ZARJA - DAWN URADNO GLASILO OFFICIAL PUBLICATION SLOVENSKE ŽENSKE ZVEZE SLOVENIAN WOMEN'S UNION NUMBER 5 MAY, 1972 VOLUME 44 WEST ALLIS JOINS THE WINNERS’ PARADE Fourth in line in the parade of 100% winners in the 45th Anniversary Membership Campaign is Br. 17 of West Allis, Wise. Here are the lovely officers, from left, seated: Rose Schubert, recording secretary, Marie A. Floryan, secretary, Josephine Schlosar, organizer, Marion Marolt, president, Victoria Kastelic, vice-president and Fran.-os Piwoni, Treasurer. Standing are Mary Lacourt. sentinel, Josephine Imperl, Nimmer and Mathilda Muren, auditors. They art most proud of their members who have helped the branch achieve success in all its many undertakings. They will be celebrating their 45th anniversary soon and consider this the proper way to observe it - by enrolling more new members! Congratulations to Br. 17 and its officers and especially president, Marion Marolt who is Mother of the Year for her branch and along with our S.W.U. Chosen Mothers is honored in this issue. ZARJA - THE DAWN No. 5 MAY 1972 Vol. XLIV Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America — Uradno glasilo Slovenske Ženske Zvere Published Monthly except one combined, issue, July-August — izhaja vsak mesec razen skupne številke za julij-avgust Annual Subscription $3.00 — naročina $3.00 letno For Social members, $2.40 — za družbane članlice $2.40 Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, 111. 60608 Second Class Postage paid at Chicago, HI. All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the hands of the Editor by the FIRST of the month. — Vsi dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah uredniice do 1 v mesecu. Editorial Office: 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, Til. 60608 Telephone Bishop 7-2014, Area Code 312 DATES TO REMEMBER ... jbel Cotillion OhiA Wonlh The time for the Second S.W.U. Cotillion Deb Ball is here. On May 13th our beautiful Debs will be presented by their fathers in a beautiful ceremony. The Ball will be held at the Celebrity Room at Eastgate Plaza in Mayfield Hts. Ohio. Cocktails will be from 6:30 to 7:00. At 7:00 a delicious dinner will be served and the highlight of the evening will be the presentation of our beautiful Debs. Our guest speaker will be Judge August Prijatel and our Master of Ceremonies our own Tony Petkovshek. After the presentation guests will enjoy dancing to the Pecon-Trebar orchestra. Don't m;ss out on this once in a lifetime event. Get your tickets now from members or call Mrs. Jane Novak at 461-2300 or Mrs. Ann Hočevar at 261-3515. May 7 — MOTHER’S DAY PARTY, Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo. May 7 — MASS, Br. 13, San Francisco, Cal. May 7 — SOCIAL, Br. 79, Enumclaw, Wash. May 8 — MOTHER’S DAY DINNER, Bek’s Supper Club, Br. 89, Oglesby, III. May 9 — LUNCHEON-CARD PARTY, Br. 26, Pittsburgh, Pa. May 10 — MOTHER’S DAY DINNER, Br. 28, Calumet, Mich. May 10 — MOTHER'S DAY DINNER, Br. 32, Euclid, Ohio May 11 — MOTHER-DAUGHTER, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio May 12 — MOTHER’S DAY DINNER, Br. 105, Detroit, Mich. May 17 — DINNER, Br. 23, Dawn Club, Ely, Minn. May 21 — MOTHER’S DAY PARTY, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. May 28 — MASS, St. Lawrence Church, Br. 47, Garfield Hgts., O. May 31 — MASS, St. Wenceslaus Church, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., O. May 31 — CARD PARTY - Br. 23, Dawn Club, Ely, Minn. Sept. 17 — 45th ANNIVERSARY & STATE CONVENTION, Br. 3, Pueblo, Colo. Sept. 13 -- CARD PARTY, Br. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN MAY National Officers: May 1 Marie Floryan, Vice-President, West Allis, Wise. May 10 — Mary Tomsic, State President, Strabane, Penna. Branch Presidents: ON THE COVER... Again, we present our hard working officers who are in the 45th Anniversary Membership Campaign to stay! The branch of West Allis, Wisconsin! With our thanks for their job well done! we can say we know they won’t stop now but continue to be active and energetic campaigners! This Campaign ends June 30th! LET JUNE BE YOUR TARGET MONTH FOR ACTION! Let’s do it especially in honor of the birthday of our own Zveza Founder, MARIE PRISLAND who celebrates on June 21st! Remember, the Campaign ends June 30th and now is the time to work! EDITOR May 5 — Anne B. Satovich, Br. 56, Hibbing, Minn. May 9 — Agnes Klarich, Br. 93, Brooklyn, N. Y. May 11 — Christine Konte, Br. 66, Canon City, Colo. May 15 — Anna Hren, Br. 38, Chisholm, Minn. May 17 — Angela Arko, Br. 72, Pullman, III. May 18 — Ann Lounder, Br. 59, Burgettstown, Penna. May 19 — Mary Macek, Br. 55, Girard, Ohio May 21 — Angela Voje, Br. 84, New York, N. Y. May 24 — Antonia Kastelic, Br. 42, Maple Hgts., Ohio May 25 — Frances Yerman, Br. 57, Niles, Ohio May 28 — Margie Preshiren, Br. 23, Ely, Minn. May 30 — Mary Snezic, Br. 67, Bessemer, Penna. Secretaries: May 4 — Frances Samsa, Br. 67, Bessemer, Penna. May 6 — Gladys Buck, Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. May 9 — Catherine Hoefler, Br. 106, Meadowlands, Penna. May 13 — Helen McFarland, Br. 92, Crested Butte. Colo. May 13 — Mary F. Mejac, Br. 103, Washington, D.C. May 22 — Jennie Tavchar, Br. 65, Virginia, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! KAMPANJA ZA 45 LETNICO S. 1. Z. traja do 30, junija, 1972! VSE NAGRADE SO V DENARJU' Lore in Family Life In the natural order of creation, nothing manifests the love of God so clearly and impressively as family love. It is through love in family life that God, the creative Love, has willed to perpetuate the human race. Thus family love, by which human love is brought into existence, cherished and nurtured, is symbol of that creative love by which God brings other beings into existence to b: sharers in his love. Family life is essentially the journey of a group of people, closely united by ties of blood, along the way of life. Day by day, the love of the members of the family for one another must be purified; each person must grow in his response to the others' love. This is not alwrys an easy matter. For each member of the family has his own temperamental failings and defects which at times cause suffering to the others. If this suffering is to be accepted in a truly Christian spirit, everyone in the family must be trained to recognized the fact that true love for one another involves self-denial and patience from day to day. In the closeness of the family life, there will inevitably be differences of opinion, annoyances, the grating of one personality upon another. However a deep and si-cere love and respect for one another’s good qualities will keep these clashes from deepening into antagonism and permanent rifts. Tenderness has quite a fundamental importance in family life as an expression of love. This requires continual effort by all the members of the family to show their love for one another. Love between human beings thrives on loving words and actions; it dwindles when it is rarely expressed. There are ten thousand ways in which those who live in the family can reasure one another of their love from the direct statement: “I love you”, down through all the varied ways in which that statement will be implied in acts of gratitude, of appreciation, admiration, sympathy, comfort and encouragement. In this way, walking along together in the love of God and in their love for one another, wholly grounded in God the members of a Christian family can come to learn, perhaps after severe struggles, but in deep gratitude, how their love goes through a continual proccss of purification, and thus bring them to ever greater joy and happiness. Purified as though by fire, they began to grasp the fundamental truth: If love between human beings on earth can bring such happiness, how perfect our happiness in heaven will be when we are all united together in the perfect love of God. Happy mother’s day to all mothers. MOTHERS DAY May 14, 1972 is Mothers Day and on this day we all bestow our love and blessings to her and wish her many more of happy and healthy years among her loved ones. My mother lives one thousand miles away from me, and whenever I call her she is so happy to converse with me and always comes out with a real cute saying. Couple of weeks ago when I called her and told her that I was coming home for her 85th birthday she replied back to me (“you just come, I quess I shall live that long yet”). To all mothers I wish you a very happy day that will be spent with your loved ones and wishing you good health and many more years of happiness with your children and grandchildren. 45th ANNIVERSARY CAMPAIGN 45th Anniversary Campaign is slowly creeping up to the deadline. Only two more months are left and the deadline soon will be here which is June 30, 1971. You all have read in April issue the fine cash awards that will be given to the branches that write in the most members. So far Br. 2 Chicago, III. is leading and Br. 20 Joliet, III. is second. Well worth working for as not only does the branch get the awards but each individual receives cash money for every member you write in. Jennie Femec, National Auditor and yours truly left Cleveland Saturday March 18th for Chicago to attend the SWU bowling tournament and the annual Board Meeting. Sunday morning Editor Corine Leskovar picked us up and we headed for La Salle. We stopped at St. Rochs church for mass then stopped at the parish house and paid a short visit to Father Železnikar who later stopped at the alleys to see all the bowlers in action. I dragged my 16 lb. bowling ball as I just can’t bowl with an alley ball. Sports Director Elizabeth Zefran asked me to throw the first ball; then the tournament officially started and all ladies started rolling to the best of their ability. As for myself I did not break any records but was satisfied that I at least bowled my average. I enjoyed the tournament very much met many members from Joliet, La Salle, Milwaukee, West Allis, Chicago and La Salle where the tournament was held. Liz Zefran and her committee is to be complimented on a fine tournament and congratulations to the winners! (Please Turn Page) National President’s Message Cont’d: Monday morning we started auditing the books and later went to the bank to check all in investments. All records. All records were found in the best of order. Compliments to our secretary Fanika Humar who is doing a superb job and is a very efficient and energetic person. Our Editor Corinne Leskovar drove Mrs. Marie Prisland and youts truly to see the Franciscan Press which is our new print shop. We are very impressed by the fine work they are doing on our magazine Zarja and also a marvelous job on the printing of our new revised cook book. They really have a very large print shop and the manager is Father Celestin. Meeting was held Tuesday, all reports were read. Discussions were on the floor regarding the 16th National Convention which will be held in Chicago, III. in May, 1973. The board recommended that the Chicago bran- ches be in charge of all arrangements pertaining to the convention. All other important business that was transacted will be in the minutes and will be published in Zarja. COOK BOOK WOMEN'S GLORY - THE - KITCHEN New revised cook book is available. With June around the corner a cook book is nice to give a bride and which is very much appreciated. Cost of book is $4.00 including postage. At this time I wish to give thanks to Helen Arko of Cicero, III. in behalf of Jennie Femec and yours Truly for inviting us to be her house as guests for three days. Happy Mothers day to all mothers as this is your day. Happy Birthday to all celebrating this month and a speedy recovery to all ailing. TONI TUREK ACTIVITIES No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WISC. We are happy to announce our officers capaign here in Sheboygan is a great success, to date we have 15 new members and are anticipating more before the close of the campaign. Our May meeting date is the 21st. Following the meeting we will honor Mother-Officer of the Year, Mrs. Anna Modez, who is our recording secretary. The program will be in charge of Mesdames Marie Prisland and Olga Saye. The kitchen committee will serve a lunch, so please members come and have an enjoyable afternoon. We thank Mesdames Joseph i n e Remshak and Josephine Vogrin for their donations into our treasury. Sincere deep sympathy to the Ursula Marvar, Theresa Zagocen a past president and secretary and Caroline Martin families each upon loss of their loved mother and grandmother. Mrs. Albina Novak, former national secretary was remembered with love on this first anniversary of her passing, April 6, 1971. Get-well wishes to all the sick. Secretary MARGARET FISCHER No. 10, CLEVELAND, OHIO Sincere congratulations to all our Mothers who will be honored on May 7th “Mother's Day” — we hope you have a most enjoyable day. As I am writing this article, it is still cold and it’s around the Easter holiday. Potica, pirhe and all the goodies that go with Easter are ready in our home. Hope you had a nice holiday, too. Where there is happiness there is also sadness. To the family of Mary Prdak who was our member, our deepest sympathies. Your mother was a very good member. May the perpetual light shine on her and may she rest in peace. Our deepest sympathies to the family of Mary Post Matoh on the loss of her husband and father. Mae is our member of many years standing. Good luck to you in your new home in California to Tončka Repic. We suro hated to see her go. So far away, too! May good health by yours, Tončka, and you can be sure we’ll miss seeing your smiling face. You were a very good member. Do let us hear from you. Everybody has a birthday but sometimes you’d like to honor some member. In the month of March, our good member, Jennie Gombach and her daughter, Mary Korošec celebrated -hope you had a nice day. In March we had our 45th Anniversary. I’d just like all the members to know we only have one living charter member, Mrs. Mary Sluga. Because this is the month to honor mothers, we of Br. 10 wish her many years of good health and happiness to her. May she live for another 45 years and more! Please remember your mother, only one you have! SOPHIE MAGAYNA No. 12, MILWAUKEE, WISC. Our meeting in March wasn’t well-attended and it wasn’t the weatherman's fault! We learned that a number of our regulars were sunning themselves on Florida’s sunny beaches and our Mother of the Year, Mary Starich was out in California being a devoted grandmother to her daughter’s children. Hope they all enjoyed their departure but let’s have you all back safe and sound and attending meetings again. We finally got all the officers sworn in as we were all present. Discussed the coming card party on April 23rd and it was decided to have a miscellaneous card party. Cash donations were made by most of the members present to start the committee off to a good start! Hope to have a good report on this next month. A trip to the "Lady of the Snows" was discussed. It would be a Saturday and Sunday weekend and for the last part of May or sometime in June. Anyone interested please contact Mrs. Plesko or myself for detail3 if you cannot attend the meetings. Do not wait until the last minute as a bus has to be reserved a least a month ahead. Most room reservations are for four in a room, so if you like, you can plan your room-mates. Congratulations to Theresa Sukys who is now a grandmother. Hope it means a new Junior member for us! Remember, we’re looking for new members from the cradle up. Let’s get some enrolled. Glad to hear that Jane Perko is out of the hospital and in good health again. Our best wishes to all our members who were sick or hospitalized. Our sympathy go the Mary Zvonar family. Mrs. Zvonar was our good member and the third we lost this year so far. Let's hope we don’t have any more for a long while. Those of us who were pallbearers Mmes. Wilhelm, Dobersek, Evanich, Plesko and yours truly. We were treated to a real Slovenian lunch after at Cy Zvonar's house and the men even serenaded the women with good Slovenian songs end accordian music. We had a brief sing-a-long. We even managed to do some recruiting. Hope the daughter and daughters-in-law come through as we left membership forms with them. Happy Mothers Day to all and here's hoping there are more at the meeting to play our favorite game and enjoy Stavia’s cake and coffee. MEMBER IS CATHOLIC CHARITIES ADMINISTRATOR Lent is over, so no excuses. The new cookbooks are available as the “Slovenia to America” books. Let's hear from you! MARY DEZMAN No. 13 SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. Our March 2nd meeting was well-attended and much business was accomplished. New officers for 1972 were installed by Virginia Sustarich as follows: Rose Scoff, President; Ann Fabian, Vice-President; Dorris Lovrin, Financial Secretary; Margaret Fager, Recording Secretary; Rose Bia n c o, Treasurer; Kate Lampe, Sentinel. Josephine Aiuto and Kate Lampe, Auditors. At our last meeting we made up a new schedule and dates to remember. Meetings will start at an earlier time 7:30 P. M. April 6th, June 1st, (July and August no meetings) vacation months. September 7th will be a meeting in preparation for October 5th Pot Luck dinner and December 7th election of Officer’s and Christmas party. May 7th we will honor the Mother of the Year, Rose Blanco. We will attend Mass at 8:30 A.M. Church of Nativity, Fell and Franklin Streets, immediately after, breakfast will be served at the Jack Tar Hotel Van Ness and Geary. For reservation call Virginia Sustarich Chairman 647-9439 or Josephine Aiuto 861-6263. The 45th Anniversary and Membership Campaign is now in progress and in honor of our Founder Marie Prisland we welcome five new members. Doreen and Noreen Sustarich daughters of Helen Sustarich Granddaughters of the late Kate Judnich; Olga Kastellic daughter of the late Mrs. Bodner and Junior member Christine Curtis, Granddaughter of Vice President Ann Fabian, Ellen McCarthy Great Granddaughter of Vice President Ann Fabian, Ellen Me Margaret Fager. I wish to extend my thanks to Jane Stephan, outgoing Vice President and Katie Plut Auditor for their loyal support to the Branch. Our heartfelt condolences to the families of Kate Judnich and Kate Schultz and to Sophia Judnich in the lose of her husband, Henry. May they rest in peace. To our members who are ill ws extend best wishes for improved good health. ROSE SCOFF Pres. ANGELA CHEMAZER, PH. D. The Director of the Child Mental Health Center of Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Chicago is our own member, Miss Angela Chemazar. She is the daughter of Mrs. Lucija Chemazar, a long-time member of Br. 2. At our March meeting, we were happy to have Dr. Angela Chemazar give us a better insight into the numerous services provided by Catholic Charities. Some of these are care of children in foster homes, adoption, counseling and psychological services to families to overcome temporary No. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS At our March meeting, the main order of business was our “B” party held on March 12th. Our biithday hostess was Antonia Krese who treated us all to her delicious homemade kolački. Two of our other members who were belatedly celebrating their January birthday also baked goodies. They were Catherine Zlogar and Marie Cieslik. A big Thank you to all the members who brought beautiful prizes and bakeries and helped work at the games. One of our projects was made up of prizes donated by two of our members who are handicapped by ill health. They are Zora Yurkas who donated six of her handmade dolls and clowns and Frances Grotkowski who brought six baskets of groceries. All the members are inspired to work harder by these generous acts. Needless to say, our party was a success. Our heartfelt sympathy is extended to Elaine Tinsley and her family on the death of her brother, Vincent To-poris. We missed two of our regular members at our March meeting. Frances Wine spent a month in California visiting her son Paul and wife, Mary and Pauline Klobučar was away on problems. Also, educational services to handicapped and the care of the ill and aging, are programs of constant use with Catholic Charities. Dr. Chemazer attended St. Stephen’s grammar school and St. Mary’s High school. She received her B. A. from Mundelein College and her M.A. and Ph. D. degree in Psychology from Loyola University. She is proud of her Slovenian heritage, enjoying singing as a member of the St. Stephen's Choir and she devotes many hours to professional organizations. Angie still finds time, tho, to do some traveling annd indulge in her hobby of photography. Her many friends and acquaintances know her as a most amiable and friendly person which attributes she takes over into her work, making her a very successful administrator. Her brother is Rev. Blaze Chemazer, the provincial of the Slovenian Franciscan Order in Lemont, Illinois. We of Br. 2, are very proud of Angie and hope that at another date soon, she will again speak before our members, telling us of the facets of her work that are interesting and educational to us all. N. G. her annual vacation trip to Florida. Hope to see you all at the April meeting. MARGE SPRETNJAK No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISCONSIN The Mid-West Bowling Tournament took place on Sunday, March 19 in LaSalle, Illinois at the Play Mor Alleys. Our branch went with 6 teams and chartered a bus, not only for the bowlers, but also our faithful group who is our cheering section and some drove down with their cars. All in all, we had around 60 representing West Allis. As many of you all already know, the people with the carnations were the West Allis Group. We had a nice day, dined at the Kaskaskia Hotel for a delicious meal, and most important, we had a wonderful trip. Every one claimed, “We had a great time!” “Where’s the tournament next year?” “We’re all set to go!”. We will again have our Mothers Day Mass read at St. Marys Help of Christians Church for our living and deceased members. We urge all members to receive Holy Communion on this day at your local parish church for the members of SWU and your own special intention. Our Mother of the Year is our President, Marion Marolt who deserves this title. She is generous and gives a helping hand when ever needed. Congratul.tions! Mother's Day greetings are ex.ended to you and to all Mothers on this day. The present campaign is on and I am appealing to you to try and sign up a member. We have reached the quota, why not try and double it: I am sure that you have a sister, daughter, grand-children or friend to sign up in this fine organization. Reminder: Please try and attend the May meeting, May 21 at 2.00 P.M. A beautiful hand made crocheted afghan (donated by Mrs. Anna Kegel) plus 10 other prizes will be taken home by some lucky persons. All Booster Tickets must be in by May 10th. The proceeds will go to our treasury for current expenses. Also remember that I have the Slovenian Cook Book and the “From S'o-venia to America” book on hand. They are ideal gifts for any occasion, shower, wedding, birthday or anniversary gift. By giving one, you can be sure it will be greatly appreciated. Congratulations and best wishes are extended to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Ermenc upon their 50th. or golden wedding anniversary. May both of you enjoy good health and happiness for many more years. Best wishes to you all for a Happy Mother's Day! MARIE A. FLORYAN No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Our meeting in March was succes-ful and well-attended. At that time we celebrated all members with the name of Josephine. Two large cakes for this occasion were baked and donated by the niece of your reporter who happens to be named Josephine, too, and it was our Dorothy Koncar (nee Fedo). Other prizes were donated also by our vice president Josephine Muster, your reporter (two prizes) and Mrs. Rose Marjasevich (with four beautiful hand-made aprons). Those who won these prizes were Dorothy Koncar, Theresa Marentich, Catherine Kness and Mae Reif. Every member with the name of Josephine was presented with vase of tulips. When all these congratulations were concluded, lunch was served. In one of our past "Zarjas” your reporter accide n 11 y omitted Frances Gregorich from N. Broadway, who also was with us when we celebrated the name of Frances. So good luck, Frances! We all know that Frances Gregorich is a good and faithful member of the branch for many years. I also wish to report that we lost a long-time member, Ursula Skubic, SeloCedi Member Ijicutneci Mrs. Agnes Zajc No. 22, BRADLEY, ILLINOIS We deeply mourn the loss of our beloved sister member, Mrs. Agnes Zajc. Though ailing for several years, death came some what suddenly ct an early hour, Feb. 22, just one month after her 80th birthday. Mrs. Zajc was born in Slovenia, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Frank Petach and lived in Bradley the past 60 years. She was married to John Zajc on Oct. 25, 1913 in St. Joseph Church, the parish from which an aunt of our officer, Josephine Muster and her husband. She lived almost all her life time in Braidwood; Born Oct. 21st, 1881 in Austria, died Mar. 12, 1972. She was buried at Mt. Olivet cemetery in Braidwood. She was the mother of 13 children, (ten still living) four sons and six daughters), has 27 grandchildren, 36 great grandchildren and one great great grandchild. Our officers of the branch attended the funeral from Coal City to Braidwood and those were Olga Ancel, Emma Planinšek, Emma Nos-se, and Frances Bottari. Our sympathy to the bereaved family and may our good and faithful member receive her reward in heaven. It is noted that when our branch celebrated its 45 anniversary, she was with us to join in celebration. Our Mothers Day meeting will be May 21st. when our Mother of the Branch will be honored, Mildred Pucel. She has been recognized for her activity in the branch. At that time lunch will also be served and movies will also be shown of the travels of your reporter and her family last year. Your members of the family are invited, especially your husbands. It will be gala affair and our new members who have not as yet been initiated will officially become members. So, if any one you know is not a member bring her along to this May meet- her funeral services were held, Feb. 24. We join in sorrow with her family who survive, her kind and loving 88 year old husband; her sons, Edward, Stanley and Bernard all of Bradley; four grandchildren and one great grandchild. A son, John, passed away on March 19, 1956. Also surviving is a sister, Mrs. Johana Arhar, who with a daughter visited here this past August from their home in Slovenia. We know it was a happy re-union! Happy times, too, for Mrs. Zajc were the Sunday after-noon rides she enjoyed with her husband and her son, Bern ard, even to the very last, a few days before her death. Mrs. Zajc was a member of this branch for the past 40 years, having joined cn April 4, 1932. We shall never forget her willingness to help at our very special Christmas parties when she made those most delicious, big poticas, which all of us enjoyed so much. Let us always remember her in our prayers. May she rest in peace and all our dear departed! We wish to announce at this time that at our February meeting, we selected Mrs. Elizabeth Kinder as Mother of the Year. Congratulations! GABRIELLE LUSTIG ing. The campaign is still in progress. It was reported that Mrs. Frances Sega from Cora St. is ill and for some time at the hospital. Mary Reid and Jennie Dernulc were also ill. We wish all the best of health by the time this report comes to your home. Our sincere congratulations to all the winners in our Mid West bowling tournment last March in La Salle. With best wishes, your reporter, JOSEPHINE FRJAVEC No. 23, ELY, MINN. DAWN CLUB The annual spring dinner meeting of the Ely Dawn Club will be held Wednesday, May 17, according to action taken at the March meeting of the group at which Margie Preshiren presided in the absence of Angela Kosir, president, who was on a western trip. Stephanie Vranesich was named to make arrangements for the dinner site. Mary Stakovich reported on the sick list which included Mary Berri-ni, Mary Jamnick, Margaret Shuster, Margie Gornik, Frances Helwig and Pauline Polyner, all hospitalized. A speedy recovery to them all. The short business session was followed by a games social. The lunch committee inclu d e d, Rose Novak, Rose Lobe, Frances Maki, FULBRIGHT SCHOLAR IN ZVEZA’S FAMILY Miss Beth Pachak, Southern Colorado State College senior, has been awarded a Fulbright Fellowship for the 1972-73 academic year. She is the first SCSC student to win one of the prestigious fellowships. During the next school year, Miss Pachak will do post-graduate work at the University of Stuttgart in Germa ny. The Fulbright Fellowship provides transportation to and from Germany, tuition and fees plus a monthly stipend. For Miss Pachak this will be her second year of study in Germany. She spent her junior year at the University of Regensburg under a grant from the Thatcher Foundation. Miss Pachak says she has been, “living in a state of shock” since she learned of her award. “I really didn’t think I'd have a chance”, she said. A 1968 graduate of Pueblo South High School, she received a four-year Foreign Language Tution Scholarship to attend SCSC. Miss Pachak is presently student teaching in Colorado Springs and will be graduated from SCSC this spring with a degree in German. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Pachak, 801 Westa-cres. She lists her hobbies as sewing and horseback riding. The academic year at the University of Stuttgart begins on Oct. 15, and Miss Pachak expects to leave for Germany sometime in September. The Fulbright Scholars will leave by ship from New York. The Fulbright Fellowships are awarded annually to ousttanding American college students who wish to study in a foreign country for one year or more. Candidates for the fellowships are initially nominated by their individual colleges. Following recommendation by the college, the Fulbright hopeful must also be approved by a state selection committee, Jennie Lawrich and Margaret Pecha. April meeting hostesses were Mary Evanish, Pat Tarvin, Mary Zgonc, Mary Starkovich and Frances Zakrai-shek. Mary Gotchnik was the recipient of the door prize. MARGARET SOMROCK, Reporter. No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. The weather was very nice here in Pittsburgh on the night of our firs'; meeting of this year. The attendance was very good. The main subject wo discussed was our luncheon and card party to be on May 9th at the Slovenian Hall on 57th St. at 12:30. Donations will be $1.50 and members Miss Bath Pachak The Institute for International Education in New York City and by the host country to which the student is applying. "We are very proud to have one of our language majors be the first student in SCSC’s history to win this mented Rolf-Dieter Mauuch, head of the college’s Department of Foregn Languages. "Miss Pachak’s achievements are certainly commendable”, he continued, “but they come as no surprise to those who recommended her. It is rewarding experience to watch your students compete sucess-fully for such international honors”, he added. (Reprint from Star-Journal, Pueblo, Colo.) Beth is the granddaughter of Mr & Mrs. John Pachak and a member of Br. 2, Pueblo all her life, as are all the members of her family. Grandma, Anna Pachak, State President of Co-lorado-Kansas-Missouri is rightf u I I y proud of her. We extend fondest hopes that Beth will attain even greater successes and fulfillment of all her dreams and hopes in life. EDITOR are asked to please bring a prize. Belated condolences to Frances Gould on the loss of her father, Martin Pecman, also to the Bubas family on the loss of their husband and father, George Bubas. Mr. Bubas was the brother of one of our charter members, Mrs. Frank Hudak also an uncle to two of our members, Mary Dekleva and Catherine Feffer and brother in law to Barbara Kumer. Our sympathy to all these relatives. Rose Larcovic lost her nephew, Joseph Hotujec. May these souls rest in peace. Congratulations to our Mother of the Year, Mary Slaney. Get well wishes to Agnes Widina who had an accident and at present is at St. Margaret’s hospital. Happy Mother's Day to all our members. ANN FRAN KOVIC Sec’y No. 27, BRADDOCK, PA. Dear Members, we appeal to you to please take care of your dues payments so that we can continue in good standing in the organization. Besides the yearly dues, we kindly request a dollar contribution for our treasury from each member for this year. This will help defray the cost of postage, supplies, etc. that are needed to carry on our business. Also, we donate for a memorial mass for each deceased member. Please let me know if a member is ill or hospitalized so we can re member her with a card. Best wishes to all and to our sick members speed-y recovery. Happy Mother Day! MARY STEFANCIS No. 28, CALUMET, MICH. Greetings from the Copper Country! After having a stormy and snowy winter, spring is a welcome sight. On Wed. May 10th we will have our annual dinner served at 6 o’clock. Our Mother of the Year as well as past Mothers of the Year will be honored. Mrs. Mary Bonenfant was selected as this year's honored mother. Mary has been a very active and diligent worker ever since she became a member in 1935. Members are asked to bring a wrapped gift for the social hour. In January we lost one of our charter members, Mrs. Theresa Sunich. We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family. Our get well wishes and prayers are offered for all sick and shut-in members. Bon voyage to those making trips to Europe and best wishes to everyone for a pleasant summer and good health. ANNE HEINEMANN President No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO Happy Mothers Day to all Mothers and Members! We hope you all had a wonderful Easter, too. We thank Rev. Claude Okorn for such beautiful words on the meaning of lent, written in Zarja. I hope you all read it. Now to the point. Those of you who attended our meeting in March know this, but for the good news or bad as some might say, we wish to announce that we no longer meet at St. Christine's hall on Tuesdays. The change is to the well-known Rechar Hall, Jugoslav Center on the third Wednesday of the month. Please get in touch with others who wouldn’t know. For May, we have a Mother's Day Party on May 10th at Shellay Place called as "Evropa” next to Pick and Pay on 185th St. More on this at o-ur April meeting. At this time, definitely you should have your reservation. You may bring a friend but they will pay the full price of admission and we honor of the Mother of the Year, Ceil Znidar. Let us all show up in full numbers in honor of our president who really worked for all this. We had 3 new members present in March and there will be more. The new members should come to the meeting and be initiated as members of Br. 32 - new members - new ideas! We wish good health to all our sick especially to Frances Gerjevic who fell at home and broke her arm. Let’s pray for her speedy recovery. Frances is our outstanding member. In closing, take note of this change of meeting place and day. Be kind to the secretary and check your dues —don’t be late. See you at the dinner May 10th. May God bless you al'. A. TEKAVEC Rec. Sec’y No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. Ater postponing our meeting (because of Basketball Tournament time in which our Tower-Soudan Team won the District Championship but lost in the Regionals —and many of our members were attending the Games) we had a delightful evening at the home of Mrs. Mayme Musich on Thursday March 23, with Mrs. Musich and her sister, Mrs. John Tekautz as hostesses for the evening. After routine business was taken care of a social hour was held with "500” and Scribbage being enjoyed by the ladies. Winners at the Games were Mmes. Joseph Jamnick, Joseph Stefanich, Herman Mesojedec, and John Bobence. Mrs. Jamnick also won the attendance prize, donated by Mrs. Ernest Mustonen. Hostesses for April will be Mrs. Mary Pahula and Mrs. John Pahula with Mrs. Herman Mesojedec providing the door prize. I hope you all had a HAPPY EASTER, with your families with you-Ho-lidays provide such excellent opportunities for family get-togethers. May all the SWU mothers —especially those who are being honored this year have a Happy dry— and also a happy year. May God bless all MOTHERS. MRS. ANTHONY F. YAPEL Reporter No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO Am reminding all our members about the mass at St. Wenceslaus church on Wednesday evening, May 31st at 7:15. It is to honor our Mother of the Year, Vicki Lechbacher. It is also for all our members, living and deceased of our branch. Congratulations to our new grandmother, Margaret Lipnos. She and her husband, Al, are grandparents for the first time, a grandson, Jason, born to their son, Tim, and wife who live in Portland, Oregon where he is in the Coast Guard. Aiso, congratulations to Mrs. Frances Legan whose granddaughter was married to Cleveland Mayor Ralph Perk’s son. All you May birthdays, “Happy Birthday”! See you at the meeting this month. MARY LOU PRHNE No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WIS. The March 3rd dinner meeting was held at Kuglitsch’s with an attendance of 36 members. New and familiar faces were very pleasant to admire. One 81 year face was very exceptional, Frances Jacobi, who celebrated her birthday with all the March celebrants. A buffet lunch was served and the meeting followed. Several new issues were discussed. We urge the young members to attend, we need your ideas and ideas for new activities. We welcomed into our branch six new members who were also initiated, Rose Lee Kraemer, Olga Bolka, Patricia Michalowski, Patricia Zefran, Marge Zefran and Margaret Lochner. It was suggested and we did send an Easter basket to one needy family and Easter lilies to each of the following members: Celia Marolt, Mary Beley, Angeline Pasler, Agnes Podriz-nik, Frances Chapman, Elizabeth Dol-ensek, Anna Preloznik, Anna Srnovr-snik, Anna Gorishek, Edna Hinich, Frances Jacobi, Celia Vachetzs and Anna Yeraj. Celia Vachetz is still at Trinity Memorial Hospital. To the a-bove and all shut in members, a speedy recovery. The May birthdays will be celebrated on May 4th in conjunction with Mother's Day and initiation of new members so be sure to attend birthday gals and all other members. Best wishes and birthday greetings to Edna Hinich, Sharon Stein, Susan Dy-bal, Sophie Bevsek, Sophie Rifelj, Patricia Michalowski, Christine Stein, Patricia Zefran, Angeline Pasler, Antonia Philips and Judy Metsa. Sincere sympathies to Mrs. Desni-kar whose husband passed away, to Mr. & Mrs. Frankowski whose brother passed away and to the Sery Family whose mother and grandmother passed away. May God grant them eternal rest. The membership drive is coming to its end. Did you obtain a new member? You promised at the last meeting! Did Wisconsin reach its magic goal? Our next meeting May 4th — be there and help celebrate. Young members attend meetings — we need you. ROSE KRAEMER No. 45, PORTLAND, ORE. Dec. meeting: Prayers are requested for the repose of the soul of our dear member, Mary Golik. Our branch donated a mass in her memory and a card was sent to her family. In the letter from the Home Office, we heard about the campaign for new members. All tickets from the dance were not in as yet. Election of officers was held and al! remain as in the past. Meetings will be held at the same place, by Mrs. Florence Lolich. Second Tuesday of the month is the date. Books were audited early in the new year. It was decided to keep sending get well cards to our sick members. On a motion, it was decided to start a kitty for funds to pay for plants for sick members, also postage and cards. One of our members, Mrs. Anna Papp is confined at Damesch Hospital. There are 3 members in nursing homes, Mrs. Werderber, Mrs. Matulac and Mrs. Papp who were remembered at Christmas. Mrs. Krmpatich who was in a nursing home is now at home and we wish her well also. Mrs. Frances Zaversnik was chosen as Mother of the Year. Mar. meeting: Nine members were in attendance and on a motion by secretary, Wilma Franciskovich and seconded by Florence Lolich, we will send a floral offering or have Mass said for a departed sister in the future. Flowers are not to exceed $7.50 or $3 for Mass. Also, members who are in the hospital over 4 days will receive flowers or plants that should not exceed $5. We planned to have our annual Palm Sunday Mass at St. Mary's Cathedral and breakfast following at the Sheraton Hotel. A gift was given to our hostess, Florence Lolich by our president, Mary Roso for the use of her home for our meetings. Thank you, Florence. Meeting closed with prayer. ANN CARLISLE No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO At our March meeting, which was very well attended, we commemorated the combined religious feast days of St. Joseph’s and St. Patrick's, giving all our Josephines recognition and green paper shamrocks pinned to all members. Happy Birthday was sung to Josephine Strumbel, Josephine Minello, Josephine Bencin, Betty Sernel, Rose Želodec and Olga Kotosec. We had the pleasure of welcoming guests and new members, also, mothers and their daughters who will be presented as debutants at the Cotillion Ball this month on May 13th, which promises to be a very memorable event. Their names are as follows: Mary Alice, mother of daughters Carolyn Marie Primuth and Catherine Marie who will be a debutante; Agnes Brodek, brought her daughter, Francesca who will be a debutant; Viola Kramer brought her twin daughters, Melanie and Mariene and both will be debutantes; Helen Cergol came with her daughter, Judith who will also be a deb; Vice-President, Jane Novak brought her daughter, Betty, another deb and daughter, Terry who was a deb at the last Cotillion. Jo Minello came with her daughter who is also going to be a debutante. Mrs. Culkar came as a guest from Br. 47 with her granddaughter, Mary Lou, a former deb and Rose Roesch brought Dorothy Zupančič as a guest. We are both pleased and honored with our young ladies who will be making their debut this year. They will have something to remember and reminisce all their lives and as well as giving our organization a boost of great magnitude. Vice-President, Jane Novak is Chairman and President Ann Hočevar is co-Chairman of the Ball this year. They have worked very hard to make it a success. Frances Sietz, our past president, was given a tribute with applause as the originator of the now traditional debutante ball or Cotillion Ball. Delicious pastry was served by hostesses Rose Roesch, Jean Pierman, Sophie Zagorc, Carolyn Budan, Mary Petrick and Vicki Pianecki. Prizes were also donated by our members and given out. Mary Pe-trick’s little crocheted colorful bunnies with the extra surprise in the plastic egg enclosed are especially delightful to win. Vicki Pianecki as Mother of the Year a very loyal and always very pleasant, kind and generous person, was ap- faelr To Sc Vh4 Miss Kathleen Kocisko Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kocisko of Euclid, Ohio announce the engagement of their daughter, Kathleen Frances Kocisko to Mr. Carlton Gene Purvis, son of Mr. & Mrs. R.T. Purvis of Hobgood, No. Carolina. Miss Kocisko is currently a Registered Nurse at Cleveland Clinic Hospital. She received her bachelor of science degree at St. John's College in Cleveland. Mr. Purvis received his bachelor of science degree at the No. Carolina State University and is currently in his sophomore year at the Ohio College of Podiatric Medicine. A June 2nd wedding is planned. Kathy is a member of Br. 50 Cleveland and was a Debutante at the last Cotillion Ball held in Cleveland in 1970. We wish her & her intended all the best life has to offer! plauded and cheered by everyone. She deserves the best of everything. Pres. Ann Hočevar announced a Card Party on Wed. May 31st to be given by the Dawn Choral Club at the Euclid Club House. Members of the singing group are represented by Branches 14-32 and 50. Dear members, please keep up your dues and send them to our Sec-Treas., Juliana Gorensek. Also, keep up the good attendance as we have many things to discuss and plan for the future, such as our picnic and card party. We promise to have very entertaining meetings as our members bring in their handwork and even teach those who are interested. We hope everyone of you has a nice Mother's Day with your families. Warmest wishes and the best of health to all. JEAN E. PAIK Reporter FROM THE EDITOR... May is Mothers’ Month As we do each year, the May issue of Zarja is dedicated to all our Mothers. We have 54 chosen mother honored in this issue, with life stories and photos. We wish them all the best on earth and God’s heavenly reward. MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN In just another full month we conclude the current membership drive in honor of the 45th anniversary of this organization. We earnestly hope that the branches which have not as yet made an effort to enroll their quota of one new member per officer will do it in the remaining weeks. ILLINOIS FRATERNAL CONGRESS In March, the National Secretary and I attended the Illinois Fraternal Congress held at the Arlington Towers in suburban Arlington Hgts., Illinois. As a new member of this distinguished body of Illinois fraternal asso ciations, the S.W.U. has opened to it many contacts and vistas that should be of great benefit in the future. We were most appreciative of the fine reception given us and the vast amount of information learned thru its proceedings. The Address of the president of the Polish National Alliance was so stimulating that we hope to reprint in the near future for you all to read. His words stressed the motto: "Service, to God, to the Country, to the Nation and to our Fellow Men”. ZARJA’S TYPE GETTING STYLISH Do you like our new type? ZARJA's printers have purchased new and modern type for our publication and easy reading. We think the Croatian Franciscan Press is doing a great job for us and will continue to do so in the future. We think our reporters, too, are bringing us more and better news than ever. Hats off to them! And, our mailing system has improved so that you are receiving ZARJA earlier than before, as we are aiming for the first of the month, before even the earliest meetings take place. Are we succeeding? Do let us know and advise of any change of address before moving, if possible. CORINNE LESKOVAR Mari« Prisland: Historian Dr. Henry Steele Commager in his recent address talked f about the several revolutions going on in America today. Seme of those I are; the ecology revolution, the consumer revolution, the civil rights controversy, the woman's liberation and many others, all headed by special interest groups. Zveza too has a special interest this year —MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN— therefore let’s have a revolution all of our own. Let’s not sit pretty any longer being satisfied with the number of members we have, but start a working revolution to enroll new members! True, some of us are getting older, but our hearts are young and and our eyes are very good with which we see how badly Zveza needs new members. Have you noticed in the secretary’s monthly report the large number of members passing on? Those must be replaced if we are to survive. Our young members should realize that what Zveza is today was acomplished mostly by the older members, but from now on the organization belongs to the younger set. It they wish to have a growing Zveza they must pitch in now and enroll new members. Let’s be active and vigorous! We should not ride on Zveza’s good name but show the world what that name stands for. We should not merely remember the good past with fond sentiments but use our knowledge and experience as building stones for the future! LET’S HAVE ACTIVE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS! LET’S HAVE CREATIVE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS! Congratulations to Branch 43 in Milwaukee for reaching their quota! No. 54, WARREN, OHIO Spring has arrived here in our town but it's still cold and wintery out. We had a very nice meeting this month. Our president entertained us at her home and we had a fairly good attendance. We had a business meeting, refreshments and then a few games. We made plans for our Mother-Daughter Luncheon and then our next meeting on Tuesday, June 20th at 7:30 p.m. at Vic Zuga’s home at 391 Scoville Dr. in Vienna, Ohio. Try to attend as that will be the last meeting until September. Get well wishes to Helen Gorsick who is a patient at St. Joseph's here. June 10th is my parent's 50th Wedding Anniversary. Frank and Rose Ra-cher will be guests at a big celebration on May 21st and a special Mass of Thanksgiving on May 20th. They are both still active in all the Slovenian groups and mom is president of our branch as well as the S.D.Z. Bratska Sloga 32. They are almost daily mass attendants and are, in plain words’ THE GREATEST! They love to work in the garden and everybody admires their lovely flowers. I’ll write more after the Big Reception. Happy Springtime and good health to all. JOANNE PONIKVAR Sec.-Treas. No. 55, GIRARD, OHIO Our regular monthly meeting was held March 9th, at the home of Til-lie Cigolle. The inclement weather, sleet and snow, did not keep the faithful members from attending. Ladies, this proves that the spirit is creeping back to our branch. Keep it up! Our president, Mary Macek opened the meeting with prayer. Letters were read and acknowledged from Mrs. Johanna Krumberger, sister of our deceased member Katherine Anzicek, thanking our branch and members for their prayers and condolences at the time of their bereavment. We also had a lovely note from Florence Lukz, a member now residing in sunny Florida. Florence, we gratefully acknowledge your gift for our treasury and the cheery greeting for all your local friends. We Thank You and wish you health and happiness. Prayers were said for Mary Ban who passed to eternity. May her soul rest in peace. To her family we offer our deepest sympathy. The hostesses for the evening were Rose and Nettie Juvančič. The green of St. Patrick, was the theme for the table decorations. A lovely lunch was served by these talented ladies. Oh, if only we could ignore our midriffs and just eat to our hearts content! Heaven! The April meeting was h-ld at the home of Mary Svesko, 516 Palmer Ave., Youngstown, Ohio. The mother-daughter dinner will be held on Thursday, May 11, in the pink room of the Slovenian Home. Ladies, remember these da“:cs: May 11, Mother-daughter dinner; and June 22, card party and social. To all the shut in members we wish you well, and God’s b'essing on each and everyone of you. Much love to you all. MARY BRADISH. No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. At this writing, Easter is almost upon us and I hope you all had a happy holiday. In our north country, we still have snow on the ground and a few flakes are still falling. Our March meetings was attended by about 20 members. The business meeting was short and following it, the members enjoyed playing cards. Prizes went to Katherine Marolt, Dorothy Oberstar, Angelina Pass i n o, Margaret Shelko, Amelia Domen and Anne Satovich. Hostesses were Rose Maras, Mary Bill, Lena Perpruner and Sylvia Latick. To all sick a speedy recovery. We will be honoring Frances Bernard at our May meeting, so we hope to have a nice turn-out. So, to all mothers, living and dead, may God be with you in prayer. ANNE B. SATOVICH, Pres. No. 57, NILES, OHIO The first robins of the season have arrived and with them, spring. That means vacations will start soon. Mr. & Mrs. Ignace Logar had a real nice winter vacation speeding several months in California with their son, Frank, who lives there and is a musician. Frances Yerman and I are planning our vacation trip to Jugoslavia for 3 weeks in July. Tell you more when we get back. Our sincere sympathy to Mr. & Mrs. Louis Racher of Cyahoga Falls, Ohio on the loss of her son, William. He was the grandson of Theresa Racher of Niles. May the eternal light shine on him. Frances Yerman, Mary Opalka and I had the pleasure of attending the beautiful wedding of Patti Peltz and Bowling Season Comes to an Exciting End This Month! No. 2, CHiCAGO, ILL. It hardly seems possible, but the Chicago S.W.U. bowling league has only five weeks of the season left. Marquette Super Service has led the league since October and as of March 21, had extended its lead to 11 games, with a record of 61 wins and 26 losses. Zefran Funeral Home annd Sun-sol Corp. were tied for second place with 50 wins and 37 losses. Syn-sol came up from fifth by compiling an 11-4 record during the month. Dr. Grill, ment, a first-year bowler, continues to fourth and K. and K. Market, with 47 wins and 40 losses, fell to fifth. There have been some changes in the handicap leaders: high team series —Zefran, 2766; high team game— Marquette, 984; high individual series —A. Vucko, 635; high individual game— D. Maes, 267. Individual bowling was outstanding during March, with some new names added to our “star” list. Marietta Clement, a first-year bowler, continue to surprise us with her rapid improvement. She bowled 139 pins over her 100 average, with games of 115, 140 and 184 for a 439 series. Shirley Melissa had a 562 series with games of 199, 225 and 138. This was 115 pins over her 149 average. Fran Zefran reached that “magic” 507 series, which was 105 pins over her 134 average. She also had a 202 George Finelli. It was a most immpres-sive church ceremony at St. Rose’s church in Girard. Officiating was Fr. Lisi. The brides maids’ and flower girl’s dresses were made by Mrs. Finelli, mother of the groom. Over 500 guests attended the reception at the Mahoning Country Club. Patti is the daughter of Mike and Peltz of Niles. So happy Becky Trotogot recovered from her fall as nicely as she did. Careful, Becky, in the future! Also, happy that Josephine Perusek recovered from the flu as well as she did. We’re also wishing a speedy recovery to Theresa Racher who fell and broke her nose, also to Eva Peltz and Mr. & Mrs. Louis Flere. A big hello to Frances Kosance. who is at the Sleigh Bell Rest Home. See you at the Mother's Day Banquet. Thanks to the girls on the March lunch committee for the lovely door Prizes. MARY MOLER Reporter game during the month. Bernie Haas’ 499 series was 103 pins over a 132 average. Stelle Gorka came up with the highest series of the month, 591, which included games of 210, 203 and 178. This was 93 pins over her 166 average. Stelle also had a 545 series (200 game) and a 506. Mitzi Krapenc was 92 pins over her 103 average, with a 401 series. Other high series during March: E. Kroschel, 530 and 531 (203 game); D. Maes, 521 (213 game); A. Vucko, 518. B. Schacht had a 210 game. The list of railroad pick-ups during March was also unusually long: L. Zefran (2), H. Drobec, B. Zurek, 5-7; A. Vucko (3), 3-10; J. Muelleman, A. Persa, B. Schacht, 5-10; B. Selig, 5-10 and 5-7; G. Dellegrazie, S. Gorka, 5-7-9; M. Clement, 6-7; E. Klecan, 7-9-10; H. Fitzgerald, 5-10, 2-4-9 and 5-8-10; E. Statkus, 3-10, 5-6, 4-5-7 and 4-9; A. Wagner, 5-6; S. Melissa, 3-10 and 6-8-10; A. Marrazzo, 5-10 and 4-7-9; F. Smulski, 5-7 and 8-10; A. Hozzian, 3-7 and 4-5-10; B. Kosi, 5-10 and 3-6-7-10; Barb Haas, 4-10 (2). See you next month! BARBARA ZUREK No. 20, JOLIET, ILL. Congratulations to the 1971-72 Joliet Champs! Shep's Sonoco Service Station won the league and the team No. 72, PULLMAN, III. Mrs. Angela Arko invited us to her new home in Homewood for our June meeting. We had a good meeting, and a good visit and a very enjoyable afternoon. Mrs. Arko has a lovely home and we wish her much happiness in it for many many years to come. And we thank her for her kind hospitality. Sorry to report that Mrs. Zadnik has been laid up in the hospital again. She fell and broke her hip again, as well as her arm. By the time you read this she will be convalescing at her home and I know she would be happy to hear from you, either by a visit or by a card. Our next meeting will be on June 11th at the home of Mrs. Jennie Glusac, 209 Blackstone St., Thornton, Illinois. Blackstone Street is the first street west of the bridge in town and very easy to find. I hope that a lot of you will plan on coming, as when our friends and members invite us to their homes for a meeting, they are inviting each and every one of you not consists of Capt., Jo Sumic, Lil Anderson, Ann Kobe, Bobbi Bush and Marge Gasperich. They were battling with Fred C. Dames Funeral Home until the last night, and Shep’s won 53 games and lost 37 - Fred C. Dames won 51 games and lost 39. Congratulations again to the Champs! Fred C. Dames team had high team 3 games scries of 2219. The teem standings follow: Northwest Recreation Club, 3rd place, 47 wins and 43 losses - Tezak Funeral Home was 4th with 441/2 wins and 45V2 tosses — Merichka's Restaurant was 5th and American Slovenian Home, 6th. Vicki Bernikas had high game for season — she rolled a beautiful 222 with a series of 527. Marge Wajchert had a high series of 558 with a high game of 209. The bowling banquet was held at the Sheraton Joliet Motor Inn on April 10th and a good time was had by all. A few get-well wishes before we close for the season. Get well wishes to Jo Sumic — we all hope she'll be well real soon. Also, like to send a wish to Frank Sternisha, husband of Ann, one of our faithful bowlers. Get well soon. Last of all, we would like to thank our subs, Mary Zadra and Evelyn Lus-tick, and all the wonderful sponsors. Thanks for everything and hope you will be with us again next season. GEN KLAINSEK just a few. If you want more information on how to get there, or need a ride, please call me at 474-1730. WILMA ZAGAR No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HEIGHTS, OHIO Our month of March meeting was devoted mostly to the planning of our annual card party taking place April 28th, Since this article will be printed after our card party we are all in high hopes to see some of our inactive members at this gala affair. Josephine Turk was our only birthday active member for the month of March, and she deserves a sincere thank-you for the delicious pastries she baked and those present certainly enjoyed same. With the Kitty we always collect the previous month, the birthday gal or gals as the case might be, purchases the door prizes. Besides a varied selection of purchased prizes, Josephine also made some of her famous home-made noodles, so that those whose name was drawn among the first, ignored the purchased prizes and literally “grabbed” the home-made noodles. Thanks ag a i n Josephine, for all the time and work. We have acquired another charitable and worthwhile project to date, and that is the making of special type diapers for the Hattie Larlham Home for the severely handicapped retarded children in Mantua, Ohio. We have been trying to locate a source whereby a person or group would be willing to either donate or purchase an entire bolt of terry cloth and flannel, and we would do all the cutting and machine sewing. If this dream doesn't materialize, we are at least hoping that someone will materialize out of the clear blue who has some connection to get the required materials for us at a good discount. Since children up to six years of age are only accepted in this home, and each and everyone is a diaper case, many many diapers are not only used but needed since the home is set up for approximately ninety patients. Three colors of terry cloth are used to indicate small, medium and large — not just for proper fit, but to aid the laundry in sorting. The diapers are cut a special way rather than the usual form that most of you readers and myself used on our children. Sincere thanks should go to Louise Epley for the time and patience in trying to get as many diapers out of a yard of material as she did, cutting out all of them, plus machine sewing a few also. Most of the credit for the machine sewing should deservedly go to Jane Kaplan for a beautifully neat job and the time and patience she devoted to this project. Sincere sympathy to Frances Kai-nec and family, due to the recent death of her beloved brother Max Okorn. May he rest in peace! The following members have either been hospitalized recently or ill in their homes and they are: Sophie Maurer, Theresa Vlasy, Elsie Kabet and Vera Kozak. We all wish you God’s speed for a fast recovery, and our thoughts and prayers are with all of you. MILDRED D. ROBERTS Reporting Secretary No. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. On March 12th fourteen members gathered at the home of Annette Johnson in Auburn. Mary Mihelich announce the yearly Social Party would be May 7th. Our branch will again help with the event. All agreed that it should be another fun-filled afternoon. Helen Chacata offered her home for the June 18th meeting. We hope you will all attend. A pot-luck lunch was served following the meeting and as usual, it was very delicious. A special treat was sausage made by the Kitna family. Annette surprised her mother, Mary Kitna with a lovely birthday cake, minus the candles! MARY MICELICM President No. 89, OGLESBY, ILL. The Midwest Bowling Tournament is over - held in LaSalle, III. A few members of our branch arrived at the alleys before 11 a.m. but a charter bus from West Allis was already unloading. Happy "hellos” were exchanged and the other bowlers also began arriving. They started at one o’clock sharp. We were glad to see the National Officers present namely Mrs. Toni Turek, National President, Mrs. Marie Floryan, Nat’l Vice-President, Mrs. Jennie Feme, Nat’l Auditor, Mrs. Liz Zefran, Nat’l Treasurer and our Editor, Corinne Leskovar. It was a most enjoyable day. Our bowlers were elated receiving the beautiful trophy won last year but Albina Cook from Ottawa surprised them all; in her six years of bowling she bowled for the first time a 500 series and a 200 game. Hurray for Albina! Another member what we are proud of is Mrs. Willim (Roše Ann) Prey who was declared by our local newspaper “Woman of the Week”. Rose Ann and her husband are the owners of the Prey Funeral Home in Oglesby for quite some years. She is the daugther of the late John Bukovec and Mrs. Frances Novak Asmussen of Mendota where Rose Ann finished high school and L.P.O. Junior College. She met and married William Prey who also had just graduated from the Worsham School of Mortuary Science in Chicago and settled in Oglesby. They have three children, namely, Frances Ann 22, graduate of Northern Illinois Uni-versary at De Kalb and now a teacher at the Lincoln School in Oglesby, William Jr., 20, a junior in the College of Engineering at the Univ. of Illinois and Nancy, 17, a senior in LaSalle— Peru High School. Rose Ann is a very busy woman, besides her home care she helps her husband in the office. She is a member of the Lady Elks and Deer Park Golf Club, Church and Civic organizations, but attends meetings whenever possible and is willing to give a helping hand when needed. Her daughters are also our members. On the sick list are sister Mary Dit-tle and Sophie Frank, our treasurer. We hope they have recovered by now. Members take note: Our Mother’s Day party will be May 8th at Bek’s Supper Club in Peru. Mrs. Bekelesky and her mother are our members and attend meetings if at all possible, rain or shine. Bek’s Supper Club is noted for fine food and is patronized by very many people. Members, get your reservations in on time. Happy Mother's Day to all members that cannot join us on account of sickness; we wish the best for you. Fraternally yours. JOSEPHINE LIVEK Reporter No. 91, OAKMONT, PA. Our December meeting, 1 understand, wasn’t any too well-attended and now in March we had another meeting which unfortunately I also could not attend. Here I am in San Diego with my daughter and family and will be here for a while, planning to visit some friends out here. My last visit was 8 years ago and my, what a big change! Highways and more of them! Homes coming up like mushrooms all over! You name it and they sure have it here! But the weather has changed somewhat - back home we call it cloudy or smog. Here it is foggy or misty. About noon each day, out comes the old man sun. I think it is all over like this, not only there and here, just like the people. But some day, who knows? Well, so much for this. Now, our next meeting will be on the second Tuesday in May. I might be home by then. There are still so many places to visit. I am going to see my friend, Mrs. Jennie Yoronda in Fontana, Calif., she is our member and there are more out there. Oh yes, Janet Kirn and Mrs. J. Boštjančič, our dear ailing members, I pray you are feeling a lot better. Our sister, Jo Dallas has lost her husband, Frank. May he rest in peace. I hope that spring will be out soon and I wish each and everyone of you a nice summer and good health and may God bless you all sick and well ones. Also, to all Branch members and their families and friends. If not before, I hope to see you at the meeting in September, so until then, my best wishes to one and all. Take care. I am only, K.A. I 1 45th ANNIVERSARY ! CAMPAIGN until June 30, 1972! Hermine Prisland Dicke: 3717 Council Crest Madison, Wis. 53711 and. A friend of mine frequently serves COMPANY CASSEROLE for family and friends who love its delectable flavor. COMPANY CASSEROLE Eight ounces noodles One pound hamburger Two (8-ounce) cans tomato sauce One cup cottage cheese Eight ounces cream cheese, softened One-fourth cup thick sour cream One-third cup finely chopped green onions One tablespoon finely chopped green pepper Two tablespoons butter, melted Grease a two-quart casserole. Preheat oven at moderate (350 degrees). Boil noodles in salted water for 10 minutes. Drain. Meantime, brown hamburger in a heavy skillet. Stir in tomato sauce. Remove from heat. Combine cottage cheese, softened cream cheese, sour cream, onions, and green pepper. In the buttered casserole, spread half the noodles. Cover with the cheese mixture, then cover this with remaining noodles. Pour the melted butter over the noodles. Pat the hambur-ger-tomato mixture on top. Bake from 20 to 30 minutes. Extend the cooking time if casserole has been made ahead of time and chilled. Yield: Six generous servings. (If this casserole must be held in oven before serving, reduce oven temperature to 250 degrees. Freezing is not recommended although it may easily be refrigerated for a day or two). You may want to add a teaspoon of salt since the recipe calls for salt only when added to the noodles). # # # This attractive BING CHERRY SALAD sent by Mrs. Mary Shikonya of Ely, Minnesota will greatly enhance any meal. BING CHERRY SALAD 1 Cup hot water 2/3 cup Mogen David Wine 1 can black pitted cherries (No. 303). 2 Packages cherry jello 1 cup cherry juice 1 -3 Oz. package Philadelp h i a Cream Cheese 18 large marshmallows pint whipping cream. Dissolve jello in hot water, add wine and cherry juice. Pour in mold or pan and add pitted cherries. Chill until set. Put marshmall o w s and cream cheese in bowl. Add x/i pint whipping cream and cover with Sa-ran Wrap. Chill over night. The next day, whip and spread over mold or jello in pan. Sprinkle nuts over if you wish. You can use mandarin orange segments, pears or bananas in this salad. With the increased interest in health foods where wheat germ, unbleached flour, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables and food without additives are stressed, some of you may want to try this excellent OATMEAL BREAD. OATMEAL BREAD 2 packages active dry yeast Y2 cup warm water (not hot - 110 to 115 degrees) Dissolve the yeast in the warm water. 1!4 cups boiling water 1 cup quick-cooking rolled oats (uncooked). 3 tablespoons wheat germ. V2 cup light molasses (or honey or sorghum). One-third cup shortening 1 tablespoon salt 2 beaten eggs( save 1 tablespoon egg white before beating) 3 to 4Vž cups unbleached flour (re- gular flour can be used). Combine l]/4 cups boiling water, 1 cup rolled oats, the wheat germ, molasses (or substitute), shortening, and salt. Cool to lukewarm. Add the yeast and 2 beaten eggs, minus the 1 tablespoon egg white. Beat well. Beat in 3 cups flour and add enough extra flour to make a sofi: dough. Turn on lightly floured surface, cover and let rest 10 minutes. Knead until smooth, about eight minutes, adding flour as needed. Place in lightly greased bowl. Cover and let rise until double in size, about V/2 hours. Punch down. Coat 2 well-greased loaf pans with 2 tablespoons rolled oats each. Divide dough, form into loaves. Let rise again until almost double in about 45-60 minutes. Brush with mixture of egg white and 1 tablespoon water. Sprinkle lightly with rolled oats. Bake 40 minutes or until done (to test loaf, tap the top crust; it should sound hollow) at 375 degrees. Cover with foil after baking 15 minutes if tops are getting too brown. Cool on a rack. STRAWBERRIES continue to be the taste exciting, eye-tempting universal fruit whether it be a drive-in or the fanciest of restaurants. New ever-bearing strains, new growing techniques, and fast shipping procedures makes it nearly a year-around favorite. But still May means strawberries in all its luscious varieties of preparation. STRAWBERRY CHARLOTTE 2 envelopes unflavored gelatin V2 cup sugar Y2 cup water 14 teaspoon salt 3 eggs, separated 1 quart strawberries, washed and hulled 2 teaspoons grated lemond rind 2 tablespoons lemon juice 1 cup heavy cream, whipped 12 ladyfingers, split Confectioner’s sugar In top of double boiler mix gelatin, sugar, water, salt and egg yolks. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened. Remove from heat. Slice 3 cups strawberries; add to first mixture with lemon rind and lemon juice. Chill until mixture mounds when dropped from spoon. Fold in stiffly beaten egg whites and whipped cream. Pour into 2 quart glass loaf pan which has been lined with split ladyfingers. Chill until firm. Unmold and decorate with remaining strawberries. Sprinkle with confectioner’s sugar. # sfc * Here are simple rules for preserving vitamins when cooking: Use the smallest amount of water possible. Cook in covered pans for as short a time as possible. Avoid stirring. Never add baking soda. Start vegetables in hot water. Serve the cooking liquids in soups. Handle fruits and vegetables as little as possible. Cook in their natural state (i.e., potatoes in jackets) as far as practicable. HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY, Fondly, HERMINE E,L, Da(L “Well,” said the friendly neighbor, “I hear you’ve got a little baby brother at your house. What do you think of him?” “I don’t like him,” said Sally frankly. “He’s got a funny red face and he cries all the time”. “Why don't you send him back where he came from?”. “Oh, I’m afraid we couldn’t do that. We've used him two days already.” No. 92, CRESTED BUTTE, COLO. Not much doing at the meeting as it seems a few of our members were out of town. Our regular meeting was held at the home of Rose Carricato which was opened with a prayer by the president, Rose took pictures for our scrap book. The mystery box this month was given to Ann Malenšek and donated by June Perusek. Lovely refreshments were served by Rose and Sherry Carricato. The evening was spent planing Canasta with high score to Ann and Margaret Malenšek and low to June Peruseck and Josephine Krizmanich. We all wore something green in honor of St. Patrick's Day. We need new members and hope all can bring in at least one new member in this campaign. The meeting was closed with a prayer. JOSEPHINE KRIZMANICH Reporter No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Despite the forbidding weather on that March evening guests and 37 members kept drifting in at our new meeting place, Sacred Heart School Hall at 96th. St. Exchange Ave. for a pleasant evening inside altho bitter chilling weather outside. Our new meeting place will be a little more convenient so that our members will have little difficulty in attending. You can also bring non-members to our meetings. The main topic of discussion that evening was focused on launching our own campaign to increase our membership. Our members can invite a friend to our meetings perhaps they may become prospective members in the hope of interesting them in our branch. In the meatime, our branch will donate $60 to Sacred Heart Parish for a Easter donation. On our program we had Mrs. Carol Witherell from the department of Consumer Sales, Weights, and Measures, as the guest speaker. Mrs. Withered greatly impressed the members with her most interesting outline of her concept of ideal testing and sealing, weighing and measuring devices between businesses and consumers. We are most grateful to our guest for taking time to visit and instruct us. Once again, our enthusiastic member, Ann Granich, donated a cake and Ann Sertich, Helen Golich, and Mildred Poropat donated cash toward the refreshments and served by Evelyn Discoll, Helen Hoff, Ann Sertich and Ann Hlacer. Cash donated by; ($2) Matilda Martin, Katherine Rosandich, Ann Pearson, Marge Pavletič, Helen Golich and ($1) Fran Seabloom. Also $28 was realized on the sale of our cook books. It seems fitting that I have to make a plea, those of you who have not once donated some sort of refreshment, please try to attend one of our meetings and bring along something in the line of refreshments and act as hostessess, we need you so des- perately now since we are holding our meetings at the school hall. I would like to thank Ann Lustig, our State President, for the coffee cups she so generously donated to our branch, Many thanks, Ann! Birthday greetings to the following in May: Eva Cora, Lucille Svalina, Mary Barsevac, Julia Drzal, Marge Ro-zich, Matilda Turica, Mayme Holmes and Ann Cackovich. Get well wishes are extended to Katherine Rajcic who recently spent some time in the hospital. Our condolences to Marie Gran-kowski on the loss of her beloved son. On a more cheery note our heartiest congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Grankowski on their 50th. Wedding Anniversary; this is a happy and memorable occasion for both of you. We wish you a happy life together. Try to attend our June 7th. meeting when Prizes will be awarded from our project. So please try to dispose of least one book. Evelyn Driscoll once again hrs accepted the burden of preparing the books. One cannot .emphasize enough the work involved in this once-a-year money-making project, so please be generous when you make your offering. Just received word from the Jewel Food Stores that the meat demonstration is canceled, due to a shift of demostrators. The meat demonstration will be held on June 7th. Admission will be $1 at 7:30 P.M. In conclusion, have a pleasant and blessed mother’s day! MILDRED JAMES No. 103, WASHINGTON, D. C. Our March meeting was well atend-ed and most enjoyable. Mrs. Matilda Terselic, our program chairman, is to be congratulated on choosing Mrs. Harriet Gilbert, of the Audubon Society of the Greater Washington area as our guest for the afternoon. Her discussion of the subject of wild flowers and birds was apropos in keeping with the emphasis placed on conserving the beauty of nature. As she showed slides of these lovely flowers we were reminded that many of these are fast disappearing from our own yards. Mr. Bogomir Chokel spoke to us on the desirability of having an annual Slovenian cultural program to be sponsored jointly by our Branch and the Bishop Baraga Society (K.S.K.J.) of Washington, D. C. The following committee members were chosen to meet this group: Freda Michelitch, Molly Thomas, Mary Lou Terselic and Mary Mejac. Again our thank you to our gracious ladies, Helena Špacapan and Dora Voyatzis for preparing the delicious and beautiful dessert table. Don’t forget our Mother’s Day meeting and program. Families and friends are invited. This would be a fine time to bring a prospective or new member. FREDA H. MICHELITCH President No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Happy Mothers Day to all our members! Our March 12th meeting was opened with prayer by our lovely president, Pauline Adamic. We met at the home of Catherine Musich. What a warm and charming hostess! There were 15 women in attendance and it was nice to see Fulvia Rosa who was unable to attend many past meetings on account of illness. Happy to see Frances Rovsel and Millie Bertrand. Our kitty was fattened a little by Anna Korun, Audrey Krulic, Betty Ka-res and yours truly. The hostess prize was won by Anna Karun which was a cute bud vase. A second prize, donated by Alice Sheets was won by Betty Karus which was a lovely set of towels. We discussed our Mothers Day dinner and decided on May 12th, a Friday evening at 7 p.m. and the place will be Dummy George’s (no relation to any of us!) on West McNichols Rd. Alice Sheets will bring a menu to our next meeting so we can decidc cn what we will have before we make our reservations. Ladies, please attend, as this is an important issue. We enjoyed our delicious luncheon which was loaded with calories. Our April meeting was be held at the home of Catherine Mihelič. More on this meeting later. Alice Becker is still convalescing. We miss her and are sending her our prayers for a lasting recovery. A belated Happy Birthday to Catherine Mihelič and Catherine Musich on March 26th, and in April to Alice Sheets, Fulvia Rosa and Anna Palzar. Many happy returns of the day. May God bless you and keep you all in his loving care. ANN SENKO t/h fX> To them, this issue is dedicated — and with our love and respect, the thanks of each and everyone for the perfect gift, MOTHER LOVE, which we all have received from our mothers. God bless them, on earth and in heaven! ANNA MODIZ No. 1, SHEBOYGAN, WIS. This year our branch bestowed a dual honor on its charter member Mrs. Anna Modiz. She has baen chosen “Officer of the Year” and “Mother of the Year”. Her daughter-in-law, granddaughter, a sister and several relatives are members of our branch. Anna was born in Mokronog, Slovenia. When 9 months old her mother, Josephine, brought her to the United States, and directly to Sheboygan. Her father, John Versey, arrived in Sheboygan in 1896 and immediately applied for American citizenship. After a few years he returned to Slovenia, but America was beckoning so he returned to Sheboygan after Anna was born. In 1901 he became an American citizen, one of the first among the Slovenian immigrants. He operated a tavern on North 8th St. in Sheboygan for several years. Mrs. Modiz attended Holy Name School until she was 13 years of age when she went to work. The Chrocker Chair Company employed her for the "princely" wage of 48 cents a day. She was married to Frank Modiz on June 2, 1925. One son, Raymond, was born to them who is a salesman for Burnette’s Hardware and Carpet Store. His wife, Bonnie May, is the private secretary to the manager of the Equitable Life Assurance Society. Their son, Raymond Jr., is a teacher of Languages and English literature at Brookfield Academy, Brookfield, Wis., and their recently mar-rier daughter, Kimberly Bogenburger, is a senior at the Mount Mary College in Milwaukee. Anna is an excellent recording secretary of our branch for 40 years. During that time she has enrolled 58 new members and was a Convention Campaign Princess in 1939. Ever since our Mid-West Bowling League was organized, she hes been interested in bowling. She served 15 years as a director for the League and has conducted five of Zveza’s bowling tournaments held in Sheboygan. Mrs. Modiz will be in charge of the tournament next year which our branch will host. Whenever our branch has an outing, Anna is the traveling agent who takes care of all arrangements. She is a member of our branch’s Folk Singers and was a member of our first Singing Society organized some 30 years ago. Anna in one of those people who need not be asked to help or donate since she offers her services and contribution before any requests are made. She is very popular. We are most happy to have her with l!3. To Anna and her family we extend our sincere wishes for good health, happiness and God's blessings. MARIE PRISLAND PAULA OZBOLT No. 2, CHICAGO, ILL. Mother of the Year, Paula Ozbolt was chosen by her sister members of Br. 2 in Chicago who know her for many years and love and admire her! She is one of the pioneer members, having enrolled in the S.W.U. in 1934 and was very active during the years when the branch sponsored continuous social and cultural events. She was a delegate to the 1942 Convention in Pittsburgh and was elected to Supreme Office as an Auditor. During her years, she signed up 130 new members! It was very enjoyable to be member of the Br. 2 Choral Club those years, which she helped to organize, and to which she belonged until its end in the late 1950's. She loves to sing and among her favorite songs are hymns to the Blessed Virgin. We always hear her voice ringing out clearly in church when Paula visits St. Stephen's. But her visits are infrequent lately as she has been living in a nursing home since 1962. Nevertheless she still keeps herself interested in all our branch’s events and tries to at- PAULA OZBOLT tend the special ones. For our Mother’s celebration Paula will be a most honored guest and we are happy knowing how much she is looking forward to being with her friends again. Paula was born Jan. 15th, 1888 in a little village called Globel near Ribnica in Slovenia and her maiden name was Lustig. She came to Amcrica in 1907 and lived in Bradley, III. She married her late husband, John in 1909 and they came to live in Chicago the same year. Their only son is John Ozbolt who served in the second World War as an officer in the Army. She has two grandchildren. We know our beloved Paula is happiest when she is thinking about her friends, and there are many, who shared the “good old days" with her. We wish her all God’s choicest blessings and happiness. F. Z. MARY DE NIRO No. 3, PUEBLO, COLO A native of Pueblo, Mary DeNiro has lived there all her lifetime since June 25th, 1904. She is the widow of the late Louis, G. and the mother of four children and grandmother of five. Her daughter, Elizabeth, passed away many years ago and remaining are Rose Montera, Louis W. and Dr. Richard De Niro, a dentist located in Orange, Calif. Three of her grandchildren are members of No. 3. She herself is a member for many years and attends meetings regularly. Cooking and crocheting are Mate’s favorite occupations. She bakes many cakes during the year and is generous MARY Dl NERO with them for our branch functions. She and her late husband celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Nov. 23, 1969, just a year before his passing. Her home is at 308 E. Mesa Ave. The members are proud of Mary who is loyal to her S.W.U. and thankful to her for the many times she participates. With respect and admiration, they extend sincere congratulations and wishes for many more years of happiness and good health. FRANCES SIMONICH Cecilia Starich’s family, namely, great grandmother, Mrs. Cecilia No v a k, Mother of the Year, Mary, and daughters, Carol Jean who will graduate in June from the University at Madison as an Occupational Therapist and Ja nis who is married four years and is an X-Ray Technician. Grandson, Eric is 17 months old and all are members of Br. 12. When time permits, Mary is a traveler, and has many friends as she is a member of several lodges such as the Eagles Women’s Aux., Christian Mothers, SNPJ and JPZ. She loves to bowl and doe needlework, too. There are many evenings spent playing cards with their friends. Mr. & Mrs. Starich reside at 3428 N. 57th St. and her birthday is Nov. 2nd, born right in Milwaukee. Happiness and good health are wished for Mother of the Year, Mary, from her sisters at Br. 12. Mother Mary Starich holding grandson, Eric Schmitt; standing: Carol Jean, great grandma, Cecilia Starich and Janis Schmitt. MARY CECILIA STARICH No. 12, MILWAUKEE,, WISC. This month on the 15th, Mary Starich and her husband, Anton, will celebrate their 35th Wedding Anniversary and it’s bound to be a big affair with their family helping them observe. Family consists of two daughters, Carol Jean Starich and Mrs. Janis Schmit, her husband and son, Eric. On the accompanying photo are the four generations in Mother, Marv ROSE BIANCO No. 13, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. A very nice person and good worker is Rose Bianco of San Francisco! She has lived over 40 years on Po-trero Hill and is very active not only with the branch, but also the neighborhood church. Her interests include doing things for her family, taking pride in maintaining a nice home and entertaining friends. Because of her active employment, Rose shares her household work with her mother who has lived with the family for several years. Rose is married to Michael Bianco 42 years. Their two daughters are Christine McBrady, principal of one the elementary schools in San Francisco and Carol who is a junior at Lone Mountain College studying to be a teacher, also. She is an officer of the Slovenian Club and treasurer of Br. 13 for over 6 years. In her busy life, she also finds time to do a little traveling. Her sister-members all wish her well and extend their heartest compliments and congratulations! MARY STRAZISAR No. 14, EUCLID, OHIO This year, Branch 14 is very proud to have Mary Stražišar of 19201 Ke-wanee Ave. as their Mother of the Year. Many friends of the branch have come to know Mary too, because she is a steady worker at all the affairs and her warm friendly manner makes everyone feel at home. Mary really is a true mother. Born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio she married Anton Stražišar in June of 1923. After her husband's untimely death in 1941, she raised two fine children by herself. Her daughter, Mary Yan-char, lives with her family at the same address; and her son, Tony, who is an engineer, readily explain that their Mom is a great and wonderful person. Her dedication extends to her five grandchildren. Mary's one grandchild, Ronald Yan-char was killed in Vietnam in November of 1968. Those who know Mary well know her life has been far from easy, yet she has managed to give of her time to many others. She likes to crochet and you can see by the neat appearance of her home that she puts a lot of effort in homemaking. Gardening is another hobby and there are quite a few who have nothing but praise for her baking. Until her retirement two years ago, Mary worked at the TRW Plant in Euclid. It hardly seems possible that such a busy mother would have time to give to the Slovenian Women’s Union, but Mary does. Her mother, Mrs. Mary Gole, was also a member of the Zveza and her sister, Mrs. Frances Kovac is another active member of Branch 14. Congratulations to all the family for having such a special “Mom”! The ladies in Branch 14 are very grateful and glad to have her in their group. The membership would also like to wish Mary a Happy Birthday. In a few weeks on June 15th, Mary will celebrate her special day! So to Mary — many special wishes to a very special person! REPORTER MARY BREBRICK j No. 16, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. Mary Brebrick, is a member of an outstanding family whose loyalty to the S.W.U. is most admirable. Her daughter, Mary Theresa Ehnat is a member also and was very active wnen me Drancti had its own learn 01 Caaets. Iviary also enrolled an ut h^r seven grandchildren. Her own motner, Mary Matasick, now deceased, Was Mother of the Year in Mary and her granddaughter lanhe, accompanied a large group to wuhness the Slovenian uiapei Dedication in Washington D. C. In addition to the above participation, Iviary has aiways. supponeu an events sponsored oy trie biancn and has contributed geneiouoiy towaru these functions as wen as donating work which has substantially aided our Sunshine Fund. Mary is the owner of Mary’s Beauty Shop which she operates from her home. She lost her only son, Edward, in 196/, a victim of a hunting accident. besides looking forward to the times with her grandchildren, she is interested in obtaining Slovenian records for her large collection. She also takes pride in her cooking. Pictured with Mary is her granddaughter Tanhe and husband, haul Panczuk on their wedding day Oct. 2, 1971. Mary’s home is at 10529 Ave. J- and her birthday is March 23rd. We wish for Mary the enjoyment of good health and good fortune always. GLADYS BUCK MARION MAROLT No. 17, WEST ALLIS, WISC. Zveza is proud of its many Mother-Daughter officer combinations and °ne of these hard-working duos is Mother of the Year, Marion Marolt and her mother, Nat’l Vice-President, Marie Floryan. Marion is a member since childhood and as a young miss, was Captain of the Br. 17 Victory Ca det Drill Team. She has been an officer of the branch since 1947, first as an auditor, until 1961 when she became Vice-President and a year later, president. For the last ten years, she has also been a Director of the Midwest Bowling Association. And, her favorite participation in SWU events is as Santa's Helper each year at the Christmas party! Marion was born November 16, 1924 in Sheboygan, Wise. She was married to Anthony Marolt on June 14, 1947 and their have two children, son, Ray Anthony and daughter Roberta Ann, who attends all the meet- MmHIUN MrtRULi mgs with her mom. Robin is a iavu-me or ail me lauies. Favorite noouies mCiuue uaveiiiig, reading and bowling. This year, she and her husband will ceieo.ate then /oih Wedding Anmversaiy. She is aiso active in affairs of St. Mary's Help of Christans Church and has sung with the choir for many years. In fact, music is her other special interest. The members apprecite her efforts and contributions and her work that benefits all the members either directly or indirectly. In all her undertakings, she is very, very, efficient and thoughtful. May God’s blessings and rewards be hers in abundance! MILDRED PUCEL No. 20, JOLIET, ILL We often read of Millie Pucel’s active participation in Br. 20 events, and this is not only in recent years, but for many in the past. Millie is the second in this series Mother-Daughter Officer combinations, as she and her sister Olga Ancel have followed in the footsteps of their mother, Josephine Erjavec, past Nat’l Secretary and charter officer of Br. 20. Millie has many credits on her side. She is the mother of four sons, and MILDRED PUCEL proudly says, “there are five men in my life!” With her husband, Rudolph, a member of the Supreme Board of KSKJ and President of St. Joseph’s Society, No. 2, KSKJ, they h^ve four fine boys, the oldest, Chr.s, 21, a senior at Lewis College, Phii.p, 20, a Junior at the University of lirenoble, France, Rudy, 16, a Junior at Joliet Catholic High and Victor, 14, a Freshman there. Millie was actively associated ror many years with the Slovenian Women s Union Championship Cadets and now is Social Director for the branch. This means she must attend each meeting and help with the social portion of the evening. She is also past president of the American Legion Auxiliary and presently holds the office as Chaplain of the Unit, 1080. She is on the faculty of St. Joseph’s parochial school and that certainly keeps her in contact with the younger generation! The Pucel home is at 1117 Frederick St. in Joliet and on August 23rd, she celebrates her birthday. Sept. 3rd, 1949 is their wedding anniversary date. Her parents, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Erjavec, sisters, brother and her own family, are all well-known Zveza supporters and members. We offer our heartiest congratulat ions and affection especially from the members of Br. 20 who are recipients of Millie's graciousness at each meeting. STELLA DANCULL No. 21, CLEVELAND, OHIO The members of Br. No. 21 are happy and proud to honor Stella Dan-cull as our Mother of the Year. She joined our organization April 1951 Mother Stella with sons, Richard (right) and the late, Kenneth. and for the past twenty years has been our loyal and dedicated secretary. She has also acted as our treasurer for the past two years and had been our English language reporter for eighteen years. She has attended the SWU State conventions and also been our delegate to the National SWU conventions many times. She gives unstintingly of her time to keeping our branch running smoothly and constantly working toward increasing our membership. Stella was born in Cleveland on April, 7, 1907. She and her husband Mickey will be celebrating their 43rd wedding anniversary on May 11th. The are the parents of Richard and the late Kenneth who passed away on Dec. 24, 1971. The pride and great joy of her life are the four grandchildren, Denise, Deborah, Kathy and Michael. The three granddaughters are members of our branch. Stella, along with her husband, participates in the activities of many fraternal and civic organizations. One of these is the Ladies of the 37th Division Veterans Association of which she is President for the second year. Previously she served as Vice-Presi-dent for two years and as Chaplain for five years. Her favorite pastimes are sewing and gardening. Our heartiest congratulations to a most deserving Mother of the Year. We wish her happiness and good health for many years to come. THERESA LACH President MARY SLANEY No. 26, PITTSBURGH, PA. A grandmother of 12 certainly has a right to say her favorite pasttime is her grandchildren! We can imagine Mary Slaney and her granddaughter. the countless hours, days and times ;he has spent with them, happy and content. There are seven boys and five girls in all and they help to make their annual family reunion a grand and large affair. Mary Slaney is the mother of four daughters, Mrs. Virginia Ford, Mrs. Mary Ann Grgurich, Sister Barbara, S. S.N.D. and Barbara Slaney. Their home is at 1513 Hawthorne St. in Pittsburgh and January 24th is her birthday. She was born in 1912 right in Pittsburgh. When time permits, Mary enjoys handwork and is quite a knitter. She also loves to travel. With Br. 26, Mary is the recording secretary, newly-elected this year. We wish her many more happy years and heartiest felicitations! MARY BONENFANT No. 28, CALUMET, MICH. Up in the Copper Country, Mary Bonenfant lives at 4259 11th St. Calumet. It’s a beautiful area and the natives can be justly proud of its history and resources. It's Baraga country, where the great Slovenian missionary lived and worked for many years and the copper mining capital of the world. Mary and her family of six children and 14 grandchildren enjoy their surroundings. Mary has a beautiful flower garden and raises vegetables, too. On long winter evenings, she enjoys sewing the most. She was secretary of Br. 28 for 10 years and has worked at many banquets and dinner parties. She is still doing this and says she enjoys the social get togethers. On this occasion, we wish her and her family the best in life. CECILIA (CEIL) ZNIDAR No. 32, EUCLID, OHIO N'o greater compliment could be given an ofiicer than to have her sister mtiiiiueis say oi hei: "ones a u,£ neip io ail of us!". ^eil z.inuar is vice-rresiuem. uie bianch anu as sucn, is me rigm. iim,u ui tne piebiueric anu neips to cany out all tiieir piaris ana prugrams. brit iias been serving in tins capacity rui two yeais, now. 6he lives at iU420 Ball Ave. in Euclid and with husband, 1-rank, they have thiee children, Ceciiia, Frank, Jr. and Timothy. Six grandchildren complete the family. The highlight of her life was visiting her homeland in Slovenia recently to see her sister whom she hadn’t seen in 4b years. She was born at Podgorica pri Ljubljani on Nov. 4th, 1913 and came to America as a child. On April 26, 1952, she married Frank Znidar. At home, she loves to do crocheting and reading and when out, she loves to dance. This little inside picture of Ceil Znidar shows her to be a warm, loving person. God bless her for many years to come. FRANCES POGORELEC No. 33, DULUTH, MINN. It is again the time of the year when we pick a mother of the year. Branch 33 has chosen a woman who indeed deserves to be called “Mother” of the year. She is Mrs. Frances Pogorelec of 11804-123 rd. Ave. West. As a young girl she came to the United States in April 1907 and was married in May 1907 to Anton Pogorelec. In the years to follow they reared 14 children, 13 of whom are living today. They are: Five daughters; Frances (Mrs. J. Danko) Mary (Mrs. Clyde Winkler) Agnes (Mrs. Rosso) Dorothy Mothet Frances Pogorelec with her large family. (Mrs. Laurence Rosenquist) Margaret (Mrs. James Nidelkoff) Eight sons; Tony, Frank, Bill, Jack, Fred, Joe, David, James. She transferred to our branch from Chisholm in 1948. At the age of 84 she still attends Mass and receives the Eucharist every First Friday. In her yard are beautiful flowers every year which are from seeds kept from year to year. She also does some hand rug making and crocheting. Living at home with her is a son, Dave who has Musculer Dystrophy and does T. V. repair work. So, consequently, he has an assistant in his mother as well. Frances also looks forward to family gatherings and reunions. So we say: congratulations to this fine woman and our “Mother of the Year”. Mrs. Frances Pogorelec. ANGELA TEKAUTZ No. 34, SOUDAN, MINN. Angela has been very active in all projects or activities of Br. 34 throughout the almost 20 years of her membership. Her husband, Nick Tekautz, was employed at the Soudan Mine until 1962 when the Mine closed - (now it is a State Park) and then he transferred to the Ely Mine operated by the Oliver Iron Mining Co. When it closed he was employed at the Reserve Mining Co. in nearby Babbitt un- til his retirement in the fall of 1971. Their oldest son, Nick, Jr. is employed at the Zupancich Bros. Fairway Store in Tower as head of the Meat Dept, and is married to the former Faye Lampa. Their second son, Edward is a school teacher at Hoyt Lakes and daughter, Ann Marie is a senior at Tower-Soudan High School. Now that her husband is retired, Angela and Nick will be spending their summers at their cottage on Eagies Nest where many of their family "get togethers” are held. Angeia is a member not only of Br. 34, SVVU, but also of the Altar Society of St. Martin's church and one of the church circles, also the Council of Catholic Women and KSKJ Card Club. She bowls with the ladies’ group in a local league, too. With all of these interests, plus keeping their lovely homes in Soudan and Eagles Nest Lake, one can see she has led a very active and rewarding life. Her birthday is in August and wedding anniversary is Sept. 2. All Br. 34 members enjoy her company and wish her and her husband a long and happy retirement — God bless them. BARBARA YAPEL AMELIA MESTNICK No. 39, BIWABIK, MINN. With respect for their charter member, Br. 39 has selected Amelia Mest-nick for the honor of being the Mother of the Year. She was born in Biwabik on Jan. 1st 1917, married on March 30th, 1940 to a very talented man, LeRoy. They have three lovely daughters, Judy, Jane and June, all married to wonderful men. The grandchildren are Joy, Boyd Allen Johnson, Cathy, Cari Anderton and Tracy Rogers. Amelia was a past president and an auditor off and on for years. She is one of the finest members with her loyalty and deep sense of helpfulness. Enjoying her grandchildren is one of her greatest pleasures and ful- AMELIA MESI NICK fiilment in her life. She is a typical good Slovenian home-maker, cooking, baking; whenever asked she wiiimgiy helps and donates. She stresses the importance of finding tuiiimnent in making a home and yet acknowledges the fact that she is able to give fully of her time, energy and resources to her church and branch. She claims when pressures build up she tries to remember that a woman should be like a willow in the wind, bending in order not to break, and one can weather many storms that way. Amelia has been quite busy in the past years raising her family and keeping up with her lovely grandchildren. She loves to work around the yard especially with the beauuful flowers blossoming around her lovely home. Her mother just passed away on Nov. 13th, 1971 and she was taken care of during her il.nesses by Amelia and her three sisters who took turns for the past five years in this labor of love. LeRoy's mother also needs care and so Millie is kept busy but happy in this work. Amelia’s mother was a member for many years as was one of her sisters, Mary Sherek. Our Mother of the Year is a person who is very lovable, always has a smile and a cheery word and is a good worker, so knowing her is a wonderful experience. Her happy frame of mind and ability to cheer up her friends on any occasion is admirable. Sincere wishes for a Happy Mother's Day, Amelia. ANGIE KARISH AGNES BUCHER No. 40, LORAIN, OHIO Representing Br. 40 of Lorain as chosen Mother of the Year is Agnes Bucher who was born March 4, 1918 in Lorain and is married to William Bucher since May 14, 1938. Agnes is the mother of three, namely, Dennis of No. Olmsted, Claudia Varos of Willard, Ohio and Jean Cioffi of Lorain. Grandmother of six, AGNES BUCHAR Agnes is very proud of Connie, Theresa, Johnny, Denny, Jr., Suzanne and Micnael They all bring much pleasure to grandpa and grandma! Mother of the Year has been treasurer tor the American Fraternal Union local for ten years following in her father's footsteps an office he held for many years. She enjoys speaking in Slovenian to the old timers at the various meetings and socials. She has been a delegate to two conventions, lOO. A year ago, she made a trip to Hawaii which she enjoyed very much. At home, Agnes is an great homemaker and does needlework for a past-time. She also visits her children as often as time permits. She is most proud to be a daughter of Agnes Jancar, president of br. 40 and one of the oldest officers in our Zveza. She is also sister of their Vice-President, Albina Uehiein. At this time, she extends wishes to ail mothers and grandmothers of her beloved Br. 40 and to mothers everywhere. In return, we wish her the best life can ofier and much love on Mo-tuer's Day. NICOLETA LERCHBAChER No. 42, MAPLE HGTS., OHIO A lovely member, excellent housekeeper and talented lady in many ways is chosen mother, Niki Lerchba-cher. She was born in the village of Gojače in the beautiful Vipavska do-lina of Slovenia, known for their vineyards. Her birthday is Feb. 19, 1903. She was married to Frank Lerch-bacher in 1926 and they have two sons, Frank Jr. and William. There are six grandchildren and a great grandson, meaning extra happiness for grandma! She is a very good dressmaker, loves to bake and tends a productive garden at her home, 5541 Bartlett Rd. in Bedford Hgts., Ohio. MARY TRATNIK No. 43, MILWAUKEE, WISC. Members of Br. 43 are proud of their president, Mary Tratnik, who has been chosen as the Mother of the Year. She has all the qualifications of leadership, capabilities and interest in the organization. Mary, or Mitz as she is called, has resided in Milwaukee all her years and was married to her husband, Al, on May 4th, 1935 which will be 37 years this month, with a close and happy relationship. Two sons and one daughter makes their family complete, namely, Albert, Jr., M. Donalyn and Ronald and six lovely grandchildren. She is a person who values warm personal relationships with her family. Her husband is retired and as a pasttime, has an office for income tax and insurance service at their home at 3600 So. Howell Ave. In Mary's spare time,'she enjoys doing the typing and her greatest hobby is traveling, so twice a year she flies to Las Vegas with her husband and each year they go on different tours. Last year they drove to Florida and New Orleans. Mary belongs to several other organizations and she graciously and NICOLETA LERCHBACHER As their vice-president for three years, she is a loyal and regular attending member and helps in all the branch’s activities. All honor and blessings to her! unselfishly contributes her time to all activities. She is an excellent cook; her baking of strudels and cheese tortes in superb also and she’s a superior homemaker. Her activities in Br. 43 have been in office as recording secretary, treasurer and president and after a leave of absence, she is now again our president. She has enrolled several new members in this 45th Anniversary Campaign and is an outstanding ticket seller. She received a trophy at the National Convention for the highest membership enrollment last year in the Eagles Ladies Auxiliary. Her daughter, M. Donalyn, feels very proud of her mother as well as all sister members in the many organizations they both belong to. Her children are highly convinced that their mother is worthy of this title as she has so graciously given up of herself for others. She is exceptionally warm and loving. To Mary and all other Mothers. A HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! ROSE KRAEMER FRANCES ZAVRSNICK No. 45, PORTLAND, ORE. The members are proud of their Moiher of the Year, Frances Zavrsnick, mother of two and home-maker for 45 years! She was born in Skcfja Loka in Siovenia, a beautiful and historic cuy and came to America as a young briue in 1927. Her husband, Val and sue nave 1U graiiucniiuien from the ramiiies of their daugnter, t-iances L. Ktmkei and son, William K. Završnik. liaruenirig is her summertime plea-suie and stwing and crocheting her pasttimes in the colder months. The lauiny gatherings at tlieir home at 42s5 N.E. Hassalo St. are big affairs —arid each birthday and holiday brings the family together. Mrs. Zavrsnick is recording secretary for the branch and has worked on all activities when younger. The members wish her all the best on this special holiday for Mothers and their love in abundance! MARIE THOMPSON No. 46, ST. LOUIS, MO. Marie Thompson's life one of service and helping people. After her husband’s death in 1952, she began nurse's training and still does nursing at St. John Mercy as an O. B. nurse. She says it’s her first love! Marie has been a member of Br. 46 almost since the beginning. She was recording secretary and reporter. Her mother, Mary Stahn is also a member and her cousin Vi Pisoni, is the president. Marie married Dr. Ralph Thompson in 1941 and became a widow eleven years later. She makes the most of all her time and some of her favorite pasttimes are gardening, working in her yard and traveling to far off places such as Hawaii which she visited in 1958 when her cousin Eda Webb, also a member, lived there with her Coast Guardsman husband. She also loves to dance the polka and is a fan of Frankie Yankovic, the Polka King! She lives a life of service and activity all of which makes her a very worth member to be honored by her branch. God bless her for many, many years to come! VICTORIA PIANECKI No. 50, CLEVELAND, OHIO A lady used to working and expending her energy is Vicki Pianecki, Mother of the Year of Br. 50. This comes from her many years as operator of the Pianecki’s Bakery on St. Clair in Cleveland when the day’s work was 18 hours — never less, including Sundays. (And, your editor lived above Pianecki's Bakery for many years as a little tot, so we have a special affection for this lovely lady!) Vicki is one of the few "volunteers” lef in this world, it seems! She’s the volunteer hostess for the Branch meetings and faithfully performs her duty each month with a beautiful lunch prepared and ready after each meeting. Her helpers are her sisters, Ann Kristoff, who was Mother of the Year last year and Mary Petrich, who has donated many things for the branch's special projects. VICTORIA PIANECKI Vicki and her husband, John, are the parents of three, John Jr., Joe and Vicki who is married to Carl Steadman and lives in Washington, D. C. Grandson, Joe, Jr. is 15 years old and their special favorite. They live at 443 Richmond Park West, Apt. 530 D. The Pianeckis will celebrate their 41st Wedding Anniversary this year on June 27th in Slovenia where they will vacation for the summer. We all wish them health and happiness and many more years as a happy family! ' ' I GENEVIEVE ZIDARICH No. 52, KITZVILLE, MINN. Genevieve Zidarich is the kind of member and officer that works at every job that is needed for the benefit of the branch. “Without members like her, there wouldn’t be anything accomplished”, say her sisters of Br. 52. She offers her car and with her sister, Carmella Bonazza, anot her member, and mother-in-law, Rose Trombley, all officers, form a strong nucleus of workers. She was born on May 28th, 1921 and had a special family event in 1970, the 50th anniversary of her parents. She herself was married to Wil- liam Zidarich in Aug. 22, 1942 but he passed away in 1962. Her son, William John, teaches 11th and 12th grade history and social studies in Gilman, Wis. and is also the assistant football Coach and wrestling coach. Mrs. Zidarich loves to do what all cooks do, exchange recipes and try new things! Besides cooking, she loves to bowl. The branch is very proud of her and says they feel she is most deserving of being named Mother of the Year and that she will always do her part to uphold all that the branch stands for and to better it in every way. With these words go their wishes for all the best life can offer for many years to come. ELSIE PERSIN No. 54, WARREN, OHIO Our Mother of the Year, Elsie Per-sin has been a faithful member through the years. She usually attends our meetings and is always willing to help when we need her. She is a devoted mother of three, Dennis, Norman and Diane and has one grandchild. For several years she lovingly took care of her mother-in-law, who was ailing. “Teta” Persin always wanted to stay at Elsie’s because she was so good to her! In 1957, she and her husband, Jack lost their second eldest son, David. He was accidentally hurt playing baseball with his little friends and died a few days later. Her son, Dennis, is a registered pharmacist in Warren and son, Norman is away at College. Diane, their youngest, is in high school. Needlepoint is Elsie’s favorite form of relaxation and she keeps their home at 546 Belvedere N.E. spic and span. Her birthday is April 16th, 1916 and this June 19th she and her husband will celebrate their 35th Wedding Anniversary. “We feel Elsie is most worthy to be our Mother of the Year and we honor her this way!”. J. P. Art Linkletter: True Confessions magazine never received such openfaced admissions of guilt as the kids pour out each day about family transgressions. Occasionally I ask: “What were you ever punished for?”. "Taking money from my mother's purse without permission,” unhesitatingly he confessed. “How much did you take?”. "A nickel.” “What did you want it for?” “A popsicle.” "And what did you get?” “A spanking”. k ’ I I i 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NETTIE JUVANČIČ No. 55, GIRARD, OHIO Nettie and John Juvančič are a happy couple. They at 235 Gardenland Ave. in Niles and this year on July 27th will celebrate 32 years of wedded life. They have a son Jamie who will graduate from Kent State University and daughter Linda who works for G. E. One of the reasons they are a happy family is their love for music. Nettie plays the accordian and is a very welcome addition to the social life of Girard and Niles. All the social affairs aren't the same without her! With Br. 55, she served as auditor some years back. Now, she is a loyal and faithful member. We hope God will shower her and her family with blessings and many years of happiness to come! FRANCES BERNARD No. 56, HIBBING, MINN. A large and happy family belongs to Frances Bernard. She and her late husband, Louis, raised five children, Louis, Philip, Mary, Edward (also deceased) and Le Roy. She is grandma to 21 grandchildren and 15 great grandchildren! Their family reunions must be something special! Her home is at 309 E. 22nd St. and she was born Jan. 28, 1892 in Wisconsin. She was a young miss of 22 when she married in 1914. Among her favorite hobbies Mrs. Bernard includes handwork of all kinds, that’s sewing, knitting and another form of hand work, card-playing! She is also an adept fisherman! She is an active member and helps in all the branch’s doings. Long life and happiness to Mother of the Year, Frances Bernard! MARY KLOBUČAR No. 57, NILES, OHIO Big families are big joy! So, Mother of the Year, Mary Klobučar,has big joy! She has 5 children, 15 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren! She was born on Dec. 14, 1891 in Jugoslavia. Her husband is deceased already 20 years, but she keeps the home fires burning at her home, 139 Sheridan Ave. in Niles and has reared five wonderful children, John, Mary, Joe, Edward and Leona. She is also very proficient in sewing and crocheting which are her favorite pasttimes. Many good wishes to Mrs. Klobučar from her sister members of Br. 57 and Happy Mother's Day! MARTHA .POPOVICH No. 63, DENVER, COLO. Do you know what a “Pink Lady” is? She’s the volunteer worker at a hospital who does all sorts of things to make the patients comfortable. And, our Mother of the Year, Martha Popovich is a “Pink Lady” at a hospital in Denver which she considers her favorite kind of work. She has 3 grown step-children, 6 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren and makes her home at 3140 W. 19th Ave. She's a Christmas birthday celebrant and that makes the holiday especially nice for her family. She was married to John Predovich who passed away in 1938 and her second husband was Mike Popovich, also deceased since 1967. Besides her work, she enjoys traveling and was with the Colorado group that attended the Slovenian Chapel Dedication in Washington D. C. last August, enjoying it very much. She does quilting, too which is a beautiful art form and she tends her garden faithfully. She attended the State Convention last year also and is a fine and generous member of Br. 63. A very Happy Mother’s Day and many more to come! JENNIE PLAUTZ No. 66, CANON CITY, COLO. From scenic Poljane near Skofja Loka in beautiful Slovenia, to the ma-gestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado is quite a jump and these two places have produced Mother of the Year Jennie Plautz. She was born in Slovenia on Dec. 20, 1891 and as a young lady, she came to live in "cool, colorful” Colorado in 1910. Her husband, Frank, is now deceased, but they were married in June of 1910 and celebrated their 60th Wedding Anniversary in 1970! The family consists of six children: Frank, Stanley, Jeanette Sjoberg, Bena Conwell, Dorothy and Beverly Shandler. Six is the number of grandchildren, too, and there are 4 great grandchildren in this growing family. Her garden and flowers mean so much as their seasonal weather is rather severe in that part of the world. She has many friends and members of Br. 66 who think of her with admiration and affection. She never misses a meeting and her enjoyment is passed on to others. To this dedicated member, all our wishes for much happiness and contentment. PAULINE KUCEL KETCHEL No. 67, BESSEMER, PA. Many hobbies keept Pauline Ket-chel busy! She does everything in the home to make it really nice — painting, papering and gardening and for relaxation, her favorite is knitting. She is a social member of Br. 67 and very popular with everyone. She loves to dance, too. Born in Vuzenica, Slovenia on Dec. 27, 1896, Pauline came to America as a young child. She and her husband, Anthony were married in 1929 Mother Pauline Ketchel and daughter. and had seven children. Now, her husband is deceased. Her children are Pauline B. Kelley, Rudolph, Harry, Margaret Percic, Helen Rafe and Thomas. With 9 grandchildren and a great grandchild, Pauline has a wonderful and complete family. We hope she will have a Happy Mother’s Day and be content in the knowledge that her sister members of Br. 67 honor her as their Mother of the Year! ROSE BRADACK No. 68, FAIRPORT HARBOR, OHIO A very unselfish and generous couple, are Rose and Stanley Bradack! Having no children of their own, they became mom and dad to their nephew who was left orphaned at an early age. Donald Dusa, now grown, and his children have formed the wonderful family that Rose Bradack is most proud to call her own! She was born on Oct. 4th, 1915 right in Cleveland and was married 33 years ago; this year marking the anniversary on June 24th. Bowling, embroidery, baking and cooking are the kinds of work she most enjoys -and taking care of their home at 8189 Plains Rd., in Mentor, Ohio. Rose has worked diligently for the welfare of the branch and always taken time for many projects they have attempted and carried them through successfully. So, it is with deep gratitude and affection that her sister members proclaim Rose Bradack as Mother of the Year! LUCILLE SMITH No. 71, STRABANE, PA. The members of Br. 71 have chosen their sweet secretary, Lucy Smith, as their Mother of the Year. She is a native of Strabane, and has made her home there since. She is the mother of a son and daughter and has enrolled all her grandchildren in the organization as well as daughter and daughter-in-law. Lucy lost her husband Bill in 1970, and now makes her home at 37 Latimer Ave. The members are very proud of Lucy. She is so kind to them, especially to the older and ailing members. She also bakes wonderful poti-cas and cookies and shares them willingly with everyone. Our heartiest wishes to her - happiness and love. Mother Eugenia Notovny and children. EUGENIA NOVOTNY No. 73, WARRENSVILLE HGTS., O. A happy lady, giving of herself and active in all fraternal functions, is Mother of the Year Eugenia Novotny of Br. 73. She lives at 4967 Green Rd. and is the mother of two sons, Thomas and Robert. She and her husband, William were married July 10, 1937, and this year will celebrate their 35th wedding Anniversary. They enjoy so much their grandchildren, Tommy, Jr., 4 years old, Steve, 3 and Michelle, 2. Baking and sewing, typical housewifely duties, she loves to do and she loves music dancing. Her birthday is Jan. 10th, 1916 and Brooklyn, N. Y. her home town. A salute to Mother of the Year Eugenia Novotny from all her sister members! FRANCES ROTAR No. 79, ENUMCLAW, WASH. A wonderful lady, one of the stalwarts of Br. 79, is Mother of the Year, Frances Rotar. This past month she celebrated her 81st birthday and because of ill health in the past year, she has had to curtail some of her activities. But, she still is able to be up and around and still enjoys company! She and her husband, Frank, are the parents of a son, Frank, Jr. and daughter, Pearl. The Rotars were married July 25, 1909, and one of her best memories is their 50th anniversary celebration in 1959. In her younger days, Frances did a lot of gardening, baking and fancy hand-work which she admires very much. She is one of the best donors of prizes and things for their moneymaking projects. The members recall how willing Mrs. Rotar always was to help at the meetings. She also served as treasurer for about 8 years of her 30 year membership. To this lovely lady, all wishes for God’s specitl blessing and good health for many years to come. MARGARET CERNJAR No. 81, KEEWATIN, MINN. Mrs. Margaret Cernjar will be honored as Mother of the Year for the Slovenian Women’s Union, of Keewa tin, Minnesota (Branch No. 81). Mrs. Cernjar was born on July 13, 1895 in Lauodica, Yugoslavia, and arrived in the United States of America in 1911. Here she met her husband Frank and was married in January 1915. Mrs. Cernjar has five children and twelve grandchildren. Children are Louis, now residing in Bloomington, Minnesota; Joseph, Keewatin, Minne- MARGARET CERNJAR sota; Tillie (Mrs. George Tomlyano-vich), Hibbing, Minnesota; Mary (Mrs. John Jones), Vinton, Iowa, and Rose (Mrs. Roy Taylor), Hopkins, Minnesota. Louis has two children, Gregory and Susan; Mary has three children, Allen, Bruce, and Carol; Rose has three children, John, Paul, and Robert; and Tillie has four children, Mrs. Dennis Babich, Rosemary, Marilyn, and Steven. Margaret and Frank observed their f i f t h i e t h (50th.) Wedding Anniversary in January 1965. Frank just recently past away on February 3, 1972. Mrs. Cernjar joined the Slovenian Women's Union on May 13, 1937. She is a former Vice-President and has always shown in willingness to help the local branch. Her hobbies include sewing, gardening, cooking, reading, and crocheting. MOLLY DOMIN No. 83, CROSBY, MINN. We have been reading Molly Do-min’s articles in Zarja for the past 10 years or st> - she's their very dil- igent reporter and one of the finest members of Br. 83. She’s an energetic woman, learning this attribute from early childhood when her mother had a boarding house and Molly had to cook and bake already at the age of 12. And it seems she’s still at it as Molly works at a local hotel in Crosby for the past 12 years! For relaxation, she loves to knit and also, to take walks of at least a mile every evening. She is the mother of Frank Jr. and Robert Domin and has 2 grandchildren, Randy 6 and Rochelle 4 years old. She and her husband, Frank, were married July 11, 1932. Each year on June 8th, Molly celebrates her birthday and her home town is Ely, Minnesota. They live at 311 1st St. N.W. in Crosby, a nice town a little west of the Iron Range. She’s a great lady - one we are all proud of, and with thanks for her conscientious work for Zveza, wishes for a very Happy Mother’s Day! ELIZABETH A. BIRK No. 84, NEW YORK, N. Y. And, here’s the third of our Mother-Daughter officer combinations! We present Mrs. Elizabeth Birk, daughter of long-time president of Br. 84, Mrs. Angela Voje. Elizabeth is the secre-tary-treasurer of the branch having also served as recording secretary for the last 20 years! She is their faithful driver, too, bringing members to and from the meetings - their unofficial "chauffeur”! Elizabeth is a native of New York, born in Brooklyn on Dec. 29, 1929. She and husband, Frank Birk are the parents of three, Steven, Patricia and Kathleen. The girls are members of the junior department. This young mother enjoys bowling and works with the girl scouts and is a volunteer school librarian. For the past 3 years, the family has traveled the U. S. from California to Canada. Their home is at 61-20 67th St., in Middle Village, N. Y. Our felioitations, compliments and best wishes to Elizabeth Birk, Mother of the Year! On the Photo with Mother Elizabeth are her husband, Frank, son Steve and two daughters Patty and Kathy. MARY ZUGICH No. 85, DE PUE, ILL. A native of Slovenia, mother Mary Zugich typifies the perfect Slovenian mother and homemaker. She keeps house at 152 E. 4th St., in De Pue for her husband of 57 years, John Zugich and there it is that the family gravitates - to be with grandma and grandpa! There are 5 grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren in the family from son, John Zugich, Jr., an assistant hospital administrator at University Hospital in An Arbor, Mich, and daughter, Mrs. Mary Maloney of Normal, III. Mrs. Zugich fondly remembers her travels with the trips to Slovenia in 1958 and 1964 uppermost in her memory. Then she visited her 4 brothers and nieces and her birthplace at Vrhovska Vas. She was born there on August 14, 1891. She also attended the Dedication of Our Lady of Brezje chapel in Washington D. C. with her daughter and dear friend, Mrs. Anton Horzen of LaSalle. This group is seen on the accompanying photo - also with them is Mrs. Horzen’s son, Rev. Bernard Horzen who teaches at St. Bedic in Peru, III. Both Mrs. Zugich and her daughter are members of Br. 85 many years. A lot of love and God’s reward for a job well done to Mrs. Zugich! CHRISTINE MEYER No. 86, NASHWAUK, MINN. Born on June 17, 1913 in Italy, Christine Girolamo came to America with her mother in 1920. Her father was already living here in the States. She graduated from Nashwauk High School in 1933 and married Clarence Meyer in 1934. Had 3 sons, and one daughter; their eldest son died in 1967. Mr. Meyer served in the army during the years 1944 and 1945 and the boys, when grown, also served Uncle Sam. They have 8 grandchildren. Christine nas been active with the branch and holds the office of financial secretary and treasurer for many years. She also belongs to the Foresters, VFW Aux., Italian American Club and the American Legion Aux. Sewing, playing cards and knitting are some of her hobbies. She also tends her garden each summer. Celebrating family birthdays is fun for the Meyers and Christine also enjoys sports such as hunting and fishing. A sincere wish to her from her members with their gratitude and affection, for a Happy Mother's Day. JANET M. KIRN No. 91, OAKMONT, PA. A brave and thoughtful mother is Mrs. Janet Kirn who is recording secretary of Br. 91 for the past 7 years. We have often read about her illness that the members sympathize with very much and they have tried to help in many ways to ease her burden. Janet is a kidney dialysis patient, which means that she must use a kidney machine for 30 hours a week as a treatment. This helps her to be able to do her regular household chores and take care of her children. JANET KIRN Janet and her husband, Edward are the parents of five, namely, Edward, Jr~ Donna Vidak, Susan Bennett, Je-nice and Patricia. They also have five grandchildren. The family especially enjoys summertime when they get together for picnics and cookouts. She spends three nights a week in her dialysis machine - and keeps herself busy with embroidery and reading. Janet also loves to sing. Their home is at 378 Hulton Rd., in Oak-mont and her birthday is Nov. 27, 1923. She’s a Pennsylvania native. We hope God will grant her many blessings and good health once again. Her sisters of Br. 91 extend their fondest wishes and love for a wonderful Mother’s Day and many more happy ones to come! MATILDA TURICA No. 95, SO. CHICAGO, ILL. All who have the privilege of knowing Mrs. Matilda Turica who resides at 2418 E. 93 Rd, will agree she is a warm and gracious lady! We are proud she was chosen our Mother-of-the-Year. A native of Tijesno, Yugoslavia she was born on May 19, 1894, arrived in this country on November 19, 1920 and married Sam on April 17, 1921. Now she is a widow of 17 years with two living children, Mike and Sam Turica. She claims that her most priceless possessions are her four grandchildren, Mike, Kathy, Susan, and Barbara, who share her thoughts and endless happy moments together. Mrs. Turica has been a member of our branch since its founding in March of 1939 and played a heavy role in enrolling new members and serving ably as Vice-President of our branch. Her list of activities were staggering at one time, now she lives in a somewhat quiet atmosphere. She keeps herself busy with gardening, cooking and baking which she thoroughly enjoys. She will always be remembered for the many members she enrolled and the many generous contributions she has made in the formative years of our branch. Her many accomplishments have left an imprint upon us. As you can see, her faithfullness and her distinctive attributes have brought honors as she reaches another milestone in life’s journey She stands as a shining example of our American way of life. Few can match the honor and respect she so richly deserves. We are happy to honor her and extend our very best wishes for a happy life and may she continue to enjoy her family and many years of good health. This is my tribute to a lovely lady. MILDRED JAMES MARY ANNE KLEMENČIČ No. 96, UNIVERSAL, PA. Here is a mother, officer and volunteer worker that Zveza really can be proud of! Maty Anne Klemenčič has many activities, all dealing with ways she can be of help to her fellow man. She has an intense interest in Slovenian people, the language, customs, history and speaks beautiful Slovenian herself, having been taught by her parents. She gathered data about early Pennsylvania Slovenes which she has included in the Slovene Day Silver Anniversary booklet as its editor. Having studied the Bible and Christian Doctrine for over 4 years, she has taught religion for 14 years. Every Thanksgiving Day her original arrangements on the altars at church are very beautiful. She has made quite a study of biodynamic organiculture and has a large collection of herbs, plants, shrubs and trees not found in the average garden. Much of her knowledge in the use of herbs had also come from her mother. Last August, she participated in a seminar at the convention of Penna. Natural Food Mother Mary Klemenčič and family including Granduncle Josip, husband, Rudolph, daughters, Fran and Joanne and sons Edward and Paul. {issociates. In October she was awarded the Gold 4-H Clover for ten years of 4-H Club leadership. Also, she is on the steering committee of the Country Health-O-Rama and has helped plan these events. During the last one, the millionth test was given. Mary Anne is the secretary of Br. 96 for the past 25 years and at one time was president, and delegate to the Convention. She and her husband, Rudolph have six children, Thomas, Barbara, Joanne Frances, Paul and Edward, and, six grandchildren. Their home is at 3401 Clements Rd. in PlumBoro, near Pittsburgh. She is a native of that state, born there on Nov. 1st, 1913. She says she is very happy to be able to work with another member of Zveza, Miss Violet Ruparcic, especially with youth projects and the Pittsburgh Folk Festival. These are people who give of themselves selflessly and want to help people of all ages, the aged, the sick or the many numbers of children who are willing recipients of their knowledge, kindness and energy- Mary Anne sends her love to all her friends throughout the states and wishes the best for every member of her beloved Zveza. We can do no less that to return these wishes back to her in abundance! Ever notice the strange way a teenager borrows money from his mom? It goes something like this among the “sharpies”: "Mom, will you loan me fifty cents? But just give me half of It. Then you’ll owe me a quarter. And since I owe you a quarter, we’ll be even. Huh, Mom?”. ANN SWANEY No. 101, BEDFORD HGTS., OHIO Holding a perfect attendance record for the past 5 years at least, is one of the accomplishments of Mother of the Year, Ann Swaney of 5372 Bedford St., Bedford Hgts., Ohio. She ANN SWANEY was born April 18, 1912 at Clymer, Pa. and now is the loving mother of seven children, jane Holtzheimer, Betty Milanko, Rose Haberny, James, Jack, Nancy Alexander and Daniel. She has double that n.imbsr of grandchildren! Ann has been the recording secretary of Br. 101 for the past 4 years. She is a very active participant in the social and money-making projects they sponsor and is ever-ready to help. Among her household interests, besides her family, is tending to indoor plants, sewing and gardening. A whole bushel of wishes to her for happiness, contentment, good health and good fortune for many years to come”. ICA ZEBOT No. 103, WASHINGTON, D. C. A very Happy Birthday to Mrs Ze-bot this month! She was born May 1st in the year 1922 in the capital city of Slovenia, Ljubljana. She has been living in the capital city of the United States, Washington D. C. since 1948, which is a nice co-incidence. The Zebot family consists of four children; the eldest son, Francis, is with a law firm in New York City, daughter, Meta is married and has one son, Tristan, second son Cy has graduated from college last June and married in September and the youngest daughter, Mana will be graduating from High school this June. lea is married to Dr. Cyril Zebot, professor of Economics at Georgetown, University. Their beautiful home at 4332 46th St. N. W. is the center of much activity, social, family and business as there you will find family and friends circulating around in their own spheres of interest. The Washington Committee for the Slovenian Chapel which was dedicated last August at the National Shrine was headed by Dr. Zebot who is also the author of several books in his field. Cooking, baking and reading are the pasttimes that Mrs. Zebot really loves - when the duties of homemak-ing allow. She is a friendly and warm person and beloved by her sister members. We, too, wish her all the best and continuance of good health and happiness for many years to come. KATHERINE MIHELIČ No. 105, DETROIT, MICH. Our Mother of the Year, Katherine Mihelič is a very deserving person. She is the mother of five lovely children, one of whom is a teacher in Pontiac and another daughter is a registered nurse at Harper Hospital. She devotes her time and energy cooking, baking and being an accomplished homemaker. Their home is at 18015 Marquette Ave., in Roseville, Mich. She enjoys going to play "Bingo” and a night out occasionaliy to the Slovenian Hall for a couple of polkas! 1 If any misfortune arises in her neighborhood or family, she's the first one to offer help. She belongs to a number of societies, too. Katherine is especially proud to have been named Mother of the Year this year as she follows last year’s chosen mother, Ann Senko, her own sister. May God bless her with the best of health and happiness always. MARIE PRISLAND f hTTftl OH, TA SVET ^ / ČLANSKA KAMPANJA Zveza ima približno 750 odbornic — nekatere podružnice imajo namreč tajnico in blagajničarko v eni osebi — novih članic pa še ni 750. Vse odbornice se torej še niso odzvale. Za moj 50letni rojstni dan —dolgo je že od tegc— je takratna urednica, zdaj pokojna ga. Albina Novak, organizirala člansko kampanjo. Pristopilo je nad 1,400 novih članic. Tokrat praznujemo ZVEZIN 45LETNI rojstni dan, kar je vse kaj drugega kot rojstni dan ene osebe, zato se moramo resno pobrigati, naj stane še toliko truda. Upam, in tudi pričakujem, da ne bo nobene podružnice, ki bi v tej kampanji prav ničesar ne storila. Torej, na delo, drage sestre! SEDAJNA ČLANSKA KAMPANJA MORA BITI USPEŠNA! Prisrčne čestitke podružnici št. 43 v Milwaukee, ki je dosegla kvoto! MATERI ZA GOD Družina je neki večer ugibala, kaj bi materi kupila za god, ki se je bližal. Oglasila se je devetnajstletna Lizika, ki je bila vposijena v pisarni. Vsi so prisluhnili. “Jaz vem”, je začela Lizika šepetati, da bi je mamica ne slišala, ki je bila v kuhinji. “Včeraj sva bili v mestu. Mama je dolgo stala pred izložbenem oknu Pachakove trgovine in ogledovala veliko črno torbico, veš, oče, takšno s predali, ki jih danes nosijo in kjer gre veliko notri. Tisto torbico je mama hrepeneče ogledovala, potem pa pogledala svojo obnošeno v rokah in vzdihnila, res globoko vzdihnila ” Tri dni pred materinim godom se v trgovini pojavi sin Rudolf, bančni uslužbenec. “Koliko stane tista črna torbica, tista velika v izložbenem oknu”, je vprašal. Trgovec vzame torbico, jo lepo obriše in pojasni, da |e toibica ročno delo, narejeno iz pravega usnja. Stane 10 dolarjev. "Ne, toliko pa ne morem dati zanjo”, se sin cene ustraši. “Kupiti moram še majhno, moderno torbico za mojo prijateljico, mami bom pa kupil kaj manjšega, saj ne potrebuje tako velike torbice ko gre malo ven in njena stara torbica je še čisto dobra — in žepe ima”. Drugo jutro pride v trgovino Lizika ter vpraša po ceni za torbico v izložbenem oknu. "Joj, 10 dolarjev”, je začudeno zategnila. "Veste, mama si je želela to torbico, ker ima predale, a se ji niti ne sanja, kako draga je! Sicer pa, če prav pomislim, saj je niti ne potrebuje, ko nikamor ne gre. Kaj ji bo taka velika torbica? Saj nima kaj notri djati; ne šminke, ne pudra in takih reči. Tisto malo denarnico ji bom kupila; gotovo je bo vesela in meni ostane še nekaj denarja za nakup doze za puder in drugih toaletnih reči”. Dan pred materinim godom je v trgovino prišel oče ter vprašal za ceno tisti črni veliki torbici s predali. Ko je zvedel koliko stane, je ogorčeno vzkliknil: "Deset dolarjev! Ste zmešani?”. "Iz pristnega usnja je in ročno delo”, je razlagal trgovec, John Pachak; “Tudi moj denar je pristen in tudi z rokami zaslužen,” je dejal oče nejevoljno. “Le kaj si ie žena zmislila! človek bi rekel, da ženske z leti postanejo pametneje ” Obračal je torbico v rokah, jo ogledoval od vseh strani in modroval: “če ji kupim to torbico, zame nič ne ostane, pa tako nujno rabim etui (škatlico) za cigare, stari ie popolnoma zanič. Ne, tokrat ji kupim malo denarnico. Saj je tudi čedna! Meni boste pa dali tudi za cigare, ampak nekaj lepega in Solidnega !”. Mamica je nekoliko slutila, da bo za god prejela tisto lepo črno torbico. Prijetno si je slikala kako bo presenečena in kako je srečna, ker ima tako dobro družino. Obrisala si je dvoje solz, srečne matere.......... Crna torbica je še vedno neprodana ležala v izložbenem oknu. Trgovec jo je končno vzel iz okna in djal na polico. Ko je že zaklenil vrata, da odide domov, ves za-sopihan prihiti mali dečko in nestrpno trka na zaklenjena vrata. Trgovec mu odpre. "Kaj bi rad tako pozno, mali mož?”. "Ste tisto črno torbico iz okna že prodali?” je hitel razburjeno vpraševati desetletni Žani. "V oknu je ni več in jaz nisem mogel poprej priti, šele danes sem zaslužil zadnjih 50 centov. In mama bi tisto torbico tako rada imela, ker jo potrebuje, zelo potrebuje!”. “In ti bi jo rad dal mami za god?”. Seveda! In četudi stane pet dolarjev. Denar imam pri Sebi. Sam sem ga zaslužil. Že tri mesece ga zbiram in hranim". Trgovec se dobrohotno nasmeje in zre fantka z velikim dopadenjem. “Pet dolarjev je lep denar, Žani," meni trgovec. “Že, a ne za mamo. Zanjo ni preveč! če bi jo vi poz- nali ” “Morda pa mama ne rabi tako velike torbice, morda bi rajši imela takole malo denarnico”. “Tako majhno denarnico!” se fantiček obregne. "Mama hoče torbico s predali, ker mora veliko s sabo vzeti, kadar gremo kam. Vzeti mora robec za mene, ker ga vselej izgubim, glavnik za sestro in ruto, ki jo vselej pozabi, ključ od stanovanja, denarnico, ker ona vse plačuje, tablete za očeta, ki jih med vožnjo rabi, žepno svetilko, ker pridemo navadno ponoči domov, pa cukerčke in še veliko drugega. Vidite, mama nujno rabi veliko torbico!”. “Prav imaš, sinko!" pravi trgovec John ter ga potreplja po rami. Potem pa stopi k polici, vzame torbico, jo odpre in vzame iz nje listek s ceno, jo zavije in da dečku. "Srečo si imel, dragi moj! Torbica je še tu, na, vzemi jo in zdaj pa brž teci, da boš preje doma in boš mamico s torbico razveselil za god. Pa še moja srčna voščila ji izroči!”. (Prikrojeno po zgodbici v Koledarju Družbe Sv. Mohorja, 1972). Apeliram na Zvezine članice, da postanejo udi Družbe Sv. Mohorja v Celovcu. Družba vsako leto izda pet knjig z zanimivo vsebino, članarina je $5.00. Podprimo dober tisk! Naročila pošljite na: Sister M. Lavoslava 515 Ohio Ave. Kansas City, Kansas, 66101 Mamicam in starim mamicam izrekamo prisrčne čestitke k njih prazniku ta mesec! BOG ŽIVI NAŠE SLOVENSKE MATERE! ■■mm* ANNA LAMBERT ŠT. 5, INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Letos smo izvolile za našo zaslužno mater, sestro Anna Lambert, ki živi na naslovu 929 No. Hugh Street. Naša častna mati je bila rojena 31. marca, laOU v Sloveniji. V Ameriko je prišia v septembru 1920. Dne 23. apma, 1923 je poročila Martina. L. in v zaKonu sia Dna rojena dva sinova: Manin in Adoiph. Mrs. LamDert je posebno ponosna na a vnuKov. /La razvedrilo rada neguje in obueluje vrt in hekia. Pri podružnici vedno rada pomaga, kjerkoli je potrebno, posebno za domače družabnosti in pomaga pri delu za domače kiobase. bog jo živi še mnoga leta, da bi v zdravju in sreči nadaljevala delo za njeno družino in v korist naše Zveze. LOUISE UJCIC ŠT. 6, BARbERTON, OHIO Članice št. 6 smo to leto izvolile za našo zalužno mater, sestro Louise Ujčič, ki živi na 72 — Fifth Street, SE v Barbertonu, njenem rojstnem mestu. Dne 2/6/1926 je sklenila zakonsko zvezo z Johnom Ujcic in v zakonu sta bile rojene dve hčerke: Louise Praznik in Jeannette Judy. V veliko veselje so ji njeni vnuki, katerih ima že 10. Naša popularna mati zelo rada gre na potovanja ter je prvovrstna kuharica slaščic. V razvedrilo ji je tudi varovanje otrok, katere ima rada. V tem mesecu maju bo važni dogodek v njeni družini ko se bo dne 20. maja poročil njen vnuk. Osem njenih vnukov igra razne instrumente in od njih so štirje v orkestru. Znamenje, da so muzikalno nadarjeni, kar so dobili od LOUISE UJCIC njene stare mame, naše letošnje slavljenke, ki je sama odlična na igranju klavirja, katerega redno igra za našo podružnico. Tudi redno prinese okusno pecivo nanaš e seje. Vse ji s čestitkami, želimo še mnogo sreče in blagoslova! JENNIE KALCICH ŠT. 7, FOREST CITY, PA. Naša letošnja častna mati podružnice, Mrs. Jennie Kalčič, ki živi v Forest City, 1301 N. Main t., je bila rojena dne 11. augusta, 1906 v srcu valovite Dolenske v Šentrupertu v Sloveniji. V Ameriko je prišla dne 6. decembra 1927 in je po dveh letih stopila v sv. zakon z Anthony Kalcich. ANTONIA MIHEVC ŠT. 25, CLEVELAND, OHIO Naša podr. ima v svojih vrstah mnogo pridnih društvenih delavk, toda letos smo dale poklon zaslužne matere, naši dolgoletni članici in večletni nadzornici, Antoniji Mihevc, ki živi na naslovu 1135 E. 60th St. v naši metropoli. Zibelka ji je tekla na Primorskem v Sežani v Sloveniji, dne 28. dec. 1893. V Ameriko je prišla 28. okt. 1913 ter je dne 1. julija 1914 poročila Josepha Mihevca. Zakon je bil blagoslovljen s tremi otroci: Josephine (poročena Flaisman), Edward in Sylvia (poročena Plymesser). Razumljivo je naša slavljenka zelo ponosna na njene vnuke, ki jih ima pet ter4 pravnuke. V veliko razvedrilo ji je poletno obdelovanje vrta in gojenje cvetlic, a pozimi štrika in hekla. Pri podružnici je pridna delavka, ki rada pomaga, kjerkoli je potrebno, zato so jo sestre sedaj že osem let redno izvolile za nadzornico. Vse članice ji čestitamo in ji želimo še mnogo let notranje sreče, zdravja in blagoslova. Njun sin Anthony Jr. ima dve hčerki Karen in Doreen. Povsem razumljivo je, da je naša zaslužna mati zelo ponosna na nje. V veliko razvedrilo ji je bilo potovanje in obisk rodne Slovenije lansko leto ter ima upanje, da bo še obiskala domovino. Posebno rada obdeluje njen vrt, kjer goji cvetlice in prideluje zelenjavo. Čeprav naša slavljenka ni v odboru podružnice, vendar vedno rada pomaga, posebno rada daruje v dobrobit našega društva. Bog jo živi še mnogo veselih, srečnih in zdravih let med nami! ZVEZA JE PONOSNA NA VAS! MARY PETERNEL — GODEC ŠT. 47, GARFIELD HTS., OHIO Na letni seji smo izvolile Mary Peternel (Godec) za častno mater podr. Rojenja je bila dne 26. dec. 1893 v vasi Naklo na Gorenskem v Sloveniji. Prvič se je poročila sept. 1920 z Johnom Peternel. V Ameriko je prišla v aprilu 1921. Imela sta 3 otroke, 2 hčerki in enega sina. Življenje naše matere ni bilo samo veselje. Bila so tudi trnjeva pota za preživljati družino, posebno v času krize v letih 30 do 36, ko je bila velika brezposelnost. Njena družina je bila še bolj prizadeta, ker je prišla bolezen. Mož John je bolehal več let in končno ga le leta 1942 Bog rešil bolečin in ga poklical k sebi v večno domovino. Mati je sama vzgajala nedorasle otroke po najboljši moči s pravo materinsko ljubeznijo. Hčerka Anna je bila poročena Van Lancker, sedaj Zamone, Frances por. Seman in sin Joseph je tudi poročen. Naša mati ima kar 10 vnukov in 3 pravnuke. Leta 1954 se je Mary drugič poročila in tudi njen drugi mož John Godec je umrl 1. 1963, tako, da sedaj zopet sameva v svojem domu. Ljubka hčerka Frances jo večkrat obišče in pelje sem in tja. Vesela in ponosna je na svoje otroke, ki so vsi nadarjeni. Njen vnuk, Robert Van Lancker je head coach na Lafayette College v Easton, Pa. Vnukinja Linda Seman pa uči business administration na Holy Name High School v Broadway, Clev. Naša častna mati je tudi ustanovna čla. pri podr. Rada pride na seje in pomaga vedno za korist podr. Posebno se rada udeležuje molitve za umrle sestre. Mnogo jih je že pospremila na mirodvor k sladkemu počitku. Bog naj ti povrne dobra dela in ti kličemo vse: Bog te živi in ohrani še mnogo let med nami. Pozdravljena od vseh članic. JENNIE PUGELY FRANCES VUČIČ ŠT. 49, WICKLIFFE, OHIO Naše članice so letos izvolile za častno mater dolgoletno in marljivo sestro, Frances Vučič. K podr. je pristopila 7. jun. 1932. Rojena je bila 7. maja 1893 v vasi Zvirče, fara Hinje na Dolenskem v Sloveniji. V Ameriko je se je dne 7. jan. 1913 z tukaj rojenim slovenskim fantom, Joe Vučičem. V zakonu se jima je rodil en sin ANGELA JEKE ŠT. 77, PITTSBURGH, PA. Naša podružnica je letos izbrala za svojo zaslužno mater, Mrs. Angela Jeke, ki živi na naslovu 307 School St., Milvale, Pa. častna mati podružnice je bila rojena 22. aug. 1899 v Sloveniji. V Ameriko je prišla dne 13. marca, 1921 ter se je še istega leta dne 4. maja poročila. Zakon je bil blagoslovljen s 4 otroci: Josephine, Edi, Viljem in Albert. Ima tudi 8 vnukov in vnukinj ter 1 pravnuka. Naša slavljenka je pridna delavka naše podružnice vsa leta odkar je članica, toje 44 let. Bila je več let predsednica št. 77 ter nikoli ne odreče pomoči, kadar je potrebno kaj storiti za društvo in za Zvezo. Bog jo živi še mnogo let zdravo in veselo med nami v veselje njeni družini in v korist njen ljube SŽZ. Iskrene čestitke! in 3 hčere. Njen soprog je bil skrben in dober mož in oče, toda žal ga je nekega dne zadela cončarica, kateri je podlegel. To je bil hud udarec za mater s čtirimi otroci, toda z zaupanjem v božjo pomočjo je trdo delala in danes se veseli, ker ima otroke preskrbljene. Kristina je poroč ena Schutt. Frances poročena Farizel in Lucie poročena Race. Poleg tega se pa veseli 15-tih vnukov in vnukinj ter treh pravnučkov. Sin in žena sta vesela kadar jih obišče mama in stara mama dvema vnukoma. Poleg svojih je pa po smrti sestre vzela enega fanta in ga vzgajala s svojimi. Delala je leto za letom. Saj je samo v Euclid General bolnici delala 19 let. Pred dvema letoma je bila na obisku domovine Slovenije. Tam se je prvič spoznala z duhovnikom, ki mu je s svojimi skromnimi dohodki pomagala, da se mu je spolnila goreča želja postati duhovnik. Njegovo ime je Ivan Plješa in je sedaj župnik v Karlsruhe v Nemčiji. Naši častni materi iskreno čestitamo in želimo, da bi še veliko let v zdravju in veselju uživala uspehe svojega dela. Bogu v čast in bližnjemu v pomoč. Najlepše pozdrave vsem častnim materam, odbornicam in članicam. Bolnim ljubo zdravje; Zvezi pa veliko novih članic, želi. MARY J. JASINA ŠT. 100, FONTANA, CAL. Članice smo letos izvolile za najbolj zaslužno mater podružnice, priljubljeno sestro, Mrs. Mary J. Jasina, ki živi na naslovu: 1021 E. Yale, Ontario, Cal. Naša častna mati je bila rojena 14. aug. 1914 v Memphis, Tenn, toda kot mlado dekle je živela v Pittsburghu, Pa. Njen soprog je preminul že pred 23 leti. Sama je vzgo-jilla sina Walterja C. Jasina. Posebno je tudi ponosna na dva vnuka, in v februarju jih je razveselil še en grandchild. Naša zaslužna mati je zelo delavna za napredek podružnice in Zveze. Bila je predsednica dve leti in sodeluje pri vseh prireditvah podružnice. Enako tudi nikoli ne odreče prispevka in rada darežljivo prispeva v dobre namene, zato ji vse sestre iskreno voščimo, da bi ji Bog naklonil še mnogo srečnih let med nami! MARY STUSEK, preds. MATI VERE Elizabeta je blagrovala Marijo zaradi njene vere: “Srečna si, ker si verovala." Vse Marijino življenje je potekalo