;ta za - Indi-tak g' ough' 4 arij« Oba jantO' ■aznik Sku-i kat naSi111 onat- Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! teiL Amerk t VCC& iv.ixyiMI IdV C/ogr *idy 'vvi Idf ‘Od asnoHidnoo *n toei yrNyAyy^ wyiiw ■Ameriška domoi SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER Serving ,n Ohio and nationwide over 150.000 American Slovenians Vol. 96 - |\io.(f|^ (I SPS ()24U)0) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 1994 ISSN Number- 0164-680X 50C CM kSl Iwne' 1-5 pi* Ohio lition lar«f r. No" bsif1, (9-121 f.r achei1 Balin' listih anke' 701 1814 Rev. Božnar 50th Birthday Celebration (Photo by Tony Grdina) Viktor Tominec, Lojze Bajc, Louise Strauss, Matt Plečnik, Ivan Zupan, Stanko Vidmar, Anton Oblak, Agnes Turk, Prof. Vinko Lipovec, and Stane Kuhar. We thank all the parish organizations, our guests from the dramatic organizations from Canada and Lilija, Baragov Dom, and all other persons who attended, for making this special event so successful. Pray for peace. Pray for one another. 50th ad hoc committee —S.K. Jane Novak of Highland Heights, Ohio, passing the Slovenian tradition of baking poticas to son Louis and grandson, Louis Jr. Together they baked 27 loaves in time for Easter. Jane is on the Supreme Board of AMLA. |pS din- >lace' ; Pri' ,9(X>' 50 , till or 2 'l50* 0-131 lejo ližita lO-lD Abraham Passes The Audition The reference is often made when a person reaches the milestone of their 50th birthday they will meet and greet "tile Biblical prophet, Abraham. So was the case for the pastor of St. Vitus Parish in Cleveland Father Joseph P. Božnar, this past Saturday, March 19 when an estimated 350+ parishioners and friends gathered in the auditorium to help him successfully pass through the golden milestone. The crowd gave Father Božnar a standing ovation "'hen he entered the auditorium, indicating the resPect and friendship they felt toward the honored priest who 50th father Richard A. Evans, associate pastor, greeted the crowd and provided opening tetnarks, while Father Victor ^■mperman gave the Invoca-10n Prior to dinner. The church choir, Lira, then Sang three Marian hymns as a Prelude to a well-prepared and Served dinner under the able ~.nc* gracious guidance of Stef-■e Smolič and her assistants. 1 ka Krulc, looking resplen-ent with her tan received ^ 'le cruising in the Carib-ean last January, also as sis ted in the dinner Preparations. Mr. Jože Likozar was the r^aster-of-ceremonies for this ^ent. Linder his capable and orough manner the program ruoved at a quick but friendly Pace to the delight of the Sendees. "as celebrating his irthday that very day. The Mixed Sloven mg chorus Korotan ^ree singing arrangei the evening folio representatives fo the School and the St. Vit Spring will arrive for Jadran your vacation this summer? Why not join the Jadran Singing Society on their concert tour in beautiful Slovenia. Departing on June 27 and arriving the next day in Munich, Germany for one day stay. The following day to Salzburg, Austria, and then to Slovenia where Jadran will perform several concerts through July 6. The second -tour, beginning July 9 through July 12, tour members will be taken through Venice, Verona, Innsbruck, Oberam-mergau and Bavaria. For complete details and itinerary, please contaci Kollander World Travel a 692-1000 or stop in at 971 E 185th Street, Cleveland, Ohii 44119. Remember, make your reser vations for April 23. Looking forward to seeing our man friends who have supportei Jadran for many years. Jadrai is on the threshold of thei 751h Anniversary which will b celebrated in 1995. Mark your calendars for ou Fall affair, which will be helc on November 12, with tb Joey Tomsick Orchestra. Dolores Dobida Polkas galore at Super Button Box 12 in Euclid Jeanette Polomsky, principal, St. Vitus School, gave a very personal and brief speech about Father Božnar while Mrs. Marie Burgar, principal, St. Vitus Slovenian School, introduced some of the children of the Saturday Slovenian Language School, who provided a recitation and songs for Father Božnar. Prof. Vinko Lipovec, former Slovenian editor for the Ameriška Domovina and the official publication of AMLA (Glas/Our Voice), provided a brief historical and biographical background in Slovenian, while Stane Kuhar gave remarks in English. Stanko Vidmar gave Father Božnar a present on behalf of the Baragov Dom and Liga while Frank Šega presented Father Božnar with a beautiful and colorf^J inscription in Slovenian that was written by Lojze Bajc and read by Mr. Likozar. Father Božnar gave closing • remarks, emphasizing the theme of the evening: Family, Friendship, Health, and Wisdom for all. Father Božnar re-emphasized his call in life as a priest and that of a parish priest was a correct choice. Father Božnar encouraged the audience to develop friendship with priests as a means to foster trust and mutual understanding between religious and laity. The evening concluded with Mr. Likozar leading the audience in closing prayers. Individuals then lined up to extend best wishes to Father Božnar on his 50th birthday. As Mr. Likozar indicated, the following “ad hoc” committee is thanked for organizing this wonderful event within less than three weeks time: Frank Šega (the main organizer), Jože and Zalka ! ’kožar Vinko Rozman. Hopefully, the winter winds will have blown away and Spring will arrive in time for Jadran’s event. On April 23, Jadran Singing Society invites you to attend their Spring dinner, concert and dance. This event will take place at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road. As always, a delicious meal will be prepared by Steffie Smoli cand her crew beginning at 5:00 p.m. On the menu will be soup with dumplings, salad, breaded chicken, roast pork, home fries, vegetable, dessert and coffee. Following the dinner at 7:00 p.m., we will present our concert which will consist of a variety of choral numbers such as “Tam v doli,” “Škrjanček pole žvrgole,” “Zdravica,” “Tam v Štajerski deželi,” “Slovenia,” all designed to entice and entertain you. Also included will be a duet by our “Jadran Songbirds” Florence Unetich and Angela Žabjek and our Button Box Ensemble. The concert is under the direciton of Reginald Resnik and piano accompanist is Alice Cech. Music for your listening and dancing pleasure will be provided by Mike Wojtila and the Entertainers following our program. The cost of tickets is $16 and can be obtained from any singing member or by calling Angela Žabjek at 531-3979, or Dolores Dobida at 951-1694. Tickets are also available at the Polka Hall of Fame. We are delighted to have three more new members joining our Jadran family, Cheryl and Les Reade and Peter Strančar. Welcome to you all. Don’t know where to take Seventeen button accordion clubs will play at Super Button Box Bash 12 on Sunday, April 10. The music festival, the largest of its kind, features eight hours of continuous entertainment, from 1:00 to 9:00 p.m., in two halls, at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. The Bash is sponsored by the SNPJ Slovenian Junior Chorus. The chorus of 50 youngsters, from 5 to 18 years, will sing at 3 p.m. The admission is $5.00 and tickets are available at Polka Hall of Fame, East 222nd St. and Babbitt Rd., Euclid, and at the door. For more information call Agnes Turk at 531-7168, or 944-7303. The button accordion clubs performing are from Canada, Pennsylvania, and Greater Cleveland. They are Lipa Park Button Box Club of St. Catharine’s, Ontario; Yukon Button Box Club, Yukon, PA; Western PA SNPJ Button Box Club, Sygan, PA; Magic City Button Box Club, Barberton; Holmes Hall Buttonaires, West Park Button Box Club, Northern Ohio Button Box Players, Maple Heights Button Box Club, Zeke & Charlie & Friends, all from Cleveland; St. Clair Button Box Club, Lorain; and Button Box Buddies, Cleveland Lake Erie Button Box Club, Euclid Squeezeboxers, Euclid Chromatic Button Box Club, Kusar’s Gang, and St. Stephen’s Button Box Band, all from Euclid; and the Fair-port Polkateers from Fairport Harbor. Food and refreshments will be available throughout the day, including home baked goods. A souvenir booth of button accordion goods will be open. An accordion display and sales information is planned, too. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 1994 2 Jim’s Journal by James V. Debevec Reading the report by Stane Kuhar about Rev. Joseph Božnar’s well-attended 50th (supposed to be surprise) birthday party brought back many happy memories of the auspicious occasion. Father Richard Evans’ opening remarks were really very good. He’s quickly taking on the role of being the Henny Youngman of the religious world. His terrific sense of humor is exceeded only by his culinary skills. Stane Kuhar remarked that Father Božnar was now in the process of learning some cooking prowess from his associate pastor, Father Evans. However, learning new skills after meeting Abraham at age 50, prompted Kuhar to present his birthday gifts right there and then for all to see and take note, especially if invited to a parish meal prepared by the former Canadian. Kuhar quickly displayed a working smoke-detector alarm, and then followed that with a red fire extinguisher. But the evening became very sentimental and Kuhar broke down in tears and hugged his friend, the humble priest from Timmins, Ontario, who was born in Slovenia. In turn, Father Božnar kept repeating he was convinced he had made the right choice in becoming a parish priest and was helped through life by the many friendships he had acquired at St. Vitus. He remarked that a priest needs friendships in order to survive the difficulties. * * * Mr. Frank Šega is to be commended for organizing such a worthwhile and wonderful event on such short notice. The speeches were short, and each singing group was limited to three songs, making the 2-1/2-hour evening pass quite rapidly. Mr. Jože Likozar did a magnificent job as master-of-ceremonies. * * * Mr. Šega told me that his tour going to Slovenia this June would definitely stop to see the most important (for us Americans) place in Slovenian history — the throne where the Dukes of Carinthia pledged faithfulness to the ordinary citizens who chose him to be their leader. It is reported Thomas Jefferson referred to this ceremony in his writing the Declaration of Independence. The remains of the ancient throne is located in Carinthia, Austria. — Also, the Pepca singers are eager to host his tour group in their hometown of Globostilna, Austria. Everyone who saw them at the Slovenian National Home and Slovenska Pristava until 3 a.m. that Sunday morning in August, realize what a wonderful mix of people they are. The Kollander people are now working on that part of the itinerary. Reservations are still being accepted. * * * Saw a short article in the Sunday Plain Dealer recently by Judge August Pryatel questioning why Chrysler is replacing their ash-trays with beverage holders in their new cars. Pryatel, a member of the Greater Cleveland Safety Council, is worried about people driving and drinking at the same time. Congratulations to Judge Pryatel. He is correct. In the morning going to work, I often see people driving and smoking, while trying to drink coffee from a cardboard coffee-container, often steering with their elbows. I’m not kidding. This frightens me and others who are trying to stay in their lane and avoiding the person who is wobbling all over the place. Keep it up, Judge, we’re with you all the way! Slovenia, not Slovakia The following article about the Winter Olympics was sent in by Ruth (Jesenko) Abbott of Parma, Ohio. Slovenia, not Slovakia Katja Koren’s bronze medal in the women’s slalom was the second of the Games for Slovenia and elicited an indictment of Olympic recordkeeping by team leader Tone Vogrinec. Vogrinec said his nation’s BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio ARUBA $i44o. pp Departing Nov. 6, 1994 --------------------------------i (216)261-1050 1-800-659-2662 FAX (216) 261-10U 22078 Laktshon Bhrd. • Euclid, OH 441 & Donna Lucas, Owner Fixed- Rate Home Equity Loans • Loans from $5,000 to $ 100,000 based on the equity in your home • Terms to fit your budget • Fast approval 5-YEAR FIXED RATE a qq% ■ I ^ A V A M PERCENTAGE Vr • RATEIAPRI Based on a $5,000 loan with CO monthly payments of $98.98. YourFriendlyNeighborhood Bank Bainbridge............543-2336 Euclid............... Chesterland............729-0400 Pepper Pike......... Cleveland.............486-4100 ShakerHts............ Cleveland Hts..........371 -2000 South Euclid........ Willoughby Hills.......944-3400 Metropolitan Savings Bank of Cleveland • Member FDIC ..731-8865 ..831-8800 ..752-4141 ..291-2800 & 10-YEAR FIXED RATE 7 QQ-™ A ft • / A F PERCENTAGE • • RATE (APR) Based on a $5,000 loan with 120 monthly payments of $60.63. Rate subect to change without notice PHONE CONNECTION ! YOURS TRULY FINALLY OBTAINED A COMPUTER SOFTWARE THAT CAN BE USED TO HELP YOU FIND YOUR LONG-LOST FRIEND OR FAMILY IF THAT PERSON HAS A LISTED TELEPHONE NUMBER ANYWHERE IN THE UNITED STATES THE PROGRAM IS CALLED "PHONEDISC USA". PLAYING AROUND WITH THE SOFTWARE. I DISCOVERED THAT THERE ARE 1 33 LISTINGS FOR A "DEBEVEC". WITH G5 EAST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER AND SB WEST OF THE BIG RIVER: 6348 TURK : 182 ŠUŠTAR; 3480 LAH; 264 KRIŽMAN; 503 ZUPANČIČ ; 37 SUSEL; 112 KOŠIR. IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO FIND SOMEONE. PLEASE: SEND THEIR FULL NAME. INCLUDING THEIR MIDDLE NAME IF KNOWN. TOGETHER WITH A SELF-ADDRESSED STAMPED * 1 O ENVELOPE TQ THE FOLLOWING ADDRESS: MERCINA - P.O.BOX 93357. CV.OHIO 441 9?' 0937 IF1 AN INTERESTING STORY DEVELOPS AS A RESULT OF THIS SERVICE. PLEASE SUBMIT THE STORY TO THE ABOVE ADDRESS FOR INCLUSION INTO A FUTURE ARTICLE. WHO KNOWS WHAT WE WILL FIND ! first bronze — the first ever for Slovenia in the Olympics — had been credited in official computer listings to Slovakia instead. “We are a small country,” said Vogrinec of the new land, carved from the northern mountains of the former Yugoslavia. “We are kilometers away from Slovakia. Please!” Benefit Dinner The St. Vitus Mother’s Club is sponsoring their Spring benefit dinner on Sunday. March 27 in the parish hall- IT MANOS & LoCONTI CO.. C.P.A. ATTORNEYS at LAW Professional & Competent Legal Services at Reasonable Rates John M. Manos, esq. ** Dennis N. LoConti, esq. Personal Injury • Malpractice Divorce & Family Law • Wills Criminal Defense • DUI Discrimination • Products Liability Business & Consumer Law 3-1950 Chardon Rd. Suite 206 • Willoughby Hills OH 44094 975-9700 WE ARE EXPERIENCED TRIAL LAWYERS 300,000 Winners A Day. JoinInIieWinning. Adi O»o lottery players are subfect to laws and regulations ol the Oh« Lottery Comrmsswn For more mformalton call our Customer Relations Department (216) 787 3200 during regular business hours The fire and the fury by Stane J. Kuhar (Continued from last week) Chapter X The Pit The burst of guns had only hit a small portion of my arm. 1 yelled “Sweet Jesus have mercy on me” as my body flung itself into the cavern. The pile in the cavern had mounds of dead and wounded bodies. Men. Women. Children. I could not believe it. Was I dead? Or alive? My senses finally told me that I was still alive on the naked bodies of so many dead bodies. Some others were moaning. More and more victims dropped on top of me and the blood was slowly entering my mouth. 1 wanted to scream but knew the guards would surely fire upon me until I would be dead. A.s the day came to a close I uew that I would have to make my way out of this human death pile. A few others, about 10, were also still alive and able enough to attempt this escape. All the rest were dead or about to be dead! We slowly began to climb our way out of the pit and climb on top of the dead bodies. We moved, one by one, against the rocky wall and made our way to a small cleft in the wall. We finally managed to climb to the top of the pit. We were careful not to move too quickly as the guards would detect our movements and surely kill us on the spot. Only five of the 10 of us made it to the top. The others had lost too much blood to survive the ordeal. The stench was so horrible that I vomitted so hard that I nearly choked on the vomit. We eventually overcame our apprehension. We said a quick Our Father and moved toward the covering of the trees in the area. We stayed still for a while so as not to arouse the suspicion of the guards. Hunger and thirst were overcoming us to the point where we thought of even eating the flesh of the dead and drinking the blood from our wounds. We could hear the sounds in the distance and knew that the cavern was being bombed with hand grenades to finish off those who were somehow still alive. The days dragged on and finally we made our way out of this hell on earth. The trees were now our protectors. 1 could not believe NOSAN'S HAPPY EASTER! Slovenian Home Bakery 361-1863 481-5670 Cleveland Euclid, Ohio Baked Fresh Daily Assorted Slovenian Pastriesy Potica, Krofi, Flancate and assorted Specialty Breads, Strudels, 8-Grain, Rye and Vienna, Hlebec, Style Bread 6413 St. Clair Ave. 361-1863 Cleveland, Ohio Tues. thru Sat. 6 am to 4 pm 567 E. 200 St. 481-5670 Euclid, Ohio Thurs thru Sat. 7 am to 4 pm — HVALA LEPA — Grdina — Faulhaber . j « Funeral Homes ■ * 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 4703 Superior Ave. 531-6300 Funeral Facilities Available Throughout Lake County 944-3300 A TRUSTED TRADITION FOR 85 YEARS that I would be able to withstand so much pain. My whole body swelled. The thirst was excruciating and I could feel the sensation of pus inflaming in my mouth. Sweet Jesus have mercy on me! All the walking in the forest had my legs turn a blue and purple color to the point where I had to drag my body for hours at a time. We finally came upon a small farm house where the family could not believe we were human beings as our sores and wounds disgusted them. We were fortunate enough that this family took pity on us and allowed us to stay with them for the next few weeks. From that moment on I knew that I had become a living witness to those who said that miracles do not occur. Or who do not believe in a God. We were left to live to expose the evil. I had left the pit and made my way within the next few weeks under the disguise of a religious hiding in a wheel cart and eventually made it to Austria. —End of Chapter X— (To Be Continued) Just Right PAINTING Int/Ext. Painting Plaster • Drywall Power Washing Free Estimates — Insured — Your Slovenian Quality Painter Call Marty — 531-0230 — Amazing rates atHomeFedera^ 30-YEAR TERM - - ADJUSTABLE RATE Initial Rate APR No Points! loan Amount: $100,000; initial 12-month payment of $536.21 interest rate is variable with rate adjustments on an annual basis; maximum rate adjustment is 2%per year with a lifetime cap of 5%; APR. may increase after consummation; minimum 10% equity required 3-Year Adjustable 30-YEAR TERM - - ADJUSTABLE RATE Initial FRate APR No Points! Loan Amount: $100,000; initial 36-month payments of $6-48.60; *interest rate is subject to adjustment every 3 years; maximum rate adjustment is 2%per adjustment with a lifetime cap of 6%; APR may increase after consummation; 30-year term; minimum 10% equity required IO-Year - Fixed Rate! Rate APR No Points! Loan Amount: $100,000; 120payments of $1,161.011; 10-Year 'Perm: minimum 25% equity required; *APR for refinances may vary. Ask us about our Low Rates on No Point/No Cost programs! For More Information Cm EQUAL HOUtINO LENDER 348-2800. FDIC Insured Rates subject to change without notice. (fevidliduit Euclid Retirement Village SOON TO BE...____________ A RETIREMENT COMMUNITY • Private garden apartments • No endowment or entrance fee • 24 hour security • Planned activities • Free transportation • 24 hour Emergency Pull Cord • Free Laundry Facilities • Nutritious Meals Call Today for a Brief Tour and Free Lunch 25900 Euclid Avenue • Euclid, Ohio 44132 (216) 261-8383 y_______________________________________________________y AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 1994 4 DEATH NOTICES RUDOLPH ZELLE Rudolph (Hribar) Zelle, a longtime resident of the St. Clair area passed away suddenly on Friday, March 18th. ~ Rudy was the beloved brother of Joseph Zelle and Louis, Frank and Stanley Hribar and the following deceased: Ferdinand and Edward. He was the nephew and adopted son of Jennie Zelle (dec.) and cousin of many. Folks will fondly remember Rudy tagging along with his brother Joe Zelle (radio engineer and the first Westerner to hear Sputnik) and enjoying dining at Albie’ Place and at almost every fund-raising dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium as well as other church epicurean fund-raising benefits. Funeral services were held at St. Vitus Church on Monday, March 21st. Burial was in Calvary Cemetery. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. JOHN KAUSEK John Kausek, 90, died on Friday, March 18th in Gateway Nursing Center. Mr. Kausek was born in Slovenia. He came to Cleveland in the early 20s and opened Kausek’s Market on Kewanee Avenue in 1929. He operated the meat market and grocery store for 30 years. John was a member of Euclid Pensioners, where he was president for 20 years. He was a charter member of Holmes Avenue Pensioners, a member of St. Clair Pensioners, AMLA No. 6, KSKJ No. 191, and a past president of the Slovenian Butchers and Grocers Assoc. He was a pleasant man and was very active in Slovenian events until his recent confinement. John was the husband of the late Alice (nee Kolenc) deceas- ed in 1976; the father of Alice (Mrs. Bob) Slokar, John F. (deceased) former owner of John Kausek Studios (photographer) on E. 185th St.; grandfather of five; and dear friend of Anna Filipič. He was preceded in death by brothers Frank, Joseph and Leo. He had six brothers and sisters deceased in Slovenia. Funeral services were Tuesday, March 22 at St. Paul Church (Chardon Rd.); burial In Loving Memory of the 11th Anniversary of our Mother, Grandmother and Great-Grandmother Antoinette (Nettie) Kalish nee (irdintt Died March 25, 1983 Sadly missed by: daughter Carmen and son-in-law Lloyd McBrayer Grandchildren: Connie Rae Schreiber Annette Tinter Robert McBrayer Janel McBrayer Kimberle Gold and 8 great-grandsons Kevin, David, Michael, Scott Tinter David, Bryan Schreiber Ryan and Keith McBrayer was in All Souls Cemetery. Contributions in his memory to the Slovene Home for the Aged or a charity of your choice would be appreciated by the family. Funeral arrangements by Zele Funeral Home, E. 152 St. EDWARD SMRDEL Edward Smrdel, 75, a lifetime resident of the Euclid Beach area passed away in Meridia Euclid Hospital on Saturday, March 19th after complications from surgery. Edward was born in Cleveland. He was a 1937 graduate of Collinwood high school and served in WWII as a military policeman for the U.S. Army in England. He joined the Cleveland Police Department in 1946 as a Patrolman; in 1958 he transferred to Traffic Control and spent 16 years on Public Square in downtown Cleveland. He retired in 1975 but continued working as a Security Guard for Cuyahoga County until 1987. Ed, who was affectionately known as “Big Ed” because of his 6’6’ height and 246 pounds, was a member of Fraternal Order of the Police and SNPJ No. 126. He was the husband of Helen (nee Janroga), his wife of 45 years who passed away in 1992; the father of Edward, James, Gerald, John, Maryan Noe, Laura Moore and Elena Coben; grandfather of 10; and brother of Ludwig. Funeral Mass was held Tuesday, March 22 in St. Jerome Church. Burial was in All Souls Cemetery. Arrangements by Zele Funeral Home, E. 152 St. STEFFIE MATETIC Steffie Matetic, 83, a resident of Willoughby Hills for 51 years died Saturday, March 19 in Richmond Heights General Hospital. She was the widow of Matt who died in 1976; the mother of Ronald (wife Carol); and grandmother of Cheryl and Lori; sister of two brothers and one sister in California. Private services were held at Knollwood Cemetery. Zele Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. Contributions, in her memory, to Slovene Home for the Aged would be appreciated. An Annuity that pays! One Year Guaranteed Rate 10.72% MVA 200 ADVANTAGES GUARANTEED ‘Highly Competitive Interest Rate Tax-Deferred Growth ‘Issued and managed by an Insurance Company ‘Retirement Income Option ‘No Sales Charges or Fees MAXIMIZE ASSETS! MINIMIZE TAXES The MVA 200 is a product that provides both the grewth and the security necessary to secure your future. SAFETY TISG Is a wholly owned subsidary ot Equitable Ufe ol Iowa guarantees the contractual obttgabons of policies issued by USG Annuky & Ufe. Equitable Life o( Iowa, loundsd in 1867, hits over $4 Billion in oonsokdaled assets and carries an AM. Best, AA by Standard & Poor’s and At by Mood/s Investors Service for financial strength. Professional Insurance Planning Dennis Samsa A.M.Pena Building, Suite #450 27801 Euclid Avenue Euclid, Ohio 44132 216/261-6592 Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Family owned and operated since 1908 ‘Every Time We Make A Friend - We Grow A Little” PflUUCH Gr«e tin#5 Sfuudalh^ Qompani^, Qru^. J/wphm&u & dwahdiu, {Inc,. Easte^ “Gifts That ADVERTISE” Awards, Badges, Balloons, Banners, Bumper Stickers, Buttons, Caps Calendars, Flags, Golf Balls, Jackets, Jewelry, Matches, Nameplates Pens, Pencils, Pennants, Plaques, Ribbons, Trophies, T-Shirts, Etc., Etc., Etc. mZ.Th^N IDEAS #1 FLORIDA (216) 481-6300 FAX: 216-481-0061 (813) 597-4636 Coming Events Saturday, April 9 “A Salute to Eddie Kenik Day” at St. Clair Slovenian National Home. Doors open at 5 p.m. Tickets $6. For tickets call 361 -5115 or 261-3263. Sunday, April 10 Super Button Box Bash 12 from 1 to 9 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio. Admission is $5.00. Sunday, April 10 Sunday afternoon Dance from 4 to 8 p.m. at West Park Slovene Home, 4583 W. 130 St. Music by A1 Batistelli. Sunday, April 17 St. Clair Pensioners Annual Chicken and Pork Dinner at St. Clair Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave. Serving from 1:30 to 3 p.m. Social to follow. For tickets call 391-9761. Sunday, April 17 Slovenian Genealogy Day sponsored by Slovenian American National Art Guild at Slovenian Society Home. 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, O. Saturday, April 23 “Where But In America” concert by Jadran at Slovenian Workmen’s Home, Waterloo Rd., Dinner by Steffie Smolič, music by Mike Wojtila & Entertainers. Sunday, April 24 Holmes Avenue Pensioner5 Club Dinner Dance at Colli®' wood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Avenue. Music bf Lenny Andexler Orchestra. Donation $12.00. For tickets call 943-3784 or 531-2088. Saturday, April 30 A Spring Dinner Dance honof ing “Holmes Hall Bid' tonaires’’ at Collinwood Slovenian Home, 1581^ Holmes Avenue. Music W: Tony Fortuna Orchestra. D'11' ner served 7 p.m. Music at 8 p.m. Donation $13. F°r tickets call 944-3692. 486-7551, or 531-6649. Saturday, April 30 Singing Society Zarja Midsummer Night’s Dream concert, dinner and dance wid1 John Vadnal’s Orchestra at Euclid Society Hall. F°r tickets at $16, call 1-257-2540. or 531-8402, or 531-5542. Sunday, May 8 Sunday Afternoon Datice from 4 to 8 p.m. at West Paf^ Slovene Home, 4583 W. ^ St. Music by Eddie Rodick-Sunday, May 22 Fifth Annual St. Vitus Ah1,ir ni Reunion Day. Tuesday, May 24 Annual KSKJ MafiJ3 Observance at bV Sef' Pomagaj Vitus Church. Blessing Marija Pomagaj Chapel Bishop Edward Pevec. vices begin at 7:30 Security provided. Friday, June 10 ^ Nile at Races at West Pa^ Slovene Home, 4583 W. * St. at 7 p.m. Admission $5. Sunday, June 12 Annual Ohio KSKJ ^ Picnic at Slovenska Prisoj ^ with food, beverages, an good time for everyone. A Foreign Visitor Editor: Next week the president of Slovenia is also expected in Cleveland for a brief two-day visit among his friends and admirers. He is Milan Kučan and comes on an unofficial visit to the United States at the invitation of a Slovenian society. Tovarish Milan Kučan was born in Križevci in Prekmurje in 1941. He became a member of the League of Communists while still a student at Murska Sobota, in former old Yugoslavia. Immediately after graduating from the Ljubljana Faculty of Law in 1963 he devoted himself to politics professionally, being involved ’n both Slovenian and Yugoslav politics. First he became a member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the League of Communists of Slovenia. In fact he served as president of the Slovenian Assembly at that time. In 1962 he returned to functions of the League of Communists, going to elgrade as one of the two lovenian representatives in e Presidency of the Central Committee of the League of °mmunists of Yugoslavia. After his return to Ljubljana he was elected President of the Central Committee of the Slovenian League of Communists. In April 1990 he was elected in the first democratic postwar elections in independent Slovenia as president of the Slovenian State. As a political figure and elected official, President Kučan is burdened with many problems and accusations relating to his activities as an avid Communist enthusiast in the defunct Yugoslavia. For example, in his election to the presidency he is alleged to have spent more money than all the other candidates for the office combined. He has steadily remained silent on his sources despite numerous demands by his political foes. One of his most insistent and open critics, Janez Janša, has been involved relating to the “Weapons Affair.” A large cache of military equipment, some 120 tons, lying dormant for a year, was discovered at the Maribor Airport and reported by Janša, Minister of Defense. Some people thought it was intended for Bosnia, labeled for ‘Humanitarian’ purposes. Others speculated the arms shipment was intended as a standby for a government takeover if the “right” party did not win in the democratic elections. The entire affair has been under prolonged investigation. With most of his associates in government holding doctorates, to further his own The care our family can offer yours simply knows no bounds. In a family's time of greatest need, we will always try to give concern and guidance. For many years, we have helped people cope with their loss. The sincere commitment to service is shared by every member of our family and staff. Our funeral home provides for every detail... from pre-need funeral planning to care after the service. Yfe invite you to learn more about us and stop in for a personal tour. What you will find is care and concern that go far beyond the expected...just when you need it the most. csJlte} jfc 1/ ONER At H O M E f 16222 Broadway Avenue Maple Heights, OH 44137 216-475-2626 Yes Please send me the following free brochures: C Preplanning Funeral I I I I L. Arrangements C Funeral Costs □ Explaining Death to Children □ Coping with Gnef □ Cremation .City — Šrate blessinto ^ U N E P. a l M ◦ M F | Phone -No Cost Or Obligation- 1991 M K Jones & Associates, Inc prestige, Kučan has been reported to have obtained a doctor’s degree from a degree mill, from a non-existent southern university in New Orleans. It was even conferred on him at the University of Ljubljana, perhaps to make it more official and authentic. No denial or explanation has been forthcoming. Frequent complaints have surfaced that the president conducts himself according to the old former-Yugoslav regime. He seems to favor return to the old Yugoslav ties, even to the point of Slovenia rejoining the fold of old. This situation has made the young politicians impatient to start governing the new Slovenia as a democratically independent and sovereign state. “With the independence, we got rid of Socialism but the Socialists are still entrenched, everything’s just as it was before,” to quote a reader of Slovenec newspaper. With the changed political atmosphere Dr. Kučan has tried to overcome these negative drawbacks with positive aspects more in keeping with the western world’s picture of a politician. He has appeared photographed with Pope Paul II during his visit to the Vatican. He has also been photographed with the Most Rev. Alojzij Šuštar, Archbishop of Ljubljana. In his previous visit to our community, he was even shown as being accepted in the presence of some of our forthright and highly respected conservative Slovenian leaders. (When the late Most Reverend Gregory Rožman, Bishop, Archbishop of Ljubljana, posed with the German general during the German occupation, he was castigated as a traitor, with a price on his head. He was never “forgiven” for his “crime.” He was exiled and has lain buried in a simple grave at the Franciscan cemetery in Le-mont, 111. Even today, a half century later, his saintly remains await the dignified burial of the honored dead in his Cathedral in Ljubljana.) Hopefully Dr. Milan Kučan will be received with less than enthusiasm, if at all, by the more thoughtful and informed freedom loving Slovenian-Americans. Joseph Zelle Euclid, Ohio Birthday Happy Birthday to Gary Žnidar of Cleveland, Ohio who will be 37 on March 24 from parents Donnie and Frank Žnidar and sister Danielle and brothers Frank and Paul. The Znidars, from St. Mary’s parish in Collinwood, are famous in the Slovenian community for traveling near and far to watch their favorite professional and college sports teams. Update on Salute to Kenik A Salute to Eddie Kenik will be held on Saturday, April 9 at the Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Avenue. Secured Parking in lot behind auditorium. Admission is $6. Tickets available at Polka Hall of Fame, Slapnik Florist, 650 E. 185 St., Tivoli Enterprises, 6419 St. Clair, and at the door. On the agenda: 5 to 7:30 p.m. — Dancing to Joe Fedorchak in the Main Hall and Don and Rose Slogar in the Annex. 7:30 to 8:45 p.m. — program. Paul Yanchar sings “Kenik,” cronies roast Kenik; Glasbena Matica sings Tribute to Eddie; the Unknowns (Zeke and Charlie) toast Eddie. 8:45 to 11 p.m. — Dancing resumes in main hall. Button box groups in Annex: Lake Erie, Holmes Avenue, Maple Heights, and others. The celebration is to honor Edward Kenik in grateful appreciation of his leadership and dedication to the Slovenian National Home of which Ed has served on its Board of Directors for 40 years, the last 24 as president. All proceeds will benefit the Slovenian National Home. It is better to wear out than to rust out. Richard Cumberland 3 Yr/36,000 Mile Bumper to Bumper Warranty 2 Yr/24,000 Mile Free Scheduled Maintenance. D f»IKE ■93 Excel *6,704 *’7304 Less ‘600 Rebate = *6704 Plus Tax & Title malic • Air Conditioning • Power Steering Interval Wipers • AM/FM Cassette • Rear Window Defroster • Low Mileage *7,995 r #5052 '93 ElANTRA • Automatic • Air Condition • Power Steering • Interval Wipers • AM/FM Cassette • Rear Window Defroster *W,7M “11,780 Less '750 Rebate = ‘10,780 Plus Tax & Title. CD PIKE hyunoni OPEN MON. & THURS. TILL 9 • TUES., WED., FRI., & SAT. TILL 6 /■ * T 1 1 i A ft « . wm mar m ^ ' 9647 Mentor Ave., Mentor 357-7533 942-3191 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 1994 6 Governor Voinovich says “Na svidenje” to Slovenian trainees August B. Pust presents the Governor’s “Certificates of Recognition’’ to the participants of the Head Start Program during a reception on Sunday, March 9 at the Hofbrau Haus in Cleveland. Next to him is Dr. Mojca Juričič and seated on the right is Prof. Azra Kristančič. COLUMBUS — Two representatives from the Republic of Slovenia are returning home from the United States this week after successfully completing a six-week Head Start training program. The program participants, sponsored by the Soros Foundation, visited sites and held training meetings in Washington, D.C., Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio as well as New York City. Professor Azra Kristančič and Dr. Mojca Juričič completed their training and made arrangements to open eight Head Start centers in Slovenia — two each in Ljubljana and Murska Sobota, and one each in Maribor, Jesenice, Idrija and Koper. Each center will have one program manager and two classrooms — with each classroom having two teachers and two training assistants. The Soros Foundation financially will support a full-time Head Start Director and one Head Start Master LOOKING FOR TONY CARUSO? WE FOUND HIM AT HIS TONY'S OLD WORLD PLAZA BARBERSHOP 664 E. 185th HAIRCUTS $3.00 MON.-FRI. 7:3 0AM-5:3 OPM SAT. 7:3 0AM-5:00PM 531-6517 Teacher/Trainer. Initially, a total of 76 new job positions will be created. Costs for physical locations of sites, furniture and classroom materials will be covered as well. This represents a major investment in the Slovenian educational system and demonstrates a willingness to pursue new, innovative programs to assist pre-school age children. The program will provide assistance to children in needy families and in refugee communities, to children who are members of minority groups, and to children with disabilities. The program also will focus on assistance needs in areas of higher unemployment and regions suffering from ecological neglect, especially near the mercury mines of Idrija. The program also provides university students and childcare caseworkers opportunities for new and rewarding careers. The State of Ohio was the only state in the United States selected to demonstrate all of its Head Start programs as training models. Beyond visits to classrooms and training sessions, the delegation met with their respective American nationality community leaders in Columbus and Cleveland. The State of Ohio hosted representatives from five countries — the largest delegation of trainees participating in the program. During a private breakfast meeting hosted by the Governor and Mrs. Voinovich at the Residence, the Governor and Mrs. Voinovich stressed the importance of the Head Start programs in Ohio, and that Ohio is proud to be a model state for the new Croatian, Czech, Hungarian, Slovak and Slovenian republics. “These innovative programs will support the new democracies and help establish a partnership to deliver services, based on the American model of volunteerism and cooperation between parents, teachers and local communities,” stated August B. Pust, Special Assistant to the Governor. *-*-* STOP IN AT BRONKOS Drive-In Beverage 510 East 200th St Euclid, Ohio 44119 DMH Corp. 531-8844 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ♦ * * * * * * * * J Domestic and Imported Beer & Wine J * * £ — Owner - David Heuer £ * * ************************************ Imported Slovenian Wines (Laski - Riesling Šipon) Also available are various imported beers, wines, etc. Open Mon. - Thur. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. Friday - Saturday 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday (No wines sold) 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. * + * * * * * * * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + + + * * * U.S. Presidents Harry S. Truman Harry S. Truman was the 33rd President of the United States and was elevated to that position at one of the most crucial moments in American history, towards the end of World War II. He was been Vice-President only 83 days when Franklin D. Roosevelt died in office. The Missouri Democrat made one of the most awesome decisions ever considered by one man — to use the powerful new atomic bomb against Japan which hastened the end of the war. Truman was a president who believed that the office belonged to the people and that he was only their caretaker. He usually said what was on his mind and often lashed out with strong language at those who opposed him. His friends loved him as a straightforward man. After the war Truman invoked the Marshall Plan which helped to rebuild Europe. The “Truman Doctrime” came into being in 1947 when Russian-backed guerrillas tried to take over Greece and the U.S. President had Congress send aid to that country. (To Be Continued) This Historical Series is sponsored by......... AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION The American Mutual Lite Association, A. M. L.. A., invites you and your family to become members of our fraternal society that provides benefits and continuously promotes fraternalism and the perpetuation of our common bonds of heritage and culture. A.M.L.A. has a number of fraternal insurance plans to suit your needs with attractive rates and an Annuity Rider to provide you with tax-sheltered living benefits for the future. Remember, that's A.M.L.A. for your insurance needs and fraternal pleasures. ORGANIZED NOVEMBER 13, Iti« A9 THE SLOVENSKA DOHOOaNA ZVEZA A LEGAL RESERVE FRATERNAL BENEFIT SOCIETY MCOHPORATEO MARCH 1*. 1t14 19424 So. Waterloo Road, Cleveland, OH 4411* Phone: I-2I6-531-I900 — Fax: 1-216-531-8123 Golub Funeral Homes 4703 Superior Ave. ■ 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. 391-0357 “Service To Render A More Perfect Tribute” 7 Days on the Route of the Glaciers Ports of Cell: Anchorage * Juneau * Skagway * Wrangell * Ketchikan * Misty Fjord * Inside Passage * Vancouver Sail aboard the New Four Star: Hollander World Travel 971 K 185th St. ♦ Cleveland, OH 44117 692-1000 m//free 1-800-800-5981 Cruising ALASKA $ WE PAY CASH $ For Mortgages/Deeds of Trust/Annuities • We Pay All Closing Costs • Fast Fundings • Call Us For A FREE Quote Beneficial Funding Corp. — Toll Free 800-20-0906 — Joe (Jože) Zevnik Apprentice Funeral Director 9/> an a Finest Funeral Facility in Northeast Ohio 0±LC FUNERAL HOME 944-8400 28890 Chardon Road Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44094 News from Slovenia Problems with Legal Succession Slovenian Foreign Minister, -ojze Peterle, wrote in a letter 0 ^ foreign ministries of the 59 countries in which a joint committee of the EC and the JNO registered the assets of j}16 Federal Secretariat of ,0reign Affairs of former ,ugoslavia (embassies, conflates, etc.) that the negotia->°ns on succession held at the pornational Conference on former Yugoslavia will come 0 a standstill, as these ^ ____________________________ negotiations have been blocked by the non-cooperation of the FRY (Serbia and Montenegro). The FRY wants exclusive rights to the whole inheritance of former Yugoslavia. Sports Tuesday, March 15, LAUSANNE — Slovenia’s basketball champions from Ljubljana Smelt Olimpija won the European Cup by beating Spanish Taugres. This was the first Slovenian team to have won a European ball sports 50th Anniversary of EOG Explosion kD|S '■ear VVI** mark ,*ie anniversary of the East Ohio Gas f 0sion- Later this year we will be printing a special edition emorating the event. Pictures and articles are welcome as 0n as possible. faster plants • corsages • fruit baskets EASTER BASKETS • BUNNIES &CANDY Louis Slapnik & Son FLORIST 431-H26 — 6102 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland — 391-2134 TELEFLORA FOR OUT-OF-TOWN ORDERS CITY WIDE AND SUBURB DELIVERY A MOST HAPPY AM) JOYOUS EASTER TO ALE! WISHING YOU A HAPPY EASTER Maple Heights Catering 30 Broadway Maple Heights ANDY HOČEVAR in SINOVI lastniki Tel.: v trgovini 663-7733 VISIT OUR STORE! ^ & D Sausage Co. r 15714 Waterloo Rd. Meveland, OH 44110-692-1832 Have Fresh Slovenian Sausages Smoked and Fresh Želodec L°oked or Uncooked Cottage Ham Homemade Salami Imported Foods — Poticas Strudels and Much More FOR ORDERS CALL Mr. Joe Zuzak, Owner Open: Monday 8-2 Tuesday - Thurs, 8-5 Friday - 8 - 6 Saturday 8-5 cup. Political Merger At a founding congress in Bled, the Liberal-Democratic Party (LDS), the Democratic Party (DS), the Socialist Party of Slovenia (SSS), and the Greens - Ecological Social Party (ZDSS) have united to form the Liberal Democracy of Slovenia. The new party is chaired by Janez Drnovšek. The policy directives of the new party are: to promote a market economy, a socially just and environmentally aware society, a liberal and democratic order, freedom of choice and a policy of equal opportunity. The party supports the separation of church and state, education without ideology and civilian supervision over the armed forces, which are to be non-political and professional. Chairman of the party council is Dimitrij Rupel. Slovenia wants to Actively Work on Peace Slovenian Foreign Minister Lojze Peterle announced during the ultimatium placed by NATO and the latest events in Bosnia-Herzegovina, that Slovenia wants to actively participate in the efforts of the international community to stop the war in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Public Debt Slovenia’s total public debt amounted to (U.S. 2.9 billion) at the end of December. Unemployment There were 133,923 people looking for work in February or 1,400 people less than in January. Unemployment was 12.3% higher this February than in the same month last year. Electrical Consumption In February, 1994, the consumption of electricity in Slovenia amounted to 743 million kWh, 1.3 per cent up from February, 1993. Stock Rates The regular securities sessions at the Ljubljana Stock Exchange this week (March 8 and 10) were dominated by a considerable rise in price. Slovenia Excluded At an ordinary session in Geneva, the UN Human Rights Commission unanimously adopted a resolution on the human rights situation in former Yugoslavia. Significantly, the resolution for the first time excluded Slovenia. In Slovenian diplomatic circles this is seen as political recognition of the level of respect for human rights achieved in Slovenia, as well as support for Slovenia’s efforts to clearly break away from the Balkan crisis as regards human rights. Political flap with Russia On March 7 the controversial Russian politician Vladimir Zharnovsky was refused entry to Slovenia. His representative for Europe Alexei Vedenkin called the incident a “political provocation.” Zhirinovsky received an official invitation from Croatian President Franjo Tudjman and would be visiting Zagreb on April 4. TO ALL OUR DEAR RELATIVES & FRIENDS HAPPY EASTER! THE PETRJC FAMILY Mary - Jo-Ann Joe Jr. & Channee Happy Easter Ron Šuster State Representative Happy Easter to All Our Relatives, Friends, and Everyone in the American-Slovenian Community Helen’s Beauty Salon Happy Easter to All Our Customers Lenka Mismas Beauty Salon 566 E. 200 St., Euclid, Ohio Tel: 531-5240 St. Clair Auto Parts Easter Greetings to All! COMPLETE LINE OF AUTO PARTS & ACCESSORIES Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. 6011 St. Clair Ave. ^ 391-4450 \ T '^ DALE LUNDER 7 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 1994 8 The Easter Lily is symbol of purity by Cathee Thomas News-Herald The lily is probably the most famous of all plants in the Bible. It is a symbol of purity, innocence and virginity. Artists often include the lily in illustrations of the Virgin Mary. And anthers are sometimes removed before lilies are placed on an altar so they will remain virginal. There is a legend about the lily falling from grace in the Garden of Gethsemane on the night Christ walked there before His death. All the flowers in the garden except the lily bowed their heads in sympathy and sorrow as Christ passed. Blooming in the darkness and filled with conceit of her own beauty she said “I am so much fairer than my sisters that I will stand erect on my stalk and gaze at Him as He goes by, in order that he may have the comfort of my loveliness and fragrance. When Christ saw the flower he paused beside it, as his gaze fell across the lily in the moonlight, the contrast of her self-satisfaction and his humility overwhelmed her. The lily was overcome with shame, a red flush spread over her face as her head bowed on the stem. This is the red lily that never erects its head as it did before that night. We know it today as the Turk’s cap lily. The lily is one of the oldest cultivated plants. It was first mentioned 5,000 years ago in the tale inscribed on a tablet in Sumeria of a city in Persia sur- rounded by fields of lilies. The name of the city was Susa which means lily. Scholars have yet to agree on whether the city was named for the flower or the flower for the city. Lilium longiflorum is grown commercially for Easter more than any other variety. It is native to the islands off Japan Death Notices KATHERINE R. KRIŽMAN Katherine R. Križman (nee Mihalič) of Euclid, formerly of Cleveland, passed away on Wednesday, March 23 in Meridia Euclid Hospital. Mrs. Križman was born in Croatia. She was married for 42 years to Frederick. She was a member of St. Paul Croatian Church. Katherine is survived by her husband, Frederick E.; sons Albert of Washington, Illinois, Frederick of Parma Heights, Gregory of North Hollywood, Calif.; 6 grandchildren; 8 great-grandchildren; and brother Mike Mihalič of Willoughby Hills. Funeral will be on Saturday, March 26 from St. Paul Croatian Church, 1369 E. 40 St., Cleveland, Fr. Peter Mihalič officiating. Burial in All Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio. Visitation at Brickman & Sons Funeral Home, 21900 Euclid Avenue, Euclid, Ohio on Friday, March 25 from 2-4 and 7-9 p.m. Contributions to St. Paul Croatian Church Building Fund, or the charity of your choice. St. Vitus Holy Name'Society CLEVELAND, OHIO We Wish A Happy and Blessed Easter to All! Easter Greetings to All Our Customers Malensek’s Meat Market 1217 Norwood Rd. Cleveland, Ohio — Phone 361-1037 HOMEMADE SMOKED ME A TS BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS EASTER James A. Slapnik, Jr. FLORIST 650 E. 185th St. 531-7887 and Taiwan. When selecting an Easter Lily the key factor is choosing one that will be open on Easter Sunday. It is best to pick one that is just beginning to open its first blossom to ensure the longest blooming period. Check the foliage along the stem of the plant to make sure it is a rich healthy green all the way down to the soil. The flowers and fragrance can be enjoyed for several weeks if the plant is kept in a moderately cool but brightly lit room. The soil should be kept moist but not soaking wet. If the plant is displayed in a decorative pot, about an hour after watering, excess water should be poured out. This will give the plant a chance to soak up all it needs without sitting in water long enough to rot. Your enjoyment can be ex- tended for many years if you add the plant to your outdoor flower garden. Planting should be done after the danger of frost has past, mid-May for most of the Greater Cleveland area. Select a site that receives sun at least half the day, but preferably all day. The lily grows from * bulb that thrives in well drained soils. It is not uncommon for an Easter blooming lily to send up another flower stalk in the fall of the year it was planted. Thereafter you should only expect it to bloom in July. Home Federal Savings Bank Our new address is: Terminal Tower 50 Public Square, Suite 444 Cleveland, Ohio 44113-2203 (216) 348-2800 Our Executives, officers and branch managers Wish you and your family Happy Easter! HOME FEDERAL BRANCHES Madison (01) 12222 Madison Avenue Lakewood, OH 44107 348-8801 Deborah Patno (Debbie) Ext. 8801 Metro (02) 7470 Brookpark Road Brooklyn, OH 44129 348-8802 Constantina Poulos (Tina) Ext 8802 Rock port (03) 19739 Center Ridge Road Rocky River, OH 44116 348-8803 Katherine Murphy (Kathy) Ext 8803 West Bay (04) 30020 Detroit Road WesUake, OH 44145 348-8804 Christine Misencik (Chris) Ext 8804 Lakewood Center West (05) 14650 Detroit Avenue Lakewood, OH 44107 348-8805 John Sclimenti Ext. 8805 SOM (06) 789 SOM Center Road Mayfield Village, OH 44143 348-8806 Adelene Torrelli (Addie) Ext 8806 Beach wood (07) 3401 Richmond Road Beach wood, OH 44122 348-8807 Kathleen Masterson (Kathy) Ext 8807 Cedar Center (08) 2175 Warrensville Center Road University Heights, OH 44118 348-8808 Minyon Heard Ext. 8808 East 185th (09) 798 E. 185th Street Cleveland, OH 44119 348-8809 Rose Balogh Ext 8809 Plaza Blvd. Office (10) 7820 Plaza Boulevard Mentor, OH 44060 348-8810 Anne Tredent Ext. 8810 Federal Savings Sank FDIC Injured volte & lender 5 -! r -rr 0 SI tl a< tl C£ al 4 V, tie fo Si fa Co m V. Vo ex Si, N of ex, au Wc ter $1, to Lj, Bet itai Jes cen Tl °C| or io\ ,« »Hf Helping Rev. Joseph Božnar mark his 50th birthday on Saturday, March 19 were (left to right) Rev. Richard Evans, Assistant Pastor of St. Vitus, Rev. Victor Tomc, Rev. Božnar, and Rev. Victor Cimperman. (Photo by Tony Grdina) Slovenia eases into world marketplace Business Week From the sleek 12th-l frees of Marko Voljč, ea of Ljubljanska Ba °u can see clear across ‘ny- ordered capital ^°venia to the city’s airj ere, the Serbian-domin u8oslavian Air Force lau ec* a damaging air attack h afrfir Slovenia declared dependence on June 25, 1 ^en days and about Casualties later, the war over. For Slovenia, a ven Patch of 20,041 sqi kilometers, it was a i ^akening to life as on< dope’s smallest states. v e rest of wbat t,ugoslavia, °f course, it heH^e8'nn'ng 3 ^escent ^•though the attack occu j1 V 2-1/2 years ago, 2 mil ovenes are quickly forgel rough birth pangs, s ‘hey have all but forge cal|lr^attaCllment to a cou aj C Ju8°slavia. But goii dlv? T0’.1 been easy In Vo,ifa indePendence, tiof’ we had hyperir for; n° r,Scal eontrol, $lRn8n-i.eXCbange reserve; fact |”lIll0n-” Add to thal coj*’ overnight, Slovei mar?3"165 lost ‘heir n V0k«!. the res, >ou we« S,' V°'if: external ‘ okmg for a cas |Slovenia >>°CkS’ y°U g0t ' of n*’ Slovenia. about the bas frecome a 1 aC - f, DaimwmEon'nts shippec Woriri / Benz and Fiat renou amous Elan skis- ( to iui°n. InBa l,uah;°Und 20% a get may nc pr lch-quick br; doefu °r BudaP »atedS3''6 3n AIf 3 edness, and sc :entjpdern arcfl ‘ral Europe. loca^’ t0o> Slover fo7e‘0 lS.startin* km gn lnvestn • 0utl«g Internatic a Houston-based air-services group, now runs its $125 million European operations out of Ljubljana. “We could have chosen Vienna or Munich,” says Mrsjan Trilar, Air Routing’s marketing director for Eastern Europe, “but Ljubljana is a great jumping-off spot for Eastern Europe.” In fact, Slovenia always had a lot going for it, and that today makes it stand out among other Central and Easteern European countries inching toward a market economy. Nudged up against Austria and Italy, mountainous Slovenia has long had more in common with its free-n*arket neighbors than its ex- A communist cousins to the south and east. Its neat villages have none of the workers-state dreariness found in the Czech Republic or Poland. Even before communism collapsed with a shudder at the end of the 1980s, Slovenia, whose prosperous burghers motored to Italy to go shopping, had been the Shangri-La «f socialism. And suggesting that Slovenia is part of the Balkans draws scorn in Ljubljana. “The free market was always here,” says Prime Minister Janez Drnovšek, 43. “We always had private companies during the socialist period, and we have a generation of managers the other socialist countries of Europe don’t have.” Slovenia has an identity problem. Attached to Austria within the Hapburg empire, German has long been a second language for the Slovenian-speaking inhabitants. “We re a little threatened by Germaniza-tion,” admits Drnovšek. “But we survived a thousand years of the Hapsburgs without losing our identity.” The lingering cultural insecurity of being swallowed up by the much stronger German economy and its Austrian satellite has political ramifications, The Slovenian political scene is almost too lively. With six parties making up Drnovšek’s coalition government, economic policy has tended to be a hybrid, full of stops and starts. Privatization, in a country where only 30% of workers are in the private sector, has been agonizingly slow. Drnovšek and other technocrats are .still hard at work creating an identity for Slovenia as a mini-state in 20th century Europe. Ljubljanska Banka chief Voljč — who put in time running the World Bank’s Latin American Division and knows a thing or two about economic recovery — predicts that within little more than a decade, Slovenia’s living standard will match that of Austria and Northern Italy. “When I left the World Bank to come back here, I said that Slovenia will wind up being a boring little place, like Austria,” says Voljč. “That’s why I want to catch it now, before it turns boring.” Considering what’s happening in the other parts of ex-Yugoslavia, being boring, rich, and small is not such a bad fate. By John Rossani in Ljubljana Thanks to Robin Verbose for submitting this article. Radio Programs Each Sunday on WJAT, 1560 on the AM dial in Eastern, Ohio, the following programs are broadcast: 11-noon — Al Markič, Harry Faint Noon - 1 p.m. — German with great Alpine oompa-pa sounds. 1 - 2 p.m. — Habat Polka featuring Wayne and Mark Habat. 3-4 — Polka Habat with Bruce Barrigay (formerly Burger) 4 - 4:30 — John Pestotnik featuring button box music. 4:30 - 5:00 p.m. — Linda Cimperman with the modern sounds from Slovenia. —John Habat EASTER GREETINGS TO ALL! CENTURY TIRE SERVICE 15300 Waterloo Rd. 531-3536 HAPPY EASTER WISHES To All My Relatives, Friends and Acquaintances Marie Kovacic Euclid, Ohio Very Best Wishes During THE EASTER SEASON Ed and Sue Turk Beth Turk Wishing You a Happy Easter and Lovely Springtime D. J. ’s Hairlines HAIRSTYLING SALON FOR MEN AND WOMEN Specialists at... Haircuts — Haircoloring — Penns — Henna’s 6128 Glass Ave. 624 E. 222 St. Phone 431-8998 Phone 261-6065 HAPPY EASTER Brickman and Sons 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 HAPPY EASTER Cimperman’s Market Smoked Sausage and Fresh Meats 1115 Norwood Rd. 361 -0566 Happy Easter St. Vitus Post 1655 Catholic War Veterans VESELE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE želi vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem HAPPY EASTER! Albina Mršnik Cleveland, Ohio 9 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 1994 O St. Vitus Slovenian School serenades Fr. Božnar last Saturday Photo by Stefan Vesel Zarja Spring Frolic “In the spring, a young man’s fancy lightly turns to ??? The answer to this query will be divulged on Saturday, April 30, at Slovenian Singing Society’s annual Spring Frolic to be performed at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, which is in addition to our Dinner-Dance festiv-ties. The sum of $16 will cover the day’s entertainment. Doors will be open to the public at 4:45 p.m., sit-down dinner served from 5 to 6:30 p.m., program at 7 p.m., dancing to Vadnal’s orchestra following the program, until midnight. Children of 12 and younger are $5; dance only $5. The band intermission will be filled by Zarja specialty numbers. Tickets can be purchased at Recher Bar, Zarja members, or you may call for reservations: Barbara Elersich at 1-257-2540, Vicky Kozel at 531-5542, or Sophie Elersich at 531-8402. Prepayment is requested to assure you of seating. Send remittance to Barbara, 5693 Dorrwood Dr., Mentor, OH 44060; Vicky, 20731 Lake Shore Blvd., Euclid, OH 44123; Sophie, 1755 Spino Dr., Euclid, OH 44117. Messages may be called in — all have answering machines. The musical production was authored by Ed Ozanich; accompanists are Millie Wojtila and Ed Polšak - piano; accordionists Steve Valencie and Jim Kozel. Choral Director is Doug Elersich. In conclusion, Zarja invites you to attend and enjoy our Spring Frolic, entitled “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” from which you can catch a glimmer of what to expect, perhaps?! Sophie T. Elersich If You Work In the Home You’re on the front lines in the battle against pollution. By simple changes in your household routines you can reduce the problems of solid waste, water and air pollution, and excess energy consumption. • During the hours between five and seven p.m., residential electric loads reach their peak. Try to avoid using heavy electric appliances, like washers and driers, at this time, and limit their use to one full load a day. • Measure your detergents carefully and never use more than you really need. Use products low in phosphates or such phosphate-free products as soap flakes or power. Phosphates discharged into waterways cause scummy, algae-clogged lakes and rivers. Laundry tip: If you live in a hard-water area, add one to four tablespoons of ordinary washing soda to the load. It helps non-phosphate products do a better job. It may take several washings before the yellowish detergent residue left by previous phosphate use is removed. • Put a brick in the holding tank of your toilet and save water. The H20 replaced by that brick is significant, and your toilet will work just as efficiently as before. • Don’t waste water. It’s precious. For an ice-cold glass of water any time, keep a pitcher in the refrigerator.That way, you eliminate the need to let the faucet run util the tap water gets cold. Worth more You continue to be worth more than $25.00 — enclosed is my check for $50.00* — Hvala lepa. Jerry M. Watson Zionsville, Ind. Salute to William Raddell CLEVELAND — After 43 years of faithful service to the Slovenian community through the fine art of retailing specialty meats, William Raddell Sr. will be retiring. Bill began butchering in 1950. In 1951 he moved his trade to Grovewood Avenue where he and his partners ran a quality and respected butcher shop. In 1980 when the building he occupied was sold, Bill went to work with his son, Tom, who had purchased John Cech’s meat business on E. 152 St. As partners, Bill and Tom successfully grew Raddell’s Sausage Shop. “It has been an honor to work with my Dad. His hard work and faithful service is a wonderful example to me,” said Tom Raddell. “I know our customers will miss him. ‘Dad, thanks for helping to make Rad dell’s Sausage Shop what it is today’.” Tom Raddell has hired Mark Tichar, another Slovenian American, to be his new partner. Mark has worked for Tom on several occasons in the past and now Mark brings his marketing and sales experience with him. Tom and Mark will continue to improve the quality, selection and service that has been the practice of RaddelPs Sausage Shop. Starting May 15, Tom will carry beef steak products as an additional offering to his already great selections of “Great on the Grill” meat products. God bless you, Bill Raddell. Thank you for your outstanding service and for all the satisfying meals you have provided for your customers. We will miss you! Raddell’s Sausage Shop is located at 478 E. 152 St. Al Koporc, Jr. Piano Technician (216) 481-1104 Meeting change The American Slovene Club meeting date has been changed from April 4 to Monday, April 11, starting at 7:30 p.m. We will meet in the Wach Room of the Euclid Public Library on E. 222 St. —Bertha Cerne Walden In Memory Rudy Kristavnik of Chesterland, Ohio donated $25.00 to the Ameriška Domovina in memory of his brother, Tony Kristavnik. CARST-NAGY Memorials 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 “Serving the Slovenian Community.” Easter Greetings Dorothy Urbancich Euclid, Ohio A happy note! /JiSj ^5 ^ ° t-i-o JPYou're Special o P c E n » t! (l/YvuAA^dLs in an economic crisis. °nsequently, the church will ?ve to be built gradually, in | ases. At the moment the Pasement of the church is be-i Lif U1*t and it will contain ^ ieHi SSr^0niS ^or religious fallCatl°n’ °ffices and a social A ne'v Mass will be e rated in our parish in July V«V.V.\V.V,V.7 this year. We would like very much to have the church completed to the degree which would allow the Mass to be celebrated in it. The completion of bare walls and roof would suffice for this occasion. The parish itself will not be able to bear all the expenses of the construction. We are asking for assistance from all who are willing to extend a helping hand. With this letter, we are turning to you and, through you, to your friends and acquaintances. We pray daily for our benefactors and celebrate Mass for them once a month. We will be very grateful to you for any gift, even the smallest assistance will help. Please accept our sincere thanks and best wishes. May God be with you always. Milan Grah Pastor. Dear Friends: I am supporting Rev. Milan Grah and his parishioners in their pleas for assistance. With kindest regards, Alojzij Sustar Archbishop of Ljubljana “P.S. I visited Slovenija in September of 1993 and a relative of mine told me of SII .v.v.v.v-*-* / Happy - Easter! When you need Legal Help CALL ... Richard A. Vadnal Attorney-at-law 216-771-4050 1650 Midland Building, Cleveland, OH 44115 Happy Easter from All of Us at / Jakubs & Son Funeral Home 936 East 185 Street Cleveland, Ohio 44119 (216) 531-7770 GOLDEN RULE Funeral Homes In Time of Need — Give Us a Call We Wish Everyone — Happy Easter American-Slovenian Remodeling Company ®sidential, Commercial Remodeling of Bath-onis, Kitchens, Rec. Rooms, Garages, Dry a"» Windows, Doors, Glass Block Basement Windows. Free Estimates — No Job Too Small c Can J. STREKAL at 692-1020 ARpENTRY PLUS ELECTRICAL-PLUMBING plans for the building of this new church. We have visited the parish priest who gave me this letter (also translation). “If there are any benefactors who subscribe to the Ameriška Domovina newspaper — or anyone interested in any way — they may write to me and I will forward all correspondence, donations to the priest at this new parish — as I have said so to him when I visited with him in ’93. “Sincerely yours, Angela Perčič 1000 - 68th Ave. N.E. Minneapolis, MN 55432 “Any benefactors will be thanked by the parish priest of this new parish.” Always acknowledge a fault quite frankly. This will throw those in authority off their guard and give you an opportunity to commit more. —Mark Twain Visit American-Slovenian Jewelry Store KIMBERLY JEWELRY DIAMOND SPECIALISTS For Over 30 Years Remounting, Repairs, Custom Designing Estate & Insurance Appraisals Graduate Gemologists 867-3990 AKRON, OHIO Call Our Jewelry Expert Owner: Mr. A1 Grajzl Happy Easter to All Customers Happy Easter to All our Custcmers and Friends HI 1 MIHELIN TRAVEL BUREAU 4118 ST. CLAIR AVENUE. CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 Phone: (216) 431-5710 - Fox: (216) 431-5712 Lowest Airfarcs to Germany and Beyond EARLY DEPARTURE SPECIAL CLE-FRA SCHEC’JLiC AIR 1 MAY Zi-ILV EX —1 SUN 1 CLEVELANO-FRANKFURT ( JUNE*6 3334 ^ JUNE =3 JUNE 3C JULY C7 333= JULY 14 JULY 2'. JULY HE AUGUST CA AUGUST 1 1 3334 AUGUST 1 S AUGUST 25 3323 SEPTEMBER C* SEPTEMBER =5 3224 k SEPTEMBER 13 J ROUND e- TRIP ^ FRA-CLE JUNE 1-5, 23, 30 -\ FLIGHT NUMBERS AND TIMES’ #620 CL2 LV 3:10 pm FRA AR 7 0:45 am #621 =SA LV 1:20 am CLE AR 3:10 pm 'Times are tentative V FaAWKFURT-CLEVELAIVO JUNE 1 3 JUNE 23 S22J ^ JUNE 3C 3223 JULY C7 _l JULY 1«! 3224 JULY 21 JULY 2 = AUGUST C4 AUGUST 11 3223 AUGUST 1 = AUGUST 25 SEPTEMBER Cl — SEPTEMBER OS 3224 ^ SEPTEMBER 15 ' ABOVE PRICES ARE ONE WAY BASED ON ROUND TRIP PURCHASE, ONE WAY FARE IS S393 P=R PERSON 0=DU~ S50 OFF THE ADULT ROUND TRIP FARE FOR CHILDREN. RATE FOR INFANTS IS S50.00 AND LIMITED TO ONe'iNfIm-PER ADULT SHARING SEAT. FOR TAXES AND FEES PLEASE ADD S36.95 TO THE ROUND TRIP PRICE RESTRICTIONS nw CANCELLATION AND CHANGE DO APPLY. FOR PASSENGERS ORIGINATING IN GERMANY ADO S25 TO THE ABOVE RATES. NO EARLY DISCOUNT APPLIES. ♦ * * Vesele Velikonočne Praznike The Republic of Slovenia Embassy, Washington, D.C. Dr. Ernest Petrič, Ambassador Honorary Consulate, Cleveland, Ohio Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, Honorary Consul General Consulate Republic of Slovenia New York, N.Y. 1 1 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 1994 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 24, 1994 12 Donations Thanks to the following for their generous donations to the Ameriška Domovina: Joseph Klammer, Painesville, O. — $5.00 Anton Lavrisha, Cleveland — $5.00 Jo M. Jamnik Gornik, Painesville, O. — $10.00 Rudi Kristavčnik, Chesterland, O. — $13.00 John and Amelia Dejak, Gates Mills, O. — $100.00 Margaret Kaus, Willoughby, O. — $5.00 Anna Vidergar, Cleveland — $10.00 St. Mary’s Altar Society, Cleveland — $10.00 Ann Hočevar, Cleveland — $10.00 Mr. Anthony Jagodnik, North Tarrytown, NY — $10.00 Ernest Kotnik, El Cajon, Calif. — $10.00 Stan Sajnovic, Canada — $5.00 John Martinc, Euclid, O. — $5.00. Mrs. Joseph Zupančič, Euclid, O. — $5.00 Mr. Miro Pfeifer, Sedona, Ariz. — $25.00 Mildred Lonchar, Euclid, O. — $25.00 Anonymous, Michigan — $5.00 Jelka Kuhel, Cleveland, in memory of her deceased sister Jožefa Tominc in Slovenia — $10.00 Florijan Bevec, Washington, D.C. — $15.00 Max Gorensek, Walton Hills, O. — $5.00 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Štepec, Richmond Hts., OH — $25.00 Filip Oreh, Wickliffe, O. — $5.00 Lojze Arko, Euclid, O. — $5.00 Joseph Križman, Euclid, O. — $10.00 Catherine Clemente, Broadview Hts., O. — $10.00 Mrs. Paula Vrečar, Bessemer, Pa., in memory of her husband, Frank — $20.00 Josephine Tominc, Cleveland — $10.00 Miles of Pennies St. Mary’s church on Holmes Avenue in Collinwood is still quite far from achieving their goal of reaching a mile of pennies before the end of this school year. Pastor, Rev. John Kumse, urges readers to continue saving your pennies (or other coins for that matter) and help Saint Mary School. Determine never to be idle. No person will have occasion to complain of the want of time who never loses any. It is wonderful how much may be done if we are always doing. —Thomas Jefferson Slovenian National Home Holmes Hall — Happy Easter — Collinwood Slovenian Home Board of Directors — 1994 — Matthew Kajfez — Pres. Mary Blatnik — V. Pres. Jennie Tuma — Rec. Sec. Fran Kajfez — Treasurer Frank Ferra — Fin. Sec. Josephine Wutchiett — Corres. Sec. Joyce Segulin — Auditor Domenic Cekada — Auditor Evelyn Pipoly — Alternate Cazimer Kozinski — House Comm. Phil Yan — House Comm. Tom McNulty — By-Laws Michealene McNulty — By-Laws Tom Urankar — Director Carl Schultz — Director Mary Podlogar — 1st Alternate Frank Urankar — 2nd Alternate Vesele Velikonočne Praznike Želimo - vsem - našim Ljudem Happy Easter to All! Board of Directors and Membership Slovenian Society Home 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio 44119 Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. — President Rosemary Toth — Vice-President Joseph Stavanja — Secretary Esther Podboy — Treasurer Anna Adams — Recording Secretary Karen Alich, Chairperson — Auditing Steffie Segulin — Auditor Elmer Perme — Auditor Robert Cigoy, Chairman — House Comm. Dorothy Lamm — House Committee Rudy Urbanick — House Committee Karen Alich, Chairperson — Membership Federation of Slovenian National Homes Representatives: Rosemary Toth — Joseph F. Petrie, Jr. “In Unity and Harmony There is Progress. ’ ’ Happy Easter! Steve Koren & Sharon Krnc Koren McDonald & Co. Securities IflC’ Willoughby Hills, Ohio 800-377-2268 — Happy Easter — Vesela - Velika Noč From The Supreme Board, Lodge Officers, and All Members of the AMERICAN MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION 19424 South Waterloo Road Cleveland, Ohio 44119 - 3250 Phone: 216-531-1900 Fax: 216-531-8123 ZAGREB QUALITY MEATS Full Line of Fresh Meats — Home Made Sausage ^ Happy Easter to Aii Also Pig and Lamb Roasting our custom!' 6706 St. Clair Ave. JedinkoLalic Diane Lalic Phone 361-4511 ■anilina mtfm'Wtt&m vtommmmmmmummmoumm *: riawKMKVtft \ i* ■ maiiwj u itcgryiT FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina m?1; ii Ti I ^ r AMERICAN IN SPIRIT SLOVENIAN FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 24, 1994 Vesti iz Slovenije Iz Clevelanda in okolice Prvi odmevi po združitvi levosredinskih strank — Drnovšek zamenja ministrico iz vrst Združene liste Jožico Puharjevo Pretekli teden je predsednik vlade dr. Janez Drnovšek poslal pismo predsedniku stranke Združena lista (to je nekdanja Zveza komunistov Slovenije) Janezu Kocijančiču, v katerem Kocijančiču sporoča, da namera-va zamenjati ministrico za delo, družino in socialne zadeve Jožico Puharjeva. Puharje-Va je članica ZL in pripada to ministrsko mestu Združeni listi, ker ta stranka sodeluje z Drnovškovo Liberalno demokracijo Slovenije v vladi skupaj s Slovenskimi krščanskimi deniokrati in Socialdemokrati. Drnovšek je Povedal, naj Združena lista predlaga namestnico za Puharjevo, sicer jo bo poiskal Dr-n°vŠek sam. Glede na funkcijo je razumlje-n°» da pripada to mesto v vladi ženski. Pre-teklo soboto je časopis Slovenec menil, da nai bi Puharjevo zamenjala Rina Klinar z Je-Senic. S pridružitvijo Drnovškovi stranki še treh drugih strank, je pričakovati še nekaj rugih zamenjav v vladni sestavi. O osi LDS in SKD V svojem komentarju v Slovencu prete-0 soboto, je Ivan Puc razmišljal tako o zamenjavi Jožice Puharjeve kot o osi med LDS In SKD. Večji del komentarja sledi: »Ministrica Združene liste, Jožica Pu-ar> Predzadnja od ministrov še iz Peterletove vlade (ostal je še Janez Janša!) trdi, da je ^arnenjava politična: bila naj bi prvi 'pljivi izid sobotnega (12. marca) združenja tako imenovane sredine. Pojasnjevale političnih potez s posledicami, ki jih pri-^Ša nova velika stranka, je razumljivo, ahko bi rekli, da velja pri političnih ko-^entatorih novo pravilo: kar koli se bo od-s ej zgodilo na slovenskem političnem prizo-l'1 eu, je treba obravnavati tudi v luči usta-n°vljene Liberalne demokracije Slovenije. Za takšno razmišljanje je več osnove tu zato, ker je Drnovšek na sobotnem kon-esu jasno povedal, na katerega koalicijske-Partnerja računa — na Slovenske krščan-® demokrate. Druga dva (ZL in Janšovo di i 0p' ur' opozarja, da bosta v vla-Ost e- to^° časa, dokler bosta spoštovala ■ reje postavljena pravila igre. Z drugimi edami: krščanskim demokratom daje Dr- novšek več manevrskega prostora in dodatna zagotovila. Posledica izgube relativne teže SKD v vladni koaliciji... Njihov predsednik je že na vladni seji v sredo (16. marca) - verjetno zavedajoč se, kakšno vlogo mu je pripisal Drnovšek - zahteval naj vlada čim prej obravnava poročilo SDK (= Služba družbe-enega knjigovodstva) o finančnem poslovanju ministrstva Jožice Puhar. Zdaj ko je Drnovšek ob javno izraženi Peterletovi »pomoči«, Puharjevo odstavil, je pomen osi LDS -SKD potrjen, pri čemer to os krepi tudi glasovanje poslancev SKD na izredni seji parlamenta, ko niso podprli opozicije v njenem -po Peterletovih besedah - populističnem ravnanju. Drnovšek se je prav tako kot že v primeru zamenjave Miha Jazbinška izognil javnemu pojasnjevanju, zakaj se je odločil za to potezo. Ko je Drnovšek zamenjal Jazbinška, je bila to stvar LDS, zdaj pa naj bi bila to stvar razmerja med mandatarjem in Združeno listo. Zdi pa se, da gre za prikaz moči -Drnovšek jo vztrajno in uspešno kopiči, drugi vladni partnerji pa izgubljajo. Premier se ni zmenil za Kučana ob njegovem jadikovanju o državnem udaru, zasledovanju politikov... še manj pa se meni na Združeno listo, ki je dobila krepko zaušnico. Koliko časa bo še prisegal na os LDS - SKD?« Lojze Peterle o vlogi SKD v koalicijski vladi dr. Janeza Drnovška Na tiskovni konferenci, ki ga je imel v Ljubljani pretekli petek, je predsednik SKD in zunanji minister Lojze Peterle zelo pohvalno ocenil sodelovanje njegove stranke v Drnovškovi vladi. »V vlado smo vstopili z namenom, da smo zraven in da preprečujemo korupcijo,« je rekel Peterle, in nato naštel vrsto tovrstnih uspehov. Tudi ob tej priložnosti je bil dokaj kritičen do predsednika druge močnejše desnosredinske stranke, Marjana Podobnika, kar je dodatno potrdilo domneve mnogih, da o globljem sodelovanju desnosredinskih strank ni kmalu pričakovati. Peterle je bil vprašan, zakaj so SKD podprli imenovanje bivšega vodilnega člana komunistične stranke Lenarta Šetinca za ravnatelja Narodne in univerzitetne knjižnice. Peterle je odgovoril, da so komunisti in nekdanji komunisti stvarnost. ^hižitven) kongres pod simboli, v katerih so nekateri videli širšo sporočilnost Ur, j le j anez Drnovšek, predsednik novonasta- mokratsko stranko, je časopis Slovenec 14. ž. e^a|ne demokracije Slovenije, govori marca objavil predvolilni glas Demokratov, Ca n r^z'tvenem kongresu, ki je bil 12. mar- v katerem so volivce vprašali, ali želijo koa- ni0[( ”*edn. V komentarju na združitev De- ličijo Liberalnih demokratov s Slovenskimi Tatske stranke z nekdanjo liberalno de- krščanskimi demokrati? Odličen uspeh— Preteklo nedeljo je »Slovenska igralska skupina Toronto« z velikim uspehom pred nabito polno dvorano v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. predstavila Jurčičevega »Desetega brata«. Vsem igralcem res iz srca čestitamo in upamo, da jih bomo še kdaj videli. Hvala tudi dram. društvu »Lilija«, ki jih je za svojo 75-letnico povabila med nas. Vsem še enkrat hvala! Butare— Vabljeni ste, da se pridružite pri delanju butar. Butare bodo delali pri Mariji Vnebovzeti na Holmes Ave. ta petek zv. od 6.30 do 9. in v soboto dop. od 9. do 12. ure. V nedeljo bo blagoslov butar in zelenja v stari cerkvi ob 9.45, nato bo procesija v cerkev. Za to priliko ste naprošene narodne noše, da povečati slovesnost s svojo navzočnostjo. Prav tako ste vabljeni k Vstajenju, ki bo na Velikonočno jutro ob 6.30 v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete. Veselite se velikonočnega praznika in oblecite narodno nošo, če le možno. Tarok turnir— To soboto bo v Baragovem domu na St. Clairju tarok turnir. Pričel se bo ob 7h zv. Vabljeni vsi ljubitelji taroka. Slov. pisarna sporoča— Sprejema se naročila za novi »Katekizem Katoliške Cerkve«, ki je bil izdan v Sloveniji. Knjiga je krasno vezana in res bogate vsebine. Predvidena cena je $40, plus $2.50 za poštnino. Poslali bodo le toliko izvodov, kolikor bo naročil, zato ste naprošeni, da z naročili pohitite. Naročila sprejema: Slovenska pisarna, 6304 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. V Rožmanov sklad— V Rožmanov sklad so darovali za študente, ki so v oskrbi Mohorjevih domov sledeči: V spomin na škofa Gregorija Rožmana g.ga. John Zapušek $1000, dodatnih $60 pa N.N. $100 v spomin na svojo umrlo mamo-Ivano Lunder sta darovali hčerki Maria in Ani. Ga. Lojzka Zabukovec je darovala $50, v spmin na moža Damijana. $20 sta darovala g.ga. John Grebenc v spomin na Lojzeta Petrič, Damijana Zabukovec in Pavla Žakelj. Za darove se lepo zahvaljuje poverjenik Mohorjeve Janez Prosen. Primorski večer— Primorski klub vabi na svoj tradicionalni Primorski večer, ki bo v soboto, 16. aprila, v SND na St. Clairju. Pričel se bo ob 7h zvečer, za ples in zabavo bo igral Stan Mejač orkester. Za vstopnice in več informacije. pokličite 732-7527 oz. Obisk Milana Kučana— To soboto in nedeljo bo na obisku pri novem glavnem uradu SNPJ v Imperialu, Pa., predsednik Slovenije Milan Kučan. Od nedelje pop. do ponedeljka zgodaj pop. pa bo v Clevelandu. Tu so predvideni različni sestanki, v Imperialu pa se bo srečal poleg članov SNPJ tudi z županom Pittsburgha, kongresnikom Coyne-om in predstavniki lokalnih oblasti, v Clevelandu z guv. G. Voino vichem, županom Whiteom in drugimi politiki in poslovneži. Od Clevelanda gre predsednik Kučan v Washington, kjer, kot smo obveščeni, se bo srečal vsaj s podpredsednikom Gore-om, če že ne s predsednikom Clintonom. O svetovidski šoli— Ravnateljica farne šole pri Sv. Vidu, Jeanette Polomsky, nas je prosila, da bi tudi na tem mestu zanikali govorice, ki jih je slišati v soseščini, da se bo šola zaprla. Dejansko je drugače. Šola že sedaj sprejema vpise šolarjev za naslednjo šolsko leto. Med novejšimi u-krepi je znižanje šolnine, da bi šola pritegnila več učencev. Za več informacije, pokličite šolski urad na 881-1689, ali pa se oglasite osebno in vpišite vašega otroka za šolsko leto 1994/ 1995. Tabor DSPB vabi— Tabor DSPB pripravlja vsakoletni družabni večer z večerjo in plesom, v soboto, 9. aprila, v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Pričetek ob 7. uri zv. Za vstopnice, kličite 851-4961 oz. 731-0195. Dopis na str. 14. Zopet o Plečniku— Arhitekt Anthony Hiti nas je opozoril na članek o Jožetu Plečniku, ki je bil objavljen v zadnji, marčevski, številki vodilne ameriške arhitekturne revije Progressive Architecture. Med drugim je posredovana slika sicer nenavadnega Plečnikovega načrta za novo stavbo za slovenski parlament. G. Hitiju pa čestitamo ob njegovem napredovanju na »Associate« pri podjetju H GG Inc. Rojak preminul— Dne 18. marca je v Las Ve-gasu, Nev., preminul bivši Clevelandčan, 77-letni Frank L. Eržen. Zanj žalujejo žena Vera, hčerki Kathy Marinko (Mentor, O.) in Fran Byers (Las Vegas) ter pet vnukov. V Las Vegasu je živel zadnjih 8 let. Pogreb je bil 22. marca v Las Vegasu. Družina priporoča darove v pokojnikov spomin Hospice of the Western Reserve. Spominski dar— Rudy Kristavcnik, Chester- land, O., je daroval $25 v spomin brata Tonyia. Najlepša AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 216/431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel — Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Košir NAROČNINA: Združene države in Kanada: $25 na leto za ZDA; $30 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $35 na leto (v ZD valuti) Za Slovenijo, z letalsko pošto, $110 letno SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $25 per year; Canada: $30 in U.S. currency Foreign: $35 per year U.S. or equivalent foreign currency $ 1 1 0 per year airmail to Slovenia Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home, 61 1 7 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1 627 Tabor DSPB vabi na družabno srečanje CLEVELAND, O. — Zadnji dan v letu smo se z veseljem od 1993 poslavljali in z lepimi mislimi stopili v novo leto 1994. Pa veselje je kmalu splahnelo. Po nekaj dneh smo bili presenečeni. Na televizijskem ekranu smo gledali posledice velikega potresa v Los Angelesu. V trenutku je bilo veliko uničenje. Na vzhodu pa je zavladala prava zima in z obiskom prinesla snežni metež. Z burjo se je temperatura tako znižala, da smo se kar zadrževali v toplem domu. A ta čas nam bilo preveč dolgčas. Saj smo sledili olimpijskim igram tam na Norveškem. To pot se je tudi slovenska ekipa smučarjev postavila. Naša lepa Slovenija si je pridobila kar tri bronaste medalje, pravcati ponos mlade države in zgodovinsko starega naroda. Odmaknili smo se od televizijskega ekrana, ko se je te dni začela približati pomlad s toplejšim soncem. Pride čas za srečanja s prijateljem in znancem. Tako Tabor DSPB pripravlja prijetno snidenje v soboto, 9. aprila, v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Avenue in sicer z večerjo in plesom. Tabor DSPB potrebuje vašo navzočnost. Podpira pomoči potrebne in si prizadeva, da se razčisti preteklost od leta 1941 do danes. Seveda se veliko govori o spravi. Vendar krivci se še vedno sprehajajo in ustvarjajo mišljenje, da je vse to treba pozabiti. Da, sprava je možna, čim se vrne čast pomorjenim domobrancem in so krivci pokolov postavljeni pred dejstvom. S prisotnostjo, dragi Slovenec in Slovenka, na tem večeru, bo nam možno hitreje razčistiti preteklost in graditi lepšo bodočnost našemu narodu. Na svidenje! S.V. Fax (216) 361-4088 Published every Thursday No. 12 Thursday, March 24, 1994 Ponovno iz Katoliškega glasu... Pogled v Slovenijo Novost pri Kulturnem centru v Lemontu LEMONT, 111. — Slovenski kulturni center prireja prijetno presenečenje po dolgih letih kulturno dramskega molka — v nedeljo, 17. aprila, bodo igralci iz Toronta, Kanada, predstavili v slovenskem jeziku odrsko dramo DESETI BRAT pisatelja Josipa Jurčiča. Prireditev bo pri Sv. Štefanu, 1852 W. 22nd Place, Chicago, Illinois. Predno bodo nastopili navdušeni mladi igralci iz Toronta, bomo servirali kosilo in sicer ob 12:30 Vstopnina, ki vključuje kosilo, igro ter vaš dar Kulturnemu centru, je $30; za študente je cena polovična, otroci pa imajo prost vstop. Lepo vas vabimo, da pred prireditvijo prisostvujete pri slovenski sv. maši ob 10. in s petjem slovenskih pesmi ter udeležbo pri liturgiji v slovenskem jeziku, obogatite začetek našega skupnega praznovanja. 17. april 1994 je še posebej pomemben za nas Slovence v Chicagu in širši okolici, saj se skoraj po dvajsetih letih ponovno oglaša dramska mojstrovina na odrskih deskah pri Sv. Štefanu. Dramo Deseti brat, ki je pravi dragulj v slovenski literaturi, bodo odigrali priznani odrski mojstri iz Toronta, igralci, ki so že dobro poznani ameriškim gledalcem. Za rezervacije, kakor tudi vstopnice, pokličite: Ann Hozjan, tel. (708) 654-4800. Še enkrat: na veselo svidenje v nedeljo, 17. aprila, pri Sv. Štefanu v Chicagu. Slovenski kulturni center Peterle-Podobnik Poročali smo že o tem, kako nerazumljivo in nerazumno se stvari obračajo na tisti slovenski politični strani, ki je neposredno, seveda po drugim imenom, nadaljevanje tako imenovane realsocialistične politike. Slovenska desnica, če ji lahko tako rečemo, nikakor ne najde skupnega jezika niti sedaj, ko je vse bolj jasno, da je koristnost Velike koalicije, koalicije med Liberalnimi-demokrati in Slovenskimi krščanskimi demokrati, že skoraj pol leta povsem nična. Nična za vse tiste, ki niso navdušeni pristaši prejšnjega enopartijskega režima oziroma njegove prenoviteljske preobleke. V minulem tednu je znana TV novinarka Rosvita Pesek predstavila v oddaji Žarišče ravno Lojzeta Peterleta in Marjana Podobnika, predsednika Slovenskih krščanskih demokratov in Slovenske ljudske stranke. Jasno je bilo videti, da želi prispevati k morebitnemu zbližanju dveh temeljnih »novih« političnih strank. Toda o kakšni možnosti zbližanja ni bilo niti govora. Še več: že dolgo ni bilo mogoče na televizijskem zaslonu toliko nervoze, medsebojnega seganja v besedo, celo prepirljivosti, kot sta jo pokazala ravno Peterle in Podobnik drug proti drugemu. Očitno se oba dosti bolje razumeta z Drnovškom ali Ribičičem. Torej: slovenska desnica je popolnoma razklana in to lahko pomeni le eno samo stvar: da so »nove« politične sile prešibke, da bi sploh lahko razumele bistvo trenutka. Podobno kot se je zgodilo v Italiji, ko ni bila bivša Krščanska demokracija sposobna sprejeti novega zgodovinskega trenutka, in je zato razpadla v kar tri frakcije in še zdaj išče svoj obraz. Po drugi strani je verjetno tudi res, da politične osebnosti, ki so na čelu takšnih strank, očitno ne premorejo več kot le povprečno politično zrelost. Partnerstvo za mir Slovenija je bila sprejeta v Partnerstvo za mir, kar je nekakšen podaljšek Nato pakta. Bila je sprejeta prva med tistimi državami, ki niso sodile v nekdanji Varšavski pakt oziroma k državam-satelitom biv" Sovjetske zveze. Za Slovenijo je ta dogi k izjemnega pomena in v v do so padle številne kritike m a-čun zunanjega ministra Pc er-leta. Res pa je, da mora biti tudi Slovenija še naprej pazljiva in odprta za vse dogodke, ki utegnejo spreminjati iz-merje sil v Evropi. Gre namreč za počasnrfj vendar izrazito nastajanje, če že ne nove, a vsaj drugačne Evrope. Verjetno se vplivnost Zahoda širi po padcu komunizma proti Vzhodu, pravzaprav točno nad države nekdanjega sovjetskega bloka. Da je treba še vedno budno gledati naprej, priča dejstvo, da bo nemara tudi Rusija postala članica Partnerstva za mir. Ravno takšno dejstvo bi seveda marsikaj razveljavilo, ker srednjeevropske države iz svoje zgodovinske izkušnje zelo dobro vedo, da se je Rusija vedno znova dvignila in skušala razširiti svoj vpliv proti Zahodu. Poleg Slovenije so v Partnerstvu za mir - če odštejemo članice Nato pakta - še Romunija, Bolgarija, Poljska, Madžarska, Slovaška, Ukrajina, Albanija in baltska trojica Latvija, Litva in Estonija. Orožarsko sojenje V Mariboru poteka sojenje štirim osumljencem v orožar- ski aferi: ljudem, ki bi po svoji delovni dolžnosti morali vedeti, da je bilo na mariborskem letališču za preko sto ton orožja. Ce so to vedeli, bi seveda morali javiti vso zadevo višjim oblastem, česar niso storili. Jasno je, da je vsa zadeva velika predstava za javno mnenje in verjetno tudi za Evropo, ki budno spremlja vso zadevo. Zakaj velika predstava? Ker je vsakomur, ki trezno premisli dogodek, kaj hitro jasno, da so bili poglavitni akterji trgovanja z orožjem ljudje na zelo visokih položajih, če ni celo šlo za najvišje državne institucije. To seveda ne more in ne sme na dan, vse skupaj zato poteka tako, kot je pred meseci predlagal minister za obrambo Janez Janša. Navedel je nujnost sodne obravnave, na kateri je treba kaznovati prve osumljence. V kolikor ti ne izdajo svojih predpostavljenih, bodo pač plačali še zanje, kot da so oni sami poglavitni krivci. Se bo to res zgodilo, ali bo kdo od obtoženih spregovoril in potisnil preiskavo na višjo družbeno raven, kamor brez dvoma sodi. Janez Povše Kat. glas, 10. marca 1994 Ali prav zares izumiramo? ORANGE, Conn. - Bridgeport in Fairfield v državi Connecticut imata na tem koncu Nove Anglije edino slovensko naselje. Do New Yorka je komaj 50 milj. Razdalja je majhna, še manjša je povezanost med našimi Slovenci. Kar nas na tem koncu Amerike trenutno še veže, je fara sv. Križa, pri kateri se še vedno sliši slovensko besedo in slovensko pesem, in kjer se še za prvo silo ohranja slovenska tradicija, ki smo jo prinesli iz stare domovine. Kako dolgo se bomo obdržali, zavisi od nas samih. Vzdušje v fari je na žalost vedno bolj ameriško. Čeprav imamo še pevski zbor Zvon in KSKJ bratsko društvo sv. Jožefa, je izumiranje slovenskega duha in slovenskega jezika vedno bolj očitno. Krivi smo mi sami, ker nikoli nismo imeli pravega prenosa na mladino, ki bi naše delo nadaljevala. Zaposleni z delom in zaslužkom nismo imeli časa, in kar je še hujše: nismo čutili potrebe po njem. Pa še tisti, ki MAK: bi lahko kaj storili, so se ozira li na druge in pričakovali del® in spodbudo od njih. Cepaj' kdo kaj začel, je dobil le klavrno podporo, včasih pa še ten' Zato kulturno prosvetno dd® ni zaživelo, če se je pa sprožilo, je imelo le kratko življenj' Isto velja za športno udejstvovanje. Trenutno se moramo zadovoljiti s tem, kar imamo. ^ bodočnost pa naj velja na<$0, da kadar kdo prične delati 0 skupnost, naj bodo to cerkvene proslave, plesne prireditv' ali kar koli drugega, ne stojmc ^ ob strani, ampak dotičnem®; idealistu priskočimo na pom0 j in ga podprimo z dejanjem m ; besedo. Sodelovati mora®0! prav vsi, le tako nam bo uspeI11 zagotovljen. nlek Anton Malens* Informativni list za marec 1994 Ljubljana — 18. in 19- juti:! ja bo v Škofovih zavodih j Tabor Slovencev po Pripravilo ga bo Izselj#15 ° društvo Slovenija v svetu v*0" delovanju s predstavniki S vencev po svetu, njegov ffl men pa je predstaviti slov®18,^ javnosti sodobne potrebe zahteve slovenskih izselje®* ' Predvideni program bo i®^ dva tematska dela: v sobo’ | zjutraj bo obravnava skup1’0' sti iz čezmorskih držav s s® id®' .va- lovanjem njihovih predst® kov, opoldne bo kosilo«^ poldne sv. maša, zveč#v akademija z nastopom *cOlI',0. nega zbora Ave (letošnjega o bitnika Prešernove na®ra J ter folklorne skupine Fr®1 Marolt. V nedeljo zjutraj K do na vrsti slovenske skuP sti iz Evrope, popoldne b0^. nastopili Komorni zbor ka viva iz Kranja in folkl0^ skupina Sava Kranj, večer r bo družaben. Priporočam0 za prijave. y Gornji Senik (Porabje) petek, 19. marca, so v nem domu gostovali dru^J kulturno-prosvetnega Ivan Cankar iz Šentjošt3; režiji Alojza Oblaka so ^ t(. rili otroško igro Kekec. F®*,, čena je bila zlasti vloga B« ca. Na prireditvi sta bil3 zoča tudi Jože Hirndk, Pr^ sednik Zveze Slovencev v ^ rabju in Boštjan K°crV. predsednik Izseljenskega štva Slovenija v svetu. t Ljubljana — Že dva te je v Slovenskem šolskem^ zeju odprta razstava z ^\ Življenje in delo Slovenj (jensko društvo svetu. Poleg knjig, todokumentarnega gra' smo lahko videli še nekaj di»' ■tk°v: pozitivov in videoposUe ^ ki jih je tri večere kaza ;j i K. Rihar, vodja katoliškega šča Slovencev po svetu-stava bo na ogled še v 01 aprilu med 9. in 13. ur0’«/C ž3 Boštjan Koc'” Podpirajmo slovenj ameriško skupn°s Redke Slovei razvo; Preti i števili 1945 no« Usod; miru; 1 zam od ne mnosi usode lina ] Pome To ki so ameri ver (f veali Hit tišči i, 1950 stara tlušev mini. tega, treslj rilna jih v; 0rga Ni sPeh; olje. napn Zo p< tro s. Slovs škofi Posre 2nar megs iih, oanSi nemi Sk tična Prev; delo Argentini. Pripravila sta J | ziskovalni institut Studia ^ venica iz Washingtona in v SiovenU3... I naj ker 'iživ Ža Mm Žo Dr Cl^ ozira’ j delo pajf klavr-tene ) delo prož’ jenje jstvo- zado- Za ičelOi iti za rkve-:ditvt oj it10 nem11 nina rarf0 ispo*1 ■nšek svs; juri- tprf veri :nsk« VSO' Slo- na- sns^ ie icev’ im«1 boic pno- od^' iva'- nof ido- ad(l afl^ K lllO' [usi' ,riia D s( J tuf' ■alt' mP ^ jo nezaželene indikacije^, slutijo upadanje v Prl^. ^ sti. Sedaj jim je naras^ ^ trden. (dalje na :trOv lV#' la s« :o& etj{' tn^' m: ni«) •ui« kiis itni11 ileP vil*' reti* c«r' ini"1 jalJ l!^ ipra' ,rav' rJ laf nild e«’. ;ai' fr* P položaju slovenskega jezika v Republiki Sloveniji Državnemu zboru Republike Slovenije Na pobudo Mohorjeve družbe in Slovenske matice se podpisani obračamo na Državni zbor RS z naslednjim odprtim pismom: Osamosvojitev Slovenije je podprla večina njenih prebi-valcev in jo, kakor kažejo javnomnenjske raziskave, podpi-ra tudi danes. Za samostojno državo smo si prizadevali zato, da bi svobodno usmerjali raz-v°j politike, gospodarstva, kulture, znanosti, umetnosti ter v javnosti neomejeno upo-^bljali slovenščino. Vendar v samostojni državi tega nismo v col°ti uresničili: kakor da s ^ojo samostojnostjo ne bi ve-deli kaj početi. Stoletja je na slovenski jezik Pritiskala zlasti nemščina, od eta 1918 pa še srbohrvaščina, dalijanščina in madžarščina. Z °samosvojitvijo 1991 seje Slo-Venija gospodarsko in politič-n° močno odprla zahodnemu SVetu. Žal je to pri veliko Slo-Vencih, še posebej v poslov-aeiU svetu, vzbudilo občutek, a moramo Zahodu prila-k°diti prav v vsem. Nekate-mm to pomeni, da moramo Hm jezikom, predvsem angini, dati večjo veljavo. Angleščina si je v sodobnem ^etu sicer res pridobila polo-J Jezika za mednarodno in s eddržavno sporočanje in P°razumevanje, še zlasti na slovnem in znanstvenem dročju. Naši podjetniki, tr-nvci, vodstveniki, sestavljav- Dianinih sporočil pa v an-escini celo nam v Sloveniji Sosto ponujajo svoje blago, . elke in storitve, prepričani, Je to bolj poslovno in gobarsko učinkovitejše. panski podjetniki svoja J®lJa. gospodarske zdru-nue’ .'belke, prireditve poime-Uv^0 angieško. Na široko (jat> arn° izdelke, osnovni polju ■ ° ni'riovih delih, delova-ua iln uPorabi pa so pogosto ven5?ani v angleščini, ne v slo-^ lni. kakor bi moralo biti. ti$k n8*e^'na je vdrla tudi v dijs^a ulice, v televizijske, ra-da jeC ln druge reklame: kakor Pa aa'V?e i30 tuJe imenovano -slabo JC povprečno in domaž k°ljše od najboljšega sl°ven ®a- Ker je javna raba Ueurej 1Ile zak°nsko precej saiuovop’ ^ prePu^ena veliki ^enih s^OVensko neozave-iih e 'istih predpisov, ki držj amo’ se premalokdo r'riienaen^'na Ponekod od-Ce*0izr;n-a r°b Javne rabe ali ^Uje njena iz nje. Spreneve-°Sltodov Slovenščina s tem ni skra:ana bi celo ogrožena, Ptav i110 ne°dgovorno. Če-^blem angi'zacija svetovni Je QPisann’-t0 ni opravičilo za V°\ "as. Jezikovno stanje pri i^i b ^?anJe smo pričakovali Sžbab na ° gospodarskih S imen^ je. obeta>> da v°Ve,tska l,pvocijetij obvezno k letki, • r^avni z^or pa je Nveno nJU"ija 1993 sprejel e®a zakon°S ab^an° različico D°rabliana: P° tej vsa dotlej ‘Jana tuja imena lahko ostanejo nespremenjena. Tako je uzakonjeno na tisoče imen podjetij v Sloveniji v tujem jeziku. Tak položaj slovenščine kot temelja slovenstva vzbuja strah tudi zato, ker javnost ob sicer redkih prizadevanjih posameznikov in nekaterih ustanov večinoma ostaja neprizadeta in nedejavna. Še ustanove, ki bi jim slovenščina v javni rabi morala biti ena glavnih skrbi, so doslej naredile premalo. Slovenščini je treba njeno veljavo utrjevati, ne zmanjševati. Ker je škodljivi razvoj šel že predaleč, samo prepričevanje ne zadošča več. Zato podpisani zahtevamo: 1. Javna raba slovenščine (imena podjetij, izdelkov, revij, pa napisi na embalaži in v izložbah, reklame in sploh poslovanje podjetij v Sloveniji) mora biti zavarovana in predpisana s posebnim zakonom. Zdaj veljavni Zakon o gospodarskih družbah (Uradni list RS št. 30, 10. junija 1993) je treba spremeniti tako, da bo predpisal rok za poslovenitev tujih imen. Podobno bi bilo treba spremeniti zakone in predpise o plakatiranju, tisku, radiu in televiziji, državljanstvu, kolikor zadevajo rabo slovenščine. 2. Kar najhitreje naj se ustanovi telo, ki bo z ustreznimi pooblastili in strokovno avtoriteto bedelo nad jezikovno politiko in javno rabo slovenščine. 3. Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport mora zagotoviti ustrezen jezikovni pouk in domovinsko ter domoljubno vzgojo na vseh stopnjah šol. Slovenščina mora biti v študijskih programih vseh fakultet, da bodo naši strokovnjaki tudi jezikovno izobraženi in usposobljeni. 4. Na podlagi Ustave (11. člen) je treba zakonsko predpisati in zagotoviti resnično znanje ter obvezno rabo slovenščine v javnih službah (učitelji, novinarji, uslužbenci...). 5. Državni zbor RS naj za svoje poslance, vodje tiskovnih služb in administracijo zagotovi izpopolnjevanje v jezikovni kulturi ter poskrbi za lektoriranje zakonskih besedil in njihovih osnutkov na vseh stopnjah obravnavanja. Janez Dular, Janko Moder Janez Gradišnik, Primož Simoniti, Marjeta Humar Janez Sršen, Janez Jeromen Jože Toporišič, Zmaga Kumer MALI OGLASI East Side Travel Agency looking for an administrative assistant/travel agent trainee. Basic word processing, typing and organizational skills required. A fluent knowledge of written and verbal Slovenian and English a must. Good working conditions, congenial atmosphere, travel benefits. Please send resumes to: American Home Publ. Co. 6117 St. Clair Ave. (Box 123) Cleveland, OH 44103 Preteklo soboto se je zbralo več kot 300 roja- Božnarja v družbi prof. Vinka Lipovca, bivše- kov in rojakinj v dvorani pri Sv. Vidu, kjer so ga urednika Ameriške domovine, ki je bil med počastili 50. rojstni dan župnika pri Sv. Vidu govorniki na tem večeru. Daljše poročilo naj- Rev. Jožeta Božnarja. Na posnetku vidite g. dete v angleškem delu današnje številke. MATERINŠČINA JANKO MODER — Še o dvojezičnosti — O dvojezičnosti smo se v teh rubriki (v ljubljanski Rodni grudi, op. ur. AD) pogovarjali že ob raznih priložnostih. In tudi ni čudno, saj ste rojaki po svetu po sili razmer tako rekoč ves čas sredi teh vprašanj. Že ta ugotovitev pa nas postavlja na stvarna tla: Kaj nam pravzaprav pomeni dvojezičnost? Teoretični odgovor bi bil: Popolnoma sproščeno obvladovanje dveh jezikov v govorjenju in pisanju. Kako pa je to v praksi? Če zaradi nazornosti ostanem kar pri vas, dragi rojaki, je pravih dvojezičnežev tudi med vami razmeroma malo, čeprav bi človek pričakoval drugače. Ampak življenje je tudi v tem samosvoj diktator. Ko ste odšli iz domovine, ste znali predvsem slovensko, se pravi svojo materinščino, in iz šole mogoče še malo katerega od jezikov. Ko ste prišli v novo okolje, ste se začeli temeljiteje poglabljati v tamkajšnji jezik in v njegovo vsakdanjo in strokovno rabo. Čeprav ste se novemu jeziku kar najbolj prilagodili, ste se še zmeraj lažje in bogatejše izražali v slovenščini, zato ste doma večinoma govorili slovensko in s tem svoj jezik prenašali tudi na otroke. Vaši otroci so se tako, če so bili deležni dosledne domače vzgoje v slovenščini, seznanili s svojevrstno dvojezičnostjo, saj so doma govorili slovensko, v uradni šoli pa v tamkajšnjem jeziku. V obeh jezikih so se tako naravno in sproti izobraževali in urili, da sta jim bolj ali manj prešla v meso in kri. Od vsakega posameznika je bilo odvisno, v katerem od jezikov se je vendarle lažje in bolje izražal in glede katerega se je odločil, da bo v njem vzgajal svoje otroke. V tretjem rodu se je torej s slovenščino na tujem zgodilo že marsikaj neljubega: le redkim je bila še naklonjena možnost, da so živeli v dovolj veli- kem, strnjeno naseljenem slovenskem okolju in v družini istojezičnih staršev, pa še ti se niso mogli v materinščini tako na široko vaditi in izobraževati, kakor je potrebno za tako imenovano materinščino. V četrtem rodu izseljencev je stanje za slovenščino še neugodnejše. O idealni dvojezičnosti, o enakovrednem obvladanju dveh jezikov, bi torej mogli govoriti kvečjemu v drugem in tretjem rodu izseljencev ali pri otrocih dvojezičnih staršev, ki doma dosledno govorijo oba jezika in tudi otrokom omogočajo šolanje v obeh jezikih. Kako je s tem, najbolje vesti vi sami, zlasti še tisti med vami, ki se zaradi osebnega zanimanja ali poklica več ukvarjate z jezikom. To se lepo vidi tudi pri pisateljih, ki — na primer v Argentini — še pišejo v slovenščini, pa se jim v pisanje nehote ali celo hote tihotapi vse več španščine ali v Severni Ameriki in v Avstraliji angleščine. Dvojezičnost, ki naj bi bila nekaj več, se tako polagoma spreminja v bodisi rutinsko tehnično šolsko obvladanje tistih nekaj posebej omejenih strokovnih območij, kjer se uveljavljamo kot prevajalci ali tolmači, na vseh drugih pa naše znanje šepa ali prehaja v nezgledno mešanico. Poglavitno pa: tako stanje nam ne daje več notranje samozavesti, izrazne trdnosti, čustvene navezanosti na rodovno pripadnost. Slovenščina v Sloveniji Po taki razčlenitvi dvojezičnosti med izseljenci vas vabim, da se za nekaj trenutkov pomudimo še pri stanju doma, v Sloveniji. Pisal sem že, kako neodgovorno norimo z angleščino v vsakdanjem poslovnem svetu, danes pa bi rad obnovil misel, izrečeno na lanskem posvetovanju o tujem kapitalu na Slo- venskem, na katerem so sodelovali ugledni strokovnjaki s tega področja. Kar kurja polt mi je šla po životu ob tehle besedah Franceta Bučarja: »Iz tega sledi, da bo Slovenec v perspektivi vedno bolj Evropejec, da bodo njegove sposobnosti za preživetje temeljile na njegovem evropejstvu, ne na njegovem slovenstvu, saj bo vzporedno s tem nacionalna država zgubljala svojo relevantnost, tudi slovenska... Tu seveda šola lahko in mora zgraditi prvi most. Prevzeti mora pionirsko vlogo pri usposabljanju Slovenca za dvojezičnega Evropejca. Sleherni Evropejec bo morali biti dvojezičen. Pri velikih narodih bo to omejeno predvsem na vodilne kulturne in poslovne sloje. Za Slovence bo ta potreba celostna. Vsak Slovenec bo moral postati dvojezičen.« Če to reče in zapiše France Bučar, je to še dodatno tehtno in zbuja še večjo grozo pred prihodnostjo, ki se nam obeta. Še posebej, če sam postavlja dodatne zahteve na poti v evropejstvo: »Na ravni visokega šolstva bi to pomenilo, da mora vsaj ena naših univerz postati evropska... Univerza bi se znebila svoje provincialnosti, kolikor ji je ta vsiljena zaradi stisnjenosti konkurence za predavateljska mesta na sorazmerno omejeni slovenski prostor.« Nemec, Francoz, Anglež, ki imajo na ducate univerz, si najbrž lahko privoščijo po eno mednarodno, Slovenec pa ima samo dve in bi to pomenilo polovico. Italijan, Španec, Rus, pa tudi Kitajec in Japonec si mogoče lahko dovolijo šolanje za dvojezičnost, če pa to stori Slovenec, se s tem samodejno odpove svojemu bistvu, svoji kulturi, svojemu jeziku, svoji ozaveščeni narodnosti, saj je Slovenija tako majhna, da se vsaka beseda sliši po vsej hiši in se naseli v vsa ušesa, saj smo Slovenci v tem pogledu tudi v domovini podobni vam, dragi rojaki, sredi španskega ali an-(dalje na sir. 18) Argentina — slovensko žarišče (nadaljevanje s str. 16) NOVI GR O B O V I Na vprašanje, kdo se zdi najbolj zaslužen za to krepko »hojo« po tujih tleh, je gdč. Tekavčeva odgovorila: »Starejši, uglednejši rojaki opominjajo in si zgledno prizadevajo obdržati dosežke in njih potencial. Mi mladi jih spoštujemo, jim zaupamo in jim verjamemo; to nas žene naprej.« Gdč. Tekavčeva je študentka dvajsetih let. Ni tam najstnikov? Ali se tam svet drugače vrti? Ni je njihova vzgoja togo konservativna in kot taka nesprejemlji- D V O JEZIČN OST (nadaljevanje s str. 17) gleškega ali kaj vem katerega drugega jezikovnega okolja. Za Slovenijo sredi Evrope bo torej treba domisliti prav posebno pretehtano šolanje, da bo slovenščina še trdnejša, še vabljivejša kakor doslej, še bolj neomejena na vseh področjih in da bo drugi jezik le dobrodošlo orodje, ne pa zavestno del naše »dvojezičnosti«, sicer se bo v dveh rodovih spremenil v naš prvi jezik in bo slovenščina samo še folklora, kakor je pri Provansalcih, Bretoncih... Kako naj bi sicer »ta Evropejec, ki se ima za Slovenca, ki svojim splošnim lastnostim Evropejca nadgrajeval še dodatne lastnosti, ki ga posebej opredeljujejo kot Slovenca«? Dvojezičnost je torej za Slovenca hudo dvorezen meč. Še preden smo jo začeli uradno pospeševati v šoli, je psihično, kot moda in kič, že osvojila javno življenje, kaj bo šele potem, ko bo to še uradno podprto? Le kdo od Slovencev bo čutil v sebi toliko narodne zavesti, da ne bo dajal prednosti tujemu jeziku, temveč se bo še bolj posvečal materinščini, ko je vendar — še zlasti v šolskih letih delne nezrelosti — tako vabljivo reči: Slovensko znam že od doma! Nujno se bo slovenščina tako zapirala v čedalje ožje kroge, čedalje manj bo upoštevana, čedalje manj prožna, čedalje manj uporabna za vsa življenjska področja. Čeprav naj bi bila nova Evropa brez meja, bo veliko izgubila, če bo tudi brez narodov, njihovih jezikov in kultur, zlasti manjših, zato bo treba veliko demokratične zrelosti, če naj to ne bo vrnitev v srednji vek ali pa v obdobje kulturne in gospodarske enoumnosti, spričo kakršne so predvsem maloštevilnejši narodi in jeziki obsojeni na umiranje. Smo torej Slovenci dosegli tisti vrh, s katerega je mogoča pot samo še navzdol kakor nekdanjim Grkom in Rimljanom? Ali pa bomo znali šolo in miselnost tako prilagoditi tudi sodobnemu evropskemu povezovanju, da ne bomo v nekakšnem rezervatu kakor Indijanci v Ameriki, temveč kulturno in jezikovno še naprej enakovredni in enakopravni med večjimi narodi? Rodna gruda, marec 1994 va? Zakaj uspevajo oni toliko bolj ob nižjem življenjskem standardu, na kateri praktično oni ne vplivajo? Odkod jim pridejo sredstva za prireditve, ko je tudi prevoz dražji in napornejši? (Članarina je baje neznatna.) Odkod jim je disciplina, ki pevce združuje (redne pevske vaje so dvakrat tedensko, izredne pa vsak dan)? Ali je naš liberalizem, udomačen ob višjem standardu, podrl že toliko temeljnih sestavin, da ne moremo več pripraviti mladine k etnični dejavnosti? Ali je modernejši TV že toliko razkrojil naše naraščaje, da se oni le dolgočasijo ob domoljubni vsebini naših prireditev? To so neogibna vprašanja, ki jim sploh ne iščemo odgovora, da se nam ne bi stemnilo pred očmi. Kam plovemo? Kaj lahko storijo starši, da nam otroci ne utonejo, in kaj zmorejo redke, poredke slovenske šole s pičlo udeležbo dijakov? Gradimo Dom; toda, ali tudi kulturo, vzgojnost, slovensko afinitivnost in čut pripadnosti? Ali bo to priskrbel blesteči »Dom«, ali neki ljudje? Ali nas sodobnost ne oddaljuje od ciljev? Ali v Argentini ne obstaja moda, okus, polet? Ali ni prav, da se oni varujejo razkrojevalnega liberalizma v skrbeh za ohranitev korenin in morale? Ali mi ne prodajamo samega sebe zgolj za »zlato tele«? Sklep Argentina je očetovsko sprejela naše begunce, ki so našli kruh, krov in prostost; slednjo do te mere, da je izobraženi del lahko zasnoval idealen razvoj. Strnila seje veriga iz jeklenih členkov: Debeljak-Lenček-Jurčec-Marolt-Kunčič-Simčič-Jeločnik-Remec-Koci-per-Mauser-Kremžar-Rozman-Rot-Vombergar-Papež-Willen-part-Ahčin-Sodja-Geržinič... Organizacijsko so se ti in še drugi členki zvarili in zajeli vso slovensko duhovnost. Drugod po svetu, tako v Chicagu in (Nevelandu, so takšni svetilniki ostali le kot členki - nezvarjeni; nikdar ni prišlo do verige. Vsak zase smo svoj talent razkrili, toda ne spojili v orkestralno telo. Vodstva ni, povezave še manj. Eventuelne aktivnosti se orientirajo na gradnjo - fizično, ne kulturno. Dobra volja je omejena na materialno posest, ki jo bomo prepustili dedičem. Ideale bo osmešil liberalni vzpon na višji »življenjski« standard. (KONEC) MALI OGLASI FOR RENT E. 171 & Lake Shore. Downstairs of 2-family. 3 bdrms. $375 per month. Call 442-4320 (10-13) For Rent Modern 3 room apt., next to Slovene Home for the Aged, off Neff Rd. Call 531-5754 or 951-3087. (x) Študentje ekonomije po znanje v ZDA Ljubljana - Društvo mladih ekonomistov, ki je bilo ustanovljeno pred enim letom, organizira ekskurzijo svojih članov v ZDA. Odhod je previden za četrtek, 17. marca. Kot so povedali na tiskovni konferenci (14. marca, op. ur. AD), je bilo društvo ustanovljeno na njihovo pobudo in je samostojna organizacija, ki za zdaj formalno ni v okviru fakultete. Na nek način je bil to odgovor na stanje na Ekonomski fakulteti, ki po njihovem mnenju daje preveč poudarka teoretičnemu znanju, prakso pa zanemarja. Društvo šteje 16 članov, absolventov Ekonomske fakultete v Ljubljani. Ti študentje so bili med najboljšimi v letniku. Glede članstva načeloma ni omejetiv — člani so lahko vsi mladi ekonomisti, tudi tisti, ki so že zaposleni. Ker so se ukvarjali v glavnem z organiziranjem ekskurzije v ZDA, v tem obdobju niso sprejemali novih članov. Zavedajo se namreč, da je take akcije mogoče uspešno izvesti le ob omejenem številu ljudi. Predstavitev programa so študentje prepustili svetovalcu in koordinatorju društva, docentu dr. Marku Jakliču, ki je program tudi pripravil. Najprej je pohvalil člane društva, ki so se s pripravljanjem akcije dobro izkazali in s tem olajšali delo prihodnjim generacijam; te namreč že kažejo velik interes za tako obliko organiziranja in izobraževanja. Njegovo mnenje je, da take in podobne akcije, katerih namen je predvsem »internacionalizacija slovenskih glav«, niso v pristojnosti univerze. Ta mora predvsem spodbujati študente k ustvarjalnosti in samoiniciativnosti. Program ekskurzije predvideva dva tedna bivanja v ZDA, in sicer v Bostonu, Washingtonu in New Yorku. V Bostonu bodo študentje med drugim obiskali MIT Enterprise Forum, kjer se ukvarjajo z iskanjem bodočih financerjev raznih projektov. Zanje pa je obisk zanimiv predvsem zato, ker se organizacija ukvarja tudi s financiranjem študentskih projektov. To naj bi razvili tudi v Sloveniji. Obiskali bodo še Harvard Business School, Baker Library (največja poslovna knjižnica), udeležili pa se bodo tudi predavanja znanega ekonomista Johna Kennetha Galbraitha. V Washingtonu je predviden obisk univerze Georgetown, Svetovne banke, sedeža IMF ter srečanje z nekaterimi ameriškimi poslovneži. Obisk New Yorka bo usmerjen v finančne sfere in srečanja z nekaterimi našimi predstavniki. Tako bodo obiskali multinacionalko Saatchi & Saa-tchi, World Trade Center, LBS, rizični sklad Patricof & Co., srečali pa se bodo tudi s poslovneži v Kelley, Drye & Warren. Blaž Habjan Slovenec, 15. 3. 1994 Katherine R. Križman Včeraj, 23. marca, je v Me-ridia Euclid bolnišnici umrla Katherine R. Križman z Eucli-da, rojena Mihalič na Hrvaškem, žena Fredericka E., mati Alberta, Fredericka in Gregoryja, 6-krat stara mati, 8-krat prastara mati, sestra Mike-a in že pok. Petra. Pogreb bo v soboto, 26. marca, iz Brickmanovega zavoda na 21900 Euclid Ave. v cerkev sv. Pavla na E. 40 St. dop. ob 11.30 in od tam na Vernih duš pokopališče. Ure kropljena bodo jutri, v petek, pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Družina priporoča darove v pokoj- ničin spomin St. Paul Croatian Church Building Fund, 1369 E. 40 St., Cleveland, OH 44103, ali kateri drugi dobrodelni ustanovi. John Kaušek Dne 18. marca je v Gateway Nursing centru umrl 90 let stari John Kaušek, rojen v Sloveniji, v Cleveland pa prišel v 20-ih letih, vdovec po 1. 1976 umrli ženi Alice, roj. Kolenc, oče Alice Slokar in že pok. Johna (nekdanji lastnik John Kaušek fotografskega studia na E. 185 St.), 5-krat stari oče, vsi bratje in sestre so že pok., dragi prijatelj Anne Filipič, !• (dalje na sir. 19) To All our Customers and Friends BEST WISHES FOR A JOYOUS EASTER VESELE IN SREČNE VELIKONOČNE PRAZNIKE ŽELI VSEM ED PIKE LINCOLN-MERCURY VOLKSWAGEN, INC. SD PIKE B 9647 MENTOR AVE. MENTOR, OHIO 44060 VOLKSWAGEN PHONE: 357-7533 LAKE COUNTY 942-3191 CUYAHOGA COUNTY EDWARD J. PIKE 9647 Mentor Avenue MENTOR, OHIO 44060 Local Outside 942-3191 1-357-7533 CD PIKE 1 9647 MENTOR AVE. MENTOR, OHIO 44060 MERCURY LINCOLN VOLKSWAGEN <§> NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 18) 1929 odprl in naslednjih 30 let vodil Kausek’s Market na Kewaunee Ave., član ADZ št. 6, KSKJ št. 191, Kluba upokojencev Euclidu, pri katerem je bil 20 let predsednik, med ustanovnimi člani Kluba upokojencev na Holmes Ave., in Član Kluba upokojencev na St. Clairju, član in nekaj let predsednik nekdanje Slovenian Grocers and Butchers Assoc. Pogreb je bil 22. marca iz Že-letovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Pavla na Chardon Rd. in pokopom na Vernih Mali oglasi RICHMOND HTS. SCOTTISH HIGHLANDS ^ bdrm. ranch, formal din. J"1' Lge., eat-in kit. 20 x 24 earned fam. rm. w/custom stone woodburning fireplace. ln- bsmt, central air, screened * x 24 patio overlooking pri-Vate Park-like yard. $159,900. Owner Agent: 692-1020 (10-13) j. Help Wanted ciired man needed for 1 or 2 ys a week for lawn care and 0vver Planting. Call 851-1506 (10-13) Varuhinjo, izkušeno, iščejo ® oskrbo deteta od 7.30 zj. do zv., od ponedeljka do a. Začetek takoj. Kličite 88l-»%9. (10-13) duš pokopališču. Družina bo hvaležna za darove v pokojnikov spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele ali drugi dobrodelni ustanovi. Rudolph (Hribar) Zelle Dne 18. marca je umrl Rudolph (Hribar) Zelle, dolga leta živeč v naselbini St. Clair, brat Louisa, Franka, Stanleyja ter že pok. Ferdinanda in Ed-warda, nečak in prisvojeni sin že pok. Jennie Zelle. Pogreb je bil 21. marca v oskrbi Želeto-vega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na pokopališču Kalvarije. Steffie Matetic Dne 19. marca je v Richmond Hts. bolnišnici umrla 83 let stara Steffie Matetic, živeča na Willoughby Hillsu zadnjih 51 let, vdova po 1. 1976 umrlemu Mattu, mati Ronalda, 2-krat stara mati, članica HBZ št. 99. Pogreb je bil privaten, s pokopom na pokopališču Knollwood. Darovi v pokojničin spomin Slovenskemu domu za ostarele bodo s hvaležnostjo sprejeti. Victor A. Vehar Umrl je Victor A. Vehar, mož Georgian, roj. Krause, oče Gordona, Brucea, Garyja in Briana, 8-krat stari oče, brat Olge Leskovec, Albine Zupon, Mary Samsa, Jacka ter že pok. Lillian Obed in Johna. Pogreb je bil privaten. Edward J. Smrdel Dne 19. marca je na posledicah kirurškega posega v Meri-dia Euclid bolnišnici umrl 75 let stari Edward J. Smrdel, rojen v Clevelandu, vdovec po 1. 1992 umrli ženi Helen, roj. Janroga, oče Edwarda, Geral-da, Jamesa, Johna, Maryan Noe, Laure Moore in Elene Coben, 10-krat stari oče, brat Ludwiga, veteran 2. svetovne vojne, zaposlen kot policaj pri mestu Clevelanda od 1. 1946 do svoje upokojitve 1. 1975, nato kot varnostnik to 1. 1987 pri okraju Cuyahoga, član SNPJ št. 126. Pogreb je bil 22. marca iz Želetovega zavoda na E. 152 St. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Jeroma in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Jean R. Debevec Umrla je Jean R. Debevec, rojena Baitt, vdova po že pok. Martinu Klopčiču in Franku Debevcu, sestra Mary Zakrajšek in Therese Strnad. Pogreb je bil 22. marca s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. John Vianney v Mentorju in pokopom na pokopališču Mentor. Josephine Novak Umrla je 79 let stara Josephine Novak, rojena Hrastar, vdova po Josephu, sestra Elsie Mesarchik ter že pok. Marie Brunswick in Anne Krajc. Pogreb je bil 22. marca iz Zak zavoda na 6016 St. Clair Ave. s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na pokopališču Whitehaven Memorial Park. Koledar društvenih prireditev APRIL 9. — Tabor DSPB priredi zabavni večer v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Večerja in ples. Pričetek ob 7h zv. 16. — Primorski klub ima večerjo s plesom v SND na St. Clairju. Pričetek ob 7. zv. Igra Stan Mejač orkester. 23. — Pevski zbor Jadran ima spomladanski koncert z večerjo in plesom, v SDD na Waterloo Rd. Igra Mike Wojtila orkester. MAJ 14. — Pevski zbor Korotan poda svoj koncert v farni dvorani sv. Vida. Po koncertu ples. Igra Alpski Sextet. 24. — KSKJ praznovanje Marije Pomagaj pri Sv. Vidu. Blagoslovitev nove kapele Marije Pomagaj. Začetek ob 7.30 zv. 29. — DSPB Cleveland pripravlja spominsko sv. mašo za vse žrtve komunizma, nacizma in fašizma pri Lurški Materi božji na Chardon Rd., ob 12. uri. 30. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee ima Spominski dan prireditev, na Triglavskem parku. JUNIJ 18. in 19. — Tabor DSPB priredi pri Spomenski kapelici na Orlovem vrhu Slov. pristave proslavo v spomin padlim in pomorjenim domobrancem in vsem žrtvam komunistične revolucije. 19. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee priredi svoj prvi piknik, na Triglavskem parku. JULIJ 10. — Misijonska Znamkar- ska Akcija priredi piknik na Slovenski pristavi. 24. — MZA Milwaukee priredi Misijonski piknik, na Tri-gla' skem parku. AVGUST 14. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee priredi drugi letni piknik, na Triglavskem parku. SEPTEMBER 13. — Oltarno društvo sv. Vida ima letno kosilo, v avditoriju pri Sv. Vidu. 25. — DSPB Cleveland prireja vsakoletno romanje k Žalostni Materi božji v Frank, O. Sv. maša ob 12. uri. 25. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee priredi Vinsko trgatev, v Triglavskem parku. OKTOBER 9. — Praznovanje stoletnice Kranjska slovenske katoliške jednote. Sv. maša ob 12h opoldne v cerkvi sv. Vida. Sledi banket v cerkveni dvorani. DECEMBER 4. — SKD Triglav, Milwaukee priredi miklavževanje. Happy Easter to all our American Slovenians in the United States LBS BANK - NEW YORK "Global Banking with the Local, Personal Touch” LBS Bank offers a wide range of services designed to meet all of your commercial and retail banking needs, including: Individual/Corporate Checking Account Savings Accounts Money Markets/CD’s/Time Deposits Domestic/International Wire Transfers Commercial Loans -Working Capital Facilities -Domestic/Intemational Trade Financing -Small and Medium Sized Business Loans -Loans to Local Companies Under the Community Reinvestment Act "Where Your Business Comes First" LBS BANK - NEW YORK Manhattan Tower 101 East 52nd Street, New York, NY 10022 Tel. (212) 980-8600 Fax (212) 593-1967 Telex 229976 New York State chartered bank - A member of the FDIC. LBS Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ljubljanska banka - d.d., Ljubljana, Slovenia. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 1026. Vstal je Kristus, aleluja, vstali bomo tudi mi! Takole odmeva v velikonočni liturgiji vzklik optimizma v dušah milijonov vernih katoličanov, kjerkoli se opravlja mašna slovesnost velikonočne vigilije in z ljubeznijo sprejema v naročje Cerkve Kristusove množice novokrš-čencev po vsaj polletni pripravi na ta korak. Mi vsi, ki v MZA-CMA že leta z misijonarji gradimo boljši svet, kjerkoli naš rojak živi, žrtvuje in pioniri v zaledju ali na misijonskem terenu, si želimo, da bi naši skupni napori olajševali delo mnogim, ki vedno upajo in čakajo na naš glas z obljubo molitve in darom v čeku za njihove načrte in podvzetja. Naj Božji Misijonar, ki mu mi vsi, vsak na svoj način skušamo velikodušno služiti, povrne potrebnim med nami vse to, kar kdo najbolj pogreša ali potrebuje v osebnem življenju, družini ali med dragimi! Vsem našim misijonskim garačem na terenu pa naj utrdi zdravje, pomnoži idealizem in okrepi vero v to, kar skušajo doseči s svojo prisotnostjo med domačimi, ki jim služijo. Številna pisma in poročila od slovenskih misijonarjev in misijonark so nam v dokaz, da je naše sodelovanje zelo plodno in da je veliko bolj uspešno, ker kjer »dva ali trije molijo v mojem imenu, sem jaz sredi med njimi«. Z globoko vero Boga hvalimo za to tako tolažilno trditev. O Materi Tereziji je nekdo nedavno zapisal, da ne bi mogla en sam dan v življenju delati, kar ona počne s svojimi sestrami na vseh koncih trpečega sveta, če ne bi tega delala z globoko, živo vero, ki ji daje za tako udejstvovanje moralno moč. V imenu celotne MZA in vseh sodelujočih želim vsakemu in vsem skupaj blagoslovljen praznik Gospodovega Vstajenja. Naj dobri Bog poskrbi, da se enkrat v večnosti vsi srečamo pri Očetu, kot smo se na tem svetu na naših prireditvah ali v osebnem stiku. MZA odsek Maidstone-Detroit sporoča po predsednici gospe Mariji (Mimi) Martinčič 13. marca, da so imeli v nedeljo, 6. marca, v Slovenskem domu v Windsorju, Ontario, »Prijateljsko srečanje«. Takole je vabilo razposlala med rojake in druge misijonske prijatelje, ki jih iz prejšnjih let poznajo. Bilo je v slovenščini, za nekatere pa v angleščini: »Po 12. uri bo na razpolago kosilo in sicer: goveja juha, pohane piške, sarma, domače krvavice in kranjske klobase, krompir, kuhana zelenjava, zelena solata, kislo zelje, pecivo, kava in brezalkoholna pijača. Letos bo že 22-ič, ko se letno spomnimo naših misijonarjev, kateri so raztreseni po vseh kontinentih. Tudi njim ni Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 300,000 DOBITNIKOV DNEVNO Sodelujte pri dobitkih Ali Ohio loitoiy players are subject to taws arid regulations o' the Ohio Lottery Commission For more inlornjaton. call our Customer R elations Department:!? Ifil 787-3200 during regular business hou's bilo lahko zapustiti svoje drage in rojstne domovine in oditi v tuje kraje na tuje. Vendar so se odzvali notranjemu klicu in šli pomagat bližnjemu, ki je bil potreben pomoči. Za te zbiramo denar po vseh slovenskih naseljih, da jih okoli Božiča razveselimo z darom. Preko 100 jih je raztresenih po svetu. Poleg tega pomagamo pri študiju še bogoslovcu v Ljubljani g. Markotu Marinku, ki je v zadnjem letniku in bo imel letos novo mašo. Doma je iz Brezovice pri Ljubljani. Morda kdo ne more priti med nas to nedeljo, pa bi vseeno rad malo pomagal. Lahko to stori, če pošlje ček naslovljen direktno na Catholic Mission Aid-Misijonsko Znam-karsko Akcijo, ali na mene; vendar lepo prosim, do 13. marca, da tako čimpreje raz-pošljem zahvalo in pospravo srečanja. Lepo Vas pozdravljam in na svidenje, Mimi Martinčič, R.R. 1 -6645 Maidstone, Ontario NOR 1K0, tel. 737-6715, Canada« V angleškem vabilu je omenjeno, da iz letne nabirke misijonske prireditve pošljejo $500 tudi Materi Tereziji, da lažje slavijo praznik božiča z najbolj ubogimi ob rojstvu Gospodovem, našim bratom Kristusom. V spremnem pismu ga. Mimi omenja važnost božje milosti in moč molitve za uspeh pri mnogih posameznikih. Zato je tega uspeha še posebej vesela, ko prilaga kanadska dva tisočaka v čerkih, kar se ji je dosedaj nabralo iz prireditve. Potem dodaja: »Dvorano so nam dali zopet zastonj. Pa to ni zasluga ali zgled starejše generacije nas beguncev, temveč mlajše, ki so pozneje prihajali in smo jim pomagali, ko so igrali nekaj let nogomet in niso pozabili na to. 95 jih je bilo navzočih in vsi so bili zadovoljni, saj je res potekalo v prijateljskem vzdušju, zlasti ko smo bili skupaj v dvorani. Zahvalo bom razposlala šele Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet A ve. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Anton M. LAVRISHA Attorney-at-Law (Odvetnik) 18975 Villa view Road at Neff 692-1172 po Veliki noči, ker imam upanje, da morda še ta ali oni pošlje svoj dar o Veliki noči. Iz te nabirke prosim, če pošljete za našega bogoslovca Markota Marinka nadškofu v Ljubljano; ostalo je za vse slovenske misijonarje(-ke). 18.-20. t.m. je med nami za misijon g. Tone Zrnec, C.M. Hvala Bogu, da smo tako srečni, da imamo vsaj dvakrat letno slovenskega misijonarja med nami. Tudi zima se počasi poslavlja. Hvala Bogu za toliko zdravja, čeravno ni najboljše. Se pač staramo in jemljemo vsak dan svoj križ nase in hitimo za Njim. Bogu hvala za dar vere in zaupanje! G. Karel Ceglar me je naprosil, če bi poprosila rojake, da bi odstopili slovenske knjige ali mesečne revije, ki so tiskane v tujini. Prosi za knjižnico v Stični in Šentvidu nad Ljubljano. Lahko oddaste direktno g. Ceglarju v Hamilto ali ge. Micki Grebenc, ali meni. Prosim, če denete v škatljo ali papirnato vrečko, priložite listič s svojim imenom in naslovi knjig in revij. Hvala lepa naprej!« Misijonsko kosilo MZA Cleveland 13. marca je po telefonskem sporočilu predsednice ge. Marice Lavrisha zelo lepo uspelo. Zahvalo vsem, ki so k temu pripomogli, je za AD že sama pripravila. Celotno poročilo bomo objavili v MSIP, čim dobimo točne podatke od blagajnika g. Štefana Marolta. Na sestanku MZA v ponedeljek, 14. marca, so imeli že celotno sliko pred seboj. Kosilo je trajalo od 11. dop. do 1. pop. za okrog 530 kosil. Ker je deževalo je verjetno več ljudi prišlo na prireditev. Za pecivo so dobili $542; za mačka v Žaklju $389; za ročna dela $125; za rože $23.87. Darov je bilo za razne misijonske namene $3918. Kuhinja je prinesla $4373.12. Izdatkov je bilo zanjo $937.12. Tako, da je bilo čistega za misijone od kuhinje $3436. Župnik gospod Božnar je dal škatljo knjig v dar za prodajo, kar je zneslo okrog $10^ Vseh dohodkov je bilo $9270.99. Čistega za misijone končno $8333.87. Naj Bog vsem, ki so na katerikoli način k temu pripomogli, povrni stotero! Ga. Marija Mejač je poslala $20 za sestro Frančiško Novak v Tajski od Slovenske ženske zveze. O Vladimir Kos je za Veliko noč napisal razmišljanja P°d zaglavjem: »Naj ponovim: Veselite se!« (Fil 4:4). Objavili ga bomo v odlomkih po praznikih. V velikonočnem voščilu s priloženimi japonskimi znamkami dodaja: »Naj Ti naš Gospod — Tebi in vsej MZA " nakloni kar se da čudovite velikonočne milosti, med moč za tako ogromno delo, k> ga vršiš v MZA in z MZA-Tvoj vdani Vladimir (četrtek po pepelnični sredi 1994) Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 MALI OGLASI House For Sale — By 0'Vi,er Open House Sundays: 12-5f 725 E. 254 St., Euclid, 0&'° Excellent, move-in condih01^ 3 bdrm brick bungalow, lat® eat-in kite, w/dishwasher. N® ^ windows. Rec room in bsm Call 731-8114. <9'' HOME FOR SALE 1767 SKYLINE DRlV® 4 B.R. 2/2 Bath. 27x12 with W.B.F.P. 2 car attach® garage. Large lot. Shed, Ba * ^ ca Court and more. F‘n'stgr Rec Rm. Call Coldwell Ban Hunter Realty — 951'27°J4 Theresa Manjas — 943-18 SLOVENIA ON TOUR Save $75 per person! , See Slovenia and Alpine Europe this year on <>n, of the following Kollander Tours & save $75 Pef person by making your deposit NO W! SIGHTS & SOUNDS OF EUROPE, Jun 6 - 20: Hosted^ musicians FRANK SPETICH and DICK JACOBY. See the h® ^ of 5 countries! Slovenia ♦ Austria ♦ Hungary ♦ Germany*^^ KSKJ CENTENNIAL TOUR, Departing June 21: See < Slovenia during this centennial year with members & friend KSKJ - including Shrines & optional tour to Italy and Austria JADRAN SINGING SOCIETY, June 27 - July 11: Enjor^ delightful tour thru Slovenia will include several Jadran Cone throughout. Optional tour to Italy, Austria and German OUR OF BEAUTIFUL SLOVENIA July 18 -AugU’* ts losted by TONY KLEPEC & BILL SELES. With special eve1 ersonally planned by Klepec! See Slovenia & much mo(£ AMLA GRAND REUNION TOUR, Sept. 6 - 20: Visit Slovenia with friends & families of the American Mutual Lit® |SoJ Association. Includes regional tours & optional Alpine T° ALPINE POLKA PARTY TOUR, Sept. 29 - Oct. 11: 0 with the JOE FEDORCHAK BAND 8. Tony Petkovšek. It's Oktoberfest Time ! See Austria ♦ Slovenia ♦ Germany ♦ i!‘ Inquire about Attractive LOW AIRFARES to Germany & For Tour package prices & detailed itineraries Please Call1 del. . > ' Y