ZARJA-DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNIO& NUMBER 11 NOVEMBER, 1973 VOLUME 45 BISHOP BARAGA HONORED IN CEREMONIOUS DEDICATION ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 11 NOVEMBER, 1973 VOL. XLV Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women's Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zveze Published Monthly except one combined issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust. Annual Subscription $5.00 — naročnina $5.00 letno For Social members, $4.00 — za družabne članice $4.00 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, III. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, III. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednica do 1. v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd„ Chicago, III. 60606 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 DATES TO REMEMBER... Nov. 8 — PENNY SOCIAL, Br. 2, Chicago, III. Nov. 12-13-14 —- BAKE SALE, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio Nov. 14 — BIG GAME NIGHT, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburgh, Pa. Nov. 18 — POULTRY CARD PARTY. Br. 43, Milwaukee Nov. 25 — DAWN CHORAL CONCERT, Rehar Hall, Euclid, Ohio Dec. 2 — CHRISTMAS PARTY, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. Dec. 2 — CHRISTMAS PARTY. Br. 47, Garfield. Ohio Dec. 2 — CHRISTMAS PARTY, JRS., Br. 16, So. Chgo. Dec. 2 — CHRISTMAS PARTY, JRS., Br. 16, So. Chi- cago, III. Dec. 4 — CHRISTMAS PARTY & YEARLY MEETING. Br. 14, Euclid, Ohio Dec. 9 — CHRISTMAS PARTY, Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio Dec. 9 — CHRISTMAS PARTY, Br. 72, Pullman, III. Dec. 11 — CHRISTMAS PARTY, Br. 91, Oakmont, Pa. Dec. 12 — CHRISTMAS PARTY, Br. 77, N.S. Pittsburg, Pa. Dec. 12 — CHRISTMAS PARTY. Br. 40. Lorain, Ohio Dec. 13 — CHRISTMAS PARTY, Br. 16. So. Chicago, III. BARAGA DAY! HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN NOVEMBER Branch Presidents: Nov. 3 — Mary Shikonya, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. Nov. 7 — Anna Markovich, Br. 10, Cleveland, Ohio Nov. 10 — Celia Simich, Br. 65, Virginia, Minn. Nov. 11 — Mayme Muller, Br. 2, Chicago, III. Nov. 13 — Josephine Auito, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cat. Nov. 15 — Antonia Kastelic, Br. 64, Kansas City, Kans. Nov. 15 — Rose Maras, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. Nov. 15 — Josephine Artac, Br. 102, Willard, Wise. Nov. 16 — Marion Marolt, Br. 17, West Allis, Wise. Nov 21 — Josephine Jacobs, Br. 106, Meadowlands, Pa. Nov. 27 — Adelaide Glabitz, Br. 63, Denver, Colo. Secretaries: Nov. 1 — Mary Klemenčič — Br. 96, Universal, Pa. Nov. 6 — Dorothy Kastellic, Br. 101, Bedford Hgts., O. Nov. 6 — Myrna Krizmanich, Br. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. Nov. 8 — Margaret Setnikar, Br. 39, Biwabik, Minn. Nov. 25 — Vera Bajec, Br.. 14, Euclid, Ohio Nov. 26 — Mary Lauter, Br. 6, Barberton, Ohio MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! Missionary Bishop Frederic Baraga is beloved by the Slovenian people of America for his selfless work with the American Indians. His canonization is emminent. A gigantic monument of Baraga as the “Apostle of theChippewas” was dedicated at L’Anse, Michigan Sept. 16th. We commend all the participants including those pictured on the cover page: offering the mass of thanksgiving was Baraga’s successor, Most Rev. Charles Salatka and attending were representatives of the Indian nation dressed in their costumes and Mr. & Mrs. Tone Strukel of Minnesota in Slovenian national costume. Baraga Association located in Marquet'.e, Michigan deserves our support and help. Send your donations to CAUSE OF BISHOP FREDERIC BARAGA, 239 Baraga Ave., Marquette, Mich., 49855. - * POST CONVENTION MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN - • * New members pay assessment as follows: » : : & > • CLASS A: .50 per month BENEFIT $100.00 CLASS B: .80 per month BENEFIT $100.00 to $300.00, rated according to age at enrollment. JUNIORS: .10 per month BENEFIT 100.00. SOCIAL MEMBERS: $4.00 per year — and Monthly publication ZARJA * : - • < * There is no raise in assessment for presently enrolled members! Social members pay $4 per year (.40 remains in branch treasury and $3.60 is sent to Home Office for Zarja.) < & : ! & Cash Prizes for all Workers in This Campaign! * Ends Dec. 31, 1973! < Let’s increase our ranks! Do your parti Enroll New Members! < “DAWN” SINGS Minnesota Zveza day at Chisholm THIS MONTH We are calling your attention to our Concert to be held on November 25th, at the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Avenue, Euclid, Ohio at 4:00 P.M. At this, our sixth annual concert, the program will feature a little somehing different. The singers in our Group are all members in good standing of the Slovenian Women’s Union from Branches No. 14, 32 and 50. Branch No. 25, from the Cleveland St. Clair area, have some very good singers but, because of the distance involved to come to practice, it makes it extremely dlfficu't for any of them to join us. When the stage curtain opens, there Is nothing more gratifying and encouraging to the group performing than to see a capacity audience. It lifts one’s spirits and you are determined to perform your best. If all of the members from the singers’ Branches attended, We would be sure to have a “full house”. It is good for the Slovenian Women’s Union to be kept in tha limelight. Therefore, all Branches are asked to co operate and patronize us. We are doing what we can, together with our wonderful Director, Mr. Frank Gorensek, by diligently coming to practice, learning to pronounce correctly our Slovenian words and trying to retain our mother tongue. Won’t you do your part by coming to our 6th annual Concert? Refreshments, as usual, will be available. There will be dancing after the performance, to the tunes of Eddie Beuhner’s Orchestra. You will enjoy every minute of the afternoon and evening. Admission is only $2.00. Hats of to Branch No. 68 of Fair-port, Ohio who never let us down. We are always sure of 10 to 12 ladies attending not only our concerts but, our card parties as well. The distance they travel is some 30 miles one way. To them we say "Thank You” from our hearts and "Srečna Pot” whenever you make your trips to our events. May God bless you always. Tickets will be available from members of the Choral Group or, call me on 261-4728, or Olga Klan-cher, our president, on 261-0232. FRAN NEMANICH, Reporter More than 350 members gathered at the Chisholm National Home celebrating the annual Zveza Day and State Convention. We all gathered at the Home with coffee and rolls served to us out-of-towners before we registered. We held a short meeting with Angela Karish, our new State President presiding. At 12:15, we attended mass at church and it was a Polka Mass with Fr. Perkovich, celebrant. Something new for most of us. Afterward we went into the hal1 where our beef dinner was served by the Chisholm branch. Main speaker was Robert Babich (NEMDA) who gave a very interesting talk on the American Family. It was my pleasure to represent the National Board of officers. As a member of the Board, I tried to give the members a reminder that new members are very important right now as we are in a post-Convention membership drive. An increase in our ranks is what makes Zveza go on. Thanks to the hard workers of the Chisholm branch for making this day a success. May God speed good health to all our sick members. God bless you. BARBARA ROSANDICH, National Auditor Seldom are members of the working committe at our big affairs given the recognition they deserve — but in Chisholm, the ladies did stop a moment to be photographed and we proudly present them: seated: Angela Krainik, Johanna Perkovich, Sylvia Petrich, and Jennie Adamic; standing: Mrs. Ed Te-kautz, Sylvia Russ, Mrs. Lester McApllne, Mrs. Joe Kotchevar, Theresa Gerzin Mildred Bashel; and Mr. Babich, centcr. Guests at the most successful Minnesota “Ztfeza Day” celebration in Chisholm were: Robert Babich (extreme left), Executive Vice President of NEMDA who gave an inspiring talk on pride of one’s heritage, also Mrs. C.A. Nickloff, a guest speaker, Rev. Frank Perkovich, celebrant of the Mass at St. Joseph’s church, Anna Trdan, Sec’y of Br. 38, Barbara Rosandich, National Auditor of Ely, Minn and Br. 38 President, Frances Hren. Home Office Parish Celebrates 75th Anniversary The Diamond Jubilee of Slovenian parish of St. Stephen in Chicago was celebrated Sept. 16th. The photo at right was taken after the con celebrated mass as the clergy made their way from church. H.E. John Cardinal Cody, Archbishop of Chicago is surrounded by clergy; left- Rev. Dr. Vendelin Spendov, OFM, Rev. Thomas Hoge, OFM, pastor of St. Stephen’s and right side: Rev. Joseph Hren, OP, Rev. Jerome Sellak, pastor of St. George Slovenian church Of So. Chicago and Very Rev. Blaz Che-mazer, OFM, Custcs of Slovenian Franciscan Fathers of Lemont, III. Sisters of St. Francis are on teaching staff. ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN. WIS. It was decided ai the September meeting “B” will be played following each meeting. A report was given by the card party chairman, Janice Maurin on the results. We thank her, and also Sylvia Drexler who assisted her and all the ladies who baked cakes; Antoinette Brulla for her potica and all who helped with the refreshments. We were delighted to see Mrs. J an Jelenc from Milwaukee and thank her for the donation to our card party fund. Also it was nice seeing my sister present, Hermine Dicke of Madison. A good number (41) from our branch attended the state convention and 45th anniversary of branch No. 17, in West Allis whom we thank for their hospitality. We welcome two new members: Angela Babisch in Class B and Tami Teboe in the junior department. Our deep symathy to Agnes Knaus upon the loss of her father. Do try and attend the November 18th meeting and bring a new member along to enroll for this campaign in progress. Thanksgiving greetings to all. MARGARET FISCHER, Secretary Before the beautiful religious ceremoney began, a colorful procession was formed by an honor guard of 4th Drgree Knights of Columbus who are prominent men of the parish including Ronald Zefran, Michael Trinko, Lud Leskovar, Joseph Jagar and Frank Shtona. Carrying the S.W.U. flags into church were Lud Leskovar, Jr., Stanley Simrayh and his daughter, Magda, who led a fine group of flag-bearers representing all the affiliated societies of St. Stephen's. A gala banquet followed at the church hall attended by parishioners and friends. No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Of all our recent activities, the 75th anniversary of St. Stephen’s was the most spectacular. The combined efforts of old and new brought forth a celebration of which we can all be proud. The presence of His Eminence, John Cardinal Cody, confirmed the importance of the occasion and gladdened all our hearts. Here is an important man, a very busy man taking time out of his full schedule to make a visit to our little church. He listens to the Mass, hears our excellent Slovenian choir, looks at the colorful congregation - national costumes, Knights of Columbus - and congratulates and encourages us to honor God, by serving our country and preserving our national heritage. Father Chemazar, who was babtized at St. Stephen’s and attended our school, tells us to keep our heads high and work in the present for the future. Only God knows what and where our parish will be 75 years from now, but we know that we won't let it disappear! November will be a busy month. The annual Folk Fair will be held on the first week-end. The Slovenian section is in the hands of our hard-working member, Mrs. M. Fischinger, with assistance from many ladies, most of whom belong to our organization. If you are called on to help, please do so; and if not then join the thousands visiting the fair held at Navy Pier. The traditional "Penny Social” will be held on Thurs. Nov. 8th It’s always a fun evening with many games and prizes. Many friends that we seldom see otherwise, come for this occasion. Won’t you come, too? Proceeds are for our juniors’ Christmas party. We are again sponsoring a Slovenian language evening class for adults. Anyone interested should contact our secretary, Mrs. Humar. Many times we are at a loss as to how we can express our condolences to a family who has lost one of their members. We would like to show our concern by something more lasting than flowers. For this reason S.W.U. had sympathy cards printed with donations going to our scholarship fund. These cards are available at our office. Please make use of them. Our membership campaign is in full Rev. Claude Okorn, OFM.: Eternal Light off Here is a story about a young man taken from a newspaper clipping. He was dead at age of twenty seven. He was stabbed to death with a seven inch blade in his heart. Actually he had died in a way before that. He had been a brilliant student in high school had won a national essay contest; had attended for periods of time five different universities, two of them abroad. He came from a family wuh money. Yet he died in a tiny, dirty room in a dilapidated house scheduled for destruction by an urban renewal project. He was jobless, a drifter, and on drugs. “We tried just about every kind of drug that came along,” said a friend of his, “including experiments with heroin.” They had about a hundred LSD trips together. It is very tragic story. Another wasted life ending in the dispair of drugs. It is not our intention to condem drugs, we just wonder why this young man and so many others turn to drugs or drink or other forms of escape. In the book of Lamentations it says: “The young children ask for bread and no one breaks it unto them”. Perhaps when they ask for bread we give them a stone. We give them bread that is as dead, as nourishing as a stone. The religion they see and is given to them is dead for them. The reporter in his story gave us a clue to the tragedy of this young man. This young man in his earlier age visited his place of worship. Once he caused consternation by accidently brushing up against a light switch and putting The Eternal Light, an important symbolic light before the Blessed Sacrament that is not supposed to be put out. No, of course not, the “Eternal Light” should not be put out, but the God this young man had been fed or was acquainted with could be, also symbolically, turned off as easily as brushing up against a light switch. The God was as artifical as the light; it was not the living God. Nat’l President’s Message Ofcčn remarked from prospective members when asked to join our S.W.U. organization is: “Oh, only older women are in this ciub.” How wrong tney aie. We do have more of the younger groups who are members, but they have not started to be active. True, tne active members are getting older but just remember they were young when they enrolled into the S.W.U. 'mere was something they loved about this organization to keep them happy. Thru the S.W.U. our Grandmothers, Mothers and Aunts reaped a lot of pleasure participating in all the Social and Sport Events this organization oifered. As you glance back thru the years you will find that the Women's Lib really had a start here. In other Slovenian organizations it seemed the men were the leaders. Here at last was an organization for women only to paiticipate in, to be leaders, and to hold office in the National Board, to hold offices throughout the states in their respective branches, to be elected delegates for conventions, to have a voice in the Constitution and by-laws, to learn procedures on how to conduct a meeting, to join groups in sports (as bowling and drill teams), to participate in demonstrating their skill in cooking, sewing, to travel in group tours all over the SUtes and Europe, to belong to singing groups, and to hold bazars and style shows. Also the Junior groups learn drill marching, dancing, singing, baton twirling, and cheer-leading. All this the prospective members can enjoy if they belong to the S.W.U. The monthly dues are small; the benefits high. So again I repeat, make this a winning campaign. Sign up new members. Make it the greatest! Any Nationality can join if they are of Catholic faith. Always remember the S.W.U. is yours, not just the branch officers or the Executive Committee. We need your help, your advice, and guidance. Let’s have suggestions that will be ft r the batterment of the S.W.U. Contact your National President, your State Presidents, and the Youth Director. May you all have enjoyable and a Blessed Thanksgiving Day. MARY BOSTIAN No. 12, MILWAUKEE. WIS. Hope you all had a better summer than I did. and we're back to our business of attending meetings again where more voices can be heard and hopefully suggestions made. September’s meeting was pretty well attended, but our two main officers were missed, so we had the Honorary President, Frances Plesko take over as we had the Convention business to finalize and new plans to make for our pleasure. It was decided to have a Card Party on Oct. 28th as it was our only open date availabe at the Lily Club. A trip to Lake Benet was also planned and that had to be done soon as all buses were booked for October and early November. We planned to contact as many members as possible by phone and sincerely hoped that no one would be left out. The date selected was Oct. 8th, too late for this report. We were limited to how many ti- No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO. The regular monthly meeting was held at St. Mary's church hall Oct. 3rd. A Christmas party will be planned by the members on Dec. 5th. and the junior members are invited to attend this party especially. There will be a gift exchange, refreshments and fun. Mrs. Mary Poder and Mary Zupančič are on our sick list. Get well soon, ladies. Mrs. Angela Skerjanic is our deceased member. Eternal rest grant unto her. O Lord. Sympathy to her family. ROSE KLUNE, Reporter No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Hi, everybody! Just thought I’d let you know our meeting was in Sept. Our president, Anne Mafkovic is still NOVEMBER, 1973 on the sick list, but she is getting better and better — just take it nice and easy, Ann, and soon you will be good as new. We have so many ailing members, some in the Slovenian Home for the Aged on Neff Rd. Many have trouble with their legs. We hope and pray you will all get well. Our one and only charter member, Mrs. Mary Sluga lost her husband this past week. Our deepest sympathy to her and her family. John had a stroke and the day he was buried it would have been their 53rd wedding anniversary. May God grant him eternal peace. Thank you very much for your donation to our treasury, Mary Tomsich. It’s really appreciated. Next meeting will be Nov. 11th — please try to attend — we need you. Best wishes to all. SOPHIE MAGAYNA, Secretary Chicago Stars Bowl High Scores ckets we could sell for the State Convention and as it turned out, several were unable to use the tickets they bought because of last minute emergencies and we’re sorry because the dinners ordered had to be paid for. The meeting was a bit too short to have enough open discussion and a lot of points brought up weren't discussed. The dinner was good and no one had reason not to taste the usual Slovenian bakery because there was plenty of it. Introductions and honors were given to various leaders and charter members of which No. 17 has quite a few left. Congratulations! The accordion music throughout the dinner was very enjoyable as well as the singing, but most of all, I enjoyed the Silver Strings with so many young folks playing the tamburitzas. I was glad to buy a recording so I can relax and listen to them at home, too. The 1974 Convention will be in our hands and because of the heavy bookings Father Claude was able to give us the third Sunday in September, 1974, so that's it. Let’s start making our plans ahead so that we aren't stuck in a last minute mess. Don’t be afraid to bring in suggestions to make it a good day. Sept. meeting ended up with a very good lunch donated by Agnes Gornik and myself. Happy Birthdays were sung and our usual fun games played. Remember the shut ins at the Nursing Homes as well as reporting any sick members to Mary Evanich, our "Sunshine Girl”. She gives a report at each meeting. Our sympathy and prayers go to one of our free members who passed away early in September, Frances Mace, and her family and relatives. Hope to see more of you at the next few meetings as we have good lunches to enjoy with more Birthday cakes, so help us enjoy a good social gathering as well as business. By the way, I have moved back into the old Dezman house and have a new number so please jot it down in your books. My number is 645-8771 and I'm up late so don't hesitate to call even after 10 p.m. if you don't reach me in the daytime. New members are badly needed, so let's try to work on that as well. MARY DEZMAN No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO About twenty-five members and their families were present at our Picnic in July and again in September. It was at Sustar’s Farm in Willoughby Hills and the members provided many tasty dishes and pastries. Well, it’s back to the old rusty typewriter to begin reporting another season of the Chicago S.W.U. bowling league. The 1973-1974 season got under way Tuesday evening, August 28, at Town ha II Bowl. As of September 25, defending champs, Dr. Grill, and Zefran Funeral Home were tied for the lead with 11 wins and 4 losses. Marquette Super Service and K. and K. Market were tied for third with 10 wins and 5 loss- es. Stetina’s Bakery, a newly sponsored team, was in fifth with 9 wins and 6 losses. Rounding out the ten-team league were St. Paul Federal, Lawn Fence, Reliance Federal, Zarja and S.W.U. Headquarters. Handicap leaders at the end of the first month of bowling were: high team series — Zefran, 2816; high team game — Lawn Fence, 983; high individual series — D. Knezevich, 666; high individual game — A. Salvino, 253. As usual, there is a wide range of average, from a high of 162 to a low of 76. There seemed to be no end to the “stars” during September — 1 have never seen so many high scores during the first month of bowling. Thank you to everyone who brought the goodies and especially ‘thank you’ to Mr. & Mrs., Sustar for inviting us to their farm. We all had a good time. Our Annual Card Party was held on September 14th at the Euclid Clubhouse and was well attended. The homemade Apple Strudel which was served was made by our members — an all day job at Mrs. Iskra’s house. Thank you, ladies. A job well done for our card party by Pauline Krall & her helpers. We lost one of our charter members this summer, Mrs. Matilda Ro-pert, just a couple of months later Mr. Ropert passed away. Our sincere sympathies to the family and relatives. May they rest in peace. Our charter member and former president, Molly Legat, celebrated her 75th. birthday. Congratulations! Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Maurich & Mrs. & Mrs. George Oza-nich who are celebrating their 50th. Wedding Anniversaries. May you have many more and God Bless you all. Our next meeting will be held on December 4th. at 6:30 P.M. at Rechar Hall. Please note change of time. This is a combined meeting and Christmas Party. Hope to see a good attendance. Thank you to all the member who in recent months donated to our Sunshine Fund, good time fund and Stelle Gorka led the list, after a slow start, with a 550 series, which included games of 192, 167 and 191. She also had a 505 series. Shirley Melissa is off to a rousing start, with series of 546 (211 game), 530 (207 game) and 517. E. Statkus had a 545 series with a 215 game. D. Knezevich surprised herself with series of 540 (214 game) and 520. A. Salvino had the high game of the month, 234. She had series of 534 and 526. Other high series during the month included A. Vucko, 528 (214 game); P. Robinson, 521 and 500; D. Sharp, 508 (202 game); H. Fitzgerald, 508; A. Hozzian, 506. And what would this column be without railroad pickups? September’s hotshots were: M. Clement, R. Stepo-naitis, K. Cepelak, 5-10; F. Smulski, 3-7-10; M. Zahorsky, 3-7; H. Drobec, 5-7 and 4-7-10; L. Putzell, 6-8-10 and 2-7; M. Stuck, J. Wrezzes, F. Wrez-zes, 5-7; K. Skinkis, 4-7-9; M. Zefran, S. Gorka, 5-7-9. Thus begins my ninth year at this job. I'll be back every month with all the news. BARBARA ZUREK treasury. To all our members that are ill, a speedy recoveryy. Birthday greetings to all who are celebrating this month. See you at our next meeting. REPORTER No. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. We held no meeting in August but the ladies were back in full force in September. Main topic of the evening was the lllinois-lndiana State Convention hosted by Branch 95 in South Chicago on Sunday, October 14th. Many of the ladies expressed interest in attending the convention to open with Mass at Sacred Heart Church followed by dinner and meeting at the Jovial Club. Josephine Blasovich was elected our delegate to the convention. On September 23rd, a group of members travelled by chartered bus to West Allis, Wisconsin to be present at the 45th Anniversary celebration of Branch No. 17. They held their Wisconsin State Convention the same day and we got to see many of our friends as there were over 300 ladies at the Mass and Banquet. Members from Branch No. 16 who attended were: Mary Brebrick, Ann Bublich, Gladys Buck, Mary Crnokrak, Mary Fugina, Emma Kralj, Mary Krznarich, Ann Lus-tig, Pat Lustig, Helen Magrus, Mary Marasich, Marge Prebil, Mary Priesol, Sylvia Spretnjak, Marge Spretnjak, Alvina Sreboth, Elsie Starcevich, Frances Wine and Marge Vrhovnik from Branch No. 72. Four gentlemen, John and Ed Lustig, Tony Prebil and Mike Bublich accompanied their wives. It was a beautiful autumn day and an enjoyable time was had by all. On the same day Branch No. 20 of Joliet also celebrated their 45th Anniversary. Josephine and John Blasovich and Pauline and Ferd Klobučar represented our Branch at their celebration. We would like to welcome two new members, Gertrude Klenovich and Mary Yaki. Hope to see you at our meetings often. Happy Birthday wishes were extended to Josephine Blasovich. Ann Lustig and Zinka Shesek who prepared refreshments for our September meeting. Recipients of the Sunshine prizes were Caroline Matushek and Julia Vrlich. In August, we lost a member, Antonia Marolt of Oak Lawn, Illinois. Our sincere sympathy is extended to her family. Also, we are sorry to announce the death of Jerry Triller. He was the husband of charter member, Katy Triller and brother of our Vice-President, Katie Triler.. His daughters, Jean Buk-vich, our President, Edna Winters, Marie Cieslik and Gloria Serapin are all members of Branch No. 16. Our heartfelt condolences go to all of the family members. Congratulations to Marge and Tony Prebil who celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary in October. MARGE SPRETNJAK. Reporter No. 23, ELY, MINN. DAWN CLUB Twenty-seven women were in attendance for the meeting presided by president, Frances Grahek. The new season was thus begun and the meeting was opened with prayer. She also thanked the women who made bars and served coffee for the evening during "Northwoods Night”. A games party was planned for the October meeting and members were to bring a dollar gift. Pauline Deyak’s new member was welcomed into the Club. Angela Godec won the door prize. A delicious lunch was served by Margaret Shuster, chairman, Pauline Pishler, Ann Merrill, Ann Rowe and Victoria Skala. MARGARET SOMROCK, Reporter Marie Prisland: Wisconsin has one thousand members! At the Wisconsin state convention held in September, state president Rose Kraemer, proudly announced that Wisconsin now has 1,029 members. It was her ardent wish fcr a long time to reach this goal. What did she do to accomplish it? She went to work and with the help of the branch's president, Mary Tratnik, enrolled 46 new members last May to go over the top. Again that proverb stands out: WHERE THERE IS A WILL, THERE IS A WAY! Congratulations to Rose and may she have at least a few followers in other states. ☆ Host for the State Convention was Branch 17 at West Allis which celebrated its 45th anniversary at the same time with very nice arrangement. The convention was well-attended. All five Wisconsin branches were represented and five from Illinois: Branch 2, 16, 24, 72, 89. The moaning session was constructive, the afternoon program delightful. The main speaker was Corinne Leskovar, the popular editor of ZARJA. She stressed the importance of enrolling new members, to hold on to our Slovenian heritage and to honor the Slovenian language. We hope that her warm and sincere words will bring gocd results. ☆ At this State Convention, Mr. Frank Ermenc, of Milwaukee an outstanding Slovenian and Zveza benefactor was honored. Mr. and Mrs. Ermenc have contributed $500.00 into our scholarship fund and “more is to come", they've said. What wonderful friends we have! (Photo on p. 19) ☆ State Conventions are of great benefit to our organization. At least once a year they bring together members from near and far to meet, to exchange ideas and to adopt new projects to work on. ☆ Which 10 years in your life were the best? The well-read column by Ann Landers directed the above question to its readers and received some very interesting answers: “I am 49 years old and everything gets better except politics, traffic and appliance repairs. .. "My best years are now. I am 80 and I refuse to live in the past. There is nothing there. It’s all ahead. Life can be beautiful if we let it. .. "My best 10 years were from 20 to 30. My children were sweet little babies and my husband hadn’t started to drink and chase women... "My 10 years were between 50 and 60. 1 went back to work, got a new daughter-in-law, paid off our home, became a grandmother twice, went to Hawaii, shook hands with the Pope... “My best years were from 10 to 18. Then I got married... “I am only 16 but my first 10 years were the best. It’s rough being a teenager. .. “My best years started when my youngest could go to the toilet alone and the oldest went to college... “The best 10 years were from 30 to 40 — I thought, and then from 40 to 50 they got better. It has been that way all along. Now I am 70. Please ask me in 10 years.” Members, let me know which 10 years in YOUR LIFE were the best? M. P. Fine Work of Br. 20 Lauded at Anniversary Banquet On Sept. 23, the Joliet Branch 20, added another page in its history. It was the closing of its 45 anniversary. This occasion will be remembered for a long time and all that attended this celebration were given a souvenir book in memory of all the events during the years. It included the first year events to the present time. All members, officers past and present, you will find in this book also all deceased members totally 2Z6 who passed away in these 45 years. The program for the day was as such: Mass commenced at St. Joseph’s Church as 12:30, offered by the Msgr. M.J. Butala who also at this time had a very memorable sermon calling back all the history of the past. The soloist was Ann Fandek, organist Tony Rozman. Dinner was at American Slovenian Home on Clement St. with Invocation by Rev. Roman Malovasic. Toast-mistress was Mildred Pucel. "America the Beautiful” played by Marie and Andrew Ancel opened the program. Welcome address, by president Emma Planinšek. Introduction and calling of 45 yr. members by Josephine Erjavec. Memorial Service for 256 deceased members, the “Schuberts Ave Maria” sung by Joyce Walzak whose mother is our member as was her late Grandmother Frances Pikush. Greetings were delivered by Msgr. Butala, Fanika Humar, National Secretary from Chicago, Ann Kompare, National Auditor from So. Chicago, Rev. R. Garbin our pastor, Mr. John Jevitz previous Will County Township Clerk, Robert Kostelec, past manager of Cadets, Rev. Roman Malovasic, Rev. Charles Van Doren from West Chicago (our past assistant pastor), and Dismas Kalcic, OSB of Lisle-Ill whose mother is a 45 yr. member and also three sisters are our members. “Mladinski Zbor” (junior group) was directed by Judy Mravle, Guitarists Bob and Don Verbiscer. Special recognition was given ot our Founder, Mrs. Marie Prisland, to Corinne Leskovar for her work in compiling the magazine, The Dawn, to the outstanding officers, Josephine Erjavec for 45 years of service, Emma Planinšek, 38 years as president, Msgr. Butala 35 years as spiritual director, Josephine Sumic, 35 years, Josephine Muster, 35 years, Mary Kunstek, 27 years, and Frances Gaspich 25 years. Special recognition also to the husbands, fathers and son-in-laws who were helpful in the many affairs of the branch. To Jtoseph Erjavec who lived with Zveza and worked with patience, co-operation. For almost all his marital life especially when the Championship Cadets were still in existence. He followed them on every Tournament and all parades and helped them at home. To the late Martin Planinšek co-worker with his wife Emma, to John L.. Jevitz, program Maestro; to the late Fred Pearson, the drill team master, to Robert Kostelec drill team manager, to its captain, first drill team master, Mayme Atland, to Josephine Goran and Dorothy Mahen who each drilled the girls for 8 years. To the junior captains, Bernice Metesh Zobec and Elaine Troppe Fleming, to our late choral group singing director, Jennie Sprengel, to Emma Planinšek and Jos. Erjavec for the forming of Senior and Junior members with National Costumes, at present still loaned by Jtosephi-ne Erjavec for such Zveza affairs, to Mrs. M. Terlep for w.nning three times the major S.W.U. membership campaigns; to the bowlers and enthusiasts, the late Jennie Benedick, Emma Planinšek and currently Jo Sumic; to Joliet teams who participated in various tournaments to our drill team members who came with their husbands to celebrate this great celebration; to the bowling league members, to our “Mothers of the Year”, to our junior members who came to practice and their parents who drove them to the home of Judy Mravlje every week for a limited time, namely, Beth Adamic, Marie Ancel, Cheri Camp, Mary Lee De-mic, Ann Hennings, Lynn Hennings, Tori Hofer, Elaine Koncar, Arline Kraus, Angela Kraus, Anita Kraus, Annette Kraus, Kathy Lovati, Annette Mihelič, Helen Rozman, Ruth, Lorainne Ruth, and Joyce Walczak. Thanks also to Edward Ancel for the dittoing of letters and his patience and cooperation, to Mary Mihelich and Carita Ancel, our "Mail Girls”, to Jo Erjavec for securing patrons and advertisers, and to Math Verbiscer. To the members and officers for bakery which they donated for this affair; to the altar boys, Andrew Ancel, and Paul Rozman; to Jo Mlaker for the tickets; to Pat Figurowski and Mary Kay Demich for the tedious work on Dinner Tickets, Cadet Alumnae Agne Lovati and Marie Mal-nerich; to Chairlady: Emma Planinšek, Patrons: Josephine Erjavec, Program book: Olga Ancel, Guest book: Mary Mi-hel'ch, Stenciling: Diane Kalcic Decorations: Linda Hotujec, Jonita Ruth, Dorothy Koncar, and the hostesses, Chairlady, Jo Sumic with Mary Ivanich., Emma Nosse Frances Stonich Theresa Marentich and Theresa Muhich. Special thanks to those that baked poticas, and other bakery. Thanks to Mary Rozman for her help. Especially do we thank all members and officers of various branches who came to our celebration, to Mrs. Humar and her husband from Chicago, to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kompare from So. Chicago, and other members and officers from those branches 95 and 16, to members and officers from Oglesby, Pullman, Waukegan and Mokena. I am sure all enjoyed the Polka music after the conclusion of our 45 Anniversary. Again, thanks a million to those who helped us with patrons and ads. I hope it will be an unfoigettable memory to all. Most of all we extend thanks to the secretary of the branch, Olga Ancel who spent nights and days for lining up the program book and her patient work for this affair, to president, Emma Planinšek for her leadership and to Millie Pucel for her fine work as “toastmistress”., God Bless you all, and may we see each other in five years to hold another such affair. I hope no name was ommitted. With best wishes, JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. Summy vacation over, a good attendance of members was welcomed at the September meeting by President, Anna Trontel. We had one death in July, 85 year old Anna Bo!f. Get well wishes were sent to Maggie Widina, Mary Tremus, Mary Stampahar and Anna Bubano-vich. A bus trip to Bessemer, Pa. for the State Convention and Banquet was planned for October 14th. At the November meeting, we are going to have a "covered dish” affair. Make your favorite recipe, ladies, and the words, “diet” and “calories” are not to be mentioned that evening! In the coming months, we will try our best to increase the enrollment of new members. Good health goes out to all the women in the S.W.U. no matter wherever you are, from Br. 26. Pittsburgh. HELEN CESNIK, Recording Sec’y No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Our Sept. meeting had a good attendance with a few guests and a few new members. Our president wishes all of us to get new members enrol- led; and she is working very hard too. At our meeting in Oct. we planned to introduce the names of a few new members that our president obtained. Vice-President had quite a number of get well cards to send out and sympathy cards also, as were mentioned in the last issue. We had another death in the family of our good members in the passing of Frank Gerjevic, husband of Frances. She is the member who donates so much to our branch and her handcrocheted articles are masterpieces. She has contributed so much to the cause of our branch and for the Scholarship Fund. Our sympathy to her and her family; Nettie Pristov and families. May he rest in peace. There was a recent wedding in our midst. Janet Margaret Sas, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Sas was married to Michael Srnah. Congratulations to the young couple and their parents. Our president would like to get some interested in bowiing and if you are, please get in touch with her. Br. 50 needs three more bowiers for the league. Sat., Oct. 27th our mystery trip was held and it sounded very exciting. Our president made the arrangements and many of us have never been on one, so we'll report on this next month. Don’t forget our Bake Sale Nov. 12, 13 and 14. Mrs. Bostian and the members need our help and cooperation, so if you get a cail, be cheerful and help out. Whatever hours you can give, we’ll appreciate your cooperation. Let’s make it a success. Our meetings are enjoyable and we hope there will be a big turn out at the Nov. 21 meeting which will be important for us to plan the big one in Dec. It's closer than we think. May God bless you all. A. TEKAVEC, Rec. Secretary No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. Greetings from Duluth Br. 33. Clear crisp days and the flurry of falling leaves is here again. This time of the years seems to roll around so rapidly. Everyone is busy with gardens, canning and freezing and of course getting back to a routine after a few months' vacation. We had no meeting in July and the one in August was very poorly attended in spite of the importance of making plans for Minnesota Day, so it has been considered not to have any in the summer rnonths. There are many things to be discussed if this will be changed. Also is the change of the meeting time. Would like to commend the ladies in Chisholm for the most enjoyable day spent there for Minnesota Day-73. The Polka Mass following the meeting Was a new experience for many and very well done, and certainly was the topic of conversation. The words of the music expressed joy and the music itself lent to the celebration. It was hard not to tap your feet and maybe swing a bit as we left the church for dinner. Chisholm seems to have quite a few talented people, the dinner prepared, the decorations in lovely floral arrangements, the entertaining program of speakers, music that was provided all added up to a well organized and beautiful day. All in attendance I’m sure express the same sentiments. Many, many thanks to the gracious ladies from Chisholm. Our own annual fall dinner was held in a new delightful place in Duluth called the Harbor Lights. Members all \/oted to go out this year in face of the high cost of so many things. Everyone enjoyed themselves; those unable to go for some reason or other missed a pleasant evening of dining out. Makes me think so very often of those friends and members who are not able to get out at all to any of the meetings or functions of this branch. How wonderful if it were possible to do something that they too could enjoy, perhaps some day this will happen. Nevertheless greetings and our best go out all of you shut-ins and those recuperating. Condolences and spiritual bouquets to those who have lost loved ones and in sorrow. The months a head will be busy ones, with the holidays and many other activities replacing those of summer. I’m sorry it is so hard to get articles in, so far in advance but watch our Budgeteer paper and church bulletin for announcements. “Take time to give — It is too short a day to be selfish” FLORENCE BURGER, Reporter No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. After a most pleasant summer spent largely at our summer home at Eagles Nest Lake where we had many guests who also enjoyed the beauty of the Lake and we — their company — it is now time to get to work again with our many Church and Club activities. As I write, Fall is in the air and the trees are changing color and hunters are out after partridge. We had our first meal Sunday — I prepare mine as Chicken — I shake them (after cutting into several pieces) in seasoned flour and coat with beaten egg and brown in deep fat and then put into roasting pan for one hour (at 350 degrees) in oven. This way they stay moist and have a delicious flavor. A slice of onion in the roasting pan will enchance the flavor. Thirteen members of Branch No. 34 drove to Chisholm for MINNESOTA DAY and truly enjoyed the whole day. I’m sure the “highlight" of the day was the beautiful, reverent POLKA MASS — according to Father Perko-vich this was the 3rd time a Polka Mass was celebrated in the United States. The meeting before the Mass presided over by our new Minnesota President, Angeline Karish, and remarks by Mrs. Barbara Rosandich (former State President and now on the Supreme Auditing Board) proved interesting, with Mrs. Robert (Frances) Bizal acting as Secretary. Eveleth was chosen as “Host” for the 1974 MINNESOTA Day. After the Mass a delicious Roast Beef dinner with all the “trimmings” was served to approximately 300 members and guests. The Convention address was given by Robert J. Babich (Executive Vice-President of NEMDA- Northeastern Minnesota Development Association) and in his address brought out the trials and hardships of our parents (and grandparents of some) who came to this Country to make a better life for us. Toastmistress for the Program was the lovely newspaper lady from Chrisholm Veda Ponikvar, and she also called the names of the many prizewinners. Our Branch 34 first Fall meeting was held Wednesday evening, Sept. 19, with Mrs. John Pahula presiding. Mrs. Anthony Yapel gave a detailed report of the MINNESOTA DAY meeting and festivities for the benefit of those who couldn’t go to Chisholm. After the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed with Mrs. John Te-kautz winning at SCRABBLE and at “500” prizes were awarded to Mrs. Frank Planton, Mrs. William Vollendorf and Mrs. J'oseph Gornick. A delicious lunch concluded a pleasant evening served by the hostesses, Mrs. John Bobence and Mrs. Herman Mesojedec. The attendance prize, donated by Mrs. Leo Wilson was awarded to Mrs. William Vollendorf and she will donate the prize for the October meeting. Hostesses for October will be Mrs. Joseph Skala and Mrs. Joseph Gornick. Greetings to all SWU members — let us all try to enroll some new SWU members during the Post-Convention Membership Campaign! BARBARA YAPEL, Reporter No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Our fall season is well under way -all the children back at school and most all back from vacations. We hope to see a lot of our members at the meetings. We urge all of you to make a real effort to attend. We wish a very happy 93rd birthday to my aunt, Mrs. Mary Plečnik a faithful member except for the past year or so during which time she has not been able to get around. But, whenever she can, she still attends our functions. Wish you good health and also wishes to her daughter, Rose! Happy birthday! Our secretary, Angela Kozjan has again become great grandma and her daughter and husband, Angeline and George Voytko, grandparents again. Their daughter, Patricia and husband Dave Billick are the parents of a new daughter, Amy Melissa., Congratulations to all of you. Our recent newlyweds: Lauren Ann Sekular, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Sekular, became the bride of George Ferric, son of Mr. & Mrs. George Ferlic, Sr. and grandson of Mrs. Mary Mlach, a long time member of our branch who has been ill for some time. Laureen holds a Bachelor of Science degree in education from Ohio University and teaches in the Lorain school system. George holds an engineering degree from the University of Dayton and is employed at the Lorain U.S. Steel Co. Congratulations to all. At our meeting, we discussed plans for our Christmas party which will be held on Dec. 12th at the Slovenian Home starting promptly at 6 p.m. A good lunch will be prepared. A gift exchange of $2.00 is asked and to the ladies, please bring some baked goods to make our party a real success. In the past, we have had a very nice crowd and hope to see you all again this year. The Lorain Slovenian Home celebrated its 50th anniversary Oct. 14th with a dinner-dance. The Johnny Pe-con- Lou Trebar Orchestra was to furnish the music. At this time, we wish to congratulate our living charter members to be honored at this time: John Kumse, John Kotnik and John Buchar. To all the other hard working men who are also with us and their wives and to the directors of the Home, past and present, and to our Ladies Auxiliary, you all have done a terrific job for so many years. Congratulations to each and everyone of you. It is because of all efforts and hard work that we are still alive and still a happy Slovenian community living as a family together. We wish to extend to all our sick members a speedy recovery, namely, to Mary Jere, Mary Mlach, Agnes Jančar, (from Vermillion), Agnes Celek and to all the members I may have missed. Again, Happy Birthday to all mem-bers-in Sept., Oct. and November. God bless you all. AGNES BUCHER, Reporter No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Hello ladies! Many happy returns of the day to Cilka Hočevar, Jennie Per-ko and Betty Kosak. Celebrating their 50th Wedding Anniversary this month is our wonderful president, Antonia (Tonka) Kastelic and her husband, Louis. Two wonderful people! We wish them the very best and many years of happiness together. We also hear Tonka’s sister, Justa is here from Zagreb and Louis' sister, Fani, from Postojna, Slovenia to help them celebrate this event. It is their first trip to America and how nice to help them celebrate the big occasion. Visiting here this summer were Carol Kastelic’s parents. The Pensioners were in Canada also for a week. Our sympathy is extended to Millie Lipnos and her fami.y on the loss of her sister. She was also the sister-in-law of Frances Glavic.. Some members still have not paid their dues for 1973. The year is almost over, please check your books and bring your money to the next meeting in December or on the 25th of this month at the Slovenian Home on Stanley Ave. The secretary will appreciate it. We are planning a Christmas party. We'll let you know about it. Best wishes and happiness in your new home, Betty Ann Harr and family. Sorry abou Sept. issue - Harr, not Kosak. See all you fine members in Dec. To our ailing members, a speedy recovery. MARY LOU PRHNE No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. The time has arrived when again we report the activities of our branch. With mixed emotions and health problems, I have been somewhat lax in my reports. In the month of June, a very special occasion and the first of its kind took place at the Lily Club. Br. 43 invited our two sister branches, 12 and 17 to a social evening. The turnout was wonderful and from all reports, everyone was very happy. We played cards and some just visited. We were all highly honored as the secretary of the Midwest Bowling League and our National Treasurer Liz Zefran was with us and her assistant in bowling, Lil Putzell and daughter, Marilyn Zefran. Mrs. Zefran brought along the beautiful large trophy which our branch No. 43 won at the tournament, the first time in many many years that we came out on top. Each of the girls on the team received an individual trophy. Congratulations are due: Elsie Gallun, Pat Zefran, Shirley Schulta, Mary Peters and their captain, Mitzi Mohorko. Let’s try and do it again next year. Happy belated birthday greetings to the following members: Katherine Holmberg, Lucille Jenich, Anne Rebernisek, Anna Preloznik, Kathleen Champa, Anna Arko, Catherine Schuster, Josephine Durand, Mary Frankowski, Kenny Delopst and Michael Poushe and to our belated October celebrants best wishes, too: Ella Udovich, Rose Zupančič, Cecelia Ruskarich, Yvonne (Jtohnstone) Smith, Mary Pugel, Mary Sterle, Jean Luzar and Margaret Peters. We were saddened by the death of one of our pioneer members, Agnes Podriznik. She was a member for 40 years. She had been ill for quite sometime and also hospitalized. She is survived by 2 sons and their families. May her soul rest in peace. Sunday, Nov. 18th is our Poultry Card Party. Are you selling tickets? We need your cooperation in all our acitvities. I know one gal who is on the ball selling tickets, guess whe? No need to name her, maybe next month! The card party is at Reber-nisek’s Club 36 at 3400 W. Loomis Rd. John and Ann are always on the ball, helping all the branches. They are to be commended and thanked for their great help. Chickens will be the table prizes and we’ll have other games and door prizes. The committee is working very hard to make this event special. Donation is 75 c. and we’ll be looking for you and your friends to attend., Prizes of any kind will be greatly appreciated and bring them to the Nov. meeting. A Happy Thanksgiving Day to all. ROSE KRAEMER, Secretary No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO August picnic discussions and September Meeting: 1). Buy a Memorial Banner for deceased members: Approved and bought in September. 2). Increase membership of Pris-land Cadets to 20 and to make new outfits for the ladies: Approved and sewing started at Frances Sietz’ home in November. 3). Members bought 100 handy dish gadgets at the meeting @ 75c. to help defray expenses for outfits. Thanks a million for idea and accomplishment. (Continued on page 11) Wisconsin State Convention Report The 13th Wisconsin State Convention was held on Sept. 23rd, 1973 at St. Mary’s Help of Christians church starting at 9:30 a.m., five branches attending. Willard members being somewhat late, due to their long traveling distance came in a large group and we were mighty happy to have them with us. The meeting commenced with prayers and a salute to the American flag. As State President, I was happy to greet our guests, among them, our Founder and Honorary President, Mrs. Marie Prisland of Sheboygan, National Vice-President, Marie Floryan, National Treasurer, Liz Zefran and Editor, Corinne Leskovar and all officers and members. Rose Schubert was appointed as recording secretary. The Minutes of the last Convention held in Willard, Wise, were read by Elsie Perko who did a great job both reading and writing. All National Officers, were introduced and cards and letters were read from the following: National President, Mary Bostian of Cleveland, Ohio sent greetings to all wishing good suggestions for the betterment of our organization, and she stressed especially activities for youth and increase in membership needed. Sophie Magayna, State President of Ohio-Michigan also sent greetings and Branches 12 and 17 their congratulations. National Secretary, Fanika Humar sent verbal greetings via Corinne Leskovar to bring to us. It was then time for the delegates’ reports which will be given in the transcript of Minutes of this Convention. Discussion from the floor was opened. Mrs. Leskovar was our main speaker and she discussed the need for new membership and how necessary was the raise of assessment and the great decline in membership due to death of our aged members. Active leaders are needed and she claims that Milwaukee has the market for many new members. Social members must now pay an increase as well as subcribers to Zarja. Mrs. Prisland also stressed the need for new members. If each member would bring in only one new member, imagine the increase! Wisconsin, let’s do our part; please try to bring in one new member. We were very surprised to have a lovely group from LaSalle, III. present who were also somewhat late due to the long distance but their appearance made Wisconsin very happy. Chicago had 10 members which, too, was very encouraging, to think that other states are interested in our affairs. May I add my comments at this time. I was very proud to announce at the meeting that Wisconsin finally has reached its goal of 1000 members. I have been pleading for this for several conventions. Thank you members, for helping reach the goal! I am only hoping that at the next convention meeting hosted by Br. 12, we will gain another 100 new members! Our moms and grandmothers were the seeds of this great organization, our generation is the stems and leaves and our grandchildren are the buds. Give them a chance to open up and show how beautiful they will bloom! Fran Widemsek signed in a new member at the banquet — good work, Fran. Ohio - Mich. President’s Notes Our meeting was held September 13, 1973 at 1:00 P.M. at St. Clair Ave. Recreation Center. Our National Pres. Mary Bostian opened meeting with prayer. She then handed me the gavel to proceed with the meeting. After the minutes of our last meeting were read Lois Babnick of Br. 21 was appointed to replace me as recording secretary until the end of year and we are happy that Lois accepted. We heard the reports of branches, 10, 21, 25, 32, 42, 50, 73. Branches 14, 15, 49, were excused for good reasons. It was nice to preside as the new Ohio-Michigan State President, the ladies all had good reports.. Br. 25 reporting Mrs. Otoničar, Mrs. Kolegar, and Mrs. Feme about all the nice activities and program they are planning for the 45th anniversary on October 14th. 1973. That was the day for our State Convention. Thanks to Br. 73 for attending the meeting and reporting the wonderful good deeds they are doing. National Pres. Mary Bostian gave nice report, calling all branches to try to increase membership. Together with Mary’s help we will all try. One of our events for 1974 will be a an Ohio- Mich, bowling tournament for all branches, like we used to have years ago.. More on this later. Congratulations to Br. 17, 67, 92 and Br. 95 on their State Conventions. May you have much success. We will be thinking of you. Br. 50 will hold card party; we will be there to wish them much luck. Mary and I attended the meetings of Br. 15 & 101. It was so nice to meet the ladies of both branches. We really have some wonderful members of S.W.U. and it’s wonderful meeting them. Our next meeting of Combined Branches will be November 28, 1973 at 1:00 P.M. This will also be our Christmas party — Please try to attend. Happy Birthday to all and our best wishes to our ailing members. SOPHIE MAGAYNA All the members then marched into church for mass celebrated by Rev. M.J. Setnikar who gave a beautiful sermon and his personal congratu!ations to our State Convention assembly. The choir sang beautifully under the direction of Miss Jo Imperl. At the church we met the group of So. Chicago led by State President, Anne Lustig. Their charterd bus was late due to an experience hard to believe but true. The bus driver got a ticket! They arrived just in time for mass. Ann has been working hard and is very cooperative. We were very pleased and happy to have the members of So. Chicago with us. I would like to thank my co-helper, Mary Tratnik for taking care of the door prize tickets and also distributing them. In conclusion, thanks to our Founder, all our National Officers, branch officers and the dear members who came from so far: Chicago, South Chicago, LaSalle, Willard, Sheboygan and our Milwaukee members. Br. 17, you are special for your kind hospitality as hosts for the 13th State Convention. It’s been a great pleasure to work with the largest attendance ever at State Convention. May God bless you all. ROSE KRAEMER, State President Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest "adison, Wis. 53711 * • Through correspondance I learned that Mrs. Mary Struna of Williams-field, Ohio and member of Branch No. 25 loves to cook. When requesting recipes from her for ZARJA I discovered that she lives on a 450 acre farm with her daughter-in-law, Betty, who manages the farm since the death of her husband. Her six children have been and are a tremendous help — one is a university graduate and another attends Ohio University. When Mrs. Struna mentioned that her grandson, Tony, was in Madison exhibiting his prize bull I had to meet him. In the huge exhibition barn he proudly showed me the I and Vi year old holstein bull that won the grand award of Junior Champion Holstein Bull at the World Dairy Exposition, a thrilling experience for Tony. The following three rscipes are from Mrs. Struna: TUNA CHOW MEIN OR CHOP SUEY 14 cup shortening 1 cup onions, cut fine 1 cup celery, cut fine 1 teaspoon salt l/8 teaspoon pepper 34 cup hot water or bouillon 1 can bean sprouts, drained 6 '/2 ounce can tuna fish Chow mein Noodles or rice or both Thickening: Vi cup cold water 2 tablespoons cornstarch (heaping) 2 teaspoons La Choy Sauce 1 teaspoon sugar Add a tablespoon of La Choy Brown Sauce if chop suey is desired. Melt shortening in hot skillet. Add onions and saute for 5 or more minutes. Do not brown. Add celery, salt, pepper and hot water; cover and boil for 5 minutes. Add drained bean sprouts, mix thoroughly and heat to boling point. Add thickening ingredients mixed together beforehand. Add tuna fish. Stir lightly and cook five minutes. Serve piping hot with chow mein noodles or rice or both. Serve with tossed salad and rolls and butter. Note: Cooked cubed pork can also be used instead of tuna fish by adding pork when onions are added. APPLESAUCE CAKE This is an excellent recipe for APPLESAUCE CAKE. 1 V* cups cake flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon '/2 teaspoon ground cloves Vi teaspoon salt % to Vi cup shortening 1 cup sugar 1 unbeaten egg 1 cup unsweetened applesauce 1 cup seedless raisins Sift flour, measure, resift three times with soda, spices and salt. Cream shortening well and gradually blend in sugar. Add egg and beat until light and fluffy; then stir in applesauce and flour mixture in 3 portions beginning with flour and beating after each addition until well blended. Stir in raisins and turn into a well greased and floured pan 8 inches square. Bake in moderate 350 degree oven for 35 to 40 minutes or until inserted toothpick in center comes out clean. Cake can also be baked in greased muffin tins or two 8 inch round layers 25 to 30 minutes. Cool before serving. Cake improves after one or two days. DELUXE BROWNIES 3 sticks of butter (we use oleo) 6 tablespoons of cocoa 6 eggs 3 cups of sugar 2 tablespoons vanilla (yes-tables-poons) 2 14 cups of flour ’/2 teaspoon of salt 1 cup nuts, chopped 7 oz. jar Marshmallow Creme Melt oleo with cocoa: let cool. Beat eggs with fork or whisk and add 3 cups sugar. Add this to oleo and cocoa. Add and blend well: vanilla, flour, salt and nuts. Put this in a large greased cookie sheet that has sides on it, approximately 12 x 15. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 30 minutes or until toothpick comes out clean. When done, and soon after removing from oven, spread while warm with one 7 oz. jar of Marshmallow Creme. When cool, ice with a thin chocolate icing. Thin Icing: Melt over hot water 1 square bitter chocolate 1 teaspoon butter 2 tablespoons boiling water Sister M. Lavoslava and the Sisters with her in Kansas City enjoy this PUMPKIN BREAD. Especially now during the Thanksgiving season you may want to try it. Sister found this recipe in an old cookbook: PUMPKIN BREAD 2/3 cup shortening 2 2/3 cups sugar 4 eggs 1 can (1 pound) pumpkin 2/3 cup water 3 1/3 cups flour 2 teaspoons soda 1 Vi teaspoon salt V2 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 2/3 cup coarsely chopped nuts 2/3 cup raisins Heat oven to 350 degrees. Grease 2 loaf pans, 9x5x3. Cream shortening and sugar. Add eggs to pumpkin and water. Mix. Blend in sifted dry ingredients. Add nuts and raisins. Bake in prepared pans about 50 minutes or until wooden pick inserted in center comes out clean. Slices best if prepared day before. Delicious! While at the World Dairy Exposi- tion I attended the Homemaker’s section where exhibits and programs were in progress on baking (recipes to be given to you later), canning, how to brighten up the kitchen with colorful fabrics, making small appliance covers and Christmas decorations with pine cones, ribbon and candles. Door prizes were awarded throughout the program (I wasn’t lucky). About 250 women, mostly farm wives, were in the audience. The best awards, however, were given to the women who had in their purses — believe it or not — a pair of pliers, a screw driver or a yellow cloth measuring tape. No one had pliers, but two women did have screw drivers and one lady next to me had in her neat little purse sewing kit a yellow measuring tape. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Fondly, HERMINE Br. 50 Continued: 4). Br. 50 Bowling League asked by President Ann Hočevar. Approved and rolling at the Shore Bowl on Thursday evenings at 9:30 p.m. with 4 teams. Good season for bowlers. 5). Thanks for Sheet Cake donated by Br„ 68, Fairport Harbor at the picnic. With 84 ladies and 6 guests and Albina Ulle’s hospitality, also our branch furnishing the delectable and various foods, the picnic was a success. 6). Card Party Oct. 5th — a smashing affair because all members are eager to help, bake and collect beautiful prizes plus a big thank you for the tea aprons donated by members for table prizes. 7). Our president, Ann Hočevar planned a mystery bus ride in October: Accepted so enthusiastically that 2 buses were chartered. 8). Christmas Party scheduled at Europa Chalet on E. 185th St. on Sunday, Dec. 9th, 1973. 9). Happy Birthday to all in Sept.,, Oct and Nov. Good health prevail to all members so wa can enjoy the future affairs. God bless us in all our projects. Newsy news: Frances Marold has enjoyed her vacation in Michigan. Sophie Koplan, yours truly, vacationed in East and West Berlin, Moscow, Leningrad, Budapest, Vienna and Prague. The trip was educational but God bless America! Land of the Free! Home of the Brave! Our beautiful country is not appreciated by its own citizens enough! Ann Hočevar, Vera Šebenik and husband, Caroline Budan, Josephine Arko and Stella Rupe and husband vacationed in Spain and Africa in October. May God give the strength and courage to Mary Petrovič at Cleveland Clinic Hospital undergoing a serious operation. We appreciate God’s help in Ann Dekleva’s cataract operation and extend sympathy to her on the death of her brother, Frank Gerchar. SOPHIE KOPLAN, Reporter No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Dear sisters. The summer is over and our fall is upon us and we are back into the swing of activities again. Meetings resumed at the Little Grove the first Wednesday of the month. We surely would like to see you all again. Try to bring a friend and make it a bigger and better year. Plans were made to attend the Minnesota Day which was held in Chisholm this year. We thank the ladies of Br. 38 for doing such a wonderful job. Everything was wonderful and put on in great style. The polka mass was something to listen to. It was really relaxing. We have great hope to be hearing more and more of it. Next year, the Eveleth branch is to do us the honors and host the next State Convention. We hope to all be present for that occasion. There isn’t much a person could discuss for it is just after the vacations and schools are now reopening. Mothers have been busy with the youngsters. But, as the year progresses, we will be back in the swing of it. We would like to express our deepest sympathy to sister Julia Mancuso who has lost her mother. We all know what it is to lose a loved one and we hope and pray that this may in some way sustain her, to know that someone else is feeling her loss. To sister A ice Barratto, we all wish her husband speedy recovery and hope that he soon will be up and about. Kitzville folks are planning a “Kitzville Reunion” and if there are any old timers around who have not been contacted and would like to be present, we surely would like to hear from you all. The planning is going on now but it will take place the first weekend in August of 1974. So, anyone interested please get in touch with your friends in Kitzville. Our meeting was closed with prayer led by president, J'osephine Oswald. We enjoyed socializing and hostesses were: Margaret Kochever, June Je-rulle, Betty Strazishar, and Gertrude Kochevar. Games were played and honors went to Rose Chiodi and Josephine Politano in Bridge, High in Smear went to Rose Trombly and Ge-nevieze Zidarich and Low to Dorothy Russ and Margaret Andrican. “B” honors went to Ivana Prelesnik and Ann Mansfield and door prize to Angeline Russ. We had a most delightful evening. Next meeting is the first Wed. of the month. We would like you all to be present. May God bless you and keep you in the bsst of health until we meet again. Yours truly, GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR, Reporter No. 54, WARREN, OHIO Our branch will hold their November meeting at the home of president, Josephine Kasson on Tues., Nov. 20th at 7:30 p.m. Her address is 360 Ha-veland — Wilson Road N. E. Our Christmas meeting will be discussed at that time. Member, Mary Zakrajšek passed away last week. She was in her 80’s and a well-liked person. Her family will surely miss her. Our members prayed together at her bier and our past president, Rose Racher gave the S.W.U. farewell at the cemetery. Get well wishes to Betty Vadas who recently had a very extensive major surgery done. We hope she will soon be up and about and coming to our meetings as she previously did. We had an enjoyable meeting at Mary Waltko’s in Sept. Following the business meeting, refreshments were served by the birthday hostesses, Rose Racher, Mary Waltko, Mayme Sporich and y-i;rs truly. Games followed and prizes were donated by the members. Please, those of you who are in arrears with dues, call me at your earliest convenience! I would like everyone to be all paid up before the new year. Happy Thanksgiving to all. JOANNE PONIKVAR, Secretary No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. Friendly relationship was predom-inante at our S.W.U. meeting of Oct. 2 (advanced date) at Assumption Hall. The good crowd in attendance proves that “friendship” and "sister-hood” does exist in our fraternal group. The meeting was opened with prayer led by Pres. Rose Maras, with the regular business procedure following. We are pleased to know that Katherine DePetro has recovered sufficiently to leave the hospital and return to her residence at the Golden Crest Nursing Home. Prayers and best wishes were extended to those now hospitalized, namely, Theresa Hattam, Mary Musich, and Mary Bill, the later being in serious condition in a St. Paul hospital. May their recovery be soon and complete. Favorable comments were expressed by members on the tremendous success of our annual “Minnesota Day” festivities hosted by the Chisholm chapter in Chisholm. A. beautiful Mass was offered by Fr. Perkovich in St. Joseph's beautiful modern church! The impressive choir with J'oe Cvek’s orchestra was magnificent in song and responses. Expression of high praise and congratulations to Mrs. Lud Ada-mich and her banquet committee for the excellent dinner of roast beef and all the trimmings including delicious Slovenian pastries: To Veda Ponikvar for the tremendous job, expertly done, as Toastmistress; To Joe Cvek and his musicians who must possess a se- cret magic for music — some kind of gifted formula which spells such pleasure and enjoyment. Soap Operas can give an occassional lift but Joe Cvek can really make one toes tickle! During the banquet Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Babich were recognized with a serenade a-la- Joe Cvek polka style, the occasion being their 40th wedding anniverary. On this date — Sept. 16th — Mary and Anthony were united in marriage at the Blessed Sacrament Church in North Hibbing. Mass was offered by Msgr. Limmer (now deceased). Their attendants were Mary's sister Margaret Shelko, and Ignatius Urich; others were John and Anna Krizmonich. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Babich, for many mare such joyous occasions. After all business was transacted, Anna Satovich’s name was called for the regular prize. (Incidently, Ann’s name was inadvertently omitted as a hostess on the September committee.) A pleasant social of games and cards followed with a delicious lunch served by the following hostesses: Mrs. Katherine Phillipich, Katherine Lamson, Mary Martinich, and Rose Chernugal. We missed Mary Bissonette at our previous meetings — and little wonder! She and husband Joe were celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary. They too, were united in marriage at the Blessed Sacrament Church in No. Hibbing by the late Msgr. Limmer. Their attendants were sisters and brothers of the couple. AND, that’s not all — On Sept. 13th, Mary celebrated her "?" birthday! All five of their children and their 27 grandchildren at’ended this gala double event. Friends galore stopped by to wish Mary and Joe all the luck and happiness they so richly deserve! May they enjoy these occasions for many more years to come! Worthy of mention is the goodness of several members of our branch who give unselfishly of their time and efforts to show a little kindness to their friends, relatives, and patients confined to our two Nursing Homes in Hibbing. Some enjoy just talking with these lonesome old folks. When weather permits they are seen wheeling their resident friends out doors to enjoy the beautifull autumn days. None are asked to do this — they volunteer to give a little time and patience to those lonely folks who love it so much. One can see momentary happiness in their faces! Other members lean more to the “Hope” organization which promotes worthy activities for the good of the retarded. This, too, is time consuming, but their efforts are rewarded by the tremendous success in their activities and projects. These are wonderful acts of charity done for the good of humanity — the accomplishments of which make one feel so good inside! This is the goodness that shows in the women of our Hibbing branch No. 56! A. SELVO Act. Reporter. No. 57, NILES, OHIO Already summer is over and vacations are a'l gone. Speaking of vacations, Louise Matayko and husband had the nicest visit with relatives in Jugoslavia. Mary Strah and her sister, Ann Peace toured the west to Wyoming to visit her sister, Mary and their tour was just great. She couldn't believe all she saw and how far she drove. Congratulations go out to Andy and Pauline Logar who celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary with a big party. 3 Cheers for Andy’s mother, Jtennie Logar — she’s 80 and just a short time before had a gall bladder operation but recovered enough to attend this party. Nice going, Jennie! Hope you stay well. Andrew Logar, their son, will be hearing those wedding bells in the near future. Congratulations. Josephine Perusek had a very nice visit from her son, Bill who was here from Florida. We have lost one of our older members, Barbara Flere. Two weeks later she was followed by her husband, Louis. They both were 88 years old. Barbara Flere joined this lodge when it was just started in Niles. They were the parents of Amelia Konowsky and Angela Gradišek. Our deepest sympathy goes to the Flere family. May the eternal light shine upon them. We all wish a speedy recovery to Angela Gradišek who has been ill and in a hospital for some time. Hope she gets home soon. A hearty welcome to our new member, Amelia Konowsky. Get well wishes go to Mary Stancher and Frances Kosance. Hope to see a nice attendance at the next meeting; at our last session Julia Yakop won our door prize. MARY MOLER, Reporter No. 72, PULLMAN, ILL. First, we want to thank Mrs. Stephy Sheehy for having our September meeting at her home, and for the many lovely and delicious refreshments that she served to us. Our next meeting will be at my home (Wilma Zagar’s) at 17801 Wentworth, in Lansing, III. on Sunday December 9th. This will be our last meeting for this year, and we are planning a pot-luck dinner. This means each lady is to bring something in the food line. We are starting an hour earlier — at 1 o’clock instead of 2 o’clock and please, ladies, do not eat dinner at home beforehand — we will all have dinner here. We will also have a grab bag, so bring a gift for that, won’t you? So don’t forget — December 9th, 1 p.m. at my home — pot luck dinner, and I do hope and wish you can all be here. If you need any information, call me at 474-1780. To ail, a very merry Christmas, and a happy and healthy New Year. WILMA ZAGAR, Reporter No. 73, WARRENSVILLE, HGTS., 0. After having been given material for a type of shirt or bed jacket the retarded as well as physically handicapped children of the Hattie Larlham Home require, some of our faithful members not only cut out these jackets but did a beautiful job of sewing them. The material used in some is purchased by the Ladies Guild connected with the home from monies received by the sale of donated items in their “Nearly-New Shop”. Please, MEMBERS, if you have any remnants of materials lying around your homes you have no need of, it would be greatly appreciated if you would either drop same off at the homes of one of our officers, or call cne of them, and these remnants would be picked up. These same children are in need of bed quilts, and said remnants will be cut into various size squares and sewn together, so that any size remnant will be greatly appreciated. Making of these quilts will be our main Xmas project this year. If any of our inactive members feel they would like to participate in the cutting or sewing of these quilts, please contact one of the officers regarding same, as your interest and help will not only be greatly appreciated by our branch as a whole, but you will mostly be pleasing our dear Lord by helping these unfortunate children, and will be blessed for it. Thank you Ann Bienas for your nice letter from Andover, Ohio, and are happy to hear you are now recuperating after your surgery. Sorry to hear of your hospitalization Sally Kunka, and hope to hear that you and your dear husband are feeling much better when we next hear from you. Sorry to hear that your Mother passed away last May, Louise Berdston, and our heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. Tim Dusek, husband of Gloria, is recuperating after having broken his leg while vacationing in Canada, and hope to hear that he is back to work in the near future. Coloradoans Met at Gunnison This is my first report to be published in Zarja. 1 am happy to report that the Colorado State Convention that was held at Gunnison Sept. 16, hosted by Br. No. 92 was a success. This was the first convention held in Gunnison. I must say, well done! We received gretings from Frances Raspet, she organized Br. No. 92 thirty-five years ago. We were sorry she was unable to be with us. Honorary State Pres. Anna Pachack attended. Thank you for your assitance at the convention. Greetings were sent from National Officers which were read at the convention. I wish to thank everyone who helped us in anyway, including those who wens present. Special thanks to Sec. Frances Simonich who helped me with the bus reservations. I know she was kept vary busy. Thank you, Frances. We had a lovely day and I’m sure that everyone agrees with me. Even the weatherman cooperated. So once again, thank you all. This concludes my report. I wish to send a warm "Hello” to our lovely editor Corinne. God bless you all. OLGA MESOJEDEC, State President BR. 92 HOSTESSES OF COLO. DAY The State Convention of Colorado was held in Gunnison on Sunday September 16, 1973. We had a very good attendance. A bus of about 45 ladies came from Pueblo, Colorado. Mr. & Mrs., Matt Volk came from Denver. He is the president of Western Slovanic. Mr. & Mrs. William Starika came from Colorado Springs. All attended Mass at 11 o'clock and then at 1 p.m. there was a buffet dinner at Dos Rios. After dinner Father Kiernan gave a short talk and Sister Mary sang “Let There Be Peace On Earth” and a number from "Fiddler On The Roof”. The officers were then introduced. Mrs. Anna Pachak, the Honorary State President gave a talk. She also gave one in Slovenian, understood by many and enjoyed by ali. Olga Mesojedec, our present State President also gave a talk. Both ladies represent Kansas, Colorado and Missouri in the Slovenian Women’s Union. A short meeting was held, after which there was dancing with music by Joe Carricato Sr. and Joe Jr. We had a linen table and an afghan made by Frances Guerreri. It was won by George Harrel. A little later in the evening a snack table was set up with ham, poticas, apple poveti, cakes, cookies and ail sorts of goodies, and believe me, it all disappeared. Next it was farewell time. It was nice meeting everyone, I’m sure they all had a good time. We hope to meet many of them at the next convention. The following ladies are to be commended on the work they did to make the convention a success: Josephine Krizmanich, Frances Gurreri, Rose Carricato, Ann and Margaret Malenšek, Sherry Carricato, Myrna Krizmanich and eny others I may have missed. Thanks ladies. KAY STERK, Reporter Kay Yuratovac, Agnes Walters and Louise Epley, attended as representatives of our branch, the combined branch meeting of officers held in September at the St. Clair Recreation Center. They certainly enjoyed seeing the other branch officers, the meeting was very interesting and informative, and the lunch superb. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lasik (Joann Kunka) were made grand-parents for the first time with the arrival of Richard Fronek, III to daughter and son-in-law Mr. & Mrs. Richard Fronek, Jr., the baby was born June 16, 1973. Congratulations to all! MILDRED D. ROBERTS, Reporting Secretary merrier”! We h o p e to see a “Full House” November 14th. All the officers would like to extend to all our members and families, a blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Don’t forget our deceased members and our ill members in your prayers. A special greeting to my mother, Mrs. Charles (Elizabeth) Conway, she will be 59 years “young” on Thanksgiving. All your family and friends love you and hope you’re here another 41 years, at least! BETTY ANN MURPHEY, President No. 77, N.S. PITTSBURGH, PA. Here we are in the month of November. This month’s gathering on November 14th is going to be a busy one! Before starting our Big Game Night, we will have a short discussion about our Christmas Party Plans, which will be held, December 12th. Then it will be an evening of fun and games! We would like to ask our members to bring useful gifts, which will be our prizes for Big Game Night! And don’t forget to bring a • friend! You know the old saying, “The more the No. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. Our president, Mary Mihelich, greeted eleven members into her home Sept. 9, 1973. This the first meeting since April meant a lot of visiting was going on. Highlight of the afternoon was slides shown by Dorothy and Staci Sleigh.. They covered the dedication in Rome, Italy and Yugoslavia. With them on the trip were M. Mihelich, M. Christiancey, and A. Lokousek, many interesting pictures and stories. The annual Christmas party is planned for Dec. 2, 1973. I will be for the after noon at the Krain hall. The dinner will be pot luck. To assure a va- riety of foods please call Anna Anderson by Nov. 25 and tell her what you’ll bring. There will be goodies for the children and ladies gift exchange. Hope you'll all attend. DOROTHY SLEIGH, Reporter No. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. Some of our members took long vacations this summer — among them, our treasurer, Sophie Frank. After living here over 50 years, she thought she would love to visit her niece in Graz, Austria. She was accompanied by her son-in-law, Douglas Hunter and his wife, Frances of California and son, Frank of Utica, III. She said she was surprised to see everying so built up and the shops well supplied and the people so friendly- Mr. & Mrs. Harvy Dittle like fishing and go every year to northern Wisconsin to fish. They like the scenery there. In all they were gone a month. By the way, Mary is my sister and our member. Congratulations are in order to our recording secretary, Angeline Nico on receiving her Bachelor Degree in Education. She had taught at the Catholic school in Peru for some years. Angeline is a widow now and decided to Minutes of Colo. - Kans. - Mo. Convention The Tri-State President, sister Olga Mesojedec opened the meeting with a prayer. As there were only two branches in attendance, the meeting was brief. President Mesojedec asked for the reports of the two branches. BR. No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO. REPORTED AS FOLLOWS: We no longer have the fund-raising popular games that were held yearly to help us cover the expenses of the branch, but we play the games after every meeting which help with some of the expenses. We admitted two new junior members, three adult members in B. class and one junior member tranferred to the B class group. Four deaths were reported since the 1972 meeting which was held in Pueblo. Sept. 12th, 1972. May they rest in peace. Br. 3 has a total of 409 members, adults and juniors, all in good standing. The branch is helpful in many ways with church donations, donations to the SCSC Slovenian Library, to Lemont Old Age Home and the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund. $25.00 Fund for a deceased member also. Get well cards are mailed to all the ill members. A gift is also presented to the Most Worthy Mother of the Year at our May meeting and we have a party at that time before we adjourn meetings for the summer months. The December meeting is the month when officers are elected for the year. We have a Christmas party, exchange of gifts and a Christmas treat is distributed to all the children. The meetings are held every first Wednesday of the month and the attendance is fair. Respectfully submitted by Josephine Reems, delegate and recording secretary of Br. 3, Pueblo. REPORT OF BR. 92, CRESTED BUTTE: Due to weather conditions and distance between Crested Butte and Gunnison, the meetings are poorly attended. We admitted 6 new adult members and 9 new junior member in the year. We sold candy and vanilla 2 or 3 times in the year for fund raising to keep up the insurance on the beautiful chapel in Crested Butte which I believe the S.W.U. and a lot of other people helped to erect. We had a plaque with everyone’s name on it who donated in one way or another. The Pine Tree Branch has always taken care of the Crested Butte Chapel such as cleaning and repairing it. Because of finances and distance the chapsl had been neglected and now the Altar and Rosary society of Crested Butte has been good enough to offer to take care of it in the future. Sorry we did not have a delegate to represent us at the 13th Tri-State Convention; I’m sure they would have enjoyed it. Two parties are held a year. One is in May to honor the Mothers and each member brings a guest, a mother, grandmother or friend. All of us look forward to this party every year. Then, our Christmas party is when all members bring their husbands or a friend. A nice dinner is served also and exchange of gifts is made. We find out who are the secret pals and have a visit from Santa Claus. We play silly games such as passing the potato with our knees. A good time is had by all who attend. Our meetings are spent with a business meeting first then playing for high and low prizes; of course, we usually end up with a treat when our weight watchers splurge. Respectfully submitted by Sherrie Carricato, president, Br. 92, Gunnison. BUSINESS MEETING State President, sister, Olga Mesojedec mentioned the donations to the S.W.U. Scholarship Fund that is a good cause for all of us to help. The past State President, sister Anna Pa-chak gave a brief report asking everyone to try and enroll new members. She reported that the delegate from Br. 3 could not attend this convention because of a death in the family. Our deepest sympathy to sister Mary Guzzol of Pueblo. Sister Helen Miklich thanked the S.W.U. for selecting her daughter, Edlyn as a recipient of a scholarship this year. A brief discussion was held on the location of the next Tri-state Convention and no decision was made. The meeting ended with prayer led by the president for all deceased members. The meeting then adjourned. Members and guests enjoyed dancing and just visiting after the meeting. Thanks were expressed to Br. 92 for hosting the Convention and providing such an enjoyable time for everyone who attended. JOSEPHINE REEMS, Recording Secretary Br. 89 Continued: go back to college and get her degree which she did. Our officer, Alvie Jerin, joined the members of Br. 24, LaSalle to drive to West Allis, Wisconsin to help them celebrate the 45th anniversary of Br. 17 and State Convention of Wise. She had high praise for the good food and entertainment and prompt service. The rest of the officers and some members drove to Joliet on the same day, Sept. 23rd, on the invitation of Br. 20, for their anniversary. They were glad to have us and we were glad to attend. I also would have been there if some things didn’t happen to me earlier this year, and I refer to the car accident last Decoration Day when my sister, Rose and I while traveling to the cemetery were involved in an accident. She got a broken leg and I a broken arm and three fingers on the right arm plus a dislocated shoulder. It is mending slowly on account of my age. I was in the hospital for a month and she longer. My whole year is lost. I had to cancel all my trips with the members of three clubs I belong to. So, at this time, I extend my sin-cerest thanks to all my relatives and friends, officers and members, for their beauitful gifts, flowers, candy and cards and visits at the hospital and at home. This helped me to carry the load. The repeated signatures on the cards of members at the meetings was very much appreciated. Thank you, again. The next meeting will be important. Please all try and attend. Fraternally your, JOSEPHINE LIVEK No. 91, OAKMONT, PA. Our Sept. meeting was not so well attended with only 8 members and what can you do or what kind of plans can you make with so few? Our next meeting will be Dec. 11th and it will also be a Christmas party and exchange of gifts valued at $2 each — no less, please., I am still somewhat on the weak side and I pray to God that I will get stronger; as the saying goes, time will tell. I hope all members enjoy good health and Janet, especially this wish is to you. God love you — you really and truly are a good soldier. Please send Janet Kirn a note of cheer, members, as she is one great gal. She is our treasurer for some years now. And you can’t find a more loyal person and very nice one, too. She goes thru an ordeal each week, so my dear sisters, try to remember Janet in your wishes and prayers. We won’t have any meeting till spring, and I wish you all a very nice holiday season and loads of good health to all members of our Slovenian Women's Union. God bless you and your loved ones. A. KASTELIC, President and Reporter No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Our first fall meeting in September was off to a great start with 29 members present. Many ideas and projects were discussed. We are an enthusiastic group and feel with the wonderful weather we have been having favors growth in all things — plants and population, and membership in our branch. Plans are underway to increase our membership, and our branch will award to any member who has enrolled the most members a $25 bond! Good things and great results are anticipated from this membership drive. Speaking about good things, a good thing happened to me, I was selected to be the Mother of the Year and am extremely proud and bubbling with pride at the selection. May I humbly say-thank you! , Refreshments by Emma Yergovich and Michaelene Pujdak. Cash donations by, $5 each, Olga and Marge Krmpotic, $2 Mildred Poropat and $1 Helen Chorak. Many thanks for your kind donations ladies. Rose Winters and Francis Seabloom were hospitalized and am happy to hear they are on the mend. Our heartiest and warmest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sam-bol who have observed their 25th. Wedding Anniversary. We salute you with good health and true happiness for the next quarter of a century. Birthday Greetings to the following who are celebrating in November: Doris Cuzella, Mary Duich, Frances Ma-tanovich, Kate Musa, Helen Nowicki, Mary Plesha, Mary Simunich, Helen Price, Fedelia Svalina, Ljuba Trgovac, Dorothy Worteska, Mary Mundger (Mich) Marge Pozeck, Jacqualine Natzke, Diane Wojnovich, Inez Carna-vacciola, Katherine Klepich, and Mary Ann Sambol.. The 45th. Anniversary of Br. 20 which was held on Sunday September 23 provides me with an opportunity to extend our warmest congratulations to your branch and its membership on its splendid accomplishments. Your Mass, your dinner, your committee, all adds up to one word — SUPERB! I congratulate you warmly on this happy and memorable occasion. Our deepest sympathy to Mary Plesha, Lucille Nosich, Helen Spelich and the Allivojvodich family on the loss of their beloved mother. May God bless all of you in this your hour of sorrow. At our November meeting games will be played; see all of you then. MILDRED JAMES No. 101. BEDFORD HGTS, OHIO Our September meeting was one of the most informative ones we had in a long time. We were honored having as our guests Mary Bostian, our National President, and Sophie Magayna, our State President. We enjoyed their visit, along with their many helpful hints, and hope they can make it again soon. Our branch had several stands at “Bedford Hgts. Homecoming Day” in August, which is an annual event in this community. Our women sold waffles, french fries, and Italian ices.. We would like to thank all the women who helped with the work and selling, as our club realized a nice profit from our efforts. Our hearts went out to little Julie Tankovich, who also was a guest along with her mother at our last meeting. Julie is a retarded child and attends “Children Forever”, a school that tries to help children like Julie lead a more normal life. Her mother explained the functions of the school and all they are doing for her child. As this is quite a burden for the parents financially, our branch is going to sponser Julie for a year at “Children Forever”. Lucille Picone spent her vacation in Florida visiting with her two sons, Paul in Orlando, and Nate in West Palm Beach, while Mary Mertle and Rita Marie Mertle visited Mary's daughter Janet and husband in the State of Washington, where he is stationed with the U.S. Army. You will have to ask Mary about her goeduck fishing at Puget Sound. We would also like to congratulate our Vice President Rosalie Brown, and husband George who celebrated their 15th wedding anniversary Sept. 27th. Rosalie is one of our more active members, and when anything has to be done we can always depend on her. Many “Happy Returns”. “Get well wishes” to all our sick members and those in the hospital, especially Mrs. Anna Mae Bizily, of Atlanta, Ga. Anna Mae is one of our newer members, who sitll has her roots in this area. “Get well Ann". Now that the cool weather is here, we would like to see more members attending our meetings, the first Thursday of each month at Bedford Hgts., City Hall. We need everyone’s help to plan our next affair coming up. DOROTHY STARK No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. As I sit here pondering what to write — I see before me the faces of the many wonderful persons I was privileged to meet at our 16th National Convention, many of whom are regular contributors to the “Zarja” which makes it seem more meaninful. I wish to express my sincere thanks to our group and to Branch No. 91 in Oakmont, Pa. for affording me the opportunity of this new experience. The National Convention Committee and Branch 2, of Chicago, III., must be commended for their joint effort to make the occasion a success., It war, my pleasure to see Mrs. Emma Planinšek; mother of our former President, Irene Odorizzi, with the active Joliet Group and sending greetings. Our first fall meeting was held on Sunday, September 9th, with a rather small attendance. As we are a small group 1 would like to remind each member to try to attend oftener. Following a small business meeting and some reminiscing about the summer we began to discuss plan for our Annual Dinner Dance in November. Each season brings to our members some joy and sorrow. We wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the Conrad and Cyril Mejac families on the death of their beloved mother in Slovenia, following their visit there. To Mrs. Matilda Terselic on the sudden death of her younger sister. We are grateful that Mary Lipar is feeling better following hospitalization for a cardiac condition. To Mr. Russell T. Thomas, husband of our Vice President and Captain James A. Laurich, who are confined to the hospital for lengthy periods, we send our best wishes. I wish to apologize to Antonia Cigale for failing to list her as one of the hostesses for Mrs. Podborsek’s 80th year birthday celebration. To Matilda Ausich and Mary Lipar, a thank you for all the delicacies served at our April meeting. For our Annual picnic and “Mothers Day Presentation” we chose a beautiful site but the weatherman did not cooperate. To all the brave persons who attended and helped to make it a success, many thanks. Our Mother-of-the-Year, Mrs. Mary Lou Terselic was presented by the attending group with a lovely bouquet. A brief resume’ of Mary Lou’s exciting life appeared in the May Zarja. Acting as hostesses for the September meeting were Mrs. Podborsek and Mary Lou Terselic. Once again a lovely arranged table and delicious refreshments. FREDA H. MICHELITCH, President MARIE PRISLAND , TA SVET £c$alje Pred kratkim je po dolgi bolezni preminul Anton Strnisha, soprog Dorothy Strnisha, ustanovne članice, nad 40 let zapisnikarce in zelo marljive in ugledne odbornice podružnice št- 25 v Clevelandu. G. Strnisha je bil zaveden Slovenec, navdušen društve-nik, vedno delaven ko se je šlo za dobrobit in ugled clevelandskih Slovencev. Bil je prijazne osebnosti ter imel mnogo prijateljev. Blag mu spomin! Soprogi Dorothy in ostali družini izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. 16, septembra je nenadno preminul John Jerich, vsem ameriškim Slovencem poznani bivši urednik in lastnik dnevnika Amerikanski Slovenec, urednik in lastnik revije "Novi Svet” in Baragove pratike. Pokojni g. Jerich je bil neutrudljiv pisatelj. Milijone besedi je tekom let napisal. Ko je šel v pokoj kot urednik omenjenih publikacij je pisal novice iz raznih naselbin: — Iz Chicaga pod imenom “Regerčan”, iz Jolieta kot "Tone s hriba”, iz Dulutha kot "Andrejček”, iz Waukegona "Vrhenšk Tine”. Pisal je tudi rubriko "Stric Gregor”. Ko je izšla zadnja izdaja Zvezine kuharske knjige “Women's Glory-The Kitchen”, mi je pisal: "Slovenke se res trudite, da bi Slovence Amerikanci vsaj nekaj bolj poznali. Kdor pokusi dobre slovenske potice, štruklje in druge dobre jedi iz vaše knjige, ki jih znate Slovenke tako pripraviti, da bi jih tudi angelci jedli, res ne more drugače, kakor vprašati kdo je to spekel in skuhal in pri tem se začne zanimati za narodnost, ki vse to zna. Imenitna publiciteta je to! čestitam!" Torej vedno čuteč narodnjak, zaveden Slovenec, plemenita osebnost. Za njegovo neumorno udejstvovanje na časnikarskem polju John Jerich zasluži, da mu ohranimo vedno svež in hvaležen spomin. Z njim je ameriška Slovenija zgubila najboljšega prijatelja.. Naj v miru počiva! Soprogi, sinu in hčerkama izrekamo iskreno sožalje. 2!ahva(ct Bratska organizacija SLOGA, ki posluje v državi Wisconsin, h kateri spada mnogo Zvezinih članic, je meseca septembra v Sheboyganu obdržavala svojo 20to konvencijo. Ob času banketa je na programu počastila 35 članov, ki so pri SLOGI 50 let. Počastila je tudi predsednika odbora direktorjev, Johna Ocvirka, ki je moj sošolec. John je častno zavzemal svoj urad 25 let; njegov sin John P. je to-časni glavni tajnik organizacije. SLOGA je 140% sloventna; njena blagajna premore skoro dva milijona dolarjev. Ima skrbne in razsodne glavne odbornike, ki vkljub ostrim postavam države Wisconsin svojo organizacijo vodijo od napredka do napredka, čestitamo! Glavni predsednik SLOGE, g. Mathew F. Schimenz, odvetnik, bivši alderman mesta Milwaukee in točasni mestni glavni nadzornik vsega stavbinskega dela, bo letos končal 20 let uspešnega uradovanja. Pod njegovim vzornim vodstvom in prijazno osebnostjo je organizacija silno napredovala, kar mu bo od odhodu iz urada gotovo v veliko zadoščenje. Njegova pokojna mamica, gospa Mary Schimenz, je veliko let bila skrbna in delavna tajnica podružnice št. 12 v Milwaukee. Drago in v odliko mi je bilo sprejeti povabilo na SLO-GIN banket, kjer mi je na moje veliko presenečenje bil poklonjen dragocen spominček, zakar se prav iskreno zahvalim. Razveselile so me podružnice št. 3, 17 in 20 z izrazi vdanosti za časa njih slavnosti. Najlepša zahvala, drage so-sestre! Iz Domovine Podčetrtek, naselje ob Sotli blizu hrvatske meje, je v štirih jezikih izdalo pisan prospekt svojih "Atomskih Toplic”, ki mejijo že na čudeže. Kopanje in pitje njih termalne vode baje ozdravi mnoge bolezni, zlasti kožna obolenja in brani pojave starosti, če je to resnica gremo vsi starejši v to kopališče. ★ Od en milijon sedemstotisoč Slovencev živi na kmetih le 354,000 ljudi. Upoštevajoč narodne dohodke, so kmetijski dohodki na četrtem mestu. Najmanj kmetij je okrog Trbovelj in Jesenic, največ pa okrog Lendave, Murske sobote in Ormoža. ★ JADRO, cvetlična firma v Splitu je letos za mednarodni DAN ŽENA po vsej Jugoslaviji razposlala nad pol milijona nageljnov. Šopki so bili v večja mesta poslani z letalom. ★ Škofja Loka, rodno mesto prijateljice Josephine Erjavec iz Jolieta, je letos praznovala tisoč let svojega obstoja. Gotovo nam bo Josephine o tem slavju kaj več poročala. S soprogom sta namreč letos spet obiskala rodni kraj. ★ Velike slavnosti se letos vrše v Gornji Stubici na Hrvaškem, kjer se je pred 400 leti odigrala odločilna bitka med upornimi kn-eti in plenrško vojsko, s katero je bil zaključen punt slovenskih in hrvaških kmetov. Vabila so razposlana za "Srečanje pod Gubčevo lipo”, ki da je tudi stara 400 let. Pod to lipo so se zbirali slovenski in hrvaški kmetski puntarji in delali načrte za upor, trdi ljudsko izročilo. ★ Jugoslavija je končno dobila vstop na Newjorgko denarno borzo, (The New York Stock Exchange). Na razpolago bodo državne obveznice daljšega termina. Garancija za izplačilo, ko obveznice dozorijo, je zajamčena od jugoslovanske vlade. ★ Moj rodni kraj, trg Rečica ob Savinji, je dobil novo šolo. Staro so podrli. Rečica ima na podlagi turizma velike možnosti, ki še niso izrabljene. Upamo, da bo novi turistični odbor v tem pogledu izrabil dobre pogoje za turizem saj je kraj krasen in miren. ★ Metka: "Tetka, zelo dobro sem se poročila. Na rokah me nosi!” Teta: “Ježeš, kaj še nimata avtomobila?” •k Prvi: "Pepe, nikar toliko ne kadi, saj se boš zastrupil in boš deset let prej umrl.” Drugi: “Veš kaj, moj stari oče je kadil vso življenje in je dočakal 93 let, moj brat pa ni nikoli kadil in je prvo lete umrl.” POSVETITEV It AH AGO VEGA SPOMENIKA DOPISI ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Fara sv. Stefana je praznovala svojo 75 — letnico s primernim slovesom. Glavna točka je bila peta zahvalna maša pri kateri je prisostoval sam či-kaški nadškof, kardinal Cody. V slovesnem sprevodu v cerkev so bile zastopane razne farne organizacije s svojimi banderi. Med njimi je bilo lepo število naših krasnih narodnih nog. Kolumbovi vitezi v slikovitih uniformah so naredili častno stražo nadškofu. Glavni govor je imel g. pater Blaž Čemažar, kustos slovenskih frančiškanov v Lemontu. Med govorom je poudaril, da smo lahko ponosni, da je po tolikih letih ta fara še vedno slovenska. Veliko zaslugo za to nosita cerkveni zbor, pod vodstvom g. Alfreda Fischingerja in Janeza Arkota, in slovenska šola, pod vodstvom ge. Ane Gaber. Tudi g. pater Vendelin je dejal, da dokler bo donela pri sv. Štefanu slovenska pesem bo živel slovenski duh. Po sv. ma§i je sledil slavnostni banket v dvorani. Lepo je bil pripravljen in dobro obiskan, čestitamo faranom k lepemu uspehu. Pripravljamo se na novemberske prireditve. Med prvimi in sicer 3. in 4. novembra, bo mednarodna razstava na Navy Pier. Gospa Metoda Fis-chinger ima vodstvo slovenske razstave v svojih spretnih rokah. Lansko leto so se obiskovalci čudili nad lepo slovensko sobo v kateri je pri kolovratu predla gospa Šušteršič. Kako se bomo Slovenci letos predstavili svetu? Pridite na Navy Pier in boste videli. 8. novembra bo tradicijonalni Penny Social. Prosimo za pecivo, darila-dobitke, najbolj pa za udeležbo. Vesela družba naredi vesel večer Vsaka članica naj pride z nasmejanim obrazom, pripelje naj s seboj prijateljico, pa se bomo vsi lepo zabavali. Vodimo kampanjo za nove članice. Smrt nam jih vedno več jemlje., Ostale so pa razumljivo vsako leto starejše. Novih moči potrebujemo in prosimo vsako, ki tole čita, da bi pomislila, če mogoče ona ne pozna kakšno kandidatinjo. Dobro delo bo naredila za našo organizacijo. Gotovo veste, da imamo šolninski sklad, ki vsako leto pomaga nekaterim zaslužnim in potrebnim dijakom do univerzitetne izobrazbe Seveda moramo imeti nekaj projektov, da ta fond ne ostane prazen. Letos smo dali tiskati spominske kartice, ki so primerne kot izraz sožalja v primeri smrti prijateljev ali sorodnikov. Namesto rož, ki prehitro ovenijo se spomnimo naših rajnih z darom v šolninski fond z zavestjo, da s tem pomagamo bližnjemu. Na svidenje drugi četrtek v novembru ob pol osmi uri zvečer v dvorani pod cerkvijo. KRISTA ARKO ŠT. 3, PUEBLO, COLO. Ponovno smo preživeli nepozabni dan naše državne konvencije, ki se je vršila dne 16. sept. pri podr. št. 92 v Gunnison, Colo. Zastopane so bile podr. čt. 3 in 92. Naša nova drž. preds. Olga Mesojedec je poverila konvenčni zapisnik delegatinji št. 3, Josephine Reems. Razmotrivale smo več različnih predlogov v korist naše SŽZ, da bi imela veliko in lepo bodočnost in napredek. Slavnostno kosilo se je pričelo s programon pod vodstvom delegatinje in preds. Sherry Carricato in tajnice (Slike na naslovni strani) Ob veliki množici ljudstva, 3 škofov in številne duhovščine, je bil dne 16. sept. posvečen veliki Baragov spomenik v L’Anse, Mich. Ogromni spomenik je posvečen “Duhovniku na krpljah” (Snowshoe Priest), ker je znano, da je naš svetniški rojak, škof Friderik Baraga, rabil krplje na svojih misijonskih potovanjih. Med udeleženci so bili tudi Slovenci iz Chicaga, Jolieta, Clevelanda in drugih slovenskih naselbin in rojaka Anton in Mimi Štrukelj iz Emily, Minn, sta v slovenski narodni noši položila pred spomenik posebni venec s slovenskim trakom in dvojezičnim napisom v počastitev velikega rojaka. Marketski škof Salatka je med mašo prečital brzojavno poslanico Metropolita Slovenije, ljubljanskega nadškofa Pogačnika. Myrne Krizmanich. Vse članice, čeprav ne vem vseh imen, so živahno skupno delale za splošni uspeh. Ob odhodu so nam še postregle z okusnimi poticami in drugimi dobrotami, vse izredno okusno pripravljeno. V imenu vseh, ki so bile z vami, drage sosestre, naša iskrena zahvala za Vašo gostoljubnost, domačo zabavo, lepo pogostitev in prijazno družbo z vami. Hvala Vam za lep dan, katerega smo preživele z Vami. Nadaljni opis konv. bo v angleškem delu Zarje. Iz Denver, Colo., sta bila z nami navzoča tudi Mr. & Mrs. Matt Volk. Mr. V. je novo-izvoljeni gl. preds. Za-padne Slovanske Zveze in zelo sposoben za društveno delo. Izvoljen je bil na zadnji konvenciji in je bilo veselo snidenje z njimi, ker sta oba tako prijazno domača. Žal smo na naši konv. pogrešali družino Lukezic iz Florence, Colo., ker je ravni 3 dni pred konv. se za vedno poslovil naš nepozabni prijatelj, Matt Lukezic. Ed Miklich nas je vozil iz Puebla na pogreb. Draga Jennie, bodi potolažena, sicer si tudi sama v bolečinah bolezni, toda v uteho in tolažbo ter pomoč so Ti Tvoji trije dobri sinovi. Pok. Matt pa gotovo uživa plačilo in Te pričakuje nad zvezdami, kjer večni dom bo naš vseh. V novembru mi spomin uhaja k naši nepozabni Albini Novak, ki je v tem mesecu slavila svoj rojstni dan. Blag ji spomin! Nenadoma je umrl soprog naše čla. Albert Pelc, ki je imel veličastni pogreb. Vdovi Jennie iskreno sožalje.-Enako je postala vdova Angela Medved, njen soprog Anton je bil dolgo pod zdravniško oskrbo, hudo je trpel neznosne bolečine v glavi, vseeno je p. Klavdij Okorn, ofm: jSiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiminiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiitiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiij« Navodil so Iskali | Naznanilo Velik prijatelj božji in seveda tudi ljudi sv. Frančišek, je na svojih potovanjih od vasi do vasi rad pozdravljal ljudi z besedami: “Mir bodi z vami." Ljudje so ga povsod radi sprejemali, se pogovarjali z njim, mu prinašali otroke, da bi jih blagoslovil. Pri tem so ga tudi prosili naj jim kaj lepega pove. Tako se mu je zgodilo ob neki priložnosti v mestu Aliviano. Tedaj se je zgodilo tisto čudo z lastovkami. Ko je sv. Frančišek začel govoriti, so priletele lastovke in tako gostolele okoli Frančiška, da ni bilo mogoče razumeti njegovih besed. Bile so okrog njega in vedno bolj glasne. Frančišek jih je nekaj časa gledal potem pa jim je rekel: Lastovice, sestrice moje, sedaj je že čas, da dobim jaz besedo. Ve ste že dosti povedale. Poslušajte še zdaj božjo besedo in pridne bodite in molčite, dokler bom govoril. Lastovice so utihnile in molčale dokler je Frančišek govoril. Ker se je zgodilo to čudo in ker je govoril Frančišek tako iz duše, je hotelo skoraj vse mesto oditi za njim. Prihajali so k njemu drug za drugim in ga prosili za nasvet. "Bogat sem", mu je dejal nekdo, "pa bi vendar rad živel kakor ti. Imam pa družino. Svetuj mi, sveti mož, kaj naj storim.” “če si komu kaj hudega storil, popravi krivico. Podpiraj uboge in pazi, da ne boš žalil svojega bližnjega." "Mati sem in imam družino”, je povedala gospa, “pa bi rada živela kakor sestra Klara in vendar mi to ni mogoče. Povej mi, Frančišek, kako bi?” "Otroke vzgajaj za Boga, ljubi bližnjega in se odreci nečimernosti sveta, pa bo prav.” "Jaz pa, glej, Frančišek”, je spregovoril mlad vojak, bi tudi rad tako živel kakor tvoji bratje. A srčno ljubim svojo izvoljenko in se ne morem ločiti od nje.” "Poročita se, živita zmerno, podpirajta sirote in se za vse zahvaljujta Bogu”, je smehljaje odvrnil sv. Frančišek in ga blagoslovil. Še drugi so prihajali in se zgrinjali okrog njega. Frančišek pa je vsakemu svetoval, kako naj živi primerno svojemu stanu, da bo Bogu všeč. Frančišek je nakazal pot kako izboljšati tiste čase., Njegova navodila pa veljajo še danes. | Vedno bolj se upošteva dejstvo, da se ob času i | smrti sorodnikov ali prijateljev namesto cvetlic daruje i | v kakšen dober namen, kar prinaša stalne koristi. V | I očigled temu je šolninski odbor skleni dati našim 1 | članicam priliko v takih slučajih graditi Zvezin šol- I g ninski sklad. | | Iz glavnega urada so tajnice podružnic prejele I = Spominske kartice (Memorial Cards) s prošnjo naj | | bi jih članice upoštevale ob času smrti dragih sorod- 1 | nikov ali prijateljev. | | Kartice se naj oddajo lokalnemu pogrebnemu § | zavodu, da so vedno pri rokah. Darilo se dene v | | kartico, ki jo prejmejo sorodniki nakar oni denar in | | Imena pošljejo tajnici Solninskega odbora. Imena da- | | rovalcev in vsote bodo priobčene v ZARJI po tajnici | | šolninskega odbora, katere naslov je: | | Mrs. Hermine Dicke 1 | 3717 Council Crest, 1 | Madison, Wis. 53711 | = Tajnice prosimo naj vzamejo to naznanilo | | resno ter članicam priporočajo vporabo Spominskih | | kartic, kar bo veliko koristilo našemu Solninskemu § 3 skladu. | | MARIE PRISLAND | | Predsednica Šolninskega odbora I ^iiiiiiiiiiE2iMi!iiiiii!tiiiiiiiiiiii![]iiiiiiiiuii[]i!iiiiiiiiiic2i;:!!i!ui;::]ii;;!!!i::ii[]iiiiiiiniii[]i!iiniiiiii[3iiiiH '|3llll!llllll!C]llllllllllilC]llllllllllllt]llllllllllll[]|||||||lllll[]IIIIIIIIIIIIE]||IIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIII[?IIIHIIIIIIIH^ 'Jakua la = Naš duhovni svetovalec, č.g. Fr. Klavdij Okorn, | | OFM želi izreči iskreno zahvalo vsem številnim čla- I ^ nicam SŽZ za voščilne karte za hitro ozdravljenje po 5 | prestani operaciji na nogi in prav posebno še za tihe 1 | molitve Opravljene v ta namen. Naj Vas Bog vse bla- 1 | goslovi! g ............................................................ ni..........i...r.-^l bil prijazen do vseh. Sedaj sin Dany nadaljuje trgovino gasoliske postaje. Tako odhajajo naši nepozabni tja, kjer mnogi spe večno spanje in kjer kmalu dom bo moj in tvoj. Žalujočim družinam izrekamo izraze sožalja. V junijski Zarji so bile objavljene slike, katere so prejele Zvezine šolnine. Med njimi je bila Edlyn Miklich, toda tiskarski škrat je napravil pomoto, da je njeno ime postavil na napačno mesto. Ona je na sliki v sredini strani Zarje. Mene vedno veseli ko vidim napredek naše mladine. Zvezi-na šolnina je res imenitna reč. Ponovno si oglejte Edlyn-ino sliko, je res zelo inteligentno dekle. Doma izven bolnišnice, toda še vedno pod zdravniško oskrbo je čla. Mary Poder, Angela Škrjanec, nevarno operacijo na grlu je prestala soses. Anne Burne. Naše molitve jih spremljajo za hitro okrevanje. Tako tudi želimo ponovno zdravje č. g. Claude Okorn, ki je pod zdravniško oskrbo. V okt. so obhajale svoje rojstne dneve, Corinne Leskovar, naša urednica ter bivša preds. Tončka Turek. Se na mnogo let. Vse čla. smo hvaležne č. preds. Marie Prisland, ki je ustanovila SŽZ in njeni članki so nam vedno v pouk in razvedrilo. Bog blagoslovi njeno neumorno delo. Dne 1. nov. obhajamo dan vseh svetnikov in naših dragih, ki v Bogu spe. Spomninjajmo se jih! Vesele smo bile, da je bila z nami na konv. naša Mary Dolgan. Vse čla. se zavedamo, da mora naša SŽZ rasti in napredovati, zato naj bo nam vsem v ponos, da pridobimo nove članice. Novi preds., Mary Boštjan želimo, da bo njeno delo obrodilo obilen sad za Zvezo in najlepše darilo od nas članic bo šopek novopristoplih članic. Vsem najlepše jesenske pozdrave, ko se narava spreminja v različne barve jeseni. ANNA PACHAK ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, O. Z mesecem septembrom so se zopet pričele naše redne mesečne seje. Ker je naša predsednica še vedno na bolniški listi, zato je sejo vodila podpredsednica, Phyllis Attina. članice so bile navzoče kakor po navadi. Tiste, ki se že dolgo niste udeležile seje, vas lepo vabimo, da pridete in boste videle kako se imamo. Posebno sedaj ko prihaja jesen in se bliža, bo kar lepo, ko se zberemo ob nedeljah in se malo pomenimo, kako se godi pri naši podružnici. Zdravje naše predsednice se počasi obrača na boljše. Lepo se zdravi na domu. Njej in vsem bolnim sestram želimo hitro okrevanje. Poslala sem tudi kartico od naše podr. duhovnemu vodji Zveze, Fr. Okornu, ki se tudi zdravi. Lepo se je zahvalil, da smo se ga spomnile. Sožalje naj sprejme naša ustanoviteljica Mary Sluga in njena družina ob NASMEJANI OBRAZI udeleženk konvencije v West Allis, VELIKI ZVEZIN PRIJATELJ, FRANK ERMENC, je bil na Wis. ki so obiskale č. g. Fr. Okorna, kažejo, da se njegovo Wis. konvenciji počaščen za njegovo darežljivost za Zvezin zdravje dobro vrača. Vse udeleženke so mu izrekle iskrena šolninski Sklad in druge dobrodelne namene. On je poklonil voščila, katerih je bil naš duhovni svetovalec zelo vesel. v šolninski sklad $500. Na sliki sta Mr. & Mrs. Frank Er- menc, katerima čestita častna preds. ga. Marie Prisland. ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISCONSIN Konvencija združena s proslavo 45 letnice ustanovitve naše podr., je za nami. Nedelja 23. sept. nam bo ostala v spominu kot dan, ki ga je Gospod ustvaril iz ljubezni do nas. On je zapovedal soncu, naj se nam ljubeče smeje za ta krasni jesenski dan. Ob veliki udeležbi, se je pričelo konvenčno zborovanje ob 9:30 dop. v zgornji dvorani cerkve Marije Pomoč Kristjanov. Preds. države Wis. ga. Rose Kramer je spretno vodila sejo in ji moramo priznati, da je res sposobna za to delo. Imele smo čast imeti med nami ustanoviteljico Zveze, ga. Marie Prisland, ki nas je opozorila na delo, ki nas čaka ako hočemo biti trdna organizacija. Prisotna je bila tudi urednica Zarje, ga. Corinne Leskovar, ki je v svojem zanimivem govoru razložila zapreke in težave, ki jih ima naša organizacija in kaj je vse potrebno, ako hočemo, da napredujemo. Posebna točka je bil razgovor o povišanju članarine za nove članice in kako je važno, da se po- izgubi soproga J'ohna, ki je podlegel kapi. Res, ne vemo ne ure, ne dneva, ko se smrt oglasi. Naj počiva v miru in večna luč mu sveti. Lepa hvala Mary Tomsich, ki je darovala v našo blagajno. Vsem, ki ste obhajale rojstne dneve v sept., želim veselo obhajanje in še mnogo let zdravja in sreče. Vse lepo povabim na sejo v novembru, to je drugo nedeljo dne 11. nov. Bodite lepo pozdravljene! SOPHIE MAGAYNA, tajnica trudimo ter pridobimo nove članice, ako hočemo, da uspevamo. Ga. Leskovar je vrla govornica in upam, da njen govor ni bil zaman. Prisotna je bila tudi gl. blag. Elizabeth žefran ter ga. Anna Lustik, državna preds. za lll.-lnd. Upamo, da bo konvencija Wis. prinesla mnogo uspeha ter prisrčna hvala vsem, ki ste prišle k nam v tako lepem številu. Po zaključni molitvi smo se vse podale v cerkev k sv. maši, katero je daroval za umrle čla., č. g. Dr. M. Setničar. On enih se je vršil slavnostni banket, katerega je pričel z molitvijo naš omenjeni g. župnik. Kosilo je bilo izvrstno, za kar velja zahvala odboru s preds. Marion Marolt in tajnico Marie Florjan na čelu. Ne smem pozabiti izreči zahvalo našim ženam in dekletom, ki so nas tako izvrstno stregle z domačim pecivom. Veliko pridnih rok je bilo zaposlenih pri delu potic, štrudelnov, flancatov in drugih dobrot. Vsem, ki ste darovale pecivo in dobitke, najlepša hvala! Priznanje in pohvala gre tudi voditelju programa Antonu Vrbek, ki je izvrstno vodil točke programa. Govori so bili kratki, zanimivi in tu pa tam, smo se tudi nasmejali. Počastili smo go. Marie Prisland, kateri je izročila šopek rož, hčerka preds., Robin Marolt. Ravno tako smo izrekli zahvalo ustanoviteljici št. 17, ge. Josephine Schlosar, kateri je izročila šopek rož njena vnukinja, Nancy Nimer. Ga. Schlosar je 20. marca, 1928 ustanovila podr. z 20-timi slov. ženami in dekleti, od katerih so poleg ge. Schlosar žive še naslednje čla.: Jackie Nimer, Mary Petrič, Josephine Imperl in Josephine Pauček. Počastile smo jih z rdečimi nageljni ter posebnim darilom. Vse jim želimo zdravja in božjega blagoslova še mnogo let. Iz 21-tih članic je zrastla lepa podr. s 249 članicami, katere imamo danes v West Allis, kar je lepo število. Seveda ne smemo biti zadovoljne s tem, ampak se moramo potruditi, da pomnožimo število ker starejše članice izgubljamo eno za drugo. Med govori nas je zabaval izvrstni Hrvatski tamburaški orkester, ki je zaigral tudi nekaj slovenskih. Se je videlo, da so imeli uspeh, ker so prodali lepo število njihovih plošč. Posebno smo počastile našega dobrosrčnega rojaka g. Franka Ermenca, kateremu smo podarile ploščo z napisom priznanja in zahvale za njegova dobra dela, posebno ko je večkrat daroval večje svote denarja v Zvezin Šolninski sklad. Vsi smo ponosni, da imamo med nami ugledne rojake, kot sta g. in ga. Frank Ermenc, ki jima je pri srcu slovenski narod. Bog Vaju živi še mnogo let! Udeležile so se podružnice št 2, Chicago, št. 16, So. Chicago, št. 24, LaSalle, III., št. 89 Oglesby, III., št. 72, Pullman, lil., št. 12, Milwaukee, št. 43 Milw., št. 102 Willard, Wis. in št. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. To je lepo število 300 gostov. V sept. smo zopet izgubile čla. Louise Kralj, ki je pred leti vodila gostilno na 60th in Madison cesti. Bila je žena veselega značaja. Naj ji sveti večna luč. Sinovoma izražamo srčno sožalje. Molimo za umrle in obiskujmo bolne. MARY MURN 6T. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Udeležba na naši oktoberski seji je bila še kar dobra. Vroči dnevi so za nami, začela se je jesen in z njo tudi deževno vreme, da bo dež namočil naše suhe vrtove.. Naš kart parti je za nami in imele smo lep uspeh. Moramo se zahvaliti občinstvu, ki se je udeležilo v tako lepem številu. Seveda se moramo zahvaliti tudi vsem članicam, ker so prišle in za delo, ki so ga vršile med udeleženci. Postregle so z lepim štru-delnom in kofetom. Se enkrat hvala vsem, tudi tistim, ki so šle na dom k Mary Iskra, da so napekle mnogo štrudelnov za parti. V tem mesecu sta 2 naše članice praznovale 50 letnico poroke in to so: Mrs. Olga Iranič in Mrs. Mavrič. Želimo jima in njunima soprogoma, da bi dočakali še mnogo srečnih in zadovoljnih let in obletnic. Takih jubilantov je malo, da dočakajo to srečo zlate poroke. Bog jim daj zdravja v bodoče! Vabim članice, da bi se v velikem številu udeležile decemberske seje, ker imamo mnogo stvari na programu. Med tem je bilo praznovanje 45 letnice podr. št. 25 pri Sv. Vidu z banketom in sejo skupnih podr. Od našega društva sta zastopnice Alien Collins in Frances Eržen. V tem času so bolane Mrs. F. Medved in Mrs. Lovin. Želimo jima, da bi jim Bog dal hitrega zdravja. V blagajno so darovale Mrs.: Bubnič, Mali Legat, Bulanič in Vičič. Naj Vam Bog poplača na Vašem zdravju in lep pozdrav vsem! ANTONIA ŠUŠTAR ST. 19, EVELETH, MINNESOTA Odkar poročam te skromne vrstice v naši priljubljeni Zarji, se vsako leto spomnim tudi praznika Vseh Svetih, dne 1. nov. in drugi dan je vseh mrtvih, oz. vseh vernih duš dan. Na ta otožni jesenski dan, se spomnimo z bolestjo v srcu vseh tistih, ki domujejo na tihem domovju mrtvih. Prižga- li bomo sveče v njihov spomin, posebnim ljubim pokojnim staršem in vsem dragim. Zopet moram poročati, da je kruta usoda smrti v oktobru posegla zopet v naše vrste in nam iztrgala sosestro in dolgoletno članico, Gertrude Intihar, ki je dočakala visoko starost 91 let. Nahajala se je v nursing home in je bila pri dobri zavesti do zadnjega. Zapušča soproga, ki je tudi v nursing home in poročene otroke 3 hčere in 2 sinova. Izkazale smo ji poslednjo čast z molitvijo ter jo spremile na zadnji poti. Drago sosestro bomo ohranile vedno v lepem spominu. V imenu podr. vsem naše globoko sožalje. To leto smo izgubile že drugo čla., prej je umrla Carlina Oberstar. Naj jima bo lahka gruda. V tem mesecu se tudi spominjam moje zveste prijateljice Albine Novak in Josephine Železnikar. Bog jima naj nakloni večno srečo za vsa njuna dobra dela. Več naših sester se nahaja na bolniški listi. Spomnile se jih bomo z bodrilnimi karticami in upamo, da kmalu zopet pridejo med nas na seje. V juniju se je več naših članic udeležilo izleta v domovino Slovenijo pod vodstvom Franka Tekautza. Vseh je bilo 254 in spremljal jih je moj sin Frank Smolz in njegov orkester. Veseli pripovedujejo kaj vse so doživeli na obisku starega kraja in na potovanju po Sloveniji, Dalmaciji in drugih krajih. Vse priznanje velja voditelju izleta in potniški pisarni Kollander, ki so imeli vse v oskrbi. Vsi se pohvalno izražajo o potovanju. Mi pa Občudujemo slike in več se jih je že izrazilo, da bodo drugo leto tudi šli. Sedaj pa izrekam prisrčne čestitke podr. št. 38 v Chisholm, ker so se tako lepo potrudile, da je bil Zvezin Minnesotski dan zopet zelo uspešen. Podr. iz vseh krajev so se lepo odzvale. Hvala lepa ses. Annie Kastelc, ker je vse tako lepo poskrbela za bus, da je bil napolnjen do zadnjego sedeža in to iz Aurora, Biwabik, McKinley, Gilbert, Eveleth in Virginia. Pripeljale 60 se pred našo hišo ob 8:30, kjer so tukaj naše članice čakale. Bilo nas je 16 in še nekatere z auti. Žal se nisem mogla udeležiti tega pomembnega dneva, ker je isti dan možev sin Rudy in njegova žena, sklicala vso žlahto, bilo nas je zbranih nad 80, to je bila prava “family reunion”. Obhajali so rojstne dneve Toneta in mojega. Prišla je celo Tonetova hči Frances iz Tacoma, Wash, in družina. Prišla je tudi hčer Lilly in vnukinja iz Chicaga ter nečakinje in bratranci iz St. Paula. Razume se, da so bili vsi iz Chisholma in moji otroci in vnuki. Vse je bilo krasno urejeno. Sin Frankie pa je vlekel harmoniko, da je bilo petja in veselja. Ta dan nama bo ostal v lepem spominu, čeprav sem bila ves dan v mislih pri sosestrah na zboru v Chisholmu. Vem, da bodo poročali o uspelem Zvezinem dnevu, naj samo omenim, kar so mi povedali, da je vse bilo prvovrstno. Sv. mašo je daroval naš župnik Fr. Perkovič je bila prava "polka maša” z domačimi vižami kar je bilo nekaj novega. Pri maši je stregel naš član Anton Menart, ki je tudi igral med kosilom. Le tako naprej Tone in hvala, ker se vedno rad odzove vabilu. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bo drugo leto Zvezin dan pri naši podr. in bomo poskušale s pomočjo mlajših članic vse pripraviti. Vesele smo, da se vsako leto vršijo Zvezini dnevi, saj pridemo skupaj kot ena velika družina. Naša Minn. privabi vsako leto tudi veliko turistov, ki se strinjajo v pohvali naših lepih jezer, zato se jim pridružite še vi! Vsem slavljenkam rojstnih dnevov pošiljamo najlepše čestitke in želje za mnogo srečnih in zdravih let. Bog Vas živi! Ker bi v tem mesecu bil tudi rojstni dan naše Albine, bom prižgala svečo v njen spomin. Želim vsem gl. odbornicam čestitke in želje za uspešno bodočnost. Naj bo Vaše delo za Zvezo blagoslovljeno. Lepe pozdrave vsem članicam. MARY LENICH, taj. ŠT. 21, CLEVELAND, O. Najprej iskrene čestitke ob 50 letnici zakona, Mr. in Mrs. Math Hočevar. Srečni par, ki obhaja zlato poroko, tako sem se jaz počutila leta 1970. Počitnice so pri kraju, več članic je pot peljala izven Ohio, žal ne morem vseh imenovati. Naše sožalje čla. Emma Zupan, katere brat Eddie Zupan je umrl za srčno kapjo. Enako naše globoko sožalje Pauline Stepic W. 58 St., ob smrti moža. Naj bo pokojnim lahka ameriška zemlja. Dne 22. sept. so zopet nastopili s slovenskimi ljudskimi plesi skupina "Kres”. Kdor se ni udeležil, mu je lahko žal, Mladi plesaci in njihova voditeljica Bernarda Mejač so pokazali svojo umetnost in so prekosili druge, ki so že nastopili na odru Slov. Nar. Doma. Spremljal jih je orkester "Veseli Slovenci”. Moj poklon vsem! Dne 20., oktobra je bila večerja Kluba Upokojencev na E. 80 St. Če še niste včlanjeni, vas vabim, da se vpišete v Klub, ker imamo vedno kaj veselega na programu. Vsem članicam želim ljubega zdravja. žal so seje bolj slabo obiskane, to ni samo pri nas, ker časi se spreminjajo. Zvečer je strah pred napadom in leta nas držijo doma, posebno ko pride zima. ANNA JESENKO ST. 24, LA SALLE, ILLINOIS Leto gre hitro k zatonu, samo še november in december, zato vse lepo vabim, da pridete na našo sejo dne 4. nov., v nedeljo ob 2 uri pop. članice, katere se niste mogle udeležiti zadnje seje, vam sporočam, da vam je lahko žal, da ste zamudile. Bila je zbrana lepa družba in podana vesela poročila. Bog plačaj vsem za Vaša darila in delo od zadnje prireditve. Naslednjim članicam smo izrekle čestitke za rojstne dneve: Mary Sever, Josephine Savnik, Terezija Gender in Jcliet Preplavlja ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Pod. št. 20 je na dan 23. sept. dodala še eno stran v knjigo svoje zgodovine. Pola za polo se je dodala v teku 45 let in odkar smo zadnjič pražnovale našo slavnost je minulo pet let. Med 45 letnico naše zgodovine, je šlo v večnost 256 članic. Za 45 letnico se je brala sv. maša ob 12:30 pop., katero je daroval Monsignor M. J. Butala, nato je imel lepo pridigo in označil razna dobra dela podružnice za našo faro. Pri maši je pela solo Anna Fandek, kateri so se druge članice v cerkvi pridružule. Orgljal je Tone Rozman., Ob pol dveh se je serviralo dobro kosilo, molil je kaplan Roman Malovašič. Drugi duhovniki ki so nastolili med programom so bili naš župnik Raymond Garbin, bivši kaplan iz West Chicago Rev. Charles Van Doren, ter Rev. Dismas Kalčič, njegova mati je naša 45 letna članica, kakor tudi vse tri sestre. Program je odprla predsednica, Emma Planinšek in predstavila stolo-ravnateljico, Millie Pucel. Pozdravila je vse 45 letne članice pri podružnici, Josephine Erjavec in vse navzoče 45 letnice predstavila in želela, da se čez pet let zopet snidemo, ko bo podružnica praznovala zlati jubilej. Od zadnjih pet let pa do danes, jih manjka precej članic, ki so bile poklicane v večnost., V spomin je zapela ml. članica, Joyce Walczak, "Ave Maria”. "America the Beautiful" so igrali Marie in Andrew Ancel. Pozdrave so izrekli gl. taj. Zveze, Fanika Humar, gl. nadz. iz So. Chica-ge, Ann Kompare, dolgoletni prijatelj, rojak, cerkveni pevec, društvenik raz-nik organizacij, mestni odbornik, John Jevitz, ter podal svoje čestitke; nato Robert Kostelec, manager zmagoval-sekga krožka kadetinj. Nastopil je krožek ml. članic v narodnih nošah pod vodstvom Judy Mravle, katerim je igral gitarist Bob in brat Don Verbis-cer. Stoloravnateljica Millie Pucel izrazi priznanje Marie Prisland za njeno delo pri vodstvu S.Ž.Z., za njeno daleko- nepozabljeni Justina Anglovar. Živijo! V bolnišnici se nahajajo bolne čla. Mary Spelich, mati, ki je najstarejša članica članica našega društva. Padla je v sobi pred dvema mesecema in težko prenaša bolečine zlomljene noge in rebra. Doma se je ponesrečila tudi Christina Drnach, kateri je' spodrsnilo, da je hudo padla tudi na rebra, je sedaj doma, kakor tudi Mary Radi, 4S iet heioCanje vidnost in napredek ženskega spola, dalje priznanje urednici Zarje, Corinne Leskovar pri delu mesečnika, ki razkazuje ženam in dekletom potrebo skupnosti v domačih krogih, dalje se je dalo priznanje materam tekom let, ki se imenujejo “Matere leta”, dalje bivšim kadetkam in soprogom, ki so se udeležile te proslave, Mary C. Terlep, za tri-kratno zmago v kampanjah, kapitankam, Mayme Atland, Josephine Goran in Dorothy Mahan. Ker pa Dorothy je praznovala svoj rojstni dan isto nedeljo, ji je bila izročena krasna torta. Zahvaljeni so bili tudi Edward Ancel, Joe Erjavec, Ann Fandek, Anton Rozman za petje med mašo, ministrantom Andrew Ancel in Paul Rozman, Jto Mlakar za vstopnice, Mary Milehic in Carita Ancel za raznašanje pismov, za zbor ml. oddelek in program pesmi v angleščini in slovenščini, Judy Mravle in otroci v narodnih nošah Beth Adamic, Marie Ancel, Chari Camp, Mary Lee Demic, Ann in Lynn Hennings, Tori Hofer, Elaine Končar, Aline Angela, Anita in Annette Kraus, Kathy Lovati, Annettee Mihelič, Helen Rozman, Rosanne in Lorainne Ruth in Joyce Walscak. Dalje, vsem gl. odbornikom od KS-KJ, Tony Hravle, Edward Ancel, Rudy Pucel in pa gl. podpredsednici H.F.S., Anna Jerisha. Dalje, gl. odbornicam, odbornicam in članicam, ki so prihitele na našo slavnost, in sicer Chicaške pod. št.. 2, 16, 95, dalje iz Pullmana, št. 72, in članice iz Mokena in Waukegan. Ce čelu dekoracije je bila Jonita Ruth, Dorothy Končar, Pat Figurowski, Mary Kay Demick, za oglase in "pa-trone”, Josephine Erjavec, za programsko knjigo, Olga Ancel, knjige gost, Mary Mihelich za stencil knjižič Dianne Kalcic, za zabavo Judy Mravle, Mary Rozman, Linda Hotujec. Ostalim, ko so prisostovale in pomagale, Jo Sumic, Mary Ivanich, Emma Nosse, Frances Stonitch, Theresa Marentich, Theresa Muhich. Upam, da ni nikako ime izpuščeno. Hvala vsem kakor tudi onim ki so igrali v polka orchestru. Pozdrav vsem. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC kateri gre na boljše. Terezijo Terselič je tudi udarila bolezen, da ne sme sama hoditi. Mrs. Cigolle ima tudi ta križ, da je v stolčku, ker ima slabe noge. Mrs. Kotar bi tudi bila rada med nami, pa ima temna očala, da čisto malo svetlobo vidi, zato se mora paziti. Naša Agnes (Gorišek) Noolan je tudi doma, kar nam je sporočila soseda Ana Lušina na seji. želimo Nežki in vsem sestram, tudi naši priljubljeni ses. Josephine (Horzen) Foley, ki je imela operacijo na grlu in se 6edaj zdravi na domu 2 meseca ter ji njen mož, naš župan (mayor) zelo lepo postreže ter ji daje korajžo in dobro upanje na hitro ozdravljenje., Moram pohvaliti našo vice-president, Mary Gramc, ki piše po angleško za Zarjo in se briga za bus, kadar gremo v Chicago, Lemont, Waukegan in 14. okt. v So. Chicago. Hvala Mary, za Tvoja imenitna dela. Antonette Hofferle in njen mož sta tudi bila v starem kraju in sta se vesela in srečna vrnila. Mislim, da so bili v Novem mestu, Slovenija. Naše iskreno sožalje izrekamo so-sestri, Mary Sever ob smrti njenega zadnjega brata, Joseph Savnik, katerega je Bog poklical v večnost. Trije bratje in starši so umrli že prej. Pokojni je umrl dne 22. sept. v starosti 70 let. Sv. maša je bila darovana v cerkvi Sv. Roka in k večnemu počitku je bil položen na pokopališču St. Vincent v La Salle. Na prihodnji seji, se bomo v skupni molitvi spomnili vseh živih in umrlih članic ter njihovih pokojnih sorodnikov. Vsem želim vse najboljše in na svidenje na seji. MICI PILETIČ, preds. Nepozabni Zvezin Dan ŠT. 38, CHISHOLM, MINN. Naša državna konvencija dne 16. sept. je lepo potekala. Cerkev je bila polna ljudi, ampak največje presene-šenje za nas in celo Minnesoto je bila sv. mašo s godbo polk (Polka Mass), katero je daroval Fr. Perkovich. Nobena roka ne more popisati kako je vse to bilo nebeško lepo. .. Vem, da bodo druge o tem pisale. Jaz se odpravljam v bolnišnico na očesno operacijo. Poroka naše hčerke Ruthene in Toneta Monaco je bila velika z nad 200 gosti. Po medenih tednih na havajskih otokih, seda zopet pridno delata, ona poučuje "register nurses” na čikaški univerzi in Tone je tudi učitelj v Chicagu in ima lepo plačo. Naš lokalni časopis "Chisholm Free Press”, katerega urejuje naša priljubljena Veda Ponikvar, je objavil zelo lepe slike iz konvencije. Njej velja tudi prisrčna zahvala za odlično vodstvo drž. konvencije kot sposobna stoloravnateljica. Pozdrav vsem! FRANCES HREN, preds. ST. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Gorko vreme je za nami in bližamo se zimski sezoni in s tem prihajamo vedno bližje lepim Božičnim praznikom in v decembru seveda naši glavni letni seji, ki do dne 12. dec. Na to sejo vabimo vse članice, ker bomo tudi obhajale Božičnico. Ob 6 uri zvečer bomo servirale okusno večerjo in prosimo, da se bodo vse članice res udeležile v velikem številu, da vsej enkrat na leto pridemo skupaj in se skupno razveselimo. Na seji se je sklenilo, da članice napečejo kakšnih dobrot in jih prinesejo na sejo. Tudi se prosi, da članice prinesejo kako darilo za door prize, ali dobitek navzočnosti. Sestra Mary Plečnik je letos 8. septembra praznovala 93 letni rojstni dan. Ses. Plečnik se še vedno rada udeleži naših sej, kadar le more. Draga sestra, želimo Vam vse najboljše k Vašemu rojstnemu dnevu, posebno pa ljubega zdravja. Tudi teta štorklja se sem in tja oglasi. Tako je ses. Angie Vojtko postala stara mama in naša tajnica A. Kozjan pa pra-stara mama že četrtič. Sedaj ko bo bolj hladno, upamo, da se bodo naše članice bolj udeleževale sej, posebno vabimo vse na glavno sejo in upam, da bodo kakšne mlajše članice prevzele nekatere urade. Saj ni tako težko in je kar luštno priti skupaj enkrat na mesec. Vsem našim bolnim članicam, pa želimo, da se jim ljubo zdravje čim-prej vrne. Torej še enkrat NA SVIDENJE na naši letni seji in Božičnici. Vas pozdravlja, MARY KLINAR, blag ST. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OHIO Poletje je minulo in počitnice so za nami. Vreme je bilo prav lepo, da je bilo prijetno iti ven v naravo. Navžili smo se svežega zraka in dobre volje. Sedaj je pa čas, da gremo na delo, kar smo odložile v poletju. Naša prva seja se je vršila 9. sept. Napravile smo sklepe glede praznovanja Božičnice. Dne 11. novembra bo darovana sv. maša za žive in umrle članice v cerkvi sv. Lovrenca, East 81 St. ob 9:30 dopoldne. Vse članice ste lepo vabljene. Spomnile se bomo tudi vseh bolnih sester, katere muči bolezen in molile bomo za pokojne članice, ki so nas zapustile in šle večnost. Naj jim bo sladek počitek in večna luč naj jim sveti. Od ustanovitve naše podr. 1. 1931, nam je umrlo že 72 članic. Prvo nedeljo v mesecu decembru, dne 2. dec. ob 1 uri bo seja, potem pa božičnica mesto izmenjave daril. Naj vsaka prispeva $1 za okrepčila. Vabljene ste vse, samo bolne bodo opravičene. Drage sestre, prosim, da se redno udeležujete sej, da bomo imele več zabave in bomo lažje koristile podr. in Zvezi. Imamo nekaj prav pridnih članic, ki delujejo in prihajajo redno na seje., Druge se pa udeležite vsaj zadnje seje v letu, ker takrat ne boste tako zaposlene, da ne bi mogle eno popldne žrtvovati za podr. V juniju so nam umrle dve članice; dne. 5. jun. je nas zapustila Josephine Slama, ki je bila več let bolana za revmatizmom, da ni mogla hoditi, pa je bila zavedna, da je imela vedno redno plačan ases. in za ročno blagajno ni nikdar pozabila. Bila je vdova in zapušča eno hčerko v Michiganu, tri sinove ter vnuke in vnukinje. Naše sožalje vsej družini. Še isti teden je umrla ses. Rose Praznik, ki je bolehala za srčno boleznijo in jo je smrt rešila pozemskega trpljenja. Zapustila je brate in dve sestri: Jennie Praznik in Mary Mund-son. Jtennie je že več let naša zapisnikarica. Pok. Rose želimo mirnega počitka v rodni grudi in večna luč naj ji sveti.. Ostali družini naše sožalje. V avgustu je mrtvaški zvon naznanjal žalostno vest, da je nepričakovano umrla mlada žena Dorothy Bizjak, žena Wm. ter mati treh sinov in 3 leta stare hčerke. Poleg njih zapušča mater Agnes Russ, več sester in Rev. Gabriel Russ in drugo sorodstvo. — Od Jennie Segulin mati, Mary Cekada je preminula v avg. in zapustila 2 sinova in 2 hčeri, več vnukov in vnukinj. Hčerka Jennie in sinaha Ann Cekada sta ji stregli v dolgi bolezni. Obe sta naše članice. Iskreno sožalje vsej žalujoči družini. Ses. Jennie Bizjak je imela v teku enega meseca dva žalostna slučaja: v avg. ji je umrla sinaha Dorothy, žena od sina Williama, a v sept. pa še edina sestra, Mary Zakrajšek v Warren, O. Spadala je k št- 54 SŽZ, katero je ustanovila naša prejšnja taj., pok. Helen Tomažič. Tudi Vam s<;s. J. Bizjak in vsej Vaši družini, globoko sožalje. Vsem omenjenim umrlim naj jim bo Jezus in Marija večna tovarišija in Bog naj jim bo milostljiv z božjo sodbo ter podeli večni mir. Za danes naj zadostuje. Ne pozabite 2. dec. je letna seja, katere se vse udeležite ob 1 uri pop. v SND, 5050 Stanley St., Maple Hts., O. Pozdrav vsem! JENNIE PUGELY, taj. ST. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANS. Po doigern casu se zope^ og.ašam v naši pmjuuijeni Zarji in naznanjam čianicam, aa se je naša biagajna precej opomogia s prodajo tiketov, katere smo prejeie iz gi. uraaa v mesecu aprilu. Za prodajo so se posebno potrudile, taj. Catherine Lastolich, blag. Kegina čop in moja malenkost. V juiju sta obhajala zlato poroko Mr. in Mrs. Nick Hotujec s sv. mašo v cerki sv. Janeza v krogu šestih otrok in njihovih družin, 22 vnukov in eno piavriUK,wjo. ropoiane so pa imeli v Hukovi dvorani izvrstno zabavo za vse soroumke in prijatelje. Vsega je bilo v izobilju in za lepo plesno gocioo je sKrbel Don Lipovac. bog jih živi še na mnoga leta! Don Lipovac vodi hrvaške tamburaše in so se udeležili tekmovanja v Zagrebu z drugimi skupinami. Z njimi je šlo na izlet mnogo drugih prijateljev, ua jiti je ui,o z/ti za enem avi-jonu. Z njimi sta bue tudi nase čia-nice, Mrs. (ientvive Sambol in Miss Marianne z.akiajšek, ki sta obe obiskale rojsuie krije njunih staršev, kar se jim je zelo dopadlo. Cia. Mary Gergich in soprog Peter sta obiskala hčerko Dolores in družino v New Yorku. i udi njihova hčerka in njen soprog sta imela mnogo za povedati, kako sta preživela in občudovala lepoto Slovenije ter Ljubljane in Belekrajine, kjer je bil rojen pokojni Mr. Jankovič, oče in stari oče Dolores. To je res lepo, da se mladina zanima za rojstne kraje staršev. Mr. in Mrs. Tony Lastelič, (naša tajnica) so obiskali sin Joe in soproga s hčerkico iz Washingtona, DC, kjer je Joe poročevalec za Kansas City Star. Nas pa je obiskala hčerka Helen in njena družina iz Freeporta, III. Čast. ses. Saba in ses. Loretta sta slavile zlati jubilej v avgustu., žene Materinskega društva so jima pripravile primerno slavje ob veliki udeležbi sorodnikov, prijateljev in bivših učencev. Obe delujeta že veliko vrsto let v naši farni šoli. Bog jih živi še na mnoga leta! V avgustu je umrl po dolgem bolehanju, Mr. George Vraničar, soprog naše čla. Mary Vraničar. Pok. je bil rojen v Slamni vasi pri Metliki. Zapušča tudi sina eno hčer in več vnukov. Dva sinova in dve hčeri so šli pred njim v večnost. Naj mu sveti večna luč in sorodnikom naše sožalje. Moj soprog se pa najlepše zahvaljuje čestitim sestram, sorodnikom in prijateljem za vse molitve in dobre želje za zdravje, v času njegove bolezni, ki ga je obiskala spomladi. Hvala Bogu sedaj se kar precej dobro počuti. Najlepša hvala Mrs. Mihelich iz Enumclaw, Wash, in Mr. in Mrs. John Pachak iz Pueblo, Colo. za lepa voščila. Tukaj imamo dosti dežja, toda iz Škofje Loke v Sloveniji nam pišejo, da imajo tam hudo sušo, da nimajo dovolj vode in da je tovarna morala ustaviti delo po dva do tri dni v tednu. Najlepši pozdrav dični organizaciji. ANTONIA KOSTELEC ST. 68, PAINESVILLE, OHIO Z veseljem sprejmem vsaki mesec nago priljubljeno Zarjo in jo vso preberem. čutim, da se mi sestre širom Amerike približajo, ko čitam njihove dopise. V poletnem času, smo naše seje prekinili za par mesecev in smo rekle, da je čas počitnic. Pa ne vem, ali so res počitnice? Ene so obiskale rodno domovino Slovenijo, druge so obiskale razne piknike, ali pa se podale na krajše ali daljše izlete. Sporočam vsem našim članicam, da bomo nadaljevale naše seje vsaki tretji četrtek v mesecu v slovenskih klubo-vih prostorih v Fairport Hrb. Hvaležna sem naši tajnici, ki me vedno tja odpelje. Torej članice, le pridite, katere smo še pri moči. žal imamo nekaj sester, ki so bolj pri slabem zdravju, da se ne morejo udeležiti naših sej. Želimo jim, da bi jim Bog vrnil ljubo zdravje, kakor tudi vsem, ki berete našo Zarjo. Lep pozdrav, ANGELA GODEC, poročevalka ŠT. 71, STRABANE, PA. Naša septemberska seja ni bila po-voljno obiskana. Ker imamo sedaj seje vsake tri mesece, zato že sedaj vabim članice, da se udeležite naše prihodnje seje v večjem številu in pripeljite kaj novih članic, da nadomestijo pokojne, saj smo to leto izgubile 3 članice. Letošnje poletje je bilo bolj slabo, nismo imele lepih cvetlic, ker je pomladi bilo preveč dežja, nakar je sledila suša. Počitnice so za nami. Veliko naših članic je obiskalo rodno domovino Slovenijo. Upam, da ste se vse zdrave in srečne vrnile k svojim družinam. Po dolgi bolezni je 13. sept. umrl mož naše dolgoletne čla. Frances Tomsic. F*oleg žene zapušča 3 sinove in 3 hčere ter več vnukov in vnukinj. Naj v miru počiva. Družinam naše globoko sožalje. Na bolniški listi imamo več članic: Mary Nemanič se nahaja v Nursing home. če jo morete obiskati, bo zelo vesela. Veronika Tapos je prestala hudo operacijo in se zdaj zdravi doma in ji gre na boljše. Enako njena sestra Sophie Getzek, ki je po prestani ope- raciji gre na bolje. Anna Okleson je prestala operacijo na očeh. Bolne so tudi naša blag. Mary Boštjančič, Frances Batista in več drugih. Vsem želim, da jim ljubi Bog vrne dragoceno z-dravje. Vsem, ki obhajate rojstne dneve v nov. in dec., želim še mnogo zdravih in srečnih obletnic. In nepozabni Albini Novak, ki bi v tem mesecu obhajala rojstni dan dne 5. nov., naj ji Bog poplača njena dobra dela. Corinne lepo priznanje za vzorno urejevanje Zarje. Lep pozdrav tudi njeni družini. Še enkrat vabim članice, da se udeležite v velikem številu seje, ki se bo vršila 19. dec. ob 7 uri. Lep pozdrav, MARY TOMSIC, preds. ŠT. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. Naša seja v septembru je bila še kar dobro obiskana. Prišlo je 11 članic in njihove družine. Imele smo pot lunch ter ses. Dorothy Sleigh, je kazala slike iz starega kraja, katerega smo obiskale to poletje. Poleg Dorothy smo bile skupaj v domovini tudi njena mama in hčerka in moja hčerka. Na tem mestu, v imenu nas vseh iz Washingtona lepo pozdravljam vse, katere smo spoznali na potovanjih v Rimu, po Sloveniji in po ostalih delih Jugoslavije. Bilo bi preveč imen in morda bi katero izpustila, zato naj jim velja vsem naš pozdrav. Bilo je res lepo, posebno prijetno je bilo na vse-slovenskem pikniku v Škofji Loki in nikoli ne bom pozabila tistih hudih ovinkov na poti na Krajnsko Goro. Kar za 3 maše sem obljubila, če bomo srečno prišle dol na ravno polje. Lepo zahvalim vsem uradnikom, ki so vse dobro uredili in nam lepo stregli, posebno še meni, ker sem bila najstarejša v celi skupini. Prisrčna hvala. Naša prihodnja seja bo dne 2. dec., to je prvo nedeljo v mesecu. Imele bomo Božičnico za otroke in tudi Miklavž bo prišel k nam v Washington. Imele bomo tudi pot lunch, zato upam, da se boste vse udeležile in pripeljale s seboj vaše družine. Za izmenjavo daril prinesite v vrednoti $3 in otrokom prinesite kar je pač vaša volja. Torej ne pozabite prvo nedeljo v decembru, pridite ob eni uri, da bomo imele več časa in boste videli slike, kateri niste bili na zadnji seji. Prostor smo dobile v Krajn Skul. Vem, da je vsem znano. Končno pa želim vesele Božične praznike in srečno Novo leto. MARY MIHELICH, preds. ŠT. 88, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Vesela sporočam, da je naša predsednica Mrs. Mary Kuzma in njen mož obhajala zlato poroko dne 6. septembra. Slavnost se je pričela s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Ane in po maši je bil sprejem v cerkveni dvorani. Naše iskrene čestitke zlatoporočencema! Druga je pa tudi Mrs. Edna Markun, ki je z njenim možem Frankom dne 9. septembra obhajala zlatoporočno slavje v cerkvi sv. Terezije v John-stownu. Ona je tudi naša članica. Obema paroma želimo še mnogo let zdravja in zadovoljstva. Umrla je naša najstarejša članica, Agnes Gali v visoki starosti 93 let. Naj počiva v miru. Pozdrav vsem članicam, JENNIE STUSEK ŠT. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. Hladni jesenski veter nas spomni, da je konec lepega poletja. Listje na drevju je že orumenelo in odpada, tako gre tudi naše življenje k zatonu. Na naši zadnji seji, je bila dobra udeležba in sklenjeno je bilo, da bomo imeli Božičnico prvo nedeljo v dec., to je 2. dec. ob 2 uri pop. v Slovenskem domu v Center, Pa. Prošene ste vse, da se letne seje in božičnice gotovo udeležite. Sklenjeno je bilo, da vsaka prinese darilo, naj bo svota $1, kar je namenjeno v dobre namene podružnice. Po seji bomo igrale naše igre, kakor po navadi. Zapisnikarica Mary Saček bo vse uredila, kar tiče dobrot za na mizo, da ne bomo šle lačne domov. Ko to pišem, sem dobila sporočilo, da bo naša čla. Ančka Podobnik stara 84 let šla na očesno operacijo za mreno. Ko boste dobile to Zarjo, upam, da se bo že počutila dobro. Čla. Jean Oswalt boleha že celo leto zaradi noge. Upam, da se bo pozdravila, in lahko prišla na naše seje. želim vse, da se hitro pozdravite in da se bomo vesele videle. Vem, da se bo udeležila naša najstarejša čla. Agatha Možina, ki je stara 92 let, zakaj ne bi tudi ta mlade prišle. Vseh bomo vesele. Torej pošiljamo pozdrave vsem članicam, posebno oddaljenim v Butler, Wisconsin, Florida, New York, — vse, ki ste pa v bližini pa gotovo pridite 2. decembra ob dveh pop. Vsaj na letno sejo. Prisrčni pozdrav vsem! PAULA KOKAL, preds. Financial Report-Finančno Poročilo, Sept., 1973 HI BOYS AND GIRLS! Br. No. Amount: Adults: Jr. R.: 81 14.45 29 1 An Austrian boy, whose family 1 $109.25 182 70 83 7.60 16 — brought him to the United States after 2 257.20 409 201 84 — 43 2 g the Nazis imposed their rule on Aus- 3 148.25 251 153 85 — 36 2 tria in 1938, was much impressed by 4 7.50 11 — a 86 42.20 19 — f the school he attended. One day shor- 5 75.80 87 15 a 88 — 51 7 tly before Thanksgiving his history 6 51.60 111 17 89 28.20 65 26 class was discussing the Pilgrims. 7 45.60 90 33 90 17.00 41 80 When he teamed that they had come 8 28.40 39 — b 91 73.65 41 7 h in search of freedom, his face brigh- 9 — 20 1 c 92 19.05 27 12 tened. 10 — 278 16 93 38.30 50 3 i "Then I am just like the Pilgrims", 12 65.80 151 63 94 — 6 — he said. 13 56.00 105 29 95 — 176 24 Refugees, whether they arrived 14 143.75 286 39 96 — 43 — three centuries ago or in our own 15 89.35 180 7 97 — 14 — time, are all pilgrims and have made 16 93.35 147 69 99 4.60 13 — special contributions to their adopted 17 82.95 148 100 100 35.05 48 15 |ancj and shaped our country's his- 19 46.75 99 12 101 23.80 32 11 tory. 20 176.95 351 104 102 74.60 36 2 h |n 1776 Thomas Paine wrote in his 21 64.00 114 49 d 103 29.45 20 14 b pamphlet Common Sense: Prepare in 22 — 15 — e 105 17.65 29 6 time an asylum for mankind. Our first 23 99.05 206 39 106 13.00 23 1 president George Washington expres- 24 55.95 122 40 -----------------------sed the hope that the ‘‘oppressed of 25 297.95 557 148 $3,891.59 7,779 2,384 the ^ might fjnd the second ,and 26 57.50 110 30 of promise”; while our third president 27 — 37 2 Remarks: Sept.. & Oct. a; Aug. & ThDmgs Jefferson spoke of the United 28 82.90 69 28 b Sept. b; Pd. to Dec. c; August d, Pd. gtates as a sanctuary for the victims 29 9.75 23 4 in Aug. e; Sept. to Dec. f; Pd. in July 30 9 — g; Oct. Nov. Dec. h; July & Aug. i. 31 73.40 77 26 Income — dohodki — Sept.. 1973: of “misrule in Europe”. Other presidents popularized such expressions as a ‘‘nation of immigrants” and "we 32 87.95 156 69 are a\\ immigrants of the descendants 33 121.50 189 159 Assessment: $3,891.59 of immigrants”. Even the American 34 19.25 37 4 Sav. Divid. Indians are believed to have traveled 35 29.30 50 32 Bond Inter. 2,733.75 37 — 18 — Bank Divid. 215.62 ------------- ——--------------- 38 37.29 99 — Rental Income 210.00 f.I.C.A. Tax 71.66 39 — 42 6 Books sold: 1,397.70 Zarja-The Dawn 1,719.38 40 57.25 105 2 State Tax Dep. 30.62 office Rent 75.00 41 — 175 29 «Toqa8 02 Stationary 10'°° 42 24.05 49 2 P°s*- Teleph. 20.61 43 111.70 172 123 d Books Asset: Fidelity Bond 275.00 45 18.60 38 11 Tota| |ncome. 8,991.22 Miscell. razno 31.58 46 14.00 31 3 Unemployment Tax 87.08 47 — 100 38 DISBURSEMENTS — STROŠKI — u s- Treasury Bond 9,581.43 49 _ 28 — SEPTEMBER 1973: 7777711 50 177.30 264 53 14,526.72 52 31.25 51 21 54 26.60 53 36 d Rr 14 Anna Marnlt S100.00 New Bond asset: -9,581.43 55 30.25 56 18 56 42.05 90 7 Rr ig Gertrude |ntihar 100.00 Total Disbursm: $4,945.29 57 31.40 57 15 59 — 27 — 61 5 Br. 25. Marv Vidmar 100.00 Sept. Income: 8,991.22 62 — 20 — Death Claims pd. Plačane zavarov. Br. 14, Anna Marolt $100.00 New Bond asset: Br. 15, Mary Cekada 100.00 Br. 19, Gertrude Intihar 100.00 Total Disbursm: Br. 21, Helen Less 100.00 Balance August 31, Br. 25, Johanna Speh 100.00 Br. 25, Mary Vidmar 100.00 Sept. Income: Br. 54, Mary Zakrajšek 100.00 Br. 57, Barbara Flere 100.00 Br. 59, Adelide Garritano 100.00 Sept. Br. 88, Agnes Gall 100.00 Br. 99, Marie Rebek 200.00 Balance Sept., 30, SalarieS’plače 1,225.00 Administration 200.00 Water, Electr. 29.98 FANIKA HUMAR, Sec’y 63 98.10 90 27 b Br 5? Barbara F|ere 100.00 $578,862.87 64 41 1 e Br 5g AdeMde Garritano 100.00 Sept. 4,945.29 65 — 41 20 2l Br. 99. Marie Rebek 200.00 Balance Sept.. 30, 793: $573,917.58 67 42.10 71 8 68 38.05 59 25 70 27.40 14 3 71 57.95 116 38 72 14.60 22 — 73 5295 98 59 ANSWER TO “WHAT DAY IS IT?” 77 — 42 28 The objects are TUG, HAIR, ANVIL, NAIL, KING AND 79 — 35 18 SIGN. With these words in place, the special day Is revealed 80 10.30 13 — as THANKSGIVING. TOU THE YOUNG AT HEART" _______________________________ across a land bridge from Asia to North America thousands of years ago, Since the time when European colonies were first established in the American wilderness, more than 44 million people have crossed the Atlantic or Pacific Oceans or the Mexican or Canadian borders to this country. No immigration statistics were kept before 1820, but it has been estimated that some 200,000 European colonists arrived between 1689 and 1754, making up the thirteen colonies involved in the fight for independence and the establishment of a new nation. Over 32 million immigrants largely from Europe arrived in a single century between 1815 and 1914 in three great waves. The first wave (1830-1860) brought northern Europeans mainly from Great Britain, Ireland and <3ermany. The second wave (1860-1890) was made up of British, Scandinavians, Germans, Austrians and northern Europeans. The source of the third wave (1890-1914) shifted from the north and west of Europe to the south and east, bringing Slavs and Jews from eastern Europe and Mediterranean peoples from Italy, Jugoslavia and Greece.. In 1907, there were 1,285,000 newcomers, a record never to be equalled. Minority groups coming to this country included the Chinese, Japanese, Puerto Ricans, Mexicans, Indians and the Negroes. The latter is the oldest having landed here as slaves in 1619, a year before the Pilgrims disembarked at Plymouth Rock. The Negroes — captured or bought by the slave traders along the coast of Africa — were involuntary immigrants to this country. For all other immigrants the reasons for coming were many and varied. Basically they were escaping poverty of searching for freedom from religious persecution and political oppression. American progress cannot be separated from the history of immigration. All Pilgrims found hope and happiness and a new life. And it is they who have added to the richness of our country — farming the great plains, mining the fuel, building the canals, the railways and the steel and concrete cities, learning the meaning of brotherhood. It is good to recall on the 10th anniversary of his death what was said by John F. Kennedy, whose paternal great-grandfather emigrated from Ireland to Boston in 1848: Each new group was met by the groups already in America, and adjustment was often difficult and painful. The early English settlers had to find ways to get along with the Indians; the Irish who followed were met by these "yankees”; German immigrants faced both Yankees and Irish; and so it has gone down to the latest group of Hungarian refugees. Somehow, the difficult adjustments are made and people get down to the tasks of earning a living, raising a family, living with their new neighbors and, in the process, building a nation. . . Every ethnic minority in seeking its own freedom, helped strengthen the fabric of liberty in American life. Let all of us Pilgrims by the grace of God gather with one accord, "and hold in the month of November, Thanksgiving unto the Lord.” Your friend, REGINA PS. For all descendants of Slovenian immigrants — kindly check with your parents, grandparents or great-parents for documents such as passports and naturalization papers, as well as objects of "distinctively Slovene character such as folk crafts and folk costume". All these items are needed for the Slovenian display at the American Museum of Immigration at the base of the Statue of Liberty. Can you help? WHAT DAY IS IT? Fill in each cross-line with the name of the object shown for it, using the shaded squares for letters, just like the white. If you name the objects correctly, the shaded squares will spell the name of a very important day, reading down the shaded column at the left and continuing down the shaded column at the right. % THIS WAV OUT --------> - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS! - IF YOU MOVE, HERE’S WHAT VOU DO: Please fill out this coupon and mall to the Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60608: Name OLD Address: NEW Address Br. no: Zip code Zip code BUILD with ST. CLAIR Main office 813 East 185th Street 6235 St. Clair Avenue 6135 Wilson Mills Road 25000 Euclid Avenue 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. 7481 Center Street, Mentor 29001 Cedar Road, Lyndhurst "at St. Clair... we cara' VY *0*, GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 NEW 800 RECIPES! ALL KITCHEN- TESTED! worm's glow L Tk* Kitchem fejj) y>, ■y - gyf Send $4.00 for your postpaid copy to: Mrs. Antonia Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 A. 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