THERMOMINERAL WATERS OF INNER DINARIDES KARST TERMOMINERALNE VODE KRASA NOTRANJIH DINARIDOV Dejan MILENIC1, Olivera KRUNIC1 & Djuro MILANKOVIC1 Abstract UDC 556.3:551.435.8(234.42) Dejan Milenič, Olivera Krunič & Djuro Milankovič: Thermo-mineral waters of inner Dinarides Karst The Dinarides are the largest continuous karst region in Europe. With regard to a geotectonic view, they are divided into the Outer, Central and Inner Dinarides occupying the territories of Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Montenegro. Numerous occurrences of thermomineral water have been recorded in the Inner Dinarides area. The majority of them are genetically related to carbonate sediments of Me-sozoic age. This paper deals with occurrences of thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides karst, their quantitative and qualitative characteristics, basic genetic types, the age of karst thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides, the available quantities of hydrogeothermalmineral energy, balneological potential and the possibility of rational multi-purpose utilisation. Hydrochemical and isotope methods have been used for the analysis of basic genetic types and age of karst thermom-ineral waters, while a geothermometer method has been used for the calculation of primary temperatures in water-bearing horizons(geothermal reservoirs) themselves. The carried out research has pointed out that karst thermomineral waters formed in carbonate sediments of Mesozoic age are characterized by temperatures ranging from 15.5oC (Knežina Ilidža) to 75oC (Bogatic), being most frequently of a HCO^rCa, Mg type with neutral to poor alkaline reaction and mineralization below 1 g/l. Karst thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides are most frequently related to geothermal systems formed in carbonate sediments covered by rocks of poor water permeability In case of some thermomineral water occurrences, the mixing of the karst thermomineral waters with those formed in sedimentary basins occurs due to their hydraulic relation, thus it is not possible to determine only one geothermal system in which they are formed. The overall geothermal potential of the thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides karst is about 160 MW. In addition to the geothermal aspect, these waters Izvleček UDK 556.3:551.435.8(234.42) Dejan Milenič, Olivera Krunič & Djuro Milankovič: Termomi-neralne vode krasa Notranjih Dinaridov Dinaridi so največje zvezno kraško območje v Evropi. Z geo-tektonskega vidika so razdeljeni na Zunanje, Centralne in Notranje Dinaride, ki se raztezajo preko ozemelj Slovenije, Hrvaške, Bosne in Hercegovine, Srbije in Črne Gore. Na območju Notranjih Dinaridov so bili zabeleženi številni pojavi termomineralne vode, njihove količinske in kakovostne značilnosti, osnovni razvojni tipi, starost termomineralne vode Notranjih Dinaridov, razpoložljive količine za hidrogeoter-momineralno energijo, balneološki potencial in možnost za racionalno večnamensko izrabo. Hidrokemične in izotopske metode so bile uporabljene za analizo razvojnega tipa in starost kraških termomineralnih voda, in za izračun primarnih temperatur v vodonosnih plasteh (geoteralnih rezervoarjih) je bila uporabljena geotermometrska metoda. Izvedena študija je pokazala, da termomineralne vode, ki se nahajajo v karbonatnih sedimentih mezocojske starosti, označujejo temperature med 15.5oC (Knežina Ilidža) in 75oC (BogatiC), so najpogosteje tipa HCO;rCa, Mg z nevtralno do šibko alkalno reakcijo in mineralizacijo pod 1 g/l. Kraške termomineralne vode Notranjih Dinaridov so najpogosteje povezane z geoter-malnimi sistemi, ki so se oblikovali v karbonatnih sedimentih in so prekriti s slabo prepustnimi kamninami. Občasno se nekatere kraške termomineralne vode zaradi hidravličnih povezav mešajo s tistimi, ki so nastale v sedimentarnih bazenih. Tako ni mogoče natančno določiti le enega geotermalnega sistema, od koder vode izvirajo.skupni geotermalni potencial termomineralnih voda Notranjih Dinaridov je okoli 160 MW. Poleg geotermalnega vidika, so te vode pogosto izrabljene v balneološke namene, za wellness programe in za ustekleni-čenje. Stopnje raziskovalnih aktivnosti in s tem načini izrabe so zelo različni. Glede na število znanih virov in njihovega potenciala lahko z gotovostjo trdimo, da se bo v prihodnosti izraba termomineralnih voda, ki se pojavljajo na krasu Notra- 1 University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mining & Geology, Dept. Of Hydrogeology, Djusina 7, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia, e-mail:,, Received/Prejeto: 14.5.2012 have been widely utilised in balneology, wellness programmes, as well as for the needs of bottling. The level of research activity and with that the way of the utilisation of these waters are various. with regard to the number of occurrences known so far and their potential, it can be claimed with certainty, that the utilisation of thermomineral water occurring in the karst of the Inner Dinarides will increase significantly in future. An example of the multi-purpose utilisation of the Pribojska Banja Spa thermomineral waters illustrates a possible way of doing it. Key words: karst, Inner Dinarides, thermomineral water, multi-purpose utilisation. njih Dinaridov občutno povečala. Primer večnamenske izrabe termomineralne vode v zdraviliškem kraju Pribojska Banja nakazuje te možnosti. Ključne besede: kras, Notranji Dinaridi, termomineralna voda, večnamenska izraba. ACTUALITY AND APPLIED METHODOLOGY OF THERMOMINERAL water EXLORATION Thermomineral water occurrences and deposits of the Inner Dinarides karst are valuable natural resource based on their wide distribution, physico-chemical characteristics, geothermal potential and the presence of active Fig. 1: Applied exploration methodology of karst thermomineral waters of Inner Dinarides. balneological components. with regard to the numerous occurrences, and the level of research activity, the non-homogeneity within the borders of the region should be emphasised. For the needs of these explorations, thermomineral waters are treated as ground-waters which on the basis of the increased temperature, mineralization, and the general chemical and gaseous composition, the content of specific components or radio active elements differ from "ordinary" low mineralized waters (Dragišic 1997). Hydrogeological explorations that have preceded the completion of this paper are generally divided into three levels (Fig. 1). within the first level, the study area has been delineated and data on occurrences of karst thermomineral water in the Inner Dinarides region collected. within the second level, the classification and systematization of collected data have been carried out, and within the third level, the interpretation of obtained results has been carried out in terms of the analysis of formation conditions of thermo-mineral water of the Inner Dinarides karst as well as the analysis of the water multi-purpose utilisation possibility The data obtained by carrying out the mentioned explorations point out real possibilities for planned and systematic explorations for the needs of rational complete utilisation of thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides karst. Rational multi-purpose utilisation of these waters is shown in the example of thermomineral water of the Pribojska Banja Spa. KARST DISTRIBUTION WITHIN INNER DINARIDES Major part of the Dinarides is made of carbonate sediments of Mesozoic age (Cvijic 1924; Herak 1977; Aubouin 1974; Mijatovic 1984; Andjelkovic 1988; Dimitrijevic 1995; Radulovic 2000; Kranjc 2004). Carbonates of Cretaceous age prevail in the Outer Dinarides, whereas Tri-assic carbonate sediments prevail in the Central and Inner Dinarides. Numerous occurrences of thermomineral water in the Inner Dinarides region are related to carbonate sediments of Mesozoic age. The surface of the Inner Dinarides is 37,000 km2. Karst is discovered on 3,700 km2. In Fig. 2, there are shown parts of the terrain where karst is discovered at the surface of the terrain in the Inner Dinarides region. Fig. 2: Distribution of Inner Dinarides with marked zones of discovered karst. Viewed from the strike northwest to southeast, sediments of Mesozoic age occur at the surface in the shape of isolated parties covered by younger Neogene, namely Quaternary sediments. Triassic limestone was discovered at the line from Novo mesto to Samo-bor, and south of Varaždin. Going eastward, carbonate sediments encounter the area of Horst Mountains in Slavonia (Kosmat 1924; Petkovic 1961; Andjelkovic 1980). South of the Sava valley, carbonate sediments are in tectonic relation to the ophiolote belt dividing the Central from the Inner Dinarides in the wider area of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Čičic et al. 1986). Carbonate sediments were discovered at the surface of the terrain in the vicinity of Banja Luka and in the wider area of Romania Mt. and Devetka. In the region of Serbia, Di-naric karst is mostly developed in the limestone of Upper and Middle Triassic characterised by pronouncedly carbonate composition and a high degree of tectonic damage. Compared with Triassic limestone, the Upper Cretaceous one shows lesser distribution and occurs in the shape of isolated masses (Stevanovic 1995). Trias-sic limestone in the region of Serbia can be followed from Fruška Gora Mt., where it stretches southwest, namely to the Sava Valley and the Mačva region where it is covered by younger Neogene and Quaternary sediments. Triassic limestone occurs again at the surface of the terrain in the region of Valjevo-Mionica karst (Lelici karst) in which significant thermomineral water reserves were formed. The Drina-Ivanjica element represented by rocks of Palaeozoic age and the ophiolite belt divides carbonate complexes of Valjevo- Mionica karst from the carbonate complex of the Ovčar Banja Spa, namely southwest of the carbonate complexes of Tara, Zvijezda, Zlatibor, Zlatar, Čemernica and the Pešter plateau. Dinaric karst is developed in the watershed of the Beli Drim River where it stretches in northwest and south border of the Metohia plain (Filipovic et al. 2005). On the territory of Montenegro, karst terrains are developed in limestone of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous age. In the maritime zone, namely in the Outer Dinarides zone, Cretaceous limestone is mostly distributed, whereas Triassic limestone, as in case of Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, is mostly distributed in the Inner Dinarides region, namely in northern part of Montenegro (Radulovic 2000). In addition to its spreading at the surface of the terrain, carbonate sediments are also distributed in the area of the Inner Dinarides below younger most frequently Tertiary and Quaternary sediments. SURVEY OF KARST THERMOMINERAL WATER OCCURRENCES OF INNER DINARIDES AND BASIC ways OF THEIR UTILISATION The area of the Inner Dinarides is characterised by the carbonate complex overlayer of Mesozoic age, which has resulted in the precondition for the formation of half open and half closed hydrogeological features where thermomineral water has been formed. The majority of tab. 1: Survey of thermomineral water of Inner Dinarides. No. Name of occurrence Country No. Name of occurrence Country 1. Dolenjeske Toplice Spa Slovenia 25. Debrc Serbia 2. Jezero pri Družinski vasi Slovenia 26. Dublje Serbia 3. Klevevž Slovenia 27. Bogatic Serbia 4. Kostanjevica on Krka Slovenia 28. Banja Koviljača Spa Serbia 5. Šmarješke Toplice Spa Slovenia 29. Paune Serbia 6. Čatež Slovenia 30. Mionica Serbia 7. Varaždinske Toplice Spa Croatia 31. Vrujci Spa Serbia 8. Krapinske Toplice Spa Croatia 32. Petnica Serbia 9. Stubičke Toplice Spa Croatia 33. Banjci Kosjeric Spa Serbia 10. Sveta Helena (Šmidhen) Croatia 34. Ovčar BanjaSpa Serbia 11. Tuheljske Toplice Spa Croatia 35. Ladevac Serbia 12. Dvorovi BH 36. Stapari Serbia 13. Višegradska Banja Spa BH 37. Bioštanska Banja Spa Serbia 14. Olovo Banja Spa BH 38. Roška Banja Spa Serbia 15. Olovo Solun BH 39. Banja Vapa Spa Serbia 16. Olovo Orlje BH 40. Gostilje Serbia 17. Knežina Ilidža BH 41. Visočka Banja Spa Serbia 18. Budimlja Ilidža BH 42. Pribojska Banja Spa Serbia 19. Banja Luka-Slatina BH 43. Crno vrelo Serbia 20. Mala Kladuša BH 44. Čedovo Serbia 21. Čarakovo BH 45. Rudnik Banja Spa Serbia 22. Laktaši BH 46. Studenica Serbia 23. Vrdnik Serbia 47. Čečevo Serbia 24. Ljuba Serbia 48. Pecka Banja Spa Serbia thermomineral water occurrences in the Inner Dinarides area are related to a karst aquifer formed in the Mesozoic carbonate rock complex (Tab. 1, Fig. 3). Occurrences of karst thermomineral water of the Inner Dinarides differ in yield, temperature, physical properties, chemism, age, etc., thus their classification is hard and complicated. According to the evaluation carried out for the needs of this paper, the region of the Inner Dinarides karst has over 1200 l/s of thermomin-eral water with the temperatures ranging from 15.5°C to 75°C. 48 occurrences of ther-momineral water distributed in four states can be used for various purposes: Balneological needs and wellness - karst thermom-ineral waters of the Inner Dinarides are widely used in balneology (Tab. 2), in addition to traditional utilisation for balneological purposes; the trend of thermomineral water utilisation for wellness programmes has grown recently. Geothermal energy -significant yield and temperature of these waters represent great potential from the point of view of utilisation of hydrogeothermal energy (about 160 MW). Bottling and water supply - there are also numerous examples of Dinaric karst thermomineral groundwater utilisation for bottling needs. Fig. 3: detailed map of thermomineral water position of Inner dinarides karst. tab. 2: Balneological characteristics of some karst thermomineral waters of Inner Dinarides. Indications a a ij-i a MS a 1 s in t a ic J3 cK 1 na ta cj a ic "S -c 1 tina cK a a l-N fN C fN a o^ fN a OQ fo 1 a 00 Heart and circulatory diseases • • • • • Rheumatic Injuries to the locum system Metabolic diseases • • • Gynecological diseases • • • • • • Kidney and urinary tract • Neurological diseases • • • • • • • Skin diseases • • • Neurotic distorts • • • • Respiratory ailments • • In most cases waters characterised by the mineralization of <1 g/l and the HCO3-Ca-Mg type (Vrujci, Petnica, etc.) are in question. Thermomineral waters of the Di- naric karst in most cases have the mineralization below 1 g/l, which qualifies them for the needs of water supply as well. CONDITIONS OF THERMOMINERAL WATER FORMATION IN INNER DINARIDES KARST Formation conditions of thermomineral waters of Di-naric karst vary in relation to geological setting, tectonic characteristics and hydrogeological conditions of the environment. Carbonate sediments are in various super- positional and tectonic relations with surrounding rock masses, which conditioned various formation conditions of moving and discharging of thermomineral waters. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THERMOMINERAL GROUNDWATER Physico-chemical properties of karst thermomineral water of the Inner Dinarides result from geological characteristics of this area and hydrogeological, namely hydrochemical conditions of the environment in which the water is formed. In the Inner Dinarides area, there were analised 48 occurrences of thermomineral water varying in temperature, mineralization, basic anion-cation composition, age, etc. Both in Tab. 3 and Fig. 4, there is presented a survey of basic physico-chemical properties and isotope characteristics of karst ther-momineral waters of the Inner Dinarides, as well as the level of research activity. To form parts of Tab. 3, there were used data of (Čvorovič 1970; Group of au- thors 1976; Protič 1995; Filipovič 2003; Šimunič 2004; Lapanje 2006). The temperature of karst thermomineral waters in the Inner Dinarides ranges from 15.5°C (Knežina-Ilidža) to 75°C (Bogatič). 44 occurrences of karst thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides have mineralization below 1 g/l. The following occurrences: Banja Luka-Slatina (2911 mg/l), Dvorovi (2104 mg/l), the Pečka Banja Spa (2040 mg/l) and the Banja Koviljača Spa (1400 mg/l) have the mineralization over 1 g/l. According to the pH index the majority of karst thermomineral waters in the Inner Dinarides belong to tab. 3: Survey of physico-chemical characteristics and age of thermomineral waters of Inner Dinarides karst (Sources: Cvorovic 1970; Nosan 1973; Filipovič 2003; Lapanje 2006; šimunič 2004; Milenič 2010). No/ / unit Spas T M pH HCO- SO4- ci- Na+ K+ Ca2+ Mg2+ SiO2 Lithology Occurence Age (14C) Research activity level °C mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l mg/l 1 Dolenjeske Toplice 32.0 343 8.1 240 12.3 7.1 6.8 3.4 53.0 17.8 14 D W V 2 Jezero pri Družinski vas 23.5 408 7.7 305 14.2 1.5 3.2 1.4 53.8 28.4 14.2 D W - V 3 Klevevž 25.0 478 7.4 363 9.8 1.5 2.0 58.5 28.4 4.2 D W - V 4 Kostanjevica na Krki 23.0 370 7.4 278 7.1 1.6 2.6 1.1 50.1 26.4 4.3 L W V 5 Šmarješke Toplice 33.5 433 7.1 292 19.7 4.3 4.0 1.5 55.1 28.6 13.8 D W - V 6 Čatež 64.0 360 7.5 262 11.5 2.7 6.0 3.4 45.6 26.5 26 D,L W - V 7 Varaždinske Toplice 56.5 780 6.75 436.5 181.5 79.0 95.6 23.2 125.1 1.2 D,L W >38.000 V 8 Krapinske Toplice 39.0 337 7.8 330.9 37.7 3.7 10.1 2.8 58.2 35.1 D W 12.800 V 9 Stubičke Toplice 61.5 426 6.6 300.4 89.7 12.8 27.9 7.1 71.7 24.2 D W V 10 Sveta Helena (Šmidhen) 26.8 660 6.6 403.0 30.0 68.0 84.0 106.0 38 D W 9400 V 11 Tuheljske Toplice 32.9 445 7.3 367.8 35.8 4.9 11.2 3.1 64.6 34.9 L W - V 12 Dvorovi 56.9 2104 6.8 843.18 38.4 513.9 580.9 45.0 21.24 37.9 L W R 13 Višegradska Banja 34.8 426 7.4 270.85 14.4 4.7 11.6 - 55.3 21.3 40.9 L W 38.000±3.200 N 14 Olovo Banja 35.0 572 6.2 311.6 28.8 6.0 - - 180.0 45.5 31.2 L S - V 15 Olovo Solun 26.8 428 8.1 294.72 6.1 18.20 20.6 76.9 11.62 L S N 16 Olovo Orlje 24.6 320 - 223.98 3.1 13.00 2.4 - 73.7 3.87 0.2 L S - R 17 Knežina Ilidža 15.5 486 8.5 287.2 336 5.7 - - 130.0 30.30 - L S - R 18 Budimlja Ilidža 15.6 450 7.3 268.40 57.6 4.2 2.5 62.8 30.16 L S R 19 Banja Luka-Slatina 40.9 2911 - 1081.9 951.1 68.8 160.0 - 502.9 96.3 19.5 L W - V 20 Mala Kladuša 25.0 592 6.5 384.9 14.4 22.7 75.0 87.98 3.5 L W V 21 Čarakovo 19.0 570 7.5 374.54 23.8 15.2 26.1 11.9 60.9 31.13 26 L S R 22 Laktaši 30.4 528 6 603.8 - 6.7 23.8 - 135.8 26.5 0.1 L W - R 23 Vrdnik 33.0 890 7.5 555.0 90.0 28.0 69.0 7.1 60.0 67 10.0 L W V 24 Ljuba 22.5 730 7.5 491.1 22.0 17.7 23.9 2.7 90.0 45.1 14.0 L S P 25 Debrc 56.0 650 7.2 425.8 24.0 21.3 81.5 9.3 51.0 22 32.8 L W - P 26 Dublje 50.5 880 7.1 580.0 2.5 55.0 174.0 11.5 30.0 11 24.0 L W 20.000±500 P 27 Bogatič 75.0 800 7.25 404.0 3.0 105.0 150.0 10.6 37.0 10.2 57.0 L W 15.600±300 P 28 Banja Koviljača 30.0 1400 6.6 890.0 55.0 89.0 200.0 22.2 120.0 36.6 18.0 L W 21500±600 V 29 Paune 21.2 500 7 353.0 5.0 11.0 4.6 0.5 90.0 18.3 14.0 L S V 30 Mionica 26.0 600 6.5 372.0 24.0 7.1 102.0 4.2 29.0 12.5 24.0 L W 30.000 V 31 Vrujci 26.0 460 7.4 235.0 0.9 14.2 16.0 1.7 39.3 17.9 12.0 L W 7.700±150 V 32 Petnica 31.0 340 7.5 378.0 14.0 7.0 14.3 1.9 80.0 24.4 16.0 L W 12.000±200 P 33 Banjci Kosjerič 25.0 550 7.3 378.0 14.0 14.0 13.3 0.8 88.0 24.4 8.0 L S 6.000±120 N 34 Ovčar Banja 36.5 640 7 456.0 18.0 14.0 13.0 2.5 102.0 32 25.0 L W 11.600±200 P 35 Ladevac 20.0 220 7.5 238.0 12.0 7.0 0.7 0.4 46.0 24.4 15.0 L S 4.500±200 R 36 Stapari 21.0 400 7.2 334.0 1.0 7.1 1.0 0.3 80.0 15.3 10.0 L S - N 37 Bioštanska Banja 36.0 280 7.3 195.2 8.0 14.0 2.8 0.5 38.0 18.3 7.0 L S N 38 Roška Banja 23.5 390 7.1 283.0 6.0 10.0 0.3 0.5 70.0 18 15.0 L S N 39 Banja Vapa 17.5 342 7.1 379.0 3.0 19.9 10.5 - 109.5 11.5 3.0 L S 8.750±160 N 40 Gostilje 17.5 312 7.4 332.0 2.0 17.8 18.6 98.2 4.9 4.0 L S N 41 Visočka Banja 25.0 350 7.5 256.2 4.8 5.0 3.5 0.4 62.0 15.8 12.0 L S - N 42 Pribojska Banja 36.0 420 7.2 294.0 8.0 7.0 6.0 0.6 60.0 24 18.0 L S 28.000±1.000 V 43 Crno Vrelo 17.0 330 7.5 276.0 6.0 7.1 0.8 0.4 76.0 12.2 7.0 L S R/N 44 Čedovo 27.0 310 7.5 213.0 1.0 7.1 1.3 0.4 47.0 15.9 10.0 L S 14.800±400 R/N 45 Rudnik Banja 24.8 600 7.1 395.0 30.0 7.0 6.9 1.0 100.0 24 15.0 L S - R/N 46 Studenica 25.0 670 7.1 488.0 8.0 10.0 17.0 1.0 105.0 33.5 12.0 L S R/N 47 Čečevo 24.0 690 6.7 465.0 14.0 7.0 10.8 1.3 135.0 12.2 10.0 L S - R/N 48 Pečka Banja 23.0 2040 6.9 1420 10.0 52.0 252.0 5 145.0 86.0 60.0 L W P Legend: Lithology L - limestone D - dolomite - - no data Occurrence S - spring W - well Research activity N - identified locality - not evaluated R - regional evaluated deposit P - initiated detailed research V - multi-purpose utilisation Fig. 4: Piper trilinear diagram of karst thermomineral waters of Inner Dinarides. the water group characterised by neutral to poor alkaline reaction. Laktaši (pH 6) and the Olovo Banja Spa (pH 6.2) belong to the water group with acid reaction, whereas the occurrences in Mionica (pH 6.5) and Mala Kladuša (pH 6.5) are at the boundary between acid and neutral reaction. BASIC GENETIC TYPES AND AGE OF water Thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides karst are classified, on the basis of anion-cation composition, into 13 types (Tab. 4). Hydrocarbonate ions prevail in anion composition of karst thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides (Tab. 4, Fig. 4). with the exception of occurrences in Dvorovi (Cl-HCO3 class), all thermo- tab. 4: distribution survey of some genetic types of Inner dinarides karst thermomineral waters. Water type* Number of occurrences HCOj-Ca 5 BHOCa^»^ aHCffi-hlpC* KHCCS-HrCt ■ Hm-H»<*-M| IHOra-Mt^l-C* IHCS^N^ IHCO-^ c □CI-HC03-«t ■ MCOJ-SOtO-N, T HCM- HCOj-Ca-Mg 29 HCOj-Mg-Ca 1 HCOj-Na-Ca 2 HCOj-Na-Ca-Mg 2 HCOj-Mg-Na-Ca 1 HCOj-Ca-Na-Mg 1 HCOj-Cl-Ca 1 HCOj-Cl-Na 1 Cl-HCOj-Na 1 HCO3- SO4-Ca-Na 1 HCO3- SO4-Ca-Mg 2 SO4- HCOj-Ca 1 *after (Ivanov et al. 1964) mineral waters: Bogatic and Dublje (HCO3-Cl class), the Stubičke Toplice Spa, the Varaždinske Toplice Spa and the occurrences of Budimlje-Ilidža (HCO3-SO4) and Slatina-Banjaluka (SO4-HCO3 class), are of a hydrocarbonate class. The primary aquifer of thermomineral waters in Dvorovi, Bogatic and Dublje is covered by Neogene sediments reaching the depth of over 500 m, very similar to those in the Pan-nonian Basin where waters of HCO3-a and a-HCO3 classes are formed, thus there is certain hydraulic connection between thermominer-al waters formed in the Sava Valley and karst thermal waters and the concentration of sodium in these waters is in favour of that. Unlike anion composition, where one water class prevails, in cation composition, several subclasses are noticeable (Tab. 4, Fig. 4). The most numerous are thermomineral waters of the calcium-magnesium group (29 occurrences) and calcium groups (five occur- rences), which is typical of waters formed in a karst aquifer. tte age of some karst thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides has been determined on the basis of the isotope analysis (carbon'4C). tte youngest waters are those from the Ladevac thermal spring (4,500±200 years), whereas the oldest karst thermomineral waters are of the Varaždinske Toplice Spa >38,000 years and thermomineral waters of the Višegradska Banja Spa 38,000±3,200 years. It is interesting that the youngest thermomineral waters (Ladevac) are characterised by the lowest mineralization of all analysed waters of only 220 mg/l, whereas the occurrences in the Varaždinske Toplice Spa and the Višegradska Banja Spa are characterised by almost two to three times higher mineralization than thermomineral water of the Ladevac spring. ttus, it can be concluded that the water exchange rate is one of essential factors affecting thermomineral water mineralization. GENESIS DISCUSSION ON BASIS OF D'AMORE PARAMETERS Using basic anions and cations D' Amore et al. (1983) determined six new parameters to determine water groups on the basis of geological characteristics of the main accumulations in each water sample, namely they suggested the application of new chemical parameters to define the groundwater genesis. Hydrochemical parameters are marked by letters from A to F and by the scope from+100 meq/l to-100 meq/l. In addition to defining of the mentioned parameters, all analysed waters have been classified on the basis of geothermal systems in which they were formed (Hochstein 1988). D'Amore parameter diagrams for thermomineral waters from the geothermal system 2 and from the mixed geothermal system 1 and 2 are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. 100 80 60 40 20 0 ■EO \ A B C D E F^ -5 Smatjaäks Topfca 13VI£>gi>dsktBin]t -17 30°C) (Milenic et al. 2009), whereas on the basis of the balneological criterion thermomineral waters are classified into hypothermal <36, homeothermic 36-37°C and hyper-thermal >37°C (Tab. 6). From the geothermal aspect the largest number of occurrences (27) is in the temperature scope of 10-30°C where the utilisation of thermomineral water is possible for the needs of heating by means of heat pumps. Water with the temperatures over 30°C can be used for heating facilities directly without using heat pumps. 21 occurrences of thermomineral water are characterised by the temperature higher than 30°C. fig. 9: Survey of available quantities of hydrogeothermomineral energy from karst thermomineral waters of Inner dinarides. 246 ACTA CARSOLOGICA 41/2-3 - 2012 Tab. 6: Classification of thermomineral karst waters of Inner dinarides on basis of temperature (Geothermal and Balneological Aspects). T (°C) <10°C 10-30°C >30°C <4°C 4-10°C 10-20°C 20-30°C 30-36°C 36-37°C >37°C Number Of Occurrences - - 6 21 9 3 9 Geothermal Aspect 0 27 21 Balneological Aspect Hypothermal Homoeo thermic Hyper thermal 36 3 9 tab. 7: Available amounts of hydrogeothermomineral energy (kW) from karst thermomineral waters of Inner dinarides. No. Name of occurrence T CC) AT (oC) Q (l/s) Available energy amount (kW) 1 Dolenjeske Toplice 32 27 19 2154 2 Jezero pri Družinski vasi 23.5 18.5 6 466 3 Klevevž 25 20 6 504 4 Kostanjevica na Krki 23 18 30 2268 5 Šmarješke Toplice 33.5 28.5 40 4788 6 Čatež 64 59 110 27258 7 Varaždinske Toplice 56.5 51.5 50 10815 8 Krapinske Toplice 39 34 80 11424 9 Stubičke Toplice 61.5 56.5 48 11390 10 Sveta Helena (Šmidhen) 26.8 21.8 3 274 11 Tuheljske Toplice 32.9 27.9 85 9960 12 Dvorovi 56.9 51.9 5 1089 13 Višegradska Banja 34.8 29.8 30 3754 14 Olovo Banja 35 30 1 126 15 Olovo Solun 26.8 21.8 5 457 16 Olovo Orlje 24.6 19.6 2 164 17 Knežina Ilidža 15.5 10.5 80 3528 18 Budimlja Ilidža 15.6 10.6 10 445 19 Banja Luka-Slatina 40.9 35.9 5 753 20 Mala Kladuša 25 20 50 4200 21 Čarakovo 19 14 3 176 22 Laktaši 30.4 25.4 60 6400 23 Vrdnik 33 28 6 705 24 Ljuba 22.5 17.5 5 367 25 Debrc 56 51 20 4284 26 Dublje 50.5 45.5 10 1911 27 Bogatič 75 70 50 14700 28 Banja Koviljača 30 25 20 2100 29 Paune 21.2 16.2 2 136 30 Mionica 26 21 10 882 31 Vrujci 26 21 50 4410 32 Petnica 31 26 10 1092 33 Banjci Kosjerič 25 20 10 840 34 Ovčar Banja 36.5 31.5 30 3969 35 Ladevac 20 15 20 1260 36 Stapari 21 16 2 134 37 Bioštanska Banja 36 31 30 3906 38 Roška Banja 23.5 18.5 10 777 39 Banja Vapa 17.5 12.5 1 52.5 40 Gostilje 17.5 12.5 1 52.5 41 Visočka Banja 25 20 50 4200 42 Pribojska Banja 36 31 50 6510 43 Crno vrelo 17 12 5 252 44 Čedovo 27 22 20 1848 45 Rudnik Banja 24.8 19.8 15 1247 46 Studenica 25 20 1 84 47 čečevo 24 19 10 798 48 Pečka Banja 23 18 5 378 S ~160.000 kW Available energy amounts that can be obtained from hydrogeothermal mineral systems of low enthalpy depend on water specific heat, groundwater temperature, namely temperature reduction that can be realised in a heat pump and the yield of a facility. This relation can be represented in the form of an equation by the following calculation: E = Cp ■ Q ■ DT Where there is: E - nominal available energy amount (kW) Cp - water specific heat (constiint, 4.2 KJ/kg/oC) Q - yield of facility (kg/s, the same as l/s) DT - temperature reduction that can be realised in a heat pump Thermomineral waters formed in karst aquifers of the inner Dinarides are characterised by geothermal potential of about 160 MW (Tab. 7). 25 occurrences of Inner Dinarides karst ther-momineral water have the geothermal potential of over 1MW (Fig. 9). DISCUSSION ON TEMPERATURE PROGNOSIS IN RESERVOIRS BY GEOTHERMOMETER METHOD Geothermal potential of this significance, certainly, is not definite. It is calculated only for temperatures of the groundwater recorded so far. To determine complete geothermal potential, the geothermometer method was used for the sake of the calculation of primary temperatures in water-bearing horizons themselves (geothermal reservoirs). Consequently, expected temperatures of karst ther-momineral waters of the Inner Dinarides in "primary aquifers" have been calculated on the basis of geother-mometer method based on chemical reaction in relation between a rock and water in relation to temperature. Method of hydrogeometers gives reliable results if the following conditions are fulfilled (Fournier et al. 1974): 1. chemical processes in an aquifer depending on temperature regulate element content used in the given geothermometer, 2. there is sufficiently high amount of reagent-mineral with the given elements, 3. chemical balance between water and a rock-mineral is established in an aquifer, 4. elements and their compounds used in geother-mometer do not come into balance with the rock of an Tab. 8: Survey of temperature calculation of karst thermomineral water in primary aquifers by means of geothermometer method. Current temperature Expected temperature in primary aquifer T ("C) SiO2 Qz (Fournier 1977) SiO2 Qz SL (Fournier 1977) K/Mq (Giqqenbach et al. 1983) Na-K-Ca-Mq (Fournier et al. 1979) Dolenjeske Toplice Spa 32 - - - 45 Šmarješke Toplice Spa 33.5 50 57 Čatež 64 74 78 Dvorovi 56.9 89 92 Čarakovo 19 21 - 28 30 Vrdnik 33 39 47 45 - Ljuba 22.5 - - - 25 Debrc 56 83 86 Dublje 50.5 70 75 60 Boqatic 75 108 - - - Banja Koviljača Spa 30 59 - - 50 Mionica 26 - - 39 35 Vrujci 26 45 29 Banjci Kosjerič 25 32 41 Ovčar Banja Spa 36.5 56 51 Ladevac 20 - - - 21 Bioštanska Banja Spa 36 - 37 - - Pribojska Banja 36 - - - 37 Crno vrelo 17 28 37 Čedovo 27 39 Rudnik Banja 24.8 53 60 59 Studenica 25 45 53 - 49 čečevo 24 39 47 - - Pečka Banja Spa 23 - - 54 - overlying aquafuge while water flows from the reservoir to the surface, 5. ttere is no mixing of thermomineral water with "cold" water from shallower aquifers. In Tab. 8, there are presented results of expected temperatures of karst thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides in "primary aquifers" obtained on the basis of the geothermometer method (Tab. 8). In Tab. 8, it can be seen clearly that various geothermometers give various data for each of analysed systems. For example, silicon geothermometers give correct results with thermomin-eral waters characterised by neutral to low acid reaction, which is the case with the majority of karst thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides (Tab. 8). Unreliable, namely unreal data appearing with calculations for some occurrences (Pribojska Banja Spa, Mionica, Ovčar Banja Spa, Ladevac, Ljuba), are probably the concequence of mixing of thermomineral water with "cold" water. Carried out calculations have shown that the Geo-thermometer K/Mg is applicable for the occurrences: Čarakovo, Vrdnik, Mionica, the Ovčar Banja Spa and the Pecka Banja Spa where it has given corresponding results. The Geothermometer Na-K-Ca-Mg is prone to making mistakes owing to the reaction between the water and the rock during water cooling on the way from the reservoir to the discharge zone. Anomalous values of temperatures obtained by using some geothermometers are conditioned by high concentrations of magnesium in most analysed karst thermo-mineral waters of the Inner Dinarides. It is clear, on the basis of the stated data, that geother-mal potential is significantly higher than the one currently available. Therefore, far more detailed hydrogeological and hydrogeothemal explorations are required in the area of all thermomineral locations in the Inner Dinarides in order to evaluate the geothermal potential in the right manner. POSSIBILITIES OF MULTI-PURPOSE UTILISATION IN EXAMPLE OF PRIBOJSKA BANJA SPA Thermomineral waters of the Pribojska Banja Spa, according to their quantitative and qualitative properties, offer a possibility for multi-purpose utilisation of this resource in terms of balneological-therapeutical, namely geothermal (heating of a therapeutic facility) aspects. Therefore the authors of this paper have completed the design of multi-purpose utilisation of the Pribojska Banja Spa thermomineral waters during the year 2010. The Pribojska Banja Spa is situated in southwest part of Serbia. The natural wealth of the Spa comprises several factors: thermomineral water springs, altitude, and the formation of specific microclimatic conditions, a favourable geographical position. with regard to the listed factors, it is clear that the data on the existence and healing property of this area appear in some historical documents as early as 13*^ century. The sanatorium, after Fig. 10: Schematic survey system for multi-purpose utilisation of thermomineral waters in Pribojska Banja Spa (Milenic 2010). which the town has got its name Spa, lies across the plateau at the altitude of 530 to 550 m surrounded by Star-ovlaska mountains. tte place is an air bath. In the very centre of the Spa, there is a seepage spring of thermom-ineral water with the water temperature of 36°C. tte Spa water is used as auxiliary therapeutic means, for bathing, and as drinking water. ttermomineral waters of the Pri-bojska Banja Spa are classified into the group of homeo-thermic ones of a hydrocarbonate-calcium-magnesium type. Balneological-therapeutical aspect. tte "per os"-oral method (oral urography), namely bathing is applied for rehabilitation and treatment of patients in the Pribo-jska Banja Spa. tte thermal water is used for treatment of the following diseases: post-traumatic state, chronic joint rheumatism and extra-joint rheumatism, peripheral nerve disorders, vertebral column, chronic gynaecological, skin diseases, digestive organs, gallbladder and urinary tract. Geothermal aspect. ttermomineral waters with the amount of 50 l/s and the temperature of 36°C are a significant source of hydrogeothermomineral energy which can be used for the needs of heating. A low temperature heating system (wall and floor panels) using thermom-ineral water as the energy source is installed in the Rehabilitation Centre. tte system is an example of cascade utilisation of groundwater presented in Fig.10. tte surface of the hospital for rehabilitation being heated is 1,900 m2. tte consumption for the heating of this facility is 230 kW, which is far below the energy amounts that can be obtained from thermomineral water in the Pribojska Banja Spa. Available water quantities are tapped from two arms. One arm taps 10 l/s and is carried away for Spa needs; afterwards it goes to the heat exchanger for the needs of the facility heating as well as for further Spa needs. tte temperature regime in the primary circle of thermomineral water is 36oC/30oC.tte other arm taps 40 l/s from where it is carried to the system of heat exchangers for the heating needs of facilities in the Pribojska Banja Spa. tte first part of the design is completed. It is necessary to mention that available amounts of geothermal energy exceed the frames of the utilisation for the hospital needs, which offers the possibility to give connection to the heating system by hydro-geothermomineral energy to new consumers. CONCLUSIONS tte basis of regional hydrogeological interpretation of karst thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides comprises geological setting and tectonic characteristics. Consequently, formation conditions of thermomineral water deposits essentially depend on geological setting of the terrain, namely the position and petrologic type of an aquifer within the geological setting. tte area of the Inner Dinarides made mostly of limestone or more locally of dolomite rocks abounds in numerous thermomineral water occurrences. ttermomineral waters are similar as to their chemical characteristics, independently from localities of their occurrence. Temperatures range from 15.5oC (Knežina Ilidža) to 75oC (Bogatic). Karst thermo-mineral waters of the Inner Dinarides are characterised by mineralization which mainly does not exceed 1000 mg/l, neutral to low alkaline reaction (with the exceptions of Laktaši pH 6 and the Olovo Banja Spa pH 6.2). Generally, the feature of these waters is the prevailing presence of hydrocarbonate ions as well as calcium, and magnesium as prevailing cations. Karst thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides are most frequently related exclusively to the type 2 geo- thermal systems formed in carbonate sediments covered by low water permeable rocks. In a certain number of thermomineral water occurrences, there occurs mixing owing to the existence of hydraulic connection between karst thermomineral waters and waters formed in sedimentary basins, thus it is impossible to determine only one geothermal system in which they are formed. Waters of this type are defined as thermomineral waters originating in geothermal systems 1 and 2. tte analysis of D' Amore parameters has shown that the majority of karst thermomineral waters of the Inner Dinarides belong to the carbonate type (b) and they are, as a rule, formed in the geothermal system 1. Waters of the d type (clastic water type) b-g (carbonate-metamorphic), b-d (carbonate-clastic), g-d (metamorphic-clastic), are formed in geothermal systems 1 and 2. Utilisation possibilities of karst thermomineral waters depend on their quantitative and qualitative properties. As waters characterized by increased temperatures are in question, the most rational way of their utilisation is "cascade" or "gradual" utilisation which is presented in the example of the Pribojska Banja Spa. 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