©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at LJUBLJANA, DECEMBER 2004 Vol. 12, No. 2: 229-238 ADDITIONS AND CORRECTIONS TO THE CATALOGUE OF THE HETEROPTERA OF THE PALAEARCTIC REGION: TINGIDAE OF THE BALKAN PENINSULA Ljiljana PROTIČ Natural History Museum, P.O.Box 401, SCG-11000 Belgrade E-mail: protic.nhm@beotel.yu Abstract The Catalogue of the Palaearctic Heteroptera is supplemented with 32 overlooked records on the distribution of species of the family Tingidae. For 50 Tingid species the changes in political boundaries are considered. Key words: Heteroptera, Tingidae, Balkan Peninsula, Serbia and Montenegro, Distribution Izvleček DODATKI IN POPRAVKI KATALOGA STENIC PALEARKTIČNE REGIJE: TINGIDAE BALKANSKEGA POLOTOKA Katalogu palearktičnih stenic je dodanih 32 prezrtih podatkov o razširjenosti vrst iz družine Tingidae. Za 50 vrst so upoštevane spremembe državnih meja. Ključne besede: Heteroptera, Tingidae, Balkanski polotok, Srbija in Črna gora, razširjenost Introduction For the "3rd European Hemiptera Congress" I prepared a presentation on Tingidae of the Balkan Peninsula. While I was working in this topic, I came upon records on the distribution of species from the family Tingidae in the Balkan Peninsula, which were not included in the Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region (Aukema & Rieger 1996). Since the publication of the Catalogue there were changes in the region of former Yugoslavia, so wherever Yugoslavia was mentioned, I made the necessary changes. 229 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiez&6fr4iitlrtte>mologica slovenica, 12 (2), 2004 Results Species for which there are some additions and corrections regarding to the data published in the Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region (Aukema & Rieger 1996), are listed in Tab. 1. Tab. 1: Overlooked records and corrections in distribution of the Tingidae species in former Yugoslavia. Species Overlooked records Correction: instead of YU 1. Acalypta carinata (Panzer) SL 2. Acalypta gracilis (Fieber) SRB 3. Acalypta hellenica Reuter BH 4. Acalypta marginata (Wolff) SL SRB 5. Acalypta parvula (Fallen) BH, MC MTG 6. Acalypta platycheila (Fieber) SL SRB 7. Acalypta pulchra Stusäk BH 8. Agramma atricapillum (Spinola) MTG, SRB 9. Agramma confusum Puton SRB 10. Agramma minutum Horväth SRB 11. Agramma ruficorne (Germar) SL 12. Campylosteira bosnica Horväth SRB 13. Campylosteira ciliata (Fieber) AL, BH, SRB 14. Campylosteira orientalis Horväth MTG 15. Campylosteira verna (Fallen) SL MTG 16. Catoplatus anticus Reuter BH 17. Catoplatus carthusianus (Goeze) CR MTG, SRB 18. Catoplatus crassipes (Fieber) SRB 19. Catoplatus fabricii (Stäl) CR, SRB 20. Catoplatus horvathi (Puton) SRB 21. Catoplatus nigriceps Horväth MC SRB 22. Copium clavicome (Linnaeus) CR MTG, SRB 23. Copium teucrii teucrii (Host) BH MTG, SRB 24. Corythuca ciliata Say MTG, SRB 25. Derephysia foliacea Fallen BH MTG, SRB 26. Dictyla convergens (Herrich-Schaeffer) - 27. Dictyla echii (Schrank) MTG, SRB 28. Dictyla humuli (Fabricius) SRB 29. Dictyla lupuli (Herrich-Schaeffer) SRB 30. Dictyla nassata (Puton) BH, MTG 31. Dictyla platyoma (Fieber) SRB 32. Dictyla rotundata (Herrich-Schaeffer) AL SRB 230 L. Protic: Additions and corrections to the Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the palaearctic region: Tingidae of the Balkan peninsula 33. Dictyonota strichnocera Fieber SRB 34. Elasmotropis testaceus (Herrich-Schaeffer) SRB 35. Galeatus affinis (Herrich-Schaeffer) SRB 36. Hyalochiton komaroffi (Jakovlev) CR 37. Hyalochiton syrmiensis (Horvath) SRB 38. Kalama aethiops (Horvath) MTG 39. Kalama henschi (Puton) SL 40. Kalama lugubris (Fieber) CR, MC SRB 41. Kalama tricomis (Schrank) MTG, SRB 42. Lasiacantha capucina piligera (Garbiglietti) MTG, SRB 43. Lasiacantha gracilis (Herrich-Schaeffer) CR SRB 44. Lasiacantha hevmani Vasarhelyi SRB 45. Monosteira unicostata (Mulsant & Rey) BH SRB 46. Oncochila scapularis (Fieber) SRB 47. Oncochila simplex (Herrich-Schaeffer) BH SRB 48. Physatocheila confinis Horvath SRB 49. Physatocheila costata (Fabricius) BH, CR, MC 50. Physatocheila dumetorum (Herrich-Schaeffer) AL MTG, SRB 51. Stephanitis oberti (Kolenati) ? ? 52. Stephanitis pyh (Fabricius) SRB 53. Tingis (Neolasiotropis) marrubi Vallot MTG 54. Tingis 0Neolasiotropis) pauperata (Puton) ? ? 55. Tingis (Neolasiotropis) pilosa Hummel SRB 56. Tingis (Tropidocheila) maculata (Herrich-Schaeffer) CR, SL SRB 57. Tingis (Tropidocheila) ragusana (Fieber) BH, SL SRB 58. Tingis (Tropidocheila) reticulata (Herrich-Schaeffer) MTG, SRB 59. Tingis (Tropidocheila) trichonota (Puton) CR 60. Tingis (Tingis) ampliata (Herrich-Schaeffer) SRB 61. Tingis (Tingis) angustata (Herrich-Schaeffer) SRB 62. Tingis (Tingis) auriculata (Costa) BH MTG, SRB 63. Tingis (Tingis) cardui (Linnaeus) MTG, SRB 64. Tingis (Tingis) crispata (Herrich-Schaeffer) CR SRB 65. Tingis (Tingis) elongata (Fieber) SRB 66. Tingis (Tingis) grisea Germar SRB Total number 32 50 Remarks on the species Within further text, the Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region (Aukema & Rieger 1996) is mentioned abbreviated as Catalogue, Yugoslavia as YU. 231 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiez&6fr4iitlrtte>mologica slovenica, 12 (2), 2004 1. Acalypta carinata (Panzer, 1806) At the territory of former YU it was recorded only in Slovenia (Gogala & Moder 1960); that was not mentioned in the Catalogue. 2. Acalypta gracilis (Fieber, 1844) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Horvath 1897). 3. Acalypta hellenica Reuter, 1888 Bosnia-Herzegovina should be added. Pericart (1983) assigned localities from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Metkovic: Dracevo and Domanovici, for Croatia by mistake. 4. Acalypta marginata (Wolff, 1804) Records for Slovenia (Gogala & Moder 1960) were overlooked. Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 5. Acalypta parvula (Fallen, 1807) Records for Bosnia-Herzegovina and Macedonia were overlooked (Kormilev 1936, Protic 1990). Instead of YU, it should read Montenegro (Protic 1998). 6. Acalypta platycheila (Fieber, 1844) Records for Slovenia were overlooked (Protic 1990). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia, the locality Ruma (Pericart 1983). 7. Acalypta pulchra Stusak, 1961 Records were overlooked for Bosnia-Herzegovina, the locality Stolac (Pericart 1983). 8. Agramma atricapillum (Spinola, 1837) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998). 9. Agramma confusum Puton, 1879 Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 2004a). The collection by Nikola Kormilev (Protic 1998) includes specimens from the territory of Serbia, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Slovenia, which were identified as Agramma laetum (Fallen). Revision of these specimens proved that they belong actually to the species A. confusum (Puton). 10. Agramma minutum Horvath, 1874 Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 11. Agramma ruficorne (Germar, 1835) Slovenia should be added (Gogala & Moder 1960; Gogala & Gogala 1986, 1989) 12. Campylosteira bosnica Horvath, 1892 Serbia should be added. Locality Uvac was assigned to Bosnia-Herzegovina (Protic 232 L. Protic: Additions and corrections to the Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the palaearctic region: Tingidae of the Balkan peninsula 1998) by mistake. Collector was Dr Andreas Hensch, entomologist who was on duty in Serbia (Uvac, Ruma). 13. Campylosteira ciliata (Fieber, 1844) Records for Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Serbia were overlooked (Protic 2004a). 14. Campylosteira orientalis Horvath, 1881 Records for Montenegro were overlooked (Horvath 1906). 15. Campylosteira verna (Fallen, 1826) Records for Slovenia were overlooked (Gogala & Moder 1960, Protic 1998). Instead of YU, it should read Montenegro (Protic 1998). 16. Catoplatus anticus (Reuter, 1880) Records for Bosnia-Herzegovina were overlooked (Protic 2004a). 17. Catoplatus carthusianus (Goeze, 1778) Records are known for Croatia (Horvath 1891, Novak & Wagner 1951) and Macedonia (Kormilev 1936). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998). 18. Catoplatus crassipes (Fieber, 1861) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). Locus typicus of this species is in Serbia (Fieber 1861). 19. Catoplatus fabricii (Stal, 1868) Records for Croatia were overlooked (Horvath 1906). New data for Serbia (Protic 2003). 20. Catoplatus horvathi (Puton, 1878) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 21. Catoplatus nigriceps Horvath, 1905 Macedonia should be added (Protic 1998). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 22. Copium clavicorne (Linnaeus, 1758) Croatia should be added (Protic 1998). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998). 23. Copium teucrii teucrii (Host, 1788) Bosnia-Herzegovina should be added (Protic 1998, 2004a). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998, 2003). 233 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entomologica slovenica, 12 (2), 2004 24. Corythuca ciliata Say, 1832 Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998). 25. Derephysia foliacea (Fallen, 1807) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998). 26. Dictyla convergens (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) YU should be omitted. Croatia is included, and that was the only state of former Yugoslavia where this species was recorded (Horväth 1897). 27. Dictyla echii (Schrank, 1782) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998). 28. Dictyla humuli (Fabricius, 1794) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 29. Dictyla lupuli (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1837) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 30. Dictyla nassata (Puton, 1874) Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro should be added (Protic 1998, 2004a). 31. Dictyla platyoma (Fieber, 1861) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 32. Dictyla rotundata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Albania should be added (Protic 2004a). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 33. Dictyonota strichnocera Fieber, 1844 Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998). 34. Elasmotropis testaceus (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1830) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 35. Galeatus affinis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 36. Hyalochiton komaroffi (Jakovlev, 1880) Croatia should be added to the Catalogue. Instead of YU, it should read Croatia, as the only sites in former YU where this species was recorded are Grljevac and Povlja in Croatia, cited by Pericart (1983). 234 L. Protic: Additions and corrections to the Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the palaearctic region: Tingidae of the Balkan peninsula 37. Hyalochiton syrmiensis (Horvath, 1897) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Horväth 1897). 38. Kalama aethiops (Horvath, 1905) Instead of YU, it should read Montenegro (Protic 1998). 39. Kalama henschi (Puton, 1892) Slovenia should be added to the Catalogue (Gogala & Moder 1960) 40. Kalama htgubris (Fieber, 1861) Croatia and Macedonia new data for the Catalogue (Protic 1998). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia. Locus typicus of this species is in Serbia (Fieber 1861). 41. Kalama tricornis (Schrank, 1801) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998). 42. Lasiacantha capucina piligera (Garbiglietti, 1869) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998). 43. Lasiacantha gracilis (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1830) Croatia should be added (Horvath 1907). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 44. Lasiacantha hermani Vasarhelyi, 1977 Instead of YU, it should read Serbia: Deliblato 07.1898, paratype (Vasarhelyi 1977). 45. Monosteira unicostata (Mulsant & Rey, 1852) Bosnia-Herzegovina should be added (Protic 2004a). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 46. Oncochila scapularis (Fieber, 1844) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 47. Oncochila simplex (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1830) Bosnia-Herzegovina should be added (Protic 1998, 2004a). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 48. Physatocheila confinis Horvath, 1905 Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 49. Physatocheila costata (Fabricius, 1794) YU should be omitted. Croatia and Macedonia should be added (Protic 1998). 235 ©Slovenian Entomological Society, download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acta entomologica slovenica, 12 (2), 2004 50. Physatocheila dumetorum (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Albania should be added (Protic 2004a). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Csiki 1940) and Montenegro (Schumacher 1914). 51. Stephanitis oberti (Kolenati, 1857) The Catalogue mentions YU but I have no data on records of this species in the region of former Yugoslavia. Pericart (1983) doubts the citations by Stichel (19581962). 52. Stephanitis pyri (Fabricius, 1775) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 53. Tingis (Neolasiotropis) marrubi Vallot, 1829 Instead of YU, it should read Montenegro: Morakovo-Bjelosevina [CN43] (Pericart 1983). 54. Tingis CNeolasiotropis) pauperata (Puton, 1879) The Catalogue mentions YU but I have no data on records of this species in the region of former Yugoslavia. The data were probably transcribed from Stichel (1958-1962). 55 Tingis 0Neolasiotropis) pilosa Hummel, 1825 Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 56. Tingis (Tropidocheila) maculata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Instead of YU, it should read Croatia (Horväth 1891), Serbia (Horväth 1897), Slovenia (Gogala & Moder 1960). 57. Tingis (Tropidocheila) ragusana (Fieber, 1861 Bosnia-Herzegovina should be added (Protic 1998, 2004a). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 58. Tingis (Tropidocheila) reticulata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998). 59. Tingis (Tropidocheila) trichonota (Puton, 1874) Croatia should be added (Pericart 1983). The Catalogue mentions Slovenia. If this record is from Pericart (1983), then it is actually for Croatia where the published locality (Rijeka) is situated. 60. Tingis (Tingis) ampliata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 61. Tingis (Tingis) angustata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Fieber 1861). 236 L. Protic: Additions and corrections to the Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the palaearctic region: Tingidae of the Balkan peninsula 62. Tingis (Tingis) auriculata (Costa, 1847) Bosnia-Herzegovina should be added. Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998). 63 Tingis (Tingis) cardui (Linnaeus, 1758) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia and Montenegro (Protic 1998, 2004a). 64. Tingis (Tingis) crispata (Herrich-Schaeffer, 1838) Croatia should be added (Horväth 1897). Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). 65. Tingis (Tingis) elongata (Fieber, 1861) Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). Locus typicus of this species is in Serbia (Fieber 1861). 66. Tingis (Tingis) grisea Germar, 1835 Instead of YU, it should read Serbia (Protic 1998). Conclusions For the region of former Yugoslavia 76 species of the Tingidae family were recorded. This paper presents corrections and additions to the distribution of 66 species recorded in the territory of former Yugoslavia. The Catalogue is supplemented with 32 overlooked records on the distribution of species of the family Tingidae. For 50 species changes in distribution are noted that result from changes in political boundaries since 1990. References Aukema, B., Rieger, Ch., 1996: Catalogue of the Heteroptera of the Palaearctic Region, 2: 1-222. The Netherlands Entomological Society. Csiki, E., 1940: Felszärnyurovarok. Hemipteren. Csiki Ernöällatanikutatäsai Albäniabän. Explorationes zoologicaeab E. Csiki in Albaniaperactae 17. A Magyar Tudomänios Akademia Balkän-kutatäsainaktudomänios Eredmenyei, Budapest 1: 289-315. Fieber, F. X., 1861: Die europäischen Hemipteren.- Druck und Verlag von Carl Gerold's Sohn. Wien. Gogala, A., Gogala, M., 1986: Check list of bug species recorded in Slovenia (Insecta: Heteroptera). Biol. Vestn. 34: 21-52. [Slovenian w. English sum.]. 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