447Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 447–457 Slemnik: Impact of High Temperature and Pressure to Steel ... DOI: 10.17344/acsi.2020.6590 Scientific paper Impact of High Temperature and Pressure to Steel Passivation in CO2 Atmosphere Mojca Slemnik* University of Maribor, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Smetanova 17, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia * Corresponding author: E-mail: mojca.slemnik@um.si Received: 12-10-2020 Abstract The corrosion behaviour of AISI 347 in 0.1 M sulfuric acid at temperatures 50 and 75 °C and pressures up to 300 bar in a CO2 atmosphere was studied by surface analysis and electrochemical methods. Corrosion reactions in which CO2 is present accelerate the formation of a protective FeCO3 layer, but the success of such a passivation depends on the satu- ration concentration and the corresponding temperature. Significantly better results compared to untreated steels were obtained at lower temperatures by increasing the pressure. To explain the differences in corrosion rates between samples, the activation energy for the layer dissolution was also discussed. It can be assumed that the compressibility of the CO2 at different pressures has an influence on the formation of the protective iron carbonate layer and its properties and thus to on the corrosion behaviour. Keywords: Stainless steel, EIS, CO2 corrosion, high pressure 1. Introduction The steel AISI 347 is generally used in extreme con- ditions, e.g. aggressive media, at high temperatures and/or high pressures, mostly in pipeline systems, in the gas in- dustry, especially for industrial gas cylinders, etc. It be- longs to the group of steels with the low carbon content, which can be additionally protected with inhibitors or coatings.1 The niobium content improves the mechanical properties of the steel by increasing hardness and the cor- rosion properties by reducing pitting.2 It has a great affini- ty to carbon, which precipitates as a carbide. Niobium car- bides are more stable than those of chromium, they remove carbon from the solid solution and stabilize the steel.3 Ni- obium also refine the grain size, promotes the formation of chromium oxides and accelerates the formation of an iron oxide enriched passive layer in the outer layer and chromi- um, manganese and iron oxides in the inner layer at high temperature.4 Carbon dioxide is useful as a supercritical fluid in several chemical processes as it changes its proper- ties such as density, diffusivity, viscosity, compressibility, and surface tension by changing temperature and/or pres- sure. When it is used in a corrosive environment, it chang- es its parameters such as pH, partial pressure, temperature, concentration, compressibility etc. and influences the for- mation of a protective passive layer on the surface of the metal and thus its protective properties. To reduce the cor- rosion rate, some authors suggest different coatings, pre-passivation5–8 or the use of efficient inhibitors9–11 for steel in CO2 and also aggressive environments. Not many CO2 corrosion studies have been carried out on low car- bon steels,12 but the fact is that steel exposed to the CO2 environment triggers a spontaneous passivation process as it causes the formation of the FeCO3 layer that protects the metal surface and reduces the corrosion rate. Dugstad13–16 explains how the term CO2 corrosion covers a wide range of electrochemical mechanisms and complex processes. The interaction between protective Fe- CO3 layer formation, corrosion rate and iron ion concen- tration in water was described in detail. CO2 corrosion reactions are divided into anodic and cathodic processes. It was also found that ferritic-perlitic microstructures can be covered with a porous carbide phase which was related to high carbon content on the steels. In principle, corro- sion reactions in CO2 create a chemical environment that accelerates the formation of iron carbonate, which is often oxidized in air.17 Such a layer is formed by the precipita- tion of iron carbonate when its saturation concentration is exceeded.18,19 The concentrations of iron and carbonate ions must locally exceed the solubility limit. The precipita- tion rate is low at low temperatures, so that in this case a very small amount of layer is formed and a higher temper- ature is required for process efficiency. If the rate of iron 448 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 447–457 Slemnik: Impact of High Temperature and Pressure to Steel ... and carbon precipitation is equal to or higher than the cor- rosion rate, a dense protective layer is formed, but if the corrosion process is faster, the layer becomes porous and unprotective.20 Therefore, special attention has been paid to the study of iron carbonate solubility under different conditions. W. Sun and S. Nešić21 developed a uniform equation for iron carbonate solubility that is valid for a wide range of parameters and is based on literature data. In the case of CO2 corrosion, however, many effects must be taken into account.22 As expected, the temperature in- creases the corrosion rate, especially at low pH values, when no precipitation of iron carbonate can occur. On the other hand, the solubility of iron carbonate increases with rising temperature, and when it finally exceeds the solubil- ity limit of iron carbonate, its protective scale formation reduces the rate of corrosion. In addition to temperature and many other effects, the effect of the CO2 partial pressure was also investigated. 23 Y. Sun and S. Nešić24 studied an increase in PCO2 from 3 to 20 bar and concluded, that PCO2 generally leads to an increase in the corrosion rate due to an in- creased concentration of H2CO3, which further accelerates the cathodic reaction and thus the corrosion rate. Howev- er, when the conditions for the formation of iron carbonate are favourable, a higher PCO2 value increases the carbonate ion concentration, which further leads to higher supersat- uration and scale precipitation.25 Y. Zhang et al.26 studied CO2 corrosion behaviour between low partial pressure (1 MPa) and supercritical conditions (9.5 MPa) at various temperatures (from 50 to 130 °C) and immersion times. It was concluded that the change in partial pressure does not alter the corrosion mechanism, but only affects the corro- sion rate, so that the rate is higher under supercritical con- ditions. X. Li et al.27 investigated the nature of corrosion scales in extremely aggressive environments at high tem- perature and CO2 high pressure and found that the corro- sion resistance performance of corrosion scales decreases with increasing temperature and CO2 pressure, finding the decreasing pitting and repassivation potential with in- creasing density and diffusivity of the acceptor in the scales. Z. M. Wang et al.28 succeeded in the in situ observa- tion of the CO2 corrosion process under high pressure from active dissolution, the formation of a defective corro- sion layer up to local layer dissolution and pitting . In general, corrosion protection methods include the use of corrosion resistant materials, coatings, corrosion in- hibitors, electrochemical protection, rust preventing oils or greases and surface treatments.29 The most natural and spontaneous phenomenon in the surface treatment of metals is passivation process, which can also be accelerat- ed with a suitable approach. In our previous study we worked on improving the surface passivation at 25 °C by forming a stable protective layer of iron carbonate by ex- posing the system only to elevated pressures of up to 300 bar30 in acidic environment. In the following we were in- terested in the corrosion behaviour of steel in sulphuric acid at elevated pressures of up to 300 bar and simultane- ously elevated temperatures of 50 and 75 °C, since AISI 347 is commonly used for industrial gas cylinders operat- ing under high pressure. We also investigated the temper- ature dependence and the values of the activation energies required for the dissolution process of protective layer. 2. Experimental 2. 1. Material and Sample Preparation Stainless steel AISI 347 made in Železarna Ravne, Slovenia, has been investigated, with following chemical composition in wt%: Fe 69.882%, C 0.05%, Si 0.53%, Mn 1.32%, P 0.024%, S 0.024%, Cr 17.95%, Ni 9.66% in Nb 0.56%. Samples were mechanically polished with 400–1200 grit abrasive paper, polished with diamond pastes to a mir- ror – like quality, and degreased in acetone, p.a. (Fluka). The high pressure experiments were performed in a thermostated autoclave with 65 mL volume, which is de- signed for a maximum temperature of 200 °C and pressure to 400 bar. The temperature was kept constant with the outdoor thermostat Lauda RC6 CP and measured with the Greisinger thermometer GMH 3230 with an accuracy of ± 0.1 °C. For the evacuation of the autoclave the vacuum pump with a provided underpressure of 3.45 Pa was used. CO2 was dosed into the autoclave with the pump PM101. The pressure was measured with the sensor Wika (PI) with an accuracy of 0.01 MPa. Samples were immersed in 40 mL of 0.1 M H2SO4 prepared from 96% acid, p.a. (Carlo Erba), previously bub- bled for 10 min with CO2 of 99.995% purity (Messer Slovenija). The autoclave was evacuated and charged with CO2 to the desired pressure. The solution was stirred with a magnetic stirrer at a frequency of 800 min–1 for 1 hour. After pressure relief, the samples, which were already covered with the resulting layer, were analysed with the Sirion 400 NC (SEM – Scanning Electron Microscopy) and EDS (Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy) INCA 350 analyser. 2. 2. Electrochemical Tests The electrochemical measurements were performed in a standard three-electrode cell with sample as working electrode, a platinum counter electrode and reference SCE (standard calomel electrode, with the potential + 2,44 V vs. standard hydrogen electrode). The cell was filled with 300 mL 0.1 M sulfuric acid. The data were collected with Electrochemical Interface Solartron1287 and Frequency Response Analyzer Solartron 1250. The samples were stabilised at OCP (open circuit po- tential) until the system reached stability and then the im- pedance curves were recorded in the frequency range be- tween 60 kHz and 1 mHz. The amplitude of the excitation voltage was 10 mV. Measurements were made three times 449Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 447–457 Slemnik: Impact of High Temperature and Pressure to Steel ... for each sample and the mean value was considered with the standard deviation max. 3%. Potentiodynamic curves from 0.6 V to 1.0 VSCE were recorded at a sampling rate of 1 mVs–1. All data were ac- quired and processed with the ZPlot, ZView, CorrWare and CorrView instruments developed by Scribner Associ- ates, Inc.31 3. Results and Discussion 3. 1. Surface Analysis It is generally known that during CO2 corrosion of steel the system first leads to the formation of H2CO3 and further to the formation of FeCO3 (siderite):26,32, 33 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Layer growth is caused by precipitation after exceed- ing the saturation concentration under suitable condi- tions. Our samples, which were exposed to CO2 in a closed autoclave system under different pressure and temperature values, were covered with a layer whose morphology was further investigated with SEM and EDS. 3. 1. 1. Temperature: 50 °C White spots (white rectangles in Figure 1a and EDS in Figure 2a) were detected as precipitants with a high ox- ygen content (43%) in a 3:1 ratio with iron (16%), which clearly indicates the formation of FeCO3, while at the same time a high chromium content was detected. Dark precipitants (red rectangle in Figure 1a and EDS in Figure 2b) indicate a high content of niobium (91%). The sample treated at 300 bar (white rectangle in Figure 1b) shows large particles with a high content of oxygen (43%), iron (16%) and some chromium (13%). Some large pits (red rectangle in Figure 1b) are also visible in the dark area (pitting corrosion). It was found,34 that the FeCO3 layer Figure1. SEM images for AISI 347 at 50 °C and pressure a) 100 bar, b) 300 bar. Figure 2. EDS results for AISI 347 from Figure 1a): a) white precip- itants and b) dark area. a) b) a) b) 450 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 447–457 Slemnik: Impact of High Temperature and Pressure to Steel ... on the steel surface grows even in pits of locally corroded samples. 3. 1. 2.Temperature: 75 °C 3. 2. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) The passivity imposed on the system by the potential difference has values between Flade potential and trans- Figure 3. SEM images for AISI 347 at 75 °C and pressure: a) 100 bar and b) 300 bar. Figure 4. SEM images for AISI 347 at 75 °C and 100 bar at different magnifications (white borders from Figure 3). a) b) At 75 °C (Figures 3, 4) and 100 bar some large struc- tures of particles on the steel surface are visible. With EDS we detected high content of oxygen, iron and also chromi- um, in %: O 35.40, Fe 20.23 and Cr 41.82. Apparently, iron and chromium oxides precipitated and niobium acceler- ates their formation in the passive layer. A formation shown in Figure 3b (75 °C at 300 bar) was identified as a carbide. The EDS analysis shows a high content of carbon, in %: C 29.18, O 12.85, Si 1.19, S 6.65, Cr 10.50, Fe 32.38, Ni 6.82 and Nb 0.43. In corrosion systems the carbides are always the worst option, as their formation leads to accel- erated pitting corrosion. The formation of porous carbide layer in CO2 environments have been also reported by oth- er authors.16,35,36 passivity potential. The effect of this process can be de- duced from the resistance values, which decrease at the Flade potential and remain low and almost constant, and then increase sharply in the area of transpassivity. With EIS the passive layer can be examined at any potential val- ue. Impedance curves, which are measured during the cor- rosion process, lead to the construction of equivalent cir- cuits, which illustrate and evaluate chemical processes on the examined material.20,37,38 The RC equivalent circuit has been designed on the basis of the measured impedance curves shown in Fig. 5, where Rs represents the solution resistance, Rcl and Rct the carbonate (pore) resistance and the charge transfer resist- ance, respectively. Qcl and Qdl are respectively Q of the car- 451Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 447–457 Slemnik: Impact of High Temperature and Pressure to Steel ... termine the system parameters, in particular the thickness, which is inversely proportional to the capacitance. When α = 1, Q simply represents capacitance C.40 Nyquist diagrams (Figures 6 and 7) show curves for samples treated at 1, 100 and 200 bar, which are typical for passive systems with high impedance values, and show two time constants, while the curves at 300 bar and un- treated samples show classic semi-circular shapes. For the data collected for untreated steel and for sample at 50 °C and 300 bar, only one time constant is visible in the imped- ance diagram. The high frequency part of the diagram can refer to the FeCO3 layer or even to the mixture of FeCO3 and F3C carbide layers, which was also detected by other authors.16,36,41 They all have proved that FeC3 can act as a substrate for iron carbonate precipitation. The low frequency part corresponds to the charge transfer process. From Figures 6 and 7 it can be seen that the highest charge transfer resistance shows steel treated at 100 bar, lower, but still similar are the values for samples treated at 1 and 200 bar, while the Rct value for the 300 bar sample decreases significantly, but is still slightly higher than for untreated steel. Data from equivalent circuits are collected in Table 1. The comparison between the working temperatures is clear and to be expected: temperature accelerates corro- sion, which is expressed in lower impedance values and lower Rct values, Figure 8. Figure 5. Equivalent circuit used for modelling the EIS results. a) b) c) Figure 6. Impedance spectra for AISI 347 at 50 °C: a) Nyquist plot, b) and c) Bode plot bonate (pore) and Q of double layer. Q is a frequency de- pendent element calculated from the CPE (constant phase element), which allows a better agreement between exper- imental and theoretical data. The impedance of the CPE is defined:20,37 (6) where Z is the electrode impedance, the frequency inde- pendent constant Q is a combination of properties related to the surface and the electroactive species, α is related to a slope of log Z vs. log f in the Bode plot, and is attributed to the surface heterogeneity, ω is the angular frequency.39 The parameter Q (sαΩ–1cm–2) can be converted to the capacitance C (s Ω–1cm–1) at α < 1 to quantitatively de- 452 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 447–457 Slemnik: Impact of High Temperature and Pressure to Steel ... b) c) Figure 7. Impedance spectra for AISI 347 at 75 °C: a) Nyquist plot, b) and c) Bode plot Table 1. Parameter values from EIS measurements for AISI 347 at 50 and 75 °C. P Rpo Qc·10–6 α Rct Qdl·10–6 α (bar) (Ωcm2) (sαΩ –1cm–2) (kΩcm2) (sαΩ –1cm–2) 50 °C 1 34 8.40 0.71 120 440 0.67 100 39 3.78 0.77 170 360 0.68 200 38 4.00 0.78 130 370 0.76 300 6.20 9.20 0.80 untreated 2.80 9.99 0.77 75 °C 1 60 93 0.80 68 750 0.65 100 56.27 3.7 0.76 110 650 0.63 200 45 1.3 0.98 95 700 0.63 300 38 0.46 0.98 1.6 67 0.95 untreated 0.83 22.6 0.65 Figure 8. Calculated charge transfer resistance for AISI 347 at 50 and 75 °C depending on the pressure treatment. Figure 9. Polarization curves for AISI 347 at 50 °C. a) 453Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 447–457 Slemnik: Impact of High Temperature and Pressure to Steel ... 3. 3. Potentiodynamic Polarization From polarization curves presented in Figure 9 (ex- ample at 50 °C), the parameters listed in Table 2 were read out. On the basis of Tafel extrapolation 42 from corrosion currents, icorr, corrosion rates in mm per year were calcu- lated, which are listed in Table 2 and also shown in Figure 10 including values for the corrosion rates at 25 °C.30 The Epas values are the highest (shifted towards more positive values) for a sample treated at 100 bar, these samples also show the lowest icorr, the largest passive range (Epas – Etrans) and the lowest corrosion rates. From Figure 10, we can determine the best results for measured system at 50 °C and 100 bar. As explained in the Introduction section, the growth of the FeCO3 layer occurs only after the saturation concen- tration is exceeded, and this requires a higher temperature, > 60 °C.20 This means that obviously at this combination 25 °C and 100 bar, is still a low temperature, which implies that the corrosion rate is higher than the rate of FeCO3 precipitation. At 50 °C and 100 bar, the circumstances of precipitation are so favourable that the corrosion rate is lower. At 75 °C and 100 bar, the temperature is so high that it accelerates the corrosion rate regardless of the FeCO3 precipitation rate. 3. 4. Activation Energy Calculation The temperature dependence of the corrosion cur- rent density at different pressure values was further deter- mined. Data at 25 °C (published in earlier work30), 50 and 75 °C were considered. The values of the activation energy were calculated using the Arrhenius equation:43, 44 (7) Table 2. Parameter values from potentiodynamic curves for AISI 347. P icorr·10–5 icrit·10–3 Epas Etrans Epas – Etrans rcorr (bar) (A cm–2) (A cm–2) (V/SCE) (V/SCE) (V/SCE) (mm y–1) 50 °C 1 1.680 2.80 –0.130 0.794 0.924 0.196 100 0.821 3.53 –0.164 0.831 0.996 0.096 200 1.174 3.36 –0.154 0.812 0.966 0.137 300 9.372 2.89 –0.144 0.768 0.912 1.090 untreated 13.05 5.10 –0.048 0.759 0.804 1.525 75 °C 1 5.624 4.67 –0.171 0.739 0.910 0.657 100 2.744 1.87 –0.175 0.748 0.924 0.320 200 4.600 4.56 –0172 0.741 0.913 0.537 300 15.24 1.33 –0164 0.738 0.902 1.780 untreated 22.08 9.86 –0.013 0.731 0.744 2.581 Figure 10. Corrosion rate for AISI 347 at 2530, 50 and 75 °C in de- pendence of pressure. Figure 11. Activation energy values for AISI 347 in dependence of pressure treatment. 454 Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 447–457 Slemnik: Impact of High Temperature and Pressure to Steel ... where A is pre-exponential factor, Ea is activation energy and R is a gas constant. Activation energy values are given in Figure 11. The activation energy represents the minimum ener- gy that the reactants must have to form a product. In our case, the passive layer has already been formed, so that the activation energy can be related to the process of dissolv- ing the layer. From the data obtained it can be concluded that the highest corrosion rate would be that of untreated steel, since the process of dissolution of the passive layer requires a minimum energy of 13.87 kJ/mol, unlike steel treated at 100 bar, which has the highest value of activation energy of 26.9 kJ/mol and would therefore corrode at the lowest rate. 4. Discussion SEM images and in especially EDS analyses show that at 100 bar and 50 °C treated steel (which indicates the best corrosion results) the content of oxygen incorporated in the passive layer to build up protective compounds in- creases by up to 30 wt % determined on a dark, more or less uniformly corroded surface, without precipitates. At 50 °C, the oxygen content increases considerably: from 2 to 9 wt.% and the carbon content increases from 1.1 to 2.3 wt.%. The oxygen content in precipitated white par- ticles increases up to 43 wt.% (in relation to Fe – 15.8 wt.%, which clearly indicates the formation of FeCO3, and the chromium content also increases up to 20 wt.%, (Figure 1a). By increasing the operating temperature to 75 °C of the sample treated at 100 bar, the oxygen content decreases to 35 wt.% but at the same time increases the carbon con- tent. For the sample treated at 300 bar, which indicates the highest corrosion rate between the treated samples, the EDS data are as follows: the oxygen content on the dark surface decreased from 24.7% at 50 °C to 1.7% at 75 °C. White precipitates, which are clearly visible in Figures 2b) and 3b), contain 41.4 wt.% oxygen at 50 °C, which decreas- es to 8 wt.% at 75 °C, while the carbon content increases from 0.46 wt.% to 9.5 wt.% as the temperature rises. A sig- nificant pressure increase obviously leads to an accelerated precipitation of carbon or carbon compounds. It is obvious that the corrosion behaviour at increas- ing pressure and temperature depends on the FeCO3 pre- cipitation mechanism. Choi et al. 45 found that the concen- trations of CO2, H2CO3 and HCO3– in the water – CO2 system for transport pipelines increase with increasing pressure but decrease with increasing temperature. The solubility of CO2 in water reaches its almost lowest value at 55 °C (compared to 55 and 75 °C) and 100 bar. It was also found that the reduced grain size of FeCO3 forms a denser and therefore more efficient protective layer. These results are also in good agreement with our findings. The compar- ison between images a) and b) in Fig. 1 shows the small grain sizes that have grown at 100 bar compared to the large gain size at 300 bar, indicating slower layer growth at 300 bar, which leads to a porous layer and thus to a higher corrosion rate. Pfennig et al.32 also confirmed that the cor- rosion rates at 100 bar are lower compared to the ambient pressure, assuming that this could be due to an open capil- lary system within the corrosion layer that is not present in the high pressure system and thus prevents rapid mutual diffusion of the ionic species. We can assume that at 1 and 200 bar the mechanism of protective layer growth is the same as at 100 bar, as also indicated by Zhang et al.26 (stud- ied at 10 and 95 bar). One would expect the corrosion rate to decrease steadily with pressure, but at 300 bar it changes significantly. At high pressures, the amount of CO2 dis- solved in water and some other CO2 properties should be considered, for example the compressibility factor. The compressibility factor for CO2, calculated with a modified Redlich-Kwong equation according to Spycher et at.46 and Lemmon at al.47 showed the lowest value exactly between 100 and 200 bar at about 50 °C compared to about 70 °C. At 300 and up to 600 bar it increases linearly. At 100 bar, the value of the compressibility factor is about 0.38 compared to 300 bar, which indicates a value of 0.6, mean- ing that at 300 bar the CO2 molecules collide more often and hardly move at all. This can explain the slower diffu- sion and thus the formation of a porous layer with large particles which consequently leads to a high corrosion rate. 5. Conclusions In this study the corrosion behaviour of AISI 347 in 0.1 M sulphuric acid at temperatures of 50 and 75 °C and pressures 1, 100, 200 and 300 bar in CO2 atmosphere was investigated. An increased pressure significantly reduced the corrosion rate compared to untreated steel. The deci- sive points of our contribution are: A surface analysis was used to detect both the FeCO3 layers and the precipitated grains, whose size varies ac- cording to the CO2 pressure level. The corrosion rate determined by electrochemical methods decreases from 1 to 200 bar, is lowest at 100 bar, but increases significantly at 300 bar. We attribute this sudden change to a compressibility factor of the CO2, which allows us to explain the move- ment and collision of the molecules with each other, lead- ing to their slower diffusion and consequently to the for- mation of a porous layer with large grains, which is noticeable as an increase in the corrosion rate. The best conditions for the lowest corrosion rate were found at 50 °C and 100 bar. This combination shows the following results: A small grain size precipitates, causing them to ad- here closely together, resulting in a denser and ticker pro- tective layer of FeCO3, which is therefore more resistant to further dissolution. 455Acta Chim. Slov. 2021, 68, 447–457 Slemnik: Impact of High Temperature and Pressure to Steel ... Charge transfer resistance showed the highest value, which confirmed the lowest corrosion rate. The activation energy for dissolution of the protec- tive layer showed the highest value, confirming the best passivation. All conclusions are in good agreement with the value of the compressibility factor of CO2 at 100 bar, which al- lows us to explain the movements of its molecules on which the formation and the properties of the protective layer depend. Acknowledgements This work was supported by Slovenian Research Agency, grant P2-006. 6. References 1. A. Assarian, S. M., Improving Polyaspartic Anti-Corrosion Coating Protective Properties with the use of Nano-silica. Acta Chim. Slov. 2018, 65, 569–577. DOI:10.17344/acsi.2018.4187 2. Itman Filho, A.; Silva, R.; Cardoso, W.; Casteletti, L. C., Effect of Niobium in the Phase Transformation and Corrosion Re- sistance of One Austenitic-ferritic Stainless Steel. Materials Research 2014, 17, 801–806. DOI:10.1590/1516-1439.190113 3. A. C. Gonzaga, C. Barbosa, S. S. M. Tavares, A. Zeemann, J. C. 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Prisotnost CO2 pospešuje nastanek zaščitne plasti iz FeCO3, vendar je uspešnost takšnega pasiviranja odvisna od njegove nasičenosti in ustrezne temperature. Ne samo podobni, celo boljši rezultati so bili doseženi pri nižjih temperaturah s povišanjem tlaka. Razlike v korozijski hitrosti med vzorci smo potrdili tudi z določitvijo vrednosti aktivacijskih energij, ki jih sistem potrebuje za nadaljnje raztapljanje zaščitne plasti. Predpostavimo lahko, da stisljivost CO2 pri različnih tlakih vpliva na poroznost zaščitne plasti železovega karbonata in posledično njenih korozijskih lastnosti.