106 hard to confuse with other ducks species. As the first record for Kopa~ki rit Nature Park, the duck was photographed by Mr Mario Romuli} (see photo). We observed the same individual at this site on six occasions during October (14 Oct, 19 Oct, 21 Oct, 24 Oct, 25 Oct & 26 Oct), two in November (11 Nov and 19 Nov), three during December 2005 (3 Dec, 16 Dec and 22 Dec), and finally on 9 Jan 2006. On several other occasions the bird was not present, and we do not know its whereabouts. Based on its behaviour, we are quite certain that the bird had escaped from captivity, considering that we can observe American Wood Ducks in the Osijek ZOO and know that several private owners keep them in captivity. Tomik Adrian, Department of Biology, University of Osijek, Lj. Gaja 6, HR−31000 Osijek, Croatia, e−mail: adrian.tomik1@os.htnet.hr József Mikuska, Department of Biology, University of Osijek, Lj. Gaja 6, HR−31000 Osijek, Croatia, e−mail: amikuska@ffos.hr Alma Mikuska, Department of Biology, University of Osijek, Lj. Gaja 6, HR−31000 Osijek, Croatia, e−mail: amikuska@ffos.hr Tibor Mikuska, Kopa~ki rit Nature Park Management Office, Ul. Petefi [andora 33, HR−31327 Bilje, Croatia, e−mail: tmikuska@kopacki-rit.com Mario Romuli}, Orlov put 1, HR−31327 Bilje, Croatia, e−mail: info@romulic.com Eider Somateria mollissima Gaga – 3 osebki opazovani 3.1.2006 v zalivu Gru` (UTM BN62, J Dalmacija, Hrva{ka); naslednji dan sta bila opazovana 2 osebka, ki sta se tam zadr`evala {e do 15.1.2006 I was in Dubrovnik from 2 to 15 Jan 2006. On the second day of my stay I walked around Gru` Bay, where the city harbour is located. While walking around I noticed, in the very centre of the bay, three Eiders − one male and two females. I continued to observe the two females until 15 Jan 2006, but could not spot the male any more. Throughout the entire period, the birds continued to spend most of the time inside the bay, so it was easy to find them again each day. They were feeding along the boats and buoys overgrown by seaweed, and I saw them close to the coast mostly early in the morning when there were fewer people on the shore. In the area of Croatian coast, Eiders are rare and irregularly occurring birds �Rucner, D. (1998): Ptice hrvatske obale Jadrana. – Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Ministarstvo razvitka i obnove, Zagreb�. Dubravko Dender, Od [kara 4, HR−20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia, e−mail: dubravko_dender@yahoo.com Ju`na postovka Falco naumanni Lesser Kestrel − several interesting birds seen on 30 Apr 2005 near Knin (UTM WJ97) in the marshes below the road: Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus, Osprey Pandion haliaetus, Purple Heron Ardea purpurea and Cetti’s Warbler Cettia cetti. On the rockwall above the road, the Raven’s Corvus corax nest and a singing male Blue Rock Thrush Monticola solitarius were also observed and, eventually, a Hobby Falco subbuteo with lowered right leg, Red-footed Falcon Falco vespertinus, Lesser Kestrel Falco naumanni and Kestrel Falco tinnunculus. Dne 30.4.2005 smo se peljali po cesti nad vla`nimi travniki in jezerci pri Kninu. Kmalu smo opazili nad jezerci lete~ega rjavega lunja Circus aeruginosus in v daljavi sede~ega ribjega orla Pandion haliaetus. Ko smo pri{li bli`e prvemu jezercu, smo iz obre`nega rastja spla{ili rjavo ~apljo Ardea purpurea in malega ponirka Tachybaptus ruficollis. Iz grmovja smo lahko sli{ali petje svilnice Cettia cetti, v skalni steni nad cesto pa smo opazili gnezdo krokarja Corvus corax. Nedale~ pro~ od tega gnezda smo opazili {e pojo~ega samca pu{~avca Monticola solitarius. Za zabavo je poskrbel {krjan~ar Falco subbuteo, ki je ves ~as opazovanja imel spu{~eno desno nogo, verjetno zaradi kak{ne po{kodbe. Pridru`ila se mu je {e samica rde~enoge postovke Falco vespertinus. Po nekajminutnem zati{ju je pri{lo najve~je presene~enje; opazili smo samca ju`ne postovke, ki je letel zelo nizko nad nami. Potrdilo o pravilni dolo~itvi smo dobili kasneje, ko se je na enakem mestu prikazala samica postovke Falco tinnunculus, ki je bila znatno ve~ja in nasploh druga~na. Zanimivo je, da je to `e drugi podatek o ju`ni postovki s konca aprila za Dalmacijo v dveh letih �Bordjan, D. (2004): Ju`na postovka Falco naumanni. Acrocephalus 25 (123): 223−238�. Dejan Bordjan, Ulica 8. februarja 50, SI−2204 Miklav`, Slovenija, e−mail: dejanonih@email.si Mala tukalica Porzana parva Little Crake – one individual seen on 7 Apr 2006 at Velo blato on Pag Island (UTM WK00, Dalmatia, W Croatia) Dne 7.4.2006 sem bil skupaj z Dejanom Groharjem na Velem blatu na otoku Pagu. Opazovala in slikala sva za ta ~as zanimive vrste ptic: `li~arke Platalea leucorodia (9 os.), ~opasto ~apljo Ardeola ralloides (1 os.) in ~rnorepe kljuna~e Limosa limosa (12 os.). Nenadoma se je pred {opom trave za hip prikazala manj{a temna kepica in smuknila nazaj v {op. Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook 107 Acrocephalus 27 (128-129): 99−113, 2006 Pomislil sem na kak{nega malega glodalca in velel Dejanu, ki je stal v bli`ini {opa, naj bo pri miru. ̂ ez nekaj ~asa je temna kepica vnovi~ pokukala iz {opa in ugotovil sem, da gre za eno izmed manj{ih tukalic. Seveda sem imel pripravljeno digiskopijo in uspelo mi je narediti enajst posnetkov te ptice. Kljun je bil zelene barve, baza pa rde~a, kar je bil zanesljivo znamenje, da gre za malo tukalico. Pritlikava tukalica Porzana pusilla, ki je izredno redka in mali podobna, ima v spomladanskem ~asu kljun zelene barve in brez rde~e baze (glej sliko). Dare [ere, Langusova 10, SI−1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e−mail: dsere@pms-lj.si Knot Calidris canutus Veliki prodnik – en osebek opa`en 3.9.2005 v obmo~ju Stonskih solin (UTM BN62, J Dalmacija, Hrva{ka) med hranjenjem v dru`bi dveh srpokljunih prodnikov Calidris ferruginea During my visit to the Ston saltpans (UTM BN62, S Dalmacija, Croatia) on 3 Sep 2005, a specimen of Knot was noticed. The bird was feeding on the wet, muddy surface together with two Curlew Sandpipers Calidris ferruginea. This is a rare visitor to the coastal region of Croatia during the autumn �Rucner, D. (1998): Ptice hrvatske obale Jadrana. – Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Ministarstvo razvitka i obnove, Zagreb�. During that day, the following birds were noticed in addition to the mentioned species whilst feeding: three Greenshanks Tringa nebularia, three Ringed Plovers Charadrius hiaticula, one Little Ringed Plover Charadrius dubius, one Little Stint Calidris minuta, two Little Egrets Egretta garzetta, six Grey Herons Ardea cinerea and one Pygmy Cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus. Dubravko Dender, Od [kara 4, HR−20000 Dubrovnik, Croatia, e−mail: dubravko_dender@yahoo.com Zlatovranka Coracias garrulus Roller − an adult spotted on 1 Aug 2005 sitting on a Tamarix Tamarix sp. bush in the southern part of Kolansko blato on the island of Pag (UTM VK92, Dalmatia, W Croatia). Dne 1.8.2005 sva med vo`njo po ju`nem delu Kolanskega blata na otoku Pagu opazila odrasel osebek zlatovranke. Posedala je na vrhu tamariske Tamarix sp. Ve~krat se je spreletela, nato pa odletela proti skrajnemu jugu Kolanskega blata. Kljub primernemu datumu se ni vedla teritorialno. Zlatovranka je redka selivka obalnega obmo~ja, ki na otoku Pagu {e ni bila opa`ena. Prav tako gre za zgoden jesenski podatek �Rucner, D. (1998): Ptice hrvatske obale Jadrana. − Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Ministrstvo razvitka i obnove, Zagreb.� Dejan Bordjan, Ulica 8. februarja 50, SI−2204 Miklav`, Slovenija, e−mail: dejanonih@email.si Ana Vidmar, Polan{kova 8, SI−1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e−mail: ana_vidmar@email.si Roller Coracias garrulus Zlatovranka – dne 15.6.2006 je bil opa`en en osebek v bli`ini vasi Hreljin (UTM VL61, blizu Kraljevice, Z Hrva{ka) na hrva{ki obali; na tem obmo~ju je bila zlatovranka zadnji~ opa`ena pred 45 leti One of the authors, Boris Ende, recorded the Roller on 15 Jun 2006 in the area not far from the village of Hreljin some 5 km northeast of Kraljevica in the Croatian Littoral (UTM VL61). The bird was sitting on electric wires above the railway, from where it occasionally alighted on the ground and low surrounding vegetation to catch grasshoppers. The observation took about two hours, from 11.30 to 13.30 h. During that time, the bird was foraging for food, but did not move away, which indicates that it did not feed the young. Several visits to the same area were paid in the coming days aiming at taking photographs of the bird, but the bird could not be found any longer. Rucner (1998) reported on the flock of Rollers dwelling in Soline Bay on the island of Krk in August 1950 �Rucner, D. (1998): Birds of the Croatian coast of Adriatic. Croatian Natural History Museum, Zagreb�. The specimen from this flock was shot for the Scientific collection of bird skins of the Institute of Ornithology where it is kept today, and the flock is most likely the same as the one described in more detail including the closest location and date: Klimno (the island of Krk, UTM VL70), 29 Aug 1950. Catalogue form of the bird species from the mentioned collection was published in Ornithology in Croatia �Su{i}, G., Radovi}, D. & Bartovsky, B. (1988): Scientific collection of bird skins of the Institute of Ornithology of the Yugoslavian Academy