Used To Be Useful... by JOE GLINŠEK G. Washington was a Very early instant coffee drinker. He had individual stubs topped with a found trademark seal - each good for one cup of very bad c°ffee. Instant coffee has c°nte a long way since then, hut my one big mug per day ‘sstill ‘perked.’ Half & Half tobacco in tlns that telescoped down to half size when contents were being depleted. A good idea Ihen, when most pipe tobacco came in tins, as did Sotite cigarettes. But pipe tobacco now comes in a c°nvenient pouch - you can hll the bowl by dipping right to- Big improvement, but hardly anyone smokes any-toore. Bike wheel hub wipers, a eather strap that was shaped and Weighted to stay in place °n the hub while the wheel totaled - kept the hub shiny aad clean. A good idea that toould be revived. Maybe it as been, but I’ve not seen ein on a bike for decades. . This little G.I. device may ^'H be around, but I doubt it. ^ing on a neck chain my ‘dog tags,’ and less "rith an half their size, this in-jtonious can opener was toged to fold flat, and I j lcked open to an ‘L’ shape. . °Pened a can of C-rations h nothing flat, but you eded young fingers. As ."bple as a safety pin, and clever. Window sash weights . from concrete and at-ned to a rope suspended 0llnd a pulley to hang in- side the wall - really primitive. Spring steel friction replaced these parts and the passage way for the thick round cement sausage. Why did it take so many years to go from Stone Age to what is available now? In the interim, a simple rubber wedge did the job when the rope rotted and dropped the concrete sausage into the bowls of the wall. When car windshields were one piece, flat and straight up and down, many of them had a little metal awning tripping down from the roof, and some windows opened and tilted out from the bottom. Good ventilation, but after a while, the rubber window seal dried, cracked, and leaked. Then there was the ventilator that opened a screened air scoop in the center of the cowl between the windshield and the back edge of the hood. A lever under the dash opened the vent a little or a lot. Good air flow, but it also blew all the dust and debris off the floor of the car into your face. Modem slanted two-piece windshields were more streamlined, but also let sun and glare into your eyes. Early in the 1950s, some cars offered a generous metal awning to shade the windshield, and your eyes. Worked fine, except when stopped at a traffic light, you couldn’t see it change without contorting your body. Solution: a prism on the dash. Better solution: get rid of awning and prism, thus eliminating awning’s wind resistance and noise* and annoying flashes of light from the prism. Best solution: designing better inside visors. Talking about car stuff, remember those nifty little bug deflectors that cost less than a buck and actually worked? It was amazingly efficient at directing the oncoming mosquitoes and Canadian soldiers (pesky northern Ohio bugs), up and over the roof. Would love to have one down here in Florida in May and September when the love bugs (pesky Florida things), often create a real hazard to driving, and if not immediately scrubbed and washed off, will pit your paint job. Imagine, this little plastic gadget, smaller than a pair of hands, and all you had to do was clip it to your hood ornament. “What’s a hood ornament?” you ask. Well, every car used to have a distinctive, often beautiful, ornament attached front and center on the hood. It identified the make of the car, plus it gave you a sense of where the front wheels were when you were parking. Rarely see them anymore, so there is nowhere to attach a simple bug deflector. Elaborate and expensive custom deflectors now have to be attached somewhere under the front lip of the hood. Florida cars are often seen with ugly screen netting wrapped around the front of the car and secured with elastic hands hooked to the lip of the front fenders. (To Be Continued) Mayonnaise Jar 7 and the Coffee A professor stood before his philosophy class and had some items in front of him. When the class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very large and empty mayonnaise jar and proceeded to fill it with golf balls. He then asked the students if the jar was full. They agreed it was full. The professor then picked up a box of pebbles and poured them into the jar. He shook the jar lightly. The pebbles rolled into the open area between the golf balls. He then asked the students again if the jar was full. They said yes. The professor next picked up a box of sand and poured it into the jar. Of course, the sand filled up everything else. He asked once more if the jar was full. The students said yes. The professor then produced two cups of coffee from under the table and poured the entire contents into the jar, effectively filling the empty space between the sand. The students laughed. “Now,” said the professor, as the laughter subsided, “I want you to recognize that this jar represents your life. “The golf balls are the important things - your family, your children, your health, your friends, and your favorite passions -things that if everything else was lost and only they remained, your life would still be full. “The pebbles are the other things that matter like your job, your house, your car. ‘The sand is everything else - the small stuff. “If you put the sand into the jar first,” he continued, “there is no room for the pebbles or the golf balls. The same goes for life. If you spend all your time and energy on the small stuff, you will never have room for the things that are important to you. Pay attention to the ‘hings that are critical to your happiness. Play with your children. Take time to get medical checkups. Take your partner out to dinner. Play another 18 holes. There will always be time to clean the house, and fix the disposal. Take care of the golf balls first, the things that really matter. “Set your priorities. The rest is just sand.” One of the students raised her hand and inquired what the coffee represented. The professor smiled. “I’m glad you asked,” he said. “It just goes to show you that no matter how full your life may seem, there is always room for a cup of coffee with a friend.” Thanks to Mark Ryavec for these thoughts. Time flies like an arrow. -- Fruit flies like a banana. —Bucky Ccess consists of getting P Just one more time than ■squall. -Oliver Goldsmith Help Wanted j. Gorky and Lenny’s ^taurant, 17091 Chagrin fovU-, Beachwood, looking k outstanding cook and i ! man. 35 years in jness. For further jtormation call 216-464- iftsten to R|the wj SLOVENIAN ^ HOUR On 50,000 Watt ^ Cleveland Public Radio fa* T°ny Ovsenik ^ 440-944-2538 Kres Says Thanks for Success The senior members of Folklorna Skupina Kres thanks all who attended their summer picnic this past Saturday, June 12, at Slovenska Pristava. The evening was a success. Thank you to the KSKJ lodges Sacred Heart of Jesus #172 and Christ the King #226 for allowing us to participate in their Matching Funds program. That is a big assistance in raising funds for our trip to Slovenia. We extend a gracious thank you to the families and friends who volunteered their time and skills at the picnic. We appreciate the wonderful publicity from the Ameriška Domovina and Slovenian radio programs. And Thank you to all who came and spent the evening with us and made it enjoyable. Also Kres would now like to take the time to thank everyone who has played a part over the past year-and-a-half in our journey to Slovenia. Thank you to the parents and families who have helped in various ways in planning the trip. We appreciate your support and encouragement. And finally, we are extremely grateful to all who have helped us monetarily, from purchasing dinner and raffle tickets to making donations. Because of all of you, our dream have become a reality and Kres will finally be able to dance on Slovenian soil. We will definitely share our memories with you. I am enough of an artist to draw freely upon my imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. --Albert Einstein Stretch Your Vacation Dollars + Save Time! Euclid Travefs agents have the expertise to plan a vacation that fits your budget and lifestyle. euclidIS^ TF=*A\/EI*m* 22078 Lakeshore Blvd., Euclid, Ohio 44123 1-216-261-1050, travel ©euclidtravel com AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 17, 2004 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 17, 2004 WORK IN PROGRESS: View of upper St. Vitus church roof as well as radius of the church and upper chimney. Copper has been installed in the valley sections of the upper roof with tiles partially installed on west, east and center portions of the upper roof. Protect Children from Sun Questions may be directed to: Cancer Answers, Cleveland Clinic Cancer Center (R23), 9500 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44195, or call 1-800-862-7798. QUESTION: I have heard a lot of publicity about sunscreen. I have small children. Are there any special recommendations for sun protection for children? ANSWER: Most dermatologists recommend sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 to 30 for young children. Incidentally, this is the SPF most often recommended by dermatologists for adults, as well. The sunscreen should also protect against both UVA and UVB rays. When you’re shopping for sunscreen, these are the most important factors. Other things you may notice on the label include “PABA free,” waterproof, lotion, and gel. PABA is a substance found in many products. Some people are allergic to PABA, making “PABA free’ 'products best for them. Waterproof products are best if a person is likely to be swimming or sweating. Lotion or gel is strictly personal preference. Lotions contain moisturizers and are good for people with dryer skin. Gels are better for people with oily skin. Many sunscreen manufacturers have begun developing products specifically for kids. Chemically there is no difference between these and adult products. However, some of the products, such as those that are bright colored, may make application more fun for children. Thus, they are better coated and better protected. Some manufacturers have now developed “chemical free” sunscreens which may offer an alternative to the traditional sunscreens. Other products such as sun protective clothing, hats, and sunglasses are also good ideas for use in the sun. When we think of sun protection, we often think of beaches or pools and sunbathing. Children (and adults, too) spend many hours in the sun doing other things such as playing, yard work, ball games, golfing, or even riding in cars. Sun protection should be a normal part of going outside for any purpose. Also, when planning to spend time outside, avoid the peak sun hours of 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. If you are depending on sunscreen for protection, the most important thing to remember is reapplication. Sunscreens, even when waterproof, v/ill come off with minimal effort. Wiping off with a towel (or sleeve) can remove sunscreen easily. In addition, sunscreens are designed to last only limited time before reapplication is recommended. Skin cancer is on the rise and scientists believe that sun damage during our young years is particularly risky. Protecting children when they are young may save their lives. —Ruth Fritskey, MSN, RN, AOCN The Cleveland Clinic Man of House Joke The man of the house stormed into his home and walked up to his wife. Pointing a finger in her face, he said, “From now on I want you to know that I am the man of the house, and my word is law. I want you to prepare me a gourmet meal tonight, and when I’m finished my meal, I expect a scrumptious dessert. Then, after dinner you’re going to draw me my bath so I can relax, and when I’m finished, guess who’s going to dress me and comb my hair? His wife said, “Rich Zele, the funeral director.” —Emilee Jenko Some years ago the New York Yankees ran into a record-breaking heat wave at their Florida training base. After his workout and shower, Yogi waited outside the clubhouse for Joe Di-Maggio. Dressed in white slacks, a cream-colored polo shirt and white loafers, he was greeted by a passing female fan. “Hello, Yogi,” she said, “You look mighty cool.” - “Thanks,” Berra replied, “and you don’t look too hot, yourself.” A sandwich walks into a bar. The barman says, “Sorry, we don’t serve food in here.” —Phil Hrvatin Executive Office Space Downtown Euclid First Floor Inquiries call: (216) 289-7729 If you don’t pay your exorcist you get repossessed. Coming Events Friday, June 18 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., 7:30 - 11:30 p.m. featuring Tony Fortuna. Saturday, June 19 SPD Tabor, gathering and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 20 SPD Tabor, celebration and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Juhe 20 Collinwood Slovenian Home prepares Breakfast 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. featuring- eggs, sausage, bacon, hash browns, toast, coffee, juice — $5.00. Wednesday, June 23 Waterloo Pensioners Club Annual Picnic at SNPJ Farm, Heath Rd., Kirtland. Dinner served 1 p.m. - two breaded pork chops with all the trimmings - $12.00 which includes gate admission and dinner. Music 2:30 - 5:30 by Fred Ziwich. Tickets call 216-481-0163. Friday, June 25 Dance at West Park Slovenian Hall, 4583 W. 130 St., 7:30 - 11:30 p.m. featuring Stan Mejac. Friday, June 25 Barbecue Chicken Dinner-Dance at Newburgh Slovenian Home, E. 80lh, serving 5 to 7:30 p.m. Music by Joe Novak and Friends from 6:30 - 9:30 p.m. Reservations (216) 341-6136 or (216) 475-7946. Sunday, June 27 Ohio KSKJ Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 27 First Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Saturday, July 3 Sunday, July 25 St. Vitus Slovenian Language School hosts Annual Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, July 28 Slovene Pensioners of Euclid Annual Picnic at SNPJ Farm, Kirtland, OH, 12 noon to 5 p.m. Dinner tickets $13.00, dance only -$5.00. Music by A1 Battis-telli. Information call (216) 486-3522. Sunday, Aug. 1 Picnic by retirees of Slovenska Pristava. , Sunday, Aug. 8 Primorski Club picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 15 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Church Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 15 Second Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Wednesday, Aug. 18 Federation of American Slovenian Senior Citizens invite all to their annual picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Rd. Dinner 1 p.m. Music fof dancing by Frank Moravcik. Dinner & dance @ $13.00. Tickets from clubs or call (216) 481-0163 or (440) 943-3784. Saturday, Aug. 28 Štajerski Prekmurski Club picnic featuring Planinski Kvintet at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Sept. 4 Pristava Picnic. Saturday, Sept. 11 Folklorna Skupina Kres 50lh Anniversary Performance at Slovenian National Home. Slovenska Pristava fund raiser for new hall - Stari Prijatelji. Sunday, July 4 Alfi Nipie and the Avsenik Singers from Slovenia perform at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, OH. Dinners served 1 to 3; music and dancing 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Balina contest. Admission $5.00. Sunday, July 11 Mission Picnic at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Sunday, July 11 Catholic Mission Picnic (MZA) at Slovenska Pristava. Wednesday, July 14 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Annual Picnic at VFW Post 4358 on White Rd, noon - 6 p.m. Free admission. Music by Fred Ziwich. Refreshments available. Information call 440-943-3784. Friday, July 16 Slovenska Pristava Picnic featuring Alfi Nipič. Sunday, July 18 * St. Vitus Parish Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. f Sunday, Sept. 12 St. Vitus Altar Society dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium. Sunday, Sept. 19 Wine Festival at TriglaV Park in Wind Lake, Wis. Sunday, Sept. 19 Wine festival featuring Grand Avenue Band at Slovenska Pristava. Sept. 24-26 Bishop Baraga Day®’ L’Anse-Baraga area Michigan. Sunday, Oct. 10 Koline dinner (Retirees of Slovenska Pristava.) Sunday, Oct. 17 St. Mary’s School Alumni (Collinwood) A11' nual Banquet following * noon Mass. Sunday, Oct. 24 Newburgh Slovenian Home, E. 80Ih St., Annual Clambake catered by Map^j Hts. Catering. Serving 2 -p.m. Music by Joe Novak 4 7 p.m. Labor Day Weekend Bishop Baraga gathering in Cleveland, Ohio. ____ Death Notices BLAŽ VAVPETIČ Blaž Vavpetič, son of Anton and Johanna was bom the eldest of four children on Feb. 7, 1915 in Spodne Palovce, Kamnik, Slovenia. Blaz leaves his wife, Marija (Oblak) of 63 years; sons Nick (Christine) of Rome, OH, Joe (Mary) of Thompson, Tony (Helen) of Concord; daughters Mary Rankel of Geneva, and Katherine Logsdon of Austinburg; sister Marija Rizjak of Spodne Palovce. He was grandfather of 12; and great-grandfather to 11; s>ster-in-law Margaret Oblak °f Rome, Ohio. He was preceded in death hy his parents and two sisters Johana and Ivanka. Blaz served in the Yugo-alav army before WWII and enlisted in the anticommunist Home Guard (Domobranci) during the Slovenian Revolution taking Place during WWII. Blaz and Marija were •narried at St. Peter’s Church in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 1941 and started their family w>th the birth of daughter Mary and son Nick. They were forced to flee h's beloved Slovenia in '945. The family took up fesidence in the refugee (Displaced Persons) camp in ^Pittal, Austria where son J°e was bom. In 1950 he and his then family emigrated to Cleve-'and, Ohio where they resided until 1958. Son Tony and daughter Kathy were norn in Cleveland during this I'ttiea Blaz then moved his family to Thompson, Ohio '''here he and his wife, barija, put down their roots. Truly .a man for all sea-s°ns, Blaz was a self-taught accordion player, machinist, farmer, carpenter, singer, ec-keeper, wine-maker, pi-ll0chle player, and chess Player. Blaz spent many years riving to Cleveland selling heir farm-raised produce, ^e also worked as a machinist at Elwell Parker for h years. He retired from mwell Parker in 1983. Diaz enjoyed his family arM friends, was always ^ick to smile, was happy to pertain with a song, or tune P'ayed 0n his accordion, or are a story with his grand-children. A staunch anti-c°mmunist, Blaz was a hr°ud veteran of the Domo-.r^nci and a member of fc^jCJ Lodge 172 for over 50 years. Blaz was a member of St. Patrick’s parish in Thompson and a devout Catholic. He never ended the day without a prayer. Mass of Christian Burial was at 11 a.m. on Tuesday, June 8, 2004 at St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, Thompson, with Rev. Paul Smith officiating. Burial in St. Patrick’s Cemetery. VIRGINIA R. SOMRAK Virginia R. Somrak (nee Sharon), age 78, beloved wife of 56 years of Robert Sr.; dear mother of Robert Jr. (Darlene) and Linda (Bob) Hilbig; grandmother of Rob and Veronica Somrak and Robert and Michael Hilbig; sister of Rosemarie Paluckas, Goldie Sullivan, Thelma O’Hara, Michael Sharon, Betty Ridenour, Bill Sharon and the late Frank and Lawrence Sharon. .1; Virginia passed away on Wednesday, June 9, 2004. • Mass of Christian Burial was held on Monday, June 14 at St. Paul Church (Chardon Rd.) at 9:30 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery.' Family received friends at Brickman & Sons Funeral Home, 21900 Euclid Ave., on Sunday, June 13 from 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Contributions to Ireland Cancer Center of University Hospital will be appreciated by family. BOLESLAV POVSIC Boleslav Povsic, age 83 of Twinsburg. Bom in Grgar, Slovenia, died June 4, 2004. Beloved husband of Draga (nee Ovsenek) and the late Francka (nee Bolha); dear father of Maria and Thomas Povsic; stepfather of Tanja Holecek and Draga Anthony;’ loving step-grandfather of Alexandra, Elizabeth and Christopher; dearest son of the late Stefan and Terezija; loving uncle of Anica Grebenc-Chufo; brother of the following deceased: Stefan, Tereza, Tone, Anka, Stanko, Lojze, Marica and Mirko. Mr. Povsic was a Ph.D. at Bowling Green State University. Mass of Christian Burial Wednesday, June 9 at 9:30 a.m. at St. Rita Church, Church in Solon, OH. Interment All Souls Cemetery. Memorials may be made to St. Aloysius Church Endowment Fund, 150 S. Enterprise, Bowling Green, OH 43402 or the Salesian Missions, P.O. Box 30, New Rochelle, NY 10802. Big Donation Thanks to Angela Bregar of Borovnica, Slovenija who submitted a $100 donation to the Ameriška Domovina. She writes, “I thoroughly enjoy reading the Slovenian section of the American Home every week which is sent by my cousin, Bob Hopkins. Please accept this $100 donation and keep up the good work!” 2ele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452E. 152St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 w Family owned and operated since 1908 _ In Memory Thanks to Stanley P. Ferkul of Madison, OH who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of Janez and Julka Ferkul. In Memory Thanks to Joyce E. Ple-mel of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of her husband, Joseph Plemel. In Loving Memory OF OUR HUSBAND AND UNCLE ' ' .J1 Tony Okicki 19,h Anniversary He passed away June 22, 1985 God took him home; it was His will. But in our hearts we love him still. His memory is as dear today as in the hour he passed away. We often sit and think of him when we are alone, For memory is the only friend that grief can call its own. Wife — Mary Many nieces and nephews In Loving Memory Of the 8,h Anniversary of the Death of Our Friend John Orazem Died June 19,1996 It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God took you home. Sadly missed by: Family of Mary Okicki In Memory Thanks to Norma M. Griff of Concord, OH who added a $15.00 donation to her subscription renewal in memory of her parents, Joseph and Antonia Alich. Donation Thanks to John and Frances Mauric of Richmond Hts., OH who renewed their subscription and added a $20.00 donation. .In Loving Memory of Josephine Grdina who died on June 22, 1975 Your memory is our keepsake With which we will never part Though God has you in His keeping, We will always have you in our heart. Sadly missed by Sons: Joseph and Anthony Daughters-in-law Mary and Betty Grandchildren, and Great-Grandchildren Donation Thanks to Jennie Tuma of Wickliffe, OH who added a $25.00 donation to her subscription renewal. Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Justina Novak, Oshawa, Ont. - $5.00 Louis and Vera Grego-rich, Lemont, IL Stanley Dolsina, Duluth, MN -$15.00 Frank Grcar, Hambden Township, OH — $15.00 Lillian Starck, Kirtland, OH - $15.00 John Žakelj, St. Paul, MN -$15.00 Jack Susel, Fairview Park, OH -$15.00 Joe Mihelich, Cleveland, OH -$13.00 Terezija Teskac, Euclid, OH - $5.00 Frank Klement, Pembroke Pines, FL — $5.00 Elsie Zaletel, Haiku, Hawaii — $15.00 Caroline Kastelic, Euclid, OH -$15.00 Mike Grdadolik, Greenfield, WI - $5.00 Marko Černe Cleveland Hts., OH -$15.00 Bogdan and Louise Kovacic, Manhattan Beach, CA - $5.00 Dr. Joseph Kovacic, Colonial Hts., VA — $15.00 Rev. John Retar, Berea, OH -$15.00 There is no end to everlasting life. - Stephen Majercik 8396 Mentor Ave Mentor, Oh 44060 .Office: 440-951-2123 Fax: 440-255-4290 MegaMillion Dollar Producers "The Lucas Team" Roger Lucas v.m. 440-974-7207 Donna Lucas v.m. 440-974-7217 email: r.lucas@realtyone.com d.lucas@realtyone.com Specialists in Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 Dr. Zenon A. Klos E. 185"'Area * 531-7700 ■’ — Emergencies-Dental fnsurance Accepted Laboratory on Premises - Same Day Denture Repair COMPLETE DENTAL CARE FACILITY 848 E. 185 St. (between Shore Carpet and John’s Fun House) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 17, 2004 w o Roster of Organizations r-' r—I uj Imenik slovenskih društev z D Z Slovenski narodni domovi Slovenian National Homes > o S o Q oi w I FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES President: Pat Ipavec Clarke; Is1 Vice President: Tony Mannion; 2nd Vice President: Robert Royer; Treasurer: Lou Grzely; Recording Secretary: Chris Hammond; Corresponding Secretary: Chris Hammond, Robert Hopkins; Auditors: Anna Mae Mannion and Evelyn Pipoly, and Ed Gabrosek. Historians: Joe Petrie, Ed Gabrosek. BARBERTON SLOVENE PENSIONERS CLUB 114 - 5l 1 St., N.E. Barberton, OH 44203 SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6417 St. Clair Ave. (216) 361-5115 E-mail: SNH6409@worldnet.att.net President Emeritus: Edward Kenik; President: Robert A. Hopkins; Vice President: Dale Lunder; Recording Secretary.: Sylvia Plymesser; Business Secretary: Geraldine Hopkins; Treasurer: Alex Spinos; Members: Joanne Fordyce, Patricia Ipavec-Clarke, Lawrence Hočevar, Antonia Žagar, David Hočevar, Deborah Davidson, Charles F. Ipavec, Marjanca Hočevar, Ellen Lunder, Shelli March, Richard Godic, Ann Opeka, Richard Trivisonno, Jeff Zabukovec, Healther Davidson, John Leonard. Alternates: Charles T. Ipavec, Scott Lunder, Zoeann Zak Morrell, Nick Vertosnik. FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SLOVENIAN SENIOR CITIZENS President: Matt Kajfez; Vice President: Larry Hočevar; Secretary: Matt Zabucevec; Treasurer: Pat Nevar; Auditors: Dorothy Gorjup, Grace Marinch, Frank Sadar. President: Sarah’Kumse; Vice President: Betty Jevec; Secretary-Treasurer: Ann Novak; Recording Secretary: Shirley Fister; Auditors: Mary Poje, Mary Steiner, Betty Jevec; Fed. Reps.: Sarah Kumse, Betty Jevec, Ann Novak, Ray Palcic. Alternate: Bill Stopar. Meetings every first Thursday of the month at 12 noon at Prince of Peace Church, (formerly Sacred Heart Church) hall, 1263 Shannon Ave., Barberton. SNPJ YOUTH CIRCLE 2 President: Kristy Zivkovich; Vice President: Frances Kocin, Recording Secretary Joe Radisek; Attendance Secretary Colleen Frank; Treasurer: Matt Skrajner; Historian Mary Ann Kocin; Music Director: Cecilia Dolgan. Meet on Thursdays, 7 p.m., at Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. Programs: Sunday, Nov. 14, Fall Concert, 3 p.m., Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH. KLUB UPOKOJENCEV SLOV. PRISTAVE: COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME President: Evelyn Pipoly; Vice President: Deanna Miklich; Treasurer: Joyce Segulin; Financial Secretary: Alba Plutt; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Corresponding Secretary: Karen Richard; Auditors: Michael Pipoly, John Plutt, Mary Podlogar, Alternates: John Hozjan, Arlene Martin. House Committee: Domenic Cekada, John Plutt, John Hozjan; Alternate: Steve Richard; Directors: Ann Dagg, Mary Blatnik; Alternate: Tony Miklich. ST. CLAIR PENSIONERS CLUB 6409 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 President: Sylvia Plymesser (216) 391-9453; Vice President: Helen Snyder; Recording Secreury: Marcie Mills; Financial Secretary: Lawrence Hočevar, 1364 E. 43 St., Cleveland, OH 44103; Sunshine: Irene Toth; Auditors: Anthony Brodnik, Emilee Jenko, Antoinette Krajc; Tour Coordinator: Jeanette Rumanski. Meetings held on the third Thursday of each month at 1 p.m., in the Kenik Room of the St. Clair S.N.H. Predsednik: Ivan Jakomin; Podpredsednika: Vinko Vrhovnik in Pepca Kastigar; Tajnica: Martina Štepec, 1958 Brushview Dr., Richmond Hts., OH 44143 (tel.: (440) 944-0016; Blagajnik: Pavle Intihar; Zapisnikar: Frank Urankar; Nadzorni Odbor: Minka Kmetich, Edi Veidcr; Odborniki: August Dragar, Julka Zalar, Marija Kocian, Mary Vrhovnik, Julka Mejač, Olga Kalar, Štefka Jarem, Tonckla Urankar, Štefka Zidar, in Tone Štepec. MISIJONSKA ZNAMKARSKA AKCUA (MZA - CMA) Predsednica: Marica Lavriša; podpri' scdnica: Jelka Kuhel; tajnica, zapisnikaric8' Mari Celestina, 4935 Gleeten Rd., Richmond Hts. OH 44142; blagajnika: Helena Nemcj" 1019 E. 171 St., Cleveland, OH 44119 nj Mario Tominc, 107 Snavely Rd., Richmon Hts., OH 44143. Nadzorni odbor: Ani 1*' mec, Tončka Urankar, Ivanka Tominc. ^ borniki; Ana in Rudi Knez, Viktor in Nej*’ Tominec, Marija Ribič, Frank Kuhel, Tom*3 Lamovec, Vinko in Mary Vrhovnik. Nam«51' niki: Lovro Rozman, Helena Gorše, ^ Miklavčič. SLOVENIAN PENSIONERS OF EUCLID President: Lori Sierputowski; Vice President: Jackie Ullc, Financial Secretary and Membership: Jeannette Yen; Recording Secretary and Reporter: Carolyn Janezich; Treasurer Frank Kosten; Auditors: Frank Sadar, Chmn., Stana Grill, Frank Sechnick, NEWBURGH-MAPLE HTS. PENSIONERS CLUB President: Art Zanutic; Vice President; Florence Mtrtcl; Financial Secretr.ry; Olga Dorchak (330) 468-7989; Recording Secretary: Clara Hrovat; Membership/Sunshine: Olga Sray; Auditors: Tony Kaplan, Kay Yuratovac, John Kužnik. SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland, Oil 44! 10 216—4*1-5378 and Lillian Dombrowski, alternate; Sergeant- FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB President: Tony Satej; Vice President: Julianne Centa; Treasurer: Carol Satej; Recording Secretary: Ann Purebar; Auditors: Jo Gomick, Jo Minello; Sgt.-at-Arms: Alice Martinčič: Ticket Sales: Dorothy Nemura. Oltarno društvo fare Sv. Marfje VnebO***K Duhovni vodja: Rev. John M. Kum**1 predsednica: Ani Nemec; podpredsednic* Nežka Cerer; blagajničarka: Paula Hauptm*"' 25922 Highland Rd., Richmond Hts., ® 44143, tel. 216-481.1871; tajnica: Marica l>' riša; zapisnikarica: Mari Celestina; nadzornic* Tončka Urankar, Maiy Podlogar, M*1* Frank; zastavonošinja: Josephine Sežun. Sim-. pno sv. obhajilo vsako prvo nedeljo v m*3* cu pri sv. mašo ob 10. dop. Isti dan poP°l' dne ob 1.30 ura molitve, po blagoslovu Pa seja v sobi za sestanke v šoli. af-Artns: Jack Selan; Sunshine Lady: Doris M. Pokopac; Tour Organizer: Mimi Stibil; Historian: Marion E. Bocian. KLUB LJUBLJANA ■ ^ Meetings held the last Tuesday 0 ,| month, 1 p.m., at Slovenian Society President: Tom Cpbular; Financial Sec- GLASBENA MATIČA President: Dan Hrvatin, 580 Pcbblebrook Drive. Willoughby Hills. OH 44094, Ph: (440) 944-1243; Ia Vice President: Paul 10713 Recher Ave,, Euclid. ^ President: Ann Bauha; Financial tary arid Treasurer: Stephanie Segulin (_ ' 45H876; Recording . Seeretmy: Trunkley. Auditors are Ceil Zinder and , ise Truukfey. Bartenders: Frank Sadat Frank Skoda. CPA. ,; 4Ldri Sidputowskt. Rehearsals held Monday evenings from 7:30 - 9:30 pan,, at the SNH; Room 2, 6409 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland., For information call (440) 944-1243. Neip Concert: Saturday. Nov. 20. , - SLOVENIAN SOCIETV HOM? LADIES AUXILIARY 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH 44119C2439 tm Hume. m 'V'j'.L.r'; SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME President.’ Esther Podboy; Vice President: Stephanie Segulin; Secretary/Treasurer: Chris Hammond; Recording Secretary: Marion E. Bocian; Audit Chainnan: Henry Kapel; V Auditors: Oonna Helmecy. Frank Korelec; ' House Committee: Max Jeric, joe Bergoč, nwuse ^ommiuee. wax Jcnc, joc Uergoc, Valeria Korošec; McmbfeishipfSunshine: mm WATERLOO BALINCA CLUB President; Violet M. Rupena (440) 943-7212); Vice President. Ray Polantz; Treasurer: Marilyn Vidmar; Secretary: Eleanor Codec; Auditors: Hank Skariaez, Mary. Vesel, Harold White . We welcome new members to join us for fun and friendship. KOROTAN Predsednica: Cvetka Rihtar; podpredsednica: Mary Ann Vogel; podpredsednik: Frank Lovšin; tajnica; Maruša Pogačnik, 7628 So- , “Members of Ladies Auxiliary Sloveni®®^ ciety Homev featuring Monday night din0*18 • ST. MARY’S Maruša Chappin Falls Lane, Rutland, OH 44094; - blagnicArka: Helena Nemec;'nadzorni odbor: Janez Nemec, Zdenka Zakrajšek, odborniki: Martina Jakomin, Cirila. Kermavner, Mimi Režonja, Blazenai Rihtar, France Rihtar, 'Milena Stropnik, pevovodja: Janez Sršen. HOLY NAME SOCIETV • Spiritual -Director; -Rev. John n- • . President: Victor Nemec; Vice Florian Osredkar; Treasurer; WiUiam y./ m •:»/.*-v ■p ; vVilil WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB President: Pat Nevar; Vice President: . John Prhne; Recording Secretary : Grace Marinch; Treasurer: Dorothy-Gotjup; Auditors: Joann Heinz, Josie Kapla, Al Marinch. Meetings held every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. at Waterloo Hall. LADIES AUXILIARY OF S.N.PJ. FARM - Heath Road President: Betty Rotar; Vice President: Sophie Matuch; Recording Secretary: Dolo-, res . Dobida; Financial Secretary: Dorothy Gorjup; Auditors: H. Sumrada, F. Mauric, E. Godcc. WESTPARK SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, OH 44135 President: Robert Rojer; Vice President: Chuck Gove; Hall Treasurer: Rudy Pivik; Treasurer: Michelle Bartunek; Social Direc-lor: Marie Pivik; Auditors: Ruth Lach, Albert Zdolshek, Marija Dimitrijevich; Ladies Auxiliary: Theresa Krisby. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS BARAGA COURT No. 1317 Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; Chief Ranger; Robert W. Mills Sr.; Past Chief Ranger: Dr. Anthony F. Spech; Vice Chief Ranger: Albert Marolt; Financial Secretary: Angelo W. Vogrig, 17220 Tarymore Rd., Cleveland. OH 44119, Ph: 531-2662; Treasurer: John J. Hočevar; Trustees: Albert Marolt, Frank J. Branisel, Robert Mills Sr.; Youth Director Angelo W. Vogrig; Field Rep. Richard Kuhar (Ph.: 838-1889). JADRAN SINGING SOCIETY President: Betty Rotar; Vice President: Louis Zclc; Sec. Treas.: Dorothy Gorjup; Rec. Secy.: Dolores Dobida; Auditors: Pat Nevar, Fred Nevar, Florence Unetich, Sophie Matuch, alternate. Librarians: Florence Unetich, Angela Žabjek; Musical Director: Fred Ziwich; Accompanist; Reginald Resnik ' Rehearsals are held every Wednesday from 6:30 until 8:30 p.m. at the SWH on Waterloo Road, Room 3. Everyone welcome. 2004 Concert Date: May S'1'. Spiritual Director: Rev. John High Court Trustee: Alan Sptlar> yjCe Ranger and St. Ct. Tr. Kathleen Spil®^ ^. Chief Ranger: Mary L. Jesck; Sccrctalcpj|ar; nie Jesek; Financial Secretary: Joh« ^ Treasurer: Vicki Skarbez; Trustees: White, Hank Skarbez, Alan Spila^ ^9; Agent: Dick Kuhar, Phone (440) ^ 731- Youth birector: Toni Jo Kozak (21 9373; Past Chief Ranger: AlanSpdar- ec0l1ii Meetings every 4,h Wednesday 0 * v jn month: Jan, March, May, July, Sept-. $i9 St. Mary's school (meeting room). Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. Meetings held the 2nd Friday of the month. Call Fin. Sec. for location of meeting. SLOVENIAN SINGING SOCIETY ZARJA President: Richard Tomsic; Vice President: Vicky Kozel; Secretary: Josephine Rotter; Treasurer: Barbara Elersich; Director: Doug Elersich. For more informatipn. about Zarja please cal! Richard Tomsic at 481-1379. ST. CLAIR RIFLE AND HUNTING CLUB j{J|.nt: President: Chad Pengal; Vice tc Richard Beck; All Correspondence. r Pečnik, 29051 Weber Ave., Wicklin0' 44092-2344. Roster of Organizations------------- ---------- Imenik slovenskih društev ii- y: sn an lia an Ameriška Sloveriska katoliška Jednota American Slovenian Catholic Union :rt, H. ed- iC3: ST. VITUS LODGE No. 25 KSKJ Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; Resident: Joseph S. Baškovič; Vice Presi-Joseph V. Hočevar; Secretary: John C. '»tk, Tel.: 531-0230; Treasurer: Al Orehek; editors: Charles Winter, Ron Fabo, Marty “fek; Youth and Athletic Director: Ralph ^dzik; Sergeant-at-Arms: James Debevec. nta> in oni Ne- Od- ,*a iest- dad *e»‘ wsei die*: nan, OH ST. JOSEPH LODGE No. 169 KSKJ Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; f'tsidem: Phil Hrvatin; Vice President: Sandi jecn; Financial Secretary: Anne Nemec, 08 H. 159 St., Cleveland, OH 44110 Ph: ‘l6) 541-7243; Treasurer: Helena Nemec; Wording Secretary: Karen Kretic; Youth & J’*dotic Director: John Nemec; Auditors: 'nn'e Tuma, Matt Kajfez, Chris Chermely; v8t"a,-Arms: Tony Tolar; Reporter: John Vc. . Meetings are held the third Thursday of fotonih at 7:00 p.m. in the club room of the °lHnwood Slovenian Home (Holmes Ave.). 'CltlC. oiembers (up to age 90) are always wel- Uv- nic<: Ud» Sko-ies<-ipo!-i Pa f tW Hall, (216) K t .F°r information on life insurance and an-l?165. call licensed agents John Nemec 541-7243 or Sandi Green (440) 946- SACRED HEART OF JESUS LODGE No. 172 KSKJ n ^uhovni vodja: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; ^lna predsed: Ludmila Glavan; Predsed-f a,,Rela Zadnikar; Podpred.: Frank Kuhel; Jn|k-blag: Draga Gostic, 1440 Timbertland (O Twinsburg, OH 44087 (tel: 1-330-405-to-,.’ Zapisnikarica: Gabriel Kuhal Revi-(J'l Gabriela Kuled, Vilibald Zadnikar, Lekan; Athletic/Youth Director: ty Ska Lekan; Sergeant-at-Arms: Frank Ku- p^'ings held every Third Friday at 1 m KRISTUS KRALJ št. 226 - KSKJ Hii^vni v°dja: Rev. Joze Boznar; pred-Pod k: Joseph F. Rigler, tel (440) 256-3137; • ||||,t večvrstnc naložbe >anujties<. Vse u8odnimi pogoji. Za podrobnosti se ezno obrnite na tajnika društva. /‘.v • ••'■i z»k' ii tiS f# It«^' Vic« . jen- flerfy yiecf1 1889' 7J': iCO^ ov.ij 1551’ °UR LADY OF FATIMA . Lodge No. 255 KSKJ I ttid 'tUa' Advisor: Rev. John Kumse; ^kie n' Robert A. Schulz; Vice President: j lini, ,ar|lcs: Secretary-Treasurer: Connie ROjj -8908 Uxbridge Dr., Willowick, OH ^ ^ (440) 944-2015; Auditors: Larry Sch°nna ®u8San! Athletic Director: \.tun8s Znd Wednesday of month at at Secretary/Treasurer home. American Mutaf Life Association ST. ANNE’S LODGE #4 AMLA President; Emilee Jenko; 1st Vice President: Madeline Debevec; 2nd Vice President: Stane Kuhar; Secretary: Lillian B. Novak (440) 238-9291; Treasurer: Dolores Krause; Recording Secretary: Louis Zigmund; 1st Auditor; Ann Opeka; 2nd Auditor: Dorothy Stanonik. Meetings every 2nd Wednesday at 1 p.m. in the Slovenian Room in St. Vitus Parish Village. NAPREDNI SLOVENCI No. 5 AMLA President: Frank Stefe; Vice President; Edward Pečjak; Secretary and Treasurer: Frances Stefe; Recording Secretary: Harold Telich; Auditors: Joseph M. Chrzanowski DDS, Joe Zadel, and Frank Steffe Jr. Meetings 3r(J Sunday of the month at 1482 Dille Rd„ Euclid, OH 44117. SLOVENSKI DOM No. 6 AMLA President: Joe Petrie; Vice President: Walter Frank; Secretary-Treasurer; Theresa Avani; Recording Secretary: Joe Petrie; Audit Chmn: Janice Verch; Auditors: Dorothy Lamm, Anthony Verch; Co-ordinators: Joe Petrie; Editor: Joe Petrie. KRAS No. 8 President: Vida Zak; Vice President: Celeste Frollo: Secretary / Treasurer: Anton Lavrisha, 1076 E. 176 St., (216) 531-3413, meti@aol.com; Recording Sec.: Sophie Matuch. Meetings the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., at Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue in Cleveland except July and August. LODGE #9 AMLA President: James Pavlik; Vice President: Robert Menart; Secretary/Treasurer: Patricia Amigoni; Recording Secretary: Gertrude Menart; Reporter: Albert Amigoni; Auditors: Roseanne Jerina and Gertrude Menart. Fratmal Affairs Coordinator: Patricia Amigoni. Meetings held the first Sunday of each month at 10 a.m. ity^fyU^Home Office. - . LODGE RIBNICA No. 12 AMLA President: James E. Czeck; Vice President: Vincent F. llacqua; Secretary: Carole Czeck, 988 Talmadge Ave., Wickliffe, OH 44092; Treasurer: Carol Czeck;1'Recording Secretary: Gina llacqua; President, Auditing Committee: Gina llacqua; lsl Auditor: Jaime Lončar, 2nd Auditor: Philip J. Van; Fraternal Affairs Officer: James E. Czeck; Lodge Representatives Philip Yan, Lillian Bratina, James Czeck, and Philip Yan. Meetings: March 21, July 18, Oct. 17, Dec. 19 at 2 p.m., at 988 Talmadge Ave. QUEEN OF PEACE Lodge No. 24 - AMLA President: Francis Cazin; Vice President: Dorothy Cabat; Secretary: Rosemary Poza-relli; Recording Secretary: Angie Musil; Auditors: Dolores Hrovat, Bernice Novak, Hattie Fashinpaur. (f you are successful, you will win some false friends ‘ some true enemies... Succeed anyway. -Mother Theresa SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA National Officers 2002-2005 National President: Kathleen Dorchak-Hall; Vice President: Betty Ann Kolesari; Secretary: Bonnie Pohar Prokup; Treasurer: Jonita Ruth; Scholarship Director: Mary Tur-vey; Auditors: Beverly Menart, Denise Bartlett, M. Marge Church; Zarja Editor: Corinne Leskovar; Special Projects Director: Mary Lou Voelk. SWUA Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, IL 60432. Tel: (815) 727 1926. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION BRANCH #14, Euclid, Ohio Vice President: Pat Habat; Recording Secretary: Diane Varney; Secretary- Treasurer: Diane Varney; Auditors: Stana Grill, Antoinette Zabukovec; Reporter: Alice Kuhar; Sunshine: Diane Vamey; Banner Lady: Josephine Kastigar. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 25 President: Frances M. Gazvoda; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Sunshine Lady: Albina Pozelnik; Recording Secretary: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Ann R. Clemence; Auditor: Emilee Jenko. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 47 President: Olga A. Dorchak; Secretary: Elsie M. Spellacy (440) 232-8733; Vice President: Ann Harsh; Auditors: Kathleen Dorchak, Virginia Kemmocrling; Zarja Reporter: Katherine Wallace, 393 Minnie Ct., Akron, OH 44311. Meetings held the 2nd Sunday, March, September, November, Christmas Meeting December. Woman of Year in May. at Maple Hts. Library. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch #50 Meetings held 3rd Wednesday of the month at Euclid Public Library, 1 p.m. President: Rose Mary Toth; Vice President: Cookie Maxim (Cathy); Treasurer: Mary E. Miller, Recording Secretary: Mary Maxin; Auditors: Dorothy Winters, Fran Kajfez; Dawn Reporter: Allison Hrovat. Mother of the Year: Mary Maxin. PSWA NATIONAL BOARD Headquarters: 15335 Waterloo Road Cleveland, OH 44110 President: Florence Unetich; Vice President: Joyce Plemel; Sec’y./Treas.: Vida Zak; Recording Secretary: K. Tomsic and L. Krashina; Auditors: A. Turk, M. Sterle, and M. Vogrig; Education and Welfare: Helen Joca (also historian); Julie Main, E. Rižnar, tj and M. Gombach. ., N3 National Board meetings are held the sec- § ond Monday of January, March, April, July, ^ September and November at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH 44110 at 7:30 p.m. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA CIRCLE 1 President: Betty Rotar; Vice President: Dorothy Gorjup; Recording Secretary: Sophie Matuch; Financial Secretary: Vida Zak; Auditors: E. Rižnar, M. Meglich, A. Zak; Education and Welfare: E. Godec, J. Heinz, D. Gorjup. PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA #2 President: Agnes Turk; Recording Secretary: Florence Zalokar; Financial Secretary: Karen Tomsic, 25571 Glenbrook, Euclid, OH 44117 (216) 481-1379; Sunshine: Chris Ujcich; Cookbooks: Agnes Turk (216) 531-7168 PROGRESSIVE SLOVENE WOMEN OF AMERICA #3 President: Dorothy Lamm; Vice President: Mary Sterle; Recording Secretary: Diane Vamey; Financial Secretary: Karen Tomsic, 25571 Glenbrook Blvd., Euclid, OH 44117 (216) 481-1379; Cookbooks: Karen Tomsic. P.S.W.A. Circle #7 President: Lucy Glavač; Vice President: Jean Dragar; Recording Secretary: Pauline Krall; Treasurer: Lucy Glavač; Auditors: Esther Larabee, Frances Forsythe, Lillian Ribarich; Sunshine Lady: Elvira Wamick; Bingo Chair: Pauline Krall. Come Join Us ; Rummer 1)11 Solka Hass Jfjj At I he Skrine K. J M—.»«»j ' Wntitt: Out Lady of Louu/ts Shium 2:12.81 Chaiuxdn (Id. Eucud, Oh. When: Wed^sday June 23-'° 2004 Tme: 6:00 PM Music ky The Wayne Tomsic Combo Witk bred GregoricL Special: Spaghetti Dinner by the Sisters of Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine. At The Shrine Premises Serving Hours - 4:00pm to 8:00pm - Price $8.00 per Person For Ticket Information - Please Contact Ed Harbie or 3361 Alla Dr Seven Hills. Oh. 44131 216-524-8126 Gene March 1745 Sunningdate Mayfield Fits. Oh. 44124 440-449-1783 v/.w AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 17, 2004 _ ------------— Roster of Organizations — Imenik društev — ST. VITUS HOLY NAME SOCIETY 6019 Glass Ave., Cleveland 44103 Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph Božnar; President: Charles Winter; Vice President: John Hočevar; Recording Secretary: Frank Cerar; Corresponding Secretary: Joseph Hočevar. Group Mass & Communion 9:00 a.m. Mass on second Sunday of month. Meeting follows in church hall. LOZKA DOLINA President: Charles Zgonc; Vice President: John R. Telich Sr.; Secretary: Louis Zig-mund; Auditing Committee: Matt Zabukovec, Albert Marolt and Frank Sechnick. Representative to lodges with St. Clair Slovenian Home and Collinwood Slovenian Home. Annual meeting and annual social in April. BELOKRANJSKI CLUB The annual meeting of the Belokranjski Club was held on January 24 at the Slovenian National Home. The following officers were elected for 2003: President: Theresa Smuk; Vice President: Marjanca Hočevar; Secretary: Amelia Maslac; Recording Secretary: Tony Smuk Jr.; Treasurer: Alenka Winslett; Refreshment Chair.: David Hočevar; Hospitality Chair: Milena Dovic. Auditing Committee President: Mark Blanchard; Auditing Committee: Ann Marie Morrison, Frank Smuk. STAJERSKO-PREKMURSKI KLUB President: Mimi (Kozina) Cupar; Vice President: Roman Vitulich; Secretary: Anita Klepec; Treasurer: John Cupar; Board Members: Jožica Vitulich, Kristina Ferlinc, Tonica Simicak, Mimi Kozina, Martina Simicak, Majda Rožic, John Kozina Jr., Jože Ramšak, Frank Fuja, Rezka Zelko. ST. VITUS ALUMNI President: Danny Reiger; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Recording Secretary: Dan-iella Avsec; Treasurer: F. Raymond Gobec; Corresponding Sec’y.: Danielia Avsec; Sgt.-at-Arms: Louis Shenk; Trustee: Joseph Zelle. • Meetings, 7 p.m., on the first Thursdays of January, April, July, and October in the Social Room of St. Vitus School. Dues are $5 per year. Officers are nominated in October and sworn into office in January. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION President: Anthony W. Hiti; Vice President: Dr. Alexander Ukmar; Secretary: Joan Chcrmely; Treasurer: Dana Leonard; At-Large: August B. Pust, Dr. Rudolph M. Susel, Ann M. Opeka; Past Presidents: Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, Frederick E. Križman, Esq., Hon. August Pryatei, Dr. Vladimir J. Rus, Edmund J. Turk, Esq., Joyce Ann Hribar, Esq. BALINCARSKI CLUB SLOVENSKA PRISTAVE Častni Pred.: Felix Breznikar; Predsednik: Lojze Mohar; Pod. Pred.: Janez Švigelj; Taj,-Blag.: Tone Škerl. Odborniki: Ani Breznikar, Mici Mohar, Tončka Švigelj, Tone Vogel, Janez in Rezka Breznikar, Tone in Cilka Švigelj, Vera Žnidaršič, Marija Vrhovnik, Lojze in Angelca Debeljak, Tončka Berkopec, Zdenka Kavčič. Nadzorni odbor: Lojze Hribar, Vinko Vrhovnik, Jože Sojer. DRUŠTVO SLOVENSKIH PROTIKOMUNISTIČNIH BORCEV (D.S.P.B. Cleveland, Ohio Predsednik: Viktor Tominec (Tel.: 531-2728): PodpredsednikATajnik: Anton Oblak; Blagajnik: France Šega; Tiskovni referent: Lojze Drobnič; Nadzorni odbor: Stane Vidmar in Frank Kuhelj. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN PRIMORSKI CLUB President: Kristjan Sedmak; Vice President: Joseph Jenko Jr.; Treasurer: Silva Ramšak; Secretary: Angela Stropnik. Board Members: Srečko Grdina, Mery Grdina, Joseph Jenko Sr., Joseph Hrvatin, Aldo Milavec, Sabina Milavec, Joakin Mejak, Joseph Slokar, Vera Udovič. Board of Review: Srečko Grdina, Sabina Milavec, Joseph Slokar. ST. MARY’S SENIORS Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; President: Zora Kocin; Vice President: Elsie Jacobs; Secretary: Mary Zimperman; Treasurer: John Spilar. Meetings are held every 1st Tuesday at 1:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s School. For particulars and membership call Zora Kocin at (216) 289-0467. SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA UPRAVNI ODBOR 2002/2003 Predsednik: Milan Ribic; 1. Podpi* niča: Mary Ann Vogel; 2. Podpredscd# Metod Ilc; Tajnica-rezervacije: Metka Tajnica: Ani Sterle; Pomožni tajnik: Sedmak; Blagajnik: Marjan Perčič; Zapis® karica: Kati Cup. Odborniki in odbornice: Jože Cerer, 0 Cerer, Tony Champa, Frank Ferkul, D®! Frank, Matija Golobic, Jože Grčar, Pave , tihar, Tony Jarem, David Kogovšek, min Košir, Michael Košir, Mimi Kozi Verena Krištof, Staley Krulc Jr.; Margi® den, Emic Luzar, Joakin Mejak, Jože Nov Filip Oreh, Branko Pisom, Branko Poga® Mimi Režonja, Valentin Ribic, Frank Mike Rus, Ron Rus, Stane Rus, Knsl Sedmak, Janez Semen, Vid Sleme, Tonl pec, Martin Tominc, Edward Veider, Vogel, Jr., Anton Vogel Sr., Vinko Vrh0 ^ Ivan Zakrajšek, Frank Zalar, Jr., Ehz8 Žalik, Tomaž Žnidaršič, Joe Žnidaršič. Nadzorni odbor: Janez Sršen, Viki' Kmetic, Frank Zalar; Rezsodisce: Ivan , lec, Frank Urankar, Tom Štepec. Zastop, slovenskih sol: Sv Ana Perčič, Sv. SLOVENSKA PISARNA , Predsednik: Fr. Jože Boznar, podpre nik-blagajnik in upravnik pisarne: A ^ Oblak, nadzorni odbor: Viktor Tomin^ Frank Sega. Tajnica in zapisnikarca: ^ Likozar; književni referent: Mara Cerar odborniki(cc): Milka Odar, Ivanka Vido®8 Vida Oblak; Seje so po potrebi, v prostorih Slov pisarna na 6104 Lausche Ave., Clevc 1 OH 44103. .(d Telefonska številka: 216—361-03"’ številka: 216—361-0300. ,) Pisarna je odprta ob sobotah od 10-12.00 ure in nedeljah od 9.30 do 21- ure' ST. VITUS CATHOIC WAR VETERANS POST 1655 Commander: Robert W. Mills Sr.; First Vice Commander: Robert W. Mills Sr.; Second Vice Commander: Thomas Kirk; Third Vice Commander: Edward Arhar; Officer of the Day: Thomas Tulloch; Welfare Officer: William Lipoid; Treasurer: Steve Piorkowski; Historian: Anthony Grdina; 2 Yr. Trustee: John Kirk, Jr.; 3 Yr. Trustee: James Logar; Adjutant: Thomas Kirk; Liaison Officer: Joseph Mismas; Judge Advocate: Albin Lipoid; House Chairman: Richard Mott; Chaplin: Rev. Richard Evans, Rev. William Jerse, and Rev. Joseph P. Boznar. ST. VITUS ALTAR AND ROSARY SOCIETY President: Mrs. Ivanka Matic; Vice President and Recording Secretary: Mrs. Gabriela Kuhel; Corresponding Secretary: Mrs. Julka Smole; Treasurer: Mrs. Marija Leben; and Auditors: Mrs. Ivanka Pretnar and Mrs. Ann Arhar. KRES FOLK DANCERS President: Mark Tome; Vice President: Mark Sedmak; Treasurer: Erik Kobal; Public Relations: Lisa Ovsenik; Secretary: Franci Sever; Costumes: Sonia Domanko; Member-at-Large: Niko Percic. TRIGLAV PICNIC CALENDAR (held at Triglav Park in Wind Lake, Wisconsin) First Picnic: June 27 Mission Picnic: July 11 Second Picnic: August 15 Wine Festival: Sept 19 Spiritual Leader: Rev. Dr. Jože Gole; President: Leon Sagadin; Vice President: Joe Omik; Treasurer: Anne Sagadin, Luke Kol-man-taxes, Eveline Maierle-dinner sales;Recording Secretary: Marija Kadunc; Secretary: Mary Ann Sulik; Park Manager: Janez Mejač; Assistant Park Manager: Craig Frohna; Kitchen: Helen Frohna; Assistant Kitchen: Marta Mejac; Bar Manager: John Levičar; Choir Director: Mara Kolman; Sports Director: Frank Mejac; Delegate for USPEH: Christina Carroll; Reporter for Ameriška Domovina: Mara Kolman; Auditors: Kathy Kaye, Kathy Mejac, Vicky Schneider; Judges: Mike Carroll, Luke Kolman, Dan Mejac. SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED 18621 Neff Road, Cleveland, OH 44119 (216) 486-0268 President: Robert Klancher; Vice President: Phil Hrvatin; Treasurer: Celeste Frollo; Secretary: Vera Marsic. Trustees: Chris Chermely, Doug Elersich, Sutton Girod, Rudy Kozan, Dale Luzar, Joe Miskulin, Milan Ribic, Richard Tomsic, Agnes Turk, Florence Unctich, Scott Zele; Alternate: John Pestotnik; Honorary Trustees: John Cech, Frederick Križman, Ronald Zele. Administrator: Jeffrey S. Sas, LNHA. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL ART GUILD President: John Streck; Vice President: Patricia A. Habat; Secretary: Jeannie Somrak; Treasurer: Lijlian Bratina; Auditors: Ann Opeka and Dorothy Dybzinski; Historian: Emilee Jenko; Heritage: Doris Sadar; Membership: Millie Sray (216) 261-3263; Newsletter: Patricia A. Habat; Circulation: Dorothy Dbyzinski. Meetings held the 3rd Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Rechcr Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB President: Gene Drobnič; Vice-President: Emilee Jenko; Secretary: Terry Hočevar; Cor-res. Sec’y.: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Agnes Kopcrc. Meetings: 4 times a year. LILIJA Predsednik: Peter Dragar; Podpredsednik: Matija Grdadolnik; Podpredsednik: Srečo Gaser; Tajnik: Zdenka Zakrajšek, 10740 Angela Dr., Kirtland, OH 44094; Zapisnikar: Frank Hren; Blagajnišar-ka: Marija Marsic; Programski odbor: Matija Grdadolnik, Srcšo Gaser, Peter Dragar, Zdenka Zakrajšek, Mojca Slak, Ivan Hauptman, Ivan Jakomin. Oderski mojster: Slavko Štepec, Kuhinja: Ani Nemec, Julka Zalar; Točaja: Rudi Hren, Tone Štepec; Reditelji: Jože Tomc, Ivan Tomc, Lojze Zupančič; Športni referent: Matija Grdadolnik; Nadzorni odbor: Marija Tominc, Frank Zalar Ml., Štefka Smolič The Power Is In The Pyramid—Watermelon Pyramid, That Is by Elizabeth Pivonka, Ph.D., R.D., President, Produce for Better Health Foundation (NAPS)—The USDA Food Guide Pyramid recommends eating 5 to 9 servings of fruits and vegetables every day as part of an overall healthy lifestyle. Watermelon Pyramids show you just how easy and enjoyable that can be. The colorful, clever presentation yields a stellar dessert that’s packed with I taste, visual appeal and yes, nutritional value. The name tells you, even before [ the first bite, there is ! something powerfully wonderful going on here. ----------- Watermelon is a nutrition marvel and a real taste treat. Usually sought after for its sweet, juicy flavor and crisp texture, watermelon will surprise you with its nutrition credentials. According to a recent USDA study, watermelon offers an amazing amount of lycopene—12,690 micrograms per two-cup serving. Lycopene is an antioxidant, being studied for its ability to help reduce the risk of age-related diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Watermelon is also an excellent source of vitamins A and C. With almost 65 percent of Americans either overweight or obese, achieving a healthy weight is critical. Weight-loss diets abound, each one professing to be the miracle answer. Fad diets like those promoting high-protein, low-carbohydrate, high-fat meals concern many health experts because they may lead to increased cardiovascular risk factors, decreased kidney function and bone loss. To reach a healthy weight, focus on eating more colorful fruits and vegetables, and whole grains, eating less fat, especially saturated and trans fats, eating fewer sugary foods, and getting more physical activity. Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins, minerals, fiber, phytochemicals and water. They taste great and are naturally low in fat and calories—the perfect foods for a healthy diet. For more nutrition tips, recipes and great ways to enjoy watermelon throughout the year, visit tion Board at www.watermelon-org. For information about 5 A Day The Color Way, visit www.5aday.org and www.abou produce.com. Watermelon Pyramids 8 1-inch thick slices watermelon 4 1-inch thick slices prepared fat-free pound cake 4 1-inch thick slices peeled kiwifruit 4 slices carombola fruit (starfruit) Vi cup prepared fat-free caramel topping Dark and white chocolate shavings for garnish, optional Cut four 4x4-inch and 2x2-inch squares of wa.^e u melon. Cut four 3x3-in square slices of pound ca . Cut four 1-inch slices kiwifruit. On each of dessert plates, place 1 08 gi large watermelon squaf Then, on each square P*a?flCe slice of pound cake, then P* a smaller watermelon sQ0 0f Top each with a sl»ce .j,. kiwifruit. Then, using a pick, secure the carom slice on top. Gently warm ^ ^ caramel topping and ,.0- tablespoons over each Pf mid and garnish with c. j. late shavings, if Serve immediately. Serves ■ Nutritional information serving (does not inc g. optional ingredients): Ca*® 355, total fat: 2.0g, saturateo^ 0.2g, % calories from fa • % calories from safuratj,^tcs: 1%, protein: 5g, carbohyd*T ^ j 82g, cholesterol: Omg, d‘ ^ FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, June 17, 2004 - Vesti iz Slovenije - Stranki Nova Slovenija (dva) in Slovenska demokratska stranka (dva) si priborili štiri od sedmih poslanskih sedežev Čeprav uradno še začasni, so bili izidi nedeljskih volitev za sedem poslanskih mest v novem evropskem parlamentu nepričakovano veliko presenečenje. Prvič, da si je stranka Nova Slovenija priborila dva sedeža (Alojz Peterle in Ljudmila Novak), prav tako dva Slovenska demokratska stranka (Miha Brejc in Romana Jordan Cizelj), dva sedeža je dobila - namesto pričakovanih treh - Liberalna demokracija (Jelko Kacin in Mojca Drčar Murko), sedmo poslansko mesto pa pripada kandidatu Združene liste Borut Pahor, sicer predsednik Državnega zbora. Izredno užaloščeni so baje pri Slovenski ljudski stranki, ki je ostala brez poslanskega mesta v EP. Drugo veliko presenečenje je bila sorazmerno zelo nizka volilna udeležba. (Poročili iz volitev na str. 15). Državna volilna komisija je v torek posredovala uradni začasni delni izid evropskih volitev, na katerih je imelo volilno pravico 1.628.308 volivcev, glasovalo je pa le 460.006 volivcev, ali 28,25 odstotka vseh. Oddanih je bilo 459.879 glasovnic, od tega 25.897 ali 5,63 odstotka neveljavnih. Po teh podatkih je NSi dobila 23,48 odstotka glasov, LDS in DeSUS 21,94 odstotka, SDS 17,67 odstotka in ZLSD 14,17 odstotka glasov. Preostalih devet listov je ostalo pod desetimi odstotki, torej tudi SLS, ki ji je menda manjkalo le pol odstotka glasov, da bi tudi dobila poslansko mesto. Ta bi sicer moral biti bivši predsednik stranke in bivši kmetijski minister v Ropovi vladi Franci But, ki se je osebno sorazmerno dobro odrezal, veliko slabše pa sedanji strankin predsednik Janez Podobnik. Nizka volilna udeležba naj bi bila polagala NSi, kajti so baje njeni privrženci absolutno šli na volišča, kar da naj ne bi držalo za druge stranke, v prvi vrsti ne za pozicijske oz. vladne. Ustanovljena nova civilno-politična pobuda z dokaj nenavadno osebnostno sestavo Pretekli torek je stranka SDS poslala medijem vabilo 26 podpisnikov, ki so ustanovili novo organizacijo Zbor za republiko. (Tekst poročila je na str. 16.) Izstopajo imena nekaterih podpisnikov. Tako je prvopodpisani Dimitrij Rupel, zunanji minister in član vladajoče LDS. V izjavi, ki pa spremlja vabilo, so zelo ostre besede ravno na račun vlade, v kateri služi Rupel od začetka. Dalje, vabilo sta podpisala predsednik SDS Janez Janša in predsednik NSi Andrej Bajuk, katerih stranki sestavljata Koalicijo Slovenijo, torej organizirana opozicija Ropovi vladi. Alojz Peterle, pravkar izvoljen v Evropski parlament, vabila ni podpisal. Drugi podpisniki so : mdr. Ivan Štuhec, ki bi lahko postal novi slovenski nadškof, Barbara Brezigar, kandidatka proti Janezu Drnovšku na zadnjih predsedniških volitvah, pisatelj Drago Jančar in filozof Tine Hribar. Čeprav gre za nekakšno civilno pobudo, je nova organizacija smatrana kot izrazito politična in to s ciljem, da bi njene ideje zmagale na volitvah jeseni. Že precej časa so govorice, da zunanji minister Rupel ni ravno v prijateljskem odnosu s premierom Ropom, govorice so tudi, da se Rupel in Janez Janša zbližujeta. Dobrodošli slovenski vojaki Slovenske vojake (motorizirana četa s 86 možmi in s poveljnico majorko Tanjo Pečnik) so prebivalci v Doboju in okolici dobro sprejeli, sta zvedela premier Anton Rop in minister za obrambo Anton Grizold med obiskom slovenskih vojakov v Sforju v BiH. V zadnji akciji so slovenski sforjevci iskali nedovoljeno orožje in ga odkrili za sedem tovornjakov. Predstavniki Sforja so ocenili, da je slovenska enota ena najboljših. SMRTI BIVŠEGA PREDSEDNIKA ZDA RONALDA REAGANA - Slovenski zunanji "’•bister Dimitrij Rupel je 9. septembra prišel v veleposlaništvo ZDA v Ljubljani in pis-No izrazil sožalje ob smrti predsednika Reagana. Za to imelo veleposlaništvo, kakor j* v diplomatski praksi, posebno kqjigo, ki so jo lahko zainteresirani podpisali in tudi kakšne sožalne besede. Fotografijo nam je posredoval g. Philip Hrvatin. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Spominska proslava— Društvo Tabor vabi na spominsko proslavo, ki bo to soboto in nedeljo na Slovenski pristavi. Dodamo k dosedanjim poročilom prošnjo, da bi gospodinje v nedeljo prispevale pecivo. Ne pozabite, da bo ta dan ob 12. uri sv. maša za pobite domobrance, po njej pa bo na voljo kosilo. Kako je bilo v Trstu— Prihodnjo sredo zvečer ob 7. uri ste vabljeni v spodnjo dvorano SDD na Recherjevi na predavanje o povojnih razmerah v Trstu, ki ga bo imel dr. Vladimir Rus. Večer sponzorira Slovenian American Foundation, vstopnine ni, po predavanju in vprašanjih-odgo-vorih bo družabno srečanje. To je zadnji v letošnji seriji takih večerov, ki jih ima SAHF. Pridite. Novi grobovi Charles J. Mlakar Umrl je Charles J. Mlakar, mož Sonije, roj. Paljev, oče Margaret Rudolph, Janet Orosz, Lawrencea in Michaela, 9-krat stari oče, 2-krat prastari oče, sin Antona in Terezije (r. Blatnik) (oba že pok.), brat Antona in Josefa (oba že pok.). Pogreb je bil 15. junija v oskrbi Fortunovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca in pokopom na Kalvarije pokopališču. Frank L. Laurich Dne 3. junija je umrl 78 let stari Frank L. Laurich iz Dunedina, Fla., prej živeč v Clevelandu, mož Patricije, oče Carol Dyer, Elaine Laurich in Patricije Laurich, dvakrat očim, 7-krat stari oče, brat Mary Planisek in Margaret Kopan, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, v kateri je služil v ameriški mornarici. Pogreb je bil na Floridi. Edna M. Zajc Umrla je Edna M. Zajc, rojena Wilantt, žena Ray-monda, mati Nancy Belatto, Raymonda in Williama, 4-krat stara mati, 1-krat prastara mati. Pogreb je bil 16. junija v oskrbi Fortunovega zavoda, kjer so bili pogrebni obredi, s pokopom na pokopališču Crown Hill. Virginia R. Somrak Dne 9. junija je umrla 78 let stara Virginia R. (dalje na str. 16) Bralcem v vednost— Prihodnji četrtek in tudi I. julija bo AD redno izšla, ne pa 8. julija, ker bo pisarna zaprta od 5. do 12. julija. To upoštevajte, če nameravate kaj objaviti tisti teden. Tako bo seznam za AD: 24. jun., 1. julij, nato zopet 15. julij. Zadovoljna z listom— G. Bob Hopkins, sicer predsednik SND na St. Clair Ave., nam je sporočil, da redno pošilja slovenski del AD svoji nečakinji Angeli Bregar, ki živi v Borovnici, Slovenija. Ga. Bregar piše, da je z listom zelo zadovoljna in da ga tedensko skrbno prebere. V njenem imenu smo prejeli dar $100, za kar se najlepše zahvalimo. Obetajoči nastop— Za ameriški dan neodvisnosti 4. julija, bo na farmi SNPJ na Heath Rd. v Kirt-landu živahno. Gostoval bo dobro znan pevec Avsenikovega ansambla Alfi Nipič, z njim bosta peli še Joži Kališnik in Jožica Svete. Godbeniki so pa doma iz Maribora: harmonikar Franc Ramot, kitarist Zlatko Sobočan, basist Branko Novak, klarinet Jože Lubej, trobenta Tone Štangler. Nastopili bodo 4. julija od 3.30 do 7.30 zv., vstopnina na farmo je le $5, odprta bosta ves dan kuhinja in bara. KOLEDAR JUNIJ 27. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, ima prvi piknik na svojem parku. JULIJ II. - Misijonska Znam- karska Akcija ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. 11.- Misijonski piknik na Triglavskem parku, Milwaukee. 25. - Slovenska šola pri Sv. Vidu ima piknik na Slovenski pristavi. AVGUST 7., 8. - Oltarna društva iz Clevelanda romajo v Le-mont. 15. - SKD Triglav, Milwaukee, ima svoj drugi piknik na svojem parku. 29. - Društvo SPB sponzorira vsakoletno romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, O’. Sv. maša ob dvanajstih, druge pobožnosti ob 2.30 pop. Odkritje spominskih plošč dr. Valentinu Meršolu v Šentvidu in Vetrinju Ljubljana - Na obletnico enega najbolj žalostnih dogodkov v novejši slovenski zgodovini, ko so angleške vojaške oblasti z zvijačo vrnile z vetrinjskega po-ija na tisoče slovenskih fantov in žena v njihovo domovino Slovenijo, kjer so jih partizani v Kočevskem rogu in drugod skoraj vse pomorili, je bila v soboto, 12. junija, v Vetrinju posebna svečanost: odkritje in blagoslovitev plošče v spomin dr. Valentinu Meršolu, ki je s svojo intervencijo pri vrhovnem poveljniku zavezniških sil v Sredozemlju, feldmaršalu Alexandru, v sodelovanju kanadskega majorja Paula H. Barreja 4. junijh 1945 na Vetrinjskem polju rešil okoli 6000 življenj civilnih beguncev, ki so po nasilni vrnitvi domobrancev bili določeni za izročitev. NAPIS NA SPOMINSKI PLOŠČI V VETRINJU: “Naša rešitev, o Marija, je v tvojih rokah!” so molili v junijskih dneh 1945 slovenski begunci v tem svetišču. Njihova prošnja je bila uslišana. Zdravnik DR. VALENTIN MERŠOL je v sodelovanju s kanadskim majorjem Paulom H. Barrejem 4. junija 1945 na vetrinjskem polju preprečil, da bi britanske vojaške oblasti izročile okrog 6.000 civilnih beguncem njihovim zasledovalcem in jih tako obvaroval gotove smrti. Preživeli begunci in njihovi potomci izrekajo Mariji srčno zahvalo za rešitev in se hvaležno spominjajo rešiteljev. Junij 2004 ps: vsebinsko enak napis je tudi v nemškem jeziku V znak hvaležnosti in za ohranitev zgodovinskega spomina na zdravnika dr. Meršola je Ameriško-sloven-svet v Clevelandu pred meseci izvedel posebno akcijo med rojaki v ZDA in Kanadi za postavitev spominskega obeležja dr. Meršolu v Šentvidu nad Ljubljano, kjer so bili mnogi za smrt zaznamovani zaprti, in v Vetrinju na Koroškem, odkoder so bili vrnjeni. Spominska svečanost v Šentvidu je bila v soboto, 5. junija, teden dni kasneje pa še v vetrinjski cerkvi na Koroškem. Na obeh slovesnostih je bila prisotna skupina 40 rojakov iz Amerike in Kanade, med njimi tudi več takih, ki so vetrinjsko tragedijo pred 59. leti preživeli in so žive priče komunističnega genocida. Slovesnost v vetrinjski cerkvi 12. junija se je začela s sv. mašo, ki jo je daroval škof Jožef Kvas iz Ljubljane ob somaševanju številnih duhovnikov. Celovško škofijo je zastopal generalni vikar Gerhard Chris-tof Kalidz, pel pa je celovški pevski zbor Gallus. Cerkev je bila polna, mnogi so se pripeljali z avtobusi iz Slovenije. Med gosti je bilo tudi več uglednih osebnosti slovenskega javnega življenja kot Lojze Peterle, dr. Andrej Bajuk, dr. Jože Bernik, Ivan Oman, in dr. Anton Drobnič, predsednik Nove slovenske zaveze, ter drugi. (DALJE na str. 15) ^°n^l Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEMO RDC Program Dirwctor WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEl/FAX web: www.wcsb.org Novice iz Triglavskega parka Dr. Jože Gole bere sv. mašo za Triglavsko “Spominski dan” proslavo Nastopile so z leve: Kathy Gordon, Becky Kaye, Katie Kaye in Kristina Mejač GURNEE, IL - Pomlad je končno le prišla med gromom in dežjem brez konca. Za Materinski dan pa nam je bilo vendarle prizanešeno in smo se 23. maja z veseljem zbrali v dvorani na Triglavskem parku. Začeli smo s prvo sejo v novem letu, sestavili program za to poletje in določili datume za piknike. Sledila je materinska proslava. Pred leti je nastopilo veliko otrok, zdaj pa so ti že odrasle gospodične in mladi fantje. Le Mark Frohna in Jim Kaye sta še majhna fantička. Oba sta zelo lepo pozdravila mamice. Dekleta so prišla v dvorano z nageljni v rokah in so jih položile pred Marijin kip. Mi pa smo zapeli “Spet kliče nas venčani maj!” Sledile so deklamacije na čast mamicam v obeh jezikih in nato litanije Matere božje, ki jih vsako leto odmoli Frank Menčak. Mi smo z navdušenjem odgovarjali z našimi tako ljubljenimi majskimi odpevi. Sledilo je presenečenje. Naše mlade gospodične v lepih, svilenih haljah so na napev Marijine pesmi lepo zaplesale. Naučila jih je Helenca Frohna. To so bile Kathy in Becky Kaye, Kristina Mejač in Kathy Gordon. Tudi mamice so dobile nageljčke in s tem je bil program končan. Članice so imele pripravljen dober prigrizek. Spominski dan Tudi za Spominski dan nas je vreme malo strašilo, pa na ta dan je sv. maša itak zmeraj v dvorani. Udeležba je bila dobra, vendar smo pogrešali nekaj naših starih prijateljev. Pogrešali smo tudi našega vsakoletnega gosta Rev. Gregorja Gor-šiča. Še kot študent je vsako leto sodeloval na naši proslavi, in odkar je bil posvečen je tudi maševal za nas na ta dan. Letos mu zdravje ni dopuščalo, da bi prišel med nas. Zato mu vsi želimo hitrega okrevanja in vsega dobrega. Spominjali smo se ga v prošnjah med mašo. Sv. mašo je letos bral dr. Gole, naš duhovni vodja, ki že vsa ta leta mašuje za naše piknike. Njegove čudovite pridige so nepozabne. Spomnil se je vseh naših pobitih domobrancev in vseh žrtev komunističnega nasilja. Povedel nas je celo v deželo Izaka in Abrahama, ker je vse te kraje tudi sam prepotoval in videl stvari, o katerih nismo še nikoli slišali. Med mašo je pel triglavski zbor. V prošnjah smo molili za vse rajne Triglavane, za škofa Rožmana, generala Rupnika, za vse vojne žrtve in za gospoda Goršiča. Takoj po maši smo zapeli Gozdič je že zelen in Franjo Mejač je pozdravil vse navzoče. Kathy Kaye je nato zaigrala čudovito lepo angleško pesem Amazing Grace. Da bi mladi rod res razumel, zakaj smo se zbrali na ta dan, je Kathy Kaye v angleščini ponovila zgodbo slovenske tragedije 45. leta in kako je prišlo do revolucije in pobojev med in po koncu druge svetovne vojne. V spomin našim padlim sta g. Lojze Gregorič in g. Jože Rus recitirala primerne pesnitve. Oba sta iz Chicaga pa sodelujeta z nami vsa ta leta. Spomnili smo se tudi dr. Valentina Meršola, ki je v Vetrinju pogumno in odločno stopil pred angleško komando in s pomočjo majorja Barreja dosegel, da civilni begunci niso bili vrnjeni Titu. Tako je rešil življenje tisočem slovenskih beguncev in drugih Jugoslovanov. Za zaključek so naša dekleta nastopila še z istim plesom, kot so ga izvajale za materinski dan. Po kosilu smo se še enkrat zbrali v dvorani za film “Zamolčani”, ki je bil izdelan v Ljubljani. S tem smo dan zaključili. M. K. 'j&t- Listen to THE SLOVENIAN HOUR On 50,000 Watt WCPN Cleveland Public Radio Tony Ovsenik Ml 440-944-2538 EVROVOLITVE - Vzrok! za uspeh NSL. Nagrajena “evropskost” nosilca lista NSi Alojza Peterleta Ljubljana (Grega Repovž, Delo fax, 15. jun. 2004) -Kako močna je bila zmaga iste Nove Slovenije na nedeljskih volitvah, najbolj nazorno kaže primerjava med številom volivcev, ki so na tokratnih ter zadnjih in predzadnjih volitvah v državni zbor podprli NSi oziroma Slovenske krščanske demokrate. Tako je leta 1996 krščanske demokrate ob neprimerno višji volilni udeležbi (73,7 odstotka) podprlo 102.852 volivcev, leta 2000, ko je udeležba znašala 70,13 odstotka, pa je Nova Slovenija zbrala 93.247 glasov. Ob neprimerno nižji udeležbi - volitev se je udeležilo 459.029 volivcev - je listo NSi in Lojzeta Peterleta v nedeljo podprlo 101.688 volivcev. Razlogov je več, glavna pa je nosilec lista Lojze Peterle. Lojze Peterle Je prejel 78.971 preferenčnih glasov od 101.688 volivcev oziroma kar 77,5 odstotka vseh, ki so podprli listo NSi. Peterle je dobil najvišji odstotek preferenčnih glasov med vsemi kandidati na volitvah, dobil pa je tudi več glasov kot na primer celotna lista SDS. Glavni razlog za uspeh je, da so tokrat volivci v večji meri, kot Je bilo pričakovati, izbirali osebnosti in ne toliko politične stranke, ki so liste predlagale. Težko bi rekli, da je Peterle začel volilno kampanjo šele pred dobrim hiesecem dni oziroma Pred tremi meseci, ko je ^11 dokončno izbran za hosilca NSi na evropskih volitvah. Njegova kampanja namreč sega v leto 2002, k premiku k “ev-ropski” politiki pa so Prispevale - kot je pogo- -sto v takšnih primerih -razmere v njegovi lastni stranki. Danes je že malce po-2abljeno, da so med pr-rednim kongresom konec 2001 nastajala b'enja znotraj te stranke, Predvsem med predsednikom stranke Bajukom ln Peterletom. Slednji je ta-^at razmerja s predsed- nikom stranke opisal z besedami, da je in da mu bo lojalen, da pa med njima morda res vlada kritična distanca, a zagotovo s prijateljskimi nameni. Tudi zaradi navedenega - tega sicer javno ni nikoli pokazal - se je Peterle po tem kongresu postopno umaknil iz notranjepolitičnega prostora ter začel svojo politično “priložnost” iskati v mednarodni politiki. Tako se je kot predsednik komisije DZ za evropske zadeve najprej zavzel za sodelovanje takratnih kandidatk v konvenciji o prihodnosti Evrope, nato postal eden od dveh predstavnikov Slovenije v konvenciji, na koncu pa s podporo celotne slovenske politike, evropske ljudske stranke in večine kandidatk 16. aprila 2002 postal član predsedstva konvencije. Zaradi nekaterih, sicer ne nepremostljivih razlik je Peterle že leta 2002 prestopil iz slovenskega političnega prostora v evropskega. V naslednjih mesecih pa je bil v svoji drži - izogibanju aktivnemu sodelovanju v slovenski notranji politiki -dosleden in volivci so razliko med Peterletom in stranko opazili. K njegovi novi notranjepolitični “neomadeževa-nosti” in odmiku od slovenske politike v očeh volivcev je zagotovo prispevala tudi nagrada tednika European Voice za dosežka leta ter omenjanje Peterleta kot možnega predsednika oziroma podpredsednika evropskega parlamenta. Da volivci tovrstno “evropskost” nagrajujejo, kaže tudi priljubljenost slovenskega komisarja Janeza Potočnika. K dobremu rezultatu je prispevala tudi volilna kampanja NSi - stranka in njen predsednik sta se namreč umaknila od kampanje, s čimer sta nosilcu liste omogočila, da je gradil kampanjo, distancirano od političnega vsakdana. S tem odmikom in pozitivnim, na trenutke ljudskim pristopom, je privabil tudi vo- livce, ki sicer niso tradicionalni volivci NSi in konservativnih strank. Glede na podatke o izredno nizki udeležbi ni namreč nobenega dvoma, da so Peterleta v velikem odstotku podprli tudi volivci, ki sicer ne volijo NSi. Seveda je uspeh liste NSi tudi posledica abstinence volivcev, ki so se prejšnjih volitev redno u-deleževali. Če bi bila udeležba na tokratnih volitvah na primer takšna kot na zadnjih parlamentarnih volitvah, bi namreč 101.688 glasov listi Nove Slovenije prineslo 9,3 odstotka vseh glasov namesto dejanskih 23,47 odstotka. Brez dvoma bi ob večji udeležbi NSi dobila še več glasov - a namen tega izračuna ni zmanjševati uspeha NSi, temveč opozoriti, da na podlagi izida na teh volitvah glede na izredno nizko udeležbo še ni mogoče sklepati, kakšni bodo rezultati na jesenskih volitvah. Zagotovo je NSi s tem dobila veliko priložnost za vzpon v političnem prostoru. 4 BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! KARL DRUŽINA Umrl je 21. junija 1994. Rojen je bil 7. novembra 1934 v Gradišči, Slovenija. Najprvo (1954) je bil v Avstraliji, v Kanado je prišel 1. 1959, v ZDA pa 1. 1962. Pri Bogu se zdaj raduješ, k nam na zemljo pogleduješ,; mi pa prosimo Boga, da se v nebesih snidemo. Žalujoči ostali: Marija (roj. Frank), žena Maryann, hčer, in mož John Semen David, sin, in žena Irena Tomaž in Erika Družina (dvojčka) ter Andrew in Kathleen Družina (dvojčka) in ostalo sorodstvo v Clevelandu, Kanadi in Sloveniji. Priznanje za dr. Meršola (NADALJEVANJE s str. 14) Ob stranskem oltarju v cerkvi, tam, kjer so v tistih groznih dneh konec maja in v začetku junija 1945 begunci kar naprej v molitvi rožnega venca iskali pomoči, tolažbe in rešitve, sta spominsko ploščo odkrila dr. Tine Meršol, ki je spregovoril nekaj besed v spomin svojega očeta, in škof Kvas, ki se je v svojem pomenljivem nagovoru med sveto mašo spomnil številnih vetrinjskih prizorov, ki jih Je tudi sam doživel. Dr. Mate Roessman, predsednik Ameriško-sloven-skega sveta, je v svojem govoru ob priliki blagoslova spominske plošče predvsem izrazil javno zahvalo številnim posameznikom v Sloveniji in Avstriji, ki so se vsak po svojih močeh prizadevali, da je sploh prišlo do odkritja spominske plošče in to ne kjerkoli, ampak v vetrinjski farni cerkvi. Tudi naslednji govornik, dr. Anton Drobnič, se je spomnil na dogodke po končani vojni, ki naj bodo spomin na preteklost in opomin za bodočnost. Slovesnost v Vetrinju je snemala tudi slovenska televizija. MJ (Najlepša hvala posredovalcu dr. Stanetu Šušteršiču, ur. AD) Ali se bo jeseni začela pomlad? Zmagovita stranka nedeljskih volitev napoveduje globoke politične spremembe - Predsednik Andrej Bajuk za oblikovanje novega političnega konsenza vseh demokratičnih sil Maribor - “Prišel je čas za globoke spremembe, ki bodo privedle Slovenijo v evropsko normalnost. Zgodba o uspehu LDS se Je očitno izpela. Letošnji jeseni ne bo sledila zima, ampak pomlad. Bodite pripravljeni na nova presenečenja.” Tako je razlagal predsednik Nove Slovenije Andrej Bajuk, ko je z izvoljenim Lojzetom Peterletom in Ljudmilo Novak na tiskovni konferenci izražal veselje in ponos ob velikem uspehu na nedeljskih volitvah v Evropski parlament. Dejal je, da so se stari vzorci razmišljanja izkazali kot nezadostni, in to na vseh področjih - od gospodarstva (kjer bi se predvsem morali bolj odpirati tujim naložbam) do kulture. “Kot politična stranka, ki temelji na tradiciji ljudskega krščanskega gibanja, si bomo skupaj z drugimi demokratičnimi silami prizadevali za nov politični konsenz.” Lojze Peterle je kot enega od učinkov nedeljske zmage (“Čeprav se dogaja znotraj iste družine...”) ugotovil prvenstvo NSi med strankami, ki pripadajo Evropski ljudski stranki (EPP), in s tem vodstvo slovenske delegacije v tej največji frakciji EP. Ob tem je menil, da bi “širši pomladni oziroma opozicijski del moral razumeti, kaj se je zgodilo”. Premik v zavesti volivcev je ponazoril s prvo zmago NSi v ljubljanskih občinah Center in Bežigrad, ki da kaže, da je konec dosedanjega rdeče-črnega slikanja. “Podpora Novi Sloveniji, ki ji očitno priznavajo slovensko srce in evropska obzorja, pomeni premik v smer ljudske krščanske linije. To je dokaz, da so delali napako tisti, ki so uničevali slovensko krščansko demokracijo, ker jo Slovenija potrebuje, zmagovita pa je tudi na evropskem prizorišču. V predvolilni kampanji so prevladovale domače teme (pokojnine, plače, razlike v razvitosti) in očitno je NSi dajala najboljše odgovore.” Ob komentarju zunanjega ministra iz vrst LDS Dimitrija Rupla, da je šla njegova stranka preveč na levo, je Peterle pripomnil: "Naj kar ostane tam. kamor tudi sodi. Nas ne zanima desna kozmetika na levem obrazu.” S predsednikom Bajukom pa sta soglašala, da se nedeljski izid ne bo kar samodejno “pretočil” v jesenskega na volitvah v državni zbor, ampak bo treba še trdo delati. Vsekakor pa je nedeljskih 23 odstotkov izvrstno izhodišče. Branko Maksimovič Večer, 16. junij 2004 Rupel, Janša, Bajuk, Brezigar, Štuhec skupaj... Nova civilno-politična pobuda Ljubljana (Delo fax, 16. Junij) - Slovenska demokratska stranka (SDS) je včeraj medijem poslala vabilo 26 podpisnikov, ki so se poimenovali Zbor za republiko, s prvopodpisanim Dimitrijem Ruplom, na javno tribuno Narod, nacija, država -slovenski naconalni interes po vstopu v Evropsko unijo. Poleg Rupla, sicer člana LDS, so podpisniki tudi predsednika opozicijskih SDS in NSi Janez Janša in Andrej Bajuk, nekdanja kandidatka za predsednico republike Barbara Brezigar, nekdanja ministra v Bajukovi vladi in nekdanja ustavna sodnika Peter Jambrek in Lovro Šturm ter razumniki iz t. i. kroga Nove revije ter še nekateri drugi- Vabilu je priloženo tudi besedilo, v katerem napadajo trenutne razmere v državi. Namen Zbora za republiko pa je tudi jasno opredeljen: zmaga na jesenskih volitvah. Rupel odločitve, da nastopa kot prvopodpisnik, včeraj ni želel komentirati. Prav tako poziva t. i. Zbora za republiko niso želeli komentirati v kabinetu predsednika vlade in LDS, ki ji pripada Rupel. Javna tribuna Zbora za republiko bo prihodnjo sredo, 23. junija, v Ljubljani. Čas od vstopa v EU (maj 2004) do imenovanja nove vlade po jesenskih volitvah (nov. 2004) se podpisnikom zdi “primerna priložnost za osredotočenje nacionalne in državljanske zavesti Slovencev in vseh državljanov RSlovenije o še nedokončanih zavezah, ki izvirajo iz nacionalnega programa, kakršen je bil oblikovan v letih 1987-1991.” Zato so podpisniki vabila na prvo javno tribuno Zbora za republiko pripravili nekaj tez in argumentov, ki naj bi spodbudile javni dialog med vsemi političnimi strankami in državljani. Kot so podpisniki razpisali v zamislih in splošnih načelih, se zdi, da je uresničen tisti slovenski nacionalni program. ki je bil predstavljen s 57. številko Nove revije ter s Pisateljsko ustavo in je bil udejanjen s plebiscitom, ustavo, referendumom o evropski in evroatlantski integraciji Slovenije ter nastopom članstva v EU. V nadaljevanju sledi kritika: “Vendar so prepričljiva tudi mnenja in ocene, da je bil navedeni program v celoti uresničen samo glede na njegove institucionalne okvire, glede na dejanska razmerja pa le delno. Za novo fasado slovenskega doma je skrite še veliko nepospravljene prtljage iz prejšnjih časov, precej nereda v hiši in na dvorišču, veliko nepometene-ga prahu in pajčevine ter še kak okostnjak v tej ali oni omari.” Kot so še zapisali, v slovenski javnosti nastaja občutek, kot da je čedalje teže doseči dogovore o najpomembnejših političnih vprašanjih države. “Razen pogovorov, ki jih pripravljajo pri predsedniku republike, in razen nekaterih kulturnih revij tako rekoč ni prostora za strpno soočanje političnih vizij, idej in argumentov.” V nadaljevanju se kritika sedanje vlade še bolj izostri: "Ob uporabi strankarskih povezav za finančne prednosti, ob brezbrižnem poseganju “političnih prijateljev" po kapitalu in položajih: ob politični nestrpnosti in ob hlastanju po dnevni priljubljenosti in publiciteti; ob dnevnem tekmovanju, kako bi kratkoročno ugajali tej ali oni družbeni skupini, se izgublja občutek za najresnejše družbene, kulturne in gospodarske probleme.” j ' * Zato je treba po mnenju podpisnikov zavarovati prostor trezne, strpne in uravnovešene politične razprave. Cilj naj bi dosegli z Zborom za republiko, ki bi povezal vse ljudi dobre volje in demokratičnega, državotvornega prepričanja iz vseh strank in zunaj njih. Kljub napisani Odprtosti pa so podpisniki že v naslednjem stavku napovedali, da je namen Zbora za republiko omejen le na sodelujoče stranke, cilj pa so jesenske volitve. Pod besedilo so za prvopodpisanim Dimitrijem Ruplom v naslednjem vrstnem redu podpisani: Barbara Brezigar, Peter Jambrek, Niko Grafenauer, Janez Janša, Andrej Bajuk, Drago Jančar, Tine Hribar, Boštjan Žekš, Frane Adam, Viktor Bla- žič, Drago Demšar, Tone Jerovšek in Lovro Šturm, Grega Virant, Matjaž Šinkovec, Ivan Štuhec, Dane Zajc, Aleksander Zorn, Ljubljana - Štirje člani Slovenske škofovske konference so napisali javno vprašanje premieru Antonu Ropu, in sicer, ali se je res zelo glasno smejal norčevanju iz papeža na Krkini proslavi v Novem mestu. Na podlagi, da se je to res zgodilo, so avtorji ošiljenega javnega vprašanja izpeljali še nekaj sklepov, denimo tudi, da “problem ima in bo imel diplomatske posledice za Republiko Slovenijo”. Iz kabineta predsednika vlade so odgovorili, da se je premier Anton Rop počutil zelo neprijetno ob nenačrtovanemu vložku, ki ni bil del scenarija prireditve, pač pa igralčeva improvizacija. Ta pa ni bila smešna niti prirediteljem, gostom in večini navzočih. Javno vprašanje predsedniku vlade Antonu Ropu so napisali štirje visoki predstavniki Slovenske škofovske konference, poleg Andreja Sajeta, ki je generalni tajnik Slovenske škofovske konference in njen tiskovni predstavnik, še trije člani tajništva konference Drago Ocvirk, Božo Rustja in Ivan Štuhec. V Žurnalu so namreč 4. junija na drugi strani prebrali komentar urednika Dejana Steinbucha, v katerem avtor med drugim pravi: “Še slabše bo, če bodo ljudje izvedeli za tale škandal: premier Rop se je minuli četrtek, skupaj s celotno prvo klopjo v Novem mestu na Krkini proslavi krohotal primitivnim štosom Matjaža Jav-šnika, ki je oponašal papeža in se delal norca iz njegove Parkinsinove bolezni. Že naslednji dan pa je v Vatikanu Janezu Pavlu poljubljal roke in ga spraševal po zdravju.” Dokaz o nestrpnosti do Katoliške cerkve Pisci javnega vprašanja med drugim ugotavljajo, da smo v Sloveniji že bili priče norčevanja iz cerkvenih osebnosti v Ivo Urbančič, Ljubo Sire, Vaško Simoniti, Andrej Rahten, Dean Komel, Matej Makarovič in Saša Slavec. Grega Repovž navzočnosti visokih političnih predstavnikov in da so javne osebe posebno izpostavljene in si morajo dovoliti tudi zabavo na lasten račun. “Norčevati se iz tujega državika, katerega koli, ne samo papeža, pa presega vse meje dobrega o-kusa in seveda pove veliko o tistih, ki so bili protagonisti takšnega dejanja in onih, ki so se ob tem zabavali,” menijo. Premiera Ropa so prosili, naj pojasni, kaj se je v resnici zgodilo, ali pa se javno opraviči, ker je kot predsednik vlade prisostvoval sramotenju človeka, ki mu celoten svet izkazuje spoštovanje. Podpisniki menijo, da bi tak dogodek - če se je v resnici zgodil, kot je bil opisan - potrdil opozorila komisije Pravičnost in mir pri Slovenski škofovski konferenci o nestrpnosti do Katoliške cerkve na Slovenskem, po njihovem pa bo vsekakor imel tudi dipomatske posledice za Slovenijo. Opravičilo iz Lune in Krke Prireditev ob 50-letnici Krke v Novem mestu je za podjetje pripravila a-gencija Luna. Scenarij prireditve je predvideval predstavitev Krkinega razvoja in njeno mesto v svetovnih razmerah. Med drugim so k sodelovanju povabili tudi Matjaža Jav-šnika, ta pa je s kolegom izvedel improvizacijo z likoma papeža Janeza Pavla II. in matere Tereze. (DALJE na str. 18) Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD §316 Fleet Ave. Cleveland, Qhio Tel. 216-641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod. Ambulanca na razpolaso . podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! V nepozaben spomin petindvajsete obletnice, kar je Bog poklical k sebi našo ljubljeno S. VIDO SND - MARJANCO SRŠEN Minilo je petindvajset let, ko smo jo položili k večnemu počitku na samostanskem pokopališču sester Notre Dame na Chardonu, Ohio. Vsak dan naše misli hite k njej v iskreni prošnji, naj nas tudi iz večnosti podpira in Boga za nas prosi. Hvala vsem, ki so jo ohranili v lepem spominu, molili zanjo ali obiskani njen prerani grob. Ti, ljubljena sestrica, svakinja, teta in nečakinja, pa mirno počivaj v božjem naročju. Bratje in sestre z družinami in ostalo sorodstvo Neokusno norčevanje iz papeža... Premier Anton Rop se je počutil zelo neprijetno BARAGOVI DNEVI 2004 CLEVELAND, O. - Kar kmalu bo tu september, čeprav se poletje šele začenja. Čas pač tako hitro beži svojo pot, da ga ne dohajamo. Mislim, da se to ne zgodi samo pri meni. Vsi imamo raznovrstna dela. Rada bi vas le opozorila, da se približujejo Baragovi dnevi. Letos so Baragovi dnevi 25. in 26. septembra v kraju Baraga County, Michigan. Odpotovali bomo v petek, 24. septembra ob desetih zvečer, vrnili se bomo v ponedeljek, 27. septembra ob desetih zvečer. Rezervirajte si te datume. Vse podrobnosti o potovanju bodo pravočasno objavljeni. Avtobus Je že naročen, prav tako Prenočišče. Ivanka Matič Ostaline rude sevajo v okolje in ljudi... V Idriji še posledice rudarjenja živega srebra Trst - Idrija je pozna-111 po rudniku živega sre-Nekdanje rudišče se ^aja neposredno pod ^stom, kjer živi več kot 6°00 prebivalcev. Dolgo k 1.500 metrov, široko ^ od 300 do 600 me-^ov. Strokovnjaki so izraču-^t. da so v Idriji v premih 500 letih pridobili ^ kot 147 tisoč ton ži-e§a srebra, kar je pred-8^vljaio 13% svetovne ^oizvodnje. Zaradi ob-^diega znižanja cen na plovnem trgu so rudnik 1995 zaprli. Rudišče ^Cer ni izčrpano, še ve-5110 vsebuje okrog 10% ^tovnih zalog živega ^ra. Po površino Idrije evajo več kot 150 11 dolgi rudarski rovi. Ostaline živega srebra, ^e. ki je Idriji omogo-razvoj in blaginjo, se-Sevajo v okolje, ljudi, ^ Idrijco. Ponekod so Pdmeri pogrezanja zena površinah, ki se S Mje ajajo neposredno nad Hšt, em. 0vprečne koncentracije srebra v okolju si-, postopno upadajo, .'dar so še vedno nad Poročenimi vrednostmi V hvalnem okolju. Inšti- ^ožef Štefan iz Ljub- |v c je v enem izmed zapisal, “da i^Valci na nekaterih ‘C1jah nedvomno bolj K izpostavljeni sevanju kot drugi in predstavljajo eno od sevalno bolj obremenjenih skupin na območju Slovenije”. Najvišje koncentracije zdravju škodljivega plina radona so izmerili v dveh otroških vrtceh ter v nekem stanovanjskem bloku. Povečne koncentracije radona pa so izmerili v vseh stanovanjskih hišah, ki so bile zgrajene na žgalniških ostankih. Žgalniški ostanki so stalen in nevaren vir radioaktivnega sevanja in so raztreseni po vsem mestu in tudi v bližnji okolici. Za beton se je uporabljal prod iz reke Idrijce, v katerem so bili tudi odlomki radioaktivnih kamenin. V Idriji je več kot 90 javnih, proizvodnih in stanovanjskih objektov, ki so zgrajeni na žgalniških ostankih iz rudnika živega srebra. Dopolnjeni program zapiranja rudnika iz leta 2002 vključuje tudi zdravstveno varstvo bivših rudarjev in prebivalcev Idrije. Merkurializem in silikoza sta najbolj značilni poklicni bolezni nekdanjih rudarjev. Številne raziskave so pokazale, da je pri rudarjih in nekdanjih delavcih v topilnicah v Idriji splošna umrljivost, umrljivost za rakom pljuč in obolenj BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. (216)481-5277 Chardon Rd. & E. 222 St. in Euclid, Ohio PRAVI MOŽ NA PRAVEM MESTU Fotografija zgoraj, in članek izpod peresa Iva Žajdele, sta iz ljubljanske Družine št. 24. Številka je dospela v sredo, ko je bila stran 14 že zaključena, poroča pa o odkritju spomenika 5. junija v Šentvidu, dopis na str. 14 pa predvsem o slovesnem odkritju v vetrinjski cerkvi. Na fotografiji so z leve dr. Mate Roess-mann iz Clevelanda, kip dr. Meršola, nato je dr. Meršolov sin, prav tako zdravnik dr. Tine Meršol (tudi velik dobrotnik našega lista) in John Corsellis. Slednji je bil slavnostni govornik in je bil odigral pomembno vlogo za slovenske begunce v povojnih avstrijskih begunskih taboriščih. Corsellis je Anglež. Ur. AD srca in ožilja, višja od pričakovane. Umrljivost rudarjev zaradi raka pljuč dosega celo stopnjo umrljivosti rudarjev nekaterih rudnikov urana. Sedaj je živih več kot 800 upokojenih rudarjev, ki prav tako trpijo zaradi posledic rudarjenja. Država je o idrijskem rudniku živega srebra sicer sprejela več zakonov in drugih predpisov. Tako je bil v letu 1987 sprejet zakon o preprečevanju posledic rudarjenja, s katerim naj bi zavarovali okolje neposredno nad rudnikom živega srebra in obvarovali mesto Idrija pred posledicami posedanja in drugimi posledicami rudarjenja ter izvedli sanacijo teh posledic. Glavne ukrepe iz tega programa naj bi u-resničili do konca leta 2006. Poslanec iz Idrije Samo Bevk Je v parlamentarni postopek vložil dopolnitev veljavnega zakona o preprečevanju posledic rudarjenja, s katerim naj bi predvsem povečali finančne obveznosti države pri sanaciji stanja, ki bo očitno še naprej ogrožalo okolje in tudi zdravje nekdanjih rudarjev in drugih prebivalcev Idrije. Novi glas, 3. jun. 2004 VABILO na romanje v Lemont CLEVELAND, O. - Letos 25. aprila na zborovanju Oltarnih društev, ki je bilo pri Mariji Vnebovzeti, je bilo sklenjeno, da poromamo zopet v Lemont k Mariji Pomagaj. To je navada že 50 let. Posebnost letos, da je hkrati 50-letnica dolinice rožne- ga venca. Oltarna društva romajo vseh teh let. Morda ste brali v Ave Mariji, da so bili kipi Marije Fatimske, treh pastirčkov in dveh ovčic pripeljali iz Italije. Marija Pomagaj pa kraljuje na glavnem oltaru v cerkvi. Ta kraj imenujemo naše ameriške Brezje, Mariji pa vedno kličemo Marija Pomagaj, to skoraj dnevno, včasih še večkrat na dan. Zato Je važno, da jo enkrat na leto skupno počastimo v njeni cerkvi. Zato vas lepo prosimo, da se nam pridružite. Odpotovali bomo 7. avgusta. Vrnemo se drugi dan oz. 8. avgusta. Cena je $100, kar je za prevoz, prenočišče in trikrat hrana v Lemontu. Prijavite se pri meni, Ivanki Matič (216-481-1514) ali Anici Nemec (216-541-7243). Ivanka Matič \^hat’s missing from your portfolio? : a two-year, KSKJ Ijiafe-j . ■ ■ • j . Miaete Fixed Annuity [>/ AP* -—liM u^uni deposit, $25,000 maximum. b change without notice. . Call your KSKJ sales representative today, or call: 1-800-843-5755 or visit us on the web at: www.KSKJlife.com tooa DOMAČIJE VELIKIH SLOVENCEV Plečnik je vdihnil dušo kamnu in les MIROSLAV SLANA - MIROS JOŽE PLEČNIK (1872-1957) se v vsakdanjem življenju s svojci ni najbolje ujel. Ni se našla ženska, ki bi mu bila všeč. Toda stvaritve tega slovenskega arhitekta, do zdaj najpomembnejšega med Slovenci, so danes znane na različnih celinah sveta. So kot njegovi žlahtni otroci. Slovenci poznamo njegovo ljubljansko Tromostovje, Žale in NUK. Je pionir evropske moderne arhitekture. Našel je pot v srce kamna, v bratovo srce pa ne. O Po študiju na Dunaju se je uveljavil z arhitekturnimi zasnovami palač, cerkva, ulic. Med njimi so znamenita Zacherlova hiša v središču Dunaja iz leta 1905, vodnjak Karla Boromejskega (1. 1909), cerkev sv. Duha v dunajskem Otakringu (1. 1913), cerkev sv. Srca Jezusovega v Vinohradih. Predsednik češke republike ga je imenoval za glavnega arhitekta prenove praškega gradu na Hradča-nih. Po vrnitvi domov je oblikoval cerkve sv. Frančiška in sv. Jerneja v Šiški, v Bogojini, sv. Antona v Beogradu, sv. Mihaela na Barju, kompleks poslovitvenih objektov na ljubljanskih Žalah. Oblikoval je os Vegove ceste, ljubljanski Stadion, Zbornico za trgovino, obrt in Plečnikov pogled na trnovsko cerkev V BLAG SPOMIN 13. OBLETNICE SMRTI MILKO PUST Umrl 25. junija 1991 V miru božjem Ti počivaj, dragi, nepozabni nam; v nebesih večno srečo uiivaj, do svidanja na vekomaj! Žalujoči: žena Dragica sin Marjan z družino hčerki Slavica in Vida z družinama v Ljubljani sestra Vida Lun z družino ostali sorodniki v Ameriki in Sloveniji. industrijo v Ljubljani, Ljudsko posojilnico v Celju, Vzajemno zavarovalnico v Ljubljani z iztekom na Kongresni trg in park Zvezdo, nabrežje Ljubljanice in Gradaščice z mostovi, Cojzovo cesto s Štenjakobskim trgom, park Tivoli, Rimski zid, severni del Bežigrada, paviljon na Brionih, njegov je Ilirski steber na Trgu francoske revolucije itn. Z velikim občutkom za ustvarjalna harmonična zlitja oblik v prostoru je napravil urbane arhitekturne poteze z nizom optično privlačnih točk. Zamislil si je Ljubljano kot slovenske Atene z Akropolo na Ljubljanskem gradu. Kljub slavi v svetu se je vrnil domov, v Ljubljano, in v Trnovem postavil trajni spomenik. Veren, kakršen je bil, je po vrnitvi v domovino iskreno prijateljeval s sosedom, Franom Šaleškim Finžgarjem, trnovskim župnikom, in neutrudno u-stvarjal. Že leta 1925 je postal član Masarykove akademije, leta 1938 pa eden prvih članov nove slovenske Akademije znanosti in umetnosti. Leta 1954 je bil imenovan za častnega člana Kraljevega združenja britanskih arhitektov R.I.B.A. Trnovo, kraj presrečnega imena "Prelepa je trnovska fara, še lepši je trnovski zvon,” poje pesem. In res je v Trnovem cerkev, na njenem pročelju pa šo vtisnjeni Prešernovi verzi, saj je v tej cerkvi zagledal svojo veliko ljubezen - Julijo. Kraj je torej slaven, zato je prav čudno, da so ga prezrli v slovenskih enciklopedijah in leksikonih. celo v Krajevnem leksikonu Slovenije. Duh stare patine preveva ta kraj, ki je prav (dalje na str. 19) V BLAG SPOMIN Ob enajsti obletnici smrti nam dragega moža, očeta in starega očeta •f' Aj p! Rop se počutil neprijetno (NADALJEVANJE s str. 16) MICHAEL FRAILE 11. leto Te že zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mirno spiš, srce Tvoje več ne bije, bolečin več ne trpiš. Gospod, daruj mu mir, naj večna luč mu sveti, ker si dobrote vir, uživa raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: žena Vilma hčer Wilma zet Greg vnuk Scott in ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji in Avstriji. Takšnega vložka ni bilo ne v scenariju ne na generalki. Zaradi samovoljnega karikiranja papeža in matere Tereze so se predstavniki agencije Lune že opravičili Krki in Javšni-kov nastop ocenili kot neumesten in neopravičljiv, ki je pustil grenak priokus sicer lepi prireditvi. Matjaž Javšnik tega ni želel komentirati, ker da se mu kot umetniku ni treba vmešavati v predvolilni boj strank. Predstavniki Krke pa so se opravičili predsedniku vlade Ropu. Tudi po njihovem je sporni vložek presegel meje sprejemljivosti in ni bil niti najmanj smešen gostom v prvi vrsti, kjer so poleg predsednika uprave Miloša Kovačiča sedeli premier Rop in drugi gosti, med njimi tudi poljski veleposlanik, minister za zdravje, akademiki in drugi. Neprimerno obtoževati premiera na račun drugih V javnem odgovoru na javno vprašanje predstavnikov škofovske konference pa so v uradu predsednika vlade med drugim zapisali, da jih preseneča javno vprašanje premieru o tem, ali je pisanje v Žurnalu resnično. “Še toliko bolj nas to preseneča, ker se je predsednik vlade, tako kot verjetno večina prisotnih, ob nepredvideni vsebini programske točke počutil zelo neprijetno. V uradu predsednika vlade zavračamo kakršnekoli povezave z dogodkom, ki je moralno nesprejemljiv' so zapisali v odgovoru. V premierovem uradu menijo, da je neprimerno predsednika vlade obtoževati na račun drugil1 ljudi, še zlasti ko gre & ugledne državnike in visoke cerkvene dostojanstvenike. Zagotavljajo, da o spoštovanju premiera R°' pa do papeža ni mogo^ dvomiti. “še zlasti ne dober teden po obisku predsednika vlade v Vatikanu, ko sta s papežem Juh®' zom Pavlom II. utrdil3 dobre osebne odnose ter vezi med Slovenijo 1)1 Svetim sedežem. Tako je tudi na dan obiska t. *• vatikanski sporazum P° dvanajstih letih dogovarjanj in usklajevanj konč no stopil v veljavo,” s° med drugim v odgovoru zapisali v premierovem kabinetu. Dejan Pušenjak Delo fax, 10. Jun. 200^ NOVI GROBOVI (NADALJEVANJE s str. 1 Somrak, rojena Sharon, na Roberta, mati Robe ml. in Linde Hilbig, 4-k stara mati, sestra Rošema Paluckas, Goldie Sulliv* Thelme O’Hara, Michae Betty Ridenour, Will*31 ter že pok. Franka in La rencea. Pogreb je bil 1 junija v oskrbi Brickmah vega zavoda s sv. maše ft cerkvi sv. Pavla na Chare Rd. s pokopom na Ver duš pokopališču. Sprememba naslova Ko se selite, trajno ali začasno, ste lepo naprošeni, naši pisarni posredujete pravočasno tako Vaš'nov na slov tkakor sedanji. To omogoča, da boste brez prekinitve bivali naš list, prihranili boste pa pisarni strošek 60 tov, ki jih računa pošta za vsak povrnjen oziroma n6 dostavljen izvod lista. Uporabljajte ta'obrazec za posred°' vanje potrebnih informacij. Nov naslov Ime Naslov Mesto, Država, Zip Star naslov Star naslov Mesto, država, zip S Plečnik je vdihnil dušo kamnu in les jo* n 13) Že- eft* Icra' afie ,ela’ }lHa 14. ino-o v don rni11 (NADALJEVANJE s str. 18) Sotovo pričevalec davnine, kjti Ljubljanska kotlina )e bila obljudena že v Paleolitiku. Neandertalci, ki so živeli tam, so v sPomin nase pustili ka-a^ito strgalo. Našli so ga na osamelcu Hruševci. ^ koncu mlajše kame-ae dobe pa so se tam Nfeu pojavili koliščarji s Sv°jo kulturo. Obiskovalca danes pri-l^o pozdravi šumenje Gfadaščice, ki izvira v iagozahodnem delu Pol-k°grajskega hribovja in Pdteče v Trnovo iz po-r^Ja Save ter se izliva v kjobljanico kot njen levi Pritok. ^talo za mostom v Govern vas izza farne C6rkve mikavno pozdravi ^Ol0ačija arhitekta prof. J°žeta Plečnika. To je hiša z napuščem, ^ vam kar zapoje v du- kdto Preseneti že zasteklje- veža z verando, pre-z lesenim ostreš-s tremi stebri ob dolžnih stenah. Ob sto-fUcah, ki vodijo v neko-dvignjeno pritličje, kamnita miza in 'Uto kli Hodnik je povezan z '^skim vrtom, nad pre-L®°ih!,pa je enokrakast Malo pred vhodom spalnico je portret uči-^ Otta Wagnerja z ge-^111 Artis sola domina *Cessitas (Edina gospo-umetnosti je po-, V hiši, strnjeni iz ^ ^elov, je sleherni ko- ^esk \ sleherni predmet, oblikovnih zas-velikega mojstra Pleč- v s^Pako eksotično pre-pogled iz stavbe na ^ ^ vrt kot pogled s ^tornega vrta na stav- jo sestavlja kom- Sne s staro hišo na ^ -ovi 4 in prizidkom , 8tar° hišo na Koru-k ki jo je Plečnik ^ leta 1928. H^Hrijena preproščina itn*5 ustvarja posebno ^ 0 ozračje, najsi gre t( njegovo izpeljanko mi-Posebno namembni0, kopalnico, kolo-\ Atelje je v okrogli * Pb-2 lesenimi opaži in ^ ^°Pom ter omarami n^erl- Plečnik je grče IS,.?' 2 belim kitom in llj^ I*10 zaščitil s ■ čebe-Voskom. Plečnikovina ni rojstna hiša Jože Plečnik je bil rojen na ljubljanskem Gradišču, ko že davno ni bilo več Emone, ki jo je v 4. st. zajelo krščanstvo. Drugo slovansko ime za Gradišče je Ajdovščina. Ta prostor s Ferantovim vrtom sredi Gradišča so pozidali s pritličnimi stavbami in prav ena teh stavbic je bila rojstna hiša Jožeta Plečnika, ki je danes ni več. Kjer je stala ta hiša, to je ob današnji Gregorčičevi ulici, stoji spominski steber avtorja Ravnikarja. Jožetov oče je imel mizarsko delavnico in ga je že zgodaj uvedel v mizarska dela. Tako je imel fant privzgojene delovne navade. Po ljudski šoli so ga domači poslali v Gradec v industrijsko-obrtno šolo. Tam se Je izučil za načrtovalca pohištva. Že zgodaj je pokazal veliko nadarjenost, zato je nadaljeval šolanje. Uveljavil se je kot arhitekt in profesor. Leta 1921, ko naj bi se bil za stalno preselil v Trnovo, ni postavil stavbe v Korunovi 4, kjer je bil po njegovi smrti, v času Jugoslavije, ‘nekaj let Arhitekturni muzej. Zgodovina stavbe, ki jo lahko štejemo za njegovo pravo domačijo, sega v leto 1915. Takrat je brat Andrej, duhovnik; ki je živel zelo skromno, služboval pa v raznih Župnijah, v Idriji, Kočevju, pri sv. Petru itn., s prihranki kupil stari del poslopja v obliki črke L. Ta hiša je že takrat v Jožetu zbudila željo, da bi se vrnil in doma tudi on napravil kaj vrednega. Kmalu po bratovem nakupu Je napravil prve preureditvene skice. Realne možnosti za obnovo pa so se pokazale šele po koncu prve svetovne vojne. Takrat je imel Plečnik že veliko ponudb. Masa- Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Plečnikovina z dvoriščne strani z dr. Krečičem ryk, ovenčan s slavo osvoboditelja, ustanovitelja nove države Češkoslovaške, prvi predsednik, mu je ponudil možnost, da prenovi praški grad za potrebe predsednika republike. Plečnik je večkrat povedal, da je že toliko dozorel, da bi že lahko prišel v domovino. Zapleti so bili povezani tudi z drugim revolucionarnim dejanjem na ozemlju nekdanjih avstro-ogrskih dežel: južni Slovani iz Kranjske, Štajerske, Hrvaške in Dalmacije so se 1. decembra 1918 združili v SHS. Prišlo je do predloga za prizidek v Trnovem, da bi v skupni hiši živeli vsi Plečniki, trije bratje in sestra. Andrej in starejša sestra naj bi stanovala v starejšem delu, Jože v pritličju in Janez v nadstropju, združujoči element pa bi bila kuhinja. Ker najlepše ideje in najboljši nameni ne peljejo vedno do cilja, ampak marsikdaj v pekel, se zamisel ni posrečila, je povedal dr. Peter Krečič, varuh Plečnikovine. Sestra, ki je živela prej v središču mesta, ni hotela v tedaj neugledno trnovsko vas. Brat Andrej je deloval po farah in ni imel možnosti vrnitve. Tako sta v hiši živela samo brata Jože in Janez, ki pa sta se zelo hitro sprla. Nista se ujela. Janez je vzel; svojo posteljo in klavir in se preselil na svoje staro mesto. Tako je vsa hiša ostala Jožetu. Bilo je toliko prostora, da je stari del oddajal študentom -med njimi so bili prvi župan po volitvah Jože Strgar in urednik enciklopedije Martin Ivanič. Ko je leta 1921 Plečnik kot profesor prišel v Ljubljano, je zbral prve študente na domu svoje sestre na današnjem Ci-ril-Metodovem trgu 10. Študenti se ga spomnijo, da je bil oblečen v črno, nekako obredno si je rad pogladil brado, jih nagovoril in riapravil vtis nanje. Nastop je bil eden izmed značilnih Plečnikovih uprizoritev. Uveljavil se je skozi uprizoritvene elemente in se ob nastopu pripravil na obredno dejanje. > Številna > javna dela je ustvarjal kot “o-bredne” prostore, najsi je šlo za sakralne ali posvetne spomenike. Gestti-alne, osebne učinke je znal mojstrsko izraziti. Zanj je skrbela gospodinja, ki mu je kuhala in urejala hišo. j Vrtnar je skrbel za njegov vrt. Plečnik je živel ustvarjalno, a odmaknjeno. Umrl je 7. januarja 1957 doma v Trnovem, pokopan pa je na ljubljanskih Žalah. Po njegovi smrti se je leta 1957 v hišo naselil nečak Karel Matkovič, ki je začel urejati Plečnikovo zapuščino. Leta 1970 Je bila hiša prodana mestu Ljubljana, ki je leta 1972 v njej! ustanovilo Arhitekturni muzej. Četudi Je imel po 2. svetovni vojni politične težave, so Plečniku že leta 1949 podelili Prešernovo nagrado. Bil je tudi odlikovan z Redom zaslug za narod I. stopnje. Leta 1952 je prejel častni doktorat Tehniške visoke šole na Dunaju. Prešernov mavzolej za žene NOV Plečnik je zasnoval številne spomenike znanim Slovencem. Njegov je npr. Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem z dogajanjem v slovenskem svetu steber v spomin na skladatelja Davorina Jenka v Ljubljani, najznamenitejši pa je Prešernov spomenik, ki temelji na zanimivi zgodbi o usodi Prešernovega mavzoleja iz leta 1948. K Plečniku so takrat prišli slovenski akademiki, naj napravi Prešernov mavzolej za Vrbo, kamor bi prenesli pesnikove posmrtne ostanke iz Kranja. Akademiki so bili navdušeni, a niso imeli dovolj denarja. Zato so se domenili za cenejšo različico. Plečnik je napravil o-snutek za ograjen ■' prostorček s poljem, kjer stoji Apolon, voditelj ‘tauz. Spet so prišli gospodje z akademije in ugotovili, da nimajo dovolj denarja.' Plečnik se je nato' odločil za manjši obelisk^! -vazo z malim genijem'," ki ima venček vrh glave. Tedaj pa so prišli tisti, ki so imeli denar: partizani. Isti spomenik so namesto Prešernu postavili v čast demonstrirajočim ženam v NOB in še danes stoji na začetku parka Zvezda. To je zgodba velike zamisli o Prešernovem mav-1 zoleju v Vrbi, ki se je zdrobila v prah. Rodna gruda marec-april 2004 (Op. ur. AD: To Je tudi bila zadnja Rodna gruda; z začetkom maja izhaja nova revija za izseljence in zdomce - Slovenija* svet KDO -SOLZE -£ MAŠE r -POSUŠIL *2r Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1529. Misijonar p. Stanko Rozman, ki sedaj deluje v Malaviju, nam je poslal list “Iz sončne Zambije”, ki izhaja približno štirikrat v letu in sporoča novice o Zambiji; zdaj pa, ko se p. Stanko nahaja v Malaviju, še od tam. V teh novicah piše na začetku; “V tej velikonočni in binkoštni številki, bi vam radi podrobneje predstavili življenje in delo dveh naših novih in mladih misijonarjev: p. Mia in sholastika Damjana. Oba prihajata iz slovenske jezuitske province. Seznanili vas bomo tudi z drugimi novicami iz naših misijonskih postojank v Zambiji in Malaviju.” Misijonar p. Mio Kekič, ki deluje kot kaplan v župniji v Chikuniju, piše: "Vsem pošiljam Twalumbo, to je veliko-atomsko-zahvalo za vsa pisma, gmotno podporo in velikodušne molitve. Te so mi še posebno potrebne v težavah, ko človek lahko upa le na notranjo moč in ogenj Sv. Duha. Mislim, da ste res goreče molili, ker je bila naša prošnja za dež pri Bogu sprejeta in uslišana. Tako bo letos dobra letina in manj lačnih ust. Trenutno obiskujem tečaj tonga jezika, ki je eden najtežjih bantu jezikov. Za menoj je že dvakrat po pet tednov tečaja, pred mano pa še tri tedni guljenja slovnice in učenja jezika v praksi. Jezik je res zapleten in belim misijonarjem dela veliko preglavic. Isto besedo uporabljajo za različne pomene. No, v tolažbo mi je moj prijatelj in duhovnik Giuseppe iz Milana, ki se je za 12 let dal na razpolago zambijski Cerkvi in se skupaj z mano uči jezika tonga. Skupaj z drugimi se trudiva sprejemati domačine takšne kot so, z vsemi njihovimi težavami in navadami, brez naših belskih predsodkov in kalupov. Sedaj potrebujeva veliko živega stika z ljudmi. Vesel sem, ko mi uspe povedati ljudem, kdo sem, zakaj sem tukaj, kako jim želim pomagati. Na tečaju sem spoznal tudi druge zanimive ljudi, baptistične pastorje in dve indijski redovnici. Sestra Lisetta bo tu učila angleščino, Sherin pa že štiri leta pomaga v zambijskih župnijah. Ona je izredna poznavalka kač in za vsako pove, kako se ju ubranite. Pripovedovala nam je o nenavadnem srečanju s slonom, ko je bila z župljani na cerkvenem pikniku. Velik samec je prilomastil prav do njihovih miz, si nabral nekaj sadja, se sprehodil med ljudmi in po 40 minutah odšel no-, vim dogodivščinam naprej. O živalih še to: V Kizitu centru, kjer prebivamo, so naši nočni obiskovalci sove, dnevni pa različne rjave kače, tudi kameloni sem že srečal, le da ne vem, če je bil vedno isti, enkrat je bil rjave, drugič pa svetlo zelene barve. Prijel sem ga za dolgi rep, a mu to ni bilo preveč všeč. Zaradi nadaljnjega najinega prijateljstva ga odslej puščam v miru. Ob koncu tedna se vračam v Chikuni, kjer ob nedeljah mašujem v angleščini in v tem jeziku tudi pridigam, katehist pa moj govor prevaja v jezik tonga. Z župnikom p. Tedom imava kar 25 podružnic, kamor hodiva skupaj z dvema zambijskema redovnicama v džipu, saj tu ni pravih poti. Zgodi se, da včasih obtičemo v kakšni grapi. P. Ted mi je povedal, da ga je nekoč iz takšne “cestne zasede” rešilo 16 vdov, a do cerkve je le prišel. Nikoli si nisem mislil, da bom kdaj oral takšna pota Gospodova. Hvaležen sem Bogu, da me ohranja zdravega, čeprav utrujenega v prenašanju naporov. Z veseljem spoznavam delo v župniji, župljane, ki so člani molitvene skupine, in se pripravljam na slavje cvetne nedelje, kc bom slovesno jahal na osličku. Sprašujem se, če bom na veliki petek tudi križan? Človek nikoli ne ve... Za Veliko noč vam želim, da bi tako ohranjali Kristusovo zmago, kot je to svetovala bi. Mati Tereza: “Tako obhajajte Pasho, kot da je to prvič in zadnjič v vašem življenju, torej iz vsega srca in duše.” Vesela Aleluja vsem prijateljem sončne Zambije!” Zanimivo pismo o prvih vtisih misijonarja. Bog mu daj veliko milosti, da bo s korajžo gradil most, posebno še pri učenju jezika tonga. Mi pa ga vključimo v naših molitvah s prošnjo za blagoslov. Misijonar p. Lojze Podgrajšek, ki je bil na študiju v Kaliforniji, se je ustavil v našem mestu 4. junija. V soboto (5. jun.) zvečer smo se srečali v šolski sobi za sestanke pri Mariji Vnebovzeti, kjer nam je malo razložil o deželi Zambiji. Zambija leži na visoki planoti, kamor so se zatekala razna plemena, ko so lovci nabirali ljudi za suženjstvo. Še vedno trpe radi tega, saj se to preganjanje prenaša iz roda v rod. Pater je pohvalil te ljudi, da so zelo dobrosrčni. On je župnik na univerzi, ima stike s študenti. S seboj je prinesel album, da nam je pokazal, kako se zbirajo ob nedeljah po sv. maši v gručah in predelju-jejo, kar so slišali v evangeliju in v pridigi, da imajo duhovno snov za prihodnji teden. Hočejo biti dobri kristjani. K temu patru prihajajo tudi sirote, ki so izgubile svojce, tako starše in bližnje sorodnike v različnih nesrečah, kot v vojni v Ruandi in Burundiju. V nedeljo, 6. junija, je imel deseto sv. mašo, kjer je prebral tudi pismo ene sirote, ki ga prosi varstva in pomoči, da bi se pripravila za življenje. Kar precej dobrotnikov se je oglasilo s svojim darom, in sicer: I. Cerar (v spomin +Kati Sršen in +Cilke Žakelj) $50; M.S. Grdadolnik (za Rev. Rok Gajšek) $100; J. Mraz (za Zambijo) $100; Y. Cozza $100 in V. Devine $150 (za s. M. Pavlišič); Rev. V. Cimperman (za Rev. P. Opeka) $100: A. Nemec (ob krstu Carolince Cupar in Isabelle Knez) $50; N.N. $100; C. Kastelic (za Rev. Opeka) $100. Dalje: Rev. N.N. (za Rev. Pavšner $5000, dar $50) $5050; K. O’Brien $100; R.A. Knez (za sv. mašo) $10; N.N. (za bogosl. $1200, za Rev. Opeka $100) $1300; A. Žakelj (v spomin žene +Cilke) $250; v spomin ge. Žakelj še: MaryAnn Domanko $25, American Home Publ. Co. $25; Y. Cozza $100 in V. Devine $200 (za s. Pavlišič); B.S. Pišorn (za Rev. Podgrajšek $50; za Rev. Podgrajšek: A.S. Ravnik $500, Alex Ravnik $2000, Miriam Ravnik $1000, Martina Sepaher $3500; F. Androjna $50; A.M. Lavriša $125; S. Oven (Miriam Praprotnik) $100; Š. Jarem (Rev. Opeka ($100). Vsem vam, ki ste razumeli potrebe v misijonih, iskrena hvala za vso pomoč, prav tako za vse molitve, ki jih darujete v ta namen. Naj vam vsem Nebeški Oče, ki vse ureja, vam vsem da svoj blagoslov. Prav lep misijonski pozdrav od vseh sodelujočih in Marice Lavriše 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, OH 44119 Slovenci, državljani sveta Peto nadaljevanje opisov živečih Slovencev v domovini in po svetu, ki s svojimi dosežki delajo pozitivno reklamo za Slovenijo. Članek je objavi! v Delu dne 30. aprila Ljubo Urajnar. O Mateja Svet (Ljubljana, 16. avg. 1968), alpska smučarka. S šestnajstimi leti je že postala mladinska svetovna prvakinja v veleslalomu in udeleženka olimpijskih iger v Sarajevu 1984. Pet let je bila v vrhu svetovnega ženskega smučanja, potem pa je mnogo prezgodaj zapustila tekmovalno smučanje. Na svetovnih prvenstvih in olimpijskih igrah je osvojila šest kolajn in sedemkrat zmagala v tekmovanjih za svetovni pokal. Leta 1988 je za skupno zmago v veleslalomu za svetovni pokal osvojila kristalni globus. Dubravka Tomšlč-Sre- o botnjak (Dubrovnik, 6. febr. 1940), pianistka in pedagoginja. V letih 1949 do 1952 je študirala na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani, zatem je odšla v ZDA in leta 1957 diplomirala na Juilliardovi glasbeni šoli v New Yorku. V letih 1957-59 se je izpopolnjevala pri Arturju Rubin-steinu v New Yorku. Leta 1967 je začela poučevati- na Glasbeni akademiji v Ljubljani, redna profesorica je postala 1975. V tujini je vodila več mojstrskih tečajev in sodelovala v žirijah mednarodnih pianističnih tekmovanj. Razvila se je v svetovno znano pianistko. Odlikujejo Jo tehnična virtuo- znost, izrazna jasnost, temperamentna igra in disciplinarno arhitektonsko oblikovanje. Na koncertih nastopa od petega leta; solistično in s svetovno znanimi orkestralni in dirigenti jo nastopala po vsem svetu. Njen repertoar obsega predvsem klasične klavirske skladbe, od tega 3® koncertov za klavir 1° orkester. Posnetki njenih interpretacij so objavljeni na več kot 100 ploščah. Vzgojila je tudi vrsto uspešnih domačih piani' stov. Za umetniške d0' sežke je prejela številno nagrade doma in v tujini- Tone Vogrinec (Mari' bor, 24. febr. 1941), alP' ski smučar, trener in športni delavec. Leta 1970 je v Franciji končal šolo smučanja in alpinizma, nato pa Je postopno postal trener, vodja in direktor jug0' slovanskih alpskih snu1' čarskih reprezentanc. Slovensko alpsko smu' Čanje je med njegovim vodenjem doseglo 40 P°' samičnih zmag v svetovnem pokalu ter 15 odličij na olimpijskih igra^ in svetovnih prvenstvih. Walter Wolf (Gradec. 1939), podjetnik. Walter Wolf, kanadski poslovnež slovenskega r° du, je bil rojen v Grad cu. Šolal se je v Marib0 ru, a je kmalu odšel ZDA, prepričan, da mora postati milijonar. Iz ZDA je odšel v Ka' nado, kjer je z gradbeni mi posli za montrealsk0 razstavo Expo 67 že za služil prvi milijon dolnr jev. Naslednje leto je Pu stil gradbeništvo in se lotil donosnejših nafth^1 poslov. Čez pet let je služil milijon dolarjev 113 dan. Leta 1979 je ustanoVl1 svojo blagovno znamk0 Walter Wolf (cigarete, k° zmetični izdelki, srajc®’ ekskluzivni usnjeni izd ki), ki je kmalu postal3 cenjena blagovna znamk3 Ameriški mediji sodij0’ da je njegovo premoženj6 vredno več kot 300 mi^ Jonov dolarjev. (SE BO NADALJEVALO) Podpirajmo našo skupnost!