rat skoi° je vri- r, kier , “psf? d tisti*1 •at & jlodil =m Nwltr — AddTM«i NOVA DOBA 6117 81. Clslir Aft. Cleveland, OhU. (Tel. Henderson 3889) (NEW ERA) -m Dvajset tisoč članov v J. S. K. Jed no ti je lepo število, toda 25,000 bi se slišalo še lepše! URADNO GLASILO JUGOSLOVANSKE KATOLIŠKE JEDNOTE — OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SOUTH SLAVONIC CATHOLIC UNION *#ti :*r*d As Second Class Matter April lath, 1926, at The Post Office at Cleveland, O., Under The Act of March 3rd, 1870. — Accepted for mailing at special rate of postage, provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3rd, 1917, Authorized March 15th. 1925. 37 — ŠTEV. 37 CLEVELAND, O., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10TII 1930 — SREDA, 10. SEPTEMBRA 1930 VOL. VI. — LETNIK VI. Piki I* jlŠTVENE IN DRUGE slovenske VESTI aja konvencija*’ zastopnikov ’''h klubov J. S. K. Jedno-zborovala dne 12. in 13. Nbra v Clevelandu, O. Na F°ttvencijo” pride 11 dele-'športnikov in glavni pred-J- S. K. Jednote, sobrat li" Zbašnik. Konvencije se | ^Veda udeležil tudi sobrat e j Vr o. ‘u- Kolar, športni komisar n°ve | angleške sekcije No-;0čn° e- Zborovanje se bo vr- lih- v Slovenskem Narodnem “ |’»a st. Clair AvC„ » no- j Nopju, dvorana št. 2. ,sredi j tu ! J°fts Dance” priredi agilno ,tov 1 . ° Poslujoče društvo r Washington, št. 180 J. v Clevelandu, v soboto Membra zvečer. Priredi- ^j se bo vršila v takozvani 0380 JCv* dvorani, ker v S. N. , n> dotični večer nobene ;■ ? Proste, bo nekaj poseb- jti o “plesu športnikov’' J10rtnem plesu” ni bil > še dozdaj. Vse dekoracije , I 8Pominjale na ameriške „ Priiii“' le. jj,.re> vjsj_. pri- Pa je namenjen za po-! športne aktivnosti pri .V^ George Washington. "!na je samo 50 centov za _ln znano je, da članstvo IjO j1 George Washington | 8h’eči svoje goste. Pri-^ ie torej obilne udelež- 0 od strani članstva k°t od ostalih prijateljev: m dobre zabave. '*vo George Washington 11 se bodo prireditve po j udeležili tudi delegati r konference, z glavnim [' nikom JSKJ vred, kate-'f°vanje v Clevelandu bo zaključeno. tti* '** j^ftswick, Pa., priredi v v 1*1. septembra piknik w 'Vesela bodočnost,” št. skupno s društvom M- Cisti dobiček prire- —— j« . , namenjen za nabavo v Ustave omen jtnih dveh gl | „rl^«‘tl iv, * 'ali* & Ck* šola S- N’ Doma V 1 prične v kratkem zobkom. V nižje razrede vpisovali učenci in učen-t°boto 13. septembra, v pa 19. septembra. 1 stariši v Clevelandu, sodne otroke, ■>čitali tozadevni članek strani in vpoštevali ubije"1 Iji zbor “Zarja” v Cleve- Bu'. nain je svoječasno polti ^ “Turjaška Rozamun-Brn ^>'h, grof Celjski,” se i# »Krljivo vadi za vprizori- J> opere “Gorenjski • i>9 8 katero nas bo raz- jru5tv9 Ril)! •lesen- V nedeljo 14. ■ S- V i' Prh'edi Zarja velik rdtl !■ 0 ^or*®kovih farmah v koJ^JJ ■•nj'1’ kamor so prijazno 11 qv»' Al Prijatelji pevcev, lepe ^01* n darJeli(, ' Pesmi in neprisiljene I^ve. Twer V *'“nske sokolske tekme, 'preP1*11 ie vršila v Detroitu na ^ ■ tu> tednom’ se -ie ude-, ni< n ; vrsta Slovenskega d 1 vs®' iC Clevelanda in si je tio °sl<>] skupinami pribo- iC, B(;ie ^esto. Slovenski So- omo'’11’1 H?W e^ancla je dolj'1 lavor' tt , kot tretjo nagrado, JfWfri^"16 bil nagrajen z lo- vencem Henry Špe- ’i v ® je med Slovenskimi J bolj e izkazal. alie na 2. strani). KRATEK TEDENSKI PREGLED STALNO OBRATOVATI so pričeli rovi Hudson Coal Co. v Pennsy Ivani ji. S polnim časom so začeli obratovati rovi Lehigh Valley Coal Co. Philadelphia and Reading Coal Co. je pričela stalno obratovati dvajset izmed svojih 32 rovov. Tako poroča United Mine Workers Journal. HENRY FORD, ki se je pretečeni teden podal na šestteden-sko turo v Evropo, je pred odhodom odgovoril na vprašanja časniških poročevalcev, kaj misli o delavskem in trgovskem položaju v deželi, da se je Zedinjenim državam zopet začelo vračati zdravje. Dežela je bila zelo bolna in bolezen je bila na vrhuncu pred enim mesecem. Zdaj se je začelo obračati na boljše, toda do polnega okrevanja je še daleč, kor je tudi razvoj bolezni trajal dolgo. Dobra stran situacije je, po njegovem mnenju, da danes vsak misli, medtem, ko je prej večina le špekulirala. Špekulacije in polomi na borzi so največ krivi sedanje depresije. PREDSEDNIK HOOVER bo dne C. oktobra v Bostonu govoril pred zborovalci American Federation of Labor in pozneje pred American Legion. Kmalu nato se bo podal na obisk Cube, Haiti in republike Santo Domingo. MANJ PRISELJENCEV ZA PROHIBICIJSKE administratorje 34 prohibicij skih dis-triktov je prohibicijski komisar Amos W. W. Woodcock v Washingtonu otvoril šolo. Glavni namen šele je baje prepričati prohibicijske distriktne administratorje, da so pravice državljanov večje važnosti kot pa pregrehe butlegerjev. PREKO ATLANTIKA iz Pariza v New York sta v nepretrganem poletu dospela francoska lotalca Dieudonne Coste in Maurice Bellonte. Razdalja 3,275 milj sta premerila v 37 urah in 18 minutah. Ko sta 2. septembra proti večeru francoska letalca pristala na letalnem polju v New Yorku, ju je ogromna množica ljudstva navdušeno pozdravila. Pozdravil ju je in jima častital tudi ameriški zračni sokol Charles A. Lindbergh. Prvi, ki je preletel Atlantik v nepretrganem poletu od za-pada proti vzhodu in dospel točno na označeni cilj, to je iz New Yorka v Pariz, je bil leta 1927 letalski polkovnik Charles A. Lindbergh. Polet od vzhoda proti zapadu je neprimerno težji kot v nasprotni smeri, zato se do zadnjega časa ni še nikomur popolnoma posrečil, pač pa so tozadevni poskusi zahtevali življenje osmih letalcev. FVancos-ska sokola Coste in Bellonte sta prva v nepretrganem poletu brez nezgode premerila pot iz Pariza v New York. Iz New Yorka sta francoska letalca poletela v Dallas, Texas. IZ FRANCIJE je bil izgnan William Randolph Hearst, izdajatelj in lastnik mnogih ameriških listov. Iz Pariza je odšel eno uro potem, ko mu je policijski uradnik izročil izgonilne listine, dasi mu je bilo dovolje' no štiri dni časa v to svrho. Odpeljal se je v London. Francoska vlada je storila ta korak, ker je Hearst svoječasno dobil kopijo tajne mornariške in vojaške pogodbe med Francijo in (Dalje na 2. strani) V fiskalnem letu, ki je končalo dne 30. junija 1930, je bilo 446,214 inozemcev pripuščenih v Združene Države. Od teh je bilo 241,700 priseljencev in 204, 514 ne-priseljencev (inozemcev pripuščenih začasno, tukaj nastanjenih inozemcev, vračajočih se od začasnega obiska itd). Tekom iste dobe je odšlo iz Združenih Držav 272,425 inozemcev, tako da je leto končalo s prebitkom inozemskega prebivalstva od 173,789. Leto poprej je ta prebitek znašal 226,800. Število pripuščenih priseljencev je padlo od 279,678 na 241, 700. To je primanjkljaj od 13.6% nasproti predhodnemu letu. Vsled nove kvote (po narodnostnem izviru) je padla imigracija zlasti iz skandinavskih dežel in iz Nemčije, dočim je na-rastla imigracija iz Angleške. Padla je znatno tudi imigracija iz Kanade, zlasti pa ona iz Mehike. (od 40,154 na 12,703). To pomenja, da imigracija iz Mehike ni nikak problem več. Od splošnega števila vseh pripuščenih inozemcev je 31.7 7< prišlo pod kvoto, 22.2 °/o je bilo priseljencev na povratku, 15.9% je bilo potnikov na začasni obisk, 14.1% je bilo priseljencev iz dežel, ki nimajo kvote, 7.2% je bilo priseljencev izven kvote kvotnih dežel (žen, soprogov in otrok ameriških državljanov) in 6.3% je bilo potnikov na prehodu čez Združene Države v druge dežele. Ostalih je zapo- padlo diplomatične in konzularne nastavljence tujih držav, dijakov, duhovnikov in vseuči-liščnih profesorjev in družine. Število vseh kvotnih priseljencev po novem zakonu znaša 153, 714. Od teh je prišlo le 141,497. FLIS. -------o-------- Drage vojne Neki statistik ameriških vojnih veteranov je izračunil, da bo ameriška vlada šele leta 2033 izplačala zadnjo vojaško penzijo, pod pogojem, da v tem času ne-bomo imeli nobene nove vojne. o------------- KRI JE TEKLA! Ameriški Listi poročajo, da je bila dne (i. septembra v Trstu zaključena sodnijska obravnava proti 18 Slovencem in Hrvatom, ki so obdolženi umorov, zarote in nameravanega atentata na MussoHnijo. Štirje, namreč Franc Marušič, Zvonimir Miloš, Ferdinand Bidovec in Alojzij Valenčič, so bili obsojeni na smrt in nekaj ur pozneje ustre ljeni. Dva izmed obtožencev sta bila oproščena, dvanajst pa jih je bilo obsojenih na zaporne kazni od dveh do 30 let. Sodišče je obstojalo iz šestih častnikov. Koliko so bili obtoženci res krivi kaznjivih dejanj in koliko ne, je težko reči, toda znano je, da je pod fašistično strahovlado že zločin se priznavati za Slovenca. Slovencem in Hrvatom, ki so prišli pod italijansko oblast, se hujše godi kot se je kdaj godilo našim jugoslovanskim bratom na Balkanu. Toda, “vsak pes ima svoj dan,” kot pravi znani ameriški pregovor. Maščevana je bila Al-zacija-Lorena, maščevana je bila Poljska, maščevana je bila slovanska raja na Balkanu, in nedvomno bo prišel dan, ki bo prinesel rešitev tudi našim zasužnjenim bratom v Julijski Krajini, ko bo Soča vtopila zemlje lačne tujce na dno razpenjenih valov, kot je dejal pesnik Gregorčič. REPUBLIKA PERU Nedavno so poročali listi, da je vojaška revoltafnapravila konec diktatorstvu Avgusta B. Le-guia, predsednika republike Peru in da ostane provizorična vojaška vlada na kmnilu do volitev. Ne bo odveč, se pri tej priliki čitatelj i nekoliko seznanijo s to južnoameriško republiko. Dežela se razteza ob Pacifiku in meji na republike Colombia, E c u a d o r, Brazil, Bolivia in Chile. Brez spornega ozemlja, ki si ga lastijo Peiii, Ecuador in Colombia, znaša ppvršina republike Peru 532,0-1*7 kvadratnih milj, torej je prifično dvakrat tako velika kot inaša država Texas, ali več kotfpetkrat tako velika kot Jugoslavija. Prebivalstva iitia republika Peru nekaj nad pdit in pol milijona, nevstevši mloge necivilizirane indijanske if>dove; koliko je teh Indijancev s| niti približno ne ve. Republika Peru ge v splošnem visoka planota, katero prepre-zajo tri gorske vferige visokih Andov. Ob pacifignem obrežju se vleče dolg, ozek pas suhega ozemlja. Vzhodnolpd Andov je mnogo gozdov. Pfodnebje je v splošnem zdravo p n baš prav gorko. Seveda je| velika razlika v gorkoti v ni|kih dolinah, na visokih planotah in na gorah, katerih nekatere kipe več kot 20,000 čevljev visoko. Največja južnoameriški reka, Amazon, izvira iz jezent' Luuricoch* RAZNE ZANIMIVOSTI Leta 1922 je pridrvelo v dveh avtomobilih devet banditov k poletni rezidenci milijonarja A. W. Cutten-a v Illinoisu. Premagali in zvezali so služabnike, Cuttena in njegovo ženo pa so z revolverji prisilili, da sta se dala zapreti v zaduhlo varnostno shrambo v klet. Nato so pobrali, kar se jim je zdelo vredno, med tem za okoli 20 tisoč dolarjev zlatnine in več zabojev finih starih likerjev. Milijonar Cutten, ko je bil po več urah rešen iz svoje ječe v kleti, je bil tako razljučen nad takim postopanjem, da je sklenil, da ne odneha, dokler ne polovi vseh banditov in jih pošlje v ječo. Privatni in javni detektivi, kon-štablerji, šerifi in državni prav-dniki so bili vedno zaposleni. Polagoma so jih polovili in poslali v ječo osem; deveti pa je pred nedavnim sam prišel v urad državnega pravdnika v Dupage countyju in se podal oblastim z izjavo, da se je naveličal biti vedno zasledovan. Osemletni lov banditov je stal Cuttena okrog $20,000. Nekje v državi Vermont je G. J. Packard pred več kot enim letom pokopal svojo ženo. Pred par tedni se je mož ponovno oženil in nekaj dni potem se je vrnila k njemu njegova prva žena. Revež zdaj premišljuje, kdo je bil pokopan mesto njegove prve žene, in kaj naj zdaj počne z dvema ženama. V Alabami je nedavno dr. T. H. Williams baš izvrševal nevarno operacijo na neki ženski, ko mu je nenadoma prišlo slabo. Ozrl se je na tovariša-zdravnika in mu zašepetal, naj hitro nadaljuje z začeto operacijo, nakar se je zgrudil mrtev. Drugi zdravnik je uspešno završil operacijo. Na nekem Southwestern brzo-vlaku je petnajst potnikov naročilo zvečer porterju, da naj jim zlika hlače, nakar so se podali k počitku. Porter je naročilo izvršil in lepo obesil hlače v sosedni železniški voz, katerega so pa v Buffalu odpeli od vlaka. Ko je brzovlak dospel v New York, so morali možje dve uri čakati v posteljah, da so prišle hlače za njimi! --------o------- VEČERNE ŠOLE Večerne šole so velikega pomena za vse inozemce, ki se želijo izpopolniti v angleščini, pa tudi za one odrasle, ki v mlajših letih niso imeli prilike šolanja in si žele dobiti gotovo stopnjo izobrazbe. Večerne šole jim omogočajo, da lahko podnevi delajo, ob večerih pa se učijo. Vpisovanje v javne večerne šole v Clevelandu, O., se vrši 15. septembra. Našim cleve-I landskim rojakom so priročne j sledeče šole: Willson šola na E. 55th St.; Glenvilie High šola na 810 Parkwcod Drive; East High šola na 1380 E. 82nd St.; Col’inwood High šola na E. 152nd St. in St. Clair Ave., in še nekatere druge. Kdor se zanima, dobi vse potrebne podrobne informacije ako pokliče “Division of Adult Education,” telefon: CHerry 3660. Komur čas in druge razmer« dopuščajo, naj se posluži ugodnih prilik, ki jih nudi clevelandski šolski sistem, da se priuči angleškega jezika ali se izpopolni v istem. Učiti se n nikdar prepozno! -------o------- i Ali so že vsi vaši otroci vpisa i ni v mladinski oddelek J. S. K Jednote? v Peru, toda dokler ne doseže meje Brazilije, se ne imenuje Amazon, ampak Maranon. Glavni pridelki republike Peru so: bombaž, sladkor, kava, kakav, tobak in riž. V gorskih krajih uspevajo tudi vsi pridelki zmerno gorkih krajev. Mnogo volne dajejo črede ovac, alpak in lam. Rudnin se pridobi letno za 53 milijonov dolarjev: od tega odpade skoro polovico na petrolej in eno četrtino na baker. Pridobiva se tudi precej zlata, srebra, premoga, soli itd. Važno je tudi gnojilo “guano.” Okrog 90'; redke kovine vanadium ki jo rabi svetovni trg, se pridobiva v Peru. Glavni industrijski izdelki so: surov bombaž, volneno blago, moka, usnje, odeje, slamniki, olivno olje in olje z bombaževega semena, kokain in distilirani likerji. Republika Peru ima največ trgovine z Zedinjenimi državami; do nedavnega je dobivala polovico vsega importa iz Zedinjenih držav, in prodala tja nad eno tretjino svojega eks-porta. Gozdi dajejo mnogo lepega lesa za pohištvo in tudi precej gumija. Tam raste tudi “cinchona” drevje, iz katerega lubja se izdeluje znano zdravilo quinine. V glavnem mestu Lima se na-j haja najstarejša univerza na: ameriškem kontinentu. Pred prihodom Špancev, ko so vladali Inki in njih predniki, je bila v deželi razvita visoka civilizacija. Španci so podjarmili deželo leta 1534, v letu 1821 pa so Peruvanci proglasili svojo neodvisnost in leta 1824 so bili Španci končno poraženi in so morali zapustiti deželo. Brez križišč Republika Cuba je dolg otok, ki se nahaja južno od Floride. Skoro preko cele dolžine bo v kratkem izgotovljena dobra avtomobilska cesta, katere na vsej 700miljski dolžini ne bodo križale železnice, železniški tiri bodo napeljani pod cesto ali pa nad njo. GLASOVI Z RODNE GRUDE V nedeljo 17. avgusta malo pred polnočjo je izbruhnil ogenj v Goriči vasi pri Ribnici. Goreti je namreč začel skedenj posestnika Matije Nosana. V kratkem času so na kraj nesreče prihitela vsa gasilna društva iz ribniške doline. Da je bila nesreča še večja, se je vžgal tudi skedenj posestnika Lepol-da Ilca. Gasilci so sicer požar omejili, toda gorečih skednjev niso mogli rešiti. Pogorelo je vse žito in seno, tako da oba posestnika trpita veliko škodo. Po vasi in okolici je nastalo zaradi požara veliko razburjenje, ker je bil to že drugi požar v enem mesecu in so pogoreli že štirje skednji polni pridelkov. Orožniki vodijo preiskavo, ker se sumi, da zažiga zločinska roka. Na praznik Velikega Šmarna, ki ga je ljudstvo počastilo z običajno pobožnostjo, je žal dolenjske in belokrajinske kraje zadela strašna elementarna katastrofa, ki je dopolnila uničevalno delo v teh letos že itak to-likrat od neurja prizadetih pokrajinah. Jutro je bilo praznično, dokaj lepo, toda soparno. Okrog 11. dopoldne so se začeli na nebo nad novomeške* Jpckrajind) (‘grmaditi črni oblaki, ki so obetali najslabše. žalostne slutnje prebivalstva so se kaj hitro uresničile na grozen način. Po desetih minutah težko padajočih red-kejših kapelj, se je vlil močan naliv, vmes pa je takoj začela prevladovati gosta toča, ki je neusmiljeno klestila in uničevala. Ugonobila je vso jesensko letino, tako predvsem ajdo, koruzo in sadje. Strahovito so prizadeti naslednji kraji: št. Peter, Grčev-je, Rupe, črešnjice, Razbore, Dolnji vrh, Gornje in Dolnje Toplice, Kronova, št. Jernej. Mokro polje, Orehovica, Mihovec, Tolsti vrh, Vrhpolje in okoliška naselja.- Po desetminutnem uničevalnem početju se je nevihta pretegnila preko Gorjancev v Bele Krajino, kjer je takisto spravi la kmetovalce mnogih vasi ol ves jesenski pridelek. Toča se je nasula tako gosto, da so pokrajine nudile sliko kakor pe prvem snegu. Ljudstvo je obupano in potrebno nujne pomo či. Hudo neurje je nedavno div jalo nad Dravinjsko dolino. Posebno je bila prizadeta občine Brezje, kjer so domala uničeni vsi mnogo obetajoči poljski pridelki. Posledice toče, ki se je vsula nad delom občine Pekel, na vse Brezje in dalje na kraje proti Trem kraljem in Klečam, so strašne in je prebivalstvo, ki ži vi večinoma od svoje zemlje, ob upano. Lepi vrtovi so uničeni njive so podobne strniščem. Vinogradi, ki jih je objela toča so popolnoma zbiti. Prej tako bo gati trsi grozdov, kot že deset letja ne, zevajo zdaj prazni ka kor po trgatvi. Oklane jagode ki niso popadale, že rjave in gnijejo. Zelo žalostna je slika tudi v Čretniku pri Jamšku, ki se mu je zapeljal celo del vino grada v dolino, potem ko ga je toča. popolnoma oklestila. Česar pa ni pobila in uničila toča, to je pokončala in vzela voda; kajti po kratkem presled ku ene ure je začelo nato v sre do po 17. deževati znova in je vlivalo celo noč med nepresta nim bliskom in gromom, tako zelo, da je bilo drugi dan vse pod (Dalle na 5. strani) VSAK PO SVOJE MOJE POTOVANJE Skoro polovico naše ameri-ško-slovenske poletne literature tvorijo potne črtice in potopisi. Potne črtice so kratke, potopisi pa dosežejo včasi dolgost polnoletnih morskih kač. Nekatere so zanimive, nekatere podučne. nekatere zabavne, nekatere pa dobre za prebavo. Iz tega sledi a so vse koristne. V nekaterih potopisih mrgoli samih zahval, kot rozin v veli-(onočnem kolaču. Taki potopisi se meni posebno dopadejo, kajti hvaležnost je hudo lepa eč. Nehvaležnost sovražim prav tako kot hinavščino, ki js njena dvojčica. V nekaterih potopisih se nahaja tudi podroben ecept kaj naj bi se dragim gostom na mizo postavilo. Tam se lahko “•špeglajo” tisti, ki ne vedo pravih manir, da bo v bodoče postrežba povsod stopro-centna. V potopisih se včasi skriva precej pisateljske slave, in to je tisto, kar mi gre v nos. Potne črtice more pisati !e tisti, ki gre ali je šel kam “na rajžo.” Kdor hoče iti na potovanje mora pa zopet imeti počitnice in pri tem sem jaz grdo prikrajšan. Beseda “vacation” ni zame zapisana naših paragrafih, zato ima prav toliko pomena zame kot dohodninski davek. Kar sram me je, ko se od vsepovsod oglašajo ponosni avtorji najrazličnejših potopisov, jaz pa ne morem v kom peticij o a njimi, da bi bil deležen vsaj ko-' ščeka pisateljske slave. To ni enakopravnost, pa ni, naj reče toda dober okus narf Je čal, da je pozdrav lZ ^ ^ £ Californije. Na krat'° ^ J ] pri rojaku Verbiču ^ veli par veselih ur, ki J s a ohranili v lepem spon11 j v, ^ proti Chicagu se je P’" 2aPr, kla, ker so glavne ces L ve da jih razširjajo za v'e j M avtomobilski promet. ^ q Drugi dan, to je | ^ • bra, je bil veličasten P J , « bro znane Helene Jl ^ ^ ei vdove po ravno ob le je^ t .. lil' Jožetu Zavertmku, :e t i 1 uredniku Prosvete- 0 ,$i 11 *1 reč umrl lani 28. gova žena pa letos :ceiefj * Krsta s truplom pokoj gflf la pripeljana v dv°i^ ^ odkoder je bil sloves Jj a na Češko narodno P° V sprevodu je bilo o 1 . t] (Dalje na 5. N S New Era PPLEMENT Edited by Louis M. Kolar. ). i. ?* 0. pm* ll> Upf** irii y*no® 96 R Ifll »“ Current Thought. TIME IS AT HAND C. U. athletic board conference will take place this _ r'day and Saturday, Sept. 12 and 13, in the Slovenian 5a* Home of Cleveland, 0. Representatives from the S Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Minnesota will be to discuss various phases of athletics, and how they ^efit our Union the most. 'er since the last semi-annual meeting of the Supreme ”*at convened in Ely, Minn., during the week of July 14, s have appeared in the New Era Supplement, commenting J forthcoming conference. Various suggestions were to the members to help make the first athletic confer-Access, and thus justify the confidence that the Supreme Placed in the younger members of the Slovenian and ^conducted lodges. 's very important that much be accomplished at this with some assurance that plans formulated be carried . by the fellow-members. At the present time we are with the solicitation of ways and means towards ltl£ the general athletic situation between S. S. C. U. So that a greater interest will be shown by all of ths A final appeal is made to all of the members to be sure -—^ their representative equipped with suggestions from 0 be discussed at the proper time. ^eprasentatives Will be Equipped With Ideas nog0 by the response received from the delegates so 6 can be reasonably sure that the conference will not be v Cle',e Jt ideas —in fact a number of lodges active in athletics akite flj taNed special meetings together to solicit ideas from the ega Prl *Nathletes and/ all other members vitally interested in the ,l0'i of sports. It is encouraging to note such a state of 0tl’ f°r it assures the athletis commisioner, as well as the Grd>n°V J* the supreme board, that the money spent towards ■oh®11' č about results is money well invested. tnti> ^ 6 future is the one primary object to look forward to no !feat optimism. By interesting the younger members in ;e n10^ activities sponsored by our Union induces them te . yijii* greater enthusiasm for their lodge. Sports is one of the l^gs that the majority of our youthful members are rU§tv»1 interested in, and once they are assured that a grand ;n ^ is in store for them in the future will make them loyal ,ge. JW^ch supporters of our Union, t tic board conference will open up a passage hitherto Pc>z‘^ll^0n as a P°si^iiit,y in some distant future. No means t Ge°r*f lining a section champion, much less a national S. S. jcdn^T^ampion, has been provided for in the past, for wan ^ash'1111'er of lodges active in athletics. It is true a number of I have displayed marked interest in the formation of U&-) r: but a sufficient number was lacking. IIs different now. At the present time it is felt that a cago, number of lodges are active in athletics to warrant ■en^i Jd°n Plans whereby national champion lodges will be ,.ed11! ln various field of sports, ožil® -------------o- Joliet (111.) Briefs Vhl»^l'*lCe Maytags, 10 to 4 J p4 —__________________ S. K. J. in First ol )& * ha Q • p Series, 9 to 7 n**1 , jjj — Comrades pillj baseball team split a iel dl- ®ader over the week-s*'l’ jlj drubbing the Maytag 11 m MO to 4, and dropping vCčjl,°Ught tilt to the strong k1*7; ll'I'j^ St. Joes by a score ’* e initial contest the tjli ®s easily downed the ^l|!( Waukegan Maytags. jeW Jt0 drix hurled a good pj-i'1'|s. the winners, allowing "’I- Seven We^ scat- and was given some r SuPPort by his teanv ie Smith, Maytag ace, % s°'fll(I^ 6c* f°r six safe blows, •o ^1Ven very poor sup- ‘no Pilihi1!? teammates; five jib ^„»5 timely hitting by the jntf. jJ ^counted for the ten ..(4 j> tc z:1’.t,fjl>ua'res! four-ply drive, ;dn0 ' |*tu bome run of the sea- Jly brilliant fielding at Lavvy Palucius 'oferl'eb,i4Vfeatures game- n^htcap, the Com-u nosed out by the iiV$ea[ii«f' ^oes in one-of the i je " jc'f1! h batttles of the ust3' .it«* w.6 first of the three-• ^lV|Ves for the “Tenth nice ^^pionship.” no j l)h°tlll'ades were in the n t05e'p. Until the eighth in-k°VL s'm ^ to 4 score, but the ■°£ 1 j'f tfallied in their last ul) flih^ e inning by shoving e across the plate. The % failed to score in °f the ninth. ■ A triple and a two-base hit by Capt. Palucius and a bril-Fjliant performance behind the plate by Andy Skoff were the bright spots of the game. Next Sunday the two strong teams will again clash at the Mozina diamond. The Comrades will attempt to even the series. A large crowd is expected to witness the “grudge” melee. R. H. E. Comrades ...2 03003 110—10 6 1 Maytags ... 1 1 0 1 00 1 00— 4 7 5 R. H. E. Comrades ...... 1 00030030—7 14 1 St. Joes...00 1 0 0 3 0 5 *—9 1(5 1 Oh, we wonder, yes, we wonder, Bro. Larry Petrovič, member of the Comrades baseball and bowling teams, and Miss Mary “Darling” Rode, the popular recording secretary of the Comrades Lodge, were doing some window shopping at a local furniture establishment. Could it be that—or do you think that they have decided to—maybe they intend to get —again we wonder, yes, we wonder. It won’t be long now. (That’s what the monkey said when he backed up into the lawn mower.) John Petrovič, No. 193, SSCU. Concerning Members of Lodge No. 66 SS. Peter and Paul Society (No. 66, SSCU) now proudly boasts of having a championship horseshoe pitcher on its membership roll. That of Michael “Mix” Gregorash, who is also our star bowler, and who, with his cousin Frank Gregorash, N. E. A. C. star third sacker, helped the Phoenix Horseshoe Manufacturing Co. cop the Industrial League title of Will County. Živijo Slovenci ! Wonder what some of our folks think of the “ponies” that are running in the 30-day meet at the Lincoln Field track? On Labor Day Henry Bluth and Johnny ’Horwath were seen looking them over. Did you do any good, boys? You know, we have some real sports in our boys. Yes, we have. Indoor basebal has got very “hot” in Joliet. Never were there so many teams organized and playing the softball game at twilight and Sundays as at the present time. Recreation Director Slocum says that according to indications every gymnasium in the city will be used for this particular branch of sport this coming winter. A great number of our Slovenes participate in the indoor game, and some are classed with the best. Over 3,250 students have enrolled at the Joliet Township High School for the fall term. The school has 141 teachers, the newest addition being Douglas R. “Gaga” Mills, the new football coach and former football player of the University of Illinois. Not only are the kiddies at school started for a busy season, but lodges, clubs and various organizations such as SS. Peter and Paul Society in Joliet are preparing for the annual fall entertainment. Therefore, it would be well for the members to attend the next few meetings in as large numbers as possible to help and hear what the hard-working, busy officers and active members are contemplating for the future. John L. Jeviiz Jr. 'B'RIEFS -**!• CROATIANS of Cleveland, O., displayed such an unusual flower float that they were awarded first prize in the International Flower Festival, held in connection with the air carnival. This is the second time that the Croats have taken the coveted honor in as many years. EVELETII Junior College of Eveleth, Minn., will have Edward M. Kraker assisting in the college athletic work. DURING the convention of the American Jugoslav Association of Minnesota held at Gilbert, Minn., John C. Arko Jr. was elected first vice president, John Movern secretary, Martin Sever treasurer; Joe »mnmmtnmnttmmttttmttimttamm; DELEGATES S. S. C. U. athletic board conference will take place in Room 2 (new building) Slovenian National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, O. Meeting will be opened at 8:30 a. m. Friday, Sept. 12. Accommodations will be made for all delegates when they arrive in Cleveland. Lettters have been sent out requesting information as to what time the delegates expect tc arrive, and, if possible, the writer himself will meet them at the station or have someone else in his place. Should the possibility arise where a delegate is not recognized at the station, then it will be expected to have such delegates in the Slovenian National Home Friday morning at 8:30 o’clock in Room 2. j::«:::«:::::::::::::::;::::::«::::::::::«::::«: Kraker, John Zalar, Anton Erchul and Rade Poznanovic constitute part of the executive board. Louis Govze Sr. was re-elected recording secretary, while A. I. Lopp was elected president, with George Brince retiring from that office. Slovenes School Opens Fall Term “Haven’t I made you what you are?” asked the wife proudly. “Darling,” answered the husband, “have I ever reproached you for it?” Too Often Pop: Say, whar’s thet cuspidor ’at used to set here? I miss it a lot. Mom: That’s why it’s gone. You missed it too often. School days are with us again. Public and parochial schools have begun classes and it needed but the Slovene School of the Slovenian National Home to round-up the order of things. Ont Sept. 13, the Junior Slovene School, will begin classes; pupils will be taught the rudiments of the Slovenian language, grammar, pronunciation, reading and writing. Such an opportunity is not given every Slovenian colony in the country as but a few can afford to hold classes. As usual, a, large class will be on hand. On Sept. 19, the Senior school will open the fall term and continue to hold classes every Friday evening. Students are invited to attend and take advantage of the opportunity offered them to master the language of their parents. Learning the Slovene language is an asset, much like learning a foreing language in high school or in college. And by conversing with Slovenian people it facilitates the mastery of the language. o------------- Poland now has a population of 30,700,000. ETBIN KRISTAN of New York City gave a talk in Gilbert, Minn., where the convention of the state organization of the American Jugoslav Association was held. UTSE RUPAR came first and John Fesnik second with their entries in the 4-H calf division at the St. Louis County Fair, held at Hibbing, Minn. Louis Grahek was awarded first prize with his entry of Rhode Island Reds. TURY OMAN is one of the thirteen letttermen who will report for football practice at Wisconsin University at Madison, Wis., on Sept. 15. Oman is rated as one of the university’s star backfield players, having distinguished himself in the 1929 season. He is from Chisholm, Minn. CLASSES for adults of Cleveland, O., who desire to learn English, improve on it or complete the grades, will begin Sept. 15, sponsored by the Board of Education. RECENTLY the Joliet Evening Herald-News contained a notice of a baseball feat performed exactly ten years ago by J. L. Jevitz Jr., member of Collinwood Boosters Lose, 3 to 2 Game Played in Record Time Eight innings of exceptionally fast indoor ball game Drought defeat to the Collinwood Boosters baseball team (No. 188, SSCU) last Friday, Sept. 5, at the hands of the Orels, by a close score of 3 to 2, The game was played in record time of 40 minutes. Collinwood Boosters gained a reputation for some fast fielding, and Friday’s encounter showed it to the best advantage, with “Boof,” John Koren and Berzin starring in the infield plays. John Laurich starred in the outfield, nabbing the ball while on the run. Berzin scored one of the two runs when his hit, an easy pop fly, dropped out of the second baseman’s hands. And did Berzin circle those bases? He looked more like a deer using four legs instead of only two. John Koren scored the other run on a clean hit to the outfield, reaching second and eventually the hom? plate on the outfielder’s error. Tony Orazem of the Orels further proved that he is an exceptional pitcher. In the sixth inning, with two men on base and one out, Tony proceeded to strike out two heavy hitters of the Collinwood Boosters—Berzin and John Laurich. In one inning he struck out three men. Fred Mai'inko of the Orels played his usual errorless game at third. Fred is as good a third ba&enffift.aa can be found on any team of the Inter-Lodge League. As a result of the defeat, the Collinwood Boosters have been eliminated from the elimination series, thus forfeiting their right to the championship. ----------------o-------- Returns to School Mr. Anthony L. Garbas, former editor of the New Era Supplement and athletic commissioner of S. S. C. U., left Cleveland, O., Friday morning, Sept. 5, for Louisville, Ky., where he will resume his studies of oral surgery. Mr. Garbas attended Carroll University, securing his A. B. degree, in Cleveland; atttend-ed Western Reserve School of Dentistry for one year, and then decided to finish his course at the University of Louisville. This is his second year at Louisville. Members of fraternal lodges came to recognize him as a leader of the Slovenian groups, serving in many capacities and holding several offices, being vice president and then president of- the Spartans, SSPZ. When Mr. Garbas graduates from college he will have his many admirers waiting for him in Cleveland, and it is hoped that he will remain in this community. o------------- Portuguese Portuguese is the prevalent language of Brazil. The coun try was formerly a possession of Portugal. o------------- Instinct “Is he a good rabbit dog?” inquired the hunter, after inspecting the animal. “I’ll say he is!” the dealer replied with pride. “You should have seen the way he went after my wife’s new sealskin coat!” SPORTING BITS FOUR STATES WILL BE REPRESENTED Eleven Delegates Will Be on Hand for the Conference Delegates of eleven S. S. C. U. lodges active in athletics will assemble in Cleveland Friday, Sept. 12, and discuss the various phases of athletics in the interest of our Union. Four states will be represented—Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois and Minnesota. Pennsylvania hass three delegates—Joseph Kopler, National Star, No. 213; Frank Kress, Pittsburgher, No. 196; Louis Polaski, Jefferson Collegians, No. 205. Ohio has four delegates—Joseph Jaklich Jr., George Washington, No. 180; P. J. Mihelčič, Collinwood Boosters, No. 188; A1 Ulle, Napredeks, No. 132; J. L. Zortz, St. Aloysius, No. 6. Illinois has three delegates—John Petrovič, Comrades, No, 193; William B. Laurich, No. 211; J. L. Jevitz Jr., No. 66. Minnesota has one delegate—Anton Vessel, Jubileers, No. 215. These delegates represent lodges that have been active in athletics and as such will be in a position to formulate plans for the next year, 1931, when athletic activities will be launched on a large scale. Each delegate knows the wishes of his lodge and how it can best arrange a schedule with other lodges of the S. S. C. U. in close proximity. Details will be worked out and obstacles overcome so that the burden of responsibility does not fall on one particular person. Much time has been expended on the forthcoming conference with the hope that it will bear fruit. No effort will be spared to bring about the desired end, and with the co-operations of fellow-members this conference should stir the entire membership into greater enthusiasm for the South Slavonic Catholic Union than it has ever before. The younger element of our Union can and will justify the confidence that the Supreme Board extended them when it sanctioned the suggestion for the “Little Convention.” The entire S. S. C. U. membership can rest assured that these delegates are not coming to Cleveland on a pleasure trip, but rather to accomplish great things for their organization. Each delegate has a number of ideas that will be voiced and discussed upon. Lodges that have not been active athletically in the past should take time and effort to do so immediately. Plans will not be made to accommodate just the eleven lodges represented ; rather, plans will be made with a view to include all the lodge? of the S. S. C. U. One of the many reasons for holding this conference is to stir enough interest among members of all lodges to become active in athletics and join in the many inter-lodge contests. ------------------------------o----------- Lodge No. 66 of Joliet, 111. Jevitz Jr. allowed but five hits to bring victory to the West Ends over the Leaman Stars. Rally Eliminates Comrades in Tourney Seek Bowling Match Game With Chicagoans Waukegan, 111. — Comrades lodge baseball team was defeated by the strong Waukegan West Side A. C. nine last Sunday in a crucial game for the Lake County championship by a score of 7 to 4, in the semifinals of the Lake County Elimination Tournament. The winners sewed up the game in the initial frame by shoving five tallies across the platter by virtues of four hits, a wild pitch and an error, a lead which the Comrades could not overcome; as a consequence, the locals were eliminated from the Lake County tourney. The Comrades scored two runs in the sixth and two more in the seventh, and again threatened in the final frame, with two men on base and two outs. Capt. Palucius drove one out to center field what looked like a sure hit, in fact, it looked like another home run for the captain, but the center fielder made a marvelous running catch in deep left center to retire the side. After the first inning both sides displayed airtight baseball. However, the Comrades outhit their opponents securing nine hits to the losers eight, but failed to hit in the pinches. Kaires’ three-ply drive and brilliant fielding at first by Captain Palucius were the features of the hectic tilt. Last Sunday and Monday the Comrades met the Waukegan Maytags and the KSKJ St. Joes respectively. The results of the games will appear in the forthcoming issue. Score by innings: R. H. E. Sokols Come Third Traveling to Detroit, Mich., the Slovenian Sokols of Cleve* land, O., proceeded to take third place, in the All-Slav Sokol exhibition sponsored by the Bohemian group (župa). The meet was held on Aug. 30 and 31, and included the following: Jugoslovanski Sokol and Slovak Sokol of Detroit; Sokol Havli-cek, Sokol Nova Vlast, Sokol Tyrs and Slovenian Sokols of Cleveland, O., and Sokols from Owdeso. John Spehek of the Slovenian Sokols came third in the individual class, scoring 104.25 out of a possible 110 points, while Frank Jereb came close behind with 103.75. Stanley Bencina scored 92.5. And How! Teacher: We should never be discouraged too easily. Look at Napoleon. He would stop for no obstacle, he refused to be turned aside by anything, but kept on relentlessly to his destination. And w’hat do you think he became? Pupil: A truck driver. Comrades 000002200—4 West Cide 50101000*—7 Shoe Clerk: Do you know what wears out most shoe leather? Sheba: No. Shoe Clerk: That’s right. The Waukegan Comrades bowling pin five (S. S. C. U.) would like to meet any S. S. C. U. team of Chicago, 111., the latter part of September in their opening game of the season. The Comrades! are very anxious to meet the Windy City five on their home alleys. If interested, voice your opinion thru this medium. John Petrovič, S. S. C. U. No. 193. GEO. WASHINGTONS TO HOLD SPORTS DANC Members of Cleveland, and Vicinity Incited. Athletic "Board To "he "Present' Unique Decorations, Special Entertainments, Fol-owers Identity Will Feature Sports Dance Dances have) been held by different lodges of Cleveland, 0., along St. Clair way, with various degrees of success, but none can begin to compare with the coming Sports Dance sponsored by the George Washington lodge (No. 180, SSCU). Huge pre-paratians have been made by the members who have spared no efforts to insure the guests of a good time. For weeks past, members have been working on plans for the Sports Dance, that will open the eyes to all who will attend Saturday, Sept. 13. If memory serves correctly, the George Washington lodge will be' the first one in the Slovenian colony of Cleveland, te hold such an affair. This dance will be something entirely different from any other dance as the program includes various entertainment that will be remembered a long time after. Grdina’s hall, situated on 6025 St. Clair Ave., will be decorated as it never has before; on the walls will be seen baseballs, bats, athletic uniforms, bowling balls, bowling pins, tennis racquet, basketballs—in fact almt>st all the paraphernalia used by athletes. Even the stage will have a regular baseball backstop with the musicians dressed in various athletic togs.. Johnny Gribbons, dean of Slovenian accordionists will act a? coach. If you happen to see fellows dressed in regulation baseball uniforms at the dance, don’t be surprised as everything imaginable will be done to give the dance an atmosphere of Sports. FOLLOWER, of whom much has been written in the New Era Supplement will make his appearance at the dance, and also make known his identity. Much anxiety has been shown as to the identity of the Follower and much speculation has been going on asv to who really is this person. At the Sports Dance we will have the pleasure of making his acquaintance. The Follower’s art gallery will also be on display and if you have any blues to sing, then by all means come to the dance as the> will be promptly disbursed once you see this! famous art gallery. George Washington lodge Militia will be on hand during the intermission under the capable leadership of Jimmy Marin-dc, who is also versed in * the art of selling horses. If you haven’t seen anything funny lately, be sure to remain on the dance floor and witness the George Washiogtnn militia perform. We can almost guarantee you a barrel of fun in this alone. Refreshments will be on hand and will be served the entire evening. The nature of Grdina’s hall permits dancing in one section of the hall and seclusion in the other. Those that are not particularly interested in dancing throughout the evening can find the refreshment hall as a rendezvous for social conversation, and undoubtedly this section will offer a means to exchange acquaintances and talk over “old times.” ALL MEMBERS OF S. S. C. U. LODGES IN CLEVELAND AND VICINITY ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND AND MAKE THIS ONE GALA AFFAIR FOR THE S. S C U IN CLEVELAND, 0. -----------o------------ The Audience Follower Meets Samson Where I’ll Be On Saturday evening, Sept. 13, 1930, I’ll be at the George Washington’s Sports Dance at Grdina,’s Hall. My crowd is out for a good time and it seems that the George Washingtons are the ones to give my youngsters the time of their lives. I want hot music, hotter than fire and the orchestra hired by the Washingtons is the Slovene Jazz Artist, Johnny Gribbons and his Radio Broadcasters. What do you say, people, let’s go! I’m going. The decorations and comical stunts at the Sports Dance will be a wow. I’m also anxious to meet the Follower; he’s my meat and 1 must meet him. Friends, buddies and everybody we meet at the George Washington’s S p a r t s Dance, Saturday, Sept. 13, 1930, at Grdina’s Hall. Keep in mind the George Washington Lodge No. 180 S. S. C. U. and that Johnny Gribbons’ know their stuff. So long people. Joseph Jaklich, President George Washingtons. —ATTEND SPORTS DANCE— Zarja to Hold Picnic Singing Society Zarja will hold a picnic Sunday Sept. 14, at Gorisek’s farm, located in Noblo, O. All are cordially invited to attend and enjoy the festivities. Zarja will be remembered for the production of the Slovenian operas, “Urh, Grof Celjski” and “Turjaška Rozamunda.” Another opera will be given sometime this fall under the name of “Gorenjski Slavček.” The Slovenes of Cleveland and vicinity are looking forward to this production with great anxiety, as Zarja has earned a city-wide reputation for its performances. 1 Jarc Insures Team One night Jarc, Merhar, Brezovar, Bizil and myself arrifed at a hotel in a small town in Illinois, and was assigned to a poor room on the first floof— counting frum the sky-and their was no elevators. In view of twenty flights of stairs—and we was tired too—we vas not pleased. Samson was the clirk and boy was he tuff, m-m, 1 cud chew his years off but none cud be sawed. Seeing that he had no baggage, except a big drunk, und that we was hanging to quite tenaciously, he demanded money in advance. I felt in his vest und tuk oud a skinny bank roll. I offered Samson a $100 he cud not change it, I offered him $50 wit de same result, then a $20 and $10, neider of wich he cud change. Ven Samson saw we had lots of money, he fund he overlooked a better room which he cud give us millionaires, and dat w7e don’t need tu paid in ahead. I luked at Samson queerly, und dat crossed-eyed glint shot slantwise frum de left side ov his nose. “You remind me of much, H Clay,” says me. “Who, Henry Clay?” asked Samson. “No-o,” says I, “just common clay- mudclay, you no. De kind my friends und I make mud pies frum.” We then went, away to bed, very happy. So long, see you at the Sports Dance, Ya? F ollower. I kum to the conklusion that life was so onsartin that the only way for my team to stand a fare chance with other folks was to git there lives insured, so I kalled on the “Kink of Horse Dealers,” who is the agent ov the Garden Angel Life Insurance Co., and answered the following questions which were put tu me over the top ov a pare of spects, by Jim Marinčič, a slick old fellow, with a round gray head on him as any man ever owned. Are they mail or femail? And if so state how long they hab been so. Had they father or mother? If so, which. Are they subject to fits? And if so, do they hev more than one at a time? What is there precise fiting vate? Did they ever hav any ancestors? And if so, how much? Du they hav night mares? Are they single or married, or is they bachelors? Did they ever commit suicide? And if so, how did it affect dem? After answering the abov questions like a man in a confirmative, the slick little fat old feller with spects on sed they was insured for life, and probably would remain so fur years. I thanked him and smiled one ov my most pensive smiles. Oh, I forget, see you at Sports Dance—Saturday evening, Sept. 13, 1930, at Grdina’s Hall. Toodle-oo. Joseph Jarc, Manager George Washingtons. —ATTEND SPORTS DANCE— Who Is He? Follower Practises Art - —ATTEND SPORTS DANCE— Potatoes produce seeds and in most cases plants grown from seed remain true to the strain just as they do when grown from the eyes on the tubers. I’ve been reading articles on the Follower so much, I’m on pins and needles. Let me in on the secret before the dance, I’ll keep it a secret. The writer claims I met him and talked with him but I can’t recall who it could be. Folks, none will be sorry who come to the Sports Dance, of this you are assured. The George Washington Lodge need not be afraid of assuring our public of a good-time. They are continually thinking of a new dance and good-time for all. See you at the dance. Julia Bouha, Secretary George Washingtons. —ATTEND SPORTS DANCE— New Calendar Many large business firms in America have adopted the 13-month calendar for commercial purposes. Some of them are Eastman Kodak, Sears-Roe-buck, Western Clock, Kendall Mills, the Upson, Billings & Spencer, Carter’s Ink, C. F. Church, R. H. Foederer, Wm. Gilbert Clock, Fuller Brush, Graton & Knight, Hearst Publications, Hickok, Jewel Tea, Maytag, McCallum Hosiery and Todd Protectograph. —ATTEND SPORTS DANCE— Egg Shells Egg shells are covered with a natural mucilaginous coating which delays the entrance of harmful germs into the egg and this viscid coating is softened or removed by washing, thus diminishing the keeping quality of the egg and causing quick deterioration. —ATTEND SPORTS DANCE— Will Reveal Identity at Sports Dance, Sept. 13 Like a conquering hero returning from war, the Follower triumphantly steered his junk into the harbor of Somewhere, while battleships, at anchor, boomed forth a salute of forty-five cannon-crackers for the return of the great artist. When the great honor accorded him was explained, the New Era big game hunters wore smiles, even Adolph Brezovar and “Samson” Drobnič, Tired after the ardous junk trip and the strain of the welcoming festival, the weary Follower sought a hotel with “Frenchy” Hren, Joe Jarc, “Red” Bizil and Jim Marinčič, the group acting his bodyguard. All mentioned continuously escorted the Follower, and led him to places unknown. I really think the fellows had better keep the Follower in good shape for his public appearance at the George Washington Sports Dance, Sept. 13, and gave him a chance to paint the picture he dreams about so much, namely, “Bootleg Bertha.” The model posing for this masterpiece is a picture of beauty herself. You might close your eyes and just imagine the manner in which this model must pose. Standing up at a long4bar, right foot on a rail, a drink (almost a pint) of bootleg in her right hand raised and ready for the second last operation before it is swallowed. Imagine the Follower painting this picture; how can he do it? Various other paintings will be displayed such as “Red at Bat,” “Smiling Pitcher,” “Samson the Mighty,” “Handsome L. F.,” ‘Horse Salesman,” “Home Run King,“ /‘Lefty Playing First,” “Stanley the Great,” “Blond R. F.,” “Rab-bitt-Foot S. S.,” “Chucli at Home,” and most beautiful of all the “Milkman.” Watch the Follower more closely; I’m quite sure the following girls know him well. Misses Julia Bouha, Rose Celes-nik, Christine Brezovar, Augusta Terbovec and Mary Arko. Who is he, girls, send us a line on him and give the team a break. Frank Jaklich (Lefty), George Washingtons, SSCU- —ATTEND SPORTS DANCE— Produce Me I’d like to see the Folllower and Left Merhar together just once. Lefty Merhar must produce me to tho Follower. I’d like to know when I was a hotel clerk. ‘ Another thing 1 do not remind Lefty Merhar, Jarc, Bizil, Brezovar, and the Follower of Henry Clay. Boys it’s impossible. Nobody ever got a $100 bill in my vest and I know it. Joe Jarc and Lefty Merhar and their sweethearts have got something up their sleeves, so I’m on the look-out. Well so long boys and girls, my next appearance on the air over station SSCU will be from the Sports Dance. I’ll tell you another bedtime story, about the Three Bears and the Poppa and Momma. So long gang, station SSCU now signing off until Sept. 13, 1930, at Grdina’s Hall Broadcasting station. Aw I’ll tell my mama on you. Frank (Samson) Drobnič, Vice President. Anxious Young Man One note is clear in our present day life. A mighty contest is on to defeat Fathei Time. Each of us is born with a given number of years and days to his credit. The fateful span cannot be increased by a single minute, except by getting more done in the given span. That way only can life be lengthened. Practically everything that is going on today is motivated by this u r g e, and success has perched on the banners of those who have devised ways of making us live longer. First page news it is when a train clips five hours off the schedule from Chicago to San Francisco. We applaud and pay tribute to the genius which brings Berlin and Stockholm and Paris to the telephone on our desk. We cheer Lindbergh The automobile, radio, electric refrigeration, aviation, television—all are accepted because they give us a, glimmer of that thing we most desire, victory over time. Let the young man who would succeed today enter the boats organized to defeat Father Time. No matter where he is thrown, whether making harness, planting corn, building bridges, pleading cases, if he does a quicker and better job, the world will beat a path to his door. The question of the day is. “How long will it take?” An earlier generation asked, “How far is it?” Joseph Jaklich Jr., President George Washington —ATTEND SPORTS DANCE— I’ll Find Out What I’ll find out is no .ones business. The New Era has been writing up on the Follower, and his name kept a secret. All in search of a goodtime, attend the George Washington’s Sports Dance, I’m sure we’ll find the P’ollower there. Next thing we’ll know the entire lodge will be a mystery, everyone will be asking questions, who are you? Are you this and that? Imagine the mystery, still its interesting, one may be the Phantom, Observer, etc. Everyone is assured of a good time. Hello ladies, hello boys, let’s not forget the Sports Dance. Angela Levstek, Treasurer. —ATTEND SPORTS DANCE— Travel to White Valley Canonsburg, Pa. — Jefferson Collegians lodge (Nb. 205, S. S. C. U.) traveled to White Valley, Pa., Saturday, Aug. 30, to attend the dedication of a flag honoring the first anniversary of a branch lodge, SSPZ. We participated in the parade leading to the ball grounds where a program was carried out including short talks by officers of different lodges. After the program a baseball game was played between the Jefffer-son Collegians baseball club and that of White Valley, the latter being victors by a score of 8 to 7. In the evening a program of dancing was enjoyed by all. White Valley lodge certainly gave us a nice welcome for which W'e want to thank them. Pauline M. Fartro, Recording Secretary. —ATTEND SPORTS DANCE— - J George Washingtons to Feature Athletics ink Activities; Girls Included in Program From all corners and angles of this world, we hear of11 ing more interesting that sports. Foreign countries have ized various kinds of athletic teams to show the w ^ general that they can also offer athletic talent. have taken a great interest in sports, they want people . of their ability which they display so earnestly in sp01 ’ compete with each other more in sports than a man in hus^ The George Washington Lodge, No. 180 S. S. ^ , building a strong fortress in the athletic field, with the ruination to hold it to the last man, to keep up the eve,2e fight of athletes and to bring to the S. S. C. U. and the lo ^ colors of inter-lodge sport activities. The George Was11 , want their name to outshine the others and to be kn° 8 “hard fighting enemy.” Can they do it? You bet, the they’re game, win or lose; can see them leave the f'e (fjj smiles and laughter. They want their opponents to sa' can’t beat their gameness. When you meet the George ^ ^ ingtons you’ve got to fight hard to beat them, theyre fight heart and soul, they show ability because it’s in th Come on, you Washingtons, let us all take an a in helping put over the Sports Dance. Help boost the ^ ^ teams of the lodge, show the athletic delegates of the S' ' that the George Washingtons, S. S. C. U., of Cleveland ^ only talk of various sports, but come forward w’ith ^.ptj try to do their best to come home with flying colors, and^ George Washington teams mean business. Boost the . Dance by doing your bit; your help is a stepping s success of the Sports Dance. ^ Frank (Lefty) George Washing P* The Plugger By Frank Jaklich (Lefty), Feature Writer for The New Era Supplement Jaklich Brother* !i.> ki >Jena V n; Jtenc "ji s< tretj "Ih! Hli v rasli A number of artit'h* ^ 2 ) appeared in the New plemcnt in the PaS^ Frank Jaklich ("Lefty)’ ( J. Washingtons, SSCU, ^ j with the ones appearing issue. uin2 i.„potl If the George , i 11 ^u ledge can be proud 0 f se j member it is Frank ^ ‘hod Jaklich, for he has \ Vr mighty good publicity a£ ^ d the lodge, his articles aP ^ ^adt in other newspapers. * ('ru land Journal and the - JY!eti Home Junior of O#**# Jefeži He is a hard worker’ ^ Htskj plugger. It is with £ref^ ^llt that the writer can re^e*j,0 as a close friend—one ^ the interest and welfarC iy ipot< members at heart net ^ *ce d the local lodge, but _t*lt vf .,/> k Slavonic Catholic Uni°n # f c Our hats j^o off to sllC i son and hope that I*1® , 1. leaders will he in £ v the future. Frank is r ^ M secretary of the Geor#e i in ington. ^ fj° je Joseph Jaklich Jr-> ^ ; Vsi of the lodge, has been ' Je hard to make the Geortf (jf ^la ingtons the leaders ft J sa land, O. No effort is ^f. ^ Por his time is always at |o< >;y 1’ when the interest of (life , ’;i• is considered. Perhaps (I > one of the many reaS^) i” 11 Joseph has acquired ^ friends and liked by ‘ j S. S. C. U. in ClevelJ,, h b( been given boosts in C'id!0® ^ by this president, and jie . že modest in his writi11^ i ’> s one that will carry ^1 ^ '• through in the facc 0 efi % stacks, and end 0[ ,^’Kk Joseph is also preside 0;t! Silver Mask Club. ,eM {° Jaklich brothers are - . Jul a credit to the SlovCl1 i (I1* ^ a> munity of Cleveland a ^ S. C. U. ' .M L‘ ' —ATTEND SPORTS V‘ f,, ’ ' A cup of strong ve P milk or sugar will reI11 j o11 v,,' s tically all the odor from one’s breath. ___________ —oL i‘h, t had some of the t^rjC^ HOW MANY THE GEORGE |>e , INGTON LODGE? ytf* Show yourselves- { you plug for ne* M>ti, Show that you are 1 ^ | doing all you can Sports Dance a succ ^ o / ej0 shall be the first W George Washingt0 ^ Try it. ! 1 Ha The world acclaims a genius. Exalted intellectual power and creative ability should command universal respect. The faculty to excel in doing things independent of training or tuition is a rare gift of nature, but nature in her peculiar way has been sparing in these extraordinary beneficences. Marshall together all of the geniuses, known and unknown. There will be an imposing array, no doubt, but comparatively small and woefully insufficient to regulate the affairs of the world. And yet the world seems to be functioning fairly well despite this handicap. Not a small amount of credit for progress is due to a certain type that is interwoven in the expansive fabric of humanity. Not the slow, laborious plodding sort who places sole reliance upon perseverance, but the so-called* plugger. At the outset he has the intelligence to find his proper niche in the scheme of things, and he faces his chosen field with the conviction that it has no clearly defined path upon which he can tread effortlessly, leisurely, to the coveted goal. His is the realization that difficulties lie ahead, obstacles must be surmounted, opposition overcome. He loses no time in acquiring his fundamental knowledge. By further study, experimentation, and research he aims to keep in a state of preparedness. Every opportunity to learn and do more is heartily welcomed and he does not flinch at the hard work and sacrifice entailed. In his determination to compell the obscure to divulge its secrets, he is relentless. With a wealth of knowledge and experience as a background he uses his creative powers to good advantage. He has imagination, intelligence, capacity for work and perseverance. When these qualities are blended into one success is inevita-lHAS ble. The plugger may not startle the world with sporadic feats of brilliance, but he is assured a prominent place in the sun, and he leads an extremely useful and interesting life. The genius w-ould enjoy the fruits of a more enduring success if he ‘Hli p ii 8Pada > št. 2 Zaver iv'ertni »el v , %ik član 1 JSI Kem !fe prj, tae }j izreč Že or Jesen i »am i fettlO toedil; noto, 2am N>im od 1-; A Pa n 1 Kre *io js > in {°bd< lr,dni ki g air DOPISI aljevanje iz 2. strani) Wov g sorodniki, znanci in J'ji pokojnice; istotako er in šest sinov,, katerih padata k društvu Illini ^ 211 JSKJ, namreč dr. Zavertnik, zdravnik, in R. letnik, odvetnik. Pogreb » v oskrbi naš slovenski . 0f n° j Louis J. žefran, ki y6 org*;,! ^an društva Illini Stars, 'AVOrld JSKJ. Svoj posel je v . richo* redu izvršil, zakar 11 to k”1 ^ 'Vnanje. Sorodnikom 8 rts, ^ 116 ^e^ene Zavertnik pa °.()US’ine utečeno sožalje. ^ tJ.i ^omenjeno, se je pribli--j,e $ CSen *n manJ kot štiri mc-'reriasti še ostaja tega leta. \ se, ali smo letos že . ingtf za našo dobro J.S. o^vnj.n0*0, nismo, je še fheVc* ^Zamujeno popravimo, da • Id0^)*rno nekaj članov, bo-’»y S.°drasli za mladinski -> *• Apeliram na vse, po-, jn t, Pa na društvene uradni-jp ” „ Kremo skupno ,na delo ctive P1 ;J0 ^SKJ. Chicago je ve-L ^je '4s in ima še mnogo ledi-if g C- ^delane. Potrebujemo d 0" - v* ^ ^ r°^’ uradnikov ^ se ne ustrašijo vsaka d th*! e' arnlla^ gredo svojo pot he SP° Lki mort biti končno ■tol>e ietla 2 usPeh°m- Bratje j fe> naj ne bo ta moj apel Uči), ^eno! Da se vidimo na gto*5' Ij^* seJi> ki se vrši kot po 'tretjo soboto v navadnih . i f|h! In vsak naj bi imel n® ali več novih kandidatov 1,1 ali mladinski odde- idcS g, s Z bratskim pozdravom, ®rajgl John Zvezich, reo' društva Zvon, št. ’)’ A tor _______________ 111 ^ Ringo, Kans. u'it2 P°tom poživljam člane * 4 Sunflower, št. 152 JS 1 °. ef 1Se Po možnosti vsi ude- i hefC društvene (seje, i 0 Vršila dne 21. septem-a^.i , a dnevnem redu bo več a d ^dev, med njimi tudi itlC <* društvenega predsednic ^ j ^eti je torej, d a.« e čtan-ve*8fli' Hži Polnoštevilno. er’ P: pozdravom, rrea.| Anton Padar, tajnik. if er______________ Wh0 e gf j Mineral, Kans. |jf 'Potom poživljam člane ot !Ce društva sv. Jožefa, št. 11v ?•’ki bivajo v Mineralu 0,1 ‘ ;l f lc'> da se gotovo udeleže ud1 j, Ije redne seje, ki se bo n'®fnCe |^1- septembra ob dveh v’ jd J16 v d v o r aj n i društva i rCVf | . SNPJ v Filler, Kans. r£e Ji imamo več važnih za- ^jd i,° je priporočljivo, da so > P1.,,!* ! Vsi člani in članice, ka- n - eJe niogoče. Pokažimo, )Tfe $ l ^ar*i JSKJ tudi drugi- '|1 ft ,:,e samo takrat ko potre- S t P°moči od društva in st , l®1 in Torej, na svidenje 21. 1 (|ti? ,,kra! — Z bratskim po-jps , Ji, 3S° fit °Hn Kastelic Sr., tajnik. [ Sfl ( ali- ----- lafld K , Chicago, IU- , fV^.j lj(J dela se še kupiti k j 0( L°Klo, če bi kdo poskušal. leI1 ^ h je tudi pri društ ^ bolj težko napredo-re . $ & . ,Jub temu se naše društ- il,t< f ’št-170 JSKJ že pri' aJI | it|)2a svojo prvo jesensko L’ Vsled tega poživljam P/ l' da se polnoštevilno iwr*hodnje seje, ki se bo 0 ^' septembra, ker na tej r(J'lG'3a vsc potrebno ukre-več članic je na seji itS >i,i ’ ^eni več koristnega so 'Se za društvo in M-lv acha, tet, i j ^htije od naj "Jsieški do največje » k. DRUŠTVA in posamez®1. j lejna izdeluje lično modernasf* % je , venska unijska tiskarn^ e dr Ji, št. Ameriška Domovin* <, 4 6117 ST. CLAIR aV0 CLEVELAND,OH^Jj< tasa !Porti k St: 1 sob Jr ANTON ZBAŠNIK K Slovenski Javni Notar „ 'A Lj pa [! 5400 Butler Street Pittsburgh samc W| 1» 3d Z { Izdeluje pooblastila, kupne pogodbe, pobotnice vsake vrste, »P*r^t »M (L vse druge v notarski posel spadajoče dokumente, bodisi za A®*r • I stari kraj. Pišite ali pridite osebno. 'jbora Pa it; si Cle Neglede kje živite, v Kanadi *1* C, Združenih državah je pripravno in koristno za Vas, ako se poslužujete naše "Hcitc obrestonosno nalaganje in pošiljanje denarja v staro domovi* <0tl Pri nas naloženi zneski prinašajo obresti po 4% procentov. | e vloge se obrestujejo že s prvim dnem vsakega meseca. t0fn° ' Naša nakazila se izplačujejo na zadnjih poštah naslovljencev' sjjj .. v polnih zneskih, kakor so izkazani na pri nas izdanih potra v, , Naslovljenci prejmejo torej denar - doma, brez zamude časa. , nadaljnih potov in stroškov. rfnis0111 ‘®ftv Posebne vrednosti so tudi povratnice, ki so opremljene s po^jje#1 naslovljencev in žigom zadnjih pošt, katere dostavljamo pošilJav Jq FRANK ČERNE■*»> •Oti It. Clair At«, la NI I. 7»th BI., CUrelaai, ® -1^ H. POZOR LOVCI! Lovska sezona se v nekaterih okrajih države Wyoming 15. septembra. Lovcem, iskajočim plena, nudi podpisani ^ vsake vrste, kot osedlane konje, kažipote, stanovanje al* .V i merni ceni. Kdor želi dobiti jelena, srnjaka, divjo ovc J medveda, naj naznani svoj prihod. MATIJA OBLAK J ^ P. O. Kendall, ('Fremont County), Wy (1 “Nazaj!” je zaklicala vozniku. “Vozite z naj večjo brzino!” Madeleina je nestrpno gledala skozi okno in vsaka minuta se ji je zdela neskončna dolga. Nu, zdaj se je voz ustavil. Okna njenega stanovanja so bila