S. KANG, S. KANG: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRADITIONAL KOREAN LIME PLASTER AFTER ... 479–489 CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRADITIONAL KOREAN LIME PLASTER AFTER AN ADDITION OF PERILLA OIL ZNA^ILNOSTI TRADICIONALNEGA KOREJSKEGA APNENEGA OMETA Z DODATKOM PERILOVEGA OLJA Sanha Kang, Soyeong Kang * Research Division of Restoration Technology, National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, Daejeon, Republic of Korea Prejem rokopisa – received: 2022-03-18; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2022-06-13 doi:10.17222/mit.2022.528 Ancient Korean records indicate that a variety of organic materials (straw, hanji, sticky rice, oil, etc.) used to be added to lime for different purposes, including the preservation and repair of monuments. In this study, aerial lime plaster with perilla oil was produced. Before the sample preparation, a flow test was performed: lime was kneaded at various ratios of mixing water and perilla oil to better understand the physical transformation of the material. After perilla oil was added, the fluidity of the lime putty was decreased, allowing adjustments in the workability. Using the Uigwe as the reference, lime samples with perilla oil were prepared. As even a small amount of perilla oil can cause color changes in the lime material, it is important to control the amount of perilla oil added to the lime putty. Furthermore, the material became resistant to moisture. As freezing and thawing due to the moisture content are the main causes of damage to lime materials, it was believed that the addition of perilla oil can improve their performance. Neutralization tests, μ-CT imaging and an XRD analysis were performed to investigate the carbon- ation of the lime materials. The test results revealed that when perilla oil was added to the material, the carbonation was de- layed; furthermore, the strength of the material decreased initially but increased gradually as the curing progressed. This study suggests that perilla oil can be added to lime to improve its freeze-thaw resistance, which will be helpful in the maintenance of monuments. Keywords: traditional Korean lime plaster, aerial lime, perilla oil Starodavni korejski zapisi ka`ejo, da so se apnu dodajali razli~ni organski materiali (slama, hanji, lepljiv ri`, olje, itd.) z razli~nimi nameni, ki vklju~ujejo tudi ohranjanje in sanacije spomenikov. V predstavljeni {tudiji so avtorji pripravili apneno testo iz zra~nega apna z vsebnostjo perilovega olja. Pred pripravo vzorcev za preiskave, je bil opraviljen test razleza na stresalni mizici, z razli~nimi dele`i vode in perila olja v apnenem testu. Test je pomagal razumeti fizikalno transformacijo materiala. Po dodatku perilovega olja se je razlez apnene mase zmanj{al, kar omogo~a prilagajanje obdelovalnosti. Pri pripravi vzorcev apnenega ometa z dodatkom perilovega olja je bila kot primer uporabiljena recepturo iz Uigwe. Vsebnost perilovega olja je bila majhna, saj lahko dodatek tega olja hitro povzro~i spremembo barve apnenega testa. Dodatek olja je povzro~il odpornost materiala proti vlagi. Ker so cikli zmrzovanja/tajanja pri pove~ani vlagi glavni vzrok po{kodb apnenih materialov, so avtorji ocenili, da lahko dodatek perilovega olja izbolj{a zmrzlinsko odpornost materiala. Karbonatizacijo apnenih mas je bila preu~ena z nevtralizacijskimi testi, μ-CT skeniranjem in XRD analizo. Rezultati so pokazali, da dodatek perilovega olja zakasni karbonatizacijo, posledi~no pa je za~etna trdnost materiala manj{a. Trdnost materiala se nato pove~uje starostjo. [tudija je pokazala, da se lahko zaradi izbolj{anja zmrzlinske odpornosti materialov z apnenim vezivom, me{anici doda perilovo olje, kar je lahko bilo dobrodo{lo pri vzdr`evanju spomenikov. Klju~ne besede: tradicionalni korejski apneni omet, zra~no apno, perilovo olje 1 INTRODUCTION Lime has been used in various structures in Korea, in- cluding buildings, fortresses, graves and mural painting. During the Japanese colonial and modernization era, however, the use of traditional lime in most of the manu- facturing decreased and construction methods were dis- continued. The use of lime also gradually decreased with the introduction of modern materials such as Portland ce- ment. A wide range of organic materials that used to be added to both domestic and foreign limes to improve their performance were identified. Typically, the research on oil additives in western countries has mostly focused on olive and linseed oils that are commonly used in painting works. 1–5 The moisture absorption of lime greatly decreases after an addition of oil, confirming that oil has a waterproofing effect. However, it must be noted that while the traditional Korean lime is aerial lime, which reacts with atmospheric carbon dioxide and hard- ens, most studies in western countries are focused on hy- draulic lime. Interpreting the results of such a study should therefore account for the differences in lime type. The National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage constructed the Namhansanseong Mock Yeojaing (Para- pet) using aerial lime at the Namhansanseong Emer- gency Palace in the mountains and monitored it for about three years (Figure 1). It was found that the freeze-thaw process of moisture repeatedly occurred during the win- ter and played a significant role in the damage of the constructed structure. 6 In such cases, cement (a modern material) or waterproofing agents are added to increase the freeze-thaw resistance of the materials. However, these materials have not been evaluated for their stability, and there is a possibility of secondary damage resulting Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 479–489 479 UDK 666.92:693.6:94(519) ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 56(5)479(2022) *Corresponding author's e-mail: soyeong.kang@korea.kr (Soyeong Kang) from the incompatibility with the existing raw materials, especially in the case of cement. As the need for environ- mentally friendly and sustainable materials for monu- ment restoration has increased, re-examining the useful- ness of traditional materials has become necessary. In this study, it was determined that oil additives, which are natural products, can enhance the performance of lime, so a literature review on the subject was conducted. In the Uigwe records, 7 various oil additives were identified, such as perilla oil, sesame oil, myoung oil and tung oil. Perilla oil, which was mentioned the most, is of particular interest. In particular, it is possible to infer in- formation from the records of the 17 th century, 8,9 such as addition methods, number of applications and applica- tion methods. In this study, perilla oil was added to aerial lime and reproduced in the form of traditional Korean lime plaster based on the contents of the records, and the consequent changes in the properties of the lime materi- als were investigated. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART 2.1 Materials The powder state of slaked lime (B company, Korea) was used as the binder and an edible perilla oil (S com- pany, Korea), commonly used for cooking in Korea, was used as the additive. The perilla oil, used in this study, was produced with the cold-pressed method. 2.2 Flow test Prior to the creation of the samples, a flow test was performed 10 and the results are in Table 1. Lime was kneaded under various ratios of mixing water and perilla oil to better understand the physical transformation of the materials’ properties. The proportions of the mixing water were (50, 60 and 70) w/% of the lime mass, while those of perilla oil were (1, 3, 5 and 10) w/%. The mate- rial could not be mixed with a 40 w/% proportion of mix- ing water, not even with an addition of 10 w/% perilla oil. The sample produced with 50 w/% of mixing water had a very low water content and was destroyed during the demolding process. Accordingly, it was determined that the production of lime plaster samples would be fea- sible if the proportion of mixing water was 60 w/% or more. The flow test indicated that the lime putty that contained 60 w/% or 70 w/% of mixing water exhibited decreased fluidity as more perilla oil was added. In this case, the larger the content of mixing water, the greater was the decrease in fluidity. It is believed that perilla oil has a greater effect on the lime putty for plastering than on the lime for masonry, because the former needs a higher proportion of mixing water. With the flow test, it was confirmed that the workability of the lime putty could be adjusted with the amount of perilla oil added, and that perilla oil acted as a natural thickener. Table 1: Flow test results for mixing water and perilla oil Water (w/%) Perilla oil (w/%) –1351 0 50 107.67 103.10 110.95 107.44 106.81 60 130.98 123.63 123.53 121.49 119.36 70 156.86 146.62 143.81 128.80 127.24 Average flow value (mm) 2.3 Sample preparation The amount of mixing water was set based on the re- sults of the flow test, and the proportions of water and perilla oil were applied based on the lime weight. The compositions of the samples used in the experiment and applied curing conditions are shown in Table 2. The ex- periment was designed to minimize the deviations caused by the conditions other than the additive type, such as lime type, slaking process and aggregate type. Thus, a sample was prepared in the form of plaster with no aggregates (such as sand). The details about the mix- ing procedure were taken from the reference literature. 11 The lime putty was molded by filling it in a custom- ized brass mold with dimensions of (20 × 20 × 20) mm and (50 × 50 × 50) mm. In most cases, cube-shaped specimens with a diameter of 20 mm were used, while cube-shaped specimens with a diameter of 50 mm were used for neutralization and freeze-thaw tests. Perilla oil was added in two ways based on the descriptions from S. KANG, S. KANG: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRADITIONAL KOREAN LIME PLASTER AFTER ... 480 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 479–489 Figure 1: Damage to Namhansanseong Mock Yeojang (Parapet) due to freeze-thaw: a) Namhansanseong Yeojang (Parapet) in winter (Gyeonggi Cultural Foundation website), b) detailed photograph of the surface of Namhansanseong Mock Yeojaing (Parapet) damaged by freeze-thaw, c) ice inside the surface crack of Namhansanseong Mock Yeojang (Parapet) the records. The first method involves blending perilla oil with lime and mixing water, and the second involves applying perilla oil onto the surface of a sample. As rec- ommended in the Uigwe, a hog bristle brush was used as the application tool, and the application interval was 1 h. The manufactured samples were dried at a constant temperature and humidity (23 °C, 50±3% )a n dsepa- rated from the mold on the fifth day after the manufac- ture. On the seventh day, the samples were collected and laid on an acrylic holder to be cured under two condi- tions, curing and accelerated curing. Curing means that the samples are cured with a 0.04 % concentration of CO 2 . Accelerated curing (denoted by AC) means the samples are cured with5%o fC O 2 in a chamber, to check the tendency of long-term curing within a short period of time as well as the curing conditions in an in- door environment (Figure 2). 2.4 Analytical methods To determine the state of the samples, the surfaces were observed under 25× magnification using a portable digital microscope, DG-3 (Scalar, Japan), and the CIE value was obtained using a spectrophotometer (CM-2600d, Konica Minolta, JPN). The standard light source was set at D65, the viewing angle was 10° and the analysis area was 16 mm. For measuring the chroma- ticity, the average value of the measurements taken three times at the same location was taken as the final value for our data. The surface contact angle was measured to confirm the moisture resistance. The sessile drop method was applied using Phoenix 300 Touch (SEO), and the contact angle was calculated using Tangent Line Method 2 in the Surfaceware software. In addition, a freeze-thaw test was conducted. In this test, three samples, for which curing was accelerated for 28 d, were used for each com- position. The deposition freeze-thaw method was repeat- edly applied as a cycle that included 18 h of immersion under water,3hofcooling at –20 °C and3hofheating at 50 °C. The state of the samples on each cycle was re- corded and the ultrasound velocity was measured to compare the changes over time. A direct method was applied with a measurement dis- tance of 50 mm (sample size) using a Pundit lab (Proceq, Switzerland) device with a probe with a frequency of 54 kHz, voltage of 500 V and a sensitivity of 100×. Three analysis methods were used to determine the de- gree of carbonation. First, a neutralization test was per- formed to confirm the discolored area by spraying phenolphthalein on a sample cross-section. Additionally, a μ-CT (XT H 225, Nikon, Japan) analysis was per- formed to determine the carbonation area without de- stroying the sample. The imaging conditions were 160 kV, 100 μA and 500 ms. As many as 3015 projection images were collected. The information of the cross-sec- tional image and internal structure of each axis was ob- tained using the VG Studio software. The mineral com- positions detected in each curing period were also compared through an X-ray diffraction analysis. The S. KANG, S. KANG: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRADITIONAL KOREAN LIME PLASTER AFTER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 479–489 481 Figure 2: Sample preparation process Table 2: Sample proportions and curing compositions Sample Lime Water Perilla oil L 1 0.6 - Curing for (7, 14, 28, 56 and 91) d Accelerated curing (AC) (7, 14, 28 and 56) d M0.5 1 0.6 0.5 w/% mixed M1 1 0.6 1 w/% mixed M5 1 0.6 5 w/% mixed B1 1 0.6 1 applied with a hog bristle brush B5 1 0.6 5 applied with a hog bristle brush B10 1 0.6 10 applied with a hog bristle brush *Mixing proportions were based on w/%. analysis was performed using Cu-K rays based on X’Pert3 Powder (PANalytical, UK) with a 2 value of 33–65°, voltage of 40 kV and current of 30 mA. To check the strength of the samples, both non-de- structive and destructive methods were used. Regarding the non-destructive test method, the Pundit lab device was used in the same manner as for the previous sample subjected to the freeze-thaw test. In this case, the ultra- sound velocity measurement was directly performed at a measurement distance of 20 mm (sample size), under a voltage of 500 V, with a sensitivity of 100× using a 54 kHz probe. A UTM (AG-X plus, Shimadzu, Japan) was used for the compression strength measurement with a test rate of 0.5 mm/min and a load cell of 20 000 N. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Physical properties The longer the curing period, the lower was the brightness of all samples (L*), regardless of the condi- tions for adding perilla oil. In the case of L, there was a difference of 1.18 between the brightness values of the sample cured for 7 d and the sample that underwent ac- celerated curing for 56 d without perilla oil, which showed the smallest reduction. When perilla oil was mixed in (M0.5, M1 and M5), differences of 1.80, 3.59, and 3.09 were obtained, respectively. Conversely, when perilla oil was applied (B1, B5 and B10), differences of 2.98, 4.29 and 6.68 were yielded, respectively. Thus, it was confirmed that the range of brightness changes due to prolonged curing was greater when perilla oil was ap- plied. Additionally, samples with a relatively small amount of perilla oil (M0.5, M1, B1 and B5) showed a trend of decreasing redness and increasing yellowness. In contrast, both redness and yellowness increased in the samples containing a high amount of perilla oil (M5 and B10). Based on the color information for sample L (Ta- ble 3), the color difference ( E) according to the curing period was calculated for each sample. It was found that the color difference increased with the amount of perilla oil added and was greater when perilla oil was applied with the brush compared to that when perilla oil was mixed in. Particularly, sample B10 subjected to acceler- ated curing for 56 d achieved a value of 21.51, the high- est among all the samples. Table 3: Color differences ( E) Curing (d) Accelerated curing (AC) (d) 71 42 85 69 171 42 85 6 M0.5 1.41 1.20 1.38 1.52 1.19 3.94 3.83 1.43 2.00 M1 2.87 3.51 3.22 2.46 2.39 9.21 7.08 9.13 8.49 M5 12.48 14.18 14.35 13.99 10.39 14.72 17.68 17.12 17.09 B1 3.19 1.38 2.73 1.57 1.41 1.25 3.95 5.11 6.32 B5 2.47 2.50 5.01 5.37 4.07 8.01 9.51 10.48 7.84 B10 9.95 7.44 7.30 10.17 8.73 13.24 14.39 15.74 21.51 3.2 Water resistance The moisture absorption properties of the samples differed according to the conditions, under which perilla oil was added (Table 4). Sample L was hydrophilic, that is, water was absorbed immediately, before droplets were formed on the surface. The wettability of the surface de- creased for the sample that underwent AC for 28 d, and the contact angle increased to 30.80°. For the sample that underwent AC for 56 d, the contact angle was found to be 40.33°. These changes are attributed to the increase in the density. It is presumed that during carbonation the matrix near the surface of a sample became quite dense. Alternatively, the samples into which perilla oil was mixed showed a contact angle of 90° or more in the early stages of curing, and their surface showed hydro- phobicity. It was confirmed that the samples to which the oil was applied had lower surface wettability. In particu- lar, samples B1 and B5 showed a high contact angle of 110° or more. The contact angle for B10, to which perilla oil was applied for the maximum number of times, was 89.22°, the lowest among all the samples with added perilla oil. As the curing time increased, a difference in the sur- face contact angle was observed in the early stages of curing. After curing for 91 d, the contact angles of M0.5, M1 and M5, mixed with perilla oil, decreased to 90° or less. In addition, the contact angle repeatedly increased or decreased when the sample was exposed to acceler- ated curing, but no specific pattern was observed. Mean- while, B1, B5 and B10 with applied perilla oil showed a slight decrease in contact angles, but their values re- S. KANG, S. KANG: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRADITIONAL KOREAN LIME PLASTER AFTER ... 482 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 479–489 Table 4: Contact angle (°) measurement results by curing Curing (d) Accelerated curing (AC) (d) 7 14 28 56 91 7 14 28 56 L––––––– 30.80 40.33 M0.5 104.43 95.32 102.81 88.45 84.26 83.63 110.39 101.44 85.96 M1 106.93 97.00 105.10 95.53 89.72 100.4 108.59 104.83 100.84 M5 105.32 98.14 90.17 95.51 84.71 106.79 106.56 104.57 99.33 B1 111.23 106.25 110.86 91.88 107.43 94.65 106.18 102.85 109.92 B5 115.62 100.79 95.82 95.80 97.37 109.33 105.82 105.19 105.43 B10 89.22 101.72 111.42 107.04 94.37 117.41 104.46 103.65 99.37 mained at 90° or more. Particularly, the contact angle of B10 increased from 89.22° at the start of curing to 94.37°. The contact angle of the samples with perilla oil applied continued to rise after the 7 th day of AC. Among the samples subjected to accelerated carbonation for 56 d, the final contact angle of the samples with perilla oil (M0.5, M1, M5, B1, B5, B10) was higher than that of sample L. Therefore, it can be determined that the sam- ples to which perilla oil was applied have better surface water resistance. Each sample subjected to accelerated curing for 28 d before the freeze-thaw test showed no identifiable physi- cal damage. However, discoloration due to the addition of perilla oil was noticed in B5, B10 and M5. Sample M5 was especially dark in color and had a non-uniform surface compared to the other samples. The state of the sample was evaluated for the first time after the 3 rd freeze-thaw cycle (Figure 3). When mixed with perilla oil, samples (M0.5, M1, M5) were generally in good condition. The samples under the condition in which perilla oil was not added (L) or perilla oil was merely ap- plied to the surface (B1, B5, B10) were physically dam- aged. The samples in these cases were destroyed by cracks, but detailed patterns of the cracks differed. Both sample L and B1 had a large structural crack on the sur- face. However, samples B5 and B10 had relatively small and shallow cracks. Additionally, rather than having the scaling peeled by frost, as was the case with samples L and B1, the surfaces were separated into chunks. There- fore, some freeze-thaw effects after the addition of perilla oil were confirmed. Damage was also observed on the surface of the sam- ples with perilla oil mixed in after the 5 th cycle of freez- ing and thawing. Here, it was confirmed that sample M5, which had the largest amount of perilla oil added, showed more severe damage than M0.5 and M1. The re- sults of the surface observation revealed that pulveriza- tion resulted in cracks. At this point, similar to the sam- ples to which perilla oil was applied, samples mixed with perilla oil showed a damage pattern, indicating that the surface was pulverized and peeled off, which differed from the perilla oil-free sample L. The damage to all the samples intensified during the 7 th freeze-thaw cycle. As the surfaces were powdered and destroyed, all the sam- ples showed the same patterns, and their corners fell off. Using a visual and portable microscope, the damage to M5 was determined to be the most significant. In all the samples, physical damage such as surface exfoliation, powdering, falls and cracks increased after the 10 th freeze-thaw cycle. In particular, sample M5 was on the verge of destruction due to the cracks. Table 5 illustrates the changes in the physical proper- ties obtained with ultrasound velocity measurements for different numbers of cycles. In the case of the samples for which accelerated curing was performed for 28 d be- fore the freeze-thaw test, the ultrasound velocity for B1 was 2088 m/s (the highest), while that for sample L was 2085 m/s, which was almost the same as for B1. In con- trast, the samples with a relatively large amount of perilla oil added showed an ultrasound velocity range of 1128–1567 m/s. Table 5: Ultrasound velocity of the samples by cycle Sample Ultrasound velocity (m/s) 0 cycle 3 rd cycle 5 th cycle 7 th cycle 10 th cycle L 2085 2728 – – – M0.5 1514 1251 1313 1141 1073 M1 1567 1756 1725 1512 1070 M5 1488 1531 1535 1514 1360 B1 2088 1699 – – – B5 1373 795 – – – B10 1128 479 – – – After the 3 rd cycle of the freeze-thaw test, most of the samples containing perilla oil had a reduced ultrasound value, but M1 and M5 had slightly increased ultrasound values. Here, sample L showed an increase of 643 m/s in the ultrasound velocity despite substantial physical dam- S. KANG, S. KANG: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRADITIONAL KOREAN LIME PLASTER AFTER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 479–489 483 Figure 3: Freeze-thaw test results after 3 rd cycle age. It is difficult to interpret this increase as an increase in the physical properties of the sample. The ultrasound velocity of B1, B5 and B10 decreased by 389 m/s, 578 m/s and 649 m/s, respectively. As described above, both the samples to which perilla oil was not added and the samples to which it was scarcely applied were signif- icantly damaged by the 3 rd cycle. Consequently, it was determined that further measurements of the ultrasound velocity would be difficult. The results of the ultrasound velocity measurements of the samples mixed with perilla oil after the 5 th cycles of freeze-thaw showed that the average ultrasound veloc- ity of M0.5 and M5 increased, whereas that of M1 de- creased. In spite of the differences in the conditions, there is very little change in the physical properties evi- denced by the deviation in the ultrasound velocity. After the 7 th cycles of freeze-thaw, the ultrasound velocity started to differ. First, the ultrasound velocity of M0.5 decreased by 173 m/s compared to the previous cycle, while that of M1 and M5 decreased by 213 m/s and 21 m/s, respectively. Samples M0.5 and M1 exhibited values considerably different from their previous cycle, while M5 with the highest amount of mixed perilla oil showed a smaller difference. All the samples exhibited a decrease in the ultrasound velocity after the 10 th freeze-thaw cycle. For M0.5, M1 and M5, the ultrasound velocity decreased by 68 m/s, 442 m/s and 154 m/s, re- spectively. Thus, we determined that M5 had the highest ultrasound velocity. At this point, signs of physical dam- age were discovered in the samples, so the freeze-thaw experiment was ended. 3.3 Carbonation properties The neutralization test is a traditional technique for measuring the progress of carbonation in cement and concrete. As lime also includes calcium oxide, a neutral- ization test can be applied. Whena1%phenolphthalein solution is sprayed on the cross-section after cutting the center of the sample’s Z-axis, the color of the region con- taining alkalinity changes depending on the pH of the sample. Thus, the degree of the carbonation progress can be determined by checking the discolored region (Fig- ure 4). Until the 56 th day of indoor curing, no color change appeared on the cross-section of L, but color differences appeared outside the sample after the 91 st day of indoor curing. As the accelerated curing period increased, the area with no color change increased, indicating that car- bonation occurred. Unlike L, samples containing perilla S. KANG, S. KANG: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRADITIONAL KOREAN LIME PLASTER AFTER ... 484 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 479–489 Figure 4: Neutralization test results (sample size of (50 × 50 × 50) mm) oil failed to clearly show any discolored areas. De- pending on the sample, there may be a difference in the shade of discoloration, or a ring-shaped pattern may ap- pear in a liesegang pattern. 12 As a result, the neutraliza- tion test could not clearly identify the carbonated areas of the lime plaster samples containing perilla oil. Furthermore, it is possible to obtain a 3D voxel im- age and a cross-sectional image without destroying the samples. The 2D images from Figure 5 were acquired with a μ-CT analysis where we observed the samples along the Z-axis. These μ-CT images have different gray values depending on the density of the materials. The ar- eas with a low gray value (a relatively dark part) usually have a lower density, which means that there are gaps in the samples or lime materials that have not been carbon- ated yet. However, a region with a high gray value (a rel- atively bright part) denotes a dense part, such as a lime material that has undergone carbonation. In this way, the carbonation region can be estimated by measuring the shade difference. From the 28 th day of the indoor curing onwards, the carbonation of sample L can be seen progressing around the outside shading. As the carbonation region gradually expands throughout the curing period, no shade differ- ence is detected on the cross-sections of the samples on the 14 th day of accelerated carbonation, and carbonation might therefore be considered complete. The M0.5 cured for 91 d has a slight shading difference at the center, but the samples mixed with perilla oil have areas of ambigu- ous shading. When perilla oil is applied, samples show a more obvious shade difference than the samples with mixed perilla oil. Nevertheless, the area where carbon- ation has not yet been completed is wider than that of sample L. The carbonation area of B5 is unclear on the 91 st day of indoor curing, but it becomes distinct on the 7 th day of accelerated curing, and there is no shade dif- ference on the cross-section on the 14 th day of acceler- ated curing. A noticeable shade difference is also evident on sample B10 from the 7 th day of accelerated curing on- wards. In contrast to the other conditions, the area where carbonation has not progressed is wider. It is therefore confirmed that the carbonation of B10 was occurring un- til the 14 th day of indoor curing and 28 th day of acceler- ated curing. According to the μ-CT analysis results, car- bonation is delayed when increasing amounts of perilla S. KANG, S. KANG: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRADITIONAL KOREAN LIME PLASTER AFTER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 479–489 485 Figure 5: μ-CT analysis images (sample size of (20 × 20 × 20) mm) oil are applied. In the case of mixed perilla oil, it is diffi- cult to locate carbonation areas on the CT images. The (20 × 20 × 20) mm samples used for the μ-CT analysis were pulverized, and an X-ray diffraction analy- sis was performed on them. The main minerals detected in all the samples include portlandite, which is calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH) 2 ), and calcite, a calcium carbonate (CaCO 3 ). Calcium hydroxide is converted into calcium carbonate in the process of carbonation by reacting with carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Therefore, it is possi- ble to determine whether the material is carbonized based on the changing diffraction pattern (Figure 6). The portlandite peak was mostly observed for sample Lonthe7 th day of indoor curing. From the 14 th day of indoor curing onwards, the frequency and intensity of the calcite peak began to increase. From the 91 st day of in- door curing onward, its diffraction peak became more dominant than the portlandite peak. The longer the cur- ing period, the sharper the peak of the calcite becomes, while the portlandite peak tends to gradually flatten, in- dicating that carbonation is in progress. Sample M0.5 shows an increasing pattern of the cal- cite peak after the 14 th day of curing, and its diffraction pattern based on the curing period is almost identical to that of sample L. On the 7 th day of accelerated carbon- ation, the portlandite peaks became flatter, while the cal- cite peaks became sharper. The portlandite peaks of M1 were mostly detected in the early stages of curing. The frequency of the calcite peaks began to increase on the 14 th day of indoor curing, but they were weaker than those of M0.5, which was cured during the same time period. As the curing period was prolonged, the portlan- dite peak gradually became planar, and the diffraction pattern with sharp calcite peaks is similar to that ob- tained under the previous condition. In the early stages of curing, M5 also exhibited the same diffraction pattern. In this case, however, the diffraction peaks of calcite were difficult to detect. That is, calcite peaks appeared weakly on the 28 th day of curing, but the portlandite peaks were dominant until the 91 st day of indoor curing. A calcite peak was clearly visible on the 7 th day of accel- erated curing along with a decrease in the portlandite peak. It can be assumed from this diffraction pattern that carbonation reactions are delayed as the amount of perilla oil added increases. The diffraction pattern of sample B1, which does not contain much perilla oil, is almost identical to that of sample L. From the 14 th day of indoor curing, the calcite peak amplitude began to increase, and its diffraction peak became more dominant than the portlandite peak by the 91 st day of indoor curing, similar to oil-free condi- tions. The diffraction patterns of B5 were similar to those of L and B1 during the early stages of curing. However, on the 91 st day of indoor curing, the calcite dif- fraction peak was weaker than those of L and B1 during the same period, and portlandite still dominated. The portlandite peak became flat, and the calcite peak be- came sharp only after accelerated curing was performed for 7 days. From the 7 th to the 14 th day of indoor curing, B10 exhibited the same diffraction pattern, with S. KANG, S. KANG: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRADITIONAL KOREAN LIME PLASTER AFTER ... 486 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 479–489 Figure 6: XRD analysis results (P – portlandite, Ca – calcite) portlandite being dominant. Under the conditions in which a small amount of perilla oil was added (L, M0.5, M1, B1), it was more difficult to confirm the calcite dif- fraction peak. Calcite was only slightly detectable after the 28 th day of indoor curing. As late as the 91 st day of indoor curing, the portlandite peak was still dominant. The calcite peak was dominant only from the 7 th day of accelerated curing onwards. In this way, the carbonation delay due to perilla oil was also observed in the diffrac- tion pattern of B10 to which oil was applied most fre- quently. 3.4 Strength properties The strength of the lime-plaster samples with respect to the method of adding perilla oil and the curing period was compared with the ultrasound velocity measure- ments (non-destructive analysis) and compressive strength measurements (destructive analysis). The ultra- sound velocity measurement results revealed that the strength of the samples to which perilla oil was not added, or only a small amount was added, was relatively high (Figure 7). The increase in the strength was quickly detected for the samples into which the oil was mixed, while the increase in the strength for the samples to which perilla oil was only applied onto the surface was delayed as the number of times the perilla oil was ap- plied increased. Furthermore, the strength of the sample without perilla oil was higher for about three months af- ter the sample preparation. However, the longer the curing period, the higher was the strength in the case of included perilla oil. Due to the delay in the increase in the strength, B10 required a long curing period before it reached a physical strength comparable to that of the samples under other conditions. The compressive strength of the samples was determined through a de- structive analysis of the samples, for which the ultra- sound velocity was measured (Figure 8). When the com- pressive strength was measured, the increase in the strength of the samples without perilla oil, or with small amounts of perilla oil, was high. The increase in the strength was low when perilla oil was applied compared to when a small amount, or no amount, of perilla oil was added. Accordingly, it can be determined that the ultra- sound velocity and compressive strength measurements show similar trends. The linear model confirmed the correlation between the non-destructive analysis (ultrasound velocity mea- surement) and destructive analysis (compressive strength measurement), like in Figure 9. The coefficient of deter- mination (R 2 ) of the condition in which perilla oil was not added was 0.78, representing the lowest value among all the conditions. The conditions in which perilla oil was mixed into the samples showed a correlation of 0.96 or more, and the conditions in which perilla oil was just applied to the surface also showed a coefficient of deter- S. KANG, S. KANG: CHARACTERISTICS OF THE TRADITIONAL KOREAN LIME PLASTER AFTER ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 56 (2022) 5, 479–489 487 Figure 7: Ultrasound velocity (m/s) Figure 8: Compressive strength (N/mm 2 ) mination of 0.82–0.98. Thus, it was confirmed that the two measurements used for the strength analysis of the lime plaster samples containing perilla oil exhibited high reproducibility. 4 CONCLUSIONS In this study, perilla oil was added to aerial lime based on the records of the Korean Uigwe, and the re- sulting characteristics were verified. In the flow test, the fluidity of the material (lime putty) decreased as the amount of perilla oil added increased. Subsequently, the fluidity decreased significantly as the moisture content in the lime putty increased. The fluidity may have de- creased because the absorption ratio of lime decreased and perilla oil acted as a natural thickener. The thickener suppresses material separation and can be used to adjust the flow of a material with only a small amount added. Therefore, an addition of perilla oil will most likely in- crease workability. The brightness of the samples pro- duced by adding perilla oil decreased as the curing pe- riod increased; and the tendency of the redness or yellowness to increase or decrease appeared to differ, de- pending on the method of adding perilla oil to the sam- ples (mixed vs. applied). The samples with added perilla oil showed more color difference compared to those without perilla oil. Hence, if perilla oil is added to lime in a construction field, care should be taken to prevent excessive discoloration. Above all, as previous studies indicated, the moisture absorption properties of the aerial lime plaster samples decreased with an addition of perilla oil. In addition, water resistance was confirmed via con- tact-angle measurements. Water resistance was better when perilla oil was applied than when it was mixed. However, the freeze-thaw test revealed a difference in the destruction pattern between the samples containing perilla oil and those without it, whereas the samples mixed with perilla oil were more durable. This is be- cause the samples to which perilla oil was applied were waterproof only on the surface where the oil was ap- plied. 13,14 In addition, the carbonation of lime was de- layed when perilla oil was added. Consequently, in the early stages of curing, the samples without perilla oil showed the greatest strength. As curing progressed, the strength increased significantly. Here, the strength of the samples was estimated by measuring ultrasound velocity and compressive strength, and a high correlation between those two measurement methods was confirmed for par- ticular samples. Overall, this study demonstrated that it is possible to enhance the performance of traditional lime by adding perilla oil to it, which leads to improved workability and water resistance. The lime used for monuments can be severely damaged during winter or in mountainous areas. In this regard, lime with water resistance and freeze-thaw resistance can be advantageous for the maintenance pur- poses. Hence, by adding a small amount of perilla oil during a construction using lime mortar, the damage caused by freezing and thawing in winter can be mini- mized. However, the study has some limitations. It is still necessary to examine the perilla oil applying method, which made the material highly waterproof only when the construction surface was flat, such as wall plaster. Further, perilla oil applied in the field should be studied with regard to mortar samples mixed with aggregates, such as sand, via additional experiments. It is also impor- tant to examine the performance of lime when various organic additives identified in the Uigwe are added in combination with perilla oil. Acknowledgment This research is supported by the projects National Research Institute of Cultural Heritage, Republic of Ko- rea NRICH-2105-A38F-1 and NRICH-2205-A62F-1. 5 REFERENCES 1 C. Nunes, Z. Slí`ková, D. Køivánková, Lime-based mortars with lin- seed oil: sodium chloride resistance assessment and characterization of the degraded material, Periodico di Mineralogia, 82 (2013)3 , 411–427, doi:10.2451/2013PM0024 2 C. Nunes, Z. Slí`ková, Hydrophobic lime based mortars with linseed oil: Characterization and durability assessment, Cement and Con- crete Research, 61–62 (2014), 28–39, doi:10.1016/j.cemconres. 2014.03.011 3 C. Nunes, P. Mácová, D. Frankeová, R. [ev~ík, A. 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