1Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow DOI: 10.17344/acsi.2020.6488 Feature article Let the Biocatalyst Flow Polona Žnidaršič-Plazl1,2,* 1 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 University of Ljubljana, Chair of Microprocess Engineering and Technology -COMPETE, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia * Corresponding author: E-mail: polona.znidarsic@fkkt.uni-lj.si Received: 11-04-2020 Abstract Industrial biocatalysis has been identified as one of the key enabling technologies that, together with the transition to continuous processing, offers prospects for the development of cost-efficient manufacturing with high-quality products and low waste generation. This feature article highlights the role of miniaturized flow reactors with free enzymes and cells in the success of this endeavor with recent examples of their use in single or multiphase reactions. Microfluidics-based droplets enable ultrahigh-throughput screening and rapid biocatalytic process development. The use of unique micro- reactor configurations ensures highly efficient contacting of multiphase systems, resulting in process intensification and avoiding problems encountered in conventional batch processing. Further integration of downstream units offers the possibility of biocatalyst recycling, contributing to the cost-efficiency of the process. The use of environmentally friendly solvents supports effective reaction engineering, and thus paves the way for these highly selective catalysts to drive sus- tainable production. Keywords: Microreactor, enzyme, flow biocatalysis, continuous process, process intensification, process integration 1. Introduction The introduction of so-called “flow chemistry” in synthetic organic chemistry laboratories and also in indus- trial chemical production at the beginning of the 21st cen- tury brought a new paradigm in chemical processing. The availability of miniaturized flow reactors enabled the syn- thesis of complex molecules under controlled reaction conditions that yielded products of better quality and with fewer undesirable side reactions, as well as the ability to perform chemical reactions that are not possible in tradi- tional batch operations.1 Over the past two decades, mi- croflow technology has matured from early devices and concepts to today’s wide range of commercial devices and a variety of applications that also enable very efficient pro- cess analytics and control.2 Microflow systems are now im- portant tools in chemical processes, from single-step to end-to-end processing, from (photo)catalytic to separa- tion processes, from (nano)materials synthesis to pharma- ceutical and fine chemicals production, and in environ- mental applications. Recent guidelines in the production of fine chemicals and the pharmaceutical industry to re- place batch by continuous processes have further spurred interest in the implementation of “flow chemistry”.3–5 Moreover, the quest to reduce the environmental factor, i.e. the E-factor (mass of waste per mass of product), which reaches the highest values in the fine chemicals and phar- ma industries, requires profound changes in production systems.6 Biocatalytic processes, along with continuous pro- cessing, have been identified as one of the crucial key areas of green engineering research for sustainable production in these sectors. They also play an important role in bio- mass valorization and circular economy.7,8 Biocatalysts were already known decades ago as environmentally friendly catalysts operating under mild conditions and with very high regio-, stereo-, and reaction selectivity, making them ideal catalysts for green chemistry.9 Never- theless, it has been a major challenge to use these sensitive biomolecules and cells in harsh industrial environments, as they often need to convert non-natural substrates at concentrations several orders of magnitude higher than under natural conditions, and also require non-aqueous media for their solubilization. In addition, the frequently observed substrate or product inhibition, poor operational stability, and short shelf-life of biocatalysts prevented a wider application of biocatalytic processes in industrial production. However, in the last two decades, the under- standing of protein and cell structure and function has im- proved tremendously. Genetic manipulations, metabolic 2 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow flux analysis, and the application of new techniques and materials for biocatalyst immobilization have led to un- precedented opportunities to develop more efficient and robust biocatalysts. Moreover, the use of novel solvents such as ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents has led to efficient medium engineering that allows for more envi- ronmentally friendly production and high substrate avail- ability.10–12 However, to achieve successful biocatalyst applica- tion, enzyme/cell, substrate, and medium engineering need to be complemented by reaction, reactor, and process engineering based on a thorough understanding of the re- action system and the specifics of the biological cata- lyst.10–11,13 In this regard, new concepts of reactor and unit operation design that incorporate continuous operation and miniaturization also provide new opportunities for ef- ficient use of novel biocatalysts.14 The traditional use of large stirred tank reactors op- erated in a batch mode, or in some cases packed bed or fluidized bed reactors with biocatalysts retained in the par- ticles appears to be sine qua non of industrial biotransfor- mations.15 The implementation of microflow reactors in biocatalytic process development and operation has been much slower than for their chemical process counter- parts.14,16 Even the term “flow biocatalysis” was introduced in the scientific literature only a few years ago. The first review paper devoted to biotransformations in micro- structured reactors written by Bolivar, Wiesbauer, and Ni- detzky in 2011, reported a relatively small number of pub- lished studies in this field, mostly using dissolved enzymes, and the challenges of biocatalyst reversible immobiliza- tion.17 In the last decade, flow biocatalysis with a special focus on micro- and mesoscale devices has gained increas- ing attention in the academic and slowly in the industrial community, as evidenced by several comprehensive review articles,14,16,18–25 special issues of scientific journals, book chapters,26–29 special sections at scientific conferences with industry participation (Biotrans, Flow Chemistry Europe, Implementation of Microreactor Technology in Biotech- nology -IMTB, etc.), and specialized webinars such as the “Flow Biocatalysis” organized by European Society of Ap- plied Biocatalysis in October 2020. Although biocatalyst immobilization is gaining mo- mentum by the application of novel materials and tech- niques,23,24,26–30 the majority of industrial biotransforma- tions are carried out in aqueous environments with dissolved enzymes or free cells, which is also reflected in a modest market share of immobilized enzymes in the over- all enzyme market.30,31 This is usually associated with ad- ditional immobilization costs and an often perceived de- crease in biocatalyst activity related to either additional mass transfer limitations or biocatalyst deactivation. Due to the typically low solubility of organic sub- strates in water, the natural and most common environ- ment for biocatalysis, substrates are either engineered by varying the substrate structure, by adding an immiscible liquid phase (typically organic solvent), or in the case of a single-liquid phase, by applying organic co-solvents. To lower the E-factor, the reduced use of organic solvents has been considered in the last two decades, as well as the ap- plication, of neoteric solvents, such as ionic liquids (IL) and deep eutectic solvents (DES).6,10 Besides, non-conven- tional media typically used in environmentally friendly separation processes, such as supercritical CO2 (scCO2) and aqueous two-phase systems (ATPSs), are also gaining attention in biocatalytic processes and offer new opportu- nities for green biochemical production. This feature article addresses the advantages of con- tinuous microflow-based processes for the efficient utiliza- tion of non-immobilized biocatalysts, and for rapid bio- catalytic process development. Recent achievements in microreaction technology involving dissolved enzymes or suspended cells in the presence of one or more fluids are discussed with an emphasis on the implementation of green solvents for more sustainable production. Process integration enabling the recycling of biocatalysts, as well as opportunities for analytics integration and capacity expan- sion will also be considered. 2. Microreactors With Biocatalysts in a Single Liquid Phase The use of continuous operation in microfluidic de- vices offers several advantages over batch processing, espe- cially when tuning of process variables can prevent biocat- alyst deactivation. Most commonly used are simple tubes with diameters ranging from submillimeter to a few mm, typically used in analytical devices such as high-perfor- mance liquid chromatography (HPLC), or more sophisti- cated meander chips (Figure 1a), which are microfabricat- ed from glass or various polymer materials. The intense mixing in stirred tank reactors required to transport sub- strates and products to and from the active site can lead to interfacial effects that can damage the biocatalyst,32 while a high flow rate required for the same purpose in conven- tional plug flow reactors can lead to insufficient residence time for completion of the reaction.33 This can be circum- vented by the use of microflow systems, where µm-scale diffusion paths allow for very efficient mass and heat trans- port, the latter also allowing for very precise temperature control, which is very important for processes involving thermo-sensitive biocatalysts. Diffusion efficiency can be visualized by the dye distribution at the Y-shaped outlet of the microchannel of 12.5 mm length, 205 µm width, and 100 µm height, where the dyed and pure water were pumped separately into the Y-shaped inlets. As shown in Figure 1b,34 laminar flow of aqueous methylene blue solu- tion and water in the channel for 0.3 s (flow rate of 50 µL/ min) resulted in moderate diffusion of the dye into the wa- ter (and vice versa), while 3 s residence time (flow rate of 5 µL/min) allowed diffusion throughout the entire channel. 3Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow The definition of process parameters such as fluid flow rate, enzyme and substrate inlet concentration, reactor ge- ometry, etc. could be established based on mathematical modeling comprising transport phenomena and reaction kinetics.35 The advantages of moving from batch to continuous production using, among other devices, a microreactor with dissolved enzyme have been demonstrated for the production of the antidiabetic drug sitagliptin.33 This chemo-enzymatic production, developed a decade ago by Merck and Codexis, is one of the flagship industrial uses of engineered enzymes, in which a highly efficient and sol- vent-tolerant amine transaminase was developed based on substrate walking, modeling, and mutation approach fol- lowed by directed evolution.36 Replacing the environmen- tally problematic rhodium-catalyzed asymmetric enamine hydrogenation with a biocatalytic step resulted in a prod- uct with 99.5 % enantiomeric excess, a 10 to 13% increase in overall yield, a 53% increase in productivity, a 19% re- duction in overall waste, elimination of all heavy metals, and a reduction in overall manufacturing costs. In addi- tion, the enzymatic reaction could be carried out in multi- purpose vessels, eliminating the need for dedicated high-pressure hydrogenation equipment. 33 The study on the multistep synthesis of sitagliptin monophosphate from chloropyrazine encompassed the design of a continuous end-to-end manufacturing process comprising microreac- tors and microseparators, and optimization of the biocata- lytic step with dissolved transaminase based on a steady- state plug-flow model, taking into account enzyme recycling. Based on the evaluated optimized productivity and a comprehensive techno-economic analysis of this process, a net present value of $150 million over 20 years was calculated. Besides, an assessment of the environmen- tal impact of the process demonstrated its sustainability with an E-factor of 53, which outperforms conventional pharma batch processes with a typical E-factor of 200.33 Another obstacle that is very often perceived in bio- catalysis is the alteration of enzyme microenvironment by the reaction, which can lead to its deactivation. The prod- uct may inhibit enzymes or be toxic to cells, while the pH change affects not only the activity and stability of en- zymes, but also ionization and stability of substrates, prod- ucts, and other components in the reaction mixture. Be- sides, high substrate concentrations can inhibit the biocatalyst, which can be prevented by using a continuous stirred tank reactor with low steady-state substrate con- centration. To address this problem in tubular reactors, Szita’s group developed a “side-entry reactor” (Figure 1c) in which the principle of a fed-batch substrate feed strate- gy was efficiently introduced into a microflow reactor. When tested for the transketolase-catalyzed reaction of lithium hydroxypyruvate and glycolaldehyde to L-eryth- rulose, a 4.5-fold increase in outlet product concentration and a 5-fold increase in throughput were achieved com- pared to a single-input reactor.37 Un upgraded version with the integrated optical pH sensors enabled not only monitoring of pH but also adjustment of this parameter via the side entries. As a result, the pH drop in the penicil- lin G acylase-catalyzed synthesis of 6-aminopenicillanic acid was significantly attenuated and the product yield was increased by up to 29% compared to the process without pH adjustment. This contribution represents a further step towards fully instrumented and controlled microfluidic reactors for biocatalytic process development.38 Figure 1: a) A Y-Y-shaped meander chip with 2 inlets and outlets; b) the outlet of the Y-Y channel presented in a) into which stained and pure water were pumped separately; the residence time in the chan- nel was 0.3 and 3 s at the indicated flow rates of 50 µL/min and 5 µL/ min, respectively; reproduced with permission from Miložič et al., Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., 2014 28, 215–223;34 c) a microfluidic side- entry reactor scheme with the indicated inlets (A, B), and side en- tries (1–10); all channels in the reactor had a cross section of 1 mm × 0.5 mm, and the length of individual sections of the main channel was 60 mm; reproduced with permission from Lawrence et al., Bio- technol. J. 2017, 12, 1600475.37 3. Microreactors With Biocatalysts in the Multi-Liquid Phase System The introduction of another liquid phase into the (typically aqueous) phase containing the biocatalyst opens, among others, the possibility of preventing its inactivation by compartmentalizing the inhibitor (substrate, product) from the biocatalyst, as well as shifting the reaction equilib- rium toward product synthesis by in situ product removal.19 Another important result of controlled flow in the micro- flow systems is the prevention of stable emulsion formation, which often hinders product isolation after multi-liquid phase processing in conventional stirred tank reactors.39 Liquid-liquid two-phase flow in microflow devices can be efficiently controlled, resulting in a variety of fluid flow regimes (Figure 2) and efficient transport between compartments. Since diffusion times are proportional to the square of the characteristic length, typical mixing times in microfluidic devices based on diffusion are in the range of milliseconds, which is several orders of magni- tude better than in conventional reactors. The flow pattern in microscale channels is a function of operating condi- tions, such as flow rates, phase ratio and fluid properties. In addition, the flow is influenced by the roughness and 4 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow wettability of the channel wall, as well as by the geometry of the inlet channels (Y-, X-, or T-shaped) and the main channel diameter or aspect ratio for cylindrical or rectan- gular channels, respectively.19 Biocatalytic reactions within microflow systems typi- cally involve various alkanes in addition to the aqueous phase. Among non-aqueous media, ionic liquids and re- cently also deep eutectic solvents (DES), both liquids con- sisting of ions with melting temperatures below 100 ˚C, are gaining increased attention in biocatalysis because they of- fer very high solubility of organic substrates. DESs are con- sidered to be the fourth generation of ILs, although they do not consist entirely of ionic species.40 While the synthesis of ILs requires chemical synthesis, often performed efficiently in microflow reactors,41 DESs are prepared by simply mix- ing at least two inexpensive, nontoxic, and readily available components that are capable of self-associating in a specific molar ratio to form a new eutectic phase. The most typical compounds that constitute DESs are choline and urea, al- though amines, sugars, alcohols, polyols and organic acids are also used.42 Both solvent classes are nonvolatile, non- flammable, highly viscous, and can be prepared in a pleth- ora of variations, resulting in properties that can be tailored as needed, which also makes them attractive for application in biocatalytic processes.40,42 Aqueous two-phase systems (ATPSs) are another green solvents that are gaining importance in biotransfor- mations. They are mostly used in bioseparations to inte- grate solid phase removal and extraction of the biomole- cule of interest based on selective partitioning between phases. Typically, they are formed from two polymers such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) and dextran (Dex) or a poly- mer and an inorganic salt, e.g. phosphate and sulfate, dis- solved in water, although some hydrophilic ILs are also capable of forming IL-ATPSs when mixed with aqueous solutions of inorganic salts.43 They provide a benign envi- ronment for the biocatalyst along with the possibility of reducing substrate and/or product inhibition by compart- mentalization in the other of the two phases. The industri- al use of ATPSs is still hampered by their drawbacks such as slow diffusive mass transfer, long settling time for phase separation, and batch processing,44 so processing in mi- crofluidic systems present a promising tool for wider use of this green technology.45 Recently, we reported the use of the microfluidics for the generation of a temperature-de- pendent aqueous micellar two-phase system (AMTPS) containing a surfactant in the time frame of a few seconds (Figure 2 d). The ability to change temperature almost in- stantaneously, and further integration with a microsettler and micro-ultrafiltration unit enabled sustainable and effi- cient purification of a high value-added value protein from algal biomass extract.46 The introduction of an additional liquid phase offers a wealth of flow patterns and attractive features that great- ly expand the applications of liquid–liquid two-phase mi- crofluidics. Three-liquid phase systems are widely used for various purposes, such as kinetic studies, microparticle synthesis, sample purification, and pharmaceutical crys- tallization. In addition to the parallel flow of all three phas- es (Figure 3 a2) and the generation of double emulsions (Figure 3 b2), which are of interest for the sorting of bio- catalyst and other applications, a novel hybrid slug flow-laminar flow system (Figure 3 c2) was reported, where one layer is the laminar aqueous flow and the other layer is the slug flow. This flow was successfully stabilized by installing a partition wall between the two channels.47 In the following chapters, the application of multi-liq- uid systems in biocatalytic processes will be highlighted. 3. 1. Microreactors With a Parallel Flow of Immiscible Liquids With Biocatalysts Due to their small dimensions and low applied flow rates, laminar flows are typical of microflow systems in which immiscible liquid phases flow in parallel to form a stable and continuous interface through which mass transfer occurs.47 The use of parallel flows has been achieved in microchannels with 2 Y-Y-shaped (Fig. 1a) or three Ψ- Ψ-shaped inlets and outlets. The main advantage of such processing is the possi- bility to separate the phases at the output of the microchips with multiple inlets and outlets presented also in Figs. 1a, 1b, so that no further phase separator is required. To achieve this, precise tuning of the flow rates of both phases is re- quired so that the interface can be positioned in the middle of the channel, while exiting channels can be chemically modified to become more or less hydrophobic. In a comprehensive review on enzymatic reactions utilizing non-aqueous media, several examples of enzy- matic reactions with liquid-liquid (Fig. 2a and 3 a1) and liquid-liquid-liquid (Fig. 3 a2) parallel flow were given.19 A pioneering work by Maruyama et al. on the environ- Figure 2: Typical liquid-liquid two-phase flow in microchannels: a) parallel flow of aqueous and organic phase, b) formation of water- in-oil droplets, c) slug or Taylor flow of the hydrophobic ionic liquid in aqueous phase, d) mixed flow of the aqueous micellar two-phase system described by Seručnik et al.46 with core-annular flow and annular flow in the centre of the channel surrounded by droplets. 5Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow mentally relevant laccase-catalyzed dechlorination of p-chlorophenol revealed 50-fold better specific productiv- ity than in a laboratory-scale vessel with gentle shaking, achieving nearly 70% dehalogenation of the toxic substrate in 2 s.48 In later studies, the most frequently used enzyme was Candida antarctica lipase B (CaLB), which acts at the interface of the two phases, so that in a parallel flow the reaction surface is well defined. This enabled very accurate modelling and reactor performance prediction for the es- terification of isoamyl alcohol and acetic anhydride with substrate and product convection in the flow direction, diffusion in all directions, and reaction at the interface of the Y-Y- shaped microchannel.49 Along with aqueous buffers, alkanes are most com- monly used as the second liquid phase in parallel flow.19 The use of an ionic liquid as the second phase was demonstrated in the enantioselective separation of (S)-ibuprofen from a racemic mixture based on an enzymatic reaction. A thin film of ionic liquid between two aqueous phases with differ- ent lipases in each flow within the Ψ-Ψ-shaped microchan- nel provided a high interfacial area and processing time of only 30–60 s to achieve efficient enantioselective transport of this drug, which exhibits different pharmaceutical and/or toxicological effects depending on its optical purity.50 Urease-catalyzed hydrolysis in an aqueous two- phase system of PEG and Dex using parallel laminar flow in a Y-Y-shaped microfluidic device, schematically shown in Figure 4, showed a 500-fold increase in the apparent re- action rate compared to conventional ATPS in a beaker under gentle stirring. The very short residence time in the channel was increased by 4 consecutive reaction cycles, re- sulting in a 4-fold increase in conversion.44 A theoretical study of the enzymatic production of ce- phalexin, an important β-lactam antibiotic, using an ATPS based on PEG and phosphate in a microscale device com- prising a thin dialysis membrane that provides flow stabili- zation and prevents transport of the enzyme and enzyme– substrate complex from the salt phase to the PEG phase. In the synthesis catalyzed by penicillin acylase, the effect of counter-current and co-current arrangements on cephalex- in yield in microreactors with parallel flow of ATPS was dis- cussed, as well as the possibility of transport enhancement by a direct-current (DC) electric field applied perpendicular to the interface. Based on the mathematical model compris- ing also mass transport across the membrane induced by an imposed electric field, the counter-current arrange- ment within the microreactor-separator was found to be suitable for cephalexin synthesis under most of the condi- tions studied.51. 3. 2. Microfluidics-Based Droplets With Biocatalysts Droplet-based microfluidic systems, which use pas- sive microfluidic structures to rapidly generate and manip- ulate subnanoliter-volume droplets in microchannel envi- ronments, have changed the paradigm of biochemical ex- perimentation.52 Compartmentalization of liquids into droplets within an immiscible carrier liquid, usually stabi- lized with a surfactant molecule, has been successfully ap- Figure 3: Schematic diagram and characteristics of multi-liquid microfluidics comprising liquid-liquid (L-L) or liquid-liquid-liquid (L-L-L) flow: (a1) L–L: laminar flow shown also in Fig. 1a (a2) L–L–L: three-layer laminar flow, (b1) L–L: droplet flow shown also in Fig.1b, (b2) L–L–L: double emulsions, (c1) L–L: slug flow shown also in Fig. 1c, and (c2) L–L–L: hybrid slug flow-laminar flow. Reproduced with permission from Wang et al., Lab Chip 2020, 20, 1891-1897, published by The Royal Society of Chemistry.47 6 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow plied in numerous fields including single-cell and biomol- ecule analysis, diagnostics, drug delivery, protein crystalli- zation, and chemical reactions.22,52,53 Discussed herein are their applications in biocatalytic process development phases, as well as for process intensification. 3. 2. 1. Droplets in Biocatalyst Screening and Characterization Selecting the most promising among the plethora of mutants generated by genetic manipulation or random mutagenesis is often the rate-limiting step in modern ap- proaches to industrially relevant biocatalysts. Microfluid- ics-based ultrahigh-throughput screening of native or en- gineered enzymes and cells using droplets currently represents the most powerful tool for very rapid biocata- lyst discovery and evolution at remarkably low cost.22,52–55 Furthermore, microfluidic platforms developed for direct- ed evolution of enzymes in droplets, allowing screening of 107 mutants per round of evolution, have revolutionized the area of enzyme engineering.56 Briefly, aqueous droplets in oil generated, as shown in Figs. 2b and 3 b1, at frequencies up to 2 kHz are capable of encapsulating a single enzyme or cell together with the sub- strate, which is often barcoded. After the reaction, which is performed during on- or off-chip incubation, the droplets are typically re-emulsified into water-in-oil-in-water drop- lets, as shown in Fig. 3 b2, and re-injected into the sorter and dispersed in an oil stream leading to the Y-shaped junction (Fig. 1b). Here, droplets are flowed into one of the channels, while those containing an active biocatalyst are selected by a detector and directed into the other channel. Most commonly, fluorescence-activated droplet sorting (FADS) based on laser activation is used.52–57 As an exam- ple, a reliable and convenient ultrahigh-throughput screen- ing platform based on flow cytometric droplet sorting (FCDS), shown in Figure 5, was demonstrated to efficiently isolate novel esterases from metagenomic libraries by pro- cessing 108 single cells per day.58 Further encapsulation of single cells producing an enzyme of interest in microfluidic-based droplets along with a fluorogenic substrate and optionally lysing agents ensures that product formation occurs in the same com- partment as the catalyst-encoding gene. The fluorescent product-containing droplets can then be sorted using FADS enabling ultrahigh-throughput directed evolu- tion.59–61 As an example, a droplet-microfluidic screening platform was used to improve a previously optimized arti- ficial aldolase by an additional factor of 30, resulting in a rate increase of over 109-fold .59 Evolutionary units in the form of monodisperse double emulsions or gel-shell beads (GSBs) containing a protein mutant and its coding DNA represent further step towards extremely fast biocatalyst engineering.62 Another ultra-high throughput protein screening platform called Split-and-Mix Library on Beads (SpliMLiB) was presented by Hollfelder’s group. Directed evolution workflows were accelerated by DNA libraries constructed on the surface of microbeads suitable for di- rect functional screening in water-in-oil emulsion droplets with cell-free expression.63 To expand the application of this technique beyond non-fluorogenic substrates/products, assays based on ab- sorbance are being investigated.64 Future detection modes will include fluorescence-based approaches (anisotropy, Förster resonance energy transfer, lifetime) and label-free approaches based on light scattering (including Raman scattering) or droplet morphology.55 Reports on the appli- cation of positive dielectrophoresis-based Raman-activat- ed droplet sorting for culture-free and label-free screening of enzyme function in vivo,65 and droplet sorting by inter- Figure 4. Schematic illustration of the ATPS enzymatic reaction and product separation in microchannel a) and at interface b) with a simple double Y-branched microfluidic device. Reproduced with permission from Meng et al., Chem. Eng. J. 2018, 335, 392–400.44 7Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow facial tension66 confirm these expectations. A sophisticat- ed Raman-activated droplet sorting device uses periodi- cally applied positive dielectrophoresis force to capture fast-moving cells, followed by simultaneous microdroplet encapsulation and sorting. The label-free method of sort- ing droplets by pH requires no active components and provides a robust platform for enzyme sorting in high- throughput applications.65 Another promising approach in this regard is the coupling of droplet microfluidics with electrospray ionization – mass spectroscopy (ESI-MS), which provides a label-free high-throughput screening platform. The system also enabled effective in vitro tran- scription-translation within the droplets analyzed directly by MS, demonstrating opportunities to greatly accelerate the screening of enzyme evolution libraries.67 Few nL or even pL surfactant-stabilized monodis- perse droplets can be regarded as moving reactors that al- low an extraordinarily large number of experiments to be performed simultaneously. As they move along channels, the reaction in the droplets can be monitored e.g. via la- ser-induced fluorescence measurements of product con- centration that provide a time-dependence of the reac- tion.54 Because they consume minute amounts of reagents to provide the necessary information on reaction kinetics and biocatalyst inhibition, they significantly outperform conventional microtiter plates in terms of cost and time.52,53 In addition, droplet microfluidics offers the po- tential to generate and analyze enormous amounts of ki- netic data through a high degree of integration with detec- tion modalities. Some excellent reviews of droplet applications comprising examples of controlled microflu- idic systems used for e.g. automated analysis of enzyme kinetics, screening of protein crystallization conditions and protein solubility can be consulted for further infor- mation on this topic.52,53,57 However, the requirements for advanced droplet dis- pensing control and accurate sequential addition of sam- ples or reagents to droplets at a high volumetric flow rate remain a challenging task. To address this, droplet array technologies have begun to offer a pathway to high-throughput screening.52 After many years of inten- sive research, and despite the enormous potential for in- dustrial use, few commercial applications have been devel- oped, and significant development in the field is still needed to make them reliable and widely applicable.68 There is a strong belief that high-throughput, high-sensi- tivity droplet-based microfluidics will become the gold standard for optimizing computationally engineered en- zymes.61 Exploration of 3-D printing technologies, robot- ics, and artificial intelligence is paving the way for smart platforms that could change the paradigm and drive the development of industrial biocatalytic processes.22,52 Figure 5 Workflow of the ultrahigh-throughput screening platform based on flow cytometric droplet sorting to mine novel enzymes from metagen- omic libraries. A. Collection of environmental microbes. B. Extraction of metagenomic DNA. C. Digestion and cloning of metagenomic DNA into an expression vector. D. Transformation of recombinant plasmids into a host strain for encoded protein expression. E. Encapsulation of single cells into water-in-oil-in-water double emulsion droplets, along with the screening substrate. F. Flow cytometric analysis and sorting of positive droplets. G. Secondary screening based on 96-well plate assays. H. Identification of novel enzymes. Reproduced with permission from Ma et al., Environ. Microbiol. 2020, DOI: 10.1111/1462-2920.15257.58 8 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow 3. 2. 2. Droplets in Biocatalytic Processing Microfluidics-based droplets are characterized by a very high surface-to-volume ratio that allows high mass transfer between the phase containing the biocatalyst and the phase containing substrate and/or product, so their use can lead to process intensification when the reaction is limited by mass transfer. The benefits of using microfluid- ics-based droplets were demonstrated in the bio-hydration of acrylonitrile to acrylamide using Rhodococcus ruber whole cells containing nitrile hydratase, which is one of the important large-scale biotransformations. Conven- tional processing in stirred tank reactors is hindered by the low aqueous solubility of acrylonitrile, the low concentra- tion of free cells, limitations on external mass transfer re- sulting in reduced apparent reaction rates, and by the lim- ited ability to increase impeller speed and thus mass transfer due to potential interfacial effects leading to cell damage.32 To circumvent these problems, acrylonitrile was dispersed into small droplets of 25 to 35 µm using a spe- cially designed membrane dispersion microreactor. This enabled approximately 30% higher product yield in 5-times less time and also proved to extend the life of the free cells.69,70 The very high surface-to-volume-ratio of the 190 μm droplets generated in an X-junction microchannel (Fig. 1b) was also advantageous for the Candida antarctica li- pase B (CaLB)-catalyzed synthesis of isoamyl acetate, al- lowing the “natural” production of this important aroma. The amphiphilic enzyme positioned together with the sub- strate in the hydrophilic ionic liquid tends to attach to the surface of the organic phase forming droplets. The high interfacial area as well as the in-situ product removal into the organic liquid droplets allowed much higher volumet- ric productivities than reported in the literature for this esterification. Furthermore, the incorporation of a hydro- phobic membrane-based separator allowed separation of the enzyme from the product in the organic phase and sev- eral successful recyclations of the biocatalyst.71 The same reaction has been studied in flow reactors developed by Corning®, which allow efficient mixing of two-phase systems without the need for high energy or high pressure drop devices. The key component of the sys- tem is a fluidic module made of special glass, which con- sists of a chain of identical cells with variable cross-sec- tions and internal elements. The fluid is forced to split and then recombine in each cell, leading to the renewal of the interface in two-phase systems such as liquid-liquid (Fig- ure 6 a). The ease of their scalability from laboratory to production scale and customization to meet specific re- quirements provides a cost-effective solution for a broad portfolio of reactions in organic synthesis as well as for extraction.72,73 Application of the low-flow module to li- pase-catalyzed esterification in an aqueous- n-heptane two-phase system enabled efficient interfacial mass trans- fer and in situ product removal, resulting in unprecedent- ed volumetric productivities.74 Further scale‐up of the process in a 70-mL modular reactor demonstrated excel- lent process scalability.22 The droplets generated by microfluidics were also used for the preparation of semipermeable silica micropar- ticles that allowed compartmentalization of enzymes. The porous shell allowed selective diffusion of substrate and product while protecting the enzymes from degradation by proteinases and maintaining their functionality over multiple reaction cycles. The system was tested for β-glu- cosidase encapsulation and for the combined compart- mentalization of glucose oxidase and horseradish peroxi- dase, which form a controlled reaction cascade for the glucose detector. The microparticles were trapped in a mi- crofluidic array device in which the enzyme activity could be tested in a single microparticle, which also provided information on reaction kinetic parameters and stability.76 3. 3. Segmented-Flow Microreactors With Biocatalysts Segmented flow with alternating fluid segments (e.g., slug flow in Fig. 1c and Fig 2c) is much easier to achieve than stable parallel flow in a long channel that allows com- plete conversion, so this type of flow prevails in biocatalyt- ic processing in liquid-liquid systems.19 It also allows very efficient mass transfer between phases, based on convec- tive motion in each segment that renews the interface, which increases the concentration gradient of the product and facilitates diffusive penetration through the inter- face.77 A typical setup consists of the mixing unit (T- or Y-shaped mixer), tubes with lengths that provide the ap- propriate residence times, and phase separators based on gravity, membranes, etc. Compared to batch processes, where the intensive mixing of several phases required for efficient mass transfer regularly leads to emulsification and Figure 6: Reactors with two-phase flow: a) a close-up of a liquid-liq- uid flow regime obtained in a Low Flow Advanced FlowTM Reactor developed by Corning®, and b) a scheme of the microfluidic system with an enzyme recycle: a – a T-shaped element, b – reaction micro- capillary, c – settler, d– reservoir of the top phase with dissolved reactants, e – reservoir of the recycle stream, f – product reservoir, g – peristaltic pump, h – dialysis micromodule, i – waste, j – dialysate solution, k – microdialyzer ports. Reproduced with permission from Vobecká et al., Chem. Eng. J. 2020, 396, 125236.75 9Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow thus phase separation problems, this obstacle is reduced in microflow reactors.39,78 Applications of slug flow include various reactions and enzymes, from reactions catalyzed by alcohol-dehy- drogenase (ADH),79–82 to hydroxynitrile lyase-catalyzed C-C bond formation,83 a reduction with pentaerythritol tetranitrate reductase,84 terpene production catalyzed by aristolochene synthase,77 penicillin acylase-catalyzed anti- biotic synthesis,75,85,86 and lipase-assisted biodiesel pro- duction,87,88 among others. An interesting reactor design was reported by Karande et al. who combined different sized capillaries from 2.5 mm i.d. to 0.5 mm i.d. to comply with lower sub- strate concentration along the tubular reactor, where the ADH-catalyzed reaction takes place. This allowed optimi- zation of the conversion of selected aldehyde to corre- sponding alcohol dissolved in an organic phase and con- tacted in a slug flow regime with an aqueous phase containing enzyme and cofactor, as well as a cofactor de- hydrogenase-based regeneration system.79 To circumvent the interfacial deactivation of ADH in segmented flow, the addition of surfactant and immobilization of the enzyme in porous beads carried along the tubular reactor within the aqueous segments were tested. Both approaches result- ed in very efficient stabilization of the enzyme, with sur- factant addition being preferred due to better enzyme ac- tivity, less complexity, and ease of implementation in slug flow microreactors.80 Significant mechanical energy savings have been re- ported for lipase-catalyzed soybean oil hydrolysis using a slug flow microreactor. The hydrodynamically well-con- trolled slug flow generated in a T-shaped microfluidic channel and continued in submillimeter reaction capillar- ies, ensured uniform residence time of all slugs and ena- bled the recovery of well-defined products. Further inte- gration with two microfluidic separators resulted in phase separation and the possibility to reuse the dissolved en- zyme.89 Recently, lipase-catalyzed biodiesel production in a slug-flow microreactor has received considerable atten- tion. Very pure biodiesel with glycerol content below the detection limit was produced in an integrated system with two microchips connected in series. The first Y-shaped mi- crochannel was used for biodiesel production with metha- nol in one feed and an emulsion of oil, lipase and sur- factant in the second. In the Y-shaped microchannels connected in series, simultaneous purification, i.e., glycer- ol removal, was achieved with DES based on choline chlo- ride and ethylene glycol.87 In another study by the same group, DES based on choline chloride and glycerol was used for biodiesel production based on lipase-catalyzed transesterification of edible and waste sunflower oil with methanol. The reaction, which was carried out in a Y-Y- shaped microchannel as well as in a mm-scale tube, result- ed in a 3-4-fold higher productivity than in the stirred tank reactor operated in batch mode.88 Environmentally friendly ATPS prepared from PEG and phosphate buffer was used for an enzyme-catalyzed synthesis of the β-lactam antibiotic cephalexin, which is produced industrially on a multi-tones annual scale. The microfluidic setup shown in Figure 6 b included a slug- flow microreactor that supported efficient mass transfer between penicillin acylase dissolved in the bottom ATPS phase and the substrates in the ATPS’s top phase, as well as in situ product separation in the latter. Integration of the settler resulted in phase separation and enabled further re- cycling of the reaction phase containing the dissolved en- zyme. The recycling circuit also included a microdyalizer operated in counter-current regime to remove phenylgly- cine, which tended to clog the system. The system could be operated continuously for 5 h, and the operating time ap- peared to be limited only by the washout of the enzyme.75 The same group has also applied various ATPSs in the pro- duction of 6-aminopenicillanic acid (6-APA) from peni- cillin G using dissolved penicillin acylase. Criteria for the selection of ATPS were optimal separation of 6-APA from the enzyme, high buffering capacity to reduce undesirable pH decrease due to dissociation of phenylacetic acid – a byproduct of the reaction, relatively low cost of ATPS components, and the possibility of electrophoretic trans- port of fine droplets and reaction products to both acceler- ate phase separation and increase the 6-APA concentra- tion in the product stream. The possibility of electropho- retic transport of the salt-rich droplets in the system was verified in a simple microfluidic device.85 A continuation of this study led to the development of electric-field-en- hanced selective separation of the reaction byproduct in a membrane microcontactor. Application of DC electric field resulted in enhanced mass transfer through a semi- permeable membrane for rapid, continuous, and selective separation of electrically charged low-molecular-weight phenylacetic acid from the original reaction mixture con- taining free penicillin acylase. Furthermore, the electroos- motic flow through the membrane, which counter-directs the transport of phenylacetic acid, was advantageously used to concentrate the separated product in the acceptor phase.86 The importance of minimizing stable emulsion for- mation, typical of the stirred tank batch processing, was highlighted for the enzymatic reduction of hydrophobic ketone in a biphasic methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE) - buffer carried out in a segmented flow formed in a Y-shaped mixer and guided in a poly(fluorenylene ethy- nylene) (PFE) coil of 0.8 mm diameter, and compared with the batch process. While the conversions in both process operations were similar under comparable conditions, emulsification and precipitation were strongly suppressed when the biocatalytic reactions were carried out in flow mode, significantly simplifying and minimizing the effort required for biphasic biocatalytic reaction systems.90 The pioneering work of Karande et al.80 inspired the study of segmented flow, in which segments containing a 10 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow heterogeneous biocatalyst surrounded by another liquid phase flowed in the microreactor. A segmented hydro- gel-organic solvent system was developed based on super- absorbent polymer consisting of partially neutralized cross-linked polyacrylic acid, in whose matrix enzymes and whole cells could be embedded. Such a “fluid hetero- geneous phase” was investigated with the ADH-catalyzed reduction of acetophenone and the aldoxime dehy- dratase-catalyzed dehydration of octanal oxime. Especially for solvent-labile catalytic systems, this approach offers an alternative for the application of immobilized biocatalysts in a continuously running process beyond conventional packed bed and wall-coated reactors.90 4. Microreactors With Biocatalysts Containing Gaseous and Liquid Phase Enzymes can be used as highly selective catalysts for the oxyfunctionalization of unactivated carbons in organic synthesis. Insufficient oxygen supply is often a bottleneck in O2-dependent reactions, which is why a high influx of the gas phase and intensive mixing are required in conven- tional stirred tank reactors. In biocatalytic processes, this can lead to enzyme deactivation and gas stripping of sub- strate and product.32,91 To circumvent this, a tube-in-tube reactor (TiTR), in which the gaseous substrate enters the reaction chamber along the entire length of the tube, is a promising alternative. A flow-through chemistry appara- tus developed a decade ago allows contact between gasses and liquids via a semipermeable Teflon AF-2400 mem- brane of a submillimeter i.d.92 The application of such a high-pressure reactor setup providing oxygen supply across the membrane surface from the outside of the reactor system was demonstrated for the synthesis of 3-phenylcatechol using a continuous segmented flow of the aqueous phase with the enzyme and decanol with the substrate as shown in Figure 7. 2-Hy- droxybiphenyl- 3-monooxygenase was applied as a biocat- alyst for the hydroxylation reaction and also required co- factor regeneration, which was provided by formate dehydrogenase dissolved in an aqueous phase. Very high volumetric productivities were obtained when the reactor was of sufficient length providing the required residence times, emphasizing the potential of the TiTR as a promis- ing technology for the realization of gas-dependent enzy- matic reactions. The same reactor configuration was also used to study the kinetics of oxygen-dependent reactions catalyz- ed by glucose oxidase, where the challenges of convention- al systems can be avoided by creating a bubble-free aera- tion system. The TiTR setup was fully automated and computer controlled, allowing characterization of an oxy- gen-dependent enzyme within 24 hours with minimal manual labor, outperforming the conventional batch setup approach. By pressurizing the system, the dissolved oxy- gen concentration can reach 25-times the values achieva- ble by air supply under atmospheric conditions. Operation in the low dispersed flow regime allowed the generation of time-series data with an enzymatic catalyst, despite its low diffusivity, and the resulting data were in good agreement with experiments conducted in a batch system.93 Direct introduction of the gas phase into enzymatic microreactors, allowing efficient supply of gaseous sub- strate, has been reported for many biocatalytic processes involving immobilized enzymes that were reviewed else- where.14,16,20-28 A report on the generation of a three-phase slug flow in a microchannel used for dissolved en- zyme-catalyzed reaction revealed the benefit of introduc- ing an inert gas phase (nitrogen) into a liquid-liquid slug flow to stabilize the liquid-liquid interface, and improve uniformity and reproducibility of the flow. In this way, uniform reaction-transport properties were created in a heterogeneous reaction system with an unstable interface in a long microchannel, as demonstrated in the lipase-cata- lyzed hydrolysis of soybean oil.94 Among the commercial meso-scale flow reactors en- abling efficient direct gas-liquid contact, Corning® Ad- vanced Flow Reactors, such as presented in Figure 6a, are commonly used in chemical industry, but to the author’s knowledge, no report of enzymatic reaction with the gas phase in these reactors has been reported. On the other hand, the Coflore™ agitated cell reactor (ACR) and the ag- itated flow reactor (ATR) have been used for the chiral res- olution of DL-alanine using non-immobilized whole Pichia pastoris cells with D-amino acid oxidase, where reaction is oxygen limited due to the gas–liquid mass transfer con- straints of the conventional vessels. Comparison of a batch process performed in a 250 mL stirred tank reactor at var- ious stirring speeds with a 100 mL Coflore ACR, a dynam- ically mixed plug flow reactor that uses to promote mixing, revealed a slightly increased reaction rate in the flow reac- tor. Further comparison of 1 L stirred tank batch reactor with 1 L Coflore ATR tubular reactor using lateral move- ment showed much greater improvement in volumetric productivity for the flow reactor due to improved gas-liq- uid mass transfer. In addition, virtually the same results were obtained with AFR when scaling up from 1 to 10 L Figure 7. Scheme of a tube-in-tube reactor used for enzymatic hy- droxylation using gaseous oxygen as a substrate. Reproduced with permission from Tomaszewski et al., Org. Process Res. Dev. 2014, 18, 1516−1526.91 11Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow without seeing the losses already evident when moving from 1 to 4 L in conventional batch reactor.95 5. Process Analytics in Microreactors With Biocatalysts As described in the chapter on droplet microfluidic platforms used for fast biocatalyst screening, evolution and characterization, highly automated and controlled de- vices using numerous analytical techniques are under de- velopment. Miniaturization and integration of several an- alytical techniques such as chromatography, electrophore- sis, or flow injection analysis in devices referred to as micro Total Analysis Systems (µTAS) were the first appli- cations of microfluidics starting in the 1990s.96 In contrast, most studies presented in this review use off-line analytical techniques such as HPLC or spectrophotometry. Optical sensors for non-invasive and non-destructive monitoring of e.g. oxygen, pH, carbon dioxide, glucose, and tempera- ture reviewed by Gruber et al. (2017) have great potential for on-line and at-line monitoring, both of which have some advantages and disadvantages as listed in Table 1.97 An example of in-line analysis of dissolved oxygen and substrate or product concentration in the microchan- nel outlet stream is shown in Figure 8. Dissolved oxygen concentration was measured using a fiber microsensor within the needle inserted into the stream, while substrate or product concentration was evaluated using the flow- through miniaturized optical detector that measures ab- sorbance at the specific wavelength of interest. Oxygen can also be monitored on-line by introduc- ing sensory nanoparticles into the fluid and monitoring them using a fluorescence microscope, or by creating measurement points in the channel.98 As mentioned in Chapter 2, on-line pH measurement has been established based on a similar approach.97 The use of novel manufacturing capabilities offered by 3D printing technology and the integration of novel materials will pave the way for better process monitoring that will also enable process control, which is crucial for the efficient application of biocatalysts. 6. Conclusions and Future Perspectives If four technological advances evolved in the last decades of the previous century have been recognized as crucial for the acceptance of enzymes as “alternative cata- lysts” in industry, viz the development of i) techniques for large-scale isolation and purification of enzymes, ii) tech- niques for large-scale immobilization of biocatalysts, iii) biocatalytic processes in organic solvents, and iv) recombi- nant DNA technology enabling biocatalyst engineering,9 the fifth technological advance that can now be added is the development of continuous processing in miniaturized devices designed to efficiently harness these unique cata- Table 1: Summary of the advantages of on-line and at-line monitoring in microfluidic systems as proposed by Gruber et al., Lab Chip, 2017, 17, 2693, published by The Royal Society of Chemistry.97 Advantages Disadvantages on-line Real time analysis possible Possible interaction of sensors with the flow or reactants Rapid feedback allows real time process control Sensors need to be recalibrated and replaced over time No manual sampling required Increase of system complexity (fabrication, design, operation, maintenance) Measurement at real temperature Cross sensitivity with other analytes or interferences can be difficult to quantify No sampling required Limitation to a specific analytical problem and a certain concentration range Less risk of contamination Production flow undisrupted by sampling or redirecting at-line Significant number of assays/analytical methods available Changes in sample before analysis possible Can be cost-efficient Analysis limited to on-site equipment Flow cells available Certain sample volume necessary Feedback available quickly Risk of contamination through sampling Figure 8. Monitoring of the microchannel outlet stream regarding the dissolved oxygen concentration using fiber microsensor within the needle inserted in the flow, and the substrate or product concen- tration based on flow-through miniaturized spectrophotometer. 12 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 1–16 Žnidaršič-Plazl: Let the Biocatalyst Flow lysts. The application of microflow systems for biotrans- formations with free biocatalysts offers several advantages, from reduced shear stress on fragile molecules and cells, to reduced mechanical energy requirements for efficient mixing, to very efficient contacting of multiple phases that allows compartmentalization of biocatalyst and often in- hibitory substrates and/or products. Microfluidics-based droplets manipulated in highly automated microfluidic devices provide a revolutionary tool for ultrahigh-through- put biocatalyst evolution and efficient biocatalytic process development. Furthermore, continuous process operation in microflow reactors also allows for easy downstream process integration, enabling enzyme or cell recycling and thus very high total catalyst turnover number, defined as the total moles of product produced per mole of enzyme over the lifetime of the enzyme. The use of environmental- ly friendly solvents in such production systems can ensure that the goals of green chemistry as well as the bioecono- my are achieved. The requirements for fully controlled mi- croflow systems are driving the intensive development of integrated analytics, with new manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing together with novel materials offering endless possibilities. The use of model‐based approaches that allow quantification of mass transfer in various reac- tion systems and microreactor configurations, as well as apparent reaction rates at different process conditions, will help to exploit the potential of microreactor technology. The use of engineering tools, such as characteristic times analysis and dimensionless numbers evaluation, could be of great value in this endeavor.22,79,80 Industrial implementation of flow biocatalysis re- quires the knowledge transfer between the various disci- plines involved in process development. Understanding the fundamental phenomena underlying the structure and function of biocatalysts, biocatalytic reaction mechanisms and kinetics, and the performance of microreactors is therefore a basic requirement and should be implemented in the curricula of chemical, biochemical, and engineering study programs. Acknowledgements Financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (Grants P2‐0191, N2‐0067 and J4-1775) and from the EC H2020 project COMPETE (Grant 811040) is grate- fully acknowledged. The author would like to thank M. Seručnik, L. Ostanek Jurina, B. Perić, T. Pilpah and M. Kle- menčič from University of Ljubljana for providing graphi- cal material. Abbreviations ACR Agitated cell reactor ADH Alcohol-dehydrogenase ATR Agitated flow reactor 6-APA 6-Aminopenicillanic acid AMTPS Aqueous micellar two-phase system ATPS Aqueous two-phase system CaLB Candida antarctica lipase B DC Direct current DES Deep eutectic solvent Dex Dextran E-factor Environmental factor ESI-MS Electrospray ionization – mass spectroscopy FADS Fluorescence-activated droplet sorting FCDS Flow cytometric droplet sorting GSB Gel-shell beads HPLC High-performance liquid chromatography IL Ionic liquid MTBE Methyl tert-butyl ether PEG Polyethylene glycol PFA Perfluoroalkoxy PFE Poly(fluorenylene ethynylene) scCO2 Supercritical CO2 SpliMLiB Split-and-Mix Library on Beads TiTR Tube-in-tube reactor 7. References 1. D. T. McQuade, P. H. Seeberger. Applying flow chemistry: methods, materials, and multistep synthesis. J. Org. Chem. 2013, 78, 6384–6389. DOI: 10.1021/jo400583m. DOI:10.1021/jo400583m 2. K. F. Jensen. Flow chemistry—Microreaction technology comes of age. 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DOI:10.1007/s10404-012-1074-8 Except when otherwise noted, articles in this journal are published under the terms and conditions of the  Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License Povzetek Industrijska biokataliza je ena ključnih spodbujevalnih tehnologij, ki skupaj s prehodom na kontinuirno vodenje pro- cesov nudi možnosti za razvoj ekonomsko učinkovitih proizvodenj visoko kvalitetnih produktov in tvorbo majhne ko- ličine odpadkov. Izpostavljeni članek osvetljuje vlogo miniaturiziranih pretočnih reaktorjev s prostimi encimi in celicami v teh prizadevanjih na osnovi nedavnih primerov njihove uporabe v eno ali večfaznih reakcijah. Kapljična mikroflu- idika omogoča izvedbo ultra visokozmogljivostnih presejalnih testov in hiter razvoj biokatalitskih procesov. Uporaba mikroreaktorjev edinstvenih konfiguracij zagotavlja zelo učinkovito kontaktiranje večfaznih sistemov, kar se odraža v intenzifikaciji procesov in izognitvi problemom, prisotnih pri konvencionalnem šaržnem procesiranju. Nadaljnja inte- gracija z zaključnimi procesi nudi možnosti recikliranja biokatalizatorjev, kar prispeva k ekonomski učinkovitosti pro- cesov. Uporaba okolju prijaznih topil podpira učinkovito reakcijsko inženirstvo in tlakuje pot tem visoko selektivnim katalizatorjem k postavitvi trajnostne proizvodnje.