C. R. LIZÁRRAGA et al.: STRESS-CORROSION-CRACKING ASSESSMENT OF X52 PIPELINE STEEL ... 81–86 STRESS-CORROSION-CRACKING ASSESSMENT OF X52 PIPELINE STEEL EXPOSED TO MEXICAN SOILS OCENA POKANJA ZARADI NAPETOSTNE KOROZIJE NA CEVOVODU IZ JEKLA X52, IZPOSTAVLJENEMU MEHI[KI PRSTI Carlos Rafael Lizárraga 1 , Tezozomoc Pérez 2 , Ricardo Galván-Martinez 3 , Luis Manuel Quej-Aké 4 , Antonio Contreras 4* 1 Department of Metal-Mechanics, National Technological Institute of Mexico – Technological Institute of Culiacán, Juan de Dios Bátiz 310, Pte. Col. Guadalupe, 80220 Culiacán, Sinaloa, México 2 Corrosion Research Centre, Autonomous University of Campeche, Ave. Agustín Melgar s/n, Col Buenavista, P.O. Box 24039, Campeche, México 3 Anticorrosion Unit, Engineering Institute, University of Veracruz, Juan Pablo II s/n, University Zone, C.P. 94294, Boca del Río, Veracruz, México 4 Mexican Petroleum Institute, Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas Norte 152, Col. San Bartolo Atepehuacan, 07730 México City, México Prejem rokopisa – received: 2018-02-07; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2018-10-10 doi:10.17222/mit.2018.018 This work analyzed the physicochemical effect of the soils typical of the Campeche State of Mexico on the X52 pipeline steel. The susceptibility to external stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of the X52 pipeline steel in two types of soil containing different moisture contents was investigated using slow-strain-rate tests (SSRT). One soil is of a calcareous origin (high pH) and the other is farming soil (near-neutral pH). Generally, steel shows high resistance to SCC in the farming soil, exhibiting only pitting corrosion; however, the X52 steel was susceptible to SCC, though only in the saturated calcareous soil, showing some microcracks in the gage section of SSR specimens. Some microcracks were found at the bottom of micropits. SCC was promoted by the plastic deformation at the bottom of the pits, combined with the influence of the soil chemistry. The process of crack initiation is discussed in terms of the pit geometry and stresses. Keywords: corrosion, soil, pitting, stress corrosion cracking Avtorji so analizirali fizikalno-kemijski vpliv prsti, zna~ilne za mehi{ko dr`avo Campeche, na cevovod iz jekla X52. Ob~utljivost cevovoda iz jekla X52 na korozijsko pokanje zaradi zunanjih napetosti (SCC) so raziskovali na dveh vrstah razli~no vla`ne prsti z uporabo testov po~asne deformacije (SSRT). Ena prst je bila apnen~astega izvora (visok pH) in druga je bila poljedelska zemlja (blizu nevtralnega pH). V splo{nem se je pokazalo, da ima jeklo dobro odpornost proti SCC v poljedelski zemlji z rahlimi znaki jami~aste korozije. Vendar pa jeklo X52 ka`e ve~jo ob~utljivost na SCC v prisotnosti nasi~ene apnen~aste prsti z znaki nastajanja mikrorazpok v merilnem delu SSR preizku{ancev. Nekaj mikrorazpok so na{li tudi na dnu jamic. SCC je pospe{ila plasti~na deformacija na dnu jamic v kombinaciji z vplivom kemijske sestave prsti. Proces nastajanja razpok so avtorji razlo`ili glede na geometrijo jamic in napetosti. Klju~ne besede: korozija, prst, nastajanje jamic, pokanje zaradi napetostne korozije 1 INTRODUCTION Research in the external-stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of pipelines caused by the soils is currently of great interest in the oil industry. SCC of underground pipelines can develop in a few years, depending on the operating conditions. SCC is a type of environmentally assisted cracking that requires three factors in order to occur: the mechanical factor, the metallurgical factor and the electrochemical factor. Currently, in México, SCC is beginning to be a prob- lem in the oil industry because several SCC cases were detected through smart pigs, preventing the occurrence of a failure to the pipeline. 1 Most SCC studies focused on the pipelines of low-carbon steels, taking into account the internal fluid that is transported, mainly H 2 S and CO 2 . 2–5 However, when a pipeline is designed, in addition to the internal fluid that is being transported, the external environment (soil-water) must also be con- sidered. 6–7 The investigation about the pipelines that has deve- loped includes a wide range of diameters, wall thick- nesses, grades, manufacturing processes and coatings. 8 The relationship between the pipelines and SCC is not clear due to many factors that must be considered, such as the environment (the type of soil), stresses, the chemical composition of steel, the grade, strength and microstructure of pipeline steel. The factors that must be considered when dealing with the SCC produced due to the external environment include the moisture content, pH, temperature, the concentration of dissolved ions, carbonate amount, the level of cathodic protection, the microstructure of pipeline steel and operational and residuals stresses. 7,9 When cracks nucleate in the surface of a pipeline, the conditions allowing them to reach the critical size Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 1, 81–86 81 UDK 620.1:620.193:620.194.2:621.643.2-034.14 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 53(1)81(2019) *Corresponding author e-mail: acontrer@imp.mx depend on several parameters such as the corrosiveness of the environment (physicochemical factors commonly associated with pH), the microstructure of steel (associated with the phases present in the material, grain size, inclusions and others defects) and mechanical fac- tors (the material strength, the stress applied, fluctuations of the pressure and residual stresses). Most of the works about the SCC of pipeline steels were done using synthetic solutions representative of some specific geographical areas. 10–11 Mexico is a coun- try with a wide variety of soils and climates. Therefore, in this work we used two different soils from the south of Mexico where there is a great number of underground pipelines that transport oil, focusing on how the environment and the stresses produced by slow strain affect the nucleation of cracks on the steel surface. Ion content, pH, moisture amount and phases are some of the soil parameters that we have studied. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 SCC assessment The SCC in the X52 steel was evaluated through SSR tests. SSRT specimens used to evaluate the SCC susceptibility were machined from the X52 pipeline steel (914 mm in diameter and 9.5 mm in thickness) according to the measurements indicated in NACE TM 0198. 12 The SSRT specimens were exposed to two different soils obtained from the south of México. One type of soil is of calcareous origin (pH 8.5) and the other is farming soil (pH 6.5). The soil samples used for the experiments were prepared at a controlled water content, correspond- ing to (25, 50 and 100) % of the saturation level. To perform the SSR tests involving the two different soils, a 500-mL glass autoclave was used as shown in Figure 1. A mobile constant-extension-rate machine – MCERT – (Figure 1a) with a load capacity of 44 kN was used to perform the SSRT at a strain rate of 1·10 –6 s –1 . The tests were carried out in air as reference (Figure 1b) and in the two soils with different moisture contents (25, 50 and 100) % at room temperature. When a test was completed, the fractured sample was immediately removed and cleaned using acid and acetone for an examination with scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SCC susceptibility was evaluated according to NACE TM-0198 and ASTM G-129. 12,13 An SCC index higher than 0.8 means that the material exhibits good resistance to SCC, whereas lower values (<0.8) indicate that the material evaluated may be susceptible to SCC. In this case, complementary SEM observations are required to confirm the presence of cracks. These observations are recommended when there is a ratio lower than 0.8. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Steel microstructure The microstructure of the API X52 steel consists of perlite and ferrite. The average grain size of this steel is around 10 μm. Several recent studies of steels with different microstructures have suggested that steels with more uniform microstructures may be less susceptible to SCC. 14,15 Investigations of steel revealed that the micro- structure is the most important factor affecting SCC. 14–18 Therefore, in addition to steel grade, the microstructure also needs to be considered when determining the SCC susceptibility. 3.2 Soil analysis Table 1 shows the chemical compositions of the soils used. In the calcareous soil, the main constituent is calcium, forming a higher amount of carbonates than the one found in the farming soil as shown in Table 2. Table 1: Chemical compositions of the soils studied (w/%) Metals and oxides Farming soil Calcareous soil Na 0.07375 0.003845 Ca 2.47 39.1 Mg 0.54630 0.07661 Fe 3.95 0.02088 Cu 0.001999 ND Si 0.0536.7 0.04053 Al 9.46 0.02587 K 1.17 0.00532 Cl 0.08 0.59 SiO2 0.66 35.75 Al2 O3 0.47 25.25 Fe2 O 3 0.12 16.35 CaO 98.57 11.75 MgO ND 3.99 TiO 2 ND 1.95 P2O5 ND 0.52 MnO ND 0.48 SO3 0.04 0.41 ND=Not detected Generally, farming soils are clay compounds with a high organic-matter content as shown in Table 2. Farm- C. R. LIZÁRRAGA et al.: STRESS-CORROSION-CRACKING ASSESSMENT OF X52 PIPELINE STEEL ... 82 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 1, 81–86 Figure 1: a) MCERT machine used to carry out the SSR tests consist- ing of a glass cell with calcareous soil and b) SSRT carried out in air ing soils have a notable plasticity when they are wet and they can easily adhere to surfaces. When this soil dries, cracks and stresses occur and these can damage the coating. 19 Pipelines in the soils that experience different periods of high or low moisture are more susceptible to SCC. 20 Samples of the soils were analyzed with X-Ray diffraction (XRD). The calcareous soil is basically com- posed of calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 -Calcite) and some traces of silicon oxide (SiO 2 -Coesite) and iron oxide (Fe 3 O 4 ). The farming soil basically includes aluminum- silicate-oxide (Al 2 SiO 5 ), aluminum oxide (Al 2 O 3 ), silicon oxide (SiO 2 ), iron oxides (Fe 3 O 4 ) and some traces of phosphorus and titanium oxides. 3.3 Slow-strain-rate tests Figure 2 shows the stress-strain curves obtained with the SSRTs carried out in air and in the soils with diffe- rent moisture contents at room temperature. According to this figure, it is clear that the strain decreases as the moisture content increases, which can be attributed to the dissolution of salts and ions increasing the corrosivity of the SSR samples due to the soils. The mechanical pro- perties of the X52 steel obtained with the SSRT tests include a yield strength of 398 MPa, an ultimate tensile strength of 460 MPa, a 19-% strain and an elongation of 4.85 mm. 3.4 Assessment of SCC susceptibility Susceptibility to SCC of the API X52 steel was eval- uated on the basis of the results obtained with the SSRTs and corroborated with the SEM observations. Table 3 shows a summary of the SCC assessment obtained with the SSRTs. The SCC susceptibility was expressed as a function of the reduction in area ratio (RAR), time-to- failure ratio (TFR), plastic-elongation ratio (PER), elongation ratio (ELR) and strain ratio ( R). 12,13 Ratios higher than 0.8 normally indicate good SCC resistance, whereas the values lower than 0.8 indicate susceptibility to SCC, which should be corroborated with SEM. The SCC index showed in Table 3 indicates that the X52 steel is resistant to SCC, except when the X52 steel is exposed to saturated calcareous soil where all the SCC indices calculated were below 0.8, indicating that steel may be susceptible to SCC in this soil, which was corroborated with the SEM observations. C. R. LIZÁRRAGA et al.: STRESS-CORROSION-CRACKING ASSESSMENT OF X52 PIPELINE STEEL ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 1, 81–86 83 Table 2: Physicochemical parameters of the soils relating to corrosion and SCC Soil Resistivity (Ohm·cm) pH Redox potential (mV vs SHE) Organic matter Moisture content CO3 2– HCO 3 – Cl – NO2 – NO3 – SO4 2– (ppm) Farm. 3402 6.7 379 11.6 % 43.08 % 111.6 63.44 0.90 2.59 9.23 6.59 Calc. 13417 8.1 335 3.23 % 22.52 % 120 597.8 0.52 2.21 1.56 1.00 Table 3: SCC assessment obtained with the SSRTs Condition RA (%) RAR TF TFR PE PER EL ELR R Air Air 78.59 55.78 17.82 4.85 19.10 Calcareous soil 25% 52.13 0.66 52.97 0.95 17.11 0.96 4.60 0.95 18.11 0.94 50% 54.34 0.69 50 0.90 16.78 0.94 4.36 0.89 17.19 0.90 100% 59.81 0.76 40.77 0.73 12.72 0.71 3.55 0.73 13.98 0.73 Farming soil 50% 56.25 0.71 52.58 0.94 16.74 0.94 4.57 0.94 17.98 0.94 100% 77.05 0.98 48.98 0.88 15.68 0.88 4.26 0.88 16.77 0.87 Figure 2: Stress-strain profiles obtained with the SSRTs 3.5 Surface-fracture analysis Figure 3 shows SEM images of the fracture surfaces (primary cracks) of the steels after the SSRTs were carried out in air and in both calcareous and farming soils. The measurements of the final diameters of the fractures needed to calculate the RARs were carried out. For most of the samples tested with both soils, a ductile type of fracture was observed, except for the samples tested in the saturated calcareous soil where a brittle fracture was observed (Figure 3b). The surface fractures showed some inclusions like MnS, SiO 2 ,Al 2 O 3 and FeC. The pit formation at these sites may have been enhanced by the galvanic coupling between the inclusions and the base metal. Inclusions enriched in Al 2 O 3 and SiO 2 are hard and brittle. Accord- ing to Liu et al., 16 inclusions act as crack-initiation sites. Zorc et al. 21 said that cracks are directly connected to the non-metallic inclusions of the oxide types. 3.6 Longitudinal-section analysis The SEM analysis was focused on the sections of the SSRT specimens exposed to the saturated calcareous soil where the SCC assessment gave a SCC index below 0.8. Figure 4 shows SEM images of the longitudinal sections of the samples tested in the saturated calcareous soil, showing the presence of some typical secondary cracks and pits close to the surface failure (the primary crack). Figure 4a shows a lateral view of the primary crack of the fracture surface. The appearance of the surface fracture is typical of brittle fracture. Figure 4b shows the presence of some secondary cracks in the gage section close to the primary crack. Such cracks are generally initiated at the pits on the gage surface as shown in Fig- ures 4c–4d. However, not all the pits were associated with microcracks. For the samples tested in the cal- careous soil with a 50-% moisture content as well as for the samples tested in the farming soil, no secondary cracks were observed. C. R. LIZÁRRAGA et al.: STRESS-CORROSION-CRACKING ASSESSMENT OF X52 PIPELINE STEEL ... 84 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 53 (2019) 1, 81–86 Figure 4: SEM images of the longitudinal sections of the samples tested in the saturated calcareous soil: a) a primary crack, b) secondary cracks close to the surface failure, c) crack measurement and d) some pits and cracks close to the surface failure Figure 3: SEM images of the fracture surfaces: a) tested in air, b) tested in saturated calcareous soil and c) tested in saturated farming soil From the specimens metallographically prepared, it was observed that most of the cracks were shallow with a depth of a few microns and that they tended to be dormant. Once these shallow cracks reached a threshold depth, they could propagate. The maximum crack depth measured was 31.5 μm and the maximum width was 16.6 μm (Figure 4c); the aspect ratio was 1.8, resulting in a high susceptibility to cracking. According to Fang et al., 22 pits are less likely to generate cracks if the depth- to-width aspect ratio is >0.5. Considering the elapsed time for this test (>40h), we obtained a cracking velocity of 2.14 × 10 –4 μm/sec (6.7 mm/year). This cracking velocity is called the pseudo-cracking velocity due to the unknown time, at which the cracks initiate in a specimen during a SSR test. This assumption presumes that a crack starts at the time of the test; a more accurate time of initiation would probably indicate a higher cracking velocity because most of the cracks nucleate due to the yield strength. Thus, the plastic zone is considered to be controlling variable for the threshold stress for the crack nucleation and propagation. 23 3.7. Transition from a pit to a crack An SCC process starts with the nucleation of cracks, which, in most cases, initiate from the bottom of a pit due to a combination of an electrochemical process (dissolution) and mechanical process (tensile stress) as shown in Figure 4d2. When an SSRT is being performed, the corrosive environment generates pits and these, in turn, increase the local stresses with a plastic deformation, producing plastic zones in the boundary corrosion pits. 24,25 The pits observed at the high-stress regime may cause incubation and nucleation of cracks. Depending on the width and depth, a pit can raise the threshold stress at the bottom, usually leading to a crack initiation. This behavior was shown by Hoeppner 26 (Equation 1): KS a Q fs =11 . (1) where K sf is the stress-intensity factor corresponding to the surface flaw, S is the applied stress, a is the size of the flaw, and Q is the shape factor. Additionally, some other important factors must be considered for the pit-to-crack transition, such as loading conditions, the strain generated, solution corrosiveness, the toughness and microstructure of the material. 22,26,27 The reason why many cracks initiate at the bottom of the pits is a high stress concentration at the more narrow area of a pit, which generally corresponds to the bottom of the pit. This assumption was well demonstrated with a corrosion-fatigue model made by Kondo: 28,29 ΔKc a Q fs a =224 . (2) where a is the stress amplitude, is a/c, 2c is the flaw size, a is the pit depth, and Q is the shape factor. This formula clearly shows that the stress-concentration factor may increase significantly with the pitting depth. The increase in the pitting depth was not the only factor causing the crack initiation. If the corrosion rate is high, only dissolution will occur and cracks will not develop. SEM observations revealed that although some pits were greater and deeper than the others, no crack was initiated from these pits. Their initiation depends on the microstructure and the equilibrium between the dissolution rate and different stress concentrations. The determination of the critical pit size needed for the transition from pitting to cracks was developed by Shi et al. 30 They established that the nucleation of cracks is controlled by the competition between the processes of pit growing (dissolution) and crack growing (stresses due to a plastic deformation). 4 CONCLUSIONS The investigation carried out in this work analyzed the physicochemical effects of two typical soils common in Mexico when in contact with the X52 pipeline steel. The value of the SCC index, which is <0.8 (RAR, TFR, PER, ELR and R) indicates that the X52 pipeline steel may be slightly susceptible to SCC only in the saturated calcareous soil, which was corroborated by the secon- dary cracks in the gage section. Most of the cracks detected in the specimens of the X52 steel exposed to the saturated calcareous soil were found at the bottom of the pits. The location of the cracks in the pits may be related to the stress intensification at this place. Continuous loading during the SSRT produced a microstrain at the bottom of a pit, facilitating the pit-to-crack transition. The morphological factor and critical pit size were combined with the stresses, enhancing the transition from pitting to cracks. For the specimens metallographi- cally prepared, the maximum cracking velocity of 6.76 mm/year was obtained. 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