61 O ARHIVIRANJU SPLETNIH STRANI TER PROBLEMIH NJIHOVEGA VAROVANJA, OHRANJANJA IN UPORABE Miroslav Novak Oddano: 07.02.2002 – Sprejeto: 14.03.2002 Pregledni znanstveni članek UDK 004.738.5 : 930.25 Izvleček Spletne strani prištevamo h kulturni dediščini. Glede na njihove pojavne oblike jih uvrščamo med elektronske dokumente, ki se pojavljajo v različnih kontekstih. Zato s stališča njihovega vrednotenja ugotavljamo, da pri njih niso pomembne samo vsebine, ampak tudi estetski, komunikacijski in drugi elementi, ki posredno ali neposredno vplivajo na nivo oblikovanja računalniško podprtega medčloveškega komuniciranja. Prav zaradi tega je potrebno določene spletne strani dolgotrajno ohranjati in varovati, druge pa arhivirati s celotami kontekstov, v katerih so nastale ali delovale. Ključne besede: arhivsko gradivo, arhiviranje, spletne strani, tehnologija, kulturna de- diščina Review article UDC 004.738.5 : 930.25 Abstract Web sites are defined as part of the cultural heritage. They are systematised in frame of electronic documents and appear in different contexts. From the evaluation point of view, we can realise that not only are contents important, but also the esthetical, com- municational and other elements, which have direct influence on the level of the for- mation of inter-human communication in modern society, are significant as well. This is also the main reason why certain web sites must be kept and preserved through longer periods, others however should be archived with wholeness of contexts, in which they had been established or had operated. Key words: archival material, archiving, web sites, technology, cultural heritage NOVAK, Miroslav: On archiving of web sites and the problems of their keeping, pre- serving and using. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 46(2002)1-2, 61-76