535 UDK 373.22(497.4 Ljubljana):625.712.47 1.03 Kratki znanstveni prispevek Prejeto: 18. 9. 2015 Darja Štirn* Vrtčevski vrt / igrišče – prostor srečevanja in sodelovanja The kindergarten garden / playground - a place of socializing and cooperation Izvleček V članku bomo predstavili oblikovanje vr- tčevskega vrta/igrišča in številne dodatne projekte z ekološko tematiko, ki jih v vrtcu Vodmat razvijamo v okviru razvoja celovite- ga induktivnega vzgojnega pristopa. Pokazali bomo način participacije otrok pri snovanju njihovega igrišča na načelih sinhronizacij- ske didaktike in modela izkustvenega učenja po petih korakih, ki predstavljata metodični okvir za razvoj različnih induktivnih peda- goških praks. Hkrati bomo izpostavili načela ekopedagogike in ekopismenosti R. Kahna, ki prizadevanje za trajnostni razvoj povezuje z nujnimi spremembami medosebnih odnosov, družbenih odnosov in odnosa do naravnega okolja, razvoj občutljivosti za potrebne spre- membe pa lahko optimalno razvijamo z rabo različnih kulturno-umetniških praks. Abstract In our paper we present the process of design- ing the kindergarten garden/playground and numerous other ecologically oriented projects we are engaged in at the Vodmat Kindergarten as part of our goal of developing a compre- hensive inductive educational approach. We shall show how the children participate in the conceptualization of their playground follow- ing the principles of synchronization didactics and the five-step experiential learning model, which provide the methodological framework for the development of various inductive pedagogical practices. At the same time, we will also highlight Mr. R. Kahn’s principles of ecopedagogy and ecoliteracy which posit that any efforts towards sustainable develop- ment must go hand in hand with introducing changes in our interpersonal relationships, social relationships and our attitude towards the natural enviroment; and that developing sensitivity for these necessary changes can be optimally achieved through the use of various cultural artistic practices. * Darja Štirn, univ. dipl pedagoginja in zgodovinarka, Vrtec Vodmat, Ljubljana, e-pošta: darja.stirn@gmail.com