CODEN SCPLEK ISSN 0351 - 0077 PRIRODOSLOVNI MUZEJ SLOVENIJE MUSEUM HISTORIAE NATURALIS SLOVENIAE SCOPOLIA 40 Batanica Geologica & PalaeontoEogica Museologica 25 Zootogica Bill P STARK & Ignac SIVEC: Anacroneuria of Peru and BoJivia (Plecoptera: Perlidae) Rod Anacroneuria Peruja in Bolivije (Plecoptera: Perlidae) SCOPOLIA No 40 pp.1-64 Ljublana Dec. 1998 scopolia Glasilo Pnrddoslovnega muzeja Slovenije. Izdaji Prirodoslcjvni muzej Slo-rtnije, sofinaneimla siä MioisErstvo j;a kukuro in Mi/iistrslvo za znanosl in [ehnolo^ja UrednilVi octbcn Breda ČINČ-JUBANT, Janei GREGOR I (urednik),Huw I,GRIFFITHS (GE).Baris KRYSTUFEK, LojieMARlNČEK, Ignac SIVEC, KaiiiukTARMAN, Nikola TVRTKOVIČ (HR) in Tone WRABER. Utiurja; Cvetana TAVZES (lastm enSeino) ifl Helena SMOLEI (za angleäiiin:). Naslov uredniätva in ujkUvc: Piiroioslovni muzej Slovenije, 1000 LJubljana, Preäemova 20. Izideta najmanj dve ftevilki letno, naklada 600 izvodav. TekočI raion pri LB 5t. 50100-603^115. Tisk: Tiskama Tone Tomšič d. d„ Ljubljana. SCOPOLIA Journal of the Slovenian Mjseujn of Natum] History, Ljubljana, Ediled by the Slovenian Museum of Natural History, subsidiied by the Ministty of Culture ant! Ministry of Science and Technology. Editorial Sraff; Breda ČINČ-JUHANTJanezGREGOSl (Editor), HuwI. GRIFFITHS(GB), Boris KRVStUFEK.LojzcMARINČEK, Igrac SIVEC, Kazimir TARMAN, NikolaTVFTK0V1Č (HR) and Tone WRABER. Readers: C«:tmia TAVZES [for Slovene) and Helana ÄMOLEJ (for English). Address of the Editorial Office and Administration: Slovenian Museum of Natural History, SI 1000 Ljubljana, Preäeniova 20, The Jgumal appears at least twice a year, 600 copies per issue. Current account at LB No SölDO-603-401 Ii. PrititEd by Tiskarna Tone "Rtmžič d, d-, Ljubljana. Anacroneuria of Peru and Bolivia (Plecoptera: Perlidae) BilJ p. Stark' & Ignac slvec^ ^Department of Biology, Mississippi College, Clinton, MS 3905S, USA, E-mail: stark@mc.efIn ^Slovenian Museum of Natural History, PO Box 290, Sl-ltXll Ljubljana, Slovenia, E-TDfii 1; Received: 7.10.199S UDC(UDK) 591.9r595.735(S^X045>=l 11 AbSTfiAt^T-Thirty nins A/ietcmnguria Ki/KfÄLEK species airmcordctl from Peru anii Bohvij. 'l\venty eight of Ihcse species arc de.'^mbcd as new tn Scicfllc and iht icinaining are redescnbed from type materia!, Lcctolypcs sire desigfialed lor A. irid^.Kens Ku.palhk and A. x-nigram Ki-afVIlek, an J A. hatidlirscfii Kla^älek removed from synonymy wijh j^. snsusikoliia (Enmruein). Four previously described ipecies are considered nomina dubia M. cnmcana (NavAsJ, A fiiKisc^ns (NavAsX A. larisiinm Kl*pälek and A. perwicma (NavAsI- A provisional key for males is presented. Key words: Plecopfera, Perlidae, Anacroncuria, Pfem, Bolivia, taxonomy JZVLEČEK " ROD ANACRONEURIA PERUJA IN BOL!VI,rE (PLECOPTERA; PERLIDAE) - Na obmoSjti Pemja in Bolivije smo ugotovili devetintrideset vrst \z nidu ArUKrcineuna Klapälek. Osemindvajset vrst je opisanih privid kot nove za znanost, ostale pa so ponovno opiifute na osnovi tipskega malenila, . Za vr^ti A. iiidescens in A. x-nigram klapälfk, Sta dclofena Icktutipa, vrstil A. luindliisctli klap^u-ek pa je odstranjena ii sinoniniijc vrste A. anguxiiLitllis (enderleen). Štiri do sedaj opisane vRlt uvrifamo med rnmina dubia (A. cttmicana {NaVasJI A. fiLiccsceiv; [NaVä^I latinima klafäi,ek und A, penviuna (NavAs), PrcdsKvljjimo tudi ključ za določevanje sarncev odraslih osebkov. Ključne besede; Plecoptera, Periidae, Anacroneuria, Peni, Bolivija, [aksonomija Sixteen /liirtt^ujitffncj species have been described bas£d partiaJly or entirely on Penjvi;in and Bolivian specimens (Enperj,e]n 1909. NavXs 1915, 1927, Kij\pAlek 1921, 1922, Jewett J959). Unfortunately only two o/ those, h. balivknsis (Enderleik) ajid A. vaiiegata Klapalhk were described in sufficient detail to permit recognition (ZwiCK 1973) but Peruvian specimens of Ihe latter Species, subsequently redeicribed from a Colombian lectotype ant! placed as a synonym of .\chmidii (Ekderlew) by ZwiCK (1973), have not been located, (1959) also reported the occurreitec ofpeMke (ENDEtiLEiK), A. schmidri (Enderljiin) and A. oficimian^ fEN'DERLErv} in Peru birt these are misidentifications, [n this study 11 of the reniaining species are redescribed from types and 28 species new to .science are proposed prtm^irily from spec i meni in the National Museum of Natural History. Washington, DC CUSNM). Addiiional specimens were provided by the California Academy of Scicnets, San Francisco, CA (CAS), the Carnegie Museum of Natural History. Pittiburg, PA (CMNH) and Michigan State University, East Lansing, Ml (MSU); several [ype specimens from KlapAlek (1921, 1922) housed in tl:e National Museum Prague (NMR), were studjed while on loan to P. Z wick. An u[dissociated but distinctive female is described vs/ith an informal designation. Type specimens for tlie Toll owing species have not been located during this 5tudy, Consequently we are unable to apply these names to Anacmiieuriü populations; Annciioijeuiia comiccina (NavA5, 1927), type locality probably Coroico, Bolivia rather than Sutchan. Ussuri (Russia] an given by KavAs J 927; Anacmiieiirut fiiscescens (NaVAs, 1927), type locality Bolivia", Anacmneitria Sathsirna Ki.a^Alqk, 1921. type scries Chaco, Bolivia and Colombia; Afiacmnemici pertwiam (NavAs, 1915), type locality 1 qui tos, Beloco, Peru. Provisional Key to Peruvian and Bolivian inaie Anacmneitria ]. Aedeagus without dor.sal keel (Pigs. 97-98)................................................................................2 Aecleagus with dorsal keel [Figs. 9, 21).....................................................................................6 2. Aedeagnl apex with a median dorsai lobe (Fig, 9S)....................................................................^ Aedeagal apex without median dorsal lobe {Fig. 147)................................................................4 3. Aedeagal apes wider than sobapica! area [Fig. 96)..........................................................lupaca Aedeagal apex narrower than subapical area (Fig. 161) 4 Aedeagal apex beyond hooks very sie elder (Fig. 63)................................................................5 Aedeagal apex broad beyond iioolcs (Fig, 145 ) ..................................................................... unt .i Aedeagal apex abruptly narrower beyond hooks; aiea beyond hooks about 1^3 of total length; ventral membranous lobe lobe absent (Fig, 63).......................................................ßavicoronata Aedeagal apc?i gradually narrowed beyond hooks; area beyond hooti less than 1/4 of total length; ventral membranous lotie preseju (Fig. 79)....................................................handi.irschi b. Aedeagal keel composed of two ridges joined bas ally to form U-shaped or vase shaped (Fig. 60)........................................................................................................................................7 Aedeagal kec! variable but not U-shaped (Fig, ^7).................................................................. 10 7, Adcagal apex notched, keel -wide (Fig. 64)...........................................................................cikco Aedeagal apex rounded, keel narrow (Fig. 149)..........-..............................................................S Aedeagal apex with prominent ventral membranous lobes (Fig. 14ä)......................vilcabamha ,Attleagai apsx without ventral membranous lobes (Fig. 118)....................................................9 9. Dorsal aspect of aedeagal apex abruptly widened; fore wing lengtl: 14 mm (Fig. 121 ) .... pacaje Dorsal a.spect of audeagal ape* gradually narrowed; fore wing length less than 11 mm (Fig. 160)............................................................................................................................ windici 10. Aedeagal keel a basally directed triangle (Fig. ...................................................................11 Aedeagal kccl variable but not a basally directed triangle (Fig. 126)...................................... 17 I I. Area projecting beyond aedeagal hooks longer than wide (Fig. 90) ........................................ 12 Area projecting beyond aedeagal hooks Shorter than wide (Fig, 152) ..................................... 14 Biit p Start, J^r^i; Sivec: Anatrvngnna of Peru and Bolivia {Pkcopiera: PErlidae) 12. Area beyond aedeagal hooks less than IM of total length (Fig. E5)...............................Iieppneri Area beyond aedcag.-ü hooks it least 1/3 of total length (Fig, 90J............................................ ! ? 13. Aedcagal aptx with a pair of prominent ventral lobes, hooks scarcciy t:urved (Fig.90).......inca Aedtagal apc-x with a small mesal membranous lobe, hooks strongly curved (Fig. 7).. airinottj 14. Aedeagal hooks scarcely curved (Fig. 152)..................................................................virripennis Aedeagal Inooks strongly curved (Fig. 105)............................................................................. 15 15. Adeagal apes rounded (Fig. 15)....................................................................................{jofrvienjij Aedeags! apex notched (Fig. 105}............................................................................................ 16 16. Aedeagsl shoulders bulging, menibranous v^ntra) lobe prominent (Fig. 105).................imjdiica Aediiagal shoulders sloping, membranous ventral lobe absent (Fig, 134)...................peipustih 17. Audeagal keel with basal arms connected Eo a mesal stem forming ei Y-shaped process (Fig, 36)........................................................................................................................................ 18 Aedeagjil keel nut Y-shaped........................................................................................................23 18 Aedeagal apex simple (Fig. 124).................................................................................................. 19 Aedeagal apex with shoulder.s projecting giving a trilobed appearance {Fig. 1).....................21 19. Aedeagal apex nipple like and constricted suhapically beyond hooks (Fig. 124)........pachacuti Aedeagal apex rounded and without subapical constrictions (Fig. 34)....................................20 20. Aedeagal body bulging lateral Eo hooks, apex broad (Fig, 34) Aedeagal body without bulged lateral hooks, apex narrowed (Fig. 140).......................tjuechua 21. Median aedeagal lobe deeply notched, ventral membranous lobes present (Fig, 1)......adam^ae Median aedeagal !obc unnotched, ventral membranous lobes absent (Fig. 129).....................22 22. Median aedeagal lobe truncate, dorsal keel small (Fig. 131) ...........................................pakitza Median aedeagal lobe rounded, dorsal keel large (Fig, 167).........................................x-iti^rum 23. Aedeagal apex with shoulders projecting giving a trilobed appearance (Fig. 55)....................24 Aedeagal apei simple without projecting shoulders (Fig. 25) .................................................27 24. Ventral membranous aedeagal lubes present (Fig. 53)..........................................................,...25 Ventral membranous aedeagal lobcs absent (Fig. 28)..................................................................26 25. Aedeagal apex truncate, keel coiuposcd of two widely spaced ridges (Fig. 55)......... cosnipata Aedeagal apex rounded, keel pomced (Fig. 173).................................................................ycuneo 26. Aedeagal ape>[. distinctly trilobed, decurved in lateral aspect (Figs. 28, 30)...................caUanj^a Lateral lobes of aedeagal apex scarcely projecting, ape;: not deeurvcd {Figs, 174,176) ,„ 27. Forewing length at least 15 mm................................................................................................28 Fore wing length less than 13 mm...............................................................................................30 28. Aedeagal apex broadly rounded, shoulders bulbous (Fig. 24) ........................................ludbosa Aedeagal apex narrowed, shoulders normal (Fig. 4fi)...............................................................29 29. Lateral margins of aedeagal shoulders much darker than mesal margins, hooks slender, ridges of dorsal keel narrowly separated (Fig. 46)..........................................................................chipii\ a Lateral margins of aedeagal shoulders about as dark m mesal margins, hooks stout, ridges of dorsal keel fused (Figs, 114, 116).........................................................................................nazca 30. Aedeagal apex beyond hooks almost half toial length, hooks straight, membranous lobes ba.sal to hooks present (Fig, 73).......................................................................................................ßinii Acdeagai apex beyond hooks no more than 1/3 total length, hooks curved, basal membranous lobes absent (Fig. 39).................................................................................................................31 31. Ventral membranous aedeagal lobes absent.................................................................................32 Ventral membrartous aedeagal lobes present (Fig, 99)............................................................34 32. Aedeagal apex truncate, scaii:ely projecting beyond hooics (Fig, 39)...............................cuiidü Aedeagal apex rounded, distincrty projecting beyond liooks (Fig. 19).....................................33 33. Aedeagal hooks reach shoulders, apex broad, posterior mar^jins of shoulders with wide dark band (Fig. 19)...............................................................................................................trrwuteiUtra Aedeagal hooks not reaching shoulders, apex narrowed, posterior s^iargins of shoulders with narrow dark hand (Fig. 42) .................................................................................................chaviii 34. Aedciagal keel ridges convergent, paremhc-sis-lite; hooks very dark (Figs.99-100)..........moche Aedeagal keel ridgej divergent; hooks not conspicuosly darkened (Fig. 70]...........................35 35. Ventral membrancui aedeagaJ lobe large, circular (Fig. 68).........................................ßavifrons Vsnlral meiyibranous aEdesigal lobe small, ova! or circular (pig. ........................................36 36. Aedeagal apex rounded, dorsal keel ^rms widely divergent apically (Fig, 14)................ciymaixt Aedeilgal apex truncate, dorsal keel arms slightly divergent apically (Fig. 109)............montem Anocroneuria adamsae, spec.riuv. Figs. 1-4 Type J, Holotype male (pinned) from Peru, Cuzco, Paucartamho, Buenos Aires, km 135, 2]iüm, 28-29 August 19S9, N. Adam^i, deposited in the National Museum qf Natural History. Description Adült habitus- Head yellw. pronotal pattcm obscured, Win;^ membrane and veins pale. Femora and tibiae pale. Male. Forewing length 14 mm. Hammer thimble shaped (Fig 4). Aedeagal hooks slender and scythc'like, Aedeagal apex multilobcd; ventral aspect with a basolateral pair of slender sclerotized lobes, a basomcdian pair of membfanoKS lobes and a ba.'sal terminal lobe bearing a shallow notch. Duri^al aspect of apical aedeagal lobe with a narrow median tee t (Figs. 1-3). Female, Unknown, Kymph, Unknown. Etymology. The matronym honors Nancy Adams of the United States National Museum of Natural History, collector of the type specimert. Diagnosis. The aedeagus of this species is somewhat similar to that of/1. calanga. It dilTerS in having prominent, projecting shoulders and a Y-shaped dorsal keci, Anacroneuna atrinota .Iewei r, 1959 Figs. 5-9, 22 Anavnmemia asriimtii Jewütt, 1959: [07, Hototype feinaJt. Tingo Maria, Peru Material. Pern: Tingo Maria, 21-31 October 1954, holotype female, albtvpe male. E, 1, Schlittger. E. S. Rass (CAS), Description Adult habitus. Head yellow patterned with brown in oceilar region, lappets and anteromesal margin. Pronotum brown with a narrow yellow median band (Fig. 5). Wing membrane and veins bruwn except for pale costal area. Male, Forewing length 9,5 mm Hammer long and thimblc-like (Fig. 6} Aedeagal hooks stout and strongly keeled on ventroapical margin (Fig. 7), Aedeagal apex slender and rounded; venter with obscure mesal membranous lobes and a V-shaped dorsal keel (Figs. 7-9). Female. Forewing length 13.5 mm. Subgertital plate four iobed; lateral lobes separated by deep V-shape notches, median V-shapeJ notch shallow. Median sclerite of stem u m 9 tri I obed; median lobe with fine shon setae, lateral lobes with longer setae. Transverse sclerite straight and sparsely setose at ends (Fig. 22). Nymph, Unknown. Diagnosis, This species is similar in aedeagal features to A. inca but the latter species has a longer and more slender aedeagal apex in dorsal aspcc!. (he V-shaped keel is less prominent and the ventral membranous lobes are large in comparison to those of A. atrinota. Sec additional comments for A. heppiieri. Bill R Slark, Jgniit Sivecr AnacninEuiiU Of Peru anri BDlivia [PIcLipptcra: Pfflidae) Figs. 1-4 Anacinineiiria udamsae. 1. Aedeagus. vcnlia], 2 Afdesgu;, dnrssl, J- Aecffrj^EUS, ialerak 4. Male 9th siernuni. Figs, 5-9. fynacinwma ütrinota. 5. Htad and pronotJir. 6. Male 9th sternum. 7. Aedeagus, venfraJ. 8. Acdcagus, lalcral, 9, Aadcagiis, docsal. _BDIJ^ Scarlc. Jgfiae Sivccj A/tücianeunci of Peru l. diaviu but has longer hooks and a broader, shorter apex. P"' 11 wmii mm Fics, 10-14 Anacivntuhci ajnmm. 10 Head and pronQtyni. II. Mak 9fh sternum, 12. Aedeagui, ventraJ, 13. Aedeagus, 14. Aedeagjs, do/sal. Bill P Stark, Ignac Aiiamrtturia of PtnJ and Balivia (PlecopLera; PcrliJüs) m^Mw flss. 15-16 A/Kicimewia Ifoliiieiisis (redrawn from Zwick 1973). 15- Aedeagus, durs^l 16. Acdcagus, laicral 17 18 FIrs. 17-21 Afiacnj/ieuriafrunmlata. 17. Head Eind pronntUQl. 18, Mole tHh sternum. ID, AedeagüS, Wlllral. 20. Actliagus, lalEr^i]. 21, Aedeajus, dorsal. Bill P. Starii, Ij^nac 5ivee: Arutemneuha of Petii arid Bolivia (Ptecoplera: Perlidae] 23 " Figs. 22-23. An ■ . vii.; Figs, 37-41, Anacrvtiem ia canc/ii. 37. Head and pronoiujii. 38. MaJc 9[E] slcmum. 39. Aedeagus, ventra], 40. Aedcagus, blerai. 41 Aedeagui, dorsal m- Bm Jm^^Mf^l^^ Iteil 45 Figs- 43-45, Amiameiiriu chmiii. 42. Aedeagus, reiitrnl. 43. Male 9th iiemiim. 44, At;[lt;:iEus. lateral 45 Aeclejgus, dorsal. _Bill p Stark, Jgnitc Sivee: j^nacmrt^ani] of Peru and Bolivia (Plecpptcra: Pciliciac)_^ Anacroneuria ckipava, Spec. nov. Figs, 46-50 Types. HoJolype male and 3 male paratypes from Bolivia, Cochabamba, intachaca, 25-31 August 1956, L, E. Pena, deposited in Ehe National Muiuem of Natural History. Additional paratypes; Bolivia, Cochabamba, 1 male, J. Steinbach (CMNH), Incachaca, 2500 m, J, Stcinbach, 15 males. 1 female [CMNH). Description Adult habitus. Co^or pattern obscured by specimen condition. Wing membrane pale brown, veins dark brown, costal area pale. Male. Forewing length 16-18 mm. Hammer thimble shaped, height greater than basal diameEer (Fig 47), Ae-deagal apex simple, strongly narrowed to tip, ventral membranous lobes absent. Hooks narrow; dorsal keel long, composed of two close .'jet ridges, diveigent at the base (Figs. 46,48-49). Female (putative), Forewing length 21 mm. Subgenitai plate bilobed; median notch narruix' and U-shaped, lobes truncate. Mediar sclerite of sternum 9 weakly trilobed; entire sderite uniformly setose. Transverse scleritc straight (Fig. 50). Nymph. Unknown. Etymology The species name, used as a noun in apposition, honors the Chipaya people of Bolivia, Diagnosis, The aedeagus of/l. chipaya is most similar to chat of A naica but is less robust and more strongly nmrowed at the apex. In addition, the hooks of A, nazca are more massive and more Strongly keeled. These species are also similar to A. pacaje but that species has a long U-shaped dorsal keel and the aedeagal apex is distinctly wider than the subapical neck. Atiacroiieuria cosiiipata, spec. nov. Figs, 51-55 Types. Holotype male from Peru, Cuico, Uayehuyo near Cosnipata River, 1400 m, 12 December 1951, F Woytkowski, deposited in the National Museum of Natural History. Description Adult habitus. Head pattern mostly dark brown, prorotum brown to dark brown, without pale mesal stripe (Fig. 51). Wing membrane and veins dark brown except for transparent window beyond fOrd. Femora yellow at base, dark brown in apical half. Male. Forewing length 10.5 mm. Hammer thimble shaped (Fig. 52). Aedeagal hooks wide mesally. Aedeagal apex trilobed; lateral lobes rounded, sclcroti^^d and protruding in lateral aspect; mesal Tobe tmncate and dorsally kcded. Dorsal sclerite with a U-shaped mesal plateau (Rgs. 53-55). Female. Unknown. Nymph, Unknown. Etymology. The species name, based on the type locality, is used as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis, The mesodorsal lobe, truncate apex and short, swollen shoulders distinguish the aedeagus of this species. Aiiacroneuria cii^cft, spec. nov. Figs. 56-60 T^püS. Holotype male from Pern. Cuzco, Paticartambo. pte. San Pedro, ca. 50 km NW Pilcopata, 1430 m. 30-31 August 1989, N, Adams et al.. deposited in the National Museum of Natural History. Paratypes: Bolivia: Yungjis L-is Pa^, Rio Mururrata to Suapi, 1400-1600 m, 26-28 November 1984, L E. Pena, 2 males (USNM). Peru: Cuzco, Buenos Aires, 2150 m, 28-29 August 1989, R. A. Faitoute et Ki(j>i. 46-4!t, Amimmeuna cliipaya. 46. Aedeagus. vsntraJ. 47, Male 9th sternilrti. 4S. Aeücagus, Islleml. 49. Avdeagus, dürüal. bi[] p Starti. Ignsc Sjvgc; Amcnrneuriä of Peni afld Bolivia (Plecoptfim: Perlidae) 21 Fig. SO. ArtOCioneuria chipaya female termin alia. 51 55 Figü. S1-5S. Anacronmna cüitlipata. 51. Head Md pronotum. 52. Male 9lh stcmunl. 53. Aedeagus. Ventral 54. Aedeagus, bter^. 55. Aedeagus, dorsal- Bill P StEirfc, Ignac Sivec: Amicn/ftfiria (if Peni ancf Balivia (Plecopicra; Perlidac) 23 Figs. 56-60, Anacmneuiia ctaco, 56- Head and protiutun, S7. Mfiäe 9th siemiim. 58. Aedesgus, ventral, 59. Aedeagus, lateral. 60. Aedeagus, dorsal. ul., 1 male (USNM). Cuzco, Paucartambo, pte San Pedro, ca. 50 km NW Pilcopata, 1600 m, 2-3 Scpiembir I9&S, O. S, Ritii, N. Adams. 1 maJe (USNM), Cuzco. Paucartambo :o Pilcopata road, river at Puente Udon. 1670 m, 21-23 June 1993, R. Bkhnik. M. Pescador, 2 males (USNM), Description, Aduli habttus. Head mostly yelluw but obscure dark markings outline all but posceromcsal part ot Mline; lappets brcwn. Narrow median pronotal stripe pale, lateral brown stripes with scattered ntgositics (Pig. 56), Femora and tibiae pale brown. Wing msmbrane and vein^ pale bfown. costal mafgin pale. Male. Fore wing length IS mm. Hamttier cylindrical, height subequal to diameter (Fig. 57). AedeagaJ apex with prominent ventrolateral sclerites; dorsal aspect with a median, raised, apically notched process. Hooks slender (Figs. 55-60) Female, Unknown, Nymph. Unknown. Etymology. The species name, based on the Inca capital city, Cuzco. is used as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis, The broad U-;haped dorsal aedeagal keel and strongly notched apesL are distinctive. Aiiacrotieuria ßai>woronata jKwErr, 1959 Figs, 51-65, 71 Amianneiiriiißavirotmala Jewett, i95s: 111. Holotype feinule. Yurae, 67 miles east of Tingo Maria, Fem Material, Peru; Huanuco.Yurac, 67 tni. E, Tingo Maria, 16 November 1934, E. I. Schlinger, E. S.Ross, holotype female, allotype male (CAS), Loreto, Pucalpa highway km 232-236, 380 m, 24-26 August 1946, F. Wbytkowski, S males (USNM). Loreto, Butfueron del Padre Abad, 470 m, F. W(,ytko\vski, 1 male (USNM). Description. Adult habitus. Head with pale brown over most of frons, M-line distinct, lappets brown. Median pTOnotal stripe yellow, lateral areas brown witVi scattered rugosities (Fig. 61). Wing membrane transparent, veins brown, R, Rs and cord darker Male. Porewing length 1(HI mm. Hammer conical, height greater than basal diameter (Pig. 62), Aedeagal apex long, slender and sinuate in lateral aspect. Hooks relatively straight, dorsal keel absent (Figs. 63-65). Female. Forewing length 11 mm. Subgenital plate four lobed, lateral lobes projecting beyond median lobes; median notch U-shaped, lateral notches shallow and poorly defined. Median scleriteof sternum 9 crilobed; median lobe covered with fme short setae, lateral setae longer. Transverse sclerite densely hirsute (Fig. 71). Nymph. Unknown, Comments. The type locality is given by mistake as 'Tingo Maria" (Jewett 1959). The holotype specirneij label identifies the locality as ""Ifbrac" and the collection date given by Jewett, 16 November 1954, matches thai for other "Yurac" specimens collected by Schlinger and Ross, Diagnosis. The aedeagus of this species is similar to that of A. flinti ha^ lacks membranous lobes basal to the hooks and has a more strongly sinuate lateral profile than that species, Anaeroneuria ßavifrons Jewett, 1939 Figs. 66^70, 72 Amiervneuriti Jlaxifimu Jewbtt, J 959: 108. Holotjpe femalE, YiJrai;, 67 rriiie^ eait of Tin go Maria, Peru Material. Peru: Huanuco, Yurac, 57 mi, E.Tmgo Maria, 16 November 1954, E. 1. Schlinger, E, S. Ross, holotype female, allotype male (CAS). Bill R Statk, Ignac Siv«: Aracwneuna of Pem and BplivLa (Plecopter^: PerUdac) 2S Figs. Anacfoneuhaflcivkvwmla. 61, Head üllt) pronotum 62. Male 9tll stemuin. 63. Aedeagus, ventral. 64. Acdeaguf, lateral. 65. Aedeagus, dorsal. 66 67 Figs. 6fi-70 Atiacim^urm /lavifrc/tis. 66 HcuJ üjicl pronotunn. (57. Male 9ch stemum, 68, Aedeagts. wntral. 6y.Aedcagii5, la[cnil, 70. AcJeaguf, dorsal, Biil p .Start;, Jgrac Siiw: Ariacivneitna o/Fem and Bolivia [Plecoplera: Fgrlidacj 27 Ii ■f.' J.' ,7- ■■v tic'-iL'; h-f-'f. I . IL I ' • 71 Figs. 7)-72. female tcrminälia 71. rf. fitn-ie(/nm(a. 72, .4, jTovj^iisju. Description. AduJ: habilüs. Dark brown extendi from ocelli to M-line a]i(l a smaJl V-shaped patch occurs forward of M-line; lappats brown, Median pronotal stripe yellow; lateral areas brown, rugosities and antcrolateraJ margins paJe CRg, 66). Wing membrane cranSparern, veins brown, coscai area pale. Male, Fore wing letjgtli 9 mm, Hammer thimble shaped, height greater than basal diameter (Fig. 67), Aedcagsl apex weakly trilobed, ventral aspect tovered with large membranous lobes; dorsal lieel narrow, hooks moderatelji stout (Figs. 6S-70). Female. Forewing length 11mm, Subgenital plate tour lobed; lateral lobes small and separated by deep notches; median notch shallow and broadly V-shaped, Median sclerite of Sternum 9 trilobed, median lobe narrow; sclerite uniformly setose but bare anterior to trans verse sclerite (Fig, 72), f4ymph. Unknown. Diagnosis. The large, circular, membranous aedeagal lobe and small lateral shoulder projections distinguish this species. Aitacroneitria fliiiii, spec. nov. Figs, 73-76 Types. Holotype male (pinned) from Peru, Madre de Dios, Manu, Rio Manu, Limonal, 10 km N Boca vianu, 200 m, 7 Scpternber 19SS, O. S. Flint, N. Adatns, deposited in the National Museum of Natural History. Description Adult habitus. Head mostly yeliow, lappets brown, Pronotum dark brown but with a narrow median yellow band. Femora mostly dark brown, but basa! third pale. Wing membrane transparent, ■veins dark brown. Male, Forewing length lÜ mm. Hammer thimble shaped (Fig. 76), Aedeagal hooks almost straight, apices somewhat corkscrew-like. Apical half of aedcagus slender, ape* slightly expanded, dorsal iispect with a tong low keel . Ventral membranous area with a pair of small knobs near bases of hooks (Figs. 73-75), Female, Unknown. Nympti, Unknown. Etymology, The patronym honors O. S. Rint for his numerous contributions to our knowledge of Neotropical aquatic insects. Diagnosis. See commenis frtr A.ßavicoiomia. Anacronvuria hattdUriichi, Klai-älEK, spec, prop. Figs, 77-82 Material, Bolivia: Cochabamba, Aha Palmas, 1100 m, October 1960, 33 males (MSU), Cochabamba, CarmSCO, Siberia, 1650 m, October 1963, 4 males (MSU). Peru; CuzCO, Hacienda Maria, near Cosnipata River, 900 m, 19 February-24 March 1952, F. Woytkuwski, 57 males (USNM), Cuzco, Liayehuyo, near Cosnipata River, 1400 m, 30 November 1951-28 January 1952. F Woytfcowski, 36 males (USNM), Cuzco, Paucartambo, Cosnipata Valley. 17 November 1951,1 male (CAS). Cuzco. Pilcopaca, 600 m, 8-14 December 1979, J. B. Heppner, 3 males. 3 females (USNM). Matlre de Dios, Manu. Rio Manu, Pakit7,a, 250 m, 9-21 September 1988, O. S, Rint. N. Adams, 1 male (USlNM), Madre de Dios, Manu, Erika, 550 m, 4-6 September 19BS, O. S. Flint, N. Adams, 5 males, 6 females (USNM). Madre de Dios, RioTambapata Res., 30 km SW pto. Maldonado, 290 m, 11-15 November 1979. J. E. Heppner, I male. 4 females (USNM). Bill p Stark, Ignac Sivec; Anaaofituhu of fem and Bolivia [Plecoptera; Perlidae) 29 74 mwmmm 76 Figs. 73-76. Anacromuriaßiiiti. 73. Aedeagus. \'«ntiial. 74, Acdeagus, düßaJ. 75. Aedtagus, Jaltral. 76 Malt 9tli sternum. Figs, 77-81. ^nsMLfUfiCüj'/n haitäUisehi. 77. Head and pronoruni, 78, Male 9th sternum, 79. Aedeaglts, ventral, So. AeJfagus, lateral. 81, Aedea^us, darsal, Bili P. Stark. Ignat Sivec: Aiigejivneiii ia of Peni and Bolivia (Plecoptera: PerlidagJ 31 V- V(.f.(' ...... fe 82 Fig. S2. Anäcroneut ia llandliiscfii Ttniale tCfininalia. Description Adult habilus. Hsiid yellow, lappets brown. First antennal segment light browE, basis and tips paler. Median pronotal smpe pale, dark laterally (Fig. 77). Wing membrane hyaline, veins bruwn. Male. Forewing length 13-14 mrn, Hammer thimble shaped, height greater than basal diameter (Fig, 73). AedeagLii slender, iipex narrowed to rounded, dorsally cuiretl tip; ventre apical aspcct sclerotized laterally and bearing a pair of small membranous knobs distal to hooks, Hooks slender but with irregular ridges; dorsum without keel (Figs. 79-Rl). Female. Forewing length 15-16 mm. Subgenital plate fourlobed, inner lobes notched on inner margins and longer than outer lobes. Transverse sclerite of sternum 9 long and slender; mesal sclerite T-sJiaped; stalk covered with minute setae, lateral lobes with longer setae (Fig. 82), Nymph. Unknown Comment.!. Z wick (1973) designated a Itctotype and placed this species as a synonym of A. alignsticollii (ENCERLF.trt. A)though the aedeagus is similar, Ihcse species are distinct. The aedeagal apex of angiisncoUis bas almost parallel sides to the tip, a distinct dorsal keel, digitate aedeagal hook apices, no membranous ventral lobes, and a long apex beyond the hooks. In A. hsvtdlirichi the aedeagal apex is convergent (o the tip, there is no dorsal keel, the aedeagal hooks arc not digitate, a p:tir of ventnoapical membranous knobs are present and the area beyond the hooks is relatively short. This species appears to be one of the more common stoneflies of southern Peru and northern Bolivia. Woytkowski's 1952 eollections from "Hacienda Mana" include 117 male specimens representing seven Aiiüctüiieiina specie.; but 57 specimens ire of/t. handlirscki. The specinsen from Paucartambo was previously identified as A. ohausieina in jEWF.rr (1959). AfiacroneuHa heppneri, spec, nov. Figs. 83-87 Types, Holotype male from Peru, Huanuco, Tingo Maria, 672 m, 1-6 February I9SÜ, J. B. Heppner, deposited in the Matinna] Museum of Natural History. Descrlprion Adult habitus. Head pale except for a dark triangular dccljar patch, lappets and a diffuse anterior band. Median pale pronotal band narrow (Fig. 83). Femora pale bas ally, brown in apical fourth; tibiae with broad basal and narrow apical brown bands. Wing membrane transparent, veins brown except for pale costal area, Male. Forewing length 10 mm. Hammer thimble shaped, height greater than ba.?al diameter {Fig. 84). Aedeagal apex simple, but with a pairof scleroti^ed ventrolateral projections on shoulders; ventral membranotts lobes absent. Dorsal aedeagal keel trangalar, hooks stout, scythe shaped (Figs. 85-87). Female, Unknown. Nymph. Unknown, Etymology. The patronym honors J. B, Heppner, collector of the holotype. Diagnosis. This species is simitar to A. amnata in habilus and general aedeagal morphology. The aedeagal apex of A. heppneri ts shorter and wider than in ätrimta, and that species lacks the sclerotized ventrolateral projections of the aedeagal shoulders. Anaeroiieuria inca, spec, no v. Figs. 88-92 Types. Holotype male from Peru, Madre de Dios, Manu, Erika, 550 m, 4-6 September 1953, O, S. Bint, N, Adams, deposited in the National Museum of Natural History, Paratype: Peru, Cuzco. Llayehuyo near Cosnipata River, 1400 m, 15 January 1952, F. WoytkOwski, I male (USNM). Bill P Stark, Ignac Sivtc: A/icictitneuna of Pcni mii Bolivia (Plecopiara: Perlidae) 33 Figs. SJ-S7, AncicmneuHa heppneri. 63. Head and prnnoium, S4, Mak 9tli stemum. 33. Aedcagus, ventral. 8ft. Aedeagus. Iftiera!. S7. Aedsagus, dorsal, 92 l'igs. Sa-91. Macmneiiria inca. SS. Head üncl pronoiunv 39. Mak 9th stcmura 90. Aedüajus, ventral, 91. Aedeagus, lateral. 92, A&deagus, tldr^sl Bi[[ R Stark. Ignac Sivfcc: AmlcfiJneui ia of Peni and Bolivia (Pjacoptej-a: Pcrtidae)____^ D^cription Aduli habitus. Head yellow with a quad ran gut ar broun spot over ocelli; brown [appcts more or less connected by a sinuate trans vefie brown ban J Pmmitum browii with a pale inasa] stripe (Fig. 88), Femura banded along dorsal and veittral margins with dark pigment; tibiae dark brown along outer margins. Wjng membrane pale, veins brown. Male, Forewing length 10 mm. Hammer ttiimble shaped [Fig. 89}. Aedeagal houks broad but sharply tapered (ü apex, ventral surface keeled and appearing somewhat twisted in lateral a.spce(. Aedeagal apesL long and slender, Weakly keeled on tlorsLim, and bearing a pair of mcmbianous ventral lobej. Biw of aedüagus much wider than apex (Figs, 90-92), Female. Unknown. Nymph, Unknown, Etymology, Hie sped es name honors ihe Inca people of Peru md is used as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. Sec comments for A. (itri>wla. Anacroueiiria irjdescens KxaCxleK, 1922 Pig. 53 Ancic/oneitnei indescEiij: KlapAlek, 1922: ^il, L^ctotype femeje, here designated, Chaco. Bolivia, Material, Bolivia; Chaco, leetotype female tNMP)-Description Adult habitus (modified fror^i Klapalek 1922). Body and legs yellow, but head and pronotal sides with dark bmwn areas. Wings hyaline with pale brown veins except the lirst three longitudinal veins whith are pale yellovi'. Male. Unknown. Female. Forewing length 16 mm. Subgenital plate broadly bilobed, notch small artd quadrate. Mesal scJerite of sternum 9 clothed with uniformly sized setae; transverse posterior sclerite well developed (Fig, 93), Nymph. Unknown. Coimnents. The terminalia of a cotype female was examined while on loan to P, Zwick. This specimen, now in the Natural History Muscuni, Prague, is designated as lecicrfype. The abdomen of the specimen ha5 been damaged but sterna S and 9 are intact. The species is similar to the female tentatively associated with A, oliaasiana (Enderlein) in Zw[c:>l (1973). Anacroneuria lupaca, spec, nw. Figs. 94-98 Types. Holotype male from Peru, PakitJ.a, Manu, Madre de Dies, 250 m. 9-14 September 1988, O. S. Flint, N, Adams, deposited in the National Museum of Natural History. Description Adult habitus. Head pale yellow with indistinct markings, Pronulum pale brown laterally, mesat yellow band narrow (Fig, 94). Wing membrane transparent, veins pale brown. Femora and tibiae pale yellow, Male, Forewing l?ng[h 9 mm. Hammer thimble shaped (Fig. 95). Aedeagal hooks long and almost straight to tip; apices hooked. Base of aedsügus swollen, apical 2/3 slender, but apex; flared, truncate, and bearing a small median lobe (Figs. 96-9K). Female, Unknown. Nymph. Unknown, Fig. 93. Anucroneana indejicens fenuile tenninalia. Bill p- Starlc, Ignac Sivec: Auacimeuiia of Peru and Bolivia (Plecchpters: PErtidae) 37 Firs, Amicivneuiia lupaca. 94. Head and pfornjlum. 9S. MaJt 5th sternum. 96. Acdcagus. i'entraJ. 97 Aedeagus, lateral Acdeagus, doKaJ. Etymotogy The species name ]ionors the Lupaca people of southcEislem Peru. Diagnosis, Aeduagal föaUireü place this spetiei in the A, ßavkomnata group, pertiaps near A. woytkmvskii. This species is easiJy distinguished by the small meso apical aedeaga] lobe and by ihe long straight hooks. AnacTomuria nwche, 5pec. nov. Figs. 99-i02 Types. Holotype male from Peru. San Martin, Hera, 15 km SE Myobamba, Rio Mayo, Rio Jera jet. 3 Jurte 1947, F, Woytkawski. deposited in the National Museum of Natural History, Paratypesr Peru: Huanuco, Tingo Maria, 19-24 April 1969, P, and P, Spangler, I male (USNM). Description Adult habitus, Head and pronotal pattern ubscured by specimen condition. Wtt^g membrane pale brciwn, veins brown. Meüc. Forewing length 9 mm. HiimmEr thimble shaped, height subequal to basal diameter (Fig 102), Aedeagal apex simple, slender, tip rounded; ventral membranous lobes oval; hooks Stotit, strongly curved inward and darkly selerotized; dorsal keel narrow (Figs, 99-101 female. Unknown, Nymph. Unknown. Etymology T5ie species name, used as a noun in apposition, honors the Moche people of Peru. Diagnosis. The aedeagus of this specics is similar to that of A. taiamanca (Stark 1998), a member of the A. creimiain Jewftt complex of Mexico and Central America. It diflers in having paired ventral membranous aedcagal lobes, iind in the abrupt constriction of Ihe aedeagal apex. The dark si:leroti7ation of the aedeagal hooks may also be distinctive. Anacroiieuria mnc/iico, spec, nov, Figs. 103-107 Types. Holotype malt and I paratype male from PertJ, Müdre de DioÄ, Matiu, Pakitza, 250 m. U-23 September 1988, O, S Flint, N. Adams, deposited in the National Museum of Natural History. Description Adult habitus, 1 lead entirely ydJow. Pronotum wi[h irregular n^idlateral dark bands and a broad median yellow band (Fig. 103), Femora and tibiae paJc. Wing membrane pale browtt wtdi apical transparent window at cord, veins pale. Male. Forewing lengtli 9 mm. Hammer thimble shaped, height greater than basal diameter (Fig, 104), Ventral aedeagal apex covered by a pair of large membranous lobes, shoulders wide and rounded. Dorsal aedeagal apex with a large triangular median process; anterior margin of process excavated; hooks slender (Figs. 105-107). Female. UnJtnown. Nymph, Unknown. Etymology. The spcxies name honors the pre-lncan Mochica people of Peru and is used as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis, The aedcagus of A, nwchicaii similar to that of A, boliviensis (Enderleen). Apparent differences include the notched apex and more anterior placement of the dorsal, triangular keel in /1. moMccL Bill J^ Stark, Ignot: Sivec: Aimrmiieurid nf feiu and Bolivia (Hctüptcrd: Perlitlae) 35 'fy '""i 100 Figs. Uli. Anacmnemia muche. 99. Aedeagus. ^ijniral. [00 Aed&agus, dorsal. IUI. Aedeagus, lateral. 102. Male 9th stetnura. 103 105 106 107 103-107. Anacnmeuria niüchica. 103. Heid and pronoluin, 104, Ma!t! yih SttmUHl, 105, AedeagUS. ventral. lOfi. Aedeagus, lateral. 107. Acdca^u:^. durSa], _Bill R Stark, Ignac Sivec: AnMwneitiin of Fern md Bolivia (PlecOpmra: Fterliijae]_^ Anacrnneuria montera, spec. nov. Figs. 108-113 'lypes, Holotype male (pinned) from Peru, Lüretu, Iquitos, 16 April 1944, F. J. Hermann, depositMl in tlie National Mustum of Natural Hi stun'. Paratypts: Peru: Loreto, Eiplorama Lodge, Amazon River, 80 km NE Iquitos, 24 June-20 July 1990, Menke, Awertschento. I female (USNM). Description Adult habitus. Occiput and posterior half of frons dark brown excep: fur pale callosities adjacent :o ocelli. Pronomm with a narrow pale median band (Pig. i 13). Basal half of femora yellow, apical half dark brown; tibiae dark brown, Wing brane brown, veins dark brown. Male. Fore wing length 10 mm. Hammer thimble shaped, height greater than basal diameter (Fig. 112). Aedeagal apex truncate and sbarply upturned; ventral membranous lobes small and spherical. Dorsal keel small, hooks slender {Figs. 108-110). Female Focewing length L3 mm. Suhgenital plate weakly four lobed; outer lobes scarcely developed, median lobes separated by a shallow notch. Musal sclerite of sternum ? rather uniformly hirsute; posterior sclerite slender (Fig. Ill}, Nymph. Unknown. Etymology, The species name, based On a type of Incan headgear, is used as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. Hie dark habitus of this sjjecies is distinctive among Peruvian Anactvnetiria but the aedeügus is similar to that of A. catichi. The aedeagus of/1. canchi lacks membranous ventral lobes and the two species are easily distinguished on the basis of color pattern. See additional comments for A. aymora. Anacroneuria nazCa, spec. nov. Figs. 114-117 1>pes, Holotype male from Peru, Junin. Tarma, Utcuyacu.Aqua Du Ice, 1600-2400 m, 2 March 1948, F. Woytkowski, deposited in the National Museum of Natural History Description Adult habitus. Head and pronotal pattern obscured by specimen condition. Wing membrane transparent, veins brown. Male. Forewing length 20 mm. Hammer thimble shaped, height greater than basal diameter (Fig. 117), Aedeagal apex simple, rounded, ventral membranous lobes absent. Hooks large with prominent apical keel; dorsal keel long, composed of two close set ridges (Figs. 114-116). Female. Unknown, Nymph. Unknown. Etymology, The species name, used as a noun in apposition, is based on the Nazca "lines". Diagnosis. This species is similar to A. chipm'a arxl A. pacaje in aedeagal features. See comments for these species for diagnostic characters. AnacToaeuriapacaje, spec. nov. Figs. 118-121 Types. Holotype male from Bolivia, Yungas Las Paz, Rio Mururrata to Suapi, 1400-1600 m. 2628 November 1984. L. E. Pena, deposited in the National Museum of Natural History. 109 Figs, lOB-113. Anacroneuria nwnitera lOS. Aedeagui, ventral, 109. Aedcagus. dorsal, I JO, Aecltagus, latenil. Ill Fenuilc terminalia, 112. Male 9ch strnium. H3. Head and proijonim. Bili F. Stark, Ignac Sivec: Anacraneuna of Peru auid Bolivia (Pieeoptiefa: ferlidae) 43 Figs. 1I4-U7, AiutanMuria rus^ca. 114, Aedeagus, wnli^l. 115. Aedwgus, lateral. lit. AedeagMS, dorsal. 117- Mole 9th sternum. Figs. 118-121, Anacrcmeiiriu pacaje. llfi, Aedeaguh, wntnil. Il^i. MnJe 9üi stemucn. 120. Aedeagus, lateral, 121. Aedeagys, dorsal. _Bil] P Stati;, Ignac Sivec: Amcrc/tieitria of Few m d Bolivia (Plecpptcra: Pcriidae)__^ Dest;riplion Adult habitus. Head and pronoEal palltm übscur&ct by specimen condition. Wtrig membrane transparent, veins brown, costal aiiea pale, Male. Fore wing kngth 14 mm. Hammer thimbk ihaped, height greater than basal diameter (Fig. 119). Aedeagal apex sinipk, rounded, but wider than neck area. Ventral membranous aedeagal lubes absent, hooks wide Jiubapically Dorsal aedeagal keel long and U-shaped (Figs. 118,120-1211 Female. Unknown. Nymph, Unknown, EtytJiology. The species name, used as ii noun in apposition, honors the Pacaje people of Bolivia. Diagnosis. The aedeagus of this species is similar to chat of A. chlpaya, but A. pacaje differs in having the aedeagal apex distinctly wider than the neck region. This is most conspicuous in dorsa! aspetl (Figs. 49, 121). In addition, tlie apex of A. pacaje is shorter in lateral aspect and the dorsal kcd is U-shaped rather lhan open at the ends as in A. chipma. Attacroncuria püchatuii, sptc. nov. Figs. 122-126 Types. Holotype male and 9 male paratopes from Peru, Cuzco. Paucartambo, pte. San Pedro, 1600 m, 2-3 September 19S8. O S, Flint, N. Adams, deposited in the National Museum of Natura] History. Additio]ial paralypesr Bolivia; Cochabamba, Alto Palmas, 1100 m. November I960,1 male (MSUJ. Yungas Las Paz. Rio Mururrata to Suapi, 1400-16[}0 m, 26-25 November 19S4, L. E. Pena, 41 males (ÜSNM), Peru: Cuzco, San Pedro, 1430 in, R. A, Faitoute et al., 1 male ( USNM), Cuzco, confluence Santa Isabel-Rio Cosnipata, 1700 m, 20 November 1951, F. Woytkowski, I male (USNM). Junin, Tarma. Utcuyacu. Aqua Dulcc. 16-2400 M, 2-3 February 1948, F Woytkowski, 1 male (USNM). Same location, 15 February 1948, F.Woytkowski, 1 male (USNM). Same location, 2 March ]94R,F. Woylkoi^ski, 1 male (USNM). Description Adult habitus. Head with a brown spot extending from ocelli lo M-line; lappets and area forward of M-line brown. Narrow median pronotal stripe pale, broad lateral stripes brown, hut with scattered pale rugosities; anterolateral margins pale (Pig. 122). Femora brown except at base; tibiae brown. Wing membrane and veins brown. Male, Fore wing length 11 mm. Hammer ruunded api tally, height subequal to diameter (Fig. 123). Aedeagal apex simple, scoop shaped, but offset from body by a neck-like constnction beyond hooks; tip rounded, dorsal keel iong and narrow, hooks slender (Fig.s. 124-126), Female. Unknown. Nymph. Unknown. Etymology. The species name honors Pachacuii, first emperor of the [nca people, and is u.sed as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis This species is somewhat similar to had (Stark I99,'5) in aedeagal features but the coscriction basal to ihe shoulders and the apical nipple are distinciive, Anacranearia pakiizd, .spec. nov. Figs. 127-132 Types, Holotype male and 1 male, 2 female paratypes from Peru, Mad re de Di os, Manu, PakitM, 14-23 September 19S8,0 S. Rini, N. Adams, deposited in the National Museum of Natural History. Additional paratypes: Peru: Madre de Dios, Manu, Pakitza Btol Sta., Quebnida Panji I-Pieodor, 2 July 1993, R.Blahnik, M, Peseador, 2 males (USNM). Madre de Dios, Manu, Piikit^a, 250 . ' ' Ifjf 122 123 ■ ■ ■ Figs. 122-12(1. Anacroiieuiia pficfiacari 122 Hcail and prunuijm. 123. Male 9th stemani. 124. Aedeagui. \-entTa5. 135, AetteagUS, laifirtJ. 126. Acdeagus, dorsül. Pill p. Statk. Ignai: Si\Tc: Amuranemiti of Peni and Bolivia (Pkmpiera: Perlidac} 47 127 .'■/■( '■./vi—,-; 129 ■.I (' 128 Figs, 127-131. Aiiarmneuria pcikis^fi. 127, Head and pronoiun. 128. Male 9tTi sEetnuin. 129. Aedcagui, vctiira]. 130. Aedeagi].133. Anäcivneiiiia rcmale lennirsJia, 132, A. (MJtifSfl. 13J. A. peiluddü. Düscripliori Adult habitus (modified from Ki.apAi.EK 1921), Body ochre yellow; pronotum Wilh two SCpia brown midlaieral stripes. Anrejinat sepia brown except bases yellow. Femora othne yellow exccpt for a narrow black distal band; libiac brown at the base and tip. MaJe. Fore wing length 8 mm Hammer thimble shaped, htighi subequEil to diameter (Fig. 136). Aedeagal apex short and wide, tip notched; dorsal a.^pecL with a prominent, b^üully directed process; hoots short and moderately stout (Figs. 134-136}. Female. Unknown, Nymph, Unknown. Comments. The recently collected Manu specimen is tencral, but the pronotal pattcni agrees with the KLAPÄLE& (1921} description. Tlie wings have a pale spot beyond the cord. Zwick's (1973) aedeagal figure.? for A. holiviensis (Endeele[n) indicate it is very similar and perhaps synonymous with this species. KlapAlek (1921} gives the type locality as "Marcapata, Chili", but other species in this paper, or in Klapälük (1922), are listed from "Marcapata, Peru". We are unoertaiii of the true locality but for the time being we list this species from Peru, p.nA t Xj "W 136 Figs, 1J4-137 AiiitcpoKeiinapeii>iisiikiiio\otypt. 134.Aedeagiis, wnn]. lateral. 136 Aedeagui, ilorsal, 137. Male 9lh stemym. ___F. Stark. Ignac Sivtc: Aiiiicrimeiiria of Pcm ard Bolivia (Plct;nptt;rj: Fterlitjae)__^ Anacronturia quechua, sjitc. nov. Figs, 138-142 Types, Holotjipc malt from Peru, Cmto. Pnucartambo, pte, San Pedro, ca, 50 km NW Pilcopata, 1600 in, 23 September 19RS, O. S. Flint, N. Adams, deposited in the National Mu.wum of Natural Hiütory. Paratypes; Peru, Huanuco, Divisoria, 1700 m, IS September ]946, F Woytkowsti, 1 maJe{USNM). Description Adult habitus. Head with difiusE brown spots forward of ütielli, iit base of lappeis and on anLerior margin. Pronotum with irregular diffuse brown lateral bands and a median pale hand (Fig, 138). Femora mosdy pale, with dorsoapical dark streal: and apical hlacl; band; tibiae mosdy pale but dark along outer margin. Wing membrane transparent, R and S C veins dark brown, C pale. Male. Forewing length mm. Hammer conicaJ (.Fig. 139). Aedeagal apes simple, rounded, without vtniraJ inembr^nou.'; lobes. Hooks .elender, dorsal keel Y-shüpcd (Figs. I40-I42>. Female, Unknown. Nymph, Unknown. Etymology The species name, used as a noun in apposition, honors the Quechua people of Peru. Diagnosis. The aedcagus of this species is similar to that of A. brKuneUala but has a more ixiunded and narrowed apex and a Y-ihapcd dotsal keel. Attocroneuria uru, .spec. nov. Pigs. 143-147. Types, Hoi0type male and 2 triale paratyphi fnom Petu, Cuzco, Hacienda Maria near Cosiiipata River, 900 m, 11 March 1952, F. Woytkowski, deposited in the National Museum of Natural History. Additional paratypes; Bolivia; Incachaca, 2500 m. J. Steii^back, 1 male (CMNH), Peru; Cuzeo, Hacienda Maria near Cosnipata River, 900 m, IS-19 March 1952, F Woyikowski, 3 males (USNM), Cuzco, Llayehtiyo near Cosnipata River, 1400 m, 4 Janiiaiy 1952, F. Woytkowski, 2 nnales (USNM). Same Iot;ation. 16 December 1951, F.Woytkowski, 1 male (USNM). Cuzco. Paueartarabo, pte. San Pedro ca, 50 km NW Pilcopata. 1430 m, 30-31 August 1989, N. Adams et iil.J male (.USNM). Description ,Adult habitus. Head mostly pale but with diffuse brown areas accenting M-line and on lappets. Pronotum with midlateral brown bands (Fig, i43j. Wing membrane transparent, veins brown. Male. Fore wing length 21 mm. Hammer a short thimble, low membranous mound, or low mound with small knobs (Fig 144). Aedeagal apen simple, mesal projection short; ventral membranous lobes absent, dorsal keel absent, hooks slender (Figs. 145-147). Female. Unknown. Nymph. Unknown. Etymology. The species name, used as a noun in apposition, honors the Utu people of the Peruvian-Bolivian border region. Diagnosis. This species is similar to A. cboneTa and A. muesca (Stark 1995) but differs in apical aedeagal features. In ventral aspect, A. wu lacks the low subapical mounds found in .4 chonera and also lacks the notched apex found in A. muesca. Anacreneuriü vilc' '1 ■■■ 15 I',' T -Vv' - -3 ' !' V ■ -■J 143 / ž'., f'. 144 FSgs. 14J-147, Anacroneuria tint. 143. Head and pronotum 144 Malt 91 h sternum. 141 Atdeagus, vi^iitral. 14«. Aedeagus, lateral 147. Acdeagiis. dorsal. 151 Figs. W8-i;i Anaci^euna miciüminiKi. 14S. Acdsagui. venlnJ. 149. Aedeagus, doiial. 150 AeJ^eagua, lateral. IJl. Male 9th sternum Füll P- Srartc, [gnac Sivec: Amavnema of Peru and Bolivia (Plecopieia: Purlidae) 55 Description Adull habitus. Color pattern obscured by spec linen condition. Wing membrane transparent, veins brown. Malt. Forewmg length 17 mm. Hamm er thimble shaped; height greaLer than basai diameter (Fig, 151). Aedeagai apex long, distal third with parallel inargins, tip roumled; ventral aspect with a pair of large membniiiou^ lobes: dorsal aspect with a long, low, wide kcci; hooks slender (Figs. 148-150), Female. Unknown. Nymph, Unknown. Etymology, The species name, based un the Cordillera Vilcabamba, is used as a noun in apposition. Diagnosis. The long U-shaped dorsal aedeagal keel readily distinguishei this species. Aiiatroneuriu vittipe/ims KlaI-ÄLEK, 1922 Figs. 152-155. Arnicromurta vitripetinis KlapAlbk, 90. Holotype inale, Vilcanuto, Peru Material, Pcm; Vilcanoto, hoiotype male (NMP). Description Adult habitus (modified from KlapAlek 1923), Body bright uchrc yet low. Head with a dark spot extending from between ocelli to the M-line, and another extending from the M-line tn near the mierior margin; lappels dark brown. Basal half of antennae dark brown, tips yellow. Median pronotal stripe yd low. lateral areas brown, Wingi transparent, veins dark brown, Se paler, Male, Forewing length 12 mm. Hammer conical, height subequal to basal diameter (Fig- 155). Aedeagal apex truncate in ventral aspeet. bearing a small triangular dorsumesal process. Hooks stout, slightly curved, tips acute (Figs, 152-154), Female. Unknown. Nymph, Unknown. Comments. Ki.ap^^lf.k (1932) identified the hülotype specimen as a female, however the specimen bearing the type label in the NMP is the male described above. The short aetleagal apex and basally projeeilng dorsal keel arc distinetive. 155 154 Figs. 1S2-155. Aniirmmiiria vitripi?nnn htjlotypo. 152, Aedeagus, veiitral. 15!^. AedeqgUi. latcrul, 154. Aedeagus, dorsal. 155, Male 9th Memum. Anacroneuria wincha, spec, do v. Figs. 156-160 Types, Holoiype male from Peru, Cuzto, Paucartambo, pte, San Pedro, ca. 50 km NW PMcopala, 1600 m, 2-3 September 1988,0, S. Flint, N.Adams, deposiited in the National Museum of Natural History, Parat^-pes: Peru: Cuzto, confluence Santa Isabel stream and Rio Cosnipata, 1700 ra, 26 Octobcr 1951, F. Wojtkowski. 1 male (USMM). Same location, 12 October 195i, F. WoytJtowski. 1 mak (USNM). Same location, 14 October 1951, F. Woytkowski, ! male (USMVl). Cuzco, Llayehayo. near Rio Cosnipata, 1400 m, 21 January 1952, F Woytkow5):i, 1 malt (USNM). Description Adult habitLis, Head pattem mostly brown with a darker oceJlar patch and lappets, callosities, lateral to ocelli, and M-Iine pale. PrOnotal margins dark brown, mesal field pale (Fig. 156). Femora and tibiae dark brown. Wing membrane brown, veins dark brown. Male. Forewing length 10 mm. Hammer thimble shaped, height greater than basal diameter (Fig, 157). Aedeagal apex simple, scoop shaped with shoulders swollen Ventral membranous lobes absent, dorsal keel long and wcJl developed, hooks slender (Figs. I5S-1Ö0). Female, Unknown, Nymph. Unknown, Etymology. The species name, from the Inca word for headband, refers to the dorsal pigment paiturn, and is used as a noun In apposition. Diagnosis. See comments for .4. chüvin. Anacroiieuria woytkowskü, spec, nnv. Figs, 161-1G4. Types. Holotype mde from Peru, Cuico, Hacienda Maria near Co sni pata River, 900 m, 27 February 1952, F Woytkowski, deposited in the National Museum of Natural Mistory. Description Adult habitus. Head dark brown, pronotum brown except for a narrow mesai pale band Wings brown, veins dart brown. Femora and tibiae brown. Male. Forewinj; length 8.5 mm. Hammer dome shaped (Fig, 164). Aedeagal hooks stout, scythe shaped. Apex deeply notched in ventral aspect, but with a small tmncate dorsal lab (Figs. 161-163), Female. Unknown. Nymph. Unknown, Etymology. The patronym honors the memory of Felix Woytkowski, coläectornf this and many other imeresting Peruvian insects. Diagnosis. See comments Ibr;^. tupaca. Anacroiieuria x-nigrum Ki APÄrnK, 1921 Flg.';. 165-168 Aimcmiieuria x-m^riim KlaP;^ek, 1921: 61. Lectotype male, heie designated. Marcapata, Peru Material, Peru: Marcapata, Icctutype male and 1 paralcciotype male (NMP), Description Adult habitus (modified from KlapAlek 1921), Body ochre yellow, head mostly dark brown, antennas dark brown. Pronotum wth a narrow median pale stripe and broad lateral dark bands. Wings dark brown but with an apical transparent Window, veins dark brown, Sc and R darker. Bill fi Stark, Igtiaa Sivec: ^»acrojie;» ia of Pem ard Bolivia (Pleeopiera: Perlidac) }7 giV»-.: \ 'vv^V'-L^'^.ii^ I .-V-i 156 I > ■ ■ ■ ( Fip. Anacifjniaria wincAa. 156. Head and pfonotum. 157. MaJc 9(h sterrmm, 15S. AedeajUi. ventral. 159, Aedeagus, latemL 160 AeJeagus, dorsa!, 162 Figs. 161-164. Aftacrcmeuria woylkowskii. I6l. Aedea^us, wntral, 162. Aedcagus. dosaJ. 163, Aedsügui, latciBl. 164. Male 9th Slernum. Sm Stark. Igiac Sivec: Aiiticn/iieurin cf Peru and Bolivia (Plecoptera: Perlidae) 59 Mate, Forewing length 9 mm, Hammer rounded, height subequal to diameter (Fig. 16S). Aedeagal apex tri I obed, median lobe narrowed to the tip and sharply keeied on dorsum; ventral aspect widiom membranous lobes; hooks dender (Fi^s. 165-167). Femaie. Unknown, Nymph. Unknown. Coimncnts. Tlie getiitalia of the male syntypes were studied while on loan to P. Zwick. Tbcse specimens, placed in microvialj, were labelled "90" and "91"; specimen "91" is selected as lectoiype. Female specimens listed by KlAi-AUK (1921) are apparently lost. Teneral Female Specimens were described by Klapalek (1921) as having an X-shaped interoccllar pigment spot. This pigment pattern formed the baiis for the Speties name. The trilubed aedeagal apex and Y-shaped dorsal keel are distinctive. 165 167 Fig^, 165-168,/Ifinrjmifuna A-nigruflilectotype. 165. Acdcagus, ^'tfntral. 166. Aedeagus. laleml. 167. Aedeagus, donal, ItiS, Male 9th sternum. Ariacroneuria yarneo, spec. nov. Figs. 169-173 Types. Holotype male from Peru, Loreio. Callicebus Research Station, Miihana. Rio Nanay, 25 km SW Jquitos. 120 ra, 1Ü-17 January 1980, J. B. Reppner, d£poshed in the National Museum of Natural Hiitory. Paratypes: Balivia: Ptov, del Sara, 450 m, November 1909, J, Steijiback. 1 maJe (CMNH), Description Adult habitus, Head yellow with difluse brown covering median third from ocelli to anterior margin; lappets pale brown, Pronotum yellow with irregular dark spots at comers (Fig. 169). Femora with dor&oapfcal brown patch; tibia brown at "knee" and "ankle". Wing transparent, veins pale except M and cord, Male. Forewing length 10 mm. Hammer laterally compresscd at tip; height greater than basal diameter (Fig, 170). Acdeagal shoulders projecting giving apex a tri I o bed appearance; apei rounded, ventral aspect with paired membranous lobes. Dorsal aspect with low median keel; projecting basal angles of keel form an incomplete transverse keel; hooks slender (Figs, 171-173), Female. Unknown, Nymph. Unknov-n. Etymology. The species name honors the Yameo people of Peru and is used as a noun in apposition. Com m ents. This spec i es is part of a CO mp I ex th at i ncl Li des , pinza Stark fro m Vc tiezue I a and A, palctza from southeastern Peru. The aedeagus of A. yameo is larger but has a shorter ape* than A. pakiizci and the two species differ subtly in color pattern and hammer shape. Aiiacroneuria zwkki, spM. nnv. Figs. 174-177 Types Holotype male and 1 male paratype from Peru, Cuzco, Hacienda Maria near Cosnipata River, 900 m, 26 February 1952, F, "Woytkowski, deposited in the National Museum of Natural History, Additional paratypes; Bolivia: Cochabamba, Alto Palmas, 1100 m, November I960,1 male (MSU). Pcni; Cuzco, Hacienda Maria, near Cosnipata River, 900 m, 19 February-25 March 1952. F, Woytkowski, 45 males (USNM). Cuzco, confluence Santa Isabel ,stream and Cosnipata River 1700 m, 28 November 1951, F Woytkowski, I male (USNM). Huanuco, Tingo Maria, 1-15 December 1954, E. I. Schlmger, E. S. Ross, ! male (CASJ. Description Adult habims. Head and pronotal pattern obscured by specimen condition. Wing membrane pale brown, vcitij brown. R dark brown. Mate. Fore win g length 11-13 mm. Hammer cylindrical, height stibequal to basal diameter (Fig, 177). Aedeagal tip broad with laterally projecting, ear-like lobes; mesal lobe less sclerotized; dorsal keel small with basal supports; ventral membranous lobes absent, hooks slender (Figs. 174-176). Female, Unknown, Nymph. Unknown. Etymology. The patronym honors Peter Zwick for his important contributions to Anacjoneuria systematics. Comments. Figures B and 9 in ZwtcK (1973), questionably attributed to A. x-tiigt wn KlapAlf.k, appear to represent this species; the paratypes listed above from Tingo Maria were identifed as A. schinidii in Jewett (1959). The broad aedeagal apen with projecting lateral lobes distinguish this species. Bill P Stark. Ignac Sivcc: Amnmeuria of Peru ajid Ijolivia [Plecoptera: PerlidaeJ 61 169 I- ^ v:' ■ , Figs, 169-173. Artacmiieaiiayümea. \69. HtoJ arttl prOftütuin. 170. Male Ähstsmuni- 171. Acdea^us, venlral, 173, Ae^esi^vs, laicral. 173. Acdeagui, denial. Figs- 174-177. Anaavneuria iwicki. J 74. Acdeagus, vEijiral. 175. Aedeaglis. dont^]. 116. Aedeagjs, jateraJ. 177, Made Wi sternum. t! ill P. Stark. Ignac Sivec: Anacrmmtiria of Peru and Boli vin (Plecoptera; Pörlidaef 63 Aitacroneuria PE-J Figs. 178-179 Material, Peru; Kuanuco, 43 mi ETiiiao Maria, IS November 1954, E. 1 Schlinger, E, S. Roüs, 1 female (CAS). Description AduJl habitus. Occiput and posterior half of frons dark bruwn except for pale callosities adjacent to ocelli. Pronotum with a nanow pale median band (Fig. ITS). Wing membrane and -veins brown except for a pale costal area and apical window at cord Male. Unknown. Female. Fore wing length 10 mm, Subgenital plate fourlobed; lateral lobes slightly smaller than median lobes: lateral nutchcs reduced to slits, median notch U-shaped. Median sckrite of uternum 9 1 ril obed, me s al lobe covcred with five short setae, lateral lobes with more prominent setae. Transverse sclerite ver^ narrow along posterior margin (Fig. \79)- Nymph. Unknown. Comments. This female was listed as A, pehlkei (ENDEtiLtlN) by JeWETT (1959) büt the subgenilal plate of the holotype is clearly dilTerenl (ZwicK 1973). TJie head and pronotal pattern are similar to A.iiionTem, but that species lacks an apical window in the wings and the lateral lobes of the subgenital plate are offset from the median lobes by a wide notch. 178 m. ■Vi" itA i I a' r. X^v. -; 179 Kij?s. 178-179. Anticmiieanti sp. PE-I. I7S, Head suid pronotum 179, Female temiiiifilia. Acknowledgments We are gralefuJ Eo O. S. Flint and N. Adaras of the United States National Museum of Natural Hisiory Jbr I he loan Of mast of the material used in this Study. We a3so ibank the respective curators of the Carnegie Museum of Natural History and the California Academy of Sciences for arranging loans of materia], P. Zwick provided translations for some of his own redescriptions of type materia] and kindly pennitted us to study Klapälek type specimens loaned to hitn by the Natural History Musetim, Prague. References Emukrlein, G. 1909, Klaisification der Pkcopteren sowie Diagnosen neuer Gattungen und Arten.-Zool. Anz. 34; 3S5-419. j£W£TT, S. G. 1953. Seven species of Anctcroneuria from Peru (PJecoptcra).- Wasmann J. Btol. 17: 105-114. KlapAlek.F. 1921. Plccoptcrei nouveaux.-Ann, Soc. Ent. Belg. 61: 57-67, 146-150, 320-327. KLAPAr.EK.F. 1922. PIccopteres nou-veaux.- Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. 62: 89-95, NavAs, R. P. L. 1915. Neue Neuropteren.- Ent. Miti. 4; 150-151. Navas, R. P, L- 1927, Veinticinco forma nucvas dt insectos - Bol. Soc, Iber. Cien, Nat. 64-69. Stark, B P. 1995. New speci« and rccords of Anacmneuria (Kliipälck) from Venezuela (Insecta, Pletoptm, Perlidae).- Spixiana IH 211-249. Stakk, E, R 1998. The Anacroiiewia of Cos I a Rica and Panama (Insecta: Plecoptera: Perlidae).- Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. (In press), ZwJCfc, P. 1973, Die Plecopterer-arten Enderl eins (Insecta); Revision der Tvpen.-Ann. Zool 30: 471-507, p. K E^'. -,-i'. I ^ .'F. ■ N i r •r. -