Hirsutoid condylomata ofvulva Case report HIRSUTOID PAPILLOMATOSIS-LIKE CONDYLOMATA OF THE VULVA P. Belloma, F. Barduagni, P. Donati and L. Valenzano SUMMARY Condylomata acuminata of the vulva clinically mimicking hirsutoid papillomas in a 80-year-old female are reported. Immunohistochemical assays with monoclonal antibodies directed against the human papilloma virus (HPV) as well as the in situ hybridization, which was positive for types 6/11, confirmed the clinical diagnosis. The treatment with 0,5% podophyllotoxyn was successful. KEYWORDS condylomata acuminata, vulva, hirsutoidform, podophyllotoxyn INTRODUCTION Hirsutoid papillomatosis is a benign condition sometimes observed on the glans penis. It is expressed as dome-shaped or hair-like papules , chiefly between the ages of 20 and 50. Histologically, the lesions consist of normal connective tissue covered by an epidermis which is acanthotic at the periphery. Similar lesions have been described in females as hirsutoid papillomas of vulva (1). However, condylomata acuminata provoked by Human pa- pillorna viruses (HPV) which imitate hirsutoid papillornatosis have been described (2,3). CASEREPORT A healthy 80-year-old Caucasian female was seen with numerous filliform white papules located on her labia acta dermatovenerologica A.P.A . Vol 5, 96, No 1 minora and on the introitus vaginae (Fig. 1). The patient excluded inflammatory processes in the genital area in the past 10 years and further denied any sexual intercourse in the past 20 years. Her medical history was unremar- kable and she did not take any medication. Routine inve- stigations, including hematological and biochemical tests, were normal. She complained of recalcitrant and severe itching, a buming sensation and secretion in the area affected. Two biopsy specimens obtained from papular lesions of the labia minora were processed for light microscopy. Histopathology revealed hyperkeratosis, acanthosis and papillomatosis. In the stratumMalpighii numerous partially atypical koilocytes were present. A mild perivascular inflammatory infiltrate was also noted (Fig. 2). 31 Hirsutoid condylomata o/vulva The immunohistochemical investigation using mono- clonal antibodies directed against HPV (anti HPV Ortho) was positive. PCR and the in situ hybridization revealed viral DNA fragments specific for HPV 6/11. Thus the diagnosis of condylomata acuminata was confirmed. The patient was efficiently treated by topical application of 0.5% podophyllotoxyn in ethanol for four weeks. After 12 months no relapse of the disease was noted. Figure l. Clinical appearance ofthe lesions. 32 DISCUSSION Condylomata acuminata are probably the most frequently observed sexually transmitted disease ofthe ano-genital area. Hirsutoid papillomatosis appears more frequently in males, but has been described also in women on the vulva (4,5). It is especially rare in elderly women not practicing sexual intercourse. In certain instances condylomata acuminata may look similar to hirsutoid papillomatosis, so that the diffe- rential diagnosis is not possible on purely clinical basis. For these reasons we believe that this short presentation of such a case deserves to be shortly reported. Figure 2. Histologicalfindings: acanthosis, papillomatosis, parakeratosis with koilocytosis. acta dennatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 1 Hirsutoid condylomata ofvulva REFERENCES 1. Kohdah L, Minoy Y, Fukuda M. Hirsutoid papillomas of the vulvae. J Dennatol 1986; 13: 154-65. 2. Tribbia G, Crescini C, Pezzica E, et al. Patologia vulvare da HPV. Lesioni clinicamente inapparenti. Chron Dermatol 199 1; 1: 107-13. 3. Growdon WA, Fu SY, et al. Pruritic squamous papillo- matosis: evidence far human papillomaviruses infection. Obstet Gynecol 1985; 66: 564-68. 4. Altmeyer P, Chilf GN, Holzman H. Hirsuties papillaris vulvae (Pseudokondylome der Vulva), Hautarzt 1982; 33: 281-3. 5. Di Paola G, Rueda ND. Deceptive vulvar papillomavirus infection: a possible explan ation for keratin cases of vulvodynia. J ReprudMed 1986; 31: 966-70. 6. Donati P, Amantea A, Capitanio B, Venturini D. La papillomatosi irsutoide della vulva. Dermatologica Oggi 1992; 7: 12-3. AUTHORS' ADDRESSES Pierpaolo Belloma MD, Dermatologist, Instituta Dermatologico S, Gallicano, Via S. Gallicano 25 A, 00153 Roma, Italia Francesca Barduagni MD, Research Fellow, Clinica Dermatologica, University, La Sapienza, Roma, Italia Pietro Donati MD, Dermatohistopathologist, Instituta Dermatologico S. Gallicano Luigi Valenzano MD, Day Hospital, Instituta S. Gallicano a cta dermatovenerologica A.P.A. Vol 5, 96, No 1 33