I. NIKOLI] et al.: A NOVEL HYBRID DECISION-MAKING MODEL: FUZZY AHP-TOPSIS APPROACH ... 147–157 A NOVEL HYBRID DECISION-MAKING MODEL: FUZZY AHP-TOPSIS APPROACH FOR PRIORITISING COPPER SMELTING PROCESSES NOV HIBRIDNI MODEL ZA ODLO^ITEV PREDNOSTNEGA POSTOPKA PRETALJEVANJA BAKRA NA OSNOVI PRISTOPA Z NAVIDEZNO LOGIKO AHP-TOPSIS Ivica Nikoli} * , An|elka Stojanovi}, Milijana Mitrovi} University of Belgrade, Technical Faculty in Bor, 12 Vojske Jugoslavije, 19210 Bor, Serbia Prejem rokopisa – received: 2023-11-03; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2024-01-24 doi:10.17222/mit.2023.1037 The construction of a copper smelting facility and its undisturbed and profitable business undoubtedly contribute to the develop- ment of each country’s economy. These facilities employ many workers and produce a large amount of copper, reducing imports and dependence on this important raw material, thereby improving the economic situation in a given country. More than a hun- dred copper smelters operate worldwide, many of which use different types of copper extraction processes. Strict legislation re- lating to ecology and environmental protection as well as stakeholder involvement in selecting and constructing copper smelting facilities limit the maximisation of short-term economic objectives. The prioritisation of technological processes for the extrac- tion of copper must consider the impacts of often mutually opposing economic, technical and environmental objectives. No re- search from the available literature analyses the economic, technical and environmental parameters systematically. Studies have mainly dealt with exploring individual influences of factors through the use of one selection method. This paper presents the de- velopment of a novel hybrid AHP-TOPSIS model in fuzzy environments that will provide both informative decisions and opti- mum results of decision making. Keywords: hybrid model, AHP, TOPSIS, fuzzy environment, copper smelting processes Konstrukcija ter nato uspe{na izdelava in uporaba naprav za pretaljevanje bakra je nedvomno donosen posel, ki v celoti prispeva k razvoju ekonomije vsake dr`ave. Te naprave zaposljujejo veliko ljudi in proizvajajo velike koli~ine strate{ke kovine kot je baker, zmanj{ujejo uvoz in odvisnost od pomembnih osnovnih surovin ter tako izbolj{ujejo ekonomske razmere v dani dr`avi. Ve~ kot sto talilnic bakra deluje po svetu in pri tem uporabljajo razli~ne postopke ekstrakcije bakra. Stro`ja ekolo{ka in okoljska zakonodaja, kakor tudi vklju~evanje delni~arjev v izbiro vrste naprave za pretaljevanje bakra omejuje in skraj{uje roke za ekonomske odlo~itve. Dajanje prednosti tehnolo{kim procesom ekstrakcije bakra je pogosto v nasprotju z ekonomskimi, tehni{kimi in okoljskimi zahtevami, ko se ocenjuje realizacija projekta. Avtorji tega ~lanka v literaturi niso na{li ustrezne analize, ki bi sistemati~no isto~asno upo{tevala ekonomske, tehni{ke in okoljske parametre. Obstoje~e {tudije se v glavnem ukvarjajo z raziskovanjem posameznih vplivov z uporabo ene izbrane metode. V tem ~lanku avtorji predstavljajo razvoj novega hibridnega modela AHP-TOPSIS v navideznem okolju, ki naj bi pripomogel tako do odlo~ilnih informacij za optimalne rezultate odlo~anja v tako imenovanem »decision making« postopku. Klju~ne besede: hibridni model, analiti~no hierarhi~ni proces (AHP), tehnika prednostne ureditve za idealno re{itev (TOPSIS), zamegljeno oziroma navidezno okolje, proces pretaljevanja bakra 1 INTRODUCTION Without a doubt copper represents one of the key products needed for the economic development of any country. Copper extraction dates back to prehistoric times, to be more precise, to the Copper Age or Chalco- lithic Age. 1 Although it is one of the oldest exploited metals, its significance has not diminished. On the con- trary, the significance of this metal is greater than ever, and its positive growth trend continues. However, the in- crease in the copper production has a negative impact on the environment. This has led to a constant development of new technological solutions for reducing the adverse effects of copper extraction. 2–4 In the last half century, there was progress in technological processes for extract- ing non-ferrous metals, especially copper. Thus, produc- tion capacities were increased, and the quality was im- proved. However, the negative environmental impact re- mained. 5,6 The manufacturing sector plays a significant role in fostering sustainable economic growth in many devel- oped economies. The study by Behun et al. 7 showed that changes in the manufacturing and sales sectors are al- most immediately reflected in the gross domestic prod- uct (GDP) changes. In a survey conducted by Vishal Chandr Jaunky (2013), the influence of copper consump- tion on the economic development of 16 countries was analysed. 8 Based on this research and other relevant stud- ies from the literature, it can be concluded that copper consumption and production are crucial elements of a country’s long-term economic development. 9–13 The fact is that copper smelting facilities employ many workers Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 2, 147–157 147 UDK 549.281:666.1.037.4 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 58(2)147(2024) *Corresponding author's e-mail: inikolic@tfbor.bg.ac.rs (Ivica Nikoli}) and produce a significant amount of copper, contributing to a better economic situation in each country. The con- struction of such industrial facilities contributes to reduc- ing the import of this extremely important raw material and improving the living standards in the environment where a copper facility operates. Therefore, it is essential to develop an adequate model for selecting the optimal copper smelting process, taking into account the impor- tance of these facilities for the local economy and the economy of the country. The modern environment is full of challenges and, in such conditions, decision-makers often need quick and efficient tools that help them quickly model and optimise several alternative solutions, and then compare them based on different prerequisites or performance crite- ria. 14–16 This problem can be solved by using the multi-criteria decision making methodology (MCDM), which provides a wide range of mathematical models that can give effective solutions. In this paper, eight of the most effective and fre- quently used technological processes for the pyro- metallurgical extraction of copper were selected after consulting experts. In a study conducted by Kapusta in 2004, over 50 active copper smelters worldwide were analysed based on economic, ecological and technologi- cal factors. The study provides an insight into the fre- quency of a specific type of technological process used for extracting copper. 17–21 Based on a broad literature review, it has been con- cluded that no research systematically analyses the eco- nomic, environmental and technical parameters for pri- oritising copper smelting processes. There is mainly available research on analysing separate effects of vari- ous factors. 3,22,23 Therefore, the essence of this study was to determine which current technological process achieves the optimal pre-set economic goals while com- plying with technological and environmental standards. In addition to filling the literature gap, applying this sys- tematic decision model would increase the cleaner “red metal” production with technological efficiency and eco- nomic justification. This approach determines the opti- mal technological process for the given situation. The hybrid AHP-TOPSIS method in a fuzzy environ- ment was used to rank the analysed technological pro- cesses for copper extraction according to the 11 men- tioned parameters. The ranking was based on 11 economic, technological and environmental parameters selected based on previous consultations with the experts in the copper production field. The importance of the chosen parameters for copper processing can be found in the papers by Davenport et al., 24 Moskalyk & Alfantazi, 17 Kapusta, 18 Schlesinger et al., 19 Najdenov et al., 25 and oth- ers. These parameters represent the criteria for the model proposed in this paper. The scientific contribution of this paper is reflected in the integration of the economic as- pect with technological and environmental parameters. 2 OVERVIEW OF THE CONSIDERED TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES AND PARAMETERS Extracting copper from copper ores can be achieved through pyrometallurgy and hydrometallurgy. The litera- ture review shows that hydrometallurgical processes are more environmentally friendly than pyrometallurgical ones, but most copper smelting facilities use pyro- metallurgical processes. 21 Pyrometallurgical processes occur at high temperatures, leading to very rapid reac- tions. Thus, by applying a pyrometallurgical process, copper is obtained much faster than with the hydro- metallurgical process. In this way, producing a larger amount of copper within a much shorter period is possi- ble. It also has a significant economic impact that re- flects on a greater reversal of assets and the ability to make a profit in a shorter time. 26–28 For the reasons men- tioned above, the research focused only on pyrometallur- gical processes. When selecting a specific technological process for extracting copper, in addition to the techno- logical, two other basic criteria were considered: eco- nomic and environmental acceptability. The environmen- tal acceptability of the technology was significantly actualised at the end of the twentieth century. As the eco- nomic parameter is the most influential when choosing the technology, and it is prominent in pyrometallurgical procedures, about 80 % of copper produced today is ex- tracted primarily through pyrometallurgical pro- cesses. 19,21 In addition, numerous improvements that oc- curred in the previous period led not only to an increase in the production infrastructure and capacity but also in a reduction of the negative impact on the environment. 29–32 The parameters selected as the criteria in this paper significantly impact the implementation of the techno- logical process, its economic viability and the environ- ment. Copper ores contain a relatively small percentage of copper. Therefore, copper ores must be enriched by flo- tation before further processing in smelting facilities to achieve optimal conditions for a copper production. The product of copper flotation operation is copper concen- trate. 24 The amount of concentrate that will be processed should be taken into account when choosing the appro- priate technological process. An economical copper pro- duction can be achieved if larger quantities of concen- trate are processed during the day. For this reason, a higher value of this parameter positively affects the busi- ness. Furnaces for copper metallurgy work at high temper- atures, so they must be protected from the inside since they are in contact with the reaction medium and smelt- ing products. The inside of a furnace is made of refrac- tory bricks, which isolate high-temperature zones and re- duce heat losses, thus ensuring the static stability of the furnace, etc. In certain parts of the furnace (for chemical reaction) that are used for the separation of matte from slag as well as for the separation of gases, different tech- I. NIKOLI] et al.: A NOVEL HYBRID DECISION-MAKING MODEL: FUZZY AHP-TOPSIS APPROACH ... 148 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 2, 147–157 nological conditions prevail, so a variety of refractory materials and different ways of protecting the device by water-cooling are required. The wall lining in all types of autogenic furnaces is mainly made of chrome-magnesite bricks. The exception is the Inco flash furnace, which reaches extremely high temperatures, so copper-cooling water jackets for flash furnaces are built into its walls. Previously, the chimney for flash smelting was made of refractory bricks. Over the last decades, there has been a tendency to entirely cool chimneys with water-cooling off-gas devices to change dust into a solid before enter- ing the boiler. While assigning ranking based on this pa- rameter, priority should be given to smelters with a lon- ger lining lifetime. This reduces the direct costs arising from the lining change and the time workers spend on the lining change. Moreover, the indirect costs of pro- duction stagnation are reduced, as is the negative impact on the environment, reflected through dust resulting from poor cooling of the off-gases. 17–19,24,33 A significant parameter is also the percentage of sul- phur and copper recovery. The sulphur and copper recov- ery should be maximised to increase the economy of the technological process. In addition to economic reasons, environmental ones have become dominant in selecting a technological process. Also, it has been noticed that the content of Fe in copper is always low so that the content of copper is high, and thus, a smaller extent of further refining is needed. Also, the content of Cu in the slag should be at the lowest possible level so that the copper recovery is better. Copper technological processes have the advan- tage of being capable of smelting poor concentrates, thus increasing the number of potential concentrate suppli- ers. 21,34,35 Copper smelting facilities worldwide use many different pyrometallurgical processes to extract cop- per. 3,17,24 Each technology exhibits different positives and negatives based on the above-described parameters and characteristics. The eight most current and representative technological processes were selected for further consid- eration (Table 1). The technological processes represent alternatives in this study. According to the data from the USGS website (the data are for 2023), there are over a hundred operational copper smelters worldwide. The largest number of cop- per smelters are located in China (19 smelters), Russia (10 smelters), Chile (7 smelters) and Japan (6 smelters). Regarding the application of technology, the most wide- spread is the reverberatory furnace (31 smelters use this technology), followed by Outokumpu flash smelting (Outotec) (24 smelters use this technology). In contrast, the least applied technologies are Inco Flash (one smelter in the USA and one in Canada) and Vanyukov (one smelter in Russia and one in Kazakhstan). The techno- logical process called Ausmel/Isasmelt lance is currently utilised by seven smelters worldwide, El Teniente by six smelters, while Noranda and Mitsubishi are each used in I. NIKOLI] et al.: A NOVEL HYBRID DECISION-MAKING MODEL: FUZZY AHP-TOPSIS APPROACH ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 2, 147–157 149 Table 1: Brief overview of the considered processes of pyrometallurgical extraction of copper Type of the process Major positives Literature review Outokumpu flash smelting (Outotec) adaptability, low energy consumption, high sulphur recovery, more efficient use of sulphide energy from concentrates, higher utilisation of metals and much better protection of the atmosphere against pollution by SO 2 and other harmful substances Higgins et al., 2009; 36 Vra~ar, 2010; 33 Schlesinger et al., 2011; 19 Liu et al., 2014; 37 Outokumpu, 2023; 38 Outotec, 2023; 39 USGS, 2023; 40 Ausmel/Isasmelt lance highly efficient process, low production costs, com- pliance with strict environmental standards Davenport et al., 2002; 24 Schlesinger et al., 2011; 19 Najdenov et al., 2012; 25 USGS, 2023; 40 Isasmelt, 2023; 41 Inco Flash using technical oxygen instead of air reduces the amount of gases produced; however, this method is still quite costly with a large consumption of electricity 42 Queneau and Marcuson, 1996; Moskalyk and Alfantazi, 2003; 17 Kapusta, 2004; 18 Vra~ar, 2010; 33 Inco, 2023; 43 Mitsubishi high utilisation of SO 2 , reduction of the emission of harmful gases, high flexibility, ability to process re- verse and secondary materials, reduced consumption of electricity Shibasaki et al., 1993; 44 Iida et al., 1997; 45 Asaki et al., 2001; 46 Davenport et al., 2002; 24 Fthenakis et al., 2009; 47 Schlesinger et al., 2011; 19 Wang et al., 2013; 48 Noranda small amount of fuel, possibility to achieve complete autogenic smelting with 40% of oxygen, but with a negative economic effect Veldbuizen and Sippel, 1994; 49 Davenport et al., 2002; 24 Cui and Zhang, 2008; 50 Vra~ar, 2010; 33 Schlesinger et al., 2011; 19 El Teniente better energy use, economic, but it requires a more complicated and complex control Bergh et al., 2005; 51 Valencia et al., 2006; 52 Schaaf et al., 2010; 53 Najdenov et al., 2012; 25 Najdenov, 2013; 20 Vanyukov (semi)autogenic smelting of copper concentrates with various additives, large-folded and selectively di- gested rich copper ore, return materials and the sol- vent Davenport et al., 2002; 24 Moskalyk and Alfantazi, 2003; 17 Schlesinger et al., 2011; 19 Najdenov et al., 2012; 25 Reverberatory furnace it is often replaced by some of the previous ones be- cause it does not have many positives and it requires high energy consumption Diaz et al., 1991; 54 Ullmann, 1995; 55 Stankovi}, 2000; 56 Davidovi} et al., 2009; 57 Najdenov et al., 2013; 20 Mohagheghi and Askari, 2016; 58 USGS, 2023; 40 four smelters. Based on the data from Kapusta’s 18 study, which depicts roughly half of the smelters with different types of technological processes, it can be concluded that the ratio of the applied copper extraction technological processes has not significantly changed in the past 20 years. 18,40 3 METHODOLOGY The aim of this research was to select the optimal technological process of copper extraction in complex conditions. To fulfil this aim, authors developed a hybrid fuzzy AHP-TOPSIS model. The FAHP method was used to assess the weight of factors based on the experts’eval- uation of each criterion’s significance, while the TOPSIS method was used to rank the technological processes. The prioritisation process used in this research is pre- sented in Figure 1. The applied methods are briefly de- scribed below. 3.1 Fuzzy AHP AHP is one of the most used MCDA methods. This method was introduced in 1980 by Saaty, and since then, the number of studies in which this method was applied has continually increased. The main reason for this pop- ularity is its ease of operation and application as well as its great flexibility. Thanks to these characteristics, this method is applied in many areas, such as economics, manufacturing, social science, education, etc. 59–64 How- ever, problems in applying this method may arise from using experts’ subjective judgments during evaluations. 65 In fact, experts use exact values when comparing criteria or alternatives and therefore cannot express their prefer- ences. 66 This problem was recognised by Laarhoven and Pedrycz (1983), who proposed the FAHP (fuzzy analyti- cal hierarchy process) method as the solution to this problem. The FAHP uses the principles of fuzzy logic within the AHP method. 67,68 There are many variants of the FAHP method. In this research, modified Chang’s extent analysis was applied to prioritise copper smelting processes. This modifica- tion includes using triangular fuzzy numbers (TFNs) for the pairwise comparison scale and the extent analysis method for the synthetic extent value of Si of the pairwise comparison. 69 The main flaw of modified Chang’s extent analysis is that determined weights can- not be used as priorities because they do not represent the relative importance of decision criteria or alterna- tives. Wang and Chen (2007) corrected the normalisation formula to solve this problem. 70,71 The FAHP method used in this research is described in several steps. Step 1: Defining the problem and developing a fuzzy comparison matrix. A hierarchical structure of an AHP problem consists of at least three levels. At the top of this structure, there is an overall goal of the problem, in the middle, there are multiple criteria, while at the bot- tom there are decision options. 68 Decision-makers evalu- ate the relative significance of particular criteria and al- ternatives at each hierarchical level in pairs, with the help of linguistic variables. In this way, paired compari- son matrices are defined, whose values are translated into TFNs in accordance with Table 2 to obtain a fuzzy pairwise comparison matrix. This completes the first step of Chang’s (1996) extent analysis method. 69,72,73 Table 2: Linguistic variables for pairwise comparison of each criterion 73,74 Linguistic variables Triangular fuzzy scale Triangular fuzzy re- ciprocal scale Equally strong (1, 1, 1) (1, 1, 1) Moderately strong (2, 3, 4) (1/4, 1/3, 1/2) Strong (4, 5, 6) (1/6, 1/5, 1/4) Very strong (6, 7, 8) (1/8, 1/7, 1/6) Extremely strong (9, 9, 9) (1/9, 1/9, 1/9) Intermediate values (1, 2, 3) (1/3, 1/2, 1) (3, 4, 5) (1/5, 1/4, 1/3) (5, 6, 7) (1/7, 1/6, 1/5) (7, 8, 9) (1/9, 1/8, 1/7) Step 2: Determining the fuzzy synthetic extent # with respect to criteria i that is carried out according to Kabir and Sumi, 2014: ~~ ~ ,,..., S li j j n ij j n i n CCi =⊗ ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ = == = − ∑∑ ∑ 11 1 1 12 , n (1) I. NIKOLI] et al.: A NOVEL HYBRID DECISION-MAKING MODEL: FUZZY AHP-TOPSIS APPROACH ... 150 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 2, 147–157 Figure 1: Proposed approach where n represents the size of the fuzzy judgment ma- trix. 75 An inverse vector from the preceding equation can be calculated using the following formula: ~ , C um ij j n i n ij j n i n ij j n i = = − === = ∑ ∑ ∑∑∑ ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ = 1 1 1 111 1 11 n ij j n i n l ∑∑ ∑ = = ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎞ ⎠ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ , 1 1 1 (2) However, as already stated, Wang and Chen (2007) 70 corrected the normalisation formula according to the fol- lowing form: ~ , C lu ij j n i n ij i n ij y n kki n = = − == =≠ ∑ ∑ ∑∑ ∑ ⎡ ⎣ ⎢ ⎤ ⎦ ⎥ = + 1 1 1 11 1 1 ⎛ ⎝ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ ⎜ + ⎞ ==== =≠ ∑ ∑∑∑ ∑ , , , 11 1111 1 mu l ij j n i n kj y n kj y n kki n ⎠ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ ⎟ (3) Since normalised degrees of probability can indicate the extent to which a given TFN is greater than any other TFN, but not their relative significance, Liou and Wang (1992) 76 proposed a total integral value with an index of optimism a, which gives priorities to the synthetic extent values according to the following equation: 75 I s a m u a l m au m a l T a li ii ii i ( ~ )()() () () =+ +−+=+ + − 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 [] i ) (4) The optimism index a, in fact, represents the degree of optimism of the decision maker and ranges from 0 to 1. If the optimism index is closer to 1, the decision maker is more optimistic, and the opposite; if the index of optimism index is closer to 0, the decision maker is more pessimistic. 77 Step 3: Determination of the normalised weight vec- tor W=( w 1 , w 2 , ..., w n ) T fuzzy judgment matrix is done using the following formula: 77 w IS IS x T a x T a k k n = = ∑ ( ~ ) ( ~ ) 1 (5) where w x represents a non-fuzzy number. 3.2 TOPSIS Another MCDM method used in this research is the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS). This method was introduced by Hwang and Yoon in 1981. The main characteristic of this method is that the best alternative has the shortest dis- tance from the positive ideal solution (PIS) and the lon- gest distance from the negative ideal solution (NIS). 78 A positive ideal solution represents a solution that maxi- mises the benefit attributes and minimises cost attributes. On the other hand, a negative ideal solution maximises the cost attributes and minimises the benefit attributes. 79 The TOPSIS method has been widely used to solve the ranking problems in real-life situations, thus providing an easily understandable and programmable calculation process. This method has the ability to consider different criteria with different units simultaneously. 80 In addition, to enable the application of this method, the values of the chosen criteria used for the selection must be numeri- cally, monotonically rising or decreasing, and they must also be organised in the form of proportional units. 81 However, despite its popularity and simplicity, this method is often criticised for its inability to adequately handle the uncertainty and imprecision in value assign- ment by the decision maker. 82 As a solution, the TOPSIS method has undergone numerous upgrades to adequately solve the problems of ranking and justification of the re- sults obtained. 83,84 The procedure of the TOPSIS methodology is de- scribed by Hwang and Yoon (1981) and shown in Fig- ure 2. 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The previous section describes the multi-criteria deci- sion-making tools as well as mathematical methods that I. NIKOLI] et al.: A NOVEL HYBRID DECISION-MAKING MODEL: FUZZY AHP-TOPSIS APPROACH ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 2, 147–157 151 Figure 2: Stepwise procedure of TOPSIS 78 were used to support this research. In this way, the basis for solving the defined research problem in this study is established. The next step is the implementation of the defined methodology, which creates a possibility of achieving the basic goal of this research, i.e., determin- ing which of the current technological processes for cop- per extraction is the best at achieving the optimal pro- duction goals. The implementation of the proposed methodology consists of six steps, as shown in Figure 1. Due to a lim- ited space, it does not show the procedure and calcula- tions for each step, but it provides general information so that research and its results can be followed more easily. The first step of the proposed methodology consists of defining the hierarchical structure of the problem. The hierarchical structure of the problem is shown in Fig- ure 3. At the top of the hierarchical structure is the goal for the problem solution. In this case, it is identifying the op- timum technological process for copper extraction. The criteria used in the ranking are at the second level. The evaluation was carried out based on three types of crite- ria: economic, technological and environmental. The se- lection of these three criteria was based on the literature that deals with the impact of these factors on copper smelters. 85–87 Perez et al., 85 in their research conducted in Chile, one of the leading countries in copper production in the world, made the same division of criteria into envi- ronmental, economic and technological factors affecting Chilean copper smelters. There are several sub-criteria at the third level used for defining each criterion. Since some sub-criteria can be included in more than one crite- rion, the division in our work was done based on the pos- sibility that certain sub-criteria significantly influence certain segments of the chosen criteria. Thus, certain sub-criteria are classified as economic, even though they are technological in nature because they significantly af- fect the profitability of a copper smelter. On the other hand, other sub-criteria undoubtedly belong to the de- fined criteria. The order of criteria and their sub-criteria is as follows: ECONOMIC CRITERIA C 1 – Concentrate amount in charge (t/day) C 2 – Production of copper matte (t/day) C 3 – Campaign life (year) C 4 – Copper recovery (%) C 5 – Cu content in waste slag (%) TECHNOLOGICAL CRITERIA C 6 – Cu content range in the concentrate C 7 – Cu content in copper matte (%) C 8 – Fe content in matte (%) C 9 – Minimal Cu content in the concentrate ENVIRONMENTAL CRITERIA C 10 – Production of waste slag (t/day) C 11 – Sulfur recovery (%) Based on a comprehensive literature review con- ducted by Nikoli} et al. 21 and relevant secondary sources listed in Table 1, data was collected for a complete rank- ing of the eight copper extraction technologies based on the proposed criteria as presented in Table 3. 18,21 In the next step of the analysis, a group of experts composed of several university professors and engineers dealing with copper smelters was formed to define the initial matrices of the pairwise comparison criteria con- cerning the defined goal and the sub-criteria relative to the criteria. In this way, group decision-making using the AHP allows multiple stakeholders to express their opin- I. NIKOLI] et al.: A NOVEL HYBRID DECISION-MAKING MODEL: FUZZY AHP-TOPSIS APPROACH ... 152 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 2, 147–157 Figure 3: Hierarchical structure of the problem ions on the importance of the chosen criteria. To deter- mine individual preferences, decision-makers provide pairwise comparison matrices. These matrices are used for obtaining independent preferences in the first round. These preferences are then aggregated, using aggregation through consensus voting on judgments in the second round. 88 This method of aggregating individual prefer- ences was chosen to simplify the judging process as it can better reflect real-world decision-making. 89 Addi- tionally, the consistency of all aggregated matrices of the pairwise comparison was checked when all matrices showed consistency with values of CR<0.1 (level of cri- teria CR=0, environmental level CR=0, technological level CR=0.0810 and economic level CR=0.0291). Then, fuzzification of the pairwise comparison matrix was done. The results of this step are shown in Tables 4 to 7. In these tables, L represents the smallest possible value, M represents the expected value, and U represents the highest possible value that describes the TFN. In the next step, using the above FAHP methodology, the local and overall significance of the sub-criteria and criteria are determined. The results of this part of the analysis are shown in Table 8. The obtained overall significance of the sub-criteria represents the weight coefficient of the criteria used in ranking the technological processes with TOPSIS, which I. NIKOLI] et al.: A NOVEL HYBRID DECISION-MAKING MODEL: FUZZY AHP-TOPSIS APPROACH ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 2, 147–157 153 Table 3: Values of parameters for ranking copper extraction technologies 3 Criterion Alternatives Concentrate amount used (t/day) Cu content range in the concentrate (%) Cu content in copper matte (%) Fe content in matte (%) Production of waste slag (t/day) Production of copper matte (t/day) Campaign life (year) Sulphur recovery (%) Copper recovery (%) Cu content in waste slag (%) Minimal Cu content in the concentrate (%) Outokumpu flash 2750 5 65 11.5 2025 1500 9 96 97 0.65 26 Ausmelt/Isasmelt lance 2250 4 67 14 1210 1200 2.1 97 97 0.6 25 Inco flash 3000 9 50 15 1350 935 15 93.6 97.5 0.65 20 Mitsubishi 2150 6 71.5 7.75 1375 1209 3 99.5 97 0.75 28 Noranda 2250 9 72.5 4.5 1500 975 1.75 94 95 0.75 28 El Teniente 2300 7 73 4.5 1725 962.5 1.5 90 96 0.325 26 Vanyukov 2150 8 59.5 10.5 1750 1300 4.5 90 98 0.6 26 Reverberatory 2000 16 40 27.5 1050 1450 3.5 50 93 0.75 19 Table 4: Level of criteria Level of criteria Environmental Technological Economic LMULMULMU Environmental 111123123 Technological 1/3 1/2 1111111 Economic 1/3 1/2 1111111 Table 5: Sub-criterion level: environmental level Environmental level Production of waste slag (t/day) Sulphur recovery (%) LMULMU Production of waste slag (t/day) 1 1 1 1/6 1/5 1/4 Sulfur recovery (%) 456111 Table 6: Sub-criterion level: technological level Technological level Cu content range in the concentrate Cu content in copper matte (%) Fe content in matte (%) Minimal Cu content in the concentrate LMULMULMULMU Cu content range in the concentrate 1 1 1 1/4 1/3 1/2 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 2 3 Cu content in copper matte (%) 234111234234 Fe content in matte (%) 2341 / 41 / 31 / 2111234 Minimal Cu content in the concentrate 1/3 1/2 1 1/4 1/3 1/2 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 1 1 is also the next step of the analysis. Table 9 gives the weights of the selected criteria and their directions. Dur- ing this ranking, a complete ranking of all the technolog- ical processes was performed. Table 10: Ranking of technological processes based on relative close- ness to the ideal solution Criterion Alternatives CI * RANK Outokumpu flash 0.7268 4 Ausmelt/Isasmelt lance 0.7081 5 Inco flash 0.7079 6 Mitsubishi 0.7554 1 Noranda 0.7528 2 El Teniente 0.7350 3 Vanyukov 0.6843 7 Reverberatory 0.2051 8 After applying all the steps of the TOPSIS methodol- ogy, described in the previous section, to the data set pro- vided in Tables 3 and 9, a list of the technological pro- cesses based on determining the relative closeness to an ideal solution is shown in Table 10. The alternative with a higher value is ranked better with this methodology. Based on Table 10, it can be concluded that the best ranked technology is Mitsubishi. It is followed by Noranda, El Teniente, Outokumpu flash, Ausmelt/ Isasmelt lance, Inco flash and Vanyukov, in that order. Reverberatory is at the bottom of the ranking. As can be noticed through the evaluation of the significance by the experts, the greatest priority was given to one environ- mental parameter, "Sulphur recovery", which was signif- icantly higher than any economic or technological pa- rameter. All technologies based on autogenous processes are more environmentally acceptable and economically justified. On the other hand, the reverberatory furnace has become out of date, so it should no longer be used. In the case of high-tech technology, sulphur recovery has the major impact, which is 99.5 %. I. NIKOLI] et al.: A NOVEL HYBRID DECISION-MAKING MODEL: FUZZY AHP-TOPSIS APPROACH ... 154 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 58 (2024) 2, 147–157 Table 7: Sub-criterion level: economic level Economic level Concentrate amount used (t/day) Production of cop- per matte (t/day) Campaign life (year) Copper recovery (%) Cu content in waste slag (%) LMULMULMULMULMU Concentrate amount used (t/day) 1112342341 / 41 / 31 / 21 / 31 / 21 Production of copper matte (t/day) 1 / 41 / 31 / 21111111 / 41 / 31 / 21 / 41 / 31 / 2 Campaign life (year) 1/4 1/3 1/2 1111111 / 61 / 51 / 41 / 41 / 31 / 2 Copper recovery (%) 234234456111111 Cu content in waste slag (%) 123234234111111 Table 8: Local and overall significance of criteria and sub-criteria Criterion Criterion significance Sub-criterion Local sub-criterion sig- nificance Overall sub-criterion significance Environmental 0.492 C10 0.1690 0.0831 C11 0.8310 0.4086 Technological 0.254 C6 0.1629 0.0414 C7 0.4206 0.1069 C8 0.3144 0.0799 C9 0.1021 0.0259 Economic 0.254 C1 0.2100 0.0534 C2 0.0837 0.0213 C3 0.0802 0.0204 C4 0.3575 0.0909 C5 0.2686 0.0683 Table 9: Weights of selected criteria and their directions Crite- rion Alterna- tives Concen- trate amount used (t/day) Cu con- tent range in the concen- trate (%) Cu con- tent in copper matte (%) Fe content in matte (%) Produc- tion of waste slag (t/day) Produc- tion of copper matte (t/day) Campaign life (year) Sulphur recovery (%) Copper recovery (%) Cu con- tent in waste slag (%) Minimal Cu con- tent in the concen- trate (%) w-weight 0.0534 0.0414 0.1069 0.0799 0.0831 0.0213 0.0204 0.4086 0.0909 0.0683 0.0259 Min/Max Max Max Max Min Min Max Max Max Max Min Min 5 CONCLUSIONS Copper production represents one of the crucial in- dustrial sector activities that contributes to each coun- try’s economic development. When constructing a cop- per extraction plant, implementing a technological process that will give the best economic effects and be environmentally acceptable is required. The decision on the optimal copper extraction process that will be applied is very complex due to a number and the nature of crite- ria that must be considered. Also, numerous participants in the decision-making process can have different inter- ests, so priorities and the weight of the selected criteria should be differentiated. All of the above conditions should be respected and in compliance with the com- pany’s strategy. As Pivodová et al. 90 stated, a lack of a systematic approach is the main cause of shortcomings in achieving the set goals. This research provides a basis for systematically managing a new copper extraction plant. Based on this research, a very efficient model for solving the above problems was created. Namely, the presented complex methodology enables a detailed anal- ysis of the problems and significantly accelerates the de- cision-making process when constructing this kind of plant. The best-positioned technological process in this study is Mitsubishi. This technological process is domi- nant over the others based on the criteria such as sulphur and copper recovery. The values of these two parameters are very high, but the other observed criteria are optimal. In addition to the values of the criteria adopted for the fi- nal prioritisation, expert preferences also have a signifi- cant impact since group decision-making based on sub- jective assessments of decision-makers is not free from bias. Different expert preferences on the criteria can give different results. Hence, the final prioritisation of the smelting processes may be different in another research based on the experts’ preferences and adopted criteria. However, an increased interest in the ecology of smelting facilities is also reflected in the results of this research. Comparing the obtained results with the results of some previous studies published by Moskalik and Alfantazi, 17 Kapusta, 18 Nikoli}, 21 Perez et al., 85 Aleksandar et al. 86 and Sourabh et al., 87 we can see that the trend of adopt- ing technologies that are environmentally acceptable and economically justifiable continues. Using this model to decide on the application of a new technological process gives us an overall picture of all the advantages of one alternative over the other, tak- ing into account all the criteria considered. However, de- spite the implementation of the model, the final decision remains with the decision-makers. The goal of this model is to make the management mechanism and deci- sion-making process more efficient and the solutions op- timal. 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