THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA OGROŽENE ČEBELE EVROPE V SLOVENIJI Andrej GOGALA1 ABSTRACT Threatened bee species of Europe in Slovenia Three Endangered, seven Vulnerable and 40 Near Threatened species from the European Red List of Bees were recorded in Slovenia. Their distribution in Slovenia is over-viewed and the importance of local populations for their survival in Europe is evaluated. Among the Endangered species the Slovenian population of Colletes graeffei is important. The species has also its locus typicus in Slovenia. Interesting is the case of Epeolus cruciger which is very numerous in Slovenia due to transition to a secondary host, Colletes hederae. Its other host, Colletes succinctus, is endangered in Slovenia. Key words: European Red List, bees, Apiformes, Hyme-noptera, fauna, Slovenia IZVLEČEK Ogrožene čebele Evrope v Sloveniji Tri ogrožene, sedem ranljivih in 40 potencialno ogroženih vrst z Evropskega rdečega seznama čebel je bilo najdenih v Sloveniji. Podan je pregled razširjenosti teh vrst v Sloveniji in ocenjen pomen lokalnih populacij za njihovo preživetje v Evropi. Med ogroženimi vrstami je pomembna slovenska populacija vrste Colletes graeffei. Vrsta ima v Sloveniji tudi svoj locus typicus. Zanimiv je primer vrste Epeolus cruciger, ki je v Sloveniji zelo številna zaradi prehoda na drugega gostitelja, vrsto Colletes hederae. Njen drugi gostitelj, Colletes succinctus, je v Sloveniji ogrožena vrsta. Ključne besede: Evropski rdeči seznam, čebele, Api-formes, Hymenoptera, favna, Slovenija 1 Prirodoslovni muzej Slovenije, Prešernova 20, p.p. 290, SI-1001 Ljubljana; FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2, 21-43, LJUBLJANA 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA 1 INTRODUCTION Bees are main pollinators in most terrestrial ecosystems as they depend on flowers for food of adults and larvae in their nests. In history, people have created favorable conditions for bees by cultivating meadows and pastures full of flowers where bees found their food and provided them nesting sites in wooden buildings and other structures. With intensification of agriculture only wind pollinated grasses remained in the meadows and concrete buildings do not offer nest opportunities. Pesticides often decimate the numbers of pollinators. The decline of pollinators means not only loss of biodiversity, but also a growing economic problem as many agricultural crops depend on pollination by bees and other insects. Many bee species have become rare and some of them are on the brink of extinction. In 2014 the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) prepared the European Red List of Bees, published by the European Commission (Nieto et al. 2014). It includes 1965 species native to Europe and 9.2% of them are considered threatened with extinction in Europe (9.1% in the 27 member states of the European Union). More than half of the species, however, are classified as Data Deficient as there was not enough scientific information to evaluate their risk. In the territory of Slovenia 563 species of bees were recorded (Gogala 2014), 564 with the inclusion of the alien Megachile sculpturalis (Gogala & Zadravec 2018). We observed the decline of many species after extreme weather conditions, like frosts in spring after warm periods early in the year, when plants flowered too early for the bees to exploit them and heavy droughts in the summer when there was no food for the bees, or a very wet and cold summer in another year. An important problem in Slovenia for the maintenance of numerous bee species is also reforestation of abandoned pastures and other grasslands, especially in the Karst and other submediterranean areas (Gogala 2016). The aim of this overview is to find out if any of the threatened bee species on the regional European level, have strong local populations in Slovenia that could be important for their survival in Europe. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS Data on the presence and distribution of bee species in Slovenia are based on literature and specimens in the collection of the Slovenian Museum of Natural History in Ljubljana (PMSL), largely collected by the author. Documented sightings are also included, especially from the recent years. Localities are classified to UTM quadrants to avoid confusion with similarly named lo- calities elsewhere. Altitude is given in meters above see level. Abbreviations: leg. = legit / collected by vid. = videt / seen by Pl. = Planina / Shepherd's settlement in the mountain Sv. = Sveti / St. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1 Threatened bee species of Europe in Slovenia: Endangered species In Europe (as well as in EU) 46 species are classified as Endangered. Three of them have been found in Slovenia. Locus typicus of one of these is situated in Slovenia. Colletesgraeffei Alfken 1900 Species described from specimens collected in Tolmin, Slovenia, by Eduard Graeffe. It is distributed from Italy to Azerbaijan, known also from Austria, Slovakia, Czech republic, Hungary, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece and Ukraine (Schmid-Egger & Kuhlmann 2008). It collects pollen from Allium species; in Austria and Slovakia exclusively Allium flavum, in Slovenia and Italy Allium pulchellum (treated by some botanists as subspecies of A. carinatum, but both »subspecies« can be found in the same meadow and Colletes graeffei never visits A. carinatum) and in Ukraine Allium waldsteinii (Osychniuk 1970). The species is quite common at the edges of high karst plateaus of Trnovski gozd and Nanos and is occasionally distributed also in the Kras and other karst areas of South-Western Slovenia. It is also present in Polhograjsko hribovje (Polhov Gradec hills) in central Slovenia and was recorded in Rimske Toplice near 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Fig. 1: Colletes graeffei female on Allium pulchellum. Sl. 1: Samica vrste Colletes graeffei na lepem luku. • 2000 * • 1980- 1999 ® ► 1979 Fig. 2: The distribution of Colletes graeffei in Slovenia. Sl. 2: Razširjenost vrste Colletes graeffei v Sloveniji. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Laško (NosKiEWicz 1936), the easternmost record from Slovenia. The population of Trnovski gozd (Trnovo forest) is the most stable and remains strong also in years when the species is not observed at other localities. It was found at altitudes from 250 to 1150 m, but most records are between 400 and 800 m a.s.l. Colletes graeffei was never recorded in the Pannonian lowlands of eastern Slovenia, so it seems there is no connection of the Slovenian population with the Pannonian population of Austria, Slovakia and Hungary, which exploits a different foodplant. Allium flavum is not known to occur in Slovenia (J. Jogan, pers. comm.). Records from Slovenia: Graeffe 1902: Tolmin; NosKiEWicz 1936: Tolmin 1?1& Rimske Toplice 1^; Barbattini et al. 2005: Tolmin 4?1& coll. Graffe Grgar, Ravnica, 400 m, UTM: UL99, 16. 8. 1997, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Polhograjsko hribovje (Polhov Gradec hills): Grmada, 850 m, VM40, 6. 8. 1998, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 7. 8. 2004, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Vojščica, 300 m, UL97, 8. 8. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Nanos: Šembijska bajta, 800 m, VL27, 10. 8. 1996, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Zazid, Lipnik, 700 m, VL13, 26. 7. 2000, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Famlje, Školj, 400 m, VL25, 31. 7. 1998, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Gračišče, Smokvica, 300 m, VL13, 5. 8. 1999, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Trstelj, 600 m, UL97, 15. 8. 1999, 1^, A. Gogala leg., 7. 8. 2010, 1?1^, A. Gogala vid., 2. 8. 2012, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Trnovo, Sedovec, 600 m, VL09, 23. 8. 1997, 1?1& photo A. Gogala Sočerga, Veli Badin, 350 m, VL13, 5. 8. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Kregolišče, 250 m, VL07, 14. 8. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Materija, Brezovica, 500 m, VL25, 26. 8. 2000, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Pivka, Petelinjsko jezero (Petelinje lake), 550 m, VL46, 24. 7. 2001, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Veliki Dol, 250 m, VL07, 13. 8. 2001, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Lukovec, Rabotnica, 400 m, VL07, 14. 8. 2004, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Čaven, Kucelj, 1150 m, VL08, 28. 8. 2004, 1?, A. Goga-la vid. Lukovec, Golec, 350 m, VL07, 6. 8. 2005, 1?, A. Gogala vid.5. 8. 2006, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Lukovec, Poljska gora, 400 m, VL07, 15. 8. 2010, 1?, A. Gogala vid. • 2000 *■ • 1980- 1999 • * 1979 Fig. 3: The distribution of Halictus carinthiacus in Slovenia. Sl. 3: Razširjenost vrste Halictus carinthiacus v Sloveniji. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Kovk, Črne stene, 800 m, VL18, 28. 7. 2012, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Otlica, 800 m, VL18, 25. 7. 2015, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Otlica, Otliško okno, 800 m, VL18, 29. 7. 2017, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Halictus carinthiacus Bluthgen 1936 Halictus carinthiacus is endemic to Europe and is restricted to the Alps, predominantly to the beech forest zone of southern Alps: Austria, Croatia (mountain Učka in Istria), France, Italy, Slovenia and Switzerland (Ebmer 1988). Its distribution is severely fragmented, and there is a continuing decline in the extent of occurrence, area of occupancy, quality of the habitat and number of mature individuals due to climate change, land use change and urbanisation (Michez, Nieto & Pauly 2013). The species was recorded at two widely separated areas in Slovenia: high karst plateaus of Trnovski gozd and Nanos in South-Western Slovenia (sub-Mediterranean region) and the mountain Kum in central Slovenia (pre-Alpine region). Only three males were collected and all records are from the 20th century. Records from Slovenia: Ebmer 1988: Trnovski gozd, Ajdovščina, 800 m, 31. 7. 1972, 1^, Ebmer leg. Nanos: Pleša, 1200 m, VL27, 25. 7. 1992, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Kum, 1200 m, WM00, 26. 7. 1996, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Lasioglossum laeve (Kirby 1802) Widely distributed from England and Spain to Ural, Israel and Iran, but rare, with scattered finds of single specimens only (Ebmer 1988). Only one specimen was found in Slovenia, namely in the mountain Nanos in the nineties: Nanos: Sv. Hieronim, 1000 m, VL27, 17. 7. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. 3.2 Vulnerable species In Europe and EU 24 species are classified as Vulnerable and seven of them have been found in Slovenia. Biastes truncatus (Nylander 1848) In Slovenia Biastes truncatus, a cuckoo bee, was found together with its host, Dufourea dentiventris, in the mountains Nanos (sub-Mediterranean region) and Begunjščica in the Karavanke Mts. (Alpine region). An older specimen originates from Podčetrtek, where the other host, Dufourea inermis, was also collected by E. Jaeger. There are no recent records of D. inermis in Slovenia. Records from Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 5. 8. 1945, 1^, E. Jaeger leg. Nanos: Sv. Hieronim, VL27, 17. 7. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Begunjščica, VM44, 3. 8. 1994, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Bombus confusus Schenck 1861 Only isolated single finds are known for Slovenia, but they belong to both subspecies. Records from Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 27. 8. 1932, 1^, E. Jaeger leg (ssp. confusus Schenck). Metlika, WL25, 8. 5. 2002, 1?, ssp. paradoxus (Dalla Torre 1882), A. Jenič leg. & coll. Bombus gerstaeckeri Morawitz 1881 This oligolectic, on Aconitum specialised Alpine species is distributed in the Julian Alps, Karavanke and Kamnik-Savinja Alps in Slovenia. Records from Slovenia: Barbattini et al. 2007: Mangart, 4. 8. 1896 Bohinj, Pl. Vogar, VM12, 15. 9. 1935, 1^, M. Hafner leg. Olševa, VM74, 12. 8. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Bohinj: Ukanc, VM02, 21. 8. 1996, 1? on Aconitum, A. Gogala vid. Jezersko, Češka koča, Mrzla dolina, 1500 m, VM63, 25. 8. 2009, 1^, photo A. Gogala Bombus muscorum (Fabricius 1793) Only a record from the Sečovlje salt-pans is known for Slovenia. The species was found there only once. Record from Slovenia: Sečovlje, Fontanigge, UL93, 24. 8. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Bombuspomorum (Panzer 1805) The only record of this species for Slovenia is a specimen from Postojna in the Trieste museum. Record from Slovenia: Barbattini et al.2007: Postojna, 4. 1927, 1?, E. Stolfa leg. Colletes floralis Eversmann 1852 Only Vogrin (1955) reported this species for Slovenia. Record from Slovenia: Vogrin 1955: Kamnik, 5. 8. Colletes fodiens (Geoffroy in Fourcroy 1785) Colletes fodiens was once common on the gravel banks of the river Sava near Ljubljana, where it collected pollen primarily from Tanacetum vulgare. The 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Fig. 4: Bombus gerstaeckeri male on Aconitum. Sl. 4: Samec vrste Bombus gerstaeckeri na preobjedi. • 2000 * • 1980- 1999 • * 1979 Fig. 5: The distribution of Bombus gerstaeckeri in Slovenia. Sl. 5: Razširjenost vrste Bombus gerstaeckeri v Sloveniji 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA present situation is not known since the land was largely overgrown by introduced invasive plants or used as a landfill. The only other record is a sole specimen from Bevke in the Ljubljana moors. Records from Slovenia: Ljubljana, Črnuče, Jarški prod, VM60, 11. 8. 1993, 2?2$, A. Gogala leg., 6. 8. 2004, 1?, A. Gogala vid., 10. 8. 2004, 1$, A. Gogala leg. Bevke, VL49, 5. 8. 1996, 1?, A. Gogala leg. 3.3 Near threatened species Bees in this category are officially not threatened with extinction yet, but they can become threatened soon if their living conditions worsen. In Europe and EU 101 species are classified as Near Threatened and 40 of them have been recorded in Slovenia. Andrena fulvida Schenck 1853 Andrena fulvida was found in Podčetrtek in the thirties, on banks of the Sava river near Ljubljana in the nineties and in the Iški Vintgar gorge in 2010. Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 15. 5. 1932, 1$, 14. 6. 1932, 1?, E. Jaeger leg. Ljubljana, Črnuče, VM60, 15. 6. 1993, 3?, A. Gogala leg., 6. 5. 1994, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Iški Vintgar: Vrbica, VL68, 8. 6. 2010 on Hemerocallis lilioasphodelus, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Andrena hattorfiana (Fabricius 1775) This is a common, widely distributed species in Slovenia, recorded from all parts of the country. Its foodplants, Knautia spp., are still numerous. Andrena ovatula (Kirby 1802) Andrena ovatula was very numerous and distributed in all parts of Slovenia in the nineties, but then suddenly disappeared from most of its range. There is only one record after the year 2000, from the Brdo Estate near Kranj: Kranj, Brdo, VM52, 8. 5. 2007, 1$, A. Gogala leg. k \ t • J / r « i A \ 'V Fig. 6: Andrena hattorfiana female on Knautia illyrica. Sl. 6: Samica vrste Andrena hattorfiana na ilirskem grabljišču. FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 27 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA • 2000 » • 1980 -1999 •»1979 Fig. 7: The distribution of Andrena hattorfiana in Slovenia. Sl. 7: Razširjenost vrste Andrena hattorfiana v Sloveniji. • 2000 » • 1980-1999 • » 1979 Fig. 8: The distribution of Andrena ovatula in Slovenia. Sl. 8: Razširjenost vrste Andrena ovatula v Sloveniji. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Melitturga clavicornis (Latreille 1806) Only one old record of this species in Slovenia exists: Gogala 1994: Maribor, WM55, 12. 7. 1921, 1^, E. Jaeger leg. Bombus mendax Gerstaecker 1869 Besides specimens in the Graeffe collection, which are without the locality data, the only record of the species is from the vicinity of Mt. Triglav in the Julian Alps. Barbattini et al. 2007: Carniola, 2?1^, coll. Graffe Triglav, Konjski preval, 2000 m, VM13, 7. 8. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Bombus mucidus Gerstaecker 1869 The species is distributed in the Karavanke Mts. and the Julian Alps. Košuta: Pl. Šija, 1530 - 1800 m, VM44, 20. 8. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Golica, 1500 m, VM24, 12. 8. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 21. 7. 2010, 1?, A. Gogala vid., 23. 8. 2010, 1? on Cirsium eriophorum, A. Gogala vid. Ratitovec, Razor, 1460 m, 28. 7. 2010, 1? on Anthyllis vulneraria, photo A. Gogala Košuta: Pl. Dolga njiva, 1500 m, VM54, 4. 8. 2018, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Epeolus cruciger (Panzer 1799) Epeolus cruciger is a very common cuckoo bee in the sub-Mediterranean region of Slovenia, where its host is Colletes hederae Schmidt & Westrich 1993. It is regularly seen on the nest aggregations of this autumn species. Colletes succinctus (Linnaeus 1758) is not distributed in this part of Slovenia, the only place where Epeolus cruciger was found together with this host species is in Spodnji Brnik near Kranj. Bogusch & Had-rava (2018) treat the informations about Colletes hederae as a host of E. cruciger by Amiet et al. (2007) as not trustworthy. However, there is no doubt about this association in Slovenia. In western Mediterranean, Colletes hederae is parasitized by Epeolus fallax Mora-witz, which is not known in Slovenia (Bogusch & Hadrava 2018). Records from Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 10. 9. 1925, 1?, E. Jaeger leg. Brje pri Komnu, VL07, 29. 9. 1990, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 31. 8. 1991, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Gorjansko, UL97, 1. 9. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 7. 9. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Koštabona, Škrline, VL03, 29. 6. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Sp. Brnik, VM62, 29. 8. 1993, 1?1& A. Gogala leg. Brestovica, UL97, 6. 9. 1992, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Hrastovlje, VL14, 5. 9. 1993, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Gorjansko, Vale, UL97, 27. 9. 1997, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Gračišče, Smokvica, VL13, 5. 8. 1999, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Boršt, dolina Dragonje (Dragonja valley), VL03, 24. 9. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Ravnje, Raša, dolina Raše (Raša valley), VL17, 30. 8. 2008, 1?1^, A. Gogala leg. Stomaž, Sela, dolina Raše, VL16, 13. 9. 2009, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 3. 9. 2016, 2 ex., A. Gogala vid. Nomada argentata Herrich-Schaffer 1839 This species is regularly seen in Brje near Komen in the Kras (Karst) on Scabiosa, together with ist host, Andrena marginata Fabricius 1776. Brje pri Komnu, VL07, 14. 10. 1990, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 13. 10. 1996, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 31. 8. 2008, 2^, A. Gogala leg., 1?, photo A. Gogala, 6. 9. 2009, 1^, photo A. Gogala, 1?, A. Gogala vid., 2. 9. 2018, 1ex. on Scabiosa, A. Gogala vid. Nomada armata Herrich-Schaffer 1839 Like its host, Andrena hattorfiana (Fabricius), it is distributed in all parts of Slovenia. Records from Slovenia: Graffe 1892: Gorica; Graeffe 1902: Gorica Erlandsson 1991: Celje, Vojnik, WM22, 23. 6. 1961, 2? Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 20. 6. 1932, 1?, E. Jaeger leg. Log, Lukovica, VL59, 10. 6. 1992, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 28. 5. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Štatenberg, WM53, 15. 5. 1994, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Čezsoča, UM83, 2. 6. 1994, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Pl. Vogar, VM12, 7. 7. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Dragonja, UL93, 10. 6. 1997, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Vremščica, VL26, 5. 7. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 4. 7. 1992, 1?, A. Gogala leg. M. Žablje, VL18, 23. 5. 1993, A. Gogala leg. Ljubljana, Črnuče, Jarški prod, VM60, 1. 6. 2005, 1^, photo A. Gogala Nanos, VL27, 1. 8. 2004, A. Gogala vid. Nomada braunsiana Schmiedeknecht 1882 Found only once in the Kras (Karst): Brje pri Komnu, VL07, 6. 6. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Nomada errans Lepeletier 1841 It was not rare in central Slovenia in the nineties, but present situation is not known. Records from Slovenia: 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Fig. 9: Epeolus cruciger female on the nest aggregation of Colletes hederae. Sl. 9: Samica vrste Epeolus cruciger na gnezdišču vrste Colletes hederae. • 2000 » • 1980 - 1999 • » 1979 Fig. 10: The distribution of Epeolus cruciger in Slovenia. Sl. 10: Razširjenost vrste Epeolus cruciger v Sloveniji. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 16. 9. 1933, 1?, E. Jaeger leg. Sorško polje, VM51, 14. 8. 1932, 1^, M. Hafner leg. Log, Lukovica, VL59, 16. 7. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 20. 7. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 30. 7. 1991, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Topol, Grmada, VM40, 1. 8. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Rakitna, VL58, 27. 7. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Brezovica pri Lj., VL59, 29. 7. 1991, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Nomada mutica Morawitz 1872 Was not rare in the nineties, but not recorded after the year 2000. Records from Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 26. 4. 1934, 1^, E. Jaeger leg. Brje pri Komnu, VL07, 1. 5. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Gorjansko, UL97, 27. 4. 1992, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Log, Lukovica, VL59, 6. 5. 1992, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 4. 5. 1989, 1?, photo A. Gogala Ozeljan, VL08, 22. 5. 1994, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Cerknica, Dolenje Jezero, VL56, 9. 5. 1995, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Gaberje, Koboli, VL17, 1. 5. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Nomada obtusifrons Nylander 1848 Found on Mt. Begunjščica in the Karavanke: Begunjščica, VM44, 3. 8. 1994, 4?, A. Gogala leg. Nomada opaca Alfken 1913 The more recent find is from the banks of the Sava river near Ljubljana. Records from Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 15. 5. 1932, 1^, E. Jaeger leg. Ljubljana, Črnuče, Jarški prod, VM60, 6. 5. 1994, 4^, A. Gogala leg. Nomada rhenana Morawitz 1872 Only an old record from Podčetrtek exists for Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 14. 6. 1932, 1?, E. Jaeger leg. Nomada symphyti Stoeckhert 1930 Although its host, Andrena symphyti Schmiedeknecht 1883, is widely distributed, only one male was found near Dobova: Dobova, Mihalovec, WL58, 13. 5. 1994, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Nomada villosa Thomson 1870 Only an old record from Podčetrtek exists for Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 20. 6. 1932, 1?, E. Jaeger leg. Triepeolus tristis (Smith 1854) It was recorded in the sub-Pannonian region of Slovenia together with its host, Tetralonia malvae (Rossi, 1790). It was found also at the coast in Sečovlje salt-pans where Tetraloniella nana (Morawitz 1873) was its host. Records from Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 21. 8. 1930, 1?, E. Jaeger leg. Sečovlje, Fontanigge, UL93, 30. 7. 1995, 1?3& A. Gogala leg. Petišovci, XM15, 4. 8. 1995, 3^, A. Gogala leg. Vonarje, WM41, 6. 8. 1996, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Colletes albomaculatus (Lucas 1849) Only one specimen was found on an isolated limestone ground in the Dragonja valley in Istria. Dragonja, Sv. Štefan, UL93, 31. 5. 1997, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Colletes succinctus (Linnaeus 1758) Known from a few localities in central and east Slovenia. Recently the species has disappeared at least from part of its range. In 2018 I searched for it at the place near Spodnji Brnik, where a strong population existed in the nineties. It was not found, even Calluna, its foodplant, almost disappeared from the undergrowth, being replaced by other vegetation. Records from Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 8. 9. 1932, 1?, E. Jaeger leg. Sp. Brnik, VM62, 29. 8. 1993, 2?, A. Gogala leg., 10. 8. 1993, 3^, A. Gogala leg. Log, Lukovica, VL59, 31. 8. 1993, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Vel. Račna, Radensko polje, VL78, 27. 8. 2011, 1?1^, photo A. Gogala Dufourea dentiventris (Nylander 1848) Widely distributed in the Alps and the mountains Nanos and Kum. Records from Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Bohinj, VM12, 29. 7. 1932, 1^, Jaeger leg. Nanos: Pleša, VL27, 25. 7. 1992, 2?, A. Gogala leg. Nanos: Sv. Hieronim, VL27, 25. 7. 1992, A. Gogala leg., 30. 7. 2004, 1?, photo A. Gogala, 9. 8. 1997, 1?1& A. Gogala vid. Nanos: Sv. Hieronim - Pleša, VL27, 4. 7. 1998, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Korensko sedlo, VM05, 23. 7. 1993, 2?1& A. Gogala leg. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Fig. 11: Colletes succinctus female on its foodplant Calluna vulgaris. Sl. 11: Samica vrste Colletes succinctus na njeni hranilni rastlini, jesenski vresi. Fig. 12: The distribution of Colletes succinctus in Slovenia. Sl. 12: Razširjenost vrste Colletes succinctus v Sloveniji. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA • 2000 » • 1980- 1999 #»1979 Fig. 13: The distribution of Dufourea dentiventris in Slovenia. Sl. 13: Razširjenost vrste Dufourea dentiventris v Sloveniji. Olševa, VM74, 12. 8. 1993, 1?1$, A. Gogala leg. Soriška planina, VM22, 23. 7. 1994, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Begunjščica, VM44, 3. 8. 1994, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Pl. Vogar, VM12, 7. 7. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 15. 6. 1996, 1$, A. Gogala leg. Soča, UM93, 2. 6. 1994, 1$, A. Gogala leg. Mali Kum, WM00, 26. 7. 1996, 1$, A. Gogala leg. Dufourea inermis (Nylander 1848) Only old records exist for this species. Probably extinct in Slovenia. Graffe 1895: Hrpelje Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 6. 8. 1932, 1?, 1. 8. 1939, 1$, Jaeger leg. Dufourea minuta Lepeletier 1841 All more recent records are from the year 1996, when the species was in expansion. Not found since then. Records from Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Olševa, 1700 m, 27. 7. 1932, 1?1$, Jaeger leg.; Podčetrtek, WM41, 31. 8. 1933, 1?, Jaeger leg. Vonarje, WM41, 6. 8. 1996, 3?5$, A. Gogala leg. Log, Lukovica, VL59, 9. 8. 1996, 1?1$, A. Gogala leg. Gradišče pri Lukovici, VM71, 23. 8. 1996, 1?, A. Goga-la leg. Halictus quadricinctus (Fabricius 1776) Distributed in the sub-Mediterranean region and the Dinaric mountains: Brje pri Komnu, VL07, 5. 10. 1991, 1$, A. Gogala leg. Debeli rtič, UL94, 16. 5. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Dragonja, Stena, UL93, 30. 7. 1995, 1$, A. Gogala leg. Gorjansko, Vale, UL97, 8. 8. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Snežnik, 1550 m, VL54, 21. 7. 2006, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Slavnik, VL14, 2. 8. 2007, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Škrbina, Šibelji, VL07, 12. 7. 2009, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Cerknica, Slivnica, VL57, 23. 8. 2013 on Cirsium, 1$, A. Gogala vid. Lasioglossum angusticeps (Perkins 1895) Primarily in Istria and Kras, but also in east Slovenia. Recent records are not known. Records from Slovenia: Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 13. 8. 1931, 1$, Jaeger leg. Sečovlje, Fontanigge, UL93, 24. 8. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 30. 5. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Fig. 14: Halictus quadricinctus female on Cirsium. Sl. 14: Samica vrste Halictus quadricinctus na osatu. • 2000 * • 1980- 1999 • * 1979 Fig. 15: The distribution of Halictus quadricinctus in Slovenia. Sl. 15: Razširjenost vrste Halictus quadricinctus v Sloveniji. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Fig. 16: Lasioglossum costulatum female visits Campanula flowers for its food. Sl. 16: Samica vrste Lasioglossum costulatum zbira hrano na cvetovih zvončic. • 2000 > m 1980- 1999 • * 1979 Fig. 17: The distribution of Lasioglossum costulatum in Slovenia. Sl. 17: Razširjenost vrste Lasioglossum costulatum v Sloveniji. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Sela na Krasu, UL97, 30. 4. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Padna, UL93, 16. 5. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Obrež, Grabe, WM94, 29. 6. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Strunjan, UL94, 27. 6. 1995, 1(, A. Gogala leg. Lasioglossum costulatum (Kriechbaumer 1873) Widely distributed on Campanula spp. in Slovenia. Records from Slovenia: Vogrin 1955: Solčava, 28. 7. Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 20. 5. 1933, 1?, 24. 7. 1931, 1(5", Jaeger leg. Stari trg ob Kolpi, WL03, 26. 5. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Strunjan, UL94, 22. 7. 1994, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Padna, UL93, 16. 5. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Nanos: Sv. Hieronim, VL27, 10. 8. 1996, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 13. 7. 2009, 1?, photo A. Gogala Snežnik, 1600 m, VL54, 19. 7. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Pivka, Trnje, V. vrh, VL46, 31. 8. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Pivka, Palčje, Palško jezero (Palčje lake), VL46, 13. 10. 2007, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Dragonja, Stena, UL93, 13. 7. 1995, 1(, A. Gogala leg. Brje pri Komnu, VL07, 26. 7. 1998, 1(, A. Gogala leg. Cerkniško jezero (Cerknica lake): Laze - Otok, VL56, 4. 8. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Sečovlje, Fontanigge, UL93, 7. 6. 1994, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Temnica, UL97, 3. 7. 2004, 1?, photo A. Gogala Lukovec, VL07, 12. 7. 2009, 1?, photo A. Gogala Lasioglossum duckei (Alfken 1909) Only two records for Slovenia, from the Kras (Karst) and the Karst edge: Ebmer 1988: Divača (Bluthgen 1923) Hrastovlje, VL14, 9. 6. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Lasioglossum intermedium (Schenck 1868) Only one record for Slovenia: Sp. Pirniče, VM51, 8. 6. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Lasioglossum laevigatum (Kirby 1802) Widely distributed in Slovenia. Records from Slovenia: Vogrin 1955: Podčetrtek, 23. 4., 16. 5., 28. 7., Jaeger leg. Gogala 1994: Olševa, VM74, 22. 7. 1933, 1?, Jaeger leg., Podčetrtek, WM41, 2. 6. 1933, 1?, Jaeger leg. Log, Lukovica, VL59, 13. 5. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 28. 5. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Lipica, VL15, 16. 5. 1992, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Stari trg ob Kolpi, WL03, 26. 5. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Radovna, VM24, 1. 6. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Črni Vrh, Pasja ravan, VM40, 2. 6. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Rakitna, VL58, 11. 6. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Prtovč, VM32, 1. 7. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Črni Vrh, VM40, 29. 4. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Kum, WM00, 23. 7. 1997, 1?, A. Kapla leg. Polhov Gradec, Setnica, VM40, 15. 5. 2008, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Jakobski Dol, Drankovec, WM56, 24. 4. 2011, 1?, T. Trilar leg. Lasioglossum majus (Nylander 1852) Widely distributed and not rare in Slovenia. Records from Slovenia: Vogrin 1955: Podčetrtek, 11./14. 6., 28. 7., Jaeger leg. Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 28. 4. 1934, 1?, Jaeger leg. Log, Lukovica, VL59, 10. 6. 1992, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 30. 7. 1991, 1^, A. Gogala leg. Želimlje, VL68, 22. 6. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Ljubljana, Črnuče, VM60, 27. 7. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Koštabona, Škrline, VL03, 22. 4. 1994, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Stara Fužina, VM12, 25. 5. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Obrež, Grabe, WM94, 29. 6. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Kregolišče, VL07, 31. 7. 1991, A. Gogala leg. Rakov Škocjan, VL47, 6. 6. 1998, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Boršt, dolina Dragonje (Dragonja valley), VL03, 24. 9. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Kranj, Brdo, VM52, 12. 9. 2007, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Gorenja Brezovica, VL58, 31. 5. 2007, 1?, photo A. Gogala Cerkniško jezero (Cerknica lake): Jamski zaliv, VL46, 9. 2010, 1^, photo A. Gogala Lasioglossum sexnotatum (Kirby 1802) Only old records from before 1940 for Slovenia. Probably extinct. Gogala 1994: Podčetrtek, WM41, 4. 6. 1932, 1?, Jaeger leg. Sorško polje, 22. 5. 1932, 1?, M. Hafner leg. Ljubljanska okolica (Ljubljana environs), 18. 6. 1935, 1?, M. Hafner leg. Lasioglossum subaenescens (Pérez 1895) Recorded in Istria and the river Reka valley: Movraž, VL13, 14. 6. 1991, 2?, A. Gogala leg. Dragonja, UL93, 23. 5. 1998, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Zabiče, VL44, 26. 5. 2001, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Lasioglossum xanthopus (Kirby 1802) Numerous in the Kras (Karst) on Salvia pratensis in the nineties, but much rarer now. Records from Slovenia: 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Fig. 18: Lasioglossum laevigatum female on Biscutella laevigata. Sl. 18: Samica vrste Lasioglossum laevigatum na navadni šparnici. • 2000 * • 1980- 1999 • * 1979 Fig. 19: The distribution of Lasioglossum laevigatum in Slovenia. Sl. 19: Razširjenost vrste Lasioglossum laevigatum v Sloveniji. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Fig. 20: Lasioglossum majus male. Sl. 20: Samec vrste Lasioglossum majus. Fig. 21: The distribution of Lasioglossum majus in Slovenia. Sl. 21: Razširjenost vrste Lasioglossum majus v Sloveniji. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Brestovica, UL97, 2. 5. 1990, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 11. 3. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Brje pri Komnu, VL07, 13. 5. 1990, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 1. 6. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 13. 10. 1996, 15, A. Gogala leg. Kregolišče, VL07, 1. 6. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Lipica, VL15, 16. 5. 1992, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Zaplana, Strmica, VL49, 27. 5. 1998, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Kastelec, VL14, 17. 6. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Lukovec, VL07, 21. 4. 2007, 1?, photo A. Gogala Krka, VL88, 22. 5. 2004, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Pivka, Parje, VL35, 20. 5. 2009, 1?, A. Gogala vid. Veliki Dol, VL07, 21. 5. 1997, 1?, I. Bischoff leg. Dane, VL16, 19. 5. 1997, 1?, I. Bischoff leg. Rophites quinquespinosus Spinola 1808 It was not rare in Slovenia on Betonica officinalis in the nineties. Present situation is not known. Records from Slovenia: Erlandsson 1979: Vojnik, 23. 6. 1961, 15 Gogala 1994: Prekmurje: Gančani, WM41, 10. 6. 1993, 1?, S. Gomboc leg., Podčetrtek, WM41, 13. 7. 1932, 1?, Jaeger leg. Log, Lukovica, VL59, 4. 7. 1990, 1?15, A. Gogala leg., 7. 7. 1990, 2?25, A. Gogala leg., 11. 7. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 11. 7. 1990, 15, A. Gogala leg., 29. 6. 1991, 15, A. Gogala leg., 7. 7. 1991, 15, A. Gogala leg., 11. 8. 2004, 1?, photo A. Gogala Pl. Vogar, VM12, 21. 8. 1996, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 20. 7. 1996, 15, A. Gogala leg. Cerkniško jezero (Cerknica lake): Zadnji kraj, VL56, 3. 8. 1997, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Pivka, Trnje, Petelinjsko jez., VL46, 31. 8. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Gradišče pri Lukovici, VM71, 11. 7. 1996, 15, A. Goga-la leg. Krško, Anovec, WL49, 1. 8. 1996, 15, A. Gogala leg. Bloke: Volčje, VL67, 3. 7. 2010 on Betonica, 15, A. Gogala leg. Sphecodes hyalinatus Hagens 1882 Widely distributed and not rare in Slovenia. Records from Slovenia: Slavnik, VL14, 22. 5. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Log, Lukovica, VL59, 29. 8. 1991, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Kamniška Bistrica, VM63, 29. 7. 1993, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Ig, Škrilje, Stražar, 720 m, VL68, 2. 5. 1999, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Jurišče, Kršičevec, VL45, 22. 8. 2008, 1?25, A. Gogala leg. Radovna, VM24, 10. 8. 1994, 15, A. Gogala leg. Pivka, Klenik, Palško jezero (Palčje lake), VL46, 31. 8. 1999, 1(5", A. Gogala leg. Krim, Planinca, VL59, 24. 4. 2008, 1?, photo A. Goga-la Sphecodes majalis Pérez 1903 Widely distributed, but present situation is not known. Records from Slovenia: Log, Lukovica, VL59, 6. 5. 1992, 2?, A. Gogala leg., 27. 4. 1995, 1(, A. Gogala leg. Koštabona, Škrline, VL03, 22. 4. 1994, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Vinica, WL23, 3. 6. 1995, 2?, M. Gogala leg. Tublje pri Komnu, VL07, 26. 4. 1998, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Sphecodes spinulosus Hagens 1875 Found in the Kras (Karst), but only once. Kregolišče, VL07, 16. 5. 1992, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Anthidium montanum Morawitz 1864 Found in the Soča valley in the Julian Alps. Soča, UM93, 2. 6. 1994, 15, A. Gogala leg. Melitta dimidiata Morawitz 1876 Found on the gravel banks of the Sava river near Ljubljana in the nineties. Probably extinct. Ljubljana, Črnuče, VM60, 14. 6. 1994, 1?, A. Gogala leg., 15. 6. 1995, 15, A. Gogala leg. Melitta tricincta Kirby 1802 Widely distributed in Slovenia, but rare. Probably extinct on the banks of the Sava river near Ljubljana, where Odontites, its foodplant, was overgrown by other vegetation. Ljubljana, Črnuče, VM60, 11. 8. 1993, 2?2(, A. Gogala leg., Tomačevski prod, 31. 8. 2005, 15, photo A. Gogala Cerknica, Dolenje Jezero, VL56, 26. 8. 1995, 1?, A. Gogala leg. Kamnik, VM62, 20. 8. 1994, 15, A. Gogala leg. Dragonja, Stena, UL93, 11. 9. 1995, 15, A. Gogala leg. Podčetrtek, WM41, 31. 8. 1933, 1?, E. Jaeger leg. (Gogala, 1994) Gračišče, Butari, VL13, 16. 9. 1998, 15, A. Gogala vid. Pivka, Zagorje, Grad Kalec (Kalec castle), VL45, 29. 8. 2010 on Odontites luteus, 1?, photo A. Gogala Cerkniško jezero (Cerknica lake): Gorica, VL56, 29. 8. 2014 on Odontites vulgaris, 151?, A. Gogala vid. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Fig. 22: Lasioglossum xanthopus female on Salvia pratensis. Sl. 22: Samica vrste Lasioglossum xanthopus na travniški kadulji. • 2000 * • 1980- 1999 • «► 1979 Fig. 23: The distribution of Lasioglossum xanthopus in Slovenia. Sl. 23: Razširjenost vrste Lasioglossum xanthopus v Sloveniji. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA Fig. 24: Rophites quinquespinosus female on Betonica officinalis. Sl. 24: Samica vrste Rophites quinquespinosus na navadnem čistecu. • 2000 » • 1980- 1999 • ► 1979 Fig. 25: The distribution of Rophites quinquespinosus in Slovenia. Sl. 25: Razširjenost vrste Rophites quinquespinosus v Sloveniji. 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA 4 CONCLUSIONS The population of Colletes graeffei in Slovenia is important for the survival of the species in Europe. The region of Trnovski gozd and Nanos is its core area from which it disperses during more favorable conditions. In the same area also the other two Endangered species were found. Among the Vulnerable species, Biastes truncatus can be supported by the population of Dufourea den-tiventris in the Alps and the Mt. Nanos again. Bombus gerstaeckeri, distributed in the Alps, could survive on the Aconitum, a common plant there. The fate of Colletes fodiens, on the other hand, is uncertain. Also its relative, Colletes similis, once very numerous and widely distributed, disappeared in recent years. Records of the other four Vulnerable species are scarce. Andrena hattorfiana stands out of the other Near Threatened species with many records from all parts of Slovenia and also recent sightings. Although the trend of intensification or reforestation of grasslands is not favorable, the Knautia plants are still numerous in Slovenia. Epeolus cruciger has also very strong population in Slovenia due to transition to a secondary host, Colletes hederae. This host species is very numerous in the sub-Mediterranean region when Hedera helix blooms. The other host, Colletes succinctus, is very rare and endangered in Slovenia. Some Halictid species are numerous or widely distributed in Slovenia. Halictus quadricinctus is distributed in the sub-Mediterranean and Dinaric regions. Lasioglos-sum costulatum, L. laevigatum and L. majus are widely distributed. Lasioglossum xanthopus was numerous in the nineties, but is rare now. Rophites quinquespinosus was also widely distributed and is now in regression. We can conclude that some bee species, threatened with extinction in Europe, have still strong or important populations in Slovenia. But the disappearance of favorable habitats continues and only active conservation efforts and better agricultural policy can make survival possible for the majority of bees and other pollinators. We cannot do much, however, against extreme wheather conditions, stimulated by global climate change. 5 POVZETEK Leta 2014 je Mednarodno združenje za varstvo narave (IUCN) pripravilo Evropski rdeči seznam čebel, ki ga je izdala Evropska komisija (Nieto et al. 2014). Vsebuje 1965 v Evropi domorodnih vrst in 9,2% jih je označenih za ogrožene pred izumrtjem v Evropi (9,1% v 27 članicah Evropske unije). Vendar je več kot polovica vrst uvrščenih med vrste s premalo podatki, da bi lahko opredelili njihovo stopnjo ogroženosti. Na ozemlju Slovenije je bilo najdenih 563 vrst čebel (Gogala 2014), 564 skupaj s tujerodno vrsto Megachile sculptu-ralis (Gogala & Zadravec 2018). Opazili smo upad mnogih vrst po izjemnih vremenskih razmerah. Pomembna težava v Sloveniji je tudi zaraščanje opuščenih pašnikov in drugih travišč (Gogala 2016). Namen tega pregleda je ugotoviti, ali ima katera od vrst, ogroženih na evropski ravni, v Sloveniji močne populacije, ki bi bile lahko pomembne za preživetje vrste v Evropi. Vrsta Colletes graeffei je bila opisana po primerkih iz Slovenije in ima tu pomembno populacijo za preživetje vrste. Njeno osrednje območje sta Trnovski gozd in Nanos, od koder se razširi, kadar so ugodne razmere. V tem območju sta bili najdeni tudi drugi dve v Evropi ogroženi vrsti, ki živita v Sloveniji. Med ranljivimi vrstami kukavičjo čebelo Biastes truncatus vzdr- žuje populacija gostiteljske vrste Dufourea dentiventris v Alpah in, ponovno, na Nanosu. V Alpah je razširjen čmrlj Bombus gerstaeckeri, ki se hrani na preobjedah. Usoda vrste Colletes fodiens pa je negotova, saj so njeno glavno najdišče v Sloveniji, prodišča ob reki Savi pri Ljubljani, prerasle tujerodne rastlinske vrste. Med potencialno ogroženimi vrstami izstopa pe-ščinska čebela Andrena hattorfiana z najdbami po celi Sloveniji, vključno z nedavnimi opažanji. Njene hranilne rastline, grabljišča, so v Sloveniji še vedno pogoste. Kukavičja čebela Epeolus cruciger ima v Sloveniji močno populacijo zaradi prehoda na drugega gostitelja, vrsto Colletes hederae. Ta je zelo številna v subme-diteranskem območju, ko cveti bršljan. Druga gostiteljica, vrsta Colletes succinctus, je redka in ogrožena v Sloveniji. Nekatere brazdarke (Halictidae) so v Sloveniji številne in zelo razširjene. Vrsta Halictus quadricinc-tus je razširjena v submediteranskem in dinarskem območju. Zelo razširjene so vrste Lasioglossum costulatum, L. laevigatum in L. majus. Vrsta Lasioglossum xanthopus je bila pogosta v devetdesetih letih, a je sedaj redka. Tudi vrsta Rophites quinquespinosus je bila zelo razširjena in je sedaj v upadu. Zaključimo lahko, da imajo nekatere v Evropi ogrožene vrste čebel v Sloveniji še vedno močne in po- 22 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 59/2 - 2018 ANDREJ GOGALA: THREATENED BEE SPECIES OF EUROPE IN SLOVENIA membne populacije. A izginjanje ustreznih habitatov se nadaljuje in le z dejavnim naravovarstvom in boljšo kmetijsko politiko lahko zagotovimo preživetje večine čebel in drugih opraševalcev. Ne moremo pa storiti veliko proti izjemnim vremenskim razmeram, ki jih spodbujajo globalne klimatske spremembe. REFERENCES - LITERATURA Amiet, F., M. Herrmann, A. Müller, R. Neumeyer, 2007: Apidae 5. 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