Also available at ISSN 1855-3966 (printed ed.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic ed.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 1 (2008) 169–184 Relating Embedding and Coloring Properties of Snarks Bojan Mohar ∗ † Department of Mathematics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC, V5A 1S6, Canada Eckhard Steffen Paderborn Institute for Advanced Studies in Computer Science and Engineering Universität Paderborn, Warburger Straße, D-33098 Germany Andrej Vodopivec ‡ Faculty of Information and Computer Science, University of Ljubljana Tržaška 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Received 29 November 2007, accepted 9 December 2008, published online 27 December 2008 Abstract In 1969, Grünbaum conjectured that snarks do not have polyhedral embeddings into ori- entable surfaces. To describe the deviation from polyhedrality, we define the defect of a graph and use it to study embeddings of superpositions of cubic graphs into orientable surfaces. Su- perposition was introduced in [4] to construct snarks with arbitrary large girth. It is shown that snarks constructed in [4] do not have polyhedral embeddings into orientable surfaces. For each k ≥ 2 we construct infinitely many snarks with defect precisely k. We then relate the defect with the resistance r(G) of a cubic graph G which is the size of a minimum color class of a 4-edge-coloring of G. These results are then extended to deal with some weaker versions of the Grünbaum Conjecture. Keywords: Graph embedding, resistance, snark, superposition. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C10, 05C15 ∗Supported in part by an NSERC Discovery Grant, by an NSERC Accelerator Supplement, by the CRC Program, and by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Slovenia, Research Program P1-0297. †On leave from IMFM & FMF, Department of Mathematics, University of Ljubljana, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slove- nia. ‡Supported in part by the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of Slovenia, Research Program P1-0297. E-mail addresses: (Bojan Mohar), (Eckhard Steffen), (Andrej Vodopivec) Copyright c© 2008 DMFA – založništvo 170 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 1 (2008) 169–184 1 Introduction In this paper we study 2-cell embeddings of cubic graphs into closed orientable surfaces. All graphs will be simple and without loops. We follow the notation of [5]. A (orientable) combinatorial embedding Π of a graph G is given by a rotation system and two embeddings are (combinatorially) equivalent if they define the same collection of facial walks. To describe an embedding it is sufficient to list all facial walks. An embedding given by a collection F of facial walks is orientable if we can orient walks in F so that each edge appears twice along walks in F , once in each direction. Any such orientation is called a consistent orientation. Unless stated otherwise, all embeddings considered are orientable. An embedding of a graph is polyhedral if all facial walks are cycles and any two of them are either disjoint, intersect in one vertex or intersect in one edge. Therefore, an embedding of a cubic graph is polyhedral if all facial walks are cycles and any two of them are either disjoint or they intersect in precisely one edge. The study of polyhedral embeddings of cubic graphs is motivated by the following con- jecture of Grünbaum [3]. Conjecture 1 (Grünbaum Conjecture). If a cubic graph admits a polyhedral embedding into an orientable surface, then it is 3-edge-colorable. Grünbaum proposed this conjecture in 1969 [3] as a generalization of the Four Color Theorem, which was not yet proved at that time. At present it is known that it is true for the plane (follows from the Four Color Theorem). Recently, Kochol announced that he found counterexamples to the conjecture on surfaces with genus at least five. The conjecture is still open for other surfaces. For each orientable surface S we can state the Grünbaum Conjecture for S. Conjecture 2 (Grünbaum Conjecture for S). If a cubic graph admits a polyhedral embedding into the orientable surface S, then it is 3-edge-colorable. Let Π be an embedding of a 3-connected cubic graphG into a surface S. Consider its dual multigraph G∗, and observe that the embedding is polyhedral if and only if G∗ is a simple graph. Let w be the length of a shortest cycle in G∗ which is non-contractible in S. Then w is called the face-width of the embedding Π. It is easy to see that Π is polyhedral if and only if the face-width is at least 3 (and G is 3-connected). See [5] for more details. Robertson and Mohar proposed a weakening of Grünbaum’s Conjecture, where the as- sumption on the face-width is strengthened (see [5]). Conjecture 3 (Grünbaum, Mohar, Robertson). There exists an integer k such that the follow- ing holds. If a cubic graph admits an embedding into an orientable surface with face-width at least k, then it is 3-edge-colorable. In [2] it is also conjectured that 3-connected cubic graphs with embeddings of face-width at least 4 are 3-edge-colorable. However, it is not even known if any lower bound on the face-width guarantees 3-edge-colorability for any non-simply connected fixed surface. By a theorem of Vizing, simple cubic graphs are either 3- or 4-edge-colorable. Cycli- cally 4-edge-connected cubic graphs with girth at least 4 which are not 3-edge-colorable are called snarks. Grünbaum’s conjecture is equivalent to the statement that snarks do not admit polyhedral embeddings into orientable surfaces. Grünbaum’s conjecture has been verified for many families of snarks since its formulation in 1969. Szekeres [10] proved it for flower snarks J2k+1 and the Szekeres graph, in [6] it was B. Mohar et al.: Relating Embedding and Coloring Properties of Snarks 171 proved for Goldberg snarksG2k+1. However the proofs do not rely on the coloring properties of graphs. It can be shown that no graph Jn or Gn, n ≥ 3, admits an orientable polyhedral embedding and that the graphs Jn neither have polyhedral embeddings into non-orientable surfaces [6]. Let Π be an embedding of a cubic graph G and let F = {W1, . . . ,Wk} be the collection of facial walks of Π. For a walk Wi ∈ F we define the defect d(Wi) of Wi to be the number of edges which appear twice along Wi. For two facial walks Wi,Wj ∈ F , i 6= j, we define the defect d(Wi,Wj) = max{0, |E(Wi) ∩ E(Wj)| − 1}. The defect of the embedding Π is defined as d(G,Π) = d(Π) = k∑ i=1 d(Wi) + ∑ 1≤i 0 for every snark G. Stated with resistance, the Grünbaum Conjecture is equivalent to the statement that for every graph G, d′(G) > 0 if r(G) > 0. The following theorem gives a stronger relation. Theorem 10. If there exists a snark G with d′(G) < 12r(G) + 1, then there exists a snark G ′ with d′(G) = 0. B. Mohar et al.: Relating Embedding and Coloring Properties of Snarks 177 x y x1x1 x2x2 y1y1 y2y2 0 1 2 3 456 7 8 9 Figure 4: Thickening an edge. Proof. Suppose there exists a snark G which has an embedding into an orientable surface with 2d′(G) < r(G) + 2. We will construct a sequence of graphs G1 = G,G1, G2, . . . , Gk such that d′(Gi) > 1 for i < k, d′(Gk) ≤ 1, d′(Gi) ≤ d′(Gi−1)−1 for i = 2, . . . , k and r(Gi) ≥ r(Gi−1)−2 for i = 2, . . . , k. Since k < d′(G) and r(G) > 2k − 2 we see that r(Gk) > 0. So Gk is a non 3-edge-colorable cubic graph which has an embedding of defect at most 1 into an orientable surface. By Lemma 8 the Grünbaum Conjecture is false and therefore there exists a snark G′ with d′(G′) = 0. Suppose we have an embedding Π(Gi) of Gi for which d′(Π) = d′(Gi). We replace a bad edge e = xy in the embedding of Gi with a graph on 10 vertices (see Figure 4) to get a graph Gi+1 with an induced embedding of a smaller modified defect (see Figure 4). In the embedding of Gi we can assume we have facial walks W1, W2, W3, W4 which contain the paths x1xyy1, y1yy2, y2yxx2 and x2xx1 respectively, where some of W1, W2, W3, W4 may be equal. To define an embedding of Gi+1 we take facial walks of the embedding of Gi, replace the paths x1xyy1, y1yy2, y2yxx2 and x2xx1 on the walks W1, W2, W3, W4 with the paths x1654y1, y1432y2, y2210x2 and x2076x1 and add facial cycles 018970, 12381, 34583 and 56785. By appropriately choosing the bad edge e we can guarantee that the modified defect decreases by at least one. We distinguish four choices for the bad edge e. At each step we can make Choice 3 only if we can not make Choices 1 or 2 and can make Choice 4 if we can not make Choices 1, 2, or 3. As long as the defect of the embedding is more that 0 we can make one of the choices. Choice 1: bad edge e = xy where x and y are bad vertices. In this case W1 = W2 = W3 = W4. To calculate the modified defect of the embedding of Gi+1 observe that bad edges in the embedding of Gi+1 are bad edges of the embedding of Gi minus e plus bad pairs {70, 01}, {12, 23}, {34, 45} and {56, 67}. So d(Π(Gi+1)) = d(Π(Gi))−1+4 = d(Gi)+3. Since we removed two bad vertices x and y and created no new bad vertices we have dV (Π(Gi+1)) = dV (Π(Gi)) − 2 and therefore the modified defect is d′(Π(Gi+1)) ≤ d′(Π(Gi)) − 1. Since d(Π(Gi)) = d′(G) we conclude that d′(Gi+1) ≤ d′(Gi)− 1. Choice 2: bad edge with e = xy where x is a bad vertex and y is not. In this case W1 = W3 = W4 and W2 6= W1. 178 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 1 (2008) 169–184 The defect of the induced embedding of Gi+1 is d(Π(Gi+1)) = d(Π(Gi))− 1 + 2 = d(Gi) + 1 and dV (Π(Gi+1)) = dV (Π(Gi))− 1. Therefore the modified defect is d′(Π(Gi+1)) = d′(Π(Gi))−1. We conclude that d′(Gi+1)≤ d′(Gi)− 1. Choice 3: bad edge e = xy which appears twice along one facial walk. Since we can not make choices 1 or 2 we can assume that W1 = W3 and W2 6= W1 and W4 6= W1 (but it is possible that W2 = W4). In the embeddings ofGi andGi+1 there are no bad vertices. The defect of the embedding of Gi+1 is d(Π(Gi+1)) = d(Π(Gi))− 1 and therefore d′(Gi+1) ≤ d′(Gi)− 1. Choice 4: e = xy which does not appear twice along one facial walk. Since we can not make choices 1, 2, or 3 it is only possible that maybe W2 = W4. In the embeddings ofGi andGi+1 there are no bad vertices. The defect of the embedding of Gi+1 is d(Π(Gi+1)) = d(Π(Gi))− 1 and therefore d′(Gi+1) ≤ d′(Gi)− 1. It remains to show that r(Gi+1) ≥ r(Gi) − 2. Suppose we have a minimum coloring c of the graph Gi+1. We define a coloring c′ of Gi as follows: c′(f) = c(f) if f is not incident with x or y and c′(x1x) = c(x16), c′(yy2) = c(2y2). We can color the edge f with one of the colors 1, 2, 3 and color edges x20 and y14 with color 4. So r(Gi) ≤ r(Gi+1) + 2. Theorem 10 implies that if Grünbaum’s conjecture is true, we can bound d′(G) from below with r(G), which would be a very strong connection between the defect, which is a topological property, and resistance, which is a coloring property. A similar bound holds for the unmodified defect as shown below. Corollary 11. The following statements are equivalent: (1) The Grünbaum Conjecture is true. (2) For all snarks G: d′(G) ≥ 12r(G) + 1. (3) For all snarks G: d(G) ≥ 38r(G) + 3 4 . Proof. It is obvious that either of (2) and (3) imply (1). For (2), the reverse holds by Theo- rem 10. To see that (3) follows from (1), observe that d(Π) ≥ 6dV (Π). From this fact we get d′(Π) = d(Π) + 2dV (Π) ≤ 4 3 d(Π) and so d′(G) ≤ 43d(Π). So, assuming (1) we obtain (2), and consequently r(G) ≤ 2d′(G)− 2 ≤ 8 3 d(G)− 2 or equivalently 38r(G) + 3 4 ≤ d(G). A similar result follows for Conjecture 2. If a cubic graph G is embeddable into an orientable surface S we define the defect of G in S as dS(G) = min{d(Π) | Π is an embedding of G into S}. B. Mohar et al.: Relating Embedding and Coloring Properties of Snarks 179 and similarly the modified defect of G in S as d′S(G) = min{d′(Π) | Π is an embedding of G into S}. Theorem 12. If there exists a snark G embeddable into a surface S with dS(G) < r(G)2 then there exists a snark G′ embeddable into S with dS(G′) = 0. Proof. We follow the proof of Theorem 10. Note that when we thicken an edge in Gi, the graph Gi+1 is embedded into the same surface. Corollary 13. For every orientable surface S the following statements are equivalent: (1) Conjecture 2 is true for S. (2) For all snarks G embeddable into S: d′S(G) ≥ r(G) 2 . (3) For all snarks G embeddable into S: dS(G) ≥ 38r(g). The proof is similar to the proof of Corollary 11 and is omitted. Let us observe that the bounds in Corollary 11 can be made slightly better since we can use Lemma 8(2) to strengthen the base case, but here we can not since the proof of that lemma involves snarks which may not be embeddable in S. 4 Larger face-width and blocking weight We now give similar results for Conjecture 3. Let Π be an embedding of a cubic graph G into a surface S and let k > 0 a fixed integer. Let G∗ be the dual of G in Π. A function w : E(G) → Z+ is a k-blocking weight if for each cycle C in G∗, which is not contractible in the surface S, we have w∗(C) := ∑ e∈E(C) w(e) ≥ k. Obviously, an embedding Π has face-width at least k if and only if the trivial function with w(e) = 1 for each e ∈ E(G), is a k-blocking weight. Let φ : Z+ → Z+ be the function defined recursively as follows. We set φ(1) = 0, and for x ≥ 2 define recursively φ(x) = 5φ (⌈x 2 ⌉) + 5φ (⌊x 2 ⌋) + 1. (1) For a k-blocking weight w of an embedding Π, we define dk(G,Π, w) = ∑ e∈E(G) φ(w(e)) and set dk(G,Π) = min{dk(G,Π, w) | w a k-blocking weight for Π}. Finally, the k-defect of G in S is dkS(G) = min{dk(G,Π) | Π an embedding of G into S}. If G cannot be embedded in S, we set dkS(G) =∞. 180 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 1 (2008) 169–184 x y x1x1 x2x2 y1y1 y2y2 0 1 2 3 4567 Figure 5: Thickening an edge. Theorem 14. Let k be an integer and S a fixed surface. If there exists a snark G embeddable into S with dkS(G) < r(G) 2 , then there exists a snark G ′ embeddable into S with face-width at least k. Proof. Suppose that there exists a snark G embeddable into S with dkS(G) < r(G) 2 . We will construct a sequence of graphs G0 = G,G1, G2, . . . , Gn such that dkS(Gi) > 0 for i < n, dkS(Gn) = 0, and d k S(Gi+1) ≤ dkS(Gi)− 1 and r(Gi+1) ≥ r(Gi)− 2 for i = 0, . . . , n− 1. These properties imply that n ≤ dkS(G). Since r(G) > 2dkS(G) ≥ 2n, the stated recursive property for the resistances of consecutive terms also implies that r(Gn) > 0. So Gn is a non-3-edge-colorable graph embedded into S with face-width at least k. Again Gi+1 is constructed from Gi by thickening an edge. Suppose Gi is Πi-embedded into S and wi is a k-blocking weight of Gi such that dkS(Gi) = d k(G,Πi, wi). Let e be an edge of Gi whose weight w(e) is maximum. Suppose wi(e) = w. We replace the edge e in Gi as shown in Figure 5 to get a graph Gi+1 embedded in the same surface S. We define the weight function wi+1 : E(Gi+1) → Z+ as follows. If f ∈ E(Gi), then wi+1(f) = wi(f). For the new edges we set: wi+1(01) = wi+1(12) = wi+1(23) = wi+1(34) = wi+1(07) = dw2 e and wi+1(45) = wi+1(52) = wi+1(56) = wi+1(61) = wi+1(67) = b w 2 c. It is easy to check that wi+1 is a k-blocking weight forGi+1 and that r(Gi) ≤ r(Gi+1)+ 2. Since we have replaced one edge of weight w with five edges of weight dw2 e and five of weight bw2 c, the definition (1) of the valuation function φ implies that dkS(Gi+1) ≤ dk(Gi+1,Πi+1, wi+1) = dk(Gi,Πi, wi)− 1 = dkS(Gi)− 1. This proves our claims and completes the proof. Corollary 15. For a fixed surface S and an integer k, the following statements are equivalent: (1) Conjecture 3 is true for S and k. (2) If a snark G is embeddable into S, then dkS(G) ≥ r(G) 2 . 5 Snarks with large girth Let G be a superposition of the Petersen graph. A vertex of G that arises from a vertex v of P by replacing it with a trivial supervertex S(v) will be called an original vertex. Each edge B. Mohar et al.: Relating Embedding and Coloring Properties of Snarks 181 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 6: Cyclically 4-edge-connected graphs G4. incident with an original vertex will be called an original edge. A connected subgraph of G which is induced by nontrivial supervertices and superedges between them is called a block. We will describe cycles inG. If a cycleC contains a path x1 . . . xk this will be denoted by C = ∗x1 . . . xk∗. If a cycle enters a block in a supervertex S(x2) from an original vertex x1 and leaves this block from a supervertex S(y1) to an original vertex y2, this will be denoted by C = ∗x1x2.y1y2∗. It is possible that x2 = y1 in which case we will sometimes write C = ∗x1x2y2∗. There are no original vertices on C between x1 and y2. In [4] two families of snarks of large girth were constructed. The first family has cyclic edge-connectivity four. All these graphs can be expresses as a proper superposition of the Petersen graph where we assign trivial supervertices to vertices 0, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 of P (see also Figure 6). Let G4 be the set of all cubic graphs that can be obtained in this way. Theorem 16. If G ∈ G4 then G has no polyhedral embeddings into orientable surfaces. Proof. Let G ∈ G4 and suppose that it is polyhedrally embedded into an orientable surface. We use the notation from Figure 6. Look at the facial cycles on the edges 01 and 81. There are at least three distinct facial cycles on these two edges, otherwise the embedding would not be polyhedral. We now show that there are exactly three. Suppose we have four facial cycles A = ∗01.23∗, B = ∗01.27∗, C = ∗81.27∗ and D = ∗81.23∗ Since the embedding is polyhe- dral, the cycle C must be C = 81.2768 (otherwise it would intersect the facial cycle which contains the path 867 twice) and the cycle A must be A = 01.2390 (otherwise it would in- tersect the facial cycle which contains the path 390 twice). Since B already intersects cycles A and C it can not use the edge 43 or 48, therefore it must be B = 01.2750 and simi- larly D = 81.2348. There is another facial cycle which contains the vertex 3. It must be F = 439675.4 since the embedding is polyhedral. Since the embedding is orientable, we can consistently orient the facial cycles. Suppose that F is oriented so that the edges 43 and 67 are in the direction of the orientation. Then the cycle D is oriented so that the edges 34 and 182 Ars Mathematica Contemporanea 1 (2008) 169–184 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Figure 7: A cyclically 5-edge-connected graph. 81 are in the direction of the orientation. Finally the cycle C is directed so that the edges 18 and 67 are in the direction of the orientation. This is a contradiction since the facial cycles C and F are oriented in the same direction on the edge 67. By symmetry we have exactly three facial cycles at the edges from the other superver- tices. The facial cycles which contain original edges therefore induce an embedding of the underlying Petersen graph. Since the embedding of G is orientable we have a consistent ori- entation of cycles. We use this orientation in the induced embedding of P . Since facial walks are oriented consistently on original edges of G, this orientation is consistent on all edges of P and so the embedding is orientable. Suppose that in the induced embedding of the Petersen graph we have two facial cycles A and B which have k + 1 edges in common. This implies that at least k of these edges correspond to superedges in G. It follows that the induced embedding of the Petersen graph has defect at most 2, since in G we have two superedges. This contradicts Lemma 5. A graph G is in G5 if it is a proper superposition of the Petersen graph where we assign trivial supervertices to the vertices 6, 7, 8, 9 and additionally trivial superedges to the edges 54 and 12 (see also Figure 7). If a cycle C enters a block on a supervertex x2 from an original vertex x1, then it uses some vertices from a supervertex x3 and then leaves the block from a supervertex x3 to an original supervertex x4, this will be denoted by C = ∗x1.x2.x3.x4∗. Theorem 17. If G ∈ G5 then G has no polyhedral embeddings into orientable surfaces. Proof. Let G ∈ G5 and suppose it has a polyhedral embedding into an orientable surface. Similarly as in the proof of the previous theorem we first show that this embedding induces an embedding of the underlying Petersen graph. We use the notation of Figure 7. Call the supervertices 0, 1, 2 with superedges between them the lower block and the supervertices 3, 4, 5 with superedges between then the upper block. B. Mohar et al.: Relating Embedding and Coloring Properties of Snarks 183 Assume that on the edges 75 and 45 we have four distinct facial cycles, A = ∗75.0∗, B = ∗75.0∗, C = ∗45.0∗ and D = ∗45.0∗. Since the embedding is polyhedral, there must be two distinct facial cycles which enter the lower block on the edge 90. This implies that not all four of A,B,C,D can leave the lower block on the edges 12 and 18. CASE 1: Assume that only a facial cycle, which contains the edge 75, say A, leaves the lower block on the edge 09. Since the embedding is polyhedral, we have A = 75.0967 and B = ∗275.0.1∗ and we can assume C = ∗45.0.12∗ and D = ∗∗. The cycle B can not leave the lower block on the edge 28 since then there would be a facial cycle at vertex 6 which would intersect it twice. So we have B = 275.0.12. The cycle C can not leave the upper block on the edge 48 since it already intersects the cycle D and also not on the edge 39 since it would have to continue on the path 3968. Similarly it can not leave on the edge 27, so it must be C = We have another cycle F which enters the lower block on the edge 81, F = ∗81.093∗. This cycle will intersect with the cycle which contains the path 869 twice, a contradiction to the assumption that the embedding is polyhedral. CASE 2: Assume that only a facial cycle, which contains the edge 45, say C, leaves the lower block on the edge 09. So C = ∗45.09∗, D = ∗45.0.1∗, A = ∗75.0.18∗ and B = ∗75.0.12∗. Since the embedding is polyhedral we have A = 75.0.1867 and B = 75.0.127. If we had D = ∗45.0.12∗ then there would be another facial cycle F = ∗90.184∗ which would intersect the facial cycle which contains the path 869 twice, a contradiction. So we have D = 45.0.184 and C = ∗45.093∗. There is a facial cycle F = ∗21.096∗. If we had F = ∗21.0967∗, then F and A would intersect twice, and if we had F = ∗21.0968∗ then the cycles A, D and F could not be consistently oriented. CASE 3: Assume there that two cycles, say A and C, which leave the lower block on the edge 09. Again we have A = 75.0967, B = ∗275.0.1∗, C = ∗45.0.93∗ and D = ∗45.0.1∗. If the cycle B would leave the lower block on the edge 18, then it would be B = ∗275.0.184∗ and it would intersect the cycle which contains the path 867 twice. So we have B = ∗275.0.184∗ and C = 45.0.184. Now we have a facial cycle F = ∗218693∗ and we get a contradiction since the cycles C, D and F can not be consistently oriented. So we have that there are exactly three facial cycles on the edges 45 and 75. By sym- metry the same holds for the edges at supervertices 1, 2 and 4. Since the embedding of G is polyhedral and orientable we get that the facial cycles which contain the original edges of G induce an orientable embedding of P , which has defect at most 4. This again contradicts Lemma 5. References [1] D. Blanuša, Problem četiriju boja, Glasnik Mat.-Fiz. Astr. 2 (1946), 31–42. [2] M. DeVos, L. Goddyn, B. Mohar, D. Vertigan and X. Zhu, Coloring-flow duality of embedded graphs, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 357 (2005), 3993–4016. [3] B. Grünbaum, Conjecture 6, in W. T. Tutte (ed.) Recent Progress in Combinatorics, Academic Press, New York, 1969, p. 343. [4] M. Kochol, Snarks without small cycles, J. Comb. Theory Ser. B 67 (1996), 34–47. [5] B. Mohar and C. Thomassen, Graphs on Surfaces, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 2001. [6] B. Mohar and A. Vodopivec, On polyhedral embeddings of cubic graphs, Combin. Probab. Com- put. 15 (2006), 877–893. [7] B. Mohar, A. 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