Informatica 33 (2009) 213-224 213 A Petri-Net Approach to Refining Object Behavioural Specifications King-Sing Cheung University of Hong Kong Pokfulam, Hong Kong E-mail : Paul Kai-On Chow City University of Hong Kong Tat Chee Avenue, Hong Kong E-mail : Keywords: Petri net, object-oriented system, object-oriented design, behavioural specification Received: April 12, 2008 In object-oriented system design, functional requirements are given and expressed as object interaction scenarios whereas implementation is based on classes of objects. One need to derive, from the given object interaction scenarios, object-based behavioural specifications which reflect exactly these object interaction scenarios for implementation purposes. In this paper, a Petri-net-based method is proposed for the refinement. It begins with specifying each object interaction scenario as a labelled Petri net with an AMG-structure. These labelled Petri nets are synthesised into a single integrated net which represents the integrated system. By making use of the special properties of the AMG-structure, the system can be effectively analysed on its liveness, boundedness, reversibility and conservativeness. Duplicate labels are then eliminated by fusing common subnets, so as to attain a uniquely labelled net on which individual object-based behavioural specifications are obtained as projections. Povzetek: Uporabljen je pristop Petrijevih mrež za objektne specifikacije. 1 Introduction In the past two decades, object orientation has been an influential discipline in software engineering1. According to the principles of object orientation, an object is an entity that encapsulates states and behaviours. A system is considered as a collection of objects which are interacting with others in order to accomplish the system functionalities. It can be abstracted in two aspects (structure and behaviour) and two levels (intra-object and inter-object) as shown in Figure 1 [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. Structurally, objects with the same attributes are grouped into classes while classes having common attributes are generalised to form an inheritance hierarchy. Objects exhibit different behaviours on interacting with others, thus demonstrating different object interaction scenarios. This paper investigates the behavioural aspect of objects. In object-oriented system design, the functional requirements of a system are given by the end-users as use cases - the typical cases of how a system can be used [10, 11]. These use cases are elaborated and expressed in terms of object interaction scenarios and specified as UML sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16]. We need to create, from the object interaction scenarios, object-based specifications 1This paper is an extended version of the authors' paper presented at the REFINE 2006 workshop. delineating the behaviours of individual objects for detailed system design and implementation. structural aspect behavioural aspect I I inter- object ^^ level Object Relationship inheritance hierarchy, association, aggregation (inheritance hierarchy structure) Object Interaction object interaction object collaboration (sequence diagram, collaboration diagram) Object Classification Object Lifecycle intra- class of objects, states, transition of states, object class attributes, state actions, activities level operations (statechart diagram, (class diagram, activity diagram) object diagram) Figure 1: An object-oriented system by aspects and abstraction levels. In this refinement process, at least the following problems have to be tackled. Specification constructs for object interaction scenarios being too primitive. Conventional specification constructs for object interaction scenarios lacks the formality for representing the pre-conditions and postconditions for each event occurrence. These are however essentially required in deriving the object behavioural specifications, where the conditions, events and their causal relationships need to be explicitly specified. 214 Informatica 33 (2009) 213-224 K.-S. Cheung Different abstractions between intra-object lifecycle and inter-object interaction. It is difficult to derive individual object behaviours (within a single object lifecycle) from the object interaction scenarios (among multiple objects) because of the difference in abstraction (intra-object versus inter-object). In the literature of object-oriented system design, there is a lack of systematic approaches to solving this problem satisfactorily. Difficulty in verifying the correctness of the object behavioural specifications. The object behavioural specifications so derived should be correct in the sense that they reflect exactly the given object interaction scenarios [4, 17, 18, 19, 20]. Without a formal method, one needs to go through all possible object interaction scenarios to ensure correctness of the specifications. The process is time-consuming. Lack of rigorous methods for analysing the system properties. One major objective in system design is to obtain a live, bounded and reversible system - liveness implies freeness of deadlocks, and boundedness implies absence of capacity overflows, while reversibility refers to recoverability. Without a rigorous analysis method, it is difficult for one to analyse whether the outcome system design is live, bounded and reversible. In the literature, there are only a few approaches or methods for deriving an object-based behavioural specifications from a given set of use cases or object interaction scenarios. Bordeleau proposed an approach which takes a traceable progression from use cases to the object-based state machines [21, 22]. Dano proposed an approach where the use cases are synthesised into a system design according to some mapping rules [23, 24]. However, these approaches solve only trivial issues. The system design cannot be rigorously analysed on its liveness, boundedness and reversibility. Moreover, they are themselves incomplete and insufficient in the sense that the derived object-based state machines may not reflect exactly the given use cases or object interaction scenarios. On the other hand, there are approaches or methods which derive a system from a given set of event traces or sequences. Graubmann proposed a method for constructing an elementary net system from a set of event traces [25]. The method is based on the dependence relation between events. A set of possible states and state transitions, which are compatible to the dependence relation, are deduced. Smith proposed a method for constructing a condition-event system from a set of occurrence nets based on the concept of quotient nets [26]. Hiraishi proposed a method for constructing a Petri net from a set of firing sequences [27]. In Hiraishi's method, a language is first identified from the firing sequences. Based on the dependency relation extracted from the language, a safe Petri net is created. Lee also proposed an approach for integration of use cases using constraint-based modular Petri nets [28]. However, without concepts of object-orientation, these approaches and methods cannot be applied to object-oriented system design. In this paper, based on Petri nets, we propose a method for refining a given set of object interaction scenarios into object-based behavioural specifications, where the above-mentioned problems can be resolved effectively. It involves the following steps : Step 1. Each object interaction scenario is specified as a labelled Petri net (labelled net) with an AMG-structure (i.e. structurally an augmented marked graph). Step 2. The labelled nets are synthesised into an integrated net which serves to represent the system. Based on the properties of AMG-structure, the system is analysed. Step 3. Duplicate labels are eliminated from the integrated net, while preserving the firing sequences (event sequences). Step 4. Individual object-based specifications are obtained as projections of the integrated net onto the objects. Figure 2 shows an overview of the proposed method. Figure 2: Overview of the proposed method. Our proposed method offers a number of distinctive features. Formal specification of object interaction scenarios. The object interaction scenarios are specified as unambiguous and semantically rich labelled nets. The partial orderings of events as well as the causal relationships between events and conditions are explicitly represented. Effective analysis on the essential system properties. The integrated system possesses an AMG-structure. By making use of the special properties of AMG-structure, the system can be effectively analysed on its liveness, boundedness, reversibility and conservativeness. A PETRI-NET APPROACH TO REFINING. Informatica 33 (2009) 213-224 215 Correctness of the derived specifications. Individual object behavioural specifications are rigorously derived from the object interaction scenarios through synthesis and projection. The specifications so obtained reflect exactly the given object interaction scenarios. Readiness for implementation purposes. In the specifications, every condition or event is uniquely represented so that they can be readily used for implementation purposes. The rest of this paper is organised as follows. Section 2 provides the preliminaries to be used in this paper. Section 3 introduces the AMG-structure, where augmented marked graphs and their properties are described. In Section 4, we show the formal specification of object interaction scenarios as labelled nets (Step 1 of the proposed method). In Section 5, we focus on synthesising the labelled nets into an integrated system, and analysing the system properties (Step 2 of the proposed method). Section 6 then presents an algorithm for eliminating duplicate labels from the integrated net (Step 3 of the proposed method). In Section 7, we show how individual object-based behavioural specifications are obtained as projections of the integrated net (Step 4 of the proposed method). Section 8 gives a real-life example for illustration. Section 9 concludes this paper. It should be noted that this paper primarily focus on refinement of object-based behavioural specifications -deriving individual object-based specifications from the object interaction scenarios. The structural aspect of an object-oriented system will not be investigated. 2 Preliminaries This section provides the preliminaries for readers who are not familiar with Petri nets [29, 30, 31, 32]. A place-transition net (PT-net) is a directed graph consisting of two sorts of nodes called places and transitions, such that no arcs connect two nodes of the same sort. Graphically, a place is denoted by a circle, a transition by a box, and an arc by a directed line. A Petri net is a PT-net with some tokens assigned to its places, and the token distribution over its places is denoted by a marking function. Definition 2.1. A place-transition net (PT-net) is a 4-tuple N = ( P. T. F. W ). where P is a set of places, T is a set of transitions, Fc(P x T) u (T x P) is a flow relation and W : F { 1, 2,... } is a weight function. N is said to be ordinary if and only if the range of W is { 1 }. An ordinary PT-net is usually written as < P, T, F >. Definition 2.2. Let N = < P, T, F, W ) be a PT-net. For x e (P u T), "x = { y | (y, x) e F } and x" = { y | (x, y) e F } are called the pre-set and post-set of x, respectively. For X = { \2. ..., xn } c (P u T), "X = Xj u x2 u ... u xn and X = xj u x2 u ... u xn are called the pre-set and post-set of X, respectively. Definition 2.3. For a PT-net N = < P, T, F, W >, a path is a sequence of nodes < x1; x2, ..., xn ), where (\,. x1+1) e F for i = 1, 2, ..., n-1. A path is said to be elementary if and only if it does not contain the same node more than once. Definition 2.4. For a PT-net N = ( P, T, F, W ), a cycle is a sequence of places ( pi, p2, ..., pn ) such that 3 ti, t2, ..., tn e T : ( pi, ti, p2, t2, ..., pn, tn ) forms an elementary path and (tn, p0 e F. Definition 2.5. For a PT-net N = ( P, T, F, W ), a marking is a function M : P —> { 0, 1, 2, ... } where M(p) is the number of tokens in p. (N, M0) represents N with an initial marking M0. Definition 2.6. For a PT-net N = ( P, T, F, W ), a transition t is said to be enabled at a marking M if and only if V p e *t : M(p) > W(p,t). On firing t, M is changed to M' such that V p e P : M'(p) = M(p) - W(p,t) + W(t,p). In notation, M [N,t> M' or M [t> M'. Definition 2.7. For a PT-net (N, M0), a sequence of transitions ct = (ti, t2, ..., tn) is called a firing sequence if and only if M0 [ti>... [tn) Mn. In notation, M0 [N,a> Mn or Mo [a) Mn. Definition 2.8. For a PT-net (N, M0), a marking M is said to be reachable if and only if there exists a firing sequence ct such that M0 [ct) M. In notation, M0 [N,*> M or M0 [*) M. [N, M0) or [Mo) represents the set of all reachable markings of (N, M0). Definition 2.9. Let N = < P, T, F, W ) be a PT-net, where P = { Pi, p2, ..., pm } and T = { t1; t2, ..., tn }. The incidence matrix of N is an m x n matrix V whose typical entry vj = W^tj) - W(tj,pO represents the change in number of tokens in pi after firing tj once, for i = 1, 2, ..., m and j = 1, 2, ..., n. Liveness, boundedness, safeness, reversibility and conservativeness are well known properties of Petri nets. Liveness implies deadlock freeness. Boundedness refers to the property that the system is free from any potential capacity overflow. Safeness and conservativeness are two special cases of boundedness. Reversibility refers to the capability of a system of being recovered or reinitialised from any reachable state. In general, liveness, boundedness and reversibility collectively characterise a robust or well-behaved system. Definition 2.10. For a PT-net (N, M0), a transition t is said to be live if and only if V M e [M0), 3M':M [*) M' [t). (N, Mo) is said to be live if and only if every transition is live. Definition 2.11. For a PT-net (N, M0), a place p is said to be k-bounded (or bounded) if and only if V M e [M0> : M(p) < k, where k > 0. (N, M0) is said to be k-bounded (or bounded) if and only if every place is k-bounded. Definition 2.12. A PT-net (N, Mo) is said to be safe if and only if every place is 1-bounded. Definition 2.13. A PT-net (N, M0) is said to be reversible if and only if V M e [M0): M [*) M0. Definition 2.14. A PT-net (N, M0) is said to be well-behaved if and only if it is live, bounded and reversible. Definition 2.15. A PT-net N = ( P, T, F, W ) is said to be conservative if and only if there exists a m-vector a > 0 such that aV = 0, where m = | P | and V is the incidence matrix of N. Figure 3 shows a PT-net (N, M0) which is live, bounded, safe, reversible and conservative. 216 Informatica 33 (2009) 213-224 K.-S. Cheung Figure 3. A live, bounded, safe, reversible and conservative PT-net. 3 AMG-structure and its properties AMG-structure refers to an augmented-marked-graph structure. In the literature, augmented marked graphs are not well known, as compared to other sub-classes of Petri nets such as free-choice nets [33]. However, they possess many special properties pertaining to liveness, boundedness and reversibility. This section introduces augmented marked graphs and their special properties. Definition 3.1 [34]. An augmented marked graph (N, M0; R) is an ordinary PT-net (N, M0) with a specific subset of places R, satisfying that : (a) Every place in R is marked by M0. (b) The net (N', M0') obtained from (N, M0; R) by removing the places in R and their associated arcs is a marked graph, (c) For each place r e R, there exist kr > 1 pairs of transitions Dr = { (tsi, thi), (ts2. %a),..., (tskr, thi:,} }, such that r* = { tsi, ts2, ..., tJcT and "r = { thi, th2.....thi:r | c T and that, for each (tsl. thl) e Dr, there exists in N' an elementary path pn connecting tsl to thl. (d) In (N1, M0'), every cycle is marked and no pn is marked. Figure 4 shows an augmented marked graph (N, M0; R), where R = { r1, r2 }. Definition 3.3. For a PT-net (N, M0), a set of places S is called a siphon if and only if "S c: S\ S is said to be minimal if and only if there does not exist any siphon S' in N such that S' c S. S is said to be empty at a marking M e [Mo) if and only if S contains no places which are marked by M. Definition 3.4. For a PT-net (N, M0), a set of places Q is called a trap if and only if Q" c "Q. Q is said to be maximal if and only if there does not exist any trap Q' in N such that Q c Q'. Q is said to be marked at a marking M e [M0> if and only if Q contains at least one place which is marked by M. Property 3.1 [34]. An augmented marked graph is live and reversible if and only if it does not contain any potential deadlock. (Note : A potential deadlock is a siphon which would eventually become empty.) Definition 3.5. For an augmented marked graph (N, M0; R), a minimal siphon is called an R-siphon if and only if it contains at least one place in R. Property 3.2 [35, 36]. An augmented marked graph (N, M0; R) is live and reversible if and only if no R-siphons eventually become empty. Property 3.3 [34, 35, 36]. An augmented marked graph (N, M0; R) is live and reversible if every R-siphon contains a marked trap. For the augmented marked graph (N, M0; R) shown in Figure 4, each R-siphon contains a marked trap. (N, M0; R) is live and reversible. Definition 3.6 [37]. Suppose an augmented marked graph (N, M0; R) is transformed into a PT-net (N1, M0') as follows. For each r e R, where Dr = { (tsi, thi)- (ts2, taX .... (ts|:i, th|:r> }, replace r with a set of places { q1; q2, ..., qi:r }, such that IVL/lq,! = M0[r] and q," = { ts | and "q = { thi } for i = 1, 2, ..., kr. (N', Mo') is called the R-transform of (N, M0; R). Property 3.4 [37]. Let (N', M0') be the R-transform of an augmented marked graph (N, M0; R). (N, M0; R) is bounded and conservative if and only if every place in (N', M0') belongs to a cycle. Figure 5 shows the R-transform (N', M0') of the augmented marked graph (N, M0; R) in Figure 4. (N', M0') is bounded, where every place belongs to a cycle. (N, M0; R) is bounded and conservative. Figure 4. An augmented marked graph. Definition 3.2. Let (N, M0) be a PT-net, where R = { rb r2, ..., rk } is the set of marked places such that "r, | > 0 and | r,' | > 0 for i = 1, 2, ..., k. (N, M0) is said to be of an AMG-structure if and only if (N, M0; R) is an augmented marked graph. t6 ( * )P1 Figure 5. The R-transform of the augmented marked graph in Figure 4. pi A PETRI-NET APPROACH TO REFINING. Informatica 33 (2009) 213-224 217 4 Specifying object interaction scenarios as labelled nets In this section, we show how an object interaction scenario can be formally specified as a labelled net with an AMG-structure (Step 1 of our proposed method). A labelled net is a Petri net, where labels are assigned to places and transitions. Usually, places are labelled by conditions to denote specific system substates where the conditions hold, and transitions by events to denote specific occurrences of the events. Definition 4.1. A labelled Petri net (or labelled net) is a 7-tuple N = < P, T, F, C, E, Lp, Lt), where < P, T, F ) is an ordinary PT-net, C is a set of condition labels, E is a set of event labels, Lp : P C is a function for assigning a condition label to every place, and Lt : T E is a function for assigning an event label to every transition. Definition 4.2. Let N = < P, T, F, C, E, Lp, Lt) be a labelled net. A place p is said to be uniquely labelled in N if and only if V p' e P : (Lp(p') = Lp(p)) => (p' = p). A transition t is said to be uniquely labelled in N if and only if V t' e T : (Lt(t') = Lt(t)) =i> (t' = t). N is said to be uniquely labelled if and only if all places and transitions are uniquely labelled. Figure 6 shows a typical labelled net. Places p3, p4, p5, p6, p9 and p10 are uniquely labelled, whereas p1, p2, p7 and p8 are not, as for example, condition label c1 appears in p1 and p7, and c2 in p2 and p8. Transitions t3, t4 and t5 are uniquely labelled, whereas t1, t2, t6 and t7 are not, as for example, event label e1 appears in t1 and t6, and e2 in t2 and t7. Therefore, the labelled net is not uniquely labelled. Step 1 of the proposed method is to specify the given object interaction scenarios as labelled nets with an AMG-structure. Consider an object-oriented system involving two objects, x and y, of classes X and Y respectively. There are three typical interaction scenarios exhibited by x and y, specified as UML sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams (BRJ99, RJB99) in Figure 7. In conventional UML sequence diagrams and collaboration diagrams, there are no formal notations for denoting the pre-condition and post-condition of each event occurrence in an object interaction scenario. Therefore, for an explicit representation of the causal relationship between events and conditions, appropriate condition labels are appended to these diagrams. Scenario 1 : Scenario 2 : Scenario 3 : 2 : e6 J 4 : e8 Vn : 2 : eio ¡4 : e„ Figure 6. A labelled net which is not uniquely labelled. For an object interaction scenario specified as a labelled net, the location where an event occurs is represented by a transition and the location of a condition by a place. The semantic meanings of conditions and events are denoted by the labels of the places and transitions respectively. For an event to occur, some conditions must be fulfilled in advance and some afterwards. These pre-conditions and post-conditions are represented by the pre-set and post-set of the transition representing the event. Figure 7. Object interaction scenarios in UML sequence diagrams and collaboration diagram. Figure 8 shows object interaction Scenarios 1, 2 and 3, specified as labelled nets (N1, M10), (N2, M20) and (N3, M30) respectively. They all are of AMG-structure. (N1, M10) is constructed for representing scenario 1 as follows. For each location of a condition, a new place with a proper condition label is created. For example, p11 denotes a location of condition c11 for object x, so condition label x.c11 is assigned to p11. For each event occurrence, a new transition with a proper event label is constructed. For example, t11 denotes an occurrence of event e1, so event label e1 is assigned to t11. The event occurrence has a pre-condition x.Cn and a post-condition x.Ci2. Hence, "tn = { pn } and tn* = { pi2 }. Arcs between p11 (pre-condition) and t11 and between t11 and p12 (post-condition) are appended for denoting their causal relationships. The rest locations of conditions and events are created accordingly. Following the same rules, (N2, M20) and (N3, M30) are constructed for representing scenarios 2 and 3, respectively. 4 : e es 218 Informatica 33 (2009) 213-224 K.-S. Cheung (N3, M30) Figure 8. Labelled nets representing the object interaction scenarios in Figure 7. 5 Synthesising and analysing the integrated system After specifying the object interaction scenarios as augmented marked graphs (Step 1 of the proposed method), we synthesise these scenarios into an integrated system. In principle, a scenario portrays partial system behaviours of how the objects are interacted in order to perform a specific functionality. These augmented marked graphs are essentially partial system behavioural specifications which are to be synthesised together to form a single coherent whole. This section describes Step 2 of our proposed method - the synthesis of labelled nets into an integrated net which represents the integrated system, and analysis of the system. The synthesis is based on the authors' earlier work on use-case-driven system design [38]. It is made by fusing those places with refer to the same system initial state or condition. The integrated net so obtained is of AMG-structure, so its liveness, boundedness, reversibility and conservativeness can be effectively analysed by making use of the special properties of augmented marked graphs. Consider the labelled nets (N1, M10), (N2, M20) and (N3, M30) in Figure 8. Places p11 in (N1, M10), p21 in (N2, M20) and p31 in (N3, M30) refer to the same condition x.c11. Also, places p15 in (N1, M10), p24 in (N2, M20) and p34 in (N3, M30) refer to the same condition y.c21. Hence, p11, p21 and p31 are fused into one place p41, and p15, p24 and p34 into p42. Figure 9 then shows the integrated net (N, M0) obtained after synthesising (N1, M10), (N2, M20) and (N3, M30). (N, M0) is of an AMG-structure, meaning that it is structurally an augmented marked graph (N, M0; R), where R = { p41, p42 }. Figure 9. The integrated net obtained by synthesising the labelled nets in Figure 8. For (N, M0; R), every R-siphon contains a marked place, and hence, would never become empty. According to Properties 3.2 and 3.3, (N, M0; R) is live and reversible. Since every place in its R-transform is covered by cycles, according to Property 3.4, (N, M0; R) is also bounded and conservative. Therefore, it can be concluded that the integrated system is well-behaved. 6 Eliminating duplicate labels from the integrated net Consolidating the object interaction scenarios, the integrated net obtained from Step 2 of the proposed method serves to represent the system as a coherent integrated whole. In general, this integrated net is not necessarily uniquely labelled. For the integrated net (N, M0) in Figure 9 for example, places p15 and p26 have the same condition label y.c22, and transitions t13 and t24 have the same event label e3. This reflects the fact that the locations or conditions for occurrence of the same event may be different at different moments within a scenario or among different scenarios. Yet, every condition is eventually implemented as a unique system substate and every event as a unique operation. Therefore, in order for the integrated net to be effectively used for implementation purposes, it need to be uniquely labelled where all the duplicate condition labels and duplicate event labels are eliminated. A PETRI-NET APPROACH TO REFINING. Informatica 33 (2009) 213-224 219 'y are The elimination cannot be done by just fusing places with the same condition label, and transitions with the same event label. This is because the resulting net may exhibit firing sequences different from the original ones. In other words, the system behaviours may be distorted. Step 3 of the proposed method is to eliminate all duplicate labels while preserving the original firing sequences (event sequences). This section describes this step in details. Definition 6.1. Let S be a uniquely labelled subnet of a labelled net N. The pattern of S in N, denoted as Patt(N, S), is a condition-event net with an identical structure and label allocation as S while ignoring the identities of places and transitions of S. Definition 6.2. Let Lx and Ly be patterns of subnets in a labelled net. Lx u Ly and Lx n Ly denote the union and intersection of Lx and Ly, respectively. Lx \ L, denotes the displacement of Lx from Ly. Lx and said to be disjoint if and only if Lx n Ly = 0. Definition 6.3. For a labelled net N, a uniquely labelled subnet S is called a common subnet if and only if there exists at least one uniquely labelled subnet S' such that S' * S and Patt(N, S') = Patt(N, S). Let S be a pattern of the common subnets in N. [N, L] = { S | Patt(N, S) = L } represents the group of common subnets having the same pattern L. Definition 6.4. For a subnet S = (P', T', F') of a PT-net, Pre(S) = CP'YT) u fT'\P') is called the pre-set of S, Post(S) = (P'*\T) u (T"\P') is called the post-set of S, Head(S) = Pre(S)' n (P' u T') is called the head of S, and Tail(S) = 'Post(S) n (P' u T') is called the tail of S. Definition 6.5. A subnet S of a PT-net N = < P, T, F) is said to be of PP-type if and only if Head(S) c P and Tail(S) c P. Figure 10 shows a uniquely labelled subnet S which is PP-type. Figure 11 shows the pattern of S. Figure 10. A uniquely labelled subnet S of a labelled net. Figure 11. Pattern of S of the labelled net in Figure 10. We propose to eliminate duplicate labels by fusion of common subnets, as outlined below. Identify groups of common subnets for fusion. These groups of common subnets need to be maximal and disjoint for two reasons. First, the net obtained after the fusion will become uniquely labelled. Second, the number of groups of common subnets for fusion can be reduced to minimum as they are maximal. Transformation of common subnets. For preservation of firing sequences, common subnets are transformed before fusion. Based on coloured Petri nets [39], a unique colour is assigned to each common subnet as colour labels of its ingoing and outgoing arcs. A token flowing into the common subnet is coloured according to the colour label of the ingoing arc. Its colour is reset as it flows out via the same colour-labelled outgoing arc. Besides, the subnets are converted to PP-type. Fusion of transformed common subnets. The transformed common subnets of each group are fused into a single subnet. A uniquely labelled net is ultimately obtained. The following algorithm formally describes the elimination process. A detailed elaboration of the elimination process can be found in the authors' earlier work [40]. Elimination of Duplicate Labels from a Labelled Net 1. Identify maximal disjoint groups of common subnets : 1.1 Find all possible common subnets from N. Let 3 = { Li, L2, ..., Ln} be their patterns. 1.2 Retain only the maximal patterns : Remove any L from 3 if there exists Lj e 3 such that Li is a sub-pattern of Lj and V Si e [N, L], 3 Sj e [N, Lj]: Si is a subnet of Sj. 1.3 Make the overlapping patterns disjoint: For every L, Lj e 3 such that L * Lj and L and Lj are not disjoint, set 3 = (3 - { Li, Lj}) u { L n Lj} u { Li\Lj} u { Lj\L }. 1.4 Categorise the common subnets of N into groups {[N, LJ, L e 3 }. 2. For each group of common subnets [N, L] : 2.1 Convert each subnet S e [N, L] if S is not of PP-type : 2.1.1 For each transition ti e Head(S) : (a) Create dummy transition V with unique label Ei, dummy place Pi' with label cpi, and arcs (V, Pi') and (pi', ti). (b) For each p e "ti : Remove arc (p, ti), and then create arc (p, ti'). (c) Re-define S by including pi' and (pi', ti). 2.1.2 For each transition tj e Tail(S) : (a) Create dummy transition tj" with unique label Sj, dummy place p' with label cpj, and arcs (tj, p') and (pj", tj'). (b) For each p e tj": Remove arc (tj, p), and then create arc (tj', p). (c) Re-define S by including pj and (tj, p'). 2.2 Assign a unique colour label k for each subnet S e [N, L] : 2.2.1 For each arc (ti, Pi) where ti e Pre(S) and Pi e Head(S): Assign colour label k to (ti, pi). 2.2.2 For each arc (p, tj) where p e Tail(S) and tj e Post(S): Assign colour label k to (pj, tj). 2.3 Fuse the common subnets in [N, L] into one single subnet. We apply the algorithm for eliminating the duplicate labels for the integrated net (N, M0) in Figure 9. Figure 12 shows the uniquely labelled net (N', M0') so obtained. 220 Informatica 33 (2009) 213-224 K.-S. Cheung ■21 I Sg | I31 ei |tn I_e5_| Î21 Ki\^->/KI2 (yc22)p44