Let./Vol. 74 (140) Številka 3/2023 Str. 6–9/pp. 144–147 ISSN 0038 0474 Uvodnik Tokratna številka revije Sodobna pedagogika poleg znanstvenih in strokov­nih besedil v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku na koncu slovenskega dela vkljucuje tudi nekaj posebnih prispevkov, ki so nastali ob 140. letniku izhajanja. Obsežen zgodovinski pregled, ki še danes odpira zanimiv vpogled v delovanje revije skozi cas, je pred desetimi leti objavil Tadej Vidmar v prispevku z naslovom 130 le­tnikov Popotnika oziroma Sodobne pedagogike – položaj in polemike. Tokrat pa smo se v uredniškem odboru odlocili, da jubilej obeležimo z objavo znanstvenega prispevka ene od nekdanjih urednic Mojce Kovac Šebart, ki je napisala prispe­vek z naslovom Sodobna pedagogika, konservativna dama in socialno reflektirana proletarka – revija med letoma 2010 in 2011, esejem Metoda Resmana z naslo­vom Urednikovanje Sodobne pedagogike od 1999 do 2007 in intervjujem aktualne glavne urednice z zadnjimi tremi uredniki Jasno Mažgon, Klaro Skubic Er-menc in Damijanom Štefancem. Objava prispevkov razlicnih kategorij (znanstveni prispevek, esej in intervju) odseva dolgo tradicijo revije, ki je prakticno od prvih izvodov namenjena obojemu, tako visokokakovostnemu znanstvenemu premišljevanju o razlicnih pedagoških vprašanjih in dilemah kot tudi bolj izkušenjskim in osebno obarvanim zapisom, tudi v obliki eseja, ki je po eni strani informativen, po drugi strani pa prav pred­stavljena osebna izkušnja avtorja v zapis vnese to, kar esej loci od drugih kategorij prispevkov. Ker so se v zadnjem desetletju na mestu glavnega urednika zamenjale tri osebe, cas njihovega urednikovanja pa so zaznamovale podobne dileme in vprašanja, smo se v uredništvu odlocili, da njihova razmišljanja predstavimo v obliki skupinskega intervjuja. Bralec lahko ugotovi, da je bil za revijo pomemben prispevek prav vsakega od njih. Duh casa in izzivi, ki so postavljeni pred vsakok­ratnega urednika, ostajajo danes podobni, možnost, da se lahko nekatera aktualna vprašanja razrešujejo prek izkušenj tolikih nekdanjih urednic in urednikov, pa privilegij aktualne urednice in uredniškega odbora. Poleg omenjenih zapisov lahko tokrat bralec v tretji številki 140. letnika revi­je Sodobna pedagogika prebira razlicne prispevke. Slovenski del revije zacenjamo s prispevkom Tanje Taštanoske z naslovom Šolska samoevalvacija kot dejavnik šolske ucinkovitosti v srednjem strokovnem izobraževanju (primerjalna študija primerov). Avtorica se osredotoca na raziskovanje procesov samoevalvacije v pove­zavi s šolsko ucinkovitostjo in šolsko kulturo na ravni srednjega strokovnega izo­braževanja. Opozarja, da kljub temu, da je od uzakonitve samoevalvacije preteklo že 15 let, ni veliko raziskav, ki bi jo sistematicno proucevale, še zlasti ne na ravni strokovnega in poklicnega izobraževanja. Avtorica s kombinacijo kvalitativno in kvantitativno pridobljenih podatkov vrednoti povezanost med ucinkovitostjo in dodano vrednostjo šol ter šolsko kulturo. Zanima jo, kako je proces samoevalvacije umešcen v šolsko kulturo in kako je povezan z ucinkovitostjo šol. Na podlagi kom­pleksnih podatkov odkriva, da je ucinkovitost šol povezana s kakovostjo in vsebino samoevalvacijskih procesov ter njihovo umestitvijo v šolsko kulturo in delovanje. Ugotavlja tudi, da na proces samoevalvacije pomembno vplivajo znacilnosti šolske kulture, ki temeljijo na vrednotah ustanove in njenih osnovnih predpostavkah ter usmerjajo dejavnosti posameznikov in ustanove kot celote. Pomembna vrednost prispevka je v njegovem sklepu, kjer avtorica oblikuje nekaj kljucnih priporocil za oblikovanje izobraževalnih politik pri spodbujanju kakovostnih procesov samoe­valvacije šol v prihodnje. Marinko Banjac v prispevku z naslovom Potenciali kriticne pedagogike in intersekcionalnosti kot pristopov k poucevanju na podrocju politologije presoja možnosti kriticne pedagogike in intersekcionalnosti v poucevanju politologije, njegova spoznanja pa so zanimiva tudi za druga družboslovna in humanisticna znanstvena podrocja. Avtor opozarja na nekatere skupne dileme poucevanja na sodobnih univerzah, ki jih razume kot posledico globalne ekonomske prevlade in splošne depolitizacije pedagoškega procesa, v politologiji pa posebej izpostavlja še njeno notranjo razdrobljenost in nepovezanost med podrocji ter tudi hierarhicen nacin poucevanja na univerzah, ki ostaja prevladujoc kljub nekaterim novejšim oblikam poucevanja, kot je na študenta osredinjeno poucevanje. Kot ugotavlja avtor, pa lahko omenjeni pristop k poucevanju pomeni spet predvsem upoštevanje tega, kaj bodo študenti potrebovali v prihodnosti in kakšne vešcine za njihovo vec­jo zaposljivost jim posredovati. Avtor izhaja iz premislekov o drugacnih pristopih k poucevanju na podrocju politologije. Potencial prepozna v kriticni pedagogiki in intersekcionalnosti, ki ju opredeli kot pristop, kjer izhajamo iz proucevanja tega, kako so razmerja moci in politicna moc oziroma oblastni odnosi formirani in posredovani prek interakcij med razlicnimi privilegiranimi in deprivilegiranimi položaji. Kot ugotavlja, bi z vnašanjem kriticne pedagogike in intersekcionalnosti v pedagoškem procesu pri poucevanju politologije v ospredje postavili vprašanja izhodišcne politicnosti v izobraževanju, uvid v vprašanja delovanja oblasti in moci ter drugih oblik dominacij, diskriminacij in izkljucevanj ter študentom ponudili izhodišca za krepitev angažiranosti za široko družbeno inkluzivnost in pravicnost. Tina Pogorelcnik in Eva Boštjancic v prispevku z naslovom Sprejemanje rezultatov študentskih anket o pedagoškem delu pri visokošolskih uciteljih in odziv nanje analizirata odgovore visokošolskih uciteljev ter sodelavcev na povratno informacijo o pedagoškem delu, ki je rezultat študentske evalvacijske ankete, ki se vsak semester izvaja na Univerzi v Ljubljani. Ugotovili sta, da imajo tisti, ki so odgovorili na njuno anketo in berejo študentske ankete, na splošno do študentskih anket pozitiven odnos. Anketirani pa se razhajajo pri vprašanju, ali bi morali imeti rezultati študentskih anket poglavitno vlogo pri sprejemanju odlocitev o napredovanju visokošolskih uciteljev in sodelavcev. Anketiranim dajo študentske ankete ideje, kako spremeniti nacin poucevanja, in jih v primeru negativnih po­vratnih informacij motivirajo k spremembam. Avtorici opozorita tudi na nekatere pomembne razlike med anketiranimi: asistenti v primerjavi z docenti, izrednimi ter rednimi profesorji, in sicer predvsem na podrocju obcutenja samozavesti ob prejemu pozitivnih povratnih informacij ter obcutkov dvoma o lastnih sposobnos­tih ob prejemu negativnih povratnih informacij. Avtorici skleneta, da lahko njune ugotovitve pomagajo organom univerz pri razumevanju sprejemanja rezultatov študentskih anket pri visokošolskih uciteljih in odzivanja nanje ter kot smernice pri oblikovanju strategij za ravnanje s povratnimi informacijami o pedagoškem delu. Prispevek z naslovom Izobraževanje uciteljev za trajnostni razvoj: analiza kurikula dveh študijskih programov Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, ki so ga napisali Hana Rožman, Khalifatulloh Fiel’ardh, Milena Košak Babuder, Karmen Javornik, Hiroki Fujii in Gregor Torkar, predstavlja analizo zastopanosti ciljev trajnostnega razvoja v ucnih nacrtih dveh študijskih programov Pedagoške fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani, ki pripravljajo na uciteljski poklic v razrednem pouku ter pri specialni in rehabilitacijski pedagogiki. Kvali­tativna analiza ucnih nacrtov je pokazala, da se ti osredotocajo predvsem na cilj trajnostnega razvoja »kakovost izobraževanja«, manj ali nic pa na preostalih 17 ciljev, ki so jih za namene analize opredelili in uporabili avtorji raziskave. Ugotovi­li so, da takšna posamicna obravnava ciljev trajnostnega razvoja ter njihova vecja zastopanost v izbranih predmetih kaže na pomanjkanje sistemske obravnave. Tematika trajnostnega razvoja ostaja v pedagoških študijskih programih obrobna tema, kar poudarja potrebo po dodatnih raziskavah, ki bi prispevale k razumeva­nju trajnostnega razvoja na eni strani in identifikaciji razlogov, zakaj trajnostni razvoj v študijskih programih izobraževanja uciteljev ni bolje zastopan. Kot zapisano uvodoma nabor znanstvenih clankov v slovenskem delu revije zaokroža prispevek Mojce Kovac Šebart, ki prinaša celostno analizo (temat­skih) številk revije Sodobna pedagogika v letih 2010 in 2011. Danes revija izhaja štirikrat letno, v tistem obdobju pa je izhajalo pet številk, pomemben korak v uredniški politiki pa je bil narejen s tem, ko so bila prvic v zgodovini objavljena hkrati besedila v slovenskem in tujem (v tem obdobju tudi nemškem) jeziku. Kot piše avtorica, se še posebej z letom 2011 revija odpre tudi tujim avtorjem. Pregled izdanih številk avtorico in takratno urednico pripelje do ugotovitve, da so takrat obravnavane teme še vedno zelo aktualne. Podobno kot danes pa je tudi takrat umanjkala odzivnost šolske politike na razlicne strokovne pobude, reviji pa se je uspelo ogniti in tudi upreti, kot zapiše avtorica, pastem vladajoce ideologije, ki jih promovirajo pricakovanja mednarodnih ustanov. Posebej lahko izpostavimo prav prilagajanje revije metodologiji kvantitativnega vrednotenja znanstvenih del, kar ustvarja pritisk tudi na aktualno uredništvo revije. Angleški del revije tokrat sestavljajo prispevki avtorjev iz Slovenije in Kosova. Danaja Rutar v prispevku z naslovom Razvijanje višjih kognitivnih procesov skozi napovedno procesiranje obravnava za pedagogiko in še posebej za didaktiko relevantno tematiko, ceprav gre za podrocje, ki je raziskovalno bolj bogato tematizirano znotraj kognitivne znanosti. Napovedno procesiranje je pomembna sodobna teoreticna paradigma, ki teži k poenotenju razlicnih vidikov clovekovega delovanja: percepcije, motoricnega delovanja in kognicije. Avtorica iz­haja iz ugotovitve, da sta bili percepcija in motoricno delovanje v teoriji že uspešno razložena, manjka pa teoreticna razlaga razvoja višjih kognitivnih procesov, kar poskuša avtorica nadomestiti s premislekom o tem, ali lahko ta manko zapolnimo s teorijo napovednega procesiranja in ali je to sploh smiselno. Avtorica na podlagi teoretske razprave ugotovi, da glede na sedanje stanje napovedno procesiranje ne more dovolj razložiti razvoja višjih kognitivnih procesov, saj trenutnim mental-nim modelom manjkata dve kljucni sestavini, ki sta pomembni za karakterizacijo višjih kognitivnih procesov: kompozicionalnost in generativnost. Poleg tega, da avtorica v prispevku raziskuje, kako bi lahko ti dve kljucni funkciji obravnavali z vidika teorije napovednega procesiranja, premišljuje tudi o možnih pedagoških implikacijah ter s tem specificno tematiko, prvenstveno vezano na kognitivno znanost, poveže s pedagoško znanostjo. Katja Jeznik, Marjeta Šaric in Petra Gregorcic Mrvar v clanku Sode­lovanje šolske svetovalne službe s starši v casu pandemije Covida-19 razpravljajo o sodelovanju med šolsko svetovalno službo in starši med pandemijo covida-19. Avtorice reflektirajo ugotovitve raziskav na temo sodelovanja šole in staršev, ki so bile narejene pred pandemijo in na njenem zacetku. Ugotavljajo, da so se šolski svetovalni delavci na zacetku pandemije zavedali pomena dobrega sodelovanja s starši, hkrati pa je iz podatkov razvidno, da je to sodelovanje odvisno od številnih dejavnikov, tako na strani staršev kot tudi šolskih svetovalnih delavcev. Avtorice ugotavljajo, da je dobro sodelovanje zelo pomembno, še posebej pa je kljucno v obdobjih razlicnih izrednih razmer, povezanih z epidemijami ali drugimi krizami, npr. okoljsko. Zato je pomembno, da šolski svetovalni delavci sodelovanje s starši razumejo kot eno od temeljnih nalog svojega dela in jo kot takšno tudi ustrezno umestijo v nacrt dela. Ugotavljajo pa tudi, da bo treba vlogo šolske svetovalne službe v casu izrednih razmer opredeliti na sistemski ravni in ne le na ravni posa­mezne vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove. Del revije v angleškem jeziku zakljucujemo s strokovnim prispevkom Linde Abazi-Morina Izobraževanje o clovekovih pravicah v kosovskih srednjih šolah. Avtorica izhaja iz predpostavke, da je poucevanje o clovekovih pravicah mogoce identificirati predvsem pri predmetu državljanska vzgoja, zato analizira ucne na-crte in gradiva tega podrocja v srednji šoli. Tako ugotavlja, da so vanje res vkljuce­ni posamezni elementi poucevanja o clovekovih pravicah, a obicajno ne presegajo podajanja teoreticnega ozadja koncepta clovekovih pravic, nekatere informacije pa so podane zelo omejeno glede na izkušnje Kosova v preteklosti in sedanjosti. Ker gre za skupnost, ki je v bližnji preteklosti doživela vojno, bi po oceni avtorice morala gradiva s podrocja državljanske vzgoje tematizirati tudi vprašanje vojne, kar bi lahko dolgorocno prispevalo k pravicnejšemu procesu tranzicije. Vabljeni k branju! Dr. Katja Jeznik, glavna urednica Let./Vol. 74 (140) Issue 3/2023 Str. 6–9/pp. 144–147 ISSN 0038 0474 Editorial In addition to the scientific and professional texts in Slovenian and English, this issue of the Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies also includes ar­ticles at the end of the Slovenian section of the journal written on the occasion of the 140th anniversary of the journal’s publication. A comprehensive historical overview that still provides an interesting insight into the journal over time was published ten years ago by Tadej Vidmar in his article »The 130th volume of the Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies (Popotnik and Sodobna pedagogi­ka) – position and polemics«. This time, however, the editorial board decided to mark the anniversary by publishing a scientific contribution by one of the former editors, Mojca Kovac Šebart, who wrote the article »The Journal of Contempo­rary Educational Studies, a conservative lady and a socially reflected proletari­an«, an essay by Metod Resman entitled »Editing the Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies from 1999 to 2007«, and an interview of the current edi­tor-in-chief with three previous editors, Jasna Mažgon, Klara Skubic Ermenc and Damijan Štefanc. The publication of contributions in different categories (scientific paper, essay and interview) reflects the long tradition of the journal, which has been dedicated from the very beginning to both high quality scientific reflection on various pedagogical issues and dilemmas and more experiential and personal writ­ing (including essays), which is informative as well as personal in presenting the author’s experience, thus distinguishing the essay from the other categories of contributions. Since three people have occupied the position of editor-in-chief in the last decade, and their time as editors has been marked by similar dilemmas and questions, the editorial team decided to present their reflections in the form of a group interview. The reader can see that each of them has made an important contribution to the journal. The times and challenges facing each editor remain similar today, and the opportunity to address some of the issues of the day through the experiences of so many former editors is a privilege for the current editor and the editorial board. In addition to the above-mentioned contributions, the reader can read var­ious other articles in the third issue of the 140th volume of the Journal of Con­temporary Educational Studies. The Slovenian section of the journal starts with the article by Tanja Taštanoska »School self-evaluation as a factor of school effectiveness in upper secondary technical education (a comparative case study)«. The author’s research focuses on self-evaluation processes in relation to school effectiveness and school culture at the level of secondary technical and vocational education. She notes that, although it has been fifteen years since self-evaluation was legislated, there is not much research examining it systematically, especially not at the level of secondary technical and vocational education. Using a combi­nation of qualitative and quantitative data, the author evaluates the link between the effectiveness and added value of schools and school culture. She examines how the process of self-evaluation is embedded in the school culture and how it relates to school effectiveness. Based on complex data, the author finds that the effective­ness of schools is linked to the quality and content of self-evaluation processes and their embedding in school culture and functioning. She concludes that the self-evaluation process is significantly influenced by the characteristics of school culture which are based on the values of the institution and its underlying as­sumptions and guide the activities of individuals and the institution as a whole. The particularly important value of the article lies in its conclusion, where the au­thor makes some key recommendations for education policy makers in promoting quality self-evaluation processes in schools in the future. Marinko Banjac’s article »The potentials of critical pedagogy and intersec­tionality as approaches to political science teaching« assesses the possibilities of these approaches in the teaching of political science, but his findings are also of interest to other fields of social sciences and the humanities. The author points to some common dilemmas of teaching at contemporary universities, which he sees as a consequence of global economic dominance and the general depoliticization of the pedagogical process. He specifically highlights the internal fragmentation in the field of political science and disconnectedness between fields, as well as the hierarchical way of teaching at universities, which remains dominant despite some newer forms of teaching, such as student-centred teaching. However, as the author notes, this approach to teaching may yet again mean taking into account what students will likely require in the future and what skills they need to be taught to make them more employable. The author draws on reflections on differ­ent approaches to teaching political science. He identifies the potential in critical pedagogy and intersectionality, which he defines as an approach that starts from the study of how power relations and political power are shaped and mediated through interactions between different privileged and underprivileged positions. Introducing critical pedagogy and intersectionality into the pedagogical process of teaching political science would, he concludes, foreground issues of the funda­mentally political nature of education, provide insights into issues of power and authority as well as other forms of domination, discrimination and exclusion, and offer students starting points for strengthening their commitment to broad social inclusivity and justice. In their paper »The reception and response of higher education teachers to feedback of their students on their teaching performance«, Tina Pogorelcnik and Eva Boštjancic analyse the responses of higher education teachers to feed­back on their teaching performance, which is the result of the student evalua­tion survey carried out every semester at the University of Ljubljana. They found that those who answered their survey and read student surveys generally have a positive attitude towards student surveys. However, the respondents disagree on whether the results of student surveys should play a major role in decision-mak­ing in the promotion of university teachers. Student surveys give the respondents ideas on how to change the way they teach and, in the case of negative feedback, motivate them to change. The authors also highlight some important differenc­es between the respondents, especially teaching assistants compared to assistant professors, associate professors and full professors, particularly in feeling confi­dence when receiving positive feedback and feeling doubt in one’s own abilities when receiving negative feedback. The authors conclude that their findings can help university authorities to understand how higher education teachers receive and respond to student surveys, and they can function as a guide for developing strategies for dealing with feedback on teaching performance. The article »Teacher education for sustainable development: Curriculum analysis of two study programmes at the Faculty of Education, University of Lju­bljana«, written by Hana Rožman, Khalifatulloh Fiel’ardh, Milena Košak Babuder, Karmen Javornik, Hiroki Fujii and Gregor Torkar, presents an analysis of the representation of sustainable development goals in the curricula of two study programmes at the Faculty of Education, University of Ljubljana, pre­paring for the teaching profession – classroom teaching and special and rehabili­tation pedagogy. Their qualitative analysis of the curricula shows that they focus mainly on the sustainable development goal of »Quality of education«, and less or not at all on the other seventeen goals developed and applied by the authors of the study for the purpose of their analysis. They found that such an isolated treat­ment of sustainable development goals and their increased representation in se­lected courses indicates a lack of systemic consideration. Sustainable development remains a marginal topic in teacher education programmes, which highlights the need for further research to contribute to the understanding of sustainable devel­opment on the one hand, and to the identification of the reasons why sustainable development is not better represented in teacher education programmes. As mentioned in the introduction, the selection of scientific articles in the Slovenian section of the journal is rounded off by Mojca Kovac Šebart’s con­tribution, which provides a comprehensive analysis of the (thematic) issues of the Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies in 2010 and 2011. While today the journal is published four times a year, at that time five issues were published annually, and an important step in the editorial policy was taken when, for the first time in history, texts were published simultaneously in Slovenian and foreign languages (including, in that period, German). As the author notes, especially from 2011 onwards, the journal started accepting contributions by foreign au­thors. A review of the issues published leads the author and the then editor to the conclusion that the topics covered are still very relevant. Then, as now, there was a lack of responsiveness of school policy makers to various professional initiatives. However, the journal managed successfully to resist, as the author writes, the pitfalls of the prevailing ideology promoted by international institutions. Particu­larly noteworthy is the adaptation of the journal to the methodology of the quan­titative evaluation of scientific works, which also puts pressure on the current editorial board. The English section of the journal is comprised of contributions by authors from Slovenia and Kosovo. Danaja Rutar’s article »Developing higher cognition through predictive processing« deals with a topic relevant to pedagogy and di­dactics in particular, although it is an area that is more extensively researched in cognitive science. Predictive processing is an important contemporary theoretical paradigm that seeks to unify different aspects of human functioning: perception, motor functioning and cognition. The author starts from the observation that perception and motor functioning have already been successfully explained in the­ory, but what is missing is a theoretical explanation of the development of higher cognitive processes, which she attempts to overcome by considering whether this gap could be filled by the theory of predictive processing, and whether it makes any sense to do so. Based on a theoretical background, the author concludes that, as things stand, predictive processing cannot sufficiently explain the development of higher cognitive processes, because existing mental models lack two key com­ponents that are important for the characterisation of higher cognitive process­ es: compositionality and generativity. In addition to exploring how these two key functions might be approached from the perspective of the theory of predictive processing, the author also reflects on possible pedagogical implications, thus linking a topic that is primarily related to cognitive science to pedagogical science. In the article »Collaboration of the school counselling service with parents during the Covid-19 pandemic«, Katja Jeznik, Marjeta Šaric and Petra Gre­gorcic Mrvar discuss the collaboration between the school counselling service and parents during the Covid-19 pandemic. The authors reflect on the findings of research on school-parent collaboration carried out before and at the beginning of the pandemic. They note that while school counsellors were aware of the impor­tance of good collaboration with parents at the beginning of the pandemic, data show that this collaboration depends on a number of factors, both on the part of parents and school counsellors. The authors argue that good collaboration is very important, and it is crucial especially in times of various emergencies, such as epidemics or other crises, e.g. environmental crises. It is therefore essential that school counsellors see working with parents as one of the core tasks of their work and include it in their plan of work. The authors also conclude that the role of the school counselling service in times of emergency will need to be defined at a systemic level and not only at the level of each individual educational institution. We conclude the English-language section of the journal with the profession­al contribution by Linda Abazi-Morina »Human rights education in Kosovo high schools«. The author starts from the assumption that the teaching of human rights can be identified primarily in the subject of civic education, and she there­fore analyses the syllabuses and materials for this subject in secondary schools. She finds that they do include some elements of human rights education, but they usually do not go beyond giving some theoretical background to the concept of human rights, and some of the information is given in a very limited way in rela­ tion to Kosovo’s past and present. Since this is a community that experienced war in the recent past, the author believes that civic education materials should also address the topic of war, which could contribute, in the long term, to a more just transition process. The articles await you! Dr. Katja Jeznik, Editor-in-chief