Informática 34 (2010) 337-339 337 Using Genetic Algorithms and Dominance Concepts for Generating Reduced Test Data Ahmed S. Ghiduk Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Beni-Suef University, Egypt E-mail: Moheb R. Girgis Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Minia University, Egypt E-mail: Keywords: genetic algorithms, software testing, automatic test-data generation, dominance. january Received: March 6, 2008 Testing takes a considerable amount of the time and resources that are spent on producing software. Testing accounts for approximately 50% of the cost of the development of a software system. Therefore, techniques to reduce the cost of testing would be useful. This paper presents an automatic test-data generation technique that uses a genetic algorithm (GA). This technique applies the concepts of dominance relations between nodes to reduce the cost of software testing. These concepts are used to define a new fitness function to evaluate the generated test data. Finally, the paper presents the results of the experiments that have been conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed GA technique compared to the random testing (RT) technique. These experiments are used to evaluate the effectiveness of the new fitness function and the technique used to reduce the cost of software testing. Povzetek: Predstavljen je genstski algoritem za zmanjšanje števila testnih podatkov. 1 Introduction Software testing is the main technique used to improve the quality and increase the reliability of software. Software testing is a complex, labor-intensive, and time consuming task that accounts for approximately 50% of the cost of a software system development [1]. Increasing the degree of automation and the efficiency of software testing can reduce the cost of software design, decrease the time required for software development, and increase the quality of software. One critical task in the automation of software testing is the automation of the generation of test data to satisfy a given adequacy criterion. Test-data generation is the process of identifying a set of program input data that satisfies a given testing criterion. Test-data generation has two main aspects: test generation technique and application of a test-data adequacy criterion. A test generation technique is an algorithm that generates test data, whereas an adequacy criterion is a predicate that determines whether the testing process is finished. There has been much previous work in automatically generating test data. Perhaps the most commonly encountered are random test-data generation, symbolic test-data generation, dynamic test-data generation, and recently, test-data generation based on GA. Random test-data generation consists of generating inputs at random until useful inputs are found (e.g., [2, 3, 4]). The problem with this approach is clear with complex programs or complex adequacy criteria, an adequate test input may have to satisfy very specific requirements. In such cases, the number of adequate inputs may be quite small compared to the total of inputs, so the probability of selecting an adequate input by chance may be low. Symbolic test-data generation consists of assigning symbolic values to variables to create an abstract, mathematical characterization of the program's functionality. With this approach, test-data generation can be reduced to a problem of solving an algebraic expression. Many test-data generation methods that use symbolic execution to find inputs that satisfy a test requirement have been proposed (e.g., [5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]). A number of problems are encountered in practice when symbolic execution is used. One of such problems arises in indefinite loops, where the number of iterations depends on a non-constant expression, and the index of array, where data is referenced indirectly. Pointer references also present a problem because of the potential for aliasing. Dynamic test-data generation is based on the idea that if some desired test requirement is not satisfied, data collected during execution can be used to determine which tests come closest to satisfying the requirement [11] and [12]. With the help of this feedback, test inputs are incrementally modified until one of them satisfies the requirement. Two limitations are commonly found in dynamic test-data generation systems. First many systems make it difficult to generate tests for large programs because they work only on simplified 378 Informatica 34 (2010) 377-385 A.S. Ghiduk et al. programming languages. Second, many systems use gradient descent techniques to perform function minimization and, therefore, they can stall when they encounter local minima. Several search based test-data generation techniques have been developed (e.g., [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]). These techniques had focused on finding test data to satisfy a number of control-flow and data-flow testing criteria. Genetic algorithms have been the most widely employed search-based optimization technique in software testing [21]. The new features of GAs make them capable of finding the nearly global optimum solution. Test-data generation methods based on genetic algorithms have many problems due to the use of fitness functions that depend on control dependences or branch-distance in its calculations. The fitness function that takes control dependencies into account faces a problem to find an input to traverse a target node within loops. A further problem is the assignment of approximation levels for some classes of program with unstructured control flow. A branch-distance-related problem can occur with nested branch predicates. Once input data is found for one or more of the predicates, the chances of finding input data that also fits subsequent predicates decreases, because a solution for subsequent conditions must be found without violating any of the earlier conditions [22, 23, 24]). To solve the problem of reducing the cost of software testing, we have developed a new GA-based technique with a new fitness function that reduces the test requirements and overcomes the problems of the previous GA-based test-data generation methods. This paper presents an automatic test-data generation technique that uses a GA for white-box testing. This technique applies the concepts of dominance relations between nodes to reduce the cost of software testing. These concepts are used to define a new fitness function to evaluate the generated test data. The paper is organized as follows: Section 2 gives some important definitions. Section 3 describes the proposed technique, which is used to reduce the cost of software testing. Section 4 describes the proposed GA technique for automatic test-data generation, and the results of applying this algorithm to an example program. Section 5 presents the results of the experiments that are conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed GA compared to the random testing technique, to evaluate the effectiveness of the new fitness function and the technique used to reduce the cost of software testing. Section 6 presents the conclusions and future work. 2 Background We introduce here some basic concepts that will be used through this work. 2.1 The principles of genetic algorithms The basic concepts of GAs were developed by Holland [25]. GAs are commonly applied to a variety of problems involving search and optimization. GAs search methods are rooted in the mechanisms of evolution and natural genetics. GAs draw inspiration from the natural search and selection processes leading to the survival of the fittest individuals. GAs generate a sequence of populations by using a selection mechanism, and use crossover and mutation as search mechanisms [26]. The principle behind GAs is that they create and maintain a population of individuals represented by chromosomes (essentially a character string analogous to the chromosomes appearing in DNA). These chromosomes are typically encoded solutions to a problem. The chromosomes then undergo a process of evolution according to rules of selection, mutation and reproduction. Each individual in the environment (represented by a chromosome) receives a measure of its fitness in the environment. Reproduction selects individuals with high fitness values in the population, and through crossover and mutation of such individuals, a new population is derived in which individuals may be even better fitted to their environment. The process of crossover involves two chromosomes swapping chunks of data (genetic information) and is analogous to the process of sexual reproduction. Mutation introduces slight changes into a small proportion of the population and is representative of an evolutionary step. The structure of a simple GA is given below. Simple Genetic Algorithm () { initialize population; evaluate population; while termination criterion not reached { select solutions for next population; perform crossover and mutation; evaluate population; } } The algorithm will iterate until the population has evolved to form a solution to the problem, or until a maximum number of iterations have occurred (suggesting that a solution is not going to be found given the resources available). 2.2 The control flow graph A program's structure is conveniently analyzed by means of a directed graph, called control flow graph that gives a graphical representation of the program's control flow. A directed graph or digraph G = (V, E) consists of a set Vof nodes or vertices, where each node represents a statement, and a set E of directed edges or arcs, where a directed edge e =(n, m) is an ordered pair of adjacent nodes, called Tail and Head of e, respectively. For a node n in V, indegree(n) is the number of arcs entering and outdegree(n) the number of arcs leaving it. Figure 1.b shows the control flow graph G of the example program, which is shown in Figure 1.a. We are augmented the control flow graph by the unique entry node (-1) and the unique exit node (0). USING GENETIC ALGORITHM AND. Informatica 34 (2010) 377-385 379 1. #include 2. void main () 3. { 4. int x,y,z; 5. int mid; 6. cin>>x>>y>>z; 7. mid = z; 8. if(y=y) 25. { 26. mid = y; 27. } 28. else 29. { 30. if(x>z) 31. { 32. mid = x; 33. } 34. } 35. } 36. cout<<"Middle value="<. | Covered | Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ** Total no. of Generations-------------: 36 ** Total no. of Test Cases--------------:144 ** No. of Successful Test Cases---------: 16 ** No. of Distinct Successful Test Cases-: 13 ** The Distinct Successful Test Cases are: ** 1)[ 2 , 3 , 4 ] 2)[ 1 , 2 , 3 ] ** 3)[ 2 , 1 , 4 ] 4)[ 3 , 0 , 3 ] ** 5)[ 2 , 2 , 2 ] 6)[ 2 , 3 , 1 ] ** 7)[ 3 , 4 , 1 ] 8)[ 4 , 2 , 1 ] ** 9)[ 4 , 2 , 2 ] 10)[ 2 , 4 , 3 ] ** 11)[ 4 , 3 , 4 ] 12)[ 4 , 2 , 3 ] ** 13)[ 1 , 2 , 4 ] ** No. of Covering Test Cases-----------: 9 ** The Covering Test Cases are-----------: ** 1)[ 2 , 3 , 4 ] 2)[ 3 , 2 , 1 ] ** 3)[ 3 , 0, 3 ] 4)[ 1 , 2 , 1 ] ** 5)[ 2 , 2 , 2 ] 6)[ 2 , 3 , 1 ] ** 7)[ 4 , 1 , 1 ] 8)[ 4 , 2 , 1 ] ** 9)[ 2 , 4 , 3 ] **------------------------------------------The end of Report---------------------- Figure 2: The Final Report. 4.8 Overall algorithm The proposed GA-based technique accepts as input the program to be tested, the number of input variables, and the domain and precision of each input variable. Also, it accepts the GA parameters: population size, maximum number of generations, and probabilities of the crossover and mutation operators. The algorithm produces a set of test cases, the set of nodes covered by these test cases, and the list of uncovered nodes, if any. The algorithm selects, one at a time, an uncovered node of the set of leaves nodes of the dominator tree and evolves the initial test data until the required test data are obtained or the maximum number of generations is exceeded. Whenever a node is covered, the test case that caused this coverage is stored in a score board. The technique checks the coverage of remaining uncovered nodes by the generated test data that cover the current node. The overall algorithm is presented in Figure 3. 5 Empirical evaluation This section presents the results of the experiments that have been carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed GA compared to the random testing (RT) /* A GA algorithm to automatically generate test cases for a given program */ Input: The program to be tested P; Number of program input variables; Domain and precision of input data; Population size; Maximum no. of generations (Max_Gen); Probability of crossover; Probability of mutation; Output: Set of test cases for P, and the set of nodes covered by each test case; List of uncovered nodes, if any; Begin Step 0: Setup (Analysis P to find prerequisites) 1. Classify the program's statements. 2. Build the program's control flow graph CFG. 3. Build the program's dominator tree DT. 4. Find the set of leaves L of the dominator tree. 5. Instrument P to obtain P'. Step 1: InitiaUzation Initialize the score board to zero; nRun — 0; Set of test cases for P — 9; nCases — 0; Step 2: Generate test cases For each uncovered node and not selected before in the set of nodes to be tested (L) Begin nRun — nRun + 1; Create Initial_Population; Current_population — Initial_Population; No_Of_Generations — 0; For each member of current population do Begin Convert the current chromosome to the corresponding set of decimal values; Execute P' with this data set as input; Evaluate the current test case; If (the current node is covered) then Mark the current node as covered; End If End For; Keep the best member of the current population; While (current node is not covered and No_Of_Generations < Max_Gen) do Begin Select set of parents of new population from members of current population using roulette wheel method; Create New_Population using crossover and mutation operators; Current_Population — New_Population; For each member of Current_Population do Begin Convert current chromosome to the corresponding set of decimal values; Execute P' with this data set as input; Evaluate the current test case; If (the current node is covered) then Mark the current node as covered; End If End For; Elitist function: If the best member of the current population is worse than the best member of the previous population then exchange them, and the best member of the current population would replace the worst member of the current population. Increment No_Of_Generations; End While; If (the current node is covered) then nCases — nCases + 1; Add this test cases to set of test cases for P; Update the score board; Check all uncovered nodes by this test case. End If End For; Step 3: Produce output Return set of test cases for P, and set of nodes covered by each test case; Report on uncovered nodes, if any; End. Figure 3: The overall algorithm. Table 1 shows the reduction percentage of the test requirements. Column#2 shows the total number of test requirements which are demanded by the all-statements criterion and column#4 gives the number of the reduced test requirements. The reduction percentage is 83.3% for prog# 6 and prog# 9 and 75.6% for prog#2. It is clear that the reduction percentage isn't less than 75%. These results show the effectiveness of the proposed technique to reduce the cost of all-statements testing by reducing the number of the test requirements. 9 9 : 13, 19, 20, 21, 27, 33, 34, 35, 0 0 : 100.0% 9 | Run No. | Test Req to be Covered | Generation 1 | 13 | 1 2 | 19 | 1 3 | 20 | 6 4 | 21 | 1 5 | 27 | 2 6 | 33 | 22 7 | 34 | 1 8 | 35 | 1 9 | 0 | 1 USING GENETIC ALGORITHM AND. Informatica 34 (2010) 377-385 379 Table 1: The reduction percentage of the cost of software testing Table 2 shows the results of applying the proposed GA technique and the RT technique to nine C++ programs. These results show the effectiveness of the proposed GA technique over the random testing technique where the GA covers 100% of the set of test requirements in 8 programs while random testing covers 100% of the set of test requirements in 2 programs. In program 3, the GA needed only 9 generations and 90 test cases to reach 100% coverage while RT needed 203 generations and 2030 test cases to reach 60% coverage. In program 4, the GA needed 231 generations and 2310 test cases to reach 77.8% coverage while RT needed 504 generations and 5040 test cases to reach 44.4% coverage. 6 Conclusions and future work This paper presented an automatic test-data generation technique that uses a genetic algorithm. This technique applies the concepts of dominance relations between nodes to reduce the cost of software testing. These concepts used to define a new fitness function to evaluate the generated test data. Experiments have been carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed GA technique compared to the RT technique, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the new fitness function and the technique used to reduce the cost of software testing. The results of these experiments showed that the proposed GA technique outperformed the RT technique in 7 out of the 9 programs used in the experiments. In the other two programs, the proposed GA reached the same coverage percentage as the RT technique. The experiments also showed that the proposed technique reduced the cost of software testing by more than 75%. Also, the results of the experiments showed that the new fitness function is quite suitable to evaluate the generated test-data and showed the usefulness of the concepts of dominance relations between nodes of the program's control flow graph in reducing the number of test requirements. This technique is being modified to generate test data for data flow testing. The concepts of dominance relations between nodes of the program's control flow graph will be used to define a new fitness function to evaluate the generated test data for data flow testing. Prog# Program Size ProgSize) No. Of Variable No. of Test Requirements (nTestReq) Reduction percentage= 100*(1 -nTestReq/ProgSize)% 1 42 3 8 80.9% 2 37 3 9 75.6% 3 27 2 5 81.4% 4 41 2 9 78% 5 38 2 7 81.5% 6 36 2 6 83.3% 7 33 2 7 78.7% 8 19 1 4 78.9% 9 18 2 3 83.3% Table 2: A comparison between the proposed GA technique and the RT technique. Prog# Pop. Size Method Total no. of Generations Total no. of Test Cases No. of successful Test Cases Total no. of test Req. No. of Covered Req. Coverage Ratio % 1 9 GA 19 171 34 8 8 100% RT 109 981 35 8 7 87.5% 2 10 GA 9 90 36 9 9 100% RT 9 90 36 9 9 100% 3 10 GA 9 90 32 5 5 100% RT 203 2030 30 5 3 60% 4 10 GA 231 2310 34 9 7 77.8% RT 504 5040 40 9 4 44.4% 5 10 GA 9 90 56 7 7 100% RT 106 1060 54 7 6 85.7% 6 9 GA 26 234 37 6 6 100% RT 105 945 36 6 5 83.3% 7 10 GA 35 350 48 7 7 100% RT 106 1060 47 7 6 85.7% 8 10 GA 10 100 27 4 4 100% RT 103 1030 26 4 3 75% 9 10 GA 3 30 25 3 3 100% RT 3 30 25 3 3 100% References [1] B. Beizer (1990). 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Population Size: 4 Maximum Number of Generation: 100 Crossover Probability: 0.80 Mutation Probability: 0.15 Number of Input Variables: 3 Domain and Precession of Input Variables: 1..5, 0;1..5, 0; 1..5, 0 ** GA Started ** Test Requirement No. 5 is Statement: 27 Its Dominance Path is: -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 22 23 24 25 26 27 *** Generation 1 *_____________ *** Initial Population * Individual 1 = 2, 2, 3 = 001000100011 * Individual 2 = 1, 1, 3 = 000100010011 * Individual 3 = 1, 1, 2 = 000100010010 * Individual 4 = 1, 3, 4 = 000100110100 * *** Evaluation of the Population * * Individual 1: * Traversed Path: -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 36 37 0 * Uncovered Dominator Nodes: 22 23 24 25 26 27 * Fitness Value: 0.600 * Individual 2: * Traversed Path: -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 36 37 0 * Uncovered Dominator Nodes: 22 23 24 25 26 27 * Fitness Value: 0.600 * Individual 3: * Traversed Path: -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 36 37 0 * Uncovered Dominator Nodes: 22 23 24 25 26 27 * Fitness Value: 0.600 * Individual 4: * Traversed Path: -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 36 37 0 * Uncovered Dominator Nodes: 22 23 24 25 26 27 * Fitness Value: 0.600 *** Generation 2 *_____________ *** 1- Selection * * The Selection Preformed using Roulette Wheel depended on Cumulative Fitness * The Selected Cases to be Parents of New Population are: * Parent 1 = Individual 1 = 2, 2, 3 = 001000100011 * Parent 2 = Individual 3 = 1, 1, 2 = 000100010010 * Parent 3 = Individual 2 = 1, 1, 3 = 000100010011 * Parent 4 = Individual 3 = 1, 1, 2 = 000100010010 * Fitness Value: 1.000 * Individual 3: * Traversed Path: -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 36 37 0 * Uncovered Dominator Nodes: 22 23 24 25 26 27 * Fitness Value: 0.600 * Individual 4: * Traversed Path: -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 36 37 0 * Uncovered Dominator Nodes: 22 23 24 25 26 27 * Fitness Value: 0.600 * *** Elitist: If the best member of the current generation is worse than the best member of the previous generation we exchange them, and the best * member of the current generation would replace the worst member of the current population. * *** The New Population is: * Individual 1 = 5, 1, 3 = 010100010011 * Individual 2 = 2, 2, 2 = 001000100010 * Individual 3 = 1, 1, 3 = 000100010011 * Individual 4 = 1, 1, 2 = 000100010010 *******************************Report *************************** ** Best Fitness is: 1.000 ** Average Fitness is: 0.700 ** Standard deviation is: 0.200 ** No. of Generations = 2 ** The Test Requirement is satisfied and The Generated Test Case is: 2, 2, 2 ** see individual 2 and its evaluation. *** 2- Recombination * * 2.1- Crossover * The Crossover Operation (Single Point Crossover) *** * Selected Parents Crossover Position Offsprings * 1 , 2 10 000100010011 * 3 , 4 10 000100010011 001000100010 000100010010 *** 2.2- Mutation * The Mutation Operation (Simple Mutation) *** * Selected Chromosome Mutation Position Mutated Chromosome * 1 2 010100010011 * *** The New Population is: * Individual 1 = 5, 1, 3 = 010100010011 * Individual 2 = 2, 2, 2 = 001000100010 * Individual 3 = 1, 1, 3 = 000100010011 * Individual 4 = 1, 1, 2 = 000100010010 * *** Pre_Evaluation of the Population before adaptation to check is one of the out of range individuals * satisfies the test requirement or not, and keep the optimal * 2, 2, 2 is a test case covers the test requirement. * *** Check Range * Is the generated data locate in the specified range? * Yes, all generated data locates in the specified range. *** 3- Evaluation of the Population * * Individual 1: * Traversed Path: -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 14 15 16 20 21 36 37 0 * Uncovered Dominator Nodes: 22 23 24 25 26 27 * Fitness Value: 0.600 * Individual 2: * Traversed Path: -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 22 23 24 25 26 27 35 36 37 0 * Uncovered Dominator Nodes: