Observations of amphibian, reptile and some mammal species in the area of Šaleška jezera near Velenje during the 2015–2017 period Anja BOLČINA1, Jan GOJZNIKAR2, Rudi KRAŠEVEC3, Matic GABOR4, Blaž VRHOVŠEK5 1Cesta na Svetino 19, SI-3270 Laško; E-mail: bolcina.anja@gmail.com 2Migojnice 90, SI-3302 Griže; E-mail: jan.gojznikar.pb@gmail.com 3Kozlarjeva pot 26, SI-1000 Ljubljana; E-mail: rudi_rutka@hotmail.com 4Gabrje 14a, SI-1356 Dobrova; E-mail: gabor.matic@hotmail.com 5Osredek pri Zrečah 5, SI-3214 Zreče; E-mail: blaz.vrhovsek95@gmail.com Abstract. In this contribution we present our observations of amphibians, reptiles and some mammals from the area of Šaleška jezera (lakes) near Velenje in northern Slovenia. This area refers to three lakes – Velenjsko jezero, Šoštanjsko jezero and Škalsko jezero, which were formed in the 20th century as a consequence of underground lignite mining. The landscape is still changing due to an ongoing subsidence of the valley caused by continuous mining, which constantly affects the surface water bodies and habitats. The changes are so apparent that they could be measured in weeks if not days. New records on the occurrence of 9 amphibian, 7 reptilian and 9 mammalian species were made in the region during our field work carried out from 2015 to 2017. Three of these species are listed on Annex II of the EU Habitats Directive – Emys orbicularis, Bombina variegata and Triturus carnifex, and additional eight on Annex IV of this directive – Bombina variegata, Hyla arborea, Rana dalmatina, Triturus carnifex, Emys orbicularis, Lacerta viridis, Podarcis muralis and Natrix tessellata. We also recorded two introduced species – Dama dama and Trachemys scripta. Key words: amphibians, reptiles, mammals, coal-mine subsiding area, Šaleška jezera, Slovenia Izvleček. Opazovanja dvoživk, plazilcev in določenih vrst sesalcev med letoma 2015 in 2017 v okolici Šaleških jezer, Slovenija – V prispevku navajamo lastna opazovanja dvoživk, plazilcev in sesalcev v obdobju 2015–2017 v okolici Šaleških jezer, severna Slovenija. Območje obsega tri jezera – Velenjsko, Šoštanjsko in Škalsko, ki so nastala v 20. stoletju kot posledica izkopavanja lignita. Pokrajina se še vedno nenehno spreminja zaradi ugrezanja doline, kjer je premogovništvo še aktivno, in vpliva na površinska vodna telesa in habitate. Spremembe površja so opazne iz tedna v teden, ponekod celo iz dneva v dan. Med terenskimi popisi smo na območju jezer zabeležili 9 vrst dvoživk, 6 vrst plazilcev in 9 vrst sesalcev. Tri najdene vrste so uvrščene v Prilogo II Habitatne direktive – Emys orbicularis, Bombina variegata in Triturus carnifex, osem pa jih je uvrščenih v Prilogo IV omenjene direktive – Bombina variegata, Hyla arborea, Rana dalmatina, Triturus carnifex, Emys orbicularis, Lacerta viridis, Podarcis muralis in Natrix tessellata. Opazili smo tudi dve tujerodni vrsti – Dama dama in Trachemys scripta. Ključne besede: dvoživke, plazilci, sesalci, ugrezninsko območje premogovnika, Šaleška jezera, Slovenija Biotehniška fakulteta Univerze v Ljubljani in Nacionalni inštitut za biologijo, Ljubljana, 2018 Introduction Several amphibian, reptile and mammal species are known from the wider area of Šaleška jezera (near the town of Velenje) from various sources (Kryštufek 1991, Gregori 1995, Tome 1996, Poboljšaj & Kotarac 1997, Planinc 1999, Planinc 2001, Krofel et al. 2009, Žagar 2012), but often with unspecified or not very accurate localities. In the vicinity of the lakes, three species of amphibian and reptiles were noted – Bombina variegata, Pelophylax kl. esculenta complex and Trachemys scripta (Gregori 1995, Tome 1996, Poboljšaj & Kotarac 1997). Seven more were recorded in the wider surroundings of the town Velenje – Natrix natrix and N. tessellate, Zamenis longissimus, Anguis fragilis, Lacerta viridis, and Podarcis muralis (Planinc 1999, Krofel et al. 2009, Žagar 2012). The introduced mammal species Dama dama has been present in the region since 1973 (Krže 1975). For other mammals we found no data of specified localities for the surveyed area, even though they are generally present in this part of Slovenia (Kryštufek 1991). Since the area and its lakes are fairly dynamic with constantly changing habitats, data about possible vertebrate distribution can be considered interesting. Distribution changes and succession had been noted in some former destroyed mining areas in other countries (e. g. Tischew et al. 2009). The most dynamic subsiding area, where the changes can be measured in days, is the landscape between lakes Velenjsko jezero and Šoštanjsko jezero due to still active underground mining and ash deposition from the nearest Šoštanj thermoelectric plant. Despite the records of endangered species at the European level, this landscape has currently no nature conservation status. On the other hand, the northeastern shore of Velenjsko jezero, including the patch between Velenjsko and Škalsko jezero, is designated as a valuable natural area (Ur. l. RS 2004a). Velenjsko and Škalsko jezero are also partly situated on the southwestern border of the Velenjsko-Konjiško gorovje area of ecological importance (»ekološko pomembno območje«; Ur. l. RS 2004b). The same area was also included in an initiative to establish a natural landscape park Škale, but all the attempts failed (Pokorny 1999). In this contribution we present some amphibian, reptile and mammal species in the Šaleška jezera region, noted as chance findings between the years 2015 and 2017. Materials and methods Šaleška jezera (lakes) are very young, formed in the mid-20th century in Šaleška dolina, a basin in Slovenia near the town of Velenje. The valley has natural deposits of lignite and the mining of this coal started 130 years ago, causing the subsidence of the valley, which was gradually flooded with the water from passing brooks. The flooding resulted in three notable lakes (Fig. 1) -Velenjsko jezero, Šoštanjsko jezero in Škalsko jezero (Šterbenk 2011). Due to the still active mining, the shape of the lakes and their surrounding landscape is still changing. After several decades of activity, the subsidence of the grounds is currently most significant on the northwestern shores of Velenjsko jezero and northern and eastern shores of Šoštanjsko NATURA SLOVENIAE 20(1): 45-57 jezero. The changes occur in short periods of time and are often accompanied by deforestation along with creation of new water bodies, marshland, reeds, shrubland and other surfaces (Šterbenk 2011). The southern, more stable shores of these two lakes are popular tourist destinations, with the smallest lake, Škalsko jezero, completely designated for human activities (Šterbenk et. al. 2017). The fieldwork was carried out from May 2015 to October 2017 and was mainly focused on regular bird surveys (Gojznikar et al., in prep.), but we also recorded other vertebrate species encountered during our field work. The amphibian and reptile species were either caught, identified, photographed and released or only observed through binoculars or telescope and identified using some of the available literature (Veenvliet & Kus Veenvliet 2008, Speybroeck et al. 2016). Some amphibian species were also identified by sound recognition. Mammals were identified after being photographed or observed through binoculars or telescope with the aid of available literature (Kryštufek 1991, Kryštufek & Janžekovič 1999). We also identified several mammalian species via their footprints according to Krofel & Potočnik (2016). Apart from the obvious and easily determinable species, we excluded certain mammal groups from our survey, as no suitable methods for their identification were at hand. These were nearly all rodents (Rodentia) and all insectivores (Eulipotyphla) and bats (Chiroptera). Results and discussion In the surveyed area we noted 25 different species-level taxa from three vertebrate classes -Amphibia, Reptilia and Mammalia with 9, 7 and 9 species respectively (Tab. 2). Altogether, the animals were noted on 71 different localities (Tab. 1). We recorded three species found on Annex II of the EU’s Habitats Directive: yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata), Italian crested newt (Triturus carnifex) and European pond terrapin (Emys orbicularis), and additional eight on Annex IV of this directive: yellow-bellied toad (Bombina variegata), European tree frog (Hyla arborea), agile frog (Rana dalmatina), Italian crested newt (Triturus carnifex), European pond terrapin (Emys orbicularis), European green lizard (Lacerta viridis), common wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) and dice snake (Natrix tessellata) (Official Journal of the EU 1992). The only noted species being considered endangered (E category) in Slovenia is E. orbicularis (Ur. l. RS 2002). Two introduced species for Slovenia were also observed: the pond slider (Trachemys scripta) and the fallow deer (Dama dama). We noted two subspecies of the former – T. s. scripta and T. s. elegans (Tab. 2). Figure 1. Localities of all species observed (see Tab. 1). The landscape may have changed significantly due to continuous subsidence since the last data were collected and was in fact not implicitly representative of the landscape during our research. The map was created in QGIS software using OpemStreetMap as a basemap (© OpenStreeMap contributors). Slika 1. Lokalitete vseh opaženih vrst. Lokalitete so oštevilčene kot v Tab. 1. Površje v okolici jezer se je zaradi ugrezanja morda bistveno spremenilo od datuma zadnjega podatka in ni nujno primerljivo s stanjem med našo raziskavo. Zemljevid je bil izdelan v QGIS software z uporabo OpemStreetMap kot osnovo (© OpenStreeMap contributors). Table 1. All localities of the species recorded at Šaleška jezera between 2015 and 2017; coordinates are in WGS84 decimals (lat. (°N)/ long. (°E)). Tabela 1. Vse lokalitete vrst, zabeleženih v okolici Šaleških jezer med letoma 2015 in 2017 ; koordinate so v WGS84 decimalnem zapisu (lat. (°N)/ long. (°E)). No. of Description / Opis Habitat / Coordinates / Elevation locality / Habitat Koordinate (m) / Št. Nadmorska lokalitete višina (m) 01 Western lake shore of Šoštanjsko lake shore 46.3798/15.0575 368 jezero 02 Northern lake shore of Šoštanjsko marshy lake 46.3824/15.0617 370 jezero shore 03 Northern lake shore of Šoštanjsko lake shore 46.3823/15.0635 368 jezero 04 Northeast from Šoštanjsko jezero, shrubland 46.3852/15.0716 374 near the gravel road 05 Gravel road near the outflow of the wheel ruts 46.3845/15.0737 382 Velunja stream, northeast from and roadside Šoštanjsko jezero puddles 06 Northeast from Šoštanjsko jezero, pools of a 46.3852/15.0758 396 uphill on deforested ridge above small stream Velunja 07 Northeast of Šoštanjsko jezero, vegetation 46.3845/15.0743 380 near the outflow of the Velunja stream NATURA SLOVENIAE 20(1): 45-57 No. of Description / Opis Habitat / Coordinates / Elevation locality / Habitat Koordinate (m) / Št. Nadmorska lokalitete višina (m) 08 Northeastern lake shore of lake shore 46.3839/15.0728 376 Šoštanjsko jezero 09 Gravel road below deforested ridge, gravel road 46.3814/15.0721 374 east from Šoštanjsko jezero 10 Gravel road below deforested ridge, wheel ruts 46.3809/15.0723 378 east from Šoštanjsko jezero and roadside puddles 11 Waterhole by the gravel road below waterhole 46.3803/15.0721 deforested ridge, east from Šoštanjsko jezero 12 Gravel road near the eastern shore pothole 46.3797/15.0699 371 of Šoštanjsko jezero 13 14 15 Gravel road below deeast from ŠoštanjskoWaterhole near the gravel roads, shrublaof Šoštanjsko jezero Shrubland east of Šoš forested ridjezero crossroads nd on the east tanjsko jeze ge, of ro pothole waterhole vegetation near the small pool 46.3793/15.0720 46.3784/15.0717 46.3778/15.0717 377 372 370 16 Shrubland east of Šoš tanjsko jeze ro vegetation 46.3771/15.0702 369 17 Shrubland east of jezero, near the grav Šoštanjsko el road shrubland 46.3772/15.0728 369 18 Shrubland between ŠVelenjsko jezero oštanjsko and shrubland 46.3784/15.0740 381 19 Ash deposits betwjezero and deforested een Velenjsko ridge ash deposits 46.3800/15.0771 389 20 Northwest from the w ater reservo ir vegetation 46.3817/15.0786 387 21 Ditch by the gravel deforested ridge, nthe water reservoir road below orthwest from roadside ditch 46.3835/15.0787 404 22 Deforested ridge, nŠoštanjsko jezero ortheast from deforested ridge 46.3836/ 15.0770 416 23 Puddles by the gravdeforested ridge, nthe water reservoir el road belorthwest from ow puddles 46.3841/15.0787 412 24 Gravel road below denorthwest from the w forested ridater reservo ge, ir gravel road 46.3836/15.0793 394 25 Forest northwest jezero, gravel rodeforested ridge and pond of Velenjsko ad between the forest roadside ditch 46.3834/15.0811 402 26 Forest northwest jezero, north from reservoir of Velenjsko the wa ter forest pond 46.3844/15.0821 404 27 Forest northwest jezero, north from reservoir of Velenjsko the wa ter forest pond 46.3851/15.0828 409 No. of Description / Opis Habitat / Coordinates / Elevation locality / Habitat Koordinate (m) / Št. Nadmorska lokalitete višina (m) 28 Clearing by the gravel road near forest edge 46.3843/15.0832 407 the forest pond, north from the water reservoir 29 Forest northwest of Velenjsko forest road 46.3834/15.0838 391 jezero 30 Forest northwest of Velenjsko forest 46.3833/15.0835 jezero 31 Pond by the northern road around pond 46.3817/15.0810 the water reservoir 32 Waterhole by the northern road overgrown 46.3817/15.0829 378 around the water reservoir, near waterhole the gravel road to the forest pond 33 Waterhole between the water waterhole 46.3798/15.0812 368 reservoir and artificial pool on ash deposits, northwest form Velenjsko jezero 34 Northwestern lake shore of lake shore 46.3798/15.0840 374 Velenjsko jezero 35 Crossroads of gravel and forest overgrown 46.3818/15.0862 413 roads, north from Velenjsko jezero roadside ditch 36 Forest north of Velenjsko jezero forest clearing 46.3832/15.0883 396 37 Forest north of Velenjsko jezero wheel ruts on 46.3836/15.0890 424 forest road 38 Forest north of Velenjsko jezero forest edge 46.3834/15.0905 389 39 Fields near Škale, north from field near the 46.3832/15.0907 384 Velenjsko jezero forest 40 Grassland north of Velenjsko jezero tent on the 46.3823/15.0923 391 grassland 41 Grassland north of Velenjsko jezero hunting 46.3818/15.0930 375 observatory 42 Outflow of the Ljubela stream north bank of the 46.3812/15.0942 375 of Velenjsko jezero stream outflow 43 Northern lake shore of Velenjsko lake shore 46.3796/15.0967 384 jezero 44 Forest northeast of Velenjsko jezero forest 46.3799/15.0971 376 45 Forest northeast of Velenjsko jezero pothole in the 46.3790/15.0982 390 forest 46 Forest northeast of Velenjsko jezero forest 46.3791/15.0986 391 47 Forest northeast of Velenjsko jezero forest 46.3790/15.0996 413 48 Northeastern lake shore of lake shore 46.3786/15.0986 387 Velenjsko jezero 49 Forest northeast of Velenjsko jezero puddle in the 46.3784/15.0989 388 forest 50 Northeastern lake shore of lake shore 46.3779/15.0996 387 Velenjsko jezero 51 Forest northeast of Velenjsko jezero forest edge 46.3780/15.0999 368 NATURA SLOVENIAE 20(1): 45-57 No. of Description / Opis Habitat / Coordinates / Elevation locality / Habitat Koordinate (m) / Št. Nadmorska lokalitete višina (m) 52 Grassland between Velenjsko and grassland 46.3775/15.1003 Škalsko jezero near reeds 53 Northern lake shore of Škalsko regulated lake 46.3770/15.1046 377 jezero shore 54 Northeastern lake shore of Škalsko lake shallows 46.3764/15.1094 386 jezero, at the outflow of the Lepena stream 55 Stream connecting Škalsko and stream bank 46.3742/15.1026 Velenjsko jezero 56 Southeastern lake shore of regulated lake 46.3723/15.0931 368 Velenjsko jezero shore 57 Main road from Velenje to southern roadside ditch 46.3685/15.0871 370 shore of Velenjsko jezero 58 Southwestern lake shore of lake shore 46.3712/15.0807 367 Velenjsko jezero with reeds 59 Southwestern lake shore of lake shallows 46.3720/15.0791 368 Velenjsko jezero with reeds 60 Ash deposits southwest of grassland 46.3736/15.0784 376 Velenjsko jezero 61 Ash deposits southwest of artificial pool 46.3738/15.0770 377 Velenjsko jezero 62 Road between Velenjsko and asphalt road 46.3721/15.0738 367 Šoštanjsko jezero 63 Waterhole at the crossroads of waterhole 46.3734/15.0731 364 roads to ash deposits and the road between Velenjsko and Šoštanjsko jezero 64 Southeast from Šoštanjsko jezero, marshy 46.3737/15.0719 367 near the road between Velenjsko and Šoštanjsko jezero shrubland 65 Ash deposits between Velenjsko and Šoštanjsko jezero small pool 46.3754/15.0725 375 66 Southeastern lake shore of lake shallows 46.3749/15.0698 360 Šoštanjsko jezero 67 Southeastern lake shore of vegetation 46.3745/15.0693 360 Šoštanjsko jezero 68 Southern lake shore of Šoštanjsko jezero outflow of the ditch 46.3744/15.0641 360 69 Stream connecting the Paka river and Šoštanjsko jezero, south from Šoštanjsko jezero stream bank vegetation 46.3741/15.0600 360 70 Southern lake shore of Šoštanjsko lake shore 46.3750/15.0600 360 jezero vegetation 71 Small island on the southwest of Šoštanjsko jezero small island 46.3747/15.0575 362 Table 2. Amphibian, reptilian and some mammalian species recorded in the Šaleška jezera area between 2015 and 2017 (A – Amphibia, R – Reptilia, M -– Mammalia; I – introduced species; HD – Habitats Directive (Ur. l. EU 1992), RL – Slovenian Red List (Ur. l. RS 2002), IUCN – The IUCN List of Threatened Species, E – endangered, LC – least concern, NT – near threatened, O1 – species threathened in the past but currently not threatened, V -vulnerable ; few: 2–5, many: 6 or more). Tabela 2. Vrste dvoživk, plazilcev in določenih sesalcev, zabeležene v okolici Šaleških jezer med letoma 2015 in 2017 (A – Amphibia, R – Reptilia, M – Mammalia; I – tujerodne vrste; HD – Habitatna direktiva (Ur. l. EU 1992), RL – Rdeči seznam Slovenije (Ur. l. RS 2002), IUCN – IUCN seznam ogroženih vrst, , E – prizadeta vrsta, LC – vrsta, ki trenutno ni smatrana za ogroženo, NT – potencialno ogrožena vrsta, O1 – vrsta zunaj nevarnosti, V – ranljiva vrsta; few: 2–5, many: 6 ali več). Date [No. of locality -Number of Methods of Conservation status / Class / Species / specimens] / identification Varstvene kategorije Razred Vrsta Datum [št. lokalitete -število / Metoda osebkov] določitve HD RL IUCN A Bombina variegata 10. 5. 2015 [Loc 35 -2, Loc 45 -2, Loc 49 ­2]; 12. 4. 2016 [Loc 35 -few, Loc 45 -3]; 2. 4. 2017 [Loc 5 -2]; 14. 4. 2017 [Loc 5 ­many, Loc 10 -few, Loc 45 -3, Loc 49 -few]; 7. 5. 2017 [Loc 5 -many, Loc 13 -few, Loc 49 -many]; 21. 5. 2017 [Loc 5 -few, Loc 10 ­few, Loc 49 -few]; 10. 6. 2017 [Loc 5 -few, Loc 6 -few, Loc 21 -few, Loc 23 -few, Loc 35 -few, Loc 37 -few,]; 26. 6. 2017 [Loc 11 -20, Loc 23 -2, Loc 37 -few]; 17. 7. 2017 [Loc 10 -5, Loc 12 -2]; 5. 8. 2017 [Loc 5 -few, Loc 10 -few, Loc 11 -few, Loc 21 -few]; 8. 8. 2017 [Loc 25 -2]; 19. 8. 2017 [Loc 5 -5]; 20. 9. 2017 [Loc 5 -1, Loc 10 -2]; 1. 10. 2017 [Loc 11 -2]; 15. 10. 2017 [Loc 9 -1, Loc 10 ­1, Loc 34 -1] caught, Annex V LC observation, II, photographed, Annex sound IV recognition A Bufo bufo 12. 4. 2016 [Loc 26 -3]; 2. 4. 2017 [Loc 1 -caught, V LC 1]; 7. 8. 2017 [Loc 24 -1, Loc 26 -2] observation, cadaver A Hyla arborea 14. 4. 2017 [Loc 8 -1, Loc 30 -1]; 7. 5. 2017 observation, Annex V LC [Loc 8 -2]; 1. 10. 2017 [Loc 11 -2, Loc 60 ­ sound IV 2] recognition A Pelophylax sp. 17. 10. 2015 [Loc 63 -4]; 12. 4. 2016 [Loc 63 -few]; 14. 4. 2017 [Loc 14 -many, Loc 33 ­many, Loc 65 -few]; 7. 5. 2017 [Loc 15 -few, Loc 31 -few, Loc 63 -many, Loc 58 -1]; 21. 5. 2017 [Loc 2 -1, Loc 14 -few, Loc 15 -1, Loc 58 -2, Loc59 -few, Loc 63 -2,Loc 66 ­3]; 10. 6. 2017 [Loc 3 -1, Loc 8 -few, Loc 15 -3, Loc 59 -few, Loc 70 -3]; 26. 6. 2017 [Loc 8 -few, Loc 15 -4, Loc 34 -few, Loc 59 -few, Loc 61 -few, Loc 64 -few]; 5. 8. 2017 [Loc 8 ­few, Loc 72 -few]; 6. 8. 2017 [Loc 32 -1] 19. 8. 2017 [Loc 2 -few, Loc 8 -few, Loc 63 ­few, Loc 66 -2]; 2. 9. 2017 [Loc 8 -1, Loc 31 -1, Loc 64 -1]; 20. 9. 2017 [Loc 2 -2]; 1. 10. 2017 [Loc 31 -many, Loc 33 -many]; 15. 10. 2017 [Loc 31 -2] caught, observation A Rana dalmatina 2. 4. 2017 [Loc 8 -1]; 14. 4. 2017 [Loc 52 -2]; 19. 8. 2017 [Loc 50 -1] caught Annex IV V LC A Rana temporaria 19. 3. 2017 [Loc 44 -1] caught Annex V V LC A Ichthyosaura alpestris 6. 8. 2017 [Loc 32 -4] caught V LC NATURA SLOVENIAE 20(1): 45-57 Date [No. of locality -Number of Methods of Conservation status / Class / Species / specimens] / identification Varstvene kategorije Razred Vrsta Datum [št. lokalitete -število / Metoda osebkov] določitve HD RL IUCN A Lissotriton 6. 8. 2017 [ Loc 32 -2] caught V LC vulgaris A Triturus 17. 10. 2015 [Loc 63 -1]; 6. 8. 2017 [Loc 40 ­ caught, Annex V LC carnifex 1] observation II, Annex IV R Anguis 14. 4. 2017 [Loc 42 -1] observation O1 LC fragilis R Lacerta 23. 7. 2016 [Loc 7­1]; 14. 4. 2017 [Loc 38 - observation, Annex V LC viridis/bilinea 1]; 7. 5. 2017 [Loc 35 -2]; 21. 5. 2017 [Loc photographed IV ta 41 -1]; 5. 8. 2017 [Loc 38 -1]; 19. 8. 2017 [Loc 32 -1] R Podarcis 21. 5. 2017 [Loc 69 -1]; 10. 6. 2017 [Loc 36 ­ caught, Annex O1 LC muralis 5]; 26. 6. 2017 [Loc 62 -1]; 15. 10. 2017 [Loc observation IV 69 -2] R Natrix natrix 2. 4. 2017 [Loc 42 -1]; 14. 4. 2017 [Loc 70 - observation O1 Lower 1] Risk/ LC R Natrix 2. 4. 2017 [Loc 53 -1]; 7. 5. 2017 [Loc 56 - observation Annex V LC tessellata 1]; 10. 6. 2017 [Loc 55 -1] IV R Emys 14. 4. 2017 [Loc 26 -5]; 7. 5. 2017 [Loc 26 - observation, Annex E Lower orbicularis, 8]; 21. 5. 2017 [Loc 26 -5]; 10. 6. 2017 [Loc photographed II, Risk/ 26 -1]; 7. 8. 2017 [Loc 26 -1]; 2. 9. 2017 Annex NT [Loc 26 -1] IV R Trachemys scripta scripta I 12. 4. 2016 [Loc 71 -1]; 14. 4. 2017 [Loc 26 ­2]; 7. 5. 2017 [Loc 26 -2, Loc 48 -2, Loc 50 ­1] observation, photographed LC R Trachemys 19. 3. 2017 [Loc 43 -1]; 7. 5. 2017 [Loc 26 - observation, LC scripta 1, Loc 48 -1] photographed I elegans R Trachemys 19. 3. 2017 [Loc 48 -1, Loc 54 -1]; 2. 4. observation, LC scripta ssp.I 2017 [Loc 48 -2, Loc 50 -2, Loc 71 -1]; 14. 4. 2017 [Loc 26 -3, Loc 43 -1, Loc 48 -4, Loc photographed 50 -2, Loc 71 -2]; 21. 5. 2017 [Loc 26 -2, Loc 27 -1]; 10. 6. 2017 [Loc 50 -1]; 26. 6. 2017 [Loc 59 -1] M Dama damaI 17. 10. 2015 [Loc 28 -1, Loc 44 -1]; 14. 11. observation, LC 2015 [Loc 47 -3, Loc 67 -2]; 28. 12. 2015 photographed, [Loc 44 -2, Loc 46 -1]; 12. 4. 2016 [Loc 36 ­ footprints 1, Loc 47 -1]; 22. 10. 2016 [Loc 46 -1, Loc ­60]; 11. 12. 2016 [Loc 47 -1]; 5. 3. 2017 [Loc 46 -3]; 7. 5. 2017 [Loc 19 -3]; 2. 9. 2017 [Loc 35 -4] M Capreolus capreolus 17. 10. 2015 [Loc 28 -3]; 28. 12. 2015 [Loc 35 -2]; 12. 4. 2016 [Loc 38 -2]; 15. 1. 2017 [Loc 19 -1]; 19. 3. 2017 [Loc 18 -1, Loc 39 ­1,Loc60 -2];2.4.2017 [Loc 67 -1];14.4. 2017 [Loc 29 -1, Loc 17 -1]; 17. 7. 2017 [Loc 39 -2]; 2. 9. 2017 [Loc 17 -2, Loc 18 -2] observation, LC photographed, footprints, feces M Rupicapra 28. 10. 2017 [Loc 20 -1] observation Annex LC rupicapra V Date [No. of locality -Number of Methods of Conservation status / Class / Species / specimens] / identification Varstvene kategorije Razred Vrsta Datum [št. lokalitete -število / Metoda osebkov] določitve HD RL IUCN M Lepus 17. 2. 2017 [Loc 15 -2]; 5. 3. 2017 [Loc 15 - observation, LC europaeus 3, Loc 16 -1]; 14. 4. 2017[Loc 4 -1]; 21. 5. photographed, 2017 [Loc 2 -1]; 10. 6. 2017 [Loc 14 -1]; 5. 8. 2017 [Loc 12 -1]; 15.10.2017 [Loc 20 -1]; footprints, feces 28. 10. 2017 [Loc 17 -1] M Sciurus 11. 12. 2016 [Loc 51 -1]; 5. 8. 2017 [Loc 9 - observation LC vulgaris 1]; 19. 8. 2017 [Loc 50 -1]; 20. 9. 2017 [Loc 50 -1] M Meles meles 14. 4. 2017 [Loc 9 -1]; 10. 6. 2017 [Loc 24 - footprints O1 LC 1] M Mustela 19. 8. 2017 [Loc 68 -1] observation LC erminea M Mustela 2. 4. 2017 [Loc 57 -1] observation O1 LC nivalis M Vulpes 17. 10. 2015 [Loc 46 -1]; 22. 10. 2016 [Loc observation, O1 LC vulpes 39 -1]; 10. 6. 2017 [Loc 59 -1]; 19. 8. 2017 photographed [Loc 22 -1] None of the observed amphibians are considered endangered (E), but all (see Tab. 1) are classified as vulnerable (V) on the Slovenian Red List (Ur. l. RS 2002). Bombina variegata is still considered widespread in Slovenia, but could locally be under negative impact. Its populations are, in general, under threat from urbanisation, intensive forestry, agriculture and disappearance of small water bodies, their preferred habitat (Poboljšaj & Lešnik 2003). In the research area, small water bodies are highly susceptible to geomorphological changes, which could exert pressure on the local population of the species. Triturus carnifex, on the other hand, was not seen as often as B. variegata. Although generally present throughout Slovenia, its populations are very small (Poboljšaj & Lešnik 2003) and the species is sometimes considered rare (Govedič et al. 2009). T. carnifex is threatened by multiple local negative influences, especially the devastation of suitable water bodies nationwide (Poboljšaj & Lešnik 2003), and therefore faces a similar problem in the lake area as B. variegata. Other interesting amphibian observations were Ichthyosaura alpestris and Lissotriton vulgaris, which were found only as juveniles together in the same pond, and Hyla arborea, found on four localities. All three are common and generally present in Slovenia (CKFF 2018). Of the six noted indigenous reptile species, according to the Slovenian Red List (Ur. l. RS 2002), one is endangered (E. orbicularis), while two are considered vulnerable (Lacerta viridis/bilineata and Natrix tessellata). The others were threatened in the past, but are currently stable (O/O1). The only species not listed on the Slovenian Red List is the invasive T. scripta. Emys orbicularis is also listed on the Annex II and Annex IV of the Habitats Directive (Ur. l. EU 1992). It is known to have suffered population declines throughout its range, mainly due to habitat degradation, fragmentation and destruction (Tome 2003). In the research area, E. orbicularis was discovered only recently, for the first time recorded about two years ago (CKFF 2018, leg. M. Vranič). During the time of our survey, it was noted also by other researchers (CKFF 2017, leg. N. Kirbiš & M. Vamberger) on the same locality. Although there were at least 8 different individuals present in the aforementioned pond, we found no evidence of their reproduction. It is of crucial importance to ensure that the current state of NATURA SLOVENIAE 20(1): 45-57 the pond remains undisturbed, which might be difficult to achieve due to the continuous subsidence in the area. Another issue for E. orbicularis is the presence of the possibly competitive T. scripta in the area. Cadi & Joly (2004) suggested in their experiment that the latter could have a negative impact on the former. During our research, T. scripta was found, among other localities, in the same pond as E. orbicularis. The former is known in the area for a much longer period than the latter, with the first recorded observation at Škalsko jezero in 1995 (Gregori 1995). The subspecies T. s. elegans is known to reproduce in the wild elsewhere in Slovenia (Lipovšek 2013); the question whether it reproduces in our study area, remains unanswered. Among other reptilians we could not distinguish between L. viridis and L. bilineata due to their almost identical morphological features. The species complex is still a partial mystery in Slovenia, even though it seems that L. bilineata is more likely to be found in the west and L. viridis in the east of the country (Tome 1999). Other noted reptilian species are quite common across Slovenia (Krofel et al. 2009). Our list of amphibian and reptilian species is more or less in concordance with other publications (Poboljšaj 2001, Poboljšaj & Lešnik 2003, Krofel et al. 2009), even though we believe that some other common Slovenian species could also occur regularly in the area (e.g. the Fire Salamander (Salamandra salamandra)). The same, however, cannot be said of our observations of mammals. The actual number of mammalian species in the area is certainly much higher owing to the fact that we excluded bats, insectivores and nearly all rodents from our records. Out of nine species of the recorded mammals, only three (Mustela erminea, M. nivalis and Sciurus vulgaris) are listed on the Slovenian Red List and fall into the O1 category. We did, however, regularly note D. dama, which was introduced to the lake area in 1973 (Krže 1975). An interesting find was a lone chamois (Rupicapra rupicapra), a species usually restrained to higher altitudes (Kryštufek 1991). Degraded areas can offer an interesting insight into succession processes, as demonstrated in Eastern Germany, where enormous tracts of land were destroyed by open-pit coal mining (Tischew et al. 2009). Lignite mining in our area of research is, however, subterranean, which is not common on a global scale (Šterbenk 2011). Therefore, the ever changing surface offers a unique window into succession processes and species reaction to quick environmental changes as indirect consequences of human activities. We believe that further research, focused on noting the impact of the changeable surface, could be interesting. The area is also interesting from the aspect of conservation – the species listed on the Annex II or the Annex IV co-appear in several conservationally important areas elsewhere in Slovenia (Govedič et al. 2009) and offer a possible comparison insight into the effect of the aforementioned human activities. Acknowledgements The work with reptiles and amphibians was done under permit No. 35601-58/2017-4 issued by the Slovenian Environment Agency. We wish to thank Katarina Drašler, Anamarija Žagar, Nino Kirbiš, Gregor Lipovšek, Katja Poboljšaj and Živa Hanc for their help and advice. Živa Hanc also occasionally accompanied us during our field work, together with Domen Kocjan, Žan Suljič, Katarina Meža, and Boštjan Deberšek. We are also grateful to Peter Trontelj and anonymous referees for their valuable comments on the manuscript. References Cadi A., Joly P. (2004): Impact of the introduction of the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) on survival rates of the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis). Biodivers. Conserv. 13: 2511-2518. CKFF (2018): Podatkovna zbirka Centra za kartografijo favne in flore. Miklavž na Dravskem polju (January – February 2018). CKFF (2017): BioPortal. Projektni podatki. 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