šolsko polje, letnik xxx, številka 3–4 200 Marko Prpić je učitelj hrvaškega jezika v III. gimnaziji v Zagrebu. Magistriral je iz edukacije kroatologije in sociologije. Je študent prvega letnika podip- lomskega doktorskega študija »Prevencijska znanost« na Edukacijsko- rehabilitacijski fakulteti Univerze v Zagrebu (Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu). Dobil je Rektorjevo nagrado v akadem- skem letu 2017/2018 ter druge mednarodne nagrade, za študentsko znan- stveno delo na razpisu American Society of Criminology leta 2017, ter prvo mednarodno nagrado za najboljši študentski znanstveni prispevek na raz- pisu Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences leta 2019. Marko Prpić teaches Croatian language and literature at the 3 rd Gymnasium in Zagreb. He holds a Master’s degree in Education of Croatology and Sociology. He is a first-year student of the post-graduate doctoral study Prevention Science at the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences of the University of Zagreb. He was the winner of the Chancellor’s Award in the academic year of 2017-2018, and other international awards, for a student’s research paper at the competition of the American Society of Criminology in 2017 and the first international award for the best stu- dent research paper at the competition of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences in 2019. Zora Rutar Ilc je diplomirana univ. psihologinja in doktorica sociologije. Po desetih letih dela v praksi (kjer je večji del delovala kot svetovalna delavka v osnovni šoli ter v šoli s prilagojenim programom) se je zaposlila na Zavodu RS za šol- stvo, kjer je zaposlena kot višja svetovalka. Področja, s katerimi se je naj- bolj poglobljeno ukvarjala, so: spremljava gimnazijskega programa, vode- nje projektov Nova kultura preverjanja in ocenjevanja znanja, Didaktična prenova gimnazij in Posodobitev gimnazijskega programa, zdaj pa sode- luje predvsem pri razvijanju mehkih veščin učiteljev (kolegialni coaching, vodenje skupinskih procesov …) ter spodbujanju šol h krepitvi spodbu- dnega in varnega učnega okolja ter razvijanju čustvene in socialne pisme- nosti pri učencih in učiteljih. Je avtorica in soavtorica več monografij, pri- ročnikov in številnih člankov. Zora Rutar Ilc is a psychologist and has a Ph.D. in sociology. She has worked for 10 years as a school counsellor in primary school and in school for children with special needs. From then on she is a senior adviser at the NEI. The areas avtorji ■ authors 201 of her interest are: evaluation and improvement of gymnasium program- me, coordinating projects such as new culture of assessment. Her current focus is primarily on introducing soft skills in schools (peer coaching, fa- cilitation of group processes …) and helping schools to foster stimulative and safe learning environment and developing social and emotional lite- racy by pupils and teachers. She is the author and coauthor of various mo- nographies, handbooks and many articles. Maja Vreča je od leta 1995 zaposlena na Akademski in raziskovalni mreži Slovenije – Arnes. Ves ta čas je stalnem stiku z uporabniki interneta ter s spre- membami in težavami, s katerimi se mladi in starejši uporabniki srečuje- jo. Arnes se je ob ustanovitvi projekta Centra za varnejši internet SAFE. SI projektu pridružil kot partner, tako da je sodelavka v tem projektu. V okviru svojega dela izvaja delavnice in predavanja za široko paleto ob- činstev, med drugim tudi za otroke, najstnike, njihove starše in učitelje. V zadnjih letih se veliko posveča pripravam in vodenju rednih izvedb množičnega brezplačnega spletnega tečaja varne rabe interneta in naprav (MOST-V oziroma MOOC-V), saj je potrebe po stalnem izobraževa- nju učiteljev in strokovnih delavcev težko zadovoljiti brez širšega pristo- pa. V letošnjem letu je pripravila tudi tečaj o varni rabi interneta in na- prav za učence druge in tretje triade OŠ (MOST-VO), ki pa je zasnovan kot orodje za učitelja. Maja Vreča has been employed at the Academic and Research Network of Slovenia – ARNES since 1995. Throughout this time she has been in constant con - tact with Internet users and with the changes and problems that young and old users are experiencing. ARNES is one of the establishing partners of the Safer Internet Center project - SAFE.SI. Maja Vreča is participating in the project. As part of her work, she conducts workshops and lectures for a wide range of audiences, including children, teens, their parents and teachers. In recent years, a great deal of her efforts has been devoted to the preparation and management of the regular iterations of the free massive open online course on the Safe use of internet and devices (MOOC-V), as the needs for continuing education of teachers and professionals are diffi- cult to meet without a broader approach. This year, she also prepared a co - urse on the safe use of the Internet and devices for students in the second and third triads of elementary schools (MOOC-VO or MOST -VO). This course is designed as a tool for teachers.