ACTA MEDICO–BIOTECHNICA 2013; 6 (2): 7–12 7 Uvodnik / Editorial The speech of The dean, full-Time professor ivan Krajnc md aT The opening of The faculTy of medicine of The universiTy of maribor on sepTember 18, 2013 Revered ladies, revered gentlemen! In the introduction allow me to thank you for having attended our ceremony in such a large number – for having attended the opening of the new building of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Maribor. The joy is shared with us by our friends, our guests. Seven years have passed since we have, in our management of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Maribor (MF UM), begun thinking also of our home. MF was operating on numerous locations, in the premises of the rectorate of the University of Maribor, in the premises of the University Clinical Centre of Maribor (UKC MB) and in the premises of the Institute of Public Health Maribor. Important acquisitions in that period are renovations of the building on the Ljubljanska 5, Maribor – for the needs of anatomy and physiology, and the building on the Magdalen- ski trg 5 where there are laboratories for biochemistry, cell biology, pharmacology with toxicology (1). With the understanding of the Municipality of Maribor (MOM) we have had the possibility of choosing between three locations. We have decided on this one on the Taborska ulica 8, Maribor, primarily because of the vicinity of our teaching hospital Maribor – UKC MB although this location was demanding for construction. From the very beginning of the formation and preparation of the documents which were needed for the acquistion of the European funds and also in the choice of the architect, professor Boris Podrecca, we have been led by a central idea – the building shall be built qualitatively and in the spirit of the latest medical achievements. We have crossed and overcome numerous barriers and with those we have been led by a thought of the philosopher Seneca and by our belief that the meaning of every barrier is in overcoming it. The list of all participants involved in the preparation of construction documentation is too long to refer to. But surely it is necessary to single out engineer Igor Recer as a conceptual father of this building on this location. A lot of effort and energy, long working days and nights were nagovor deKana red. prof. dr. ivana Krajnca ob oTvoriTivi medicinsKe faKulTeTe univerze v mariboru maribor 18. sepTember 2013 Spoštovane gospe, spoštovani gospodje! V uvodu mi dovolite, da se vam zahvalim, da ste se udeležili naše proslave v tako velikem številu, da ste se udeležili otvoritve nove stavbe Medicinske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru. Mineva 7 let, ko smo v vodstvu Medicinske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru (MF UM) pričeli razmišljati tudi o svojem domu. MF je delovala na številnih lokacijah, v prostorih rektorata UM, v prostorih Univerzitetnega kliničnega centra Maribor (UKC MB) in v prostorih Zavod za zdravstveno varstvo Maribor. Pomembni pridobitvi v tistem obdobju sta obnovi stavbe na Ljubljanski 5 za potrebe anatomije in fiziologije in stavbe na Magdalenskem trgu 5, kjer so laboratoriji za biokemijo, biologijo celice, farmakologijo s toksikologijo (1). Z razumevanjem Mariborske mestne občine (MOM), smo imeli možnost izbiranja treh lokacij. Odločili smo se za to na Taborski ulici 8, predvsem zaradi bližine naše učne bolnišnice Maribor – UKC MB, čeprav je bila ta lokacija za gradnjo zahtevna. Od samega pričetka snovanja in priprave dokumentov, ki so bili potrebni za pridobitev evropskih sredstev, pa tudi pri izbiri arhitekta, profesorja Borisa Podrecce, nas je vodila osrednja misel – stavba naj bo zgrajena kvalitetno in v duhu najnovejših medicinskih dosežkov. Prehodili in premagali smo številne ovire, pri tem nas je vodila misel filozofa Seneke in naše prepričanje, da je smisel vsake ovire v tem, da jo premagamo. Predolg je spisek vseh sodelujočih v pripravi gradbene dokumentacije, da bi vse navedel. Gotovo pa je potrebno izpostaviti, da je idejni oče te zgradbe na tej lokaciji ing. Igor Recer. Veliko truda in energije, dolgih delovnih dni in noči smo vložili v pripravo dokumentacije, tako na Medicinski fakulteti, kot na Univerzi Maribor. Tako smo prišli do prve zmage na tej poti, do pozitivne odločitve tedanjega Ministrstva za šolstvo in vlade RS, uvrstili so nas med državne projekte za evropska sredstva (2). Nato pa je sledila 2 letna izguba časa, čas mrtvega teka, 8 ACTA MEDICO–BIOTECHNICA 2013; 6 (2): 7–12 vsebinsko zapolnjenega z mukotrpno izbiro izvajalca gradbenih del. Takrat smo na lastni koži občutili, kaj pomenijo gradbeni lobiji, kar je sicer pogosta zgodba v Republiki Sloveniji. Vodstvo fakultete je, po tem, ko je dobilo pooblastila od rektorata, izbralo izvajalca del, skladno z odločitvami Državne revizijske komisije (3). Moram reči, da sta bila izbrana izvajalca, to sta firmi Begrad in Granit, dobra izbira in, da je tudi po njuni zaslugi gradnja potekala brez večjih problemov. Delali smo konstruktivno, trdo in pošteno, to je vsa skrivnost. Zaključila se je brez aneksa o dodatnih delih, brez dodatnih financiranj, kar je dokaz, da je tudi v Sloveniji to mogoče. Čeprav sodelujočih ne bom našteval, pa je prav, da izpostavimo tiste, ki so najbolj zaslužni. Zahvalo dolgujemo predsedniku gradbenega odbora prof. dr. Zdravko Kačiču, glavni tajnici UM, mag. Mojci Tancer, ga. Petri Ujčič, univ. dipl. ing. Goranu Nikoliću ter univerzitetnemu arhitektu doc. dr. Urošu Lobniku. Partner pri vseh dejavnostih je bila MF, zahvalo za skrbno delo izrekam doc. dr. Bogdanu Čižmareviču predsedniku razpisne komisije in skrbniku pogodbe za izvedbo del. Seveda pa smo dolžni zahvalo tudi vsem članom strokovnih služb MF, ki so s tem projektom živeli in trdo delali. Ob tako prizadevnih in sposobnih sodelavcih, sva z rektorjem prof. dr. Danijelom Reboljem lažje vodila celotni projekt, tudi kakšen sivi las so nama prihranili. In nenazadnje velja naša zahvala vam minister za izobraževanje, znanost in šport, dr. Jernej Pikalo in vašim predhodnikom. Tako je ta stavba tudi vaša. Vse aktivnosti so skrbno spremljali mediji in tudi njim velja zahvala za dosledno in korektno poročanje. Ko smo pred 2 leti polagali temeljni kamen in, ko smo promovirali prve diplomante, je bil naš gost tedanji predsednik države dr. Danilo Türk. Dovolite, da citiram misel iz njegovega govora: »Pred več kakor 700 leti so ob ustanovitvi ene največjih evropskih univerz zapisali, da med temeljenje cilje te institucije spada tudi skrb za skupno dobro in da je medicinska znanost pot do tega cilja. Univerzi so dali nalogo, da skupno dobro razvija po poti medicine. Razložili so, da ima človek potrebe kot duhovno bitje in da potrebuje študij teologije. Kot bitje, ki teži k pravičnosti potrebuje tudi študij prava. Predvsem pa mora človek skrbeti zato, da živi in dela za skupno dobro in medicina je pot, ki ga pripelje najbližje temu cilju. Uvodnik / Editorial invested in the documentation preparation at the Faculty of Medicine as well as at the Maribor University. In this way we have reached our first victory on this path, a positive decision of the then Ministry of Education and the government of Republic of Slovenia and have been placed among national projects for the European funds (2). But then followed a two–year waste of time, time stood still, in its content filled with painful choice of construction contractor. Then we have felt on our own what construction lobbies meant which is otherwise a frequent story in the Republic of Slovenia. The faculty management has, after it got authorization from the rectorate, chosen the construction contractor in accordance with the decisions of the National Review Commission (3). I have to say that the chosen construction contractors, these are the firms Begrad and Granit, were a good choice and that also to their credit the construction was operated without significant problems. We have worked constructively, hard and honestly, that is the whole secret. The construction was concluded without any annex of additional works, without additional financing which is a proof that this is possible also in Slovenia. Although I will not enumerate the participants it is only right to single out those who are most deserving. We owe our gratitude to the president of the Committee for Construction professor Zdravko Kačič PhD, head secretary of the UM M.A. Mojca Tancer, Mrs. Petra Ujčič, Bachelor of Science Goran Nikolić and university architect assistant professor Uroš Lobnik. MF has been a partner in all of these activities. My gratitude for attentive work goes to assistant professor Bogdan Čizmarevič – the president of the tender committee and the trustee of the contract of the construction works. Of course, we owe our gratitude also to all members of the MF expert services who have lived with this project and worked hard. With such diligent and able coworkers it was easier for us with the rector professor Danijel Rebolj PhD to run the whole project and we have been also spared from many worries. And last but not least our gratitude goes to you Minister for Education, Science and Sport, Jernej Pikalo, PhD and your predecessors. In this way this building is also yours. All activities were carefully monitored by media and also ACTA MEDICO–BIOTECHNICA 2013; 6 (2): 7–12 9 Uvodnik / Editorial In dejstvo je, da bo z novo stavbo, ki bo omogočala sodoben študij medicine, pridobila sama Medicinska fakulteta, pridobila Univerza v Mariboru, pridobil UKC MB, pridobilo mesto Maribor in pridobila bo Republika Slovenija (4).» Če dovolite sanjati, pridobila bo tudi širša regija, naši diplomanti se lahko že danes primerjajo z najboljšimi drugimi, s to moderno stavbo pa lahko še napredujemo. Ko razmišljamo o medicini kot o znanstveni disciplini, moramo posebej poudariti njeno povezanost s kemijo, fiziko, biologijo, farmakologijo, biokemijo, molekularno biologijo, genetiko, sociologijo, etiko. Skratka povezanost s številnimi fakultetami. Naš povezovalni deležnik pa je UM, ki nam preko svojih ostalih članic omogoča, da svoja obzorja razširjamo na vseh omenjenih drugih znanstvenih področjih, kar se nenazadnje pričakuje v sodobni medicini, ki temelji na dokazih podprti medicini (Evidence Based Medicine). Ta duh ni naš lasten proizvod, temveč je le del zavzemanja za interdisciplinarni pristop k reševanju bistveno večjih problemov, kot so tisti, s katerimi se ta hip borimo v Sloveniji. Mednje zagotovo sodi izredna negativna demografska slika. Zato smo in bomo še bolj aktivno prispevali na področju varnega staranja, ki je skupna tema bodoče znanstveno raziskovalne strategije UM, kjer bo MF sodelovala z drugimi članicami. Neposredna bližina UKC Maribor bo olajšala izvedbo kliničnega pouka in obenem pospešila raziskovalno delo mlajših ambicioznih zdravnikov v naših laboratorijih. S ponosom povemo, da je MF v svojem kratkem delovanju vzpostavila mrežo sodelovanja z več kot 40 fakultetami znotraj EU in številnimi fakultetami izven EU, npr. Izrael, ZDA, Kanada, pa tudi s številnimi fakultetami bivših republik Jugoslavije. Naši študentje in profesorji so ponesli dobro ime v svet, saj k nam prihaja iz leta v leto več tujih študentov. Skupaj jih je pri nas študiralo 48. Proces seveda teče tudi v obratni smeri in številni naši študente so študij opravili v tujini, skupaj 131 v trajanju 1–2 semestra. Prav ta intenzivnost izmenjave nas utrjuje v prepričanju, da je nadaljnja rast kvalitete pouka možna samo in le s takšnim plodnim mednarodnim sodelovanjem. Naši študentje so gotovo eni izmed najbolj aktivnih na UM, morda tudi med najuspešnejšimi, nenazadnje se k nam vpisuje večina zlatih maturantov. Slednje potrjuje tudi nedavni uspeh na mednarodni konferenci v Pragi v mesecu to them goes our gratitude for consistent and ethical reporting. When we, 2 years ago, laid the foundation stone and, when we promoted our first graduates, our guest was the then president of our country Danilo Türk PhD. Allow me to cite the thought from his speech: ''More than 700 years ago it was written at the establishment of one of the greatest European universities that among basic goals of this institution is also care for the common good and that the medical science is a path to this goal. The university has been assigned to develop the common good through medicine. It has been explained that a human being has needs as a spiritual being and that she or he needs the study of theology. As a being who tends to justice she or he needs also the study of law. But primarily one must take care to live and work for the common good and medicine is a path which brings one closest to this goal. And the fact is that with the new building which will facilitate contemporary study of medicine the Faculty of Medicine will obtain a lot, the University of Maribor will obtain a lot, the University Clinical Centre Maribor will obtain a lot, the city of Maribor will obtain a lot and the Republic of Slovenia will obtain a lot (4).'' If you allow dreaming also the wider region will obtain a lot, our graduates can already nowadays be compared to the best others and with this modern building we can progress even further. When we contemplate medicine as a scientific discipline we have to specifically stress its connectedness to chemistry, physics, biology, pharmacology, biochemistry, molecular biology, genetics, sociology, ethics. In short, connectedness to numerous faculties. Our connecting participle is UM which, through the rest of its members, facilitates broadening of our horizons on all mentioned other scientific areas which is last but not least expected in modern medicine which is based on evidence based medicine. This spirit is not our own product but is only a part of commitment to interdisciplinary approach to solving significantly larger problems which are those with which we are fighting at this moment in Slovenia. Among them surely belongs extraordinarily negative demographical picture. That is the reason why we have contributed and will even more actively contribute in the area of safe ageing which is a common theme of a future scientific research strategy of 10 ACTA MEDICO–BIOTECHNICA 2013; 6 (2): 7–12 Uvodnik / Editorial UM where MF will cooperate with other members. Direct vicinity of UKC Maribor will alleviate implementation of clinical instruction and at the same time accelerate research work of younger ambitious physicians in our laboratories. With pride we can say that MF, in its short activity, has established a network of cooperation with more than 40 faculties within EU and numerous faculties outside EU, e.g. Israel, USA, Canada and also with numerous faculties of former Yugoslav republics. Our students and professors have carried a good name into the world, for a growing number of foreign students come to us each year. In total 48 foreign students have studied medicine at our faculty. The process is of course running also the other way around and numerous students of ours have undertaken study abroad, in total 131 lasting 1 to 2 semesters. Exactly this exchange intensity makes us firmly believe that ongoing growth of teaching quality is possible only through such prolific international cooperation. Our students are surely the ones among the most active at the UM, perhaps also among the most successful, for at our faculty the majority of the top of the class high school graduates are enrolled. The latter is confirmed also by a recent success at the international conference in Prague in August this year (which was organized by the Association for Medical Education in Europe). There MF UM received the Certificate of Excellence in the area of student operating at the faculty. With this MF was promoted in a wider European medical space at the conference with more than 3000 delegates (5). Having promoted our graduates, we stressed many times the axiom that we have placed in the entrance of our building: the one who gives more also gains more and the one who sows also reaps. Today after 9 years of functioning we find that we have given a lot and also gained a lot and that we have sowed a lot and also reaped. Today 700 students are studying at the undergraduate level. I believe they will justify the input of the Republic of Slovenia which entirely finances their study and that they will someday also return the favour through their professional and also humanitarian operation. Unfortunately it is nowadays happening that numerous young physicians due to lack of health insurance funds do not get jobs and are going to other countries of the European Union. In the Republic of Slovenia in the recent past quite a avgustu letos (ki ga je organiziralo Evropsko združenje za medicinski pouk AMEE), kjer je MF UM prejela certifikat odličnosti na področju delovanja študentov na fakulteti. S tem je bila MF promovirana v širši evropski medicinski prostor na konferenci, z več kot 3000 delegati (5). Večkrat smo ob promociji naših diplomantov poudarjali aksiom, ki smo ga postavili na vhod v našo stavbo: tisti, ki daje več, tudi več dobiva in tisti, ki seje, tudi žanje. Danes po 9 letih delovanja ugotavljamo, da smo veliko dajali in tudi veliko dobili, da smo veliko sejali in tudi želi. Na dodiplomski stopnji študij danes študira 700 študentov. Verjamem, da bodo opravičili vložek RS, ki v celoti financira njihov študij, in da bodo nekoč tej državi tudi povrnili preko svojega strokovnega in tudi humanitarnega udejstvovanja. Na žalost se danes dogaja, da številni mladi zdravniki zaradi pomanjkanja sredstev zdravstvene zavarovalnice, več ne dobivajo službe, in odhajajo v druge države Evropske unije. V Republiki Sloveniji se je v bližnji preteklosti zaposlilo kar nekaj zdravnikov iz republik nekdanje Jugoslavije, kar samo po sebi ni narobe. Vendar v luči dejstva, da bo v bodoče na cesti lahko pristalo kar nekaj mladih nadobudnih zdravnikov, v katere smo vlagali prav vsi, slednje ne more soditi med najbolj modre odločitve. V prvi vrsti moramo zaposlovati slovenski kader, naš zdravnik mora z ljudmi živeti, čutiti njihove potrebe, razumeti slovensko kulturo, naš način življenja. Biti dober zdravnik pomeni ne samo strokovno obvladati svoj posel, pač pa tudi živeti in delati po načelih etike, ki jo je definiral Hipokrat, in religije, katoliška, islamska, židovska. In vse to odlikuje in oblikuje zdravnika, ki ga bodo bolniki spoštovali, z eno besedo človeka, ki pozna medicino, pripravljen pa se je stalno učiti, in razdajati za skupno dobro. V Sloveniji glede na evropsko povprečje na 1000 prebivalcev manjka okoli 1000 zdravnikov, če pa se primerjamo z bolj razvitimi evropskimi državami kot je Belgija, Finska, pa celo 2000. Glede na ta dejstva, je popolnoma jasno, da kvaliteta zdravniških uslug pri nas ne more biti ekvivalentna in primerljiva tisti, kot so je deležni v drugih državah EU, kjer za zdravstvo preprosto dajejo več. In kaj bomo videli v tej čudoviti stavbi, ki premore 12.000 m2 neto površin, ki premore sodobne laboratorije in sodobne pedagoške prostore, ki premore najsodobnejšo tehnologijo. ACTA MEDICO–BIOTECHNICA 2013; 6 (2): 7–12 11 Uvodnik / Editorial few physicians from former Yugoslav republics have been employed. In itself nothing is wrong with that. The latter cannot belong to the wisest decisions in the light of the fact that in future quite a few young aspiring physicians, into whom all of us invested, will land on the streets without employment. Primarily we must employ Slovenian staff, our physician must live with the people, feel their needs, understand Slovenian culture, our way of life. Being a good physician means not only to professionally master one's occupation but also to live and work by principles of ethics, which was defined by Hippocrates, and religion, Catholic, Islam, Hebrew. And all of this forms and distinguishes them as physicians who will be respected by patients, with one word as human beings who know medicine and who are ready to constantly learn and give for the common good. In Slovenia, according to the European average, on 1000 inhabitants around 1000 physicians are lacking and if we are compared to more developed European countries such as Belgium, Finland, the number rises to even 2000. According to these facts it is completely clear that the quality of medical service in our country cannot be equivalent and comparable to that of other EU countries where for the health care simply more is given. And what shall be seen in this wonderful building, which has 12.000 m2 net areas, which has contemporary laboratories and contemporary pedagogical premises, which has the most contemporary technology. In the pedagogic part students and professors will have a possibility of including into classes the most con- temporary simulators, virtual patients, laboratory for teaching clinical skills, electronic tables for lessons in anatomy, contemporary equipment for diagnostics of diseases of digestive systems and gynaecological dis- eases, contemporary ultrasound devices, devices for diagnostics and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases, telemedicine technology, video conference rooms, 3D technology, etc. In the research laboratories we have numerous new laboratory instruments for various disciplines from pathology, physiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, microbiology, biochemistry, chemistry to genetics. All of these will facilitate basic research in biomedicine. With everything listed the MF Maribor will from now on be promoted as faculty more intensively and recognizably. It will be promoted as a faculty which develops scientific V pedagoškem delu bodo imeli študenti in učitelji možnost v pouk vključevati najsodobnejše simulatorje, virtualne bolnike, laboratorij za pouk kliničnih veščin, elektronske mize za pouk anatomije, sodobno opremo za diagnostiko bolezni prebavil in ginekoloških bolezni, sodobne UZ aparate, aparate za diagnostiko in zdravljenje bolezni gibal, telemedicinsko tehnologijo, video konferenčne prostore, 3D tehnologijo, itd. V raziskovalnih laboratorijih imamo številne nove laboratorijske instrumente za različne discipline od patologije, fiziologije, molekularne biologije, farmakologije, mikrobiologije, biokemije, kemije do genetike. Vse to bo omogočilo bazično raziskovanje v biomedicini, z vsem naštetim se bo MF Maribor v naslednjih korakih še intenzivneje in prepoznavno promovirala kot fakulteta, ki razvija znanstvene discipline na področju biomedicine in prispeva svoj kamenček v diagnostiki in zdravljenju bolezni. Končno bo tako imela postavljena oba stebra, ki utemeljujeta vsako fakulteto in to je znanstveno–raziskovalno delo kot prvi, in kvalitetno pedagoško delo, kot drugi steber. Dediščina, ki jo predajamo novim generacijam študentov in učiteljem ter raziskovalcem, je velika in zavezujoča in omogoča trajen razvoj in rast. Bleščeče stene bo potrebno napolniti z življenjem in tudi vrhunskimi rezultati, vse to so naša pričakovanja. Hkrati in predvsem pa predstavlja tudi odgovornost, da vse dobljeno, obogateno posredujemo tudi nazaj v duhu in pomenu pojma – skupno dobro. Tu pa čakajo MF in njeno vodstvo morda še težji izzivi in naloge, kot do sedaj. In na koncu spoštovani, to kar je najpomembnejše, na medicinski fakulteti, kot izobraževalni instituciji, v UKC MB, in naših učnih bazah – sosednjih bolnišnicah, smo tukaj zato, da zdravimo bolnike in vse to, kar danes naslavljamo z dosežki, je na koncu namenjeno našemu bolniku. Samo znanje in ponovno znanje naših zdravnikov je garant, da so bolniki v varnih rokah. 12 ACTA MEDICO–BIOTECHNICA 2013; 6 (2): 7–12 Uvodnik / Editorial disciplines in the area of biomedicine and contributes its share in diagnostics and disease treatment. Finally it will, in this way, have both pillars raised which are foundations of every faculty and these are scientific– research work as the first pillar and qualitative pedagogic work as the second pillar. The heritage that we give to new student generations and professors and researchers is great and binding and facilitates permanent development and growth. Glittering walls will have to be filled with life and also supreme results. All of this are our expectations. At the same time and most of all it represents also responsibility that everything acquired, enriched is passed also backwards in the spirit and meaning of the concept – the common good. And at the end, revered public, what is the most important, at the Faculty of Medicine as an educational institution, in the UKC Maribor, in our learning bases – neighbouring hospitals, we are here to cure patients and all of this which is nowadays addressed with achievements is at the end meant for our patient. Only knowledge and again knowledge of our physicians is a guarantee that the patients are in safe hands. viri / sources: 1. Odprtje Inštituta za anatomijo, histologijo in embriologijo ter Inštitut za fiziologijo MF UM 30. 9. 2004 in predaja namenu Laboratorijskega centra MF UM 27. 1. 2006; Enovit magistrski študijski program Splošna medicina, Študentom na pot, študijsko leto 2013/14, ISSN 1855-561d-6, . str. 8. 2. Splo%c5%a1no.aspx in Državna resolucija o nacionalnih razvo- jnih projektih 2007-2023 in Operativni program krepitve region- alnih razvojnih potencialov ter Nacionalni strateški referenčni okvir; Podpis pogodbe o sofinanciranju s strani MVZT z dne 13. 7. 2009. 3. Pisno pooblastilo rektorja UM prof. dr. Ivana Rozmana z dne 3. 2. 2011 štev. 302-mf/2008/304, postopek 2009_91_JNZ_MFII. 4. Govor nekdanjega predsednika RS dr. Danila Türka na sloves- nosti ob postavitvi temeljnega kamna za novogradnjo Medicin- ske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru: rs/2007-2012/turk-slo-arhiv.nsf/dokumentiweb/26DC53734BF 833C3C12578B6004F017B?OpenDocument . 5. h t t p : / / w w w . a s p i r e - t o - e x c e l l e n c e . o r g / ASPIRE+Medical+Schools/; asp?pg=351; Award+winners+announced/ Ob otvoritvi Medicinske fakultete Univerze v Mariboru: prodekanica {tudentka Eva Nike Cvikl, rektor UM prof. dr. Danijel Rebolj, predsednik RS Borut Pahor, dekan MF UM prof. dr. Ivan Krajnc /At the opening of the Faculty of Medicine: Vice-dean for student affairs Eva Nike Cvikl, Rector University of Maribor Full prof. Danijel Rebolj, President of the Republic of Slovenia Borut Pahor, Dean Faculty of Medicine Full prof. Ivan Krajnc.