ZARJA - DAWN v URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 5 MAY, 1973 VOLUME 45 (ouenian l Uomen J l^nion *^t)ebutante5 ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 5 MAY 1973 Vol. XLV Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za neslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 ON THE COVER Debutantes to be presented at the first midwest Slovenian Cotillion Ball, May 20, 1973 at the Bismarck Hotel in Chicago are members of Br. 2. See inside pages on Convention to read more about them. They are featured on our cover picture this month, from front clockwise: Debbie Ann Zefran, Paula Clare Grill, Carita Ancel, Kimberly Ann Johnston, Maureen Ann Russell, Barbara Jear. Schultz, Diane Jeanine Schultz and center, Mary Ann Schultz and Miriam Noelle Leskovar. Triple Sized Zarja This Month! I With the month of May, the Slovenian ' j Women’s Union observes the traditional Moth- ! j er’s Day Tribute to mothers and members I j representing the branches of S.W.U. all over J I the United States. We proudly bring you again, j I the picture story of our Mothers of the Year! J May they have many rewards for their self- j I sacrificing work and God’s special blessings ! j all their lives. This issue of ZARJA — THE DAWN is a ( j spccial souvenir issue, also, brought to you f j with the good wishes of the hostess commit- j ! tee for the 16th National Convention, Br. 2, | ! Chicago, 111. Convention material that each I delegate and visitor to Chicago will wish to ! j read about, is included in the center section, j j surrounded by 17 pages of greetings solicited I | from our friends in the business, civic, frater- j ■ riii 1 and religious worlds. Br. 2 heartily thanks j ! them for their generosity which has helped | to defray the cost of the Convention portion j of this book. I And in May, there is always increased j activity among our branches, therefore, many I j more reports and items of interest to read, j We hope you enjoy this issue, let others | ! read it, and then keep it as a special remem-I brance of the 16th National Convention, Chi-1 cago, Illinois and May, 1973. EDITOR I ,r ___________________________________ , -I DATES TO REMEMBER... May 3 — MOTHERS DAY DINNER, Rebernisek’s Club 36, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. May 7 — POT LUCK DINNER, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio May 8 — LUNCHEON, SLOVENIAN HALL, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. May 9 — BANQUET - AMERICAN LEGION HALL, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio May 9 — 37th ANNIVERSARY, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. May 10 — MOTHER’S DAY MASS, St. Stephen Church, Br. 2, Chicago, III. May 10 — SLIDE SHOW, Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. May 13 — MASS AT ST. MARY'S CHURCH, Br. 10, Cleve- land, O. May 13 — MOTHERS DAY MASS, St. Mary’s Church, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. May 14 — DINNER, GARZANELLI’S, Br. 89, Oglesby, III. May 15 — LUNCHEON, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio May 15 — DINNER, FARM HOUSE, Br. 105, Detroit, M. May 16 — POT LUCK, Br. 34, Soudan, Minn. May 20-24 — 16th NATIONAL S.W.U. CONVENTION, CHICAGO, ILL., BISMARCK HOTEL May 27 — MASS, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio May 30 — CARD PARTY, Br. 50, Euclid Park Club House, Cleveland, Ohio May 30 — CARD PARTY, Dawn Choral Group, Cleveland, Ohio HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MAY National Officers: May 1 — Marie Floryan, National Vice-President, West Allis, Wis. May 10 — Mary Tomsic, State President, Strabane, Pa. Branch Presidents: May 1 — Antonia Stokar, Br. 15, Cleveland, Ohio May 2 — Frances Anzelc, Br. 39, Biwabik, Minn. May 5 — Ann Satovich, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. May 9 — Agnes Klarich, Br. 93, Brooklyn, N.Y. May 11 — Christine Konte, Br. 66, Canon City, Colo. May 15 — Jennie Mohorčič, Br. 68, Fairport, Hrbr., Ohio May 17 — Angela Arko, Br. 72, Pullman, III. May 18 — Anna Lounder, Br. 59, Burgettstown, Penna. May 19 — Mary Macek, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio May 21 — Angela Voje, Br. 84, New York, N.Y. May 24 — Antonia Kastelic, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., O. May 25 — Frances Yerman, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio May 30 — Mary Snezic, Br. 67, Bessemer, Penna. Secretaries: May 4 — Frances Samsa, Br. 67,Bessemer, Penna. May 6 — Gladys Buck, Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. May 9 — Catherine Hoefler, Br. 106, Meadowlands, P. May 13 — Helen MacFarland, Br. 66, Canon City, Colo-May 13 — Mary Mejac, Br. 103, Washington, D.C. May 22 — Jennie Tavchar, Br. 65, Virginia, Minn. MEET THE "WOMAN OF THE YEAR" OF S.W.U. Anne Podgoršek, National Auditor of Slovenian Women’s Union and charter member of Br. 33, DuliKh, Minn., is the winner of the WOMAN OF THE YEAR MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN, conducted as our main pre-c:nvention activity! Ann has been in Supreme Office for 15 years and worked in all the Membership Drives consistently. Br. 33 came in. second place in this cam- paign with a total of 25 new members and Ann herself enrolled 17. Ann is active also in St. Elizabeth's church in Duluth and has a host of relatives and friends in the community. She has 6 brothers, four of whom live nearby. Ann herself was born in Calumet, Mich, but her family moved to Duluth in her childhood years. Ann mourns the loss of her husband of 47 years, Frank, who passed away just a month ago. Their two sens, Bill, the Mayor of Campbell, California and Bob of Duluth and 8 grandchildren complete the family. It's most fitting that Ann should be honored at the 16th National Convention in this way — as Woman of the Year as she certainly fulfills this-ro!e! I? will bs in recognition cf many many previous campaigns when she worked hard and never quite made the top prize! From her sister members and officers, our heartiest congratulations! C.L. I $ H $ $ 9 $ 9 m * » ■ i I 4 m HONOR ROLL CASTNI RED As of March 31, 1973, prepared for the S. W. U. Convention in Chicago, III. *«* May. First Degree - Prvi red Adults Jrs. Total Mary Otoničar ( 25) 809 424 1233 Mary Terlep ( 20) 442 331 783 Second Degree - Drugi red Mary Hrovat ( 3) 252 129 381 Frances Raspet ( 3) 281 68 349 Anna Pachak ( 3) 102 165 267 Mary Lenic'h ( 19) 161 75 236 Theresa Skur ( 14) 188 48 236 Rose Kraemer ( 43) 100 130 230 Josephine Erjavec ( 20) 122 102 224 Marie A. Floryan ( 17) 101 112 213 Third Degree - Tretji red Frances M. Raspet ( 3) 134 64 198 Victoria Faletich ( 25) 94 99 193 Barbara Rosandich ( 23) 117 74 191 Magdalena Widina ( 26) 180 1 181 Mary Tomazin ( 2) 149 31 180 Ursula Zajc ( 56) 158 18 176 Pauline Ozbolt ( 2) 135 29 164 Emma Planinšek ( 20) 104 46 150 Mary Urbas ( 10) 99 44 143 Karolina Kozina ( 56) 140 1 141 Marie PrLsland ( 1) 116 23 139 Anna Podgoršek ( 33) 54 83 137 1 -s* >> •: ■ m-- •»> Mary Usnik ( 90) 134 — 134 Rose Racher ( 54) 66 67 133 Christine Bradich ( 3) 80 52 132 Margaret Fisher ( 1) 68 50 118 Fanika Humar ( 2) 60 55 115 Anna Trdan ( 38) 108 7 115 Antoinette Lucich ( 31) 53 60 113 Josephine Seelye ( 50) 104 6 110 Frances Bradach ( 35) 40 70 110 Mary Sluga ( 10) 108 — 108 Mary Snezic ( 67) 63 38 101 Josephine Mustar ( 20) 29 63 92 Mary Strukel (100) 47 44 91 Anna Zorko ( 2) 47 33 90 Christine Rupnik ( 1) 73 8 81 Anna Lustig ( 16) 53 28 81 Frances Medved ( 14) 45 34 79 Jennie Okolish ( 6) 69 9 78 Mary Jasbec ( 89) 54 23 77 Maiy Shikonya ( 23) 41 32 73 Anna Sterle ( 71) 45 17 62 Mary Bostian ( 32) 38 22 60 Ann Hočevar ( 50) 39 15 54 These members have during the course of their membership enrolled 50 or more new members. Manila ^ JJu ntar Secretary A & $ 3ft 1973 p. Klaude Okorn, o.f.m. NE JOKAJ Z velikim zanimanjem smo spremljali prihajanje naših vojnih ujetnikov domov iz raznih taborišč v Vietnamu. Dobro se nam je zdelo, ko smo videli vesele obraze fantov in mož in njihove izraze na zadobljeno svobodo. Kako prisrčna so bila srečanja z domačimi. Posebno prisrčni so bili pozdravi sinov do svojih mater. Velikokrat je bil to tudi prvi telefonski poziv, ki so ga napravili iz Filipinov do svojih domov. Kako potolažena so se morala čutiti srca mater, ki so zaslišala glasove svojih sinov. Za mnoge je bi! to prvi odgovor na dolgo čakanje. Pri tem pa nam je hudo za tiste, ki se čakajo in upajo. Materina ljubezen nikoli na odpove in se ne da goljufati. Upa do zadnjega. Zaradi takih mater bo svet ostal boljši. Ko preberam sv. pismo včasih naletim na dogodke iz Jezusovega življenja, kjer se je pokazal tako človeški. Tako je razumel človeka kakor nihče drugi. Kolikokrat je pokazal sočustvovanje, ki je imelo velike posledice v odnosu do ljudi. En tak dogodek se je pripetil v mestecu Naimu. Sveti Luka poroča o tem dogodku. Jezus je šel v mesto Naim, mestece na severnem področju Malega Htermona in južno od gore Tabor. Od Nazareta je oddaljeno 12 kilometrov, še danes je tam skromna vasica istega imena. Z Jezuson so šli njegovi učenci in veliko ljudstva. Ko se je približal mestnim vratom, glej, so nesli ven mrliča, edinega sina matere, ki je bila vdova; in z njo je bilo mnogo ljudi iz mesta. Ko jo je Gospod videl, se mu je v srce zasmilila in ji je rekel: “Ne jokaj”. In pristopil je ter se dotaknil nosil - nosilci pa so obstali - in je rekel: "Mladenič, rečem ti, vstani”. In mrtvi je sedel in začel govoriti; in dal ga je njegovi materi. In strah je obšel vse in hvalili so Boga ter govorili: "Velik prerok je vstal med nami” in “Bog je obiskal svoje ljudstvo.” In ta glas se je razširil po vsej Judeji in po vsej okolici. Kakšno veselje je moralo zavladati v srcu matere, ko je zopet imela svojega sina. Jezus pa je vedel, da samo materino srce zasluži nagrado kakor jo je on dal njej. Ker nobena ljubezen ni tako blizu božji ljubezni kakor materi, na. Bog jih blagoslovi. Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M. TREE BEARING FRUIT Several years ago an American student spent his vacation time visiting Lourdes. He stayed there several weeks and while there he assisted with the care of the sick and acted as a'n interpreter for English speaking pilgrims. While he worked at Lourdes a man about 40 years of age, blind since birth, received his sight. He came to Lourdes as a pilgrim accompanied by his mother. The news of his cure spread like wildfire. Lourdes was electrified. There is always joy when an incident such as this happens. This man was constantly repeating: “One thing I know, that whereas I was blind, now I see.” Then after he received the sight, the man was kneeling in thanksgiving before the statue of our Lady in the Grotto. Our American student happened upon him there and was able to engage him in conversation. He asked him what impressed him most as he looked out upon the world with his own eyes for the first time. “Two things”, he replied,” a tree and my mother.’’ When we stop to think about it, we can understand how these two things of God’s creation had made the deepest impression on him. A tree is a most majestic plant, both in size and in delicacy of structure. And a mother is a most perfect specimen of creation among human beings. The more we think about what the newly-seeing man said, the more it strikes us as true. Jesus often spoke of trees. Good trees, bad trees. The trees bearing much fruit, barren trees. He compared Himself to a tree, the people he compared to branches. He worked with trees in the carpenter shop, and, as St. Paul tells us, He finally died on a "tree”. A mother is easily compared to a good tree. She is fruitfuJ. She must, like a tree, face a storm and th'e frost and the blight but in particular way she must be a solid plant of courage to her family. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY. Our WotU, S.W.U SJuU, UJ Olga Saye Br. No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. The title, OFFICER OF THE YEAR, was bestowed on a very deserving Member, namely, the president, Mrs. Olga Saye, holding her office for the tenth year. Olga, the youngest of the five children of Mr. and Mrs. John Plesetz who operated a grocery store for 36 V«ars, was born and raised in She-^ygan. Her father passed away in 1954 and her mother died on February 1st of this year with the burial Mass officiated by her grandson, the Rev. Gerald Plesetz, assistant pastor °f St. Edward’s parish in Dane Point, California. Having graduated from the Sts. Cyril and Methodius Slovenian School, Olga attended Sheboygan High School. Later she studied music with Patti Brothers in Milwaukee and took piano 'essons for ten years. She was marked to Rudolph M. Saye on January 29, 1949. "Rudy” as we call him is a good sportsman and a fine cook. 0|ga being busy teaching music to 53 students and entertaning three to four times a week with her accordian (she is booked months ahead) is fortunate to have a husband who er|joys cooking. He prepares everyday dinners, and when he does not wish do that he takes his wife out to dinner. What a husband! The Sheboygan Press last August featured ^8a as the musician who has been Applying the "good old tune” for almost any type of get-together stat-ln8 that Olga is a one-woman band. The honoree was a delegate to Meza’s national convention in 1967 and three years ago organized a sing- Mary Muller ing group which she directs. To bring happiness to older and ailing people, she takes her singing group to nursing homes, churches, women’s clubs and lodges in and out of Sheboygan thereby also acquainting many people with Slovenian poetry and music. Music is Olga's life. The thousands of hours she has spent in teaching music and entertaining people with her accordion has inaeed been a labor of love. It is her joy to make someone else s life a bn more pleasant. She has a repertoire of approximate^ loU songs that she can p.ay and sing without notes. The little free tune sne cioes have, she spends sewing and crotcheting. 10 Uiga, a true rriend, and to her husband and relatives of whicn ten are members of our branch we extend our sincerest congratulations and warm wishes tor the future. Aiso, may your accordion continue bringing tiappiiiess to us ant* a pieas>ure to you vor many, many years! MAKlE HKISLAitL) ★----------- MARY MULLER No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Every grandmother’s pride and joy are her grandchildren. Our Mother of the Year from Br. 2 is no exception -in fact, the births of her four grandchildren were the happiest moments in her life. Mamye is a person very well liked and friendly. As a lifelong resident of the Heart of Chicago community in and around St. Stephen’s parish, she knows many people and many families - as their generations grew up. She was a Tomazich girl and her parents had a grocery store on the corner of Cermak and Wolcott during the years she was growing up. She married Walter Muller on June 10th, 1939 and their family consists of a daughter, Mary Ann Pena and Olga Mesojedec two sons, Michael and Martin. Both boys served in the armed forces and now Michael is the father of little Heidi Muller while Martin is still single. Mary Ann married to a dentist, Dr. Pena has three children, Kurt, Chris--topher and Andrea. As a member of Br. 2 for many, many years, Mayme Muller also attended a previous convention as a delegate to Milwaukee and served as branch secretary for a few years. She has worked on various committees and gets along Very well with everyone including members of the St. Stephen affiliated lodges to which she belongs. She is the president of Br. 2 now for the past two years succeeding the late beloved Josephine Železnikar to whom she also was a very good friend. Mayme will be at the National Convention this month as delegate from Br. 2 and is on the Convention Committee of the branch that is hosting the event. We wish her a lot of happiness, good health and good luck in all things! ★---------- OLGA MESOJEDEC No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO. Mother of the Year, Olga Mesojedec was born in the beautiful countryside of central Wisconsin and lives in the beautiful state of Colorado. What a nice reflection! Olga’s birthplace is Willard, where on Feb. 24th, 1913 she was born in the Janezich family. Oi J’uly 9, 1932 she married Frank Mesojedec and they have a daughter, Erma Jean Gatewood and two grandsons, Bryan 14 years old and Kevin, age 11. Frank & Olga took two trips to Slo- Anna Gazvoda Julia Križaj venia in recent years and enjoyed them very much. Being busy is Olga’s usual circumstance, as a working mother she was employed at the Min-nequa University Club for many years and likes to crochet and bake goodies. As a devoted grandmother, she also keeps busy helping her daughter with the grandchildren. Olga is a member of the Order of Martha, Western Star No. 16, SNPJ, the Colombine Lodge 577, Christian Mothers and Slovenian Women's Glee Club. She has been a member of Br. 3 S.W.U. for 31 years and at this time is president serving her second term. According to Reporter, F.S.: “As President for two years she fulfilled her duties very well The Officers enjoyed working with her and she was always willing to help when called upon. Olga always enjoyed making favors for our Mother’s Day and Christmas parties to make them more enjoyable. She donated many prizes for different events that took place for our Branch. Olga is a credit to Branch No. 3 and is worthy of the honor of being chosen Mother of the Year. Congratulations, Olga!” ANNA GAZVODA No. 5. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. "A very sweet and humble mother whose family always comes first” — this is the tribute of members of Br. 5 to their chosen Mother of the Year, Anna Gazvoda. It's tribute that any mother would be proud to have. Anna is the mother cf seven children, Frank, John, Ann, Joseph, Frances, Rosemary, Albert and two are deceased. She is a widow for nine years since her husband of 51 years, Frank, passed away. They did celebrate their 50th Golden Wedding Anniversary however, a wonderful family observance with children, 21 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren all in attendance. Anna worked for many years at the American Paper Stock Co. but still found time to raise a big family and to have a house full of fun with the raising of chickens and ducks in the back yard. She also loves the outdoors, as do most mothers, and has a beautiful garden which keeps her busy in the summer, while crocheting is her favorite pasttime indoors. Altho she has been ill, she has not been too active with the branch, but holds a dear place in the hearts of all her sister members. God love her! ★----------- JULIA KRIZAJ No. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO Br. 6 is proud to name Mrs. Julia Krizaj as their Mother of the Year for 1973. She was born in Pittsburgh on April 9, 1901. In 1917, sha married Anton Krizaj who passed away 6 years ago. Their son Glen and 5 grandchildren comprise the family. A daughter, Evelyn Hudak, was president of Br. 6 before her demise some years ago which saddened not only her family but the members as well. Mrs. Krizaj is a member of several lodges and attends meetings whenever possible. She belongs to KSKJ, St. Mary's Lodge too. Her hobbies include embroidery, crocheting and quilting. With her granddaughter, Martha Hudak also a member, Mrs. Krizaj represents a fine family in the S.W.U. Josephine Aiuto She is an interested and interesting member and is extended all the best wishes on this grand occasion. ★---------- JOSEPHINE GOSTISHA No. 7, FOREST CITY, PENNA. J'osephine Gostisha has been living in Forest City for many years. She was born there and married there to August Gostisha in 1915. He passed away 30 years ago. Their omy daughter, Marian is deceased but she takes great pride in her granddaughter, Mary Ann Prince and 3 great grandchildren, Laura A., Alex R. and Mark J. They are all members of S.W.U. Josephine was clerk and cashier in local stores and receptionist for a Dentist, before her retirement - now she is a housekeeper who keeps busy with her hobbies such as gardening, reading, sewing, cooking and with her lodge work. The many cookbooks sold in Forest City area all were distributed by Josephine. That’s one of her favorite hobbies, she says. She is a member herself for 20 years and has been secretary-treasurer for the past 15 years. This makes it necessary that she's 100% active - which she is! Undoubtedly, officers like Josephine are the mainstay of any organization and we’re proud to have her. God's choicest blessings to Josephine and all our mothers! ★---------- JOSEPHINE AIUTO No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. By honoring Josephine Aiuto as their Mother of the Year, Br. 13 members are also honoring her as their Officer of the Year! As in many branches, the members wish to pay tribute to one who has been serving as on officer while at the same time, she is an excellent mother and homemaker. Mrs. Aiuto has been a member for Josephine Gostisha Mother of the Year, Frances Kovac with her sister, Angie Laurich and daughter, Carol Smigelski. 29 years and secretary for 3 years. She was chairlady of many various c°rnmittees thru the years and brought ln many members. Her daughter, Michele Seril is the current secretary-treasurer of the branch. Other family Members of Br. 13 include her late Mother, 3 nieces, 2 sisters and 2 c°usins. Josephine was born in San Francisco on Nov. 13, 1919 and is a na-*'Ve daughter living there ever since. She was a Judnich girl before she Carried Vincent Aiuto on May 21st, 1944 - Happy Anniversary this month! Their also have a son, David besides daughter, Michele. “She is truly a credit to Zveza” her Members say. "Well-respected by all who know her - ready with a helping hand, sincere, understanding, capable, a devout Catholic and wonderful moth-er! We love her.” So, do we all. FRANCES KOVAC No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO When Frances Gole was born in Iceland, Ohio, it was Sept. 15, 1914. 'venty-two years later, she married °seph Kovac and stayed right in demand to raise her family. They have w° daughters, Carol Smigelski and °nnie C a d e z. Two grandchildren Cornplete the family. Mrs. Kovac is always ready to help has a very pleasing personality, he is very generous in her donations 0 Br. 14 and very rarely misses a ®et&ng . one of the most co-opera-tive ho Members of Br. 15 have chosen a long-time member. Mrs. Rose Globokar as their chosen Mother. She is a member for 34 years! In all these years, Mrs. Globokar has remained a loyal and generous friend. Both her daughters, Pauline M. Mangus of Mentor, Ohio and Nellie Kuznik of Garfield Hgts., are members, too. She also has a son, Philip of Pomeroy, Ohio and two grandchildren. Mrs. Globokar is a widow since 1940. She was married to the late Frank Globokar for 34 years. Her birthday is Oct. 15, 1882 and she was born in češnice, Slovenia. Her maiden name is Rose Theresa Mustar. Crocheting and garden work occupy much of her free time - she resides at 8302 Midland Ave. in Mentor. A hearty wish to her for hapiness and good health for many years to come! and lovely members we have. She has special interest in her 1116 which is a warm and friendly j ace to visit and therein she loves ^ bake and cook for her family. pr°cheting is a liesure-time activity. °r a time she was employed at the UPP Corporation. Wishes to Mrs. Kovac on this happy ay ' Happy Mother’s Day! EDNA WINTERS No. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Mrs. Winters comes for the very well-known Triller family of So. Chicago. She was one of the daughters of Mrs. Katie Triller, a charter member of Br. 16 and is a niece of Miss Katie Triller, former Supreme Officer and charter member of Br. 2, Her sister, Mrs. Jean Bukvich recently assumed the office of president of Br. 16 and certainly this family ranks among the most loyal of our S.W.U. families in the U.S.A. Her children are also members - naturally! Edna Winters was born Oct. 12, 1916 right in Chicago where she resides since. Her jusband, Joseph Winters and she were married Dec. 27, 1953 and they have a son, Allen, age 18 and daughter, Sandra, age 14. She is a member also of the St. Francis DeSales High School Mothers Club and Annunciata Women’s Club. As a member of Br. 16, S.W.U. she has a long lir.t of credits. Back in the days Rose Globokar No. 15, CLEVELAND, OHIO Edna' Winters of Drill Teams (remember them?), Edna was a member of the Br. 16 Cadets and also bowled in many annual bowling tournaments. She was an auditor of the branch, too. She attends meetings regularly and for several years has handled arrangements for the adult members’ Christmas Party and has also feted many of their previous Mothers of the Year with lovely ceremonies at the May meetings. As a single girl, Edna served her country as a member of the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (W.A.A.C.) during World War II. Not only pleasant in disposition, Edna is also “true-blue” - a friend to everyone and a friend of everyone. We hope God blesses her abundantly. A------------ MARY MURN No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Mary Stangelj was born at Stopice in Slovenije on March 4th, 1908 and grew up in that beautiful land. She met and married her husband, Frank Murn on J’anuary 31st, 1927 in Slovenia and in 1929 when he decided to come to America, she stayed behind for a while. In 1936, she and her son, Frank, Jr. followed him to West Allis which was their home for 26 years. In 1962 they built their home in New Berlin where they now reside. They were married 45 years this year. Their 3 children are Frank, born in Slovenia, who is a practicing attorney in West Allis, also Mary Ann, a medical technician whose married name is Johnson and Victor Anthony who Mary Murn is an electronic electrician. There are 8 grandchildren to complete the family. Mrs. Mum has numerous hobbies and interest but closest to her heart is her flower garden. Next, is writing poetry. (We read it with pleasure often in Zarja as she is our reporter from Br. 17.) She loves to knit, crochet, fancy work, ceramics, baking and cake decorating and loves to travel. She has made several trips to Europe and in the U.S. She belongs to S.W.U. since 1933, also is a member of Holy Apostles church, KSKJ and the New Berlin Women’s Club. She has always taken an interest in the affairs of Br. 17 and is a willing and able member. All honor and happiness to her on this day and in the years to come. ★----------- JOSEPHINE SUMIC No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Josephine’ Sumic’s name is a well-known one in S.W.U. circles and in Joliet. She has been most active as a business woman for 34 years operating the Modern Fur Shoppe in the Joliet "loop” and as one of the first officers in the branch’s bowling league. These are only a few of her activities. She’s also been treasurer of Br. 20 for 24 years and a trustee before that and has attended all the Midwest Bowling Tournaments of the last three decades. It is undoubtedly true that altho she did not organize Joliet's league, she has always been there and always instrumental in keeping it going since 1937 when it began. She belongs to Reach for Recovery program of the American Cancer Society, is past preseident of the Joliet Rivals Club and publicity chairman for many years. She was captain of the Eagles drill team for about 15 years Josephine Sumic and is a member of the St. Joseph church choir for countless years. Jo is a helpful neighbor and makes many Joliet women happy by her alteration and sewing services which she does from her home, which is at 1305 No. Center St. This writer remembers attending her wedding in J’uly, 1948 when the bride as Jo Ramuta, married well-known and active fraternalist, Frank Sumic of Pittsburgh. The two auspicious families were really quite a representation of all that's fine and wholesome in the first generation of Slovenians that was born in America after the first wave of immigration at the turn of the century. Members of Br. 20 call her their “Officer of the Year” and are most proud of her — a title she richly deserves and has earned over and over again. May God bless her. Mother Lillian with her late mother, Cecilia Brodnik LILLIAN LUNDER No. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO As honored guest and Mother of the Year is Lillian Lunder, daughter of the late Cecelia Brodnik who was the organizer of Br. 21. She was born November 27, 1907 at Cleveland, Ohio and is married to Joseph since June 28, 1930. Lillian is moth-ther of two, namely, Margaret Harris of Parma, Ohio, Joseph of Roseville, California, grandmother of nine. Her favorite past time is working in her rose garden, has about 50 rose bushes, also baking and stamp collecting. She is a charter member, joined our organization in June 12, 1928. She has been a faithful member, giving her time willing by helping out in all affairs and other occasions which arose. To Lillian and her family we extend our sincere wishes for good health and happiness and God's Blessing. STELLA DANCULL A----------- MAGDALENA WIDINA No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. ‘‘May we be among the first to say Happy Birthday, Mrs. Magdalena Wi-dina!” She will reach her 80th day on June 1st! Mrs. Widina has a long history with the S.W.U. She served as a Supreme Officer in 1929, elected at the 2nd Convention and was both president and secretary of Br. 26 which she organized in 1928. She organized Br. 80 at Moon Run and the same with Br. 77, Northside Pittsburgh with the help of Mrs. Tomec. Those were the years of great activity in fraternal circles. She also organized a branch of KSKJ, and was interested in politics of that day. As mother to 5 children, four of whom are deceased, and wife of Joseph, also deceased, Mrs. Widina worked ail her life. She took a job almost immediately she came to Pittsburgh in 1912 to be with her sister. She was born in Preloko, Slovenia in 1893. Her son Frank, four grandchildren, and 3 great grandchildren make up her family. At the present time, Mrs. Widina is confined to her home, and altho she is in invalid, enjoys many memories of the old days and keeps abreast of world affairs. “She waited 46 years for this honor and when it came, she was overwhelmed”, says secretaryi Mary Slaney. We hope the honor is accepted with all the love and affection that goes with it, not only from her members locally, but from all the many officers, delegates and members who have known her throughout her years as a worker for this organization. We hop^ she lives in happiness and contentment with God's special blessing. MARY STARICKA No. 28, CALUMET, MICH. Among the circle of members at Br- 28, Calumet, is Mary Staricka, chosen this year for the honor as Mother of the Year. Mary was born in Laurium, Mich. or> Jan. 1st, 1905. She resides in Calumet with her hutoby, Rudolph whom she married Oct. 16, 1930 and loves being a homemaker. Their son is Capt. Edward Staricka who is in the service in Thailand and there's a grandson, too, Dougles of El Paso, Texas. She is a member for 16 years and an officer for 4 years, attending meetings and giving of herself to all the branch’s events. She likes to help with church work, too, and is a member Isabella, and Catholic Order of Forsters. As the oldest of 10 children, Mary a|ways had plentry to do and now she loves to do hand work afid tend her Sarden. A wonderful Mother’s Day to you, Mary! Anna Rossman No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO When Anna Schumer was born in *911, her family was out in the west, and in a town called Winterguars, ^tah. The members of Br. 32 are glad that she came to Cleveland and re-sides with them for many of the past Vears, so that they have her as their friend and sister member. She’s got a sunny disposition that has endeared her to all and is most helpful when the branch holds bake Sates or other affairs. She attends m*st meetings, too, in the last 6 years Slnce she has been a member. Anna does catering work at Slove-n,an events, so she proves herself to ^ a good organizer of her time. Cook-lnS at home is fun for her as is art, sewing, bowling and swimming in the summer. The Rossmans, Joseph and Anna, were married Nov. 29, 1930 and have a daughter, Mary Ann Foster. Theif four grandchildren are Joseph, Mary Jo, James and John. This Mother's Day will be a special one for Anna Rossman and we hope it's filled with love and happiness. ★---------- ANN* SAMARZIA No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. The month of May automatically seems to make everyone think of spring, warm weather, flowers, being out. doors and of course Mothers Day. And so It is with us here at Br. 33. This year we have chosen someone whom everyone knows, Mrs. Anna Sa-marzia, as our candidate for our "Mother of the Year”. She came to Duluth as a young women, worked hard, suffered through the depression years like many of us, but she and her husband Joseph managed and raised a family of 5 boys. They are George, Joseph, John, Rudolph, and Anthony. She has also been blessed with 14 Grandchildren, and 3 Great Grandchildren. They all with their famines are residents of Duluth. Sne and her husband enjoyed 44 yeaii ot marriage. At ter her husband passed away, she moved into a small apartment, that manages to keep her Dusy and occupied. She partakes in many cnuicn activities, aiso witn tne orancn, likes to dance and often piays earns with friends and neighbors. Did mucn crocheting and embroidery wnen she was younger. The summer months you can see her walking many times to visit old friends and former neigh-Dors. We congratulate her in this honor as Br. 33 Mother of the year, and may she have a happy and well year in 1973 and years to come. FLORENCE BURGER, Reporter k THERESA PAHULA No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. No question about it, Theresa Pahu-la is the kind of mother and the kind of lady that everyone admires. She’s active, understanding, friendly kind and knows how to do many things that make her an "expert" homemaker. In the past 8 years as president of Br. 34, she has conducted many successful events including Minnesota Day held in Soudan a few years ago. She is a member for 26 years and has an interest and willingness to promote all the branch’s activities. Her mother in law, Mary Pehula, recently celebrated her 80th birthday and it was not only a family affair, Anna Samarz a Theresa Pahula but the brancfi's as well, as everyone wanted to be a part of this auspicious celebration. Naturally, Theresa took a major part in it. Theresa's husband John Pahula worked at the Soudan Mine until it was closed in 1962 and is now a State Mine Farft — open to visitors. He then sought employment at the Ely Mine where he worked until his retirement. He and Theresa enjoy their family and when daughter Marsha (Mrs. Kenneth Lundeen) and family arrive for a visit, from Duluth, Minn, it is cause for a celebration or outing on Lake Vermilion. Their son John is employed in St. Paul, Minn, with a Fur and Hide Factory and daughter Maryann is a Senior at the Tower-Soudan High School. For the past 6 years Mrs. Pahula has been employed at PINEVIEW Rest Home — which formerly was the Soudan Hospital. She has been a cook and baker there but in the past two years has helped the residents of the Home in Arts and Crafts. Theresa loves the outdoors and she and her husband have a well kept home and yard — profuse with flowers — and both like people — so they are welcome company wherever they go. To them both Branch No. 34 wishes many years of happiness, good health and pleasure with their lovely family and their many friends. BARBARA YAPEL, Reporter Branch No. 34 Rose Kragely No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Zveza has many "Silver Members” and Rose Kragely is one of them. She’s been a member for 25 years and as a native of Lorain, spem an her life right in the same circle of friends. She was born Ap.ri'i 1/th, 1907, was married for 39 years and is now a widow for the past 10 years. She has two daughters, Mrs. Betty Za'lar and Mrs. Florence Rigo of Elyria. Kive grainucnimren are her priae and joy. Next m^iun will De a big weu-ding in the tamny as her granddaughter, Jane zaiar marries Jim baiogn, son of another fine member or Br. 40, Mrs. Jean Balogh. Other grandchildren are Gale Zalar, a teacher, Diane Zalar, a high school sophomore, Russell Riga a recent graduate of Ohio State Univ. and Donna Riga, also a high school sophomore. Mrs. Kragely does needlework and attends a lot of meetings - seems she’s always got time to do what she can for the branch. Her two daughters and a sister are also members of Br. 40. She’s a good mother and grandmother, and member! At this time, she extends wishes to all mothers and grandmothers of her branch and to all mothers everywhere! And, we extend the same in reverse! A----------- MARY YEMEC No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Mary Yemec comes from Macedonia — not in Yugoslavia, but in Ohio! Yes, that's where she lives at 1028 Skyland Dr. keeping busy and happy with her many hobbites and interests. She and her husband, Jack, now deceased five years, had a grocery store for 23 years in Maple Hgts. Retired now, she still attends many functions in Cleveland and suburbs and this includes recent state conventions. She is a member of Zveza for 36 years and has held various offices as president, vice-president Mary Yemec and sec’y totalling 30 years. At this time, she is an auditor. She is a 35 year member of the Singing Society Planina and was for many years a soloist, also belongs to other societies. Her two sons, Jack and Edmund and daughter Marylou and 6 grandchildren make life very happy for Mrs. Yemec. We wish her all God’s blessings and rewards. ★----------- VIOLA PISON1 No. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. Viola has been president of Br. 46 for 5 years and has conducted all their activities very successfully. The members love her for her friendliness and think she deserves to be honored this month as their best member and officer! She has been a member for 30 years, too. Her birthday is April 10th and she is a native of St. Louis. She and her husband, John were married 23 years ago this month. She works for the Container Corp. of America and is a member of a number of societies including the Sodality of St. James church and Professional Business Wom'en’s Club of Meremac. Reading is her favorite pasttime. Viola’s mother, sister and three nieces are all members of Br. 46. We salute her and wish her all the best in life. ★------------ MARY PETRIC No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO When we read of the activities at Br. 50, the name of Mary Petrie always seems to come up — is it because she’s always there to help with thteir parties, etc.? Must be that she’s one of their "indispensible” I Mary Petrie members and that’s an honor by itself. Mary Petrie and her husband, Joseph operated a food market for 22 years but have since sold it and now J'oe manages a food market in Eastlake, Ohio. Mary loves to cook and does so for a restaurant. Their children are all grown. Joe, Jr. is a civil engineer and lives with his family in Twinsburg; Jerry is an electrical engineer and resides in Columbus. Both have high positions with their firms. Daughter Michele is a sophomore at the Univ. of Akron majoring in Med. Technology. There are four grandchildren, Jeffrey, James, Jeannette and Joanne. Mary went to Collinwood High School, is a native of Cleveland and will be celebrating her 37th wedding anniversary this August. She was born on March 25th. Knitting, cooking and baking are her favorites and she donates what she knits for charity. We wish many more years of happiness with her many social activities and many more successful parties and picnics for Mary — and for the members of Br. 50 who love her so. ANGELINE RUSS No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Mother of the Year Angeline Russ resides in Hibbing and keeps house for herself and her son, Jbhn. She lost her husband of 50 years, Anton, who passed away in 1970 after a lingering illness. During those years, she really earned the admiration of all with her excellent care and service to her husband. Even with her hardship, she still has stood out as Angeline Buss a conscientious member, wonderful neighbor and generous person. Angeline Russ has been a member of Br. 52 40 years and whenever called upon, she does her part in baking, selling tickets and whatever else is needed. She is a very active member. She loves her fishing, berry-picking, gardening and baking. Her breads are out of this world. She always has a kind word for everyone and extends a helping hand when necessary more than willing to hfelp. Our grateful wishes to Angeline and we ask God to bless her and keep her in His care. ★----------- ROSE RACHER No. 54, WARREN, OHIO We are honoring our past president as our Mothfer of the Year. She has been our president for at least 25 years and is a charter member °f the Union. She recruited many members for our branch and has always been conscientious and diligent, working for the good of the branch. When we wanted to promote a nioney-making idea, or do some good deeds, she would gtet in her car and travel all of Trumbull County to visit members who couldn't come to meetings — watching always over all of us. When a member lost interest, she would usual-iy drop in to s'ee her and try to per-Suade her to stay in good standing. She attended many conventions and thoroughly enjoyed all these events, looking forward to them greatly. She has a son, Frank, an engine-er who has his own company in Co-iumbus, and a daughter, yours truly, a mother and registered nurse who w°rks part time for a surgeon in Warren. Between us, we have nine children, with two of Frank's already at Ohio State Univ. Mom thoroughly enjoys life and never misses important functions. She loves our church, St. James Rose Rather and she and Daddy have donated greatly for the betterment of the parish. She loves her garden and flowers but since last spring she hasn't been in good health so she watches and overs'ees Daddy, to see that he does a good job! We all love her dearly and this is the nicest tribute we could give her as our Mother of the Year for 1973. There is no more deserving person than she. JOANNE PONIKVAR Mary Svesko No. 55, GIRARD, OHIO Whenever you n'eed an expert baker of Slovenian pastires, call on Mary Svesko of Girard. She loves to bake and specializes in the things Slovenians have admired to eat for years, and this is handy as she is employed as a caterer. Mary was born in Slovenia Jan. 30th, 1903. She and her husband, Joseph were married Oct. 6, 1926, but it’s two years now since Mary is a widow. Their two sons and two daughters are Josephin'e, Mary Ann, Marjorie and Edward. Twelve grandchildren — wonderful. She belongs to various clubs and is a very active member of Br. 55. Her personality is very plteasing, sociability is her main concern. We wish for Mary excellent health, Mary Putzel much happiness and contentment as Mother of this year and every year. rfr--------- MARY PUTZEL No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Mary was one of eight children born to Frances and Anton Ribich on September 7, 1907, in West Newton Pa. After a brief trip to Europe when Mary was about two, the Ribich family settled in Hibbing, Minn. It was htere that she met the handsome Louis Putzel, and became his bride on May 15, 1926. Early in their marriage they moved to Cincinnati, Ohio, where Louis found employment, but they left their hearts in Minnesota. Nostalgia and sentiment prevailed upon them and soon they returned to their home state where Mr. Putzel accepted employment with an Iron Ore Mining Co. and they moved to a country home in Swandale, Minn. They also farmed and did the many chores which comprises life in the country. Here, too, they raised their wonderful family of seven children, Mrs. Frank (Betty) Sterle; Mrs. Richard (Louis) Sabin; Mrs. Harry (Gwen) Lee; and Miss Carol, all of Hibbing; Mrs. Norbert (Marlene) Milanowski, Walden, Colorado; and sons Lewis A. of Dallas, Texas and Kenneth J. of Marshall, Minn. These children rewarded their parents with 15 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren. Our beloved Mothter-of-the-Year, who, in her youth had but a modest education, can be proud that her children are all high school gradu-tes and some in different fields of higher education; two registered nurses, a bookeeper, a teacher and one son now a retired Navy Officer. In the manner that time will pass on in a large growing family, our chosten Mother of the Year had little or no time at all for socializing. With patience and loving care her time was occupied in guiding her Anna Tan dear ones in "togetherness”, together in prayer; together in work and in all activities and events. Today, with some of the children many miles away, they are still together in spirit. Mother now has the time to travel. Sh'e enjoys it very much and makes frequent trips to visit the dear ones away from home. Today she, her husband and daughter Carol, are anticipating the pleasure of the Kol-lander World Tour to Slovenia in June with many other people from our locality. Mary is recognized by her many friends to be of a sincere and gracious personality. For many years a regular member in excellent standing with S.W.U., she sacrificed many pleasures while bringing up her family — but now she participates in all events offered by S.W.U. She is recognized for her culinary artistry. When hosting a meeting, members are always delighted with a delicious surprise treat. In her quiet, modest manner, she is not one to seek recognition, but sh'e is highly respected and loved by all members. When friends visit, a cup of coffee is a "must”, as they relax in warm friendliness white admiring products of her hobbies, chiefly — gardening, knitting, crocheting and beautiful loomed rugs. Our Mom-of-the-Year has made most every tour the S.W.U. has offered. Th'e most impressive so far, has been the tour to St. Anne’s Shrine in Quebec, Canada. She has also participated in retfeats to Le-mont and Wise, and found them to be beautiful, interesting, and refreshing. It is her personality and warmth that has directed us to choose her as our Mother of the Year. We know her to be "Mother” not only of this year, but of all past years — and we pray that she will continue to be "Mother” for as many more years as God can fulfill for her. We are indeed proud of Mary Putzel as our chosen Mother of the Year! May God bless and keep her in his care! Reporter ★---------- ANNA TARR No. 57, NILES, OHIO Anna Kares and Peter Tarr were married in Youngstown, Ohio at St. Nicholas Catholic (Byzantine Right) Church Oct. 29, 1923 and will have their 50th Wedding Anniversary this year. They are members of that chuch and also St. Stephens church in Niles, Ohio. A wedding last fall and another this month are further highlights of Mrs. Tarr’s life right now. Her family means everything to her — that includes two sons, Peter and Bernard and 13 grandchildren. Mrs. Tarr dees crocheting and fancy work, loves to work in her flower and vegetable garden and yard, is always willing to help with all activities of the branch in Niles. She is a member for five years. Her sociable charm makes her very much liked by the members and her former co-workers at the Packard Electric Co. in Warren where she was employed for 20 years. A hearty wish to h'er for a Happy Mother’s Day always. JULIA GOLKOSKI No. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANS. Sister Julia, a teacher at St. Charles School in Kansas City, took her mother's name when she took her vows, a most pleasing and gratifying gesture. Mother Julia has another daughter Rosalie who is married and the mother of 6. This lovely family resides in Kansas City, mother Julia’s birthplace and enjoy their mom’s pleasant ways and helpfulness. She’s the same with members of Br. 64, and for that reason is their chosen Mother of the Year. She and her husband, John will be celebrating their 39th wedding anniversary this month. Happy Anniversary to them and Happy Mother’s Day to J’ulia, a most beloved member of S.W.U. ★------------ MARY SLAVICH No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. where she was born Dec. 10, 1896. Mother, Mary Slavich comes from a town called Breza in Yugoslavia She and John Slavich married on Mary Slavich Nov. 15th, 1913 and have lived in Bessemer all the while. John passed away 6 years ago. The Slavich family has seven children, Rudy, Vladimir, Amelia, Mary, Dorothy and Lillian, 25 wonderful grandchildren and already Mary is great grandma to 8. A son, Edward, pass'ed away in 1961. The biggest events in their household were the celebrations of their 25th and 50th Wedding Anniversaries. She is a long-time member of Br. 67 and as one of the elderly mothers of the branch, was selected this year unanimously. We wish her all the best in life and happiness for many more Mother's Days to come. Carol Satej No. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR, OHIO The members have a warm affection for Mother of the Year, Carol Satej as she has an outgoing personality, is always willing to work at any project they endeavor and is a loyal member of Br. 68. Three of her family are also enrolled. She attends many meetings — regularly except when her working hours interfer. Carol was born on June 14, 1935 at Madison, Ohio. She and her husband Tony are married since 1956 and have a son, Tony Jr., 15 years Carol and Tony Satej with Tony, Jr. and Lynne Marie. old and a daughter, Lynne Marie, 12. She’s a member of th'e St. Mary’s Mothers Club, Isabella Guild, Board of Directors of the American Slovenian Club and works as a part time dietary aide at Lake County Memorial Hospital. At home, at 43 Hickory Rd., in Painesville, she enjoys all her duties as a homemaker. She loves sports, too, especially bowling. Ann and her husband visited Slovenia in 1969 and it was a most enjoyable experience for all. Shte has served as an auditor of Br. 68. Wishes to her for good health, happiness always and God’s fondest blessing. Alice Staniszewski No. 71, STRABANE, PA. We have selected our Mother of the Year for 1973 as Mrs. Alice Staniszewski, a very nice person and a good mother and grandmother. She attends most of our meetings and we hope will take an office next time around! She wants to help our lodge succeed and with members like she is, we surely will. We are always hoping to get young officers for it is the way to progress. We all want the lodge to grow. Alice is the mother of Mrs. Frank £>ellorso and Mrs. Nancy Gregory. She and her husband, John, married on June 19, 1937, have 6 grandchildren from 13 to 3 years of age. In 1962, they celebrated their 25 wedding anniversary in style and this year already their 36th! She is a member of the branch tor 29 years and has served as an auditor. Baking and gardening are her home activities. When asked about her best qualiti'es, the members agree, she is a good sister to all. May God’s love shine over her and keep her in His care. Gloria Dusek No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HGTS. O. Four little sons makes Gloria Du-sek’s work cut out for her! Steve, 11, Tim, 10, John 6 and Paul 5, live with their mom and dad, Tim Dusek, at 6014 Robertdale in Oakwood Village, Ohio. Their mom was born in Cleveland on July 19, 1940 and this November their parents will observe their 13th wedding anniversary. Gloria studied at Western Keserve University. She works week ends for the catering service at Holy Trinity Church. She uslvers at the Musi-car-nival in the summer and is a den mother for the Cub Scouts in which son, Tim is a member. She is also active at Aurora school working as chairman of football and served last year on the refreshment and nominating committees of the PTA. She has attended meetings and regularly supplies baked pastries for the parties. Recording Secretary for the past 8 years, Gloria keeps abreast of all the things the branch is doing and tries to keep it moving forward. Her four sons are all members showing what loyalty she really has. Besides her lodge affiliations, she is active in her church and with the Altar committee — is finishing her second year as president of the Holy Trinity Women’s Guild. Holidays mean lots of parties that Gloria has to organize for th'ese various groups. She has a very pleasant personality which she generates to all. A person like this surely has God’s love following her every moment and we hope it continues to bless her for all the years to come. MARY PECJAK No. 77, N.S. PITTSBURGH, PA. Mother Mary Pecjak of Palan pri Žužemberku in Slovenia, loves her home in America but cannot forget her home in Slovenia and for this reason has contributed much time and 'effort into helping her relatives overseas. She has worked since 1945 to help a cousin, Father Zupanc, the pastor of the parish in the home town she and her husband come from, Palan, which they left some 40 years ago. Mr. Pecjak’s father was one of the men responsible for the building of the present church. The Pecjaks are married 52 years and as mentioned above, they both come from the same village in Slovenia. They have made their home at Millvale, near Pittsburgh and have two daughters, Frances and Marie. Mrs. Pecjak is a member 34 years and altho she has never held office, she is a loyal and generous member all these years. An abundance of God’s love to her and to all our Mothers. MARY BRATOVICH No. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. Being involved in things is Mary Bratovich’s chief interest. She just can’t help it — it’s people that she loves and wants to help always. Her pteasant disposition is admired by all as she has a real interest in The Duseks: Dad and Mom, Tim and Gloria; Boys, Steve, 11, John, 6, Paul, 5, and Tim, Jr. 10. Mary Pecjak Mary Bratovich youth and the welfare of o-rhers, especially her sisier members. Mary Is chief clerk in the Public Works Dept, in the City of Auburn, Wash. Besides this, she keeps her home at 22t> F South East Ave. in Auburn for her husband, Michael and her thiee children, Ellen, Kathryn and Paul, who are all away at college — quite an achievement for any parent. Mary belongs to Holy Family parish, does charitable work with St. Vincent De Paul in Auburn and was named Employee of the Year in 1967. The family has travelled together throughout the U.S. and she and her husband have visited Yugoslavia twice, seeing their relatives there and visiting others in Australia. Golfing and dancing are her two enjoyments. She is the past vice-president of Br. 79 and since she is able to speak to the older members in their language, she is an indispensible asset to them, — it makes it a treat for them to be able to converse together. Mary is a welcome asset to any community and organization. May she continue to life a full, active and happy life. -k---------- MARY KOLAR No. 81, KEEWATIN, MINNESOTA Mrs. Mary Kolar will be honored as “Mother of the Year” for the Slovenian Women's Union of Keewa-tin-Branch 81. Mrs. Kolar was born in Borovci fara Vel Lasce on March 17, 1896. She arrived in this country in 1911. She first came to Chisholm to be with her late sister, Mrs. Frances Vessell. Shortly later she moved to Keewatin, she then married Joseph Kolar who passed away April 27, 1941. Mrs. Kolar has four children, eight grand children, and eight great Mary Kolar grand children. Her children are — Helen (Mrs. Cecil Quayle), Keewatin, Mary (Mrs. Domonic Raniele), Keewatin, Frank, Babbitt, and Joseph, Brooklyn Center. Mrs. Kolar was past President of branch 81. Her favorite pastime is making afghans. Sewing, baking, knitting, and crocheting are among her hobbies, but her greatest hobby is enjoying her grandchildren, wd her great grandchildren. Our congratulations to a most deserving “Mother of the Year’’. CLEM BOLF Reporter ★ BETTY STARIKA No. 92, CRESTED BUTTE, COLO. The members in Crested Butte and Gunnison, Colo, are living high up in the Rocky Mountains, where they meet regularly and carry on a lot of social activities. Among them will be the celebration soon of their Mother of the Year party at which time Mrs. Betty Starika will be honored for 1973. She is the wife of Edward and has five lovely children, Wayne, Sharon, Linda, Dianna and Larry. There are five grandchildren for Betty and Edward who were married in January of 1945. Betty comes from Bingham, Utah where she was born in Feb. of 1926. She is a member of Br. 92 for 5 years and has been an officer for 2 years. Others in her family are also members. A great big wish to her for a Happy Mother's Day from all of us. ★----------- HELENE M. GOLICH No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. The members of our branch proudly selected Helene Golich, 9633 S. Manistee AVe. as our Mother of the Year. She was born in Chicago Helene M. Golich on March 10, 1922, and her maiden name was Helene Bulaz. Her mother presently resides in her home and Helene is very much concerned about her welfare as only a loving daughter would be. On May 2b, 1^46 she married Jacob J. Golich who is a wellknown owner and funeral director. From this marriage three children were reared for whom they have worked hard; they are: Karen, a member of ours, Jack and J'im. Karen is a college graduate and Jack and Jim are presently in college working diligently on their degrees. When I asked Helene for a brief summary of her philosophy of life, she was inclined to be very modest about her interests which range widely around her husband and three children. They just recently celebrated their 25th. Anniversary and enjoy each others company. Her children are respectful of their elders and are well-rounded in their educational and moral growth. Helene is a high school graduate and attended Northwestern University for two years. She certainly knows how “to put everything together". She brought her charm and vital mind to bear in the needs of our branch as our treasurer for nine years, managing a family and home while working as an accountant for Harry A. Zisook & Sons. If a person fulfills these positions efficiently and successfully, we bow in respect. Over the years Helene has contributed generously her time, bakery goods and cash, attends our meetings regularly. When she has time she unwinds herself by knitting. In the above statements that I have made, we have selected a very special gal, a lady in every respect. I think the members of our organization should be congratulated upon their choice. All of us in our branch have a very good reason to be proud °f her, for this, we congratulate her. May Almighty God give her good health, and may she continue to receive fever greater rewards and recognition. This is my tribute to a colleague of many years, who has enjoyed her as a friend and admired her as an officer; and may the bond continue to bte well-maintained. MILDRED JAMES 'A LETTER TO MOM' Mftry Morovic No. 100, FONTANA, CAL. Many retired people moved to Montana, Cal. from the cold eastern states and so did Mother of the Year Mary Morovic, who was born in Pittsburgh, Pa. and now lives in Alto Loma, Cal. Her husband of over 30 years, Andrew, passed away many years ago. Her two children are Victor and Elizabeth Ticich and she loves her 7 granchildren and three little great grandchildren with her heart. Mary is a domestic cook and is an e*cellent worker. She seems to be always available for an extra job, too, when the branch calls on her. She is a member for 10 years. Knitting and crocheting takes her hesure time besides being very active ln all social events. Sunny bright days to Mary Morose, and sunny bright wishes for a Nappy Mother's Day. JEAN S. OSWALT No. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. Ever hear of a place called Chim-ney Rock, Montana? We have now ' as it's the home town of Mother of the Year, Jean Snoznik Oswalt! ^ean came into this world on Oct. ^9. 1911 at Chimney Rock and we don’t know how long she lived there, but Renton, Pa., near Pittsburgh is “Dear Mommy, In your letter that I just got you sounded a bit down so I thought you might like a special letter of your own. You sounded like you were feeling very conscious of your ‘dumbness’ as you so erroneously refer to your personality. I wish I could talk to you and tell you just how wrong you are. I don’t think you realize that to me you are the most beautiful woman in the world. And I mean beautiful in the full sense of the word, in regards to your appearance and to your character. From just the few sentences you wrote I can’t figure out exactly what happened—perhaps I am even reading a lot more into it than what is really there. But even if I misunderstood your letter. I’m sure it will do no harm to tell you that what I feel. You sounded hurt by Vera’s letter to Marie, although as we both know Vera did not mean to offend you. It seemed to me that your lack of dating experience was bothering you and perhaps you felt unqualified in that area of child-raising. If that is so, I think you are really mistaken. In all my years of dating I have always considered you my best counselor and confidant. You didn't need to have experience with boys because you had what was more important. You have a kind and loving nature and as a result you have had much experience with people. I consider this to be a more vital asset in your guidance shown to me. From your example and advice I have learned — and am still learning — how to deal with people and that includes boys. You have shown me, what I value as the best way to relate to people. You have taught me to be honest and sincere, to be considerate of their feelinHS. to he n^tient and understanding, to be svmna+hetic and forgiving, and to be onen and loviner. You have taucrht me also to be independent — not in the sense of cutting myself off from people who I need but in the sense of acting according to my own conscience. I don’t mean to sound like I’m bragging but I think you’re doing a good job of helping me and the rest of us to grow up. I still have much confusion, doubts, worries and insecurities but I’m growing happy. But you’re right though, you should be very happy that our young uns have somebody close to turn to.’ I once heard-a beautiful but very difficult way to love is ’to love with open arms.’ Because as we both know you can’t be the sole source of love nor of instruction. You should be glad that you gave our home such a loving atmosphere that we all care about each other and want to help each other in our own ways. Another thing I want to make clear to you: You wrote. "I dread thinking all the bad and dumb things your mommy has done and that’s all you'd remember.’ Believe me, that’s not all I or the rest of us will remember. I realize you’re not perfect and maybe you have done some 'dumb' things but I remember much more than that. I remember how you and dad took just me to see Dr. Zhivago. I remember how one Easter when I had to wear that grey coat that had been handed down from Vera and Nadine, you made me a pink dress and bought me a pink scarf and a pink hat to freshen it up. I remember how you held my hand as you slept next to me on nights when I was extremely depressed. I remember all the things you sewed for me from doll clothes, to dresses, to the remaking of my prom dress. I remember all the times late at night or very early in the morning when you would type up my papers. I remember all the talks we had when I shared my self with you and you shared yourself with me. And I remember how you always listened to my crying and tried to comfort me. Thank you* So please remember, ‘Be happy, mommy.! You have a very wonderful husband who loves you very much and who helped you to create and raise all of us. So see now it doesn't really matter how much experience you had with boys when you were younger. God be with you. Love, Car, 7 her home now. She married Levi Oswalt on Sept. 24th, 1929 at Blairs-ville, Pa. and their only daughter, Shirley Ann passed away at the age of 15VŽ years in 1950. Jean is an excellent homemaker. Keeping her home beautiful is one of her prides. She also has many hobbies such as rug making, crocheting, fishing and camping and with her exceptional good humor, makes all events happy ones. She’s been a member of Br. 96 since 1941 and rarely misses a meeting. She contributes the beautiful hand made things she makes as gifts for our money making projects. She worked for years with the Fireman’s Auxiliary and the VFW Auxiliary spending many hours in charitable work. The family is looking forward to the wedding this month of a niece Bernadette, and just recently celebrated the wedding of another niece Marie. God has special places in His heart for good people and Jean will surely earn a high place for her good deeds. Mary Laskozvski No. 101, BEDFORD HGTS., O. The members at Bedford Hgts., Ohio have very pleasant meetings and when they gather, they love to have with them Mary Laskowski who has been chosen as this year’ Mother of the Year. Members who always show their cooperation and willingness to help are ahe most beloved in a branch and Mary fits the bill! She is always on hand to help at the benefits, bakes sales — for which she bakes beautiful bread — and other events. Being charming and able are her two attributes. She is the widow of the late Edward Laskowski who passed away two years ago after a marriage of 35 years. Their family consists of Edward, Rosalie, Eugene, Rita and John — also 12 grandchildren. She enjoys her grandchildren the most, she says! Mary is a member of Br. 101 for 10 years. Ten times ten is what we wish for her and all of them happy and blessed. k----------- ELIZABETH SCHARENBROCK No. 102, WILLARD, WISCONSIN How marvelous to be so loved that your relatives and friends want you as their Mother of the Year! Elizabeth Scharenbrock who lives in Willard, Wis. is not only loved, but also admired for her selfless and courageous lifetime. As a double amputee, her handicap has not hindered her from leading a full and wonderful life — busier than some with perfect health. Elizabeth and her wonderful husband share many things together such as playing cards, fishing, enjoying all of nature. She is a member of the Rod & Gun Club and for 12 years was employed for a letter service in Chicago. She served five year as secretary to the Willard Club in Chicago, too. One of hef sons, Jack, lives in the Windy City, as a manager of a meat market and has three children. Another son, Jim, is a computer programmer and lives in New Haven, Conn. with his wife and two children. Elizabeth and her husband travel to visit them often. As a member for the past 3 years, she is an excellent member and very much of a friend to all. Her happy smile and good word set the example for others to follow. We wish h'er all the best life has to offer. ★---------- MARY LOUISE TERSELIC No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. Being well organized comes with the profession, it seems, as that's one of the special attributes possessed by Mary Lou Terselic, chosen as honored Mother of Br. 103. Mary Lou is a registered nurse having received her B.S. in Nursing from Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio. Her home town is Youngstown, Ohio where she was born July 17, 1936. Mary Lou married Richard Terselic 14 years ago and they have a brand new baby, Nancy, 6 weeks old, to add to their wcnderful family of two sons and a daughter, Richard, 12, Susan, 9 and Robert 7. As a busy moth’er, home is her castle but she always finds time to bring vitality and enthusiasm to the branch activities, as a member and officer for the past 4J years. Her mother in law, Matilda Terselic and daughters are all members along with her in Br. 103. She has many innovative ideas to make their S.W.U. functions more interesting and has served on the committee for the annual dinner dance for the past 5 years. Can you imagine her having time to sew and do needlework? She does and loves it, too. Their home is at 5506 Greystone St., Chevy Chase, Maryland. Mother's lot is a happy one — never to be traded for anything else — we’re sure Mary Lou agrees with this and that she is blessed with a wonderful family and friends who all wish her Well. Anne M. Perhny No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. The members of Br. 105 have selected Ann Perhay as their Mother of the Year as she is a very dear friend to all of us. She has been a member for ten years. Anne was born in Gowanda, N.Y., her maiden name was Pelko and came to Detroit as a young girl. She married Frank Perhay in 1935. They have a married daughter, Barbara Nash who is a very talented young lady with a doctorate degree. Barbara and her husband live in Washington, D.C. Ann lives in beautiful Birmingham and with her husband travels all over Europe and the U.S., bringing back records, tapes and pictures of the places they have visited. Once a year, Ann gives a great lawn party and invites all the members treating us to champagne and all sorts of other goodies. In the evening we enjoy listening to th'e lovely Slovenian records and Frank shows movies of their travels. We all love you, Ann, and wish you health and happiness always. Have a Happy Mother's Day. Reporter Elizabeth Scharenbrock "VSE BLAGOSLOVE, TEBI, WATI!" Anna Zalar ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, O. Letos smo izvolile za zaslužno mater podružnice, ses. Anna Zalar, ki živi na 38 E. 70th St. Rojena je bila 15. .nov. 1896 v vasi Brezuljak na Notranjskem v Sloveniji. V Ameriko j® prišla dne 12. junija 1920 ter se je še istega leta v novembru poročila z Johnom Žnidaršič. Njen soprog je umrl 18. febr. 1955. Sin Edward ima enega otroka. Naša častna mati zelo rada obdeluje vrt, kjer ima lepe rožice. Hek-lanje ji je tudi v razvedrilo. Vedno rada daruje v pomoč blagajne. Mrs. Zalar sicer ni odbornica podr., toda je bila delegatinja na zadnji konvenciji leta 1970 in se redno udeležuje vseh sej podr. ter rada Pomaga pri vseh Zvezinih prireditvah. Bog jo živi še mnogo let! Magdalena Widina ŠT. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Iskrene čestitke naši zaslužni materi leta, Mrs. MAGDALENA WIDINA, 5203 Wickliffe St., ki je 46 let čakala, da dobi zasluženi naslov "čas-tr|e matere leta”. Naša slavljenka je bila rojena v Preloki, Slovenija dne junija, 1893 in je leta 1912 tik pred prvo svetovno vojno prišla v Ameriko. Poročila se je dne 28. jul., 1915 s sedaj že pokojnim Josephom. Njeno degliško ime je bito Žugtel, in v zakonu je bilo rojenih 5 otrok in ima tudi 4 vnuke 3 pravnuke. V njenih mlajših letih je bila aktivna tudi v politiki in seveda posebno tudi pri Zvezi, kjer je ustanovila, ali pa pomagala ustanovitvi št. 26, pri kateri je tudi služila kot tajnica, dalje št. 80 v Moon Run ter je pomagala Mrs. Tomec pri ustanovitvi tš. 77. Bog jo živi še mnoga leta. MARY SLANEY, tajnica Fanny Cerar ŠT. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Sočutna in vedno prisotna, kadar je potrebna, toda žena močne volje in polna ljubezni in prave vernosti, to je naša letošnja zaslužna mati, Fanny Cerar. Najbolj je srečna, kadar more pomagati potrebnim in v posebno veselje ji je, da osreči njene številne goste v restavraciji in mesni trgovini, katero vodi že črez 44 let. Njena mama v rodni Rečici ob Raki v Sloveniji, ji je vlila zanimanje za dobro kuhanje, sa se še spominja okusnih jedil pripravljenih v Strasniški graščini. V Ameriko je prišla I. 1922 in poročila Josepha Cerarja, ki je z drugimi Slovenci odpril krojaško trgovino v Town of Lake. Pozneje so imeli delikatesno trgovino s svežim pecivom ob peti uri zjutraj, nakar so razširili v restaracijo in njuni otroci vodijo Super market kar črez cesto. Naša zaslužna mati posebno rada zbira lepe plošče, slovenske in klasične, kakor tudi moderne. Ob poslušanju raznih melodij za razvedrilo hekla in izdeluje krasne afgane, šale in druge tople predmete, ki tako dobro služijo v mrzlim wiskonskih zimah. Ona se nikoli ne dolgočasi, ampak z mladostnim zanosom in navdušenjem gleda v bodočnost, kar daje življenju posebno privlačnost. Njeno posebno razvedrilo je udeležba na sejah Zveze, kakor tudi vseh drugih aktivnosti, posebno še kadar ni potrebno kuhati, ampak se udeležiti skupne večerje v prijetnem okolju. Bog jo živi in blagoslovi njeno družino, sina Josepha, hčerko Betty, 7 vnukov in 2 pravnuka! Stephanie Mahnič ŠT. 47, GARFIELD HGTS., O. V mesecu maju praznujemo materinski dan. Za letos smo si zbrale zaslužno mater, Stephanie S. Mahnič, ki je bila rojena dne 24. dec. 1906 v vasi Slivje na Primorskem v Sloveniji. Njeno dekliško ime Ban. Prišla je v Ameriko k svojim staršem dne 15. junija 1921 v Lorain, O. Pozneje so se preselili v Cleveland na 10306 Reno Ave., kjer še sedaj stanujeta s sestro Rose Ban, ko so jima starši po smrti zapustili dom. Leta 1934 se je poročila z Mr. Joseph Rojec in v zakonu se jima je rodil sin Harold. Oče pa je kmalu za tem 1. 1936 umrl. Drugič se je poročila leta 1942. Srečno so živeli skupaj le nekaj let. Mož je zbolel in podlegel bolezni leta 1950. Od tedaj je vdova. Skrbela je za sina, ki se je izučil za električnega inženirja. Sedaj je porečen v Denverju in ima 3 otroke: Vicki, Mark in Sherry. Stara mati jih je zelo vesela ter jih večkrat obišče in se vsa srečna počuti v njihovem krogu. Pri podr. je aktivna in nam vedno rada pomaga pri prireditvah in tudi je pridobila nekaj novih članic. V nadzornem odboru je že več let. Je zelo družabna in rada poje. Z veseljem se udeležuje vseh kulturnih in dobrodelnih prireditev in rada pomaga pomoči potrebnim. Članice ji iskreno čestitamo in že* limo, da bi imela vesel materinski dan, katerega bomo praznovale 6. maja ter ji bomo osebno čestitale. Bog jo ohrani Š3 mnogo let med nami! Vse na svidenje 6. maja, da se skupno poveselimo. Pozdrav vsem materam! JENNIE PUGELY, taj. in trip co-iponioret Lij Jb. l/U. Oj. &C.^. Time is short! We urge you to plan the Rome-Slovenia visit with us. Departure day, June 17th is not too far away. We assure you that you will be immensely satisfied With the experience. This trip to Rome will not be an oidinary visit to the Eternal City. It will actually be a pilgrimage of historic importance. Many noteworthy events will! take place with numerous prominent members of the Slovenian hierarchy in attendance. This is just a small portion of the program: On Monday, June 18th at 6:00 p.m. Arch Bishop Jožef Pogačnik of Ljubljana will bless the Slovenian House of Studies, Bishop Maksimilijan Držečnik of Maribor will unveil the memorial plaque, and Bishop Janez Jenko of Koper will bless the Altar of the College Chapel and offer Mass thereon. On Tuesday, June 19th at 9:00 a.m. Archbishop Cocolin will bless the College Chapel and offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at which Bishop Stanislav Lenič will preach. At 5:00 p.m. that day the Slovenian Oktet and several choral groups will present a program of Sovenian songs. On Wednesday, June 20th Mass will be celebrated in the Great Basilica of St. Peter at 8:00 a.m. by Archbishop Pagačnik. Bishop Vekoslav Grmic will preach. Later that day we shall be privileged to have an audience with the Holy Father, Pope Paul VI. On Thursday, June 21st we will conclude the religious aspects of our pilgrimage with a Mass in the ancient Church of St. Clement to be offered by Bishop Maksimilijan Držečnik. A tour of the city of Rome, Florence, Bologna, Padova and Venice will be a part of our itinerary on our way to Ljubljana. We invite you to come along. The most comfortable way to make this trip with us is to arrange all the details wilh our Travel Agency. The only way we can enjoy the very low air fare is by traveling as a group and returning as a group. Departure day: June 17 — Return: July 9, 1973. Rt. Rev. Louis B. Baznik, Spiritual Director, K.S.K.J. Bowlers Teamed up for a Grand Tounamcnt Altho the bowling tournament is a thing of the past, we did work during this spring to secure enough teams to go to Sheboygan, Wise, from the midwest, to make it a really wonderful event. The following branches joined us: Br. 1, Sheboygam, 1 Team, 2 Doubles - 4 Singles; Br. 2, Chicago, 6 Teams, 11 Doubles - 22 Singles; Br. 16, So. Chicago, 1 Team, 1 Doubles 2 Singles; Br. 17, West Allis, 6 Teams, 8 Doubles - 16 Singles; Br. 20, Joliet, 4 Teams, 10 Doubles - 20 Singles; Br. 43, Milwaukee, 4 Teams and Br. 89, Oglesby, 2 Teams, 5 Doubles - 10 Singles. I want to thank all the bowlers from far and near for participating in this Tourney. This total of 32 Teams, 37 sets of Doubles and 74 Singles makes it one of the largest Midwest Bowling Tournaments ever held and we thank all the bowlers from fat and neai for participating. We also thank the hostess’ branch in Sheboygan and chairman, Ann Modiz for going all out to make us welcome and assured us an enjoyable time. The Playdium Lanes where the event was held is extended thanks for their fine cooperation. COLLECTION FOR NEEDY Thanks to our Br. 2 member, Elsie Statkus for 2 shopping bags full of stamps that v/ere delivered to Mrs. Vavpotich to be sorted and forwarded to the missions. To both these ladies and all others who are helping with this project, our deepest thanks. The Park Lawn School and Activity Center of Oaklawn, III. are asking for Betty Crocker coupons. They are raising money to purchase a bus for the children’s use. We have some of our own people there and it would nice to help out for this cause. Anyone who has coupons can bring them to me. Once again, thanks. ELIZABETH ZEFRAN WINDING UP THE SEASON Co-sponsoring organization, Slovenian Women’s Union and American Slovenian Catholic Union will have many members attending the special excursion to Rome for Dedication ceremonies for Slovenicum, College for Slovenian Priests. Leading the tour will be Mrs. Antonia Turek, center, president of S.W.U. with her husband, Frank, right and Mr. Joseph Nema-nich, president of KSKJ, left. CHICAGO S.W.U. BOWLING NEWS For the fifth month in a row the Chicago S.W.U. bowling league has a new leader. As of March 20, Dr. Grill was in first place, with a record of 56 wins and 31 losses. They came up from third place during the past month. Marquette Super Service maintained a slim hold on second place, with 54V£ wins and 32Vž losses. Zefran Funeral Home fell to third with 54 wins and 33 losses. Wagner's Bakery (49-38) and K. and K. Market (44-43) rounded out the top teams. Anne Hozzian joined our list of "stars” during March with a 515 series - 89 pins over her 142 average. This included games of 168, 175 and 172. Donetta Knezevich was 87 pins over her 133 average. She had a 486 series, which included a 193 game. Fran Smulski had a 494 series - 83 pins over her 137 average. Mae Persa’s 201 game helped her to a 452 series - 74 pins over her 126 average. Other high series during March included: S. Gorka, 524 (205 game) and 521 (203 game); A. Salvino, 512; A. Vucko, 499; S. Melissa, 498; A. Persa, 496. M. Zefran had a high game of 194. The list of railroad pickups for March was unusually long: M. Kra- penc, 3-9-10, 2-7-8, 3-10; G. Nied-zielko, 5-7 and 5-10 (2); D. Maes, 3-10 and 5-6; E. Statkus, 5-6-10; R. Swartz, L. Ovnik, B. Shiliga, 5-10; B. Zalik, 6-7; B. Schacht, L. Zefran, G. Dellegrazie, A. Wagner, 3-10; H. Fitzgerald, 7-9; P. Mladic, L. Mladic, L. Mallo, 5-7; B. Zunek, 6-7-10; A. Fin-gerhut, 3-5-6-7; R. Steponaitis, 3-9-10; F. Zefran, 4-7-9-10. That’s all for this month! BARBARA ZUREK welcome to ciiica««! DOBRODOŠLI! OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF BRANCH No. 2 extend their heartfelt welcome to our SISTERS OF S. W. U. THROUGHOUT THE UNITED STATES, — HOPING YOUR STAY WILL BE MOST PLEASANT AND THE 16TH NATIONAL CONVENTION MOST FRUITFUL FOR THE PROGRESS OF OUR GRAND ORGANIZATION! NAŠA ZVEZINA HIMNA Vrle smo Amerikanke iz slovenskega rodu; ljubimo slovensko pesem, pojemo jo brez sramu. Tam, kjer Triglav zemljo straži, bistra Savo jo poji, tam je domovina dedov, tam Slovenec še živi. Tam možje so naši slavni z delom uma in srca čast veljavo proborili nam med narodi sveta. Zlata govorica dedov nam ostane srčna last; "Zveza” naša, rod slovenski: naš ponos in naša čast! IVAN ZOUt.IAN Kith NATIONAL S.W.I. CONVENTION COMMITTEE - CHICAGO, ILL. From left to right, seated: Fanika Humar, Mayme Muilnr, Nežka Gaber, and Liz Zefran, standing Corinne Leskovar, Jannie Puhek, Annie Zorko, Krista Arko, Luba Troha, Lil Putzel and Mitzi Krapenc. Congratulations to the Slovenian Women’s Union on tlieir First Debutante Ball. A most sincere tribute to our people who pioneered this great country of ours and provided us with a proud heritage that we are able to share with our families and friends. ZEFRAN Funeral Home Louis J. Zefran Louis Ronald Zefran Elizabeth L. Zefran Marilyn I,. Zefran 1941 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 Tel.: 847 6688 I dedicate this day to my grandmother, Mary Skrjanc, who always made me proud to be a Slovenian. Louis Ronald Zefran WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF Mr. & Mrs. Louis F. Cainkar Congratulations to the 16th NATIONAL CONVENTION OF THE S.W.U. And to the First Cotillion being held in Chicago, III. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SPORTS CLUB of Branch No. 2 COMPLIMENTS OF SIMEC’S GROCERY 2313 S. WOLCOTT AVE. PHONE FR 6-1510 CHICAGO COMPLIMENTS OF Roman Posscdi Orchestra Chicago Members: Travel with the Possedi Polka Tour to Slovenia June 29 — July 21, 1973 Call RE. 1-3214 A WARM WELCOME TO OUR CHURCH & CITY! ST. STEPHEN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1852 W. 22nd Place CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Rev. Thomas Hoge, OFM, Pastor Rev. Aloysious Medic, OFM, Ass't Pastor COMPLIMENTS OF ST. ANNE'S SOCIETY No. 170 K.S.K.J. Chicago, Illinois SUSINA'S CHILDREN'S WEAR 3624 West 26th St. Chicago, Illinois Quality — Style — Wide Selection K & K MEAT MARKET Home of Slovenian Klobase and Delicious Home Smoked Meats FOR ORDERS CALL VI 7-6652 In the Slovenian Community 2128 W. CERMAK ROAD CHICAGO TO MY FRIENDS OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION! BEST WISHES FROM ALDERMAN VITO MARZULLO 25th Ward Democratic Committeeman Chicago, Illinois GOD BLESS ALL OUR MEMBERS! Compliments from SUPREME SPIRITUAL ADVISOR 6?ei). Claude Okcrh, 0. Greetings and hopes for much Progress! Br. 43, MILWAUKEE, WISC. Mary Tratnik, Pres. Vicki Sporis, Rec. Sec. Mary Mohorko, Vice-Pres. Christine Rebernisek Rose Kraemer, Sec. & Treas. and Josephine Verbick, Fran Widemsek, Sgt.-at.Arms Auditors Best Wishes and Greetings for a very special and important Convention! HOSE KRAEMEK State President of Wisconsin DIAMOND ADVERTISING SERVICE KATHY & JOHN CHAMPA, PROPS. 6331 W. Mitchell St., West Allis Wise. Printing — Wedding Invitations Discount on all Wedding Invitations PHONE: 545-1640 Member of Br. 43, Milwaukee Best to All Members of Slovenian Women’s Union! Travel to Slovenia with Kollander World Travel, Int. 589 EAST 185th ST. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Chicago Offices: 109 N. Dearborn 2032 W. Cermak Rd. 332-4721 847-7199 Best Wishes for a Successful Convention Br. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN A Jriend SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN ACCORDIAN MUSIC PHONE 672-0633 £jju QJLn’s WurU 1029 W. NATIONAL AVE., MILWAUKEE, WIS. Home Made Slovenian Sausage BUCKWHEAT FLOUR HOME SMOKED MEATS PHONE 282-9984 REBERNISEK'S CLUB 36 JOHN & ANN REBERNISEK Hall for all occasions Cater to all Parties Hot Sandwiches 3400 W. LOOMIS RD. MILWAUKEE, WISC. Best Wishes From BILL SAVATSKI ORCH - One of the Midwests Favorite Polka Bands Playing the Entire Midwest Featuring the Popular "Slovenian Sound” Albums and Tapes Available -FOR INFORMATION OR BOOKINGS— CONTACT BILL SAVATSKI N 34 W. 22156 HILL N’DALE CIRCLE PEWAUKEE, WIS. 53072 PHONE: (414) 691-1926 BEST WISHES FROM THE PEOPLE OF ST* VITUS PARISH CLEVELAND, OHIO Tony's Polka Village Specialty • Gift Shoppe (NEXT TO HOLLANDER TRAVEL) RECORDS — TAPES — BUTTON ACCORDIONS TONY PETKOVSEK’S WXEN BROADCAST STUDIO 591 E. 185 St. • Cleveland Ohio 44119 • 216/481.-7512 CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR 16th NATIONAL CONVENTION! Officers and Members of BRANCH 14, EUCLID, OHIO Pauline Krall, Pres. Mary Stražišar, Vice-Pres. Vera Bajec, Sec’y Mary Iskra, Treasurer Antonia Suster, Rec. Sec’y Our Wishes for a very Successful Meeting, from the officers and members of the "DAWN CHORAL GROUP" Olga Klanchar, Pres. Pauline Krall, Vice-Pres. Frances Nemanich, Treas. Ann Hočevar, Sec'y Frank Gorensek, Director IVANHOE Restaurant 16378 EUCLID AVE. CLEVELAND, OHIO Delicious Home Made Food Served Daily except Saturdays — Home made Apple, Cheese and Cherry Strudel — CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL S.W.U. MEMBERS ON YOUR 16th NATIONAL CONVENTION! GLOBOKARS SERVICE STATION 17600 Lake Shore Blvd. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Compliments of Dr. & Mrs. Frank T. Grill SPRING 1973 NEW RELEASES BY DELTA INTERNATIONAL BEST WISHES & CONGRATULATIONS! FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF JOLIET 78 NO CHICAGO ST . JOLIET. ILLINOIS 60431 sj TEL 726-4371 . MEMBER FDIC y i • Q 6' irvois 0GC\iriJi 0on\parcj) STOCKS - BONDS - MUTUAL FUNDS 66 N. Chicago St., Joliet, III. 60431 Tel. 726-5376 Chicago Phone 242-2794 ANTHONY GOLOBITSH FAMILY THE BARON'S DEN 3 W. Jackson Joliet Hair Designers by Appointmenl Only GREETINGS FROM JOSEPH E. SPELICH and tha FITZGERALD FURNITURE CO. 101 E. Clinton Joliet, III. JOHNNY I M OS Dana Master Re-Released on The Delta Inti Label Re,released from Dana catalogue, records have been re-packaged, & masters re processed, re-sequenced, and enhanced for top quality records & tape carts. Johnny Pecon’s, "GOLDEN POLKA DAYS7’ STEREO LP “DI-7023-LPS”, 8 Tr. CART. "DEL-87023'’ SIDE-A »VOCALS SIDE-B 1. California Polka 2. Little Fella Waltz* 3. Tiebar’s Polka 4. Toyland Polka 5. Nancy’s Waltz 6. Jeffrey’s Polka 1. June Night Polka 2. I’m Sorry Waltz* 3. Old Box Polka 4. Bobby’s Polka 5. Patricia’s Waltz 6. Palos Polka Johnny Pecon’s, “JUKEBOX POLKA FAVORITES" STEREO LP “DI-7024-LPS’\ 8 Tr. CART. "DEL-87a24” SIDE-A *VOCALS SIDE-B 1. Home Town Band* 2. Variety Waltz 3. Ferryboat Polka* 4. Diane’s Waltz 5. Cleveland Polka* 6. Judy’s Waltz 1. City Hall Polka 2. Lover’s Melody Waltz* 3. Dream Polka 4. Waltz Danced With Me* 5. Snowflake Polka 6. Cindy’s Waltz* Johnny Pecon’s, “POLKA SOUVENIRS’’ STEREO LP “DI-7025-LPS”, 8 Tr. CART. “DEL-87025" SIDE-A INSTRUMENTAL SIDE-B 1. Friendly Hand Polka 2. Little Cafe Waltz 3. Popcorn Polka 4. Tony’s Polka Party 5. Mom & Pop Waltz 6. Mary Ann Polka 1. Coffee Break Polka 2. Silver Anniversary Waltz 3. Brown’s Polka 4. Convention Polka 5. Peggy’s Waltz 6. Dear Boy Polka *A if OLD TIME POLKA MUSIC FRANK NOVAK on his BUTTON BOX Frank Novak’s, "OLD TIME POLKA MUSIC” STEREO LP “DI-7026-LPS”, 8 Tr. CART. “DEL-87026” CASSETTE "DEL-27026” SIDE-A INSTRUMENTAL SIDE-B 1. Whirl & Twirl Polka 2. Bcachland Waltz 3. Hollander Polka 1. Nimble Fingers Polka 5. Continental Umbrella Waltz li. Rainbow Polka 1. Travel Time Polka 2. Ren wool Waltz 3. Fran & Tone Polka 4. E. 18»5th St. Polka 5. Polka Village Waltz fi. 591 Polka AA ff POLKA SPREE featuring MILAN RACANOVIC Cleveland Slovenian Style Polka Music Milan Racanovic’s, "POLKA SPREE” STEREO LP “DI-7027-LPS”, 8 Tr. CART. "DEL-87027” SIDE-A 1. Polka Spree Polka 2. Mothers Waltz’1' 3. Putton Box Polka 4. Wine Tasters Polka 3. Slovenian Highlands* 6. Krancc Polka *VOCALS SIDE-B 1. Wear A Smile Polka* 2. Carol’s Waltz 3. Mountain Top Polka* 4. Slovenian Village Polka 5. Three Flowers Waltz* G. Sunset Polka If any cf the five releases Is unavalable in your area seno, cash, check, or M.O. with your order to DELTA INTERNATIONAL RECORDS 1584 East 31st Street. Cleveland, Ohio 44114 STEREO LP’S.$4.50, 8 Tr. CARTS-$6.50, CASS-$6.50 Free Record & Tape Cart Cat. Available upon request Best Wishes for a Successful Convention AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC UNION (KSKJ) (a Fraternal Benefit Society) ♦ JOIN US • Complete Insurance Protection for Men, Women and Children 9 Social and Athletic Activities for Members • Licensed in 19 States and District of Columbia • Conctact a local Lodge Officer, or write to: i HOME OFFICE 351 l\l. Chicago Street, Joliet, Illinois 60431 JOLIET'S MODERN DRIVE-IN BANK Pi — LOANS — • PERSONAL • LIFE INSURANCE • BUSINESS COLLATERAL AUTOMOBILE TRUST DEPARTMENT NIGHT A DAY DEPOSITORY BANK HOURS MON. TUE. THUR. FRI. 9-2 P.M. SAT 9-12 PM FRIDAY EVE 5:30-7:30 P.M. AUTO BANK HOURS MON - TUES - THURS - FRI 8 AM TO 4 PM WED & SAT 8 AM TO NOON -FRI. EVE 5:30-7:30 P.M. 727-5222 Jefferson & Ottawa Streets UMHON nii I crMr" C—X "Member FDIC" anetTuutGsmpanq Congratulations & Success! from S.W.U. BR. 13, San Francisco, Calif. Wishes to all! ROSE SCOFF STATE PRESIDENT CAl.IF.-WASH.-ORE. Compliments from JOLIET ZVEZA BOOSTERS Joe & Josephine Erjavec Ed & Olga Ancel Rudy & Millie Pucal Fred & Jonita Ruth SHEP'S TAVERN ♦ ♦ ♦ 1500 Belleview — Rockdale MATT and THERESA SEPICH, Prop. ♦ Holy Family Society of the TEŽAK 1 FAIRLANE DRIVE — JOLIET, ILL. 60434 FUNERAL ACCIDENT & HEALTH INSURANCE LIFE INSURANCE HOME COMPLIMENTS OF ♦ BERNICE'S RESTAURANT 459 W. OTTAWA ST. JOLIET, ILL at Chicago St. Home of "Broasted Chicken” 221 Ruby St. Bernice & Roy Skriner, Phone 722-2307 Props. Joliet, III. Kraus Electronic Systems Carl R. Gregorich ADMIRAL — RCA — Color TV Sales & Service "Podiatrist” 20 Ohio St., Joliet, III. 727-2466 4 E. Clinton St., Joliet, III. Phone 723-6715 JOLIET RIVALS CLUB 1425 Broadway Rt. 53 Joliet, III. 60435 m utomatlcs JJ^ir conditlonend ^^cres of Parking "Your Family Bowling Center” Cocktail Lounge — Music on Sat. GREETINGS FROM Illinois Wine & Liquors Co. F. J. GOSPODARIC Seagrams — V.O. — 7 Crown — Gin 100 Pipers — Crown Royal & Bench Mark Plainfield, Illinois Slovenian Women’s Union of America National Officers Marie Prisland. Founder - Honorary President Antonia Tureh - President Marie A. Floryan - Vice-President Fanika Humar - Secretary Elizabeth Zejran - Treasurer & Director of Women’s Activities Olga Ancel - Investment Secretary Slovenska Zenska Zveza v Ameriki Glavni Odbor Rev. Claude Okorn, - Spiritual Advisor Anne Podgoršek - Auditor Anne M. Kompare - Auditor Jennie Feme - Auditor Hermine Dicke - Scholarship Committee Secretary Cor 'nne Leskovar - Editor State Presidents: Colorado-Kansas-Missouri: Pennsylvania-New York: Calif. Washington-Oregon: Anna Pachak Mary Tomsic Rose. Scoff Wisconsin: Indiana-Illinois: Minnesota: Ohio-Michigan: Rose Kraemer Anna Lustig Barbara Rosandich Mary Bosti an ;>'iiini[]iiiiiiiiiiii[]iiiiiiiiii;i»iiiiiiiiiiii[]iiiiiiiiini{]iiiiiiiiiMic]iiiiiiii;iiiniiiiiiiiiiii[]iiniiiiiiii[]iiiiiiiiiiiiC3iiiiMiMiii[]iiMiiiiiii:tr:r □ miniimiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiniirV Branch Delegate Alternate 1 1. Sheboygan Dorothy Kregel Margaret Fischer | 2. Chicago Mary Muller Nežka Gaber Lillian Putzell Fran Zefran 3. Pueblo Frances SimoHch Josephine Reems 6. Barberton Mary Lauter Jeanette Killoran 10. Cleveland Sophie Magayna Mary Camloh 13. San Francisco Rose Scoff Dorris Lovrin 14. Cleveland Vera Bajec Mary Iskra | 16. So. Chicago Jean Bukvich Frances Grotkowski 17. West Allis Marion M. Marolt Frances Piwoni 19. Eveleth Mary Lenich Catherine Pollack 20. Joliet Emma Planinšek Josephine Sumic Mildred Pxicel Josephine Erjavec 21. Cleveland Lois Babnick Rose Kosko 23. Ely Mary Shikonya Rose Stupnik 24. La Salle Theresa Savnik Emma Shimkus 25. Cleveland Mary Kolegar Mary Jeraj Frances Okorn § Marie Telic 26. Pittsburgh Anna Trontel Mary Slaney 32. Euclid Josephine Comenshek Anna Tekavec 33. Duluth Frances Blatnik Florence Burger 38. Chisholm Anna Trdan Theresa Gerzin 39. Biwabik Angeline M. Karish (34-35-37-31) Ann Kroger 5 ^.0. Lorain Angeline Kozjan Mary Klinar '•I. Cleveland Rose Pujzdar Q 43. Milwaukee Mary Tratnik Cecilia Groth -17. Garfield, Hts. Jennie Pugely Anna Krese vie 50. Cleveland Anna Hočevar Ann Kristoff | 55. Girard Mary Macek Matilda Cigolle (42-49-51-5^) 56. Hibbing Rose Maras (52-65-86) Mary Massich 71. Strabane Lucille Smith Mary Kocian 73. Cleveland Louise Epley Pauline Svette 89. Oglesby Josephine Livek Josephine. Schmidt (22-30-72-85-99) 95. Chicago Mildred Poropat Mildred James | 96. Universal Frances O’Block (68-57-62-94-101) Mary P. Klemenčič g 103. Washington, D. C. Freda Michelitch Ivanka Antolin g ^iiMHiiniiiiminiininii unuiui .............................................................................................. mm.........................................laml Way, 1973 25 ^Jhe 4 7tli ^!nniver6arij oj Slovenian lAJomen d U mon In this, the 47th year of the Slovenian Women’s Union, it is well to recall the beginnings and accomplishments of the organization that was born from an idea of Mrs. Marie Pris-land, of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. On December 19, 1926, Mrs. Prisland called the women of Chicago, the center of Slovenian colonies to a meeting at which time the Slovenian Women’s Union was founded. From a small beginning of two branches, one in Sheboygan and the other in Chicago, the Union has grown to 103 branches with 11,000 members and assets totaling nearly $570,000.00. Slovenian Women’s Union has all these years, fostered the ideas and ambitions, served as an open forum and provided the opportunity for the preservation and promotion of the traditions and heritage of the Slovenian Citizens of America. The Union established in 1944 a Scholarship and Benefit Fund from which scholarships are granted to worthy students in America and from which destitute children in Slovenia received food, clothing and medical supplies. Over $30,000.00 in food, clothing and hospital material was sent there after the war. 64 young students have benefited from the scholarship grants which are awarded 1926 yearly on the basis of academic achievement and need. The organization publishes its own monthly magazine, entitled: “Zarja — the Dawn.” It is a bilingual journal which voices the activities of the membership and contains reading material to uplift and instruct the membership. The first copy was published in July, 1929. Present Editor is Co-rinne Leskovar. In 1928 the first book, "Ameriška Slovenka” was published by the Union. This book contained the history of the Slovenian settlers in America as well as the history of the Union and its branches. It was edited by Frances Jazbec and Marie Prisland. In 1942, a pocket-sized songbook called "Zapojmo”, containing over 200 of the most popular folksongs in Slovenian and English was published, edited by Albina Novak in 1952. Mrs. Novak revised it and the title was changed to “Let’s Sing.” Currently, it has been reprinted and is still on the market. The late Slovenian poet, Ivan Zorman, arranged a book of Slovenian Melodies with notes and lyrics of favorite songs. Music lovers treasure this anthology dedicated by Mr. Zorman to the Union. In commemoration of the Silver Anniversary, a cookbook entitled “Women’s Glory — The Kitchen” was edited by Mrs. Novak which contains over 600 recipes of all Nationalities. A new revised edition compiled by Mrs. Prisland and Mrs. Novak is now in its eighth printing with over 27,000 copies sold. The distribution for the cookbook has been ably conducted by the Supreme President Antonia Turek of Wickliffe, Ohio past ten years. The first Home Office of S.W.U. was in Chicago at the home of the secretary, Mrs. Josephine Racic; then moved to Joliet, III. in 1939 when Mrs. Josephine Erjavec took office. In 1952 the Home Office came to Chicago, III. with Albina Novak as Secretary and with the recommendation of local members obtained real estate near the Slovenian parish of St. Stephen’s, and in the center of the city. This property was remodeled to provide a comfortable office space and living quarters. The Home Office - 1973 today still functions as one of the centers of activity for the parish and Slovenian community at large. At the National Convention of 1958, seven State Presidents were added to the roster of Supreme Officers and subsequently, Annual State Conventions have increased inter-branch activity. vomits GLOW The (Kiltchm Young members have been organized in various ways and in the years from 1933 to 1967 uniformed drill teams were the mainstay of the youth movement. A renewed interest in drilling has been seen in the Cleveland area where youngsters Interested in Baton twirling have been given firm support by the local officers and branches. Now again, at parades and other appearances, uniformed girls fly the banner of S.W.U. Cultural and educational promotions have always been a part of the life of the S.W.U. membership who are themselves talented in many fields. Choral clubs and sewing circles abound. At each of the recent national conventions, a beautiful handwork display has been held with contributions from the members. In Cleveland, exhibitions of needlecraft, cooking and baking are yearly projects; in other states almost every local or state event which brings together Slovenian people, is known to have “Ženska Zveza” participation. )}ieMage from the president Dear Delegates, Members and Friends: If is my pleasant duty to extend a hearty welcome to all delegates and representatives of the Slovenian Women’s Union to the 16th National Convention held May 20 - 24, 1973 at Chicago, Illinois. At our 15th National Convention held May 24, 1970 at Euclid, Ohio absent was our Supreme Treasurer Josephine Železnikar and at this 16th National Convention our Supreme Secretary Albina Novak will not be present as they both were called to their Eternal rest. It is my sincere hope and wish that this convention will be successful and will provide fha guidance and leadership for continued growth and progress of The Slovenian Women’s Union. Sincerely, ANTONIA TUREK Supreme President the S.W.U. joined other organizations in making an appeal to the President of the United States and government officials for American presence in Ljubljana, the capital city of Slovenia for the help and protection of the many American tourists visiting there each year. In 1972, the beginnings of success to this appeal were seen in the establishment of a U.S. Information Agency there — and it is hoped that an American Consulate will be the next step toward stronger relations between our two peoples. Washington, the site of that convention, brought together the most visitors ever to gather for a National Convention. It was another of the many “firsts” to be the first Slove- Choral clubs and sewing circles abound. Latest Choral Group “The Dawn" was organized in 1968 in Cleveland, Ohio by State President Mary Bostian. Director is Mr. Frank Goren-sek. Each year sports-minded members have given energetic support to bowling and the Midwest Bowling Association. Now in its 37th year, it maintains a growing group of leagues in cities of Illinois, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Not forgetting the thousands of families of Slovenians now living in the United States, Zveza sponsors excursions to Slovenia for the benefit of members who wish to visit and be ^-united with their loved ones. Every summer, the tours bring together relatives and friends of our pioneer Slovenian immigrants. Pilgrimage trips far and near have teen very popular among members °f S.W.U., including the Slovenian Francescan Fathers Shrine in Lemont, HI- where each year members come to pray and celebrate “Zveza Day” together; also St. Ann de Beaupre in Canada, Our Lady of Snows in Belleville, III. and Holy Hill. Wise. In June this year, the S.W.U. will co-sponsored yet another excursion, this time to Rome, Italy, for the Dedication of the first College for Slovenian Priests in the Center of Christ-endom. At the 14th National Convention in Washington, D.C. held in May of 1967, TO AMERICA tj Mm PtMmnl nian national organization, to convene in the Nation’s Capital. It was at the Convention also that the delegation accepted the drive to raise funds for the Slovenian Chapel, “Marija Pomagaj” to be built in the National Shrine of Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. Drive to raise $70,000.00 was started in 1967, and completed before the end of 1970. Dedication was held on August 15, 1971, in Washington, D.C. with over 3,000 in attendance. A History Book — "From Slovenia to America” written by S.W.U. founder Marie Prisland for the enjoyment and delight of the younger generation, is the only English language compilation of stories on the Slovenian people of America. All proceeds from this book has gone toward the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund. This year of 1973, the third Slovenian Debutante Cotillion will be held in the Convention City, the first two having taken place in 1970 and 1972 at Cleveland, Ohio. The Ball in Chicago, III., is the first for the midwest, and it is hoped that many more will follow in various cities where the S. W.U. functions in larger numbers. * * & V * * §5 '4 35 I I * I «9 I i I 16th NATIONAL S.W.U. CONVENTION PROGRAM OF ACTIVITIES | CONVENTION HEADQUARTERS, RISMARCK HOTEL, | 171 W. Randolph St. - Chicago, III. 60601 i | GENERAL INFORMATION I Delegates and Visitors who arrive Saturday to the Bismarck Hotel, 171 W. Randolph in Chicago’s Loop, j j may check in any time of the day. Reservations for room and package payments for the weekend or 4 days I ) all-inclusive may be made in advance at the S.W.U. Hom'e Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, III. 60608 ^ j Telephone (312) Bl. 7-2014. All room reservations are to be made thru the Home Office, please! We ask that j ' you state your arrival and departure dates and with whom you wish to share the room (twin beds). j Package cost for all five days: May 19 evening thru Wednesday afternoon is $100.00 (that is, $85.00 for Sunday thru Wednesday and $15.00 for Saturday evening option). Cost includes hotel, meals, transport, - etc. ( Package cost for only Sunday thru Wednesday is $85.00. | Package cost for weekend only is $35.00, including Sat. night at Hotel, Saturday 'evening supper, Banquet j Sunday and bus transport each day in Chicago and to and from Lemont. < Sunday Banquet & Cotillion only is $12.50 per person. (Included in Package.) Tuesday night Dinner— j Theatre tickets at $8.00. (Included in Package.) i j SATURDAY EVENING, MAY 19, 1973 We shall have our traditional Memorial Service for our beloved departed members of S.W.U. on Saturday evening at the Marija Pomagaj Shrine in Lemont, 111. All neighbors are invited also. Supper at the St. Francis . cf Assisi Convent will be at 6 p.m. for those who have reserved in advance or are included in the Package j payment. Candlelight Procession to the Grotto is at 8 p.m., gathering at the St. Mary's Seminary. The Fathers will lead the Marian Devotions and Singing Litany in Slovenian. j SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1973 Mass will be Con-celebrated by: Rev. C'aude Okorn, O.F.M. Spiritual Advisor of Slovenian Women's Union Greenfield, Wise. ) Sunday morning at 10:30 a.m., we will gather at the S.W.U. I OPEN HOUSE AT HOME OFFICE Home Office and form a parade to St. Stephen church, joining ■ representatives of local societies and members in Slovenian Na- i SOLEMN HIGH MASS I | Rev. James Wolf, O.F.M. Cap. i Vice-Postulator of the Cause of Bishop Baraga * representing Most Rev. Charles A. Salatka, Bishop of the Diocese of Marquette, Mich. Rev. Joseph Varga Postulator for the Cause of Bishop Slomšek I Cleveland, Ohio j Rev. Blaz Chemazar i Very Rev. Custos of the Slovenian Franciscan Fathers , Lemont, III. ♦ ' Rev. Thomas Hoge, O.F.M. ^ Pastor, St. Stephen Slovenian Catholic Church I Chicago, HI. I j The St. Stephen Choir under the director of Prof. Alfred Fisching^r and Mr. John Arko will sing Slovenian Marian j hymns appropriate to the month of May. \ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 28 ZARJA—THE DAWN SUNDAY, MAY 20, 1973 nmrvmii »rii nrii VTVDIiriVI hostess Branch 2 will serve Brunch to a n •s n FRANC G0R2E „ . , r Trt n * a V TTM T ^ % £ 'JDIA MIXED C5TY n n P'Y P.C. D J A V ~ 1003: -PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! - IF YOU MOVE, HERE'S WHAT VOU DO: Please fUl out this coupon and mail to the Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60608: Name: OLD Address: NEW Address: Br. no: Zipcode Zipcode AVE AFELY ggjfe 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES * 813 East 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills 26000 Lake Shore 7481 Center St. Mentor n ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MAIL KIT GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 Send $4.00 for your postpaid copy to: Mrs. Antonia Turek 98(5 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wirkliffe, Ohio 44092 A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 65 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 3, Ohio ŽELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST Company 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wieconsin LISTEN TO CHICAQO’S SLOVENIAN RADIO PROGRAM! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, HI. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOY1E 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688 wxmrs GCOfW The QCitcfan NEW 800 RECIPES! ALL KITCHEN- TESTED!