•nd Holidays PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE N ARO UNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Urada tiki la uprevailki praetor!: MST South Lawndale Ara. V mmmmm^ Office of PubUaattsn: M87 South Lawndale Am Telephons, Rockwall 4N4 )o SS4X) MM« J« CHICAOO ti ILL.. HIEDA. II. AVGUSTA (AUGUST 11). 1S4I Subacrlpiloa Ü00 Yoarly $TEV.—NUMBER 117 ay »^ntna at sneagi «J'^As» or^rtdnd MiS. A«dOwt isN autMnny June 4 uñí Moč monopolov stalno narašča v Ameriki Prolitrustni zakoni se ne izvajajo. Velike banke kontrolirajo kredite in investicije Washington. D. C.——Moč monopolov stalno narašča v Ameriki in davi ekonomijo dežele. Koncentracija ekonomske močkje zavzela velik obseg kljub poskusom razbijanja trustov. Dvesto največjih korporacij je v desetih letih povečalo kontrolo na 00 odstotkov. Protitrustni zakoni in regulacije niso preprečile monopolom povečanja kontrole nad ekonomijo Izognili so se zakonom in regulacijam. Danes federalna sodišča ne . ovirajo konsolidacije korporacij ) in drugih metod za raztegnitev monopolističnih kontrol. Kongres pod pritiskom monopolističnih grup je izvzel železniške kompanije od regulacij. S tem je ustvaril precedent za druge kompanije. Izgledi so za večjo koncentracijo ekonomske moči v rokah male grupe monopolistov. Ti bodo lahko določali cene in produkcijo in potiskali deželo v depresijo z inflacijo, da ljudje ne bodo mogli kupovati blaga. Pred desetimi leti je Franklin D. Roosevelt videl nevarnost monopolov. Takrat je dejal: "Svoboda v demokraciji ni varna, ako ljudstvo tolerira dviganje moči monopolov. Ti lahko postanejo močnejši kot država. V bistvu je to fašizem " V zadnjih letih je koncentracija elpioomake sile dosegla re-koiti v zgodovini dežele Ako ne bodo monopoli zajezeni, bodo ustanovili privatno nadvlado in izvajali politično moč v istem obsegu kot sedaj izvajajo ekonomsko oblast. Za ustavitev porasti monopo- Panjuškin zahteva izročitev učitelja Ugrabila ga je proti-boljševiska grupa Washington, D. C.. 10. avg.— Ruski poslanik Aleksander S. Panjuškin je sinoči zahteval od ameriške vlade, naj izroči ruskim uradnikom Mihaela Ivano-viča Samarina, učitelja v New Yorku, ki je imel zadnjo nedeljo razgovor s federalnimi detektivi- Na sestanku s časnikarji je poslanik dejal, da je naslovil noto z zahtevo za izročitev Samarina državnemu (Jbdtajniku Robertu A. Lovettu. Nota pravi, da je Samarina, njegovo družino in Oksano Ko-senkino. drugo učiteljico v New Yorku, ugrabila Tolstojeva ustanova. protiboljševiška ruska grupa. Panjuškin je označil to grupo za zločinsko organizacijo. Njen obstoj v Ameriki je direktno kršenje amerlško-ruskih obligacij, ki so bile prevzete, ko je Amerik« priznala Sovjetsko unijo 1 1933 Oksana Stepanovna je bila odpeljana iz poslopja Tolstojeve ustanove v bližini New Yoika v ruski konzulat. Uradniki so izjavili, da je še v konzulatu. Ustanova trdi. da je bila učiteljica odvedena v konzulat proti njeni volji. Samarin je bil rojen v Rusiji in je učitelj matematike Zadnjo soboto je odšel v urad federalnega detektivskega biroja v New Yorku Ruski poslanik ni pojasnil zveze mod Samarl-nom in Tolstojevo ustanovo Uradnik državnega depart men" U je dejal, da je bil Panjuškin informiran, da so konfliktne izjave povzročile konfuzijo in da bodo ameriške oblasti pretakale redevo in skušale ugotoviti vsa dejstva. lov je potrebno javno lastništvo vodilnih industrij in velikih bank. Slednje kontrolirajo kredite in investicije. Javno lastništvo bank bi bilo prvi korak akcije za zdrobite v monopolov. Delavske unije in organizacije farmarjev bi morale pritiskati na kongres in vlado za razglasitev javnega lastništva bank in glavnih industrij. Francoski rudarji oklicali stavko Program finančnega ministra izzval opozicijo Pariz. 10. avg,—Cez tisoč rudarjev v severni Franciji je za-stavkalo v znak protesta proti programu finančnega ministra Paula Reynauda, Znamenja so, da se bo stavka razširila na vse premogovno polje. Opozicija proti programu je tudi v narodni skupščini. Vodijo jo komunisti in neodvisni republikanci. Reynaud zahteva izjemno oblast za izvedbo programa brez odobritve skupščine. Komunist Marcel Servin je dejal, da hoče Reynaud posnemati metodp višiške vlade, ki je bil* 'ha krmilu, ko je bila F r a* c i jo pod nemško okupacijo. Ministra je obdolžit, da hoče doseči svoj cilj s fašistično politiko. Jacques Duclos, vodja komunistične stranke, je tudi oplazil Reynauda v svojem govoru. "Ako bo finančni minister dobil oblast, katero zahteva, bo francoska armada postala hrana za topove zapadnih držav," je dejal. "Francija je že zabredla v kaos, kar je posledica Marshal-lovega načrta. Ako bo naša ekonomija povezana z ameriško ekonomijo, bo Francija izgubila tržišča v državah vzhodne Evrope." Reynaud je odgovoril kritikom. Priznal je, da Marshallov načrt ni rezultiral v okrevanju francoske ekonomije, vztrajal je pa pri zahtevi, da mora dobiti vso oblast za reorganiziranje c-konomskega ustroja. Zagonetna priča se uprla odseku Koral ni hotel sdfO* varjati na vpraiaiija Washington. D. C~ 10, svg.— Zagonetna priča, o kateri so tr* dili, da bo razkrila via tajnosti delovanja ruskega, špionskega krožka, se je upral preiskovalcu kongresnega odseka za neameriške aktivnosti in ni hotela odgovarjati na vprašanja. Kot priča je nastopil v Londonu roien Alexander Koral. Dajal je, da ne bo odgovarjal ns vprašanja, ali je ali nI komunist in ali pozna EUzabetho T. Bentley, bivšo članico komunistične stranke Ta ženska je povedala povest o zvezi med ruskimi špio-nl in nekaterimi ameriškimi uradniki. Koral je le povedal, da je njegov dom v Brooklynu in da je v službi šolskega odbora v New « Yorku. Odgovoriti ni hotel na I vprašanje, ali pozna osebo pod imenom Frank. Bentley je trdila, ds je ta oseba imela zvezo z njo. Justični department je razkril, da je Koral prej nastopil kot priča pred federalno vele-poroto, ki je obtožila voditelja komunistične strsnke zarote t namenom strmoglavljanja ameriške vlade. Doottče vesti Sala gL otfbora 1NPJ Prihodnji petek se prične polletno zborovanje jrfavn«ga odbo ra SNPJ v glavnefc uradu. Računa se, da bo seja zaključena v soboto. ^ Konveadja ABZ Jutri, 12. aygušta, ae bo na Elyju, Minn., pričela 1B. redna konvencija Ameriške bratske zveze. Konvaaclja bo zborovala v avditoriju sftdnje šole In bo trajala do 17. «rgusta. Prosve-ta pošilja delegaciji bratska pozdrave. Tiskarska unija podpisala pogodbo New York, 10. avg.—Krajevna unija ADF je podpisala pogodbo Priprave za invazijo Paname? . Panama City, Panama, 10. avg; —Vlada je razkrila, da se blvil predsednik Arnulfo Arias pripravlja za in visijo Panama Is »ii^ll Koatatlka. InvasUafca sila se bale zbira v bližini Puerto Armuellesa, panamskega pristanišČnega mesta ob kostsrl-ški meji. Ariat, KI je bil pors-žen kot ksndidst zs predsednika Paname pri volitvah, ima o-poro pri členih kostariškega generalnega fttaba. ' t Chicago—Glavni urad SNPJ so v pondeljek in torek oblsksli: Robert Mscek Is Moon Runa, Pa., Frank Krsftisr is Sharona, Pa., Michael Rovanšak, Joseph Turk In John Jascar is Cone-msugha In John Brunskole is Johnstowna, Pa.< Oglasili so st na poti ns konvaaaijo ABZ. Is ClevglSftda Cleveland.—V najlepši mladosti je umrl Frank Ever, star 21 let, sin Štefana to Ane Zvar. Poleg staršev asPHjtia dva brata in tri sestre, dvtuže poročeni.— Po dolgi bolesni ¿a v Collin-woodu umrl John* Tomšič, star 74 lat, doma It Bate Dri Kneisku, Primorsko, ¿lan,društva ft SNPJ, v Ameriki, 4« lat Zapušča šeno, dva sinova ir\ vnuka, v He 1 perju, Utah, brata- Roberta, v starem kraju pf braW Antona—V bolnišnici je umrli Mary Majar iz Eucllda. stara 7f lat, dama i> Hinj pri Zulambarku, v Ameriki 60 lat, članka KSKJ in S2Z Zapušča tri sinove, dve poroča ni htatri in «ttfro Josephine Fink. Mol ja umri pred patiml leti.—Agnes Faletlfc s* Ja vrnila 'it bolnišnice pO pfeslani oper -lil ' « ■ -- 1 lf ci j*.—m oran» s wise n lin ml. so se oglasila rojaniee in pustile sinčka. * Oče je profesionalni žogomatni Igralec, nastanjen v Raleighu, N. C. Pri družini Jahn Bends v Euciidu pa so pustila prvorujenko.—Porodila sta sa Dorothy Trebeč in MaFy Gray. Unija sprejela ponudbo kompanije Dayton, O., 10, avg—Unija United Electrical Workers CIO je sprejela novo ponudbo Uni-vis Lens Co. glede končsnjs stavke, ki je bila oklicana pred tremi meseci. Kompanija je dala zagotovilo, da bo ponovno uposlila vse stavkarje z izjemo enajstih, ki so obdolieni nasilja. Imenovan bo posredovalec, ki bo odločil, ali bo enajst stavkarjev ponovno uposlepiH ali ne. z organizacijo izdajateljev časopisov. Pogodba določa zvišanje plače za deset dolarjev na teden. KANADSKI MINISTER PREVZEL VODSTVO LIBERALNE STRANKE Ottawa. Kanada. 10. avg.—Zunanji minister Louis St. Laurent je prevzel vodstvo liberalne stranke. Za voditelja je bil iz bran na konvenciji stranke, ker je premier W. L. Mackenzle King resigniral. King je naznanil. da bo šel v pokoj. Urad, katerega drži že 22 let, bo zapustil prostovoljno. Nasledil ga bo Laurent. Laurent in King se bosta sestala na konferenci ta teden Na tem sestanku bo King določil datum odhoda v pokoj. On, je edini načelnik države izmed vseh, ki so bile udeležene v vojni proti osišču. Naznanil je, da bo šel v pokoj pred zasedanjem parlamenta, ki bo sklicano čez nekaj mesecev. Njegovi prija tel ji trdijo, da bo obiskal Ameriko in dežele v okviru britske-ga imperija. Obetajo ae spremembe v kfbi ta za voditelja liberalne stran ke, bo odstsvljen kot poljedel ski minister. Pozicijo zunanjega minlstrs bo dobil Brooke Clsxton, sedanji vojni minister. Laurent bo izvsjal konsarva tivne smernica v notranjih za devah. Premier King je bil več krat kritltiran. Kritiki so mu očitsli, da posnema socialistično politiko federacije Cooperative Commonwealth. Liberalna stranka ima večino sedežev v parlamentu. Edina opozicija bi bila pri volitvah ko-slicijs progresivnih In socialističnih grup v nekaterih provincah. V opoziciji )a Maurice I>uplesala, predsednik vlada \ provinci Quebec Na konvenciji liberalne stran ke je.bils sprejete resolucija, da Kanada dobi svojo zastavo. Predložili ao to mladi liberalci nef u ko ho Laurent nasledil i King se v svojem govoru nI 46 Kinga kot predsednik vlade jtaknil spornih notranjih vprs James G Gardiner ki je vodil šanj. svaril pa je delegate pred opozicijo pp'ti izvolitvi l^itireii- nevarnostjo k<*nuai/ma Seja namestnikov zunanjih ministrov Vpraianje bo4o¿* nosti bivsik dr italijanskih kolonij 10. avg.—Nameatniki zunanjih ministrov štirih vele sil — Velike Britsnije, Rusije, Amerike In Francije—ao se done* sestali na konferenci. Predmet dlskuzij je bodočnost bivših italijanakih kolonij v Afriki. Kolonije so Libija, Eritreja in Somalija. Libija je glavni problem. Namestniki zunanjih ministrov so slišali mnenja repre zentantov vlad 10 drfcav, ki •» podpisale italijansko mirovno pogodbo, kakor tudi mnenja članov posebne komisije, ki so obiskali kolonije. Člani komisije so informirali namestnika, kaj ljudstva v kolonijah hočejo. Ako se namestniki, zunanjih ministrov ne bodo mogli zedlnl-ti o bodočnosti bivših ItsJtjsn-akih kolonij, bo zadeva prodlo žena generalni skupščini Združenih nsrodov, ki se bo sestsls ns zssedsniu v Parizu 13 sep-tembrs Rusija in pet držsv v sferi sovjetskegs vpllvs zsvie-ms stališče, ds morajo prebivalci kolonij odločlthi o avojl uso di. Zaosdne države so razdeljene slede vprašanja izročitve kolonij Italiji. Dan progresivne stranke na razstavi Senator Taylor bo govoril Chicago. 10. avg,—Progresivna stranka bo imela svoj dan prihodnjo soboto na driavni razstavi v Springfieldu. Zadevno naznanilo je objavil William Millar, driavni direktor stranka. Prvotno je bilo določeno, da bosta imeli samo republikanska in demokratsks stranka dneva na razstavi prihodnji teden, Millar je protestiral proti taj araniml in sshtevsl, da mora tudi progresivna stranka dobiti dan na razstavi, da bo lahko po-jssnils svojo platformo pred ljudstvom. Protest je dobival v. Republikanski uradniki v vodstvu razstsve so dali progresivni stranki priliko bras obotavljanja v prepričanju, ds bo dsn škodo-vsi demokratom. Program progresivne stranke na razstavi se bo pričal ob enajstih dopoldne in trsjsl bo dve ln pol ure. Glsvnl govornik bo senstor Glen H. Taylor, kandidat sa podpredsednika Zdruša-nih držav na Usti progrsslvns stranke. Govorile bosts tudi Grant Oakas, predsednik unija Farm Equipment Workers ÇIO in ksndidst zs governerjs drša-vs Illinois, In Curtis MacDou-gsll, profesor ns univeril Northwestern In ksndidst sa svesne-ga senator j s. Avtomobili In avtobusi bodo pripeljali člane In podpornica progresivne strsnka v Springfield is vseh krajev drlava. Miller je nssnanil, da bodo p» tloljes podpisi drlavlianov predložene državnemu odboru v arm (fefjok. Strarika Je dobila db-volj podpisov, ksr ja garancija, da bodo njeni kandidati prilll na glasovnico pri volitvsh v ne vam bru. '' . Zbiranje ruskih eil ob moji zapadne Nemčije? Berlin, 10. avg.—List Tslegrsf, ki izhsjs v brltakl okupacijski coni, je objsvll poročilo o zbiranju ruskih oboroženih sil in gradnji trdnjav ob meji med so» vjetsko okupacijsko cono in zs-psdno Nemčijo. Citirsl je lijsvs Nemcev, ki so pobegnili is ruske cone Iz bojazni pred srsts-cijo. Ameriški uredniki v Hofu, kjer je meja med ruako In sme» riško cono, prsvljo, ds nimajo dokszov o zbirsnju ruskih sil in frsdnji trdnjsv. Vodja italijanskih eodalieiov v Moskvi Moskvs, 10, avg.—Pietro Nennt, vodja levičarskega krila Italijanske socialistične strsnke, je dospel v Moskvo, prsvl poročilo. On bo imel rszgovore z ruskimi ursdniki. ----- Ruski predlogi o izravnavi nesoglasij Poslaniki sapadnih držav se ponovno sestali s Molotovom. Belgijski premier dospel v London Moskva* 10. avg, — Ameriški enim tednom pa s premlerjem poslanik Walter B. Smlth, fran coski poslanik Yves Chataigneau in Frank Roberta, posebni brit-ski odposlanec, so se ponovno aestall a ruskim zunanjim ministrom V. M. Molotovom v Krem-Unu. Konferenca ja trsjala tri ure Mnenje prevladuje, da je Molotov govori) o ruskih predlogih glada Izravnava nesoglaaij mad Sovjetsko unijo ln sapadni-sni državami, ruski blokadi za-padnega Berlina in drugih vprašanjih. Diplomati sapadnih držav so demonstrirali dobro rszpolože-nje po konferenci s ruskim zu-nsnjim ministrom, niso pa razkrili detajlov dlskuzi). Smlth, Robert s in Chataigneau so se po konferenci z Molotovom sestali v poslopju britskega poslaništva in nsdsljsvall razgovore. Sestanka so se udeleilll vsi člani posvetovalnih misij zs-psdnih držsv. Konferenca v poslopju britskega poslaništva je trajala 4fi minut. Poslaniki so aastsvlli poročila, ki bodo posls-na vladam v Washingtonu, Londonu ln Psrltu. 1 Rszgovorl aa bodo obnovili, ko bodo poalanlkl dobili novs navodila od svojih vlad. Vast ta sanesljivsga vira pravi, (U ja bila tretja konferenea otovom ln poalanlkl *ar, Ml driav najvažnejša TI i» konferlrall s ruskim sunaiijlm ministrom zadnji petek, pred Stalinom ln Molotovom. Ameriški poslanik Smith Ja sam odšel v Kremlin, nakar sta mu sledila Roberts ln Catalgne-au s tolmači. Pred odhodom v Kremlin je Smlth konfeiiral a Robertson! London. 10, avg. — Belgijski premier Paul Spaak ja sinoči dospel v London. Obiskal ja britskega zunanjega ministra Ernests Bovina, ki mu ja pojaanil potek razgovorov med poalanlkl aa-padnlh držav ln Molotovom v Moskvi. Washington. D. C., 10, svg.— Držsvnl tajnik Georgs C. Marshall je omenil tretjo konferenco med poslsnikl zspsdnlh držav ln ruskim lunanjlm ministrom Molotovom, ni pa razkril rezultata. Namignil ja, da bodo razgovori kmslu zaključeni. Protestanti oklicali dan ialovanja Washington, D. C, 10, avg,— Skupina protestsntovsklh klerl-kov je pocvala ljudstvo In cerkve, naj praznujejo nedeljo, 22. avgusta, teden pred registracijo ss vojsško službo, kot dsn tslo-vsnjs. Vojaško konskripcljo ao označili za nevarno potezo v mirnem času. Francija poelala protest Rumunijt Pariz, 10. avg,—Francija je poslsls protest Rumunlji, ker je odredile zstvorilev francoskih vzgojnih zavodov in središč. Protest je izročil rumunsk! vladi Camllle Pariš, francoski poslanik v Bukarešti. Rumuitija je odredila zatvorltev vzgojnih zavodov, ker je Francija izgnala prejšnji teden devet rumunskih državljanov. Muslimani se ofHočili za borbo Pognali bodo Ude . is arabskih deiel Kaira. Egipt. 10. avg.—Hassan Bana, natelnlk bratovščine muslimanov, največja asebafce nacionalistične organizacija, js A* jsl, ds bodo muslimani pognali žide Iz srsbslilh dežel, ako bo šldovsks držsvs v Pslestlnl po stala dejstvo. V arabskih dsftS-lah biva četrt milijona ftldov. Bana je na seatanku a časnikarji v glavnem stanu svoja bratovščine v Kairu dajal, ds arabski muslimani ne bodo trpeli 41 dovske države v Palestini, fcldje v arabskih deželah so postali pa-tokolonci po ustanovitvi drftava v Palestini. "Palestina/' je rekal Bana, "Je muslimansko, na arabak» vprašanje. V Jeruzalemu Ja sedež muslimanskega svetišča. Čeprav bi bili poraženi v Palestini, se ne bomo podsll. Nlkdsr na bomo priznali ftldovsks države v Palestini. Bratovščina muslimanov Ima dvs milijona članov. Vsčlns lah je v Egiptu. ITALIJANSKA VLADA ODOBRILA REKONSTRUKCUSKI PROGRAM Rusi aretirali ame• riikega governor ja Berlin, 10 svg Ruski vojski so sretlrsll Shermans F Tur-nerjs, ameriške** vojaškega governerjs v Bsd Kisalngenu. In njegovega spremljevslcs Rowlands M MeyerJs, ko sU pomotoma prekorsčila mejo in prišla v «rvjetako conw Meyer je član j Civil liega oddHka vojaške vladi Rim. 10 avg. — Člani vlade' prcmlsrja Alcida de Gasprrijs ao odobrili rekonstrukcijski pro*' gram, ki bo finsncirsn z a meri J škimi dolarji, katera bo Italijs dobila na podlagi Marslisllove-i* načrta, Pričakuje se, da bo «klad znsšsl $440,000,000 Denar bo prišel v sklad iz različnih vi rov. Vlada se Je odločile za grad' njo Javnih projektov, da /mgnj* ša brezposelnost. Naznanila Ja. da bo več sto tisoč delsvsevj uposlenih pri gradnji projektov. Program predvideva porast pomorske transportacije ln produkcije jekla ter avtomobilov. T on a že trgovske momaries bo povečana Posebno pažnjo boj vlada posvetila razvoju turizma kot vira dohodkov. Vlada Je naglaella. da ne bo revidirala denarne politika. Drla Is bo sorazmerje med cenami in mezdami In skušala uravna vesltl proračun z miltnpfn stroškov in revizijo davčnega si slama, zaeno pa se bo skušala Izogniti izdajanju novili ban kovcev. Porsat produkcije bo povečala doh'>dke, kar bo omogočilo Ita llji uvažanje aurovega materiala i/ drugih držav fturje člani vlade so bili inatruireni, naj sesta vi jo pofočilo glede možnega znl žanja stroškov. Kabinetu ho predloženo prihodnji mesec odobritev. Carina na uvozni material bo znižana Storjeni bodo koraki sa finsneirsnje izvoza blaga, da bo Italija lahko tekmovala na svetovnih tržiščih z drugimi dr žavami. Premier De Gaspari Je naznanil reorganiziranje sistema šoti alne zaščite in znižanje dsvkov ns nove hiše družin, ki imsjo nizka dohodke, Dejsl je, ds bo vlsds flnsncirala gradnjo novih hotelov, de bo v Italijo puh., jalo več turlslliv, Arabci nastopili , proti Židom Možnost izbruha puča v Palestini Lske Success. N. Y.. 10. avg.— Načrt Združenih narodov zs Izravnavo problema beguncev sa je izjalovil, ko Je vrhovni arab-aki odbor nastopil proti Židom. Zahteval Je, da se morajo vsi fidje, ki so na otoku Cipru, vrniti v Evropo Odbor sa Je izrekel proti priseljevanju Židov V Palestino Areb«kl odbor bo opozoril varnostni avet, da ao Arabci v Paleatini proti dotoku Židov v deželo. Jemal Huaseinl, besednik odbora, je rekel, da Je čez 300,000 Arabcev pobegnilo Iz Palestine, ko ao židovaka Sile prodirale v deželi. Ti ae morejo vrniti v Palestino, drugače ne bo miru v deželi. ftvedski grof Polke Bernadot-te, poaredovalec Združenih narodov v konfliktu med iidi ln Arabci, je opozoril varnostni svet na možnost pučs gotovih elementov v Pslestlnl. Kdo so II elementi, ni povedsl, Mnenje prevlsduje, da so ti člani židovske teroristične organizacije lr-uun Zvai Leuml. PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT GLASILO Of LASTNINA SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE of tad published by SIovone National Naročnina sa Zdfutone drševe (laven Chicago) in Kanado NN na loto» $4.00 aa pol lota. 12.00 za ¿efrt loto; aa Chicago in okolico Cook Co« it.40 aa colo leti. M.7S aa pol letaj sa iaoaemstvo »1UM). Subscription ratoai for i ha Uní tod Stoioa (oxcopt Chicago) and Canada M 4M por year. Chicago and Cook County II.M por yeor. foreign countrios ßllJOO por year. % Cono ogtoauv po dogovoru. Rokopisi dopisov In nonarečonlb člankov ao no vreéajo. Rokopisi literarne vsebine (értlce. povotti. dramo, poaml lid.) so vrnajo poiiljatalju lo v alučejo. ¿o Jo priloiil AdrortiStag ratos on agraama.it.—Manuscript» of and unaolkitad articlos will not bo ra turned. Other Manuscripts, auch aa stories, playa, poema, etc« will be returned to sender only when accom pom ad by »elf-add retted and »lamped envelope Neslo* na vse. kar Ima stik s •PROSVETA 2657-59 So. Lawndale Ato.. Chicago 29. Illinois Potvarjalci zgodovine Ameriška Domovina si na vse načine prizadeva, da bi oprala dr. Gregorija Rožmana, ki je nedavno prišel iz Švice v Ameriko kot "razseljenec" in kateri še danes menda nosi naslov kot "ljubljanski nadškof." Oprati gu seveda hoče grehov, ki jih je za krivil nad slovenskim narodom » svojo odprto kolaboracijo z na cifašističnim okupatorjem. In kolaborlral je kljub temu, da je vedel, 1'ar A, I). zdaj sama priznava, da je barbarski okupator imel v načrtu popolno istrebljenle slovenskega naroda, i Ker skoraj ne mine dneva, da bi A. D. ne farbala svojih čita teljev s potvarjanjem sodobne zgodovine — s pranjem sloven hkega klerikaluma, ki se je pod Rozmanovim vodstvom takoj po invaziji in deloma Ze prej na povelje Vatikana totalno udinjal Musfcoliniju in Hitlerju in obema ves čas vojne verno služil, jima prisegal zvestobo (vsaj Hitlerju), z denunciacijami pošiljal v smrt in koncentracijska taborišča v Italijo in Nemčijo tisoče in tisoče Slovencev, večinoma globoko vernih in poštenih ljudi, kakor tudi z lastnimi rokami moril one slovenske ljudi, ki niso hoteli kloniti pred barbarskim okupatorjem, marveč so se borili v vrstah partizanov ali z njimi »Imputizirull — radi tega smo »e odločili, da bomo napisali serijo člankov o tem najnovejšem potvarjanju zgodovine, ki ima nameri premotiti, zastrupiti in nafarbati oni del naših ljudi, ki »o podvrženi omahljivosti. Jezultlčnl propagandi sti pri in okrog A. D. »e namreč dobro zavedujo resničnosti Hitlerjevega gesla, da ako laži dovolj pogosto ponavljaš in naglašaš, jlpi bodo ljudje tudi verjeli. Zu ta korak smo se odločili tudi iz razloga, ker A. 1). prihaja i med nuše članstvo. Kdor ni trden prepričanju in slabo informiran, ali pa je morda postal več ali manj razočaran, ker v novi Jugoslaviji ne gre vse tako kakor si morda on želi, bo prej ali slej nasedel taki propagandi: pričel verjeti lažem in potvarjalcem zgodovine. ........................mu m* . i *nmm—iaaws—iw 11 a g mwm"■■em^a-w^i i....... ■ ■ Glasovi iz naših naselbin AKTIVNOSTI V ZAPADNI PENNSYLVANIJI Harwick. Pa«—Čas hitro beži, za njim pa ostanejo spomini na preteklost, bodisi veseli ali žalostni. V zadnjih nekaj mesecih je bilo pri nas v zapadnl Penni zelo živahno in vršile so se razne pomembne priredbe. Dne 27. junija se je vršila proslava pennsylvanskega dne SNPJ. S to priredbo smo bolje uspeli kot smo pričakovali. Se ve. bilo pa je z njo veliko dela in skrbi. Mnogi člani so pridno delali, kateri pa niso, so pa toliko bolj trpeli njih žepi. Torej zaslužijo vsi lepo zahvalo! Na proslavi je nastopil kot govornik F. A. Vider, gl. tajnik SNPJ. Naj prvo je imel jako zanimiv govor na slovenskem radijskem programu. Se moj mož Martin je menil, da zasluži pohvalo. Br. Vider je govoril tudi v parku zelo pomembno. Takih govornikov potrebujemo mod nami. Upamo, da nas bo br. Vider ob priliki zopet obiskal. Seveda, kdor pa se ni strinjal z njim, pa je to njegova zadeva. Mi, ki smo dosti izkušeni v delavskem gibanju, se zavedamo, da je treba delati pridno in hitro, če hočemo ohraniti vsaj te pravice, ki jih še danes imamo v Zedinjenih državah. Na žaloet dandanes najdemo ljudi, ki izpodjedajo korenine delavski stranki. Posebno pa nasprotujejo tretji stranki razni republikanski in demokratski politikaši, ki sede pri polnih koritih, oa se bojijo, da bi jih izgubili, če zmaga Henry Wallace m ostali kandidati progresivne stranke. < Nasproti progresivni stranki so mlačne tudi tiste družine, k) niso imele v zadnji vojni nikogar na bojnem polju, do-čim ao mnoge družine izgubila svoje drage ali pa so prišli do-dov, a še danes trpijo za posledicami grozne vojne. , V nedeljo, Iti. iiüye.MM tfi vriitiriiflriHgieflm ffüW* federacije SNPJ, katere sem m udeležila na povabilo brata pred sednika. Na seji so me val lepo sprejeli. Povedala sem jim, mm t Pričeli bomo s tem, da bomo j»*iztisni 4 D. z dne 29. juliju in potem r ^^ ____ som, ako že ne s komentarjem, bomo ustregli tudi br. Mathu Te-kavču Iz Eucltda, O., ki od nas zahteva, da "popravimo krivico, ki smo Jo storili škofu Rožmanu . . Kdo bo popravil krivic», katero so belogardistlčnl klerofašlstl pod.vodstvom škofa Rožma^ na napravili slovenskemu narodu v starem kruju, na Hrvatskem" ,|u je moja želja, da oni skupno pu enako ali še večjo krivico pod vodstvom nadškofa Stepinca, za | delujejo s< starejšo generacijo, to se pristaši A. D. u la Math Tckuvec ne zunimujo. (Na njegove nakar so obljubili, da bodo. grožnje z novo tožbo, s katero škof Rožman baje namerava nastopiti proti nam, kakor pravi br. Tekavec, »e pa — požvižgamo.) Kako pri A. D. pot va rja jo zgodovino in perejo, kar se oprati ne da, pokazuje sledeči članek, ki gu je prinesla 29. julija pod naslovom: "ftkof aamarlian In ultelj svojega Uudalva"t "ikef Dr Roiman je letno In glasno povedal pri posdravnl veter)! pri •v. Vidu ¿lato In dragoceno resnico, da jo ve» tlovenski narod vet ¿aa volne bllvt celim trcem in vso svojo voljo na tirani taveanliklh ali Iti proti okupaior|u. Vtak alovanakt človak ja hotel tlorlil In žrtvovali ss tmago tava* nitk ih sil vae kar |e bilo v njegovi moči. Vaa narod )e v tmego aavatnlkov proti faiitlom In nacltlom veroval, vet narod )e to tole!, vet narod )e ae la naroan delal. Vte kar )e natproina propaganda govorila o kelaboraciji Slovancev s okupatoril. to te pravi o proatovol)-nem. holanam podpiranju političnih In volaiklh tU Hltlarja In Mu»»ol|. ni J a. ja lat in ohrekovan|e. Povsemimo ta Urio tloventko Javnotl v Ameriki neka) njegovih mltll. Nacialt In latiall to delali nepopltno malart|alno ikodo v SlovonlJL Trpljanja naroda to brat potrebe negnali do ttrainlh muk. Ravnali to i Slovenci tlabto kot iver t tvo|im planom. Ml imo biti okupirane deteta. narod brea vteklh pravic. Vtalt čtovak te je lega aavedel. Nihče nI od Namcev in ltall|anov pričakoval ka) dobrega, nthto al ni tole), da b« tam ostali, »tak ae iih le bel. vsak bi Jifc bil rad odgnal čim prala. M* te bilo bati. da bi naciatt ali failati kogarkoli med Slovenci prido bili alt pokvarili v političnem ali narodnem In calo v varskem oslru. Enotievno talo na. ker je narod tmalral kar po tvo|am občutku, da Je vae tleht. kaikolt prihaja od okupatorla. Tudi tiatt. ki to ae vpiteti v rame prltllno organi*aclie. ki tih Je predplaala In diktirala okupecljake oblati nito talo pottali. prav nič man| Slovenci, prav nič man). ra|e bol) proti* ckuptiortkl. t%aeto. kar to bili prltll)»nl. da neka) tlore kar nito marali Pod takimi ratmerami. ki ao očitno katale okupalorjavo namaro. da •brila »levtki narod a obličja aemlje. Je bila nujna naloga cerkvenih prodatavnibov potebno ikola. da uporabijo vte dovoljena aradatva. da reiujejt i Iv I Jen j a tvojege Uudalve. Nič na bi bilo laijaga t» ikola, kol H. da bi te bil taprl v tvo|a tlanovanje. na putlil k tebi nobenega pred» atavnlka okupalortklh til in čakal, da prida ura oavobo)en)a. To pe na b4 bilo Itpolnjavanje doltnoati. ki od carkvanih tatlopnlkov vadno tlrja dr pomagajo blttnjamu. da tkrbo In tloro vte. ker morejo, aa reiitev duhov n« In malari|»lna «teta tvojih vernikov In l|ud»|va. ki Jim Ja v ver ttve uročono. Zato in tamo tato Jo ikol bU aktiven med vto volno. Zete in tamo talo Je vtdrtoval ttlke a vtemi tattopnikl oblatil, da )e ta tvet« vtak čet mogel uporebltt ta reievonje tlovantklh ilvljan). da )e preprečaval noareče kjerkoli Je to mogoče. Te vte kar )a na» narod moral v lah itlrlh letih doana prestati Ja pra va', mnogo praveč. »a več ItvlJenJ. pa »e ja agoatilo na kratka leto v toke grotno netreco in obilico trpljenja, da bt ret prav lahko bito narod uHHto . , . Komunlttično parlitantlvo Ja alorabilo narodovo enoduine prolloku potomko tavati In hotelo unlCit t nejdragocene|*o laatnoall I Juda t Ve. nje geva duhovne avallnje. Kakor je bilo I roba pred okupatorjem narod ume (uvtii m varovat» kolikor to h »h» mogoče, lako pa Je bilo treba pr** komuni* narnd tam tvorili. . , Kakor )e bilo noprijotno In teiko dalall v vlogi vednege proinjtka In potreoevaice pri Mtovratenlh in aovrainlh okupalortklh oblastnikih, ta ka Jo Mlo letko in hudo ikefu kaaall na novo neareče. ki ae je poka-ala v narodu k« m u kemunitlt raacepili v dva tabora tokrat, ko hI bile «dmoot v vtah ciljih m namenih naibolj potrebne. Ali kakor ta ikof nI »tnal liognilt prvamu dolu. lako Je bil dolian. da nič ne okleva v dru g4 nalogi. * Kako« ni bile nobeno nevarneall da bi te ljudja navtali failama I« na cisma. take Je bila prt perlltanatvu največja novarnoti prev v tem. da te l|ud)a v takotv«nem oavebediinem gibanju atrtaitj« komuntome. Narodu al mogle biti jotno kakino gor|e pripravljalo komumtti. narod al ni mo9ol mitliti. da bt kdo breavetino tarabil oavebodtlne gibenje aa ka) drugega kot reanUno oavobojenjo ikof pa Je to vedal In videt. Skof Ja videl potebno nevornoal ae tdeelne mladine, ki ae Je navdu tavala aa nokaj kar Ja bila temo vaba. v ratnici pa ie pomenile naj tlrotnejac narodno wo»ročo. Zelo Je ikof ljudi poučeval. tale Je naročil duhovnikom do morajo ljudi opotarjat na komunl*em prav teke bet morajo duint patttrji opotarjati na vaako duine in llvljenjako nevarnoal. slovenščini. Napravil je dober vtis' ne samo na starejše rojake, ampek tudi na našo mladino. Kot članica odbora za slovenski radio-program se v imenu vseh iskreno zahvaljujem in kličem br. M. Medvešku: Le naprej z njegovim naprednim delom v prid slovenskega naroda! Mary F. Praanlkar. Dne 25. julija pa se je vršila federucijska seja v Libraryju. Zastopniki in uradniki federacije se sestanemo vsake tri mesece in se pogovorimo o delovanju in obstoju slovensko poslu-jočjh društev SNPJ. Udeležba je bila zelo lepa, še posebno pa me je razveselilo, ko je bilo navzočih tudi mnogo naprednih članic SNPJ, ki so zastopale svoja društvu. Le tako naprej, vrle žene, in dosegli bomo naš nameni Se nckuj nuj omenim. Vsakdo, ki pride v Library, »e goto vo začudi ij» ae vpraša, kako so tamkajšnji rojaki prišli do tako lepe narodne stavbe, katera je v ponos vsem Librarčanom. Stavbo so seveda zgradili v duhu složnosti in s pridnostjo, ki )e splošna vrlina naših naseljencev. V Librarvju imajo tudi izvrstne kuhariee, ki ao obložile m Minula pa še nI minula In »e ¡ Jjp m. ura. d« mi ne bi mislili na Te. sSfT Nikdar naša srea Take ne bede N^dBp^^k mogla pesablil In seise naše se ^Cr nikdar ne posula. Oh. ljukl. jI Jm, dragi sin In bral naš Alejiy. i ^^^Hf | J^M kako dober si TI bil sa nas ese. fpe j isto Je e srcih aašlk tallke veš Bf » j bolečin. Veino ss Teboj lalu- Jr Jemo in oatenel nam v trsj^ ' dni. Pričakujemo, ds Te pripeljejo I« enkrst ns seoj dem Is dali» ne tujine, de bel poOival e miru v svoji rodni semljl.—talujoél ostelii OregeriJ la Franeos Tekavec. o*e In meti. Itir|e brstje In Mirt »eetre e West New lanu. Pa. Volilna kampanja je zdaj v pplnem zamahu. «Eni so sa tega, drugi za drugoga. tako da je dosti prerekanja. Toda mi delavci moramo stati na strani Wallacea. Ako on priée v Balo h^lo, bomo Imeli drugega Rooievolta. Poglejmo, kaj imamo pod Tru-munom in pod republikanci. Go-viernerji poMljajo vojaštvo, da )red tovarnami in drugod pobi-; ajo stuvkarje. Pod Roooeveltom se kaj takega ni dogajalo in se tudi ne bo pod Hanryjam Wal-lacem. Ampak bojim sa, da na prida v Balo hišo, kar ja mladina preveč nahujakana proti nJemu. Pravijo, da je "komunist9. Vprašam anaga ali drugega, kaj , e komunizem ali komunut, toda ne dobim odgovora, kar ne vedo. Kar se dela tiče v tej okolici, ni posebno dobro, kar danes pre-več producirajo parne lopate— premoga namreč. Torej Še enkrat kličem: Naprej, vsi za Wal- Beatleyvllle. Pa.—Vsem ¿lanom In članicam društva 840 SNPJ, ki se niso udeležila zadnje saje, naznanjam, da omo spremenili prostor naftih «ej. Od sedaj naprej bomo obdršavali V blagi spomin pete obletnice smrti IJubofle In nikdar posabl|enega ^ * sina In bral« ' Rojen Je Ml 17, junij« 1013 ^^K^HkjR'' > Hermlnle. Pe. \i 4 • i Pet dolgih let Je le minule, ^^^■JEL*. odkar si TI sepusiil nas Ok. ^HBfi kake lalosino je lieljenje naš«. odkar Tvoje srce mirne J H, ki bile nam Je esdne vdana. ■o konce Tvojih sadnjlh dal pelo lele lam Iruplo Tvoja lam t rohni. S bo-letina naše se esllke, katerih las še saaelii al. Telka Mla )e Ug^^gggggg^gg^ lošllev, lelko bUo Je sleve. dan ^^^^^^^^^^^ M dnevom po Teojl smeti fte vedno aehe nam sallesje oči. ke as Tebe se spominjamo. Le misel ena nes tel«šl, d« tudi ml «nkrsl as Teboj pridemo, teluješt estelli Loulae In Msrtln Flisek, alsrlli. dva brsls in ene sestr« e Hermlnle. P«. 01«Tobol« Nervoinostl Vsdlgsaja plinov Isfukg «paacs od sapvljal HOBOKO Naznanilo in zahvala Želeatnaga arcs nasnanjsme eaem ananeem In prijateljem, da Je Mle pripeljano Iruplo naleóe nsdvsa ljubljene*a pokojnega sina In brata RADA BI IZVEDELA ZA ROJAKA Johna Dekleva (Rotarjev Janee), dorna i* Prista ve pri ftt Petru} njegov brat Tone je imel mojo seatro Angelo ra teño, kl ata Ala v Argentino te prrd dolgimi leti in 'mi ni¿ ne püejo. Radi bi kaj irv*d«li od niih. sato ga proal mn. ako bi fiinl ta oglaa, naj mi pile, za kar bom solo hva* lelna. Frences Obrera, ftOt Bnuth 7th Street, MarquetU. Mleh —(Adv.) T0NNUA SK0BERNE MI ck peko|nega Tonije take ^^^^^^^^^^ hudo. da ae allí pogreba sa Uli , , pok o j nI tu ilnom ru | udelešlli, ker se |e nahajal e {> bol niel. Dae JuUJ« se p« f pripeljali ne dem truplo sina. ki Je Ml ubil v Angliji prt LIB nakladanju munlelje dae 10. "SMS aprila 1041. Pekojal Je Ml ^m \ «lan društva It 171 BNPJ na ;f m V ' ' « « Maynarda. Oble. Ok. kabina '^^itvV'''' ^ 1 lalosi Je lo sa materino srce. ,r ¿¿gflEj^^JH^^^" le ne more pop>»a| pere in p» rad ail n * n H of r •! in jJ^^^^^^^^BIbl ae Je erIU dne Jull|a l pe itsieiilkih ebredih pod vod-alvom Ameriške Legij«/Ude-lešba pri pegrebu Je klls aele eelika. prišli ae se poslovil ed blisu ta ed dala«. Sale lete käme na tem meetu nejieplo k v aie sa kresne vence, kl ae Mil podarjeni e mak aelalja «e se dareesli aleda Hi Dr«, Ileo M. S4I SNPJ Is May. ne/da. O. mr. la m rs. Arthur Mrabak. mr, ia mre. frank Padala, m», la mra. iee Zla lopar. mr. ia mrs. Leola Beriet, mr. Jee Beide, mes. Mary Pudale. mv. in mra. John fudale. mr. ia mrs. Tony Saada. Benler Ckeir et Bt. Siéntala v rkur«h, mr. in mrs, Carl Churn In Deeid. mr. Neary Amodie, mr. Taker in drušina. am. likala in druéina. me. in mre. Jeeapk Praaib. mr. in mes. Jaka OUnik. mr. in mrs. Ralph Dunder In slerl e«e Tokar. mr. la asm Jee JeseHek. «f. In mrs. Zdaliak In drulina. mr. la mra. Bedasr-skt. Eaeene Bhiesk. mr. In mre. Andrew Oienik in h4i. Cma Oienik. John Bkiesk. mr. in mrs. Sari s« Mar nord Sportsmen Club. mr. freak Reeel. mr la mrs. John Brunkula la Ml. mr. in mre. Oeoage Kiemul. Lokal II. 103 UJd.W. et A in mr. In eus. Rebec! Blaaa. Iskrena heels ledi eaem. ki ale dell eviomoMIe na respolage la eertll e sprevodu la leb Je Mla eellke. Br4ne hvala eaem. ki sle ae adelellll psgrabs Is C level ande. Brunavleba. Blaiaea. Bridge-perla. Oieae« In mdi vem vsem la Meynarde. Obte. Hvale vsem, kl aie nas leieAill v art naše nejeeéja aalesii. Taki. dragi aa« sla la bral. aedej ka vsaj vame kje polival, telimo, apavaj mimo e »viMiii a morilki sami p. aa belero ai del svoje mlade !i*l)«ej* Potoki Jen n« kal nibdar e ae«ih eretk. debtor tudi ml no prtdtaas sa Teboj —ftaiatMI oalalli Aalen la Mery Bbebeeae. »laetfii Jaka in Oeocge. brala e Meyaerdo. Ohio Mary Oienlb in Anno Preaefc. aeetee v Cleveland«. Oble. Slovene Florieie CVETLIČARNA SIM W. Ceesaak WL Naznanilo in zahvala ANNA KUMER NAROČNIKOM SREDA, H. AVGUSTA 1948 Slovenska Narodna Podporna Jednota 2857 59 So. Lawndala A»«. Chicago 23. Illinois GLAVNI ODBOR bffW pradMdnik VDfCZMT CA INKA*, gl f. A. VIDER. (I tajnik ANTON TROJ AK. gl pomoftnl tajnik------ MIRKO O KUHEL. gl bUgajiKk ------- — LAWRENCE CRAOISEK. tajnik bol odd MICHAEL VRHOV NIK. direkt mlad odd«! PHILIP CODINA. upravitelj Proeveie ------ ANTON GARDEN. urednl* Fmvill--------- Mr RAYMOND TRAVNIK, prvi podpredsednik JOSEPH CULKAR. drugI podpredsednik DlslrlStal podpredsedniki JOHN V. ČEBULA R, prvo ok rot j*---------- 11* Oha lier one SI SM7 So Lawndal* Am, Chingo IS. Ill mi So Lawndal« Ava. Chicago M III. MST So Lawndal« Ava, Chicas* H. lU. SSS7 So. Lawndala Ava . Chicago SS. 111. mi So Lawndala Ava . Chicago ». Ill mi Ho. Lawndal« Av«,, Chicago S3. III. mi So. Lawndala Av«„ Chicago SS, 111 mi So. Lawndala Ava.. Chicago ». Ul TMS Middle polni«. Dearborn. Midi 411 Woodland Ava.. JataaaUwa Pa PRANK ORADISEK, drugo «kroéle MARY PLASNIKAR. tr«IJ« oh rot je JOSEPH rirOLT. te trto ok roll« -JOHN «PILLAR, p«U> okiotje Philadelphia M. Pa __________Mm SS. Iferminl«. Pa ...... .... Box SIS, Harwich, Pa IStlStti St . Cleveland I. Or.io | »07» Randall St.. St Laula IS. Mo URSULA AMBROZICH. SaaU» okrotl«..............- 41» Pl«rc« St . Ev«l«tl). Minn JOHN PETRITZ. wdnw okrolje --------- »4» Carmona Av«., Loa An sales IS, Calif. PRANK POLSAK. oaml okrotje ------------ Mt Ird ft. W.. Roundup. Mont MATH PETROVICH, predaednlk---------------SSI « ISOth St . Cl«valand IS, Ohlp VINCENT CA1NKAR________________M»1 Bp Lawndal« Ave„ Chicago II. IU. P. A. VIDER _,____________SS67 So Lkwndal* Av«.. Chicago U. III. MIRKC O KUHEL SSS7 So Lawndala Ave, Chicago S3. Ill JACOB ZUPAN___________________1400 B. Lombard Av«.. Berwyn. 111. RUDOLPH L1SCH ____________________________—________ T*0 E. SSOth St.. Euclid, Ohio DONALD J. LOTUICH,__________Z___________1S77 So. Trumbull Ava., Chicago SS. IU. ANTON SHULAR. predaednlk PRANK VRATARICH....... ... ANDREW VIDRICH-------....... JOHN KOBI. SR CAM1LUS Z AH NICK PRANK ZAITZ predaednlk MICHAEL R K II M Kit -------- MATTHEW J. TURK --------- LOUIS K A PERLE________ ANDREW (¿RUM______ m Bus 17, Arma. Kanaaa ..................Sil Tener St.. LuMnM. Pa ........ 70S Furjgpt Av«., Johnatown, Pa. . SOS Ho «2nd Ave W . Du luth 7. Minn. .......................¿<*4 W. «71h lt.. Cleveland I. Ohio Madaornl edaak «. ....... —... 3301 So. Lawndala Ava , Chicago Ill ____________.... -------------—....... Bo* 44, Universal. Pa S444 S lawndala A v« , Chicago S3, III .................. 14301 Kaat Parti Drive, Cleveland, Ohio ______________________17143 bnowden, Detroit It, Mich Vse aktivnosti t« organizacije so važne in Potrebne. Važne so zlasti v očeh napredno usmerjenih ljudi in organizacij, zato je__ samo pravilno in prav na mestu, da jo SNPJ in nje krajevna A*is«*r društva podpirajo jnofalno in gmotno. In na podlagi vsega tega je seveda priporočljivo, da se naša društva odzovejo apelu inj pošljejo svoje zastopnike na to konvencijo, vaaj tista, ki so 'bliže Chicaga in katerim je le mogoče. V. CAINKAR. K« predsednik Stepal — T«tal P. A. VIDER. pL lat Federacije SNPJ POROČILO O IZPLAČANIH SMRTNIH AH ▼ juliju, 1040 REPORT ON DEATH CLAIMS PAID in July. IMS VknJ. St. Clan dmMvs Maaiksr Pl|a Na St-W. ■ Predsednikova kolona - H konvenciji Ameriškega slovanskega kongresa Na angleški strani Prosvete jc bil pred kratkim priobcen oklic četrte konvencije Ameriškega slovanskega kongresa, ki se bo Vršila od 24. do 26. septembra t. I. v Stevensovem hotelu v Chlcagu, HI Eksekutiva v svojem oklicu apelira na vsa kulturna, podporna in politična dr uit va in klube teh sploh na vse organizacije, ki se stri-njajo s smernicami omenjenega kongresa ter odobravajo njegovo delo, da naj izvolijo svoje delegate in bodo zastopane na tej konvenciji. Apel eksekutive se nanata seveda tudi na nas, to je na jednoto in nje krajevne postojanke ali diuštva, kajti naša zadnja konvencija je odobrila delo Ameri&kega slovanskega kongresa in se izrekla, da ga podpiramo. Zalo se nam zdi potrebno, da na tem mestu spregovorimo nekoliko podrobneje o postanku in-namenu ter delu te organizacije. Potreba po nekakšni medsebojni vezi in skupnem delovanju ljudi slovanskega porekla v tej deželi je bila občutna že davno, menda vse od tedaj, kar so začeli Slovani prihajati v to deželo v večjem številu. Kajti protislovenska propaganda, ki so jo širili Nemci in Angleži po Evropi že davno prej in ki je tam povzročila poleg velikih narodnostnih sovražnosti Slovanom veliko ikode, se je zanesla čez čas tudi v Ameriko in smo radi tega priseljenci slovanskega fxirekla tudi veliko trpeli. Mnogo bi se dalo o tem napisati, toda tukaj ni mesto za to. Poizkus, da se ustanovi nekaj, kar bi tvorilo med ameriškimi Slovani potrebno narodno in kulturno ter gospodarsko-(!>olitiČno tez, je bil narejen večkrat, toda do potrebnega sporazuma in kaj« pozitivnega ni prišlo, Šele ko se je ra/.pauel hudobni fašizem in začel po Evropi s podjarmljevartjem in uganjanjem svojih zločin-skih orgij, smo tudi ameriški Slovani spregledali in nekoliko bolj spoznali, da je ožje sodelovanje med nami res potrebno, posebno ako hočemo zajeziti val fašizma. Nekaj bolj dalekovidnih moi je stopilo na čelo temu gibaitju In tako je priilo, da je bil leta 1938 ustanovljen Ameriški slovanski kongreN V novi organizaciji se je lasno izražala odločnost ameriških Slo-vanov, da se ustavi pohod fašizma naprej po Evropi in da se ne razširi drugam po svetu, zlasti da se mu zaprejo vrata Amerike. Po svoji ustanovitvi leta 1M8 si je Ameriški slovanski kongres prizadeval, da bi preprečil nakane fašizma, da zaneti drugo svetovno vojno, ki je bila naperjena v glavnem proti slovanskim državsm in v kateri hi bili slovanski narodi največje žrtve. Vojne —žal—nismo mogli preprečiti, toda storili smo kolikor smo mogli in opravili svojo človečansko dolžnost. A ko je kljub našim silno resnim prizadevanjem nastal vojni požar in so tudi Zedinjene države bile pritegnjene vanj, smo Amerlkanci slovanskega Dorekla zopet storili, kar je bilo največ mogoče, da bo faáizem poražen in da pride čimpiej do nafte zmage. Pridno smo delali po tovarnah in pomagali izdelovati potrebno vojno orožje, delali smo po far mah in pridelovali vse potrebno za prehrano vojakov in civilnega prebivalstva. Delali smo tako rekoč noč in dan, naši sinovi so se boiili in umirali na bojnih frontah in vojni so pomagale deloma tudi hčere S ponoaotn zremo na svoj rekord glede tega Izkazali smo se kot vemi patrioti Amerike ter pošteni in zanesljivi držav I jam in |>okojni predsednik Rooaevelt, ki nas je dobro poznal, nam je upravičeno izrekel svo.io hvaležnost in priznanje, ko je zapisal t na* te /namenite besede VI. ki ale pomaqall qradlll te Zediniene države po tovarnah In farmah In ki ale toliko doprinesli sa obogalenie našo narodne kulture, ne potrebujete. d* vam kdo dopoveduje, kal Amerika ali n|e blagodal pomeni. In v«a. ki al« poelalt svoje sinove v vojno in kovali volno orožje, ki snačl amago. nI treba opominjali, da ohranila avojo hrabroa! na višku In oala-nele raveatno trdni/' To lepo in častno primanje nam je iztekel sam predsednik Zc- ilmjenih držav, mož ¿Itokcgu obzorja in velikega tazuma ter resnični predstavnik spMnega ameUáke^a ljudstva Sllčna prizna nja mi nam i/.rrkall tndi tliugi veliki možje in državniki, ki ao INiziiali eneiuičnost in vztrajnost ter veliko ustvarjujočo silo ljudi slovanskega |»oi«-kla kai te bilo tu rasa vojne tako posebno važno Tudi v glavnem uiadu SNI'J je nekaj (MNiobnih pismenih prt/nanj ki smti jih tekom \ojne prejeli. Tako je bilo tedaj Kako |»a jr seda)? Nesreča je hotela, da je HooNfvrlt prezgodaj umrl in da o m* v vlado Zedm|cnlh držav /asidiali oljni magnati m denarni mogotci Iz Wnlliitreeta. vojni profitarji m im|M*iiallati lei dnu;i iz jemalci in sovražniki sploane VB ljudstva Vsi ti mi seveda vneti zagovorniki vojne z Kusijo, ki ;im je na|Kiti v širjemu njih iin|»eilalističnih teženj in podjarmlje-Nanju tujih ljudstev /a ncomeleno iiktiiiičanje ln tako se tri leta po končanju zadnje vojne »uet nahajamo na razpotju miru in voj ne. Kakor je nastopil proti dtugi, takt» te Amertiki slovanski kongres seveda tudi strogo proti tretji svetovni vojni In neusmi Ijeno biča vojne profitarie m militaitste tei diuge hujskače na vojno; zaeno pa poskusa ptebuditi k zavesti in pravemu apozna nju tudi druge državljane ter jih pritegniti xa borbo proti vojni in da m* že enkrat ustanovi pravičen tn trajen mir Ainetiški slovanski kongie* 'mi seveda te mnogo drugih po tr^bnih nalog/ o temei bomo tazpiavljall se v bodoče r I lip Rastri Andrew K Sylvia Mart« VeUe Valent!« S »d nek Prank Urbas John Marka* SmIU rraacee Ttank Polen« „ Ivana Nrvgtto John R«brovtaB Alela Iv rrances Svetlin rrank T o bi lar Praneee Z«l« Prank Ma|s«l Mary Valentin Ani«« K Charles Dellner Prank Preekar ... Eugene Slall ..... Mali Kenda . . Joseph K ashy Mary araw« John Bredach Joe P. aerenlle Luk« Za ubi John Baknlk Edward Cpkpntok Barbara SUnac Stanley IMS» 11441 S Cleveland. O. 4 Sypan, Ps. 5 Sy««n. P a. ...... T Claridpe. Ps. ' - SS Claval—d, O. SI Thames. W. Sa. . .. Il Cleveland. O. M Cleveland, O. ...... \ M Oelagua. Cela ....... 101 O raya Landing. Poil! Cleveland, O. IM IM IM Straten«. Pa ISS Strabana. Pa. r............ IM Cleveland. Ol .... IM Smm víala. Pa. tU »nun s I s. Pa. ------- SSO Piadas!«titana. Pa. t»l Avalla. Ps. ..... M Sasssaia. Slant. .. SM Lsltoffty, O..... ....... Ml JtgwUar, Coto. .......... SOS IUIts. Pa. ........... 427 Ceverdala, P«........ 4SI ShtarhtovUto. Ind. 4TT Cleveland. O. ....... SM Oak Ctooh. Cel«. . Hi liRMnaniia Mn ISeHWSWIi .»••»•" mo Wankcean. UL SknpaJ - Total P. A. VttfM. «L I Bo*r IZKAZ ODftKODNIN IN OPERACIJ IZPLAČANIH ▼ Juliju. IMS REPORT ON DISABILITIES AND OPERATIONS paid in July, IMS Hswo ft lc«rl. M. I 6ton druilv«-CMI.NS. Il.-H«. r red Paulina Telar Jerry Rasan« J «k« Dennata V «renieo Baaste Mary Mtktovctc Prank Pinta« Haaaaraa« Bninl : ti IU. Vtoterta Helen S lepan Jetos Karknla Praak Osota {Mato Onsta Prensa« MÜÑlic I0SM SMII IS00I 101041 104004 IMMS SÖSTS MM4 isrési I0SM1 Mary Kars an Oslo B. Nm2 MUM L«kevleh f UMI» K MIO 14004 STMT . Molk Olga Svak a«pkle P les ha Mary Ean|«r Paul Denhovac . Mildred Bfloooo MT0T MI4I 100704 mim Miar 144 IT Charlea Scrnppl * . loaaph Kosali Louise Mo41Ur Anns H«tl Julia PavUleh , Virginia Quallas« « Esther Bulh Baader Anton Sl«ins«k rannte Bru«« ^towsc C« rosoli Marlin hlhlsrslch Itaa« CranOell Anna Orudan rranb Tartop J «Uta asswtok renny H«m«ts Mary Cersr h Semse J». IISSTI III 100 SSISS MIIS I0TM4 104711 I0MI0 11411 S04I MIM MSTI 41 TOI ISS04 14041-II 4111 4TIT0 144444 111411 Lawy«ne Lukallah Mark« Cutjai Main« BotoO» ■ Helen Ml If Un . Michael Omets Jaeeph Tem Ich Catharine Rudmau Nick Vnlsnleb «k Volker Anion Urbas Mary M«dvli MIh« Jaelrepeky Herman Calvin Jesepb Btslsk CaelUa Brodnik Mary Jarak R«b«ri Bieber PraMa« Shsndo, rranp«a Vranic h Raa« R«cusevtrS rred Roakavst 104147 17044-111444 IIOtTI 110444 »Nil TISTI l 107444 IISOT m4st 111444 104447 »0011 Ivan Ludtolc Andrew Slabe Jehn a letnik Leu lee Cake«« uts Rarts Hleb Lub«ne*trh I 104071 44077 M7SI Ann« VooU Jeaapkins Curpl« rranb Carr C«cta« PI vik III »ISS» um NISI IOOOTI II TIN I0ST4 I U Salto. 4 Hdlfs. O. » Clevetond. O. I Cleveland. O. 5 Srpan, Pa. S Sypan. Pa. I Sygan, Ps. . I Sypan. P«. I Sypan. Pa. ... S Vala Kana. IS Mnnrpy. Vlak II SridpaparL a 14 Wsnkdpan. Ol. ' 14 M ClavatoPd, O, M I M M Otona« », O» .......................... M H«w Y«rk CUy, H. V.........1 »7 Black Die» end. Wssk. »7 Black Diamond. Wssk. . i M Trinidad. Coto. ............... T» Bdolyn. WooM'»..« ....... T» Rdelyn, Wsato *i ............... 7» CI« Blum. Wufb M k en «bita WssE $9 HdfPUnto. >p.l["y..-............ M MldtPPf?,) . :, il...... N Mtdwsy, , ~ N Midway, N Optoaky, III. N La Salto. IU. .. ... ... 104 West Allie. Wis. , 104 West Allia. WU. 104 Indiana poka, Ind. lOT SI L«uts. Ho..... ll»Cklsh«bn. Minn. III Bear Cra.k Hon! IIS Bear Creek. Moni. II» Prte«. Utak ... . II» Price. Ulab 114 a«undup. Ment. II» Jollet tU. Ill Detroit. Mich..... Ill Detrotl. Mich III Delrall. Mich ISO reresl Clly. Pa. IN Brewsl«e, O........ II» Cleveland. O. . 141 Unlv«va«L Pa. 14» Ctov«tond, O. , . 141 Be llanda*. Colo. IT» MeRlntoy. Minn. I»» Center. Ps. r, . NT Bull«. SSdnl. IN Blkkatl, Ind. .. II» D«nv«v, 0*1«. II» D««v«r. Cole IN Soelleld Utah »41 Btovan. Ps. IM Staunt««. IU. IN Bakkardt Min«. Md. IN Raytor. p«. I4T Central Cllv. Pa. . 14» Bulla. Rest NT Cleveland O. NT Cleveland. O. NT Clevetond. O. m Meadow Lando. Pp. NI ravraU. Pa NI Royal Pa. IT» Lyons IU. ITI Oarv lad. ITI Bkeld«n. Wis ITS LeeOvllto CMs. IN Philadelphia Pp. . Ps. NS Bredd«eb. Ps. O SEJI WESTMORELAND-SKE FEDERACIJE Latraba. Pa—Dne 25. julija se je vrüla seja Westmoreland ske federacije druitev SNPJ v Slovenskem domu v Herrninie-jur Prdesednik federacije Fred Zekar je bil odsoten radi bolezni svojega očeta, Ujnik federacije Anton Zornik pa je bil tisti dan v Philadelphiji na konvenciji progresivne stranke. Prvega je na seji nadomestil br. Matt Mavrovich, drugega pa sestra o«4i Mary Zornik* Tonetova žena. Zapisnik je bil sprejet kot či-tan. Nadzorni odbor je jporočal, da je pregledal knjige in našel vse v redu. Zastopanih je bilo 12 druitev z 22 zaatopniki. Od druitva 200 so poročali, da bodo imeli piknik 8. avgusta. Pri društvu 66&SÖ pridobili tri nove člane, pri društvu 223 so jih pri dobili šeat, pri društvu 725 13, pri društvu 318 enega novega člSna in umrl je br. Jože Zab-kar. Pri društvu U7 so pridobili enega novega člana, 5. septembra pa bodo imeli veselico v Slovenskem domu. Predsednik pozove navzoče, naj oddajo zad nji pozdrav za pokojnim bratom Zabkarjcm. Odbor je poročal, da je piknik federacije dne 18. julija povsem povoljno izpadel. Čistega pre-vaata ostanka je čez $600 in še niso bili vsi dohodki izročeni bla gajniku. Na seji meseca aprila je bilo sklenjeno, da federacija pokloni oglas sa $10 v programno knjižico za slovenski dan. Blagajnik federacije br. A. Skferl pa je to preslišal in .ni poslal omenjene vsote na pristojno mesto. In tako so na tej seji (25. jul.) sklenili, da se da $20 za slovenski nji progrsm, ki se oddaja po radiu v Braddocku. Dalje je bilo sklenjeno, da se da $35 br. Tonetu m.it Zorniku u kritje njegovih stroš-52. kov, ker je šel na konvencijo progresivne stranke. B Pleasant Valleyju dne 24. okto-bra ob dveh popoldne. y 8M Mary. E. Trade!. n«m «2 SEJA BRIDGEPORTSKE FEDERACIJE Windaor Heights, W. Va.—Kot je bilo tf poppčano, se vrši seja okrožne federacije društev SNPJ v vzhodnem Ohiu in West Vlrginiji na Windsor Heightsu dne 22. avgusta ob dveh popoldne v Unijski dvorani. Ker v Short Creeku pri Windsor Heightsu delajo nov most in novo cesto, želim dati par nasvetov zastopnikom in drugim, ki pridete na to sejo. Ko se bo-ate vozili po cesti iz Wheelinga, boste zagledali napis: 'To Export" in tam krenite desno. Ako boste šli z busom, pa povejte vozniku, da želite izstopiti pri /'taksiju", ki vozi na Windsor I Heights. Toliko na znanje, da veste, kako se ravnati. Na svi-1 denje na seji federacije 22. avgusta. Frank Kolenc. tajnik društva 407. V ne tn delavske vaatL dtat« peek dear All Ith Dr. John J« Zavertnik PHYSICIAN II BURGEON 3724 W. Mih Strpal IP IM MU CALL AUSTIM STM ornes hours 4 F. M.—OJO to SJO P. M. Saturdays and Sundays Mil S. Ridgeway Ave. SEZNAM PRIREDB DRUŠTEV priglašenih k fedasniilaas a. N. P. J. PRIREDITVE DRUiTEV CHICA&KE FEDERACIJE S. N. P. J. MtUlTVO iT. 1 SNPJ proslavi 45 • letnice e nedelje 10. eklobra v SNPJ deeranL PROGRESIVNE SLOVENKE, krotek št. priredba v nedeljo 24. oktobra v dvorani S.N.P.J. DRUŠTVO ST. M SNPJ priredi pleano eeaelieo v sobote« 30. oktobra. v Aldine HalL 011 Armltoga Ava. DRUŠTVO ŠT. 0 SNPJ priredi DOMAČO ZABAVO dne 20. novim-bra v korist društvene blagajne, v L O. a dvorani na 1010S Ewtng Avepue. FEDERACIJA SNPJ sa ilkaiko okroije priredi BOŽIČNO priredbo bb člane mledlfiskapa oddelka društev federaeije v nedeljo, dne 10. decembra 1040 e SNPJ dvorani DRUtTVO iT. 102 SNPJ priredi plesno vosplico na SUveotrov večer v sredo 31. decembra v SNPJ dvorani. FEDERACIJA SNPJ proslavi 45-letadco ustanovitve SNPJ v nedeljo. 1L aprila »40. v SNPJ dvo-rani. DRUŠTVO ST. M SNPJ priredi pleano eeselleo 7, maja 1040 v dvorani Swlas Club. 035 Webster Ava Društva naj ITPjP ALCSH. 2124 S. Pulaakl %r PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJE DRUŠTEV SNPJ ZA CLEVELAND IN OKOLICO» Beje federacije SNPJ eBako četrto soboto v nun po v a N. Dbbs« -n SL Clair are. PIKNIKI DRUŠTVO NAPREDNE SLOVENKE 137 SNPJ priredi piknik v na-dplio, 15. avgusta. DRUŠTVO UTOPIANS 004 SNPJ priredi večerni piknik v soboto. 21. avguota. * DRUŠTVO CLEVELAND 120 SNPJ priredi piknik ▼ nedeljo. 22. avg. FARMSKI ODBOR priredi piknik v nedeljo, 20. avgusta. DRUŠTVO SVOBODA 740 SNPJ in kroiek 1 PROGRESIVNIH SLOVENK priredita skupni piknik v nedaljo, 5. septembra. Vsi pikniki se vršijo na lsletnliklh prostorih SNPJ. VESELICE CLEV ELANDSKIH DRUŠTEV SNPJ DRUŠTVO VIPAYSKI RAJ 312 SNPJ priredi veselico v soboto. 2. oktobra, v Slov. domu na Holmes ave. DRUŠTVO CVETOČI NOBLE 450 priredi veselico v soboto. 23. oktobra v SDD na Recher ave. DRUŠTVO STRUGGLE RS 014 SNPJ priredi veselico v nedeljo. 7. novembra, v SDD na Waterloo rd. DRUŠTVO ZDRUŽENI BRATJE 26 SNPJ priredi vpoelico v nedeljo. 5. dpcembra, v SDD na Waterloo rd. OPOMBA TAJNIKAt Društva, kk prirejajo svojo piknike ln vaeettea. naj to pravočasno nasnanijo tajnici fedpracijo: JOSEPHINE TRATNHt. lllCE. 71st Street, Cleveland, Ohio. FEDERACIJA DRUŠTEV SNPJ ZA JUŽNI WISCONSIN Milwaukee. Wis. S.N.P.J. DAN se bo slavij letoo dne i» 5. in 0. septembra. V soboto. 4. sept., v Collln-Mayer Post dvorani na 725 W. National Avenue, v nedeljo, 5. sept, v Pleasant Valley Parku ln v pondoljek. dne 0. sept. bo plesna aabava v takosvani Turner Hall dvorani na 725 National ave. Pridite vsi ln se saba-vaj ta s nami.—Odbor. Društvani tajniki naj so v sadevnh federacij« obrnejo na tajnika: MATHEW SMOLE. 1124 So. 50th Street, West AUis 14. Wis. ItANKALI II <*W1CAOO VLV t..i< ivsi-»', i dl PRIREDITVE FEDERACIJE DRUŠTEV SNPJ ZAPAD-NE PENNSYLVANIJE . DRUŠTVO ŠT. 00 SNPJ proslavi 40-letnico na Delavski praznik dne 0. oeptembra v Slovonskom Domu v Moon Run. Pa. Društva na) prijavijo svoje prireditve na naolovr JACOB AMBRO- W ISPr.Weti»- Iffiftw ««M* »4 04 TS.m V blagi spomin tretje obletnice smrti naše ooproge in ljub« matoro f ' a • , JOSEPHINE RESNIK katora j« preminula 14. avgusta 1045. Tri leta so fte, minula, odkar si TI »apustila nas. sa vpdno utihnil Jp Tvoj glao. V gomili tihi sdaj počivaš, kjor ni trpljpnja np nadlog. Živ spomin na Tabo je ostal ▼ srcih naiih in ilvel bo do konca naših dni. Počivaj v miru, ljuba mama.—Žalujoči ostali: Frank Reonlk, soprog; Jooeph, Franki«, Tony in Charlip, sinovi; Angola Volkar, Mary In Sophie, hčere v Sltckvllle. Pa. MM III CMvctond. O III Cleveland o •IT Cnpnrt. P«. Ill Warrest. O.J IN Vlrptnla eOt BMHUMi ^Ä« NI Apntto». »ST Travnik S3 S.M Jeeepk OraSnat 4leite Brlii BkaakNh Vrk i red M«rn« Mary Tarka It Irana Measi i Therese B«p*iui Baralfs Bralne 114441 NUI II NISI P«. 4 .... . sit C«wedele Pa. 4ST Ceverdale P«. 4N Wllkes Barte. Pa. 444 Bnckd. O. 4M Bnrlld. O ♦It fllMt Mk Ol 4?T Cleveland O. »M0 T».M M 44 NN MOO IINTO aas^tonnA Baal, n RMngti BSvuB fvsaosi Bltffssii II4IN M 4M il»4si Irak Baravi Äo^ofI ^ŠVHB Pokllso fWlllek T 4414 4TIH »TIN •is 0«ira«i. Mira »I» Derail. BSirn NT TMnlsa iii NI SOttonen « V». »TT MI BL NI B4. Mar lir Le«a*s*s Uli 411 1011 IIT4 Mary Canker T ranees Btort« Brav Mare's. Pa Pn. PP. m »»N« n«ae Bran« 4mn IsSs Ri Amalie VafckeP Atoma »isim »MU 41444 Ml 410 414 O OMfc NIBM TI» Universal Pto NI « Akpalppa Pa TM M.....to« Oi P« DRUŠTVENA VEST Brackenridoe. Pa. — Spodaj sms ' podpisana ponovno opominjam » * I članstvo društva 375 SNPJ, naj voj» bratje in sestre o pravem času 'plača.i o «voj aaeBment. Od zdaj naprej ne bom več hodila po hišah pobirat asesmenta. Kdor ne bo imel plačanega do zadnjega v mesecu, bo suspendiran ali črtan, posledice pa naj sebi pripiše. Tudi ne bom za nikogar več zalagala. Priporočam vam tudi, da se v večjem številu ude-leiujete aej. da ne bomo vedno eni In isti Prihodnja seja bo 15. avgusta točno ob eni popoldne. po seji pa bomo imeli nekoliko zabave Pridite val! Kathryn Gaaperelc. tajnica. NA NOVO SO SE NAROČILI NA PROfVETOi Poppvto» Mike Denvao 10. Celo. Krajoo Jerrr Grom Nech. N. T. . Timito Jpcok , Ctepoland 10. Ototo Boke» Mory Vratnkurf Pa. Op «r pito Jnal Weol Nevton. Pa. Kao Frani« Otovonobo Btolrtca Jugoolovtja. Eumpp "PROSVETA" 2657 S. LAWNDALE AVE. Chicago 23, 111.........................................19________ Vaša naročnina na "Prosvcto" je potekla z dnem.................- V slučaju, da jo od strani upravništva kakšna pomota, nas takoj obvestita, da bo lata popravil Z bratskim pozdravom v ZA UPRAVO "PROSVETE" CENE LISTU SOi Za Zdruš. drla va in Kanado M. 00 Za Chicago ln okoli» je NN NN MJO NM MOO 1 tednik in.. 2 tednika In 3 tednika ln . 4 tednike ta 5 tednikov ln OJO 5.S0 4.40 3J0 2.00 1 tednik ta.. 2 tednika ln 3 tednike ln 4 tednike ln 5 tednikov ln Za Evropo Jot Dnevnik 011 JO — Tednik 02JO lopolnlte opodnjl kupon, prUošito potrebno vpoto dpnarja ali Money Order v pismu in si naročite P roo voto. llsL Id Je vaša Priitpti pp ome le one čUne la drušlne. Id to dovolijo le ki Mve aH stanujpjp na enem ln lotom naalovu. V nobenem slučaju ne več kot 5 todnikov Pojasnilo: — Vselej kakor hitro kateri teh ¿lanov, ki so prišteti, preneha biti član SNPJ. ali če se preseli proč od drutine in bo zatheval sam ovoj liat tednik, bode moral tinti član iz dotično družine. ki Je tako skupno naročena na dnevnik Prooveto. to takoj naznaniti upravnittvu lista, in obenem doplačati dotično vsoto hMu Prooveta. Ako tega ne store, tedaj mora upravništvo znitati datum ti to vsoto naročniku ali pa uotaviU dnevnik. PR OS VETA SNPJ. 2057 S. LavndaU Ave^ Chlcpgo 23, Illinois Prilsšsne pošiljam naročnine sa list Prooveto vsoto S_______ - I) Ime------------------Ct društva ŠL_______ Naslov ____________________________________________ Ustavit« tednik ln ga prlpOito k moji naročnini ed sledečih ¿Unov moje druiinet Čl. društva M. ČL društva št ČL druátvs iL čl. društva ÍL Dr ta va □ Nov naročnik G Kadar op preselite, vselej naznanite svoj atari In novi naslovi PROSVETA Slovene Natl Benefit Society in 45th Y oar of Fraternal Service-1904-1948 Holp to Incroaeo Omr Juvenil* And Adult Membership ENGLISH SECTION WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1948 Spirit-O-Grams Pioneer News THE PRESIDENT'S COLUMN The present membership campaign conducted in celebration of the 35th anniversary of the Juvenile Department and the 10th anniversary of Juvenile Circles, has not materialized thus far to show the results which were anticipated. Perhaps, one of the reasons for this, according to the opinion of some of the memberi, is long and continuous csmpaigns which become monotonous and no longer attractive. However, it was hardly possible for the Supreme Board to ignore totally these two important juvenile anniversaries without conducting a campaign in celebration of the events. It is an undisputable fact that practically the same members are usually always on their feet in every membership campaign, therefore, any criticism against them, even though the result of the first part of this campaign is not so favorable, would not be justified. In spite of the fact that many of our active members are also active in other fields for the interest and general welfare of the American people, we realize that they are also endeavoring to do thei^ share in this campaign. Of course, all members of the Society are not equally active for the organization. There are some who are interested only in their own personal pleasure to be obtained through participation in sports, lodge affairs, etc. We, therefore, at this opportunity, appeal to each and every member to do his part in this membership campaign to help his Local Lodge achieve the quota of new members assigned to it, and even more, thus making this campaign an overwhelming successful undertaking. It has been frequently stated, but we repeat again, that fraternal societies such as the SNPJ were not organized exclusively to provide protection to its members in case of illness, injury or death, according to ths interpretation of some of the members. It believes in brotherhood, freedom, democrscy, equality, and political and economic education to its member*. We must remember that the people are not dependent upon fraternal societies or private insurance companies, but that the latter are dependent upon the people. Since we cannot expect private insurance companies to help the nation with proper and healthy education for the Interest of its policyholders, it is our duty to Wlp them toward this goal. The welfare of the nation also mesns prosperity and happiness for our members. It should be remembered that economic security is not assured to anyone by merely belonging to a life insurance company. Such security depends upon the election of honest and competent government officials by intelligent citizens. There Is still time to cstch up with what wa missed In tha first part of the prossnt campaign, so do not paas up the opportunity! STRUGGLERS' STAR-GAZETTE Notice to Members Of SNPJ Lodge 240 BENTLEYVILLE.' Pa. — T o all members of Lodge 240 who were not present at the last meeting. I wish to inform you that we have changed the place of meetings. It will now be held in the Italian Independent Club on Main st.. same time and day. ' Members, it's again time for special lodge assessment for the radio ftrogram, which you all, no doubt, isten to and enjoy the program. Bro. Francis J. Skerbetz who just became an adult member, is now serving in U.S. Air Force. Congratulations to Sister Per-chcnsky and her new baby girl. I hope she'll soon become a juvenile member. Members, please be prompt in paying your dues on time as it is for your own benefit. FRANCES SKERBETZ. Secy A complete report of the results and standings of the first half contest of the Juvenile Anniversary Campaign will appear in next week's issue of the Official Organ. Announcement will then be made of the winners^ of the special awards in each of the four districts into which the csmpalgn haj been divided. A list of all lodges, who succeeded in attaining their assigned quotas in the first tour months, will also be published. While wa are waiting for the above report, let us not forget that the last half of the Juvenile Anniversary Campaign Is now under way, less than four months remaining, offering every member of the Society oppor-tunitics to add to previous gains or redeem previous failures by building up the membership of his lodge and sharing In the very liberal rewards which will be distributed after the close of the campaign. The fact thai campaign participants are now contesting for new special district prizes in the second half drive, as well as grand prizes far the two divisions of the csmpaign combined, shoud stir up a great deal of. new interest and competition among both the lodges and individual, members. Yes. this can yet be our most successful campaign if more of our active lodges make a concerted effort to increase their membership and attain their respective quotas. Without a doubt, this Is one of the, best wsys you and your lodge have of honoring the 35th Anniversary of the estsblishment of the Juvenile Depsrtment snd the 10th Anniversary of the Juvenile Circles which the SNPJ Is observing this year. MICHAEL VRHOVNIK. Campaign Director Profits are sacred because the boss gets them. Profits are eternal because the boss slways gets them. Ziedler. Frank Is well known to Milwaukee Slovenes and haa received a lot of suppoit from them. Vincent Cainkar, Supreme President of the HNPJ and Mlrko Kuhel, Hupieme Tieasurer, will also speak. (¿Mines for all. dancing, rides, music mid refreshments mousse a wonderful (tins. Don't forget the golf tournsment sll dsy Saturday, Kept 4 Oet your entries In right sway. Pi Iras are in store for both gross snd net scores, so even duffei s hsve s chance On Sunday our baseball tourna-infill will lie held THis takea piece in the morning Four of the heat teams in the NNI'J will compete The Midwest winner will be determined nest week. A workers' meeting will lie held on Thursday. Aug 10, at Rebornl* sek's Hall at S pm All woikvrs at the ivlebration will lie asked to re-poit so that we can get organised. Everyone of you pleas«« cooperate with us If you get a card askinf you to work, please do so No on« should work more than I or 4 hours. It isn't too mueh to e a pert Let's show the reel of the HNPJ that we can do s big job in s big wsyv All of us on the committee hsve a big job to do snd ws request your assistance (Jet your hotel leseivstlons in the mall now Tilings ere going to be crowded In Milwaukee on Labor Day The Wuconain and Hchrooder hotels are the ones to contact Plan your tup to Wisconsin and Milwaukee fo« HNPJ Day IOIIN J POKt.AH. Sec'y Natl SNI'J Day Cvmniillc« Slovene Club Plans Series of Dances LLOYDILL., Pa.—It seems thst fall Is just sround the corner. Thst mesns cooler dsys are almost here, snd as usual, we are going to start our round of dsncing sgsin at the Slovenisn Social Club, which is sponsored by SNPJ Lodge No. 00 and AFU Lodge No. 35. We have had enormous crowds at our past dances of old and young people, as we try to get the best in orchestras. So we promise to get none but the best dsnce bends in the future. Our fust dsnce will be held Hat-urday. Aug 14. at 8 to II. Ho. come on all of you dance fans Come and dance tp the popular music of none other than Eddie Lapanja. Eddie has a big gang of followers wherever he plays as he really knows his music. Be sure to come and dance to hta polkas on Aug. 14. We intend to have at least one dance every month.Nmaybe two. I will list in Prosvets all of our dances and will have a wrlleup be fore each dance Neat dance will be in September. date to be announced later . MATILDA EVANCIC FLASHES staff Actually. 10 women and 2 men worked all day to prepare the food Wa hope our many patrons receievd due satisfaction for their time. We send a card of thanks to all of you. herewith. CHICAGO —A crowd estimated well over 3,000 took in the 1948 Pioneer Picnic last Saturday at Pll-sen Park. Frank Yankovic and his orchestrs was the attraction, and the boys produced the kind of music for which they are famous. It was probably the biggest crowd ever to attend any of our Pioneer picnics. Many came from out of town, to hear the boys. La Salle. Joliet. Aurora. Waukesan. Milwaukee, and Kenoshs were represented Even from Kan-sas City people were there It wss grand to see so many of them and gave the people a thrill and an Inspiration. Naturally, our community was well represented, too • • • With the exception of the handicap of beer glasses—due to the manager's reluctance to give us more than MS—every department functioned well We sold out in the kitchen. The food was as good as we said it would be Our concessions sttracted many They gave recreation snd an opportunity to uee skill The children received refreshments snd novelties Yes. sir. we even had s clown. Over 100 members served in the various departments end appreciations sre in order, especially^© the large kitchen We'll have a bowlers' meeting on Wednesdsy, Aug. 25. at the Center, at 8 p. m. All bowlers who have signed to roll In this year's league and others who are still holding out should attend the meeting Arley Roricnlk. Edward Mi>alskl. Erma Vertnlk. John Vertnlk and Stan Omerza are the latest to attach their names to the bowlers' list. Some 0eocH The Arab met an Amernan tourist clad only In bathing trunks, plodding through the Sahara "Where are you going, effendl?" asked the Arab "For a swim." the Aerican answered "A swim'" echoed the Arab m astonishment "But the ocean Is a thousand miles from here I" "A thousand miles'* gasped the American UmiM **G«een loaded down with those delicious fillets. Whoops, Michael red into a big one. Keep his head up, Skipper, and thanks for swell time with s fine bunch of «portsmen. Now to get back in the original lubjcct The Initial meeting for the 4NPJ bowlers will be held at the Slovenian Hall on Waterloo road on Sunday, Aug. 19, st 1:30 pm. Rules and regulations will be discussed and officers will be elected Toe the coming year. So be thefr, tMwler, and help start the season off on the right foot. February 29 and 37 la the weekend date set for the Eastern Invi-tational tournament. The popular affair will be staged jointly at the Slovene Home and East ISfith st. alleys. All the team events will be run off at the former and the doubles and singles at the latter. Both halls have been secured for the Saturday night jamboree and the lower for Hunday, So, mark up another SNPJ hit on your bowling parade! Utopians, notice! All members who aspect to participate in the Hunday league should drop around to the next meeting at the SNPJ Farm on Saturday, Aug 31. A so rial will follow with all RNPJers and friends Invited to attend. J J. SPILAR. 604 Moderns and Danica In District Finals The Moderns (634) softbsll team of Sheboygan, Wisconsin, wen the Midwest SNPJ' League title last Sunday afternoon, defeating LitUe Fort of Waukegan, UL by the score of 12 to 7. The winners thus qualified for the district softball finals against Danica (109) of Indianapolis. Arrangements are now being made to have the Moderns and Danica play in Chicago this weekeiul on a field located at 31st and Kildare Avenue. The starting time of the game will be posted at the Slovene Social Center. Anyone interested in seeing this contest, call Rockwell 9739 this Saturday or Sunday. v Waukef an Bowlers To Hold Meeting WAUKEQAN. Ill—A special meeting of SNPJ bowlers will be held in the Slovene Hall, Monday, August 19, at 9 p. m. A president and a secretary for the coming season will be elected and a financial report on the bowlers' dance and tournament held last May will lp presented. All SNPJ members who are interested in bowling in our SNPJ I e a g u e—whether or hot they bowled last year—are urged to attend. There will be several vacancies to fill, because a number of persons who bowled last year are dropping out of the leegue and replacements will be made on a "first come first served" basis. It is important that we have a good sttendance at the meeting. Help us gat our bowling season off to a good start by being present. —T. P. SNPJ Women Bowlers Will Meet Friday CLEVELAND. Ohio. — Attention. SNPJ woman bowlers I There will be s meeting Friday, Aug. 13, at 9 pm stlhe Slovenian Home on Waterloo rd. for all the bowlers that art going to bowl on Friday nights this season. Please make it your effort to be present. LAVERNE F. BERZIN, Secy ROSTER OP National Athletic Board Direct . of.. Athletics, Michael Vrhovnik, 3997 8. Lawndale Ave, Chicago 23, Illinois. Diet. No. 1—dames J. Trofino, 417 Woodland Ave., Johnstown, Pa. Diet. No. 9—Lawrence Cassol, T17 Washington Ave.. Oakmont, Pa. Dial. Ne. 9—Stanley Zupon. 19914 School Ave.. Cleveland 19, Ohio. DHL Ne. 4—Joseph Oolla, 30494 Hull Detroit 3, Mich. DteL No. »-Frank Mivee, 1146 N. Holmes Ave., Indianapolis, Ind. Mat. Ne. 6-Frank Oroeer. 4399 W. Potomac Ave., Chicago 91, 111. Dtst. Mo. 7—Marco Shappeck, 3739 N. 2nd St., Milwaukee 13, Wis. NEWS MILWAUKEE, Wis.—New members admitted to our lodge are Angeline Kouchich and Mary Mo horko. New Juvenile members are Diane Frances Pugel, Rudolph E. Pugel, Mary Louise Jeray, Karin Louise Bpirewka. and. Judith Ann Abfamowskl. Adult transfers are Edward Ri-chualski and Edward Oblyck, both from Lodge 192, Sophie St.;./. from the Muskegon. Mich, lodge and Johnny Mohorko from the Lily lodge, A juvenile transfer is Eddie Strazishar, also from the Muskegon lodge. We welcome all you people and hope to see you 'all at some of our future meetings. Follow the Prosveta far dates of lodge doings and meetings. Harry and Rose Uhle arc up around Ely, Minn, way for a vacation. Also up in that region is the Harvey Bchoenfeldt family. The Rudy Kropusek family are spending their two weeks vacation up in northern Wisconsin. The Frank Verbick family are spending the summer months at their winter lodge in upper Wisconsin. On odr present sick list are Frank Kouchich, 918 W Pierce st.; Agnes MarUn, 9744 W. Monona pi.; Pauline Pink, 819 S. 34th st.; Mary Yuzna, a So. 71st st., and Tommy Lesko-1009 W. Scott st. The Badger boys softball team beat the Little Forts of Waukegan by the score of 6 to 5. We have no details of the game other than the score. SALTY, 984 Hold All-Slav Picnic Sunday» August 22nd JOHNSTOWN, Pa —The American Slav Coheres* of Johnstown and vicinity Is sponsoring an all-day picnic on Sunday, Aug. 22, starting right after dinner, at High land Park, Moxham. There will be good music for dancing supplied by Louis Hribar and his orchestra, which also includes happy go-lucky Joey Zupan from Tire Hill. There will be plenty of refreshments. We will also have the honor of a very good speaker, George Wuchi-nlch, secretary of American Slav Congress of western Pennsylvania, with us who wilt give us a few very interesting points. The committee is inviting all American Slavs from this vicinity and elsewhere to come to this picnic snd get acquainted with one« another. This year All Slay Day is most Important of all. Come otic and alt and demonstratetyour Slav solidsrity and unity. Let all roads lead to Highland Park, Sunday. Aug. 22. MARY UKMAR Approximately two million chil dren are commercially employed now in the U. S. according to tho Natl. Child Labor Committee. Third National SNPJ Golf Tournament SEPTEMBER 4, 1948 Auspices d MILWAUKEE SNPJ DISTRICT FEDERAT10II "^August ¿ZT MEN □ WOMEN a GREENFIELD PARK GOLF COURSE 134th k Greenfield Ave. WEST ALUS, WIS. OrriCIAL ENTRY BLANK below for Tourney Sec y Entries / Am i roes Team Event................ ... Individual Event............. Total Entry Tees------ ... Greene Fe9S.•••••«••♦••••«•• Total Combined......_ ~ *odge 364 Mourns De^tth of Bro. Slatt LAFFERTY, O.—Bro. Eugene Slatt. member of SNPJ Lodge 364, was killed in a mine stone fall at Dunglen, Ohio, June 12. Military funeral wss held June 19 at Union Cemetery st St. Clalrsvllle. Bro. Eugene Slatt was born June 19, 1934 at Provadent. Ohio. At the time of his death he was 23 years old. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Slatt. want to thank all the SNPJ members, Secretary. John Rock, the American Legion, relatives, friends and neighbors for the consoling words. Also those who sent the beautiful flowers, those who donated their automobiles and all others who In any way assisted in the hour of sorrow. JOHN ROCK Sr., Sec'y Jolly Allis Lodge WEST ALLIS. Wis.—Hi ho, folks! I thought I'd bring forth a few lines to you before Salty makes any more comments of my failure to write. First of all. I want to bring attention to all members of our next meeting. It's Sunday. Aug. IS. at Erman's hall. Please attend. It's the last maeUng before the National SNPJ Day event. All members are required to attend. HI Important Help will be needed at this SNPJ Day affair, and all members desiring to give aid arc required to giVe their names to ihe secretary. The more members tkat sigh up. the less work will be required of them. The success of this SNPJ Day is in your hands. Give us your support. At first we were to have this meeting at Yersin's Farm and make an outing of it. This has been changed due to the fact that much has yet to be done on his farm and therefore a delay is necessary. However, folks, our annual outing will be held at September meeting at Yersin's Farm. This will also be for the little ones with the refreshments to be handled by the members. The Jolly Allis boys are raring to go in this forthcoming SNPJ Golf tourney. A few very good rounds have, been reported lately. Phil .Yersin and John Kostan have been doing nicely and should give the other boys some competition. Remember. the Peoria system is going to be used. Enter now. The Yersins had visitors from Ohio the past week, namely. Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Kern. Mrs. Ann Kern is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Yersin. Sorry to have missed them. Each time I made an appearance at their home they were visiting friends elsewhere. Heard that they were in excellent health and things are going along fine at their new home in Ohio. Joseph, as you probably know, was transferred by his firm from Detroit. Nice going, Joe. We may stop over on our way to Florida next spring. Our recording Sec'y Olga Radelj has made her important vow last Saturday. For better or for worse she said "I do" to Raymond Mar-kowitz and is now Mrs. Congratulations to both of you. After the reception the couple left for their honeymoon to the east coast. They will keep house in West Allis upon their return. I don't think Mary Yersin was kidding when she said that she still has the hay seeds in her hair. Mary comes from Minnesota. Always at their farm. As a matter of fact, so much so, that Adie has completely fallen away from all SNPJ activities. Why not let loose. Adie? SNPJ"JoU)T&Ul4 cart use ymiir tttl-enta. As a matter of fact, it's been a year since you wrote an article. This brings me to the end of to day's script. Remember your cooperation is needed, and upon you members depends the success of all SNPJ events. So. make it your duty to perform your task in order that we may have a successful and sound organisation. Ths's all. fo'ks, tha's all thar am, fo' thar hain't no mo'. SNIPPY, 686 ton then if he told this (act to a prospective superior on a hew |ob. Remington said no and Ferguson indicated clear indignation. Here is an idea worth pondering. Mere suspicion, apparently, ought to influence whether or not a man is hired in the government. The kernel of this idea is the exact opposite of what has been the basis of American justice. The implication is that a man is guilty until he can manage to clear himself. The same approach has dominated the unAmerican committee proceedings. More than that, people were smeared for not having smeared for not having given further circulation to wild charges. If the committees have their Way, they would reduce us to a nation of stool pigeons competing to see who can shout loudest, "I am not a red, 1 am not a red." The way to preserve our national self respect will be lo throw the witch hunters out of Congress in November.—IF. F.) - ON THE CAPITAL S CUFF By RICHARD SASULY WHAT THg WITCH HUNTERS REALLY WANT In my opinion the witch hunters are not as stupid as they seem. At least seven Congressional com mi tees had a try at chasing Communists and ^ies during the special session. On the surfaeT it looked as is they were out to break spy rings and throw the spies into jail. Yet they must have known they were on a cold scent. / Pres. Truman stated a well known fact when he said that the committees ware turning up nothing new. Equally well known was the fact that the wild charges which poured out of the hearings had already been investigated exhaustively. The FBI spent tnree years and 9900,000 on the spy story told by Elizabeth Bentlev. The federal gradn jury In New York spent more than a year investigating the same story. Again Pres. Truman was putting an official stamp on common knowledge when he said that all this probing had no led to arrests. So the question remains—what were the Congressional sleuth, with the unAmerican activities committee in the lead, looking for? I think the answer is that running down spies and forcing indictments was something uicidential Arrests of almost any kind would be welcomed by the unAmerican committee, but they would be regarded as a bonus. The most immediate target was the November elections. At every point the committees, Republican led, looked for chances to drag in and smear Democratic administration leaders. Thev were still happier whenever there was a chance to bring in the name of a leader in the Progressive party. Truman's charge of red herring was politically necessary and effective. EVen so, the Republicans expect to win votes through the spy scare. A second motive for the committee antics was also stated by the President. He said the spy story was being used to divert attention from the things the 80th Congress should have been doing and was avoiding. This charge is undeniable. The few committees supposedly looking into such things as inflation and civil rights were content to dip their fingers coyly into messy situa tions. Then they drew back in Congressional dignity and cried politics. The witch hunters, on the other hand, were as eager as packs of half-starved blood hounds. All this, however, leaves out the most sinister motive of the witch hunters. It seems to me that they are after nothing less than a com plete change in the moral and legal atmosphere of the U. & I When Sen. Homer Ferguson was questioning Wlllian W. Remington, one of the government people ac Closed of espionage, a strange new legal idea appeared. * Ferguson brought out the fact that Remington knew he was under suspicign. He asked Reming- The atembara, w Third National SNPJ OoU Ti (Print or type names of players) TEAM EVENT Nsines of Players Cert No. Averaga individual event Names of Players Cert. No. Average I. ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 1. ) 2 ) 9 { (.....—) Industry Profits Doing Nicely, Thanks NEW YORK— (ID-Indus try profits In the April-June quarter held steady at the record-bresking levels set in the first three months of 1948 and were 39.9% above the like period of 1947. the Wall Street Journal reported Aug. 3. The newspaper's anslysis of 141 corporation reports showed profits weir up 1% from the esrnings reported by the same corporations In ihe preceding three months. Pioflts of the oil industry were out in front with an 88 91 rite over last year Othe? pi of it gains over last yeaa Included a 44 7% increase by the auto Industry. 94.44 by the coal in dustry, 36 6% by the drug indus try. 19 1% by tax! products Indus try snd 117% by the textile In pit try. Club Yugo-Forward Holds Piqnic Aug. 22 DETROIT. — Club Yugo-Forward Is sponsoring a picnic to be held Sunday. Aug. 22, at 3 pm at Welcome Park, 15 Mi Mile rd. and Liver-nols. For your dsncing pleasure, we hive the "Airliners" from Girard. Ohio. , featuring Stan Kubal and Hank Racich. their specialty being Slovenian polkas. Many of you undoubtedly remember Stan Kobal who did such a wonderful job in supplying us with music at our picnic last year. There will be plenty of food. We will have barbecued lan>b and pork along with drinks, and a good time is sssured for all. Admission will be 79c STAN KAPEL aae** • C .MM..»*»..«) (<»>w« > (------.) -----< —.....J C------) Name of Team ENTRY FEES' The entry fea for teem nr Individual »vent Is 93 09 per player but If one is entered as competitor in both events the entry fee m all soth eases Is 93 99 per plsyer. This includes the greens fee of 99 tenia Meli sll entries and fees to ANTON J KONTANJEVBC. Tourney Secretary, 1231 So 91 Street. West Allis. Wisconsin Remit by U S Pastel Money Order, bank cashier cheek or personal certified check, The DEAD LINE is midnight. August 39, 1949 (SEAL) CERTIFICATION This it to certify that the tbev« listed slayers arc members In gaed steading of SNPJ. Ledge Ne ________ et~«~~...... .............-— Attest of leé|i Sec y Moxham Slovenian Workers Home News JOHNSTOWN, Pa.—With fall weather just sround the corner, the indoor activities will once again be in order. I wish first of all to invite all members of the Slovenian Workers Home In Lorain Borough, to come to the club any Saturday or Sunday evening and partake of Ihe activities planned for you. There will be music for dancing every Saturday and Sunday, and there is no charge of admission. You must be a social member of the club to be admitted, so if you are member, come around, and you can invite your friends to come with you once as guests, and then they will be prlviledged to take out a membership of their own. We have a beautiful dance floor, and the most modern furniture, so Mast Have Bern Funny The other day, an extremely stout woman attired in a rather roomy pair of slacks passed by the Farmers' Matket in Birmingham. She was moving at a surprising ly fast pace, and Ihe strange spectacle she presented from the read seemed to excite the risibilities of an ok! farmer standing nearby. Catching the eyes of another spectator. he observed with a chuckle: "Bud. I never thought I'd live to see a sight like that—looks like two little boys a'fightin' under blanket" Chicago inter-Lodge Bowling Leagues Wett-A<>r«he4de Bonders A bowlers' meeting will be held ' In tha to we i SNPJ Hall. 3657 Bo Lawndale A venae on Monday, evening. August' IS. at eight o'ctoek All lodge» on the Wtot end north Side are invited to be represented The ourpoar of the meetiry Is to Organize Ute SNPJ |nter-Lodge Bowling league (men's and women's divisions) fur the ap- f'sti.inf seaaaa No« ««ly atv ft leers and sthUw directors of the vsrteut lodges uigcd tu be preegSt but also any member Interested In joining the IMMfSflV league whether a vatnSS at tke last season or s newcomer. SoutKside Bou'lers Southstde SNPJ bowlers, mem bars of Delavec. Trailblazer. Sentt 490 Lodges. wiU hold a meeting at Calumet Field House on Wednesday evening. August 33 at 7 30 o* clock, Officers of the In ter-Lodge league and bowlers are icq ties ted to attend A general dis cuttion will be had on rules, forma lion of teams and the possibilities of organising a woman's league on the southsxle Each lodge it expert ad to submit s list of prospective bowlers end give e report at this meeting Aa a special attraction, a half hour prog»«*» of SNPJ activity 'public. Sept movies will be >howa COMMITTER, Cardinal—Lodge 13 SNPJ Day Success i BELLAIRE. Ohio.—Aug. 1st is over and so is our Bridgeport SNPJ Day. The Cardinals 840 and Lodge 13 want to send out our most sincere thanks to the wonderful crowd we had at our picnic and dance at the National Park at Stop 18, Bridgeport, and for making it such a great success. We all want to give our loads of thanks to Brother Michael Vrhovnik, Juvenile Director, for coming such a long distance to attend our doings and having such a wonderful speech. We also want to thank him for the games and suggestions he has given us for the juveniles, which the children enjoyed. We had a few out-of-town winners in the games. Also hope that we will have the honor fo having Bro. Vrhovnik with us again. We also want to thank the folks from Strabane; we were very glad to see you again. We are planning to try to return your visit soon as possible and we were very glad to see folks from Johnstown. Sharon, Brownsville, Pittsburgh, Pa., Cleveland, Carlton, Toronton, Steuben-ville, Ohio, and also from the state of Virginia. I am sorry that I didn't get a Chance to get th£ names oj the . folks or the name of thfe toWn thai they come from. But, anyway, we were glad to see you. Also our thanks goes out to all the surrounding lodges and.friends. If we left out anyone, honestly, we didn't do it intensionally, because we are grateful and thankful to each and every person who was there. Our thanks goes out to the music-makers for the wonderful music. Joe Stampel and the boys, also Hsnk and Stan with the Airliners. We wsnt to say glad to see Hank's and Stan's wives with them, too. We all enjoyed talking to them and dancing with them. It was great to have the softball game for the folks, so once more thsnks to sll the players for putting the game on. Last but not least, thanks goes out to the committee who stood at their posts and did all they could to help make It a success. Everyone that worked did a wonderful job. So, thanks again to one and all from far and near. May I also state that we Cardinals of 640 had a delegate at the Philadelphia convention of the Progressive Party, who was Sister Hilda Olinski. She states it wss wonderful to see many people really believing and working for the Progressive Party. .She states she hopes come around and en)«>v them Polka UP bands will be secured for both eve- that more people will work for the held nings, so how about more of the old-timers coming around? We have been getting nice crowds, but we can always make room for more. Remember, every Saturday and Sunday at the Moxham Slovenian Workers Home, for a good time. On Sept. 4. a Labor Day dance will be held at the Home, and music will be furnished by the popular Stan Kobal snd his Airliners from Girard. Ohio. This orchestra always goes over big, so remember to set aaide Sept 4 and dance to the music of the All liners orchestra. This dsncr will be open to the public. The Slovenian Workers Home their reorganization meeting on the first of July and the following directors were installed Representing lodge Triglav SNPJ. Matt Kraeovec Sr., Frank Krasovec and John Kutma; Independent Ixtdge of MoKham. Tony Kovacic. Rudy Respet and Joseph Glavach; Moxham Slovene Band. Louis Omar, Louis Noxsak and Mike Kroflna; Jugoslavia Singing Society. Joseph Konchsn. Tone Eore snd Elsie Cul-kar The following officers will servr for the year Pres.. Mike Kro-fina. Vice Pres.. John Kuzme. Sec v Louis Noasak. Tree». Louts On ar; Rec Sec'y, Elsie Culkar. Remember for an enjoyable evening. come to Ihe Slovenian Workers Home in Lorain Borough every Seturday and Sunday; for your dancing pleasure polks bands have t been «alerted Also keep in mind I the Ubor Day dance open to the K EI*SIE CULKAR Third Party. MARY OPATRNY. 640 If You Play Horses If you play the horses you'll appreciate this one about Joe Frisco, the stuttering comic, whose faith in slow horses hss cost hun many a meal. Many years ago. Frlscd wss living with two other very broke "Broad-way lies in a furnished room. It was Saturdsy. They were hungry. They had no food in the house. They had 92 among them Frisco was given the money and told to go out and buy a chicken Out he went but on the way he rtn into a bookmaker He bet the 92 on a horse Mtny hours ltter he slunk btck to the fumithed room, where his Irate friends asked him: Where's that chicken?" Frisco answered "C-c-c-coming d-d d down the stretch'" POSTAL REGULATIONS A SUOOESTIONi Postal rev prohibit 2.U..-CoTTSrir imbees wtlL tber«t»r* WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 1*48 PRÓ8VITA It's a Lie! By MARTY SOLOW A -"free and democratic" Germany is now in the making, according to former British Foreign Sec. Anthony Eden in a special article in the New York Times July 28. We're not so sure we can trust Mr. Eden's instricta on democrscy —particularly after having seen a Times story back on Jul/lS which was headlined: MORE HIGH POSTS GOING TO EX-NAZIS The story said that "the recent strict limitation of U. S. powers in the denazification program had led to an, ever increasing return of former Nazis to positions of importance throughout the U. S. zone." We've never heard of Naiis being lovers of democracy. • • • Some of the high-priced columnists who attended the Progressive party convention in Philadelphia and devoted their columns to diatribes against the Wallace party got their teeth kicked in by the facts published in news columns of their own papers. Take the case of the Alsop brothers writing in the New York Herald Tribune July 25. The daily authors of i^isop's fables wrote that Wallace had very little to do with the policy of the new party, that the platform lepresented strictly the thinking of the Communists. Back io its news section (on the same day) where the story was reported without any fancy frills, the| Tribune wrote: "The 7,500-word I platform is basel almost entirely i on policies advocated by Henry A. Wallace." Some columnists just made up fanciful tales about the program of the new party. Dr. Frank Kingdon in his July 28 column said flatly the Wallace platform "in world affairs ... is thoroughly isolationist." Apparently Kingdon didn't bother reading the text of the platform. The platform calls for "the establishment of a United Nations Reconstruction & Development Fund to promote international recovery by providing assistance to the needy nations of Europe and Asis, without political conditions and with priorities to those people that 'suffered most from Axis uggres-sion." And the platform is so "isolationist" that it calls for "the continuous strengthening of the UN as a foundation for eventual world government." « • » Ilcnry Wallace held a press conference on Julv 23 which he opened by reading two letters written by George Polk, ,thc American newspaperman recently murdered in Greece. They couldn't "understand," newspapermen muttered after the conference, just why Wallace had read the letters. We've a pretty good idea why: "What I'm trying to do," Polk wrote, "is to make an argument for the need of objectivity in reporting. In my opinion, objectivity is not just telling the story with all the facts readily available; instead I think the word requires going out and getting every available fact before even attempting to write a balanced story." In view of all the distortions and outright lies in the press coverage of the Wallace convention, we think the Progressive party candidate knew what he was doing when he read newspapermen that letter.—(FP) Juvenile Circles Of the SNPJ Sept. 1, at 7 p. m.. to discuss thf time of bowline, forming teams, etc. Any juvenile SNPJ member that is interested in bowling in our league come to this meeting or contact me by phone Tw. 3-1086 or tw. | 4538, or by msil. 1903 Marx. Detroit 3. Refreshments will pe served after tlyil meeting ■ The cakes and cookies are to bf baked and donated by our juvenile members. Yes, we have some good cooks among the boys as well as the girls. Parents are invited to this meeting. Their opinions are need to make this Circle progress. After all they are our future SNPJ. Our next meeting will be h*ki one week later. Saturday, Sept 11, at 2 p. m. on 17153 John R.' In that way It won't interfere with anyone's Labor Day weekend. The boys and girls are getting into the swing for'our contest. The Hays Says Civil Liberties at Low Ebb NEW YORK—(FP)—Highlihted by attacks on Communists, American civil liberties are at a low ebb —"back U> where they were in about 1823. during the Palmer raid clays." Arthur Garfield Hays, counsel of the American Civil Liberties Union, said here. The greatest present threat to civil liberties, lie told a prees conference. is the government's indictment of the 12 Communist party officials because of their alleged opinions rather than "for what they have danm" Hays defended the right of Communists to run for public office "Let them alone." he advised, "unless they perform some overt set . . . like trying to seise a Poet Office or organizing an arrred force The consututional right of freedom of speech la bein« violated In the indictments, he said, adding that •cases like this are never fairly tried." Turning to other iasues. Hays urged repeal of the Taft Hartley act and said picketing for all pur poaes "political or economic" should be guaranteed He denounced the use of Natl Guard troops against strikers. The veteran ACLU leader termed the current Washington "spy probe ' a mear campaign, a nasty busi ness snd sn sttempt to stir up hysteria." He reiterated the ACLU'« opposition to the House unAmeri-can activities committee A iecently-completed ACLU sur-vey. Hays said, shows that Amen-can minority groups and individ uals are being censored with greater force snd frequency and that redo! durriir.metian n oecurtng at a high rate. Circle 69 Plans Trip to the Zoo ST. LOUIS. Mo.—On Sunday, Aug. 22, Circle No. 69 will meet at Hamp-ton and Oakland aves, at the Forest Park Zoo, at 1 p. m. Please be prompt as we want to take in all the animal shows possible. Bring your basket lunch, and a friend if you like; the more, the merrier. If you cannot make it. please call Hudson 2959, as this is important. We wouldn't want to leave the meeting place until all those expected are together. Be prepared for a lot of laughs. We're going to have more fun than we had at the wiener roast, and that means, it's got to be good, doesn't it? Gary Kokal has missed out on so much of the fun, we hope that he can majce this outing. Don't forget the date, Sunday, Aug. 22. at 1 p. m. There will be games, ball, lunching in the open, and refreshmenta at hand. Don't miss our afternoon of fun. TILLIE DUCOTE. Director Perfect Circle 26 To Meet Saturday CHICAGO—The Perfect Circle will hold a regular meeting Saturday, Aug. 14, at 10:30 a. m. At this time we would like to know definitely as to the number of members planning to tuke the overnight trip to Milwaukee for the SNPJ Day activities. The Chicago Federation has char-ered two busses, one which will lesave Saturday afternoon. The lound-trip fare is three dollars. To be sure of your reservation bring the three dollars to our meeting. , . , Saturday. Johnny Rak has said that1 dividual religious rights of members, he will come to this meeting to talk Some day, I d like to have time to write about religion, itself.. I don t have time today. the d i s pe i Industry hss, fought move You no doubt recall the It's a Great System! ^ lyJohpFalnf LITTLE LUTHtp (This week Little |.uther, who is home In bed with acute nausea, sept us the transcript of a speech made to representatives of the press by his father. Mr Dilworth. the pimity Diaper Cffar) Gentlemen—AND ladies—it is always a treat tp SM members of the fflr sex holding up their snds. I Sean doing their Pit. as mepibers th* Fpurtb Estate—I have asked ypu here bccauM I have $ rnemen-tous Statement fo Reluctantly I must announce that teginnlof Monday the retail price ol enmity Diapers will go up $150 a ton. all know, and If you don I yom p4Wishers will tell you. this rftovp full-page ads we bought tp your papers 4 tfW sgo if you don't remem^r your editor will r*mjpd you. Until now *M Have tried bravely to absorb incrfSM* in production cdsfg and not P*M them on to the consumer, except for the slight price a4]ustments of January le4l. Sep-members that ha vent contributed t ember 1April 1047 and pi i nor anything as yet had better get busy, adjustments before that. Prizes will bf given iq Ocfober. Be Ladies and gentlemen, the cpst of manufacturing Dimity Diapers has become prohibitive. We have our choice of raising the price $150 a A Word to Mary Koval ton «oin« out of ^inm». but w uru W ivs»ry we are patriots WE DO NOT CHICAGO—To be brief and to CHOOSE TO ABANDON AMER the point about my comments on matters religious, permit me to say thut I treat religion .and all of its tributsries and dignitaries as I would any other element, profeasion. business, economic or political problems, unions, or any other creed. To me they are subject to the same laws and the same tUandards as any other object, organization, matter, etc. When they do wrong, we should not bury our heads in sand, like an ostrich, and overlook the wrongs. They should be told about them. The editor commented on the In- on your toes and let's go HELEN STIMAC. Director about the trip and collect the money. We'd like to be able to let Milwaukee know how many of us to expect so that they can complete their plans. Talk it over with parents before Saturday. Since the Railroad Fair closes on Lal^or Day, we'll have to choose a day in August for our trip. SYLVIA TROJAR, Sec'y Circle 56 and PS Club Held Picnic ........... n JiV^I i wns were joining the boycott. At New Orleans, the United Women to Combat Inflation—organised when price controls were firsl dropped—called on Its 150,000 members to slop buying meat until prices came down. Meat markets in Milwaukee, Minneapolis and Salt Lake City reported that customers were boycotting higher priced cuts In Cincinnati, thr Retail Grocers & Meat Dealers Assn. said meat consumption had plunged 1511 in recent weeks. Milk was hit by buyers' strikes, loo. In Cleveland, after housewives began canceling orders fur milk del Ivory, dne grocery chain and most dairy store« offered milk In four quart lots ai 2c and 3c below the price listed fur a single quart. strike there began after Cleveland dairies had boosted milk prices to thf alltime high of 12c u quart. In Buffalo, N. Y , an industrialist took note of the rising consumer resistance and gloomily predicted that the U. 8. Ti nearlna a broad buyers' strike." He was Pres. John L. McCaffrey of tjie Intl. lturvester Co. But. said McCaffrey. who«e own firm has been among the Industry price-tmoaters, Intl. Harvester Is contemplating still further price Increases.—(TP) --Xr-- It Can Happen Here, Too » > Fur Uioae who say America would never go fascist, just a little footnote. The other day in Slum* Mountain, Georgia, the Kii Klux Klan held a little get-together. There ware gome 1,000 hooded Klan members at the meeting along with some 7,000 unrobed sympathisers. They Initiated 700 new mem-hpr*. , License plates , on ears rhowed members from 15 sis I as. Charteied busses brought Klans-men from Alabama, Tenftesaee. Florida and from many towns In Georgia. An Aaaoclated Prosa photographer was hauled down from the top of a vehicle and struck several times in the face causing bleeding and his exposed pistes were seised by Klansmen The meeting opened with prayer. Klan meiifbers gwure to uphold the Constitution, protect southern womanhood partly by themaelves promising not to commit rape, and promised not to commit tieaaon againat the United State«. The uhlef aim of the Klan, said their national leader, was to maintain "white supremacy.'' He said M President Truman insisted on hla civil rlghta piogiam "blood will again flow In the streets." How this last threat ties le with upholding the Constitution Is left for the reader tp figure out, Only, don't tell us again that American temperament wont stand for fascism in the United States. EDITOR'S NOTE TO OUR COtrriUBVTOItSi All Utters Ia tended lor public a-Hon |g the Preeeeta muet Im properly alfaedi unalfned letters ctssN be eonaUeegd. Initiale er pgft names will be i tsed If requested and U the contents permit, but we mt«ef kmew the namea. lodge numbers and addressee of the wrllera. Tbl« tp* piles |g all. Den t write wttb pendl/ nee pen or* Mill bell er, typewriter, and don't write en both aldea of the sheet. A total of 1.8214.100 civilian employes were on the federal payroll In continental U, S June I. the Civil Service Commission reporte J. The U, S Conciliation Service was established in (til as a separate unit of the Labor Dept By Petar Eliah 01. Per. and Bf The Insurance Companies Our life Insurance companies are getting smarter, not to say richer. They have so much money, nowadays. that they are looking for new fields to Inveat their ovofladan greenbacks. Their assets totsl over $4$ billion They hsve been investing the bulk of this money In government snd corporate bonds and securities. The return hss not been too large op these types of investments For years state laws prohibits life insursnce companies from making certain investments. But states have modified their laws 10 thst these companies could nsakr other investments beside« bond« and securite«, and certain housing mortgages. Now they are busy buying factories, warehouses, carper grocery ■tores and sundry business. Something like $300 million has been invested in auch enterprises, snd this Is only the beginning. The life in-rurance companies are expected te Invest heavily In this type of bus)* ness In the future. With what other insurance companies (not life) hav^ invested In factories and businesses, It won't be long when the bulk of our wealth will be owned by these companies. Absentee ownr«-ship greatly aidad by the Investment hanker, has now a new ally. And abaentee ownership 1« the greatest curse of our free enterprlia economy. Q. B. Shaw Say» War Would Bring Disaster, Praises Wallace By JohajMMe Steal LONDON — (FP) — "A war between the U.S. snd the Soviet Unnion would ruin both countries" and Henry A. Wallace la tha only Americsn figure who "can do some thing about the international «Itu-ution," 92 year-old George Bernard Shaw, arand old man of English latter«, told me In an eaclutlve Interview for the Federated Praw and the York nanette * Dally. Although the famous Irish-born playwright rartly talk« to tha prow, he «poke to me practically uninterruptedly for over an hour, on subjects ranging from polities and history to srl and science. When I asked him what he thought of Thomas E Dewey, ftepubUM|' Presidential candidate, hla answar Was short. '1 dent, sir, I don't think about Mr, Dewey. 1 never |pet the man " Hefore 1 could ask him about the other candidates, he want on: "It doesn't make any difference, It's all the same, Democrat or Republican, represent« tha «ame. Wallace la the man, tail the American people that Shaw «ays Wailaoe Is the only ona among the candidates who is a aerial philosopher—the only man who can do something about the international situation bevauae ha knows something about It. Tha moment Wallace announeed he would stand I said there Is my man—tall the Aowrtean people I repeat It—every «ingle «vote for Wallace 1« a vote for advance." Asked about foreign policy, Shaw •hot out the answer: "Foreign policy? America ha« no foreign policy -Uiey are gi oping In the dark, there 1« a lol of confusion " Warming to hi« subject, he added; "War between the US and the Soviet Union would ruin theid both. Fur* thermore, it would bankrupt the US before il starta, the U S would have lo pay for the rest of the world t<> go to war along with It Cgr-tainly England couldn't pay for It" He waa equally prompt In answering my question: "Hew can the relations between the two countries best be improved?" "How can there be any relationship between one set of facta, name-ly Hi« Soviet Union, on Uia one hsnd and, on the other hand, the abuse snd slander thai have been heaped upon that country for the pasl 20 years?" hf demanded. "The mieiriformaUori about the %vlei Union in the USA Is colossal Am erka must first better inform Mr-self The Soviet Union is a great esperimenl. Social changes ars difficult, they cannot be achieved by a stroke of the peo " The steei Industry announces there hsve been no customer complaints about the latest pries riae That's what's known as playing dumb and deaf at the same time. • Alrout 30% of the nation's farms are owned by absentee landlords. 'in Memoriam" Ia laving memory of tat dear husband and lelber ANTONE VERTNIK who peased away It years age. Aisguat IIth. 1011 There's one link even death cannot sever lx>ve and remembruoce. they go on forever Sadly missed by wife, ckildrea and »randsklldren— Mrs MARY VERTNIK and Chi«age. Illinois. t American Slav Congress Urges End of Deportations Naturalization of Non*Citi*ena and Barring Faaciatic DP« and Eastern European 'Exiles'