Slov Vet Res 2007; 44 (4): 133-4 PROF. DR. MILAN POGAČNIK - DOCTOR HONORIS CAUSA Prof. Dr. Milan Pogačnik (left) receiving honorary doctorate from the rector of Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje Prof. Dr. Gjorgji Martinovski Not many members of the University of Ljubljana had received the title of honoris causa in the last few years. Therefore, the news that professor Pogačnik, full professor of the veterinary pathology, forensic and administrative veterinary medicine, received this honour on September 26th is much more favourable. The title was given to professor Pogačnik by the University of St. Cyril and Method of Skopje, Macedonia, as the recognition for his merits for the development of the veterinary medicine in the Republic of Macedonia, for his significant contribution to the development of the veterinary pathology, forensic and administrative veterinary medicine, for his important help in international research projects and his influence on the scientific, educational and professional development of the Skopje Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, especially for the renovation of the study programme in accordance with the European standards. The ceremony, which took place in the solemn hall of the Skopje University, was attended by the rector, deans, vice deans, senators and managers of the university institutes, the president of EAEVE (European Association for the Establishments of Veterinary Education) professor Marcel Wanner, members of the executive board and deans of some European veterinary faculties. Thirty six years of professor Pogacnik's work in the field of the veterinary medicine has always been connected with the veterinary pathology, forensic and administrative veterinary medicine and, consequently, with the animal care and protection, veterinary public health and environment protection. Interdisciplinary work, which he devoted his energy to, has been combined with different fields of the veterinary medicine, agriculture, husbandry, food and environment protection, medicine, pharmacy, economy and law. Professor Pogačnik is the principal investigator of the research project Animals' health, environment and safe food, as well as the holder of some target oriented and applied projects in the field of sustainable farming in which he successfully incorporated the interdisciplinary work of professionals from agriculture, forestry and veterinary medicine. The international projects he has conducted enabled Slovenian agricultural and veterinary medicine to establish its place in the Europe and worldwide. The repercussions of his work have resulted in the projects concerning the China Karst cultivation. As the dean of Ljubljana Veterinary Faculty, professor Pogačnik has essentially contributed to the recognition of the faculty at home and abroad. For a long time he was a member of EAEVE executive committee, one of the founders and the president of Vet-Nest (Veterinary Network of European Student and Stuff Transfer) which associates veterinary faculties of Budapest, Brno (Czech Republic), Košice (Slova- 134 kia), Wroclaw (Poland), Zagreb (Croatia) Ljubljana and Vienna (Austria) University of Veterinary Medicine. Moreover, professor Pogačnik conducted the international TEMPUS project, dealing with the veterinary education. He also coordinated the Slovenian part of the survey Vet 2020 which goal was to foresee the necessities of the veterinary profession in the next decade. He is also the Slovenian delegate in OIE (Office International de Epizootie), member of ECVAM scientific committee (European Centre for the Validation of Alternative Methods) and, lately, also the member of EFSA directorate (European Food Safety Authority). Professor Pogačnik has mediated his knowledge and experiences achieved in the scientific, educational, organizational, professional, and management work to other European educational establishments. It is crucial to stress his advisory help to the veterinary faculties in the republics of former Yugoslavia. He has participated as the reviewer in the evaluation of study programmes. As an excellent scientist, lecturer and manager he has actually been the mentor of all faculties in the former common country. This part of the Europe has struggled with many difficulties in the last decade, but the professional connections and the relations have never been cut off. At the ceremony, the dean of the Faculty of the Veterinary Medicine in Skopje professor Mišo Hris-tovski stressed the paramount value of the help given by professor Pogačnik to the Skopje Faculty, especially for its international enforcement. With professor's help, the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in Skopje, together with Veterinary Faculty in Ljubljana, participates in different international research projects. With the endeavours of profes- sor Pogačnik, the Skopje Faculty became the fully authorised member of EAEVE. Experiences with the Slovenian model of the organisation of the Veterinary Faculty were also introduced in the Skopje Faculty system. First contacts with the colleagues from Macedonia were established in the eighties of the last century. Important events which set up the successful collaboration were scientific meetings in Ohrid and the first embryo transfer in Macedonia, carried out by the Slovenian experts. After the establishment of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine in the autonomous Republic of Macedonia 16 years ago, the connections became closer and stronger. The cooperation continued with the active bilateral projects, expert exchanges, evaluation of study programmes, organisation of the veterinary institute, introduction of quality assurance, accreditation of diagnostic laboratories, etc. Especially important is the introduction of Bologna process in the study of the veterinary medicine, which demanded a lot of new knowledge, experience and skills. Professor Pogačnik is very honourable and respected expert in many fields of the veterinary science at national and international level. With his previous work and cooperation, professor Pogačnik essentially contributed not only to the development of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the University St. Cyril and Method of Skopje, but also to the general development of the veterinary medicine in the Republic of Macedonia. At the event of the first nomination of doctor honoris causa in the veterinary profession in Slovenia, we sincerely congratulate professor Pogačnik for this great honour. Prof. Dr. Vojteh Cestnik, Veterinary Faculty, Ljubljana