Informatica 20 (1996) 465 On Facts Versus Misconceptions about Rough Sets Igor Kononenko University of Ljubljana Faculty of Computer and Information Science Tržaška 25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia E-mail: Keywords: rough set theory, critical analysis, machine learning Edited by: Matjaž Gams Received: December 2, 1996 Revised: December 4, 1996 Accepted: December 5, 1996 This note is a response to the paper Rough Sets: Facts Versus Misconceptions by J.Grzymala-Busse, J.Stefanowski and W. Ziarko, Informatica, this volume, which is in turn the response to the paper (Kononenko and Zore, 1994). I clarify some points from our original paper that were mistakenly interpreted by Grzymala-Busse et al. and stress points from our original paper that were ignored by Grzymala-Busse et al. I conclude that with additions to the Rough Sets theory one can achieve good peribrmance, which is however not due to Rough Sets but due to the additions, and that the use of Rough Sets is an unnecessary burden for machine learning algorithms. Introductio n In the paper (Kononenko and Zore, 1994) we erit­ically analyzed the Rough Sets Theory (RST) ap­proach to machine learning (ML). We analyzed the following drawbacks of the RST approach to machine learning: — complicated formalization of rather trivial notions and sometimes strange terminology that confuses the point, — inflexibility of the knowledge representation, — ad-hoc solutions, and — comparison of the RST approach to machine learning with other approaches. We concluded: "... It seems that many authors have no overvieui of the work that is going on in ma­chine learning and that may be the reason for many reinventings and also plenty of ad-hoc solutions. ... Complicated formalization in RST adds confusion with numerous nem notions and unusual terminology that prevents global overvietu of the RST and prevents systematic analysis. ... The problems with noise and incomplete data disables RST from providing ef­ficient solutions for complez real-uiorld problems." Grzymala-Busse et al. (this volume) tried to "correct the inaccuracies and respond to unfounded claims" in our paper. In this note I clarify some points from our original paper that were mistakenly interpreted by Grzymala-Busse et al. and stress points from our original paper that were ignored by Grzymala-Busse et al. 2 Experimental comparison in (Kononenko and Zore, 1994) In the paper (Kononenko and Zore, 1994) we com­pared the performance of one RST-based algo­rithm for inducing decision rules with one classi­cal algorithm for generating decision trees called Assistant (Cestnik et al., 1987) and the naive Bavesian classifier. We reproduce the results in Tables 1 (classification accuracy) and 2 (informa­tion seore, (Kononenko and Bratko, 1991)). In (Kononenko and Zore, 1994) we have interpreted the results as follows: "Ali differences in the classification accu­racy (Table 1) that are less than 4 % are 46 6 Informatica 20 (1996) Table 1: Comparison of the classification accuracy (%) of different classifiers on various data sets. domain Assistant Bayes RST primary tumor 44 50 35 breast cancer 77 79 80 thyroid diseases 73 72 61 rheumatology 65 69 66 hepatitis 82 87 81 lymphography 79 84 77 criminology 61 61 63 fresh concrete 61 63 61 Table 2: Comparison of the average information score (bit) of different classifiers on various data sets. domain Assistant Bayes RST primary tumor 1.38 1.57 0.96 breast cancer 0.07 0.18 -0.04 thyroid diseases 0.87 0.85 0.46 rheumatology 0.46 0.58 0.16 hepatitis 0.15 0.42 0.12 lymphography 0.67 0.83 0.51 criminology 0.06 0.27 0.03 fresh concrete 0.70 0.89 0.59 statistically insignificant (confidence level is 0.99 using two-tailed t-test). Other differences are significant. Hotvever, note that for breast cancer, rheumatologij, and criminologij, where the differ­ences are the lowest, the classification accuracv is practicalhj equal to the proportion of the majoritv class. For those data sets the information score is a better measure. The majoritv of differences in information score (Table 2) are statisticallv significant (the ezceptions are the differences betmeen Assistant and RST in hepatitis and criminologv)." However, Grzymala-Busse et al. comment: "Their ad hoc methodologv of comparison is based on removal of "differences in the classi­fication accuracy that are less than 4 percent" and then grading the performance by looking at the remaining differences. Obviously, populations are not normal, so t-distribution mili not produce valid results. Moreover, samples are not selected I. Kononenko in a random way, etc. What should be used to compare RST ivith Assistant is a standard non-parametric test, e.g., the Wilcoxon matched-pairs signed rank test. Using Wilcoxon test, the critical value of T for the čase of seven pairs of accuracies (one of the pairs should be removed because the results are identical) and one-tailed test at the significance level of 5% is equal to 3. The calculated value of T is 10, so Kononenko and Zorc's own evidence does not permit to reject the null hypothesis. Thus, the correct conclusion is that the performance of both classifiers, RST and Assistant, does not differ significanthj. The second criterion, "average importance score", used by Kononenko and Zore, is not convincing either. The criterion is invented by one of these authors and is not widely used by others, and as sueh, stili reauires some indepen­ dent validation." The above discussion is meaningless. Four points need clarification: 1. We didn't compare the average performance of Assistant with the average performance of the RST algorithms in ali domains as sueh comparison doesn't make sense at ali. Ob­viously one percent in one domain may be a significant improvement while 3 percents in other domain may not be very significant, es­pecially if the deviation of the performance is higher tha n 3 percents in that domain. Com­paring the average performance in various domains is missleading and can easily lead to wrong conclusions. Wha t we have compared is the perfomance of two algorithms on each domain separately. 2. When comparing the performance of two al­gorithms in one domain, we conducted 10 runs with different training/testing splits. Although we presented only the average re­sults, for evaluating the significance of the difference vre, of course, used 10 pairs of re­sults to test the significance level. It turned out, as we stated in our discussion, that aH differences in the classification accuracy in Table 1 that are less than 4 % are statistically insignificant and the other differences are sig­nificant. The use of 4 % in this statement is merely for brevity reasons. So we didn't use ON FACTS VERSUS... ad-hoc threshold of 4 %, as Grzymala-Busse et al. wrongly concluded. 3. The average information score has niče prop­erties (see (Kononenko and Bratko, 1991)) that allows it to appropriately deal with probabilistic answers and to take into ac­count the prior probabilities of classes. Al­though in the majority of experiments the classification accuracy and the information score are highly correlated (which is the main reason why so few other authors use infor­mation score, personal communication with many authors from ML community), they contain different messages for the user. The former states merely the percentage of cor­rect answers while the latter provides the es­timate of the average information contained in the classifiers answers and in domains with high variances of prior probabilities of classes this may be of significant value (Kononenko and Bratko, 1991). Stili, however, there are some authors that cite and/or use this mea­sure (e.g. Bailey and Elkan, 1993; Brazdil et al., 1994; Bruha and Kockova, 1993; Eisen­stein and Alemi, 1994; Fiirnkranz, 1994; Ko­dratoff et al , 1994; Michie et al. 1994; Mous­takis, 1995; Reich, 1995; Tirri et al., 1996; Zheng, 1993), including even, surprisingly, Grzymala-Busse (1992). 4. In our paper (Kononenko and Zore, 1994) we give the best results for the RST-based algo­rithm where we tried different values of the parameter a for the majority class limit. For other algorithms the default values of ali pa­rameters were used. Therefore, the results in Tables 1 and 2 are an overestimation of the performance of the RST-based algorithm. This fact was ignored by Grzymala-Busse et al. Drawbacks of th e RS T approach to ML In this section we stress the drawbacks of the RST as deseribed in (Kononenko and Zore, 1994): The lack of experimental comparison: In the previous section we clarified our experimental comparison of one RST-based Informatica 20 (1996). , 467 machine learning algorithm. In our previous paper we claimed that too few experimental evaluation of the RST approach to machine learning exists. Grzymala-Busse et al. diselaim this fact by citing 19 references that appeared later or the same year as our paper. One certainly should look at aH those references, however, this cannot serve as argumentation against claims about state-of-the-art of the paper that appeared in 1994. With modifications/extentions of the RST approach to machine learning it is obvious that one can achieve good performance. However, this fact is obvious also for any approach to machine learning. Complicated formalization: of rather trivial notions and sometimes strange terminology that confuses the point clearly indicates that the RST is an unnecessary burden for the ma­chine learning algorithms. Skipping the RST staff from the RST-based machine learning algorithms would make the algorithms more simple and more readable and would make al­gorithms more easily extensible to deal with noise and incomplete data. Grzymala-Busse et al. fail to comment this issue in their paper as well as they fail to comment the definition of complete indepen­dence of two attributes X and Y (Pawlak et al., 1988): H(Y\X) =log m where m is the number of values of attribute Y. Inflexibility of the knowledge representation: of the RST approach to machine learning was recently overcome in a buneh of different ways by extending the basic RST apporach by more or less ad-hoc solutions. There­fore, the same argument applies for this issues as for the experimental comparison: With modifications/extentions of the RST approach to machine learning it is obvious that one can obtain more flexible knowledge representation. However, this fact is obvious also for any approach to machine learning. Again, the RST approach is an unnecessary burden that can be easily skipped. 468 Informatica 20 (1996) Ad-hoc solutions: The conclusions from our original paper are stili valid: Instead of us­ing well knovra results from the probability theory and the information theory, authors from the RST community often use ad-hoc definitions and solutions. There is plenty of parameters and thresholds with poor theo­retical background. The same methodology is used also in the recent extentions of the RST approach to ML. 4 Conclusion From the discussion above I conclude that with additions to the Rough Sets theory one can cer­tainly achieve good performance. However, good performance of such systems is not due to the Rough Sets Theory but due to the additions, and that the use of Rough Sets is an unnecessary bur­den for machine learning algorithms. Therefore, of conclusions from our original paper only the latter ("The problems with noise and incomplete data disables RST from providing efficient solu­tions for complex real-world problems.") was in­validated by Grzymala-Busse et al. References [1] Bailey T.M., Elkan C. (1993) Estimating ac­curacy of learned concepts, Proč. Int. Joint Conf. on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI-93, pp.895-900. [2] Brazdil P., Gama J., Henery B. (1994) Char­acterizing the applicability of classification algorithms using meta-level learning. Proč. Eurp. Conf. on Machine Learning ECML-94, Catania, April 1994, pp. 83-102. [3] Bruha L, Kockova S. (1993) Quality of de­cision rules: empirical and statistical ap­proaches. Informatica, 17:233-243. 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