ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 7-8 JULY-AUGUS1 VOLUME 44 BRANCH No- I SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN First row: Margaret Fischer, secretary, Marie Prisland, founder, Anna Modiz "OFFICER OF THE YEAR”, (recording secretary 40 years). Olga Saye, president, Dorothy Brezonik, vice-presi-dent, Dorothy Kregel, treasurer. Second row: Mary Brezonik, sentinel, Elsie Brager, auditor, Mary Germ, member Social Committee, Janet Maurin, auditor, Mary Turk, auditor. Top row: Christine Sterk, Antonia Brulla, Nancy Simenz, Mary Plesetz, members Social Committee. The branch has enrolled 26 regular member and 3 social members in the last campaign. ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 7-8 JULY-AUGUST Vol. XLIV Member, Illinois Fraternal Congress Official Publication of the Slovenian Women s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zvere Published Monthly except one combined issue. Tuly-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, 211. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsd dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 HAPPY BIRIHDAY IN JULY-AUGUST National Officers: IULY 28 ROSE SCOFF, State President, San Francisco, Cal. AUGUST 5 — ANN KOMPARE, National Auditor, So. Chicago, 111. AUGUST 11 — ANN LUSTIG, State President, So. Chicago, III. AUGUST 13 MARY BOSTI AN, State President, Cleveland, Ohio. Branch Presidents: JULY 2 — ANGELA KOSIR, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club JULY 3 — ANNA TRONTEL, Br. 6, Pittsburgh, Pa. JULY 4 — ANN HEINEMANN, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich JULY 18 — MOLLIE STARASINICH, Br. 22, Bradley, III. JULY 21 — PAULINE ADAMIC, Br. 105, Detroit. Mich JULY 23 — ANN HOČEVAR, Br. 50 Cleveland, Ohio JULY 25 — MARY MESSERSMITH, Br. 8, Steeton, Pa. JULY 26 — ANN PETANOVICH, Br. 80, Moon Run, Pa JULY 31 — KATHERINE PAULINE, Br. 94, Canton, Ohio AUGUST 22 — MARY HABICH, Br. 74, Ambridge, Pa. AUGUST 27 — MARY JANE DELLO, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio AUGUST 29 — ROSE RACHER, Br. 54, Warren, Ohio. Secretaries: JULY 6 — MARY HADLEY, Br. 29, Broundale, Pa. JULY 10 — ANNA MUNDI, Br. 62, Conneaut, Ohio JULY 23 — LOUISE EPLEY, Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., O. JULY 27 — ROSE CHIODI, Br. 52, Hibbing, Kitzville, Minn. JULY 30 — MARY JAMSEK, Br. 9, Detroit, Mich. AUGUST 5 — JENNIE STUSEK, Br. 88, Johnstown, Pa AUGUST 13 — VIRGINIA BENDICH, Br. 59, Burgettstown, Pa. AUGUST 16 — FRANCES ULLE, Br. 68, Fairport Hrbr., Ohio AUGUST 22 — MARY KERNZ, Br. 89. Oglesby, III. AUGUST 22 — MILDRED POROPAT, Br. 95, So. Chicago, III. AUGUST 26 — CATHERLINE LASTELLIC, Br. 64, Kansas City, Kans. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! i Enjoy beautiful Slovenia & Europe (hisSummer j Members of SWU join your relatives, friends, and members ! on our direct flights from CLEVELAND TO LJUBLJANA: August 4 - August 25 - $288.00 September 4 - September 25 - $278.00 Choice of European and Adriatic Coast tours from Ljubljana, hotel reservations and car rental. For reservations please write or call: MRS. CORINNE LESKOVAR 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, 111. 60608 (312) 847-6679 All arrangements by: HOLLANDER WORLD TRAVEL, INC. (216) 531-1082 & 531-4066 589 East 185th St., Cleveland. Ohio 44119 |iiiiiiiiiiuic}iii!iiiiiiiOMmiiiiioiiiiiiiiiii:;iiiiiiiMiiic)iiiiiiiiii(ii’ ČLANICE IN PRIJATELJI I | OD BLIZU IN DALEČ j VLJUDNO | VABLJENI | | Na letni zvezin dan 1 | v Lemontu, Illinois § | v nedeljo, 16. julija. | g Procesija ob 10:30 dop., sv. | j§ maša ob 11 dop. Nato prosta | g zabava z okrepčili na prostem, š g Igre za otroke in dobitke. Veselo DOBRODOŠLICO, Vam kliče, g ODBOR i Podr. št. 2, Chicago = ^luiiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiioiiiiiiiiiiiuHiiiiiiiiiiciiiiiiiiiiiNniiimii^ EXTRA! EXTRA! 416 NEW MEMRERS ANNOUNCED! IN THE 45TH ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN! Congratulations to the workers and welcome to the 416 new members of Slovenian Women’s Union! TOP THREE INDIVIDUAL WORKERS: ROSE KRAEMER - 42 new members State President of Wisconsin FANIKA HUMAR - 23 new members National Secretary OLGA ANCEL - 14 new members Investment Secretary Honor Parade of Branches Reaching their Quotas: BR. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. 62 new members BR. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. 56 new members BR. 20, JOLIET, ILL. 50 new members BR. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. 28 new members BR. 63, DENVER, COLO. 7 new members BR. 50, CLEVELAND, O. 32 new members BR. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISC. 16 new members BR. 13, SAN FRAN., CAL., 16 new members BR. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. 17 new members This talley is as of June 30, 1972, the Campaign closing date! Full report will be in September issue. Sec'y President's July & August Message 45th Aniversary Campaign I wish to express my sincere congratulations to the first three winners. Thanks to all officers and members who did their part to make this campaign one of the best and especially honoring our founder Marie Prisland who organized the Slovenian Women's Union forty-five years ago. I also am very proud of my branch 50 which came through by getting 30 new members. Hoping that by the deadline we will have our quota of fifty members which they all promised at the meeting to do. It was very im-presive to see twenty new members initiated at our meeting held in May and the attendance present with 67 members. Three debutantes volunteered to take care of the lunch for June meeting which was a great surprise to all present. Congratulations also to Br. 43 of Milwaukee, Wise, far reaching their goal and having their lovely picture on the front page in June. In last month’s issue in my article I had mentioned about the combined branches of the Slovenian Women's Union Cleveland sponsoring a dinner and dance on October 29, 1972 at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. Ohio State Convention also will be held the same day at 1 P.M. State president Mary Bostian will preside and her wish is that each branch in Ohio and Michigan send one or more representatives to this meeting. These meetings are very important and many old and new issues are brought up which are discussed for the betterment of every branch. COTILLION BALL Second Cotillion ball held here in Cleveland was another great success. Chairman Jane Novak and Co-chairman Ann Hočevar did a tremendous job. They are to be complimented on the fine arrangements which made each and every one who attended enjoyed an evening they shall long remember. Presentation of the debutantes was beautiful; they all looked gorgeous and the very proud fathers who presented their daughters to the assembly then gave her to her escort. It surely was beautiful. Main guest was our Founder Marie Prisland and with her came a guest from Milwaukee, Wise., Mrs. Jean Jelenc. Main speaker was Hon. August Pryatel. Our Mayor of Cleveland, Ralph Perk and his lovely wife came late and only stayed a few minutes to express a few kind words to the debs and their patents. The mayor had to leave due to other commitments. Later we all joined in and danced to the beautiful music of Johnny Pecon and Lou Trebar Orchestra. Sincere Congratulations to our five 1972 scholarship winners who received the scholarship awards which are given by the Slovenian Women’s Union each year. Wishing you great success in achieving the goal in your choos-en profession. Happy Birthday to all celebrating in July and August. Wishing you all a very enjoyable summer. A speedy recovery to all ailing. See you in September. TONI TUREK New Membership Campaign is on! Join the "Woman of the Year" Drive For New Members For The 16th National Convention! La Salle Bowling Tournament a Complete Success! Thanks to Br. 24, LaSalle, Illinois for accepting our knows verification is required, so the delay. Once more, Tourney this year. To the chairlady, Ann Pelko and all the thanks to all for your patience. ladies who helped to make it a success, a hearty thanks. The Tourney for 1973 will be held in Sheboygan, Wise. Many thanks to Mrs. Josephine Livek of Oglesby, Ml., with hostess branch No. 1. Our Founder of S.W.U., Marie our past National President for attending the tourney both Prisland lives there and we know it will be an exceptio- days; also to Rev. Fr. Michael Železnikar who visited us na* event. More on this in later issues of ZARJA, on Sunday. National President Toni Turek and Nat’l Au- T^e LaSalle Tourney brought out a total of 24 teams ditor, Jennie Feme, came down with Editor Corinne Les- as follows: Chicago 9; West Alllis 6, Joliet 4, LaSalle 3 and kovar to participate. They were in Chicago for the annual Oglesby 2. Doubles entries were Chicago 12V&, Joliet 9, Director’s meeting, but made a special effort to come to Oglesby 5 and LaSalle 3VŽ. total 30. Singles were: Chica- LaSalle one day earlier. Toni and Corinne bowled, too, 8° 25, Joliet 18, Oglesby 10 and LaSalle with 7 making which was nice. Our National Vice-President, Marie Floryan a total of 60. and her daughter, pres, of Br. 17, Marion Marolt, came Thanks also to aW Directors of the Midwest Bowling in from West Allis, Wise, with a bus-load, as always they Association for all your cooperation and for helping to are with us and show true sportsmanship. We appreciate form the teams for this year's event as well as for your this very much. efforts to keep your local leagues going! The prize list for the 36th Annual Midwest Tourna- LIZ ZEFRAN ment is below. Sorry to be so late but as anyone who Midwest Bowling Ass’n has ever bowled in a tourney where money prizes are given, Director of Women's Activities 36th Annual S. W. U. Midwest Bowling Tournament MARCH 18-19, 1972, La Salle, Illinois TEAM EVENT MARY LOU BLUTH Joliet, 111. 509 FOLEY MARKET JUDITH DERLINGA LaSalle, III. 2624 $ 60.00 Trophy Joliet, III. 552 1061 6.00 DR. GRILL MARY MIHELICH Chicago, I'll. 2618 40.00 Joliet, III. 442 WAGNERS BAKERY MARY ZADRA Chicago, III. 2597 30.00 Joliet, III. 616 1058 6.00 JOHNNY & LOU’S TAVERN Joliet, IM. 2577 25.00 $ 81.00 MARQUETTE SUPER SERVICES SINGLES EVENT Chicago, III. 2545 20.00 CAM ELLA COOK BEL AIRS Oglesby, I'll. 644 $ 10.00 West Allis, Wis. 2529 20.00 SHIRLEY MELISSA FRED C. DAMES FUNERAL HOME Chicago, III. 602 8.00 Joliet, 111. 2519 20.00 $ 215.00 ANN BATTY LaSal'le, III. NELLIE MOCHNIK 592 7.50 DOUBLES EVENT LaSalle, III. 584 7.50 LIL PUTZELL MARILYN ZEFRAN Chicago, III. 574 Chicago, IM 580 6.00 ELSIE KLASSOV1TY JO ARGUBRIGHT Chicago, III. 584 1158 $ 20.00 Trophy Oglesby, III. 579 6.00 TONI PASTURCZAK ELSIE STATKUS Chicago, III. 553 Chicago, III. 578 6.00 ROSEMARY KRAPENC TONI PASTURCZAK Chicago, III. 576 1129 $ 15.00 Chicago, III. 568 5.00 CAM ELLA COOK ANN PELKO Oglesby, III 624 LaSalle, III. 563 4.00 CAROLINE DAWSON CAROLINE DAWSON Oglesby, III. 498 1122 12.00 Oglesby, III. 538 4.00 MARILYN ZEFRAN LIL ANDERSON Chicago, III. 539 Joliet, III. 557 4.00 HELEN DROBEC JUDITH DERLINGA Chicago, III. 538 1077 10.00 Joliet, III. 556 4.00 AMELIA RUSSELL BETTY LAKOTICH Chicago, III. 543 Joliet, III. 556 3.00 ELSIE KROSCHEL AGNES MARRAZZO Chicago, Ml. 533 1076 6.00 Chicago, III. 549 3.00 LEONA FOYS MARGE WAJCHERT Chicago, III. 523 Joliet, III. 547 3.00 CHARLOTTE TOMAZIN Chicago, III. 572 1075 6.00 $ 81.00 Rev. Claude Okorn, OFM: FOLLOW ME In the Holy Scripture we read how St. Peter was concerned about St. John’s death. We read there: As Peter followed Jesus he turned around and noticed that the disciple whom Jesus loved was following. Seeing him Peter was prompted to asked Jesus, "But Lord, what about him?” "Suppose I want him to stay until I come”, Jesus replied, “how does that concern you? Your business is to follow me”. Jesus’ answer concerns us also. Being baptized we became the members of the Christ’ kingdom, consequently the followers of Christ. Prophet Jeremiah cries out against the God who asks him to work against terrifying adds: “You duped me, Lord. Your word has brought me derision and reproach. Everyone mocks me". Yet. even as he says that he will never again speak in the name of the Lord, he cannot contain himself. He must speak in the name of the Lord, whatever the consequences. “You were too strong for me, Lord, and you triumphed”. His vocation to be a prophet is irrevocable. And just as irrevocable is our vocation as followers of Christ. Christ has chosen us to follow him, and we have accepted his call. To do so is to suffer, through actual martyrdom in many lands, through spiritual martyrdom in our own land. We must deny ourselves, thus becoming on object of derision to those who see no profit in denial. We must take up the cross, an object of reproach to those who fear its power. We must not conform to our age, thus inviting mockery from those who demand conformity to the majority views. But Christ promises us that “he will repay each man according to his conduct". Our suffering, be it physical, intellectual or sipiritual, will serve a positive goal, the salvation of all mankind. CAM ELLA COOK Oglesby, III. 1803 $ 8.00 Trophy NELLIE MOCHNIK La Salle, III. 1681 6.00 SHIRLEY MELISSA Chicago, III. 1667 5.00 ELSIE KLASSOVITY Chicago, III. 1654 4.00 MARY ZADRA Joliet, III. 1654 4.00 ANN QUERCIA GROSSA Oglesby, III. 1650 4.00 JUDITH DERLINGA Joliet, III. 1647 4.00 LIL PUTZELL Chicago, III. 1635 4.00 ANN BATTY Oglesby, III. 1619 3.00 MARGE WAJCHERT Joliet, III. 1615 3.00 MARILYN ZEFRAN Chicago, III. 1608 3.00 IONI PASTURCZAK Chicago, III. 1598 3.00 PAULINE MAUSER LaSalle, III. 1595 3.00 LIL WILLIAMS Chicago, III. 1594 3.00 ANN PELKO LaSalle, III. 1591 3.00 From The National Secretary’s Office: OFFICIAL NOTICE According to the decision of the Board of Directors at their annual meeting July 27, 28, 1970, (Zarja, Oct. 1970) the following regulation will be in effect for the National Convention May 20-24, 1973 in Chicago, III. To give the State President greater jurisdiction and the State(s) better representation, every state or group of states shall, in the year before the National Convention, elect at the State Convention one candidate for the office of State President. This Candidate will attend the National Convention as the duly elected delegate from her home branch or consolidated branches. At the National Convention, she is elected and installed as the State President of her state or group of states. In explanation, this regulation is intented to satisfy the need for active State Presidents who are the chosen leaders of their particular state or group of states. It is felt that at the State Convention whep all branches have representation present, a leader can be selected who will be ready and able to take on the duties of State President when elected to this office. This also enables the National Convention procedure to run smoothly, as the State President Candidate comes to the Convention with the backing and support of her state or group of states. Selected as State President Candidate she automatically becomes the official delegate from her home branch and comes to the convention with that designation. It is a natural conclusion that the person who fulfills this title would be willingly chosen as delegate from her branch by her sister members who would wish to take advantage of her qualities as a potential leader and ultimately, to become the State President of their state. Therefore, it is the directive of the Board of S.W.U. that at the State Convention this fall, the a< semblies make their choices for State Presidential Candidates and with their vote of confidence, send them to the National Convention for election to office. High Game with Handicap CAM ELLA COOK Oglesby, III. BESS SCHACHT Chicago, III. Sisters Trophies MARY KERNZ Oglesby, III. JO ARGUBRIGHT Oglesby, III. 205-40-245 $ 5.00 223-21-244 3.00 $ 8.00 161-40-201 181-30-211 412 Mother and Daughter Trophies $ 60.00 JOAN MUELLEMAN Chicago, III. ANN VUCKO Grandmother Trophy BESS SCHACHT Chicago, III. 176-40-216 172-18-190 223-21-244 406 Mari« Prisland: Cotillion Bod It was a lovely evening, an interesting program and 10 beautiful debutantes, members of the Cleveland branches, were presented to the 400 guests attending the Ball on May 13th at the Celebrity Room at Eastgate Plaza near Cleveland. Mrs. Jane Novak served as toastmistress. Mrs. Antonia Turek, National President, welcomed the guests in her very friendly way. The speaker for the evening was the Honorable August Pryatel, Chief Justice of Cleveland Municipal Courts who said of the Slovenian Women's Union:— ‘‘While SWU has fewer members then other Slovenian Fraternals, the contribution they have made to the Slovenian culture is tremendous!". Cleveland city Mayor R. J. Perk who attended with Mrs. Perk stated: "A new generation of Slovenians is coming up which will be just as devoted to the Slovenian culture and history as you are today. Congratulations to the Slovenian Women's Union for doing its part in preserving and promoting this tradition”. The popular Mr. Tony Petkovšek who conducts his own Slovenian Polka radio show every afternoon in Cleveland, was program director. He introduced the lovely debutantes escorted by their proud fathers. It was an impressive ceremony. I am proud of the Cleveland branches who sponsored this Cotillion Ball, with branch 50 leading. Congratulations and much praise goes to Mrs. Jane Novak, chairman, and Mrs. Ann Hočevar, co-chairman, and their committees for work well done! The purpose of this Ball, Mrs. Novak stated, is to inspire the young members of SWU to stimulate cultural sociability and keep the Slovenian heritage among the Slovenian youth. Proceeds from the Ball will benefit Zveza's scholarship fund and the Slovenian Home for the Aged in Cleveland. In my talk, I gave some friendly advice to the Debutantes who, no doubt, wifi be looking for husbands in the near future. Because of the popular request that I publish my remarks in Zarja, I am obliging herewith. HOW TO SELECT AND KEEP A HUSBAND! "Debutantes, be careful in your selection of a husband. Do not choose one who is younger than you, and take only such variety as has been raised in a good atmosphere. When once decided upon and selected, let that part remain FOR EVER settled. When you get a husband, do not put him in a pickle or hot water. This will make him sour and bitter. Even poor varieties may be made sweet, tender and good by being garnished with patience, love and smiles. Wrap your husband in a mantle of charity and keep him warm with steady fire of domestic devotion. Husbands, thus prepared, keep for years and even improve with age”. A friend commented later: ‘‘That was a good speech! I am happy that my wife is with me to hear it. She always has me in a pickle maybe your advice will help towards better treatment”. After the program former national officer, Mrs. Frances Seitz, gathered the members of Cleveland branches attending the Ball to give me an opportunity to exchange a few words with them. Our topic, naturally, was the membership campaign. Mrs. Mimi Nikoloff, a member of Sheboygan branch, residing in Los Angeles, writes: ‘‘I read ZARjA from cover to cover to keep abreast with the Slovenian people and Slovenian language since I do not have much chance to use my Slovenian language here”. Mimi was born in Maribor, came to America when a young girl. Her husband owns and operates a large restaurant in the heart of Los Angeles. William R. Podgoršek of Campbell, California was sworn in as Mayor on April 18th fulfilling a goal of longstanding. He served the City Council for a number of years and was vice-Mayor last year. Mayor Podgoršek is the son of our S.W.U. National Auditor, and her husband, Mr. & Mrs. Frank Podgoršek of Duluth, Minn. His wife, Arlene and children, Kenny and Kathy are all members of Br. 13, San Francisco. It was a special thrill for the young Podgorseks to have present for the swearing in ceremony, held at Campbell’s new city hall, his dad and mom, a brother, Robert and uncles Louis, William and Ray Spehar, all from Duluth, also uncle Rudolph Spehar from No. Highlands, Calif, and other relatives. In all, 32 of the family were present to cheer for the young administrator. Campbell, Calif, has a population of approximately 23,000. The new Mayor is co-owner of the Spartan Printing Co., Inc. It seems to be a very progressive town and we’re certain that with Bill Podgoršek at the helm, things will be prosperous for all its citizens. Best of luck! ED. Y Ok an i i i i f i \ i \ i \ \ i I \ I \ f I \ 1 \ I f l ou It is a distinct honor for me to be included in Branch 20’s roster of honored “Mothers of the Year”. My involvement in Br. 20 is primarily due to my mother, Mrs. Josephine Erjavec, former National Secretary and Organizer of the Branch for whom she has been Recording Secretary since its founding. On this joyous occasion, it was great to see so many officers and members at the meeting. I was especially pleased to have Editor, Corine Leskovar, from the National Office present. To all those who have made this event memorable with their flowers, gifts and Best Wishes, I thank you so very much for your kindness and thoughtfulness. MRS. MILDRED PUCEL j The Young MAYOR Harmin« Prisland Dick*: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 i and My mother, Mrs. Marie Prisland, enjoys making a variety of jams and jellies every summer. Her favorite is GRAFE JELLY. The recipe was given to her by Mrs. Frank Gorenz also of Branch No. 1; Sheboygan, Wisconsin. GRAPE JELLY Wash Concord grapes removing stems and put into cooking kettle without water. Cover and bring to boil. Reduce heat and simmer until skins break. Strain through a food mill. Use 1 cup sugar to 1 cup juice. Mix and boil uncovered for about ten minutes until it is done. Skim and pout into hot glass jars. Cover with paraf-fine and seal. Note: The bulletin from the United States Department of Agriculture on Jellies reports: Three tests for doness when not using pectin: 1.—Use a candy thermometer; boil the jelly mixture to a temperature of 8°F. (8 degrees F.). 2.—Dip a cool metal spoon in the boiling jelly mixture. Then raise it at least a foot above the kettle, out of the steam, and turn the spoon so the sirup runs off the side. If the sirup forms two drops that flow together and fall off the spoon as one sheet, the jelly should be done. 3.—The third test is the Refrigerator test. Pour a small amount of boiling jelly on a cold plate, and put it in the ice compartment of a refrigerator for a few minutes. If the mixture gels, it should be done. During this test, the jelly mixture should be removed from the heat. Mrs. Helen Valentinčič of Sheboygan and also a member of Branch No. 1 sent in a delicious recipe for OPEN FACED PIZZA BURGERS. Your family will enjoy them as does mine. OPEN FACED PIZZA BURGERS Mix: 1 - 6 oz. can Tomato Paste l/2 teaspoon Garlic Salt teaspoon Pepper 1 teaspoon Salt Vi teaspoon Oregano 54 teaspoon Anise Seed Mix together: 54 cup chopped onion 1 cup grated Mozzarella (Pizza) Cheese 1 pound chopped meat Combine both mixtures. Spread well to edges on split hamburger buns and broil. Mrs. Edward F. Kompare from Chicago, Illinois has had frequent requests for her BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES AND PEPPER RELISH. Since preserving and canning time is here you wiPI want to include these with your summer pickling. BREAD AND BUTTER PICKLES 12 cucumbers 6 onions cup salt 2 cups sugar 2 cups vinegar 1 teaspoon turmeric powder Vi teaspoon black pepper 1 teaspoon cornstarch - mix with sugar before adding to vinegar 2 teaspoons celery seeds 2 teaspoons mustard seeds Slice cucumbers and onions. Mix in about 1/3 cup of salt. Cover with water and let stand about 2 hours. Cook spices in vinegar and sugar about one minute. Drain cucumbers and cook in spicy mixture about 5 minutes........... then pack in sterile pint jars. Makes from 10 to 12 pints. Note: If onions are put through food chopper it makes a better appearance. PEPPER RELISH 12 green peppers 12 red peppers 3 large onions 3 tablespoons salt 2 cups sugar 1 quart mild vinegar Wash and dry peppers and cut in halves lengthwise and remove seeds. Peel onions, add to peppers and pass through a meat chopper. Put in kett'a, cover with boiling water and let stand 10 minutes. Drain, again cover with boiling water and bring to boiling point and let stand 10 minutes. Drain thoroughly. Return to kettle, add salt, sugar and vinegar. Bring to boiling point and simmer gently about twenty (20) minutes. Seal in sterilized glass jars. (1 tablespoon of mixed pickling spices tied in a bag can be added when simmering in vinegar. Remove spice bag before packing into hot jars). When Mrs. Michael Polutnik, recording secretary of branch No. 40 of Lorain, Ohio, brought Danish Puff to their May meeting just about everyone wanted the recipe and many suggested that Stephanie send it in for POTS AND PANS for which I'm indeed appreciative. It is an excellent recipe and, incidentally, is also one of my family’s favorites. It is rather unusual but easy to prepare. DANISH PUFF First Mixture: 1 cup flour 54 cup butter or oleomargarine 2 tablespoons cold water Second Mixture: 1 cup water Vi cup butter or oleomarg'rine 1 teaspoon almond extract 1 cup flour 3 eggs Icing: 1 tablespoon soft butter or oleo. 2 cups sifted confectioner's sugar vs teaspoon salt 4 tablespoons cream or 3 tablespoons milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Prepare first mixture as for pie crust. Divide in two. Press onto ungreased cooky sheet in two strips each 3" by 12”. Set aside. Second mixture: In medium sauce pan bring water to boil, add butter or oleomargarine and bring to boil again Add almond extract. Remove from heat. Add all the flour at once and stir vigorously until well blended. Add eggs one at a time beating well after each addition. Spread this mixture over the 2 strips on cooky sheet. Bake until crisp and brown at 350 degrees (about 45 to 50 minutes). Turn off heat and with oven door opened slightly, leave in oven for another 10 or 15 minutes. Prepare icing in order given adding cream slowly until right consistency. Remove from oven and ice the two rolls then sprinkle generously with chopped nuts or sliced almonds Serve warm if possible. Cut into 16 servings. Happy picnicing. Fondly, HERMINE ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. Our May meeting was well-attended. After reports were read names of 27 new campaign members were read who are the following: In the adult department: Mesdames: Florence Guenther, Olga Maynard, Josephine Yerasha, Germaine Tesovnik, Kimberley Bogen-berger, Irene Stein, Bonnie May Mo-dez, Maria Stupar, Antoinette Melanz, Marianne Barbusch, Christine Purtell, Joan Golob and Tillie Lorenz, Misses: Margaret Smith, Mary Dicke and Pat Slapnick, Junior Department: Genevieve Gercz, Joe Lyn Stueber, Karen Turk, Denise and Liane Doncheck, Jo-leene and Mary Ann Stupar and Michael Behnke. Social members: Mesdames Louise Sacher, Ann Bukovic and Helen Vugrinovich. Installation of new members was held by President Oiga Saye. We welcome them to our branch! After the meeting a program followed honoring mothers, grandmothers and especially Mrs. Anna Modiz, the Officer of the Year, and for being recording secretary for 40 years and a very diligent worker. Taking part in the program were the Folk Singers organized and directed by Mrs. Rudolph Saye (Olga) president of the branch and the Rudy Maurin musical family, also our members. Recitations were given by: Mary Jo Grabner and Paul Maurin. Besides immediate family of Mrs. Modiz residing in Sheboygan, are her son Raymond, sister Mrs. Josephine Golob and her brother John Versey. Relatives present from Milwaukee were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bogenberger and Raymond Modiz Jr. from Brookfield, Wisconsin. Announcement was made that the receipent of the Slovenian Womens Union $200 Scholarship was awarded to John Matitich because of his top grades. He entertained with a few selections on his accordian. Congratulations were extended to two members-Miss Elsie Braeger an auditor of the branch who was relect-ed alderman of the Second Ward and Miss Nancy Simenz a former 4th Ward alderman who has been elected president of 6th District Democratic party and who has been appointed by Governor Patrick Lucey to his Task Force on Educational Financing and Property Tax Reform. Thirty-four relatives and guests of Mrs. Anna Modiz, Officer of thj Year were introduced. At the conclusion of the program a delicious lunch was served by the Social Committee. Thank you ladies for the food you donated and for the money contributions. Mrs. Marie Prisland was chairman of the program. It was an enjoyable afternoon. Belated congratulations to Pat Slapnick who received a Beta Sigma Phi “Girl of the Year” award. She is also president of the chapter. The State Convention will be held Sunday, October 29th in Willard. Plan to attend. Our next meeting date will be August 20th. A Happy Birthday to all June celebrants including my parents and my daughter, Margie. Hoping you all are enjoying the summer. MARGARET FISCHER Secretary No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Our May meeting was the highlight of the year. This was achieved by careful planning of the program by Co-rinne Leskovar, by many singing practices with the children by Fanika Humar, by the wonderful ladies who worked in the kitchen and most of all by all you members who came from near and far in order to celebrate Mother’s Day with us. It was good to see so many happy faces, the happiest of all that of Mrs. Pavla Ozbolt, our mother of the year. The celebration started in church with Mass and Litany of Our Lady. The children from Slovenian Saturday school sang with lovely young voices to a packed church giving the occasion a special solemnity and festivity. After the mass we went down stairs to the tastefully decorated hall to watch a short program by some of our youngest members. We feasted on cakes and cookies donated by our members. Thanks to all. It really was a fun evening and we know we will have another one like it next year. People always come when they know something good is awaiting them. Our organization is growing, becoming more important and more widely known. Our secretary, Fanika Humar, was invited to a conference at her own expense. A similar conference “Consultation in Ethnicity in Education" was held May 17 and 18 at the University of Illinois, Circle Campus. Fanika invited me as her guest and I would like to give our readers a few of my impressions. The conference was exceptionally well organized by The Chicago Consultation on Ethnicity and the National Project of Ethnic America of The American Jewish Committee. Many prominent people participated in this conference. Dr. Michael J. Bakalis, Superintendent of Public Instruction for Illinois, addressed the opening session. Monsignor Geno Baroni, Director of National Center on Urban Ethnic Af- fairs gave a very enlightening talk as did Michael Novak, author of the bestseller “The Unmeetable Ethnics". The other main speakers were professors of education from our most famous universities. The general consensus of the speeches and many discussions was that the melting pot idea never worked. We are Americans, but each of us is an individual with a different background which contributes in shaping our identity. Denying that background does not make us better people, but often produces individuals who have low opinion of themselves and feel very uncertain of their goals in life. Nobody has been able to define exectly what is “American”. But we do know that no country is as diverse as ours and denying that diversity is more un-American than keeping up with one’s culture. We feel proud and grateful that we were included in this conference. The name of our secretary and our organization is listed in the program under the “List of Workshop Resource Speakers”. Hopefully the ideals of this conference will be included in the school curriculum from which all our children will benefit. Our next big event is “Zveza Day” in Lemont, July 16. We are asking everyone to come and if possible bring something for the kitchen or a prize. During the month of May our member Anna Slavik passed away and Justine Cieblinski underwent a series of operations. Let us remember them in our prayers. Sincerely, KRISTA ARKO No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. BOWLING NEWS Marquette Super Service ran away with top honors in the Chicago S.W.U. bowling league—13 games ahead of its closest rival. This was the third consecutive championship for the team which led the league since the second month of the season. Final standings for the 1971-1972 season were: 1. Marquette Super Service 73 29 2. Zefran Funeral Home 61 41 3. Syn-sol Corp. 59 43 4. Dr Grill 54 48 5. Barbara’s Beauty Shop 51'/2 501/s 6. St. Paul Federal 51 51 7. K. and K. Market 50 52 8. Reliance Federal 40'/2 6II/2 9. Wagner’s Bakery 37 65 10. Zarja 34 68 Handicap winners were: high team series—Marquette, 2772; high team game—Barbara's, 980; high individual series-—-A. Vucko, 635; high individual game—D. Maes, 267. S. Gorka once again had the highest average in the league—169. Elsie Statkus led all bowlers in our Sweepstakes the last night of bowling, with a 541 series—97 pins over her 146 average. Kathy Sveda was second—87 pins over her 112 average— with a 423 series. Bernie Haas, with a 470 series, was third, and Mae Per-sa, with 448, was fourth. Other winners were: L. Putzell, E. Kroschel, H. Fitzgerald, L. Ovnik, F. Smulski, C. Wrezzes and H. Drobec. Railroad pickups on that last night of bowling: J. Ovnik, B. Selig, L. Putzell (2), 2-7; D. Maes, L. Ovnik, H. Fitzgerald, 3-10; A. Preskar, 5-10; G. Dellegrazie, B. Zurek, 5-7; B. Kosi, 3-7-10; A. Hozzian, 5-6-10. Our bowling banquet was held Monday, May 1. A night club tour, by bus, provided some interesting entertainment for the evening. It was planned by the Zarja team. The team and individual trophies were presented to the Marquette team on Wednesday, May 10, at our annual meeting at Townhall. This year's officers were unanimously re-elected for the 1972-1973 season. They are: Shirley Melissa, president; Barbara Zurek, vice president and scribe; Lil Putzell, secretary-treasurer. That winds up the season. See you in September! BARBARA ZUREK No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Meeting was held May 7th because Mother's Day was the second Sunday so we moved our meeting day up a week. We didn't honor any one special mother in particular this year, instead, we honored all young and older mothers and while we were at it, also celebrated a few birthdays. The ladies brought all kinds of goodies and we really enjoyed Mother’s Day. We even remembered our member, Antonia Re-pic who moved to Fontana, Calif. We surely miss her, she was a faithful member. From Arizona we were notified that one of our retired members, Lucy Glavac passed away. We offered our prayers for her soul and may she rest in peace. To the bereaved famiiies, our deepest sympathy. With all the beautiful weather ahead and vacation time, many Slovenians will be going home for a visit to their dear ones. Our president, Ann Markovič is doing just that. She will be visiting her sisters and brothers and since she comes from a town called Toplice na Dolenjskem, it's a resort area, she will be bathing in the mineral springs there and taking in all that fresh air. Really enjoying herself, eh? We all wish Ann a safe and happy trip there and back. Dear members, may I take this time to thank each and everyone of you who so generously donated to our treasury on behalf of the 45 th anniversary. The board members are so happy by your generosity. I’d like to print all of your names, but, I just don’t have the space. I’ll just say thank you all, again! Happy birthday to all celebrating; to all our sick members, may good health return to you. Have a happy summer. SOPHIE MAGAYNA No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Looks like no one wants this writing of news job, and when last month’s copy was due, I ended up in the hospital with a fractured ankle and minus a car, so no article got in the usual spot. To all those good and loyal friends who remembered me with calls, and cards, and even a few visits, it really made me feel good and helped to pass the time of my confinement. It surely does hurt not to be able to get around and afeo all the yard work as well as the chasing about with the car, so thanks again for all the help and good wishes. There are too many names to mention individually, but I cannot say enough for your kind thoughts and good wishes. Last month the card party was very well attended, thanks again for the splendid cooperation of our other branches who helped to swell our profits besides being able to visit with people you won’t see otherwise. Wo made a nice amount and the sale of baked goods donated by Kratchnik, Plesko, Ceraj who baked strudels, Medved, flancate and potica cake by Stamp-fel, cakes by Stavia who baked four herself and one by Dezman. Later Julia Pesec walked in with strudel and her sister Fannie Seston donated a bottle of whiskey which always brings in a goodly amount. Prizes were also donated by Dolinek, Cvetan, Evanich, Wilhelm, Olga Fredericks, Dobersek, (Stavia and her husband each donated), Sukys, Schircely and Plesko as well as numerous cash donations and of course, a lot of gratitude goes to all the loyal helpers who are always there with help: Sukys, Evanich, Stavia and the twins, Jo Wilhelm and Ann Meier always helping with Plesko. I was unable to be at the May meet-in and I understand I missed a good one. I phoned in my report to Mary Evanich and 'loyal Theresa Sukys took over my job which she handles very well. But, I missed out on a very good lunch as I was told that our Mother of the Year, Mary Starich, brought so extra good Slovenian sausage and Stavia baked as usual, so did Mrs. Pipan. It’s good to know she was back as we missed her at the last several meetings. After the lunch, their favorite pastime was spent for about a half hour. I missed not only the good lunch but the pleasant company. To all sick, I hope for your speedy recovery so you can enjoy the summer and our sympathy to the Pečovnik family. Hope you decide to join us at our meetings (none in July or August) but we'll be back in September. Good vacations and safe ones to you all! MARY DEZMAN No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO First of all —Congratulations to Mrs. Antonia Sustar along with Mary Stražišar, Mary Iskra and all the others who were responsible for entering the prize-winning fltoat in the Euclid Memorial Day Parade. The ladies turned a large truck into a Slovenian Wedding Float and won second prize for their effort. All the members of Branch 14 would like to say thank you to them for bringing such fine recognition to our Zveza and particularly to our Branch. A lovely social followed our May meeting. Honored was our Mother of the Year, Mary Stražišar from Kewa-nee Avenue. As usual the hostesses did a wonderful job. Our Sunshine Club benefited by donations from Mary Stražišar (Kewa-nee) and Mary Bubnic; while the treasury was supplemented by gifts fr'm Mary Stražišar (Arrowhead) and Anna Marolt. Donating to our "Good Time” treasury were Mary Sporar, Mary Uomsn, Frances Hočevar, Mary Paskovich, Mary Smerdel, and Mrs. Dragolich. Thanks to all for their contributions. Welcome to Pina Gabrovich who came from Europe to visit her sister Mary Koljat. Together they are making many plans to visit interesting peaces. Washington D.C. was one of the places they went to. They also visited relatives in Kansas City. We hope Pina’s stay is an enjoyable one. I would like to apologize to all the members for not reporting any news from our Branch in the last few issues of “Zarja”, not that there hasn’t been any activity; the members have had many projects to work on. You can see that by just reading the first paragraph of this month’s news. Another project to remember is our Card Party held at Recher Hall this September. Hope you all have a lovely summer. MITZI GLOBOKAR, Reporter No. 16, SO CHICAGO, ILLINOIS At our May meeting we honored Mary Brebrick as “Mother of the Year”. Mary was crowned our “Queen” and presented with a lovely corsage. In celebration, Mary and her daughter, Mary Therese Ehnat, s rprised us with a beautifully decorated cake, ham and all the trimmings. We were treated to more goodies by our birthday celebrants, Gladys Buck and Helen Pasti-rik, who baked cakes and Mary Soldo who baked a meat strudel. And, of course, no meeting is complete without Josephine Krai’s rpple strudel. During the order of business it was mentioned that we would be celebrating our 45th Anniversary next year. Also the ladies are asked to form a bowling team in order to participate in the tournament next year. Our treasurer reported that since 1961 our lodge has donated $785.00 to Alvernia Manor in Lemont, III. Our annual chicken dinner was to be held at the Golden Shell on June 15th. Fifteen members attended six or more meetings last year and were to be treated to a free dinner. They are Mary Brebrick, Josephine Blaso-vich, Gladys Buck, Jean Bukvich, Josephine Krai, Mary Krznarich, Ann Helen Magnus, Mary Maricich. Dorothy Plebanski, Rose Salakar, Alvine Sre-both, Katie Triller, Edna Winters and Catherine Zlogar. The Sunshine gifts went to Ann Lustig and Catherine Zlogar. Jean Bukvich donated her handmade slippers as a prize. Our heartiest congratulations are extended to Mr. & Mrs. Robert Soldo on the occasion of their Golden Wedding Anniversary. They celebrated with a Mass of Thanksgiving at Sacred Heart Church on May 28th. Best wishes for many more years of wedded bliss. MARGE SPRETNJAK No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. We celebrated our May meeting and Mothers Day party with a large attendance and wonderful time. Thanks to the committee who worked so hard especially the refreshments committee: Mary Spelich, (Broadway), Mary Kay Demich, Mary Ivanich, Marie Mal-nerich, Jonita Ruth and Olga Ancel and to Mary Mihelich for the special cake made and given to Mother of the Year Mildred Pucel. We showered our chosen Mother with gifts and she was very happy to be so honored. The members enjoyed movies taken by yours truly and my husband while in Europe last year to make the after- noon complete. With us was Editor, Corinne Leskovar from Chicago. She spent the day with us and we were happy to see her. Members who intend to visit Lemont on July 16th, please contact Olga Ancel and we may get a bus if there is sufficient members for the group. Phone 723-0882. Franciscan Fathers in Lemont are celebrating their 60th year and it would be nice for us to attend their celebration. Our condolences to Bertha Kennick Erjavec who lost her husband and to Josephine Goran who lost her husband, Frank suddenly. Their losses are great sadness for the community. To the relatives, many of whom are our members, deepest sympathy. Silver Wedding anniversary was celebrated by Bernice and Robert Kost-elec. Bernice was a cadet and very active member. Bob was manager of the cadets in those years back. She is the reporter for the H-News. Also celebrating their Silver Anniversary are Mr. & Mrs. Frank Planker and she is our member for a long time, too. May God bless these couples will happiness and good health. We are proud to know that our Town Clerk, John L. Jevitz has our Zveza so close to his heart - he has again surprised us by promoting Mrs. Prisland's book with his donation of a copy to a guest in our city, Dimitro Danielotel, whose writing we read in the local paper quite often. This shows that John is really proud of his heritage. Congratulations also to Jo Sumic on being named Woman of the Year from the Eagles lodge. She surely deserves this honor. Congratulations also to members of the families who are Zveza members Pat Budzynski at Lewis College and Michael Reilly at Cath. High. No meetings in July and August, so please address yourselves to the secretary, Olga Ancel, 1115 Frederick St., with any question. Please mail in your dues payments and answers to the questions she mailed to quite a few of our members this spring. We also must know how many are coming with us to the lllinois-lndiana State Convention Oct. 1st in LaSalle. Please cooperate. In conclusion, my congratulations to Mrs. Paula Ozbolt, Mother of the Year of Br. 2, Chicago. She is still fondly remembered in Joliet and has many friends here. We were happy to know of the beautiful party in her honor given by the Branch. May she live for many years in good health. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC (Bed With eS to the (Bride an cl M.S. Andrew G. Kurtyak Lynn Diane Hofer of 107 Summer in Shorewood, III. echanged nuptial vows with Andrew Gregory Kurtyak, Sgt. U.S. Air Force, on Saturday, May 6, 1972 at St. Joseph's Church, Jofiet, III. Rev. Charles Van Duren was the Celebrant, Commentator was Miss e ana v/rootn Sharon Renchof and Organist, Mr. Anthony Rozman. Lynn is the daughter of Fred rnd Bertha Hofer and grandaughter cf Mrs. Emma Planinšek. Andrew (Greg) is the son of Mr. Andrew Kurtyak and the late Mrs. Elsie Kurtyak of Joliet. Attending the bride in gowns of pastel green trimmed with white daisies were Mrs. Patricia Parks as Matron of Honor and Judy Williamson and Karen Allbert, sisters of the bride, as bridesmatrons. Serving as best man was Ronald Parks and groomsmen were Carl Williamson and Richard Parks. The bride's brother, Rick Hofer, performed the duties of usher. Lynn is employed with Turco Products, Division cf Purex Corp. Ltd. Greg has served with the U.S. Air Force for the past two and one-half years. For his remaining year and a half he will be stationed at the U.S. Air Force Base in Milenhall, England where Lynn plans to join him shortly. God, bless this marriage and grant them wisdom to fulfill their duties as man and wife and father and mother. REPORTER No. 23, ELY, MINN. DAWN CLUB The annual spring dinner meeting of the Ely Dawn was held Wednesday, May 17 at Vertin’s Cafe with 56 members in attendance. Mary Gotchnik and her accordion provided the dinner music. Tabla decorations of fur flowers and candles were arranged by Molly Marolt, Rose Stupnik and Gen Erchull. The after dinner social session featured games for prizes. The door prize was awarded to Frances Maki. The meeting was the last before the summer break monthly sessions to be resumed in September. Hostesses for the September meeting are, Mary Knapp, Angela Golobich, Molly Richards and Julia Zgonc. Best wishes to all and have a good summer. MARGARET SOMROCK, Reporter No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. On May 9th, the day of our luncheon and card party, the weather was very bad with rain and cold. We really were surprised to have 115 women come out, which was a very good showing considering how miserable the weather was. Thanks to all the members and their friends for making the luncheon such a big success. A special thanks to those who brought prizes and to Catherine Ja-ketic who always sends us beautiful pillows, even thought she lives so far away. Mr. & Mrs. Frank Perman always help us with prizes, too. After the luncheon, there is a job of c'tean-ing up and we have three women to thank for the nice job they did: Susan Kohler, Margaret Barlak and Helen Cesnik who just recently joined Br. 26. We welcome Helen to our organization. Condolences to Rose Larcovic on the loss of her sister in law, Anna Hotujec, also to Mary Svetas on the death of her husband, Peter who passed away on May 20. May these dear souls rest in peace. No meeting this month or August - next meeting is Sept. 19th. Get well wishes to all our sick and ailing members. To all, a pleasant vacation. ANNA FRANKOVIC Secy No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO It was indeed a big evening for Br. 32 on May when we celebrated our yearly dinner out and Mothers Day Party. We all wished we could have this kind of get together oftener. Our entertainment was a hit for all with Eddy Kenik singing heartily such beautiful songs you just couldn’t describe it enough. He was accompanied by Dick Sodja on his beautiful accordian. We also had a junior, Raymond Strum-bly and someday he, too, will be a big star. On his accordian he accompanied Mimi Rezonija and Tillie Spehar who sang beautiful songs, too. They are really good and one could listen to them all night. All who were present received a big red carnation and that put us all in a good mood. We also honored 8 ladies. Cecilia Znidar was the first, she was our chosen Mother of the Year and she was really beautiful. She is also our Vice-President. We also honored our hard working secretary, Josephine Comenshek who takes a great interest in our branch and loves being a part of it. Then we honored six members who form our Honor Guards as they always do their duty when called upon or praying, honoring the deceased members, etc. We are all very proud of them and hope they continue the good work. Now, our heartiest thanks to our wonderful president, Mary Bostian. These things would not be possible if it weren’t for her. She has worked so hard and arranged beautiful events for our members to enjoy. She is a fine person and wonderful president. We all appreciate her and love her. Let's all continue to cooperatie with her all we possibly can. She put Br. 32 back on its fet. We know that in spire t>f illness and hard times with her husband ill, Mary shakes off her sadness and tries to make others happy. So, our greatest thanks to Mary and best wishes and best of luck to Mary and Tony Bostian and we hope and pray that God blesses them always. Our party hostess Alma Eppish and cochairman, Margaret Turk did a great job at the door. Some members brought their husbands and they, too, enjoyed the party. Our kitchen staff was tops and a good meal was served. Naturally, with cooperation among officers and workers, things get done so much faster and better. Our best wishes and speedy recovery to Frances Gerjevic. She couldn’t be present but she would have loved to be there among us to enjoy the entertainment. We are very grateful to her and appreciate her good deeds for our branch. Frances donated two afghans for fund raising. May God bless her and look after her and repay her a hundred fold for all her good works. Our event took place at the Cahlet Evropa on 185th St. and we couldn’t have had a better place. Not to forget, our secretary’s mother in law passed away, Theresa Ccmenshek on May 1st. She was 92 years young. May she rest in peace and our condolences to Albert and Jo Comenshek. Mary Noda’s husband, Louis, was ill and in the hospital for two weeks but is much better now. Best wishes to him. Have a nice vacation and let us know of any news that you would like us to include in this column. Yours truly, ANN TEKAVEC No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. The final meeting before the summer recess of Branch No. 34 was held on May 17, with a large number present. Mrs. John Pahula presided, and there was some discussion regarding MINNESOTA DAY this September in Ely. Since no information has been given out, she assured the ladies they would be informed, and arrangements would be made for transportation fcr all who wish to attend. Hostesses for the Septembsr (20th) meeting were named, and they are Mrs. William Lilya and Mrs. Joseph Jamnick. Mrs. Mary Pahula will donate the attendance prize. After the business meeting a Social hour was enjoyed and winners at "500” were Mmes. William Lilya, William Vollendorf and Michael Musich. SCRIBBAGE winners were Mmes. John Tekautz and Frederick Myre. Mrs. Nick Tekautz and Mrs. Ernest Johnson served a tasty luncheon to conclude the evening. Mrs. Louise Chiabotti was awarded the attendance prize donated by Mrs. Frederick Myre. As I write this, the temperature has reached 85 degrees which is unusual for this time of year in Northern Minnesota —the lawns are green and have already been mowed and tulips and lilacs are blooming and apple, cherry and Indian plum trees are al'l white with their fragrant blossoms. What a wonderful transformation from our long cold Winter. My wish for every member of SWU is for a happy and restful summer vacation —and we hope to see the Minnesota members in Ely, in September. BARBARA YAPEL No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO The May meeting was well attended. We celebrated Mothers Day and honored yours truly with a lovely presentation of corsage and beautiful gift. Many thanks to all the officers and members of our group. Glad to hear Matolda Strukley was back visiting from Florida. She made Celebrating Mother’s Day and their yearly dinner party were members of Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio, led by their gracious president, Mary Bostian, who is also State President of Ohio-Michigan. On the photos above we see, from left, top row. Mother of the Year of Br. 32, Cecilia Znidar receiving her gift from Mrs. Bostian and on the right photo, the Honor Guards: Marilyn Freck, Antonia Skvarča, Ann Chinchar, Anna Tekavec (reporter of Br. 32), Helen Kovačevič and Margaret Turk. Center photo, left shows part of the kitchen staff that prepared a wonderful dinner for members and guests, headed by main cook, Mrs. Anna Klun (center) and her helpers: Mimi Režonja, Mary Vodičar (behind Mrs. Klun), Mary Stražišar and Tillie Špehar. Mimi and Tillie also entertained with their singing later in the evening. Right photo is of members Tinea Kanalec and Mary Drobnick with Mrs. Bostian. Lower left photo: secretary, Josephine Comenshek and her husband Albert who have always been hard workers for the branch and right, Al with another fine fellow, Frank Drobnick as they prepared to serve refreshments to the guests. More on the party in Mrs. Tekavec’s report. Ohio Michigan State Convention & Recognition Dinner Will be held Sunday, Oct. 29, 1972, St. Clair National Home Cleveland, Ohio. Sponsored by the Combined Branches of Ohio quite a few visits to her friends here, but was on her way to stay at her daughter, Tili'ie’s in Beulah, Michigan for the summer. On your way back, Mrs. Strukley, hope to see you at one c.f our meetings. Enjoy your summer. On Mothers Day, Ann Bobrowski was to become grandma again. Also, great, great grandma to Teta Plečnik who, by the way, will be 92 years young this fall. Wishing you health for the future. Congratulations, Ann. A speedy recovery to all our sick members. Louise Seskar, Mrs. Frances Dougan who has been ailing for a long time, Mary Jere who just came home from the hospital. Hope to see you all at the meetings. Mary MJach, hope your summer will be better. Bertha Anzelc, still not feeling too well and husband Frank - get well wishes to you. Antonia Škerjanc, get well wishes and hope all our members feel better as summer is here. Our treasurer has become great grandma for the 8th time. Congratulations to you, Mary. One would never believe you to be great grandma, you look great yourself! Frances Russ too, has become, a daughter born to son Bob and wife, Kathy. Congratulations to all. On May 5th we had confirmation at our church. May God bless all the children confirmed. Our member, Theresa Culing, has passed away. Sincere sympathy to all the family. In closing, greetings to the members. Vacation time is here. I hope everyone has a real nice summer and those on vacations have a good time. Enjoy every bit of it as time is so short. Good health to all. AGNES BUCHER Reporter No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. The May meeting was attended exceptionally well. Forthy-five adults and three juvenile members attended the Mothers Day and May Birthday Party. All unnecessary business was dispensed with and only a very short meeting followed. Initiation of new members whom we heartily welcome into our branch was held. They are: Theresa Kotar, Dolores Tzynik, Mary Pucel, Esther Schmitz, Sandra Am-brosh, Rita Udovich, Rosemarie Hribar Jean Luzar, Mary Mlinar, Jeanette Marinkovich: and three new social members are Irene Martin, Ann Arko and Frances Champa. A delicious lunch was served by our members which consisted of baked ham with small pieces of cheese spread over the top, donated by Frances Cerar, potato salad by Fran Wid- emsek, jello molds by Rose Wallis and yours truly, barbequed hamburger by Mary Tratnik, coffee, coffee-mate and buns by Frances Cerar, napkins and 3 plants by Vickie Sporis, Birthday and Mothers Day cake by Patricia Michalowski and Ann Konc-zal, apple strudel by Josephine Kolar, relishes and one pair of pillow cases by Lucille Jenich, beer and wine Mitzi Mohorko, bean salad by Josephine Verbick and butter and cottage cheese by Joyce Zawershnik. Dorr prizes were from Rose Kraemer. Betty Dvornik was a band by herself. With her ac-cordian, she really opened our eyes. She played polkas, rhumbas, waltzes and everyone's feet were harmonizing with her music. Only one bad feature was that there was no room for dancing. Thank you, Betty for your entertaining. A special thanks to all who donated towards the party and also to all who made it possible by attending. Keep coming to the meetings, it makes the officers work harder to see that you are behind them. After our lunch, the Mother of the Year, Mary Tratnik was honored. Her two grandsons, David and Douglas Walsh presented her with a 'lovely corsage. This was also Mary’s 37th Wedding anniversary. A certerpiece donated by Rose Lee Kraemer was presented to Mary by Kyle Mary Kraemer and a beautiful white handbag from our branch. Tears came falling from Mary’s eyes like raindrops. The birthday cake was a large sheet cake and was served in honor of the May birthday gals. June and July meeting and birthdays wifi be held July and August. July 16th we have a bus chartered for Lemont, III. Make your reservations as soon as possibly. The bus will be at the Lily Club, 2220 W. National Ave. at 7 a.m. August 5 and 6 is St. John the Evangelist church Festival. Sept. 7th we will resume our meetings. It will be a dinner meeting at the Eagles Club, 2401 W. Wisconsin Ave. Call yours truly for reservations as we must give the exact number attending. The birthday gals for June are Rose Mavko, Darinka Ožbolt, Christine Re bernisek, Paula Behling, Rose Lee Kraemer, Evelyn Schommer, Mary Konowalski, Dolores Talaska, Ann Hren, Ann Schultz, Anne Goggins, Amelia Zefran, Florence Genereau, Mary Hoffarth and one male, Todd Kouchich. July celebrants are Dolores Walter, Amanda Esperes, Karen Giuf-fre, Ann Konzal, Anne Hiller, Eleanor Viduski, Anne Szczney, Marshe Fran- gesh and Ann Weiselman. To all a Happy Birthday! The Galluns and Christine Reberni-sek spent 10 days in Florida. Christine brought back beautiful oranges. Ceil Groth spent a week with her neice in Indiana. The Tratniks spent 6 days in Las Vegas. To all our shut-ins, a get well wish and speedy recovery. Check your dues and if you are in arrears, you can mail the amount to yours truly. Lastly, St. John’s Ladies Guild has a lovely new cookbook and anyone interested may purchase a copy for $3 plus postage thru me. Have a safe and happy vacation wherever you may roam - or even if at home. Remember, next dinner-meeting, Sept. 7 at the Eagles. ROSE KRAEMER No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO The month of May was truly a very eventful month for many of us. To begin, we again had great success and rewarding results from the Debutante Cotillion Ball. Our beautifully gowned and smiling debs gave everyone who attended deep satisfaction and pleasure. They were photographed by both daily Cleveland newspapers, the Press and Plain Dealer with very complete and appropriate accounts of the occasion. We had a numer of interesting guests, one of whom was our distinguished and great lady, Marie Pris-land, founder of S.W.U. of Sheboygan, Wis. We were very honored and happy by her presence. Her delightful recipe to the debs on "How to Get a husband” was accepted favorably and approved by all by unanimous applause. A surprise and brief visit was made by Cleveland’s Mayor, Ralph J. Perk who highly endorsed the SWU Cotillion Mall. Guest speaker was His Honor, Judge August Prijatel who gave us an entertaining speech. Other guests at the table of honor were: Toni Turek, National President, Mary Bostian, Ohio-Michigan State President of Br. 50 and organizer of the first Cotillion Ball, Tony Petkovšek, Master of Ceremonies, Jane Novak, chairman of the event and Ann Hočevar, co-chairman, both of whom are to be congratulated on their superb and tireless efforts to make this day such a memorable one for all. Johnny Pecon’s band played music for our listening pleasure. The food service and all accommodations for parking, etc, at the Celebrity Room were extremely satisfactory. All in all, it was a beautiful evening where debs, their parents and guests, all beautifull gowned and dres- The Dawn Choral Group Reports... Although the annual concert of the Dawn Choral Group will not be until November 26th all the ladies are busy learning all the music planned for this affair. On Sunday May 28 the Choral Group joined all the other cultural groups in the greater Cleveland area, and marched down E. St. to the Slovene Home for the Aged in what must surely be rated as one of the most beautiful parades ever staged in Northern Ohio. The parade started the two day festival held on the Slovene Home for the Aged grounds. The Choral Group was asked to participate when the first plans and ideas were forming and the Group immediately accepted the invitation. At the site of the festival, Mr. Frank Gorensek directed the choris. We received many compliments on our brightly colored “decve” and our co-operation in joining the celebration. Mr. Gorensek was also congratulated on the fine performance of the choral club. The members all worked very hard along with our director, Mr. Gorenshek, to make this event as succes-nyin y sed, had a gala time. Jane Novak’s mother, Mrs. Prijatel, a spry lady in her eighties “še mlada”, whose grand-daugther Betty was a deb, was indeed an incentive for all of us to follow. Hope we can reach great age and still be able to attend such an impressive event. We were very happy to meeting Mrs. Jelenič from Milwaukee, Wis., Br. 12 who accompained our gracious Mrs. Prisland. Our May meeting was a sort of record with about seventy people in attendance. All enjoyed a most appetizing and beautifully set table by Mary Perusek, Vera Nosan and Frances Jerse. Also, our very charming Mother of the Year, Vicki Pianecki brought a delicious Cassada Cake. Incidentally, she and her husband are going to spend three months in Europe this summer. We hope they have a beautiful sojourn and that we can in the future see the pictures taken of their travelogue. Beautiful corsages were made by Mary Perusek for the Mother of the Year and for last year’s Mother, Ann Kristoff. The following new members were wecomed and initiated by Frances Nemanich: Millie Pike, Betty Novak, Ruth Prhne, Jean Grcar, Pavla Rijanec, Velma Grcar, Mary Petrovič, Mildred Petrovič, Alice Marie Primuth, Cathy Pri-muth, Carolyn Primuth. Agnes Bradek, Vi Kramer, Olga Skodlar, Jennie Launch, Gertrude Laurich, Vera Šibenik, Ann Budan, Donna Sernel, Josephine Debelak, Arlene Debelak and Carole Rozanc. Emily Unik took pictures of the new members. Marie Dolinar made attractive boutonniers for the new members she introduced. A duet by Carole Travel and Fran Nemanich entertained us, especially their rendition of the very popular “Wind Song", Happy Birthday was sung to Julianna Gorensek, Ann Krul-ac. Rose Zalneratis, Ann Kristoff, Nettie Leslie, Ruth Prhne, Frances Tomse and Jean Paik. Birthday greetings to all other members whose birthdays were in May. Congratulations to grandpar e n t s Jean Anthony Zagar whose son, Kenneth, and wife, Mary gave birth to a baby girl, Patricia. Also, their son, Steven is a June graduate from Cleveland State Univ. in Marketing. Our sympathy to Teresa Zupančič on the loss of her dear husband and to Mrs. Križman whose sister recently departed. May their souls rest in peace. Wedding anniversaries were celebrated by Ann and Frank Kristoff-their 32nd and they also moved into a new home at 24691 Wayne Ct., Euclid, also to Millie and Edw. Pike, 32nd anniversary; Jennie and Stan Laurich, 36th anniversary; Olga and Ed Skodlar, 37th and Fran and Joe Nemanich, 40th. In conclusion, may I add that we all hope our meetings are as well-attended as in the past and that everyone enjoys their summer. JEAN E. PAIK Reporter No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Our last meeting for the summer was fine with a large tornout. Sister Rose Trombly, our recording secretary read Minutes and reported on the sick list naming Josette Maki. She was in Hibbing General Hospital. We hope and pray she will soon be up and about. May God bless her and all members who may be ill. sful as possible. We were glad to be a part of such a wonderful event. It was also a pleasure to represent the CZZ. Keeping us busy an the end of the month of May, was our Card Party held on May 31 at the Euclid Park Clubhouse. Members from all neighboring branches came to fill the Clubhouse to capacity. Thanks to all who came to the Card Party. Highlighting the evening was the awarding of our first prize which was a beautiful afghan. Our member Ann Kristoff donated it. Along with her sister Mrs. Pe-trich, she offered the lovely hand made afghan for the top prize. The Card Party was a huge success mainly because we has such a great first prize. We are grateful to Ann and her sister for such a generous donation. Before November the Choral Group will preform for other benefits and celebrations held in this area, but we hope you’ll keep in mind our Concert. We are always gratifide to have so many friends attend our concerts and we hope you enjoy them as we enjoy presenting them. MITZI GLOBOGAR, Pres. . ^ ^ ^ ^ To sister Betty Strazishcr we offer our deepest sympathy in the loss of her dearly beloved mother, Bessy Howard. We all know what en emptiness there is on our hearts when a dear one has departed. We pray that her soul and all souls of our faithful de- parted rest in peace. We concluded our meeting with a prayer led by the president. Social time was again very enjoyable with hostesses Patricia Mancuso, Margaret Pogorels, Ann Nelmark and prizes went to the following: Rose Trombly, Rose Chiodi, Dorothy Russo, Margaret Andrican, Celia Politano, Mildred Bar-batto, Josephine Oswald, Ivana Prelesnik and door prize to the president Jos. Oswald. It was a delightful evening. Don't forget we will meet again the first Wednesday of August at the Little Grove. If you are driving, please take care. Until we meet again, may God bless you all. GERTRUDE KOCHEVAR No. 54, WARREN, OHIO Summer is nearly here and we have had beautiful weather. Our Mother-Daughter luncheon held the first week of May was truly a lovely afternoon. We had a delicious lunch at the Players Restaurant and almost 30 women attended. We honored our Mother of the Year, Elsie Persin with a corsage and we presented a ftoral arrangement to our president, Rose Racher who celebrated her 50th Wedding Anniversary on June 10th. Hostesses for the luncheon were Mayme Sporich, Josephine Kasson and Mary Kaltko. They are to be congratulated for a nice afternoon. On May 20th, a Saturday evening, my parents, Frank and Rose Racher renewed their marriage vows at a special mass for them an their Golden Wedding Anniversary. Many relatives and friends were in attendance and Dad carried a garden tool and Mom, a roll of nut potica in the offertory procession, at the request of our pastor at St. James, because Dad loves to do gardening and Mem always has baked for church doings. On Sunday afternoon, my brother, Frank of Columbus, his wife, Dorothy and his five children and my husband, Harry and our four children honored Mom and Dad with a lovely receptirn at the Niles Union Hall. Many friends and relatives were in attendance including Angela Smith and Angela Gaspersick of Minnesota. The catering was done by Mitzi Germadnik of Sherpsville, Ohio, a Slovenian friend and she had a lovely buffet table arranged. Our thanks to all our friends and realtives who baked the delicious goodies for the dessert table. Mom received the guests dressed in a oyster white gown with gold trim and she looked marvelous. Dad bought a new suit for the great occasion and they were truly like newlywedds in their nnew finery. They received many gifts, flowers and cards and even the Apostolic Blessing from Pope Paul VI sent to them by Fr. Francis Blatnick of New Jersey. It was a most memorable weekend and it’s taking some time to recuperate from it all. My mom has been in poor health for the last few months, but we hope she soon be feeling better and able to do and go as she did before her illness. My apologies to the John Zuga family. I was sure I wrote about John’s sudden death in March. John had heart surgery in November was doing very well and this spring he suffered a ruptured aorta and died within a few days of being hospitalized. He left his wife, Mary, our member, daughter Mrs. Marlene Urban, sons, Edward, William and Gary and several grandchildren. Brothers, Frank William and sister, our member, Frances Banozich of Phoenix, Arizona also survive. Our thoughts and prayers are With their grieving family. To all our members, have a happy summer. JOANNE PONIKVAR Sec’y-Treas. No. 55, GIRARD, OHIO. In the May column omitted the names of Ann Strouss and Mary Pacic Who served as co-hostess for our April meeting at the home of Mary Sueško. Having had other commitments, I was unable to attend the April meeting, but from the ladies who were present, all had high praises for the hospitality showered on them. My apologies to Mrs. Pacic and Mrs. Strouss. The Mother-Daughter Dinner was held on April 11 at the Pink Room of the Slovenian Home. The menu was a very good smorgasbord selection brought by members. The main course, roasted chicken, was prepared by our president Mary Macek. Everything was simply delicious. Our honored Mother, Nettie Juvančič, was presented a small gift from the branch. Nettie, you -hould feel very proud. To my estimation we had a lovely turn out of membership. Needless to say we also had some beautiful Slovenian music and some sentimental readings. After the dinner table games were played. Not being a card or games player, I left the happy group, as the evening was still young I went to visit Frances Juvančič and husband John. Frances has been a long time active, good standing member but due to illness and severe arthritis, has been housebound or many years. Mrs. Juvančič you still look great, even though you are handicapped with your affliction and brace. Her comment to me was, “You know, Mary, nothing is good on me any more only my mouth; I can still talk!” Well, we certainly talked and had a lovely visit reminiscing about times that used to be, when my own dear mother was still with us. There will be no meetings of our branch till September. We will have a card party in June. To all of you, have a nice summer-see you all in the fall. MARY BRADISH No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. We had a wonderful turnout for our May meeting at which time we honored our Mother of the Year, Frances Bernard. The meeting was opened with the praying of a rosary for all mothers, living and dead, Jed by Mary Meadows. During the course of the meeting, our honored guest was presented with a corsage and gifts from the Branch. A bouquet of flowers was given to the honored mother by her little granddaughter Sue Bernard. Several poems and readings about mother were read by the president; also several Slovenian and American songs were sung following which lunch was served to all. The table was adorned by a Madonna with pink and blue flowers flanked by pink candles. Presiding at the coffee service was Mrs. Tom Kearney of Iron River, Wis., a daughter of the honored guest. Also present were her son, Louis and wife, daughter-in-law, Mrs. Rhoda Bernard and 5 daughters and other grandchildren. Cards were played and prizes went to Dorothy Obertsar, Kay Warden, Mary Bovitz, Margaret Skorich, Toni Rupinac and Manda Butorac. Hostesses were Ann Satovich, Amelia Domen, Agnes Barkis, Mary Meadows, Mary Drobnick, Mary Bissonette, Mary Puhek, Lucy Paun and Rose Kara-kosh. We will have no meetings until September and the hostesses will be Barbara Doshen, Dorothy Oberstar, Mary Sporer, Katherine Phillipich and Ann Vojnovich. If the Minnesota Day is before our Sept. meeting, you will be contacted by phone. It is in Ely this year. On April 24th several ladies of Br. 56 and others entertained the residents of Leisure Hills Nursing home with a Slovenian Sing-A-Long program accompained by our old reliable Anthony Babich who also played several solo selections on his concertina. It was enjoyed immensely by the residents. Thanks to Ann Selvo for promoting the affair. To all our sick members, a speedy recovery and God bless you all. ANNE B. SATOVICH Pres. No. 63, DENVER, COLO. By now most of us are enjoying the summer weather and vacations, traveling and all the good things that go along with it. Enjoy yourselves and be careful. We would like to see as many as possible for the State Convention that will be in Pueblo, Sept. 7th. Anyone who wants tickets can call or stop by at our president’s home which is at 4760 Beach Ct. or call Adelaide Glavitz at 455-3240. Also, anyone wishing to go on the bus please let her know. We would Ske as many as possible to go. Wishes to all our sick members for a speedy recovery. Don’t forget the meeting Sept. 7th. God bless you all. MARY MUSICH, Sec'y-Treas. No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, OHIO Congratulations from all the members of Branch No. 73, Eugenia Novotny, as being chosen "Mother of the Year”, and a nicer choice of our Nominating Committee couldn’t have been made. Your cooperativeness, willingness, and the continuous smile you have is always a pleasure to behold, and makes us all feel happier for knowing you. Our card party of April 28th was a huge success which pleased each and everyone of us, and made all the planning and effort put forth seem so very much worthwhile. We want to thank all the active members as well as those inactive members who through their loyalty contributed some sort of effort even though they were not able to attend, and hope that God willing, next year more of our inactive members will attend and participate. The “special” project held to increase the family budget really went over big, and the first prize was won by Robert Banaszak - a young man working his way through college, so this prize was really a God-send and truly appreciated; the second prize was won by Joseph Travnik husband of Frances, a long-time member of our branch; and the third prize was wan by Vera Kozak also a member of our branch. Everyone upon leaving the hall made some sort of remark about the very good time they had and will be sure to come again next year. The variety and deliciousness of our homemade pastry served as refreshments, and also the lovely and numerous prizes that we gave away were well received. We were all very much saddened by the death of one of our dearly beloved active members, Elsie Kabet, a very lovely lady, very sweet and gentle, and one of the friendliest persons any of us have ever known. A donation was made to the Veteran's Hospital in Cleveland in her name as she had been very active doing volunteer work there. Her family were also sincerely grateful to the members of the branch who not only paid their respects, but also participated in saying the Rosary. May she rest in peace! Beatrice Hrabak was our only birthday for the month of May, and she proved to be such a good shopper with the “Kitty” we collect each month for prizes for the following month, most everyone went home with a door prize. Janice Marie Grae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Grae (Ann), received a Bachelor of Science degree in Bio-Chemistry from Notre Dame College on May 15, 1972. Upon graduation, Janice will continue at University Hospitals of Cleveland as a Medical Technology Intern. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Modic (Ann) hit the Jack-pot with graduations this year, with daugther Nancy graduating from Ohio State College, Ronald from Warrensville Heights High School, and Betsy from St. Jude's Elementary School. We all want to wish the best of health has well as our congratulations to these fine young people mentioned above, and also to all the children of all the members who have children graduating this year. Good luck to all of you in your future endeavors. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary No. 85, DEPUE, ILL. Our May meeting was held at the Dom on the 21st. Six members attended on such a "soparno” afternoon. It has been unusually hot, the past few days. Sister Mary Oberch, our president, read a prayer for the repose of the souls of our departed members. After the short meeting was adjourned, we had refreshments and a belated Mother's Day celebration. Sister Oberch brought the ice cream, sister Mary Jermene baked an upside down cake which was delicious and urged us all to partake of it in large pieces while she watched us getting fat! (Mary has joined the Weight- Watchers Olub. Good Luck, Mary!). We had a nice time chatting and catching up on news. Next meeting won’t be until Octo. ber Hope everyone has a nice summer and we will all meet in the fail. Happy Birthday to those members celebrating during the summer months. Took those who are ill, a speedy recovery. FRANCES MACHEK Reporter No. 86, NASHWAUK, MINN. Your reporter regrets that she didn't send in any reports of meetings for such a long time. As most of you know, I was in California for a month earlier this spring where & had a most enjoyable time and also got to go to Tijuana, Mexico for a day of sightseeing. There really hasn't been anything to report other than news that our sister treasurer was chosen as Mother of the Year. At our April meeting we decided to hold our meetings throughout the summer months. The pot-luck supper that had been planned for early this spring was postponed until a later date to be announced. Our May meeting was held with 12 members present and several guests. Sister Pauline Stish had been hospitalized with a heart attack for a few weeks but is home now and thank God, much better. We played cards after the meeting with our guest, Mrs. Petra Jensen winning in Birdge, Christine Meyer high in Canasta and Marian Dergantz, low. Edna Gangl served a delicious lunch. ANNE MAZAR Reporter No. 95, So. CHICAGO, ILL. Well members, things happened at our May meeting, when 59 loyal members turned out to witness the crowning of our Mother of the Year, Mrs. Matilda Turica, who indeed looked like a queen, and our out- going mother IN MEMORY OF ANNA Our branch suffered a great loss in the death of Anna Jovanovich of 10635 Avenue G. First and foremost she was blessed with a warm family, her husband, her children, and grandchildren. When she joined our branch she never dodged responsibility. She was always deeply interested in whatever project we proposed. Indeed, it would be hard to find any aspects of her life in which she did not take a leading part. Her genial personality and generous instincts won her the award of Mother of the Year of our branch. If a woman's greatness is measured by the emptiness she leaves behind, Anna Jovanovich was a great woman. She now rests in peace but her spirit, her kindness and her unwavering gift of friendship, that we will always remember her best. Our deepest sympathy is extended to her husband John, her son, daughters, and their families. As a dear friend of mine, I fondly say farewell to a grand lady! I would like to express my warm personal thanks to the following who joined me as honorary pall- bearers: Evelyn Driscoll, Mary Simunic, Sophie Barbich, Marge Krmpotich, Mary Per-kovich (Musk) Emma Yergovich and Victoria Rukavina. Thanks to Jacob Golich for his thoughtfulness and courtesy to our members; to all the loyal members who prayed with me at the bier, a million thanks. MILDRED JAMES of the year Mrs. Regina Buchanan who has certainly worn her crown with honor and dignity. The affair was a tremendous success. It was most gratifying to all present to witness the wonderful spirit of friendship that marked the occasion. I want to extend my most sincere gratitude to all who attended and especially to the generous people who made up the committee: Honorary Chairman, Julie Hansen, acting chairman, Rose Krneta, Ann Sertich, Emma Yergovich, Evelyn Driscoll, Ann Kompare, and Helen Golich. And this year, even more so to the Sacred Heart Croatian Tamburitza and Kolo Group who provided us with the entertainment and program. Naturally there were all sorts of goodies prepared by the following adorable people: Ham, Bread and Butter: Ann Nelson, Mary Malcic, Julie Hansen, Mayme Holmes, Inez Carney, and Helen Chorak; Relish tray, Mary Jurko; Cakes, Matilda Turica, Eva Cora, Helen Hoff, Ann Sertich, Ann Hlacar, Mary Perkovich (Muskegon) Sophie Barbich, Veda Yamich, Shirley Duich, Marge Innis, Mary Duich, Kate Rosan-dich, Mayme Holmes, Ann Pave, Julie Drzal, Frances Seabloom Catherine Hanson, Amelia Cuzella, Evelyn Driscoll, Ann Kompare, Rose Krneta; Prizes by Evelyn Driscoll, Julie Hansen, Mildred Poropat and Mayme Holmes truly. On top of all this we applaud Julie Hansen, for her efforts on the setting of a beautiful table, which indeed was first rate. Cash donated by the following: ($3) Helen Splelich, Helen Stewart and Sylvia Werner, ($2) Rose Krneta, Helen Golich, Vicki To-mich, Ann Loncar, Mary Barcevac, Matilda Turica, ($1) Manda Dosen, Mary Brozovich, Lucille Svalina, and Katherine Rajcic. Our guests were: Chestra Graezijk, Carrie Plebanski, Madeline Zart, Severene Domžalski and Virginia Kwiatkowski. We also welcomed Madeline Zart as a new member. Welcome, Madeline! We have applications out so our branch will reach their quota for the new membership drive. A million thanks to all of you! Julie Hansen and h.:bby are enjoying a well-earned vacation in HAWAII. Birthday Greetings to the July Celebrants: Louise Dichele, Mary Marge Raron, Matilda Grepo, Ann Loncar, Milka Miljak, Joane Paulich, Manda Nosich, Mary Possedi, Sylvia Werner, Marge Krmpotich, Ann Matesevac, (Cal.) Mary Jane Brezene, Ann Polan-cic, Rose Mary Grafrath, Madeline Trivador, Anna Sabljak, and Mary Perkovich (Exchange Ave.). Ann Sertich suffered a heart attack and needs our prayers. In conclusion, don’t be left out, try to attend our September 6th. meeting. MILDRED JAMES No. 100, FONTANA, CALIF. Calories, calories, nasty fat calories were all over the tables at the lovely dinner honoring Mary Jasina, our Mother of the Year. We certainly did have a whiz bang up time. Ttrere were so many lovely faces present, faces that we haven't seen in a long time. Among them was Fr. Horvath who used to be our spiritual advisor before he retired and retired is a word I use loosely as he is still quite active, filling in wherever there’s need for his services and his services are in need a great deal. There’s no accounting for grandmothers, they show off every chance they get! Here, Mary Jasina was supposed to have the limelight on her day, and what was she doing? She was showing off her three grandsons, that’s what! The first darn thing you MOTHER OF THE YEAR of Br. 103, Washington, D.C., Mrs. lea Zebot was presented a bouquet of love and flowers by president, Freda Michelitch, at their yearly party. knew, we had grandmas hauling out pictures of their grandchildren and to the parade began. I looked at so many pictures of beautiful children that I almost missed out on my favorite dessert, strudel. We have our own Slovenian celebrities in our midst, let me tell you about our Johnny — Johnny Petrich, that is. He will be the featured vocalist on a new poFka album entitled "The Big Sound of Polkas” and this announcement was made by Ervin Nau, the spekssman for Polka Mews. Good luck, Johnnny, we’re all your boosters! Now wait a miute. I’m not through with the Petrich family. I must tell you that Lucille Petrich, a junior student at Fontana High school has been named to the honor roll. Congratulations, Lucy! and — since I’m on the subject of achievements, let me relate the event pertaining to my daughter, Rena Case. She entered two articles of art work at the National Orange Show of San Bernardino County and she took first and second award for her entries. I’ve been telling everyone I know; I’m that proud! Come to think of it, mothers are big show offs, too! Our birthday celebrants for the month were Anna Pegan and Jennie Stone. Happy days, girls and may more! We’re looking forward to vacationing friends especially those from Chicago, so come out to Fontana for a good time among old friends. See you next month. EDITH DRAWENEK No. 103, WASHINGTON, D.C. On the evening of April 29th, it was our pleasure to meet Mrs. Fanika Humar, our National Secretary and her husband, Dr. Leopold Humar, at a small informal gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad P. Mejac. In our general discussion, we were impressed by her vivaciousness, sincerity and great concern for our organization. Once again a delightful Mother's Day activity replaced the usual meeting for the month of May. At this time we honored our Mother of the Year, Mrs. lea Zebot, with a presentation of a lovely bouquet of yellow and white snapdragons. The program opened with a most appropriate Slovenian reading entitled "On Mother's Day” by Marjan Jakopič. The Slovenian version was read by our Chairman, Jana Bevec and the American translation by her able assistant, Molly Thomas. While listening, to the words one could not help but reflect on the lives of our Mothers that are still living and of those that have gone before us. Lydia Bevec continues to be our fine Mistress of Ceremonies. Our talented Junior members provided a wonderful hour of entertainment to a most receptive audience. The program consisted of: Piano solos by Frank Chokel, Susan Terselic, Bernadette Kovacic and Linda Yugo; a clarinet duet by Mary Lynn Thomas and Lydia Bevec; a Slovenian poem by Bernadette Kovacic; an accordian solo by Andre Bevec; Slovenian vocals by Jana and Molly and their accompaniment provided by their daughters on the clarinet. We feel that we are fortunate in having this unusual mother and daughter group. The program ended with the children’s procession and crowining of the Blessed Virgin by Robert Terselic. The Antolin children were unable to be present and we missed hearing their lovely voices. Under the direction of Matilda Terselic, our ladies once again prepared a table laden with assorted foods and desserts. We appreciate the time and effort extended in behalf of the guests. Games followed and many prizes were received by the adults and children. John Underwood was our caller and again we express our thanks to him for his able assistance. We hope that everyone had an enjoyable afternoon. President, FREDA H. MICHELITCH MARIE PRISLAND AMERIKA — AMERIKANCEM! Pred leti niso v tej deželi bili inozemci povsod upoštevani vkljub svojemu velikemu doprinosu Ameriki. V tovarnah so se večkrat slišali priimki kot: Foreigners, Hun-kies, Pollacks, itd. Tudi javnost ni bila izvzeta. Najbolj zagrenjen napram inozemcem je bil pokojni kolonar Westbrook Pegler. Neprestano je v svoji pisavi za ameriške liste naglašal: AMERIKO-AMERIKANCEM! Inozemce je imel za vsiljivce, brez katerih bi Amerika bila veliko na boljšem. Neki časnikar, katerega starši so bili inozemci, se je Peglerjeve zbadljivosti naveličal ter je v svojem listu objavil "sanje”, ki da jih je imel prejšno noč. Takole je "sanjal”: “Westbrook Pegler je dvignil svojo čarodejno palčico, nakar se je pred njim pojavil poklicani duh, ki ga je vprašal: 'Cesa želiš, moj gospodar?’. In Pegler je dejal: "Moja želja je, da se vse inozemce odpelje iz Amerike v kak oddaljen kraj, kjer naj delajo pokoro za svoje grehe”. Duh je odgovoril: ‘Prav, gospodar! Tvojo željo ti izpolnim, toda opozoriti te moram, da obstoja v naši deželi zakon, ki določa, da sme izgnanec vzeti s sabo v izgnanstvo vse, karkoli je ustvaril s svojo marljivostjo in z delom svojih rok.’ Pegler: "To je pravičen zakon! Kar deportiraj inozemce, ki naj vzamejo s seboj vse, kar so ustvarili, saj ustvarili niso drugega kakor zarote, delavsko raketirstvo, radikalno heretiko, grehe in sabotažo. Vse to pa naj kar vzamejo s seboj!’. Duh je odgovoril: "Zgodi se naj po tvoji volji, gospodar!” —nakar se je zgodil čudež. Ob obalah se je v trenutku pojavilo tisoče parnikov, v katere so se pričeli trpati v milijonih inozemci, noseč s sabo vse, kar so ustvarili. S seboj so vozili ceste, ki so jih iz žive skale in nepredirnih goščav izsekali italijanski težaki. Poleg parnikov so se pojavili ogromni splavi lesa izsekanih gozdov, kjer so drevja podirali Irci, Švedi in Norvežani. Poleg lesa se je pojavilo milijone milj zemlje, ki so jo v rodovitno prst spiemenili Nemci. Švicarji, Danci in Holandoi. V ozadju vsega tega pa so segale v nebo ogromne gore premoga, ki so ga izkopali in iz zemlje spravili Finci, Poljaki in Jugoslovani. Poleg vsega so stala ogromna mesta z nebotičniki in podzemskimi železnicami ter nedogledne milje železnic in tovarn, ki so jih zgradili in postavili v potu krvavih srag inozemski delavoi, ki jih je svoječasno klicala Amerika sama, da so naredili iz divjine veličastno deželo velike civilizacije. To pa ni bilo vse kar so izgnani inozemci vzeli s se- boj. Odpeljali so s sabo tudi svojo kulturo, svojo godbo in svoje pesmi, svojo govorico in svojo litaraturo; odpeljali so svoje usmiljenje, svoje strasti, svojo filozofijo in svoje narodne plese —sploh vse, kar je ustvarilo bogat in prekrasen mozaik Amerike, s kakoršnim se ne more ponašati nobena druga dežela na svetu. Nastala je prazna in gluha tišina, v kateri se je slišalo le stokanje Westbrook Peglerja, ki je milo klical: “Duh, duh, pridi nazaj in vrni inozemce!” Toda odgovora ni bilo. — Tudi duh je bil inozemec ter se je z ostalimi vred odpeljal v pregnanstvo.... OBISK V CLEVELANDU Kotilijon, za naše razmere novo prireditev, so ponovno podale Zvezine podružnice v Clevelandu v soboto 13tega maja. Odvala sem se povabilu in se prireditve udeležile;. Deset debutank, cvet našega članstva, je bilo 400 gostom predstavljenih. Bilo je lepo in zanimivo doživetje za vse! S to prireditvijo bo finančno pridobil Zvezin šolninsk' sklad. Več o tem v angleški koloni CAPSULES. Gl. predsednica Antonia Turek in njen prijazni soprog sta mene in mojo spremljevalko gospo Jean Jelenc iz Milwaukee, v nedeljo peljala k maši v cerkev Sv. Vida nato pa h Gobecovim v Wickliffe, kamor sva bili povabljeni na kosilo. Dr. Edward Gobec (Gobetz) je poznan pisatelj, zgodovinar ter profesor sociologije in antropologije na Kent univerzi. Izdal je že več knjig. Točasno zbira in urejuje gradivo za obširno knjigo o znamenitih Slovencih v svetu. Knjiga bo nekaj izrednega. Gospa Milena Gobec je jako simpatična oseba in izvrstna kuharica. Hčerkici, Milica in Mojčica, sta nama prišli naproti s cvetličnimi pozdravi. Gobecovi imajo krasen dom, postavljen zunaj mesta med cvetličnim drevjem. Dr. Gobec lahko veliko piše v tako mirni in krasni okolici. Pri vsakem oknu je v sobo kukalo rožno drevesce. Celo studenček je nekje blizu žuborel.— Silno me je zanimala doktorjeva privatna knjiž; nica, ki po moji sodbi vsebuje nad tisoč knjig. Gospa Gobec poučuje slovenščino v sobotni šo- li fare Marije Vnebovzete v Collinwoodu. Povabila naju je na prireditev, ki so jo tisto nedeljo —na Materin Dan— podali učenci šole. Šola ima okrog 100 učencev od prvega do sedmega razreda. Otroci so v lepi slovenščini najprvo svojim mamicam čestitati k njih prazniku, nato pa ljubko in čuteče izvajali razne točke, kakor so jih naučile njih požtvovalne učiteljice. Celo orkester so imeli. Prireditev je aranžiral in vodil g. Rudi Knez. Učiteljice so: Milena Gobec, Mara Celestina, Helena Gaser, gospa Lavriša in gdč. Tomič. Igrica, ’’Rdeča Kapica” kot petje je bilo prav uspešno podano. Najbolj korajžno so zapeli tisto: Mam’ca potičko pečejo, Men’ pa nič ne rečejo, Jaz pa prav počas' Jo režem v kurjo vas. Vso priznanje marljivim otrokom, čestitke učiteljicam in direktorju ter iskrena zahvala Gobecovim za prijazno gostoljubnost! BLOKI V SLOVENIJI Na enemu izmed mojih obiskov v Sloveniji sem motrila nove stanovanjske hiše, ki jim pravijo - bloki. Imajo po štiri in pet nadstropij, šoferja sem vprašala če imajo hiše dvigalo. Rekel je da ne in pristavil: "Ljudje, ki stanujejo v najvišjem nadstropju, se nikdar med seboj ne skregajo". Hotela sem znati kako, da ne. Odgovor: "Ker so preveč trudni ko pridejo na vrh in se jim ne ljubi govoriti". p. Klaude Okorn, ofm: V premislek Včasih nam zgodbe resnične ali izmišljene več povedo za življenje kot še tako dolg govor ali še tako lepa knjiga. Zdi se nam da nam govori iz življenja za življenje in zato ima večji učinek na naše mišljenje in čuvstvovanje. Tukaj vam podajam tako zgodbo, ki sem jo nekje bral. Pred mnogimi leti je živel modrijan, ki je slišal, da je na svetu nekje mesto, katerega prebivalci so duhovno slepi • nespametni. Sam se je hotel o tem prepričati in se je napotil tja na obisk. Ob mestnih vratih je srečal dva jezdeca in jih je vprašal, kam sta namenjena. Jezdeca sta bila iz mesta sta odgovorila: “Ne veva. Pa tudi ni važno zdaj; ob povratku ti bova povedala”. Resnično sta neumna”, je v srcu ugotovil modrijan. Ker pa je bil kristjan, je sam pri sebi govoril: "Koliko ljudi na svetu je še bolj neumnih in duhovno slepih; trideset, štirideset, petdeset let živijo in še več, pa se nikoli ne vprašajo, od kod in kam gre njihova pot. Jedo in pijejo in se zabavajo, za drugo jim ni mar. Modrijan stopa po ulici mesta in zagleda slabotnega mladeniča, ki nese teško breme, v roki pa vodi neotovorje-nega konja. “Zakaj vendar na konja ne proložiš svojega bremena? “vpraša modrijan. “Bojim se, da bo preteško zanj”, odvrne fant. ^OOO OOOOOO00-00000000-0-000OOOOOOO-OOOOOOOOC'' O V A | Pričela se je Nova Članska | Q V A | Siampanja “Zene Leta” S S S prvim julijem se je pričela nova 5 5 predkonvenčna članska kampanja in § 6 zmagovalka, ali kraljica bo kronana na <5 6 sami konvenciji v Chicagu kot Zvezina 9 5 “ŽENA LETA”, £ 9 poleg tega bo dobila 9 9 plačano vožnjo na konvencijo, ki se bo 9 9 vršila v maju 1973 v Chicagu, Illinois. 2 9 Denarne nagrade bodo kakor običajno. g X Vse pridno na delo za največji uspeh § § naše predkonvenčji uspeh 6 "Zares neumen”, razmišlja modrijan. "Toda koliko je na svetu neumnejših od njega; boje se brzdati svoje telo in se premagovati, ubogo dušo pa zasužnjujejo z najtežjimi grehi in jo potiskajo v večno pogubo”. Ob vodnjaku na trgu je modrijan našel krepkega moža, ki ga je drobna ženica s svileno nitko povezovala in se pripravljala, da ga sune v vodnjak. “Za božjo voljo”, zavpije modrijan, "strgaj vendar to drobno nitko. Reši se smrti”. “Ne morem”, odvrne žalostno velikan. Resnično je neumen, “ugotavlja modrijan”. Toda, koliko ljudi je bolj neumnih. V duhovni slepoti puste, da jih nit slabe navade vse bolj povezuje, dokler ne postanejo popolni jetniki svojih strasti. Zamanj so vsa svarila dobrohotnih ljudi .in zamanj je božji glas vesti. Ko je modrijan končno stopil v gostilno, se je v njej vse kopalo v vinu. Iz sodov in steklenic so vsevprek polivali sladko kapljico. Hej, krčmar, vse vino boš izgubil”, kriči modrijan. Gostilničar je zatopljen v karte. Malomarno odgovori: "Pusti me v miru, prej moram končati to igro”. "Pravi neumnež”, zaključi sodbo v svojem srcu modrijan. "A koliko ljudi še bolj neumno ravna. Leta in leta puste, da teče dragoceni čas mimo njih, ne da bi kaj malega storili za večnost ” Modrijan se je vrnil na dom bolj izkušen in moder in se je z vso ljubeznijo poglobil v božjo modrost Kaj pa ti in jaz in mi vsi?.... Poznana rojaka MR. IN MRS. JOHN IN FRANCES JASBEC iz Chicaga, sta slavila častivredno slavje 50 letnice zakonskega življenja v maju s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Gali ter sprejemom gostov na njunem domu. Mrs. Jasbec je zvesta članica podr. št. 2 že mnogo let ter vedno rada daruje za razne prilike njene odlično ročno izdelane afgane. Ona je prava umetnica v heklanju in štrikanju. Oba živita mirno v pokoju na njunem lepem domu in cvetočem vrtu. Frances posebno tudi rada peče potice in druge dobrote. To poletje bosta potovala v njuno ljubo rodno Slovenijo. Zlatoporočenca imata 4 otroke, 8 vnukov in enega ptavnuka. Njuna hčerka Mrs. Ralph Jaszkowski iz Oregona je spekla krasno okrašeno slavnostno torto. Hčerke Mrs. Robert Barton, Mrs. Joseph Marmozewicz in Valerie Jasbec so tudii članice Zveze, kakor njihova mama ter rade pridejo na društvene prireditve. Slavljenca sta prejela posebni papežev blagoslov za zlato poroko. Iskrene častitke Mr. in Mrs. Jasbec z željami za srečo in zdravje še mnogo let! UREDNICA ČeAtitke c(t 'Jlati Pcrcki Nadaljevanje Poročil GL. Odbornic na Letni Seji 20. in 21. Marca Naslednja poročila gl. odbornic so bila podana v angleškem jeziku ter so bila v celoti objavljena z zadnji Zarji. Tukaj jih prinašamo v nekoliko skrajšanem slovenskem prevodu: POROČILO GL. PREDSEDNICE Pozdrav z željo, da bo ta seja prinesla važne sklepe glede prihodnje konvencije, ki se bo vršifa v maju, 1973 v Chicagu. Zadnje leto sem se udeležila treh drž. konvencij: Pen-na. v Strabane, Koloradsko v Denverju ter Ohio-Mich. v Euclidu. Vse so bile dobro obiskane in uspešne v vsakem pogledu. Drž konvencije so važne za napredek Zveze. Tudi sem se udeležila obletnice št. 50 ter pevskega konverta zbora The Dawn-Zarja, ki pripravlja novi koncert za to jesen. V avgustu sem se udeležila blagoslovitve Slovenske kapele v Washingtonu, DC in gotovo smeno biti ponosne, kajti naša Slov. ženska Zveza je bila tista, ki je pričela nabirko za $70,000.00 kar je bilo kronano z uspehom in še s presežkom. Vsem in vsaki članici zahvala za sodelovanje. Naj brezjanska Marija Pomagaj blagoslavlja delo Zveze. Zelo me veseli, da tekoča kampanja uspeva in posebno velja pohvala Mrs. Prisland za idejo, da vsaka odbornica pridobi vsaj eno novo članico. V tem času je že več podr. doseglo kvoto in slika zmagovalnih podružnic je objavljena na naslovni strani Zarje. Drugi Cotillion Ball, ko je bilo predstavljenih 14 Zve-zinih deklet je tudi lepo uspel. Vsa čast gre pridnim organizatorkam Jane Novak in Ann Hočevar ter njunim so-delovalkam. Nova izdaja kuharske knjige WOMAN’S GLORY THE KITCHEN je lepa knjiga z novimi platnicami in izpopolnjenim besedilom. Tudi želim pohvaliti delo Hrvatske Frančiškanske tiskarne, kjer se sedaj tista Zarja. Pohvala velja naši urednici, Corinne Leskovar za njeno izborno delo urejevanja, da je ZARJA v resnici privlačna revija. Naša gl. tajnica, Fanika Humar, ki je sprejela urad na zadnji konvenciji, zasluži pohvalo za njeno vestno delo. Trudim se, da se udeležujem prireditev v naši metropoli kot predstavnica Zveze in v mojih mesečnih dopisih v Zarji poskušam najboljše služiti Zvezi. ANTONIA TUREK Poročilo je sprejeto. POROČILO ŠOLNINSKEGA SKLADA Moje poročilo se nanaša v glavnem na Kuharsko knjigo, Zgodovinske knjige in Šolninski sklad. Naša nova izdaja WOMAN’S GLORY THE KITCHEN je končno prispela med članice in je gotovo lep proizvod truda in dela. ZGODOVINSKA KNJIGA, From Slovenia to America, je skoro razprodana, samo 4 podr. še imajo nekaj izvodov, kakor sem obljubila, je dobiček od te knjige šel v šolninski sklad in tako sem v dec. vložite v ta sklad $800. Dodatnih $200 je bilo izplačanih za šolnino, tako, da je celotni znesek darovan v sklad znesel $1,000. Ponosna sem, da sem tako pomagala skladu, katerega sem pričela pred 30 leti. Poleg tega je bilo iz izkupička knjig darovanih $100 za beatifikacijo škofa Barage. Na letni konvenciji za Wis. je bila odobrena moja resolucija, da naša vlada odpre Ameriški konzulat v Ljublja- ni prestolici Slovenije. Sedaj je bil storjen prvi korak, ko je bilo odbreno, da se odpre Ameriška čitalnica v Ljubljani in naš dober prijatelj, bivši Senator Frank Lausche je bil imenovan, da jo izvede. ŠOLNINSKI SKLAD: Naše šolnine so se pričele 1949 leta z dvema po $200 vsaka. To leto bo Zveza podelila štiri šolnine po $200 vsaka in ena po $250, katera je imenovana ŠOLNINA ADOLFA ŽNIDARŠIČA na čast dr. Adoph Žnidaršič, ki je podaril $750 v ta sklad. Ta šolnina bo podeljena osebi z najboljšimi redi. V počastitev knjige From Slovenia to America bo podeljena ena šolnina najbolj sposobni prosilki, ki nameravana študirati za bolniško sestro. Preostanek v Skladu z dne 31. dec. 1971 —13,289.93 FINANČNO POROČILO ŠOLNINSKEGA SKLADA je bilo v celoti objavljeno v angleškem delu Zapisnika. MARIE PRISLAND, ravnateljica SŽZ Šolninskega Sklada POROČILO TAJNICE SOLNINSKEGA SKLADA Moja kolona POTS, PANS IN PASTIMES, se zdi, da je dobro sprejeta od članic. Pohvalna pisma, mi pričajo, da ima kolona mnogo zvestih bralk. Seveda so vaše želje in priporočila zelo dobrodošla. Do danes sem prejela 16 prošenj za šolnine vključno ena, ki želi študirati bolniško stroko. Zmagovalci so zeto hvaležni kar pričajo njihova zahvalna pisma, ki so v čast Zvezi. Kakor veste, bo to leto prejelo šolnino 5 oseb, za kar gre zahvala darilu Mrs. Prisland v znesku $1,000 kot izkupiček kn',;e From Slovenia to America ter širokogrudni dar Dr. Adolfa Žnidaršiča, ki je poklonil v ta namen $75u. HERMINE DICKE POROČILO GL. PODPREDSEDNICE Naša pokonvenčna kampanja je bila deležna lepega uspeha 326 novih članic, za kar gre priznanje vsem, ki so pomagali. Upam, da do moja podr. podvojila zaželjeno kvoto. Nova kuharska knjiga je bila lepo sprejeta med članstvom in zasluži našo podporo, Posebno zanimiv je del v katerem so recepti žen guvernerjev raznih držav, kjer delujejo naše podr. Redno se udeležujem naših prireditev. Naša Božičnica jo krasno uspela. Udeležila sem se tudi posvetitve slovenske kapele v Washington, kar bo nam vsem ostalo v najlepšem spominu in je v ponos vsakega Ameriškega Slovenca. Častitke veljajo podr. st. 1, v Sheboyganu in naši ustanoviteljici Mrs. Prisland za vse njeno delo in požrtvovalnost vsa leta za napredek slovenskih žen v Ameriki. Želimo, da Zveza napreduje tudi v bodočnosti! Wisconsin Zvezin dan je tudi izredno lepo uspel ob sodelovanju vseh podružnic. - čestitke veljajo ge. Prisland, za odlikovanje, ki ga je prejela od mesta Sheboygan ter od Slovenian Research centra. Ona to gotovo zasluži! Besede ne morejo izreči žalosti, katero smo občutili ob smrti naše bivše gl. tajnice Albine Novak, katero smo vsi ljubili, ker je bila zvesta delavka za napredek naše Zveze, ki je v njej izgubila veliko voditeljico. Bog ji bodi dober plačnik! Zahvala vsem gl. odbornicam za Vaše vztrajno delo vse leto. Priznanje tudi naši gl. predsednici, Antonia Turek za mesečne dopise, č g. Fr. Klavdij Okorn, urednici Corinne Leskovar ter vsem dopisovalkam vključno Mladinske strani za zanimivo branje, katero prinaša Zarja vsaki mesec. Naj Bog blagoslovi vse! MARIE A. FLORYAN Poročilo sprejeto. Ostala poročila bodo priobčena v prihodnji številki Zarje. tri podružnice cloSecjie cilj / To poročilo vsebuje rezultate do konca maja. Ko boste brali to številko bo kampanja ob 45 letnici naša Zveze zaključena. Končno poročilo bo objavljeno v seplemberski številki ZARJE. Prva je podružnica št. 50 v Clevelandu. Pridobile so 28 novih članic v razr. B in 4 mladinske, skupno 32. To je lepo število! Vredno bi bilo opazovati, zakaj je ta podr. najbolj aktivna v naši slovenski metropoli Cleveland, Tiste, ki pravijo, da ne “gre”, naj opazujejo, zakaj pri njih “gre” in jih skušajo posnemati. Druga uspešna podružnica je blizu našega praga. Na jugu Chicaga je št. 16 doselga sodelovanje vseh odbornic. Vpisale so 16 članic v razr. B in dve mladinski. Tretja uspešna podružnica je na zlatem za-padu v San Franciscu. Vse odbornice so vpisale po eno in več novih članic. Vsem trem podružnicam iskreno čestitam in želim, da bi bil to le začetek novih navdahnenj. Rada bi omenila naslednje tri podružnice, ki so zelo uspešne v tej kampanji Cn so čisto blizu stoodstotnemu vrhu. V Barbertonu pri podr. št. 6 so vpisale kar 17 novih članic. Tajnica in blagajničarka Mary Lauter se je zelo potrudila in dala zgled. Upam, da ji bodo do konca kampanje sledile prav vse, ki so na seznamu odbora za leto 1972. Naslednja je št. 32 v Euclidu. Pokazale so zelo lepo udeležbo pri skupnih oiljih; le dve odbornici se še morata prebuditi pa bodo na vrhu med najuspešnejšimi. Tretja, ki je skoraj dosegla cilj, je zopet doma v Chicagu. Pri podr. št. 95 jim samo malo manjka do cilja. Zelo topel občutek in malo domišljavosti bi me navdajalo, če bi se nam še tretja oikaška podružnica pridružila in bi bile vse tri med uispešnimi — na vrhu! Kaj pravite odbornice št. 95? KONVENCIJA SE BLIŽA! Bilo bi prav, da bi se vsa organizacija začela že sedaj pripravljati na ta dogodek, ki bo prihodnje leto maja. Vse, ki ste že več let udeleže- vale konvencij, vem, da ste polne predlogov. Vabim vas, da bi prišle s temi predlogi na dan sedaj, ko je čas za to. Po konvenciji so navadno v se prepolne rešitev in kritike, kako naj bi bila cela stvar izvedena. Vse to premislimo sedaj, se pogovorimo na sejah in skušajmo vse napisati ter poslati pripravljalnemu odboru v glavni urad. Sedaj je čas ukrepanja, da nam pozneje ne bo žal visokih stroškov konvencije, ki ni dala mnogo rezultatov. Razpravljajte potrebe in možnosti na vaših sejah ter pošljite vse predloge. Konvečni odbor bo skrbno predelal vse, kar boste predlagale in upošteval pri načrtovanju konvencije. Pričakujemo vaših pisem! Na zadnji konvenciji v Clevelandu se je pokazala potreba po večjii in širši soudeležbi pri izvolitvi državnih predsednic. Na seji glavnega odbora, ki je sledil, je bilo sklenjeno, naj bi volilo vse članstvo za kandidatinjo državne predsednice eno leto pred konvencijo na jesenski državni kon-vencijii. Tako izvoljena kandidatinja naj bi se udeležila konvencije in bila obenem delegatka svoje podružnice. Cilj tega sklepa je, da bi pri izvolitvi sodelovalo vse članstvo ene ali več držav in ne le delegatke na konvenciji, ki ne poznajo ljudi fiz drugih držav in tudi ne njihovih potreb. Zmanjšali bi tudi stroške delegatk, ker bi taka kandidatinja predstavljala tudi svojo podružnico. Mislim, da bi vsaka podružnica, ki ima tako izvoljeno delegatko bila ponosna, da jih zastopa na konvencfiji. Prav vsem želim vesele počitnice, da bi si nabrale dovolj novih moči za prihodnjo sezono! Vse tajnice podružnic pa lepo prosim* naj tudi v poletnih mesecih redno pošiljajo assessment, ker je tako delo mnogo lažje. Vedno me bode v oči prazno mesto pri finančnem poročfilu, kjer tudi med pripombami ni nič zapisano. Tako nevoljna napravim le črto, kjer bi morala biti vsota! FANIKA HUMAR gl. tajnica DOPISI ŠT. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Meseca maja smo se spomnili naših mater. Pripravili smo jim lep večer s pomočjo naših najmlajših članov. Otroci Slomškove sobotne šole so pod vodstvom gospe Fanike Humar prav lepo peli pri sv. maši in litanijah. Po obredih v cerkvi smo se zbrali v dvorani gledali kratek program in se prav 'epo imeli ob kavi, čaju in raznih do- brotah. Mati leta, gospa Pavla Ožbolt, je bila srečna med nami. Zadovoljni smo izvolili njo, ko smo videli kakšno veselje smo ji naredili. Zaslužila je to čast. Naj ji Bog plača za vse in jo blagoslovi. Sredi maja se je vršila konferenca za etnični študij na University of Illinois v Chicagu. Udeležili sva se jo tajnica Fanika Humar in jaz, kot poročevalka. Zasluga za povabilo gre Faniki, ki je na lastne stroške potovala v Washington, da se seznani z name- ni te konference. K programski knjižici je vpisana naša organizacija in naša tajnica, kot govornica na "Workshop" pod naslovom "kaj se lahko naučimo od etničnih skupščin in njihovih privatnih šol?" Gospa Fanika pozna razmere v slovenski naselbini saj večino svojega časa preživi tam ko dela za Žensko Zvezo, pozna razmere na slovenski šoli saj tam poučuje, zato smo lahko ponosni nanjo s prepričanjem, da je delala čast Slovencem na tej konferenci. Zadovoljni smo tudi lahko CeMithe jaAlujhi materi M. 2 s konferenco samo, ko vidimo koliko zmožnih, učenih ljudi se zanima, da bi ohranili v Ameriki tisto narodno zavest, katero smo prinesli s seboj iz stare domovine in kako bi to zavest vtisnili našim otrokom. Nismo vsi enaki. Vsaka narodnost ima svoje lastnosti in posebnosti. Potrebno je, da se naučimo kako se razlikujemo od drugih in da spoznamo, da smo vsi enakovredni, da tako spoštujemo sami sebe in prav tako vse druge, šele potem bomo imeli mir doma in po svetu. Umrla je Anna Slavik. Naj v miru poč-iva. 16. julija se zberemo v Lemontu na našem vsakoletnem romanju. Pričakujemo veliko udeležbo; nasvidenje na lemontskem hribčku! KRISTA ARKO ŠT. 10, CLEVELAND, O. Na naši seji prvo nedeljo v maju, smo praznovale Materinski dan. Letos nismo izbrale edino mater, smo kar obhajale za vse matere, mlade in stare. Imele smo se kar dobro. Skoro vsaka članica je prinesla kakšen prigrizek. Praznovale smo tudi rojstne dneve. Spomnile smo se tudi na članico Antonia Repic v Fontani, Calif. Iz Arizone smo prejele žalostno vest, da nam je tam umrla čla. Lucy Glavač. Za pokojno sestro smo opravile molitve. Naj počiva v miru. Ostali družini pa naše sožalje. Prihaja toplo vreme in čas počitnic in mnogo Slovencev potuje v staro domovino na obiske. Naša preds., Ani Markovič se odpravlja na obisk rojstne vasi Toplice na Dolenskem, kjer ima sestre in brate. V zdravilnih Toplicah se bo kopala in razveselila v svežem zraku. Želimo ji mnogo razvedrila in srečno pot na obe strani! Drage članice; ne vem kako bi to napisala, tako smo srečne, da imamo tako dobre članice, ki nam pridejo na pomoč. Odbor se Vam vsem lepo zahvali za vaše darilo v našo blagajno ob priliki 45 letnice. Rada bi se vsaki po imenu zahvalila, toda ni dovolj prostora, ker je toliko imen, zato naj velja vsem skupaj iskrena zahvala na tem mestu! Vesele rojstne dneve vsem, ki praznujejo v tem mesecu. Med njimi je tudi moja mama, Antonia Baraga, ki je praznovala 1. junija. Želimo veselo godovanje in še mnogo let zdravja, želimo vsi otroci: Feni, Bini, Jost in Toček in družine. Bolezen nas tudi kar redno obiskuje. Vsem članicam, ki so na bolniški listi, želimo, da bi vam ljubi Bog dal, da bi se hitro popolnoma pozdravle. SOPHY MAGAYNA Z Mrs. Pauline Ožbolt smo prijateljice že od leta 1925. Bile smo sosede mnogo let, posebno v slabih časih depresije in zadnje vojne, ker sva obe imele sinove v vojaški službi. Tolažile smo ena drugo. Neverjetno kako je ona vse voljno prenašala, da sem se čudila, še sedaj ko se nahaja v nursing home, kjer 'jo večkrat obiščem, ni nikoli slišati od nje nobene grenke besede. Vse za dobro vzame in pravi: "Nekaj mora biti za pokoro”. Ona je globoko verna, zato ji Bog da vso pomoč in kljub njeni starosti tako zdrav razum. Pred leti smo ob priliki romanj S.Ž.Z. v Lemont skupno prodajale spominke; po navadi smo imele male rožce in kar pripele smo jih, nič vprašale ali kupiš, sveda smo zahtevale denar. Dostikrat obujamo spomine skupno in ona pravi v veselju: joj, kako prijetno in zabavno je bilo. Bila je tudi tajnica Oltarnega društva pri Sv. Štefanu dolgo vrsto let. Čeprav nekoliko pozno, je bila imenovana za zaslužno mater podr. št. 2. Pravijo boljše je pozno, kakor nikoli. Vse odbornice in članice od št. 2 Ti čestitamo k temu pomembnemu imenovanju in počastitvi. Bog in Marija Te naj ohrani med nami še mnogo let. Tvoja do groba zvesta prijateljica, FRANCES ZIBERT ŠT. 14, EUCLID, OHIO Mesec majnik je za nami. Bilo je res lepo, ko so nas otroci tako lepo po častili s krasnimi rožcami ter raznovrstnimi darili, ker so vedeli kaj mame najbolj želijo. Naj jih Bog ohrani v taki srčni ljubezni še nadalje. V juliju ne bo seje, toda v augustu bomo zopet nadaljevali. Naša preds. je na novo sprejela v društvo, Mrs. Kalin. Lepo se je zahvalila Mrs. Fortuna ob času bolezni, ker je bila zelo bolana za obiske in darila, v maju je pa umrla Mrs. Podboršek naša dobra članica, naj v miru božjem počiva, ostali družini naše sožalje. V tem času je bolana tudi Mrs. Valter. Daj ji Bog da hitrega zdravja. V prvih dneh junija je umrl tudi oče Mr. Tomažin, to je oče naše čla. Mici Globokar. Pok. večni mir in ostali družini naše sožalje. V maju smo imeli več zanimivosti. Dne 28. maja se je vršila velika parada na 185 in Kleveland v korist Doma ostarelih na Neff d. Tudi čla. Zveze smo se udeležile te parade v narodnih nošah. Bilo je res lepo! Zaslužna mati, PAVLA OŽBOLT je vesela in srečna med njenima najboljšima prijateljicama, Mrs. Fanny Ži-bert in Mrs. Annie Zorko ter ostalimi odbornicami podr št. 2: taj. Fani Humar in preds. Mamie Muller. Druga parada je bila 29. maja v spomin padlim vojakom preteklih vojsk. Tudi te parade smo se udeležile z lepim okinčanim vozom, ki je bil dolg 64 čevljev. Ta voz je preskrbela Mary Stražišar in njen mož Jože, za kar se jima prisrčno zahvalimo. Parada je šla po cesti 222 do City hali v Euclidu. Naša udeležba te parade je bila pod vodstvom Tilie Špehar, ki je bila do nedavnega naša preds. in njenega moža Rudija, ki je tudi veliko pomagal pri okraševanju velikanskega voza. Dobil je tudi veliko Slovensko in Ameriško zastavo, da je bilo slavje še bolj veličastno. Obema Tilki in Ru-ditu se lepo zahvalim. Prav lepo se tudi zahvalim družini Globokar in materi Frances, ker so s celo družino prišli na ta veliki voz. še posebej se zahvalim Vincu Globokar, ki je prišel s harmoniko in Mr. Valenčiču in Stanley Jermanu, ki so ves čas parade igrali, da je izgledalo, kakor na slovenski ohceti. Zahvalimo se tudi Mici, ženi od Vinca Globokarja, ker je toliko rož darovala, da smo res do kraja okrasile ta ogromni voz. Vseh imen-ne morem zapisati, ker je preveč. Tudi vsem civilnim udeležencem se lepo zahvalim. Vsi imenovani in neimenovani udeleženci, so pomagali, da smo članice prejele nagrado in lep trophey, katerega smo izročile naši podr. št. 14. Denar bomo pa uporabile enkrat v avgustu za gud tajm. Ob koncu pozdravljam vse članice Slovenske ženske Zveze. ANTONIJA ŠUŠTAR ŠT. 17, WEST ALLIS. W1S. Žal mi je, da se nisem zadnjih par mesecev nič oglasila. Sicer smo pa srečne, da imamo tako odlične dopisovalke, ki se redno oglašajo v angleške delu Zarje. To so seveda naša marljiva predsednica in tajnica. Hvala za trud, Marion Marolt in mama Marie Florjan. Kartna zabava, ki smo jo priredile aprila za našo cerkev Marije Pomoč Kristjanov, je dobro uspela. Imele smo veliko udeležbo. Srčna hvala podružnicama št. 12 in št. 43 iz Milwaukee, ki sta se udeležile in pomagale naši zabavi do uspeha. Prisrčna hvala tudi našim dekletom št. 17, ki ste tako lepo preskrbele, da je kartna zabava tako gladko istekla in smo imele tako lep večer v prijetni družbi. Imele bomo še eno kartno zabavo tretji četrtek v oktobru. Pridite! Imele smo lep zabaven dan, ko smo sle v La Salte, III. na Bowling Tournament. Seveda ta dan sreča ni bila na vaši strani, ker nismo dobile nikake nagrade. Ampak mislim, da smo bile vse dobro nagrajene, kar se tiče vesele družbe in bi me v tem oziru sigurno dobile prvo nagrado. Seveda sta Marion Marolt in Vicky Kastelic hitro popravile izgubo v La Salle ko sta šle na tekmo KSKJ v Joliet in odnesle čast v doubles in če se ne motim tudi v singles. Čestitamo girls, smo res ponosne na Vaju! Naša preds. Marion in njen soprog Tony Marolt, sta obhajala srebrno poroko v prelepem mesecu maju. živela ženin in nevesta, ostanite si še za naprej zvesta! To Vama kličemo vse članice podr. št. 17 in vem, da se našim čestitkam pridružujejo tudi vajini številni znanci in prijatelji od blizu in daleč. V naših časih je taka obletnica še posebno spoštovanja vredna, ker zakonske obljube danes ne pomenijo dosti. So kakor lisica, ki je rožni venec molila in se naveličala ter ga vrgla proč in rekla; oh to so samo besede brez pomena. Dandanes je veliko takih lisic in lisjakov, ki so jim zakonske obljube samo besede brez pomena. Dandanes je veliko takih lisic in lisjakov, ki so jim zakonske obljube samo besede brez pomena. Škoda, da naju s Frankom ne bo med Vami, da bi z Vama obhajala ta slovesni dan in se še enkrat zavrtela, kakor sva se pred 2 leti na Vajinem poročnem dnevu. Seveda po 25 letih t>i plesali že bolj počasi, ker noge ne tečejo tako dobro po podu na godbo hitre polke, saj nisva več “spring chickens”. Greva zopet pogledati našo prelepo domovino Slovenijo in ko bova obiskala našo prelepo domačo cerkev, ki je tudi posvečena Mariji Pomoč Kristjanov, se bom spomnila Vaju in izmolila molitev za vajino srečo. Naša cerkev v Stopičah pri Novem mestu, je res lepa. Ima krasne umetno izdelane oltarje, na katere smo zelo ponosni. Pride mi na misel pesmica, ki jo je moja mama prepevala, ko sem bila še mlada deklica: Stopiška cerkev v dolinci stoji, kakor nevesta na smeh se drži; lepo je zidana, lepo ocirana, to je zares lepota iz nebes. Ta lepota iz nebes me tako vleče nazaj. Moje dekliško ime je bilo Marija Štangelj - Stopiče, sedaj poročena Murn. Ako bo katera rojakinja iz našega kraja ta dopis brala, da ve kdo sem in ji izročam srčne pozdrave. Moram poročati, da smo izgubile dolgoletno čla. Terezijo Repovcek, ki je bila naša čla. 44 let. Pok. je bila doma iz Stopič pri Novem mestu in moja soseda. Njeno dekliško .ime je bilo, Rezka Možetova. Bila je dobra žena pok. možu in skrbna mati 3 otrokom. Eno hčerko je pred leti nesrečno izgubila v automobilski nesreči, je utonila in to je Rozi zelo prizadelo in je bila največ doma po izgubi moža in hčerke. Nič jo ni več veselilo iti v družbo in je le živela za sina Walterja in hčerko Sophie, ki živi v Calif. Obema naše iskreno sožalje! Sedaj pa še enkrat opomnim, da ne bomo imele sej v juliju in augustu in prosim, da mi sporočite novice. Pokličite preds. ali taj. Prevečkrat se zgodi, da ne izvemo pravočasno kadar katera čla. zboli. Vsem sosestram želim vse najboljše, imejte lepe počitnice in prijetno poletje po tej mrzli pomladi tukaj v Wis-consinu. MARY MURN ŠT. 20, JOLIET, ILLINOIS Naša majska seja je bila dobro obiskana. Počastile smo naše matere, kakor vsako leto ter posebno tudi našo Mater leta, Millie Pucel, ki je sestra tajnice Olge Ancel in Jonita Ruth ter hčerka Vaše poročevalke. Millie je dobro poznana pri podr., saj je pristopila v Zvezo odkar je bilo dovoljeno sprejemati male deklice. Tekom let je mnogo storila za podr. ter je dobro poznana tudi v šoli kot učiteljica 7 let in kot odbornica bivših kadetk. Sploh je vedno pripravljena kaj stori- 8 Vesele počitnice... jj J Mem članicam in J c njikoditn družinam. j Upam, da se vse vrnete zdra- ( | ve in vesele z mnogomi novica- j i mi v septembru, ker to je dvojna ^ ■ številka ZARJE za poletna me- jj j seca julij in avgust. UREDNICA j ti, kadar jo vprašamo. Mati 4 sinov, Christ, je graduant Lewis College, ki je med šolskimi počitnicami obiskal brata v Franciji, ki tam študira in je porabil svoje Božične praznike, da je obiskal sorodnike v Sloveniji in si ogledal lepo Slovenijo, nakar je obiskal še druge dežele Evrope. Filip nadaljuje študije v Grenoble, Francija. Ostala fanta, Rudi Thomas in Viktor sta študenta v katoliški višji oli. Ona je aktvna z možem Rudolfom tudi pri Ameriški Legiji. Lansko leto je bila Frances Hubert mati leta za 1971, naša blagajničarka Josephine Sumic je bila pa v maju proglašena za "ženo leta” pri Eagles. Na čast materam je bil serviran raznovrstni prigrizek. Preds. Emma Planinšek je pripela Millie krasni šopek rdečih nageljnov. Po seji so bili predvajani filmi potovanja po Evropi družine Joe in Josephine Erjavec in njihova doživetja lansko leto s svakinjo Frances Hubert in vnukinjo, Ro-sanne Ruth. Na seji je bila navzoča tudi naša urednica Zarje, Corinne Leskovar iz Chicaga in je razveselila naše članice z njenim nastopom. Hvala Corinne! (Me je zelo veselilo biti med Vami! Ured.). Tajnica želi, da ji sporočite, katera želi iti z busom v Lemont na Zvezin dan dne 16. in 17. julija. Ako se jih dovolj priglasi, bo najet bus za skupno potovanje. Na seji so dobile dobitke: Mae Rose Sohumm, Mary Ambrozich, Anna Ster-nisha, Annette Mihelich in Roanne Ruth. Posebne listke za krasne domače heklane blaznine prevleke, je prodajala Marie Ancel in zadela je Mary Weismantel, darilo od Theresa Maren-tich. Deset dolarjev se bo darovalo iz teh prispevkov za naš šolninski sklad. Lunch ali prigrizek so prispevale s pecivom, Mary Spelich iz Broadway, Mary Kay Demic, Mary Ivanich, Marie Malnerich, Jonita in Olga Ancel. Po- sebno torto za mater leta, Millie Pu-cel, je darovala inspekla, Mary Mihe-lich. f Naše sožalje družini John Kennick Erjavec, ki jo letu in pol težke bolezni za rakom za vedno zaspal v Gospodu. Zapušča ženo Berto, ki je naša čla. in hčerke Joanne in Loretta Parasci, tudi naša čla., ter sina Henry. Za njim tudi žalujejo 3 sestre, Mary Fedo, Frances Hubert in Theresa Sepich in 2 brata Joseph in Frank Erjavec, kakor tudi vnuke, nečake in nečakinje. Pokopan je bil iz cerkve Sv. Jožefa na farno pokopališče, kjer leži poleg staršev, prve žene in drugih sorodnikov na družinskem prostoru. Družina Erjavec, so bili pionirji naše fare in čeprav so potem sezidali cerkev v Rockdale, ki je bila skoro pred pragom njihovega doma, so veseno rajši prihajali v našo cerkev v Joliet. Na hitro in nepričakovano nas je presenetila smrt, Franka Goran, soprog odbornice Josephine (roj. Mahkovec). Pok. Frank je bil priljubljen v naši naselbini in nismo slutili, ko smo bili na ohceti vnukinje preds. Eme Planinšek (Lynn Hofer), da smo zadnjič z njim v družbi. Poleg žene Jo, zapušča tudi hčerko Joyce, študentko na univ. v Champaign-Urbana in Eugene, ki je tretje leto na Lewis college, ter 4 brate in 3 sestre. Naj oba pokojna počivata v miru. Družinam naše iskreno sožalje. Čestitke slavljencema srebrne poroke, Bob in Bernice Kosteiec. Bernice je bila naša prejšnja kadetka in vedno aktivna pri podr., medtem ko je mož Robert bil manager krožka kadetk. Oba sta bila zelo udana podr. Letos je njihov starejši sin Jimmy graduiral na Lewis college. Dalje čestitke Mr. in Mrs. Anton Papesh, ki sta tudi praznovala srebrno poroko. Žena Theresa je naša dolgoletna čla. Poročil ju je bivši župnik Rev. John Plevnik. Imata hčerko in 3 sinove. Srbrno poroko sta tudi obhajala Mr. in Mrs. Frank Planker v cerkvi, nakar je bilo slavje v St. Joseph dvorani. Frank je poznani assistent "Township supervisor”, njegova žena je tudi naša čla. Želim, da bi vsi trije pari dočakali še zlato poroko. Naš Township Clerk, John L. Jevitz, se ob vsaki priliki spomni lepe knjige Mrs. Prisland FROM SLOVENIA TO AMERICA ter jo pokloni v spomin posebnim gostom. V Washingtonu je knjigo poklonil časnikarju Dimitro Danie-lotel, ki je armenskega poregla in je bil v Jolietu kot častni gost. Njegova poročila vedno čitamo v našem Herald News. Dalje je John videl, da nimajo te knjige v St. Prokopius Seminary v Lisle, III., zato je knjigo daroval za njihovo knjižnico. Knjiga je povsod lepo sprejeta, zato priporočam vsem, dajo uporabiti za darilo. Med mnogimi graduiranci Lewis College so mi poznani: Chris Pucel, Pat Budzinski in Jimmy Kostelec. Iz Cath. High School tudi sin naše članice. Michael Reily. V poletnih mesecih ne bo sej, toda tajnica je razposlala več kot 100 opominov članicam, ki še dolgujejo, zato prosim, da pošljete svoje prispevke na naslov: Olga Ancel, 1115 Frederick St., ali pa jo pokličite. Tajnica bi tudi rada vedela ako greste na konvencijo v La Salle, da ji sporočite, če se vzame bus. Ker bo tajnica letos zelo zaposlena, zato Vas prosi za sodelovanje. Naše čestitke Mrs. Pauline Ožbolt, bivši gl. odbornici, ki je bila letos izvoljena za zaslužno mater podr. št. 2. Lepo pozdravljam in ostanite zdrave to poletje. JOSEPHINE ERJAVEC ŠT. 21, CLEVELAND, O. V par mesecih se nabere več novic pri naši članicah, seveda včasih ni mogoče sproti opisati, ko je Zarja že v tisku. Hudo je bila prizadeta naša čla. Millie Darow, ko je izgubila sina in potem ji je zbolel na srcu še mož. • Mimi Hunter se kar dobro počuti po prestani operaciji. - Emmi Zupan (Zorn) je umrl brat. ■ Naša preds. T. Lach ima že več tednov moža v bolnici. - Tudi moj mož se je moral podati na operacijo. Ko boste čitale te vrstice, upajmo, da bodo že vsi ozdraveli. Visoka leta je dočakala Mrs. Ko-zely. Želimo njej in vsem članicam, ki slavijo rojstne dneve, mnogo sreče in zdravja. Dne 3. maja smo počastile našo zaslužno mater leta, tajnico Stelo Dan-cull. Bilo je lepo. Slišale smo njen življenjepis, ki ga je preskrbela Helen Konkoy. Bilo je res zanimivo. Hvala vsem za poset koncerta zbora Triglav v maju. Počastili so nas 7 članov, ki smo že 25 let pri zboru. Meni in možu so podarili lepo sliko na platnu, portret s Triglavskimi planinami v ozadju. To delo je izdelala umetnica, Vlasta Radišek. Vsem članicam pozdrave in želim vsem vesele počitnice, bodisi tukaj, ali pa v Sloveniji. ANNA JESENKO ŠT. 47, GARFIELD HTS, OHIO V maju je mnogo prireditev v po-čast materam, tako smo tudi pri naši podr. dne 21. maja ob veliki udeležbi počastile matere. Po seji smo sedle k lepo okrašenim mizam, kjer so nas čakale dobrote. Važnejše stvari je pripravila ses. Ann Kreševič, ene so prinesle pecivo In ses. Antonia Dolinar, okusne krofe. Preveč bi bilo navajati vsa imena članic, ki so prinesle dobrote, toda naj velja vsem in vsaki posebej iskrena zahvala v imenu podružnice. Zahvala tudi vsem, ki so darovale v denarju. Bog plačaj vsem! Na listke smo dale lepo izdelano Marijo, katero nam je napravil Mr. Andrew Horsh in dobila jo je ses. Ivanka Bizjak. Bila jo je res vesela, saj je napravljena kot bi bila živa. Posebno smo počastile zaslužno mater leta in ji izročile mali spominček. Mary se je vsem z veselim srcem zahvalila za izkazano priznanje. Bog Vas živi še mnogo let! Precejšnje število naših članic, se je udeležilo Cotillion Deb Ball, na kateri je bila lepa udeležba. Prav vesele smo bile, da je tudi ustanoviteljica Slov. Ženske Zveze, Mrs. Marie Prisland bila med častnimi gosti in gl. preds., Antonia Turek. Sedaj se pa pripravljamo na drž. konvencijo pod pokroviteljstvom združenih Ohio, Mich podružnic. Vrši se 29. oktobra z banketom. Prav lepo bi bilo, če bi se vse podr. odzvale. Tudi iz drugih krajev ste že sedaj vabljene, da nas posetite, da bomo tako napolnile veliko dvorano S.N.D. na St. Clair A ve. v Clevelandu. S tem bomo najbolj razveselile našo drž. preds., Mary Bostian, da bo še z večjim veseljem delovala naprej. Obžalrjemo, da je naša nova blagajničarka, Mary Vlcek resno zbolela za srčno boleznijo, da ni mogla biti že na par sejah. Hvala Bogu se ji sedaj zdravje zboljšuje in se zdravi na domu. Naročila mi je, da naj se v njenem imenu lepo zahvalim vsem za poslane kartice, darila, molitve in kateri so ji ob času bolezni pomagali v enem ali drugem oziru. Bog naj Vam stotero povrne. Ponesrečila se je tudi naša zapisnikarica, Jennie Praznik. Nahaja se v St. Vincent Charity bolnici. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja! Pozdrav vsem in želim vsem veselega oddiha v poletnem času. JENNIE PUGELY ŠT. 55, GIRARD, OHIO V mojem majskem dopisu, nisem omenila, da sta Ann Strouss in Mary Pacic služile kot gostiteljice seje v apriJu na domu ses. Mary Svesko. Zaradi zadržkov, se nisem mogla udeležiti seje v aprilu, toda vse navzoče članice so pohvalile prijazno gostoljubnost. Mrs. Pacic in Mrs. Strouss naj mi oprostita. Dne 11. aprila je bila večerja "Ma-ti-hčerka” v pink sobi Slovenskega doma. Odličen “smorgasboard” so prinesle članice. Glavna jed, pečene piške, je pripravila naša predsednica, Mary Maček. Vse je bilo izborno. Naša zaslužna mati leta, Nettie Juvančič je prejela malo darilo od podr. Seve- da smo tudi imele lepa slovensko petje in čitanje. Po seji pa priljubljene igre. Ker nisem igralka, sem po seji odšla, da obiščem Frances Juvančič in njenega moža Johna. Frances jc naša zvesta dolgoletna članica, toda jo muči atritis, zato žal ne more na seje, a vseeno še dobro zgleda. Pripomnila je meni: ‘‘Veš Mary, nič ni več dobro z menoj, samo usta imam, da lahko govorim". Lepo smo se pogovorile in obujale spomine iz časov, ko je še moja ljuba mama bila med nami. Naša podr. ne bo imela sej do septembra. V juniju je naša kartna zabava. Vsem želim prijetno poletje in se vidimo v jeseni. MARY BRADISH ŠT. 64, KANSAS CITY, KANS. V maju smo imeli tukaj v srcu Amerike precej dežja in tudi že več vročih dni. Naša tajnica Katherine Lastolich, je imela dve vnukinje, ki so letos gradui-rale; prva je bila Miss Lauren Kay Lauber, ki je končala z odličnim uspehom s pohvalo iz Kansas University. Druga je bila Susan Zunich, ki je gra-duirala iz višje šole Notre Dame division, ki se tudi pridno udejstvuje pri Tamburaškem zboru, ki ga vodi Don Lipovac. Tudi njena grandma Zunich je članica naše Zveze. Naš vnuk David Kostelec je pa končal višjo šolo Ward High School. Vsem graduantom naše čestitke in veliko uspehov v bodčem življenju. Hida žalost in nesreča je doletela družino Mr. in Mrs. Martin Mootz, ko se je v Floridi smrtno ponesrečil njihov najmlajši sin David, star komaj 33 let. p°leg staršev zapušča 3 brate in 3 sestre, ki so vsi poročeni. Njegova mati je naša dobra članica. Vsej družini izrekam iskreno sožalje. Pokojni ie bil zelo prijazen in priljubljen pri vseh, ki so ga poznali. Naj mu sveti večna luč in ohranjem mu bodi trajni spomin med nami. Iskreno sožalje naši čestiti sestri Sabi, ki je v Ljubljani v Sloveniji v au-tomobilski nesreči izgubila nečakinjo. Prav veselilio me je, ko sem izvedela, da je ena španska sestra, ki Se zanima za pesmi vseh narodov, naučila otroke župnije sv. Patrika, tudi slovensko pesem: “Danica svetila v mirno je noč”. K tej cerkvi spadajo mnoge narodnosti, tudi naših mladih slovenskih družin je tam dosti, seveda le drugače vse po angleško. Končno najlepši pozdrav članicam veze in gl. uradnicam. Daj Bog, da 1 vse zdrave ostale črez poletje in naprej. ANTONIA KOSTELEC jULY-AUGUST, 1972 ŠT. 84, NEW YORK N.Y. Sedaj sem se zopet vrnila iz sončne Floride. V Miami Beach sem se kar dobro počutila, toda ko sem se vrnila, je v maju skoro cel mesec deževalo in tako me zopet muči artritis. Imamo več bolanih članic. A. F*o-točnik je srečno prestala operacijo in to že drugo na očesu, kot tudi Mrs. F. Kerc. Imamo več bolnih na nogah, da ne morejo od doma. Bog daj, da bi poletje prineslo vsem ljubo zdravje. Dve naše čla. sta izgubile može: Tessi Gregorc, je izgubila moža Franka v aprilu in soprog Barbare Rode je umrl v visoki starosti 87 let. Pok. Peter R. zapušča 3 sinove 3 hčere in več grand children. Za njim žaluje tudi sestra Feni Križel, ki je 84 let mlada in še vedno šiva obleke in popravlja. Za pok. Gregorcem žaluje poleg žene še sin in 2 hčere in vnuki. Oba sta bila doma iz Domžal. Naše sožalje obema družinama. Letos potuje več članic v Slovenijo med njimi tudi naša tajnica, (moja hčerka) Betty Birk z možem Frankom, dalje moj sin z ženo Stanley in Joan Voje, ki sta bila tam pred 2 letoma in se jima je tako dopadlo, da gresta zopet letos. To je njun drugi honeymoon. Bila sta poročena dne 18. maja pred 25 leti. Sinova sta se poročila lani in naredila sta jima 20. maja surprise party. Dne 21. maja pa smo imeli v slovenski cerkvi sv. mašo za mojega pok. moža Franka ob 10 letnici njegove prezgodnje smrti. Lepo smo se ga spominjali pri 11:30 maši. Po maši sem vse povabila na moj dom. Ker pa je 21. maja tudi moj rojstni dan, me je hčerka Betty, njen mož, sin in ostala družina povabili na večerjo v odlično restavracijo v Ridgewood Hall. Ker je bilo vse bolj temno, saj gorijo sveče pri mizah, nisem dosti videla, toda nenadoma vsi zakličejo "surprise grandma’’ in pri veliki mizi je bilo 30 gostov, to je družine 2 sinov in 2 hčera ter njihovi otroci in poročene hčerke in sinovi. Od veselega presenečenja so mi prišle solze v oči. Dobila sem krasni šopek orhideje in na mizi je bil šopek rdečih nageljnov in darovi so začeli prihajati. Seveda je bila večerja izborna, šampanjca in drugih dobrot ni manjkalo in velika torta z napisom "Happy Birthday Mom”. Zopet mi pridejo solze v oči, ker kaj takega nisem pričakovala. Zahvalila sem se vsakemu posebej in pa Bogu za 4 dobre otroke in njihove otroke, moje vnuke, ki me vsi spoštujejo in sem zelo ponosna na nje. Bog daj, da bo moj tretji rod tudi pošten, kakor so ti. Hvala vsem, posebno Betty, ki je vse uredila. Tako sva bila 21. maja oba počaščena kar ne bom nikoli pozabila. Hvala tudi vsem za številne voščilne karte. Od 27. junija do konca julija ne bom doma, ker bom pri Betty za var hijo Steve-ja (16 let), Pat (14) in Kathleen (11). Obe sta naše članice in vsi trije so prav pridni. Steve igra harmoniko z drugimi fanti. Igrajo za razne zabave in oče mu je dosti v pomoč, ker tudi igra slovensko harmoniko in mu razloži slovenske pesmi. Oče, Frank Birk in moj sin Stanley, sta’ narošila slov. harmonike v Ljubljani, da jih bodo vzeli s seboj domov. Sinova žena tudi igra slov. hermoniko. Po rodu je Nemka, čeprav je že v drugem rodu tukaj rojena, toda zelo uživa slovenske pesmi in v Sloveniji se ji je zelo dopadlo. Potovala sta po raznih deželah Evrope, pa pravi Slovenija je najlepša. Dobila sem novico, da je umrl moj svak, brat moje pok. soproga, Rudi Voje in sestrična Johana Marin iz Jarš. Bila sem vedno prijateljica z njo. Ko sem bila tam na obisku, sem bila pri njej. Prišla me je vedno čakati na Brnik, kot sin Frank, ki me je vedno peljal kamor je bilo treba. Te družine ne bom nikoli pozabila in če še bom kdaj šla v Jarše, bo žalostno brez nje. Bog daj obema v miru počivati. - Moj svak Rudi je tudi bil zelo dober in prijazen, kakor moj mož. Enako tudi njegova žena in otroci. Oba bom imela vedno v lepem spominu. Vsem, ki potujejo letos v Slovenijo, želim srečno rajžo in varno vrnitev. Moji bodo najeli auto, da si ogledajo zanimive kraje, Bled, Veliko Planino, Brezje, piknik 4. julija v Škofji Loki in li bodo tudi v Dubrovnik, Grško in Italijo ter Austrijo. Bog jim daj srečno in zdravo rajžo. Vsem članicam želim ljubo zdravje in sejo bomo zopet imele v sept. pri meni, kakor v meju. Ne pozabite, 13 sept!. Pozdrav vsem odbornicam in članicam, ANGELA VOJE, Preds. ŠT. 88, JOHNSTOWN, PA. Koncem aprila sta obhajala zlato poroko, Mr. in Mrs. Frank Zupan v krogu svoje družine in prijateljev. Slavljenka je blagajnica pri naši podružnici že od ustanovitve. Vse članice jima želimo še mnogo let zdravja in zadovoljstva. Letošnjo zimo smo izgubile kar dve članice, kar je že veliko za nas. Prva je preminula čla. Mary Plesevec iz Michigan in druga je bila Josefina Tom-koski. Naj počivata v miru. Sorodnikom naše Iskreno sožalje. Drugih posebnih novic nimam. Pošiljam vsem članicam prisrčen pozdrav! JENNIE STUŠEK Financial Report—Finar i $100.95 172 66 2 255.80 408 206 3 147.70 251 158 4 8.00 12 — a 5 82.40 96 17 a 6 46.65 100 16 7 46.10 87 45 8 15.60 41 — 9 103.20 20 2 b 10 122.35 289 18 12 66.60 161 55 13 56.50 107 20 14 143.35 292 29 15 — 193 7 16 92.35 152 82 17 85.95 156 90 19 60.45 105 19 20 170.95 348 97 21 64.75 118 46 22 — 15 — c 23 103.30 216 46 24 115.70 121 49 d 25 315.25 586 152 26 47.60 99 19 27 — 40 3 c 28 41.75 69 28 29 10.20 24 4 30 — 9 — 31 — 83 29 c 32 81.85 145 70 33 120.65 190 152 34 17.85 35 4 35 31.45 53 35 37 — 19 1 e 38 39.35 110 — 39 20.35 43 8 40 54.60 103 2 41 72.45 187 29 42 45.50 47 1 43 99.40 162 76 45 19.35 43 13 46 13.55 30 4 47 56.60 105 36 49 — 28 — c 50 162.80 244 62 51 — 15 — c 52 30.15 50 21 54 27.45 55 38 55 29.00 55 15 56 40.35 89 7 57 33.80 61 19 59 30.90 29 1 f 61 — 5 — 62 22.70 23 — a 63 — 92 21 64 — 43 1 65 — 43 23 66 — 57 20 67 40.10 68 8 68 38.25 59 22 70 27.40 14 3 g 71 59.40 120 37 72 8.30 22 — 73 57.15 104 66 74 — 26 1 e 77 21.80 46 29 79 — 32 13 c 80 5.15 9 — h -Finančno Poročilo, za maj, 1972 Disbursements - stroški, May 1972 81 14.80 30 — Claims pd. to following: 83 8.55 17 4 Br. 2, Anna Slavik $100.00 84 17.80 45 3 Br. 4, Frances Luzar 100.00 85 34.30 38 2 a Br. 9, Katherine Kocjan 100.00 86 — 21 — c Br. 14, Jennie Podborsek 100.00 88 — 53 8 Br. 15, Mary Pucell 100.00 89 29.90 68 21 Br. 16, Anna Holub 100.00 90 17.45 42 10 Br. 20, Frances Sega 100.00 91 28.50 47 11 h Br. 25, Johanna Mervar 100.00 92 16.35 25 1 Br. 25, Mary Lovrin B 200.00 93 20.65 52 2 Br. 40, Theresa Culig 100.00 94 — 6 — Br. 65, Elizabeth Blazina 100.00 95 117.85 184 24 Br. 65, Mary Sopp 100.00 96 43.90 40 — Br. 73, Elsie Kobat B 150.00 97 6.55 14 — Br. 89, Helen Kernz 100.00 99 — 15 — c Br. 95, Anna Jovanovich 100.00 100 32.30 49 13 Salaries - plače 1,062.80 101 20.35 28 10 Administration 325.00 102 35 Travel & Per diems 107.00 C. 1 Direct, of Insurance 15.00 103 15.65 22 14 Fuel & Electr. - luč 5.20 105 18.35 30 6 F.I.C.A. Tax 55.30 106 13.15 24 3 Zarja May Issue 2,213.09 Office Rent 75.00 Postage & Teleph. 56.21 $4,067.50 7,916 2,275 Bowling League 64.00 Miscel. - razno 62.72 Remarks: Pd. May & June a; Jan, Donation 5.00 to Dec. b; Pd. in April c; April & May State Tax Dep. 53.20 d; Pd. to Dec. e; Mar. & April Commonwealth Edison St. 10,157.67 f; May to Aug. g; Pd. for April h: Pd. in March 1. Stocks asset $15,907.19 -10,157.67 Income - dohodki May 1972: Assessment: $4,067.50 Dlvidents 3,654.99 Rent 210.00 Cook Books 63.00 Total disbursem. -skupno stroškov: 5,749.52 Balance April 30, 1972: $552,231.82 May income - dohodki 7,932.49 Cook Books asset: Total income - dohodki, May 1972: $7,995.49 - 63.00 $7,932.49 $560,164.31 May disburs.-stroški: 5,749.52 Balance May 31, 1972: $554,414.79 FANIKA HUMAR Gl. tajnica TTTTTTTTT^ T V ▼ 1 DATES TO REMEMBER... JULY 16 — ZVEZA DAY IN LEMONT, ILL. Hostess, Br. 2, Chicago, 111. SEPT. 10 — MINNESOTA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 23 Ely, Minn. SEPT. 17 — COLORADO, KANS.-MO. STATE CONVENTION, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. OCT. 1 — ILLINOIS INDIANA STATE CONVENTION, Br. 24, LaSalle, III. OCT. 29 — RECOGNITION DINNER — OHIO-MICHIGAN STATE CONVENTION Combined Branches of Cleveland, Ohio. SEE YOU IN SEPTEMBER! Zarja is on vacation in August and this combined issue of July-August comes as the last before Sept. 1st. REPORTERS: Hope to have your news by Aug. 1st deadline for the first fall issue. Have a nice vacation! EDITOR. ti FOR THE YOUNG AT HEART" j-jiirn-n Miuiuimuumuuiiciii HI BOYS AND GIRLS! mm,-Mmti.f! iiiiiiiiimnmuu:iniuniiiiiniiiiimiiniriiniiiiHii’in'!ir"n'i"".-'’. American politics are of great importance this election year. They are a great influence in our fashions and household decors using the flag’s colors. It is possible that our summer months will be politically influenced, as we decide how our vacation days will be spent, thus concentrating on our American landmarks. Our organization is situated in fourteen states and the District of Columbia and each is known for their special landmarks. San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge. Yosemite and Sequoia National Parks are well known in California. But a visit to Fort Ross shows what is left of the Russian occupation. In 1812 some Russians came down from Alaska hunting sea otter and built the fort and other buildings including the oldest Russian orthodox church in our country. While the Rocky Mountain national park of Colorado has many high mountain peaks, glaciers, rushing streams, high mountain lakes, forests, beautiful valleys, wild animals, many species of birds and a great variety of wild flowers, Mesa Verde national park is known for its spectacular cliff dwellings, mesa-top pueblos and basket-maker pit dwellings —an extremely valuable and rich treasure-house of antiquity. Old Fort Nisqually in Tacoma, Washington was originally built in 1833 as an outpost of the Hudson Bay Company. In 1841 the first official Fourth of July celebration west of the Mississippi was held and in 1846 the boundary line between the British and American possesions was drawn at the 49th parallel and thus Old Fort Nisqually became American territory. Any journey back into the past is bound to meet long wagon trains moving west. First came the missionaries on their way to Oregon to convert the Indians to Christianity, followed by families looking for a new life on the rich Pacific coast. The Champoeg Memorial, south of Portland is the site of the formation of the first American government west of the Rockies in 1843. Have you ever wondered whether there was a Dodge City? it’s in Kansas and may be visited by those who want to see how life was in the great days of the cowboy. On the main street of the cowboy capital of the world more frontier history was written than on any other street in the country. And along this street, into the buildings strode Marshall Wyatt Earp, Bat Mas-terson, Bill Tilghman and many others familiar through song and story and television shows. If you want to learn how the French settlers along the Mississippi lived in the days before the evolution, visit Ste. Genevieve, Missouri. The oldest town west of the Mississippi it was settled in 1735. Becoming an important shipping point, the city was prosperous for fifty years until 1785 when the greatest flood ever known on the Mississippi came. The town was completely covered by the muddy water. The people moved to higher ground, the salvaged buildings were set up and the old way of life went on. Minnesota, the land of the sky blue waters, has among its interesting places to visit the Northwest Angle. It is a scenic boat trip across the Lake of the Woods from Warroad. Near the Canadian border, one passes numerous small wooded islands, which are a hunter’s and fisherman’s paradise. On the southern shore of the Angle is the site of old Fort St. Charles. In the extreme north is Penasse, the northernmost post office in the United States. Known as the nation’s dairyland Wisconsin gets its name from the Al-gonquian Indian word WEES-KONSAN, which means the gathering of the waters. Indian reservations may be visited in the northern part of the state at Menominee, Lac Court Oreil-les, Red Cliff, Bad River and Lac du Flambeau. Because of Abraham Lincoln's importance in the history of our country, and because he is, perhaps, the best loved of all the great men of our country, every place he lived has become a great shrine. His homes have been preserved, whole villages have been erected to bring to life again the period in which he lived. Three states have joined in marking the Lincoln Heritage Trail, starting from the log cabin near Hodgenville, Kentucky, through Indiana to Springfield, Illinois. The first organized settlement in Ohio was Schoenbrunn Village on the bank of the Tuscarawas River in the eastern part of the state. It was founded by Moravian missionaries and their wards, Christianized Indians, who went west because they had no peace in their eastern homes. The Greenfield Village near Dearborn, Michigan presents a panorama S s s s of the development of our country —its social life, its art and its industry. St. Peter’s cathedral in Marquette contains the remains of our Slovenian Bishop Baraga, who was totally devoted to Indians in an area of 80,000 square miles including areas of Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Canada. “That these dead shall not have died in vain "were words used in Lincoln’s address at the dedication of Gettysburg, which was the turning point of the Civil War. The battle there was fought in July of 1863, lasted three terrible days and more than 50,000 men were killed, wounded, captured or missing. Pennsylvania is also the site of Valley Forge and Washington’s historical crossing. Washington, D.C., our n a t i o n’s capitol, is one of the most beautiful and impressive of the world’s centers of government with the entire city a sightseerers paradise. Alas New York and Bedloe Island. From the time that Frederic Auguste Bartholdi visualized the Statue of Liberty until its final dedication a total of fifteen years passed. France gave the monument to the United States in liberty and brotherhood that citizens of a country enjoy under a free form of government. The largest statue ever made it symbolizes liberty shedding light upon the world. A fitting closing is this refrain: "This land is your land This land is my land From California to the New York Islands From the redwood forest to the Gulf Stream waters This land was made for you and me". Your friend, REGINA FRANC GORJr % SIUDIA SLOVENI CA ?VIIXE!D 03TY P.O. BOX 232 NEW YORK, n.Y. 10032 - PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS - IF YOU MOVE, HERE’S WHAT YOU DO: Please fill out this coupon and mail to the Home Office, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Illinois 60602: Name: OLD Address: MEW Address: Br. no: Zipcode Zipcode AVE >AFELY gjgfa 5 NEIGHBORHOOD OFFICES sP&Zg 813 Ea*t 185th St. 25000 Euclid Ave. ^ _ 6235 St. Clair Ave. 6135 Wilson Mills ** 26000 Lake Shore Blvd. ASK FOR FREE SAVE-BY-MA.L KIT GEREND - HABERMANN FUNERAL HOME SHEBOYGAN, WISCONSIN 53081 * RECIPES! wcms GLOW _ The Kitchen (Cy TESTED! Send $4.00 for your postpaid copy to: Mrs. Antonia Turek 986 Bryn Mawr Ave. Wickliffe, Ohio 44092 A. GRDINA & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 65 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel. KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel. HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel. KEnmore 1-6300 Cleveland 3, Ohio ZELE FUNERAL HOMES, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. Office 481-3118 Cleveland, Ohio 361-0583 METROPOLITAN BANK & TRUST " 1 l 2201 West Cermak Road Chicago, Illinois 60608 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. Phone 327-4500 Milwaukee, Wisconsin LISTEN TO CHICAGO’S SLOVENIAN RADIO PROGRAM! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate and Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago, III. 60608 VI 7-6679 ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN LOUIS R. ZEFRAN MARILYN E. ZEFRAN Funeral Director and Embalmers CHICAGO, ILL. 60608 Virginia 7-6688