a Jamnikarjeva 101, SI-1000 Ljubljana, P. O. Box 95 b ibid. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 93 - 1, maj 2009 str. 143 - 146 CONTENT ANALYSIS OF THE PAPERS IN THE ACTA AGRICULTURAE SLOVENICA VSEBINSKA OBDELAVA PRISPEVKOV V ACTA AGRICULTURAE SLOVENICA let. 93 št. 1 Tomaž BARTOL a , Karmen STOPAR b , SUBJECT INDEX BY AGROVOC DESCRIPTORS PREDMETNO KAZALO PO DESKRIPTORJIH AGROVOC agricultural warning services 93-104 alcohols 11-15 alps 59-67 antimicrobial properties 51-58 antioxidants 17-29 apples 17-29 aromatic compounds 11-15 behaviour 69-76 bioassays 5 - 9 biological control 5 – 9, 37-42, 87-92 biological control organisms 5 - 9 biological differences 51-58 catechin 11-15 censuses 133-142 chemicophysical properties 17-29 chrysoperla carnea 5 - 9 classification 37-42 collections 133-142 concentrating 51-58 contamination 51-58 corythucha 31-36 crop management 43-50 crop yield 43-50 cultivated land 69-76 cultivation 43-50 cultural behaviour 69-76 cultural values 69-76 decision support 93-104 developmental stages 93-104 dna 37-42 economic development 105-132 efficiency 31-36 employment 59-67 Tomaž BARTOL, Karmen STOPAR Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 93 - 1, maj 2009 144 environmental factors 5 - 9 environmental protection 59-67 epidermis 17-29 essential oils 31-36 essential oils 51-58 ethanol 11-15 feeding habits 5 - 9 feudalism 105-132 field experimentation 43-50, 93-104 firmness 17-29 food additives 51-58 food processing 51-58 foods 51-58 forecasting 93-104 forest management 105-132 forestry development 105-132 forests 105-132 fruits 11-15, 17-29 fungi 77-85 gardens 133-142 glycine max 43-50 government 105-132 growth period 43-50 highlands 59-67 hosts 87-92 identification 37-42, 87-92, 133-142 insect nematodes 5 – 9, 37-42 insecticides 31-36 introduced varieties 133-142 juglans regia 11-15 laboratory experimentation 31-36 land management 105-132 land ownership 105-132 landscape 69-76, 133-142 landscaping 133-142 larvae 5 – 9, 31-36 legal rights 105-132 legislation 105-132 leptinotarsa decemlineata 93-104 listeria monocytogenes 51-58 living standards 59-67 malus pumila 17-29 maturity 17-29 methanol 11-15 methods 77-85, 93-104 microbial ecology 77-85 models 93-104 mortality 5 – 9, 31-36 Content analysis of the papers... Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 93 - 1, maj 2009 145 national parks 59-67 neuroptera 5 - 9 noxious molluscs 87-92 organic acids 11-15, 17-29 organisms 87-92 organoleptic properties 17-29 ornamental bulbs 133-142 parasites 87-92 pest control 5 – 9, 31-36, 37-42, 87-92, 93-104 pest insects 37-42 pest resistance 93-104 pests 87-92, 93-104 phenolic compounds 11-15, 17-29 phylogeny 77-85 plant breeding 133-142 plant collections 133-142 plant extracts 51-58 plant introduction, 133-142 plant nematodes 87-92 plant nutrition 77-85 platanus 31-36 political systems 105-132 population density 5 - 9 potatoes 93-104 preservation 51-58 public opinion 59-67, 69-76 quality of life 59-67 regional planning 69-76 religion 105-132 resistance to injurious factors 51-58 resource management 105-132 rhizosphere 77-85 ripening 17-29 rosemary 31-36, 51-58 rosmarinus officinalis 31-36, 51-58 rural areas 69-76 rural planning 69-76 selection 43-50 slugs 87-92 social values 59-67, 69-76, 105-132 socioeconomic development 105-132 solanum tuberosum 93-104 solids 17-29 solubility 17-29 soybeans 43-50 spacing 43-50 steinernema 37-42 storage 17-29 Tomaž BARTOL, Karmen STOPAR Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 93 - 1, maj 2009 146 sugars 17-29 surveys 59-67, 69-76 symbiosis 77-85 tannins 11-15 taxonomy 77-85, 87-92 technological changes 105-132 technology transfer 105-132 temperature 5 - 9 tulipa 133-142 uses 77-85 value systems 105-132 varieties 43-50 vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae 77-85 walnuts 11-15 SUBJECT INDEX BY AGRIS CATEGORY CODES VSEBINSKO KAZALO PO SKUPINAH ZNANJA (PREDMETNIH KATEGORIJAH) A01 Agriculture-general aspects 105-132 B50 History 105-132, 133-142 E11 Land economics and policies 69-76 E50 Rural sociology 59-67, 69-76 E51 Rural population 59-67 F01 Crop husbandry 43-50, 133-142 F08 Cropping patterns and systems 43-50 F40 Plant ecology 77-85 F60 Plant physiology and biochemistry 11-15, 17-29 F70 Plant taxonomy and geography 133-142 H10 Pests of plants 5 – 9, 31-36, 37-42, 87-92, 93-104 K01 Forestry – general aspects 105-132 P01 Nature conservation and land resources 59-67, 69-76 P34 Soil biology 37-42, 77-85 Q03 Food contamination and toxicology 51-58 Q04 Food composition 17-29 Q05 Food additives 51-58