Cockcroft-Latham Fracture Criterion and Bulk Formability of Copper Base Alloys Cockroft-Lathamov kriterij loma in masivna preoblikovalnost bakrovih zlitin B. Ule*, V. Leskovšek, B. Breskvar, Institute of Metals and Technology, Ljubljana, Slovenia K. Kuzman, D. Švetak, Faculty for Mechanical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia F. Kofol, Kolektor, Idrija, Slovenia The ductility of metalic materials is generally defined as the ability to deform plastically vvithout fracture. It is usually expressed as a measure of the strain at fracture in a simple tension test1. Hovvever, the percentage elongation in a tensile test is often dominated by the uniform elongation, vvhich is dependent on the slope of the stress/strain curve. The end of uniform elongation coincides vvith the onset of plastic instability accompanied by voids nucleation, their grovvth and coalescence. It appears that the elongation value is too complex to be regarded as a fundamental property of a material and it seems reasonable to assume that any criterion of fracture vvill be based on some combination of stress and strain rather than on either of these quantities separately. Tvvo grades of copper base alloys used for the production of commutators for electrical motors vvere tested in compressing and stretching. The bulk formability of these alloys vvere projected using the Cockcroft-Latham criterion23, based on the tensile strain energy density at fracture. This criterion emphasizes the importance of tensile stresses in fracture and can be applied to a variety of cold vvorking processes. Key vvords: ductility, formability, fracture, Cockcroft-Latham fracture criterion, copper base alloys Duktilnost kovinskih materialov je v splošnem definirana kot sposobnost, da se plastično deformirajo brez pojavljanja razpok. Običajno jo izrazimo z lomno deformacijo pri enostavnem nateznem preiskusu1. I/ odstotkih izmerjen celokupni raztezek pri nateznem preiskusu je dokaj odvisen od enakomernega raztezka, to je od strmine krivulje napetost-deformacija. Konec enakomernega raztezanja sovpada s pojavljanjem plastične nestabilnosti, ki jo spremlja nastajanje por, njihova rast in združevanje. Zdi se, da je raztezek preveč kompleksen in ga ne moremo smatrati kot osnovno materialno lastnost. Zato je smiseln privzetek, po katerem bo moral lomni kriterij temeljiti prej na neki kombinaciji napetosti in deformacij, kot le na eni posamični količini. Za tlačno in natezno preiskušanje smo izbrali dve bakrovi zlitini za izdelavo kolektorjev pri elektromotorjih. Masivno preoblikovalnost teh zlitin smo opredelili s Cockcroft-Lathamovim kriterijem23, ki temelji na gostoti natezne deformacijske energije. Ta kriterij poudarja pomen nateznih napetosti pri lomu in ga lahko uporabitmo pri različnih procesih preoblikovanja v hladnem. Ključne besede: duktilnost, preoblikovalnost. lom, Cockcroft-Lathamov kriterij loma, bakrove zlitine. 1. Introduction The evolution of ductile damage within the deforming body is considerably influenced bv the stress state in the material. It was suggested bv Siebel4 that the cracking in metalworking is as-sociated with induced tensile stresses. even in processes such as forging that are predominantly compressive. The importance of tensile stresses is indirectly confirmed by the large inerease in ductilitv vvhen the materials are deformed under hydrostatic pressure1. Pugh and Green'' demonstrated that superimposing a hydrostatic pressure in the extrusion process greatly enhanced * Dr. Boris ULE. dipl. inž., IM'I Ljubljana. Lepi pol 1 1, 61000 Ljubljana reductions could bc achieved in ductile materials, and that even some brittle materials could be extruded vvithout difficulty. In a tensile test of a eylindrical test specimen the stresses at the minimum section of the neck can be calculated in different vvavs" 1 and may be considered to be the sum of tvvo parts. One part. the equivalent stress. is equal to the current yield stress and is constant aeross the cross-section. The other part, a hydrostatic tension, varies from zero at the periphery to a peak value at the centerline. As stated by Cockcroft and Latham '. that the use of the criterion based on total plastic vvork per unit volume at the fracture point, vvhich vvould take into account only the equiva-lent stress i.e. the current yicld stress, is not a proper solution. The current y i c ki slrcss, unlike the pcak stress, is not intluenced by the shape of the neeked region. Consequently, the neck shape should have no effect 011 the fracture strain. a conclusion which is eontrary 10 cxperimental facts'. Thercfore Cockcroft' and Cockcroft and Latliam1 proposed a criterion based 011 the tensile strain energv densitv wherc the magnitude of the highest normal stress is taken into account. At tensile testing this would bc the stress aeting in the ccnterline where fracture is initiated. As an outgrowth of experimental evidence of the influence of stress stale on duetile fracture, several other eriteria vvere also suggcsled for the predietion of fracture in complex stress states. A modilication of the Cockcroft-Latham criterion vvhich in-cludcs a hydrostatic-prcssure term vvas suggested bv Bro/o et al.1 . Other eriteria of importance vverc proposed bv Oyane Clift11 Hoffmanner1' and Osakada"'. Sueh eriteria vvere success-lullv applicd bv a number of investigators to a varietv of eold vvorking operations1 '. 2. Fracture criterion With the Cockcroft and Latliam tensile ductility approach, the fracture is predieted vvlien J(7 (o" /a)df = C (1) Load Figure I: The geomelry al the neeked region and the distribution of axial stress substituting the knovvn function 9 68 CuAg0.2 (OF) allov(<0.005r i O) 2^2 (248) 258 142 27 87 * The values in parenthesis vvere obtained by compression testing Table II: Comparison of Hollomon eonstants bv various test methods Tabela II: Primerjava Hollomonovih konstant dobljenih pri različnih metodah preizkušanja Strength coefficient K (MPa) Strain-hardening e.iponent n Correlation coefficient r Compression Test CuAg0.2 allov (0.01 'i O) 397 0.090 0.977 CuAg0.2 (OF) allovir «0.005