142 Summaries paper presents in detail the development of the university and particularly the medical faculty in Vienna, which, from its foundation to the end of the First World War, educated the majority of doctors and, from the end of the 18th century onwards, almost all veterinary surgeons in the area of today's Slovenia. JANEZ BLEIWEIS AND CATTLE PLAGUE Jože Jurca Slomškova ulica 19, 1000 Ljubljana Cattle plague is a severe viral disease of ruminants with high incidence and morbidity rates, especially in thoroughbred cattle. The disease is known from history and caused most damage in the 18th and 19th centuries. In one of the last epizooties on our territory, which affected Carniola in the early 1860s, cattle plague was fought and studied by Dr Janez Bleiweis, a veterinary surgeon of the province of Carniola. He carried out an experiment on live animals, which served to prove that cattle and sheep plague were the same disease. Considering the course of the disease, especially as regards its spreading, an attempt to transmit the contagious material from sheep to cattle was the only appropriate step. Thus Bleiweis achieved several goals, i.e. he confirmed the assumption of experts that sheep indeed had cattle plague and convinced the authorities as well as stockbreeders, traders, butchers, etc. to apply the strict disease prevention measures used at cattle plague outbreaks to sheep as well. With his work Dr Janez Bleiweis gained appreciation in scientific circles and definitely contributed to gradual eradication of cattle plague in our country and other European countries. well as clumsiness have disappeared. It can be safely concluded that Dr. Bleiweis left behind a significant contribution to introduction and consolidation of professional terminology in Slovenian language. BLEIWEIS - A PROPONENT OF STOCKBREEDING Jože Osterc Department of Animal Science, Biotechnical Faculty. Groblje 3, 1230 Domžale Bleiweis was a great patriot and physiocrat. Both contributed to his moving from Vienna to Ljubljana, where he became the secretary of the Agricultural Society of Carniola in 1842 and editor of Kmetijske in rokodelske novice (Farmers' and Craftsmen's News) in 1843. Both functions enabled and forced him to concentrate on stockbreeding problems and their solutions. He was aware of the importance of good broodstock. As the secretary of the Agricultural Society he supplied progressive farmers with financial support for buying good sires. He knew how important knowledge was for the development of stockbreeding so he promoted the foundation of general agricultural schools for farmers and landowners. He also taught at these schools. He published a number of works on agriculture. In 1858 he wrote and published Nauk od reje domače živine (The Science of Animal Husbandry), which constituted part three of Živinozdravstvo (Veterinary Medicine). In 1871 the Agricultural Society of Carniola commissioned him to write Nauk o umni živinoreji (The Science of Sound Stockbreeding). Most of the book focused on cattle and horses, while other stock received much less attention. Breeds of horses, cattle and sheep that were most important for our areas were presented in pictures as well. He also mentioned the significance of manure of particular livestock species. DR JANEZ BLEIWEIS, HIS CONTRIBUTION TO THE EVOLUTION OF THE SLOVENE PROFESSIONAL TERMINOLOGY Jože Jurca Slomškova ulica 19, 1000 Ljubljana The work of Dr. Janez Bleiweis in the domain of Slovenian professional terminology and expression is in fact a continuation of endeavours of Zois circle and a reactivation of Slovenian professional medical and even more veterinary language. His basic motto regarding literary as well as professional language was, that the written word has to be understandable, therefore local, domestic. When need arises, it can be judiciously complemented from foreign vocabularies, especially from Slav languages. In his early writings a similarity to older literary models, especially those from the age of enlightenment, can be observed. These writings contain a good number of distorted germanisms and clumsy Slovenian expressions, but on the other hand very many new Slovenian professional terms, which have hold ground up-to today. In his later writings the language becomes clearer and more fluid, the professional terms have consolidated, and foreign words as THE WORK OF DR. JANEZ BLEIWEIS AND HIS PERSONALITY Srdan V. Bavdek Ulica Antona Kodra 11, 4207 Cerklje na Gorenjskem The first part of the treatise explains Bleiweis's endeavours in the field of Slovenian literary language and his endeavours for progress in agriculture and handicrafts. It also lists the conferred honours, of which the most notable one is the Trsteniski Knight. The treatise contioues with a brief description of his lineage and studies in Vienna, his work at the medical surgical institute in Ljubljana as professor of veterinary medicine (1841-1850), his medical work in Carniola and his endeavours in encouraging the establishment of a university in Ljubljana. The organisation and management of the farriers' and veterinary school in Ljubljana (1850-1881) is further explained, like-weise the organisation of veterinary services of the time, and Blei-weis's activities connected with his post as provincial veterinarian for Carniola (1856-1874), as well as his attempts to promote knowledge and prudent farming. There is a brief account of his professional