TheEditor’sCorner Morethanayearagotheideaaboutanewjournalwasborn.Atthetime colleagues often stopped me curiously asking: ‘How is it going?’ For this long year the only answer was: ‘It’s moving.’ With this first volume and thefirstnumberastepinthis‘moving’processcanbeidentified–some- thing has been moved and we keep moving on. Let me, then, start by thanking the authors of the manuscripts we have received, the Edito- rial BoardMembers and reviewers for their willingness to join us in this ‘moving’journeyaswellasfortheworktheyhavedoneinordertomake thisjournal ‘happen’. Forthereadersaswellasforthosewhomightconsidersubmitting their article to Managing Global Transitions: International Research Journal,wewouldliketopointoutthedistinctivefeaturesofthejournal – its focus on transitions and the aspiration to provide diverse perspec- tives on the processes of change and evolution in a broad range of aca- demic disciplines and fields, such as management and administration, economics andbusiness,education, legalissuesandleadership. The Journal, therefore, seeks to embrace three processes – manage- ment (administration, leadership) concepts and processes, globalisation andtransitions,whicharenotallspecificallytiedtooneareaoracademic discipline.‘Transition’wasoneofthechallengingideasaswe,inourpart of the world, often associate it with the economic concept of a ‘country in transition’. Yet, what or who is not in transition if we look at current world events? What is stable and what has been changing? As we try to understand, anticipate and manage these transitions, even more – ev- ery now and then we even have the feeling we control them. However, therearemanycriticalissuesthatneedtobedeconstructed andsurfaced –researchisoneofthemeanstoachievethisaim. One might argue that by the breadth we will lose the depth. Our in- tentionsgobeyondthedichotomyof‘depth’and‘breath’byarguingthat thearticlesandyou,researchersandauthors,willbringthedepthofyour topic, research into our journal, yet the journal as a whole will provide the reader with a breadth of areas, fields and disciplines. We believe that the complexity of processes and interrelations, interconnectedness and even more, the perplexity of ‘pulses for change’, occur in complex en- vironments and have implications for many, traditionally isolated and well-bounded academic disciplines and ‘real’ life. For these reasons, the  TheEditor’sCorner Journal consistsof different sections that might and will varyfrom issue to issue. This first number embraces articles related to ‘general’ man- agement and education while the next issue will bring to the surface economic views and current educational topics. Such a variety has rich- nessinbringingdiversityandcomplexityofrelationsupfront,butitalso mighthavesomeweaknessesforthoselookingforaspecifictopic. Thefirstnumberisalmostadisplayofthevarietyanddiversityoftop- ics, areas and methodologies. It starts with Noel Gough’s ‘experiment’, with his ‘travelling’ through speculative fictions for understanding the global change environment, an article that invites philosophical discus- sions. The author invites readers to join the discussionand we wouldbe pleasedtopublishyourdiscussionsthroughthenextthreenumbers.The following articles are grouped into management, and education. Catana wasaFulbrightscholarinSloveniaandsheprovidesthefindingsofmul- tiplecasestudiesrelatedtomanagementandorganisationaltheoriesthat she conducted during her visit to Slovenia. Oldroyd discusses contrast- ing directions in educational leadership bringing to light the ‘results or learning’ oriented dichotomy. Dibbonfocuses on the processes of creat- ing a culture of innovation in Canadian schools while Haugen, Behling, Wood and Douglas discuss a project done on distance learning in the United States Army.Thank youfor joining usandsharingyourwork. We also kindly invite you – the researcher and scholar and the reflec- tive practitioner – to join our endeavour by sending your article to the Journal.Itisanintriguingandchallengingjourney–aneverendingstory of research and discussion. We have started it and we can keep it going onlywith yourcontributions. Let’skeep moving,then. Anita Trnavˇ ceviˇ c Editor ManagingGlobalTransitions