On the occasion of 200th anniversary of the birth of Dr Janez Bleiweis 143 seriously threaten the future of the Slovene nation. In accordance with these views of Slovene opportunities and needs he tried to direct Slovene politics and avoid divisions and extremes in political life. The authors of this volume of the Slovenian Veterinary Research summarise and comment on what was written and said about Bleiweis during his life, in the periods that followed and in last decades. In this light they convincingly portray him as one of the central characters of the Slovene history of the 19th century, who must not sink into oblivion. SOME REFLECTIONS ON THE FIGURE AND WORK OF THE FATHER OF THE SLOVENE NATION Srdan V. Bavdek Ulica Antona Kodra 11, 4207 Cerklje na Gorenjskem While Dr Janez Bleiweis (1808-1881), a doctor and veterinary surgeon, enjoyed the reputation of "the father of the Slovene nation" among his contemporaries, he was also a target of quite some criticism, which in the 20th century intensified and consequently diminished, belittled and pushed into oblivion the former leader's reputation. We managed to refute a number of these criticisms. We have found that Bleiweis was determined in his efforts for the Slovene language and the nation's rights as well as in defending the autonomy of knowledge (reason) and in disagreeing with dogmatisms (such as clericalism). He was correct and measured in his attitude to religion and politically cautious (pragmatic) towards both secular and church authority. Such structuring of personal characteristics suited his programme orientation and desires. Bleiweis was the first to comprehensively connect national revival with national movement. He gave the national revival program of the enlightenment circle of the late 18th century concrete substance in cultural, economic and political areas. The physiocratic-utilitarian national programme of the enlightenment was given fresh impetus and was largely realized between 1843 and 1881, thanks to Bleiweis. He can be counted among the most active, committed and consistent agents of social development in the history of the Slovene language. In our recent historiography Bleiweis has been called our first and only politician (already) at the time when the absolutist regime would not allow any. The second part of this claim gives the circumstances, while the first one is substantive. In it one can see national emphasis and pioneer significance. Bleiweis is therefore the leader of our political and social life on the national basis. This is consistent with the title of "the father of the nation". In or discussion we devoted special attention to the relationship between Bleiweis and the poet France Prešeren (1800-1849), who is seen as the central figure of the Slovene culture. In the context of our discussion it is only reasonable to join the historic messages of Prešeren and Bleiweis, into a solid notion of the national being of the Slovenes and their common house, which was built on the founda- tions of the nation's self-assertion and a strong desire for coexistence in a common state. FORENSIC MEDICINE - AN UNKNOWN SIDE OF DR JANEZ BLEIWEIS Janez Burnik Ulica Gorenjske brigade 9, 5000 Nova Gorica Most Slovenes see Dr Janez Bleiweis as a conservative politician and representative of the Old Slovene movement, which resisted the development of the Slovene language and remained loyal to the Emperor's / King's court law. His enlightenment work as editor of Kmetijske in rokodelske novice (Farmers' and Craftsmen's News) is also well known among Slovenes. What is not widely known is that he was a reputable doctor and professor of veterinary medicine and forensic medicine at the Ljubljana Medico-surgical Institute. There are no written sources about his forensic work and we can only surmise that he may have participated in court proceedings as an expert. He preserved for us the language of forensic medicine of that era, as from mid-September to early December of 1852 the News published the Slovene text of the penal code used at the time. The translation of the penal code was not his work. Slovene forensic medicine started developing about fifty years later, when forensic expert opinions of F. Zupanc, P. De Franceschi and A. Homan were published. For his great contribution to the development of veterinary medicine and education, Bleiweis definitely did not deserve the disregard and neglect that he seems to receive. His work at the Medico-surgical Institute and later his establishment of a veterinary and farrier school should ensure that this proud, if unrebellious, Slovene is remembered. MEDICAL AND VETERINARY EDUCATION IN THE AUSTRO-HUNGARIAN MONARCHY UP TO THE 19TH CENTURY Andrej Pengov Institute for Microbiology and Parasitology, Veterinary Faculty, Gerbiceva 60, 1000 Ljubljana We usually judge the figure and work of Dr Janez Bleiweis by his endeavours for the rise of our literature, his role in the politics of the time and his merits in veterinary medicine and agriculture in Car-niola. It should not be overlooked, however, that Dr Bleiweis was primarily a doctor by profession, which was at that time and up until the end of the 19th century the basic precondition for entering a two-year course in veterinary medicine. Those who successfully completed the course were awarded Bachelor's degrees in veterinary medicine and, after 1841, Master's degrees in veterinary medicine. Surgeons as well could enrol in the course and were upon its completion awarded the same degree, which in Bleiweis' time allowed Masters of veterinary medicine to practice on all animal species all over the monarchy. The