MERGING OF THE SLOVENI AND AUSTRIAN STATE COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND DIGITAL TE N ODELS Dalibor Radovan, M.Se. Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry of the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Ljubljana Doc.Dr. Bojan Stopar Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy - Department of Geodesy, Ljubljana Received for publication: 29 September 1997 Prepared for publication: 29 September 1997 Abstract Slovenian and Austrian national coordinate systems are described comparatively. The parameters for spatial calculation between them were calculated for the purpose of transformation of the Austrian digital terrain model into the Slovenian state plane coordinate system. The Austrian model was interpolated and merged with the Slovenian digital terrain model into a grid with a cel! size of 100 x 100 m. Keywords: Austria, digital terrain model, interpolation, national coordinate system, Slovenia, transformation 1 PURPOSE By agreement with the Viennese Bundesamt fuer Eich- und Vermessungswesen (BEV), the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia (SMA) purchased a part of the digital terrain model (DTM) covering the Austrian national territory almost up to Linz in the west, up to the Hungarian boundary in the east and almost up to Salzburg and Wiener Neustadt in the north. The surface area of this territory is about 30 percent greater than the surface area of Slovenia. The merging of the Austrian and Slovenian DTMs, which was performed by the Institute of Geodesy and Photogrammetry in cooperation with the Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Ljubljana (Radovan, Stopar, 1996, Radovan et al., 1977), would have been a relatively simple task had they not been made in two different coordinate systems with different geodetic and projection bases. Parameters for the calculation (transformation) of the position of points between the two national coordinate systems were not known; therefore, their mathematical comparison was necessary prior to merging the models. Geodetski vestnik 41 (1997) 4 2 NATIONAL COORDINATE SYSTEM he coordinate systems of Slovenia and Austria in which national geodetic surveys are performed differ in their position, orientation and scale in both horizontal and vertical directions. Therefore, for example, a random point on the state boundary between the two countries has different coordinates and altitudes in the two systems, even though it was surveyed reliably from both sides. The reasons for this discord lie in inevitable errors in the astronomical orientation of triangulation networks and differences in the elevation systems and cartographic projections of the two countries. The coordinate systems are therefore local - they are valid only for the territory of each individual country. Let us now examine their properties in slightly more detail. The two horizc,mtal coordinate systems share a common reference plane which approximates the Earth's geoid, i.e. Besell's rotation ellipsoid which was determined in 1841. They also have in common the starting triangulation point of Hermannskogel in Vienna, but the astronomical orientations ofthe two triangulations are not equal due to different improvements of primary results. Similar considerations apply to the two elevation systems which, however, do have a common starting point - bench mark near the automatic tide gauge in Trieste, on the Sartorio quay. he cartographic projections in the two countries are equal as regards their mathematical basis, but their parameters are very different. Their projection is Gauss-Krueger projection, the x axis of which (in Slovenia) is the projection of the central meridian of zone 5, 15° east of Greenwich. The line scale of points on the central meridian equals 0,9999 for geodetic practice in Slovenia. The Austrian national coordinate system consists of three meridian zones, and therefore three rectangular coordinate systems with central meridians of zones 28°, 31 ° and 34° east of Ferro, whereby the difference between the initial meridians of Greenwich and Ferro is expressed with a rounded Albrecht constant, A = AFerro - AGreenwich = -17°40'00", while the line scale ofpoints on the central meridian equals 1,0000. The projection systems of individual zones are named M28, M31 and M34. 3 DIGITAL TERRAIN MODEL DTM of Slovenia is a regular grid of quadratic cells 100 x 100 m in size 100). The grid is parallel to the axes of the national rectangular system. Data in the original were written into blocks of 1 x 1 km with 100 altitude values per block. Each block has only one pair of coordinates (y GK' x 0 K), which refers to the SW corner of the block. It is possible to calculate the coordinates of individual cells in a very simple manner. The altitudes are stated in whole metres. The accuracy of the Slovenian DTM 100 was assessed by comparing the model with altitudes of geodetic points with regard to frequency and amplitude properties of the terrain. The values are as follows (Radovan, 1991): o 3,3 m for level terrain o 9,0 m for uneven terrain o 16,1 m for very uneven terrain and o 10,0 m for the DTM as a whole. Geodetski vestnik 41 (1997) 4 The data for the DTM was acquired cartometrically with linear interpolation of altitudes from contour lines presented on the basic topographical maps at 1:5 000 and 1:10 000 scales, and for a smaller area on the topographical map at 1:25 000 scale. The data are accessible at the SMA in severa! different ASCII formats as individual points, profiles and grid blocks. the other hand, the purchased DTM of Austria is a regular quadratic grid of 50 x 50 m in size, except for 100 x 100 m for certain places close to the Hungarian state boundary. By agreement between the SMA and BEV, only the less dense model of 100 x 100 m may be used in Slovenia. The DTM grid is locally parallel with the projection of central meridians of zones M28, M31 and M34, which means that individual parts are rotated in relation to each other. The data on altitudes were acquired photogrammetrically by analytical evaluation of stereo overlaps and later processed by interpolation and expressed in m with two decimal points. Accorcling to BEV, the accuracy of the model is approximately 1 to 2 m for fiat terrain and 10 to 15 for forested and hilly terrain. The DTM is distributed in severa! forms: it was received as recorded by trigonometric sections in 320 ASCII datafiles, each of which had a header with metadata which determined numerous properties of individual blocks and format details. Control between sections was ensured by overlapping marginal profiles. 4 TRANSFORMATION BETWEEN THE TWO NATIONAL COORDINATE SYSTEMS order to ascertain the position of the two national coordinate systems relative to other, their common geodetic points are needed, the position of which is known in both systems. As expected, these were given only for the immediate vicinity of the Slovenian-Austrian state boundary as boundary points and points for the boundary surveying grid. The state boundary between Slovenia and Austria is divided into 27 sections which run from the triple boundary with Hungary to the triple boundary with Italy. Each of them is a rounded whole, within the framework of which technical geodetic work is performed for the determination of the position of boundary points. For each boundary section, surveying and calculations are performed separately in each country. After harmonisation and removal of any discords, official boundary records are adopted which also contain a list of points verified by both sides. Point coordinates are thus determined in both national coordinate systems and are officially valid. there are only seven boundary sections with coordinates harmonised in manner. For these sections, coordinates were taken from official boundary records of the Department for State Boundary of the SMA. For other boundary sections, coordinates were taken from lists of trigonometric points of the Department of Basic Activities of the Geodetic Institute of Slovenia and from BEV. On the Austrian side, common points were given in zones M31 and M34, which additionally complicated the procedure. Initially, trial transformation was performed by boundary section to reveal errors and discords in