FOR Freedom AND Justice NO. 95 Ameriška I 7/ ' 75 7 *• 1 - M A 1 a • a m AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100' Friday, December 1 9, 1 986 VOL. LXXXVIII Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Donald Regan pričeval drugače od Roberta McFarlana glede vloge predsednika Reagana v prodaji orožja Iranu — Casey operiran WASHINGTON, D.C. — V zadnjih tednih so pričali na tajnih sejah senatnega odbora za obveščevalne zadeve številni visoki funkcionarji Reaganove administracije o njih vlogi v tkim. zadevi Iran-contra. Kar zanima senatorje po teh pričevanjih, je, da imata Donald Regan, vodja Reaganovega Štaba v Beli hiši, in pa bivši Reaganov svetovalec za nacionalno varnost Robert McFar-lane vsak svoje mnenje o tem, ali je Reagan odobril pošiljko orožja Iranu avgusta 1985, ki jo je izvedel Izrael. McFarlane je pričal, da je Reagan to pošiljko Iranu odobril, Regan je pa trdil, da to ni res in da je bil Reagan takrat dejansko proti izraelski akciji. Ta točka je važna, ker gre za verodostojnost ali Regana ali McFarlana. Ako je Izrael poslal orožje Iranu brez privolitve predsednika ZDA, bi to bilo proti ameriškemu zakonu in bi morala biti ustavljena nadaljnja ameriška podpora Izraelu. Čeprav želi Reagan napraviti konec tej silno neprijetni zadevi, vse kaže, da bodo razne kongresne preiskave trajale mesece in niesece. Še vedno je veliko nejasnosti glede iranske pobude in uporabe denarja, pridobljenega v prodaji orožja Iranu, v podpiranje aktivnosti nikaragvejskih gverilcev. Včeraj so baje dobro obveščeni viri dali vedeti, da je najbrž bilo nekaj telefonskih in osebnih pogovorov v Beli hiši v zadnjih letih posnetih na magnetofonskih trakovih in da ti trakovi Še obstajajo. Ta trditev ni še potrjena, kaže Pa, da je v njej nekaj resnice. Kongresni preiskovalci menijo, da bi lahko veliko o zadevi Iran-contra povedal William J. Casey, ki vodi CIA. Včeraj je pa bil Casey operiran in so kirurgi odstranili rakast tumor iz njegovih možganov. Čeprav ženijo, da bo Casey popolnoma okreval, dvomiti je, da bo mogel kmalu sodelovati v Preiskavah o morebitni vlogi CIA. Eugene Hasenfus pomiloščen — Že vrnil v ZDA — Ameriški diplomat se prvič srečal z drugim Američanom v nikaragveški ječi GREEN BAY, Wis. — Sinoči se je vrnil domov 45-letni Eugene Hasenfus, ki je bil v Priporu v Nikaragvi od 6. oktobra, ko je bilo Ustreljeno letalo, s katerim so on in trije drugi plačanci prevažali orožje in drugo v°jaško opremo protisandinističnim gverilam, aktivnim v Nikaragvi. Po sojenju pred ^revolucionarnim« sodiščem, je bil Hasen-fds obsojen na 30 let zapora, preteklo sredo pa je bil pomiloščen in že isti dan zapustil ^■karagvo. Posredovalno vlogo v tem je '8ral demokratski senator Christopher J. ^°dd, ki sicer močno nasprotuje Reaganovi P°litiki do Nikaragve in je prišel v Managuo ter se srečal s predsednikom Danielom Orte-8o- V izjavi je Ortega dejal, da je bil Hasen-*Ps izpuščen kot prijateljski znak do ZDA. Nikaragvejci so sen. Doddu omogočili 'ttdi srečanje z 49-letnim Samom Hallom, bratom ohijskega demokratskega kongresni-Tonyja Halla. Sam Hall je bil prijet v bli-lni nekega nikaragveškega vojaškega opori-ba. v njegovi nogavici pa so Nikaragvejci baŠli karte. Dodd je rekel, da se Hall dobro b°čuti. Šele nato je mogel Halla videti diplo-bjat ZDA, ki je isto rekel. Vse kaže, da je ki ima pustolovsko preteklost, deloval 119 lastno past, kar je namignil v neki izjavi Sam predsednik Ortega. Opazovalci nikara-?Veških razmer menijo, da bo Hall tudi kon- 7^% tščen, morda bo sodnem procesu. Hasenfus je povedal novinarjem, da je pripravljeni govoriti o svojem delovanju v Centralni Ameriki, nekateri kongresniki so pa rekli, da ga bodo zasliševali kongresni odbori, ki bodo začeli voditi preiskave januarja 1987. Splošno mnenje je, da je bil Hasenfus izpuščen predvsem zato, da bi o svojih aktivnostih govoril in da bi njegova priznanja škodovala prizadevanjem Reaganove vlade, nadaljevati s svojo izrazito proti-sandinisti-čno politiko. — Kratke vesti — Moskva, ZSSR — Sovjetska vlada je izjavila, da bo mogel vodilni oporečnik, fizik Andrej Saharov, zapustiti mesto Gorkij, kamor je bil izgnan, in se vrniti v Moskvo. V izjavi je bilo tudi rečeno, da bo mogel Saharov nadaljevati s svojim raziskovalnim delom na področju fizike. Hanoj, Vi. — Kongres vietnamske komunistične partije je izvolil 71-letnega Ngu-jena Van Linha za novega voditelja. Linh je znan za svoje reforme ideje glede gospodarstva, zamenja pa 79-letnega Truonga Činha. Upokojila sta se tudi 80-letni predsednik vlade Pham Van Dong in vodilni ideolog, 75 let stari Le Due Tho. Tho je bil tisti, ki se je pogajal s Henryjem Kissingerjem o umiku ameriških vojakov iz Vietnama. Druga osebnost na novi partijski lestvici je 74-letni Pham Hung, tretji pa 73-letni Vo Čj Cong,. Pomlajevanje vodstva je bilo torej silno omejeno. Moskva, ZSSR — Poročevalna agencija Tass je objavila poročilo o izgredu v glavnem mestu kazakhstanske republike Almi Ati. Do izgreda je prišlo potem, ko je bil odstranjen 74-letni Dinmukhamed Kunajev, ki je bil partijski voditelj te republike zadnjih 22 let. Kar je posebej razjarilo Kazakhe v Almi Ati je menda bilo, da je bil naslednik Kunajeva po narodnosti Rus in sicer 59-letni Gennadi Kolbin. Zahodni novinarji v Moskvi so bili presenečeni, da je Tass poročilo objavila. London, V. Br. — Včeraj je angleška vlada potrdila, da bo kupila šest letal AWACS, ki jih proizvaja ameriška Boeing firma. Ta letala so opremljena z najsodobnejšimi radarskimi in drugimi elektronskimi napravami. S tem je vlada obrnila hrbet letalu, ki ga je predlagala angleška letalska industrija. Vlada je že bila investirala poldrugo milijardo dolarjev v to angleško letalo, ki pa ni bil kos ameriškemu. Parlament je vladno odločitev potrdilo. Moskva, ZSSR — Sovjetska vlada je izjavila včeraj, da bo končala svoj moratorij glede podzemskih jedrskih poskusov januarja 1987, ako bodo ZDA res izvedle jedrski poskus, napovedan za 29. januar. Sovjetski moratorij traja poldrugo leto, predsednik Reagan pa je zavrnil vse sovjetske prošnje, naj bi se ZDA moratoriju pridružile. Danes se bodo sovjetski predstavniki udeležili tiskovne konference, na kateri bodo povedali, zakaj z moratorijem ne morejo nadaljevati. Washington, D.C. — ZDA in Francija pošiljajo orožje Čadu, afriški deželi, ki jo napadajo od Libije oboroženi domači nasprotniki. V bojih so baje angažirane tudi libijske sile. Čad je nekdanja francoska kolonija in igra Francija prednostno vlogo. Čadska vlada je zahodno usmerjena, vendar spada dežela med gospodarsko najbolj zaostale na svetu. Vrednost ameriške podpore ocenjujejo na 15 milijonov dolarjev. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Božičnica SPB Cleveland— Društvo SPB Cleveland vabi na božičnico, ki bo to nedeljo, 21. dec., ob 3. uri pop. v avditoriju Sv. Vida. Vsi vabljeni, vstopnine ni. Ker ima več društev isto nedeljo svojo božičnico, prosimo, da se zberete že ob pol treh. Začetek bo ločno ob 3. uri, da bodo mogli nekateri navzoči pravočasno priti še na druge božičnice. Skupna božičnica— Dramsko društvo Lilija, pevski zbor Korotan, pevski zbor Fantje na vasi, ter Plesna skupina Kres vabijo svoje člane, njih sorodnike in prijatelje na božičnico to nedeljo, 21. dec., ob 5. uri popoldne v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Škof Lenič operiran— Obveščeni smo, da je bil ljubljanski pomožni škof dr. Stanislav Lenič preteklo sredo operiran na želodcu na raku. Operacija je uspela, škof Lenič pa je zaprosil za upokojitev. Priporoča se v molitev. Posebna božična oddaja— Slovenska radijska oddaja »Pesmi in melodije iz lepe Slovenije« bo imela Svetonočno oddajo v sredo od 6. do 7. zvečer, v četrtek, na božič, pa oddaja za sveti dan od 9. do 10. dopoldne. To oddajo vodi dr. Milan Pavlovčič in jo je mogoče poslušati na radijsko postajo Clevelandske državne univerze WCSB 89.3 FM vsako nedeljo od 9. do 10. dop. in vsako sredo od 6. do 7. zv. Raznašalca iščemo— Raznašalca iščemo in sicer za sledeče ulice: Marcella, Neff, Edgerton, E. 185 St., Harland, Sable, East Park, Reese, Schenely in Lake Shore Blvd. Za podrobnosti, pokličite pisarno na 431-0628 ali pa se oglasite osebno. Novi grobovi Edward L. Zimmerman Dne 16. decembra je v Cleveland Clinic bolnišnici po dolgi bolezni umrl 68 let stari Edward L. Zimmerman z Neff Rd., rojen v Clevelandu, mož Mildred, roj. Glazar, oče James in Richarda (oba v Atlanta, Ga.), 3-krat stari oče, brat Josepha, Angele Skoda (Tex.), Genevieve Wenzel ter že pok. Johna, Valentina, Adolpha in Mary Levar, zaposlen pri Great Lakes Manuf. 21 let, do svoje upokojitve 1. 1972, član ADZ št. 45 in Kluba slov. upokojencev na Waterloo Rd. Pogreb bo iz Želetove-ga pogrebnega zavoda na E. 152 St. danes dopoldne, v cerkev Marije Vnebovzete ob 9. in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Zanimiv članek— Rev. Viktor Tomc priporoča, naj bi bralci Cleveland Plain Dealerja to nedeljo prebrali članek o beatifikacijskem postopku za škofa Baraga, ki ga bo napisal Grant Siegel. Članek bo v tistem delu Plain Dealerja, ki se imenuje »Living Section«. Rojstni dan— To nedeljo, 21. dec., bo praznoval svoj 72. rojstni dan naš dolgoletni naročnik Louis Šilc, Willoughby, Ohio. Čestitajo in mu želijo obilo zdravja in veselja družina, sorodniki, znanci in prijatelji ter vsi so-člani ADZ in mi pri A.D.! STOPINJE— Dospele so Stopinje, zbornik s Koledarjem 1987. Izdajatelj je Pomursko pastoralno področje. Kot vsako leto, je tudi letos bogato opisana zgodovina z lepimi motivi iz Slovenske krajine. Kdor jih želi, naj piše na naslov: Štefan Režonja, 914 E. 216 St., Euclid, OH 44119, ali pa pokliče 531-7354. Prispele so po zračni pošti in sicer le manjše število. Ne odlašajte! Iz bolnice— Ga. Cilka Lubey se je vrnila iz University bolnice in izreka srčno hvalo vsem, ki so se je spomnile, posebno č.g. J. Božnarju in č.g. J. Simčiču za duhovne obiske pred in po operaciji. V spomin Franka Sterleta— Helmar Const. Co., Richmond Hts., O., ki je slovenska last, je poklonil $100 našemu listu v spomin na Franka Sterleta. Za lepo podporo se iskreno zahvalimo! Prisrčna slovesnost— Preteklo sredo zvečer se je v Hofbrau Hausu na E. 55 Sl. zbralo nekaj sto predstavnikov clevelandskih etničnih skupin, da bi počastili češkega rojaka Vaclava Hyvnarja, dolgoletni zastopnik evropskih etničnih skupin v mestni upravi, ki gre ravno danes v pokoj. Zelo lepo je o priljubljenem Vaclavu govoril župan Voinovich. V svojem nagovoru se je Hyvnar vsem zahvalil. Korolanovo silvestrovanje— V predprodaji so vstopnice za Korolanovo silvestrovanje, ki bo v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Po $20 so vstopnice, ki vključujejo večerjo, po $10 pa brez večerje. Za vstopnice in podrobnosti, pokličite Marijo Nemec na tel. 541-7243. VREME Deloma sončno danes z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 37° F. Spremenljivo oblačno jutri z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 39° F. V nedeljo deloma do pretežno sončno z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 40° F. vs\ AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Mike and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche NAROČNINA: Združene države: $33 na leto; $ 1 8 za 6 mesecev; $ 1 5 za 3 mesece Kanada: $42 na leto; $27 za 6 mesecev; $ 1 7 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $25 Petkova AD (letna): ZDA: $18; Kanada: $22; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $33.00 - year; $18.00 - 6 mos.; $15.00 - 3 mos. Canada: $42.00 - year; $27.00 - 6 mos.; $17.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $45.00 per year; $25 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $18.00-year; Canada: $22.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published every Tuesday and Friday except the first 2 weeks in July and the week after Christinas. No. 95 Friday, December 19, 1986 Vesela novica Vesele novice so dandanes zelo redke, skoraj bi dejal izredne, prikazni. Dan za dnem poslušamo in beremo o nesrečah, takšnih in drugačnih, o sporih in obračunavanjih z orožjem med ljudmi, o terorističnih napadih in talcih, o umorih in drugačnih nasiljih nad človekovimi pravicami... svet se vsaj na videz pogreza v neke vrste moderno brezpravje, ko ima ob vsem obilju človeških zakonov volja in moč in nasilje močnejšega vso pravičnost v svojih rokah. Ni posebno laskava ta ugotovitev, a je resnična, vredna premisleka in pozornosti. Posebno mesto v homatijah na svetu zavzema že od pamtiveka sporno in bojno stanje rasnega in narodnostnega značaja. Za prvo nam je tipičen zgled v našem času krvavo obračunavanje med belimi in črnimi v Južni Afriki, nasilno dovolj, da vzbuja svetovno vest. Za drugo — narodno — zatiranje povsod tam, kjer si močnejši narod podjarmi v celoti ali pa le del šibkejšega soseda, mu v odprti ali prikriti obliki uničuje njegovo narodno zavest, jezik in navade ter vsiljuje svojo lastno narodno identiteto, kaže človeštvo malo posluha. Te vrste nasilje se v manjšenrvobsegu dogaja na mnogih krajih zemeljske oble in ostaja večinoma prikrito svetovnemu javnemu mnenju. Pripadniki takšnih zatiranj narodnih manjšin ostajajo redno prepuščeni svoji usodi, svet gre mimo njih in njihovih klicev in pritožb na svoj dnevni red. Kakšen skromen vzdih je morda slišati tu in tam v Združenih narodih, kadar se omeni resolucija o človekovih pravicah, pa je spet ostalo pri starem in je vse pozabljeno. Narodne manjšine pa trpijo in ginejo naprej, nezaščitene in pozabljene, ker ni nikogar ne doma ne v svetu, ki bi zanje avtoritativno povzdignil svoj glas. Celih 70 let so bili koroški Slovenci v takem položaju. Odkar so jim I. 1916 avstrijski Nemci še pod Avstrijo zaprli zadnjega koroškega slovenskega poslanca v dunajskem parlamentu Ivana Grafenauerja, so ostali brez politične moči in vpliva. Niso imeli platforme, s katere čuje Avstrija in svet obtožbe in zahteve ponižanih in razžaljenih Slovencev na Koroškem. Pa je odjeknila prevesela vest: Koroški Slovenec je izvoljen v dunajski parlament! In so slovenska srca, kjer koli že živijo in bijejo, vztrepetala v navdušenju nad veselo novico. Veselje ni prav nič pretirana. Slehernemu zavednemu Slovencu je koroška gmajnica, kjer še živijo in kjer so nekoč živeli naši rodni bratje po krvi in jeziku, sveta zemlja, kjer smo imeli svojo Karantanijo s svobodno izvoljenimi knezi, kjer še stoji vojvodski stol na Gosposvetskem polju in knežji kamen. Nič od tujca privzetega, vse naše lastno, izvirno. Južna Koroška je slovenska lastnina dolga stoletja. Te resnice ne spremeni današnje stanje, ko so velik del njenega ozemlja mogočni nemški sosedje z nasiljem in uradno podporo oblasti potujčili, zasedli in proglasili za svoje. Preveč je velike in važne zgodovine v teh krajih, da bi jo bilo mogoče za stalno izbrisati s površja teh pokrajin. Saj kamni kričijo v svet resnico! A pridružiti se jim morajo glasni kriki Forlunat Zorman OFM Ves advent smo v pričakovanju božičnih praznikov. V to pričakovanje je vključeno celotno mišljenje in čustvovanje vernega človeka. Veselimo se voščil, ker nam potrujejo pozornost dobrih ljudi, ki so nam naklonjeni in nas želijo združiti v svojo pripravo na božični praznik. V njihovih voščilih in željah je odmev angela, ki je govoril pastirjem na betlehemskih poljanah: »Ne bojte se! Glejte, oznanjam vam veliko veselje, ki bo za vse ljudi. Danes se vam je v Davidovem mestu rodil zveličar, ki je Kristus Gospod« (Lk 2, 10). To oznanilo so sprejeli tudi naši slovenski predniki, postali so kristjani, sprejeli so Kristusa Gospoda v svoje življenje in z odgovorom svoje vernosti na oznanilo velikega veselja prepojili slovensko dušo. Iz slovenske duše prihajajo tudi vaša voščila in želje za praznik Rojstva Kristusa Gospoda — Zveličarja. Slovenci ga najraje imenujemo Odrešenika, zakaj v naši naravi odmeva večstoletna želja po odrešenju. Slovenski človek v svoji vernosti na svojski način doživlja nujnost odrešenja. Veselo oznanilo iz betlehemskih poljan mu ne prinaša hrepenenja po odlikah in pravicah, marveč ga osvobaja človeških nižin, iz katerih se poraja toliko gorja. V svoji vernosti doživlja nujnost odrešenja, ki mu ga prinaša Očetova ljubezen; s hvaležnostjo ga napolnjuje skrivnost, ki jo je evangelist Janez izrazil z besedami: »Beseda je človek postala« (Jan 1, 14). To je največja BESEDA, ki jo je Oče v ljubezni Svetega Duha spregovoril človeškemu rodu, zakaj z njo nam je dal svojega večnega Sina za Odrešenika. Slovenska duša doživlja potrebo po odrešenju. V naša Lemonl, III. srca je zapisana vsa pretekla vernost naših prednikov, ki so brez gospodarske in politične svobode ustvarjali slovensko kulturo. V zgodovini nismo nikoli imeli slovenske države, a po slovenski duhovnosti so nas predniki dvignili med kulturne narode. To je duhovnost, ki je sprejela v slovenska srca oznanilo velikega veselja in z njim prepojila trdoto življenjskih pogojev v vseh dobah narodnega obstoja. V dvajsetem stoletju, ko je organizacija Združenih narodov proglasila listino o človekovih osnovnih pravicah in o spoštovanju njegovega dostojanstva, imamo še vedno ječe in druge ustanove, ki omejujejo in uničujejo svobodo. So države, ki po svojem svetovnem nazoru in po uveljavljenih političnih in gospodarskih sistemih uničujejo svobodo vsem, ki se ne podredijo njihovi ureditvi družbe, v kateri ni prostora za Boga. So države, ki priznavajo svobodo svojim državljanom, a svobodo mora spoštovati vsak posameznik, da je ne uničuje svojemu bližnjemu. Nobena človeška oblast ne more ustvarili popolne svobode. Za svobodo človek potrebuje odrešenja, ki prihaja samo od Boga. To so se naši predniki naučili v naravnih katastrofah in kužnih boleznih, usužnjeni po tlaki graščakom in izpostavljeni turškim roparskim napadom, v nevarnosti od zmot, ki so trgala evropska ljudstva od Cerkve. Verovali so, da jim je večni Oče poslal svojega večnega Sina za Odrešenika, ki po zmagoslavnem vstajenju in vnebohodu v moči Svetega Duha živi in odrešuje človeški rod v Cerkvi. Božič je za nas verski praznik, ki ga radostno obhajamo kot zemljani, obdani z naravnimi darovi in dobrotami, ki nam jih je dal Bog in jih je iz- delal človeški duh z delom rok. Slovenski Božič prinaša življenje tudi zemeljskim dobrotam in lepotam. Oživlja jih slovenska vernost. Naši predniki so nam zapustili duhovno dediščino in z njo vero, da se Kristus rodi tudi v slovenskih dušah. Med nami je sprejet kot eden izmed nas, ki nas razume, ker smo ga sprejeli v svoj duhovni svet in združeni z Njim vidimo in presojamo sebe in vse okoli nas. Postal je eden izmed nas, da vtisne v našo človečnost božjo podobo. Bog je samo eden in vsak človek je kot oseba edinstven v vsej množici človeških otrok-Ta edinstvenost prihaja od Boga, ki je odrešil človeka za svobodo božjega otroka. Za to svobodo so se naši predniki prostovoljno odločili in se tako usposobili ustvarjati slovensko vernost. V to vernost smo ukoreninjeni, kar nas v božičnih praznikih navdaja z radostjo in napolnjuje vse običaje svetega večera z blagodejnim mirom, ki je odmev onega miru, ki so ga oznanjali angel* na betlehemskih poljanah-Slava Bogu, mir ljudem blage volje! Ta mir vodi na sveti večer naše korake v domačo cerkev k polnočnici, ako ne v resnici pa vsaj v spominu. Naš dom je praznično okrašen z božičnimi simboli in napojen z vonjem smrekovega gozda. Naše jaslice so obdane z lepoto slovenskega sveta. Še toplota našega doma ogreva božično razpol°' ženje. To odmeva v slovenskem voščilu za božične praznike-Voščilom, ki jih radostn0 sprejemate, pridružujemo tudi slovenski frančiškani pri Mariji Pomagaj v Lemontu svoja voščila in svoje molitve za vas! Poročilo EuclidskiH upokojencev: EUCLID, O. - Mrzel in oblačen dan, a brez snega, je bil vzrok, da se je naše seje 3. decembra in tudi božičnice udeležilo kar 430 članov in članic-Najprvo nas je naša kuharica Mary Ster s svojimi pomočnicami postregla z okusnim kosilom, kateremu je sledila kratka poslovna seja. Odborniki so članstvu voščili vesele praznike z željo za srečno i*1 zdravo leto 1987. Sporočeno je bilo, da ima' mo sedaj 909 članov. V januarju spet sprejemamo nove člane. Dobili smo prošnjo Slovenskega doma za ostarele ua Neff Rd., da okrasimo boži^' no drevesce z darili. Izvolil* smo Eleanore Pavey ter g- i*1 ga. Joseph Paik, da naš klub zastopajo na letni seji Slovel*-(dalje na str. 5) živih ljudi, ki nosijo v svojih ustih pooblastilo svobodno izražene ljudske volje in jim je dana možnost ta usta odpreti na kraju, od koder se klic dobro sliši po Avstriji in po svetu. Ta kraj je dunajski parlament. Mi smo o problemu Slovencev do volitev v Avstriji pisali že pred volitvami in dali duška svoji skrbi, kako se bodo naši koroški rojaki na najboljši način uveljavili. Niti ene od obstoječih strank ni bilo vredno voliti, zato smo govorili o samostojnem nastopu, ki bi pa brez naslona na kako drugo novo skupino volivcev ostal brezuspešen. K sreči se je pojavila skupina Zelenih, katerim se je slovenska Koroška enotna lista modro pridružila in s tem omogočila izvolitev njenega nosilca Karla Smolleta, 42-letnega pravnika iz Bistrice v Rožu, ki bo v parlamentu zastopal manjšine v Avstriji. Iskreno čestitamo novo izvoljenemu slovenskemu poslancu v avstrijskem parlamentu, članu vodstva Narodnega sveta koroških Slovencev (NSKS) g. Karlu Smolletu s toplo željo, da bi njegov mandat pomenil novo razdobje v težki borbi za narodne in človeške pravice naših rojakov na Koroškem, razdobje izpolnitve določb čl. 7 državne pogodbe, pomirjenja in složnega sožitja obeh narodnostnih skupin na zgodovinskem ozemlju bivše Karantanije. Polno se zavedamo težke naloge, ki je padla na ramena izvoljenega predstavnika Slovencev, pripravljeni smo pomagati, kolikor bi mogli, in prositi Duha modrosti in milosti, da ga vodi in mu daje moči pri premagovanju težav in zaprek. Celotni skupini naših bratov in sester na Koroškem pa izrekamo priznanje za njihov enotni nastop in jim priporočamo, naj v trdni skupnosti stojijo za svojim poslancem. L. P. SLOVENSKA BOŽIČNA MISEL BOŽIČNA Detece sveto, detece lepo, kaj se krog Tebe godi, ovčke se zbirajo, otroci nabirajo dračja za mrzle noči. Detece lepo, detece sveto, zunaj je burja in sneg, ovčke Te grejejo, zvezde se smejejo, poln pastirjev je breg. Detece sveto, detece lepo, r°ke ljubeče razprl, nas blagoslovi, srečo ponovi svete, presvete noči! Marijan Jakopič Dob pri Domžalah Ob 225-letnici posvetitve župnijske cerkve Osnova krajevnega imena OB je dob ali hrast in razoma. da se je tod razprostiral jastov gozd. Naselje je nasta-°b pomembni cestni zvezi med vzhodom in zahodom, ki v tu P°tekala že v rimski dobi. Pisanih zgodovinskih virih i*"' prvič omenja 7. aprila >220. Tedaj je bil neki pleme- ^n' Janez iz Doba priča — °dpisnik neke darilne pogod-■ ^ na Turjaku. V listini iz leta ^ se kraj imenuje Dub. Samostojna župnija Dob ali a^PHija se omenja že leta j. ^ in se je razprostirala od arnniSke Bistrice do Šentož-jj ta- Verjetno je nastala že v ali 12. stoletju, to je v u> ko so na Slovenskem anoviH največ župnij. slc^3 tec*aj kot vse sloven-s e župnije južno od Drave °i5iast oglejskega di [lar^a in v gorenjski arhi-°nat, na čelu katerega je Ponavadi kamniški župnik, asih pa tudi župniki Kranja, Moravč ali Doba. Pa-Žu nS-° Pravico na Češnjice, Blagovico, B0,° P°lje, Krašnjo in Brdo. ^jes* k;5111611'’3 Otokar Blagovi-^°br Je obenem župnik v *n Mengšu ter nad- ia , aKranjske. Dne29. juli-345 iP S°v -......... ... ^Pia V ^*a8°vici. V času vla- ia Je oglejski patriarh Potrdil kaplansko kapeli sv. Petra in d0b^Sarja Jožefa 11. sta se loPo];S| C 'bočili brdska in zla-^ župnija. ^Ptiijpžern*ju prvotne dobske V'lenaV0 se lela 1787 ustano-^je; | e•* ŠKERL Tl Si a I a i f i I i MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR MARY STRANCAR 833 EAST 156 ST. — CLEVELAND Vesele božične praznike in zdravo novo leto Naj božji blagoslov in mir vladata med nami vsemi. To želim vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in dobrotnikom še psebno pa vsem članicam Oltarnega društva pri Mariji Vnebovzeti in vsem članicam skupnih Oltarnih društev. Bog Vam poplačaj za vse dobrote skozi celo leto. ROSE BAVEC IN MOJA DRUŽINA ROSIE KOVAČIČ ________IN OTROCI__________________ VESELE ~BOŽIČNE~PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! Družina Frank Kastigar J860 JL 227 St._____EucUd, Oji 117_ Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto želita vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem I IVANA, MARIA IN I ANNIE LUNDER f 1150 E. 60 St., Cleveland, Ohio f----"vešeieTožične praznikeliTšrečno”liovoleto- \ želita vsem prijateljem in znancem } Jože in Zalka Boh £ 394 E. 162 St. Cleveland, Ohio f___________________________________ I BLA GOSLO VA IN RADOSTI POLNI S BOŽIČ TER SREČNO NOVO LETO! s I •j? \ b Č č $ o * f f £ a <7 ti O | ' £ O t» s $ ft o S> § o t> o t» S? o St. Vitus Holy Name Society Cleveland, Ohio A BLESSED AND JOYFUL CHRISTMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR I :: i I I l VESELE BOŽIČNE PR A ZNIKE IN l SREČNO NO VO LETO l želijo vsem svojim prijateljem ! Miro, Milka, Dori, f in Brian Odar *; i XXKKaQKKiKiKarxatKXXXKKKKKWn Vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem širom Amerike in Kanade in članom Belokranjskega kluba želita blagoslovljene božične praznike in srečno novo leto. $ 1 Frank in Danica Chemas 1025 E. 62 St. Cleveland, Ohio I VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELIMO VSEM SORODNIKOM, PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM. BLAŽ IN MARIJA VAVPETIČ 6190 DEWEY RD. MADISON, OHIO 44057 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE VAM ŽELIJO VSI PRI MEDICINE SHOPPE 824 W. STATE ST. FREMONT, OHIO 43420 1-419-332-7379 ali 1-800-321-7633 (Brezplačni poklic) BOGOMIR KUHAR, PHARMACIST I 0 I VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELIJO DERLINGOVI Iz Madisona Družina Mauser Olga s hčerkami I Sylvia in Irenca \ Darinka z možem Garth - ŽELIMO ZA DO VOLJNE IN ZDRA VE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE RICHMOND HTS., OHIO VESEL BOŽIČ IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELI VSEM PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM Frank Lovšin I f I Cleveland, Ohio blagoslovljene in mirne Božične praznike vsem želijo I Bogomir, Marcy in Urška Kuhar Fremont, Ohio VESELE PRAZNIKE — HAPPY HOLIDAYS Euclidski upokojenci (Nadaljevanje s str. 5) Stella Kostic, Ann Parker in Caroline Lokar. Častni gostje na božičnici so bili: John Pestotnik, Tony Petkovšek ml. in Steve Valenčič, ki je šofiral znanega gosta iz Ljubljane Lojzeta Slaka, kateri je ta teden bil na obisku v Clevelandu. Po kosilu nam je seveda Slak zaigral par pesmi na njegovi priljubljeni harmoniki. Nato so se mu pridružili naši harmonikarji: Frances in Richard Tavenier, Rose Marin, Hank Kershman, Frank Novak, Joe Petrič in še Lou Trebar. Srečne številke so zadele Alice Dillman, Frances Shu-mar in Justine Pičman. S tem se je zaključil lep popoldan. Vsem bolnim želimo okrevanja, vsem zdravim in bolnim pa vesele praznike! Jennie Fatur Božična noč Temna noč pokriva zemljo, vse počiva že in spi, le pastirček lam pri čredi še zatisnil ni oči. Močna luč zemljo obsije, angelci prihajajo; ,,Slava Bogu na višavah!11 rajsko milo pojejo. ,,Ej, pastirčki, brž vstanite in hitite v Betlehem! Božje Dete je rojeno v odrešenje vsem ljudem." V revni štalici na slam'ci majhno Deleče leži, v trdni veri ljud pobožni na kolena se spusti. Jezušček pa blagoslavlja in nebeško se smehlja. Kdor od njega se poslavlja, v srcu božji mir ima. — Vrhovčan Limbarski: Svetonočni klic Vsi, ki se božiča veselite, pa oblačen vam je nebni svod, jaslice nocoj si naredite, z Detetom praznujte rojstni god. Za vezilo Mu srce nesite, tudi če je polno žgočih ran; žive vere lučko Mu prižgite na oltarju za spominski dan. K božji zibki pridite v zavetje, kjer Ljubezen greje in krepi. Božji dih topi ledeno cvetje, rajsko Dete blagoslov deli. Jaslice, ljubezni božje priča — občuduje zvezdno jih nebo. Ni brez jaslic pravega božiča, le nad hhevcem angeli pojo. i Slovenian Village Restaurant Open Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Saturday 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 11 a.m. to 3 6415 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland Anna Gjerek, manager \ VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN l SREČNO NO VO LETO ŽELIMO VSEM, | PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM. I i ! i { l ! Pavle, Cilka, Miha, Tomaž, Marta, in Pavli KOŠIR I Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto želijo ptiiateljem in znancem Ciril in Silvia Vehovec ter Mama VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE SREČNO NOVO LETO želita Ali', l JOŽE in POLDI BOJC | CLEVELAND, OHIO I_____________________________ i odbor Štajerskega kluba C ŽELI SVOJIM ČLANOM, ROJAKOM IN PRIJATELJEM KLUBA, VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE TER SREČNO NOVO LETO! % f VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELI VSEM Družina Štefan Marolt 5704 Prosser Ave. Cleveland, Ohio i MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR To all our former and new customers. Special thanks and Christmas Greetings to JOHN and WIFE MARY for assisting me these last 2 1/2 years. Best wishes John on your retirement. NICK’S BARBER SHOP 783 E. 185 St. — Formerly Petrie’s Nick Francetič — Owner 481-3465 MALI OGLASI | DELO DOBI Polagalec »Formica«, izkušen. Kličite 831-0303 med 7. zj. in 4. pop., od ponedeljka do petka. (95-1) FOR RENT 2 apts., up. 4 rms & bath each. Newly decorated. St. Vitus area. 431-8998. (x) Ugodno prodam obnovljeno, nedokončano hišo, na Wil-'oughby Hills z 2 akri (ali 6, še želite). Za ogled pišite na: Vir. Babuder, 2275 River Rd., Wlby. Hills OH 44094, ^l. 266-7378 od 8. do 5. PoP. (90-96) For Sale by Owner Vlod. 3 bdrm Euclid Col. Porm. Din. rm. Lge family rrn. Great family home. Good cond. - 692-0633. (x) General Office Help Needed ^Vping, bookkeeping, filing, ^0 key adding machine, ^ust speak or understand Slovenian. Some experience would be helpful. 881-5158. kitchen cabinets beautiful re-cover Gall Rich Jaklič at American Cabinet, Inc. if you’re thinking ^ a great-looking kitchen for ^If the price of new cabinets. have been re-cover special-lsts for the past 15 years and, uPlike some other re-cover Companies, we cover all ex-•sting exterior cabinet surfaces, Pen install new doors and drawer fronts with your choice colors and many designs. pU Rich Jaklič at 781-3533 °r a free home estimate. Pfi; {njatels Pharmacy '*'• Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 ^paiamo tudi zdravila Račun pomoči države Wangle cleaners Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. U^SIE JAKLIČ, lastnica Cars! Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt ~p2s WaUrloo Rd. 481-2237 dina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov Joseph L. FORTUNA p°grebni zavod S316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 ^°clerni pogrebni zavod ^bulanca na razpolago Podnevi in ponoči CENE NIZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Vesel Božič in Srečno Novo Leto želijo \ Srečko, Helena, Tomaž, | Andrej in Monika Gaser | I * O Richmond Heights, Ohio ) VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Lenka Mismas in Družina 36450 Eddy Rd., Willoughby Hills, O. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! Vsem prijateljem in znancem vošče Jože Dovjak 1101 Norwood Rd. k f AMERIŠKI DOMO VINI IN -M ^ VSEM NJENIM NAROČNIKOM ^ SVOJIM ČLANOM, PRIJA TELJEM IN PODPORNIKOM ŽELI VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NO VO LETO Pevski Zbor KOROTAN r f i \ & i VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! Mario, Helena, Tomaž, Toni, Timi in Majdi PERČIČ Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto želita Ivan in Tončka Berkopec 24441 Effingham Blvd. . Euclid, Ohio 44117 VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! DRUŽINA VIKTOR TOMINEC 24912 Pleasant Trail Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 I i \ s i x * f i i i BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELITA PRIJA TELJEM IN ZNANCEM Janez in Cirila Kermavner Cleveland, Ohio Sorodnikom in vsem znancem srečne in vesele praznike in Novo leto želijo; Ivan in Donna Tomc in Družina, 2100 Apple Dr., Euclid, O. Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto želi vsem prijateljem in znancem Družina Janez Košir in Mama 1045 E. 61 St., Cleveland, Ohio Vesele Božične praznike in Srečno Novo Leto Stane, Francka, Peter, Jože in Marko MRVA Willoughby Hills, Ohio i J i f * O I VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELI VSEM ! I x :: i X i i' x p f Družina Štefan Marolt 5704 Prosser Ave. Cleveland, Ohio Blagoslovljen Božič in srečno novo leto želijo sorodnikom prijateljem in znancem. Jožefa Kuhar in družina BLAGOSLOVLJEN PRAZNIK ROJSTVA GOSPODOVEGA IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELIJO VSEM PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM Cilka Tominc, sin Janez in hčerka Marjanca 25920 Highland Rd., Richmond Heights VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELI VSEM PRIJATELJEM IN ZNANCEM Družina Frank in Tončka Urankar 396 Steven Blvd., Richmond Hts., O. I i f l Slomškov Krožek iz Clevelanda, želi članom in dobrotnikom širom Amerike, vesele in blagoslovljene božične praznike, ter srečno novo leto. i Merry Christmas $ and Happy New Year } Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! 8 American Home Ameriška domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA. DECEMBER 19, 1986 Merry Christmas, Happy New Year 50 Times Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year in 50 languagues. Can you tell which language is which? Answers printed below. 1. Kreshendalat dhe. Motin e. ri Gezaure 2. Shenoraavor Nor Dari yev Pari Gaghand 3. Eadokun Haw Bruhka Ou Shutokun Brukhta 4. Zoriontsu Eguberri. Zoriontsu Berri Urte 5. Prejeme Vam Vesele Vanoce a štastny Novy Rok 6. Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo. Tchestita Nova Godina 7. Felic Nadal i Any Nuo 8. Gun Tso Sun Tan’ Gung Haw Sun 9. Rung Ho Hsin Hsi. Ching Chi Shen Tan 10. Glaedelig Jul og godt Nyt Ar 11. Zalig Kerstfeest en een G e 1 u k k i g Nieuwjarr 12. Roomsaid Jowlu Puhl Ja Ut Aastat 13. Melkam Yelidat Bealine Yedessita Addis Amet Im-egnilawotalehu! 14. Na-imbag Pascua. ken casta met nga naragsac Abar-bo a tawen cada cay amin 15. Hyvaa Joulua. Onnellist Uutta Vuotta 16. Joyeux Joel et heureuse Annee 17. Frohliche Weihnachten und ein Gluckliches Neues Jahr 18. Kala Christougena Kai Eftikhes to Neon Ethos 19. Mele Kalikimaka me ka Nauoli Makahiki hou 20. Mo’adim Lesimkha 21. Boldog Karacsonyi is Ujevi Unnepeket 22. Glidileg Jol 23. Selamah Tahun Baru 24. Nalog Vah Guith Agus Bleeu Nua Fey Washa 25. Felicita per Natale e Buon Anno 26. Shinnen Omedeto. Kurisumasu Omedeto 27. Kwi-anatowok Kusamasik elip-nun Kuwaswin Nutahme Ooganwami 28. Priecigus Ziemas Svetkus Laimigu Jauno Gadu 29. Edd Mubarak. Kil ‘Am Into Taybeen 30. Linksmu šventu Kaledu ir Laimingu Nauju Metu 31. Il-Milied it-Tajjeb, Is-Sena it-tajba 32. Ya-t-hey Kheshemish, Y’a’t’hey Na-Hi .33. God Jul og godt Nyttor 34. Fraelichey Grischtdaag un en Harlichey Nei Yohr 35. Wesolych Swiat Božego Narodzenia i szczesliwego Nowego Roku 36. Feliz Natal e prospero Ano Novo 37. Sarbatori Fericite. la Multi Ani! 38. Pozdrevlyayu vas s prazd-nikom Rozhdestva Khristova i s Novym Godom 39. Is Maunia Le Kilisimasi. Ma Le Tausaga Fou 40. Nollag Chridheil Blidhna Mhath ur agus moran diubh 41. Sretan Božič, Vesela Nova Godina 42. Vesele Vianoce, a stastlivy Novy Rok 43. Vesele Božične Praznike! Srečno Novo Leto! ^ 44. Feliz Navidad y prosper Ano Nuevo 45. Glad Jul och ett Gott Nytt Ar 46 . Yeni Yilinizi kuthar. Saadetler Dolerim 47. Veselykh Svyat i scalivoho Novoho Roku 48. Nai Sal Mubarak 49. Chuc Gia To Dan-Nhat Va Na Moi 50. Nadolic Llawen The Perfect Ethnic Gift Suggestions Coming Events Wed., Dec. 31 St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans Post 1655 New Years Eve Party at St. Vitus Auditorium. Family style dinner at 8:30 p.m. For tickets contact Dick Mott (days) 431-6062. Wednesday, Dec. 31 Korotan Singing Society New Year’s Eve Party at Collin-wood Slovenian Home, 15810 Holmes Ave. beginning 7 p.m. Music by Alpine Sextet. Wednesday, Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve Party at Sterle’s Country House Restaurant. $30.00 person. Johnny Vadnal Orchestra. Thursday, Jan. 22 National Pro-life march and rally, Washington, D.C. Starts at the Ellipse. For info write or call: Pharmacists for Life, P.O. Box 381, Fremont, OH 43420, or call (419) 332-7379. Sunday, Feb. 15 Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid Annual Dinner-Dance at Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave. Music by Vadnal Orchestra. Admission $10. Dinner 3:30-5:30. For tickets call Emma Cesen 486-5311 or Tony’s Polka Village. Saturday, Feb. 21 St. Clair Rifle Club annual dinner and dance at Slov. Nat. Home on St. Clair. _ Saturday, April 4 Singing Society Zarja Spring Frolic. ___ Sunday, April 26 St. Clair Pensioners 25th Anniversary. Annual Dinner & Social. Lower hall of St. Clair National Home, 6417 St. Clair Ave, serving from 1 to 3:30. Social to 5 p.m. Saturday, May 2 Planina Singing Society Concert at 7 p.m., Slovenian Home on Stanley Ave., Maple Hts., Ohio. What could be more exciting than an honest-to-goodness ethnic Christmas season? To help put ethnic readers in the proper mood to celebrate the holidays the way they were meant to be observed, we have drawn a list of things to do and buy which will emit an odor of Slovenian heritage so one may point to the activity and say, “Hey, I’m Slovenian and proud of it.” On New Year’s Day be sure to watch a football game called the “Šunka Bowl.” It will be played between amateur radio operators from across the country banded together for the purpose of contact sports. Last year Cabbage Patch Dolls were the “in” item on every mother’s list. This year, it’s the Solata Patch Dolls. They are four feet tall and the females wear a babuška scarf while the men are adorned in alpine hats with polka dot feathers in them. The reason they are called “Salata Patch Dolls” is because they cost $100 each, which, of course, is a lot of lettuce in any language. Then for the intelligent thinking persons there is a new book being published called, “The Jajca and 1” about a shiftless Slovenian chicken rancher and his wise-cracking wife. It was supposed to be made into a movie starring Marjorie Main and Fred Mac-Murray. A practical gift is the battery operated “Garlic Detector.” One end is tied to your front doorbell and the other end is attached to a mechanical doll shaped in the form of Groucho Marx holding his nose. When someone comes visiting and has been eating garlic in the last three days, he comes close to the doorbell to push the little button. The detector inside the doorbell becomes aroused at the smell of garlic and activates the Groucho Marx doll which comes down from the ceiling while polka music is played from a hidden loudspeaker. This enables those inside to quietly sneak out the back door and escape through the hedges and tomato patch which every Slovenian has in his back yard. The only drawback to this device, however, is it has been unable to distinguish a garlic eater from one who hasn’t taken a bath in a week. Consequently it is possible to be spending a Cleveland Ward 13 Councilman Gus Frangos, Ward 15 Councilman James Rokakis, and Ward 11 Councilman Michael Polenšek were at the recent National League of Cities Conference held in San Antonio, Texas. In another city, Frangos said, an ordinance gives housing officials the authority to board up houses with outstanding citations. “I’m going to add that to my legislation. It would put the slum landlord out of business.” He also noted one city gets rid of abandoned automobile tires by shredding them and using them in their streets. Many cities are considering starting their own utility systems says Polenšek. He good portion of one’s time hidden in the tomato patch. The “in” gift this year is those 2-inch hand-held television sets. Last year they were $200, this year, they’re less than half of that. But some ethnics are real frugal and they will wait until the price comes down to $5 a set. But to fool your friends and neighbors, here is what you can do in the meantime. Buy a cheap radio and construct a black box and put a mirror in it where the screen would normally be. Then on sunny days, take it to the beach in summer, or to noted San Antonio does not have an income tax but generates its revenues from municipally-owned gas and electric companies. Polenšek also said other cities have used a common-sense approach to development which he feels Cleveland has avoided. “In San Antonio they have their sports center next to the convention center. We’re not doing that here.” Polenšek has been pushing for a downtown location of the proposed domed stadium. Polenšek says San Antonio is very conscious of water and has done a lot to develop the asset. “For them water is gold. Unfortunately, we have let our lakefront and riverfront rot for 100 years.” the Alpine slopes in the winter and turn the radio to your favorite nationality program and pretend you’re watching TV. When the crowd comes around and the most obnoxious one asks you, “Hey, bud, what’s that you’re watching on TV?” You can say, “Polka Varieties reruns” and face the mirror so that it reflects the sun right into his eyes. Then you say, “Darn, the sun is so bright today, it’s difficult to see the screen clearly like you can on cloudy days.” You’ll be “in” and save some green at the same time. Happy Birthday Birthday greetings to Louis Silc of Willowick, Ohio who will be 72 years young on Sunday, Dec. 21. Best wishes from family and friends. LANGUAGE ANSWERS: 1. Albanian, 2. Armenian, 3. Assyrian, 4. Basque, 5. Bohemian, 6. Bulgarian, 7. Catalan, 8. Chinese — Cantonese, 9. Chinese — Mandarin, 10 Danish. L Dutch, 12. Estonian, 13. Ethiopian, 14. Filipino, 15. Finnish, 16. French, 17. German, 18. Greek, 19. Hawaiian, 20. Hebrew. 21. Hungarian, 22. Icelandic, 23. Indonesian, 24. Irish, 25. Italian, 26. Japanese, 27. Kaweruk Eskimo, 28. Latvian, 29. Lebanese, 30. Lithuanian. 31. Maltese, 32. Navajo, 33. Norwegian, 34. Pennsylvania Dutch, 35. Polish, 36. Portuguese, 37. Romanian, 38. Russian, 39. Samoan, 40. Scottish. 41. Serbo-Croatian, 42. Slovak, 43. Slovenian, 44 Spanish, 45. Swedish, 46. Turkish, 47 Ukrainian, 48. Pakistan, 49. Vietnamese, 50 Welsh. The Sengalese believe a coconut will not fall on anyone unless he has displeased the divine powers. Area Councilmen Pick Up Ideas KlH Memo from Madeline . . . £JPhilately Gets Sister’s Stamp of Approval i i i i i > i 4 BY MADFXINE D. DEBEVEC One of the most absorbing hobbies in the world is philately — better known as stamp collecting — and one of the most interesting collections is at Cleveland’s own Ursuline College. Founded by Sister Mary Grace, who began cataloging lhe first donations in 1938, the collection includes about 200 volumes, worth about ^120,000. The stamps are monitored closely by nine Ursuline alumni, mostly recruited by Sister Grace more than 30 years after they graduated, and Sister Mary Luke (Mary Terček), who worked on the original collection with Sister Mary Grace. Now in her ’80s, Sister Mary Luke, the daughter of Luke and Johanna Terček, still W£ars the traditional long habit as she uses a magnifying glass to study every minute detail on all of her precious stamps. Perhaps it’s the heritage of her parents, early Settlers of Holmes Avenue, St. Gary’s Church and the Collin-Wood Slovenian Home, that keeps her devotedly busy in a special stamp room housed in 'Le college’s Ralph M. Besse Library. , Sister Mary Luke says there ls a lot of “beauty” in the ^tamps, if you take the time to °0L for it. And she does just L®! — perusing the rows of Slass book cases which contain me catalogues and stands that *uPport special volumes °nated by members of the , ergy and interested collec-tors. : The volumes include first- ay covers of the U.S. Residents and special-edition ' j0Hcctions of the Statue of 'berty and the U.S. Olym-^Cs- There are also Vatican-J^ed stamps, donated by (|s8r. Anthony Fuerst of St. ary’s Seminary in ^ eveland. The rarest stamp in the coition, from 1872 Germany, worth only half of its 10.000 appraisal because of a lr|y pinhole in its back. Sister Mary Luke, a member , St. Joseph’s Lodge No. . KSKJ, and an American ‘ °me subscriber, was the first |.r°m St. Mary’s Parish in Col-nWood to enter a religious Jder 1|ian years ago e Would appreciate the con-eration of any stamp collec-^ r who might be willing to j c "ate old postage stamps or s0rUplete collections to her r ec’al project. She can be j^hed at Ursuline College, r!*00 Lander Rd., Cleveland, hi° 44124. * * * ^°hn Milner Zuzich, son of ^°mas and Loretta, grand-|u!l °f John and Angela .. j. SR. MARY LUKE Joanna Jadrich, was accepted in the Naval Academy, Anapolis, Md. He is a graduate of St. Regis High School, New York City. * * * M/M John Sestak Mark Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. John (Estelle) Sestak of Florida, formerly of Willoughby Hills, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Sept. 5 in New Port Richey, Fla. They were married Sept. 5, 1936, in St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Collinwood in Cleveland. Their family includes a daughter, Mrs. Ed (Jackie) Clinger of Mentor. A son, John David, is deceased. There are two grandchildren. * * * Frank Fujs celebrated his “50th” birthday on October 25 by being honored at a surprise party at Kuhar’s Restaurant on East 200 St. Frank thought he was going to dinner with his KSKJ bowling teammates but instead was greeted by 70 friends and relatives at the restaurant. Frank and his wife, Angie, are the owners of Frangie’s Fashions on E. 200 St. in Euclid. * * * ANNOUNCEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Albin J. Terček of Hudson, Ohio, are proud to announce the engagement of their son, Mark Richard, to Amy Louise Stark, daughter of Mrs. David Wilson, also of Hudson, and Mr. A. Stark of Washington, D.C. Amy is a graduate of Western Reserve Academy and Vassar College. She is on the staff of Spy magazine in New York City and was formerly with Home Box Office, the cable TV division of Time Inc. in San Francisco. Mark also graduated from Western Reserve Academy and from Williams College and received an MBA with honors from Harvard University Graduate School of Business. He is an associate in the corporate finance department of Goldman, Sachs and Co. in New York and was previously affiliated with the Far Eastern office of the Bank of America in Japan. Amy’s mother is the director of development and alumni relations at Old Trail School in Bath, Ohio. Mr. Stark is retired from Rubbermaid Inc., where he was vice president for management development. Mhrk’s mother is treasurer and his father is president of the Terček Co. in Brecksville, Ohio. Mr. Terček is also president of the Administrative Services Consultants Inc. and the popular band leader of the Al Terček Orchestra. Mark’s grandmother is Mrs. Frances Kosmerl of Cleveland. A Dec. 27 wedding is planned in the chapel of Western Reserve Academy in Hudson. * * * Zupancics Celebrate Golden Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Frank (Mary) Zupančič of Willowick celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Nov. 29 with a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Mary Magdalene Catholic Church in Willowick and a reception at the Slovenian Society Home of Euclid. They were married Nov. 26, 1936, at St. Mary’s Church in Cleveland. Zupančič was employed by Gabriel Shock Co. of Cleveland for 16 years and the Cleveland Public Schools for 11 years. His wife was employed by Clevite Corp. (now Gould Inc.) in Cleveland for 35 years. Their family includes daughters, Carole Warren of Fairview Park and Rosemary Mancillas of Richmond, Va.; and son, Lt. Col. David Zupančič in the Army at Leavenworth, Kan. They have six grandchildren. * * * Weddings WILSON-BRAIDICH Shirley Braidich, daughter of Donald and Kay Braidich of Hillcrest Drive, was married to Louis Wilson, son of Rayman and Mary Wilson of Marblehead, Ohio, in a recent ceremony at St. Paul’s Church. A reception followed at the Italian American Club in Wickliffe. Matron of honor was Angela Braidich. Bridesmaids were Cheryl Gladin, Tammi Grueshaber, Lisa Firestos, Margaret Ohler and Cathie Zura. Julie Maglich was the flower girl. Best man was Rayman Wilson, brother of the groom. Ushers were Donald Wilson and David, Michael, Richard and John Braidich. The ring bearer was Gary Grueshaber. The bride, a 1985 Euclid alumna, is studying secretarial technology at the University of Toledo. Her husband graduated from Danbury High School and is employed at East Harbor State Park. Following a honeymoon in Ontario, the Wilsons have taken residence in Marblehead. Vidmar-Werner Patricia Ann Werner married Frank Vidmar Oct. 18 at St. Paul’s Catholic Church in Cleveland. The Rev. Mark Peyton officiated. The bride is the daughter of' Mr. and Mrs. Howard S. Foss of Concord Township, Ohio. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vidmar of Kirtland. Mary Ellen Brougher of Pickerington was her sister’s matron of honor, with flower girl, Cristy Vukčevič of Euclid, niece of the bridegroom. Michael Naglic of Euclid served as best man. A reception at Salomone’s Party Center in Euclid honored the couple before a wedding trip to the Shenandoah Mountains and Williamsburg, Va. They live in Euclid. The bride is a graduate of Mentor High School and her husband is a graduate of St. Joseph High School in Cleveland. Both are employed at Gould Inc. Ocean Systems Division in Euclid. * * * Podboy-Blaesing Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Podboy, the former Robyn Blaesing, are living in Fort Myers, Fla., after their Sept. 13 wedding at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in Glenview, 111. The Rev. David McNamara and the Rev. Eric Carswell officiated. The bride is the daugher of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Blaesing of North Brook, 111. The bridegroom is the son of J. Esther Podboy of Richmond Heights, Ohio, and the late Alvin M. Podboy. The bride is a real estate representative for South Seas Plantation, Captiva Island, Fla. Her husband is a graduate of Cardinal High School in Middlefield and Miami University of Ohio in Oxford. He is an area supervisor for Domino Pizza in Fort Myers. * * * Jarc-Holmquist Lynda Kaye Holmquist married Christopher Andrew Jarc Oct. 25 at Canfield Presbyterian Church. The Rev. Charles Moffitt officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Holmquist of Canfield, Ohio. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Jarc of Mentor. Patricia Holmquist was her sister’s maid of honor, with bridesmaids, Jane Brauner of Centerville, Heather Weigand of Columbus, Carol Depew of Medina and Deborah Wer-chowski and Mrs. Ronald (Adele) Schultz of Canfield. Robert Jarc of Toledo served his brother as best man. ushers were Kevin Ready and Mathew Henry of Columbus, John Leech of Toledo, Timothy Petus of Atlanta, Ga., and Douglas Delong of Painesville. A reception at Canfield Country Club honored the couple before a wedding trip to Hawaii and Maui. They live in Columbus. The bride is a graduate of Ohio State University and is a senior advertising secretary for White Castle Corp. in Columbus. Her husband, also an Ohio State grad, is a staff engineer for the Ralston Purina Co. in Lancaster. * * * Debeljak-Carson Caroline Brooks Carson became the wife of Charles John Debeljak Jr. Sept. 27 at the First Baptist Church of Greater Cleveland. The Rev. Gilbert Hellwig officiated. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Savage of Mentor. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Debeljak of Gaithersburg, Md. Kimberly Carson of New Haven, Con.., was her sister’s matron of honor and Kathleen Richards of Mentor was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Kelli Foss of Mentor, Kristine Debeljak, sister of the groom, of Gaithersburg, and Tracey Cummings of Painesville, cousin of the bride. Thomas Coniglio of Euclid was best man. Ushers were Michael Worstell of New Castle, Ind., Donald Arnold and Scott Savage, brother of the bride, both of Mentor. The bride is a graduate of Katharine Gibbs School in Providence, R.I., and was a secretary for Deloitte, Haskins and Sells in Cleveland. Her husband, a Case Western Reserve University graduate, is a systems analyst with the Analytic Sciences Corp. in Reading, Mass. A reception at Orchard Hills Country Club in Chester Township honored the couple before a wedding trip to Florida. They are living in Merrimack, N.H. * * * Special Pilgrimage A special pilgrimage to the famous “Our Lady of Guadalupe” Shrine in Mexico City has been arranged for all members of the Knights of Columbus as well as their families and friends by past state deputy Robert W. Lackner, who is pilgrimage-coordinator host. The pilgrimage has three departure dates from Cleveland Hopkins Airport as follows: Jan. 12, Feb. 12 and March 12. It is operated by Fatima Travel on a nonprofit basis. The pilgrimage cost includes round trip jet air transportation from Cleveland, first class hotel with twin-bedded room and private bath, round trip transportation between airport and hotel, baggage handling, deluxe motorcoach transportation, sightseeing, two meals daily, tips and taxes. All inclusive cost is $679 (Continued on page 10) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1986 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1986 1 i i i I l 12-ounce can apricot cake-| and-pastry filling I 1 tablespoon cornstarch j 1/2 cup dark seedless raisins I 1/4 teaspoon almond extract 1/3 cup sugar 1/4 teaspoon salt 1 package active dry yeast About 3 cups all-purpose flour j 2/3 cup milk 4 tablespoons butter or | margarine (1/2 stick) 2 eggs 2 tablespoons water About 4 hours before serving or day ahead: I 1. Prepare filling: In 2-quart J saucepan, mix apricot filling j and cornstarch. Over medium-j low heat, cook apricot mixture I until very thick and bubbly, j stirring constantly. Remove J from heat; stir in raisins and (almond extract. Cover; I refrigerate until cold. 2. Prepare dough: in large j bowl, combine sugar, salt, | yeast, and 1 cup flour. In 11-quart saucepan over low J heat, heat milk and butter or j margarine until very warm j(120o to 130°F.). (Butter does I not need to melt completely.) 3. With mixer at low speed, j gradually beat liquid into dry {ingredients just until blended, j Increase speed to medium; J beat 2 minutes, occasionally j scraping bowl with rubber (spatula. Beat in 1 egg and 1/2 I cup flour to make a thick bat-Jter; continue beating 2 I minutes, scraping bowl often. | With wooden spoon, stir in 1 I cup flour to make soft dough. 4. Turn dough onto lightly j floured surface and knead un-{til smooth and elastic, about APRICOT POTICA 10 minutes, working in more flour (about 1/2 cup) while kneading. Shape dough into a ball and place in greased large bowl, turning dough over so that top is greased. Cover bowl with towel and let rise in warm place (80° to 85°F.), away from draft, until doubled, about 1 hour. (Dough is doubled when two Fingers pressed lightly into dough leave a dent.) 5. Punch down dough. Turn dough onto lightly floured surface; cover with bowl and let rest 15 minutes. Grease large cookie sheet. In cup, mix water and remaining egg. 6. On lightly floured surface with floured rolling pin, roll dough into 20” by 7” rectangle. Brush top of dough with some beaten egg mixture. Spoon apricot filling lengthwise down center of dough to within 1 inch of the short edges. Bring long sides of dough over filling, making about 1 1/2-inch overlap. Pinch edges and ends of dough to seal in filling. Carefully place dough, seam-side down, on cookie sheet, forming a “U” shape. Cover; let rise until doubled, 45 minutes. 7. Preheat oven to 350°F. Brush dough with some beaten egg mixture. Bake 20 minutes; brush again with egg mixture; bake about 10 minutes longer or until loaf sounds hollow when lightly tapped with fingers. Remove loaf from cookie sheet; cool on wire rack. Makes 1 loaf, 12 servings, 245 calories per serving. rJosiOM* ‘cKHsWJjl Memo from Madelina (Continued from page 9) based upon double occupancy. Single rooms are available for an additional charge. For more information and reservations, write PSD Robert W. Lackner, 20251 Blackfoot Ave., Euclid, Ohio, 44117. He can be reached at (216) 481-2299. * * * Birthday Greetings Our beloved Sen. Frank Lausche received the following telegram recently: Dear Sen. Lausche: Happy Birthday! Nancy and I are delighted to send our belated good wishes, as well as our congratulations on your receivng the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. We hope your 91st birthday celebration was filled with warmth and good cheer. May the year to come bring you nothing but the best. I also want to take the occasion to thank you again for your many services to the American people. Your devotion to the nation rose above partisanship and personal interest, and we have all benefited because of it. God bless you. Sincerely, Ronald Reagan ★ * * Baraga story St. Mary’s Church Pastor Victor Tome suggest Cleveland readers to look at Sunday’s Plain Dealer for an article in the Living section. Written by Grant Siegel, it reportedly pertains to the beatification of Bishop Baraga. Tony’s Two Bits Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year Mrs. Harold M. Lausche Mrs. Frances Urankar Lausche Mrs. Charles K. Lausche Mrs. William B. Lausche Mr. Frank J. Lausche Mrs. Josephine L. Welf Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Kramer by Tony Nemec “How old are you. Ma’am?” “I’m approaching forty.” “From which direction?” s V* He is so honest that he worked in a bathhouse for three years and never took one. iS IS At a meeting in China’s capital between the Greek premier and the Chinese Communist leader Mao Tse-Tung, the latter asked how many people there are in Greece. “Eight million!” the premier poudly replied. “Really,” said Chairman Mao. “And what hotel are they staying at?” IS v* s Sign in a butcher shop: This Week Only T-Bone, $1.00. And underneath with much smaller print: “With meat: $7.00.” S Szymcyk, a professor, applied for a teaching job at Yale and was asked questions on Greek mythology. “Which creature was half man and half beast?” “Buffalo Bill,” said the man. SPECIAL OFFER The American Home ethnic newspaper is continuing a special promotion seeking new subscribers to the Ameriška Domovina newspaper. It will last until Dec. 31, 1986. Between now and then, persons wishing to subscribe to the Ameriška Domovina for the first time (or have not been a subscriber for the last five years) can receive the paper at a ridiculously low price — just $15.00 a year for the twice weekly or $10.00 a year for the Friday (half English) edition. IN ADDITION, any college student or person in the military service may receive the twice weekly edition for — get this — just $10 a year, or the Frfday (half or more English) for — $5.00 a year. REMEMBER: This is for FIRST TIME SUBSCRIBERS ONLY and does not apply to renewals or anyone who has dropped their subscription in the last five years. This is too good an offer to be passed up. Please send Omy own subscription ^ t0 \inerican □a gift subscription St. Odaily at $15.00 Cleveland* O" O Fridays at $10.00 Ocollege or military daily at $10 Ocollege or military Friday at $5.00 for one year to: Name __________________________________ Street. City, State, Zip MY Name___________ MY Address. MY City, State, Zip. □ Please send a_____ . card indicating my gift. Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-3118 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-0583 Mi smo vedno pripravljeni z najboljšo posrežbo. THOMAS G. LOBE Attorney-at-law — Odvetnik 833 Leader Building Cleveland, Ohio 44114 (216) 621-2158 Wills — Probate — Real Estate Auto Accidents and Workers Compensation (Initial consultation • No Charge) s HAPPY HOLIDAYS I ! I a I i & Slur r ? Ms m- > •<; Slovenian American Heritage I s Foundation* Don’t Forget to Call Side by Side Home Improvement 673 E. 185 St. — 481-0311 We Work All Winter. — Winter Discounts Merry Christmas and Happy New Year To All Our Customers A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid, Ohio Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Vesele Božične Praznike in Srečno Novo Leto Joseph and Anna LAH Cleveland, Ohio I s I I I f VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Stani in Matt Grdadolnik in Družina Grdadolnik DiMare Euclid, Ohio Christmas 1 I i B __,. _ _ Želimo vam vesele praznike in srečno novo leto Družina Slavko in Francka Grajzl Vesele bolične praznike P in srečno novo leto DRUŽINA TONE IN MARICA LAVRIŠA ^4 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland 44119 S L ! i Donations Thanks to the following for their donations to the A merican Home newspaper: Frances Plevnik, Euclid — $17.00 Caroline Hrovat, Euclid — $10.00 Mrs. Andrew Kovach, Euclid, in memory of her husband, Andew Kovach — $7.00 Jerry and Rose Zupan, Madison, Ohio — $15.00 Lillian Goryanc, Euclid, in memory of her husband, Stanley L. Goryanc — $20.00 John and Helga Ambrožič, Willowdale, Ont. — $10.00 Slovenian Women’s Union Branch 41, Cleveland — $5.00 Louis Kerecz, Bridgeport, Ct., in memory of parents — $10.00 Frank Mejac, Milwaukee — $7.00 Frances Barman and Anthony Čolnar, North Olmsted, o., in memory of John Sušnik and Frank Sterle — $50.00 William Tofant, Cleveland — $10.00 Marge Maslar, Cleveland — $50.00 Maria Zupančič, Cleveland — $7.00 Sophie Verderber, Parma — $10.00 Mary Modic, Cleveland, in memory of husband, Frank — $7.00 American Slovene Club — $100.00 Dominik Gallien, Cleveland — $7.00 Daniel Kranjc, Wickliffe, O. — $7.00 Maria Kucic, Brookfield, 111. — $5.00 Anonymous, Lyndhurst, O. — $12.00 Mary Gornik and Ann Gornik Grzybowski, Euclid, in memory of Herman Habat — $10.00 Mrs. Val Mavko, Cleveland, in memory of James (Mavko) Marko Brunswick, O. — $10.00 Strong Culture Editor: By reading the Friday “Domovina” I continue to be aware how strong, creative, nurturing and joyful the Slovenian culture is here in greater Cleveland. Best wishes for continued success with the printed word. Mary Zimperman So. Euclid, O. White House Birthday Greeting Did you know that President and Mrs. Reagan will send a greeting card to anyone celebrating their eightieth (or older) birthday or to any couple celebrating a fiftieth (or over) wedding anniversary? To request a card, write at least three weeks in advance to White House Greetings Office, Washington, D.C. 20500. Be sure to give the name and address of the person you want the birthday greetings sent to and their age, or the couples’ name and address and which wedding anniversary is being celebrated. Also include your name, address, and telephone number. * S> Merry Christmas and Happy New Year John Meglen O I X f 17717 Schenely Ave. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 I % i Fraternal Greetings from the Supreme Board, Lodge Officers and all members of American Mutual Life Association Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Donna and Rose Restaurant 486-3838 689 E. 185 St. Cleveland, Ohio o f i p i I Merry Christmas and Happy New Year St. Vitus Post 1655 Catholic War Veterans Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Orkester “Veseli Slovenci” 879 Rokeby Road, Kastlake, O., 44094 MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 1 s Dr. and Mrs. M. Joseph Chrzanowski Dr. Martin H. Telich L IŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1986 to oo CD CC LU CO 2 LU O UJ Q < Z o £ o Q < >co DC LU i I ! f i t i S MEflWY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ IN SREČNO NOVO LETO VAM VSEM ŽELIM Jože Cerer ZA PLUŽENJE SNEGA IN DOVAŽANJE GNOJA, ZEMLJE IN GRADBENEGA MATERIALA KLIČITE: 486-2854 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Ed and Anne Arhar 151 E. 199 St., Euclid, Ohio 44119 I I i t I * Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Mary Marinko and Family 125 E. 156 St., Cleveland 44110 k i I & Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Sterle’s Slovenian I Country House Restaurant | HEALTH AND HAPP!NESS IN 1987 1 Ed, Sally, Dave, Ken, Maureen i FURLICH I --------------------------------------: Vesele božične praznike £ in srečno novo leto Š A MOST MERRY CHRISTMAS AND THE HAPPIEST NEW YEAR Exist MUSIC FOR ALL OCCASIONS j PAUL: (216) 486-5960 » E. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Jacob and Mary Grum 886 E. 210 St., Euclid, Ohio Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Frank and Josie Godic 1234 E. 61 St. — Cleveland 44103 a ******************** Miniature poinsettias display at greenhouse Instead of traditional ornaments, the Christmas tree on display in the Cleveland City Greenhouse is decorated with miniature live poinsettia plants attached to the branches. Visitors will find the tree in the sunken garden of the tropical room, which normally is filled with citrus, banana, coffee and cocoa bean trees. Large poinsettias trained in tree form, as well as conventional potted specimens arranged in embankments, are also featured in the annual Christmas plant show at the greenhouse, 750 E. 88th St., north of St. Clair Ave. Poinsettias used in the Nativity scene set up in the City Hall rotunda are grown to flowering in the greenhouse, as are thousands of flats of annuals and ground covers used in mall displays and public gardens throughout the city during the growing season. The greenhouse is open every day of the year, free, from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Free parking is available, and there is wheelchair access at the main entrance. Groups interested in making reservations for guided tours should call 664-3103. Scheduling should be done at least a week in advance of the tour date. Happy Birthday Louis Silc of Willowick, Ohio will celebrate his 72nd birthday on Sunday, Dec. 21. Many happy returns of the day, Lou. Donates $100 Štajerski Klub of Cleveland donated $100 to the American Home newspaper. Thank you Štajerci for your very generous donation. In Memory Editor: Enclose please find a check in the amount of $20.00, my donation to the American Home newspaper in memory of my family Seme and Hosta Family. Extending to you and your office a most Happy, and Blessed Christmas and a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New year. Marie Hosta (Mrs. Tony) Costly Error Less than 100 years before the invention of movable type in Europe, the arts of printing and typography were being practiced in the Orient, where they originated. The Koreans were especially strict. For example, one regulation reads: “The supervisor and compositor shall be flogged 30 times for an error per chapter; the printer shall be flogged 30 times for bad impression, either too dark or too light, of one character per chapter.” This explains the Koreans’ reputation for accuracy and their difficulty in recruiting new printers. ! i l *****2k**2k**********y j; MERRY CHRISTMAS AND £ HAPPY NEW YEAR i FRANCES BOGOVICH ^ 6701 Schaefer Ave., Cleveland, Ohio 44103 o Blagoslovljen Božič, zdravo. Srečno in Veselo Novo f I f I 5» I % l l t leto 1987 želi vsem sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem MARIJA KOKAL 15228 Saranac Rd., Cleveland, Ohio MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Maple Heights Button Box Club Stephanie Fryger - Julie Novak Ruth Koman - Harry Novak John Zach • Elmer Phillips Records and Tapes — Toast to Slovenia Call Julie — 562-7494 »° $ I f BLAGOSLOVLJENE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Ivan, Zdenka, Robert, Marko, Tomaž in Katja Zakrajšek Enako tudi vošči Mihaela Zakrajšek 174 Brush Rd. — Richmond Heights, Ohio | Merry Christmas and Happy New Year i | Charlie & Majda Lončar Family 31025 Miller Ave. — Willoughby Hills, Ohio Merry Christmas AND Happy New Year Ralph & Eleanor LOCHER I fish May the Peace, Love and Joy of the Christmas Season Remain in your hearts throughout the year. Jim, Madeline and Jim Debevec II Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto! ALBINA MRŠNIK Z DRUŽINO 19300 Lake Shore, Cleveland, O. 44119 Blagoslovljene božične praznike in vso srečo v novem letu, želita sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem: Ivi in Franc Mavsar ***$*"* ***** ***%**** * Cleveland, Ohio 44119 JOSEPH J. STURM After a brief illness, Joseph J. Sturm, age 70, passed away in University Hospitals on Tuesday, December 9. He was born in Mid-dlebranch, Ohio. He was a former resident of Devoe Avenue, Euclid, before moving to North Broadway Road in Geneva a year ago. Mr. Sturm retired in 1973 from Addressograph Multigraph Corp. where he was employed as a machinist for 30 years. He was the husband of Mary (nee Traven) who passed away in 1976, the beloved father of Joseph (Indiana), Elaine McGillicuddy, Kathleen Frak, and William. He was the grandfather of 13, and the brother of Anthony and Frank. Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. where services were held and at St. Robert’s Church on Saturday, Pec. 13. Interment in All ouls Cemetery. JENNIE M. PLANISEK Jennie M. Planisek (nee Les-jak). 71, died suddenly at Hillcrest Hospital. She was the wife of John J., ^e mother of Robert John of Michigan and Kenneth A. of Columbus; the grandmother °f Rachel, Peter, Amanda and ^ara; and the sister of the late Antonia Berzin. Her parents, Charles and Antonia Lesjak (both dec.), were business per-s°ns from the Collinwood area. She worked for Hawken School for 20 years in the CaPacity of manager of the food service operation until "er retirement in 1973. She ^as a former president of the Slovenian Women’s Union Branch No. 10 and a member St. Mary (Holmes Ave.) Altar and Rosary Society, and SNPJ Lodge 142. The Funeral Mass was Thursday, Dec. 18 at St. Mary Church at 10 a.m. Interment at AH Souls Cemetery. Friends called at Grdina Funeral Home, 17010 Lake Shore Blvd. LOUIS H. KARISH Biwabik, Minn. — Mass of Christian Burial for Louis H. Karish, 73, of Biwabik was held recently at St. John’s Catholic Church in Biwabik. He died Monday, Nov. 17 at the Virginia Regional Medical Center.. He was born on March 28, 1913 in Biwabik, where he had been a resident most of his life. He retired in 1978 as a maintenance mechanic for Erie Mining Co. in Hoyt Lakes after 21 years of service. He and his wife operated the former Karish’s Apparel Shop in Biwabik for 14 years. He was a former chief of the Biwabik Volunteer Fire Department and served the department for 20 years. He had also served a term on the Biwabik School Board and the Biwabik Water and Light Commission for about 20 years. He had also worked in construction in the Aleutian Islands during World War II and the Duluth Missabe and Iron Range Railway Company in the early 1950s. On Nov. 20, 1933, he married Eine O. Hill in Virginia PJp wa n member of St. John’s Catholic Church in Biwabik and the American Association of Retired Persons. Survivors include his wife, Eine; one daughter, Mary Ann (Floyd) Peterson of Biwabik, two sons, Robert (Lois) and James (Lorna), both of Biwabik; two brothers, John and Joseph, both of Reading, Pa.; two sisters, Molly (Stanley) Lecatsas of Reading and Ann (Tony) Petkovšek of Cleveland, Ohio; 12 grandchildren and numerous nieces and nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents, Jacob and Anna, two brothers, Frank and Jack; a sister, Mary Stare. How can I encourage my child to stay away from drugs? Despite the news appeal of First Lady Nancy Reagan’s “Just Say No” campaign, just saying “no” isn’t always easy. Some teenagers even admitted during a recent television interview that the “good” feelings drugs induce are hard to give up once they’ve tried them. So what can parents do? It might seem obvious, but setting an example isn’t a bad idea. It’s unreasonable to expect Johnny to turn down drugs if he knows Mom and Dad partake now and then. But the most important method of prevention is com-' munication. Beginning as early as elementary school age, explain to your children that although drugs may make them feel good, the good feeling only lasts a short time. Show them that there are many other ways to feel good. Include them in activities and offer them op- Children and Drugs IHV nortimitipc thcit rjp*mrxnctroto In Loving Memory OF OUR BELOVED WIFE, MOTHER, GRANDMOTHER, GREAT-GRANDMOTHER, AND MOTHER-IN-LAW § mJP W’, Anna Papesh died December 18, 1983 , Your memory to us is a keepsake, With which we will never part. Though God has you in His keeping, We always have you in our heart. Sadly missed by: Sam Papesh, husband Daughters: Marge Gavanditi, Joyce Rado Sons-in-law: George and Ron Sister: Poldi Janes, Brooklyn, N.Y. 11 Grandchildren and 3 Great-Grandchildren Relatives in Slovenia Cleveland, O., Dec. 19, 1986. portunities that demonstrate excitement and fun without drug use. Alcohol, smoking and marijuana are the three most popular recreational drugs used by people of all ages in this country. The dangerous effects of alcohol and smoking are well documented. Every organ and vital system in the body is burdened by ingestion of alcohol or inhalation of smoke. The heart and blood vessels, the liver and lungs, kidneys and bladder, the brain and nervous system, all succumb to the insult of three popular drugs. Marijuana contains some 150 chemicals (in addition to the mind-altering tetrahydrocannabinol or THC). Many are potent and known to cause cancer. This drug causes the heart to beat twice as fast as normal, and the lungs, immune and, reproductive systems have also been shown to be impaired. The intense attention of late to the extreme dangers of cocaine and its street cousin “crack” has brought home to many Americans that drugs kill. Death comes without warning and without discrimination. Nor should we forget that many drugs are not only unsafe, but also unlawful. Parents’ guides to raising children and teenagers can be useful in your struggles to communicate to children about drugs and other causes of stress they may encounter while growing up. Meanwhile, here are a few general guidelines: Be loving, compassionate, and understanding; keep communications open; set- limits so that your child feels you care and knows what to expect, but make sure the limits are reasonable; assure privacy, especially if you have a teenager — always knock before entering your child’s room; take your child’s problems seriously, even if they seem trivial to you; keep your sense of humor. “Matters of Health” is a community service of Saint Alexis Hospital Medical Center. Readers are invited to suggest topics for future “Matters of Health” by writing to Saint Alexis Hospital Medical Center, Community Relations office, 5163 Broadway, Cleveland, OH 44127. ROY G. SANKOVIČ FUNERAL HOME Sankovič-Johnston Funeral Home. NEWLY REMODELED AND EXPANDED 15314 Macauley Ave. (Cor. of E. 152 St. & Lake Shore) 531-3600 Funerals to meet the financial status of all families ROY G. SANKOVIČ, DIRECTOR ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361-3112 or 361-3113 • 'Vo Branches nor Affiliations p Zachary A. Zak, licensed funeral director Thanks to the following for their donations to the American Home newspaper Mrs. James (Val) Burnside, Indianapolis, Ind. — $7.00 Mr. and Mrs: Victor Lamovec, Richmond Hts., O. — $6.00 Helmar Construction Co. owners Peter Domanko and Frank Vodopivec in memory of Frank Sterle — $100.00 Ernest Kotnik, El Cajon, Calif., in memory of his father, Joseph J. Kotnik, 61st anniversary — $5.00 Anthony J. Trennel and Family, Euclid, O., in memory of wife, Jennie Trennel — $10.00 Mr. and Mrs. William Tome, Cleveland — $7.00 Anton Vegel, Euclid — $7.00 Virginia Sire, Lyndhurst, O. — $15.00 Jožef Stropnik, Willoughby Hills, O. — $7.06 Stella Mahnich and Rose J Ban, Euclid — $7.00 E. Alice Smole, Mentor, O. -r- $8.00 John Berkopec, Euclid — $7.00 Frank Stropnik, Euclid — $7.50 Štajerski Klub, Cleveland — $100.00 Anton L.avriSa, Cleveland —• $9.00 Mary V. Zimperman, Euclid — $10.00 Cyril and Mary Grilc, Pompano Beach, Fla. — $22.00 Michael Fraile, Cleveland — $5.00 - Frančiška Jese, Toronto — $10.00 Milan and Marie Dular, Cleveland — $7.00 Jakob Stražišar, Chicago — $7.00 Marie Hosta, Cleveland, in memory of her families Seme and Hosta Families — $20.00 Anton Meglic, Cleveland — $17.00 Anonymous, Willoughby Hills, C). — $27.00 Karl Gorišek, Cleveland — $7.00 Anonymous, Cleveland — $20.00 Hospice Bill Signed Into Law A comprehensive hospice licensing bill has been signed into Ohio law by Governor Richard F. Celeste, and will go into effect in late February, 1987, according to the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Lee I. Fisher (D-Shaker Heights). The governor’s approval of Amended Substitute Senate Bill 22 marks the end of a four-year struggle to secure a state hospice licensure and regulation program. Hospices are coordinated systems of service to terminally ill patients and their families, provided under the supervision of the patient’s physician. These services are designed1-to meet the special physical, psychological, social, spiritual, and other needs experienced during the final stages of illness, dying, and bereavement. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1986 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1986 14 i I ________ i Iftuiafc MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR Butch and Robin Verbose :i*1 Improbabilities Of The Season 2406 Route 71 — Apt. 17 B Spring Lake Hts., New Jersey ..... BLAGOSLOVLJEN BOŽIČ IN K $ SREČNO NOVO LETO J { ŽELIJO I Andrej, Barb, Kati t in Amy Odar t f ’ 10618 Lake Shore Blvd. S' SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM Edmund J. Turk, Suzie and Beth Vesele bolične praznike in srečno novo leto DRUŽINA ANTON MEGLIČ I Cleveland, Ohio 44108 I VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO Pavle Lavrisha General Building Repair 391-7225 i VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN SREČNO NOVO LETO ŽELI VSEM ° ALBINAPESEC_________ | BLA GOSL O VLJENE BOŽIČNE PR A ZNIKE $ IN SREČNO NO V O LETO i DRUŽINA ŠEGA \ Willoughby Hills, Ohio by James V. Debevec We have often wondered why Christ came down to earth and eventually suffer the pain and fate of a crucifixion when logically it would have been more advantageous for Him to remain aloft. It is normally incomprehensible for someone to deliberately place himself within the confines of imminent death for the welfare of others. And yet, when thinking about it, soldiers in the heat of battle have been known to throw themselves on an explosive and take the full impact of the discharge thereby saving the lives of fellow combatants at the expense of one’s own life. Body guards are trained to step in the way of bullets to save the life of the one they are assigned to protect. In the Navy, Destroyers will deliberately try to intercept a torpedo headed for an aircraft carrier by making it Early Holiday Issues Due to the holidays, we will publish the Friday English editions on Tuesdays. Therefore, the Dec. 26 English section will be combined with the Tuesday, Dec. 23 paper. ALSO, the Friday, Jan. 2 paper will be printed with the Tuesday, Dec. 30 issue. CHRISTMAS DAY RADIO PROGRAM Dr. Milan Pavlovčič, whose Slovene language radio programs are heard over Cleveland Slate University radio station WCSB 89.3 FM on Sunday mornings from 9 to 10 a.m. and on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7 p.m., will have a special one hour broadcast on Christmas Day, Thursday, December 25, from 9 to 10 a.m. His Christmas Eve program this coming Wednesday evening will feature appropriate Slovene music. Even those who may not understand the Slovene language are urged to tune in for the beautiful musical selections that are a trademark of these programs. Rudolph M. Susel “IT PAYS TO BE INDEPENDENT” sP NDEPENDENT AVINGS BANK • 6 Month to 60 Month Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. • Variable Rate Checking* $100.00 Minimum to Open Account. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge. ‘Balance* $1,000.00 and greater earn variable rate Balance* $100.00 thru $999.99 earn 5.25% • 5.50% Passbook $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. Computed dally, Compounded quarterly Fsnr Federal Seelwf A lean Ir Your Saving« Ineured lo *100.000 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd., Willoughby Hill*, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd., Richmond Ht*., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Peart Rd., Parma Hts., Ohio 44130 845-8200 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp hit them instead of the larger, more valuable ship. Yet, we query if a person had the time to rationalize it out, whether or not he could make the supreme sacrifice. The answer can be “yes,” as seen by terrorists who strap bombs on themselves or their trucks and try to blow themselves up and take someone else along with them, preferably Americans. Oriental priests have been known to set themselves ablaze for the sake of their cause. Allied ship captains had difficult times defending against determined Japanese kamikaze pilots. Therefore it is within the range of human possibilities to take one’s life if one feels deeply enough that the ultimate result will be for the betterment of mankind. But the question remains, why would a diety do it? The answer must be a love greater than our minds can comprehend. The Christmas season is the time of year when people do unusual things. A family which has a spotless house all year round will think nothing of going out into the woods or at a tree farm and bring a tree which has been at the mercy of the outdoor elements and animals for years into the middle of the living room. It is also normal to speak to a person who has been ignored for 12 months and wish him/her best wishes for the holiday season. This is a special time of year when people forget about their own concerns and try to make the lives of others less intolerable. It is eminently gratifying to participate in the Christmas time activity, both spiritually and figuratively. ' VESELE BOŽIČNE PRAZNIKE IN i SREČNO NOVO LETO! | * SEASON’S GREETINGS | \ Družina Frank in Julka \ | ZALAR L_. Vesele božične praznike in srečno novo leto želita vsem Jernej in Zalka Zupan MADISON, OHIO FORMER JUDGE EDMUND J. TURK A ttorney-at-Law (OD VETNIK) Total Legal Services Slovenian National H^me E. 65th & St. Clair - 391-4000 Vladimir M. Rus Attorney ■ Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 (FX) BRICKMAN & SONS FUNERAL HOME 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Between Chardon & E. 222nd St. — Euclid, Ohio i GRDINA rr' 17010 Lake Shore Blvd 1053 E. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 A trusted tradition for 82 years. Appetizers *** Hors d’oeiivres***Canapes ** MUSHROM FILO TRIANGLES Mushroom Filling 3 tablespoons butter or margarine 2 pounds mushrooms, finely chopped 3 tablespoons chopped shallots 1/3 cup dried bread crumbs 1/4 cup chopped parsley 2 tablespoons Madeira wine 1/2 teaspoon salt Filo 2 packages (16 oz. each) frozen filo (strudel) leaves 1 cup butter or margarine, melted Filling: Melt butter or margarine in 12-inch skillet. Add mushrooms and shallots. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, about 20 minutes until moisture is evaporated. Add remaining ingredients and cook, stirring constantly, until smooth, about 5 minutes. Makes 3 cups. Filo: Cut filo sheets into 2-inch widths the length of the sheet. Work with one strip at a time; cover remaining Filo with plastic wrap. Brush melted butter down length of each strip of Filo. Top with another strip of filo and brush with butter. Fold over 1 inch at bottom edge. Place 1 teaspoon of filling at folded end. Fold to make a triangular shape. Continue folding in triangles along entire strip. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake in preheated 375°F. oven 10 to 12 minutes until golden brown. (Can be made ahead. Cover, freeze up to 4 weeks. Thaw at room temperature 2 hours. Crisp in 375° F. oven 5 minutes.) Makes about 100, 30 calories e^ch. HERBED CREAM CHEESE In addition to the serving suggestions listed, this spread is great with other raw vegetables or on crackers. 2 packages (8 oz. each) cream cheese, softened 2 garlic cloves, crushed 1 teaspoon dill weed 1 teaspoon chervil 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground pepper 1/4 teaspoon salt. In mixer bowl or food processor, combine all ingredients until well mixed. (Can be made ahead. Cover and refrigerate up to 48 hours.) Makes 5 cups, about 50 calories per tablespoon. Serving Suggestions: Peel cucumbers and slice into 1/4-inch rounds. Spread half the cucumbers with Herbed Cream Cheese; top with remaining rounds. Roll edges in chopped parsley. Cut red and/or green peppers into 3/4x3-inch strips. Spoon cheese into pastry bag, pipe onto strips. EASY CHEESE BALL 8 oz. cream cheese 8 oz. Kraft Old English cheese 1 to 2 cloves garlic 2 to 3 dashes Worcestershire sauce Soften cheeses and add seasonings. Optional: 1 jar Kraft Roka Blue cheese can be added to ingredients. BABY BLINTZES 1 pt. creamed style Farmer’s cottage cheese 2 Tbsp. sour cream 1/2 c. Bisquick 1/4 c. sugar 1 tsp. vanilla 2 Tbsp. melted butter or margarine 3 eggs, well beaten Mix ingredients well. Grease or spray Pam on miniature muffin tins. Fill each section about 1/2 full. Bake 20 to 25 minutes at 350°. Yield: 3 dozen. Serve with sweetened sour cream and caviar. Freezes well in a plastic bag. CANTONESE CHICKEN LIVERS 1 lb. chicken livers 1 c. water chestnuts 1 lb. sliced bacon 1 bottle soy sauce 6 pieces crystallized ginger or 4 pieces dried ginger Marinate chicken livers in soy sauce and ginger for several hours. Wrap bacon around one liver and one slice of water chestnut. Fasten securely with toothpick. Broil on all sides until done. FLAKY MUSHROOM ROLL 2 Tbsp. melted butter 1 pkg. strudel leaves (may be purchased at supermarket) 8 oz. mushrooms, drained 2 Tbsp. butter 2 Tbsp. sherry wine 2 Tbsp. flour Salt and pepper Dampen cloth, a little larger than strudel leaves. Carefully place 1 leaf atop the other, using 2 leaves. Brush melted butter on top leaf. Grind onion and mushrooms; saute in butter. When golden brown, add wine, flour, salt, and pepper. Place mushroom mixture on end of dough in 3 inch strips. Use cloth to roll strudel leaves and pack filling tightly. Place on buttered baking pan. Brush top with melted butter. Bake at 400° for 15 minutes; slice. HORS D’OEUVRES PIZZAS Slice English muffins in halves. Toast lightly. Cover each with: Pizza sauce or tomato sauce Shredded Mozzarella cheese Dash of oregano Pepperoni, sliced thin Parmesan cheese 1 tsp. oil Dash of garlic salt and pepper Bake in 400° oven for 15 minutes. SAUERKRAUT BALLS 1/2 pound each lean boneless ham, boneless pork, corned beef 1 onion, finely chopped 1 teaspoon minced parsley 3 tablespoons butter or other fat 2 cups flour 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1 teaspoon salt 2 cups milk 2 pounds sauerkraut, drained Water Flour 3 or 4 beaten eggs Bread crumbs Fat for frying Run meats through medium blade of food chopper. Add onion and parsley. Mix well and brown in butter. Stir in flour, mixed with dry mustard, salt and milk and cook, stirring constantly, until thick. Cool the mixture. Cook the sauerkraut in water to cover about 20 minutes; drain, and combine with the meat mixture. Put through food chopper twice. Shape into balls the size of walnuts. Roll in flour, dip in beaten eggs and roll in bread crumbs. Fry the sauerkraut balls, a few at a time, in hot deep fat (370 degrees F.) until golden brown. Drain on paper and serve piping hot. These are jajityjippetizers* MNAcfl BAI 1 c. sifted flour I tsp. salt 1 tsp. baking powder 1 c. milk 1/4 stick butter, melted 1/2 c. chopped onions 16 oz. shredded Cheddar cheese 10 oz. pkg. chopped, frozen spinach (defrost and drain well) 2 eggs Brown onions in butter. Beat eggs. Combine and mix all ingredients well. Bake in 9x13 inch greased pan, 350°, for 1/2 hour. Cut into small squares. Makes 24 pieces. Freezes well. COCONUT SHRIMP Frozen breaded shrimp Beaten egg whites Shredded white coconut Dip each frozen shrimp in beaten egg white, roll (to coat) in coconut and fry in margarine. Serve hot with j:qcJs ‘"TErsF. ITOGS" 8 oz. cream cheese 4 oz. jar old English cheese 4 oz. jar Blue Roka 4 oz. jar pineapple cheese 4 oz. jar pimento cheese Leave all cheeses set out to soften, mix together. Refrigerate until almost solid. Form log or ball and roll in nuts. TIED MOZZARELLA CHEESE Slice mozzarella cheese into strips. Dust with seasoned flour. Dip into beaten egg and bread crumbs. Deep fry until golden brown; drain well. MUSHROM TARTS FOR A CROWD Make the shells at your leisure and freeze. Let thaw at room temperature, bake and fill. Pastry 2 c. flour 1/2 lb. butter or margarine, softened 1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese, softened Blend together all ingredients to form a dough. Chill about 1 hour. Shape into 4 dozen 1-inch balls. Place each ball in an ungreased 1 3/4-inch muffin cup. Press dough against the bottom and sides of the cup. Bake in a preheated 400° oven 12 to 15 minutes or until golden brown. Filling: 3/4 lb. finely chopped mushrooms 2 T. minced green onion 2 to 3 T. butter '. 1/4 c. flour 1/2 t. salt 1 c. sour cream 1 T. mayonnaise Sautč mushrooms and green onion in butter. Blend in flour and salt. Cook, stirring constantly, until thickened and smooth. Add sour cream and mayonnaise; heat through. Spoon mixture into baked shells. Makes 48 Tarts. MUSHROOM BALLS 1 8-oz. pkg. cream cheese 1/4 lb. butter or margarine 1 c. flour Pinch of salt 1 lb. fresh firm mushroom caps, washed and dried Butter Salt, pepper, and garlic powder to taste 1 egg, beaten Cream together cheese and butter until well blended. Add flour and salt; mix well to form a dough. Chill for 1 hour. Saute mushroom buttons, rounded sides down first, in small amount of hot butter. Turn over and brown second side. Don’t cook more than 2 to 3 minutes. Season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Let cool. Roll out dough to 9 x 12-inches and cut into 3-inch squares. Place mushrooms on each piece of dough and enclose, pinching ends, and rolling gently to form a ball. Place balls on lightly greased baking sheet and brush with beaten egg. Bake in a 425° oven for 20 minutes or until golden brown. Makes about 24. PARTY REUBENS Party Rye Bread (Peppe-ridge Farm) Top each slice of rye with following in order given. /. Russian dressing 2. Corned beef 3. Sauerkraut 4. Swiss cheese Put under broiler 2 min. Serve hot. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, DECEMBER 19, 1986 Christmas Church Services St. Vitus Church E. 61st and Glass Ave. Christmas - Božic - 1986 Dear Parishioners: The beginning of our redemption from sin and death, Christmas Day, is only a few days hence. The entire Advent Season speaks of God’s unrelenting love for each and every person, and of His persistent invitation to each man and woman to accept the ultimate gift, the gift of Love itself. Christmas Day is for this reason, a day of giving and of receiving, and a day of gratitude for all Christians who in faith understand the tremendous gift God has bestowed on the world in the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. Since God has given His very dearest gift to us, are we prepared to do what we can and must in order to receive this great Gift on Christmas Day? It is our prayer that the light of Christ’s presence within you will bring peace and happiness to you and your loved ones during this Holy Season and every day of the coming year 1987. Your priests at St. Vitus Father Joseph Boznar Father Mark Peyton Father Joseph Simcic Dragi farani! Začetki našega odrešenja, prazniki Gospodovega rojstva, so pred vrati. Adventni čas nas opozarja na izredno božjo ljubezen do slehernega človeka in njegovem nenehnem pozivu vsem ljudem, naj sprejmejo ta največji dar njegove ljubezni - Ljubezen samo. Božični prazniki so prav zaradi tega prazniki darovanja in prejmanja ter hvaležnosti za vse kristjane, ki v veri dojemajo ta izredni dar, katerega je Bog svetu podelil z rojstvom svojega Sina Jezusa Kristusa. Ker nam je Bog podelil ta predragoceni dar, ati smo pripravljeni sprejeti ga na sveti dan, kakor zasluži? Želimo in molimo, da bi luč Kristusove navzočnosti v vas prinašata vam in vsem vašim dragi mir in srečo v tem svetem času in vsak dan v prihodnjem letu 1987. Vaši duhovniki pri Sv. Vidu MASSES — MAŠE Please follow the regular weekly schedule of Masses up to Wednesday, December 24. • Prosimo, sledite do srede 24. decembra, spored sv. maš v Oznanilu! CHRISTMAS DAY — SVETI DAN 12:00 Midnight Concelebrated Mass 12:00 Koncelebrirana polnočnica 8:00 a.m..........Slovenian Mass 9:15 a.m.............English Mass 10:30 a.m.........Slovenian Mass 12:00 noon...........English Mass 2:00 p.m........Singing of Litany followed by Benediction Slovenske pete litanije Matere Božje in Blagoslov z Najsvetejšim NOTE: On Wednesday, Dec. 24 there will be NO evening 5:00 p.m. vigil Mass for Christmas. V sredo pred božičem NE bo sv. maše ob 5h zvečer! NEW YEAR’S DAY — NOVEGA LETA DAN 1987 Masses - Maše Please follow the regular weekday schedule of Masses to Wednesday. December 31 Mass schedule for New Year’s weekend will be the same as for regular weekends. Please see the bulletin. Prihodnji teden bodo maše istočasno kot med letom, na novega leta dan pa, kakor ob nedeljah. Oglejte si spored maš v Oznanilu! Sacrament of Reconciliation -Spovedovanje Tuesday, torek, 23. decembra 1986 7:00 a.m. — 7:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. — 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, sreda, 24. decembra 1986 7:00 a.m. — 7:30 a.m. 8:30 a.m. — 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. — 12:00 noon 4:00 p.m. — 5:30 p.m. PLEASE NOTE there will be NO confessions in the evening of Wednesday, December 24. Confessions WILL be heard at the usual times on Wed., Dec. 31. V sredo zvečer, 24. decembra HE bo spovedovanja! Spovedovanje BO ob običajnem času v sredo pred noviM letom. i St. I\^žiry S Church 15519 Holmes Avenue Dear Parishioners: May you have a Holy Christmas and a Blessed New Year filled with all temporal blessings and spiritual graces. Of old, Angels came from Heaven to lead Shepherds to their Savior, to the crib where lay the all powerful Son of God, Mary’s infant Child. Your interest, cooperation I iSt. Christine Church! and generosity in support of your Parish during the past year is deeply appreciated. On Christmas morning each and every one of you will be remembered in all the Masses. May the infant Child bless you throughout the New Yar. Sincerely in Christ, FATHER VIC TOMC, pastor REV. LOUIS TOMTZ, visitor CHRISTMAS MASSES WEDNESDAY: 6:00 p.m. Vigil Mass with English Choir 11:30 p.m. Singing of Carols by the St. Mary’s Choir MIDNIGHT: Blessing of Crib - Solemn Christmas Mass CHRISTMAS THURSDAY 7:00 a.m. Mass 8:00 a.m. Slovene Mass 9:15 a.m. English Choir 10:30 a.m. Slovene Mass with Choir 12:00 Noon English Mass Slovenian Sung Litany of the Blessed Virgin - 2:00 p.m. Everyone invited Confessions Tuesday 3 to 4 p.m., 6:30 - 7:15 p.m. Wednesday 2 - 4 ONLY i f f :i 1 * £ i 840 East 222nd Street CHRISTMAS SCHEDULE CONFESSIONS: Saturday, Dec. 20 — 3 to 4 p.m. and 6:15 p.m. Monday, Dec. 22 — 3 to 4 p.m. and 7:20 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 23 — 3 to 4 p.m. and 7:20 p.m. There will be no confessions on Wed., Dec. 24th MASSES: Wednesday, Dec. 24 — 4:00 p.m. (NO 5:30 Mass) MIDNIGHT CHRISTMAS DAY — Dec. 25 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 12:30 p.m. I ft o t ! CWVa£ f$e Jio&e onJ peace i5 S^ri5tma5 ^ abiie toitfj ^ou fjjrougjjouf t^e Cy\e& ^ear fVe wish to express our sincerest appreciation to all for the good will extended to our establishment during the past year. WE ALSO WISH A MERRY CHRISTMAS AND PROSPEROUS AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR TO ALL Zak Funeral Home SINCE 1890 4 GENERATIONS OF SERVICE 6016 St. Clair Avenue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 361-3112 361-3113 ZACHARY A. ZAK Licensed Funeral Director