242 CYTOLOGY, ONCOLOGY, CANCEROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | May – June 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3157 1 Division of Radiotherapy, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Correspondence/ Korespondenca: Primož Strojan, e: pstrojan@onko-i.si Key words: head and neck cancer; radiotherapy; quality of life; assessment; questionnaire Ključne besede: rak glave in vratu; radioterapija; kakovost življenja; ocena; vprašalnik Received: 6. 9. 2020 Accepted: 30. 11. 2020 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3157 doi 6.9.2020 date-received 30.11.2020 date-accepted Cytology, oncology, cancerology Citologija, onkologija, kancerologija discipline Original scientific article Izvirni znanstveni članek article-type Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer treated by radiotherapy: a prospective self-assessment with the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-H&N35 questionnaires Kakovost življenja bolnikov z rakom glave in vratu, zdravljenih z radioterapijo: prospektivna samoocena z vprašalnikoma EORTC QLQ-C30 in QLQ-H&N35 article-title Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer treated by radiotherapy Kakovost življenja bolnikov z rakom glave in vratu, zdravljenih z radioterapijo alt-title head and neck cancer, radiotherapy, quality of life, assessment, questionnaire rak glave in vratu, radioterapija, kakovost življen- ja, ocena, vprašalnik kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2021 90 5 6 242 255 name surname aff email Primož Strojan 1 pstrojan@onko-i.si name surname aff Kaja Gradišar 1 Maja Gosak 1 eng slo aff-id Division of Radiotherapy, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Sektor radioterapije, Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija 1 Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenija 2 Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer treated by radiotherapy: a prospective self-assessment with the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-H&N35 questionnaires Kakovost življenja bolnikov z rakom glave in vratu, zdravljenih z radioterapijo: prospektivna samoocena z vprašalnikoma EORTC QLQ-C30 in QLQ-H&N35 Kaja Gradišar,1,2 Maja Gosak,1,2 Primož Strojan1,2 Abstract Background: The quality of life (QoL) of Slovenian patients with head and neck cancer (HNC) treated by radiotherapy (RT) has not yet been systematically evaluated with internationally es- tablished tools, which would allow comparison with the study results from abroad. Methods: Forty patients with HNC treated by definitive (N=23) or postoperative (N=17) RT com- pleted two questionnaires of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), validated and translated into Slovenian, before RT, at the end of RT and 10-12 weeks after the end of treatment: general QLQ-C30 questionnaire for patients with different types of cancer and QLQ-H&N35 questionnaire for patients with HNC. Statistically significant differences between the two measurements of 10 points or more were defined as clinically significant. Results: Prior to RT, patients with tracheostomy or feeding tube, smokers, patients with comor- bidities and human papillomavirus-unrelated cancers had poorer QoL. The intensity of treat- ment (higher RT dose, addition of chemotherapy to RT) had a significant effect on QoL at the end of RT, but not 10-12 weeks after treatment. The analysis of the dynamics of changes in QoL items confirmed that in most cases the scores return to the level before the start of RT. The exceptions were items related to RT-specific gustatory and salivary apparatus failures: their final score was significantly worse than the pre-RT score. Conclusion: Estimates of different QoL items in Slovenian patients with HNC before, during and after RT are comparable to the results of similar analyses abroad. After RT treatment, QoL de- pends mainly on the degree of damage to the gustatory and salivary apparatus, which also af- fects swallowing. Izvleček Izhodišče: Kakovost življenja (KŽ) slovenskih bolnikov z rakom glave in vratu (RGV), zdravljenih z radioterapijo (RT), še ni bila sistematično ovrednotena z mednarodno uveljavljenimi orodji, kar bi omogočilo primerjavo z rezultati tujih raziskav. Metode: 40 bolnikov z RGV, zdravljenih s primarno (N=23) RT ali RT po operaciji (N=17), je pred pričetkom RT, ob koncu RT in 10–12 tednov po zaključku zdravljenja izpolnilo dva validirana in v slovenščino prevedena vprašalnika Evropske organizacije za raziskovanje in zdravljenje raka Slovenian Medical Journal 243 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer treated by radiotherapy 1 Introduction Head and neck cancer (HNC) is the 8th most commonly diagnosed cancer and cause of cancer death worldwide (1). In Slovenia, 473 new cases and 225 deaths of HNC were registered in 2016 (2). With some exceptions, men from a lower socioeconomic background in their 6th and 7th decades of life with a history of smoking and alcohol con- sumption and consequently burdened with comorbidities such as arterial hy- pertension, diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and liver disease are most commonly diagnosed with HNC (3). Due to the denial of objective prob- lems and poorer social inclusion, such patients enter the healthcare system late, so at the time of diagnosis the disease had already progressed locally in as ma- ny as two thirds (2,4). Depending on its (EORTC): splošen vprašalnik QLQ-C30, namenjen bolnikom z različnimi vrstami raka, in vprašal- nik QLQ-H&N35, namenjen bolnikom z RGV. Kot klinično pomembne smo opredelili statistično pomembne razlike med dvema meritvama, ki so znašale 10 točk ali več. Rezultati: Pred RT so imeli slabšo KŽ bolniki s traheostomo ali hranilno sondo, kadilci, bolni- ki s pridruženimi boleznimi in s človeškim virusom papiloma nepovezanimi raki. Intenzivnost zdravljenja (višji odmerek RT, dodatek kemoterapije k RT) je pomembno vplivala na KŽ ob koncu RT, ne pa tudi 10–12 tednov po zdravljenju. Analiza dinamike spreminjanja kazalcev KŽ je potrdi- la, da se v večini primerov stanje vrne na raven pred začetkom RT. Izjema so bili kazalci, povezani z okvarami bolnikovega sistema okušanja in slinjenja, ki so specifične za RT: njihova končna oce- na je bila pomembno slabša kot ocena pred RT. Zaključek: Ocene različnih kazalcev KŽ pri slovenskih bolnikih z RGV pred, med in po RT so pri- merljive z rezultati podobnih analiz v tujini. KŽ po zdravljenju z RT je odvisna predvsem od stop- nje okvar okušanja in slinjenja, kar vpliva tudi na požiranje. Cite as/Citirajte kot: Gradišar K, Gosak M, Strojan P. Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer treated by radiotherapy: a prospective self-assessment with the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-H&N35 questionnaires. Zdrav Vestn. 2021;90(5–6):242–55. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3157 Copyright (c) 2021 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. location and size, the tumour itself can cause various anatomical deformations and consequently functional disorders, which are worsened by surgery, radio- therapy (RT) and systemic therapy with their side effects. The problems such patients face include minor or major dysfunction in feeding, breathing and speech, which are sometimes accompa- nied by changes in the appearance of the face and neck, especially as sequelae of surgery (5,6). Facing a cancer diagnosis, its associ- ated problems and the long and aggres- sive oncological treatment have an im- portant effect on patient’s quality of life. Therefore, in addition to the response to treatment and duration of survival, tra- ditionally the most important parame- ters in determining treatment success, 244 CYTOLOGY, ONCOLOGY, CANCEROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | May – June 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3157 an assessment of a patient’s quality of life has recently become an important indi- cator of the actual value of treatment (7). Quality of life (QoL) is a multifaceted concept that includes numerous aspects of an individual’s life – their physical and mental condition, level of social connec- tions, dependence on the help of relatives and perception of their own illness. It is based on subjective experience (8). HNC can cause somatic symptoms as well as problems in social contact, which makes the patient’s daily functioning difficult, lowers self-esteem and self-confidence and affects the patient’s attitude towards his or her own future (8,9). QoL of Slovenian patients with HNC treated with RT has not yet been system- atically evaluated. On the other hand, the relevance and practical value of the conclusions of studies conducted in dif- ferent settings is often limited or even questionable. In assessing the results of similar foreign studies, the specifics of the social and cultural environment of their enrolled patients and the connect- ed value systems should be taken into account (10). Therefore, we have decided to evaluate QoL of Slovenian patients be- fore and after RT with internationally es- tablished tools in a prospective study and compare our results to foreign studies. 2 Materials and methods Our study was planned and con- ducted at the Institute for Oncology in Ljubljana as a prospective and observa- tional study. The inclusion of 40 patients with operable or inoperable histologi- cally confirmed locally and/or region- ally advanced (stage TNM II-IVB (11)) squamous cell carcinoma of the head and neck was planned. The inclusion criteria were: age of 18 or above; male sex; cure as the treatment goal, including primary or postoperative irradiation of the mucosa of the larger part of the oral cavity, throat and larynx (75% and more) and tissues of both sides of the neck with a dose of 50 Gy or higher; written con- sent for participation in the study. The exclusion criteria were concomitant or previously treated HNC or other cancers (apart from basal cell carcinoma of the skin); palliation as the treatment goal; a medical condition that would preclude the safety of planned treatment. When treatment started with surgery, it includ- ed the removal of the primary tumour with a safety margin and removal of re- gional neck lymph nodes. All patients were irradiated on a linear accelerator with Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) technique. Patients at higher risk of recurrence received che- motherapy (ChT) with cisplatin (40 mg/ m2/week) during RT. Their state of nu- trition was evaluated prior to treatment and weekly during treatment, together with acute side effects or RT and ChT. The data on patients, their disease and treatment were obtained from med- ical documentation. QoL was evaluated three times in each patient: during RT treatment planning on CT-simulator (10-14 days prior to treatment with RT (evaluation 1)), at the end of RT (evalua- tion 2) and 10–12 weeks after treatment (evaluation 3). QoL was evaluated using the internationally established ques- tionnaires EORTC QLQ C-30 version 3.0 and EORTC QLQ-H&N35 (module for HNC), validated and translated into Slovenian according to the procedure required by the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) (12). The questionnaire was completed by the patients themselves and only in case of problems did one of 245 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer treated by radiotherapy the researchers help them to read and ex- plain the questions (MG, KG). Both questionnaires referred to the previous week. The EORTC QLQ-C30 is a general questionnaire for patients with different types of cancer. It consists of 30 questions: five functional scales (phys- ical, role, cognitive, emotional, social), three symptom scales (fatigue, pain, nausea and vomiting), and one global health status and QoL scale; 8 individu- al questions are added to address other common symptoms of cancer patients and one addresses their financial situ- ation. Questions are evaluated using a four-point Likert scale and a seven-point scale is used by patients to answer the questions about the state of their health and QoL (13). The EORTC QLQ-H&N35 is a mod- ule of the basic EORTC QLQ-C30 ques- tionnaire, intended for patients with HNC (14). It consists of 35 questions organized into 7 sets with 11 additional individual questions. Patients are asked about their symptoms and characteris- tic side effects of HNC treatment, their social contact and sex life. The questions are evaluated in the same manner as for the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire (four-point Likert scale) except for the fi- nal 5 questions that have yes/no answers (14). 2.1 Statistical analysis The collected data were statistically processed with the SPSS software plat- form (version 21.0, SPSS Inc., Chicago, Illinois, USA). We followed the EORTC instructions with questionnaire evalu- ation and interpretation and in case of missing answers (15). Numbers of points achieved in independent questions or the average score of all questions within each group (i.e. raw score) was standard- ized with a linear transformation using a 0–100 scale to calculate the score for an individual question or set. In questions about symptoms, a higher value rep- resents a high level of symptomatology/ problems, and in questions about func- tioning the reverse is true: a higher score represents a higher level of functioning (15). Only statistically significant differ- ences of 10 points or more were deemed clinically important (16). The scores were presented with a mean value and standard deviation or a median and range. The effect of patient characteristics, tumour and treatment on baseline QoL values was calculated using the Mann-Whitney U-test and the differences between scores measured at two time points with the Wilcoxon signed-rank test. To check for differenc- es in the distribution of patients between treatment groups according to individual clinical characteristics, we used the chi- square test or Fisher’s exact test. All sta- tistical tests were two-sided. Differences at p <0.05 were marked as statistical- ly significant. The study was approved by the Republic of Slovenia National Medical Ethics Committee (46/02/15, 23. 3. 2015). 3 Results Between February 2017 and January 2018, 40 patients were included in the study. Most were active smokers (55%) with a tumour of the oropharynx (52.5%) and stage IV disease (82.5%). At least 1 comorbidity requiring regular treatment with medication (range 1–4, mean value 2) was present in 22 (55%) patients, of whom 16 (72.7%) were active smokers (only 6 [33.3%] active smokers were present in the group of 18 patients 246 CYTOLOGY, ONCOLOGY, CANCEROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | May – June 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3157 Legend: a ≥ cigarettes daily for the past 10 years or more b Stopped smoking before 12 or more months c Primary oropharyngeal tumours d Mean value (standard deviation) e Median (range) Abbreviations used in the table: RT – radiotherapy, KT – chemotherapy. Table 1: Characteristics of patients, tumours and treatment. Characteristic Number (N=40) Age 62.5 years (7,61)d Smoking ◦ Active smokersa 22 (55 %) ◦ Formerb/occasional/mild smokers 13 (32,5 %) ◦ Non-smokers 5 (12,5 %) Comorbidities 22 (55 %) ◦ Arterial hypertension 15 (37,5 %) ◦ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease 6 (15 %) ◦ Hyperlipidaemia 4 (10 %) ◦ Cardiovascular diseases 4 (10 %) ◦ Type 2 diabetes 3 (7,5 %) ◦ Gastroesophageal reflux disease 3 (7,5 %) Characteristic Number (N=40) ◦ St. post stroke 3 (7.5%) ◦ Peripheral occlusive arterial disease 2 (5%) ◦ Chronic kidney disease 1 (2.5%) Tracheostomy (before RT) 6 (15%) Feeding tube ◦ Before treatment 5 (12.5%) ◦ During treatment 7 (17.5%) ◦ After treatment 4 (10%) HPV-related oropharyngeal tumourc 7 (33.3%) Location of the primary tumour ◦ Oral cavity 7 (17.5%) ◦ Oropharynx 21 (52.5%) ◦ Hypopharynx 7 (17.5%) ◦ Larynx 5 (12.5%) TNM stage ◦ II 2 (5%) ◦ III 5 (12.5%) ◦ IVA 27 (67.5%) ◦ IVB 6 (15%) Surgery before RT 17 (42.5%) RT dose 66.6 Gy (60–70)e Duration of irradiation 46.9 days (38–55)e Addition of ChT to RT ◦ Yes 21 (52.5%) ◦ Number of CT cycles 6 (3–7)e without comorbidities, p=0,024). A tra- cheostomy was present in 6 patients pri- or to radiotherapy and 5 patients used a feeding tube. Due to uncontrolled weight loss during RT, 2 patients had a feeding tube inserted; at the final QoL evalua- tion, only 4 patients were dependent on a feeding tube. All patients finished their planned treatment. The data on patients, their disease and treatment are presented in Table 1. All patients completed 3 pairs of ques- tionnaires; there were no unanswered questions. Patients required 15–30 min- utes to fill in both questionnaires. The in- terval between evaluation 1 and the be- ginning of RT was 15.2±3.6 days (mean value±standard deviation), between the end of RT and evaluation 2 0.8±0.3 days and 90.5±8.9 days for evaluation 3. The results of the analysis of the EORTC QLQ-C30 and EORTC QLQ-H&N35 are presented in Tables 2 in 3. 247 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer treated by radiotherapy Table 2: Results of the EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaire. Indicator Eval. 1* Eval. 2* Eval. 3* Comparisons (p-value) Global health state/ quality of life 62.3 ± 19.2 55.2 ± 23.0 68.1 ± 20.3 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.078 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.050 Physical functioning 86.8 ± 15.2 76.8 ± 23.0 82.2 ± 19.4 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.049 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.175 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.217 Role functioning 83.8 ± 27.9 63.3 ± 38.7 80.4 ± 27.7 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.003 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.003 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.485 Emotional functioning 82.5 ± 17.6 82.3 ± 18.1 88.8 ± 16.5 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.849 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.034 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.023 Cognitive functioning 96.3 ± 8.8 96.3 ± 8.0 96.7 ± 7.7 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.844 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.831 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.844 Social functioning 92.5 ± 16.9 86.3 ± 24.1 92.1 ± 19.2 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.169 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.191 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.765 Fatigue 15.0 ± 16.0 33.1 ± 28.1 18.6 ± 19.9 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.129 Nausea and vomiting 0.8 ± 3.7 8.8 ± 16.5 3.3 ± 12.1 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.003 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.064 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.313 Pain 17.1 ± 23.4 37.5 ± 27.9 14.6 ± 22.1 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.476 Dyspnoea 6.7 ± 15.5 11.7 ± 26.7 12.5 ± 23.5 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.240 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.631 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.148 Insomnia 21.7 ± 28.8 30.8 ± 34.1 17.5 ± 22.6 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.168 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.020 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.205 Loss of appetite 3.3 ± 10.1 55.8 ± 42.3 17.5 ± 27.2 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.002 Constipation 9.2 ± 20.0 40.0 ± 38.6 13.3 ± 24.8 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.553 Diarrhoea 0.8 ± 5.3 3.3 ± 12.6 0.0 ± 0.0 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.375 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.103 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.324 Financial difficulties 2.5 ± 8.9 3.3 ± 12.6 5.0 ± 16.1 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.875 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.500 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.438 Legend: * Mean value ± standard deviation; Eval. – evaluation. 248 CYTOLOGY, ONCOLOGY, CANCEROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | May – June 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3157 Table 3: Results of the EORTC QLQ-H&N35 questionnaire. Indicator Eval. 1* Eval. 2* Eval. 3* Comparisons (p-value) Pain 12.7 ± 19.5 45.8 ± 30.7 16.0 ± 18.3 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.416 Swallowing problems 15.0 ± 20.0 50.0 ± 28. 7 22.9 ±26.0 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.201 Senses problems 8.3 ± 20.0 53.3 ±25.9 25.0 ± 26.7 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Speech problems 22.8 ± 27.2 31.9 ± 31.3 20.3 ± 24.5 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.168 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.030 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.658 Social eating problems 6.9 ± 12.2 38.1 ± 29. 5 13.1 ± 23.9 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.100 Social contacts problems 3.7 ± 8.8 7.8 ± 17.3 5.5 ± 14.1 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.220 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.414 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.569 Reduced interest in sex 10.0 ± 20.3 37.1 ± 40.0 15.0 ± 24.7 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.003 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.377 Teeth problems 9.2 ± 26.1 10.0 ± 27.4 11.7 ± 25.7 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.846 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.688 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.375 Mouth opening problems 10.0 ± 22.9 35.8 ± 42.3 12.5 ± 23.5 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.520 Dry mouth 23.3 ± 30.4 62.5 ± 39.4 51.7 ± 32.9 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.058 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Sticky saliva 17.5 ± 30.2 70.8 ± 34.8 47.5 ± 32.8 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.002 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Cough 16.7 ± 20.0 30.0 ± 32.7 15.0 ± 25.0 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.032 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.036 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.952 Feeling ill 12.5 ± 19.5 16.7 ± 27.2 10.0 ± 22.9 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.497 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.313 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.787 Analgesic use 42.5 ± 50.1 90.0 ± 30.4 52.5 ± 50.6 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.244 Nutritional supplements 15.0 ± 36.2 62.5 ± 49.0 55.0 ± 50.4 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.622 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 249 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer treated by radiotherapy Indicator Eval. 1* Eval. 2* Eval. 3* Comparisons (p-value) Feeding tube 12.5 ± 33.5 25.0 ± 43.9 10.0 ± 30.4 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.164 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.106 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.813 Weight loss 25.0 ± 43.9 70.0 ± 46.4 20.0 ± 40.5 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 < 0.001 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 < 0.001 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.670 Weight gain 27.5 ± 45.2 10.0 ± 30.4 45.0 ± 50.4 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 2 = 0.094 Evaluation 2 : evaluation 3 = 0.002 Evaluation 1 : evaluation 3 = 0.111 Legend: * Mean value ± standard deviation; Eval. – evaluation. 3.1 The effect of patient characteristics and disease on QoL before RT (evaluation 1) EORTC QLQ-C30. Physical activity was rated poorer by patients with HPV- unrelated tumours (84.6±15.6 : 97.1±7.6, p=0.018). Fatigue was expressed more in active smokers than in the group of former smokers and non-smokers (66.7±11.1  :  44.4±19.7, p=0.022), pain in patients with HPV-unrelated tumours (20.2±24.2 : 2.4±6.3, p=0.051) and dys- pnoea in patients with a tracheostomy (22.2±17.2 : 3.9±13.6, p=0.032). EORTC QLQ-H&N35. Problems with speech were greater in smokers (32.3±30.1  :  11.1±17.9, p=0.018), patients with a tracheostomy (46.3±28.5 : 18.6±25.2, p=0.041) and tumour of the larynx/hypo- pharynx (39.8±29 : 15.5±24.5, p=0.008); problems with social eating in patients with a feeding tube (18.3±10.9 : 5.2±11.6, p=0.026); problems with social contact in patients with a tracheostomy (17.8±16.2 : 1.2±3.1, p=0.019); dry mouth in patients with multiple comorbidities (31.8±30 : 13±28.3, p=0.022); problems with cough with tumour of the larynx/hypopharynx (30.5±22.3 : 10.7±15.8, p=0.017). There were no differences in QoL be- tween patients with or without prior sur- gery before the start of RT. 3.2 The effect of treatment on QoL (evaluations 2 and 3) We evaluated what effect the dose of radiation and addition of ChT to RT has on QoL. In all patients with RT as their first treatment, the total dose directed at the primary tumour and patholog- ic lymph nodes was 70 Gy. The range of the total dose received by patients after surgery was 60–66 Gy (median, 60 Gy). All 6 patients with a tracheostomy had surgery performed first (surgery first 6/17, RT first 0/23, P=0.003). Adjuvant ChT with RT was received by 21 patients (52.5%), 17/23 (73.9%) in patients with primary RT (surgery 4/17, P=0.003). In the group that received ChT, 17/21 (81%) of tumours were T3-T4 stages and only 9/19 (47%, p=0.046) in the group without ChT. Therapeutic groups did not differ in other clinical factors (location of the primary tumour, TNM stage, tube feed- ing, HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer, comorbidities). EORTC QLQ-C30. At the end of treatment (evaluation 2), we identi- fied lower scores in everyday activities in patients who received primary RT than in patients with RT after surgery (50.7±42.2  :  80.4±25.8, p=0.034); these patients had higher rates of fatigue 250 CYTOLOGY, ONCOLOGY, CANCEROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | May – June 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3157 (46.8±26.6 : 14.4±17.4, p<0.001), pain (46.6±30.2 : 26.5±20.5, p=0.048) and loss of appetite (73.9±38.9  :  31.4±34.3, p=0.003). The addition of ChT to RT (unrelated to the type or RT) had a nega- tive effect on role functioning (48.4±39.1 : 79.8±31.7, p=0.008), emotional func- tioning (76.2±20.5 : 89±12.4, p=0.037), fatigue (46±28.8 : 18.7±19.3, p=0.003), nausea and vomiting (15.9±20.1 : 0.9±3.8, p=0.016), pain (49.2±29.1  :  24.6±20.3, p=0.008) and sleep (insomnia: 43.9±35.2 : 17.5±28, 0.018). Patients who re- ceived primary ChT-RT (total RT dose 70 Gy with concurrent ChT) scored poorer in role functioning (41.2±39.6 : 79.7±29.3, p=0.004), emotional func- tioning (74±21.6  : 88.4±12.2, p=0.028), fatigue (52.3±26.9 : 18.8±19.4, p<0.001), nausea and vomiting (16.7±21.2 : 2.9±8.2, p=0.045), pain (54.9±28.1 : 24.6±20, p=0.001), insomnia (47.1±37.4 : 18.8±26.3, p=0.017) and loss of appetite (72.6±39.5 : 43.5±40.8, P=0.043) than other patients who received less aggres- sive treatment. After the end of treatment (evaluation 3), patients who were treated with prima- ry RT with a total dose of 70 Gy report- ed higher rates of fatigue than patients who were treated with RT after surgery and with a lower total dose (24.1±22.9 : 11.1±11.8, p=0.065). Patients who re- ceived concurrent ChT in addition to RT scored poorer in role functioning (71.4±28 : 90.4±24.4, p=0.012), those treated with primary ChT-RT also scored poorer in role functioning (68.6±29.4 : 89.1±23.4, p=0.013) and had higher rates of fatigue (25.5±20.7 : 13.50±18, p=0.035) than other patients. EORTC QLQ-H&N35. At the end of treatment (evaluation 2), pa- tients with primary RT (70 Gy) had more problems with social eating (51.4±30.2  :  20.1±16.4, p<0.01), sex (47.8±40.6  :  22.6±35.3, p=0.057), weight loss (91.3±28.8  :  47.1±52.5, p=0.017) than patients who were treat- ed with RT after surgery who also re- ceived a lower dose of RT. The addition of ChT to RT (unrelated to the type of RT) had a negative effect on swallowing (60.3±26.6 : 38.6±27.3, p=0.025) and cough (46±35.7  :  12.3±16.5, p=0.003). Patients treated with primary ChT-RT had more problems with swallowing (63.2±24.5  : 40.2±28,2, p=0.019), social eating (51±31.3 : 28.6±24.7, p=0.013), sex (56.9±38.2 : 22.5±35.4, p=0.014), cough (49±37.5 : 15.9±19.8, p=0.006) and weight loss (94.1±24.3 : 56.5±50.7, p=0.040) than other patients. The evaluation 10–12 weeks after treatment (evaluation 3) did now show significant differences between therapeu- tic groups in any activity or symptoms included in the EORTC QLQ-H&N35 questionnaire. 3.3 The dynamic of QoL changes (comparing evaluations 1–3) We identified three patterns of sta- tistically and at the same time clinical- ly significant changes in the scores of some QoL indicators (Tables 2 and 3): after temporary worsening due to RT (between evaluations 2 and 3), there was significant improvement after treatment (between evaluations 2 and 3), which was comparable to or even better than before RT (Figure 1A) or did not reach the level before the start of RT but still improved compared to evaluation 2 (Figure 1B); significant worsening during RT was not followed by improvement (Figure 1C). The difference between individual scores was less than 10 points and/or statisti- cally significant in other QoL indicators. Of course, when evaluating the changes 251 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer treated by radiotherapy in scores of individual QoL indicators, it should be taken into account wheth- er it is about evaluating symptoms or functionality. EORTC QLQ-C30. Indicators in which the score temporarily worsened due to treatment but did not deviate from the baseline at the end were “role functional- ity”, “fatigue” and “constipation” (Figure 1A); with loss of appetite, the final im- provement did not reach the level before the start of RT (Figure 1B). EORTC QLQ-H&N35. After tempo- rary and significant worsening of the score, it returned to the baseline in the indicators “pain”, “dysphagia”, “social eat- ing”, “interest in sex”, “opening mouth”, “cough”, “analgesic use”, and “weight loss” (Figure 1A). With the “senses problems” indicator, the temporary score worsening was followed by significant improvement, which did not reach the level before the start of RT (Figure 1B). With indicators “dry mouth”, “sticky saliva” and “nutri- tional supplements”, the score worsening caused by treatment persisted even after treatment’s end (Figure 1C). Due to the sample size, we did not ana- lyze the dynamics of QoL changes within individual subgroups of patients (clinical, therapeutic). 4 Discussion In our group of patients with HNC, QoL before RT was especially affected by the presence of a tracheostomy and feeding tube. During RT, individual QoL indicators significantly worsened, also depending on treatment intensity (total RT dose, adjuvant ChT), which coincid- ed with the development of acute side effects of RT and ChT. After treatment, most indicators returned to the base- line, except those that reflect RT-specific Figure 1: Patterns of statistically and clinically significant changes in the scores of some QoL indicators. (When evaluating the changes in scores of individual QoL indicators, it should be taken into account whether it is about evaluation of symptoms or functionality). A E va lu a ti o n ( sc o re ) QLQ-C30 QLQ-H&N35 Role functionality, fatigue, pain, constipation pain, problems with swallowing, problems with eating, interest in sex, problems with mouth opening, cough, analgesic use, weight loss Evaluation 1 Evaluation 2 Evaluation 3 B E va lu a ti o n ( sc o re ) QOL-C30 loss of appetite QOL-H&N35 senses problems C E va lu a ti o n ( sc o re ) QOL-H&N35 dry mouth, sticky saliva, nutritional supplements Evaluation 1 Evaluation 2 Evaluation 3 Evaluation 1 Evaluation 2 Evaluation 3 252 CYTOLOGY, ONCOLOGY, CANCEROLOGY Zdrav Vestn | May – June 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3157 tissue injury (glandular tissue, taste). Currently, there is no ”gold standard” with which we could measure QoL, even though it is one of the key components in assessing treatment success (7). It evalu- ates the patient’s perception of their dis- ease, treatment and its consequences, and at the same time significantly coin- cides with the prognosis of HNC (17). The unexplored nature of this area in the Slovenian population of patients with HNC and therefore the unverified valid- ity of the conclusions of similar foreign studies were the initiative for conducting our study. We used the EORTC QLQ-C30 and QLQ-H&N35 questionnaires, the most commonly used established tools in clinical practice, to evaluate QoL (13,14). As expected, in the first evaluation of QoL before RT, we found less prob- lems in patients without a tracheostomy or feeding tube, vices (non-smokers and former smokers), comorbidities or with HPV-related oropharyngeal tumours. It is known that a tracheostomy and in par- ticular a feeding tube and its associated problems with feeding are the conditions that lower QoL in patients with HNC the most, especially in social environments and outside the home (18). A tracheosto- my as the reason for dyspnoea, cough and problems with communication and social contact was the consequence of laryngec- tomy due to a primary hypopharyngeal or laryngeal tumour in all 6 patients, while a feeding tube was inserted prior to surgery due to dysphagia. This was the result of either a tumorectomy or injury to tissues and structures involved in swallowing due to a tumour (19). Comorbidity is an important indicator of a lower functional reserve of the body or its ability to com- pensate for the harmful effects of another disease (e.g. cancer) and/or its treatment. In our group, the burden of comorbidi- ty significantly correlated with smoking, which, along with numerous drugs that reduce the symptoms of comorbidities, is known to have a negative effect on saliva production and can cause the sensation of a dry mouth (20). The favourable QoL indicator scores in patients with HPV- related oropharyngeal tumours compared to others reflect the lower age, absence of vices and comorbidities, higher econom- ic status and better cooperation during treatment in this patient group (21,22). We included the dose of radiation and addition of ChT to RT in our evaluation of the effect of treatment on QoL. As the radiation dose is dictated by the type of RT (primary/after surgery), we also as- sessed the effect of surgery on QoL. As expected, at the end of treatment, when the acute side effects of RT and ChT are most severe (23), patients with more in- tensive treatment (e.g. higher dose of RT and addition of ChT) had more problems; patients with primary ChT-RT gave the worst scores. Other authors have also concluded that most QoL indicator scores are lowest at the end of treatment (23,24). After the end of treatment, the negative influence of treatment intensity on QoL had subsided: the difference between the more and less intensively treated patients was only manifested in the degree of fa- tigue and normal activities. The analysis of the dynamics of chang- es in QoL indicators in our study, as well as findings of foreign authors, confirm that in most cases the situation returns to the state before the start of RT (24,25). In our study, this was true for the indi- cators: role functioning, fatigue, pain, constipation, sexual functioning, cough, analgesic use, mouth opening and social eating, In the last two indicators in par- ticular, we would expect that patients to rate them as worse as a recent study found the presence of dysphagia in as many as 41% of Slovenian patients with HNC 253 ORIGINAL SCIENTIFIC ARTICLE Quality of life in patients with head and neck cancer treated by radiotherapy (26). The patient tendency to rate certain QoL indicators after the end of oncologi- cal treatment similarly to before the start of treatment is a known phenomenon. Experts attribute it to the re-evaluation of the concept of QoL, including the val- ue system and personal standards, which is characteristic of oncological patients and others facing a potentially deadly disease (27). A poorer final score was recorded for indicators associated with RT-specific defects, i.e. defects in the patient’s gustatory and salivary appara- tus: senses problems, dry mouth, sticky saliva, loss of appetite, nutritional sup- plements. By increasing the intake of nu- tritional supplements, patients alleviate the harmful effects of difficult eating and loss of appetite, which can both be the results of taste disturbances, lack of sa- liva and changes in its consistency (26). These unwanted sequelae of RT cannot be completely avoided by using modern irradiation techniques such as IMRT or proton beam therapy (28-30). The de- gree of these sequelae is dependent on the location and size of the tumour (tar- get) and/or the extent of injury to the glandular tissue due to invasive tumour growth or surgery; we do not know of an effective method to alleviate or even re- move such phenomena (5). The presented results of the study should be judged in the light of its lim- itations. The first is the sample size, which was chosen arbitrarily, aware of the logistical difficulty of data collec- tion. Therefore, interpretation requires a degree of caution. A small sample size also prevented the use of multivariate analysis, which would evaluate the inde- pendent significance of the studied QoL indicators. The study was limited to only male patients, which represent the ma- jority of patients with HNC: by excluding women, the number of possible factors that could affect the results was reduced, but unfortunately, the validity of results for the entire population of patients with HNC in Slovenia treated with RT was al- so reduced. We also did not analyse the effect of factors that could affect QoL, such as the state of family life, social status, level of education, employment and mental state. Analyses of the role of these factors were not planned, not on- ly because of the number of patients in- volved but also because of the expected difficulties in collecting reliable data. The last evaluation of QoL was performed at 10–12 weeks after treatment, which does not mean that QoL of patients does not change in the following months and years. Regeneration of the gustatory and salivary apparatus is supposed to take up to 2 years after the end of RT and fibrotic transformation of irradiated tissues sev- eral years before the final state is achieved (5). Last but not least, we noticed that pa- tients often ran out of patience in com- pleting the questionnaires, despite the standardized translation into Slovene, and they completed the last part of the 68 questions that both questionnaires to- gether consist of in a hurry. Some ques- tions were more difficult for individual patients to understand and required fur- ther clarification from the researchers. 5 Conclusion The evaluation of different QoL indi- cators in Slovenian patients with HNC before, during and after RT are compa- rable to similar foreign analyses. 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