ANNALES - Ser. hist. nat. • 13 • 2003 • 1 • Supplement short scientific article DDK 639,32:504.064(262-11) received: 2003-09 02 EFFECT OF TIME OF FIRST DEPLOYMENT AND DURATION ON THE SUCCESSION OF BENTHIC ORGANISMS ON BIOFILTERS USED TO MITIGATE IMPACT OF FISH FARMS ON WATER QUALITY IN CRETE Eugenia APOSTOLAKI, Mano!is TSAPAKIS, Tat/ana TSACARAKl, Kostantla PAPADOPOULOU & ioannis KARAKAS5IS Institute of Marine Biology of Crete, GR-71003 Harakiton, POB 22 i 4 E-mail: ABSTRACT A total of 18 biofiiters were deployed in an open coastal bay of Crete, in order to study the efficiency of bio filter:; using the locally available fouling communities for mitigation of pollution effects by fish farms. Wet biomass, abundance and species diversity of fouling organisms increased with increasing deployment time during all seasons and for ail the filters deployed. Shannon diversity index and average taxonomic distinctness found to be quite stable after the first two months of deployment. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) of wet biomass and species abundance revealed biofiiters clustering in relation to deployment period, regardless of deployment season. Key words: biofiiters, succession, fish farming, Eastern Mediterranean, Crete EFFETTO PI PERIODO DEL PRIMO POSIZIONAMENTO E DURATA SU SUCCESSION! Di ORCANISMI BENTONICI SU BIOFILTRI IJSATI PER RÍDURRE L'IMPATTO 01 ALLEVAMENTl Dt PESCI SULLA QUALITÁ DELL'ACQUA A CRETA SINTESI Oiciotto biofiltri sono staff posizionati in una baia aparta di Creta, alio scopo di stud ia re I'efficienza dei biofiltri nell'uso di comunica di fouling disponibili per ridurre gli eftetti dell'inquinamento provocato da allevsmenti di pesci. La biomassa umida, il numero di specie ed individui degli organism: del fouling sono aumentad con /'aumentare del período di imp/ego dei filtri in tutte le stagioni e per turn i filtri posizionati. L'indice di divers its di Shannon e la precisions media tassonomica sono risultati abbastanzn stabili dopo due mesi di posizionamento- II método "multidimensional scaling" (MDS) applicato alb biomassa umida e all'abbondanza di specie ha rívelato un raggruppamento di biofiltri in relazione al periodo di posizionamento, a prescindere dalla stagione di posizionamento. Parole chiave: biofiltri, successione, allevamento di pesci, Mediterráneo oriéntale, Creta 29 ANNALES - Ser. hist. nat. • 13 • 2003 • 1 • Supplement [:iit(Hii.i APOSTOl. AKt ef a/.™CFF£CT Of TlMt Of NRSÏ DFPIQVMÏNT ANO DURAI ION ON 1HI suCCfSStON Of BENTMIC ORGANISA«;.... 29-J2 INTRODUCTION Fish farms release a substantial amount of wastes in both paniculate and solute forms reaching more than 70% of the nitrogen and phosphorus supplied through fish feed (Holby & Hall, ¡991; Hall ef al., ¡992). The most severe environmental problems affecting other users of the coastal zone could arise from the solute and fine particulate wastes that may by transported at large distance from the farming sites, thus affecting water quality and marine resources over large areas {Pitta et al., 1999). The use of filtering systems based on marine organisms as a means for minimizing these effects has been suggested by various authors in different contexts (Kautsky & F'oike, 1989; Neori et al., 2000: Chopin ei al., 2001). It has been recently suggested (Angel & Spanler, 2002) that the deployment of biofilters using the locally available fouling communities could provide a mean for mitigation of pollution effects by fish farms. In the present paper, we have investigated the performance of in situ biofilters deployed during the warm season of the year (May to November), when most of the wastes are discharged into the marine environment. This paper addresses the issue of colonization of these substrates depending on the time and duration of deployment. MATERIALS AND METHODS The area selected for the deployment of biofilters is an exposed coastal bay at eastern part of Crete, characterized by fairly rough weather, ensuring adequate water flushing, and low background concentrations of nutrients and particulate matter. The fish farm operating there has a mean annual production of 1000-1200 tons of European seabass (Morone labrax) and gifthead se-abream (Spams auratus). Biofilters were constructed of hard plastic net and rolled to a total surface area of 0.5 nr. A total of 18 biofilters (BF) were deployed at 6 m distance from the fish cages and 5 m depth from the sea surface (Plate II: Fig. 10). Nine biofilters were deployed in May 2002, three of which were retrieved two months later (July 2002) [code number 2(M-j)- number refers to total duration of deployment in months, and the two letters to deployment and retrieval month respectively]. In July 2002, six new biofilters were deployed. In September 2002, 3 biofilters deployed in May [4