374 Documenta Praehistorica XLVII (2020) Bell Beaker cultural package in the East European periphery of the phenomenon> a case of ritual features in north-eastern Poland Dariusz Manasterski 1, Katarzyna Januszek1, Adam Wawrusiewicz2, and Aleksandra Klecha 3 1 Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, PL dmanasterski@uw.edu.pl< katarzyna.januszek@uw.edu.pl 2 Podlachian Museum in Bial⁄ystok, Bial⁄ystok, PL adamwawrusiewicz@op.pl 3 Antiquity of Southeastern Europe Research Center, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, PL aleksandraaklecha@gmail.com ABSTRACT – The Bell Beaker (BB) cultural package is one of the concepts explaining the extensive diffusion of this phenomenon in Europe. Artefacts associated with the package, discovered mainly in the graves of men, form groups defining the status of the deceased. The BB package is a dynamic turn of events, changing depending on the region, but preserving certain characteristic traits. The complete set of its initial ingredients was not copied in any location, and new local elements were added in various areas of its diffusion. The ritual features unearthed in north-eastern Poland, which contained elements of the BB package, are the assemblages located the furthest in the East European periphery of the phenomenon. The eco- and artefacts from these assemblages are difficult to inter- pret conclusively within the framework of the classic BB package, as well as in terms of its changes associated with its diffusion. This is connected with the fact that they include elements unknown among the local cultural entities, which reflect the broad circle of contacts their owners maintained. IZVLE∞EK – Kulturni paket zvon≠astih ≠a∏ je eden od konceptov, s katerim razlagamo obse∫no ∏ir- jenje tega pojava v Evropi. Najdbe, ki jih povezujemo s tem paketom, so bile odkriti predvsem v mo∏- kih grobovih, pri ≠emer oblikovane skupine dolo≠ajo status pokojnika. Ta kulturni paket predstav- lja dinami≠en razvoj dogodkov, ki se spreminja glede na regijo, pri ≠emer pa ohranja dolo≠ene zna- ≠ilne lastnosti. Celoten nabor za≠etnih sestavin tega paketa ni bil kopiran na nobenem mestu, so pa bili dodani novi lokalni elementi na razli≠nih obmo≠jih njegove difuzije. Ritualne zna≠ilnosti, ki so jih izkopali na severovzhodu Poljske, vsebujejo elemente kulturnega paketa zvon≠astih ≠a∏ in so hkrati primer najbolj oddaljenega obrobja tega pojava v vzhodni Evropi. Ekofakte in najdbe teh zbi- rov je te∫ko dokon≠no interpretirati tako v okviru klasi≠nega paketa kulture zvon≠astih ≠a∏ kot v smislu sprememb, ki so povezane z difuzijo tega paketa. To je povezano z dejstvom, da paket vklju- ≠uje neznane elemente med lokalnimi kulturnimi entitetami, ki odsevajo ∏ir∏i krog povezav, ki so jih vzdr∫evali njihovi nosilci. KEY WORDS – Bell Beaker cultural package; ritual features; north-eastern Poland KLJU∞NE BESEDE – kulturni paket zvon≠astih ≠a∏; ritualne zna≠ilnosti; severovzhodna Poljska Kulturni paket zvon;astih ;a[ na obrobju pojava v vzhodni Evropi> primer ritualnih zna;ilnosti na severovzhodu Poljske DOI> 10.4312\dp.47.20 Bell Beaker cultural package in the East European periphery of the phenomenon> a case of ritual features in north-eastern Poland 375 to demonstrate the prestige of the owner, who en- joyed a high status in a given society (see also Ren- frew 2001.122). The cultural package, free from the limitations of strict relations between the artefacts and time and space (intra-assemblage relationships acc. Hodson), emphasizes the properties showing significant dynamics of participation of various indi- viduals and their groups (e.g., secret societies) in the transmission of cultural information (codes). Ja- nusz Czebreszuk, although he agreed with the basic assumptions concerning the cultural package, sug- gested that it should be specified and used with ref- erence to phenomena characteristic of BB and visi- ble in the south-western Baltic zone (Czebreszuk 2001.44–47, 140–142). According to him, the identi- fication of a phenomenon as a cultural package (in this case the BB package) does not determine its cul- tural character, although it is still associated with a particular cultural content. The package set, both the objects and ideas (selected objects symbolizing an idea), is such an attractive cultural value that it spreads over large territories, but observes the rule of diffusion among societies which had somehow been connected with each other before. For this rea- son, it is a dynamic phenomenon, it changes on a regional scale, but preserves certain similarities. The initial version of the package is not completely copied in any region, and new local elements are in- corporated in the course of diffusion. In this way, the cultural package, being subject to change in time and space, leads to transformation of only some elements of the culture associated with a given society, e.g., a particular tradition in a certain group, usually leav- ing other aspects without material changes. In the case of the classical (Iberian) version of the BB cultural package, objects associated with burials, apart from bone remains of individuals deposited lying on the side with bent knees, are its essential indicators. The objects include, most of all, the bell beaker, decorated with a zone or zone-metopic pat- tern, sometimes with other vessels decorated in a si- milar manner, archer’s accessories, copper dagger and Palmela point, nodular bone beads with V-shap- ed perforations, a diadem or gold foil plaquette (e.g., Garrido-Pena 2007.1, Fig. 1). Nevertheless, due to the movement of the package in time and space, some changes appeared, e.g., bell beaker-shaped goblets and mugs, sometimes without any decora- tion, or other previously foreign objects were depo- sited with the burials of the societies adopting this package. Gold lunulas, whose distribution is limited mainly to north-western Europe, are also associated with BB. Apart from that, the movement of the BB Introduction Bell Beakers (BB) as a cultural phenomenon have been a subject of research since the 19th century. This is a consequence of not only the high level of identification of sources associated with this cultural entity (mainly pottery) in archaeological material, but also their broad distribution in Europe and even in north-western Africa. The reasons for such disper- sion are still under analysis. Some data also indicate significant mobility of representatives of this cultur- al formation, which is confirmed by analyses of stron- tium and oxygen isotopes, e.g., in the Amesbury ar- cher (Chenery, Evans 2011). One of the results of such a situation is a high degree of heterogeneity of the artefacts associated with BB in a given area, which often led to issues with interpretation. This is reflected by various concepts accounting for this phenomenon – from an archaeological culture, cul- tural package to civilization perspective (cf. Lemer- cier 2018.Fig. 4). Other studies on trends in the im- plementation of various innovations connected with BB in several European regions show that there were many local ways in which the groups adopted or even invented different innovations (e.g., metallur- gy or a certain type of pottery), as well as many ways of exchange of ideas, traffic of various objects and migration of particular individuals (Kleijne 2019. 194). As indicated by Oliver Lemercier (2018.77), both the similarities and differences in BB sources probably stem from the means of diffusion, which might have been connected with the artefacts or ideas themselves, particular individuals, or whole populations. One of the possible means of diffusion is associated with a broader understanding of the term cultural package. In methodological assumptions the term cultural package refers to an artefact assemblage, not to an archaeological culture, with both terms used in con- trast to the other. Archaeological cultures in the clas- sical definition are stable entities (taxonomical units) with discriminative traits, determined on the basis of internal similarities and external differences, vis- ible mainly in portable artefacts and fixed features characterized by a strictly defined location in time and space. From the perspective proposed by Frank Roy Hodson, in which significant characteristics and style types are essential, a culture is a recurrent set of style types (Hodson 1980.6). On the other hand, a cultural package is, according to Steven Shennan (1982.159), a group of status-de- fining objects, i.e. a set of personal belongings used Dariusz Manasterski, Katarzyna Januszek, Adam Wawrusiewicz, and Aleksandra Klecha 376 package was associated with the conversion of bur- ial practices from inhumation to cremation in some regions (the Lower Rhine River and Central Europe), which is obviously evidence for changes in the be- lief system and rituals. Sources discovered in recent years in north-eastern Poland (Supraśl, site 3) belong to sealed assemblages connected with the BB phenomenon located fur- thest northeast (Wawrusiewicz et al. 2015). The eco- and artefacts from these assemblages are diffi- cult to interpret conclusively in the context of the classical BB package, and in terms of its transforma- tions in the course of the journey ‘from neighbour to neighbour’. For this reason, the most important research issue is to establish the origin of the un- earthed sources and the associated socio-cultural ac- tivity. This will also answer the question as to whe- ther this is a case of diffusion of ideas or migration of individuals. The area of modern north-eastern Poland, which consists of the Masurian Lake District and the North Podlachian Lowland, was still dominated by hun- ter-gatherer societies of the Neman Cultural Circle (NCC) in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age (Mana- sterski 2016.16). In the Early Bronze Age they became a part of the Trzciniec cultural circle, which formed at that time. It is difficult to find a reason why these groups changed their cultural profile. The recurrent attempts to po- pulate this region in the Neo- lithic, made by farming and pastoral communities, did not bring substantial changes in the traditional economic and social structure of the auto- chthonic populations which would be visible in archaeo- logical material. Archaeologi- cal discoveries from the Ma- surian Lake District were the first to shed some light on the transformation of these local groups into Early Bronze Age societies (Manasterski 2009). However, the absence of evi- dence necessary for conclu- sive identification of ‘West Eu- ropean immigrants’ in north- eastern Poland was a major cognitive dissonance. This big area delivered only isolated small fragments of vessels with zone-metopic decoration, which were identified with the influence of the Iwno culture (IC) – a group with a marked BB component (Manaster- ski 2009.74–81; 2012a; 2014). The situation chang- ed only when features with artefacts characteristic of BB were discovered at site 3 in Supraśl in north Podlachia (Wawrusiewicz et al. 2015.23–27, Fig. 5; Manasterski 2016.12–13, Figs. 1, 2). The artefacts from that site can be regarded as critical for discus- sion of BB in north-eastern Poland. It is even more interesting that up to that moment the frontier of the north-eastern ecumene of this cultural phenome- non (cf. Machnik 1979b; Czebreszuk 2001.116– 142, Fig. 35; Vander Linden 2004; Budziszewski, Włodarczak 2010.9–10, Fig. 25) was marked by di- scoveries from areas previously populated by agri- cultural societies (cf. Fig. 1). Bell Beaker features from Supraśl, site 3 This multi-cultural site is situated in north-eastern Poland in the North Podlachian Lowland, in the Kny- szyn Primeval Forest. It is located on a flood plain Fig. 1. Location of archaeological site in Supraśl. 1 Supraśl, site 3; 2 physicogeographical border of the West and East of Europe; 3 range of the Neman Cultural Circle; 4 range of the Bell Beaker phenomenon (4a cul- ture, 4b peripheries); (acc. Józwiak 2003.Map 8; Wawrusiewicz et al. 2015. Fig.5; Lemercier 2018.Figs. 1, 4). Bell Beaker cultural package in the East European periphery of the phenomenon> a case of ritual features in north-eastern Poland 377 on the right bank of the Su- praśl River on an elevation which is an erosion mound of the Pleistocene river (Fig. 2). The hill where relics of pre-historic societies were un- earthed is composed of sandy fluvio-glacial sediments cov- ered with brown soil. Four features (assemblages of eco- and artefacts), clearly con- nected with the BB phenom- enon, were found in its cen- tral, uppermost portion (Fig. 3). Their deposition, distribu- tion and certain recurrent features indicate ‘planned behaviour’ (for the theory of see Ajzen 2005.117– 119). Feature 1 It was an oval concentration of eco- and artefacts, measuring approx. 90 x 120cm and displaying inten- tional distribution (Fig. 4; Wawrusiewicz et al. 2015. 33–90). The assemblage consisted of: fragments of burned bones, an intact vessel and fragments of ten other vessels, two damaged amber beads, 20 flint and four stone artefacts. Two of the lat- ter were intact and the other two fragmented. A large undecorated pottery vessel (Fig. 4.1) was deposit- ed in the centre, with anoth- er, also undecorated one (Fig. 4.2), inside. Next to these ves- sels, there was a small assem- blage of fragmented and burned human bones (Fig. 4.E), weighing almost 24g in total. These remains came from two individuals (Jaskul- ska 2015.249–251). There were halves of two amber beads (Fig. 4.3,4; Kwiatkow- ska 2015.325–334) among the bone fragments. The bones and beads were most likely deposited in an organ- ic container of a bag type (pouch?) and covered with a large fragment of a decorated vessel (Fig. 4.5). Two blade flint tools (Fig. 4.6,7) were found between the centrally located vessel and the bone assemblage, and slightly further away there were some small pottery fragments of several dec- orated vessels (Fig. 4.8–11). Four polished stone in- serts (Fig. 4.12), parts of a knife/dagger blade, were discovered slightly northwest of the centre. Other objects in that location include a fragment of a bowl (Fig. 4.13) and flint artefacts – a damaged arrowhead (Fig. 4.14), a backed insert (Fig. 4.15), three splin- tered pieces (Fig. 4.16–18), a retouched para-blade Fig. 2. Location of archaeological site Supraśl 3 in Supraśl River valley (photo by Damian Marczak). Fig. 3. Supraśl, site 3. Location of fixed features. A range of trenches; B Bell Beaker features; C Early Iron Age features; D Corded Ware culture feature (acc. Januszek et al. 2019.Fig. 2). Dariusz Manasterski, Katarzyna Januszek, Adam Wawrusiewicz, and Aleksandra Klecha 378 (Fig. 4.19), as well as a stone axe (Fig. 4.20), a half of a sickle-shaped stone knife (Fig. 4.21) and a frag- ment of another bowl (Fig. 4.22). South of the cen- trally located vessel there were more shards of deco- rated vessels (Fig. 4.23,24), a stone arrow shaft straightener (Fig. 4.25), and flint artefacts – a bro- ken arrowhead (Fig. 4.26), a perforator (Fig. 4.27) and a splintered piece (Fig. 4.28). Feature 2 It was an oval darker area measuring 50 x 60cm, with eco- and artefacts inside (Fig. 5). The assem- blage consisted of pottery vessels, stone and flint objects, fragments of amber beads, burned bone remains and a chunk of calcareous sinter. There was also a concentration of eco- and artefacts that had probably been deposited in a small organic contain- er (pouch?). This group of objects consisted of pieces of burned and badly fragmented sheep or goat bones (analysed by Anna Gręzak from the Institute of Ar- chaeology of the University of Warsaw), weighing 18g in total, four fragments of different amber beads (Fig. 5.1–4; Manasterski, Kwiatkowska 2018.58– 60, Fig. 2.3,4,7), a decorated disc-shaped pottery ob- ject (Fig. 5.5), four shards of different decorated pot- tery vessels (Fig. 5.6–9), as well as eight flint arte- facts – three arrowheads (Fig. 5.10–12) showing dif- ferent types of damage, a retouched blade (Fig. 5.13), an axe-like tool (Fig. 5.14), and three splintered pie- ces (Fig. 5.15–17). These items were incorporated in a compact mass formed with sand and powdery soil, which differed from the soil present at the site. The ‘bag’ with its contents was placed on a fragment of a large storage vessel bearing rich decoration (Fig. 5.18), together with a ‘triangular’ flat object with dril- led perforations, which was made of slate and re- sembled the blade of a copper dagger (Fig. 5.19), as well as a small stone slab with an incised saltire (Fig. 5.20). All these objects were covered with a large frag- ment of a decorated bowl (Fig. 5.21). Close to that, there were also shards of five different decorated pottery vessels (Fig. 5.22–26), a stone axe (Fig. 5.27), an arrow shaft straightener/sharpening stone (Fig. 5.28) and a chunk of calcareous sinter (Fig. 5.29). Feature 5 It was visible as a circular darker area of a diameter reaching almost 30cm (Fig. 6). The ceiling contained an amber pendant (Fig. 6.1; Manasterski, Kwiat- kowska 2018.59, Fig. 2.9), with a slender stone blade (Fig. 6.2) underneath and an assemblage of 15 artefacts below. It should be emphasized that this feature contained no bone material. Fig. 4. Supraśl, site 3. Generalized plan of feature 1 with location of artefacts. A shards of different pot- tery vessels; B stone artefacts; C flint artefacts; D fragments of amber beads; E fragments of burned bones (acc. Januszek et al. 2019.Fig. 3). Bell Beaker cultural package in the East European periphery of the phenomenon> a case of ritual features in north-eastern Poland 379 The contents of the feature included nine fragments of different decorated pottery vessels (Fig. 6.3,4,6– 12), a flint insert (Fig. 6.13), three flint arrowheads (Fig. 6.14–16), a stone pendant with a drilled per- foration (Fig. 6.17) and a nodular item with an in- cised three-arm cross (Fig. 6.18). These objects, con- centrated as if they had been deposited in an orga- nic container (pouch?), were placed on a fragment of a large decorated bell beaker (Fig. 6.5). Another part of this vessel was found in feature 6. Feature 6 It formed a circular darker area of a diameter of al- most 30cm (Fig. 7). Its fill contained a concentration of eco- and artefacts, which suggests that they had been deposited in an organic container of a pouch type, just as in the case of the other features. The contents of the ‘bag’ were deposited in the cen- tre, on a large fragment of a decorated bell beaker (Fig. 7.1). The assemblage consisted of very frag- Fig. 5. Suprasssl, site 3. Generalized plan of feature 2 with location of artefacts. A shards of different pottery vessels; B stone artefacts; C chunk of calcareous sinter; D concentration of eco- and artefacts (1–4 fragments of burned bones, sand and powdery soil, fragments of amber beads, 5 disc-shaped pot- tery object, 6–9 small shards of different pottery vessels, 10–17 flint artefacts). Dariusz Manasterski, Katarzyna Januszek, Adam Wawrusiewicz, and Aleksandra Klecha 380 mented burned human bones (analysed by Elżbieta Jaskulska of the Institute of Archaeology of the Uni- versity of Warsaw), weighing 21g in total, mixed with 17 flint arrowheads (Fig. 7.2–18), a half of an amber bead (Fig. 7. 19) and a decorated slate pen- dant (Fig. 7.20). The ‘bag’, deposited on the large shard of the beaker, was covered with almost a half of a bowl (Fig. 7.21). Next to the ‘bag’ contents there were: a sharpening stone (Fig. 7.22), a chunk of white limestone (Fig. 7.23) and a large shard of a beaker (Fig. 7.24), another part of which was found in fea- ture 5. Chronology and cultural identification of the discovered objects Apart from burned bones and some carbon deposit in one of the vessels, no organic substances which could be used for absolute dating were preserved in the fea- tures due to the sandy and light soil. In the case of the bones, the radio-carbon dating was unsuccessful because of their small amount and absence of colla- gen. However, the radio-carbon analysis of the car- bon deposit from a bowl fragment from feature 6 de- livered a date: (Poz-116826) 5110±35 cal BP (95.4% probability: 3976–3799 cal BC). This cannot be ac- cepted as it comes from a vessel typical of BB, but precedes the emergence of this cultural phenomenon by a millennium. Apart from the vessel shards, which became the basis for establishing the chronology, no other artefacts found in the context bear diagnostic elements which would indicate the time of formation of the analysed features. Nevertheless, they are help- ful for identification of other cultural components than BB, which also contributed to the making of the ritual relics of the societies that left these features. Pottery In addition to vessel shards displaying components of the general European BB style, the group consist- ed of others which diverge from this cannon. Ana- lysis of their elements made it possible to indicate potential locations of their origin. It should be stressed, however, that the results of petrographic analyses of the pottery suggest a likely import of the Fig. 6. Supraśl, site 3. Generalized plan of feature 5 with location of artefacts. A shards of different pot- tery vessels; B stone artefacts; C flint artefacts; D amber pendant. Bell Beaker cultural package in the East European periphery of the phenomenon> a case of ritual features in north-eastern Poland 381 pattern of pottery tradition, and not of already made vessels (Krajcarz, Manasterski 2015). On one hand, they include forms with parallels in the Ciempozuelos style – typical of the Iberian Penin- sula. Vessels in this category are characterized by geometric decoration distributed in zone and zone- metopic patterns, made by incision or stamping (Figs. 4.5; 5.5,18,21,25,26; 6.5,7; 7.1,21,24). The de- coration was made mainly on the outer surfaces, and sometimes on the rims and inner portions around the rim. The motifs include lines around the circum- ference of the vessel, diagonal criss-cross pattern, zigzags, bands of short diagonal lines, sometimes arranged in a herringbone pattern, triangles filled with short lines and concentric triangles, as well as groups of short vertical lines alternating with unde- corated areas. In one case, the decoration was disco- vered on the bottom of a fragment of a semi-spher- ical bowl – it is a solar motif and extends towards the top of the vessel (Fig. 7.21). The carbon deposit from this vessel was used for radio-carbon dating and delivered the date mentioned above. It could be supposed that a small pottery object from feature 2 (Fig. 5.5) with a similar decoration pattern is a no- dular bottom of another, possibly miniature vessel. Another group consists of vessels which, apart from elements typical of general BB components, display- ed other elements, characteristic for places of local innovations. One of the most interesting specimens in this group is a fragment of a decorated bowl with an incised zone-metopic pattern of the saltire motif (Fig. 4.13), which originated in the area east of the Rhine River and is usually associated with the Velu- ve type (Wawrusiewicz et al. 2015.53–54). Another interesting item is a fragment of a profiled bowl with a wide mouth, decorated with an incised criss-cross Fig. 7. Supraśl, site 3. Generalized plan of feature 6 with location of artefacts. A shards of different pot- tery vessels; B stone artefacts; C flint artefacts; D chunk of white limestone; E concentration of eco- and artefacts: fragments of burned bones, sand; 2–18 flint arrowheads; 19 fragment of amber ornament. Dariusz Manasterski, Katarzyna Januszek, Adam Wawrusiewicz, and Aleksandra Klecha 382 pattern on the rim, below which a zone-metopic de- coration was made with the same technique (Fig. 5.23). Two decoration zones were made on the out- er surface – horizontal cord impressions in the up- per part, with a band of incised criss-cross pattern below. Due to its form and style, the bowl has par- allels in the south-western BB zone, where the cord motifs are found together with motifs incised or im- pressed with a comb (cf. Harrison 1977.13ff). Cord decoration was made in the upper portion of the vessels, sometimes on the inner surface just below the rim, and the pottery was characterized by a red- brown or reddish colour, which fully corresponds with the specimen in question. However, cord im- pressions are regarded as foreign in Western Europe and associated with the influence of the Corded Ware culture (CWC) (from another perspective, as one of the results of the Rückstromm). Whole it is the only specimen of pottery decorated in this man- ner which has been found in Podlachia, a few ves- sels decorated in a similar way (Manasterski 2016. 57, 68–69, Fig. 12.1, Fig. 20.2–3) have been disco- vered in north-eastern Poland – in the Masurian Lake District, where CWC and BB materials have also been unearthed (Manasterski 2009.67–81). Therefore, it is possible that the vessel from Supraśl was made in the area of the Masurian Lake District. Large fragments of S-shaped vessels are another two examples. Apart from the typical BB decoration in a zone-metopic pattern, they are characterized by the presence of cordons and nodules. Both were de- posited in feature 2. One has a large nodular handle placed below the rim (Fig. 5.18), and the other a cor- don around the circumference in the place where the neck meets the body of the vessel (Fig. 5.26). Such elements are relatively rare in the archetypal BB pottery, and were usually fixed on undecorated vessels found in settlement contexts (Prieto Martí- nez 2013). However, after diffusion of this cultural phenomenon over considerable portions of Western and Central Europe, local components were absorb- ed, including cordons and nodules, which were ab- sent in initial pottery forms (Besse 2004). For this reason, it is difficult to conclude where these two types of vessels originated. In addition, it can be as- sumed that they might have been made in north- eastern Poland, as parallel nodules below rims are known from the Rzucewo culture (RC) (cf. Machnik 1979a.369–372), which occupied south-eastern coa- stal Baltic areas. In this region, at a settlement at Suchacz, apart from local vessels with nodules and cordons (Ehrlich 1936.64–70), shards of BB vessels were found along with pottery displaying mixed BB and RC features (Manasterski 2012b; 2016.90–92). S-shaped vessels from the nearby Mazovian Lowland, decorated with incised zone-metopic motifs separat- ed with a cordon situated in the area where the neck meets the body of the vessel (Manasterski 2016.132, Fig. 42), seem to be an example of a parallel but probably slightly more recent phenomenon. This is even more likely because some, althouth relatively few, fragments of BB vessels were identified in this region (Manasterski 2016.83–90). Accessories of an archer-warrior Arrowheads The analysed features contained 25 flint arrowheads (Figs. 4.14,26; 5.10–12; 6.14–16; 7.2–18) in total, five of which had been damaged (Figs. 4.14,26; 5.11; 6.15; 7.7) before their deposition. All the specimens are triangular and made of flakes, and represent three morphological types characterized by the shape of the notch at the base: arched, triangular, or semi-circular. One was formed with bifacial retouch (Fig. 5.12), most with retouch around the edge. Twenty-one specimens have polished edges (Figs. 4.26; 5.10,11; 6.14–16; 7.4–18), which are rare, and among them six have polished surfaces (Figs. 7.4–6,8,10,11). Apart from the form with bifacial retouch and a tri- angular notch at the base, characteristic for CWC (e.g., Włodarczak 2008.Fig. 2.37,40), the arrow- heads can be classified as typical of BB, and at the same time atypical because of the polishing marks (Januszek et al. 2019.508–509). In the BB package, arrowheads show variety in terms of morphology and presence of characteristic regional modifications. For instance, arrowheads with tangs are the most typical variety in the Atlantic region of Europe, while specimens with a notch at the base (hollow-based type) are the prevalent type in Central Europe (e.g., Case 2004.28; Bailly 2014.358–362). For this rea- son, it is the shape of the arrowheads with a semi- circular notch rather than the technique of making that is the criterion used to indicate the closest par- allels in a few regions of the European range of BB. Such artefacts have been found in the Czech Repub- lic and south-western Norway (cf. Kopacz 2012.Fig. 5.4,5,13; Prescott, Glørstad 2015.Fig. 8.4.1l,II,10/ 20). They are also known from sites of other cultur- al entities with a marked share of BB, e.g., IC from central Poland (Makarowicz 1989.Fig. 27.3). With regard to the number of deposited arrowheads in the features (2-3-3-17 respectively), feature 6 seems extraordinary as it contained 17 specimens. This Bell Beaker cultural package in the East European periphery of the phenomenon> a case of ritual features in north-eastern Poland 383 number corresponds with arrowhead assemblages from funerary contexts with the richest equipment of BB archers, such as the Amesbury archer in Bri- tain (Harding 2011.91, Fig. 30). Arrow shaft straighteners Two single-element arrow shaft straighteners (Figs. 4.25; 5.28) made of different types of sandstone were discovered in features 1 and 2 (Januszek et al. 2019.509). Their supposed use for straightening reed arrow shafts was confirmed experimentally (cf. Dmochowski 2015). Both specimens bear marks in- dicating their additional functions. One of them, with a polished surface of a portion of its circumference, was also a sharpening stone, the other, with marked crushed areas, additionally served as an anvil. These features have parallels in morphologically similar ar- tefacts associated with various Eurasian cultural con- texts connected with at least 60 archaeological cul- tures spanning from the Mesolithic to the Early Bronze Age, that is, from the 9th to the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC (cf. Usacheva 2016.590, Fig. 1.3,17,20, Fig. 2.1, Fig. 3.11, Fig. 4). In most cases, the straightening of reed was the primary but not the only function of these tools (Usacheva 2016. 602). However, such forms from BB contexts have not been published. The only known BB specimens are composed of two elements, but even this type is not a common find (e.g., Budziszewski, Włodarczak 2010.52, Pl. VI.5–5,5–6). Daggers/knives Four fully polished stone artefacts correspond with the morphology of knives/daggers. They are all cha- racterized by very good quality, particularly the accu- racy of shaping, but they represent four different types. Three of them are forms with unsegmented blades and the fourth is a segmented one. One of them, preserved intact, is actually the back portion of a blade made of amphibolite (Fig. 4.21; Wawru- siewicz et al. 2015.72, Fig. 37). Another is an intact triangular blade made of slate (Fig. 5.19; Manaster- ski 2016.Fig. 31.6). The third has a slender lancet- shaped amphibolite blade (Fig. 6.2). Inserts of the fourth one (segmented specimen) were made of gra- nite gneiss (Fig. 4.12; Wawrusiewicz et al. 2015. 73, Fig. 39). None of the artefacts has direct paral- lels in published pre-historic material, and thus they are the first in BB contexts. Since rocks from the Fennoscandian Shield, possibly sourced in Scandina- via, were used for their production and the speci- mens were made with a high degree of accuracy, they might have originated in some societies from Northern Europe. However, the raw material might have also represented glacial erratic rock connected with the most recent glacial period. Stone and flint tools Stone artefacts Each feature contained rather sparse tools, made of various rocks identified on the basis of petrographic analysis by Maciej T. Krajcarz from the Institute of Geological Sciences of the Polish Academy of Scien- ces in Warsaw. These artefacts include: an orthoam- phibolite adze (Fig. 4.20), an amphibolite axe (Fig. 5.27) and a polishing pad/sharpening stone made of Jotnian sandstone (Fig. 7.22). Apart from the poli- shing pad/sharpening stone with low diagnostic va- lue, the other tools correspond with common forms found at relatively close sites of Late Neolithic cul- tural entities of the south-eastern coastal regions of the Baltic Sea (e.g., πventoji 6 in Lithuania – cf. Ri- mantiene 2005.Abb. 262). Other parallels were di- scovered in the Masurian Lake District, although they were only partially preserved (Manasterski 2009. 97–101). Apart from that, axe-like tools of various forms and dimensions, made of different rocks, are known from many other regions situated within the range of BB. In the case of the artefacts from Supraśl, it should be emphasized that the rock material used for their production is common in north-eastern Po- land in post-glacial sediments, but also has natural outcrops in various European regions, including Scandinavia. For this reason, the provenance of the raw material cannot be conclusively indicated. Flint artefacts The raw material used for production of these arte- facts were two varieties of erratic chalk flint. One of them is local, the other, defined as ‘Pomeranian flint’, is not found in Podlachia. The specimens made of the former include, among others, four blade tools (Figs. 4.6,7,19; 5.13), two of which are knives for cutting meat with bone (Fig. 4.6,7), another is asso- ciated with skin processing (Fig. 4.19; cf. Pyżewicz 2015.298–300). Others are flake forms (a perfora- tor and two inserts) without any marks of use. The forms made of Pomeranian flint include seven splin- tered pieces (Figs. 4.16–18,28; 5.15–17) and a pol- ished axe-like tool (Fig. 5.14), probably used for cut- ting wood (according to an unpublished use and wear analysis by Katarzyna Pyżewicz from the Insti- tute of Archaeology of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań). Specimens made of this raw material have parallels at RC sites located in the south-east- ern coastal region of the Baltic Sea (cf. Januszek 2010.72–74; Kabaciński 2018.155, Figs. 3,4). How- Dariusz Manasterski, Katarzyna Januszek, Adam Wawrusiewicz, and Aleksandra Klecha 384 ever, splintered pieces made of Pomeranian flint were identified much closer to Supraśl, at Ząbie site in the Masurian Lake District, where pottery bearing BB features was also unearthed (Manasterski 2009. 102–104, Pls. 10.7–8, 12.56, 13.9). Splintered pie- ces are virtually absent from other Polish sites with the BB phenomenon – only one specimen was disco- vered at Święcice in Lesser Poland (Budziszewski, Włodarczak 2010.59). South-eastern France is an area where they are commonly found at settlement sites (Furestier 2004.84). Jewellery Amber jewellery The features contained eight artefacts made of suc- cinite (Baltic amber), seven of which were fragments of six different cylindrical beads (Figs. 4.3,4; 5.1–3; 7.19) and a nodular one with a V-shaped perforation (Fig. 5.4), and the eighth one is a trapezoid pendant (Fig. 6.1), which was damaged in its upper part in the course of excavations (Manasterski, Kwiatkow- ska 2018.57–59). Apart from the latter, the patina which covered their surfaces indicates that the spe- cimens were broken and deposited in the same form as the one in which they were unearthed. Cylindrical amber beads are known from BB con- texts, but their territorial range is basically limited to the British Isles (Manasterski 2016.104–105). The nodular bead is a form which can be found in BB burials in the Czech Republic (e.g., Hájek 1957. 398–421; Czebreszuk 2011.41–43). As opposed to the beads, the pendant was made of a natural chunk of amber and was only minimally processed to alter its shape and drill a hole in it. Parallel pendants are not known from BB contexts, but are associated with local societies from the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age occupying the Vistula and Oder Rivers basins (cf. Bukowski 2002.15, 25, 32, 33, 35, Figs. 11a, 20, 21). The processing marks visible on the surfaces under microscope as well as comparative and experimen- tal research indicate that metal tools (a drill and a ‘knife’), made of copper or copper alloy, were used in the production process (cf. Popkiewicz 2016. 60). Since no traces of the use of such tools from the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age have been found at amber-processing ‘workshops’ on Baltic coasts, it should be assumed that these artefacts originated in other areas of production. Available data suggest that in this period corresponding ‘jeweller’s’ tools were used in the British Isles and the area of the Aegean Sea (Mazurowski 1983.113). Considering other ar- guments, connected with the context of the analysed amber artefacts, their origin might be found in ‘je- weller’ traditions of the British Isles. Nevertheless, it does not mean that they were made there as they might as well be the products of a incomer. Stone jewelry These artefacts include two pendants made of diffe- rent raw materials. One of them is a mudstone peb- ble turned into jewellery by drilling a perforation in it (Fig. 6.17). The other is a broken oval plaquette- like form made of slate and has surfaces covered with decoration (Fig. 7.20), whose motifs correspond with the ones found on pottery. It shows a surpris- ing similarity to geometric plaquettes from the south- western part of the Iberian Peninsula, dated to 3500– 2750 cal BC (Garcia Rivero, O’Brien 2014.1). Some researchers regard them as representations of the Mother Goddess (Almagro Gorbea 1973; Rodrigues 1986a; 1986b; Gonçalves 1999). Others believe these plaquettes express ‘collective heraldry’ understood as lineage identifiers, which were used as an ordered and important system for transmission of informa- tion (Lisboa 1985; Bueno Ramírez 1992; Lillios 2002). The latter group also emphasizes their signi- ficance in funerary rituals. However, a phylogenetic analysis recently conducted by Daniel García Rivero and Michael J. O’Brien showed that such plaquettes cannot be genealogical systems for recording gene- rations (Garcia Rivero, O’Brien 2014.12–17). They also concluded that these artefacts might have had a common origin in terms of concepts, e.g., religious or apotropaic ones, and their variety was connected with different developments from the initial idea, which resulted in many variable elements, that is, mutations and variants. Artefacts and ecofacts with arbitrary meanings These include two objects made of different types of sandstone, two fragments of white rock: calcareous sinter and limestone rock, as well as some badly burned and fragmented human and animal bones. One of the artefacts is a small flat slab with an in- cised saltire (Fig. 5.20) and a plano-convex form made of a pebble with an incised three-arm cross on the convex surface (Fig. 6.18). Neither of these ob- jects have parallels in BB contexts. However, they are similar to pottery tokens from the Near East, used from the 8th to the 3rd millennium BC as sym- bolic counting aids for particular goods or their mea- sures, e.g., for a sheep or large measure of grain (see Schmandt-Besserat, Erard 2007.8–9, Fig. 1.2). Bell Beaker cultural package in the East European periphery of the phenomenon> a case of ritual features in north-eastern Poland 385 The chunks of calcareous sinter and limestone rock, which were also sources of white pigment, have pa- rallels in funerary rituals of the Late Neolithic Pit Grave culture in the area of steppes near the Black Sea, where they are found in chunks next to the de- ceased or as powder on skulls of men only (cf. Wo- źny 2011.67). A man covered with white marl in a burial identified with BB funerary rituals, found at Ząbie in the Masurian Lake District, received a simi- lar treatment (cf. Manasterski et al. 2001.148). Burned and badly fragmented bone remains were identified in three out of the four features. Two features contained human bones and another one – sheep or goat bones. Their total weight oscillated around 20g (24g, 18g, 21g), and in the case of fea- ture 1 they belonged to two individuals, an adult and a juvenile. On the one hand, there were very few bone remains, on the other, the presence of sheep or goat bones seems to suggest unidentified funerary rituals rather than a burial. At this stage of research it is impossible to indicate any parallels either in the whole region covered with the BB phe- nomenon, or in areas occupied by other European Neolithic and para-Neolithic societies. Discussion Considering all the data presented above, do the eco- and artefacts from Supraśl 3 reflect adoption of the BB cultural package by a group which cannot be conclusively identified in terms of its cultural affil- iation? The answer is not simple. On one hand, there are only some elements of the BB culture together with other elements, which are not associated with autochthonic societies of north-eastern Poland in the Late Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. They might have been adopted ‘on the way’, which could be connected with the phenomenon of the ‘package’. However, there are no parallel discoveries from the area of broadly understood Central Europe, which would legitimize the assumption of diffusion of the BB package ‘from neighbour to neighbour’. It could thus eventually arrive north in Podlachia, even if this area is regarded as peripheral for the pheno- menon and the adoption of only some elements would take place without awareness of its basic ide- ology (cf. Turek 2013.9). In the presented case, it most likely involved the arrival of a group (or groups) of BB people from the West, which brought ‘behaviour’ representing the BB cultural package. This is suggested by some of the artefacts characte- ristic for Western Europe, and in the case of the de- corated slate plaquette/pendant, directly from the Iberian Peninsula, the only location where it has pa- rallels. Only after that some components of the BB package would spread, and they would be limited to the style of pottery vessels, which is reflected in sources from the final phase of NCC and the period of formation of the Trzciniec cultural circle (Czebre- szuk 2001.164–169; Manasterski 2016.131–137). At this stage, some artefacts characteristic of late Neolithic societies from the south-eastern Baltic re- gion were incorporated into the package. Perhaps the amber artefacts which are atypical in Podlachia were made in that Baltic region (Manasterski, Kwiat- kowska 2018). On the basis of the presented pottery vessels, sup- ported with amber, flint and stone artefacts found in this context, it is possible to suggest a possible se- quence of movement of elements of the package, starting from the suggested place of origin and fol- lowing the route from south-western Europe to Su- praśl. Thus the probable place of origin would be located in the Iberian Peninsula, which could be sug- gested by the pottery of the Ciempozuelos style and the decorated slate plaquette/pendant. Further on, the route would probably run across the La Manche area, Jutland and the Baltic Sea to its south-eastern coastal regions. Within this space, the adopted pack- age components included: the saltire motif as well as cordons and nodules in pottery decoration, tech- niques of processing of amber jewellery, flint arrow- heads with a semi-circular notch at the base, splin- tered pieces and stone tools, as well as the conver- sion of funerary practices from inhumation to cre- mation. The route then ran across the Masurian Lake District to North Podlachia, where Supraśl 3 is situ- ated, and the movement resulted in the adoption of flint arrowheads with an arch-shaped notch at the base, cord decoration motifs in pottery, most likely due to contacts with CWC societies. However, taking Belarusian artefacts with BB features into consid- eration, we can get an impression that the area of Supraśl was not the frontier zone for the diffusion of this phenomenon (cf. Czebreszuk, Kryvaltsevich 2003; Matuszewska 2004; Wawrusiewicz et al. 2015.192, 194). Nevertheless, it might have been an area of interactions between the BB influence from the west and an influx of stimuli from the broadly understood southeast. These stimuli are manifested by the presence of eco- and artefacts which are ab- sent from both BB contexts and from sources left by autochthonic hunter-gatherer groups (stone ‘tokens’, multi-functional reed arrow shaft straighteners, se- dimentary rock in rituals). Dariusz Manasterski, Katarzyna Januszek, Adam Wawrusiewicz, and Aleksandra Klecha 386 However, the origin of the ritual involving the depo- sition of fragments of objects, confirmed in all the fea- tures, and its incorporation into ritual practices can- not be accounted for. This practice was applied main- ly in the case of pottery and some pieces of amber jewellery, or, rather rarely, weapons. Similar acts of intentional fragmentation of artefacts (mostly pot- tery) deposited in burials, pits and treasure contexts are known from the Neolithic and Chalcolithic disco- veries in the Balkan Peninsula (cf. Chapman 2000. 53). Conclusions Supraśl site 3 is an isolated sandy elevation situated among water-logged meadows associated with wet- lands of the Supraśl River, which is now a regulated watercourse. They occupy a stretch of land which is more than a kilometre wide. The landscape in its vi- cinity consists of barren moraine hills covered with forests as well as lakes and ponds, mostly with peat vegetation. Palynological analysis shows that these areas were only sporadically used for farming from the Early Bronze Age to the 20th century AD (Ku- prianowicz, Szal 2015). At the same time, they were a perfect location for the economic activity of hun- ter-gatherer societies, which were represented by NCC in the late 3rd and early 2nd millennium BC. For this reason, it could be surprising that BB rep- resentatives arrived in this region. The answer can be found in the analysis of the natural and archaeo- logical context. On one hand, there existed a water communication network which served for transport and isolated artefacts with typical BB components were found (Wawrusiewicz et al. 2015.Fig. 101; Manasterski 2016.Fig. 2). On the other hand, it was close to chalk flint mines located along the Ros River and flint workshops situated in the vicinity of the mines (Gurina 1976; Wawrusiewicz et al. 2015. 190–191, Fig. 106). All these indicate that this was most likely an attempt to find trade partners and or- ganize communication routes or take control of the existing ones (Wawrusiewicz et al. 2015.185–186). For these reasons, it should not be surprising that mainly isolated BB artefacts without a clear settle- ment or funerary context were unearthed in north- eastern Poland. The discoveries from Supraśl 3 es- cape this pattern. They cannot be conclusively clas- sified as isolated finds, settlement relics, or classic burials. Both the choice of the place (an isolated ‘is- land’ among wetlands, with access from the river- side, surrounded by large forests – a secret place for the initiated) and the selection of the objects in the discovered features suggest that relics of a certain form of a ritual system, most probably funerary practices, were found. This is indicated by the pres- ence of human cremation remains identified in two features as well as sets of artefacts found in burials of BB men – archers/warriors (beakers, archer’s ac- cessories, daggers, jewellery). 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