Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years of serving American- Slo.venians Vol. 108, No. 18 USPS 024100 ISSN Number 0164-68X Americ*" to SLOVENIAN MORK..W NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 15, 2006 Independence for Slovenia Phone: (216)431-0628 e-mail: ah@buckeyeweb.com / V 7» What Really Happened 15 Years Ago Another successful year was completed for St. Vitus Adult Slovenian School with lunch at Marie’s Restaurant on E. 40lh and St. Clair Avenue in Cleveland. Pictured above is Stephanie Polutnik with son Mike and Lori Sierputowski. Pictured below is instructor Lillian Centa with husband, Ernie. Pristava Campers Annual Steak Dinner by STANE KUHAR Summary Background The winds of change in former federal socialist state known as “Yugoslavia” began in the 1960s and 1970s when a number of so-called republics” in this communist state sought to have a more “liberal” approach. This was evident with a newer and younger generation primarily in the republic states of Croatia and Slovenia. It should be noted, however, that the newer generation still perceived themselves as a Communist state but with more rights (speech, economics, etc.) specifically niore for each individual republic. The time, however, was not right. The only recognized and self-imposed leader of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito, crushed any such notions. While he was more commonly referred to as Tito,” a code name he had acquired as a young Communist, he was born Josip Broz in Kumrovec in an area referred to as Zagorje (modern day Croatia). Tito was |he seventh child in the fam-‘ly of Franjo and Marija Broz. His father was Croatian while the mother (nee aversek) was Slovenian, •to held virtual power in Jugoslavia from 1945 until hls death in 1980 at the age 87, three days short of his next birthday. Like most dic-tators, he left no one person to succeed him. What developed was an agreed upon °rming of a “rotating" residency or head of state j.etwecn the various repub-1Cs (in Yugoslavia) to enable orne form of stability in this derated state. But Tito’s demise only jjnhnued to increase the renS'uvS oP tbo suppressed “ tbe constituent l^j u ics Slovenia, Croatia, eedonia, and Bosnia and a\yrZC^°V'na started to break reni,Ki fr°m the remaining Publ,cs of Serbia, Monte- negro and the self proclaimed “autonomous” provinces of Vojvodina and Kosovo. The primary means for the Communist Party to control its power was through the military. But even this was beginning to change. Change in the late 1980s Most Americans of Slovenian descent think that the idea of an independent and sovereign state of Slovenia is a new idea. But this is a misunderstanding. Already in the mid 1800s the idea of a “United Slovenia” was already discussed. (Writer’s note: under the title “Spring of Nations ” movement around 1848 in then Austro-Hungarian Empire). The modem idea of an independent state of Slovenia was well articulated by the late Dr. Zebot, a Slovenian emigre who had fled Slovenia after World War II. His academic ideas envisioned a state similar to that of a modern day Switzerland or Austria as like kind, but not the same type model for a modern democratic government. By 1988 and into 1989 a number of Slovenian individuals increased travel and contact with various American and Canadian Slovenian communities to promote the idea of really having an independent and sovereign state of Slovenia, removed way from a federal governmental model as existed in then federal socialist state of Yugoslavia. One such individual who came to the shores of northeast Ohio was an aspiring academic named Dimitrij Rupel, Mr. Rupel was born on April 7, 1946. His academic background was that he had studied abroad (at the University of Essex) and completed his undergraduate degrees in world literature and sociology from the University of Ljubljana. He eventually received his Ph.D. in sociology from Brandeis University, a private university in Waltham, MA. It should be underscored that Mr. Rupel, as a member of the Slovenia Communist Party, had access and privilege to this type of education limited to most Slovenians, and especially those opposed to the Communist government. Mr. Rupel was also one of the founders of the “Slovenian Democratic Alliance” (Slovenska demokratična zveza), established in 1989 in Slovenia. The satire of this political party, as with a number of emerging political parties forming in Slovenia, was the word “democratic.” More simply put, in newspaper jargon, “retread red.” The clothing had been changed, but the person and methods had not yet changed. This political party was eventually “renamed” as the “Democratic Party (Demokratska stranka) by 1991. Rupel was elected as its president. Mr. Rupel had been invited to teach a course at Cleveland State University. The course was a mixed blessing: you had an international instructor but there were no course books and no real application for the students enrolled in the class. During this time while Mr. Rupel was an instructor he sought out various American Slovenians to explain what was occurring in Slovenia. I always thought it was a bit peculiar that as a supposed leading political figure he would be developing his political party in Slovenia as all indications were being made that there would be elections, the first real democratic elections with multiple political parties allowed, in Slovenia as early as 1990. It became apparent to me, and a number of other individuals, that the real purpose of Mr. Rupel in Cleveland, Ohio was to raise funds for this endeavor. Even a former writer of the Plain Dealer noted to my attention: “It is odd that this fellow (i.e. Rupel) is teaching a course here (in Cleveland), but should be working in Slovenia to achieve real democracy.” (To Be Continued) The Pristava Campers Committee invites you to attend their annual steak/-chicken dinner. This year’s annual steak/chicken dinner is scheduled for Saturday, July 1 to be held at Slovenska Pristava in Harpersfield, Ohio. Advance tickets for steak dinners are $15 per person, and chicken dinners are $12. Steak dinner tickets purchased at the door are $20, and $15 for chicken dinners. Dinners served between 5 p.m. through 7:30 p.m. Musical entertainment will be provided. Advance tickets may be purchased by contacting Terry Vogel at (216) 529-0579, Margie Rus at (440) 256-1924; or Tom Štepec at (440) 942-4688. Tickets can also be ordered via e-mail through Marige.Rus@sbcglohal net or Tom.Stepec@sbcglohal net Newspaper Schedule The next issue of Ameriška Domovina will be dated Junc 22. an , Jhere will be no American Home on Thursday, June 29, •e first week in inly for the July 4th holiday._ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 15, 2006 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 18 June 15, 2006 Caught Off Guard by RUDY FLIS A few evenings past, Therese and I went out to supper. We had a young man as our waiter, tall, clean shaven, and free of tattoos, ear and nose jewelry. As he was taking our order, I happened to notice the menu had “pinto beans and ham" listed. (I just love the stuff), so I asked the waiter, “How are the pinto beans and ham?" His answer was, “I’m only 18, and not into beans.” I laughed and told him if he went into the Army, he’d learn about beans. He then caught me off guard when he asked me, “Did you serve?" I answered yes, and then he put his hand out and said, “I want to shake your hand and thank you for your service. When did you serve,” was the next question. During the Korean Conflict, I served in Germany, I told him. He then said his grandpa served during WWII and his dad in Viet Nam. Celebrate Slovenia’s Independence at Pristava Forty-five years went by and Slovenska Pristava is still going strong as ever. A new hall is being built and summers are very lively with events going on every weekend. Also 15 years ago Slovenia gained its independence. In honor of these two events, we will have Slovenski dan celebration on Saturday, June 24. Steak dinner will be served from 2:30 to 4 p.m. At 4 o’clock we will have a short program. Fantje na Vasi will sing both national anthems, American and Slovenian. Two special guests, Senator George Voinovich and Cleveland consul general Dr. Zvone Žigon will have short speeches. After that, Stan Mcjac Orchestra will play for your dancing and listening pleasure. Entrance tickets for non-members is $4. Plenty of food and refreshments will be available throughout the evening. Members and friends of Slovenska Pristava are invited. -Milan Ribič Lendava Classic Business Styles USA Debut of Elkroj Ladies trouser collection at Patria Import 794 E. 185 St., Cleveland from Slovenija - made with fine Italian fabric www.Lendava.us __________Vajkard Group Cleveland Slovenian Days Events Monday, June 5 - Friday, July 7 Slovenian Art and Archival Exhibit at City Hall Free and Open to the Public Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays - 11: 30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.: Slovenian themed presentations during lunch hour at City Hall Free and Open to the Public Friday, June 23 - 12 noon Raising of Slovenian Flag at Ohio State Capital in Columbus Saturday, June 24 12 noon Slovenski Dan at Slovenska Pristava. - Members: free. Non-members: $4 3 p.m. - Steak Dinner 4 p.m. - Dance - Music by Stan Mejac Orchestra Sunday, June 25 (Slovenian Independence Day) 12:30 p.m.: Slovenian Independence Day Mass in St. Vitus Church. Co-celebrants: Most Rev. Bishop A. Edward Pevec, Reverend Joseph Božnar, and Rev. John Kumše. Slovenian National Costumes are welcome. 1:30 - 3:00 pm.: Refreshments at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Avenue 3:00 p.m.: Official Celebration of 15 years of Slovenian Independence at Slovenian Home, 6019 St. Clair Ave. Masters of Ceremony: Mojca Slak, Dick Russ, Tony Petkovšek. Singing groups: Fantje na Vasi, Glasbena Matica, Korotan, Melodija, Slovenian Junior Chorus, Zarja, Kres dancers, from Slovenia: Slovenski oktet. ALL EVENTS FREE AND OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Tuesday, June 27, 7:30 pm. Slovene Octet in Concert at historic St. Stanislaus Church in Slavic Village Sunday, July 2-10 a.m. Slovene Octet sings at Slovenian Mass in St. Mary’s Church Sunday, July 2 - Noon to 7:30 p.m. Picnic and Slovenian Octet in concert, 2 p.m. at SNPJ Farm, Heath Rd. Kirtland, OH. Friday, July 7 - 12:00 p.m. Slovenia’s Ambassador Samuel Žbogar addresses Cleveland City Club, Friday Forum Cltishh^Ceremony at City Hall (tentative) Unveiling of restored historic Slovenian plaque on Mall B (tentative) 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS By John Mercina HAPPY FATHER*S DAY! Webster’s New World Dictionary, which prides itself as “defining the English language for the 21st century”, defines “father”, among other descriptions, as ”a man who has begotten a child”. The lengthy definition lacks the beauty of the baby’s first utterance of the word “de-de”, the gentle squeeze of dad’s hands as he picks up his young son or daughter, the strong handshake of the “old man” when he bids you good-bye on life’s journey. The definition does not give justice to the deep hurt dad feels when you get in trouble, the tear that he wipes off his face when he gives the hand of his young princess to her new husband or the silent cry to God when he may have to bury you before his time. Your dad may be a saint or a sinner. He may be rich or he may be poor. He may have the looks of a young man in the GQ magazine or he may be in the early stages of dementia. He may have died in one of the wars and you may have been too young to have remembered him, with only pictures or occasional remarks by relatives that “you look just like your old man” as a reminder that your father came before you and cares about you until he dies. If you are a male, he may have given you a name that you detest and Johnny Cash sang about in “a boy named Sue”. If you were his son or daughter, he probably uttered a silent prayer for your well-being and safety when you drove the car for the first time. He may have given the appearance that he did not care and did not love you as your mom did...but he does care and loves you as only a father can love you. If your dad is alive, give him a big hug and a kiss., .and tell him that you love him. If he is separated from the family, find him and tell him that you love him.. .no matter what the circumstances. If he is resting in peace, say a prayer for him. On this Father’s Day, thank God for creating the man that was part of the equation, which through God’s will, brought you into this world. Škocjan Caves - Masterpiece of Nature There are more than 7,000 caves in Slovenia, but an exceptional underground gorge and a number of fast underground chambers give those in Škocjan a special honor. The Škocjan Caves are composed of a system of 11 interconnected caves, flat-floored valleys extending over collapsed dolinas, natural bridges and sinkholes. This is why the caves have been a UNESCO World Heritage Sight since 1986. The Republic of Slovenia pledged to protect the Škocjan Caves area and therefore adopted the Škocjan Caves Regional Park Act. The caves lie in the heart of the Karst region where the word “Karst,” used by geologists all over the world, originates. They are adorned with marvelous multicolored stalactites, stone curtains and broad rim stone pools. The Reka River, which gives the caves their basic features, still cascades through the underground gorge, tumbling over rock walls and finally coming to rest in small calm Water, which throws back reflections of the fascinating underground world of the Karst. A tour of the caves takes an hour-and-a-half with experienced guides. The park stretches over an area of 413 hectares, comprising the caves, the land area over the caves, the sinkhole system and the Reka gorge up to the bridge at Škofije. This is a typical area Karst where water flows from impermeable flitch rock onto permeable carbonate rock, which has led to the formation of various forms so charasteric of contact Karst: collapsed dolinas, gorges, caves, sinkholes and dry valleys. The combination of all these Karst features, plus individual cultural monuments, form the distinctive and unparalleled Karst “architecture.” Unique plant and animal life living in extraordinary harmony in a very small area makes the territory exceptionally biologically diverse and interesting. After all, this is where scientists first started exploring defining Karst features such as caves. Indeed, the internationally recognized Karst term doline was named after Velika and Mala Dolina, where Reka disappears into the underworld for the last time. The Škocjan Caves are an intricate maze of cave tunnels over 5.8 kilometers long and going down as deep as 209 meters below ground. It is not until Velika Dolina that Reka River finally enters the wild unique underground canyon. This part of the cave is famous for the Cerkvenik Bridge, standing mightily almost 50 meters above the Reka River, the Martel Chamber, one of the largest underground chambers in Europe stretching over 12,000 square meters, the Silent Cave, and the Saucepan Cave. There are also numerous tourist and exploration trails, representing an extraordinary technical heritage and testimony to the daring and courage of the early Slovenian cave explorers. The caves are the largest and most well-known natural phenomenon of classic Karst. Access: Divača - Škocjan. Guided tours from the Info. Center every day at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. In summer and on Saturdays tours are available every hour. Sinfo The word “honeymoon” may have originated with an ancient custom that said that a newly married couple had to drink a Potion containing honey on each °f the first 30 days—a moon—of their marriage. NEW QUIZ by James V. Debevec II Last quiz: What is the only w°rd in the English language that has all six vow-e*s in alphabetical order. Mint: It starts with a “f.” Thanks to Ruth Abbott °f Parma who identified the Word “facetiously” as the correct answer. quiz: What is the biggest word You can type at the top row °f a typewriter? (qwer-tyuiop). Send answers to Jim ^Sjbuckeveweh.com or •nail to Jim, American Motne/6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Apartment for Rent E- 200 and Neff. 1 Bdrm., evv carpet, appliances, c ean, quiet. $460 a month. LCall 440-951-3087 The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook. —William James Why is a banana peel like a piano? If you don’t C sharp, you’ILfli .flat. Hospitality is Native to Slovenia St. Christine Church Annual Rummage Sale FRIDAY, JUNE 23 - noon - 6 p.m. SATURDAY, JUNE 24-9 A.M. - 6 P.M. SUNDAY, JUNE 25 - noon to 4 p.m. 840 E. 222 St., Euclid, OH - in GYM Books, tool, lighting & plumbing fixtures, furniture, small appliances, household items, knick knacks, toys, collectibles and MUCH MORE Help Wanted Factory Growing company offering competitive wages, excellent benefits & 40IK, is seeking an experienced individual to perform bending, grinding, polishing, drilling & various duties. Apply @ PAKO, Inc., 7615 Jenther Dr., Mentor, OH. EOE. Inspector Dimensional and visual inspector for a growing aerospace company offering competitive wages/-excellent benefits / 40IK. Apply @ PAKO, Inc., 7615 Jenther Dr., Mentor, OH EOE Slovenian Films at Euclid Library Celebrate 15 years of in- A frustrated artist seeks the dependent Slovenia with three of the country’s finest achievements in film-making. Euclid Public Library presents the films free of charge over three Thursday evenings in June. Euclid, Ohio is home to more Slovenians anywhere outside of Europe. Euclid resident Joe Valencie works with Slovenian film directors and shares be-hind-the-scene stories on the making of these screen favorites. Films are projected on DVDs in Slovenian with English subtitles and rated PG for language and adult situations. Euclid Public Library is located at 655 E. 222nd St., next to the Polka Hall of Fame. Thursday, June 22, 7 p.m.: Dance in the Rain (Ples v dezju) ideal woman - and it’s not the older actress with whom he has a half-hearted affair. They yearn for true affection and lose themselves in daydreams. A brooding New Wave drama regarded as Slovenia’s greatest film. 100 minutes. 1961. Directed by Boštjan Hladnik, who passed away May 30th. With Dusa Počkaj and Miha Baloh. Thursday, June 29, 7 p.m.: Cheese and Jam (Kajmak in marmelada) A likeable loser from Bosnia is dumped by his sensible Slovenian girlfriend. He tries to prove himself by taking on a series of dubious jobs. An off-kilter comedy and Slovenia’s biggest box-office hit. 107 minutes. 2003. Directed by Branko Djuric, with pop singer Tanja Ribic and Primož Petkovšek. New Subscriber Campaign Put a NEW subscription to the American Home (Ameriška Domovina) newspaper on your spring “to do” list. Our usual anonymous donor will pay $15.00 for each NEW subscriber to American Home (up to 35). This paper will kick in $5.00 which means it will cost only $15.00 for each NEW one year subscription. Right now, 28 new subscribers signed on. Read all about your Slovenian heritage, plus activities in the Slovenian communities in the United States and Canada. This also makes an excellent gift because the recipient will remember yOur thoughtfulness each time this paper arrives. Send $15.00 check along with the name and complete address of the person who will receive the paper, to Amcri-can Home, 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 15, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 15, 2006 4 Slovenian Octet Sings at Ohio SNPJ Farm Celebrate 15 years of Slovenia’s independence with the internationally renowned Slovenian Octet, in concert at SNPJ Farm in Kirtland, Ohio. As part of Slovenian Days in Cleveland, we’ve dedicated Sunday, July 2 as Salute to Slovenia Day at SNPJ Farm. After the concert you can enjoy four hours of dancing with the music of Pennsylvania’s Jack Tady and the JTB in a rare Ohio appearance. The Slovenian Octet was founded in 1951 as Slovenia’s musical ambassadors to the world. The group was inspired by Slovenian-Americans who longed to hear their homeland’s music in their own land. The Slovenian Octet made its first American tour in 1963, appearing in Slovenian centers and concert halls from coast to coast. Ensemble singing is a Slovenian tradition and the Octet is considered one of the leading exponents of men’s vocal music in Europe. 12 noon - Gates open 1 to 3 p.m. - Dinners served 2 p.m. - The Slovenian Octet in concert 3:30 to 7:30 - Music for dancing with the Jack Tady Band. SNPJ Farm is located on Heath Road in Kirtland, Ohio, off Chardon Road (Rt. 6), about three miles east of Route 306. --Joe Valencie President Sen. Voinovich at Pristava Forty-five years went by and Slovenska Pristava is going as strong as ever before. A new hall is being built and summers are very lively with events going on every weekend. Also, 15 years ago, Slovenia gained its independence. In honor of these two events we will have Slovenski dan celebration on Saturday, June 24. Steak dinners will be served from 2:30 to 4 p.m. Reserve your dinner by calling Breda Ribic at (440) 943.-0621 or Elizabeth Zalik at (440) 943-0621. At 4 o’clock we will have a short program. Fantje na Vasi will sing both American and Slovenian national anthems. Two special guests, Senator George Voinovich and Cleveland Counsul General Dr. Zvone Žigon will have short speeches. After that, Stan Mejac Orchestra will play for your dancing and listening pleasure. Entrance tickets for nonmembers is $4. Plenty of food and refreshments will be available throughout the evening. Members and friends of Slovenska Pristava are invited. -Milan Ribič St. Mary’s Slovenian School Fund Raiser St. Mary’s (Coll.) Slovenian Language School will host a fund-raiser at the Time Out Grille in Wil-lowick on Monday, June 26. The Time Out Grille will donate 10% of your check to St. Mary’s Slovenian School for their students’ trip to Slovenia next summer. The event will take place all day (11 a.m. to 2:30 a.m.). The grille is located in the Shore-gate Shopping Center, 30480 Lake Shore Blvd. Join us at the Time Out Grille in Willowick. Not only will you be enjoying delicious food (it's wing night), drink and good times at the Time Out Grille, but you will be helping our children with this educational and memorable activity. Mention to the hostess that you are supporting St. Mary’s Slovenian School when you arrive. St. Mary’s Slovenian School thanks the staff and management at the Time Out Grille for their generosity. (440) 602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 Zele & Zele Co., L.P.A. Ronald Zele, Scott J. Zele, Zachary F. Zele Attorneys-at-Law 38106 Third Street Willoughby, Ohio 44094______ tl 1II if 11 jfjEj Hi # Opening Slovenian Days at Cleveland City Hall On Monday, June 5 Opening Ceremony of Cleveland Slovenian Days took place from 4:30 to 7 p.m. in Cleveland City Hall, 601 Lakeside Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio. Masters of Ceremonies were Cleveland Councilmen Mike Polenšek and Joe Cimperman. Special guests were Frank Jackson, Mayor of the City of Cleveland, Samuel Žbogar, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia to the United States, and Dr. Zvone Žgon, Consul General of the Republic of Slovenia. Mayor Jackson proclaimed Cleveland Slovenian Days. A Slovenian flag was pre- sented to Mayor Jackson. Slovenian Art and Archival Exhibit opened, and there was a performance by members of singing groups Korotan and Fantje na Vasi. In the photo above, left to right, are Councilman Joe Cimperman, Slovenian Ambassador Samuel Žbogar, Councilman Mike Polenšek, Bob Hopkins President of the Slovenian National Home on E. 65th and St. Clair, and Slovenian Consul General Zvone Žgon. (Photo and text by Phil Hrvatin) Lemont Softball Tourney LEMONT, IL - We will have great food, great drinks, and mediocre playing. The volleyball net will be set up, bocce to try out, a bouncy gym and sprinkler for children. It looks like we could have as many as 30 people from the Toronto Slovenski Farma, ages 21 -30 coming down Friday morning. There will be bonfires on Friday and Saturday and softball on Saturday and Sunday. * Don’t forget about Mass on Sunday at 11 a.m. by the grotto. Come out and have a blast with the Slovenski Športni Klub. If you’re interested in joining a team, please contact Frank Puc at fpuc@acceleratedrehab.com in advanceA June 24 and 25lh on the picnic grounds of beautiful St. Mary’s in Lemont. Slovenians "R" Us! Cottage Cheese Dumplings ! (Struk/ej) 1 carton (14 oz.) Cottage cheese (cream style) 2 eggs 2 tablespoons sugar Vi teaspoon salt 1 2/3 cups all purpose flour (unsifted) Combine cheese, eggs, sugar and salt. Mix well. Add : flour and beat with a wooden spoon to a firm dumpling i consistency. (Add more flour if mixture seems thin.) Drop by tablespoon into large pot of salted boiling ; water. Dumplings pop to top; that is why the big pot is : needed. Let cook for 20 minutes uncovered. Drain and mix j with buttered bread crumbs. Serve with tossed salad and a ; dessert for a nice Friday or Lenten meal. : —Emilee Jenko j Euclid, OH j Happy Father’s Day June 18 Ohio Boychoir Audition Auditions are now being held for the Ohio Boychoir 2006-2007 season for its Concert Choir, Training Choir and Summer Choral Camp programs. Membership is open to boys ages 9 to voice change for the concert choir and to boys ages 7 & 8 for the training choir. Concert choir members participate in a week-long choral camp in August. No previous choral experience is necessary. Contact Music Director Jon Simsic at (216) 556-2222 or visit us at www.ohiobovchoir.ort>. Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax 'Serviet 496 E. 200th St. Euclid, OH 44119 (216) 404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 taxtlme@en.com M http://stlmburysaccounUng.con Enrolled to Practice BeAte 0,e Internal Revenue Sef** Servicing Indmduals Corporations 6. Small fiusiness^. Roster of Organizations Imenik slovenskih društev Slovenski narodni domovi Slovenian National Homes FEDERATION OF SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOMES President: Robert Royer; lsl Vice President: Anthony Mannion; 2nd Vice President: Edward Gabrosek; Financial Secretary and Treasurer: Lou Grzely; Recording and Corresponding Secretary: Nancy Vasilko; and Executive Secretary: Patricia Ipavec Clarke. Auditors are Frank Gruber, Anna Mae Mannion, and Evelyn Pipoly. SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 6409 St. Clair Ave - 216 361-5115 e-mail: snh6409(5)sbcglobal.net President Emeritus: Edward Kenik; President: Robert A. Hopkins; Vice President: Michael Japcl; Recording Secretary: Sylvia Ply-messer; Business Secretary: Geraldine Hopkins; Treasurer: Alex Spinos. Directors: Dennis Bucar, Deborah Davidson, Heather Davidson, Joanne Fordyce, Richared Godic, Ronald Godic, David Hočevar, Lawrence Hočevar, Marjanca Hocevar-Trivisonno, Michael Jape!, John Leonard, Shelli March, Clare Miller, Jeff Zabukovec. Alternates: Charles T. Ipavec, Zoeann Zak Mitchell, Ann Opeka, Nick Ver-tosnik, Antonia Zagar. COLLINWOOD SLOVENIAN HOME President: Evelyn Pipoly; Vice President: Deanna Miklich; Treasurer: Joyce Segulin; Financial Secretary: Alba Plutt; Recording Secretary: Jennie Tuma; Corresponding Secretary; Karen Richard; Auditors: Mike Pipoly, John Plutt and Mary Podlogar. House Committee: John Hozjan, John Plutt, Tom Urankar and Steve Richard, Rich Zgrabek. Directors: Stephanie Ann Dagg, Arlene Martin, and Tony Miklich. SLOVENIAN WORKMEN’S HOME 15335 Waterloo Rd. Cleveland, OH 44110 President: Tom Čebular; Financial Secretary: Celeste Frollo; Rec. Sec. and Audit: Eleanor Godec; Bar Chairman: Gordon Luce; Trustee: Joyce Plemel; Auditors: Robert D. Jamison, Kathy Gipson; Home: Pam Dirk, Linda Gorjup, Dorothy Gorjup; Properties: Ken Kleinhenz; Auditors: Phillip Čebular, JoAnn Heinz. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA National Officers 2002-2005 National President: Kathleen Dorchak-Hall; Vice President: Betty Ann Kolesari; Secretary: Bonnie Pohar Prokup; Treasurer: Jonita Ruth; Scholarship Director: Mary Tur-vey; Auditors: Beverly Menart, Denise Bartlett, M. Marge Church; Zarja Editor: Corinne Leskovar; Special Projects Director: Mary Lou Voelk. SWUA Home Office, 431 No. Chicago St., Joliet, 1L 60432. Tel: (815) 727 1926. LOZKA DOLINA President: Charles Zgonc; Vice President: John R. Telich Sr.; Secretary: Louis Zig-mund; Auditing Committee: Matt Zabukovec, Albert Marolt and Frank Sechnick. Representative to lodges with St. Clair Slovenian Home and Collinwood Slovenian Home. Annual meeting and annual social in April. ST. CLAIR PENSIONERS CLUB 6409 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, OH 44103 President: Sylvia Plymesser (216) 391-9453; Vice President: Helen Snyder, Recording Secretary: Marcie Mills; Financial Secretary: Lawrence Hočevar, 1364 E. 43 St., Cleveland, OH 44103; Sunshine: Irene Toth; Auditors: Danny Reiger, Emilee Jenko, Tony Baznik; Tour Coordinator: Jeanette Ruminski. Meetings held on the third Thursday of each month at 1 p.m., in the Kenik Room of the St. Clair Slovenian National Home. EUCLID PENSIONERS President: Lori Sierputowski; Vice President: Jackie Ulle; Recording Secretary/-Reporter: Carolyn Janezich; Treasurer: Elsie Frank; Financial Secretary/Membership: Lillian Pugel; Auditors: Frank Sadar, Chairman, Stana Grill, Frank Sechnick, and Alternate: Lillian Dombrowski; Sgt.-at-Arms: Henry Pugel; Sunshine Lady: Doris Pokopac; Tour Organizer: Mimi Stibil. Meetings held first Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the lower hall of Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. - New members are welcome HOLMES AVENUE PENSIONERS President: John Kozlevchar; Vice President: Matt Zabukovec; Treasurer: Bill Zabukovec; Sgt.-at-Arms: Fran Kajfez; Asst. Treasurer: Ann Beckett. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME . Euclid, Ohio President: Henry Kapel; Vice President: rank Korelec; Secretary: Donna Helmecy; reasurer: Fran Schmidt; Recording Secretary: arion E. Bocian; Audit: Jim Brazalovics; House Committee: Ray Kastelic; Member-s ip/Sunshinc: Mary Frank; Member- ship/Sunshine: Stephanie Segulin, Joe Bergoč; rebroom Liaison: Donna Helmecy. Meetings held the second Wednesday of each month at 12:30 in Collinwood Slovenian Home. WATERLOO BALINCA CLUB Co-Presidents: Brian Polantz, Oliver Markon; Vice President: Ray Polantz; Secretary: Eleanor Godec; Treasurer: Marilyn Vidmar; Auditors: Hank Skarbez, Harold White, and Mark Vesel. BARBERTON SLOVENE PENSIONERS CLUB President: Sarah Kumse; Vice President: Betty Jevec; Secretary-Treasurer: Ann Novak; Recording Secretary: Shirly Fister; Auditors: Mary Pojc, Betty Jevec. Fed. Reps: Sarah Kumse, Betty Jevec, Ann Novak, Ray Palcic; Alternate: Bill Stopar. Meetings every first Thursday of the month at 12:00 noon at Slovene Center Hall, 70- 14th St. N.W., Barberton, OH 44203. KLUB UPOKOJENCEV SLOV. PRISTAVE: Predsednik: Ivan Jakomin; Podpredsednika: Vinko Vrhovnik in Pepca Kastigar; Tajnica: Martina Štepec, 1958 Brushview Dr., Richmond Hts., OH 44143 (tel.: (440) 944-0016; Blagajnik: Pavle Intihar; Zapisnikar: Frank Urankar; Nadzorni Odbor: Minka Kmetich, Edi Veider; Odborniki: August Dragar, Julka Zalar, Marija Kocian, Mary Vrhovnik, Julka Mejač, Olga Kalar, Štefka Jarem, Tonckla Urankar, Štefka Zidar, in Tone Štepec. NEWBURGH-MAPLE HTS. PENSIONERS CLUB President: Art Zanutic; Vice President; Florence Mirtel; Financial Secretary: Olga Dorchak (330) 468-7989; Recording Secretary: Clara Hrovat; Membership/Sunshine: Olga S ray; Auditors: Tony Kaplan, Kay Yuratovac, John Kužnik. FAIRPORT SLOVENIAN RETIREES CLUB President: Tony Satej; Vice President: Juliann Centa; Treasurer: Carol Satej; Recording Secretary; Louise Hayden; Auditors: Jo Minello, Jo Gomick; Entertainment: Tony Satej; Sunshine Com.: Julian Centa; Sgt.-at-Arms: Alice Martinčič; Ticket Sales: Dorothy Nemura. GLASBENA MATICA SINGING SOCIETY President: Dan Hrvatin; lsl Vice President: Sharon Loucka; 2nd Vice President: Paul Zimperman; Secretary: Lisa Hupfer; Treasurer: Steve Royer. Glasbena Matica will celebrate its 75th Anniversary this year with a diamond jubilee concert at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair on Saturday, Nov. 19. KOROTAN Predsednica: Cvetka Rihtar; podpredsednica: Mary Ann Vogel; podpredsednik: Frank Lovšin; tajnica: Maruša Pogačnik, 7628 Chappin Falls Lane, Kirtland, OH 44094; blagnicarka: Helena Nemec; nadzorni odbor: Janez Nemec, Zdenka Zakrajšek, odborniki: Martina Jakomin, Cirila Kermavner, Mimi Režonja, Blažena Rihtar, France Rihtar, Milena Stropnik, pevovodja: Janez Sršen. 5 SLOVENIAN JUNIOR CHORUS Youth Circle No. 2 SNPJ President: Kristy Zivkovich; Vice President: Ashley Russ; Recording Secretary: Elizabeth Penko-Suk; Treasurer: Stefani Kurbos; Attendance Secretary: Deanna Raidsek; Historian: Alex Radisck; Music Director: Cecilia Dolgan. Meets at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, on Thursdays at 7 p.m. Nov. 12 - Fall Concert, Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, Ohio. MISIJONSKA ZNAMKARSKA AKCIJA (CATHOLIC MISSION AID) MZA - CMA Duhovni vodja: dr. Pavel Krajnik; predsednica: Marica Lavriša; podpredsednica: Helena Gorše; tajnica, zapisnikarica: Mari Celestina, 4935 Gleeten Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143; blagajničarki: Helena Nemec, 1019 E. 171 St., Cleveland, OH 44119 oz. Mary Tominec, 107 Snavely Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143; nadzorni odbor: Ani Nemec, Tončka Urankar, Ivanka Tominec; odborniki: Ana in Rudi Knez, Viktor in Nežka Tominec, Marija Ribič, Tončka Lamovec, Vinko in Mary Vrhovnik; nadzornika: Lovro Rozman, Mari Miklavčič. Oltarno društvo fare Sv. Marije Vnebovzete Duhovni vodja: Rev. John M. Kumse; predsednica: Ani Nemec; podpredsednica: Nežka Cerer; blagajničarka: Paula Hauptman, 25922 Highland Rd., Richmond Hts., OH 44143, tel. 216-481-1871; tajnica: Marica Lavriša; zapisnikarica: Mari Celestina; nadzornice: Tončka Urankar, Mary Podlogar, Maria Frank; zastavonošinja: Josephine Sežun. Skupno sv. obhajilo vsako prvo nedeljo v mesecu pri sv. mašo ob 10. dop. Isti dan popoldne ob 1.30 ura molitve, po blagoslovu pa seja v sobi za sestanke v šoli. KLUB LJUBLJANA Meetings held the last Tuesday of the month, 1 p.m., at Slovenian Society Hall, 10713 Recher Ave., Euclid. President: Ann Bauha; Financial Secretary and Treasurer: Stephanie Segulin (216) 451-1876; Recording Secretary: Louise Trunkley. Auditors are Ceil Zinder and Louise Trunkley. Bartenders: Frank Sadar and Frank Skoda. SLOVENIAN SOCIETY HOME LADIES AUXILIARY 20713 Recher Ave. Euclid, OH 44119 President: Jackie Ulle; Vice President: Marilyn Lazzarra; Recording Secretary; Val Korošic; Treasurer: Kathy Hlad; Auditors: Ann Adams, Norma Hrvatin, and Ruth Korelec. ST. MARY’S HOLY NAME SOCIETY Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; President: Florian Osredkar; Vice President: Victor Nemec; Treasurer: William Kozak. FEDERATION OF AMERICAN SLOVENIAN SENIOR CITIZENS President: Olga Dorchak; Vice President: Larry Hočevar; Treasurer: Pat Nevar; Secre-•ary: Matt Zabukovec; Auditors: Dorothy Gorjup, Grace Marinch, and Frank Sadar. LADIES AUXILIARY SNPJ FARM President: Sophie Matuch; Vice president: race Marinch; Secretary: Gerri Trebets; reasurer: Barbara Elersich; Auditors: Eleanor odcc. Dorothy Gorjup, Helen Sumrada. WEST PARK SLOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland, OH 44135 C residenj. R0bert Royer; Vice President: ■j. Uc* Gove; Hall Treasurer: Rudy Pivik; toreaxSUrer: Michelle Bartunek; Social Direc-r. Marie Pivik; Auditors: Ruth Each, Albert ill ° s*1c*<. Marija Dimitrijevich; Ladies Aux-r>- Theresa Krisby. WATERLOO PENSIONERS CLUB President: Pat Nevar; Vice President: Eileen Markusic; Recording Secretary: Grace Marinch; Treasurer: Dorothy Gorjup; Auditors: Joann Heinz, Eleanor Godec. Meetings held every 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1 p.m. at Waterloo Hall. CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS BARAGA COURT No. 1317 Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Božnar; Chief Ranger: Robert W. Mills Sr.; Past Chief Ranger: Dr. Anthony F. Spech; Vice Chief Ranger: Anthony Baznik; Financial Secretary: Angelo W. Yogrig, 17220 Tarrymore Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. Ph: 531-2662; Treasurer: John J. Hočevar; Trustees: Anthony Baznik, Howard Eckert, Robert Mills, Sr. Youth Director: Angelo W. Vogrig; Field Rep. Richard Kuhar (Ph: 838-1889). Meetings held the 2nd Friday of the month. Call Fin. Sec. for meeting location. SLOVENIAN SINGING SOCIETY ZARJA President: Richard Tomsic; Vice President: Amy Trenton; Secretary: Josephine Rotter; Treasurer: Barbara Elersich; Director: Douglas Elersich. For more information about Zarja, please call Richard Tomsic at 481-1379. SLOVENSKA PISARNA Predsednik: Fr. Jože Boznar, podpredsed-nik-blagajnik in upravnik pisarne: Felix Gasar. nadzorni odbor: Viktor Tomince in Frank Šega. Tajnica in zapisnikarca: Zalka Likozar; književni referent: Mara Cerar Hull; od-bomiki(ce): Milka Odar, Ivanka Vidmar in Vida Oblak. Seje so po potrebi, v prostorih SiovensKe pisarna na 6104 Lausche Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103. Telefonska številka: 216—361 -03—; fax številka: 216-361-0300. Pisarna je odprta ob sobotah od 10.00 do 12.00 ure in nedeljah od 9.30 do 21. ure. ST. MARY’S COURT No. 1640 CATHOLIC ORDER OF FORESTERS Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; High Court Trustee: Alan Spilar; Chief Ranger and St. Ct. Tr. Kathleen Spilar; Vice Chief Ranger: Mary L. Daley; Secretary: Jennie Jesek; Financial Secretary: John Spilar; Treasurer: Vicki Skarbez; Trustees: Gerry White, Hank Skarbez, Alan Spilar; General Agent: Dick Kuhar, Phone (440) 838-1889; Youth Director: Kathy Spilar (216) 289-3814; Past Chief Ranger: Alan Spilar. Meetings every 4,h Wednesday of second month: Jan, March, May, July, Sept, Nov. in St. Mary’s school (meeting room), 15519 Holmes Ave., Cleveland, OH 44110. ST. CLAIR RIFLE AND HUNTING CLUB President: Eddy Ujcich; Vice President-Richard Beck. All correspondence to Mr. Richard Beck, 38500 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 15, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 15, 2006 SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION 6 BRANCH #14, Euclid, Ohio President - Secretary/Treasurer: Diane Varney; Vice President - Recording Secretary: Pat Habat; Auditors: Stana Grill, Antoinette Zabukovec; Reporter: Alice Kuhar; Sunshine: Diane Varney; Banner Lady: Josephine Kastigar. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 47 President: Olga A. Dorchak; Secretary: Elsie M. Spellacy (330) 699-0031; Vice President: Ann Harsh; Auditors: Kathleen Dorchek-Hall, Virginia Kemmoerling; Zarja Reporter: Katherine Wallace, 393 Minnie Ct., Akron, OH 44311. Meetings held the 2nd Sunday, March, September, November, Christmas Meeting December. Woman of Year in May at Maple Hts. Library. SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch #50 Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of the month at the Euclid Public Library, 1 p.m. Mother of the Year: Rose Mary Toth President: Rose Mary Toth; Vice President: Cookie (Catherine) Maxin; Treasurer: Frances Kajfez; Recording Secretary: Evelyn Pipoly; Dawn Reporter: Ann Tomsick; Auditors: Louise Troglia and Dorothy Ann Winters. ST. VITUS ALUMNI President: Danny Reiger; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Recording Secretary: Dan-iella Avsec; Treasurer: F. Raymond Gobec; Corresponding Sec’y.: Daniella Avsec; Sgt.-at-Arms: Louis Shenk; Trustee: Joseph Zelle. Meetings, 7 p.m., on the first Thursdays of January, April, July, and October in the Social Room of St. Vitus School. Dues are $5 per year. Officers are nominated in October and sworn into office in January. ST. VITUS CATHOLIC WAR VETERANS POST 1655 Commander: Robert W. Mills Sr.; First Vice Commander: Steve Piorkowski; Second Vice Commander: Thomas Kirk; Third Vice Commander: Daniel Reiger; Officer of the Day: Edward Arhar; Welfare Officer: William Lipoid; Treasurer: Steve Piorkowski; Historian: Anthony Grdina; 1 Yr. Trustee: James Logar; 2 Yr. Trustee: Joseph Baškovič; 3 Yr. Trustee: Edward Kotar; Adjutant: Thomas Kirk; Judge Advocate: A1 Lipoid; Liaison Officer: Joseph Mismas; House Chairman: Richard Mott; Chaplain: Rt. Rev. Bishop Edward Pevec, Rev. Joseph P. Boznar, Rev. William Jerse, Rev. Richard Evans, and Rev. Victor Cimperman. ALTAR SOCIETY OF ST. VITUS Spiritual Director: Fr. Joseph P. Božnar; President: Ivanka Matič; Vice President and Slovenian Recording Secretary: Jelka Kuhel; English Recording Secretary: Harija Košir; Secretary: Helena Perčič; Treasurer: Nevia Avzlahar; Auditors: Ann Arhar and Ivanka Pretnar. KRES FOLK DANCERS President: Ra'chael Gaser, 38401 Pleasant Valley Road, Willoughby, OH 44094 - e-mail: champ88@worldnet.att.net ; Vice President: Michael Kusold; Treasurer: Nicole Kusold; Secretary: Lauren Hauptman; Mem-ber-at-Large: Victor Kmetich. ODBOR SKD TRIGLAV Milwaukee Spiritual Leader: Rev. Dr. Jože Gole; President: Tom Smolič; Vice President: Joe Omik; Treasurer: Anne Sagadin, Luke Kolman (taxes), and Eveline Maierle - dinner sales; Recording Secretary: Marija Kadunc; Secretary: Mary Ann Sulik; Park Manager: Janez Mejač; Assistant Park Manager: Craig Frohna; Kitchen: Helen Frohna; Assistant Kitchen: Marta Mejac; Bar Manager: John Levičar; Choir Director: Mara Kolman; Sports Director: Frank Mejac; Delegate for Uspeh: Christina Carroll; Reporter for Ameriška Domovina: Mara Kolman; Auditors: Kathy Kaye, Kathy Mejac, Vicky Schneider; Judges, Court of Arbitration: Mike Carroll, Luke Kolman;, Dan Mejac. 2006 TRIGLAV PICNIC CALENDAR (Held at Triglav Park, Wind Lake, Wis.) Memorial Day, May 29lh; First Picnic, June 25lh; Mission Picnic; July 23rd; Second Picnic: August 20lh; Wine Festival: Sept. 17. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN PRIMORSKI CLUB President: Mejak Joakin; Vice Pres.: Milavec Aldo; Treasurer: Ramšak Silva; Secretary: Stropnik Angela. Board Members: Grdina Srečko, Grdina Mary, Jenko Joseph Jr., Manjas Danilo, Milavec Sabina, Mejak Brigita, Ramšak Joseph, Sedmak Kristjan, Udovič Vera. Board of Review: Grdina Srečko, Milavec Sabina, Manjas Danilo. BELOKRANJSKI KLUB President: Theresa Smuk; Vice President: Rudy Benedejčič; Secretary: Mimi Blanchard; Recording Secretary: Agnes Golobic; Treasurer: Alenka Winslett; Stock Master: Brian Winslett; Hospitality Chair: Milena Dovic; Auditing Committee President: Mark Blanchard; Auditing Committee: Agnes Cerer, Frank Smuk. ŠTAJERSKI - PRIMURSKI KLUB President: Mimi Kozina-Cupar; Vice President: John Kozina; Treasurer: John Cupar; Secretary: Majda Zorman. Odbor: Tonica Simičak, Martina Simičak, Mimi Kozina, Rezka Zelko, Kristina Ferlinc, Ančka Leben, Frank Fuja, Joe Ramšak, Paul Skale, Karl Hozjan, Majda Rožič. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN HERITAGE FOUNDATION President: Anthony W. Hiti; Vice President: Dr. Alexander Ukmar; Secretary: Joan Chermely; Treasurer: Dana Leonard; At-Large: August B. Pust, Dr. Rudolph M. Susel, Ann M. Opeka; Past Presidents: Dr. Karl B. Bonutti, Frederick E, Križman, Esq., Hon. August Pryatel, Dr. Vladimir J. Rus, Edmund J. Turk, Esq., Joyce Ann Hribar, Esq. SLOVENE HOME FOR THE AGED 18621 Neff Road, Cleveland, OH 44119 (216) 486-0268 President: Robert Klancher; Vice President: Phil Hrvatin; Treasurer: Celeste Frollo; Secretary: Vera Marsic. Trustees: Chris Chermely, Doug Elersich, Sutton Girod, Rudy Kozan, Dale Luzar, Joe Miskulin, Milan Ribic, Richard Tomsic, Agnes Turk, Flop: ' ence Unetich, Scott Zele; Alternate: John Pestotnik; Honorary Trustees: John Cech, Frederick Križman, Ronald Zele. Administrator: Jeffrey S. Sas, LNHA. SLOVENIAN AMERICAN NATIONAL ART GUILD President: John Streck; Vice President: Patricia A. Habat; Secretary: Jeannie Somrak; Treasurer: Lillian Bratina; Auditor: Ann Opeka; Heritage: Doris Sadar; Membership and Circulation: Carol Maruszak; Newsletter: Patricia A. Habat. Meetings held the third Monday of the month at 7 p.m. at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, Ohio. AMERICAN SLOVENE CLUB President: Gene Drobnič; Vice-President: Emilee Jenko; Secretary: Terry Hočevar; Cor-res. Sec’y.: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Agnes Koporc. Meetings: 4 times a year. LILIJA Predsednik: Peter Dragar; Podpredsednik: Matija Grdadolnik; Podpredsednik: Srečo Gaser; Tajnik: Zdenka Zakrajšek, 10740 Angela Dr., Kirtland, OH 44094; Zapisnikar: Frank Hren; Blagajnišar-ka: Marija Marsic; Programski odbor: Matija Grdadolnik, Srešo Gaser, Peter Dragar, Zdenka Zakrajšek, Mojca Slak, Ivan Hauptman, Ivan Jakomin. Oderski mojster: Slavko Štepec, Kuhinja: Ani Nemec, Julka Zalar; Točaja: Rudi Hren, Tone Štepec; Reditelji: Jože Tomc, Ivan Tomc, Lojze Zupančič; Športni referent: Matija Grdadolnik; Nadzorni odbor: Marija Tominc, Frank Zalar Ml., Štefka Smolič SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION Branch 25 President: Frances M. Gazvoda; Vice President: Josephine Perpar; Sunshine Lady: Albina Pozelnik; Recording Secretary: Emilee Jenko; Treasurer: Ann R. Clemencfc; Auditor: Emilee Jenko. DRUŠTVO SLOVENSKIH PROTIKOMUNISTIČNIH BORCEV (D.S.P.B. Cleveland, Ohio) Viktor Tominec, predsednik, tel. 216 531 -2728; Anton Oblak, tajnik, Frank Šega, blagajnik; Stane Vidmar & Frank Kuhel, nadzorni odbor; Lojze Drobnič, tiskovni referent. Društvo prireja v mesecu maju spominsko sv. mašo in obisk pokopališča. V mesecu avgustu spomonsko romanje za vse žrtve komunizma, nacizma in fašizma. ST. VITUS LODGE No. 25 KSKJ Spiritual Director: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; President: Joseph S. Baškovič; Vice President: Joseph V. Hočevar; Secretary: John C. Turek, Tel.: 531-0230; Treasurer: Al Orehek; Auditors: Ron Fabo, Marty Turek; Youth and Athletic Director: Ralph Prawdzik; Sergeant-at-Arms: Tony Baznik. ST. JOSEPH LODGE No. 169 KSKJ Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kumse; President: Phil Hrvatin; Vice President: Sandi Green; Financial Secretary: Anne Nemec, 708 E. 159 St., Cleveland, OH 44110 Ph: (216) 541-7243; Treasurer: Helena Nemec; Recording Secretary: Karen Kretic; Youth & Athletic Director: John Nemec; Auditors: Jennie Tuma, Matt Kajfez, Chris Chermely; Sgt-at-Arms: Tony Tolar; Reporter: John Nemec. Meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the club room of the Collinwood Slovenian Home (Holmes Ave.). New members (up to age 90) are always welcome. For information on life insurance and annuities, call licensed agents John Nemec (216) 541-7243 or Sandi Green (440) 946-2500. SACRED HEART OF JESUS LODGE No. 172 KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Joseph P. Boznar; Častna predsed: Ludmila Glavan; Predsednica: Rela Zadnikar; Podpred.: Frank Kuhel; Tajnik-blag: Draga Gostic, 1440 Timbertland Lane, Twinsburg, OH 44087 (tel: 1-330-405-6272; Zapisnikarica: Gabriel Kuhal Revi-zonji: Gabriela Kuled, Vilibald Zadnikar, Anuska Lekan; Athletic/Youth Director: Anuska Lekan; Sergeant-at-Arms: Frank Kuhel. Meetings held every Third Friday at 1 p.m. KRISTUS KRALJ Št. 226 - KSKJ Duhovni vodja: Rev. Jože Boznar; predsednik: Joseph F. Rigler, tel (440) 256-3137; podpredsednik: Raymond Zak; tajnik in blagajnik: Erika Kurbos, 1875 Braeburn Pk. Dr., Euclid, OH 44117, tel (216) 383-1212; zapisnikarica: Rosemarie Zupančič; nadzorni odbor: Timothy Klodnick, John Zupančič in Chuck Potenga. Direktorica mladinskih aktivnost: Judy A. Ryan; Šports referent: Ronald Zak; v ra tari: Bob McDonough. Seje društva vsako drugo nedeljo v meseca ob 12. uri v SND, 6417 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. KSKJ vam nudi mnogovrstno zivljensko zavarovanje za vsote od $lk,000 naprej. Poleg zivljenskega zavarovanja vam KSKJ nudi tudi večvrstne naložbe >anujties< Vse pod zelo ugodnimi pogoji. Za podrobnosti se brezobvezno obrnite na tajnika društva. OUR LADY OF FATIMA Lodge No. 255 KSKJ Spiritual Advisor: Rev. John Kumse; President: Robert A. Schulz; Vice President: Jackie Hanks; Secretary-Treasurer: Connie Schulz, 28908 Uxbridge Dr., Willowick, OH 44095, Tel: (440) 944-2015; Auditors: Larry Duggan, Donna Duggan; Athletic Director: Darlene Schulz. Meetings 2n<* Wednesday of month at 6:30 p.m. at Secretary/Treasurer home. BALINCARSKI CLUB SLOVENSKA PRISTAVE Časni Pred.; Felix Breznikar; Predsednik; Lojze Mohar; Pod. Pred.: Janez Švigelj; Taj-Blag: Tone Škerl. Odborniki: Ani Breznikar, Mici Mohar, Tončka Švigelj, Tone Vogel, Janez in Rezka Breznikar, Vera Žnidaršič, Marija Vrhovnik, Lojze in Angelca Debeljak, Tončka Berkopec, Zdenka Kavčič. Nadzorni odbor: Lojze Hribar, Vionko Vrhovnik. PRISTAVA UPRAVNI ODBOR 2005-2006 Predsednik: Milan Ribic; 1. Podpredsednik: Metod Ilc; 2. Podpredsednica: Metka Zalar; Tajnica/Campground: Ani Sterle; Pomožni tajnik; Edi Sedmak; Blagajnik: Marjan Perčič; Zapisnikarica: Kati Cup. Odborniki in odbornice: Cerer Jože; Cerer Tony; Cerer Tony, Jr.; Champa Tony; Ferkulj Frank; Frank, Larry; Grčar Jože; Intihar Pavel; Kogovšek David; Košir Benjamin; Košir Michael; Kozina Mimi; Krištof Verena; K rule Stanley, Jr.; Luzar, Emie; Mejak Joakin; Novak Jože; Oreh Filip; Osenar David; Pisom Branko; Ribic, Andrej; Ribic Valentin; Rote Frank; Rus Mike; Rus Ron; Rus Stane; Sedmak Kristjan; Sleme Vid; Štepec Tom; Tominc Martin; Veider Edward; Vogel Mary Ann; Vogel Tony, Jr.; Vrhovnik Vinko; Zalar Frank, Jr.; Žalik Elizabeta; Žnidaršič Thomas; Žnidaršič, Joe. Nadzorni odbor: Kmetic Viktor, Sršen John; Zalar Frank. Razsodišče: Košir Joseph; Štepec Tom; Urankar Frank. ST. ANNE’S LODGE #4 AMLA President; Emilee Jenko; Is' Vice President: Madeline Debevec; 2nd Vice President: Stane Kuhar; Secretary: Lillian B. Novak (440) 238-9291; Treasurer: Dolores Krause; Recording Secretary: Louis Zigmund; 1st Auditor; Ann Opeka; 2nd Auditor: Dorothy Stanonik. Meetings every first Wednesday of the month at 1 p.m. in the Slovenian Room of St. Vitus Village. SLOVENSKI DOM No. 6 AMLA President: Joe Petrie; Vice President: Walter Frank; Secretary-Treasurer: Theresa Aveni; Recording Secretary: Lillian Pugel; Audit Chairman: Janice Verch; Auditors Elsie Frank, Dorothy Lamm, Coordinator: Elsie Frank, Josephine Markatos; News articles: Joe Petrie. KRAS No. 8 President: Vida Zak; Vice President: Celeste Frollo: Secretary / Treasurer: Anton Lavrisha, 1076 E. 176 St., (216) 531-3413, meti@aol.com; Recording Sec.: Sophie Matuch. Meetings the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m., at Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue in Cleveland except July and August. — j AMLA LODGE #9 Cleveland President: James Pavlik; 1st Vice President: Robert Menart; Secretary: Patricia Antigoni; Recording Secretary: Gertrude Menart; Audit Chmn: Roseanne Jerina; Auditor: Gertrude Menart; F.A.C. Coordinator: Gertrude Menart; Lodge Reporter: Albert Amigoni. Lodge meets the first Sunday of the month at 11 a.m. in AMLA Home Office, 19424 S-Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44119. LODGE RIBNICA No. 12 AMLA President: James E. Czeck; Vice President: Vincent F. Ilacqua; Secretary-Treasurer: Carole Czeck; Recording Secretary: Gina Ilacqua; President Auditing Committee: Jaime Lončar; 1st Auditor: Lillian Bratina, 2nd Auditor: Philip J. Yan, Sr.; F.A.C. Coordinator: James E. Czeck; Lodge Reporter: Carole Czeck/James Czeck. Meetings Sundays July 16, Oct. 15, and Dec. 17 at, 1:30 p.m. 988 Talmadge Ave. QUEEN OF PEACE Lodge No. 24 - AMLA President: Francis Cazin; Vice Presiden ■ Dorothy Cabal; Secretary: Rosemary PoZ® relli; Recording Secretary: Angie Mu51’ Auditors: Dolores Hrovat, Bernice Nova ’ Hattie Fashinpaur. ST. MARY’S SENIORS Spiritual Director: Rev. John Kunts6-President: Zora Kocin; Vice President: Els|C Jacobs; Secretary: Mary Zimperman; Trea® urer: John Spilar. Meetings are held every lsl Tuesday a^ 1:30 p.m. in St. Mary’s School. For Part'^\ lars and membership call Zora Kocin at (2 289-0467. Death Notices MINKA KMETICH Minka Kmetich (nee Božic), 86, of Richmond Hts., wife of the late Victor; beloved mother of Metka (Frank) Zalar, Vic (Annie) and Tom (Michelle) Kmetich; cherished grandmother of Franci, Viktorija, Monica, Vic, Katie Jennifer, Tommy and Nadi; dear sister of Zinka Zadnikar and the late Lojze Rus, both of Slovenia. Friends were received at The Dan Cosic Funeral Home, 28890 Chardon Rd., Willoughby Hills, OH Thursday, June 8, from 2-9 p.m. Mass of Christian Burial was on Friday, June 9, 2006 in St. Vitus Church. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. In Memory Editor, “We appreciate your dedication and contributions through the “American Home newspaper - which is read word for word by many, including our past president, Louis Silc. It is in his memory that the officers enclose our annual contribution of $70.00.” --Carole Czeck, Secretary Lodge #12 AMLA In Memory Thanks to Stella Klaus of Columbus, OH who submitted a $10.00 donation in memory of Elmer J. Klaus. In Memory Thanks to Stanley Ferkul of Madison, OH who submitted a $25.00 donation in memory of Janez and Julka Ferkul. In Memory Thanks to Molly R. Hribar of Warren, MI who sent in a $25.00 donation in memory of her husband Frank J. Hribar and sister Mary Zupanchick. In Memory Thanks to Kristina Arko of Denver, CO who donated $65.00 as a thank you for the printing of the Lojze Arko eulogy. In Memory Thanks to Lillian Frederico of Cleveland, OH who sent in a $15.00 donation in memory of Joseph and Margaret Yartz, and Molly Yartz. In Memory Thanks to Richard Cesen of Euclid, OH who donated $15.00 in memory of his wife, Kathy Cesen. In Memory Thanks to Edward Blatnik of Lighthouse Point, FL who sent in a $15.00 donation in loving memory of John and Anna Blatnik. In Memory Thanks to Sylvia Klopcic of Parma, OH who submitted a $20.00 donation in memory of Janez Klopcic. Donation Thanks to Dorothy Andrews of Apex, NC who renewed her subscription for two years and donated $30.00 to the American Home newspaper. She writes, “I look forward to receiving the American Home. As a former Clevelander and product of St. Vitus School, your newspaper is a link to many good memories. Here’s to continued success.” Donation Thanks to Sonja and Stefan Durjava of Euclid, Ohio for the $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Tony and Dorothy Spendal of Willoughby Hills, OH for the $20.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Theye$a and Anthony Rus of Willoughby Hills, OH for the $15.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Catholic Order of Foresters St. Mary’s Ct. #1640 for the roster payment and the extra $30.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Joseph J. Jerse of North Royalton, OH who submitted a $25.00 donation. In Loving Memory Of the 10th Anniversary of the Death of Our Friend John Orazem Died June 19,1996 It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, The day God took you home. Sadly missed by: Family of Mary Okicki AH Fridays Fish Fry Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland from 11:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. All Fridays Fish Fry dinners at Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. Friday, June 16 Pork, sauerkraut and dumpling dinner 5-7:30 at Newburgh, Slovenian Home, 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland. Music by Joe Novak & Friends. Donation $8. Reservations (216) 341-6136. Friday, June 16 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. with music by Stan Mejač. Saturday, June 17 SPD Tabor - Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, June 18 SPD Tabor, celebration and dinner at Slovenska Pristava. Friday, June 23 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. with music Eric Nolt-kamper. Saturday, June 24 Slovenian Day - celebrating 15 years of independence of Slovenia and 45 years of Slovenska Pristava (Stan Mejač Ansambel) at Slovenska Pristava. Guests Sen. Voinovich and Consul Zvone Žgon. — Steak dinners served. To reserve dinner tickets call (440) 943-0621 or (440) 943-0621. Saturday, July 1 Pristava Campers picnic / steak roast at Slovenska Pristava from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Advance steak dinners $15 (at door: $20); chicken $12 (at door $15). Advance call (216) 529-0579 or (440) 256-1924. Tuesday, July 4 Big Bang Fourth of July Dance at SNPJ Farm featuring Frank Moravcik & Del Sinchak. Thursday, July 7 St. Vitus Alumni meet in St. Vitus Village, 7 p.m. Sunday, July 9 Catholic Mission Aid picnic (MZA) at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 9 Family Fun Day & Dance Lodge 604 at SNPJ Farm featuring Joey Tomsick Band. Wednesday, July 12 Holmes Ave. Pensioners Picnic at Eagles, 37299 Euclid Ave., Willoughby from noon to 6 p.m. Free admission. All invited. Music by Fred Ziwich. Food and refreshments available. Saturday, July 15 Moonlight Bowling, 6:30 p.m. at Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80,h St. $25 per couple includes bowling, prizes and meal. Call Tony at 440-243-4062. Sunday, July 16 St. Vitus Parish Summer Picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 16 Dance hosted by Cleveland Lodge 126 at SNPJ Farm featuring Jeff Pecon Orchestra. Monday, July 17 Camp Pristava until Sunday morning 7/23 (Slov. schools & Pristava children) at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 23 St. Vitus Slovenian School picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, July 23 Dance at SNPJ Farm hosted by Spartans Lodge 576 featuring Joe Novak & Friends. Wednesday, Aug. 2 50-50 Raffle, 7 p.m. at Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80 St.. $10 admits two. Includes sandwiches, chips and pop. Sunday, Aug. 6 Primorski Club picnic (Tramontana) at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 6 Chicken Barbeque & Dinner at SNPJ Farm featuring Wayne Tomsic Orchestra. Saturday, Aug. 12 Pristava Picnic (Tramontana) Sunday, Aug. 13 Slovenian National Home Co., Newburgh, 3563 E. 80 St., Cleveland, B.B.Q. Ribs, pork dinner 12 noon to 2 p.m. Music by Wayne Tomsic. Donation $10. Reservations (216)341-6136, Sunday, Aug. 13 Picnic by retirees at Slovenska Pristava. Sunday, Aug. 20 St. Mary’s parish picnic at Slovenska Pristava. Saturday, Aug. 26 Kres annual performance at Slovenian National Home In Loving Memory First Anniversary (Jp* Mary Veronica Jevnikar Born April 20,1927 - Died June 18, 2005 We loved you so much in life. Our hearts were broken to lose you, But you didn’t go alone; for part of us went with you, The day God took you home. You left us peaceful memories, and though cannot see you; we still feel surrounded by your love. Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same; but as God calls us, one by one, the chain will link again. Sadly missed by: Daughter, Jcnien Beach son-in-law, Bill Son,John Grandsons, John and Jcfl Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (216) 481-3118 Family owned and operated since 1908__ PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216 - 732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 15, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 15, 2006 8 The life and times of Joseph Mihevc 1940-1945 My Apprenticeship and After (Continued) I worked 40 hours a week in the shop. On the weekend, I always took the train in an attempt to visit my house. Unfortunately, I could not make it home for most of 1944, so my parents would meet me in Rakek, where we would exchange news, various personal items and food. It was dangerous to trayel home. The communists controlled my hometown and they were always on the lookout for “unusual” activity and the comings and goings of the town people. They would even send children to take care of the goats along the road and, at the same time, to watch for who was entering and leaving the town. One could be “arrested” on the slightest pretence and serious consequences would follow if you were caught. Thus, I did not feel that it would be safe to return home, as there were people who did not want to see me alive. On one such visit to Rakek, a former friend who had worked with me as an apprentice arrived by bike to try to convince me to go with him for a social visit to a house just on the outskirt of the railroad town. He was a communist party member and if I had gone with him, I would never have returned alive. By Christmas of 1944, however, the anticommunists gained control of my home town and I was able to visit home regularly each weekend until I finally left for good as a refugee on May 4, 1945. While I lived in Ljubljana at the residence, the food was rationed. The residence did its best, but there was never enough. When I visited home on the weekends, I was able to get some extra food, which I really enjoyed and I felt full for three days. On my visits home, I helped my parents with various jobs that needed to be done. Occasionally, they were able to give me some flour to take back to Ljubljana with me. I gave this flour to the nuns at the residence and they would bake a loaf of bread for me. This bread was a welcome addition to the meager diet. May 1945-June 1948 My Journey as a refugee I left my home in Cerknica on the fourth of May, 1945 at about 3 or 4 in the morning; my sisters Milka and Ivanka had not yet finished packing when I was ready and they left about a half hour after I did. I worked in Ljubljana in the locomotive shop at Siska as a machinist and I had been home for the weekend. I could see the gunfire, which was about three kilometers away near Podskraj-nik, moving towards Cerknica. With a knapsack on my back, I climbed through the back window of the house, crossed the neighbor’s yard, went past the church through Begunje and Otave to Notranje Gorice and then onto Ljubljana to the apprentices’ residence at Kersnikova 4, where I had been living for the past year. In Otave, I caught up with several others from my town who were taking the same route. When we looked back, we saw the burning army barracks at Slivnica, which had been torched by the domobranci when they retreated. I was extremely fatigued and don’t remember the dates very well. I was quite shaken by news that people had been hung to die on the linden trees by the roadside between Rakek and Unc. I also heard that my neighbor had threatened me by saying, “We’ll get that damned Mihevc, the altar boy; we’ll show him the devil.” I think that it was on the first day after I arrived in Ljubljana that it became clear that the partisans were winning. Store windows had posters that showed a woman fleeing, with a knapsack over her shoulder, along with her children, and holding a sign that read, “On orders from Moscow." She was forced to take refuge. These had been placed by anti-communists as a warning that the Slovenian communists, on orders from communist Russia, were using various tactics to force people to flee. I joined the thousands of other refugees from all over Slovenia and moved with them towards the Gorenjska area. The German border patrols north of Ljubljana abandoned their stations when we arrived. With a group of others from Cerknica, we reached the village of Suha where we spent the night sleeping in the hay bams. Mr. Tone Ponikvar, the mayor of Cerknica bought a calf, some of which we cooked for our meal. The remaining raw pieces of meat we carried with us as we continued on our journey. This was the last food eaten in Slovenia. From then on, we ate whatever food we carried in our knapsacks. We continued onwards toward Trzic where we slept (if we could) on the bare ground. Early the next morning, after a cup of tea - I’m not sure where it came from - we joined the refugees, which included domobranci and stragglers from the German army, and went through the long tunnel through the Karavanke. Just before the tunnel army barracks were burning, which I think were abandoned by the prisoners who had been working on constructing the tunnel. Exhausted, we walked in the mud, oftentimes hanging onto the horse-driven wagons through the dark tunnel at the end of which we finally saw Koroško. We rested a bit and ate whatever we had in our knapsacks. The walk downhill was easier but it ended soon. We learned the bridge over the Drava River was overtaken by the partisans and our way was blocked. Seventeen of us, mostly from Notranjska, decided to go through the woods towards Beljak. It soon became dark, and we spent the night in the woods. Two women from our party (Zdenka Gornik and Angelca Klansek) were sent to the nearby village to determine the situation at the bridge. They shortly returned to inform us the bridge was open. We rejoined the rest of the group and continued onwards with the rest of the refugees towards Vetrinje. I think it was the ninth of May. (To Be Continued) Song&Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM radio Hours: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX web: www.wesb org Slovenian Train Kills Bear Family A Slovenian freight train killed an entire bear family when it plowed into a 330-pound mother and her three cubs in the south of the country. The Delo newspaper reports the mother and cubs were apparently walking in a row along the rails when the train came upon them. The accident occurred on a rail line that crosses several Seamstress Wanted Sewing of lettering on athletic apparel. Call 216 289-2254 routes regularly used by wild animals in the Snežnik region, which has a bear population of between 500 and 700. Train collisions with bears occur once or twice a year in the region, according to Delo. But it says this is the first one to ever have killed so many of the animals at once. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 stiCl We Make House Calls ... . A Since 1963 Gorjanc Comfort Services has been providing professional, responsive service to make short work of your heating and plumbing needs... 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. And when we make a house call, we bring the warehouse with us. This ensures that most service is finished in just one visit. Call us and experience our award winning service today! GmUANC HEATING - COOLING - PLUMBING 440-449-4411 www.gorjanc.com Heating $10 OFF Furnace or Boiler Service X, May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 3/31/05 A Plumbing A $25 OFF Drain Cleaning May not be combined with other discounts. Expires 3/31/05 eHsfc* Saturdays 9-I0pm Cleveland Pubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA A vvv It's Time for vour eve exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams Latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses We Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) Tourism is Fastest Growing Industry Last year’s results of the world and Slovenian tourism records confirm that tourism is the fastest growing industry in the world. And in Slovenia it has a special place in its economy. In 2004 the number of foreign guests to Slovenia increased by 9% (to somewhat less than 1.5 million arrivals). Foreign tourists contributed the most visits to Slovenia. Most foreign guests came from Italy (an 8% increase of overnight stays). Germany had a minus 5% of overnight stays. Austria had the same level of overnight stays as the year before. The rate of arrivals and overnight stays of Croatian visitors also noted a slight fall (2%). Italian guests had the highest number of overnight stays in 2004, thus beating the Germans from the year before. The French beat the Hungarians in arrivals and overnight stays, and the British beat the Croats. There was also an increase ln the number of arrivals and overnight stays of Americans (plus 30 or 34%), and Spanish visitors (plus 37 or 26%). Data of the last Slovenian tourist year also reflect a positive effect of Slovenia’s entrance into the European Union. Namely, as a full member of the EU, Slovenia has gained a reputation and international visibility, whereas tourists have been additionally attracted by an easier border crossing. In the future the greatest emphasis will be given to wellness, group tourism, gambling activities, so called “city break” programs, golf, cycling, culinary, active vacations and experiences in nature. Slovenia is a safe and attractive destination offering countless possibilities for unforgettable vacations. It is particularly attractive for tourists who want to experience active vacations with a number of various adventures. The main assets of Slovenia are undoubtedly preserved nature, hospitable people, rich cultural heritage, colorful cities, delicious dishes, quality hotels, restaurants, farm tourism, gambling, and health resorts. Anton J Ogrinc, D.D.S. Family Dentistry/Pre vendve Dentistry • MAYFIELD VILLAGE 6551 Wilson Mills Rd., Suit 103 1-440-473-1920 A NEW BIOGRAPHY ABOUT AMERICA’S GREATEST SLOVENIAN POLITICIAN Frank J. Lausche Ohio’s Great Political Maverick by Dr. James E. Odenkirk Native of Mansfield, Ohio and History Professor, Arizona State University Published by Orange Frazer press Excellent reviews of this historical story about Cleveland’s favorite son in the Plain Dealer. Columbus Dispatch and Toledo Blade To order this special autographed book, cnd a check ($19.95 plus $3.00 shipping and handling) Attn: Dr. James E. Odenkirk, History Dept. Boise State University, 1810 University Drive. Boise. Idaho 83725-1925 Slovenians Help Czechs Open Museum On May 12, at Bohemian National Hall, 4939 Broadway Ave., Sokol of Greater Cleveland invited several members of the Slovenian community to help celebrate the opening of the Czech Museum and Library. Janet Voinovich donated a panoramic oil painting of the Czech city of Milevsko that she had received from city officials during a 1993 State of Ohio trade mission to the Czech Republic. Janet’s grandmother Zizka was a native of Milevsko area. In the photo are, left to right, Janet Voinovich, Betty Hosticka (President of the Czech Library Museum), Czech Ambassador Petr Kolar, U.S. Senator George Voinovich, and Jaroslava Kolar (wife of Ambassador Kolar. In photo below are, back row, left to right, Joe Valencie (Polka Hall of Fame), Larry Hočevar (Slovenian Cultural Garden Association), Roman Fedkiw (Director of Multicultural Affairs Office of Bob Taft), and Tony Petkovšek (WELW Polka Radio). Front row are Gerri Hopkins (Slovenian National Home), and Joe Kocab (Czech Voice of Cleveland radio). Also in attendance but not in the photo are Bob Hopkins and August Pust. --(Photos by Phil Hrvatin) What’s the use of happiness? It can’t buy you money. _____________ --Ray Mlakar Attention West Side Residents SAAD SIBAI 226-3730 ALTERATION} BULK LOAD PROFESSIONAL DRY CLEANING ■ SHIRT SERVICE ON PREMISES 15019 MADISON AVENUE • LAKEWOOD, OHIO 44107 Euclid Slovenian Home Friday Meals Serving 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call 216-531-8348 for take out orders. Featuring deep fried Canadian pike and baked cod dinners, breaded pork chops, beef goulash, four-cheese macaroni and cheese and Slovenian Home fries, polenta, hand-cut French fries, coleslaw and assorted desserts. 10 & under children’s menu available. Every Friday will feature a different dinner. In June will provide free dessert with every adult full size dinner purchased. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 15, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 15, 2006 10 My Grandmother’s Birthday Present FICTION by JORDAN KOLARIČ (age 13) It was May the 29lh. I had been waiting for this day for months. My mom had cleaned the house like a germaphobic freak. Even my room was clean. This was the first time in months I had actually seen the floor. My dad had in fact gotten up from his reclining chair and had cleaned the garage. Of course, I did most of the work. My little sister, Vicky, was running around the house and yelling (as usual) and I gave her a friendly love tap upside the head. She cried, and I got yelled at, although I didn’t care. Nothing could upset me today. It was my birthday. I was turning 13. I came inside the house and ate a small snack. Shortly after that, the guests began to arrive. First, my Aunt Patty and Uncle Victor came with my cousins, Paul and Christine. Next was my Uncle Tony and Aunt Wendy. Following them was My Uncle Jamie and Aunt Sandy, and their baby, Alex. Uncle Micky and his girl friend Courtney came, along with my Uncle Pete. Uncle John and Aunt Martha were late, as usual. My dad’s parents, Vicky and Michael were in from California and were staying at our house. Finally, my mom arrived with my other grandmother who lives alone. My grandfather died nine months ago. He went peacefully because he died in his sleep. My grandmother, Rita had Alzheimer’s Disease, which causes memory loss, and confusion. It can also make you see things that no one else can. “Hello, Tom," she said quite loudly. I tried to hold back my laughter. My mom glared at me and then corrected her. “Mom this is Tim.” “What’s the difference between an O and an I,” my grandmother argued. It was 60 degrees outside, but my grandmother was wearing what looked like a down parka. She also carried a box wrapped with paper towels. It had a big green ribbon on top. My mom offered to take her coat, but grandmother insisted she could do it herself. She walked into my parents room and I followed her. “Tom. What a big closet,” she practically yelled. “No, Grandma. The closet is over here." I opened a door. She looked in there for a second, then she smiled. “Hello, Walter,” she said, “How’s Germany?” I looked in, but saw no one. This scared me a bit. “Time for dinner,” my mom said. Thank God. We ate and ate until we were stuffed. After we finished the cake, my grandmother said, “I haven’t had lasagna for ages." “Grandma, that wasn’t...’ My mom cut me off. She talked to my grandmother a while. In fact, everybody talked. Then, it was time to open presents. I tore through the wrapping paper, thanking everyone in between. I got roller blades and a hockey stick, some money, an X-Box 360, and a lot of other wonderful presents. Finally, I came to my grandmother’s present. I tore off the paper towels as my grandmother yelled something about ripping the paper and how we could tape it back together. Then, I came to a Thank You card. Confused, I pretended to read it, and then opened the lid off the box and found nothing. Then, my smile went to a frown. “Do you like it?" grandma asked. “Yes,” I lied. “It’s very... nice.” This was not at all what I was thinking. There was nothing in there. That night, I talked about grandma needing help and that she was crazy. My sister was asleep, so I felt I could say these things now. My dad agreed with me a little. We had to do something with her, seeing she would not be able to live alone anymore. We researched nursing homes and senior centers on the Internet. The following week, we found a nursing home in Euclid off Neff Road that would accept her. We took a tour and the nurses did some tests on my grandmother to find out how she should be treated. Every weekend, we would visit her. She seemed sad and lonely. One time, she gave me a box of cookies. She told me that she wanted me to move into her old house and live there. She said it Pensioners Picnic Same fun. New spot. The Holmes Avc. Pensioners invite all to their annual picnic at Eagles, 37299 Euclid Ave., Willoughby, 1.2 miles east of Rt. 91 on July 12 from noon to 6 p.m. Free admission. Food and refreshments available. Music by Fred Ziwich. For info call (440) 943-3784. —Matt Z. It's Cool To Be Slovenian! was mine. My mom said no because I would live with her and my dad until I’m 18. My parents’ plans were to clean out the house and sell it, but if she knew that, my grandmother would be very sad. When we left, I gave her a hug and kiss and told her that I loved her, even though I still held a grudge about the empty present. That was the last time I would ever see her. Three days later, she died. I was upset that I never really got to properly say goodbye. I wrote a song for her and performed it at a picnic after her funeral. I was really upset when I thought of the days she was normal with Grandpa and how they would spoil me rotten. Every weekend, my mom and I would go and clean her house a little. Three weeks after she died, we were in the attic, going through her “treasures.” My mom called me over across the attic. She handed me a box with blue wrapping paper and a red bow. Attached was a card in a blue envelope. I opened it. It said, “To a Special Grandson on his 13 th Birthday.” Inside, she wrote, “May all of your birthday wishes come true. Love, Grandma.” I smiled and yet, I began to cry. I tore off the paper. With each tear, I felt worse about how I had thought about my grandmother. I lifted the flaps on the box, and inside was a pocket watch that I recognized well. This solid gold pocket watch belonged to my grandfather. I would always remember my grandmother through this event, and I would never forgive myself for the thoughts I had about her; all over an empty box. It made me realize that love cannot be wrapped up. It could not be sealed with colorful paper, scotch tape and bows. It made me see that all the love in the world could not fit in a box. Jordan is the son of Sonja and Thomas Kolarič of Kirt-land, Ohio. New Caterer for Euclid Hall The Slovenian Society Home, aka Recher Hall, is pleased to announce the grand opening of their Friday Fish Fry was on June 9th, featuring the cooking of Kathy Gipson and her staff of The Element of Taste Catering Co. Breaded and deep fried Canadian Pike and Baked Cod will be the featured items, along with Breaded Pork Chops, Beef Goulash, Breaded Butterfly Shrimp and all the accompaniments such as Slovenian Home Fries, Four-Cheese Macaroni and Cheese, Polenta, hand-cut French Fries, Coleslaw, etc. A 10 and under children’s menu will also be available. Each Friday will also feature a “Today’s Special.” June 16 will feature a Stuffed Cabbage Dinner. As a grand opening special, the month of June will provide a free dessert with every adult full size dinner purchased. Takeout orders will also be available. Kathy Gipson and her staff have been catering since 1991. Kathy has been one of the recommended caterers at Recher Hall for the past 12 years. She has also catered at the Slovenian Workmen’s Home on Waterloo Rd., and at the Slovenian Home on Holmes Avenue. The Element of Taste Catering Co. has catered from one person (they offer Breakfast in Bed gift specials) and serve up to 450 people (weddings and fund raisers). Kathy prides herself on good old fashioned home-style cooking using only the finest ingredients. For more information on Kathy and The Element of Taste Catering Co., call her at 440-585-2855. A ship in harbor is safe - but that is not what ships are for. —John A. Shedd Future president Franklin D. Roosevelt spent much of his youth summering at Campobello Island In New Brunswick, Canada. His cottage Is now part of a joint Canadian-American international park. Cleveland Pubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA Great Annuity Rates! 7-year Flexible Annuity 5.50% guaranteed first 12 months or 5-year Deferred Annuity 4.50 °/o guaranteed for 5 years KSKI44/ AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC ; 1-800-843-5755 ♦ www.kskjlife.com FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina —r Ti i n r j ^; r*T ^ i h— AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, June 15, 2006 SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER - vesti iz Slovenije - Iz Clevelanda in okolice Janez Janša bo na svojem prvem uradnem obisku v ZDA od 7. do 11. julija - V Beli hiši ga bo sprejel predsednik Bush Predsednik slovenske vlade Janez Janša bo prvič prišel v ZDA in to na povabilu predsednika Georgea Busha. Sporočeno je bilo, da bo obisk trajal od 7. do 11. julija, vrhunec bo gotovo srečanje med Janšo in Bushem v Beli hiši, do katerega bo menda prišlo 10. julija Podrobnosti obiska so še v pripravi, v kolikor bo več znano do naslednje številke, bomo naknadno poročali. Ob dnevu državnosti v Sloveniji vojaške parade ne bo Aleksander Zorn, državni sekretar v kabinetu predsednika vlade Janeza Janše je Povedal, da vojaške parade ob letošnjem dnevu državnosti v Sloveniji ne bo, bo pa Slovenska vojska na osrednji državni proslavi na predvečer praznika 24. junija sodelovala s častno četo, dvignila zastavo, sprožila salve z ljubljanskega gradu in pokazala svoje veščine. Zorn, ki je hkrati predsednik koordina-eijskega odbora za državne proslave, je še tekel: “Tako smo se odločili po premisleku tudi zato, da polemike, ki so se sprožile °b vojaški paradi, ne bi preglasile slovesno-sti tega praznika in tega trenutka in bi se Potem ukvarjali samo s tem, ne pa s tem, da smo odlična mlada država, ki ima odlično pot v prihodnost in se nima česa sramovati.” Proslava na ljubljanskem Trgu republike bo “velika replika osamosvojitvene proslave”, je potekala pred 15 leti,” je pripomnil. Prvi občni zbor Janez Drnovškovega Gibaiya za pravičnost in razvoj” potekal na gradu Turjak 28. maja Predsednik Slovenije dr. Janez Drnovšek Je dal pobudo za to “gibanje” in ga tudi °b sorazmerno veliki udeležbi na gradu Urjak priklical v življenje. Še vedno pa ni Popolnoma jasno, kako bo gibanje konkret-n° delovalo, predvsem ne, ali se bo slej a^‘ prej spremenilo v politično stranko. V svojem govoru pred zbrano množico, je Drnovšek dejal, da naj bi Gibanje za pravičnost in razvoj tvorili ljudje, ki želijo spreminjati svet na bolje: “Vsi vemo, da je to potrebno, vendar včasih mislimo, da se ne da nič narediti. To gibanje smo ustanovili prav zato, da bi to miselnost spremenili. Prepričan sem, da obstaja že nekaj posameznikov, ki želijo delati dobro in želijo spremeniti svet na lepše.” V govoru je močno poudaril problem varstva okolja in da “stvari bomo morali vzeti v svoje roke in rešiti ta planet. Več kot nas bo, več bomo dosegli”. Dotaknil se je tudi politike: “Pri gibanju ne gre za politiko. Politične stranke že obstajajo. Delajo po nekih svojih mehanizmih in po svojih omejitvah. Zakaj bi sprejemali te omejitve in te mehanizme? To gibanje bo poskušalo delati še nekaj zraven. Delovali bomo na stranke in preko njih. Poskušali bomo ustvarjati takšno klimo, da bomo lahko iskali boljše in bolj pozitivne rešitve. Iskali bomo načine, ki bodo pomenili, da smo lahko uspešni in da nikogar ne pahnemo v stisko. Da imamo občutek za socialo, da ne prepustimo vsega kapitalu. Tržni mehanizmi so sicer koristni in jih je treba obdržati, ampak ne na takšen način, da bomo ustvarjali nepravično družbo. Želimo takšno družbo, kjer bo imel vsak človek možnost dostojnega življenja.” Dr. Peter Štumf novi pomožni škof Papež Benedikt XVI. je 24. maja imenoval dr. Petra Štumfa za novega mariborskega pomožnega škofa. Dr. Šrumf se je leta 1962 rodil v Murski Soboti, v Želimljah pa je obiskoval srednjo versko šolo (sedanjo gimnazijo). Nato je vstopil med salezijance in študiral teologijo v Ljubljani in Torinu. Leta 1990 ga je mariborski (nad)škof Franc Kramberger posvetil v duhovnika. Po novi maši je opravljal pastoralne službe na Igu, v Sevnici, Zabukovju, Veržeju in na Rakovniku v Ljubljani, kjer je bil nazadnje župnik. Leta 2002 je doktoriral s področja prekmurske zgodovine. ^akor je znano, bo Slovenija prvih šest mesecev leta 2008-torej čez dobro pol-Pru9o leto - igrala vlogo predsednico Evropske unije. To mesto se pač menja ^Sakih šest mesecev. Tako bo pred Slovenijo to funkcijo imela Nemčija, v tej Prvi Polovici 2006 pa jo igra Avstrija. Vlada v Sloveniji se že vneto pripravlja na 0 odgovornost, ki bo državi prinesla veliko pozornost. Priprave ima v rokah . *~avnj sekretar za evropske zadeve Janez Lenarčič (pred njim je to mesto Marcel Koprol, ki je bil nekaj časa generalni konzul RSIovenije v Clevelan-2»'" fotografiji je skupina slovenskih šolarjev, ki vsak drži zastavico ene od roi,držav č,anic EU, spredaj proti desni pa sedi fantek s slovensko zastavo v *1 '■ Poudariti velja, da bo Slovenija prva od pred dvema letoma desetih novih an'c, ki ji bo doletela čast in odgovornost biti začasna predsednica EU. Spominska proslava— Tabor DSPB Cleveland vabi na spominsko proslavo, ki bo v nedeljo, 18. junija, na Slovenski pristavi. Ob 12. uri bo č.g. Franci Kosem daroval sv. mašo pri kapelici na Orlovem vrhu, po maši bo na razpolago kosilo. Vse podrobnosti najdete v dopisu na str. 13. “Pozdravljena zemlja”— Korotanova DVD plošča s tem naslovom bo na razpolago na Slov. pristavi po maši, ki jo bo daroval č.g. Kosem na spominski proslavi na Orlovem vrhu 18. junjia. Plošča stane 20 dolarjev. O njej piše Metod Milač v daljšem dopisu na str. 12 današnje AD. Novi grobovi Minka Kmetič Umrla je 86 let stara Minka Kmetič z Richmond Hts., rojena Božič, vdova po Victorju, zanjo žalujejo otroci Metka (Frank) Zalar, Vic (Annie) in Tom (Michelle), 7-krat stara mati, sestra Zinke Zadnikar in že pok. Lojzeta Rus (oba v Sloveniji). Pogreb je bil 9. junija v oskrbi Cosicevega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Bernard Tekavec Umrl je 58 let stari Bernard Tekavec, sin Antona in Anne, r. Turk (oba že pok.), brat Anthonyja, Olge Coffman (pok.), Irene Bezi-lla, Fred-a (pok.), Josepha (pok.), Mary Jane Kušar, Elizabeth Corrao in Jamesa, veteran vietnamske vojne. Pogreb je bil 7. junija v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda s sv. mašo v cerkvi sv. Vida in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. Jean M. Brodnik Umrla je 96 let stara Jean M. Brodnik, rojena Kushlan, vdova po Franku Brodnik in po Fred-u Pa-chinger, mati Franka ml., Catherine Simmons, Geralda ter že pok. Richarda, Roberta in Douglasa, 9-krat stara mati, 14-krat prastara mati, 1-krat praprastara mati, sestra Anthonyja, Charlesa, Louisa in Bernadine Colagross. Pogreb je bil 12. junija s sv. mašo v cerkvi St. Bede’s v Mentorju in pokopom na Vernih duš pokopališču. (DALJE na str. 16) Bralcem v vednost— Naš list bo zopet izšel prihodnji četrtek, 22. junija, nato pa 29. junija in 6. julija ne, pač pa 13. julija. Lepa udeležba— Praznovanje slovenskega dne v rotundi mestne hiše, ki je bilo 5. junija ob navzočnosti župana Franka Jacksona, je zelo lepo uspela. Zbralo se je precej več kot 100 gostov. Mnogi ste gotovo videli veliko sliko v Plain Dealerju naslednji dan. Slovenski filmi— Nocoj, 15. junija, in nato 22. in 29. junija, bodo v Euclidski javni knjižnici predvajali slovenske filme, kar je pač organiziral Joe Valenčič. Nocoj bo na vrsti (ob 7h zv. in brezplačno) film Ekspres, ekspres iz 1. 1997, glavna igralca sta Gregor Bakovič in Barbara Cerer. 22. junija bo film iz leta 1961 “Ples v dežju”, glavna igralca sta Duša Počkaj in Miha Baloh. Ta film naj bi bil v očeh nekaterih najboljši povojni slovenski. 29. junija bo pa Kajmak in marmelada, glavna igralka je pop-pevka Tanja Ribič. Filmi so v slovenščini, spodaj pa bo možno prebirati angleški tekst oz. prevod. Še to: filmi nosijo oznako PG oz. “parental guidance”. Avtobus v Columbus— V petek, 23. junija, bo pred ohijsko zakonodajo v Columbusu slovesno dviganje slovenske zastave. Organiziran je avtobus, ki bo peljal rojake na to slovesnost, po njej bo možen ogled stavbe zakonodaje. Odhod avtobusa bo iz Marije Vnebovzete ob 7.30 zj. in od Sv. Vida ob 7.45, slovenost bo opoldne. Za avtobus bo treba plačati $17 za voznino, kosilo pa bodo plačah potniki sami. Za rezervacijo sedeža in več informacij: Ivanka Matič, 216-481-1514. Če odlašate utegne biti avtobus zaseden. Kosilo na Pristavi— Slovenski dan bo v soboto, 24. junija, na Slovenski pristavi. Možno bo dobiti stejk kosilo. Za rezervacijo in več informacij, pokličite Bredo Ribič na 440-943-0621 ali pa Elizabeto Žalik na 440-943-0621. Itak ste lepo vabljeni, da pridete na Pristavo na to lepo praznovanje. S TIHIM SPOŠTOVANJEM VRNITEV K VETRINJSKI TRAGEDIJI Ob šestdesetletnici begunstva SYRACUSE, NY - Šestdeset let v življenju posameznika, družine, celo v zgodovini vsakega naroda je dolga doba. Druga svetovna vojna je prinesla toliko pretresov, toliko nesreč, toliko trpljenja, da še vedno teh doživetij in teh dejstev ne moremo pozabiti iz izbrisati iz spominov vsi, ki se k tem dogajanjem pred tolikimi leti še vedno vračamo. Dve pomembni plošči (DVD) sta izšli zadnje čase, da nas povrnejo ob šestdesetletnici Vetrinjske tragedije s sliko, besedo in glasbo v tisto tragično obdobje. Prva plošča, ki sta jo izdala Ivan in Pavla Hauptman s sodelavci in z naslovom: Dr. Valentin Meršol Memorial Tour 2004 in obisk Slovenije, je spomin na potovanje v Slovenijo pod okriljem Slovensko-ameriškega sveta v Clevelandu, Ohio. Druga plošča, ki jo je izdal Pevski zbor Korotan tudi z mnogimi sodelavci, nosi naslov: Pozdravljena zemlja - Po poteh mučencev, prinaša opis sodelovanja zbora Korotan, pravtako iz Clevelanda, na slovesnostih šestdesetletnice begunstva Vse-slo-venskega snidenja v Ljubljani v začetku julija 2005. Ni namen tega dopisa navajati vsebino, kakor tudi ne imena sodelujočih. Kdor bo poskrbel za dostop k tema dvema ploščama, si bo lahko sam ustvaril odnos do tega spominskega gradiva. Naslovi in slikovni ovitki obeh plošč tudi sami po sebi predstavljata vsebino. Snidenja v Sloveniji junija 2004 in julija 2005 sta bili v precej drugačnih okoliščinah, kot so bili časi na začetku našega begunstva leta 1945, posebno še, ker smo se sedaj sešli v samostojni Republiki Sloveniji. Na eni strani so nam ta snidenja prinesla edinstven vtis današnjega časa, na drugi pa so begunske skupine z javnimi nastopi potrdile nepretrgano in nenehno zavedanje in prizadevanje begunskih skupnosti za ohranjanje slovenske kulture vsepovsod po svetu. Obiski v Sloveniji iz daljnih dežel so možni le za peščico ljudi in še za to majhno število je potrebno veliko požrtvovalnosti. Za dostop širšega občinstva k tem dogodkom zato dolgujemo posebno zahvalo vsem, ki so v Sloveniji v juniju 2004 in v juliju 2005 poskrbeli za posnetke teh snidenj slovenskih begunskih skupin v besedi, glasbi in sliki. Vsako potovanje v Slovenijo, kakršen koli je že namen, je običajno povezano tudi s potovanji in razgledi po Sloveniji. Tudi v teh dveh primerih ni bilo izjeme. Prav nasprotno. Pod dobrim vodstvom so udeleženci lahko spoznali precejšen del Slovenije, lepote polj in gorš, njenih znamenitosti, veličastnih cerkva, sezidanih in okrašenih že pred stoletij. Vse to je za mnoge, posebno za mlajšo gene- racijo na tako strnjenem ozemlju, nekaj čudovitega. Obe plošči zelo slikovito dosežeta ta prvi cilj. Za mlajše je še bolj važen drugi cilj, prinesti iz rojstne domovine svojih staršev ali že starih staršev najboljše in dolgotrajne vtise. Spomin na Vetrinjsko tragedijo z vsemi posledicami pa je jedro, bistvo, glavni namen obeh plošč. Šestdeset let je že preteklo od tedaj, pa so bolečine za še živeče ta-boriščnice in taboriščnike Vetrinjskega polja prav tako neusmiljene, kakor so bile tiste dni v 1945. letu. Na obrazih Vetrinjskih soudeležencev ali rešen-cev po zaslugi majorja Barreja in dr. Valentina Meršola lahko vidimo, kakšno moro nosijo v svojih srcih. Na obrazih naslednjih generacij pa lahko zaznamo neverjetnost, da je kaj takega sploh bilo mogoče. Vendar! Stojijo nad globokimi neverjetnimi jamami, danes popolnoma zasuti, in se sprašujejo in ozirajo okrog za pojasnilo, ki kljub vsemu nikakor ne more priti. Poseben vtis snidenj po šestdesetih letih pa sta prispevala dva najmlajša, fantek in deklica, ki sta se brez skrbi in z veseljem podila po prostorih škofovih »zavodov, v tistih prostorih, kjer so čakali na svojo usodo med množico zaprtih leta 1945 tudi mnogi bivši dijaki Zavoda sv. Stanislava. Morda bosta prav ta dva otročička nekoč Fotografija je iz leta 1995. Od nekdanjega peggeškega taborišča je takrat stala samo še baraka št. 10. 45. obletnica Slovenske pristave in 15. obletnica neodvisne Slovenije Zvezni senator iz Ohia George V. Voinovich in generalni konzul RSIovenije v Clevelandu Zvone Žigon častna gosta ter govornika CLEVELAND, O. - Letos je 45 let, odkar je bila ustanovljena Slovenska pristava, in 15. obletnica neodvisne Slovenije. Na čast obeh dogodkov prireja odbor Slovenske pristave praznovanje - Slovenski dan - v soboto, 24. junija. Kosilo z govejimi zrezki (po $16) bo servirano od 2. do 4. ure. Rezervirajte si večerjo in pokličite Bredo Ribič na 440-943-0621 ali pa Elizabeto Žalik na 440-537-1941. Po četrti uri popoldan bo kratek program. Fantje na vasi bodo zapeli obe državni himni, častna gosta sen. George V. Voinovich in generalni konzul Republike Slovenije v Clevelandu dr. Zvone Žigon bosta navzoče nagovorila. Praznovanje se bo nadaljevalo ob glasbi ansambla Staneta Mejača, seveda bo za pijačo in hrano poskrbljeno. Cena vstopa na Pristavo bo za nečlane le $4. Člani in prijatelji SP lepo vabljeni! - Odbor napisala, vsekakor ne zadnjo, pač pa eno predzadnjih sodb in vrednotenj slovenske Vetrinjske dobe, zgodovine - in tragedije. Na vse slovenske žrtve, ki so padla ali preminule, ne samo v Sloveniji, tudi drugod po svetu, med in po drugi svetovni vojni, se bomo vedno spominjali s tihim spoštovanjem. Metod Milač 9. junija 2006 ZAHVALA! CLEVELAND, O. - Kadar si nekaj zares želimo in to tudi dosežemo, se vsaj v tihi hvaležnosti vzdihnemo - hvala Bogu! Zares iskena hvala Bogu za tako lepo vreme na nedeljo, 28. maja, ko smo obhajali spominsko slavje naših dragih pokojnih s sveto mašo pri Lurški Materi božji, in nato pri molitvah na pokopališču Vernih duš. Glede naročitve teh dveh plošč: Dr. Valentin Meršol Memorial Tour 2004 in obisk Slovenije - e-mail: ihauptman@adelpiha.net Pozdravljena zemlja -Po poteh mučencev. Marjan Kosem 10716 Blueberry Hill Dr. Kirtland. OH 44094 Tel. 440-256-8933 E-mail: marionkosem@vahoo.com Prav lepa hvala tudi vsem, ki ste pomagali in sodelovali pri teh svečanostih, tako pri sv. maši in pri molitvah na pokopališču. Posebno hvalo g. dr. Pavletu Krajnik, ki je opravil sv. mašo, g. Jožetu Božnar, za pobožnosti na pokopališču, Ameriški domovini za objavo in vabilo, zvestim pevcem, ter dobremu Franciju za spremljave z orglami. Prijatel’s Pharmacy St. Clair & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO - AID FOR THE AGED PRESCIPTIONS Seznanjajte naše bralce z aktivnostmi vaših društev In zahvala za oglaševanje po radijskih valovih, lektorju Srečotu, mini' strantom, in vsem, ki ste se udeležili teh svečanosti v spomin naših dragih pokojnih. Iskrena hvala vsem, irl Bog povrni! v 1 M ^°n^liMelodies from Beautiful Slovenia Slovenian Radio Family EDMEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89,3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 mJvM web: www.wcsb.org -I Spomini - Pristava! WICKLIFFE, O. - Lepo vreme. Nimaš kaj početi doma, se vsedeš v avto in se odpelješ na Pristavo. Kako čudovit je pogled na ta košček zemlje. Pogleduješ naokoli in glej, prvo kar zagledaš je velik beli križ. Zapelješ malo na stran, stopiš iz avtomobila in zagledaš veliko belo steno z mnogimi imeni. Napis te opozori - to so imena morišč, kjer je komunist moril nedolžne rojake in rojakinje. Nekaj metrov od bele stene pa je kapelica, ki je posvečena Brezjanski Materi božji. v spomin na vse pobite slovenske domobrance in četnike. Pri tej kapelici bo v nedeljo, 18. junija, pobožna spominska svečanost s sv. mašo - za vse žrtve, ki sta jih zadala slovenskemu narodu komunizem in tuja okupacija. Med 12.000, katere je angleška vojska oblast kot neoborožene izročila slovenskim komunistom, sem bil vključen tudi jaz sam. Moj obisk te kapelice me vedno popelje nazaj v Teharje, k mojim bratom domobrancem. Pereči in težki so ti spomini. Spomin na Ljubljanski grad, na Orlov vrh nanj, kjer so bili grobovi mojih bratov domobrancev. Padli so v boju. Sovražnik pa je zabrisal celo njihove grobove! Rojaki, rojakinje - pridite na to spominsko svečanost 18. junija in naj skupaj z mašnikom pomolimo L Vsemogočnemu za njihov večni mir. Prav lepo pa bo pri tej svečanosti, če se je boste mogli udeležiti v narodni noši.. Vsem vam pa kličem: Bog bodi z vami vedno! F. O. L. Na Koroškem - in v Sloveniji ... Boj za slovenstvo Ljubljana - V Avstriji m na Koroškem se še naprej vleče razprava o dvojezičnih topografskih napisih. Avstrijski kancler Wolfgang Schussel je pripravil nekakšen kompromisni predlog, ki predvideva 158 krajevnih tabel 2 dvojezičnimi napisi. Seveda se je na to ta-k°j odzval deželni glavar ^drg Haider in predlog 2avrnil. Do kanclerjevega Predloga so precej zadrgi tudi v slovenskih manjšinskih organizacijah Koroškem, čeprav morda pomeni korak v Pravo smer. V preteklosti so bili namreč že prevečkrat izi-§rani, poleg tega pa pre-°S pomeni manj dvoje-2'čnih tabel, kot bi jih morali dobiti po odločbi ^Vstrijskega ustavnega so-^a, ki je odločilo, da morajo postaviti dvojezič-napise povsod tam, Jer živi najmanj 10 od-mkov Slovencev. Zato je bilo prav vz-P°dbudno 9. maja zvečef ° televiziji gledati poro-° lz Celovca. Ob 51. skeCtniCl Poc*Pisa Avstrij- (ADpi drŽaVne P°g°dbe ^ * So člani slovenske foške dijaške zveze in jv,,adi Enotne liste, pod- stradka edine slovenske nke na avstrijskem Koroškem, pozvali k uresničitvi in spoštovanju pravic slovenske manjšine v Avstriji, ki jim pripadajo po 7. členu ADP. V sprevodu s transparenti in tablami se je okoli sedemdeset mladih sprehodilo po središču Celovca in z glasnimi vzkliki pozivalo k uveljavitvi dvojezičnosti. Ustavili so se pred poslopjem deželnega glavarja, kjer so Haiderju v brk vpili slovensko in nemško: “Koroška je dvojezična.” Z opozorilno stražo so potem pred poslopjem deželnega glavarja vztrajali še celih 48 ur. Zdi se, da je vprašanje dvojezičnih topografskih napisov prišlo do te točke, ko ga bo morala Avstrija prej ali slej pozitivno rešiti, saj gre za pravice ljudi, ki so njeni -avstrijski državljani. Poleg tega je Slovenija danes članica Evropske unije, slovenščina pa eden njenih dvajsetih uradnih jezikov. In zavzemanje mladih slovenskih dijakov na Koroškem za rešitev tega problema je prav gotovo korak v pravo smer. V nasprotju z dijaki in študenti v matični domovini, ki jih zanima predvsem socialni status, se morajo njihovi slovenski vrstniki v Rožu, Podjuni in Zilji bojevati za slovenstvo. Akcija mladih Slovencev na Koroškem je zato vredna vse pohvale. Kako pa v Sloveniji? Ob tem ko se naši rojaki za mejo še vedno bojujejo za svoje narodnostne pravice, se pri nas v teh dneh spominjamo, kako se je leta 1990 nova Demosova vlada že ob nastopu soočila z razoro-ževanjem slovenske TO s strani takratne zvezne armade, leto kasneje pa je že zaprisegla prva generacija slovenskih vojakov - nabornikov na Igu in v Pekrah. Maja 1990 je za razo-roževanje izvedel takratni načelnik oddelka za ljudsko obrambo občine Kočevje Tone Krkovič (v teh dneh ga poskušajo nekateri diskreditirati, češ da ima samo srednješolsko izobrazbo, čeprav se je izobraževal v tujini, na primer na Royal College of Defence Studies v Londonu) in o tem obvestil republiškega sekretarja za ljudsko obrambo Janeza Janšo, ta pa Igorja Bavčarja, republiškega sekretarja za notranje zadeve, in nekoliko kasneje še slovensko javnost. Boj za slovensko orožje se je začel. Organizirali so Manevrsko strukturo narodne zaščite, ki je želela vojaško zavarovati slovenske interese. S hitrim ukrepanjem je Janši, Bavčarju, Krkoviču in Vinku Bezniku, novoimenovanemu poveljniku posebne enote policije, uspelo zavarovati pomemben del orožja, kar je bilo ključno za osamosvojitev, medtem ko so številni drugi (med njimi slovenski predsednik predsedstva Milan Kučan) sprva nemo opazovali, kaj se dogaja. Začela se je oblikovati Slovenska vojska, ki postaja danes podobna normalnim profesionalnim vojskam. In kaj reči ob razpravah o pozitivnih in negativnih vidikih vstopa tujega kapitala v slovenske medije (nemški založnik WAZ vstopa v časopisno hišo Dnevnik) ter vplivu na slovensko nacionalno identiteto? Morda na kratko samo to, da je zanimivo opazovati, kako nekdanji zagrizeni zagovorniki nacionalnega interesa nenadoma zagovarjajo prihod tujega kapitala, nekdanji Jakob Modic st. MILWAUKEE, WI - Jakob Modic st. je izročil dušo v večno življenje v četrtek zjutraj, 11. maja 2006. Zaprl je oči in vzel zadnji zdihljaj doma v krogu družine; vsi so takrat molili rožni venec. Zadnja poslovitev od našega dragega moža, ata, starega ata in prastarega ata, je bila dva dni pozneje, na škofijskem pokopališču Mount Olivet, v družbi dobrih in zvestih prijateljev. Jakob se je rodil v vasi Vrbljenje pri Ljubljani, 23. avgusta 1919. Kot mladenič je šel k vaškim stražam in potem k domobrancem, in vedno nosil ta ponos. Odpeljal je mlado družino na varno Špittalsko taborišče, in se ob priliki odločil za Združene države. Bil je človek, ki se ni pritoževal, ampak sprejel vsako trpljenje s pogumom. Prenašal je vsakdanje težave z molitvijo in s prejemom zakramentov. Vsi člani družine se prisrčno zahvaljujejo vsem prijateljem, ki so izrazili spodbudne besede, izkazali sočutje s cvetjem, darovali za sv. maše ali drugače izkazali skrb v tem težkem času. Posebna zahvala gre dr. Jožetu Gole, za večerni rožni venec v pogrebnem zavodu in za njegove besede, kot prijatelj Jakoba, kjerkoli je obkrožil božje milosti in vrednote v Jakobovem človeškem življenju; patru Metodu Ogorevc in diakonu Janezu Vidmar, za somaševanje in za molitve na pokopališču; Rev. Richardu Verberg za lepo pogrebno mašo v cerkvi Sv. Janeza Evangelista; Mici Bregant, skupaj s člani slovenskega zbora Uspeh, za lepo slovensko petje pri sv. maši; Francetu Menchak, zastopniku Misijonskega krožka, za večerne molitve v pogrebnem zavodu; vsem zdravnikom, bolniškim sestram in pomočnikom pri hospice in bolnici St. Luke’s, ki so lepo skrbeli za Jakoba; vsem zastopnikom zavoda Bevsek-Verbick, ki so vodili pogreba. Žalujoči ostanejo žena Ivanka, roj. Šeškar; hčerke Ivanka (Stane) Markun, Ljudmila, Marta (Janez) Mejač, Marijana (Peter) Jakopec, Elizabeta, Barbara (Gary) Stupek, in sin Jakob ml. (Mary); vnuki in vnukinje Stanček (Laura) Markun, David (Katie) Markun; Ivanka (Tim) Miller, Kristina (Eric) Osburn, Marc Modic, Erin Modic, Kristina Mejač, Alex Mejač, Erika Stupek; pravnučki in pravnukinje Hannah Markun, Sarah Markun, Emma Markun, Mackenzie Modic in Alec Osburn; sestra Francka (Bogdan) Kosančič in njuni potomci v Argentini; bratranci in sestrične v Sloveniji in Argentini. Naj počiva pri Bogu v miru pod varstvom Marije Pomagaj! Družina Jakob Modic zagovorniki tujih vlaganj pa svarijo pred njimi. Prava mera je verjetno nekje vmes. Metod Berlec Demokracija, 18.V.2006 V BRALCI AMERIŠKE DOMOVINE Priporočajte naš list! Cleveland Public Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA LEMONTSKI ODMEVI P. Bernardin Sušnik Letošnji mesec junij zaznamuje kar nekaj praznikov. Najprej so tu binkošti, ki zaključujejo velikonočni čas cerkvenega leta in so spomin prvega javnega nastopa apostolov po prihodu Svetega Duha, kakor ga popisujejo Apostolska dela v 2. poglavju. S tem dnem je Cerkev nastopila svoje poslanstvo, ki ji ga je Kristus naložil z besedami apostolom: “Pojdite torej in naredite vse narode za moje učence: krščujte jih v ime Očeta in Sina in Svetega Duha in učite jih izpolnjevati vse, kar koli sem vam zapovedal! In glejte: jaz sem z vami vse dni do konca sveta" (Mt 28, 19-20). Teden dni po binko-štih je praznik Presvete Trojice, ki je največja skrivnost naše vere. Verujemo, da je en Bog, ki ima tri osebe. To so, kakor smo se učili pri verouku: Bog Oče, ki nas je ustvaril, Bog Sin, ki nas je odrešil in Bog Sveti Duh, ki nas posvečuje. Seveda je to le naša človeška predstava, saj pri vsakem dejanju vedno sodeluje vsa presveta Trojica. Skrivnost je pač zato, ker tega ne moremo razumeti, zato pa verujemo. Če bi razumeli, ne bi bilo treba verovati, ker bi vedeli. Nedelji Presvete Trojice sledi praznik Svetega Re-šnjenega telesa in krvi. Tradicionalno je ta praznik na četrtek po nedelji Presvete Trojice in tako ga v Sloveniji tudi praznujejo, čeprav je zunanja slovesnost večinoma nedeljo, ki mu sledi. Delno je to ostanek komunističnih časov, ko je bilo praznovanje med tednom praktično na zunaj onemogočeno, delno pa je zato, ker je na delavnik marsikdo pri udeležbi oviran. Imajo pa škofovske konference pravico, da za svojo deželo lahko prestavijo to praznovanje na nedeljo ih to je storila tudi ameriška škofovska konferenca. Tako bomo Sveto Rešnje telo in kri praznovali v nedeljo, 18. junija, z običajno procesijo. Pred bogoslužno reformo II. Vatikanskega koncila je Cerkev v bogoslužju praznovala ločeno Sveto Rešnje telo in Sveto rešnjo kri. Prvo z enako slovesnostjo, kot je to danes. Sveta rešnja kri, ki se je nismo spominjali tako slovesno, pa je imela svoj praznik 1. julija. To razlikovanje je nastalo iz zgodovinskih razlogov, bilo pa je odpravljeno, ker praktično ni imelo nobenega smisla. Naslednji praznik, ki pa je med tednom in sicer v petek po Sv. Reš- A VE MARIA Verski mesečnik izdajajo v Lemon tu. Naslov je: Ave Maria Printery, 14246 Main St., P.O. Box 608, Lemont, IL 60439-0608. Letna naročnina je za ZDA $20, izven ZDA pa $25. njem telesu, je Srce Jezusovo, ki mu je posvečen ves mesec junij. Podoba Jezusovega prebodenega srca je bila znana že v prvih krščanskih stoletjih, močno pobudo za praznovanje pa so dala videnja sv. Marjete Marije Alacoqe ( + 1690). To je bilo v času hladnega janzenizma, ki je poudarjal predvsem Božjo svetost in strogost, Božjo ljubezen pa je zamolčeval. Cerkev je bila do teh zasebnih razodetij dolgo časa nezaupljiva, tako da ga je za nekatere kraje (npr. Poljsko) dovolil šele papež Klemen XIII. 1. 1765. Šele bi. Pij IX. ga je 1. 1856 raztegnil na vso Cerkev. S češčenjem Srca Jezusovega je povezana tudi pobožnost deveterih prvih petkov, ki je bila prav tako priporočena v prikazovanjih isti svetnici. Po bogoslužnem koledarju bi moral biti naslednji dan praznik Marijinega srca, vendar se je letos moral umakniti spominu rojstva Janeza Kr- V Blag Spomin 4. obletnica 16. obletnica MINKA SLAK JERNEJ SLAK umrla 20. julija 2002 umrl 18. junija 1990 Vajine roke, ki dobrega toliko storile, utrujene sedaj mirno počivajo; k Bogu naše prošnje se dvigajo, da srečna sta zdaj nad zvezdami. Žalujoči: Mojca in Helenca, hčerki Nejči in Tomaž, sinova Cindy, snaha Claire in Emily, vnukinji Greg, vnuk in ostalo sorodstvo v Ameriki, Kanadi ter Sloveniji V BLAG SPOMIN Ob trinajsti obletnici smrti nam dragega moža, očeta in starega očeta MICHAEL FRAILE 13. leto Te že zemlja krije, v temnem grobu mirno spiš, srce Tvoje več ne bije, bolečin več ne trpiš. Gospod, daruj mu mir, naj večna luč mu sveti, ker si dobrote vir, uživa raj naj sveti. Žalujoči: žena Vilma hčer Wilma zet Greg vnuk Scott in ostalo sorodstvo v Sloveniji in Avstriji. Število duhovnikov najbolj upada v Evropi Ljubljana - Po statističnih podatkih, objavljenih 29. aprila v Vatikanu, se je število duhovnikov po vsem svetu v letih od 1978 do 2004 zmanjšalo za 3,5 odstotka; s 420.971 na 405.991. Najbolj - za dvajset odstotkov - v Evropi: z 250.498 na 199.978. Strokovnjaki v Vatikanu si to zmanjšanje razlagajo kot večplasten pojav, med vzroki pa navajajo povečanje oddaljevanja ljudi od Cerkve, nekateri tudi širjenje kulture, ki ne vidi vrednosti oziroma vrednote v duhovnikovi neporočenosti. Bolje kot v Evropi je glede duhovniških poklicev v Avstraliji, Novi Zelandiji in na Pacifiku, kjer se je njihovo število v letih od 1978 do 2004 tudi zmanjšalo, vendar “le” za štirinajst odstotkov. Povečanje števila duhovnih poklicev v omenjenem obdobju pa “beležijo” Afrika, Azija in Latinska ter Severna Amerika skupaj. Na črni celini s 16.926 na 31.259 (za 85 odstotkov), v Aziji s 27.700 na 48.222 (za 74 odstotkov), v Latinski in Severni Ameriki skupaj s 120.271 na 121.634 (za en odstotek). V sami Severni Ameriki se je po podatkih raziskovalnega središča ČARA na univerzi Georgetown število duhovnikov od leta 1965 do 2005 zmanjšalo z 58.632 na 42.839, to je za šestindvajset odstotkov. DRUŽINA, 21. V. 2006 stnika, Kristusovega predhodnika. To je obenem tudi kresni dan, ko se po starem verovanju dan začne krajšati (v resnici je najdaljši dan že 21. junija), odtod slovenski rek: O kre’ se dan obes’. V Sloveniji praznujejo konec meseca in sicer 25. junjia Dan državnosti v spomin na leto 1991, ko je bila razglašena neodvisna Republika Slovenija (po tem dnevu se je pa začela kratka vojska, ko je Beograd pod pred kratkim umrlim Miloševičem po vsej sili hotel Jugoslavijo takšno, kot je bila pod komunizmom). Prav je, da se na ta dan tudi mi, ki živimo izven meja Slovenije, spomnimo naše stare domovine in molimo za njeno dobro. Prvaka apostolov sv. Peter in sv. Pavel s skupnim godom zaključujeta mesec junij. Za Slovenijo je to že po desetletja stari tradiciji, ki jo je uvedel nadškof Vovk, poseben praznik, saj takrat slovenski škoije posvečujejo novomašnike. Žal o tem ne moremo še poročati, ker ob času, ko ta številka nastaja, še nimamo podatkov. Že v začetku aprila smo vam v skupnem pismu poslali naročilnice za prižiganje lučk pred Marijo v maju in pred Srcem Jezusovim v juniju. Maja smo jih zvesto prižigali po namenih, ki ste jih poslali, prav tako bomo to delali tudi v juniju. Rojstni dan obhajata p. Bernardin Sušnik (19-junija 1935) in p. Blaž Chemazar (23. junija 1928). Umrli so v juniju: p-Benedikt Hoge (17. jun-1983), p. Edvard Gabre-nya (18. jun. 1972) in p. Alfonz Ferenc (23-jun. 1954). Naj v miru i počivajo! Konec aprila in prve dni maja smo imeli enak obisk kot lani približno v tem času. Pri nas sta nekaj dni preživela dr. Darko Friš in njegova žena dr. Mateja Friš, oba zgodovinarja in profesorja na univerzi v Mariboru. Pri nas sta spet zbirala in raziskovala gradivo za zgodovino slovenskih frančiškanov “Kustodij6 sv. Križa” v Ameriki. Zbi' ranje in urejanje gradiva gre h koncu, tako da Je upati, da bo v dogledne!*1 (DALJE na str. 16) Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave/ Cleveland, Ohio Tel. 216-641-0046 3 Moderni pogrebni zavod-Ambulanca na razpolag0 podnevi in ponoči. CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Koprski škof METOD PIRIH - sedemdesetletnik Ljubljana - Koprski škof mons. Metod Pirih Je 9. maja dopolnil sedemdeset let življenja. Njegova življenjska pot Se je začela v Lokovcu, v hiši “pri Kačarjevih". V družini, ke je imela osem °trok, se je škof Metod rodil drugi in že isti dan Postal pri krstu božji otrok. Otroci so se rojevali hitro drug za drugim in so se zaradi presledka, ki je nastal med nimi 2aradi očetove odsotnosti nied vojno, šaljivo delili v “predvojne" in “povoj-ne". Ni si težko predsta-vl)ati, koliko bojevitosti In igrivosti so se v tako Veliki družini naučili drug °d drugega, v tekmi za Prostor pod svobodnim s°ncem. Oče Mirko je po drugi svetovni vojni opravljal službo pismonoša in skromno preživljal števil-n° družino. Mati Štefani-je bila skrbna in de-*avna, bistrega spomina j*1 modra žena, rada je rala in je bila razgledana. Doma so imeli majhno kmetijo in pridelovali za preživetje najbolj potrebne poljščine ter. redili dva ali tri goveda. Vsakdanja opravila v hiši in na polju so povezovala številno družino in vzgajanja vsakega posebej. Gospod je iz njihove družine poleg škofa Metoda poklical v svojo službo tudi njegovo sestro Milico, ki je vstopila v samostan benediktink na otoku Cresu in si izbrala ime Sholastika. Osnovno šolo je škof Metod obiskoval doma v Lokovcu v letih 1943-49. Nato je odšel na gimnazijo v Pazin, ki je tedaj obsegala štiri nižje in štiri velike razrede, enkrat v enem letu naredil dva razreda in opravil maturo leta 1956. Nato je vstopil v bogoslovje v Ljubljani in se vpisal na teološko fakulteto. Po prvem letniku je opravil dve leti vojaške službe, nato pa študij dokončal in leta 1963 imel novo mašo kot edini novomašnik za takrat- ft's Time for vour eye exam! J. F. OPTICAL Eye Care Specialists Eye Exams latest in eye fashion - Contact Lenses Welcome Your Drs. Prescription 775 E. 185th St. Eye Glasses Cleveland, OH 44119 Repaired Tel.: (216) 531-7933 (34) no goriško administraturo. Sam je nekje zapisal, da mu je duhovni poklic izprosil, poleg staršev seveda, zlati njegov stari oče, ki je cele dneve molil in vsak večer molil naprej rožni venec. Istemu možu se za svoj poklic zahvaljujejo tudi njegova sestra Sholastika in bratranec biseromašnik Vladko Pirih. Tudi o škofu Metodu torej veljajo besede, ki jih je Gospod povedal kralju Davidu: “Jaz sem te vzel s pašnika izza drobnice, da bi bil knez mojemu ljudstvu Izraelu. Bil sem s teboj kjerkoli si hodil, in sem iztrebil pred teboj vse tvoje nasprotnike. Naredil ti bom veliko ime, ki bo enako imenu velikašev na zemlji" (2 Sam 7,8). Gospod ga je poklical in bil z njim in škof Metod se je odzval in bil z Gospodom: preden je prišel do oltarja in še veliko bolj potem, ko je nastopil svojo službo pri oltarju. Po novi maši je začel opravljati cerkvene službe in jih je skupaj s sedanjo opravljal ravno sedem, število sedem pa pomeni celovitost in popolnost: kaplan v Solkanu (1963-64); tajnik škofa Janeza (1964-75); študij duhovne teologije na Teresianumu v Rimu (1974-76); spiritual v bogoslovnem semenišču v Ljubljani (1976-84); generalni vikar škofije Koper (1984-85); škof pomočnik (1985-87); škof ordinarij škofije Koper (1987)). Prihodnje leto bo torej dvajset let, kar je prevzel škofijo škof ordinarij. Delo škofa je izjemno pestro in sega na zelo različna področja. Med tremi službami, ki jih opravlja, to je učiteljska in pastirska ter posveče-valna, je najbolj odlična zadnja služba, to je pos-večevalna. In ni težko videti in se prepričati, da je tudi škofu Metodu prav posvečevalna služba najbolj pri srcu in jo najbolj goreče in zvesto opravlja. Tudi v tem pogledu veljajo o njem besede, ki jih je o kralju Davidu navdihnil Gospod in jih je napisal . modri Sirah, ko pravi: “Iz vsega svojega srca je pel in ljubil je svojega Stvarnika. Postavil je pevce pred oltar in raztegali so se mili napevi. Praznikom je da- Bolj normalni odnosi med vlado in Cerkvijo PREBIJANJE LEDU Seje Slovenske škofovske konference, ki je 15. maja potekala v Stični, se je udeležil tudi minister Milan Zver piše GAŠPER BLAŽIČ Demokracija, 25. V. 2006 Ljubljana - Zanimivo je, da je omenjeni dogodek med dežurnimi medijskimi eksekutorji ostal tako rekoč neopažen, morda tudi zato, ker so se v tem času raje ukvarjali z domnevnim lobiranjem kardinala Franca Rodeta. Navzočnost kakega politika na cerkvenih posvetih v Sloveniji doslej ni bila običajna, še posebej če je je šlo za predstavnika vlade, sploh pa ministra, odgovornega za šolstvo. Znano je namreč, da je šolstvo že dolgo časa središče kulturnega boja in najrazličnejših manipulacij, prav Cerkev pa je v očeh javnosti tista, ki ogroža laično in idejno nevtralno šolo. Zakaj je v slovenskem prostoru tako mišljenje, pa tako ali tako dobro vemo. Toda vrnimo se k ministrovemu obisku. Minister Zver prav gotovo ni prišel v Stično iz vljudnosti, ampak zaradi načrta Cerkve, da po štirih gimnazijah odpre tudi prvo zasebno osnovno šolo, v načrtu pa je tudi ustanavljanje srednih strokovnih in poklicnih šol. V načrtu je zlasti odprtje šolskega zavoda za poučevanje zadnje triade devetletne osnovne šole, tega pa sedanji zakon o organizaciji in financiranju vzgoje in izobraževanja ne omogoča, zaradi česar naj bi vlada predlagala spremembo zakona. jal siijaj in slavja je lepšal do vrhunca. Slavili so Njegovo sveto ime in od ranega jutra je odmevalo v svetišču" (Sir 47, 8-10). Dragi škof Metod! Hvala za otroško dušo, ki jo ohranjaš, in za možato delo, ki ga opravljaš. V imenu vse škofije Ti voščim s psalmistom: “Naj Te blagoslovi Gospod s Dosedanji zakoni seveda kažejo tudi stanje duha, ki smo ga imeli v državi; glede na delež zasebnega šolstva je namreč Slovenija med evropskimi državami na repu lestivce. Prejšnjim vladam so seveda dajali potuho tudi nekateri posamezniki iz (nekdanjega) vodstva Dijaške organizacije Slovenije, ki je po zamenjavi oblasti in napovedih mi-nistva Zvera o povečevanju deleža zasebnega šolstva le-temu nasprotovali in zatrjevali, da je privatizacija srednjega šolstva ali šolstva v kakršnem koli pogledu “popolnoma nesprejemljiva in nevarna". Kot bi poslušali referate iz svinčenih časov! Skratka, če bo ministru Zveru in vladi v tem mandatu uspelo doseči spremembe zakonodaje, ki bi omogočale lažje ustanavljanje novih zasebnih šol, bo s tem narejen sicer majhen korak za vlado, a velik za slovensko šolstvo kljub tistim, ki še vedno trdovratno vztrajajo pri monopolu državnega šolstva. S slednjim sicer ni nič narobe, vendar postaja spričo sedanjega monopolnega položaja čedalje bolj ležerno in kljub številnim poskusom reform še vedno neustrezno. Odpravljanje posledic dolgoletnega strankarskega prilaščanja šolstva bo namreč trajalo kar nekaj časa. ■ Siona, ki je ustvaril nebo in zemljo!" (Ps 134,3). Še na mnoga leta - z nebeško milostjo prežeta. Jurij Bizjak, generalni vikar DRUŽINA 7. maja 2006 z f Z Ameriško Domovino ste vedno na tekočem z dogajanjem v slovenskem svetu Pismo misijonarja Petra Opeka mrtvemu očetu SLOVENSKA PRISTAVA Koledar prireditev - 2006 17. jun......................... SPD Tabor, srečanje 18. jun........... SPD Tabor, kosilo in praznovanje 24. jun................................ Slovenski dan 0 1. jul.................... Pristava Campers - piknik 9. jul...................... Misijonski piknik (MZA) 16. jul.................... Veselica župnije sv. Vida 17. jul. do 23. jul........................ Taborenje 23. jul............. Veselica Slov. šole pri Sv. Vidu 6. avg................... Veselica Primorskega kluba 12. avg........................... Pristavska veselica 13. avg. .. Piknik Kluba upokojencev Slov. pristave 20. avg........... Veselica župnije Marije Vnebovzete 26. avg.............. Polka Hall of Fame sponzorira Festival kranjskih klobas 2. sept........... Veselica za otvoritev nove dvorane 3. sept............... Sv. maša in kulturni program ob otvoritvi nove dvorane ter piknik 17. sept.............................. Vinska trgatev 22. okt................................... Občni zbor 27. jan. 2007 ......................... Pristavska noč V četrtek, 6. aprila, je umrl na svojem domu v Ramos Mejiji, Argentina, v 93. letu starosti bivši domobranec ALOJZIJ OPEKA, ki je bil iz Ve-trinja zadnje dni maja 1945 z drugimi domobranci vrnjen v Jugoslavijo. Bil je med tistimi, ki so jih peljali iz teharskega taborišča na morišče, njemu pa je uspelo tik pred breznom, kjer so jih streljali, z begom uiti smrti. Pogrebna maša je bila v petek dopoldne v salezijanski cerkvi Marije Pomočnice v Ramos Mejiji. Ob koncu svete maše je pokojnikova hči Lucija prebrala pismo svojega svojega brata Petra, misijonarja na Madagaskarju, ki ga je tisto jutro prejela po elektronski pošti. V pismu je misijonar takole pisal svojemu očetu: Dragi oči! Z Madagaskarja se hočem posloviti od tebe s tem pismom! Danes zjutraj, na prvi petek, preden sem šel maševat v svojo kapelico Svete Družine na lepem hribu, sem odprl elektronsko pošto in videl Lucijino sporočilo, v katerem je zapisala: “Ata je šel v nebesa." Obstrmel sem. Solze so mi pritekle na obraz. In takoj sem si rekel: “Ata je pri Bogu, kakšna sreča in milost!" Oči, zaspal si v Kristusu, ki si mu bil vedno zvest! Kljub tvoji hudi bolezni nisi trpel, ker so bile naše molitve uslišane. Dovolj si pretrpel v svojem življenju, oči, zato je Bog hotel, da v zadnjem trenutku zaspiš v božjem miru! Koliko si trpel, ko si moral nasilno zapustiti svojo domovino Slovenijo, domačo zemljo, sorodnike, prijatelje in znance. Trpel si, ko si taval v Italiji po kampih in iskal smisel vdrugič podarjenemu življenju. Srečal si se z mamo, ustanovila sta lepo družino osmih otrok, kjer smo se radi imeli. Od takrat naprej se je tvoje trpljenje spreminjalo v veselje, ker sta z mamo šla v novi svet -v Argentino - in tam korajžno začela novo življenje. Kljub temu si vedno imel domotožje po svoji slovenski zemlji! Kako rad si poslušal slovenske pesmi in melodije. Sreča in veselje sta ras tla v naši družini vsakokrat, ko se je rodil kdo izmed nas! Mi smo se vživeli v našo Argentino in obenem ostali Slovenci! Ti, oči, si trdo delal kot zidar in si me tega ročnega dela tudi naučil, da sem potem jaz lahko pomagal tisočem družin priti do kruha in svojega doma. Vse to je bilo v načrtih Božje Previdnosti! Hvala, oči, da si me naučil tega lepega zidarskega dela, ki mi je danes v Afriki (na Madagaskarju) v tolikšno pomoč! Oči, pred enim mesecem in pol sva se poslovila. Močno sem te objel, ker sem vedel, da je bi- lo to zadnjikrat! Rekel si mi: “Pojdi k svojim ovcam!" Mama pa mi je rekla: “Pojdi in nadaljuj božje delo!" Oči, kakšno močno vero si imel! Kolikokrat si mi rekel: “Peter, veš, kaj pomeni biti Kristusov namestnik?" Oči, ko si obhajal 90-letnico, si mi rekel: “Peter, bodi korajžen in ne glej nazaj. Sveta Družina naj te vselej spremlja!" Sveta Družina je tebi rešila življenje leta 1945 in ti si me prosil, naj postavimo na Madagaskarju v Akamasuji kapelico v čast Sveti Družini!” Danes zjutraj, ko je bila ura polnoč v Argentini, smo darovali sveto mašo na prvi petek v tvoji kapelici za tvoj večni mir in pokoj. Ko sem povedal kristjanom, da si odšel - v nebesa, je nastala velika tišina. Rekel sem jim, da je ta kapelica nastala zaradi zaobljube mojega ata. Med mašo smo peli, a se je čutilo, da so bili ljudje žalostni. Rekel sem jim, naj ne bodo žalostni, ker si odšel po zasluženo plačilo v nebesa. Ljudje so mi rekli: “Tvoj oče je bil naš oče!" Vidiš, oči, tvoje trpljenje je obrodilo duhovne sadove onkraj morja in meja! Na Madagaskarju, tu v kapeli Svete Družine, v tvoji kapelici, mašujemo zate in molimo za vso našo družino, da bi ostali zvesti Kristusu in ohranili vero, kot si nas ti učil! Vsak prvi petek se te bomo še posebej spominjali v tej kapelici Svete Družine. Srce Jezusovo nikdar nikogar ne zapusti! In danes na prvi pe- tek se poslavljaš od nas vseh! Oči, letos boš z Jezusom užival veliko noč v nebesih! Hvala, oči, za delavnost, poštenost, ljubezen do družine in seveda za dober zgled, ki si nam ga vedno dajal! Uživaj pri Bogu srečo in večno veselje, moli za nas in mi bomo zate. Še naprej bomo povezani po božji ljubezni. Na svidenje, oči, v nebesih, kadar in kakor Bog hoče! Zbogom! Peter, misijonar 6. aprila 2006 Duhovno življenje, Buenos Aires - Leto 73 6 • junij 2006 LEMONT... (nadaljevanje s str. 14) času izšlo v knjigi, morebiti celo v dveh. To pot sta s seboj pripeljala tudi hčerko Evo Lino, tako da smo delno tudi po njihovi zaslugi prav prijetno praznovali god p. Atanazija 2. maja. Za materinski dan (7. maja) so otroci Slomškove sobotne šole pripravili svojim in vsem mamam lepo prireditev v Kulturnem centru. Ta dan je tudi uradni zaključek šolskega leta Slomškove sobotne šole, čeprav se nekateri tečaji zaradi zasebnega zanimanja nadaljujejo tudi še po tem datumu. Naročnikom se zahvaljujemo za redno plačevanje naročnine in še posebej za priložene darove, saj prav ti pomagajo, da nam naročnine ni treba dvigovati, pa tudi nekaterim, ki ne zmorejo plačevanja, lahko pošiljamo Ave Maria zastonj. Še posebej smo hvaležni stalni skupini, ki nikdar ne odreče pomoči pri pakiranju Ave Maria za odposlanje (ekspedit). To so Janko in Hana Burjek, Julka Kacin in Marija Breszach, pa seveda zvesta tajnica dr. Tončka Rozman, ki se nenehno spoprijema s papirnato vojsko, ki jo zahteva poštna birokracija. Ne gre pozabiti p. Atanazija, ki je vedno na razpolago, ko je treba peljati vreče na pošto v Bolingbrook. AVE MARIA Junij 2006 NOVI GROBOVI (nadaljevanje s str. 11) Dr. James E. Nousak ml- Umrl je 79 let stari dr-James E. Nousak ml., mož Sally, roj. McKernan (poročena sta bila 59 let), °^6 Nancy Goebl, Kathy H**' tchison, Jamesa, Judy MC' Laughlin in Daniela, 7-krat stari oče, brat že pok. Not' berta. Pogreb je bil 27. m3' ja s sv. mašo v cerkvi $v-Gregorija Velikega s poko* pom na Vernih duš pok°' pališču. James J. Demshar Dne 14. maja je un)d 59 let stari James J. Deh1' shar iz Willowicka, sin pok. Harolda in Josephi116 Demshar, oče Sare She pardson in Charlesa, l'kfa i stari oče, brat Johna Re1° hardt in Jacka Demshaf’ stric. Pogreb je bil privaten-družinski. Great Annuity Rates! 7-year Flexible Annuity 5.50% guaranteed first 12 months or 5-year Deferred Annuity 4.50% guaranteed for 5 years 1-800-843-5755 ♦ www.kskjlife.com