Ivan Sprajc: Lunar alignments in Mesoamerican architecture Lunar alignments in Mesoamerican architecture Ivan Sprajc Research Center of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, sprajc@zrc-sazu.si Abstract Systematic archaeoastronomical research recently conducted in several regions ofMesoamerica has revealed the existence of architectural orientations corresponding to major and minor extremes of the Moon (also known as standstill positions) on the horizon. Particularly indicative are the results of quantitative analyses of alignment data from the Maya Lowlands, disclosing a prominent group of orientations that can be convincingly related to the major lunar extremes. The astronomically-motivated intentionality of these alignments is additionally supported by contextual evidence, particularly significant being the fact that most of them are concentrated along the northeast coast of the Yucatán peninsula, where the lunar cult is known to have been important. Since the lunar orientations are regularly associated with those corresponding to the solstitial positions of the Sun, it is very likely that particular attention was paid to the full Moon extremes. This contribution also presents some independent evidence that sheds light on the cultural significance of lunar orientations. KEYWORDS: Mesoamerica, archaeoastronomy, architecture, orientations, Moon, standstills Introduction Archaeoastronomical studies carried out in recent decades in different parts of Mesoamerica have shown that the orientations in civic and ceremonial architecture exhibit a clearly non-uniform distribution, i.e. concentrations around certain azimuthal values. The presence of such orientation groups at a number of sites spread far apart in space and time can only be explained with the use of astronomical objects on the horizon as reference objects (cf. Aveni & Hartung 1986: 7f). The prevailing orientation patterns indicate that most buildings were aligned to sunrises and sunsets on particular dates; some orientations to Venus extremes were also identified (e.g. Aveni 2001; Aveni & Hartung 1986; Aveni et al. 2003; Galindo 1994; 2009; Tichy 1991; Sprajc 1993a, 1996, 2001), whereas the relationship of alignments with other celestial bodies was much less certain. While it was observed that some buildings in the Maya area may have been oriented to the standstill positions of the Moon (Aveni & Hartung 1978, 1979; Sletteland 1985), only recent research in various parts of Mesoamerica has disclosed a considerable number of structures that can be reliably related to these phenomena (Sánchez & Sprajc 2015; ANTHROPOLOGICAL NOTEBOOKS 22 (3): 61-85. ISSN 1408-032X © Slovene Anthropological Society 2016 61 Anthropological Notebooks, XXII/3, 2016 Sánchez et al. 2016; Sprajc & Sánchez 2015; Sprajc et al. 2016). The present contribution summarises the analyses that led to this conclusion and presents contextual data that elucidate the significance of lunar alignments. Lunar standstills If observed on consecutive days at the moment of rising or setting, the Moon moves along the horizon between its extreme northerly and southerly positions, taking one month to complete the circuit. However, since the Moon's orbit is inclined to that of the Earth (the ecliptic) at an angle of 5.145° (i), and because the lunar nodes, i.e. intersections ofboth orbits projected on the celestial sphere, move gradually along the ecliptic, completing the whole circle in 18.6 years, the extreme declinations1 of the Moon differ from those reached by the Sun at the solstices by up to ±5.145°, exhibiting variations with the same periodicity. Considering an approximate value of ±23.5° for the obliquity of the ecliptic e (inclination of the Earth's equator to the ecliptic), the extreme declinations of the Moon in an 18.6-year cycle vary between ±(e + i) (ca. ±28.5°) and ±( e - i) (ca. ±18.5°); the corresponding moments are known as major and minor lunar standstills, respectively, each of the two occurring at 18.6-year intervals. Consequently, at a major standstill the rising and setting Moon reaches its greatest extremes, i.e. the farthest northerly and southerly points on the horizon, while the smallest (innermost) extremes can be observed after 9.3 years (cf. Thom 1971: 15ff; Morrison 1980; Ruggles 1999: 36f, 60f; Aparicio et al. 2000: 32ff; González-García 2015). The apparent motion of the Moon is quite complicated. Due to its relative proximity to the Earth, the positions of the Moon, as seen from the Earth, are affected by the parallax, which must be taken into account in calculating geocentric lunar declinations corresponding to alignments (Hawkins 1968: 51f; Thom 1971: 34; Ruggles 1999: 36f).2 The exact values of standstill declinations of the Moon are subject to a number of parameters, which vary as a function of time. As already mentioned, the differences between the extreme declinations of the Moon and those reached by the Sun at the solstices can be up to about ±5.145°; however, due to secular variations of the obliquity of the ecliptic (cf. Ruggles 2015: 479f), the exact values of lunar standstill declinations also vary in time. Furthermore, the mean 1 Whereas the azimuth is the angle measured in the horizontal plane clockwise from the North, having values from 0° to 360°, the declination is the celestial coordinate expressing the angular distance of a point projected on the imaginary celestial sphere from the celestial equator, which can be imagined as a projection of the Earth's equator on the celestial sphere. Declinations are measured perpendicularly to the celestial equator to the north and south, having values from 0° to ±90°. Possible astronomical referents of an alignment can only be identified by calculating the declination of the corresponding horizon point (considering its altitude above the horizon plane corrected for atmospheric refraction, the geographic latitude of the observation point, and the alignment's azimuth) and matching it with declination values given for celestial bodies in astronomical sources (ephemerides, star atlases, etc.). 2 The declinations of the Moon given in astronomical ephemerides are geocentric (i.e. valid for an observer in the center of the Earth). For an observer on the Earth's surface, however, the apparent declination of the Moon is slightly different (unless the Moon is in zenith, which means that the observer is located exactly along the line connecting the Moon and the Earth's center). The difference between the two values (the parallax) thus depends on the position of the observer relative to the Earth's center and the Moon. For determining the parallax needed in our calculations of geocentric lunar declinations, the mean values of the Earth's radius and of its distance from the Moon have been considered, as well as the concrete horizon altitudes along the alignments. 62 Ivan Sprajc: Lunar alignments in Mesoamerican architecture value of the inclination of lunar orbit to the ecliptic (5.145°) exhibits periodic variations of up to ±0.15° or 9 arc minutes. Additionally, the parallax of the Moon, depending on its changing distance from the Earth, manifests periodic variations of a few arc minutes. Another factor to be considered is that (strictly speaking) a lunar standstill corresponds to the moment in which the nodes of the lunar orbit coincide with the equinoctial points on the ecliptic, but this instant rarely coincides with the extreme declination reached by the Moon in a month. Moreover, if we assume that the ancient observers paid particular attention to the Moon's northernmost and southernmost excursions on the horizon, it is important to consider that the moment the Moon attains its extreme declination only exceptionally coincides with the time of its rising or setting; due to its relatively fast movement with respect to the starry background (ca. 13° per day), its declination at the moment of rising or setting can differ by a few arc minutes from the maximum/minimum declination reached in that particular month. Likewise, the need to postpone observations because of unfavourable weather conditions can additionally contribute to errors in determining the northernmost or southernmost position of the Moon. Owing to these and other variables, discussed by Ruggles (1999: 36f, 60f) and, in greater detail, by Morrison (1980), the extremes of the Moon determined through the observation of its risings and settings will tend to be smaller than those resulting from calculations based on the true standstill declinations. In other words, it can be expected that the declinations corresponding to the directions determined this way will be larger for southern standstills (negative declinations) and smaller for northern standstills (positive declinations); this is precisely what is observed in our data. Orientations to major lunar extremes The most compelling evidence for the existence of lunar orientations comes from the Maya area, whereas their occurrences elsewhere in Mesoamerica are rather sporadic. Figure 1 presents relative frequencies of declinations corresponding to the east-west azimuths of 305 architectural orientations measured at 106 sites in the Maya Lowlands (for detailed alignment data, see Sánchez & Sprajc 2015; Sánchez et al. 2016). To illustrate the difference between lunar declinations, which are, on average, about 0.37° greater than 'normal' declination values (calculated without taking into account lunar parallax and employed for determining other possible celestial referents of alignments), the distribution of both types of declinations is shown. To facilitate further references, the declinations marked on the eastern and western horizon are designated briefly as east and west declinations, respectively. For obtaining the curves, the method known as kernel density estimation (KDE) was employed, taking into consideration the errors assigned to each value on the basis of the present state of the buildings observed in the field and the estimated uncertainties regarding the originally intended azimuths. For the error assigned to each declination value, a normal distribution centred on the nominal value and with a standard deviation of the specified uncertainty was assumed, and all normal distributions were totaled to obtain the data for the curves (for details see Sánchez & Sprajc 2015: 49f). It can thus be expected that the most prominent peaks of the curves closely correspond to the values targeted by particular orientation groups. 63 Anthropological Notebooks, XXII/3, 2016 Declinations Cast , , A t"leJl ¡(1 a. i Ain ' y h ™......ft ..... , i. y v \ Í jy\ji «¡ AT "Vi fît ti 1.1 . "" If --^ h rf . ... ■ declination*