IMMUSII» M MSB 2.01-5/1- 6 n TEMATSKA IZDAJA \ KAZALO INPEK QfllMlEiKlD^C^ * HEXTiilSMl^L ©tTuTi ♦ KOLOFON ♦ UVODNIK SODELUJOČI * PARTICI RANTS ♦ WHOAREWE? ♦ PETEK: FRANCOZI IN Ml * FRIDAY: THE FRENCH AND US ♦ SOBOTNA DELAVNICA * SATURDAY WORKSHOP ♦ PROSTA NEDELJA * FREESUNDAY ♦ PONEDELJEK: OB MORJU * MONDAY: AT THE SEASIDE ♦ TOREK: DELOVNI DAN * THURSDAY: A DAY OF HARD WORK ♦ SREDA: GOVORICA TELESA * WEDNESDAY: BODY LANGUAGE STIČIŠČE KULTUR * CROSSROAD OF CULTURES ♦ LEARN FOREIGN LANGUAGES, VISIT COUNTRIES ♦ FRENCH VS. SLOVENE ♦ VEČ JEZIKOV ZNAŠ, VEČ VEUAŠ INTERVJUJI * INTERVIEWS ♦ A BUSINESSMAN ♦ INFO-PIONT WORKER ♦ A FOREIGN WOMAN ♦ A »POLITIČAN« ♦ AMOTHER ♦ A SHOP ASSISTANT ♦ A STREET ARTIST ♦ APOLICEMAN ♦ A STUDENT ♦ A UNIVERSITY STUDENT ♦ A HOMELESS PERSON wmm Hii• i» emmm ♦ FIVE TIPS TO GET OVER A COLD ♦ HOW I MET MY PIZZA ♦ SIRI'S LIFE STORY ♦ FRANCE BEFORE AND AFTER ♦ ABOUT COLDPLAY DEIAVNDGA * LOESJE WCMW ♦ ZGODBICE ZA DEDKA * STORIES FOR GRANDPA ♦ PLAKATI Z DELAVNICE LOESJE * LEAFLETS FROM LOESJE WORKSHOP LITERARNI NATEČAJ * LITERATURE COMPETmON ♦ NAGRAJENI IZDELKI * AWARDED LITERARY WORKS VREDNOTENJE * EVALUAT10N ♦ VREDNOTENJE * EVALUATION 2 2 3 6 7 8 10 11 11 SJEMENSKA KIVJIŽNlCA V VIPAVI 12 14 15 18 SKRE 18 Inv.št. is 18833 19 19 19 20 20 20 21 21 Šolsko glasilo KNJIŽNICA ,oooooo"i 88333" I J 22 22 23 23 24 25 26 28 IMMto MMl KOLOFON IZDAJATEU Škofijska gimnazija Vipava GLAVNI UREDNIK Aleks Birsa Jogan UREDNIŠKI ODBOR Aljaž Bratina Klara Vrabec OBLIKOVANJE Aleks Birsa Jogan TEHNIČNO UREDNIŠTVO Danijel Mikulčič MENTORSTVO Tatjana Božič Martina Podbersič Smrdel FOTOGRAFIJE Monika Gorjan Klara Vrabec Manca Štekar LEKTURA Tatjana Božič — slovenščina Danijela Fabčič — angleščina Sonja Matelič — angleščina Janez Zupet — francoščina KOREKTURA Tatjana Božič — slovenščina Danijela Fabčič — angleščina Sonja Matelič — angleščina TISK Trio d.o.o. NAKLADA 50 izvodov ELEKTRONSKI NASLOV Vipava, december 2015 UVOPNIK EDIT OKI AL Prišel je čas za nas! V okviru projekta Erasmus+ »Language in motion« dijaki raziskujemo pomen, vlogo in vidike jezika kot sredstva sporazumevanja v svetu. Z jezikom pa ni povezano le pogovarjanje in ustvarjanje literarnih del, temveč tudi novinarsko delo. Tokratne Iskre tako lahko opredelimo kot glasilo trdega, a prijetnega dela, smeha in novih vezi, saj so nastajale v tednu, ki smo ga preživeli v družbi dijakov iz Grenobla. Med obiskom francoskih vrstnikov, ki jih po enem tednu lahko že poimenujemo prijatelji, smo se seznanili tudi z njihovim šolskim časopisom Biskot in opazovali, kako poteka nastajanje časopisa pri njih. S tem namenom smo se udeležili različnih delavnic, npr. pisanja Loesje plakatov, spoznali smo nastanek tednika Družina, na šoli smo imeli delavnico na temo govorice telesa, člana Socialne akademija pa sta nas poučila, kako napisati dober članek. Ustvarjalci Isker smo se trudili skozi celoten teden vase vsrkati čim več predstavljenega znanja, ki ga bomo skušali z najboljšimi močmi uporabiti pri pisanju novih člankov in oblikovanju novih Isker. Hočeš torej vsaj malo vstopiti v naš teden in okusiti naša prijetna doživetja? Nadaljuj izlet po Iskrah, med predstavitvami sodelujočih, intervjuji, zgovornimi fotografijami, haikuji in drugimi stvaritvami. Zagotavljamo ti, ne bo ti žal. SLEMEN IŠKA knjižnica V VIPAVI Uredništvo Isker Erasmus+ The time for us has finally come! As a part of the project called Erasmus + »Language in Motion« we explore the meaning of language, its role in our culture and different aspects of it being the main means of communication. Therefore we must realize that not only conversation and literature are connected with it, but also journalism. The latest issue of Iskre could also be named the Iskre of pleasent hard-work, laughter and new connections as they were made during the week that we spent hosting French students from Grenoble. During the visit of the French peers, who we are now already friends with, we were familiarised with their school newspaper and observed the process of making it. We also engaged in interesting workshops, for example: making of Loesje posters, we were taken on a tour of the publishing house Družina, a body language workshop was organized for us at school and two members of Social Academy took us through the process of writing a good article. The members of Iskre editorial committee tried to embrace as much knowledge presented to us during the week as possible. We are from now on going to try our best to use it when writing new articles and creating new editions of our newspaper. Do you then want to know a bit more about the week and taste our adventures? We invite you to browse the pages of Iskre, where you will find the presentation of all the programme participants, interviews, telling photos, haikus and other creations. We can assure you that you won't regret it. Editorial committee VJHO A RE VJB? Francoski dijaki o svojih gostiteljih in slovenski dijaki o svojih gostih ... French students about their hosts and Slovenian students about their guests ... MARIE BAYLE She is half Polish and half French so her pronunciation of Slovenian words is very good. She likes eating cakes. THOMAS D’HALLUIN He doesn't like cheese. He drives a canoe on thè river. His last name shows that he is from a noble family. He likes reggae. He likes being at home. ^rnm GAÉLLE DESCLOITRES T She really loves cats and they used ! : Ir to have one at home until it ran away. 1 She has this special dance for songs * with a beat. She eats a lot of mandarins. X.V* KLARA VRABEC She is very good at Monopoly. She bakes delicious cakes. She doesn't like books like Harry Potter and Lord of thè Rings. JURE KOSMAČ Jure has thè same name as a pig in a cartoon. He likes jokes. He lives in a city with a really strange name: Ajdovščina. SERGEJ PRAČEK He likes jazz music. His favourite singer is Robbie Williams. He likes playing soccer. ÈVA BRUMAI She sings very loud and always apologizes (even if I find that she speaks very well) and she has such a weird voice in thè morning just after waking up... She is so kind with her dog, they have a beautiful connection. ALJAŽ BRATINA He sings a lot (and very well). He loves skiing. He is interested in travelling thè world. AMBRE CHARTIER She eats everything, she loves reading and skiing, she is good at thè Catan and memory games; she is really nice and fun. She couldn't say my name for a long time. YAN DESCLOITRES He has an interesting background. He has travelled a lot; he has been to India and Africa. He would like to travel around thè world. He doesn't like cheese. LINDA GUTSCHE She sings opera very, very well. She speaks four languages: French, English, German and Russian. Linda is a chess Champion. BENJAMIN ŽBOGAR He is always saying »he« about a girl and »she« about a boy. NAWEL HAMADENE She is a very special person. She has a lot of positive energy. She has made me happy with her wittiness. MONIKA GORJAN She is crazy and intelligent. I love her family, they are funny. We both like sushi, Mexican food and skiing. GUÉNOLÉE HECQUET She wants to become a police officer. She likes Mangas (Japanese comics). ALEKS BIRSA JOGAN He has a crazy dog called Tim. He has a dog calendar at home. He changes his clothes three times a day. He loves spinach. MARINA LIGNEY She is always hungry for food and fun. She plays thè piano and listens to heavy metal. JURE BUŽINEL He loves music and sleeps a lot. Like almost all thè time no maybe not, but even more than me. He always says »Shall we go« and he is ready cool. RIMALYN MENEREI She is very nice, she has a good taste for music. She loves Japan, wolves and her favourite hobby is swimming. I cannot wait to go to meet her in France. She is thè best. CAMILLE PERENNOU She is a reai mess, but like cute mess. She is obsessed with movies and she ready loves Fight Club. I like her because she is funny and outgoing. KARMEN BOGATAJ She is very funny, crazy and nice. She is as weird as me. She loves realistic movies about modern life. She loves walking. NIKA PREGELJ She is ready nice and I like her so much because she is funny, sweet and caring. We are both kind of crazy and we ready get along. MYRTILLE ROUVES She is the most awesome exchange, she always smiles She is very kind and she wants to become a doctor. She sings very well and she loves sleeping — so do I. MANCA ŠTEKAR She thinks that what is important is what we are inside and not our appearance. I agree with her a lot. She is also a really good singer and always knows what I mean when I ask her: You know what I mean? CHLOÉ THIMONNIER She likes photography. EVA JELERČIČ She is great fun, she loves listening She pronounces Slovenian words to Coldplay and Arctic Monkeys. very well. Her mom makes thè best strudel She loves Utrudi, potica and ever. kremšnita. KYANA YAZDANFAR She is a really crazy girl. When she was eating food prepared by Marija (Katarina's mother) she always ate too much so she had to open the buttons on her pants. KATARINA KOBAL Katarina's mother Marija prepares too much food. She's always making fun about her parents, it's funny. —* ANDRAŽ PUC He is the best cameraman in the world. He likes filming our teeth and actually he films everything. He is very funny. MIREILLE BERTRAND A very brave woman, who is not afraid of long bus trips. She likes cats and she is great at coping with European bureaucracy connected with school projects. MARTINA PODBERSIČ SMRDEL She is absolutely traumatised that French people don't wear socks in October She is a very hardworking person MATIJA FRANDOLIČ He’s very funny and friendly; he seems very down to earth. He has some very good jokes, he's good at casting news. He likes skating. ANDRÉ PEDRON He is the mentor of the school newspaper Biskot. He has great sense of humour. He tells his jokes with a serious face. He likes music. TATJANA BOŽIČ She is like our mother: very funny and caring. We love having discussions about issues with her. PETEK: FRANC07-1 IN Ml FR/PAY: THE FRENCH AND US Nekateri smo bili kar malo živčni, ko smo v četrtek pozno popoldne pričakovali goste iz Francije. Vendar so bile naše skrbi nepotrebne. Hitro smo se ujeli in ob čokoladnih piškotih z njimi prvič pokramljali. V petek smo se po kratki predstavitvi projekta odpravili v našo prestolnico. Prva postojanka je bilo uredništvo tednika Družina. Na kratko so nam opisali zgodovino časopisa in nam razložili, kako nastaja danes: vse od zbiranja člankov, fotografij, šal, križank ... do končnega izdelka. Poleg tednika izdajajo še druge revije in preko 100 knjig letno. Imeli smo veliko časa za pohajkovanje. V roke smo dobili zemljevid ter seznam znamenitosti, ki smo si jih morali ogledati. Da smo tam res bili, smo dokazali s »selfiji« - »svojčki«. Poleg tega smo morali poiskati določene ljudi (policista, duhovnika oz. redovnika/-ico, politika, turista, turističnega delavca, brezdomca poslovneža ...) in z njimi opraviti intervju. Obiskali smo Francoski inštitut, ki se kot »kulturni podaljšek francoskega veleposlaništva« ukvarja predvsem z umestitvijo francoske kulture v slovenski prostor. V to vključuje tečaje francoščine, prizadeva si za prevajanje fran- Some of us were quite nervous when we were expecting our French guests in thè late Thursday afternoon, but our concerns soon proved unnecessary. When they arrived, we connected quickly and chatted with them in person for thè very first time, while enjoying a glass of juice and light refreshments. After a short introduction to our programme, we set out to visit our capitai city. Our first stop was at thè publishing house Družina. The editor-in-chief briefly explained thè history of thè newspaper and thè process of making it - writing articles, collecting photos, jokes, making crosswords... to its final form. Družina also publishes other publications beside its main weekly. We had a lot of free time. We were given thè map of Ljubljana and thè list of sights we had to visit. We had to prove that we'd been there - with »selfies«, of course. Moreover, our task was to find and interview people from all walks of life (a policeman, nun, politician, tourist, tourist worker, homeless person, business man ...). We were also guests of thè French Institute, a special cultural department of thè French Embassy in Slovenia, whose main job is coskih knjig v slovenščino ... Inštitut so nam predstavili ločeno, v obeh jezikih. Kljub veliki gneči pa je bil gotovo najbolj čaroben prižig lučk. Pred nami je zelo zanimiv teden! EUMCS4 BI» to improve thè recognition of French culture in the Slovenian community by different means, such as organizing French courses, translating French books into the Slovenian language ... We listened to the presentation separately, divided into groups according to our mother tongue. Despite the enormous crowd, turning on the Christmas lights was definitely the most magical part of ourtrip. There's an interesting week ahead for sure! Karmen Bogataj Benjamin Žbogar SOBOTNA PELAVNICA SATURPAY WORKSHOP 1.» ' 1 1 1 Sobota je projekt popestrila z delavnico Socialne akademije. Ključ do uspeha je sporazumevanje in poznavanje teme, zato smo se predstavili na nekoliko drugačen način. Nismo predstavljali sami sebe, ampak drug drugega. Vodiltelja delavnice, Rok in Neža, sta nam s pomočjo različnih revij predstavila, kako napisati dober članek. Ob koncu smo po skupinah pisali članke in nastale so zelo zanimive stvaritve. On Saturday we participated in a workshop organized by the Social Academy. Communication skills and thè knowledge of a topič are key to success, therefore we did not introduce ourselves but each other. Rok and Neža gave a presentation on how to write a good article. Last, we started writing articles in groups and created interesting compositions. Aleks Birsa Jogan PROSTA N EP EL J A FREE SUNDAY Nedeljska izleta v Postojnsko jamo in na Bled. Sunday trips to Postojna Cave and Lake Bled. PONEPELJEK: 06 MORJU MONPAY: AT THE SEASIPE Ta dan smo z našim francoskimi prijatelji raziskovali Obalo. Naš prvi cilj je bil Koper. Po nekaj besedah o zgodovini mesta, najpomembnejših stavbah in ustanovah, pristanišču ter drugih zanimivih informacijah smo se ustavili v Ekavarni PINA. Tu smo se preizkusili v »brainstormingu« (asociacijah) na določeno temo in nastale so različne zabavne zgodbe. Drugi del delavnice je vključeval predstavitev mednarodne organizacije Loesje, ki se v obliki kratkih sporočil na plakatih trudi širiti kreativnost in pozitivno kritiko. Tudi sami smo v skupinah poskusili izdelati plakat na izbrano temo in nastali so zelo zanimivi izdelki. Kasneje smo obiskali eno izmed najlepših slovenskih obalnih mest, Piran. Na Tartinijevem trgu smo poslušali kratko predstavitev kraja, nato pa smo se zelo lačni odpravili proti restavraciji. Čas po kosilu je bil namenjen raziskovanju Pirana z našimi francoskim gosti. Ker smo razpisali tudi literarni natečaj, smo iskali navdih za ustvarjanje. We and our French friends spent thè day exploring thè coastline. Our first destination was Koper. After listening to some facts about thè history of thè town, important bulidings, institutions, the port and other attractions, we stopped in e-Kavarna Pina. Here we tried having a »brainstorm« and that's how interesting stories were created. The second part of thè workshop included the presentation of the international poster organization Loesje, which tries to spread creativity and positive criticism. We all (divided into groups) made some very interesting Loesje posters with different topics We visited also one of the most beautiful towns on thè Slovene coastline - Piran. In Tartini square we listened to a short presentation of this town. We were all very hungry, so we couldn't wait to eat in a restaurant. After lunch we went round Piran to explore it. We announced a literature competition so we took the opportunity and looked for some inspiration walking by the sea. Karmen Bogataj Benjamin Žbogar J TOREK: PELOVNI PAN THURSPAY: A PAY OF HARP VJORK V šoli smo se zbrali ob 7.30 in skupaj z našim francoskim prijatelji prisostvovali 1. učni uri. Nato se nam je v avditoriju pridružil »naravni govorec« francoščine, gospod Samuel, ki poučuje francoščino na gimnaziji v Ajdovščini. Dijaki smo mu postavili razna vprašanja, osebna in poklicna. Po odmoru smo poslušali predstavitve o naši šoli, šolski reviji Iskre, Vipavski dolini, grenobelskem šolskem časopisu Biskot, Grenoblu in šoli francoskih dijakov. Nato smo dijaki odšli v računalniško učilnico in pisali razne članke (od intervjujev in poročil do člankov iz sobotne delavnice ...). Po kosilu v dijaškem domu smo nadaljevali z delom, domov pa smo se odpravili pozno popoldne. We gathered at school at 7.30 am, where ŠGV students with their French exchange pairs attended lst lesson. After this we went to thè auditorium, where we had an opportunity to interview a native speaker of French, Samuel. He teaches French at thè grammar school in Ajdovščina. When we finished, we went for a snack. After thè break, we heard presentations about ŠGV, thè Vipava valley, thè newspaper Iskre and Biskot, Grenoble and their school. Then we moved to thè computer classroom where students wrote different articles (interview, reports, thè Saturday workshop articles). After lunch we contìnued to work. We went home late in thè afternoon. Sergej Praček SREPA: GOVORICA TELESA VJEPNESPAY: BOPY LANQUAGE Zadnja skupna aktivnost je bila delavnica o telesni govorici. Potekala je po skupinah. Medtem ko sta slovenski in francoski dijak poskušala v maternem in angleškem jeziku povedati zgodbo, šalo, opisati spomin ..., sta se druga dva dijaka osredotočila na njuno telesno govorico, obrazno mimiko in melodičnost pripovedovanja. The last common activity as a part of thè exchange programme was thè Body Language workshop. We were divided into groups of four. While one French and one Slovene student tried to teli a story or a joke, tried to describe a memory ... thè other two had thè task to observe their gestures, facial expressions and the tone of speech. Benjamin Žbogar »LEARN FOREIGN LANGUAGES, visir countries« One of the most interesting activities during our one-week programme was thè interview with Samuel Farsure, who is a native speaking French teacher at the Veno Pilon Grammar School in Ajdovščina. He moved to Slovenia from France in 2003, where love for his significant other led him. He now lives in a small Karst village, Opatje Selo; he has two children and the third is due in April. Samuel is a very outgoing person so he was willing to answer many of our questions. We hope that you will enjoy reading this interview as much as we enjoyed listening to it. Why did you move to Slovenia? There's a lot of talking about migratìon this year. For the Slovenian people l'm an immigrant, for the French l'm an emigrant. Different circumstances in life can force you to move, for example your life may be endangered because of the politicai situation in your country, but in my case I simply fell into a trap: I met a young, lovely Slovene girl and I decided to move to Slovenia because I also wanted to discover other countries, which I felt I could do as a member of the European Union. What did your parents say when you left France? It was difficult for them, because l'm their only child. But on the other hand, my mother had always told me to travel the world, so she understood me when I decided to leave. She often comes to visit my family in Slovenia so we stili keep in touch. My father has visited my family, too. They're divorced. Did you find it difficult to adapt to the new way of living? If I had moved to Ljubljana, it would have been easier, because I could find more people speaking French, but I live in the countryside where I was instantly completely aware that people won't try to talk with me in French, but I would have to integrate and speak the language of the majority, so I was forced to learn it quickly. What do you miss most about France? Speaking French, definitely. I compensate for it by reading books in French or listening to the French radio. Do you often go back to France? I visit it usually twice a year, but somehow I feel that's not enough for me. I would love to go back more often, but I can't because of the job. How many languages do you speak? I speak French, English and Slovene. When I carne to Slovenia, my thoughts were in French but after 12 years in Slovenia I often find myself deliberating in Slovenian. Is Slovene a difficult language to learn? During my first years here I encountered words with three consonants together for the first time and I had many difficulties pronouncing them. Another problem was pronouncing the Slovenian »r«. What is the funniest thing about Slovenia or Slovenians? Almost in all households in Slovenia people are expected to put their shoes off and put their slippers on when they step in the house, which is not the case in France. What are the differences between Slovenia and France? French people need less personal space than Slovenians. They kiss on the cheeks when they meet, which is considered too personal in Slovenia. What about similarities? Slovenians and French have the same clothes, their look is quite the same ... I think that is one of the most important facts. Have you changed since you left France? I used to live in Rouen, a city in the North-West of France and I was a silly urban boy who didn't know much about the countryside, I thought it was boring. Now I live in a completely different environment, in a small village with approximately 300 inhabitants. My outlook is therefore different now and I guess that is the biggest change that happened to me. Can you compare the school systems in France and Slovenia? Lessons start earlier in Slovenia, so I wake up as early as 5.30 a.m., because I like to eat my breakfast at leisure and I hate to drink my coffee in the car and do everything too quickly. On the other hand, lessons last only until 2 p.m. which makes it easier to pursue one's interests and hobbies in the afternoon. There is also no school on Saturdays! I also like 45 minute lessons, because in France, they are 55 minutes long, although they're sometimes too short for me as a teacher. Are many students interested in studying French? That's my life battle. People in Slovenia generally think that German and Italian are more useful, because Slovenia borders Austria and Italy. So unfortunately I must say that French is not very popular. But I try my best to motivate students to learn French. Slovene students, their parents, my colleagues at school, my headmaster, the whole Slovenian population, the whole world thinks that French is so difficult, but when you negotiate the pronunciation barrier, you realize it's not that demanding. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a language teacher being a native speaker? As a native speaking teacher you know more about the culture and the way of expressing thoughts, but it's easier for a teacher whose mother tongue is the same as students' to understand, why they constantly repeat the same mistakes and help them. Do your children speak French? As their father, I try to talk to them in French as much as possible. When I sometimes ask my nine-year-old daughter something in French, she answers in Slovene and I demand from her to do it in French. She only says »Ni problema, tata.« (»No problem, dad.«) Are you religious? I went to a catholic school but I would rather say that l'm stili searching for the right answers. What are your hobbies? I like reading and now I try to read as much as possible in Slovenian. I also play the guitar. I used to be a member of a band but now I don't have enough time because I have children to take care of. I also help my Slovene family by developing their farm tourism Can you give us any final advice? Learn foreign languages. Visit countries where those languages are spoken and try to speak them as much as possible, even if they are broken. That's how you learn. Aljaž Bratina Rimalyn Meneret Klara Vrabec FRENCH VS. SLOVENE rv Foto: Hosting our French friends we were forced to get to know each other and hence discover the differences between living in Slovenia and France. We made further research, talked to a few Slovenian and French students and here are the results. SCHOOL SYSTEM France Lessons start at 8 a.m. and usually last until 4-6 pm. They have physical education on Wednesdays and they have to go to thè gym by bus. All their exams take place on Saturdays. They have holidays four times a school year: at the end of October, between Christmas and New Year, in February and in Aprii. They last for two weeks. Summer holidays are two months long, same as in Slovenia. Slovenia Lessons start at 7.30 a.m. and usually last until 2 p.m. The exams take place during the week and there is no school on Saturday. They have holidays four times a school year: at the end of October, between Christmas and New Year, in February and in Aprii. They last one week. GREETING France When two girls or a boy and a girl meet, they greet each other by kissing on the cheek. Slovenia Slovenian people need bigger space when talking or generally meeting anybody so they rarely kiss or have any physical contact. CHRISTMAS France We have a big dinner with the whole family and then we open presents in the evening or the next morning. On Christmas we eat special food, such as foie gras. oto: Slovenia A lot of people visit the Midnight Mass on the Holy Night and we have a big dinner with the whole family. In the Christmas and New Year time drinking mulled wine is popular. EASTER France Parents hide chocolate eggs in the garden and children have to find them. It's great fun. We eat a lot of chocolate. Slovenia In many parishes an Easter procession takes place, sometimes as early as at 5 am. We also eat our traditional food: potica (walnut roll), horseradish, ham, eggs, bread ... These are only a few of the many differences between these two countries (that can be discussed). I am sure that we will learn many new interesting facts when we visit Grenoble in March and write about it, but if you are already so interested in a particular topic, we suggest you to ask us or simply Google it. Special thanks to the interviewees — French students: Chloé Thimonier, Thomas D'Halluin, Camille Pérennou. Karmen Bogataj Aljaž Bratina Jure Bužinel Klara Vrabec Foto: v v v v VEC JEZIKOV ZNAŠ j VEC VELJAŠ Smo škofijci poligloti? Iskraši smo to hoteli izvedeti, ko smo izvedli anketo o tujih jezikih, s katero smo raziskali odnos dijakov do njih, zbrali pa smo tudi nekaj statističnih podatkov. Gotovo se vam bodo nekateri rezultati zdeli zanimivi, zato si le vzemite minuto časa in preberite članek. Najprej nas je zanimalo, koliko dijakov je za drugi tuji jezik izbralo nemščino in koliko italijanščino. Opazimo lahko, da smo škofijci glede tega razdeljeni skoraj na polovico. Pomembno je opozoriti, da ankete niso reševali popolnoma vsi dijaki, zato podatki morda niso povsem točni, vsekakor pa ne gre za velika odstopanja. Kot drugi tuj jezik imam: ■ Nemščina ■ Italijanščina Pri drugem vprašanju nas je zanimalo, ali je več dijakov kot izbirni predmet izbralo latinščino ali informatiko. Tudi tu lahko ugotovimo, da noben predmet ne prevladuje - razlika je še manjša. Za izberni predmet sem izbral: ■ Informatika ■ Latinščina Zanimalo nas je tudi, kaj je glavni razlog za izbiro latinščine. Odgovori so prikazani na grafu. Zanimivo, da se je pod možnostjo drugo znašlo precej odgovor v smislu: »To je bila največja napaka.« Sicer so dijaki najpogosteje izbrali latinščino zaradi koristi, ki jih bodo od nje imeli pri študiju oziroma kasneje v življenju. Kar velik delež dijakov pa je latinščino izbral zgolj, ker se jim je zdela boljša od informatike. Zakaj si izbral latinščino? ■ Ker me zanima ■ Menim, da mi bo koristila ■ Vseeno boljše kot informatika ■ Drugo Škofijci smo morali ovrednotit' trditev: Znanje tujih jezikov se mi zdi pomembno. Oglejmo si rezultate ... Saj veste, kaj rečejo: »Slika (beri: graf) pove več kot tisoč besed.« Zakaj si izbral latinščino? ■ DA NE In zakaj dijaki tako menijo/-mo. Velika večina je po pričakovanju napisala, da nam znanje tujih jezikov omogoča lažje sporazumevanje s tujci, pomaga pri potovanjih v tujino ... ali pa nam koristi pri iskanju dela, saj so te spretnosti vse bolj pomembne. Marsikdo od anketirancev se tudi želi zaposliti v tujini Nekaj dijakov je izrazilo dvom o koristnosti slovenščine v današnjem svetu. Nekaj zanimivih odgovorov na vprašanje, zakaj je znanje tujih jezikov pomembno: ♦ Razumevanje literature. ♦ Lažje se zbližaš z nekom, če govoriš v njegovem maternem jeziku. ♦ Razširi tvoja obzorja. ♦ Razmigovanje možganov. ♦ Večja razgledanost. ♦ Lahko prisluškuješ ljudem, ki mislijo, da jih ne razumeš. Ni nujno, da se nekdo rad uči tujih jezikov, čeprav meni, da je znanje le-teh zelo pomembno. V vprašalniku je bilo zato potrebno ovrednotiti trditev: Tujih jezikov se rad učim. Odgovor ni tako enostranski kot pri prejšnjem vprašanju. Ali se rad učiš tujih jezikov? V naslednjem grafu je predstavljeno, katerih jezikov bi se dijaki radi naučili v prihodnosti. DA NE Z anketo smo dokazali, da smo škofijci med drugim tudi poligloti, saj odgovori na vprašanje: Znaš še kateri tuj jezik, ki se ga ne učiš v šoli? kažejo, da vsaj začetniško dijaki govorimo 14 jezikov. Peščica dijakov tekoče govori italijansko, hrvaško ali srbsko, po eden pa tudi portugalsko in rusko. Srednje dobro govori enega izmed balkanskih jezikov kar 23 dijakov, italijanščino devet dijakov, španščino štirje in francoščino eden. Pričakovano pa ima začetniško znanje enega ali več jezikov kar nekaj dijakov: 19 dijakov enega izmed balkanskih jezikov, 24 italijanščine, 11 španščine, 5 ruščine, po en dijak pa še npr. švedščino, nizozemščino in staro grščino. Francoščino je omenilo okrog 50. več ko 80 dijakov, španščino pa Nekaterim dijakom se zdi tuji jezik tudi primorščina tku hudu, dej! Sej ni Med »ostale jezike« spadajo: latinščina, estonščina, finščina, danščina, stara grščina, nizozemščina, hebrejščina, grščina, arabščina, norveščina in esperanto. Mogoče bi moralo vodstvo šole razmisliti o več možnostih za izbiro drugega tujega jezika? Nazadnje nas je zanimalo, kateri jezik se škofijcem zdi še posebej zanimiv, privlačen ...? Veseli nas, da vas je nekaj pomislilo na materinščino in ste tako za najbolj privlačen jezik izbrali (tudi) slovenščino. Med »ostale jezike« ste pri tem vprašanju napisali naslednje: korejščina, nizozemščina, hrvaščina, stara grščina, flamščina, poljščina, madžarščina, albanščina, grščina, srbščina, sanskrt, latinščina, finščina, estonščina, češčina, valižanščina. Anketo smo izvedli tudi med profesorji. Zanimivo, da so na vprašanje, ali se jim zdi znanje tujih jezikov pomembno, popolnoma vsi obkrožili odgovor »da«. Razlogi za to so bili podobni tistim, ki so jih navedli dijaki, pojavljali pa so se tudi drugi: ♦ profesionalni razvoj, ♦ izmenjave, ♦ dodate kompetence, ♦ omogoča globlji pogled v drugačne kulture in pojmovanje sveta, ♦ spoznavaš logiko in način razmišljanja ostalih ljudi, ♦ samozavest. Katerih jezikov bi se radi učili v prihodnosti? ■ ■ ;\ f 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? 4? J? S S /J// ■// / 70 Kateri jezik se ti zdi še posebno zanimiv? 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Tudi med profesorji smo poizvedovali, katere tuje jezike Kot odgovor na tretje vprašanje: Zakaj se vam zdi znanje tujih znajo. Nad odgovori smo bili pozitivno presenečeni. Okrog 20 jezikov pomembno, jih je veliko odgovorilo: »Več znaš, več profesorjev govori angleščino vsaj srednje dobro. Šest veljaš!«. Gotovo je ta rek že star, a njegov pomen postaja profesorjev govori italijansko tekoče, nekaj srednje dobro, večji iz dneva v dan, saj so v svetu, v katerem živimo, tuji veliko pa na začetniški ravni. Več kot 10 profesorjev govori jeziki (predvsem angleščina) ena izmed najbolj cenjenih nemško, večinoma srednje dobro ali začetniško. Več kot pet spretnosti. Pa tudi zelo priljubljeni, o čemer pričajo rezultati jih govori francosko vsaj začetniško, pojavili pa so se tudi te ankete. Med izmenjavo nas je marsikdo pozval k učenju drugi zanimivi odgovori: eden španščino začetniško, eden tujih jezikov, saj si z njimi širimo obzorja v vseh pogledih. Ob tekoče, ruščino srednje dobro, moderno grščino, latinščino, tem pa nikakor ne smemo pozabiti na našo materinščino, ki poljščino začetniško, portugalščino začetniško. Razumljivo je ima sicer veliko zapletenih slovničnih struktur, a je prav tudi, da se je večkrat pojavila srbohrvaščina. zaradi tega tako posebna, neizmerno vredna in za nas ,. ... . ^ . .. ,. .. »... .. pomembna. Bodimo ponosni nanjo! Mogoče se kaj več o njej Tudi njih smo vprašali, katerih jezikov bi se radi naučili ali se v ... . ....... x ... , .... , ... znajde v naslednji izdaji Isker... njih izpopolnili. Najpogostejsi odgovori so bili francoščina, nemščina, španščina, ruščina in italijanščina, omenjeni pa so Aljaž Bratina bili še angleščina, latinščina, arabščina, poljščina, kitajščina, češčina, grščina, hebrejščina in portugalščina. A BUSINESSMAN INFO-POINT W0RKER While walking around Ljubljana, we had thè task to interview a businessman. At first we were worried about how we vvill find one. Then we decided that they probably wear a black suit, a tie and a black briefcase. So we were looking for a man like this and we were hoping that he was a businessman. We were lucky. Here is our interview. Are you a businessman? Yes, I am. What is thè definition of a businessman? He is a man or woman, who takes responsibility for production and business. What do you do? I am a business lawyer. How many hours per day do you work? Now not a lot (six hour per day), but when I was younger I worked a lot. Why did you choose to be a businessman? It is interesting, I can meet a lot of people, I travel a lot and thè biggest money is in management. How did you become a businessman? I studied law, and it's also my »original« job. Later I worked as a director of a company and then I went up thè ladder and became a businessman. What do you think about economy in Slovenia compared to other European countries? Our society has really intelligent ideas but thè government is stupid. I like German economy; I think that their economy is good. But I am afraid that with immigrants it will get worse. They cannot accept such large numbers ofthem. Thank you for thè answers and have a nice day. Karmen Bogataj Rimalyn Meneret What kind of tourists come to Ljubljana and where do they come from? Italians and Germans are thè ones that we can see here most often. How many people stay in hotel per year? More than one million. Which is thè most visited place? It is thè Ljubljana castle on thè hill. Do you like your job? Yes, I really do, it’s great! Can you teli us some weird stories that happened to you at your work? Maybe some strange questions. Because of my job I meet many people so of course there have been some extremes, like people that have been robbed, people that weren't satisfied with thè Service, people with problems with orientation, people that don't know how to get to thè other side of thè river, or which bridge is thè right one, where they can buy food and water. Thank you for this interview. Thank you! Camille Perennou Nika Pregelj A FOREIGN VJOMAN Hello, can we ask you some questions, please? Yes, sure, but my English is not very good... Where are you from? I am from Thailand, in Asia. How long have you been in Slovenia? I carne here two years ago, because of my work. Do you like Ljubljana? Could you please explain why? I really like Ljubljana, because it is really more frendly than thè city that I used to know in Thailand. And how do you find Slovenia? It is really good, very small, so it is easy to go everywhere. How did you integrate in this coutry? Was it difficult? At thè beginning yes, because thè people were not used to thè fact that I live here, because I look Asian, but now it is ok, I feel well integrated, and I can speak a little bit of Slovenian. Linda Gutsche Benjamin Žbogar A »POLITIČAN« Our task was to find a politician, so we went in front of the parliament. We made a short interview with a man who looked like a politician. What is your job and are you satisfied with it? I am a fire brigade unit manager. I enjoy doing that and I am completely satisfied. How would you comment on the current situation in Europe and in the world? Europe is changing and it will never be the same again — I am not sure that the change is positive, rather negative. Future generations will suffer from corrupt actions of some influential politicians. How would you comment on moral immaturity and mistakes that are occurring in Slovenian society? When we entered »perfect« democracy, in 1991, we were not ready, we were not educated enough in this matter, and we don't understand this System now and we don't know how to live it. We make mistakes and there will be consequences, I think, for our descendants. What would you advise students to do? I think that firstly we need to be honest to ourselves and to others and try to be better - not only to individuals, but to the entire population of Slovenia. Marie Bayle Klara Vrabec A MOTHER Hello, we are students and we are doing a school project. We would like to ask you a few questions about you and your baby. Hello, of course you can, but please quickly. It won't take a lot of time. Just three questions. Ok. So how old is your baby? This one is seven months (and she showed us the baby in the pram) and I have another one. So how old is he ... or she? That's a girl, l've got two girls. She's two and a half. Do you have a husband? Uhm, sort of. We are not married. How do you spend your free time with the children? At home we play in the house or we go to the playground. Great, thank you for your time. Not a problem, bye. Bye! Eva Jelerčič Chloe Thimonier A SHOP ASSISTANT I and Nawel went into H&M to ask shop assistants a few questions. We were told that they are not allowed to answer any questions so they referred us to the shop manager, who was unfortunately having lunch at the time. We visited a nearby shop Tally Weijl, where the shop assistant welcomed us warmly. Is this your full-time job? No, only part-time. Do a lot of tourist visit this shop? Yes, a lot, mostly in summer. What is your job here? I welcome costumers, help them with their choices and I also tidy the shop. Monika Gorjan Nawel Hamadene How old are you? 24 A STREET ARTIST Why do you work in thè Street? I don't have a job. Nowadays it is hard to find it. Is it possible to live as a Street artist? It is. if you have a house, thè knowledge, thè repertoire and an instrument you can live as a Street artist. Are you a self-taught accordionist? No. I learnt to play it in music school. I have played it for 40 years. How do listeners react? Do they stop? It varies There are people who like you, and others who don't like you. Some tourists stop and take a photo of you, others just walk by. People like different genres of music, and you can never teli who likes what. Aleks Birsa Jogan Guénolée Hecquet A POUCEMAN First day together, we made an interview with a policeman on thè streets of Ljubljana. He has been working in thè capitai for fourteen years and before that he was in Koper. He said that he prefered his job in Ljubljana. He sometimes faces streets problems such as drunk and drugged people or violence. He often changes his position of work, that is why he loves his job and he thinks it is interesting. He likes traveling a lot and he has already been to France, but only in thè south before going to Spain. He would like to broadin his knowledge about thè French culture by visiting other parts of thè country, especially thè mountains because he loves skiing. We were happy that he was willing to participate even if he was a little shy. It was a new experience for us because we don't usually talk to policemen that way. Èva Brumat Gaèlle Descloitres ASTUPENT Have you ever taken part in an exchange programme? No, but I would like to. Do you listen to thè news and read them? I don't watch television very often or read a newspaper, Facebook provides me with thè most important information. What would you like to become in your life? Actually I attend a vocational school, where I study to become a hairdresser. Aljaž Bratina Yan Descloitres UN/VERS/TY STUPENT A HOMELESS PERSON What's your name? Saša. How old are you? I'm 19 years old. What are you studying? l'm at thè Faculty of Sports (DIF). Do you live in Ljubljana? Yes, l'm here during thè week, but at thè weekend l'm at home in Celje, where I live. What do you do in your free time? I go to thè gym, hang out with my friends and I cook food and then I eat it (laugh). Do you cook good food? l'm stili learning. Maybe one day we'll try it. Yes in a few months maybe. Katarina Kobal Kyana Yazdanfar We went to Ljubljana on 27/11/2015. My partner and myself got thè mission to interview a homeless person. We didnt find one in Ljubljana, but we found one in Piran. We found him in thè back passage, lying in thè Street. We talked to him in Slovenian and he answered us. We then translated thè answers to English. you and how many ignore you? Most of thè people look at you as if you were really poor, but they do not care, and they do not give any money. You have made me sad, I do not feel like answering any more. Thank you. Thomas D'Halluin Sergej Praček We are students on an exchange programme and we were wondering if we could ask you some questions. Well, I have got time to do that, so you can do it. Thank you. Could you teli us how it is out in thè Street in this cold winter? Well, as I have a cover, I am not so cold, but my hands are really cold, as I play thè harmonica. When you are in thè Street, how many people, who pass by, look at §©(§|]MM Mž®liya4 §@©1EIL IMèIMÈW Iskre 2015/16, tematska izdaja F/VE Tl PS TO GET OVER A COLP Winter is coming and it is starting to get cold, so people are getting ili, so we've decided to write an article to help you to avoid a cold. cold. Drinking water will also help to soften and break down any mucus that has built up. SLEEP WATER Water is very important for our health, but even more important during a Go to bed earlier, dose thè books, turn off thè TV, thè laptop, thè light and snuggle down for thè night. It will speed up thè convalescence. Hps colds, it irritates throats, it is a well known naturai antibiotic. Take it with a spoon or add it to your tea or hot nut milks or smoothies. FRUIT You may not be hungry during thè illness, but fruit will give you many vitamins. SMOOTHIES If you have a cold, smoothies are a perfect solution. They give you some boost for thè day. Hopefully our tips will help you get over a cold in a short of time. Katarina Kobal Myrtille Rouves Kyana Yazdanfar HOVJ I M ET MY P/ZZA There are pizza lovers, and there is Andraž Puc... Walking like a zombie in thè hall, this sexy sailor of 16 years of age was depressed; he hadn't eated a a pizza for 2 hours. An interview with this special (and weird) person, after offering him 2 pieces of pure happiness. Why do you like pizza so much? The taste is so good, and so different from all other kinds of food ... Everytime I eat one, I feel pretty and I become a better person. Pizza has changed my life. When did you first meet it? It was a rainy day, 24th November, 2004. We were at Piran for a school trip, it was a Monday ... I forgot all of my sandwiches at home, I was starving to death ... When I carne back, my mom had made a big pizza, waiting for me on thè table with a coca-cola ... It was very big and beautiful. I ate all of it. So what do you feel when you eat pizza? Hmm ... It's like Pm in heaven, all of my dreams coming true ... And so if we were in a perfect world, what would it be like? Of course, pizzas everywhere! And perfect ones! Just like a never-ending pizza, with a lot of ketchup and coca-cola. A simple one, without any vegetables. Gaélle Descloitres Sergej Praček Sl Rl'S UFE STORY Do you know Siri? You know the queen of the internet and young generation. But... Not everybody knows her, so. This is real Siri. How are you today? l'm happy to be alive! Where do you come from? As it says on the box... I was designed by Apple in California. Do you have any family? I have you. That's enough for me. Do you have a boyfriend? There was a Roomba once that followed me around everywhere. How old are you? l'm old enough to be your assistant. Are you my friend? l'm not just your friend, l'm you Best Friend Forever. Do you like Samsung? Well, perhaps l'm biased but I prefer Apple. Mirror, mirrar on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Snow White, is that you? Does Santa exist? Let me put it that way. I get a lot of requests from the North Pole asking who's been naughty or nice. For the last question... What's the meaning of life? Try and be nice to people, avoid eating fatty food, read a good book every now and then, get some walking in and try to live together in peace and harmony with people of all creeds and nations. SIRI EXTRA - SIRI TELLS US A JOKE The past, present and future walk into a bar. It was tense. SIRI’S SONG I could while away the hours, Confering with the flowers, Consulting with the rain... And my head l'd be scratching, While my thoughts were busy hatching, If only I had a... Hey, wait a secondi SIRI'S HAIKU All day and all night I have listened as you spoke. Charge my battery. Èva Brumat Matija Frandolič Nika Pregelj FRANCE 6EFORE AN P AFTER Terrorist attacks happened in Paris two weeks ago. Bombs exploded in three places. There were many victims, but the consequences can be seen around the world. The attactk triggered a lot of panie and scare. The streets are now empty, guarded only by policemen. The ISIS took the responsibility for the attacks. We think that people who are behind these attacks want to fight for their religion, but we absolutely think that more important and bigger countries such as the USA, Russia and Germany, who started the war in Syria for their own interests, are responsible. The French student isn't scared, because if she was scared, the terrorists would be winners. In Grenoble there are a lot of policemen in the streets. Slovenian students' opinion: Slovenians would probably know nothing about the Paris attacks if it wasn't for the media. There are a lot of tourists and Ljubljana citizens walking down the streets of Ljubljana, who don't feel intimidated at all, and only the normal number of policemen can be spotted passing by. I agree with the French opinion. Terrorists responsible for the Paris attacks want to intimidate us and this blurs our thinking. Europeans must remain firm in their beliefs, courageous, but we mustn't be lured in the wrong direction, as we were in the past. We should learn from the past, from the time of first civilizations. Their foundations were Christian values, which are the solution to the social crises and loss of values that we are facing also nowadays. Not because the values are based on Christianity but because they concern nature, legitimacy, norms and try to fulfil common human expectations. I think that this is the solution for the world, the realizable one. On the other hand, I can't say that World War III hasn't begun yet. Aleks Birsa Jogan Monika Gorjan Nawel Hamadene ABOUT COLPPLAY \STH\s 4eett OF C0LDPLAY? fatelfilcuf, a Bntish band of fonr memherv had annonced a new and maybe the last album —> Chns Martin - len d ivcnls => Jonny Buckland - guittr => Guy Barryman - boss guitnr => Wall Champion - drums related to the album, m */:<. 2016 o 80% knows that band. o 33% know about new their album o 1% knows the name o 70% knows about their new tour o 60% would like to go to thè tour 1, bC n>oh 'QULLH^UISCRIMIMW- ì IOIV 7 X? SM l\]0. Don • T JU5T Tal* Express youftSE uf m SM THAT m WNI ... BUT WHAT W0ULD JfJUJ No Limits OOESWT meam TRErDOM Loejjk Are ijou reaifu on Ihe ot^ier viihen uou. co tlnrou^h o, do or? WANT ro CHANGE yCKJK OfMK/V Oh)1 — &0 THROJGH T HE tiOOR. 0€Aič - ; LITERARNI NATEČAJ * LITERATURE COMPETITION 01516 ‘ NAGRAJENI IZPELKI AWARP PRODUCTS Med ogledom Pirana smo iskali navdih v ljudeh, stvareh, dogodkih ... Motiv smo ubesedili v izbrani literarni obliki in ga skušali upodobiti v fotografiji. Najboljši izdelki so bili nagrajeni. While we were walking thè streets of Piran we were looking for inspiration in people, things, events ... We verbalised the motif. The best pieces were awarded. lažnim ritmom Resničnost je zaigran Resnica pozabli»||?. Razdvojena^lirmed vagone na istenp^fr Vfal^ljCftetavlja, molk-peljevabo. lažnim ritmom Resničnost je zaigran Resnica pozabli»||?. V navidez BHi TOVOR -tTT' Vztrajna, brezupna tišjpa-kaplja na kupe premoga Benjamin Žbogar Elle n'est pas pour toi Orange sans foi ni loi tu ne 1'auras pas... L'orange s'enfuit le long de la Slovénie et prend un selfiel Ni zate ta pomaranča brez vere in zakona, ne boš je dobil... Pomaranča beži vzdolž Slovenije in naredi selfi. Marie Bayle in Guenolee Hecquet Prevod: prof. Janez Zupet Nuages cristallins lourds de remos envolés ils se teintent d'eau. Assis sur un brin d'herbe cote à cote, coeurs réchauffés s'enracinent lumineusement. Un gouffre si calme ecrase en soufflant nos vies mes cheveux paille d'or volent. Des yeux qui brillent reflets de sentiments vifs ma gorge est sèche. Pur est ce moment petits bruissements du froid tout s'allonge, tout brille. Kristalni oblaki, težki od odletelih očitkov vesti, se barvajo z vodo. Sedeči na travni bilki drugo ob drugem se razvneti srci svetlo zakoreninjata. Tako mirno, burno, z dihom uničuje naša življenja, moji lasje kot zlata slana letijo. V sijočih očeh odsevi živahnih čustev, moje grlo je suho. Čist je ta trenutek, malo šumenje mraza, vse se podaljšuje, vse sije. Gaelle Descloitres Prevod: prof. Janez Zupet Iskre 2015/16, tematska izdaja LITERARNI NATEČAJ * LITERATURE C0MPETITI0N ESCAPADE POBEG Cest une ligne s'étendant vers 1'infini un bref parcours, relevant d'un voyage sans prix, je m'engage sur cette voie, sans crainte ni doute, mon esprit s'envole à travers cette voùte qu'importe où mes pieds se posent, pas la moindre trace, décharge moi des maux tandis que le temps passe. To je smer, ki sega proti neskončnemu, umetna proga, ki izhaja iz potovanja brez cene, zavzet sem na tej poti, brez strahu in dvoma, moj duh vzleta čez ta obok, kamorkoli že se postavljajo moje noge, niti najmanjša sled me ne razbrenemi mojega gorja, medtem ko čas mineva. Une douce caresse envahit mon corps me voilà capitaine, le gardien d'un trésor, je vogue parmi les sept mers, cherchant l'aventure dégainant mon épée contre mille créatures. Prijetna nežnost navda moje telo, zdaj sem kapitan, varuh zaklada, plujem med sedmimi morji in iščem dogodivščin, izderem svoj meč proti tisoč bitjem. Soudain mon regard se perd dans le brouillard me voilà devenu gueux et pauvre vieillard mendiant dans les rues de Londres, demandant du pain je ne suis que l'ombre d'un misérable humain. Naenkrat se moj pogled izgubi v megli in postanem berač in ubog starec, ki prosjači na londonskih ulicah, prosi za kruh, sem le senca bednega človeka. Me voilà projeté dans un lointain pays je suis prince né des mille et une nuits ce que l'on croit réalité n'est que magie monde où le bonheur existe et dure toute une vie. Tedaj se znajdem v daljni deželi, sem princ, rojen iz tisoč in ene noči, kar mislimo, da je stvarnost, je le magija, svet, v katerem sreča obstaja in traja vse življenje. Et tandis que j'avance dans les nouveaux abysses je ne peux m'empècher de me retourner me voilà en proie aux malheurs et aux vices de retour chez moi, dans ma cage enfermé. In medtem ko prodiram v nove prepade, si ne morem kaj, da se ne bi vrnil, zdaj sem plen nesreč in pregreh ob vrnitvi domov, v svojo zaprto kletko. Cest une ligne s'étendant vers l'infini un bref parcours d'un voyage qui se finit me voilà maintenant face à cet horizon qui délivre chaque homme de sa propre prison. To je smer, ki sega proti neskončnemu, kratka proga potovanja, ki se konča, zdaj stojim pred tistim obzorjem, ki vsakega človeka rešuje njegove lastne ječe. Rimalyn Meneret Prevod: prof. Janez Zupet MORJE ALI ŠIRINA OSEBNOSTI Širina, ki vabi. Širina, ki vznemirja. Občuti to razsežnost. Dolga, brezkončna poljana modrine ponuja več, dokazuje brezčasnost trenutka, širi obzorja. Ne ustavljaj se danes, pojdi naprej, strumen korak ... Išči, kakor iščeš konec te vode, četudi veš, da ne obstaja. Bodi radoveden; morda se nekje vseeno zaključi. Kdo ve. Nič ni zaključeno, dokler ni najdeno, vse poraja nova vprašanja, podaja nove izzive. »Kdo sem, ki nisem?« Vprašujem? Morda odtenek večnosti. Mogoče le neizpolnjena povest o tej brezkončni luži pred menoj - njena kapljica. Vse je tako veliko, večje. VREPNOTENJE EVALUATION »Ne imej strahu pred angleščino, če ti ne gre najbolje. Sam sem se sporazumeval brez večjih težav, čeprav imam v šoli angleščino 2.« »Ogromno sem pridobila v znanju, pisanju člankov; všeč so mi bili delovni dnevi, ko je uredništvo aktivno delovalo — čisto sem uživala.« »Zelo sem bila presenečena nad francosko kulturo in njihovim šolskim sistemom. Navdušila sem se tudi nad francoščino.« « # O »Mislim, da sva se z mojo francosko dijakinjo kar dobro ujeli; v enem tednu sva ustvarili veliko spominov, ki jih ne bova nikoli pozabili.« »Z mojo francosko dijakinjo sem se odlično razumela, bolje se skoraj ne bi mogla. Popolnoma sva se ujeli in postali dobri prijateljici.« »Potrebno se je učiti jezike in si upati govoriti, tudi če ne obvladamo.« H Erasrnus+ ISKRE Inv.št. v 18833 SKOFU^^ GIMNAZIJA VIPAVA Šolsko glasilo KNJIŽNICA <0 1 co ■i Semenišče Vipava 1 8833 L ETNIK 48 Škofi