IMPROVEMENT OF THE DAMPING PROPERTIES OF CARBON-FIBRE-REINFORCED LAMINATED PLASTICS USING DAMPING LAYERS IZBOLJŠANJE DUŠENJA Z OGLJIKOVIMI VLAKNI OJAČANE LAMINIRANE PLASTIKE Z UPORABO PLASTI ZA DUŠENJE Radek Kottner1, Josef Varik2, Robert Zem«k3 University of West Bohemia, European Centre of Excellence, New Technologies for Information Society, Univerzitni 22, 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic 2University of West Bohemia, Department of Machine Design, Univerzitni 22, 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic 3University of West Bohemia, Department of Mechanics, Univerzitni 22, 30614 Plzen, Czech Republic Prejem rokopisa — received: 2012-09-03; sprejem za objavo - accepted for publication: 2012-10-08 A suitable hybrid composite consisting of carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic and damping layers was investigated in terms of damping and natural frequencies using experiments and numerical simulations. The frequency response and the transient response of cantilever beams were analysed. The damping layers made from rubber or from a cork-rubber composite material were used in the investigated hybrid structure. A laser-measurement device and an accelerometer were used for the measurement of the responses. Pareto optimization was performed using three-dimensional numerical simulations with the aim to maximize the fundamental natural frequency and the damping ratio. Keywords: hybrid, composite, carbon-fibre-reinforced plastic, rubber, damping Sestavljeni kompozit iz plastike, ojačane z ogljikovimi vlakni in s plastmi za dušenje naravnih frekvenc, je bil preiskovan eksperimentalno in z numerično simulacijo. Analiziran je bil frekvenčni odgovor in prehodni odziv konzolnega nosilca. V preiskovani hibridni strukturi je bila plast za dušenje izdelana iz gume ali sestavljena iz gume in plute. Za meritve odgovora je bil uporabljen laserski merilnik in merilnik pospeška. Z uporabo tridimenzionalne numerične simulacije je bila izvršena Paretova optimizacija za maksimiranje osnovne naravne frekvence in količnika dušenja. Ključne besede: hibrid, kompozit, z ogljikovimi vlakni ojačana plastika, guma, dušenje 1 INTRODUCTION Recently, the conventional metallic structures have been replaced with composite structures thanks to their superior dynamic characteristics. For example, a higher specific stiffness of carbon-fibre-reinforced plastics (CFRPs) allows higher natural frequencies of the structures. Furthermore, the damping characteristics of CFRPs have higher values and, moreover, can be improved using an integration of the damping layers1. The aim of this work was to develop a suitable hybrid structure in terms of damping and natural frequencies. The investigated samples were the cantilever beams, whose damping layers were made from rubber or from the ACM87 cork-rubber composite material. The damping ratio for their fundamental natural frequency was analyzed. 2 THEORY The equation of the motion of a damped system is2: Mq + Cq + Kq = f(t) (1) where q[m], q[m s-1], q[m s-2] are the vectors of the generalized coordinates and their 1st and 2nd differentiations with respect to time t; f(t)[N] is the vector of the generalized time-dependent applied force; M[kg] is the mass matrix of the system; C[Nsm-1] is the damping matrix and i[Nm-1] is the stiffness matrix. The motion of the discrete linear systems with a single degree of freedom can be described as: mq + cq + kq = F(t) (2) In the case of free oscillations, Equation (2) can be consequently rewritten as: q + 2£©0 q+©J q = 0 (3) T At -