mn \ tft' fh a /nt xaf ai JBiiriM/ \'fft / f/l - f ^.g • Sja ^ Jf Jjf m S $Zg/k »»#£& J® vkw* JntSž/A~- -v a?/i / / swF SLtrfm tM* xMmvuS «*Fw» sm* ty KafiwimfMwMmIL. \' 'n' WE ' ^f / ;: y H(j \ \ JhFW I Ur-H-l/ //ZZ//// \ jm? m \yfiSm/\i?>f / Z ZJZZf/ f\l f rV / /7V_/ / /.«0K3s»^ !VHr*-M^o::*.r*,n.AAv*»fiAw^ . ' £____.iMiHMir; *wre-dMy»^*y p?.nraHr»*^N»*mr*iWflt^^ >1IWIII>:’^ ill \ Vxss^t \ l'T~r-r^rTi s i F*lfl v\ \ V\\v \ \ \ 1 i \ vlil *\\\\\\\m \ \ I \yfil \\\\\V \v 11 f)K I A v \W\\ \>>J /In! v\lffi\i ^ im ill \ \\\\\'A'A\ \ 11 vil v\\ ' \\\v\ I I ' 1 S mVrn ! IJ K P I O N E fc R I i \ ti Mrs. Josephine Racic j,« Mrs. Josephine Rafclc, our former Supreme Secretary, devoted almost ten years of good service In our Headquarters, which will always > be a .credit to our SWU.. Official UBLICmiON, 'of the Slovenian Womens Union of America £1WiV*, VySiiiinlier .10 l]pu»' »rž jrr----------------- at s> «&* s OCTOBER, 1951 Volume 23 wife II m« R H If LAA sJi * National Cou The Catholic Aueoc for i i i Spkjrttafcl Adviaor - Itev.. Matthew F. Kebe .., £23 - 57tb. St., Pittsburgh, Ha. JfQnndcT-'HGtxonkJT President— Marie Pvlsland . 1034 XMllingham Ax*,, 8hebf>y3an. Wls. President.-— Albina Novak ....................... 2073. Broadview Bd., Cleveland 9. Ohio 1. Vico-PresMert -—Josephine Livek ......................... 331 Sflm Street, Oglesby, IlMnoli* S. Vl«vPree)Ci*ot— Mary Tomsic ........................ BOx 202, Strabano, Penna. S. Vleo-Preaident — Axuxa Pachak .................... 2Q0S Oakland St, Pueblo, .Colo^lo I. VlcO’Fresldent — Mary Golik.............. e. 3018 Gantenbeln Street, Portland. Orsgoa p, Vice-President —- Mary Urbas ...................838 E. liiCtti St., ClevelariU 10. Ohio 8;' Vlao-Preeldeat —•'Barbara Rosandich . ....... M« B. Chapman St,.®ly; Minnesota Seeretiry — Josephine Erjavec ... . ........ 627 North Chicago Street, Joliet, 11 linotB Treasurer — Josephine Muster ........................... 714 Raub Street, Jollet, I)lino!s AUDITING COMMITTEE!: President — Mary LenlcJa .......................... «09 Jones Street, Eveleth, Minnesota Auditor Josephine Zeieinikar ....................... 2046 W. 23rd Street, Chicago, Illinois Auditor — Starin ............................ lf814 Dillewood Road, Cleveland 1#, Ohio ADVISORY COMMITTEE: President Trances Suse! ■ ' ................. 16900 Holmes Avenue, Cleveland 10, Ohio Helen Corel \................................. 67 Scholes Street, Brooklyn, New York Rose 2205 Burtea St., Warren, Ohio TOUTH AND RECREATION COMMITTEE: , Joeepklae fitamic . ................................ 81 No. Chicago -Street, Joliet, Illinois Kvely* Kriaay ...................................... . 13 — 2»tti Street, »arberton, Ohio Mary TfcaMor* .......................... 251» — 4th Aveaae, Bibbing. Minnesota J^ira Tarkut .. , • ill* Aveane L, So. Chleago 17, Illinois Mary J. Saasek ........................................ • • • CTatrersal, Pennsylvania MANAGING BDITOR — Albina Novak ...... 2*Vj Broadview Rd„ Cleveland », Ohio ZARJA-THE DAWN URADNO OLASILO 8LOVENSK.E ŽENSKE ZVEZE V AMERIKI OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION OF AMERICA PUBLISHED MONTHLY — IZHAJA VSAK MESEC Annual Subscription 8&90 — NareAnia* fLM Mu* For IWUA member« $,1.20 annually — Za ilanlee 8ŽZ $1.80 letne Publisher, “Zarja”, 1637 Allport St., Chicago 8, 111. :V ! * Managing Mltor Albina Novak Sdltorlal Otflee: 207» Broadview Rd„ Clovalaad », Ohio Telephone SHadyaide 11222 "Entered as second class matter NoYetnber 13, 1946, at the post office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912.” AU oomasunlcatlons for publication must be In the hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month for the next issue and must be Indorsed by the writer. If typewnue use double-space and If hand written use ink. Write plainly, especially narfes, and on one side of paper only. Vsi dopisi morajo biti v rokah urednico do 10. v mesecu sa prihodnjo l*dajo in podpisani po pisateljici. Pliite s črnilom ln samo na eno stran papirja. Pri imenm parite, da so razločno pisana. LETO XXIII — ST. 10 OKTOBER, 1951 VOL. XXIII. — No. 10 KAMPANJA V SPOMIN 25 LET OBSTOJA SŽZ SE ZAKLJUČI V DECEMBRU na Častnem mestu so sledeče podružnice in agitatorke: Podružnica: Št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio 22 13 35 Št. 2, Chicago, 111. 25 8 33 Št. 95, South Chicago, 111. 19 13 32 Št. 55, Girard, Ohio 11 12 23 Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. 7 6 13 Št. 84, New York, New York 3 12 Št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. 7 4 11 Št. 20, Joliet, 111. 4 7 11 Št. 27, North Braddock, Pa. 11 11 Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. 7 3 10 Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. 4 9 Št. 10, Cleveland, Ohio 4 5 9 Št. 24, LaSalle, 111. 8 1 9 Št. 14, Cleveland, Ohio 3 5 8 št. 61, Braddock, Pa. 5 3 8 Št. 63, Denver, Colo. 6 2 8 Št. 89, Oglesby, 111. 6 2 8 Št. 5, Indianapolis, Ind. 3 4 7 St. 15, Cleveland, Ohio 5 2 7 St. 19, Eveleth, Minn. 2 5 7 Št. 57, Niles, Ohio 5 2 7 Št. 102, Willard, Wis. 5 2 7 Št. 21, Cleveland, Ohio 1 5 6 Št. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. 3 3 6 Št. 38, Chisholm, Minn. 3 3 6 St. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. 3 3 6 St. 23, Ely, Minn. 4 1 5 St. 53, Brooklyn, Ohio 3 2 5 Vse druge Agitatorke: 59 Razred 36 94 A ali B Mlad. Skupaj Mary Otoničar (25) 18 11 29 Mary Tomazin (2) 14 6 20 Pauline Stanley (95) 7 11 18 Mary Markezich (95) 11 2 13 Ursula Pierce (27) 11 11 Angela Voie (84) 8 3 11 Mary Ann Mehalco (55) 9 9 Clara Foys (2) 7 — 7 Angela Strukel (24) 7 7 Anna Sterle (71) 6 1 7 Johanna Artac (102) 5 2 7 Anna Pachak (3) 4 2 6 Julia Zupančič (5) 3 3 6 Frances Mule (61) 3 3 6 Theresa Zagožen (1) 2 3 5 Helen Vodnik (12) 1 4 5 Mary Oblak (53) 3 2 5 Angelina Andolshek (63) 3 2 5 Josephine Livek (89) 3 2 5 Vse druge Razred A Razred B Mladinskih Do 31. avgusta pristopilo 138 131 123 159 413 članic 93 231 IZ ŽIVLJENJA STEDIMO ZA ŽIVLJENJE — ZDAJ! DVE nevarnosti nam pretiti, vojna ter inflacija s svojo hčerko depresijo.. Ali je vojna za obzorjem ali ne, tega nihče ne ve, niti naša niti ruska vlada; ena in druga namreč zagotavlja svet o svoji miroljubnosti, dasi v isti sapi tudi ena drugo tožiti za odgovornost "preteče vojne”. Henry Taylor, urednik, književnik, proučevalec svetovnih razmer, ki točasno potuje po Evropi, in Lowell Thomas, ki se je ravnokar vrnil iz Evrope potom Južne Amerike, oba poročata, da v Evropi nihče ne govori o vojni nevarnosti. Taylor naravnost opozarja obrambni značaj ruskega orožja v vshodni Nemčiji in drugod po Evropi. Svoja poročila črpa iz uradnih izvidniških obvestil, kakor iz privatnih virov. Pravi, da švicarski trgovci in bankirji redno obiskujejo Rusijo po svojih trgovskih poslih. Enake vesti prihajajo tudi iz Anglije, čeprav se Anglija istočasno obo-rožuje. — Prigovarja se, z druge strani: Toda Rusija vzdržuje večmiljonsko armado; je toraj pripravljena na vojno. Komur je znana ruska zgodovina v tem pogledu, se bo spomnil, da je Rusija skozi vso carsko zgodovino vzdrževala miljonske armade v mirnem času, da toraj boljševiki le nadaljujejo staro prakso, kar se tiče številčnosti njih armade. Oboroževanje na njih strani je druga moka. Če ne bo vojne, zakaj se pa Amerika pripravlja? Amerika se oborožuje, ker tako zahteva zdrava mednarodna politika. Odkar je po drugi svetovni vojni Amerika raspustila svoje armade, je prevagovala ruska orožna sila, vsled česar je prišla vsa mednarodno politika iz ravnotežja. Ameriška oborožitev bo vspostavila ravnotežje sile, da bo imela pravica zopet mesta na soncu. Žalostno toda rasnično je namreč dejstvo, da je "pravica” še vedno strani močnejših bataljonov. Dokler so si sile enake, se ne bodo spopadle, ker bi ne imela nobena zagotovila zmage; posebno sedanja Rusija ne bo hotela tvegati vsega, kar si je s toliko krvjo pridobila, niti bodo sedanji vladarji stavili na kocko svoj obstanek in svoja življenja. Njim, ruskim vladarjem, gre pri tem ne le za izgubo časti, pač pa za golo življenje. Nihče sicer ne ve, do česa bo prišlo, vendar bi mogli iz navedenega posneti, da vojne ne bo, izven, če bi se načela po neprevidnosti z ene ali druge strani. Inflacija je za nas veliko bolj pereča nevarnost, ker je že pri nas, ker še vedno raste, ker bo svoj čas nujno rodila hčerko, katere ime bo depresija. Inflacija je velika obilnost denarja v širokih plasteh ljudstva, ki kupuje vsemogoče stvari, kar potrebuje In česar mu ni treba, ter tako draži vse, kar je naprodaj. Prva posledica inflacije je toraj čezmerna draginja. Dve vrsti inflacije bi mogli navesti: Denarja in cene. Inflacija denarja bi nastala, ako bi državna zakladnica tiskala več papirnih novčanic, kakor jih more isplačati v kovini. Po prvi svetovni vojni sem videl nemški denarni certifikat za biljon mark, tiskan samo na eni strani. Denarne vrednosti ni imel niti enega ameriškega centa. To je inflacija denarja. Druga inflacija pride pri cenah ob ■dobrem denarju. — Cena raste: 1) Potom zvišanja profita ob starih proizvodnih stroških. To je mogoče le pri monopolu, ker sicer konkurenca med producenti skrbi za zmerne cene. 2). Potom nezadostnega proizvoda, ki ga hoče občinstvo za vsako ceno imeti. Lansko leto se je meso podražilo, ker je "prihajalo premalo živine na sejm.” Automobili so se podražili tudi zato., ker jih Detroit ni mogel dovolj izdelati za vse kupce. Volnena roba se je podražila, ker je vojna uprava prevzela večji del volne. itd. 3). Potom poviška proizvodnih stroškov. Koliko denarja je treba preden pride izdelan železni ali jekleni komad v kupčeve roke! Treba je organizirati ■družbo-kompanijo deničarjev, ki bodo v zameno za delnice pri podjetju zložili potrebni začetni kapital, da se omogoči nakup polja železne rude, do katere je treba speljati železnico; na licu mesta postaviti potrebna poslopja, delavska stanovanja; napeljati vodo, urediti električne naprave; postaviti kupljene stroje; rudo kopati, mleti, nakla- dati, prevažati do plavžev; rudo razlagati, dvigati v plavže, za kar je treba dodatnega materijala in predvsem kuriva; plavže je treba večkrat prezidati, včasi iznova postavljati. V železnarni so potrebni najrazličnejši, večinoma dragi stroji. Skozi koliko rok in strojev prejde izčiščeno železo predno bo prelito v poljubne oblike, kaljeno v razne vrste jekla ter končno oblikovano v žaželjene kose, ki odgovarjajo svrhi, za kar je bilo železo ali jeklo naročeno. Koliko rok in strojev je treba za izdelavo vsakega stroja, automobila, lokomotive, strojne puške, šivalnega stroja, vilic, nožev in žlic, in za kaj še vse. Izgotovljene stvari je treba razvažati na vse strani, rasprodati v trgovine, za kar so potrebni agenti, cela nadstropja u-radnikov, pisarjev, vsakovrstnega drugega osobja. Vse te ogromne naprave, vsa mašinerija, vse delo mora biti pla-čano predno bo iskazalo prvi dobiček. Koliko takega dobička pa bo vzelo, da se isplačajo delnice ter pokaže vsaj nekaj obresti na vloženi denar. Toda prvotni stroški niso ostali na isti višini. Dražiti se je začel živež, ker kmetje ob starih cenah niti davkov niso zmagovali. Prišlo je do vojne. Vlada je silila poljedelce in živinorejce na čim večji pridelek zrnja in mesa. Farmerji so si nabavili poljsko strojno orodje, traktorje, troke, gasolin, olje; nakupili so umetnih gnojil. Živinorejci so začeli tržno živino bolj negovati, pitati; kupovati so začeli razen drob od farmerjev in mlinarjev. Posledica je bila, da sta morala oba, farmer in živinorejec ceno svojim pridelkom kar nadebelo zvišati. Tvorniški delavec, železničar, premogar, rudar, vsak delavec, ves narod je zaječal pod udarcem. Delavstvo je zahtevalo višje mezde in jih tudi dobilo. Industrijalec je podražil svoje proizvode. Vse bi bilo dobro, le farmer in živinorejec sta morala začeti plačevati zvišane cene za vse potrebne industrijske stvari. Kaj naj storita? Zvišala sta iznova ceno svojim pridelkom. Delavec je vprašal za ponovno zvičanje plače — tvorničar je dvignil ceno svojim izdelkom. Kmet, delavec, industrijec zahtevajo vedno več in več denarja, ker eden drugemu dražijo svoje pridelke, izdelke, in delo. Cel vrtinec je nastal. Nikogar nemoremo dolžiti, priznati moramo vsakemu večje dohodke v pokritje večjih stroškov; tako je pošteno. Toda, tako raste inflacija. Inflacija sama na sebi je prijetna; vsak ima rad več denarja, čeprav mora več odštevati. To ni teško, saj ima iz česa plačevati. Inflacija je pogubonosna, kadar se porodi njena hčerka, depresija. Inflacija in njene cene niso naravne, ne odgovarjajo resnični vrednosti. Ostala bo dokler bo denarja, ki bo plačeval njene pretirane cene. Denar bo pošel, kadar bodo končali z nujnim delom oboroževanja doma in na tujem. Eni pravijo, da bo to gotovo že leta 1952, drugi, večina, da bo oboroževanje dovršeno 1954. Prej ali slej bo prišel čas, ko industrije! ne bodo mogli več plačevati visokih proizvodnih stroškov, vrnili se bodo na polje konkurence, kjer se vpraša, kdo bo bolj poceni izdeloval, da bo mogel cenejše prodajati. V ta namen pride znižanje proizvodnih stroškov najprej v poštev. Ako ne bo mogoče znižati stroškov, bodo počakali z delom. Niti farmer niti živinorejec ne bosta hotela v izgubo delati. Tako bo delo počivalo. Začetek depresija bo na pragu. Tedaj bodo začeli plantati naši prihranki, kdor jih bo imel. Poskrbimo zdaj, da jih bomo imeli takrat. Do sedaj je kongres malo storil za omejitev inflacije. Vlada nas vabi k nakupovanju državnih bondov, toraj šte-dimo naj. Kongres je do neke mere omejil kredite, enakomerno, producentom, trgovcem in kupcem. Kajti nei-splačljivi dolgovi bi mnoge porinili v prepad, ki bi mogli sicer se životariti. Zvezni kongres je odobril visoke davke, ki povlečejo precej denarja iz prometa, vsaj začasno, kar pomeni, da se obtok denarja vsaj zvišal ni. Četrti in direktni način omejitve inflacije je ustanovitev ustalitev cene življenjskih in proizvodnih stroškov, toraj tudi delavskih plač. Vlada potrebuje denarja za oboroževanje doma in na tujem v svrho, da pride orožna sila sveta zopet v ravno- Zvezine odlične članice TZ'O je svoj urad nastopila sedajna glavna tajnica, sva osnovali takozvani članski Častni red. Ta red nam omogoči zasledovati delavnost, v razvoj Zveze zainteresiranih članic. Glavna tajnica vsak mesec točno kreditira nove članice dotični, ki jih je pridobila. Seznam je sestavljen od prvega meseca Zvezinega obstoja do danes. Na ta način imamo na rokah vsak čas točen pregled novopristopilih, s tem pa tudi imenik aktivnih članic. Zveza ima lepo vrsto odličnih delavk, ki so tekom let pridobile skoro neverjetno število novih. Radi omejenega prostora in pa, ker bo po končani sedajni kampanji gl. tajnica itak priobčila celoten seznam Častnega reda, bom jaz predstavila le prvih 15 odličnih članic, ki so: Odrastlih Mladinskih Skupno Mary C. Terlep. Bivša blagajničarka pod št. 20 v Jolietu. Trikratna zaporedna konven- čna kraljica. Pridobila .......... Mary Otoničar. Tajnica največje Zvezine podružnice, št. 25, v Clevelandu. Pridobila .. Agnes Mahovlich. Bivša blagajničarka pod. št. 16, v So. Chicagu. Prva Zvezina konven-čna kraljica leta 1936. Ustanoviteljica podružnice, št. 16, 72, 95. Pridobila .................... 534 Frances Sušel. Tajnica podružnice št. 10, v Clevelandu. Pridobila ........................ Mary Hrovat. Svoječasna tajnica pod. št. 15, v Clevelandu. Pridobila .................... Frances Raspet. Bivša tajnica pod. št. 3, v Pueblo. U-stanoviteljica podružnice, št. 63, 66, 87, 92. Pridobila ....... 281 Angela Štrukel. Tajnica in so-ustanoviteljica pod. št. 24, v La Salle. Pridobila ........... 222 Mary Schimenz. Tajnica podružnice št. 12, v Milwaukee. Pridobila ........................ 18G 441 598 318 252 334 143 35 88 128 C8 775 741 ■569 406 380 349 279 72 258 težje. Amerika se toraj oborožuje v obrambo miru. Ljudje se pritožujejo glede visokih davkov. Ako bi isti ljudje, vsi državljani Amerike, kupovali zadostno število U.S. državnih bondov, bi imela Amerika dovolj denarja za oborožitev. V takem slučaju bi ne trebalo tako visokih davkov. Od plačevanja čezmernih davkov ne boš nikdar dobil svojega denarja povrnjenega v obliki denarja. Če pa kupuješ bonde, ti bo denar vrnjen z obrestmi-red. Kupujmo bonde vsi, da bodo naši davki nižji, in da bomo mi sami imeli več denarja za čas, ko nam ga bo najbolj treba, za dobo depresije, ki bo prej slej prišla tako gotovo, kakor je Amen v Očenašu. When you are buying the government bonds you are to that extent a manner of stockholder in your government. Prav lepo pozdravljam vse, glavne odbornice, odbornice, članice S.Ž.Zv. Bog Vas poživi zdrave in vesele Njemu v čast, Vam v zveličanje. Matej Kebe, duhovni svetovalec Anna Petrich. Bivša predsednica pod. št. 54, v Warren, Ohio. Ustanoviteljica podružnic, št. 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 74, 76, 96. Pridobila ...................... 193 Frances Rupert. So-ustanoviteljica in prejšna predsednica pod. št. 14, v Clevelandu. Pridobila ...................... 134 Mary Lenich. So-ustanovi-teljica pod. št. 38, in tajnica pod. št. 19, v Evelethu. Pridobila ............................. 138 Mary Markezich. Predsednica podružnice št. 95, v So. Chicago. Pridobila ................. 130 Josephine Erjavec. Glavna tajnica in zapisnikarca podružnice št. 20, v Jolietu. Pridobila ............................... 106 Magdalena Widina. Bivša tajnica pod. št. 26, v Pittsburg h u. Ustanoviteljica podružnice št. 26, 77, 80. Pridobila ............................... 179 Ursula Zaiz. Prejšna predsednica pod. št. 56, v Hibbing, Minn. Ustanoviteljica podružnice št. 56, in 86. Pridobila 155 15 64 53 58 79 17 208 198 191 188 185 ISO 172 Poleg omenjenih, Častni red vsebuje še mnogo imen. Zveza je na svoje odlične članice zelo ponosna. Vsa čast jim, priznanje in zahvala! # * * Seznam odličnih članic bi ne bil popolen brez omenitve naše prejšne gl. tajnice in urednice, Mrs. Josephine Račič. Sestra Račič je deset let upravljala tajniški urad. Službo je sprejela, ko je Zveza bila še mlada in majhna. Bila je glavna tajnica ob času, ko so nove podružnice rastle kot iz tal pričarane in z njimi je rastlo tudi članstvo. Imela je obilo dela; opravila ga je z največjo vestnostjo in natančnostjo. Kot izvežbana knjigovodkinja — graduirala je iz Brown Business kolegija v Kankakee, 111. — je sistem knjigovodstva uredila sama, ga predložila v pregled zavarovalninskemu komisarju, ki ga je odobril. Najbolj važno dejstvo je, da je vpeljala takozvani kartni sistem, brez katerega je pravi red pri tajniškem poslovanju skoro nemogoč. Mrs. Račič je v Ameriki rojena Slovenka; pismene slovenščine toraj ni popolnoma zmožna, zato je njen soprog za njo urejeval Zarjo. Mr. Ivan Račič, sedajni urednik Glasila KSKJ, je v stari domovini dovršil državno gimnazijo v Ljubljani, v Ameriki pa je maturiral na De Paul univerzi v Chicagu. Poleg slovenščine obvlada še več drugih jezikov. Za urednika je toraj kot ustvarjen. Ob Zvezinem jubileju izrekamo Mr. in Mrs. Račič najlepša zahvalo za vzorno in vestno delo v tajniškem in uredniškem uradu. Zvezini častni odborniki — Duhovni svetovalci Konvencija, vršeča se v Sheboyganu leta 1930, je od-glasovala, da ima Zveza svojega duhovnega svetovalca. To mesto je takoj sprejel zdaj že pokojni Rev. Anton Schiffrer, župnik fare Sv. Janeza Evangelista v Milwaukee. Rev. Schiffrer je bil izboren pisatelj. V Zarjo je pisal članke, kakoršnih ni imel noben drug slovenski list. V verskih zadevah natančen, se je vselej zelo veselil, kadar je kakšna Slovenka, v okvirju Zveze, spet postala dobra katoličanka. Povdarjal je, da Zveza v tem oziru vrši misijonsko delo. Od leta 1933-1946 je bil duhovni svetovalec Rev. Milan Slaje, župnik fare Sv. Cirila in Metoda, v Lorain, Ohio. Mnogokrat sem se najn v verskih zadevah obrnila in vselej sem prejela prijazen in očetovsko blag nasvet. Tudi on je mnogo v Zarjo pisal. Njegovi članki so bili nekaj posebnega. Mane Prtsland: Od leta 1946 skrbi za naš dušni blagor Rev. Matthew F. Kebe, župnik slovenske fare Matere Božje v Pittsburghu. Njegovi globoki verski članki v Zarji so nam v duševno vspodbudo.. Prečastitim gospodom duhovnim svetovalcem velja naša globoka in trajna hvaležnost, za njih skrbno duhovno vodstvo, ki daje Zvezi prestiž, članstvu pa vzoren verski poduk. * * * Naj omenim tudi Mr. John Jericha, urednika Ameri-kanskega Slovenca. Mr. Jerich se je za Zvezo globoko zanimal. Takoj, ko je bila sprožena ideja, da se ustanovi naša organizacija, nam je dal na razpolago svoj list, v katerem smo dalj časa brezplačno priobčevale dopise, uradna naznanila, prva pravila, zapisnik ustanovne seje In prve konvencije. V njegovi tiskarni se je pozneje več let tiskala Zarja, še poprej pa knjiga Ameriška Slovenka, katero je Zveza izdala maja 1928, ali leto in pol po svoji ustanovitvi. Najlepša hvala Mr. Jerichu za njegovo prijaznost, usluge in prijateljstvo napram naši organizaciji ob času, ko je mlada Zveza prijatelje res potrebovala. [tomwo ŽENSKA TEKMA V LETALSTVU. g POMOČJO trgovcev m privatnih podjetji, se je vršila tekma z letali iz mesta Santa Ana v California, do mesta Detroit v Michigan-u. Med 15. in 19. avgustom se je nad petdeset letal dvignilo na ta polet. Deset različnih tipov letal je bilo zastopanih, in pilotke so bile dekleta in žene, po poklicu gospodinje in uradnice. Te se zanimajo za ta šport, ki se je tekom vojne izkazal kot jako potreben in koristen tudi za ženske. Amelia Earhart, ki je osnovala žensko letalsko organizacijo, bi bila gotovo silno ponosna videti koliko žensk se danes udejstvuje v letalstvu in kako so uspešne v vežbanju in akciji. Namen te tekme iz California v Michigan, je bil predvsem obuditi še večje zanimanje med ženskami, kajti v vojnem času bo ravno zrakoplov služil različnim namenom. Manjša letala, bi služila za prevoz ranjencev, ako bi res prišlo do vojne, pred katero naj nas sam Bog obvarje. Naj bo že kakor pride, dobro pa je, da se ženske urijo v letalstvu za vse slučaje. Prvo nagrado, $850,00, ste si delile Miss Claire McMillen in Mrs. Frances Bera. Obe pilotki ste uslužbeni na letališču v Bellflower, kakih lfi milj od glavnega mesta Ix>s Angeles v južnem delu Kalifornije. V SPONAH TRADICIJ. »JEKOM zadnje generacije, se je tudi v Aziji razvilo jako živahno žensko gibanje, ki stremi predvsem za izobrazbo. Tam je nepismenost nevr-jetno visoka. Tradicije in njihova vera so držale ženske proč od vsake izobrazbe, kakoršno pojmino na zapadli. Ženske, ki so sposobne pisanja in čitanja, tvorijo po več krajih manj kot pet odstotkov prebivalstva. To je dovolj velik vzrok, da so se ženske začele brigati za izboljšanje svojega položaja za večje in boljše socijalne razmere, za zdravstveno stanje ljudstva, za boljšo izobrazbo v splošnem. To gibanje pa je nehote zašlo tudi v politiko. Skoro cela Azija je stremela za osvoboditev izpod tujega gospod-stva. V Indonezeji in Indiji so bile ženske važen faktor pri osvobodilnem programu. Več kot pol milijona žen, spada v organizacijo Kowani, ki je federacija ženskih podružnic v Indoneziji. Leta 1947, je Nizozemska vlada zaprla šole in kdo drugi je nadaljeval s poukom šolske mladine, kakor ravno članice močne organizacije Kowani. One so skrbele za armado dijakov, ki so ostali brez vsakega vodstva in pomoči. Danes je Indonezija svobodna republika in ženska organizacija se več toliko ne udejstvuje politično, kajti polja za njihovo delo je drugod dovolj. Nova republika si uueja življenje i>o svoje in pri tem programu sodelujejo tudi ženske. Med najbolj vidnimi ženami je gospa Maria San-toso, ki je tajnica pri republikanski upravi. Ona je po poklicu advokatinja in njena špecijaliteta so razporoke in dedščine. Že zgodaj je spoznala krivice napram ženskam od strani Islama, to je njihove vere, ki daje prednost moškim. Razume se, da je ta razumna žena vzbudila dosti nevolje med ortodoksnimi moškimi, ki se tako radi sklicujejo na tradicije, katere naj se kar naprej upošteva, da bo ostalo vse po starem. Ministerstv6 sedaj skuša ublažiti ta nasprotstva in pridobiti ženam večje socijalne pravice. Po izjavi princeze, Adityje, iz Siama, tamošnje ženske so deležne vseh konstitualnih pravic že od leta 1932. Preden so mogle nastopiti s kakšnimi zahtevami, jim je vlada kar prostovoljno priznala enakopravnost. Ženske v Siamu ne kažejo posebnih ambicij. Med vladnimi službami ni nobene ženske, ki bi zavzemala kakšno višjo pozicijo. Skupina akademsko izobraženih žen posveča svoie sile za kulturne pridobitve. Tovarniških delavk je premalo, da bi se zanimale za unijo. Kjer ženska največ šteje, je njen dom. Tam je v pravem pomenu vladarica, katero družina spoštuje in posluša. Ona rešuje družinske finance in odloča vse zadeve glede otrok. Čim bolj se stara, tem večji ugled uživa med svojimi doma. Ameriška okupacija na Japonskem, je prinesla ženskam enakopravnost, brez vsakih težkoč. Priznane so kot enakopravne tudi z ozirom na dedščine. Prej je starejši sin podedoval domačijo, danes se jih pri oporokah ne-more več zapostaviti. Ženska ne izgubi svojega premoženja, ako se poroči. Kar premore, to je njena lastnina in je ni treba prepisati na moža. Največ protesta od strani moških, je bilo slišati. radi postave, glede ločitve ali razporoke. Fo novi postavi ima žena pravico vložiti za razporoko, ako se ji mož izneveri. Iz Indije nam je najbolj znana gospa Pandit, ki je ambasadorica v Washingtonu. Poleg nje pa so še druge ženske, ki se trudijo v javnosti za dobrobit svojega naroda in ugled svojih sosester. Kot članica parlamenta, je danes gospa Renuka Ray, ki se poteguje za splošno izboljšanje socijal-nih razmer in odpravo tradicij, ki niso ugodne za ženske. Še leta 1927, ko je bila ta žena še v kolegiju, je sklenila, da se bo posvetila idejam, ki bi izjed-načile te razlike civilnih pravic. Ona ni revolucijonarna ženska, ampak spoznala je, da sedanje razmere v Indiji in po svetu, zahtevajo gotove spremembe. Na njenem programu je zakon, ki priznava ženske upravičene do zapuščine svojih staršev. Da bi bil samo sin dedič, hči pa ne, je gotovo krivično. Ta navada bo odpravljena, pa naj se moški še tako upirajo. Gospa Ray razume, da je kosanje parcel zemlje slabo za tistega, ki bi imel gospodariti na domačiji, ampak če je več dedičev in med temi ženske, se jim mora dati pravičen delež. Tisti, ki zagovarjajo tradicije kot nekaj svetega, naj se spomnijo, da je bila v Ma-labaru taka navada, da so ženske imele v svoji lasti vse premoženje. Tedaj je bila to sveta tradicija in moški so to tradicijo zavrgli in ženskam pobrali vse, kar so mogli. Od tedaj naprej se niso več sklicevali na sveto tradicijo. Razlika med stanovi, je odpravljena, vendar pa se še vedno najdejo ljudje, ki se čutijo kot nekaka višja bitja od nižje kaste. Odprava velike revščine, na duhu in telesu, je velika naloga tistih, ki so danes na čelu nove republike Indije. Izobražene žene imajo veliko odgovornost, da bodo s svojim sodelovanjem dvignile narod vsaj do stopinje, da bo povprečna ženska znala pisati in čitati. Ta potreba se čuti med ženstvom po vseh tistih deželah, ki so se trdno držali starih šeg in navad, katere v splošnem niso bile naklonjene ženskemu spolu. Izobrazba bo postavila te narode na drugačno stališče in vse spone tradicij bodo zlomile članice velikih ženskih organizacij, ki dobro napredujejo tudi v deželah Azije. V vsaki provinci Indije, se nahajajo podružnice velike ženske skupine pod imenom All India Women’s Conference. Nad četrt milijona članic, deluje posebno na tem, da odpravi nepismenost. Stara generacija se bo s SPOMIN NA STARI KRAJ BLED “Otok bleski, kinč nebeški kranjske zemlje ti! Ven’c iz raja te obdaja vse se veseli!”... Ivan Zorman (Iz Novega Sveta): JESENSKO SONCE UMIRILI so se vetrovi, izginil je jesenski hlad, z močjo nekdanjo sonce greje, poljublja dozoreli sad. Poljublja moje tihe misli, izvablja jim omamni čar, rosi na vse, kar je minulo, otroški bajnosvetli žar — kot da slutilo bi, da zadnjič na zemljo lije zlat opoj in da njegova luč sijajna bo jutri sveče medli soj. težavo oprijela novega reda, ampak mladina, ki danes odrašča, ne bo čutila, da je bilo kedaj drugačno življenje. Radi pomanjkanja zadostne in pravilne prehrane ter pomanjkljivih zdravstvenih pogojev, je umrljivost procentualno jako visoka. Vsi ti problemi so tudi na programu ženskih organizacij, katere vodijo jako agilne in dobro izobražene, patriotične ženske. Kadar bo ženstvo bolj izobraženo in dobro organizirano, se bo tudi uprlo tistim, ki snujejo ponovne vojne. Kakšna nasprotstva so danes, ko se v San Francisco, Cal. zaključuje mir z Japonsko in istočasno pobija ljudi in vojaštvo v Koreji. Človek kar vrjeti nemore, ko sliši strašna poročila z vojnega ozemlja, kjer padajo človeške žrtve, ne da bi se kdo od mogočnih oglasil in ustavil to nepotrebno klanje in vničevanje imetja. Ženske organizacije so še prešibke, da bi mogle rešiti in končati to grozno tragedijo, a upajmo, da bodo postale tako močne, in uplivne, da se bodo svetovni problemi reševali s treznim razumom in ne z ognjem in mečem. LEP POZDRAV — LEP SMEHLJAJ Glede pozdravljanja pomni sledeče: Na vsak pozdrav odzdravi. Neki ameriški predsednik je zamorcu odzdravil. Vprašali so ga, zakaj odzdravlja zamorcu. Predsednik je odgovoril, da noče biti manj olikan nego zamorec. Odzdraviti je dolžnost. Olikani človek se glede pozdravljanja ne drži nazaj, marveč je uslužen s pozdravi in rad in hitro pozdravi. LEPOTA ŽIVLJENJA KD0 se drzne izpregovoriti take besede v tem 20. stoletju? Življenje lepo,? Ko je vendar prepolno zavisti in koristoljublja, bojev in trpljenja, pomanjkanja in bolezni. Kje je potem še prostor za lepoto? Mar v palači, ob mizi, bogato obloženi, mar v zakonu, danes sklenjenim, jutri razrušenim, mar v mladosti, danes vsej zorni, jutri oskrunjeni? Mar v šumnih veselicah, ki pripravljajo grenka jutra? Mar v bajnih kopališčih, kjer se shaja gospoda? In vendar povsod toliko lepote! Dotakniti se tuje rane, obvezati jo z lastno roko, tolažiti trpeče človeštvo s svojim srcem. Koliko lepote! Lepota pa ni v tem, da človeštvu obljubljamo izboljšanje, ki bo morda prišlo, ki mora priti, marveč v tem, da jaz sama, in že takoj danes začnem delati na tem izboljšanju. Lepota, veličina življenja je v tem, da se že danes posvetim preprostim, malim, revnim in bolnim — vsem tistim, ki trpe. Tem postati vir dobrega in lepega, vir življenja in tolažbe, to je najvišja lepota. K umevanju take lepote pa pelje prelepa cesta, posuta s trnjem in ostrimi kamni, ob katerih noga ob vsakem koraku krvavi, vendar najbolj gotova io sigurna pot — pot trpljenja. Blagor Ti, če si sama trpela, in če se moreš tolažiti, da boš še trpela! Doumela si najvišjo znanost, katere ne more nadomestiti ne genij, ne študij, tudi ljubezen ne. In Ti si prehodila to pot. Kakšen vir tolažbe v Tvoji zmagi! Zdaj si varna. Razpni svoja krila in sprejmi pod nje vse, ki so Tvojega zavetja potrebni. Vse, katerim trpljenje še ni postalo lepota. SESTRA — SESTRI! yAS kličem sestre, da me poslušate za hip, a da čutite z menoj dolgo in vztrajno! Bila sem pri pogrebu svoje sošolke. Pri pogrebu — tam daleč za mejo. Spremili smo na zadnjo pot dekle, vso mlado, polno najlepših idej, katere vse je vzela s seboj v brezkončnost. Bog je hotel. Položili so krsto v grob in duhovnik je molil obredne molitve. Zaplakali so pogrebci, zaplakali tako močno, da sem se začudila veliki tugi. A isti hip sem začula glas duhovnika, ki je molil zmerno in pobožno: Padre nostro, che sel nei cieli — Ah! — Ustne šepečejo, a ne odgovarjajo: toda srce moli vroče in goreče: Oče naš.. . In ne vpelji nas v izkušnjavo, temveč reši nas hudega — Riposino in pace. Cosi sia. — Končano. — Odšel je duhovnik z ministranti, a ljudstvo je še dolgo ostalo ob grobu, molilo in pla-kalo. In umela sem njih plač. Za hip se mi je zazdelo, da stojm ob izkopanem grobu naroda. Znana sila peha na sto in sto načinov narod h grobu, s črno željo, da ga skoraj pahne v grob in ga zasuje. “Riposino in pace,” zapišemo še na njegov grob, tako šepeče zlo v tujcu. — A ne, o ne! Motiš se ti tujec! Narod noče snfrti, hoče živeti. Tvoja sila izžme morda iz naroda nekaj zunanjosti, a srce, je zvesto Bogu in narodu svojemu. Le pazi, da se ne obrnejo grobovi in te ne zasuje njih groblja! A.B. — Št. V. VZGOJA UMETNOST V samostanski cerkvi je klečala vsako jutro pri zornicah mala deklica. Zelo zgodaj je še bilo, pa moja mala znanka se ne boji ne teme, ne mraza. Ko pridem v cerkev, je že vsak dan na svojem mestu; zelen plašč ima in rdečo čepico. Vselej me pogleda s svojimi velikimi očmi, vstane in se mi umakne: seveda jo vselej vzamem nazaj k sebi v klop. Nisva še drugega govorila kakor navadni jutranji pozdrav, pa se že kar dobro poznava. Vsak dan čutim, da je to dobra in čista dušica, ki jo ima Bog posebno rad. Med mašo večkrat pogledam k njej in vselej opazim, da sledi duhovniku pri oltarju vse drugače kakor drugi otroci. Potem je sv. obhajilo. Mala kleči poleg mene pri obhajilni mizi. Vselej si predstavljam veliko veselje nebeškega Ljubitelja malih, ko pride v to nedolžno srčece. Še kratka zahvala pa prideta iz zakristije dva krepka dečka - ministranta, brata moje male znanke. Vsi trije se spuste po zasneženi poti v dolino. “Kako dobre starše morajo imeti ti trije otroci!” pravim k naši sosedi, ki me je došla. “Poznam prav dobro to družino,” pripoveduje soseda. “Mati in stara mati živita družinico s pridnim delom svojih rok. S staro materjo se včasih razgovarjam in se veselim te dobre žene. Kako od srca ji gre beseda: “Če so otroci le pridni, pa je vse dobro; kar na vse skrbi pozabim. Če me pa le zopet zajamejo, pa stopim v cerkev in tam Mariji potožim, pa je zopet vse dobro.” Zadnjič sem se vozila iz mesta. Nasproti mi je sedela nepoznana žena; poleg nje pa moja mala znanka iz cerkve. Prav gotovo je njena mati. Pri naslednji postaji skoči na vnanjo ploščad krepek fant. Mati potrka na šipo, fant se obrne in po celem licu se mu razlije smehljaj. Hitro vstopi in že sedi poleg matere in ji z žarečimi očmi pripoveduje svoje dogodivščine. Mati in sin sta pozabila na vse okoli sebe. In kako pazljivo je mati poslušala; zanjo zdaj ni bila nobena stvar tako važna, kakor to, kar ji je pripovedoval sin. Zamišljena sem stopala proti domu. Toliko govorimo o vzgojni umetnosti, pišemo in čitamo! Ta mati pa je jasno pokazala skrivnost vse vzgoje: molitev in ljubezen. Ljubezen, ki je v Bogu zakoreninjena in se zopet vrača k Bogu, molitev, ki se iz ljubezni izliva. Otroci morajo vedeti, da starši ne molijo samo zanje, ampak tudi z ljubeznijo spremljajo vse njihovo početje. Otrok, ki se navadi s svojimi malimi kiiži in drobnim veseljem prihajati k materi in očetu, bo tudi v viharjih življenja vselej našel to pot. VOJNA V KOREJI JE JAKO DRAGA. DOGODKI zadnjih dni so pakazali svetu, da je nasprotnik tako številen in tako močan, da bi se bilo treba vse drugače pripraviti za tako vojskovanje. Podcenjevati nasprotnika je bilo jako napačno. Res je Amerika tehnično dobro opremljena ali vse to ne odvaga tistih ugodnosti, ki jih imajo domačini tam. Ti so vajeni drugačnega življenja in prenesejo izvanredno dosti ob peščici riža na dan. Preračunali so, da so stroški za enega našega vojaka z vsem skupaj za eno leto od pet do osem tisoč dolarjev. Kitajske vojake pa se drži jako poceni. Po sto dolarjev računajo za vsakega vojaka. To kaže, da je naš vojak najdražje opremljen in v boju z najcenejšim kar se tiče vsega razun ruskega orožja. To zviša njihove stroške na dvesto do tristo za moža. O Kitajcih lahko rečemo, da jih je kot listja in trave medtem, lto ima Amerika rajši pomanjkanje vojaštva. To vse je treba upoštevati in če ni danes še vojna končana, so krivi naši optimistični diplomati in meje 38. vzporednika v Koreji. INTELEKTUALNA NEPOŠTENOST V JAVNEM ŽIVLJENJU. JJRŽAVA Iowa, je povabila svojega domačina, prejšnjega predsednika Združenih Držav Mr. Herbert Hooverja v Des Moines, da mu izroči pohvalo in priznanje za njegove zasluge v javnosti. Na trideset funtov težki plošči je bil napis kot sledi: “Herbertu Hoover-ju, sinu države Iowa, državljanu sveta, državniku, humanitarcu. inženirju administratorju, ki si je v svoji skromnosti pridobil najvišje časti, država Iowa pokloni njemu “The Iowa Award”. Mr. Hoover je v svojem govoru priporočal naj bi se ljudje na odgovornih in visokih mestih držali principov, ki so zapopadeni v desetih Božjih zapovedih. Največje zlo, ki ogroža Ameriko, je ljudska toleranca škandalov in nepoštenosti v javnosti na odgovornih mestih v različnih poklicih. Kaj bi rekli ustanovitelji naših držav, ko bi videli procesijo mož, ki je klicana na odgovor pred razne komiteje. O TOBAKU IN KAJENJU V Kolumbovih časih so domačini kadili svaljke iz tobakovih listov, ki so jih zavijali tudi v liste koruznih storžev. Španski mornarji so kajenje takoj poskusili in Španija je kmalu spoznala to “božjo travco”. Francoski poslanik v Lizboni z imenom Nicot je poslal tobakove liste svoji kraljici Katarini Medicejski kot zdravilo zoper glavobol in izpuščaje. Kraljico in njenega sina so nato dvorjani večkrat videli, kako njuhata tobakov prašek. Ker je vsaka novotarija, ki se je lotijo visoke glave, imenitna, je bilo treba seveda tudi njuhanje posnemati. Zato so se navadile njuhati vse dvo-rjanke, pa tudi vse dame iz visokih pariških krogov. Njuhanje je kmalu veljalo za najfinejšo navado in se je razširilo tudi med ostalo ljudstvo. Nju-halni tobak so začeli prodajati pod raznimi blestečimi naslovi, na primer “tobakov cvet markize Pompadur za izboljšanje spomina”, in izdelovali so umetno okrašene tobačnice, da so iz njih stregli prijateljem na družabnih prireditvah. Po poslaniku Nicotu so rastlinoslovci krstili novo rastlino z imenom Nicotiana. Tobak pa je ime, ki so ga mornarji slišali v srednji A- meriki. Francozi so tobak sadili že’ leta 155G. Od njih so ga v prihodnjih desetletjih spoznali tudi Holandci ini drugi sosedje. Pipe so v Evropo prinesli angleški mornarji. Tudi na Angleškem so se tobaka navadile predvsem ženske. Tudi v gledališčih so vlekle svoje pipe-in marsikje so jih dajale celo otrokom. Če se sedaj pri nas ženski svet spet vse bolj oprijemlje kajenja, ni: torej to nič novega, ampak le povratek k razvadam iz prejšnjih stoletij. V večini dežel so žene po prvem: navdušenju tobak kmalu opustile, le-v nekaterih pokrajinah so ostale ves; čas tobakove prijateljice, v Španiji in na Portugalskem ter v nekaterih alpskih predelih. V Rodanovi dolini v Švici kadijo dekleta cigare, kadar so na plesu; starejše žene pa vlečejo pipe, ko gredo v nedeljo v cerkev. Tudi ciganke so strastne kadilke.. Irena Kirm: NA POKOPALIŠČU Povsod rože, — še sveže in druge,, ki so že dokončale svoj kras in čakajo, da draga roka položi na njih' mesto zopet novih, — novo vzcvelih. Nisem imela pri sebi žveplenke, da-bi prižgala svečico na gomili. Stopila sem k možu, ki je ravno zasajal v mrtvi grob svojo prižgano, živo, mlado ljubezen — ljubezen — svečko. “Ali lahko prižgem?” “O, seveda!” “Kaj, tu je vaša žena?!” “Da tu”.. . Da, tu — sem ponavljala za njim in' gledala v njegovo srce, ki se je v trenutku spomnilo dolgih let svoje ljubezni, ki se je izlila v večnost in tam vidi svojo ženo ne kot ženo, ne! —■ V onostranstvu vidi svojo dekle, deklico, kot jo je zagledal prvič in to prvotno> sliko nosi še danes v srcu! — “Ubogi mož! — Tu so sedaj tvoji-obiski, pri njej — deklici — nevesti — ženi — materi. —” Gleda v prst, v grob na cvetje in misli: kateri prizorček je bil najlepši,, najdražji, tudi njej.. .da tudi. .. Ana, ne — takrat si bila Anica, ko> sva mislila drug na drugega in iskala spevov najinima dušama. — Vse je-cvetelo, vse v zelenju, vse v čisti belini, — ko sva stopila pred oltar Gospodov. .. In tvoj "da”? Še danes ne vem, če si ga izrekla. Mislila si drugače kot jaz, mlad fant, pričakujoč edino sreče, užitka... Anica — nevestica! Pelo je v meni, pelo v tebi, ženka ljubljena... Ob dihu najvišje ljubezni in mladih moči, si me pozdravila — mati! Ana, Anica — mamica, a zdaj sem-sam — sam brez petja, brez smeha,, sam popolnoma sam, kot tisti zadnji trenutek, ko sem te čakal, da te popeljem pred Go„spoda. Tudi danes čakam na te, da prideš in me pokličeš in bo konec., ne, — začetek sreče. Ana, Anica, mirno spavaj.1.. VAŽNOST PROTEINSKE HRANE. JyJUDJE, ki se ne počutijo dobro, bi storili prav, ako bi preštudirali svojo vsakdanjo prehrano. Možnost je, da trpijo vsled pomanjkanja proteinov, ki so važnejši od vitaminov. Pri poskusih na ljudeh in živalih se je izkazalo, kako potrebni so proteinski bloki za naše zdravje. Brez teh življenje počasi hira in konča. Kaj naj torej kupimo, da bomo imeli zadostno zalogo proteinske hrane? Meso, perutnina, ribe, jajca, mleko in sir spadajo med bogato proteinsko vsebino. Za temi pridejo stročnice kot je fižol, grah, leča, žitni preparati (cereals), zelenjava, sadeži, sadje in pinaci. V splošnem se držimo navade, da imamo enkrat na dan glavno jed, to je zvečer. Vrjetno je, da pri glavnem obedu ali večerji ne manjka proteinske hrane, ker v Ameriki pride prav gotovo meso na mizo. Kaj imamo pa ■ob drugih časih, kakor pri zajtrku in kosilu? Če pri teh prezremo proteinsko hrano, škodimo svojemu zdravju. Proteini morajo biti pri vsaki jedi pa naj bo zjutraj, opoldne ali zvečer. Mi ne moremo prevarati našega telesa. To bo čutilo, da nima tistih tako važ-nik blokov, katerim pravijo “amino acids”, katere telo z velikansko naglico trga in spreminja, dokler je kaj življenja v nas. To je tako zanimiv in važen proces, da se čudimo, zakaj se ni več pisalo o tem. Dr. R. Sclioen-heimer iz Harvard univerze je dokazal, da se v telesu vrši večna izmenjava proteinov. Ideja, da bi se enkrat , Mrs. Theresa Potokar, October 11. No. 40, Lorain, Ohio, Mrs. Frances Bresak, October 30. No. 47, Cleveland, Ohio, Mrs. Theresa Bizjak, October 15. No. '52, Kitzville, Minnesota, Mrs. Jos. Oswald, October 14. No. 85, De Pue, Illinois, Mrs. M. Stupar, October 22. No. 97, Cairnbrook, Pa., Mrs. Angela Satkovich, October 10. Happy birthday to the above mentioned and to every officer and member of our Union celebrating in October. God bless you all! the commemoration of t. he silver jubilee of our Slovenian Women’s Union. It was a. beautiful, warm day which added much to the pleasure of all. To meet old friends and to see new faces makes this annual observation of Zveza day most interesting. The Slovenian Women’s Union can be proud ol' its branches and the large groups that participated in the silver anniversary celebration. To Mrs. Prisland, our Founder and honorary president and to all the supreme officers my best wishes and good luck and good health in the work for the progress of the S.W.U. Rev. Rudolph Urbic, brother of Mrs. Frances Imperl, who was honored in May by our branch as our mother of the year and also to the deceased Louise Wamberger, whose wish it. was to see him in this country before her death, arrived here in March. Father had been, stationed in LaCrosse for several months and been transferred to Eau Claire, Wisconsin at the Sacred Heart Hospital. We extend to him a heartfelt welcome to this country! It is with sadness that I report the loss of Mrs. Mary Francich and several days later Miss Elizabeth Krevl, who was an auditor of several years. So death struck again and in July took from our midst Mrs. Anna Bashel, our charter member. Our departed members were very active during their time, always ready to give a helping hand wherever needed. Our deepest sympathy to the bereaved families. May the souls of our departed rest in peace everlasting. We extend our sincere congratulations t o Peter and Mary Miller, who celebrated 50 years of married life recently. They were surprised by relatives and friends who wished them many more happy anniversaries. They have one son, Peter, a daughter-in-law Margie and two grandchildren. We are also very proud of another couple. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flory-ance who celebrated their 56th wedding anniversary in June. They had eleven children, ten of which are living and 41 grandchildren and 15 great-granchildren. They were married in Europe and in 1905 Mr. Flory-ance came to live in Milwaukee and Mrs. Floryance came to this country In 1910 with five children. A year later they moved to West Allis and have been living here since. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Floryance and may you live in good h ealth and with God’s blessings for many more years. (Pictures are on page 298) Best wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to all our sick members, Theresa Kerhin and Ursula Gole and to all our members who are convalescing Greetings to all, Marie A. Floryan, Secretary No. 20, Joliet, III.—Through no fault of mine my August article is making a decayed appearance. I truly and humbly appreciate the many inquiries made as to its whereabouts, displaying an interest in my small monthly journalistic contributions. LOOKING BACK—Ten years ago in the month of August our St. Joseph parish celebrated its golden anniversary. Preceeding the Mass there was an immense parade which included the cadets in new uniforms, bands, founders, organizations and floats. The Slovenian Women’s Union float —my dad’s truck—was decorated in white, yellow and green. Fourteen large hoops represented a state in which a branch of the Union exists. Cadet Eidith Kunstek portrayed the Union attired in royal robes. American and Slovenian flags adorned the float and riding on it in national costumes were Dorothy Jevitz, Mrs. Caroline Gregorcich, Mrs. Frances Horvat, Mrs. Josephine Muster, Francis Muster, Evelyn Mutz and Francille Vraničar. Our cadet and ten years ago our Mascot Jonita Erjavec with a fellow classmate presented a basket of f lowers to Archbishop Stritch in the name of St. Joseph’s School. Five years ago my two subreporters wrote: "Saturday evening, August 17, at the 17th annual Chicagoland Music Festival held in Soldier’s Field, thirty-three championship cadets made a beautiful picture as they drilled in their uniforms of green and gold. With the darkness of the night as the back-ground and having the huge floodlights of the Field centered upon them, the cadets formed a picturesque scene as they marched with their white hose and shoes on nature’s green carpet. "Following the commands of drill-master Mr. Fred R. Pearson the cadets performed many intricate drills, for which they drew many rounds of applause from the 95,000 present. Captain Mrs. Josephine M. Goron assisted him. "The Cadets and their drills were unlike any other feat presented on the field and thus they were more so appreciated.” My two subreporters who wrote so descriptively were Bernice Kuzma ICostelc and Mildred Erjavec Pucel. Looking back ten years ago this October the cadets held their annual fall dance entitled “Indian Summer;” while five years ago plans were inaugurated for another dance to be held in November. PRESENT EVENTS — Our cadet alumnae held its monthly June meeting at the home of Mrs. Marie Mal-nerick, 405 Mason Avenue, where a pleasant evening of sewing cancer bandages and eating delicious chiffon cake baked by her brother was enjoyed. In August Marie Gregorich’s home was the scene of the August meeting. Dessert luncheon was served from a satin damask covered table centered with fresh dahlias and flanked by tall lighted candles. Lest you inquire, cancer bandages were sewn plus the fact we had a pleasant evening even though that day was the hottest in Joliet’s weather records. On Father’s Day the cadets appeared in the Homecoming parade in T^e-mont sponsored by the veterans of foreign wars post. Their appreciation was display in a letter received from the Post. Our silver jubilee Zveza Day held July 15 in Lemont was most impressive and picturesque. On this day the birth of the organization was celebrated on a nation-wide scale, as members arrived from all parts of our United States and at the samp time our organizer Mrs. Marie Prisland was bestowed much praise and appreciation. The cadets partaking in this event were indeed proud to have been a part of this memorable occasion. These annual Zveza Days would not be possible were it not for our hard-working and sacrificing officers, members and their husbands of branches 20 and 2, who endeavor to provide our many pilgrimagers with proper accommodations, entertainment and refreshments. The Labor Day parade on the 3d of September found t he senior and junior Cadets and the baton twirlers marching in the second section behind the championship Joliet Township High School band. Preceeding the parade a High Mass was offered at Sts Syril and Methodius Church, wherein clergy and labor and state leaders attended. Before and after the-Mass the cadets were an honorary guard of honor for the many important officers present. The Ancel-Stefanic wedding picture, which appeared in the August ZARJA was submitted because of the fact that all of the girls and the bridal party’s mothers are members (with the exception of the groom's and the bestman’s who are deceased members). The wedding took place Saturday morning May 5 in St. Joseph’s church with the Rt. Rev. M. J. Butala officiating at the double-ring ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ancel, 1117 Nicholson Street, while the bridegroom is the-son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Anton Stefanic of Braddock Hills, Pa. Anne wore a white satin gown with-a Queen Anne collar and seed pearl' adornments. White orchids and carnations made up her bridal bouquet. For her attendants she chose her sister Marge as her maid-of-honor and cousin Dorothy Govednik as her bridesmaid, who wore gowns of pale- EILEEN FERKUL AND DAVID YOUNG WED blue nylon ninon. Her niece Vera Mae Ancel was the flowergirl wearing a pale pink (lotted swiss gown and a satin scalloped headpiece covered with rosebuds. Mr. Stefanic chose Frank Adamich to be his bestman. The usher was ■Tohn Ancel, a cousin of the bride. Following their reception in the evening at the St. Joseph’s park hall the couple left on a wedding trip to the groom’s home in Pennsylvania. Hire’s wishing their marital life may be one big completely happy honeymoon ! Preceeding the 10 o’clock nuptial mass June 16 in St. Joseph’s church, Cadet Eileen Ferkol and David Young of Aurora exchanged nuptial vows. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferkol, 920 N. Center Street, while the bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Freeman Young of Aurora. Rt. Rev. M. J. Butala officiated at the wedding. Eileen wore a gown of white Chantilly Lace over ice blue taffeta and a jeweled Spanish crown. In her hands she carried a fan of white carnations and orchids. For her attend- ants she chose Jean Jurcic as maid-of-honor, Mrs. John Farkas, Mary Helen Davidson a nd Mrs. Charles Cornele as bridesmaids, who wore gowns of white frosted organdy over ice blue taffeta. Mr. Young chose John Farkas to be his bestman. Ushers were William Zoran, Kenneth Fagarason and Charles Cornele. Following their reception in the evening at the American Legion Hall the couple left on a wedding trip through Wisconsin and Michigan. The couple now reside in San Diego, Calif, where the groom is stationed with the navy. Eileen was a member of the Union ever since the year of 1939 when the Junior department was founded. Throughout her membership she liad participated in various activities, as a Slovene national costume girl, versatile dancer at our affairs, Junior cadet and officer and a championship cadet. For her loyalty, cooperation and friendliness she will always be remembered. To the happy pair are extended best wishes for a life of complete happiness! On Tuesday evening, June 26 a post-nuptial Kitchen shower honored cadet Mrs. David Young in her mother’s home 920 N. Center Street. Those attending enjoyed the various games played, the delicious luncheon served and the display of the couple’s wedding gifts, as well as a special showing of the many gifts sent home by the groom David from many ports including Italy, Cuba, Hawaii and China. Our cadet Jean Seffner is the proud sister of twin girls born recently and named Liinda Lee and Laura Lee. Congratulations! St. Anne’s Mission was the scene of the wedding of Cadet Helen Zadel and Albin Plut May 19. Rev. Edmund Gregorich officiated at the double-ring ceremony preceeding the ten o’clock nuptial high mass. The bride is the daughter of Mrs. Catherine Zadel, 219 Elsie Avenue, while the groom’s parents are Mr. and Mrs. Alex Plut, 811 Center Street. Helen wore the traditional white slipper satin gown, trimmed with lace, and carried a cascade bouquet of lily-of-the-valley. For her attendants she choose Theresa Anzelc as maid-of-honor, Jacqueline Rogina and Mildred Plut as bridesmaids, who wore identical gowns of blue organza over taffeta. Mr. Plut chose Leo Ceranski to be his bestman. Ushers were Charles Marolt and Joseph Pavletich. Following their reception in the evening in St. Joseph’s hall the couple left on a wedding trip to Colorado Springs, Colo. To Helen and A1 our sincerest congratulations and wishes for endless days of happiness! Ten wonderful and glorious days were spent in picturesque Colorado by cadets Theresa Milcolic and Marian Juricic. Leaving by plane on the 16th of June they arrived in Denver 4% hours later. Their main place of residence was the Dude Corral in Loveland, Colorado. From there they visited the Rocky Mountain National Park, saw the world from the top of Pike’s Peak, and stopped at other interesting points in Colorado Springs. An airline strike forced them to come home by train, which alone marred their vacation. Lucky, lucky girls! On the 18th of August cadet Dolores Troppe and her girl friend, both working for Trans-World Airlines, flew to Mexico City, Mexico, where they spent an interesting week. Among other sights of interest there they saw t he Floating Gardens of Xochmilco and the Cathedral of Mexico, which took 250 years to build and is approximately one city block large. The people there are very religious and almost every taxi had a medal of Our Lady of Guadalupe fastened somewhere inside. They also visited the city of Taxco, which is very small and out of the ordinary. HELEN ZADEL SPEAK VOWS WITH ALBIN PLUT AT HIGH MASS The second week was spent in Acapulco, where they danced in their bare feet in the sands on the Pacific sea shore and visited the cocktail lounge and dancefloor situated on a cliff made popular by divers, who dive into the ocean 110 feet. For more details of Dolores vacation see her, who will undoubtedly recommend it to you as a wonderful vacation spot. “Shanghai Night” is the cadet dance to be held Friday evening, October 19, in St. Joseph’s parish hall on North Chicago Street. A popular polka orchestra directed by Chester Rutkowski will play from nine to twelve and the admission is 65c. Our second lieutenant Irene Planinšek was chosen to be the chairlady, whose parents so graciously consented to be the tickets’ sponsors. Many thanks! Other committee members are Arlene Paris, Audrey Yicich and Jean Seffner plus other cadets who will serve wherever they are able. Each cadet is kindly asked to give her cooperation and sell her ten tickets, in order that this fall event will be successful. Attending St. Francis College is Trene Planinšek, while a former cadet Vida Mikolič, who was awarded a scholarship at Joliet Township is attending Illinois State Normal Teacher's College, Normal, 111. To both we extend sincerest wishes for a happy scholaristic year! LOOKING FORWARD — to having our many friends attending our dance and enjoying an evening of merriment with us. May “Shanghai Night” be the scene of renewing old acquaintances and the making of new ones. OLGA ANCEL No. 20, Joliet, Bowling News Hello, girls! It sure is good to see all our girls bowling again. However, we have lost some and gained some new ones but many of our faithful girls are back. We are proud to report that we have ten teams this season. May we all be pitching and getting those 200 games again. We will meet for bowling every Monday night at the beautiful Rivals Bowling Alleys, as of Monday September 10, 1951. Good luck, girls! May this be our be3t season! The line up of teams is as follows: Team no. 1, Avsec Printers: Ann Mahkovec, Lucille Ballun, Rose Mary Harvey, Jo Buchar, Jo. Mlakar, captain. Team no. 2, Erjavec Supremes: Jean Gombac, Dorothy Govednik, Mae Rose Koncar, Babe Zaremba-Marge Jamnik, captain. Team no. 3 Skettwig’s Farm Market: Evelyn Gregory, Pauline Horvat, Dorothy Nemanich, Ann Kovalcin, Tillie Sorg, captain. Team no. 4, Vraničar Insurance: Rose Plese, Mary Shepich, Berme Valek, Jo Sumic, Mitzi Morris, captain. Team no. 5: Mary Rudman, Gene Schmidberger, Betty Veerman, Marge Kovalcin, Loretta McDonald, captain. Team no. 6 Nemanich Florist: Ann Stefanich, Mary Pelinga, Frances Rostich, Marie -Nemanich, Helen Karcz, captain. Team no. 7: Frances Železnik, Catherine Vlasicli, Pat Fahrner, Frances McCarthy, Mardel Keenan, captain. Team no. 8: Retty Floryancic, Mary Nahas, Mitzi Mrozek, Bertha Puschnik, Lorraine Rothiisberger, captain. Team no. 9: Gene Gasmovic, Frances Gaspicli, Rita Lightner, Edna Grohar, Jean _Murtaugh, captain. Team no. 10: Isabelle Musich, Elanor Bayuk, Doris Fabian, Helen Rozich, Lill. Berge, captain. During the summer months we all missed our Monday sessions and we were ready to start as soon as the season was officially opened. Isabelle Musich was sorry she told Jo Buchar where to stand to throw the ball, because she got some nice games after that and being on the opposing team, it didn’t make Izzy’s team, too happy. Watch out, Izzy, she’ll be ahead of you in average, too! Your ten pin reporter Jo Mlakar No. 21, Cleveland (West Park) Ohio— Hello to all! This is the busy time of the year for all the folks. Some are harvesting their crops from their summer labors, others are busy canning and laying away for winter use, and nearly all are very busy packing their youngsters to school. The last a chore in itself. (It’s quiet now!) This last month, sister Francis Perusek underwent an operation and is now home. I’m glad to hear as a lot of others are doing very well. These young Misses are all celebrating their 16th birthday, and wishing one and all, the toll of years be very slow: Anna Sinkovič, Augustine •T. Strekal, Marie J. Veliar, and Mary Mismas and yours truly Pauline Tratnik, on the same are celebrating their 15v2 year birthday, Soon Sweet? Wishing you all the b est of health a>nd happiness, I’ll be with you at our next chat, Yours truly, Pauline Tratnik No. 23, Ely, Minnesota—The Annual Minnesota S.W.U. Day, held in our city on Sunday, August 26, 1951, was a great success! We were honored with the attendance of our Supreme President Albina Novak, daughters Corinne and Gloria, of Cleveland, Ohio and also Supreme Auditor, Mrs. Josephine Železnikar and her husband, John, of Chicago, Illinois. We are most grateful to all the members of SWU blanches in Minnesota, for their excellent attendance and hope that we will be able to return the same cordiality to you all. Members attending came from Duluth, Eveleth, Gilbert, McKinley, Soudan, Biwabik Greaney, Aurora, Chisholm, Buhl, Hibbing, Kitzville, Virginia, Kee-watin, Nashwauk and also from many distant locations. It really was wonderful to see big Greyhound buses and cars lined up around Community Center. A Coffee Social was held for the members upon arrival. Mrs. Florence Markovich was chairman of the affair, assisted by Mesdames Rose Fer-derber, Julia Zgonc and Amelia Mainer. The tables were decorated with red carnations and other fresh cut garden flowers. The procession began to form on time and a long line of officers and members marched to church in a body to attend t he 10:30 Solemn High Mass offered for the deceased and living members of S.W.U. Father Joseph Volk was celebrant of the Mass and in his sermon paid very high compliments to our organization, its officers and members. After Mass, the members had just a little time for visiting among themselves until the banquet was ready which was scheduled for 12:30 P.M. Our worthy pastor Rev. Frank Mihelčič acted as toastmaster. President Albina Novak was the guest speaker. President Mrs. Katherine Slogar gave the address of welcome. The following supreme officers were introduced: Mrs. Mary Lenich, President of the supreme auditing committee from Eveleth, Minnesota; visiting auditor Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, Chicago, Illinois, Mrs. Mary Theodore, Youth and Recreation Board and Barbara Rosandich, supreme vice-president. Community singing was under the capable direction of Miss Mary Hutar, organist at St. Anthony’s Church accompanied by Mrs. Katherine Merhar who also led vocal selections by the men’s choir of St. Anthony’s Church, comprised of: Peter Hutar, Frank Shepel, Bernard Hutar, Joe R. Kobe, Frank Malovasich, Charles Merhar and Robert Senta. Dinner music was played by Victoria Horvat. Speeches by Mrs. Novak and Mrs. Lenich were very entertaining and also interesting. We were honored with the presence of Honorable Mayor and Mrs. Anton I-opp of Gilbert, Minnesota and many distinguished guests. General chairman of the Zveza Day were President Mrs. Katherine Slogar and secretary Mrs. Barbara Rosandich. Mary K. Novak and Mary Shik-onva were in charge of the tickets and reservations. The table decorations and setting were in charge of Stephanie Vranesich, Amelia Mainer, and Mary Skufca. We wish to express our deepest appreciation and gratitude to everyone who attended and to all who have helped to make this the 1951 Zveza Day such a big success. We are deeply thankful to our beloved Supreme President Albina, for her attendance and to her charming daughters Cor-rine and Gloria and also to Mr. and Mrs. Železnikar. We hope your visit here at Ely was an enjoyable one. We all were most happy to have you as our guests. Here’s hoping we will all remain happy and healthy to enjoy nex year’s annual celebration of SWU Day! Fraternally yours, Mary Shikonya, Reporter MINNESOTA, IT WAS MARVELOUS! In the next issue we will give you our version of the most wonderful memories you have enriched us with during our few days among you. Until then, we’ll just say: Thanks a mil- lion! Albina, Corinne, Gloria Novak, Mr. & Mrs. John Železnikar ---------- “Dawn Club” Outing Ely, Minnesota—The Dawn Club held its annual outing at Maple Leaf Lodge on Monday, August 27. Everyone reported having a wonderful day from the time they boarded the “duck”, until they returned home. During the day’s festivities Supreme President Albina Novak, who was a special guest, was presented with the scroll and bestowed the honor of the title “Dame of the Wilderness” by Stanley Pechaver, secretary of the Ely Chamber of Commerce. It was a delightful surprise for her. Highlighting the day’s program was a delicious noon luncheon, after which some of the guests went on motor boat rides and others relaxed and enjoyed the beauties of the Maple Leaf Lodge and the beautiful scenery surrounding the lakes. Mrs. Josephine Železnikar and Corrine Novak, daughter of our Supreme President Albina Novak rendered several popular Slovenian and English songs, accompanied by Miss Mary Hutar, who also led the group in community singing during the pleasant afternoon inside the beautiful lodge. Coffee and cake was served to the guests upon their arrival and before departure. Attending the outing besides the mentioned guests were: Emily Mainer, Florence Markovich, Rose and Pauline Ferderber, Mary Pucel, Molly Richards, Louise Seliga, Mary Evan-ich, Barbara Rosandich, Mary Vidmar, Margie Skubitz, Julia Zgonc, Frances Colarich, Rose Vipavez, Mary Zgonc, Stephanie Vranesich and Mrs. Katherine Slogar, president of the branch, Mrs. Josephine Železnikar, Chicago, Miss Corrinne Novak, Cleveland and Mrs. Eugene Merrill who were special guests. Everyone who attended the outing had nothing but words of praise and the highest compliments for all the events of the day and the ride on the "duck” was a big and interesting novelty for most of them. Mary Shikonya, Reporter P. S. This report was given by Mrs. Amelia Mainer, President of the “Dawn” club, as I, your reporter, much to my regret, could not attend this year’s enjoyable outing. A Card of Thanks to our Minnesota friends! Antioch, California: My husband and I had a most delightful visit a-mong our relatives and friends in Minnesota this summer. We stopped in Ely, Virginia, Hibbing, Kitzville, Chisholm, Eveleth, Duluth and in many locations where our dear friends are living. We received a wonderful reception wherever we stopped and were guests in many homes and various places. Our good friend Mrs. Caroline Kozina of Hibbing, Minnesota, did everything possible to make our visit a most pleasant one. We are deeply grateful to her, to her entire family and to each and everyone who did everything to make our visit as grand as possible. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Lenich in Eveleth also did all in their possibility to serve us with the very best. Wherever we stopped we were treated to the best and we shall forever be grateful to each and everyone for their hospitality. We hope that you will visit us in California and give us a chance to return at least some of the many favors we received from you. Ever grateful, Jennie Marolt, member of no. 38 S.W.U., Chisholm, Minnesota Rt. 1. Box 40, Antioch, California No. 43, Milwaukee, Wisconsin—After a two month vacation, we had our first fall meeting on September 9, with a large gathering. We were happy to have Mrs. Mary Bentz, our secretary back with us. She had been gone for two months visiting friends in California. Mrs. Josephine Verbick, returned from a trip to Europe where she visited her sister and friends. Christine Rebernisek, who traveled through the south and Shirley Groth who was visiting in California also returned safely and happily. We are still missing Mrs. Mary Salatnik who left for Europe recently, to visit her sister. We wish her loads of good luck and a happy return. As you already know, each member is assessed 15 cents to meet the expenses of flowers, mass and auto, the month we have a deceased member. Please take care of this when paying your dues and a reminder goes also to all those who are inarrears with their payments to please take care of your dues on time because our secretary would like to have her books in order. In the event you are called to attend a funeral or vigil of a deceased member, please respond. If for "some good reason, it is impossible for you to attend, please call Mrs. Mary Bentz, our secretary. This will give her a chance to contact someone else to take your place. Members it is your duty to attend a funeral of a deceased member. We also decided to attend the 25t.h anniversary of Sloga no 13 on October 13. Saturday nite, in a group. Our bowling teams started their season on September 10, at the Atom- ic Lanes at Howell and Oklahoma Avenue. We will have our regular sessions on Monday nites at 7 P.M. Come and encourage our gals. Give them cooperation for they are trying very hard to keep our branch active. The bowling teams are sponsoring a Card Party on October 21, 1951 at Frangesh’s Tavern, 2012 So. K. K. Avenue in the afternoon and evening. Everyone is welcome. A prize for each table. Also bring along your friends. We wish to thank Mrs. Grasch for the delicious apple strudel she brought to the meeting. It was a treat for us on her birthday. Many more happy returns, Mrs. Grasch. We wish all our sick members a speedy recovery. Mrs. Vachetz, we hope your ankle is coming along better and also Mrs. Gallums’ two youngsters. Our deepest sympathy is extended to the bereaved family of Mrs. Josephine Graebner, who passed away in August. Those who missed our September meeting, really missed a good time. Refreshments were served after the meeting. Better attend the October 14th meeting, we may have another surprise. TJntil then, I remain Sincerely yours, Rose Kraemer, President No. 52, Kitzville, Minn.—Well hello, it’s been a long time since our last report. Our fall season opened September fifth with the initiation of two new members. They are Mrs. Katherine Marolt and Mrs. Ann Yeshe. Welcome sisters, and we hope you will attend our meetings regularly. Mrs Gertrude Kochevar brought the pictures she had taken of the trip to Ely which was well represented by our Union and was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended. Our recorder, Hose Chiodi. lost her dear Mother Mrs. Josephine Staineger on the 23rd of August. To her we offer our deepest sympathy. We have high hopes of getting a new meeting room shortly. Work is now being done at. the Kitzville School and we may soon be in our new clubroonis. To Mary Russo we certainly owe a great deal of gratitude for opening her home for our meetings. Without a place to meet the club would soon become non-existant. MR. AND MRS. HAROLD DWYER, BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. In the beautifully attired wedding party pictured above are left to right: Robert Ruckh, Ellen Senff, William Senff, Lillian Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dwyer, Dores Sterbenz, Frank Dwyer, Mae Kosher and Vincent Walker. Theresa Dwyer, the bride, is a loyal member of branch no. 93, Brooklyn, New York, as are many of her relatives and friends. The newlyweds reside at 1727 Bleecker Street, Brooklyn 27, New York. Our sincere congratulations! The trip to Lemont this summer was greatly enjoyed by some of the members of our club. The hostesses for the first meeting were, Mary Martinich, Mary Bartol, Margaret Kochevar and Gertrude Kochevar. Card game winners were, Ann Russ and Rose Chiodi in bridge, Josephine Oswald and Mary Gutz-willer in bunco and Rose Zidarich and Mary Techar in Canasta. We’ll see you next month. Laura Mancuso, Reporter No. 56, Hibbing, Minn.—With the approach of the fall and winter seasons and the outdoor activities completed, we can look forward to some interesting indoor activities in our local branch. First of all, we’d like a good attendance at our meetings because that's most important if we want to have successful socials and meetings. Our members had nice trips this summer which will remain in their memories for a long time. Speaking ■of trips, a number of our members are already making plans for a trip to Lemont next year. Zveza Day on Sunday August 2G, 1951, was attended by 31 of our members. We travelled to Ely on a chartered bus and several members by cars. It was a beautiful day and the turnout was wonderful from all parts of the state. In fact, more came than were anticipated. One thing our ladies didn’t like: the trip was too short! We just started singing on the bus and we were in Ely. So that means that our ladies really enjoy a long trip. A delicious banquet was held at the Community Center preceded by a Solemn High Mass at St. Anthony’s Church, which was attended by a large number of members who marched to church in a body in procession. A lovely program followed the dinner at which our Supreme President Albina Novak was guest speaker. The singing of the Men’s church choir was given a great applause. We were all spellbound by their wonderful voices and admired their marvelous director. Miss Mary Hutar. We’d like to give a great big hand to the no. 23, Ely branch, for the excellent wav they handled the big job. So until next year our trips are being anxiously awaited. Now to report some of our local news of the month. It's with sorrow we report the loss of Steve N. Brlc-lich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Brk-licli who died of wounds received in battle on Korea on July 23rd and was buried on August 28. To the bereaved family our deepest svmpathy and may his soul rest in neace. The mother, Mrs. Anna Brklich is our loyal member. Reported on the sick list are Mrs. Chernugal, Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Eva Maras to whom we wish a speedy recovery and to all others who are ill. All our members are reminded that we have lovely Christmas Cards on sale, so please, ladies, do your share and help us sell them as it helps to reimburse our treasury. God bless you all and see you at the meeting on October 9. Anne B. Satovich, Reporter No. 73, Warrensville Hghts., Ohio — It sure feels good to be back in the regular swing of things. Children in school, husband’s vacation over and time for fall cleaning, a little canning and a more regular routine of things. During the summer time it was fun to pack lunch basket and drive out to some wooded place and really enjoy eating outdoors. The heat of course, certainly made cooking a misery, didn’t it? But, summer is a wonderful time. I’m sure that we’re all looking forward to next year’s summertime. Our small village was surprised with a two week visit from Helen Dienaman, her husband Ray and son Ray. For most of us, it was the first time in three years to see Helen and the first chance to meet the two men in her life. Helen now resides in New York state. Lucy Lubanovich, her mother, wishes to thank the many friends who remembered Helen and her son with gifts. Both Lucy and Helen are “long-time” members in our branch. The picture you see here was taken in March at the home of Mrs. Lee Epley, the night we surprised her at her new home. Mrs. Epley is shown opening the comforter she was given as a gift. You may recognize Mrs. Elise Liska and your truly on the photo. Lady Stork had been seen hovering over the roof tops in the vicinity. But time will tell us where the blessed event took place. For all who fall into this "category”, here’s a. little prayer, called “Baby O’Mine”. “I believe that every baby is like Christ, a gift of God, sent into this world to lead us in the paths which should be trod. Sent to give us understanding. Sent to give us love divine— Sent to be hope’s inspiration— Oh, I thank Thee, Lord, for mine.” Please remember our sick members who are ill with cards, prayers and visits. Ann Cogan is back to good health road. Her address is 4114 East 78th Street, Cleveland, Ohio. Please call me whenever you know of a member’s illness, Montrose 2-1972 so that we may drop her a card. Regards to all, Evelyn Majercik, Reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich.—The greatest sorrow that can befall a family came upon us on Thursday, July 19, 1951. That day our beloved Wife, Mother and Grandmother breathed her last In Bon Secours Hospital (Grosse Pointe, Michigan.) The funeral was held on Monday July 23, at 10 o’clock in St. Thomas Apostle Church. She was laid to everlasting rest at Mount Olivet Cemetery. At this time we would like to thank all the people who have been so kind to us, and who at the time of our sorrow have been our consolation. First of all we sincerely express our sincere thanks to our Supreme President-Editor, Mrs. Albina Novak, and her daughters, who so kindly came to the funeral and expressed their sympathy. We also wish to thank Father Raymond Maiberger who had the Funeral Mass, led the Rosary services Sunday night, and who stood by us and comforted us in our grief. We also wish to express appreciation to Father Michael Filip who accompanied the funeral to Mount Olivet and conducted services there. An expression of gratitude is certainly due to Father Cleary, chaplain at Bon Secours Hospital and also to the Doctors, Sisters and Nurses there who tried all in their power to save Mother and to console us. The kindness of the Professors and Students at the University of Detroit, as well as that of the Teachers, Students, and Former Students of St. Thomas Grade and High School, will never be forgotten. To the Supreme Officers, Branch Officers and Members of the Slovenian Women’s TTnion, who extended a hand of sympathy, we express our gratitude. We greatly appreciate the kindness of Branches 105, and 9, in coming to say the Rosary on Saturday night. Packard Motor Car Company, U.A.W.-C.I.O., Local 190 the Detroit Red Cross and the Grosse Pointe Police Department are also included in this expression of gratitude. To all the many, many relatives, friends, and neighbors who gave for Masses, and flowers, who came to pay their last respects to Mother, and who in many other ways expressed their sympathy and helped us, we express a sincere feeling of gratitude. We shall never forget these kind friends. “We also wish to sincerely thank the pall-bearers: Dr. Lawrence Cot-vnan, Mr. John Cotman, Mr. Clarence Miller, Mr. Joseph Krupa, Mr. John Kief and Mr. Alexander Abrahams-san.” WOMAN’S GLORY The Kitchen All redoes are tested by contributor Frances lancer 1110 — 3rd St., LaSalle, 111. JJaving been in attendance at the annual “Honey Festival” in Le-mont, Illinois, on Sunday, September 2nd—it came to my mind that the readers of this column would perhaps like to know what honey is and what they can do with all the pounds they gave away at the annual drawing. These prizes went to many states, but somehow or other, Cleveland, Ohio, sent Father Julius Slapsak to Le-mont on that Sunday to make sure it got its share—did it? Ask those that were there; practically every other ticket drawn went to Ohio. Honey is the nectar of flowers, collected and stored by the honey bee in a structure of small waxen cells known as the honeycomb. It contains several kinds of sugar, and about 20 percent water, thus making a very thick syrup. The flavor of the honey, which is very delicious to some, but too cloying for others, depends on the kinds of flowers furnishing the nectar, and its color (ranging from a light golden yellow to a golden brown) is affected by the flowers also. Honey that is marketed in the comb is unadulterated and pure, while that, that is strained is often made from a combination of honeys. HONEY NU'T TARTS 1 cup sweet butter, 1 cup sour cream, 2 egg yolks, 2 cups flour, pinch of salt. For Filling: Honey, sugar and nuts. Soften the butter and beat with the cream and egg yolks. Blend in the flour sifted with salt and roll into small balls. Place in refrigerator until cold. Roll out each and form tiny To you, our dearest Mama, we say: Rest in peace, rest from your labors, and wait for us at the Gate, when we too shall follow you. You will live in our hearts forever, for we love you with an undying love. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon her. Matthew I3ombacli, husband Marie Bombach, daughter Victor Bombach, (step) son Veronica Bombach, (step) daugh-ter-inlaw Shirley-Ann, Thomas, and Richard Bombach, (step) grandchildren. tarts, putting in the center of each 1 teaspoon chopped nuts, 1 teaspoon honey and 1 teaspoon sugar. Bake in a moderate oven until a pale yellow. HONEY CUTOUTS 1 pound honey (1% cups), 1 cup sugar, 2 teaspoons baking soda, G cups flour, % teaspoon nutmeg, % teaspoon cloves, teaspoon salt, one half teaspoon cinnamon, grated rind of 1 lemon, 2 teaspoons powdered candied orange peel, y2 CUP finely chopped citron, 1 cup finely chopped almonds. Heat honey, add sugar and cool. Combine spices with sifted flour, soda, salt, and sift again; add to honey mixture with lemon rind, citron, orange peels and almonds. Knead until smooth and chill. Roll out on floured board about one fourth of an inch thick and cut in any fancy shapes. Bake at 350 degrees for 12 to 15 minutes. HONEY ANGEL FOOD CAKE 1 cup flour, 1 cup sugar, cups egg whites, teaspoon salt, 1teaspoon cream of tartar, % cup honey, 2 drops almond extract, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Place ungreased angel food pan in hot oven. Sift flour and sugar 4 times. Beat egg whites and salt until foamy. Add cream of tartar and beat until stiff; gradually add honey and extracts. Fold in sifted flour and sugar mixture gradually. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites gradually. Pour batter into hot angel food pan and bake 30 minutes in 400 degree oven. Invert pan and let cool for 1 hour. HONEY TEA CAKES 2 cups sifted cake flour, 1 teaspoon baking powder, % teaspoon baking soda, teaspoon salt, 2 eggs, 1 cup strained honey, 1 teaspoon lemon extract, 1 cup sour heavy cream. Mix and sift dry ingredients. Beat eggs until frothy, and gradually beat in honey; add flavoring. Add flour mixture alternately with sour cream, beating until smooth after each addition. Turn into greased small muffin pans and bake in moderate oven 350 degrees about 20 minutes Or you may use crinkle cups and place in muffin pans. These have a decided honey flavor. Makes 20 small cupcakes. HONEY DROP COOKIES 3 cups sifted flour, 3 teaspoon baking powder, % teaspoon salt, % teaspoon cinnamon, % cup chopped almonds, % cup chopped citron, % cup shortening, y2 cup sugar, 1 cup honey, 2 egg yolks, well beaten, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Mix and sift 3 cups flour, baking powder, salt and cinnamon; stir in almonds and citron. Cream shortening; beat in sugar and honey, then egg yolks and vanilla; gradually stir in flour-nut mixture. Bake sample cooky to determine effect of honey on mixture. Some honey causes more spreading than others; add more flour if necessary. Drop batter from teaspoon on greased baking sheet and bake in moderate oven 375 degrees about 10 minutes. Makes ly2 dozen cookies. HONEY DATE STICKS 1 cup sifted all-purpose flour, 1% teaspoon baking powder, '4 teaspoon salt, 1 cup finely chopped pitted dates, 1 cup chopped walnuts, 3 eggs, Vi cup melted fat or salad oil, 1 cup honey, powdered sugar. Sift first three ingredients. Add dates and walnuts, and blend. Beat eggs with hand or electric beater until thick and lemon-colored. Add fat and honey, and blend well. Add flour mixture, and stir until smooth. Pour into greased or oiled pan about 12 by 8 by 1 inch. Bake in moderately hot oven of 350 degrees for 45 minutes or until firm and brown. Cool slightly; then cut into sticks 1 inch by 3% inches. Remove with a spatula; roll in powdered sugar. This recipe will make IS sticks, and these will keep moist for a long time. HONEY ICE BOX COOKIES % cup shortening, y2 cup brown sugar, % cup honey, 1 egg, 2% cups flour, V6 cup nutmeats, 1 teaspoon baking powder, *4 teaspoon soda, % teaspoon salt. Cream honey, sugar, shortening and egg. Add sifted dry ingredients and nut meats. Shape into roll and chill 24 hours in refrigerator. Slice and bake 10 minutes at 400 degrees. Note: instead of rolling, this dough can be packed into empty oleomargarine containers, if you are thrifty and save them. They hold the shape of the box, and can be sliced very easily. WOMAN’S GLORY -- THE KITCHEN ENGLISH COOKBOOK is now on sale. Order your copy today Send $2.00 with your Name and Address to: Mrs. Josephine Muster, 714 Raub Street, Joliet, Illinois who will promptly fill all orders. — Juniors’ *Pcige THE SWEET LITTLE TRIO IN SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Pictured here are Jane Mary Ziegenhorn, member of branch no. 1, and her cousins Rudy and Jimmy Mahler, celebrating Jane Mary’s 4th birthday. The birthday cake you see here portrays a house on a lawn with a fence around it, which was baked and artistically decorated by Jane Mary’s aunt, Mrs. Jane Gorenz, former secretary of branch no. 1. Mrs. Gorenz is famous for her artistry in baking. Jane Mary’s mother, grandmother, aunt and Rudy and Jimmy’s mother are all members of branch no. 1. Congratulations to the wonderful family and may our sweet darlings enjoy many more happy parties! OCTOBER October’s most important days are the 12th, Columbus Day and 31st, Halloween. You will probably hear all about Columbus Day from your teachers at school, so we will concentrate on Halloween. It is a gala day for all children. Halloween costume parties are very exciting and we hope you are planning now to have one. Clever costumes can be made out of sheets, old clothes, or even heavy crepe paper. Masks and jack-o-lanterns are very essential properties and can be easily made by hand. Put these items on your list to make at your next handcraft meeting. We would suggest that you invite new and old friends to your party, and make a special effort to get all the members, who still are acting as if they were on vacation, to come out and enjoy the fun that you have planned for your group. You really want them to have as much fun as you. ORIGIN OF OCTOBER Under the old Latin calendar October was the eighth month. It was called by the Saxons “wyn moneth” wine month), the time when they prepared their wine! Under the Julian Calendar it was changed to the tenth month where it remains today. The night of October 31 is celebrated in the United States and aboard as Halloween, or All Hallows’ Eve, the evening before All Saints' Day. It is a relic of pagan times, formerly believed to be the time of the year when supernatural influences prevailed, when ghosts walked, spirits hovered, and witches rode through the air on broomsticks. For centuries it has been celebrated with nuts, apples and taffy, with seeking future lovers' appearance. and youthful mischief.making. THE GOLDEN RULE Unwritten and sacred, there is the law that is recognized and practiced by the races the world over, and that law is the Golden Rule. Here are a few interpre-tations: Persian—Do as you would be done by. Chinese—What you would not wish done to yourself do not do unto others. Buddhist—One should seek for others the happiness one desires for one’s self. Egyptain—He sought for others the good he desired for himself. Let him pass on. Mohammedan—Let none of you treat his brother in a way he would himself dislike to be treated. Hindu—Guard and do by the things of others as they would do by their own. Christian—All things whatsoever ye would that me should do unto you, do ye even so to them. DO YOU KNOW What is the difference between writing ink and printing ink? •sseiu aAjsaijpe snoU[jun|B 4>iO|n^ e s| >juj Bujjuud Ojiq/w ‘Xjjpesj Jnod o* ijBnoua U|i|* Pjnij. e sj Bui*um What old-time film company specialized in short comedies in which policemen were always comic characters? •auo*s/a>f How many states are there along the Pacific coast of the USA? 'ejujo; -||BO pue uoBajQ ‘uoiBujqsi?/v\ ‘agjqj. The teacher had been teaching the children the most common insects and on a test asked them to name the five most common bugs. Annie wrote: “June, tumble, lady, bed and hum." HALLOWEEN COOKIES It might be fun to make some cookies which are really Halloween-y. And it won’t be very hard to do. You’ll need: a package of gingerbread mix small hard candies You’ll use: baking utensils a cookie sheet First: Add milk or water of contents of package and mix as directed on the package. From a spoon, drop the mixture on a greased cookie sheet. Flatten the cookies a little, but don’t press them hard. Second: Make faces on the cookies with the candies. You can make a Jack-o-lantern, or a witch, or a black cat. Cut a cookie in half and outline a face. Try using different colors. Orange is especially good. Third: Bake in oven as directed. These cookies will be very attractive and your friends will like to eat them, too. So it goes, one, two three and you will be having loads of fun and a real nice time serving home-made cookies that you made yourself. Dentist—What kind of a filling do you want in your tooth? Girl—Chocolate. The mother was surprised when her sweet young daughter ran into her arms and hugged her excitedly. “Oh, mama, oh mama", she cried. “Johnnie loves me!” “How nice’’, commented her mother. “Has he asked you to marry him, is that how you know?” “Oh, no, mama. Not that, but he’s down in the front room learning to play cards with father.” HALLOWEEN NIGHT The man in the moon looked down one night As lonesome as could be, And sought to.find a friendly soul, To keep him company. O’er field's of corn and pumpkins ripe He roamed until he spied, A little old rumbly, tumbly shack With a cat and a witch Inside. The man in the moon said, “Come with me, I need some company." The cat and the witch were lonesome too. So straightway they agreed. And if you should see on Halloween A cat and a witch on a broom, You'll know that they are going up To see the man in the moon. A HALLOWEEN GAME It’s fun to play “Pin the Tail on the Donkey,” isn’t it? Well, it’s Just as much fun to play “Pin the Eyes on the Pumpkin.” And you can make the game yourself. Cut a pumpkin shape from a piece of heavy cardboard. Cover it with orange paper. (Or you can make one of orange cardboard). Cut out a nose and a mouth the way you do when making your Halloween Jack-o'-lantern. Hang up the pumpkin. Each player is given two long pins with a cranberry stuck on each one. The player is then blindfolded, turned around three times, but left facing the pumpkin. To win, he must pin the eyes in the right place. The game can be made harder by not cutting any features on your pumpkin. Then the players try to pin black paper eyes, nose and mouth in their proper places. The one getting them nearest, wins! “So, she’s dumb, is she?” “Say, she’s so dumb, she thinks the organ grinders works for the monkey because the monkey collects the money.” PODRUŽNICE S.2.Z. IN NJIH ODBORI ŠT. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. iPreds.: Christine Rupnik, 530 So. I3th St. Tajn.: Theresa Zagožen, 1624 So. Dth St. Blag.: Mary Turk, 1020 Alabama ave. Seje: Drugi torek v cerkveni dvorani. ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Preds.: Josephine Železnikar, 2045 W. 23d Tajn.: Lillian Kozek, 2244 S. Wolcott Blag.: Mary Tomazin, 1902 W. Cermak Seje: Drugi četrtek v cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 3, PUEBLO. COLO. Preds.: Anna Pachak, 2009 Oakland ave. Tajn.: Mary Perse, 1234 Eiler evenue Blag.: Mary Pugelj Seje: Prvo sredo v mesecu, 7 p.m. St. Mary’s Hall ŠT. 4, OREGON CITY, ORE. Pred.: M. Polajner, 1112 J. Adams St. Tajn.: Mary Gerkman, R. 2, Box 15 Blag.: Staži Petrich, 609 Madison St. Seje: Drugi torek ob osmih zvečer. ŠT. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Preds.: Louise Yeager, 912 No. Warman Tajn.: Julija Zupančič, 2826 W. 10th St. Blag.: Anna Trauner, 920 No. Holmes Seje: Tretji četrtek S.N.D. 7:30 ŠT. 6, BARBERTON, OHIO Preds.: Evelyn Ifrizay, 83rd 29th St. N.W. Tajn.: Mary Fidel, 86—15th St. N.W. Blag.: Margareth Naizer, 821 Wooster, Apt. 3 Seje: Prva nedelja v mesecu v farnem "Club House” ŠT. 7, FOREST CITY, PA. Preds.: Anna Kameen, Depot St. Tajn.: Mary Mlinar, 740 Susq. St. Blag.: Rose Kotar Oven, 142 Center St. Seje: Vsako prvo nedeljo, 2 P.M. ŠT. 8, STEELTON, PA. Preds.: Mary Flajnik, P.O. Box Bressler, Pa. Tajn.: Johanna Goles, 749 So. Front Blag.: Katie Belicic, 245 Fredrich St. Seje: Vsak drugi četrtek v mesecu ŠT. 9, DETROIT, M1CH. Preds.: Katherine Butala, 8115 Kenny ave Tajn.: Clara BiHala, 8115 Kenny ave. Blag.: Angela Hochevar, 6424 Morse ave. Seje: Church Hall, 2nd Sunday, 3 P.M. ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND (Colllnwood), O. Preds.: Mary Urbas, 833 E. 156th St. Tajn.: Frances SuSel, 15900 Holmes ave. Blag.: Filomena Sedej, 713 E. 160 St. Seje: Drugi četrtek v mesecu v Slovenskem Domu na Holmes avenue ŠT. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Preds.: Agatha Dežman, 649 So. 29th St. Tajn.: M. Schimenz, 732 W. Pierce St. Blag.: Mary Matitz, 3705 W. Hilda Pl. Seje: Prvo sredo na 815 So. 5th St. ŠT. 13. SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Preds.: Rose Scoff, 2208 Mariposa Tajn.: Blanche J. Gollop, 2325 Mariposa Blag.: June Starika, 3348 — 19th St. Seje: Prvi četrtek v Slovenskem domu ŠT. 14, NOTTINGHAM, O. Preds.: Mary Strukel, 870 E. 185th St. Tajn.: Frances Kog, 20357 Goller avenue Blag.: Mary Mršnik, 20170 Lindberg Seje: Prvi torek v mesecu v Slov. društvenem domu, Recher avenue ŠT. 15, NEWBURGH, O. Preds.: Anna Yakic, 4716 Lester ave. Tajn.: Helen Zupančič, 3549 E. 81st St. Blag.: Anne Yakich, 4716 Lester Ave, Seje: Vsako drugo sredo v S. N. Domu na 80. cesti ST. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Preds.: Katie Triller. 1724 Stanton, Whiting, Ind. Tajn.: Gladys Buck, 10036 Ave. L. Blag.: Anna Buck, 10036 Ave. L. Seje: Drugi četrtek, St. George’s Hall ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, WIS. Preds.: Jos. Schlossar, 5801 W. National Tajn.: Marie Floryan, 5830 W. Mineral Blag.: Frances Piwoni, 3717 So. 92nd St. Seje: Tretjo nedeljo v cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 18, CLEVELAND, O. Preds.: Nettie Strukel, 15806 Trafalgar Tajn.: Josephine Praust, 1281 E. 169th St. Blag.: Josephine Praust Seje: Drugi torek v Kuncie hali ŠT. 19, EVELETH, MINN. Preds.: Antonia Nemgar, 117 Jones St. Tajn.: Mary Lenich, 609 Jones St. Blag.: Josephine Primožič, 511 Grant ave. Seje: Vsako drugo sredo v Auditorium ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Preds.: Emma Planinšek, 1314 Elizabeth Tajn.: Frances Gaspich, 619 Nicholson St. Blag.: Jos. Sumic, 1400 No. Center Seje: Vsako četrto nedeljo, 2 P.M., Ferdinand Hall ŠT. 21, CLEVELAND, O. Preds.: Ivana Zalar, 11920 Longmead Tajn.: Pauline Tratnik, 12500 Kirton Blag.: Jos. Weiss, 12619 Kirton Ave. Seje: Prva sreda v Jugo. Narodnem Domu ŠT. 22, BRADLEY, ILL. Preds.: Anna E. LaMontagne, 284 S. Grand avenue Tajn.: M. Starasinich, 212 So. Michigan Blag.: Elizabeth Kender, 212 So. Michigan Seje: Every fourth Thursday ŠT. 23, ELY, MINN. Preds.: Katerine Slogar, 411 E. Harvey Tajn.: Barbara Rosandich, 846 E, Chapman St. Blag.: M. Shikonya, 846 E. Chap Seje: Prvo nedeljo 7:00 P.M. v Community Center ŠT. 24, LA SALLE, ILL. Preds.: Anna Plantan, 307-8th Street Tajn.: Ang. Strukel, 536 La Harpe St. Blag.: Mary Kastlgar, 1146—7th Street Seje: Prva nedelja v mesecu, v šoli, 6th and Crosot Street ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, O. Preds.: Ivanka Krall, 1098 Norwood Rd. Tajn.: Mary Otoničar, 1110 E. 66th St. Blag.: Louise Piks. 1176 E. 71st Seje: Drugi pondeljek ob osmih v Soli sv. Vida ŠT. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Preds.: Anna Trontel, 701 Kendall St. Tajn.: Mary Coghe, 4517 Coleridge St. Blag.: Ant. Stayduhar, 5607 Wlckliffe St. Seje: Tretji torek v Slov. Domu ŠT. 27, NORTH BRADDOCK, PA. Preds.: Mary Stephenson, 1721 No. Ridge Tajn.: Mary Stefančič, 520 Howard St. East Pittsburgh, Pa. Blag.: Frances Ciligoi, 1719 Poplar Way Se|e: Prva nedelja na 1630 Shaver Ave. ŠT. 28, CALUMET, MICH. Preds.: Ann Heinaman, 6th Street Tajn.: Mary Bracco, 2028 Calumet Ave. Blag.: Stephanie Ryan, 109—6th Street Seje: Drugo sredo v mersecu v Cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 29, BROUNDALE, PA. (P. O. Forest City, Pa.) Preds.: Mrs. Mary Pristavec Tajn.: Anna Pluscusky, 244 Hudson St. Blag.: J. Debevec, R. D. 2 Seje: Prvi pondeljek v mesecu ŠT. 30, AURORA, ILL. Preds.: 'Florence* Aister, 775 Aurora Ave. Tajn.: Theresa Zefron, 1227 Superior Street Blag.: Rarbara Fayfar, 611 Hankes Ave. Seje: 2nd Tuesday at metnbers’ homes ŠT. 31, GILBERT, MINN. Preds.: Antoinette Lucich, Box 752 Tajn.: Rose Ivlink, Box 494 Blag.: Mary Kern, Box 555 Seje: Vsako drugo sredo ob 7:30 zvečer ŠT. 32, EUCLID, O. Preds.: Theresa Potokar, 19850 Renwood Tajn.: Hattie Gole, 911 E. 232nd St. Blag.: Helen Kovacevich, 986 E. 218th Seje: Prvi torek dvorani sv. Kristine ŠT. 33, NEW DULUTH, MINN. Preds.: Helena Krall. 402 House St. Tajn.: Mary Shubitz, 518—99th Ave. W Blag.: Mary Shubitz Seje: Drugi petek 7:30 v Šolski dvorani. ŠT. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. Preds.: Mary Erchul Tajn.: Mary Pahula, Box 69G Blag.: Mary Pahula Seje: Tretjo nedeljo v C.M. Club Hall ŠT. 35, AURORA, MINN. Preds.: Pauline Plevel, Box 66 Tajn. in blag.: F. Bradach, Box 172 Seje: Prvi pondeljek v Village Hall ŠT. 36, McKINLEY, MINN. Preds.: Anna Spihar Tajn. in blag.: Mary, Krall, Box 84 Seje: Drugo nedeljo v mestni dvorani ob 2 popoldne ŠT. 37, GREANEY, MINN. Preds.: Anna Rent, Gheen, Minn. Tajn.: Frances L. Udovich Blag.: Anna Škraba, Gheen, Minn. Seje: Druga nedelja po maši, v dvorani ŠT. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. Preds.: Mary Nosan, 118 S.W. 6th St. Tajn.: Anna Trdan, 215—5th S.W. Blag.: Sylvia Petrich, 303—7th S.W. Seje: Prvo sredo S.N.D. zvečer ŠT. 39, BIWABIK, MINN. Preds.: Johanna Zallar Tajn. in blag.: Frances Anzelc, Box 67 Seje: Second Monday, Pavilion ŠT. 40, LORAIN, O. Preds.: Frances Bresak, 1769 E. 31st St. Tajn.: Angela Kozjan, 1748 E. 34th St. Blag.: Mary Pavlovčič, 1763 E. 34th St. Seje: Drugo sredo ob 7:30 zvečer v S. N. Domu ŠT. 41. COLLINWOOD, O. Preds.: Anna Stopar, 15419 Ridpath Ave. Tajn.: Ella Starin, 17814 Dillewood Blag.: Anna Rebolj, 1217 E. 176th Street Seje: Prvi torek v SDD na Waterloo Rd. ŠT. 42, MAPLE HEIGHTS, O. (P. O. Bedford, O.) Preds.: F. Legan, 5099 Stanley Ave. Tajn.: Mildred Lipnos, 5157 Erwin St. Blag.: F. Stavec, 6108 Stanley Ave. Seje: Prvi torek, 7:30 p.m., v S. N. D„ 5050 Stanley Avenue ŠT. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Preds.: Rose Kraemer, 2012 S. K. K. Ave. Tajn.: Marie Bevz, 2122 S. Allis Street Blag.: Mary Tratnik, 3603 So. Austin St. Seje: Drugo nedeljo, 2012 So. K.K. Ave. ŠT. 45, PORTLAND, ORE. Preds.: Mary Golik, 3016 N. Gantenbein Tajn.: Louise Struznik, 915 Stafford St. Blag.: Lucille Betich, 4134 N. E. 11th ave. Seje: First Wed! 7:30, Mrs. Golik’s home ŠT. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. Preds.: Josephine Prebil, 4309 California Tajn.: Helen Skoff, 5457 Gresham Street Blag.: Helen Skoff Seje: Prvi četrtek, 3244 Minnesota Ave. ŠT. 47, GARFIELD HEIGHTS, O. Preds.: Theresa Bizjak, 8601 Vineyard Tajn.: Helen Tomazic, 8804 Vineyard Blag.: Ivanka Pugelj, 10724 Plymouth Seje: Drugo soboto na 8601 Vineyard Ave. ŠT. 48, BUH L, MINN. Preds.: F. Ambrožič, Box 235 Tajn.: Jennie Anderson, Blag.: Mary Arko, Box 455 Seje: Tretji torek v Public Library ŠT. 49, NOBLE, O. Freds.: M. Stusek, 29654 Grand Blvd., Wickliffe, Ohio Tajn.: Virginia Bisch, 21100 Arbor Ave. Blag.: Rose Strah, 24420 Mavec Seje: Prvi pondeljefa. v mesecu v St. Christine’s Hall ŠT. 50, CLEVELAND, O. Preds.: Bernice Zoldak, 566 E. 108th St. Tajn. in blag.: J. Patrick, 1271 Argonne Seje: 2nd Monday Carofran’s, 7017 Superior, upstairs Bridal Shoppe ST. 51, KENMORE, O. (P. O. Akron, Ohio) Preds.: Dorothy Zakely, 616 W. Flora ave. Tajn.: Jennie Zolter, 2110 Manchester rd. Blag.: Jennie Golec, 450 Waterloo Seje: Prva nedelja v mesecu, 2 p.m., Slov. Home. 216G Manchester Rd. ŠT. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Preds.: Josephine Oswald, Box 891 Tajn.: R. Chiodi, 312 — 4th Street Blag.: Mary Gutzviller, Box 231 Seje: First Wed. at Mary Russo's home ŠT. 53, BROOKLYN, O. (P. O. Cleveland, Ohio) Preds.: M. Oblak, 4412 Bradley Avenue Tajn.: Louise Menart, 3429 W. 60th St. Blag.: Mary Kolanz, 3970 W. 2nd Street Seje: Prvi četrtek, 2 P.M., 4002 Jennings ŠT. 54, WARREN, O. Preds.: R. Racher, 2205 Burton Street Tajn. blag.: Mary Waltko, 2068 Milton Seje: 2nd Wed. Slov. Home ŠT. 55, GIRARD, O. Preds.: T. Lozier, 152 Churchill Rd. Tajn. blag.: Mary Maček, 44 Pittsburgh Seje: Drugi torek v S. N. Domu ŠT. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Preds.: Mary Theodore, 2529-4th Ave. W. Tajn.: Mary Meadows, 1410-15th Ave. E Blag.: Caroline Kozina, 2601—2nd Ave. Seje: Drugi torek v Assumption Hall, ob 7:30 zvečer ŠT. 57, NI LES, O. Preds.: Frances Ycrman, 619 Spring St. Tajn.: Miss Jennie Logar, 710 Pew St. Blag.: Chris Thomas, 136 Ridgewood Seje: First Tuesday, 803 Belmont Ave. ŠT. 59, BURGETTSTOWN, PA. Preds.: Cecelia Farritano, Main Street Tajn.: Virginia Bendich, 2 E. Market Blag.: Margaret Godish, 1 E. Market St. Seje: 2nd Tuesday Slov. Home ŠT. 61, BRADDOCK, PA. Preds.: Marget Kršul, 107-9th St. Tajn.: Frances Mule, 421 Robinson Blag.: Jennie Novosel, Box 273, Terrace, Pa. Seje: 2nd Sunday, Croation Home ŠT. 62, CONNEAUT, OHIO Preds.: Tess Vignal, 539 Blair Street Tajn. in bla.: Stella Anderson, 413 Depot Seje: First Wed. at Mrs. Mundi’s Broad St. ST. 63, DENVER, COLO. Preds.: Mary Kovac, 4584 Logan Street Tajn.: Angelina Andolshek. 4531 Penn St. Blag.: J. Krasovich, 5180 Washington St. Seje: Četrto nedeljo v cerkveni dvorani ŠT. 64. KANSAS CITY, KANS. Preds.: T. Cvitkovlch, 639 Simpson Tajn.: Catherine Lastelic. 637 Orville Ave. Blag.: Mary Mootz, 319 Orchard Street Seje: Tretja nedeljo v šolski dvorani ŠT. 65, VIRGINIA, MINN. Preds.: Johanna Strle, 121 So. 3rd St. Tajn.: Jennie Taucher, 719 10th St. N. Blag.: Jennie Taucher Seje: 1st Monday, 8 P.M., Women’s Club, City Hall ŠT. 66, CANON CITY, COLO. Preds.: Katherine Yekovec, 607 Griffin Tajn.: C. R. Konte, 112 W. Catlin Ave. Blag.: Mary Lauriskl Seje: Vsako drugo nedeljo ob dveh ŠT. 67, BESSEMER, PA. Preds.: Mary Snezic, Box 47 Tajn.: Frances Sankovich, Box 175 Blag.: Mary Brodesko, Box 447 Seje: Vsako prvo nedeljo v Croation Hall ŠT. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR, OHIO Preds.: Mary Modic, 505 New Street Tajn. blag.: Mary Grzely, 1055 N. St. Clair Painesville Blag.: Mary Grzely Seje: Drugo nedeljo na domu tajnice ŠT. 70, WEST ALIQUIPPA, PA Preds.: Stella Žagar Ciccone, 104 Main Tajn.: Frances Gentile, 141% Main Ave. Blag.: Kath. Derglin, 138 Main Street Seje: Drugi torek v mesecu ŠT. 71, STRABANE, PA. Preds.: M. Tomsic, Box 202 Tajn.: Anna Sterle, Box 176 Blag.: Mary Kocjan Seje: Drugo sredo ob sedmih v KSKJ hali ŠT. 72, PULLMAN, ILL. Preds.: Jennie Orazem, 11433 Champlain Tajn.: Angela Bezlay, 11425 Champlain Blag.: Angela Bezlay Seje: Tretjo sredo — 668 W. 117th Place ŠT. 73, WARRENSVILLE, OHIO Preds.: Mary Turk, 23200 Vera St. Tajn: Mary Juratovac, Eastwood dr. Warrensville Hgts., Cleveland, Ohio Blag.: Alojzija Turk, 22715 Vera Street Seje: Prvo nedeljo na 22715 Vera Street ŠT. 74, AM BRIDGE, PA. Preds.: Jenny Gasperlc, 716—24th Street Tajn.: Stephania Plese, 112 Maplewood Seje: Drugo nedeljo. 104 Merchant ŠT. 77, N. S. PITTSBURGH, PA. Preds.: R. Murslack, 111 Garden View Rd. Tajn.: Cecilia Zupan, 924 Spring Garden Blag.: Anna Boskovic, 1026 Gochring St. Seje: Prvo sredo, Svabian Hall, 912 Chestnut ŠT. 78, LEADVILLE, COLO. Tajn.: Rose Champeau, 121 W. 4th St. Blag.: Bertha Brandt, 308 Elm Street Se|e: Tretjo sredo v mesecu na domu članic ŠT. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. Preds.: Josephine Richter, Rt. 1, Box 14 Tajn.: Ivana Chacata, Rt. 2, Box 121 Blag.: Jennie Beaner, Box 98 Seje: Drugo nedelje pri članicah ŠT. 80, MOON RUN, PA. Preds.: Frances Deyak Tajn.: Mary Christian, RFD 1 McKees Rocks Blag.: Genevieve B. Arch Seje: 1st Thursday In. Church Hall ŠT. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. Preds.: C. Matakovich Tajn.: Anna General Blag.: C. Matakovich Seje: Drugi četrtek v Village Hall ŠT. 83, CROSBY, MINN. Preds.: Kate Mrkonich, 716 Poplar Tajn.: Mary Deblock, 212 Winona Way, Ironton Blag.: Mary Deblock, Box 12, Riverton Seje: Prvi pondeljek v mesecu ob 8 zvečer ŠT. 84, NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. Preds.: Angela Voje, 1825 Woodbine Ridgewood, Brooklyn. N. Y. Tajn.: Anna F. Svet, 6901 66th St., Glendale, L. I. Blag.: A. Vaupotich, 2215 28th Street, Astoria, L. I. Seje: Prvi pondeljek v Slovenskem domu ŠT. 85, DE PUE, ILL. Preds.: M. Stupar, Box 381 Tajn.: Maria Jermene, Box 205 Blag.: Josephine Bankse, Box 412 Seje: Drugo nedeljo ob 2 popoldne v S. N. D. ŠT. 86. NASHWAUK, MINN. Preds.: Helen Kolar Tajn.: C. Stimac Blag.: Catherine Stimac Seje: Drugi ponedeljek v S. Cecelia Hall ŠT. 88, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Preds.: Mary Kuzma, 231 View Street Tajn.: M. Lovše, 205 Oakland Avenue Blag.: Mary Zupan, 546 Forest Avenue Seje: 2nd Wed. 7 P.M. Slov. Home ŠT. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. Preds.: Josephine Livek, 331 Elm Street Tajn.: Frances Mattiazza, 211 E. 1st Blag.: Frances Nemeth, 120 N. Kenosha Seje: Drugi ponedeljek ob sedmih zvečer ŠT. 90, PRESTO, PA. Preds.: Ann Nemec, R.D 1 Bridgeville Tajn.: Mary Rupnik, 701 Cliartiers St. Blag.: Anne Sorčan, R.F.D. #1 Seje: 3rd Sunday, 3 P.M., St. Barbara's Hall, Presto, Pa. ŠT. 91, OAKMONT, PA. Preds.: Anna Flisek, 721—3rd Street Tajn.: Amalia Sorch, 409 Virginia Ave. Blag.: Anna Kastelic, Box 287 Seje: Vsaki prvi torek ob sedmih — 731 3rd Street ŠT. 92, CRESTED BUTTE, COLO. Preds.: Rose Starika Tajn.: Isabdl Novak Blag.: Josephine Somrak Seje: 1st Sunday at City Hall ŠT. 93, BROOKLYN, N. Y. Preds.: H. Corel, 67 Scholes Street Tajn.: Agnes Klarich, 1644 Putnam Blag.: Helen Hodnik, 6042 - 68 Rd. Seje: Tretji torek v Slov. Domu ŠT. 94, CANTON, OHIO Preds.: Kathryn Pauline, 1831 Roslyn Ave., S.W. Tajn. in bla.: Mary Krznarich, 612 Patterson S.W. Blag.: Mary M. Krznarich Seje: 3rd Sunday at President's home ŠT. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Precfs.: M. Markezich, 2809 E. 95th St. Tajn.: Pauline Stanley, 10035 Exchange Blag.: Martha Pazanin, 11009 Ave. G Seje: 1st Wednesday; Sacred Heart Hall ŠT. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. Preds.: Pauline Kokal, Box 322 Tajn.: Mary Klemenčič, R.D. 1, Box 318, Pittcairn, Pa. Blag.: Frances Velicic, Reiter Rd. Seje: Drugo nedeljo v mesecu v Slov. Hall, ob 2 popoldne ŠT. 97, CAIRN BROOK, PA. Preds.: Angela Satkovich, Box 28 Tajn.: Theresa Prim.sar, R.D. #1, Central City, Pa. Blag.: Margaret Mihelič, Central city, Pa. Seje: Prvo nedeljov mesecu od 2 popoldne v St. John Baptist Church hall ŠT. 99, ELMHURST, ILL. Preds.: Victoria Volk, 243 Larch Avenue Tajn.: Maria Podgornik, 200 Evergreen Blag.: Molly Remec, 125 Walnut Street Seje: Prvo nedeljo na domu članic ŠT. 102, WILLARD, WIS. Preds.: Mary Zupančič Tajn.: Mrs. M. Plautz, Box 27, Rt. 1 Blag.: Gertrude Godec Seje: Drugo nedeljo v društveni dvorani ŠT. 104, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Preds.: Johanna Klucar, R.D. l Box 110 Tajn.: Theresa Zallar, R.D. 1, Box 153 Blag.: Mary Anzelc, 117 Avalon Avenue Seje: Tretjo nedeljo v Sv. Cirila in Metoda dvorani ŠT. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Preds.: Kathryn Petrich, 8031 Grixdale Tajn. in blag.: Marie Bombach, 6505 Concord Street Blag.: Marie Bombach, 6505 Concord Seje: Na domu članic ŠT. 106, MEADOW LANDS, PA. Preds.: Josephine Tauzel Tajn.: Agnes Žitko, Box 557 Blag.: Katherine Hoefler Seje: Tretji torek v cerkveni dvorani Finančno poročilo S. Ž. Z. za mesec AVGUST 1951 Monthly Report of the S. W. U. for the Month of August 1951 Dohodki: it«v. Podružnica 1. SHEBOYGAN, WIS 2. CHICAGO, ILL 3. PUEBLO, COLO 4. OREGON CITY, ORE. .... .......... 5. INDIANAPOLIS, INC 6. BARBERTON, OHIO -— 7. FOREST CITY, PA. 8. STEELTON, PA 9. DETROIT, MICH 10. COLLINWOOD, OHIO 12. MILWAUKEE, WIS. 13. SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. . 14. NOTTINGHAM, OHIO . 15. NEWBURGH, OHIO 16. SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. 17. WEST ALLIS, WIS. 18. CLEVELAND, OHIO 19. EVELETH, MINN 20. JOLIET, ILL — 21. CLEVELAND, OHIO 22. BRADLEY, ILL 23. ELY, MINN. 24. LASALLE, ILL. 25. CLEVELAND, OHIO ....... 26. PITTSBURGH, PA 27. NORTH BRADDOCK, PA. 28. CALUMET, MICH 29. BROWNDALE, PA 30. AURORA, ILL 31. GILBERT, MINN 32. EUCLID, OHIO „ - 33. NEW DULUTH, MINN .. 34. SOUDAN, MINN 35. AURORA, ILL 36. McKinley, minn 37. GREANEY, MINN. ...... 38. CHISHOLM, MINN 39. BIWABIK, MINN 40. LORAIN, OHIO 41. COLLIN WOOD, OHIO 42. MAPLE HEIGHTS, O 43. MILWAUKEE, WIS 45. PORTLAND, ORE 46. ST. LOUIS, MO 47. GARFIELD HEIGHTS, O. 48. BUHL, MINN 49. NOBLE, OHIO .. 50 CLEVELAND. OHIO ....._ 51. KENMORE, OHIO 52. KITZVILLE, MINN 53. BROOKLYN, OHIO 54. WARREN, OHIO 55. GIRARD. OHIO 56. HIBBING, MINN 57. NILES, OHIO 59. BURGETTSTOWN, PA. . 61. BRADDOCK, PA 62. CONNEAUT, OHIO 63. DENVER, COLO 64. KANSAS CITY, KANS. _ 65. VIRGINIA, MINN 66. CANNON CITY, COLO. 67. BESSEMER, PA 68. FAIRPORT HARBOR, O. 70. WEST ALIQUIPPA, PA. 71. STRABANE, PA 72. PULLMAN, ILL 73. WARRENSVILE, ^HIO ... 74. AMBRIDGE, PA 77. N. S. PITTSBURGH, PA ... Mesečnina Družabne in Štev. Članic Redni Mladinski “Zarja” Članice Razno Skupaj Redni Mladinski $67.35 3.50 .10 70.95 176 35 152.15 10.20 .20 .50 163.05 381 104 101.60 4.80 .10 106.50 251 51 9.95 .10 10.05 27 1 45.10 3.00 48.10 131 30 63.15 2.30 .20 65.65 174 25 52.00 2.60 .10 54.70 139 90 26 13 17.25 .20 17.45 45 2 194.30 5.80 .25 200.35 522 61 122.95 6.80 .25 130.00 341 70 57.15 .20 57.35 139 2 131.10 5.10 .30 136.50 346 53 129.10 6.60 .10 ,25 136.05 320 67 72.35 3.20 .10 75.65 182 33 119.00 3.40 122.40 160 17* 38.65 .80 39.45 104 8 63.90 8.10 72.00 170 656 82 275 39.35 3.30 .25 42.90 111 34 25.50 86.10 1.90 .50 25.50 88.50 30 230 —# 19 78.50 3.80 .10 82.40 212 38 395.65 10.70 .10 .50 406.95 901 111 52.85 2.40 .10 55.35 141 27 35.25 1.60 36.85 80 16 36.20 .10 .70 37.00 99 1 16.45 1.40 17.85 42 14 18.40 .20 18.60 27 1* 47.05 3.40 .50 .25 51.20 120 36 57.55 2.30 59.85 143 23 31.30 1.80 .26 33,35 83 18 8.40 .10 8.50 25 — 44.70 2.40 .10 47.20 97 • 27 4.20 4.20 12 — 17.60 .60 18.20 45 6 72.90 1.30 .10 74.30 192 14 10.85 .50 11.35 31 7 40.75 .60 .40 41.75 105 6 93.00 2.00 .70 95.70 256 20 16.90 16.90 44 — 45.30 2.80 48.10 118 28 30.50 .60 .10 31.20 80 6 11.00 .30 11.30 30 3 44.45 2.30 46.75 122 24 6.80 1 6.80 18 60 84 1 11 12.40 .40 13.80 30 4 19.95 .20 20.15 47 2 18.10 .80 18.90 46 10 31.40 2.50 .50 34.40 84 28 37.85 2.30 40.15 96 23 43.95 .80 .20 44.95 118 8 29.55 2.50 32.05 73 26 16.90 1.00 17.90 39 46 10 13 12.45 .10 12.55 32 — 35.25 2.90 .30 38.45 91 66 29 16 25.75 1.60 27.35 72 16 21.70 1.00 22.70 50 13 34.70 1.00 .60 36.30 82 10 12.95 12.95 27 — 6.00 .30 .10 6.40 15 3 52.75 1.10 53.85 130 11 20.55 .90 21.45 53 10 26.25 .50 26.75 75 5 27.90 .30 28.20 60 3 20.65 1.30 .25 22.20 60 15 Dohodki: Mesečnina Družabne in štev. Članic fttev r. Podružnica Redni Mladinski " Zarja” Članice Razne Skupaj Redni Mladinski 72 LBADVILE, COLO 39 10 79. ENUMCLAW, WASH 17.85 1.40 .80 20.05 46 15 80. MOON RUN, PA 10.95 10.95 27 — 81. KEEWATIN, MIN 12.60 12.C0 36 — 83. CROSBY, MINN 9.15 .30 9.45 24 — 84. NEW YORK, N. Y 40.05 .50 1.20 41.75 108 5 85. DePIJE, ILL 13.60 .50 .10 10 14.30 36 5 86. 88. NASHWAUK MINN 7.50 31.05 2.20 .40 9.70 10 . .*■ JOHNSTOWN, PA. 3.20 34.65 75 32 89. OGLESBY, ILL 33.50 2.70 .30 36.50 95 27 90. BRIDGEVILLE, PA 46.60 4.50 .40 51.50 66 24* 91. VERONA, PA 19.55 .70 20.25 43 7 92. CRESTED BUTTE, COLO 10.80 10.80 23 — 93. BROOKLYN, N. Y 29.95 .40 .60 30.95 82 4 94. CANTON, OHIO 21 14 95. SOUTH CHICAGO, ILL. 80.90 4.60 85.50 180 47 96. UNIVERSAL, PA 23.25 .20 .50 23.95 55 2 97. CAIRNBROOK, PA 14.55 .80 15.35 33 9 99. ELMHURST, ILL 10.50 10.50 25 — 102. WILLARD, WIS 12 2 104. JOHNSTOWN, PA 35 — 105. DETROIT, MICH 11.00 .40 .80 12.20 16 2* 106. MEADOWLANDS, PA. 24 — Skupaj $3,735.90 154.30 12.80 4.15 $3,907.15 10,394 1906 Obresti od bondov 200.00 Preostanek za pošiljatve v domovino iz Dobrodelnega Sklada 200.00 Skupni dohodki $4,307.15 * Za julij in avgust; # Za avgust in september. STROŠKI: Za umrlo Mary Steiner, podr. št. 14, Nottingham, Ohio ........... Za umrlo Josephine Yanchar, podr. št. 14, Nottingham, Ohio Zaumrlo Julia Sebalj, podr, št, 20, Joliet, 111.................. Za umrlo Margaret Videtieh, podr. št. 20, Joliet, 111 ........... Za umrlo Mary Drčar, podr. št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio............... Za umrlo Katherine Rose, podr. št. 38, Chisholm, Minn............ Za umrlo Clara Golobich, podr. št. 40, Lorain, Ohio ............. Za umrlo Mary Janc, podr. št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio................ Za umrlo Antonia Gnidovec, podr. št. 49, Noble, Ohio ............ Za umrlo Mary Caristo, podr. št. 80, Moon Run, Pa................ Za itmrlo Theresa Cvitkovich, podr. št. 64, Kansas City, Kans.. Mesečne plače $725.00 — davki odšteti $76.05 .................... Poštnina in telefon za predsedniški-uredniški urad .............. Tiskovine za glavni urad ........................................ Najemnina za gl. urad in uredništvo ............................. Razni stroški ................................................... Provizija od prodanih kartic za Dobrodelni Sklad ................ Skupaj V blagajni 1. avgusta 1951 — Balance August 1 Dohodki v avgustu — August income ..................... Skupaj — Total ...................... Stroški v avgustu — August disbursements V blagajni 31. avgusta — Balance August 31 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 648.95 11.44 52.81 27.00 30.00 120.90 $1,991.10 $276,116.66 4,307.15 $280,423.81 1,991.10 $278,432.71 Josephine Erjavec, glavna tajnica. WOMAN'S GLORY - THE KITCHEN SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION SILVER ANNIVERSARY ENGLISH COOKBOOK Is just off the press. It contains 275 pages of tested recipes, including many kinds of POTICA, STRUDEL, KROFEE, FLANTSATEE, AND PASTRIES, ETC. Price of book is only $2.00 postpaid. Send order with money to: Mrs. Josephine Muster, 714 Raub St., Joliet, 111. All veil ING RO1 ji 1. /-»* n/Mtn a -»r A TTTTB" UTI AII ni f" is Af* v pi Consult CARO FRAN • i fil-IrnSllsllM Ml I* II \ I* I 1 1. LuJl | 11 ^ I IL* Ml 8nr II ‘ Ofi For complete satisfaction on your wedding j „tr,v, , old . , „ , ....... TrJK. IVfYTxTi^ ROOTf Km day! Your purse and you will be pleased! 1 aaxj itj vj>jiv ffl ------„--------------------—__—1—__ . WITH NOTES AND WORDS OF Hfl c i s „• i ^ i THE MOST BELOVED SLOVENIAN tor complete satisfaction vmt ; ■**“ I PARK VIEW FLORISTS | ° • - I XJP-i The book is ( Iwj Wftddfcngn, Bouquets, Fttnaral desijjru, Coinages ! — , r. , $0 Telegraph delirwr service j —m^Z( Enclose money with order)\Z.—— M J. J. STARC j fcoj 1096 Norwood Rd. T«L &r. 1*5078 i Orders promptly filled by: j-gj 9820 Kinsman Rd. Tet Mi. 1-240* , JOSEPHINE ZELEZJJIEAR Olnreland, Ohio 2045 W. 23rd Street Chicago 8, Illinois 1—~N )ne dollar Naročite si “BARAGOVO PRATIKO” za prestopno 'leto 1952 Vsebina je zanimiva, poučna, informativna in zabavna. Stane $1.00 kar je poslati v Money odru, čeku, ali gotovini na naslov:- BARAGOVA PRATIKA 6519 West 34th Street Berwyn, Illinois t Naročite jo čimpreje, dokler je v zalogi! J V '* . . - MARY J. MIHEVC 304 ELDA AVE EVELETH, MINN. F* K .1 \ GRi V,' JU Offk teriaak RtL, Fhone CAnsJ. 6485 bicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS COAL Se OH. 2045 W. 23 rd St. Phone VI 7-4691 Chicago 8. Illinois Nova ^UHARICA” ZA AMEBIŽKE SLOVENKE —■ ''SLOVENSKO. AMERIŠKA KUHARICA" — Ixtfata Mr*. Ivanka Zakrajšek Knjiga, kj j« Ja vaaka gospodinja želela Imeti Ctaa c poftt*)*ffl $6.00. Naročite Jo pri “Zarja” 2073 Sreadvlew Rd., Cleveland 9, Ohio GEREND’S FUNERAL HOME Phone 7012 Ray Gerend Peter Bastasic SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN Bolezen nesreča smrt ■o tr) te£ke akrbl, ki se Jih ne more aihče ubraniti Dane* ali Jutri, bolj alt maaj bo vsak prizadet Č« hočež dobro aebi la dragim, pristopi v KRANJSKO-SUOVENSKO KATOLIŠKO JEDN0TQ Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki % Poali/je ie. 58 1 e to Članstvo: 43,000 Premoženje: nad $8,500,000.00 Sprejema moSke In tenske od 16. do 60 leta; otroke pa takoj po rojstru ln do 16. leta pod »roje okrilje. Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vpraSajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSK.T ali pa pilite na: SLAVNI URAD: 35J-3S3 N. Chicago Street, Joliet, III. T A TJ M Ttfi II CCir’LI LIK. JunJN MALtjiLH OPTOMETRIST t JSy, Ohle