Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home over 100 years' of serving American-Šlo.venians - $ r America" “««« Ameriška 8996^80t-tr HO Atiti3d 133yis OIHO £S6£ NOHVIAIOI/V NVItiVlAI SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSHAn Vol. 108, No- 8 .USP8 024100 .•ISSN Number 0164-68X , AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 2, 2000 Phone: (216) 431-0628 > l 'ferrtia.il:, ah@buckeyevveb.com / V 7- Archbishop Rode to become Cardinal VATICAN, Feb. 22 - Pope Benedict XVI will crate 15 new cardinals at a consistory on Friday, March 24. The Holy Father disclosed his plans at his regular public audience on Feb. 22. The announcement had been widely expected, although most reporters expected the consistory to take place on March 25, the feast of the Annunciation. The list of prospective cardinals, which the Pope read aloud to the audience in the Paul VI auditorium, included the archbishops of Boston, Caracas, Hong Kong, Krakow, Manila, and Seoul. Among the new cardinals, 12 will be eligible to vote in papal conclaves, while 3 are already over the age of 80 and thus unable to participate. Pope Benedict will thus adhere to the rule set by Pope Paul VI, who stipulated that there should be no more than 120 cardinals eligible to participate in a conclave. (Barring deaths, there will be 108 cardinal-electors on the day of the consistory; the 12 new electors will bring that total up to the maximum). Pope John Paul II twice exercised his prerogative to waive that rule, reaching an all-time of 135 cardinal-electors. Three of the new cardinals will be members of the Roman Curia: Archbishop William Levada, the American prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Pope’s own successor in that role. Archbishop Franc Rode, the Slovenian prefect of the Congregation for Religious. Archbishop Agostino Vallini, the Italian prefect of the supreme tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura. The other nine newly-named cardinals will be heads of major archdioceses, most of them traditionally considered “cardinalatial sees.” Archbishop Dr. Franc Rode will join Cardinal Aloysius Ambrosic of Canada as the two Slovenian cardinals in the Catholic Church. Thanks to stockbroker Philip J. Hrvatin, Stane Kuhar, Emma Pogačar, Paul Dolenc, and Tony Lavrisha for submitting this article. Slovenian Archbishop Dr. France Rode was the Guest of Honor and Slovenian homilist at the Bishop Baraga Days celebration during Labor Day weekend in 1998 in Cleveland. Here he is pictured during his first Cleveland appearance at a reception in his honor in the Collinwood Slovenian Home. He will become a Cardinal in the Catholic Church on March 24. (Photo by TONY GRDINA) Baraga Weekend Update ‘The Baraga Day weekend is set for Calumet, Michigan on Sept. 23 and 24. Bishop Alexander Sample will remain Director of the Bishop Baraga Association. Saturday, Sept. 23 -Slovenian Mass in St. Paul’s Church, 301 8th St., Calumet at 4:00 or 4:30 p.m. Social in Parish Hall -various foods including pasties, which is a meat pie - a favorite meal of the miners. Musical Concert in Honor of Bishop Baraga in Calumet Theater - 7:30 - 8:00 p.m., featuring the Singing Slovenes of Duluth, and Native American fiddle player and flautist, Jessica Dakota. (A free-will offering will be collected for the musicians.) The theater was built in 1900 - the website is www.calumettheatre.com Sunday, Sept. 24 - I am suggesting - a morning trip to Eagle Harbor - to see the only standing church in the Upper Peninsula of Bishop Baraga - Holy Redeemer. It contains many artifacts that belonged to him. English Mass in Sacred Heart Church, Calumet, 1 or 1:30 p.m., followed by annual Bishop Baraga Association meeting at MTU (Michigan Technological University) ballroom, Houghton, MI. Banquet tickets $20. Roast pork dinner. —Elizabeth Delene Archivist and Editor Catholic Mission Aid Benefit Dinner Catholic Mission Aid (Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija) will hold its annual fund-raising dinner in St. Mary’s Parish Center on Sunday, March 12. The meal will be served between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. The first course is Slovenian dumpling soup, then lots of fresh salad with the main course of cither roast chicken or roast beef. CMA supports 80 Slovenian missionaries around the world. An $80 donation equally distributed means each missionary gets only $1. But if everybody comes to this dinner, and thousands of dollars are raised, then each missionary may get hundreds of dollars. Mark your calendar and invite your friends. (Psst... But don’t tell anybody that Mrs. Zalar is cooking. Shlih.) For tickets call Agnes Tominec (216) 531-2728. bstacles are those frightful things you see when you fail to us on your goal. —Courtesy of Emma Pogačar Pristavska noč and building fund T" ast Saturday in January, the 28th we had 1 another successful Pristavska Noč banquet. It was encouraging to see we are getting more young members and friends to join our events. I have to say that their parents are doing something right to get them involved in our Slovenian community. It was nice to see the dance floor was full all the time with youngsters and us older folks dancing to Mladi Godci music. I would like to thank all members for making another Pristavska noč a pleasurable event. Thanks to all three radio stations and Ameriška Domovina for advertising. Also to Mr. Jimmy Slapnik Jr. for donating carnations. And lastly, to you members and friends of Pristava, thank you for coming and supporting us. By now, all of you know of Pristava’s newest, largest project in recent years. A new hall is being built in place of the old one. My recognition and appreciation goes to all of those who arc working voluntarily to build the hall and to all who donated generously to the hall. I would like to let all of you know where progress stands with the hall. Just imagine coming to Pristava, as you pull down the road past the chapel you see the hall is no longer there, but a machine is digging. Across from the machine, cement is being poured. The basement has been dug and new walls are coming up. All of this is being done in wind, snow, rain or shine. The volunteers continue to work regardless of condition. Everyone involved has been doing an incredible job, and the progress shows. I would like to take this opportunity to thank a few of the many individuals who contributed to the work that is being done. Although there are so many people to thank, I especially want to recognize these individuals who have gone above and beyond to make this dream a reality: Tom Žnidaršič, who is leading the project and his crew, Peter Domanko and his group, Louie Lončar and his group,. Joe Grcar who took charge of the masonry with the help of Branko Pi-som, and Louie Debeljak. Omahen’s are helping with the concrete and all others who are helping, including Joe Žnidaršič, Toni Champa, Ivan Zupančič, Ferdo Sečnik, Frank Kogovšek, Joe Chauby, Mike Rus, Mirko Kristanc, Branko Perpar, Joe Tominc, Matt Lončar, Lojze Brumen, the youngest helper bulldozer operator Matt Rus, and energetic Stanley Rus who is always the first to arrive and last to leave. A special thanks to the ladies who kept our workers fed: Breda Ribic, Margie and Nada Rus. The entire 9,000 square foot building is now under the roof and now more volunteers will begin their work finishing inside and finishing outside walls. We are working hard to reach for donations for the hall. To date we have collected around $300,000 of the $500,000 Pristava needs to build the hall. Our most generous financial supporters have been The Frances and Jane S. Lausche Foundation which pledged $100,000 of which we have received $25,000, Paul and Cilka Košir family has donated over $30,000, Stanley Rus $10,500, Sunset Industries $10,000, Urad RS for Slovenians Abroad $12,600, Peter Osenar $5,000, John Dejak $5,000. Thank you to these members and friends of Slovenska Pristava who have made such generous donations. A special thank you to the rest of you who have donated generously to the future of Slovenska Pristava. For those who have not had the opportunity to donate to the new hall, please help support Slovenska Pristava. Send your generous contribution to: Slovenska Pristava, Inc. c/o Frank Zalar 2886 Istra Lane Willoughby Hills, OH 44092 -Milan Ribič President AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 2, 2006 2 AMERICAN HOME AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103-1692 Telephone: 216/431-0628 - Fax: 216/361-4088 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English Editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Michael and Irma Telich, Frank J. Lausche, Paul Kosir NAROČNINA: Združene države Amerike in Kanada: $35 letno za ZDA; $40 za Kanado (v ZD valuti) Slovenija in tujina, letalska pošta, $165 letno (v ZD valuti) SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States and Canada: U.S.A.: $35 per year; Canada: $40 in U.S. currency Slovenia and other foreign: $165 U.S. per year (air) AMERICAN HOME (ISSN 0164-680X) is published weekly, except 1st week in July and 1 week after Christmas, for $35 per year by American Home Pub. Co., 6117 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. Periodicals postage paid at Cleveland, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to AMERICAN HOME, 6117 St. Clair Cleveland, OH 44103-1692. No. 8 March 2, 2006 The Graces of Lent by RUDY FLIS It’s Ash Wednesday time. Is that silence I hear? Do you remember the Ash Wednesday long past? Three meals a day, two smaller meals not surpassing the main meal, which was with meat, except on Friday, and no eating between meals. Although no meat on Friday, it could become a special day, if we younger ones were taken to JDN Hall on West 130th Street, for the delicious fish fry. My mom knew how to cook, but JDN hall was party atmosphere, used for wedding receptions and Christmas parties. The difference from eating at home and JDN was you got pop to drink with your meal. No soda pop at home. The Saturday before Ash Wednesday was a blast at most night spots and many dance halls around town. Lent was dead time as far as entertainment went. I was young and didn’t have to change my routine until I turned 21, when it was like being kicked in the stomach with fasting and abstaining basically eliminating my great eating habit. Think of food. Go to the “ice box”, see what mom has to eat. i There is always something good. During Lent you can look but ‘no touch.’ Hunger was a religious thing with Catholics as the church was attempting to bring us closer to God. I guess we were supposed to use some of our eating time for praying, at least during Lent. A great idea that didn’t work for me. I liked eating and still do. I never had a false god. But many times when my mind and soul should have been contemplating the great miracle of Easter Sunday, I was contemplating the great meal my mom cooked on Easter Sunday. Sometimes I thought of the blessing of the food. That counts with God, don’t you think? Many of our great saints must have prayed and invoked God’s mercy while fasting. I’m working on that. It’s so much easier now. Even though I almost starve to death every Lent in my youth, I survived to become a senior citizen. Fasting and abstaining are not necessary for this old guy. But I do it and it now and it does not hurt so much. Therefore having so many kids that I prayed for to keep them out of trouble that I may have gained the good graces that I missed during Lent. But maybe this Lent, without the agony of my youth, I can turn to the agony of Jesus on his way to Calvary. LAVRISHA 216-391-0035 Construction & Repair Services 'Rokodelec Contractor I Slovenia Joins Bird Flu Hit List LJUBLJANA - Slovenia became the latest European Union country to detect H5N1 bird flu and others awaited results last Thursday as an EU medical expert said the virus was likely to spread further. Slovenia has confirmed that a swan found dead in the north of the country had the deadly bird flu virus. The swan was sent to Italy for testing after it was found last week near the city of Maribor, close to the Austrian border. It is Slovenia’s first case. The announcement comes two days after Austria confirmed its first cases of bird flu. The H5N1 strain of the virus, which can kill humans through contact with infected animals, has also been found in Italy, Germany, Greece and Bulgaria. Slovenia’s government has already set up a protection zone within a 3km (two-mile) radius of where the swan was found and a 10km surveillance zone beyond that. Nearly 200 birds were culled at a nearby farm and farmers across Slovenia have been ordered to keep their poultry away from wild birds and report any suspicious illness. The Slovenian health ministry has said there “is no immediate danger for people,” but has warned them to avoid contact with birds. Germany has ordered a ban on keeping poultry outdoors. Sweden and Denmark have already ordered poultry to be kept indoors as a precaution. Earlier this week the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), while urging calm, warned the virus could spread further into Europe as migrating birds return after spending the winter in Africa. The virus can infect humans in close contact with birds. There is still no evidence that it can be passed from human to human. A spokeswoman for the UK’s Royal Society for the Protection of Birds said probably the swans had shifted further westwards than normal in search of food, following particularly cold weather in countries like Ukraine. The first Avian virus was reported in Siberia in August, 2005. In October, 2005, H5N1 killed thousands of birds in Turkey. Cases were reported in Croatia and Romania. Ukraine reported cases of the flu in December, 2005. BIRD-FLU OUTBREAKS AROUND THE WORLD IP AUSTRIA (UKRAINE [ROMANI RUSSIA SLOVENlA-g ITALY, |AKAZAKHSTAN (E CYPRUS ^KUWAIT / THAILAND—4^ [W CAMBODIAffjhVlETNAM /—-rir MALAYSIA JAPAN SOUTH KOREA NIGERIA Atlantic Ocoan :tt Jm k m Indian Ocoan V U TNQOfii Pacific ESIA Ocoan In January of this year, four people died from the virus in Turkey. H5N1 was confirmed in Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Germany, Austria and Slovenia. Slovenia was testing for H5N1 in another three dead swans in which H5 had been found, while Germany discovered 10 more H5N1 cases. The virus, which has killed at least 91 people in Asia and the Middle East, has in the European Union been found only in wild birds so far. Transmission to domestic poultry could be devastating for the industry and human cases would spark alarm. At present humans can contact bird flu only through close contact with infected birds, which is less likely to happen in Europe than in countries like Nigeria where poultry are everywhere and often roam freely among people. The fear is H5N1 may mutate into a form that can be transmitted between people and cause a pandemic that could kill millions. Slovenia said it would test people who had handled the dead swans only if they showed signs of illness, and so far none of the 30 people who had been in contact with them had. Second Flu Bird ^ LJUBLJANA, Feb. 24 -The Agriculture Ministry has confirmed the second case of the H5N1 strain of bird flu virus in Slovenia, this time in a gray heron. The bird was found at Duplek, east of Maribor and a few kilometers downriver from where the first case - that if a swan - had been confirmed. —P.H. ■ Countries with outbreaks Countries with outbreaks Including human cases SOURCE: FAOOIE.WMO Confirmed H5N1 strain only Human cases: laboratory-confirmed since Dec 2003 UK case discovered in quarantine, so disease-free status unaffected More Slovenian Names Thanks to Jean Sega from Wadsworth, Ohio who found more Slovenian names and their English counterparts. Brodnik - Ferry man Cerne - Black Centa - Hundredweight Curk - Jet of water Cuk (chuk) - Owl Dolinar - Valley resident Glavan - Chief, main man Grilc - Turtle dove Gaber - White beech Gobec - Mouth Grm - Bush Hlad - Cool Jarc - Ram What time of the day was Adam bom? Just before Eve._______ i •Wy.yoiiXMV.M. nvit tvt.fi Jelenc - Deer Kmet - Farmer, peasant Kosem - Flock Kuhar - Cook Konjar - Groom Kovac - Blacksmith Macek-Tom cat Muren - Field cricket Pevec - Singer Prijatel - Friend Šega - Custom, observance Skoda - Damage Smuk - Down hill race Stare - Old man Svet - World, Universe Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will sponsor a Krofe and Noodles Sale on Saturday, March 11 in the auditorium social room. SNH Fish Fries The Club of Associations of the Slovenian National Home will start serving Fish Dinners every Friday in Lent beginning March 3 rd including Good Friday. This will take place in the Club Room, 6409 St. Clair Ave. (rear). Beside the Fish Dinners, the menu also includes Combo Dinners (Fish and Shrimp), and Pierogi Dinners. Serving from 5 to 8 p.m. Take outs available. Music will start at 7 p.m. To top off a delicious dinner, polka music will be provided until ??? This will give you a chance to see in person the talented accordion player Bob Crazy Fingers Hopkins. A man is not old until _____take the Diace of Book Review From Bilicic to Belichick “The Education of a Coach” by David Halber-stam. Book Review by KATARINA TEPESH Through 31 years in the NFL, Bill Belichick has proven himself to be one of the most formidable and highly intelligent coaches in football history. He has worked his way up from the very bottom, serving with seven different teams (including a brief, flawed term as head coach in Cleveland) before becoming the head coach of the New England Patriots in 2000. His work has always been defined by the exceptional preparation of his team and his almost unique ability to break down opponents’ game film and to anticipate their next moves. Belichick has shied away from media and remained an elusive and inscrutable figure, implacable and focused wholly on the game. Now, Pulitzer-Prize winning journalist, national best-selling author, and world-renowned historian David Halberstam has turned his incomparable love Apartment For Rent E. 200, and Neff. 1 Bdrm, New carpet, appliances, clean, quiet. $460 a month. Call 440-951-3087 and knowledge of American sports to football in “The Education of a Coach.” Halberstam writes not merely a biography of Belichick, but a rigorous examination of the ways in which his intelligence, discipline, and abilities have made him so successful despite the ever-changing face of football and the media scrutiny that accompanies it. With rare cooperation from Belichick, Halberstam starts the story with Belichick’s childhood and the impact his father, Navy coach Steve Belichick, one of the most respected scouts of his era, had on him. Steve started teaching his son how to break down film at the age of nine, instilling in Bill the work ethic of his immigrant family. Ivan Bilicic came to America in 1897 from the area near Karlovac. While still in Croatia, Ivan married Marija Barkovic. They were supposed to stay in touch, but because he had never been to school, which was several kilometers away, Ivan could neither read nor write, and so he could not contact her. You can save a lot of unnecessary conversation if you remember that people are not going to take your advice unless you charge them for it. Marija set out for America with her brother Nick to find Ivan. Not speaking a word of English, the two arrived here and began searching the Croatian enclaves of western Pennsylvania, the coal mining and steel manufacturing part of the country. They went town by town, looking for Ivan, until they found him by luck and hard work in Monessen, a tough steel town just south of Pittsburgh, where he worked for Pittsburgh Steel. All five of the Bilicic children were bom in Monessen, including Steve, in 1919. Anna, the first family member bom in the United States, told her first-grade teacher that her last name is Bilicic. The teacher changed it to Belichick, thereby earning the undying hatred of Marija Barkovic Belicic for corrupting the family name. Steve was ji lifetime member of the Croatian Fraternal Union www.CroatianFraternalUnio n.com from Pittsburgh. “The Education of a Coach ” by David Halberstam published by Hyperion $24.95. IVORY CITY PIANO SERVICE Albert J. Koporc, Jr. 446 East 152nd St. Cleveland, OH 44110 216-486-1105 DO YOU HAVE ENOUGH FOR A SECURE RETIREMENT? • What if you live another 30 years? Are you going to be okay? • What if medical expenses continue to double every decade? • What if the real estate market stumbles? • Will you be able to leave something for your children? • What if you change your plans in six months? Please call Phil Hrvatin at Wachovia Securities for a complimentary consultation that can help you manage the challenges and perils that may lie ahead. Philip J. Hrvatin Associate Vice President — Investment Officer IOOI Lakeside Avenue Cleveland, OH 44114 800-537-4105 WACHOVIA Securities Uncommon Wisdom Wachovia Securities. UC. Member NYSE/SIPC ?006 Wachovia Securities. UC 69863 1/06 Lecture on Ivan Tavčar 3 The Slovenian-American Heritage Foundation invites all to attend the first talk in our 2006 Lecture Series. The Foundation is extremely pleased that Professor Timothy Pogačar, Ph.D., will present the life and work of Ivan Tavčar, a Slovenian ., writer and Mayor of Ljubljana. The meeting will take place on Tuesday, March 7 at 7 p.m. in the lower hall of the Slovenian Society Home, 20713 Recher Ave., Euclid, OH. In his presentation, Professor Pogačar will discuss the life and work of Ivan Tavčar, (1851-1923), politician, writer and Mayor of Ljubljana, 1912-1921. Tavčar’s novel Visoška kronika (1919) was required reading for Ljubljana University freshmen this year. Why was it chosen and what were the students’ reactions? Do the classical liberal idea of Tavčar’s political party have currency in today’s Slovenia? Pogačar will also discuss how Slovenia’s literary landscape has been altered dramatically during recent decades and will review what place pre-independence and pre-Yugoslavia writers occupy in the culture today. Timothy Pogačar, Ph.D., has been Chair of the Department of German, Russian and East Asian Languages at Bowling Green State University since 1998. He held the prior positions of Assistant Professor, 1985-1990, Director of the International Studies Department, 1989-1993 and Associate Professor of Russian since 1991. Professor Pogačar received his Ph.D. in Slavic Languages and Literatures from the University of Kansas in 1985, a M.A. in Russian Languages and Literature from the University of Kansas in 1981, and a B.S. in Russian, Spanish and Linguistics from Georgetown University in 1979. He served as president of the Xi of Ohio Phi Beta Kappa chapter and since 1996 has been the editor of Slovene Studies: Journal of the Society for Slovene Studies. Professor Pogačar’s research interests include Twentieth-century Russian literature and Slovene literature. Beef Parmigiana IV2 lb. round steak, 3/8 inches thick 1 egg beaten 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese 1/3 cup fine dry bread crumbs 1/3 cup Wesson oil 1 medium onion, minced 1 tsp. salt V* tsp. pepper Vi tsp. sugar Vi tsp. marjoram 1 small can tomato paste 1 cup hot water Vi lb. mozzarella cheese, sliced Pound meat thin (about 1/4 inch). Trim off gristle and excess fat; cut into 6 or 8 pieces. Dip meat in egg; roll in mixture of Parmesan cheese and bread crumbs. Brown meat in hot oil until golden brown. Lay in shallow, wide baking dish. In same skillet, cook onion over low heat until soft. Stir in salt, pepper, sugar, marjoram and tomato paste. Gradually add hot water, stirring constantly. Boil 5 minutes, scraping browned bit from pan. Pour most of the remaining sauce over the meat; top with cheese slices and sauce. Bake in moderate oven at 350° for about 1 hour or until tender. Brother Richard ............ Gilmour Well Seasoned cookbook TAX TIME IS HERE Come In or Call Us for an Appointment Cleveland Accounting Service 6218 St. Clair A venue Cleveland, Ohio 44103 881-5758 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 2, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 2, 2006 4 Mlakar Walks Down Memory Lane to Life of a Merchant Seaman by RAY MLAKAR Well, our readers will be happy to know that Ray is walking the floor over you. Yep, the shoes are working. What can I say? They are roomier, enough room for 20 toes. Granted that when I go to church in those shoes, even God won’t recognize me for he will think I came directly from Amish country. Hey, if they do the trick, that is what I am after. I got to have my feet in shape just in case “George W” drafts me. I wouldn’t want him to classify me as 4-F just because of fallen arches. Hell, at my age, everything has “fallen.” Well, last week I felt so good on my feet and I wasn’t even drinking, I thought it would be a good idea to surprise myself and make an “Old Fashioned Apple Strudel.” What can I say? I should not have surprised myself. Holy smoke, if my Ma or Josephine seen that strudel, without a doubt they would say it is not like they make. If Sister Bernadette seen it, she would give me an “F,” but even back then, I think that was the only letter she knew how to write. I decided to take the easy route, for I figured the hardest thing to make was the dough. So Ray ran off to the store. Now that I have Running Shoes, I can run to the store, and fortunately, they have “Sweet Frozen Dough” for dummies like me. Hey, with the dough made, I am more than half way done. Any nitwit can make a strudel with already frozen dough, so I thought. I bought it and it was as hard as a brick, so Thursday night, I left it out on the kitchen counter, still neatly packed in the poly bag that the three loaves came in, figuring that by morning, it would be thawed out and ready for the “stretching job.” I always like my strudel with a heavy dough and unfortunately, most of the strudels are made with very thin dough and when you go to eat it, you don’t know if you should use a straw or a teaspoon. I like to pick my strudel up and eat it, but then I was bom on a farm. My biggest problem is I think I know it all and never bother to read the directions. Directions are for dummies, for after all I watched Ma and Josie make loads of strudels, but of course, they made their dough from scratch. Luckily about 05:00 a.m., I had to go to the bathroom and being a diabetic, felt thirsty, so decided to go to the refrigerator in the kitchen and drink some lemonade. I think that God was trying to steer me so he made the trip necessary. Well, when I turned on the kitchen light, holy smoke, the poly bag that the dough was in, busted and the dough was rising and covered the entire kitchen counter. Got the biggest bowls out and divided it between the large bowls and covered it with dish towels. Goes without saying I had my work cut out for me when I woke up later on. I kneed the dough down and was soon spreading it out on the table and it was not stretching as I had hoped. It seems God must have known I needed a helping hand for I heard the electric garage door open and my sister Irene came in. Between the two of us, we got the dough somewhat stretched. The dough kept tearing and she said, “Now what do we do?” I said, “Patch it up, take it from the ends where it is thick and patch the holes up.” I really think I had far too many apples but I had them all peeled and sliced and covered in cinnamon and sugar. Three pounds of Granny Smith apples was a lot to put in. Ma always threw some ground-up nuts over the apples along with raisins and Ray had plenty of those. What the hell, “Go for Broke.” Irene kept saying, “How are we going to lift this huge long roll into the pan?” “Very, very carefully,” I said. We got it into the huge baking pan and into the oven and I could see it was even rising in the oven. We had it in the oven a little over an hour and fifteen minutes for I wanted to make sure it was done. I stored it in the garage to cool off and before I went to bed that night, 1 cut it into huge pieces, putting it on smaller styrofoam saran, wrapping it in saran wrap for the freezer. There is enough strudel that should last until my funeral is over. When I say the strudel was high, I don’t mean drunk; it was high in height. I learned a few things. First of all, you don’t have to add sugar when you use Granny Smith apples for it is sweet enough without any more sugar. Secondly, even though the dough is already made, frozen, READ the directions before you do anything foolish. The directions stated in plain English to take the loaves out of the poly bag and put them in a flat baking dish, side by side and cover it with saran wrap no ortv.tu ■mvcMsnmc? cl cjfd .ss»»n *<*.1$ <«*»/?**■ fC-t'iQ c"u h'-iH' •}> VC and put it in the refrigerator overnight. By morning they will be evenly thawed. Guess maybe I was lucky that I simply left them on the kitchen counter and did not put it in the oven to thaw out or I would have to use a shovel and putty knife to get the raw dough off the sides of the oven. I tried a huge piece before I went to bed and if I have to say so, it was like Ma’s, only mine was five times higher than hers. So to all those who are looking for a shortcut on store-bought frozen sweet dough, always rehd the instructions. I could just hear Sister Bernadette saying that even Moses would know that you don’t leave frozen dough out on the kitchen counter overnight. All right, all you readers, you don’t have to agree with Sister Bernadette, at least give me an “E” for effort. Well, now that I gave you all a lesson on thawing dough, it is time for a joke or two. Just read some limericks and perhaps they apply to me, but then every joke applies to me. Are you ready? Smart man + smart woman = romance. Smart man + dumb woman = affair. Dumb man + smart woman = marriage. Dumb man + dumb woman = pregnancy and the one that takes the cake is... Dumb man + no woman = poorly made strudel. Something tells me that was composed by Sister Bernadette. Well, I think I gave the readers enough to laugh about and time to close only in hopes that the Good Lord watch over all of you and keep you in good health. May the Good Lord always guide Ray into reading the directions first. Stan Saj novic of Orillia, Ont., Canada sent in this cartoon. by RUDY PIVIK God put me on earth to accomplish a certain number of things. Right now, I am so far behind I will never die. Slovenian Society Home (Recher Hall) Fish Fries ll a.m. - 7 p.m. Fish, Shrimp, Pork Chops, and Goulash Dinners In October of 1952 after I returned home from my Army duty, I had no plans. But within two weeks I got a job at a foundry in Verona, PA. At that time in Verona there was a Slovene Hall and SNPJ Hall. I was put on an afternoon shift which included Saturday nights. After about six weeks I took two Saturday nights off to go dancing and drinking with my relatives. The boss did not like that and that was the end of my foundry work, which was a dirty place to work. After two more weeks at home I left for Baltimore. The war was still going strong in Korea so when I went to register for another trip at N.M.V. Hall, shipping was very good. The next day I took A.B. job on a banana boat. A.B. (Able Body) Seaman is a step higher than Ordinary Seaman. United Fruit Lines, is often called Great White Fleet by the sailors. I was on S/S Vererga which was very clean. All the sides were painted white and the wooden decks were polished. It was a small passenger ship and carried 12 to 24 passengers. I will mention that most ships carried a crew member called a “Purser,” who is a Ist aid person, and takes care of all the money and loans. Before the ship docks you can draw up to '/2 of your earned wages in the currency of the country which you are going into. In some countries we got a lot better deal in their money than in U.S. greenbacks. So that is how we got our spending money. From Baltimore we went down the Atlantic side to the port of Colon, the Panama Canal entrance. We would unload a little cargo, mail, and some passengers. Other Willowick Condo For Sale Beautiful - 2 BR, 2 Bath (l w/walk-in shower), Den, Living Rm w/gas FP, DR, all new appl. Built ’05. $184,900 nego. Call 440-257-9325 also can be seen at www.forsalebvowner.com Marie and Rudy Pivik passengers boarded the ship and we sailed through the Panama Canal and stopped on the Pacific side at the city of Balboa. We loaded and unloaded passengers again and a little cargo. Then we traveled up the Pacific side to Golfito, Costa Rica. We then took on tons and tons of green bananas. Our average stay in Costa Rica was two days. Then we sailed back to Balboa, through the canal, stopped again at Colon for passengers. We went up the Atlantic coast to Baltimore or Philadelphia. 90% of the NMU crew members were from Spanish countries. I made seven trips on that ship with an average of 15 days each trip. I was on the 4 to 8 a.m. and p.m. watch, every day. From 4 to 6 I was wheelsman on the bridge, or wheel house. If the weather was bad or dark we put a lookout on the bow. I really had a nice job but did not know it at the time. We had ripe bananas in every room. The cooks were always baking banana cakes, pies and bread. They had a dress code on ship. When a crew member was on deck we had to be cleanly dressed. I got off the ship in Baltimore and went back to the union hall to check things out. I registered and the next day another thing happened. What do you call an American drawing? A Yankee doodle. Men must try and try again. They must suffer the consequences of their own mistakes and learn by their own failures and their own successes. -Lawson Purdy PERKIN’S RESTAURANT 22780 Shore Center Dr. Euclid, Ohio 44123 216-732-8077 Operated by Joe Foster iRO'J,3'i.n\>i83LWW vr * CC \ i Volunteer musicians at S.H.A. Frank Champa talked several of his musician buddies into joining him on Friday afternoons to play for the residents of the Slovene Home for the Aged (S.H.A.) on Neff Road in Cleveland. These men were Joe Hrvatin, Joe Lasicky, and Joe Zgonc. This was over 20 years ago and now more than 20 musicians volunteer every Friday afternoon from 2 to 3 p.m. to brighten the lives of S.H.A. residents. A big thank you also to the faithful volunteers who help transport our residents to the Laurich Room for a Friday Polka Party. Champa Members: Mike Bailey Cy Bartlett Tony Baznik Tom Borris Joe Bortnick John Boubrush Frank Buvalich Matt Grdadolnik Russell Imburgia Ed Meditz John Medvešek Elmer Phillips Marij an Poropat George Rubai Joe Samsa Bill Sneller Jack Tankovich Dick Tavenier Fran Tavenier Paul Yanchar Joe Zgonc Stitch Zivich 100 WORDS MORE OR LESS by John Mercina □ “The next time you order checks, have only your initials (instead of first name) and last name put on them. If someone takes your checkbook, they will not know if you sign your checks with just your initials or your first name, but your bank will know how you sign your checks. O Do not sign the back of your credit cards. Instead, put ‘PHOTO ID REQUIRED’. □ When you are writing checks to pay on your credit card accounts, DO NOT put the complete account number on the ‘For’ line. Just put the last four numbers. The credit card company knows the rest of the number. □ Put your work phone number on your checks instead of your home phone. If you have a PO Box, use that instead of your home address. You can also use your work address. Never have your SSAN printed on your checks. □ Place the contents of your wallet on a photocopy machine. Do both sides of each license, credit card, etc. You will know what you had in your wallet and all the account numbers and phone numbers to call and cancel.” Since above was “PRO BONO” advice from an attorney, consider changing your attitude about attorneys.. .Please! Great Annuity Rates! 7-year Flexible Annuity 5.40% guaranteed first 12 months or 5-year Deferred Annuity 4.40% guaranteed for 5 years mjfoj AMERICAN SLOVENIAN CATHOLIC //UNION 1-800-843-5755 ♦ www.kskjlife.com HAPpy News © Snowy roads and cold breezes did not deter 135 hardy HAPpy people from attending the February 8 meeting. Guess they were eager to see the "Mock Wedding" which is a highlight each February. After Pledge of Allegiance, we remembered departed members and friends with a silent prayer. It is always sad to report loss of loved ones: Amelia Simonič, sister of Ann Beckert; Louis Taucher; and Fr. Victor Tome, pastor-emeritus of St. Mary's in Collinwood. May they rest in God's peace. Our deepest sympathies to the grieving families. Sunshine lady Ann Eichler does her best to cheer ailing members with warm wishes. She sent cards to Chris Chermely, Sylvia Jansa, Mary Perusek, Theresa Petrie, Tony Princic, Carl and Jennie Schultz, and Helen Suhy. Helen is receiving therapy for her back at Slovene Home on Neff Rd., and will be glad to have visitors. If you know of a member who is ill, and/or hospitalized, let Annie know. Her ESP is out of batteries... Myra Jerkič was on vacation, so Helen Kozlevchar and Pauline Barbish took over the 50/50 raffle. It went very well, considering the smaller than usual crowd. Thank you, ladies, for the fine job! Our bartenders Ruth and Frank Korelec were also away; heard they took a cruise? Frank Sadar, Frank Kalamasz and Matt Kajfez stepped in and made sure none of us was thirsty. Thank you, gentlemen! This is part of what makes our club great: people are willing to step in and lend a hand, whenever and wherever needed. New members inducted into our group are Michael Goričan, Donald and Eleanor Mackay and Ed Milner. Welcome, welcome, welcome! Hope you will have as much fun as the rest of us. 5 Special Birthday proclamations were presented to 85-yrs young group Gus Cesen, Anne Kranjc, and Alice Ourednik; and octogenarians Marion Bocian, Joseph Corn, Joe Klemenčič, Mike Pipoly, and Ed Tratter. Congratulations! Slovenians are a hardy stock. Special Anniversary proclamations were given to Agnes and Chuck Krivec, 70 yrs!!!!!; Ronnie and Al Pestotnik, 55 yrs; Florence and Ray Stopar, 55 yrs; Sylvia and Bruno Dodich, 40 yrs; and Margaret and Albert Mierke, 40 yrs. "Bishop" Ed Morel then conducted the "Mock Wedding" of bridal couple Ronnie and Al Pestotnik. He was assisted by "priest" Adolph "Stash" Kocin, who was "holy water???" happy. Many of us got thoroughly "blessed"! Dear "Gladys" was back as bridesmaid, and Joe Drobnich wielded the shotgun, to make sure there was no objection from the crowd. We had a marvelous band of musicians: Kenny Zalar, Kathy Hlad, and Chuck Krivec. We sang wedding and unveiling songs, and other sentimental melodies. What fun! Several members were serenaded for their February birthdays. There was only one anniversary couple, Marie and (absent) Milan Dular, 57 yrs; but we sang to them anyway. Congratulations and many happy returns to all! Fran Kajfez reported 135 people and two guests present, 137 honorary members, and 36 waiting patiently... She has a trip to Greektown Casino on March 27 (sorry, it filled up PDQ) There is always a wait list, so you still have a AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 2, 2006 Short Notes from Emilee by EMILEE JENKO Hello again. It is good to be able to meet my friends via the American Home newspaper with the help of Madeline and Jim Debevec. Thank you for the space. It has been a sad month. So many fine people left us ‘to be with the angels... Josie Perpar and Ann Gomik, Frank Tominc, Helen Zak, Anton Žakelj, Josie “Pepe” Flynn. Keep them in your thoughts and prayers. I-attend the $10 raffle the last Wednesday of each month at the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. A1 Battestelli does the entertaining, and his sing-a-long is such fun. He plays on his accordion all “our era” songs. Very nice; not hip-hop trash. Come join us; you’ll love it. The past Friday I had a fish fry at Waterloo Slovenian Home and bumped into Don Kovach and wife, Millie. Glad to see you. As usual Eddie Kenik, Matt Za-bukovic, Lou Sadar were on board. What a great group. Come to the fish fry, too, and socialize with all your friends. The auxiliary volunteers are so very friendly and helpful (true angels). I love žganci (the buckwheat flour kind). I ran out of my stash so I picked up some from Azman Meats on East 185 Street. When I poured the moka (flour) into the boiling salt water I was amazed and baffled. The concoction turned into a chocolate color. Usually it is a light gray. Called Bill Azman and he informed me there are two types of “moka,” light and dark. The moka caper was finally solved and then I could enjoy my favorite dish “žganci” once again. Warm get well greetings to Rich Zele (Zele Funeral Home) who underwent a triple heart by-pass. We hope to see him up and around real soon. God bless you, Rich. February birthday greetings and wishes: Diane Phillips, Ed Kamak, Rose Cimperman, Jewel Sekara, Agnes Koporc, Marie Urban, Lois Ann Drobnič, Fr. Jerse, Alenka Banco, and yours truly. Belated January birthday wishes to my cousin Jean Sadowsky. In March we will celebrate the Man and Woman of the Federation of Slovenian Homes. Jim Slapnik of Slapnik Florist on E. 185th St., and Kathy Hlad will be the principal honorees. Joseph Hočevar will represent the Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. The Slovenian Home on Waterloo Rd., will be represented by June Slap- nik. Congrats to all and special accolades to the first husband and wife to be honored. What a nice tribute to two wonderful people who give so much. Good wishes to all the Slovenian Home honorees. Alenka Banco is to be congratulated for the renovation of St. Josephat’s Church on East 33rd Street into an artist’s gallery. What a terrific “lift” for the neighborhood. I’m sure you saw the “face lift” of the renovation in the Plain Dealer. Many, many good things are happening in the area. Bumped into Leo Kodramaz at the local market on E. 266 St. He is the son of Leo and Sharon. He introduced me to his wife and teen-age daughter. Long time between visits. His parents were raised in the St. Clair area. Thanks to all who remembered me on MY DAY. I’m getting there. Eeek. Love you all. We all grieve for the brutal death of Frank Tominc. He was a fixture on St. Clair and a good guy. He will be missed. Our thoughts and prayers will be with him and his loving family. Blessings to all the family. Congratulations to Shelli March. She was installed as president of the Friends of Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. Couldn’t happen to a nicer gal. Loving get well wishes to Ed Arhar. He is doing okay and we’ll be seeing him very soon at our favorite haunt.. SNH, if the weather permits. Our weather has been like a yo-yo and I hate it. It interferes with everyone’s social life... especially mine. Many thanks to Marie Azman and daughter An-gelique for the beautiful birthday cake presented to me at Bella Donna Creations beauty shop. We all enjoyed the sweet treat. Much love and thank you. To my son and fiancee Dawn, thanks for the lovely dinner at Red Lobster, the flowers, the lottery tickets, and the beautiful The Ohio Chapter of the Slovenian Genealogy Society International will meet on Tuesday, March 14 at 7 p.m., in Recher Hall, 20713 Recher Avenue, off East 200th Street in Euclid, Ohio. The topic for discussion will be an introduction to DNA -its value and its limitations for the genealogist. In addition, Dr. Zvone Žigon, the • • • sentiment in the American Home, and the many wonderful things you do for me. Love you much. Welcome home from Arizona to Ray and Lillian Novak. They also enjoyed the Fiesta Bowl and Las Vegas. As of now, I don’t know how they fared at the bowl or the slots. Hoping for the best... way to go. The St. Clair Pensioners departed for Greektown Casino in Detroit on Feb. 21st. Hope we had a lot of winners. More news about this in my next column, after we return. The volunteers luncheon at St. Vitus auditorium took place on Saturday, Feb. 18. THANK YOU Fr. Boznar for the treat. All my bets were on Ron Sluga winning the Polka Grammy Award, but no cigar. We were all cheering for you, Ron. Just heard. George Knaus of Knaus Realty on E. 185th is under the weather. Hurry and get well. All your female dancing partners are missing you. Wishes for a speedy recovery. Tony Brodnick, resident of the Slovene Home for the Aged, had a birthday this past week. He is one of my bingo buddies during the SHA summer session. Many, many more happy days, and lots of good health. See you soon. Immaculate Conception Church in Cleveland had a raffle this past Sunday. No, I was not a winner, but had a lot of fun meeting old friends. Mrs. Bencun and efficient staff did the catering. It was very delicious. Fr. Godic was sitting with Fr. Cimperman, and Fr. Boznar and all his family. His nephews won a little, but no big winners at his table. Until we meet again. Let me leave you with this thought by Sid Asher: Your expression is the most important thing you can wear. Keep smiling. Luv ya... --Emilee newly appointed Consulate General of the Republic of Slovenia, will be our special guest. Anyone interested in learning more about Slovenian ancestry is invited to attend. If you need directions to Recher Hall or have any further questions, please call Rose Marie Jisa at 440-230-2251. Let us endeavor to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry. > -Mark Twaih • ■ V,« M ‘ ‘J.lj.l ! .4 J« l| l.fijl Ohio Genealogists Meet Coming Events... All Fridays in Lent Fish Fry Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Road, Cleveland from 11:30 a.m. until 8 p.m. Friday, March 3 All Fridays in Lent: Fish Fry dinners at the Slovenian National Home Clubroom, off St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, from 5 to 8 p.m. Music. Friday, March 3 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 to 11:15 p.m., featuring Joey Tomsick. Sunday, March 5 St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Palačinka (crepe) and sausage breakfast, 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon in parish center. Cost $7 adults, $4 child. Tuesday, March 7 Lecture on writer and former Ljubljana Mayor Ivan Tavčar, 7 p.m. Slovenian Society Home, Euclid, OH given by Prof. Timothy Pogačar. Free admission. Friday, March 10 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 to 11:15 p.m., featuring Ed Rodick. Friday, March 10 Fish Fry from 5-7 p.m. Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland. Donation $9. Saturday, March 11 St. Vitus Altar Society will hold a krofe and noodles sale in auditorium social room. Sunday, March 12 Catholic Mission Aid annual fund-raising dinner in St. Mary’s Church Hall (Holmes Ave.) between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. Slovenian dumpling soup, lots of fresh salad, roast chicken or roast beef. For tickets call (216) 531-2728. Tuesday, March 14 Ohio Chapter of Slovenian Genealogy Society meets at 7 p.m. in Recher Hall, Euclid, OH. Special guest is Dr. Zvone Žigon. Friday, March 17 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 to 11:15 p.m., featuring Wayne Tomsic. Sunday, March 19 Spaghetti Dinner at Collinwood Slovenian Home honoring “Our Woman of the Year” Helen Kozlevchar from 1 to 4 p.m. Donation $7, children: $3. March 19 - 26 Annual Slovenian ski trip to Steamboat, Colorado. Call John Kamin at (718) 424-2711, or weeknights: (212) 691-5551 or (518) 734-5515 weekends. Friday, March 24 Fish Fry from 5-7 p.m. Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. R0,h St., Cleve- land. Donation $9. Friday, March 24 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 to 11:15 p.m., featuring Frank Moravick Saturday, March 25 Federation of Slovenian Homes annual awards banquet at SNH on St. Clair. Main honorees are Kathy Hlad and James Slapnik, Jr. Tickets Larry Hočevar 216-361-5115. Friday, March 31 Dance at West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland from 7:30 to 11:15 p.m., featuring Bob Kravos. Thursday, April 6 Meeting of St. Vitus Alumni in St. Vitus Village. Friday, April 7 Fish Fry from 5-7 p.m. Slovenian National Home Co., 3563 E. 80th St., Cleveland. Donation $9. Friday, April 7 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland dance from 7:30 -11:15 p.m. with music by Eric Noltkamper. Sunday, April 9 (Palm Sunday) St. Mary’s (Collinwood) Palačinka (crepe) and sausage breakfast, 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon in parish center. Cost $7 adults, $4 child. Sunday, April 9 St. Vitus Parish Dinner in St. Vitus Auditorium, serving 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Adults $12, children $6. Friday, April 21 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. with music by Ray Po-lantz. Friday, April 21 Slovenian National Home, St. Clair, evening at the races. Doors open 6:30 p.m. Admission $10. 361-5115. Saturday, April 22 Korotan Concert at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair. Friday, April 28 West Park Slovenian Home, 4583 W. 130 St., Cleveland dance from 7:30 - 11:15 p.m. with music by Stan Mejač. Saturday, April 29 Zarja Spring Frolic Concert “And Justice For All” at Slovenian Society Home in Euclid, Ohio. Dinner 5 -6:30 P.J. program: 7 p.m. Dancing 8 p.m. with Jeff pecon Orchestra. Donation $22 per person. Saturday, April 29 Primorski Klub Dinner Dance at Slovenian National Home on St. Clair Ave. Sunday, May 7 Newburgh Slovenian Home salutes Man of Year Joe Novak. $ 18 person. Dinner 1 p.m. Music and dancing 2:30 - ? Death Notices LOUISE ZABUKOVEC Louise Zabukovec (nee Koželj), age 83. Beloved wife of Damijan (deceased); loving mother of Louise (Larry) Frank, Marie (Tom) Sejnowski, and Michelle (Scott) (deceased) Alter; grandmother of Daniel (Tatjana), Gregory A. (Maria) and Michael J. (Nicci) Frank, Laura and T.D. Sejnowski, Jessica L. and Scott S. Alter; great-grandmother of Julia, Madlynn, Lauren and Anthony; sister of Angela (of Slovenia), Joe and Louie Koželj, Agnes Tome and Mimi Adlesic (of Slovenia); aunt and great-aunt to many. Friends were received at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St., Wednesday, March 1 from 2-8 p.m., where services will be held Thursday at 9:15 a.m. and at St. Jerome Church at 10 a.m. Interment All Souls Cemetery. In Memory Thanks to William J. Skerl of Parma, Ohio who renewed his subscription and added a $25.00 donation in memory of Vicki Spech. In Memory Thanks to Tina Humeston of Cleveland, OH who renewed her subscription and added a $20.00 donation in memory of her parents, Joseph and Marija Melaher. In Memory Thanks to Marija Cugelj of Cleveland, Ohio who submitted a $10.00 donation in memory of her husband, Ivan Cugelj. In Memory Thanks to Joseph S. Baškovič of Willoughby Hills, OH who submitted a $50.00 donation on the first anniversary of the death of his wonderful wife, Josephine Baškovič. In Memory Thanks to Amalija Champa of Richmond Heights, Ohio who submitted a $25.00 donation in memory of Jože Champa. In Memory Thanks to Mary Koren of Willoughby, Ohio who submitted a $15.00 donation in memory of Joseph Koren. In Memory Thanks to Judge Ronald Šuster of The Court of Common Pleas, County of Cuyahoga in Cleveland, Ohio who sent in a two year subscription renewal. He writes, “May God bless your important work in our Slovenian community. Please accept my donation of $30.00 in memory of a very special priest, Fr. Victor Tome.” In Memory Thanks to Marie Curk of Barberton, Ohio who renewed her subscription and added a $15.00 donation in memory of Vinko Curk. She writes, “I enjoy the paper and look forward to reading it every week. Keep up the good work.” Donation Thanks to Slovenian Pensioners of Euclid, Ohio for the great $50.00 donation. They write, “In appreciation for all the printing you do and have done for the Slovenian Pensioners of Euclid, we are enclosing a donation of $50.00. Again, our club appreciates all that you do.” The letter was signed by Lillian Pugel, Financial Secretary. Large Donation Thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Meršol of North Lima, Ohio who renewed their subscription and added a $215.00 donation!!! Donation Thanks to Mary Sawyer of Brecksville, OH for the $15.00 donation. She writes, “Love reading the paper. Keep the good work going.” Donation Thanks to Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Pivik of Middleburg Hts., OH for the wonderful $65.00 donation. They write, “Keep the newspaper presses rolling.” Donation Thanks to Ivanka Pretnar of Cleveland, Ohio for the In Memory Thanks to Andrew and Albina Cigany of Bedford, Ohio who sent in a $20.00 donation in memory of Vickie Spech. $25.00 donation. Donation Thanks to Paul and Cecilia Košir of Kirtland, Ohio who sent in a nice $65.00 donation. Zele Funeral Home MEMORIAL CHAPEL Located at 452 E. 152 St. Ph: (2161 481-3118 Faniily'6wned hrid operated since T908 rv Donation Thanks to Ann Hirselj of Centerville, Ohio who added a $10.00 donation to her subscription renewal. She writes, “Keep up the good work!! - I look forward to reading and catching up on my “old neighborhood" news.” In Loving Memory 37lh Anniversary Major John A. Petrie Died March 2,1969 5th Anniversary John Petrie Died March 17, 2001 No one. knows the silent heartaches Only those who have lost can tell Of the grief that's borne in silence For the one we loved so well. “Everything ceases, only God remains Blessed is he who understands this.” —Fr. A. M. Slomšek Mary Petrie and Family In Memory OF THE DEATH OF Joseph Grdina who died on January 12, 1974 Missed by: Sister: Antonia Mazi and Brother: Ivan Sons: Joseph and Anthony Daughters-in-Law: Mary and Betty Grandchildren - and iGreat-Grandchildren On the 13th Anniversary of the death of Anton J. (Tony) Petkovšek Sr. Passed away on March 2,1993 A lasting memorial is the perpetuation of the daily Slovenian and Polka RADIO Program of 44 years, plus the station itself as conducted by Tony Petkovšek on WELW 1330 AM In Loving Memory of Joseph E. Nosan Sr. Died: March 8,1998 “A Beautiful life that came to an end, He died as he lived, everyone’s friend. In our hearts a memory will always be kept, Of one we loved, and will never forget. ” Loved and missed by: Wife, Olga and Family 7 IN LOVING MEMORY Of the 13th Anniversary Of The Passing Of Our Dearly Beloved Brother, Brother-in-Law, Uncle, and Great-Uncle Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik Died March 7,1993 It broke our hearts to lose you, But you did not go alone; For part of us went with you, The day God took you home. Edward Baznik, brother Eileen'and Mary Baznik, sister-in-law; his nieces: Helen Marinič, Brandon, Fla., Dorothv Dever, Cincinnati, Ohio, Esther Martin, Blanche Jones, Largo, Fla. Lois Mentel, Carol Dougherty, Marv Lou ivioven, Kentucky Sr. F.dwardine Baznik, Š.J.S.M., Louisville, Ohio, Mary McCafferty, Dayton, Ohio; his nephews: Dr. Charles Baznik, Robert Baznik, Boston, Mass., Richard Baznik, Edward J. Baznik, and remaining relatives in U.S., and Canada Ti \ '• v?!i:i.) Highland Heights, Ohio, March 2, 2006 i M G 'f'l ‘ I : :H if . AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 2, 2006 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 2, 2006 8 Remembering Msgr. John J. Oman Enclosed is installment No. 40 and 41 along with a photo of Msgr. Oman around the occasion of his golden Jubilee back in 1961. If I recall, there was quite a write-up about him in the American Home. Well, there are still enough Slovenians around who still remember this great priest. --Joseph T. Snyder Sagamore Hills, OH In 1961 Msgr. Oman celebrated his 50lh Anniversary as a priest and was feted at a Golden Jubilee celebration with Rev. Edwin Oman. Rev. Mathias Blenkush, Rev. Daniel Ohmann, M.M. Bishop Hoban celebrated the Solemn High Mass with a sermon by Msgr. Louis Baznik in English and Fr. Benedict Hoge O.F.M., in Slovenian. Also participating in the ceremony were Rev. Albin Gnidovec, Rev. Gabriel Rus, Rev. Joseph Lekan, Abbot Theodore Kojis O.S.B., Rev. A. Edward Pevec, and Rev. Joseph Ozimek. At the banquet, introduction was given by Fr. Victor Cimperman, and other speakers including Fr. Francis Baraga, and Fr. John Humensky. Other participating dignitaries were Rev. Mathias Jager, Rev. Edwin Oman from St. Joseph, Minn. Greetings from the laity included Senator Frank J. Lausche, Judge August Pry-atel, Councilman Joseph Kovach, John Germ, Supreme President of K.S.K.J. Vocal selections from the St. Lawrence Church Choir were under the direction of Ralph Godec. Biography John Jerome Oman, one of a family of 11 children, was bom on May 22, 1879 in Brockway, Minnesota, one of the very first Slovenian settlements. His parents, Simon Oman and Theresa, nee Legat, were pioneer immigrants from Slovenia, Yugoslavia. He was baptized on June 1, 1879 by the Slovenian missionary, Fr. Vincent Schiffer, OSB, who attended St. Stephen Church as a mission of the Monastery of St. John the Baptist. Two other priests, Fr. Cyril Zupan, OSB, and Fr. Roman Homar, OSB, were influential in the early education and religious training of Fr. Oman. As a young lad, John Oman attended the parish church with his parents. Even though Mass was not offered very Sunday for lack of priests, the family attended church regularly, and with others, recited the rosary and participated in the prayers, devotions and spiri- tual exercises. At the age of seven, he began his formal education in the public school at Brockway. Since all the pupils in attendance were Catholics, religion was also included in the school curriculum. John Oman was forced to leave school after his fifth grade because his elder brother left home to seek employment and he, being the next eldest boy, had to assume his farm chores. The heavy manual work was not easy for the young boy. Forests had to be cleared to make way for new farm land. John Oman did not complain; he was satisfied to lend his efforts wherever they were needed. As the other children in the family grew and were able to assist with the family chores, young John, now 16 year of age, left home in search of employment. He was hired as a water boy at the locomotive works in the railroad yards for 50 cents a day. Since his board cost him 35 cents daily, there remained little for his other needs. He sought better opportunities and soon became a farm hand among the more prosperous homesteaders in Steams County, in the vicinity of Albany. Later he became a lumberjack in northern Minnesota. Here he received a meager dollar a day wages for 10 hours of hard labor. The living conditions were abominable and there was no time for fulfillment of one’s religious obligations. After a brief interim, he left the forest work and traveled north to Eveleth, Minnesota. At that time, this was a small community of some one hundred people. Here he became a fireman in a mine power plant and later an engineer, earning a salary of sixty dollars per month. After three-and-a-half years, he left Eveleth and returned to his home. Near St. Cloud he found work as a steam engineer in the municipal power plant. One day, a young man who was studying for the priesthood, chanced to visit the plant. John asked him what type of work he did. The young seminarian informed him that he was studying for the priesthood. In that moment of conversation, a vocation was bom. The idea occurred to him that he, too," wished to become a priest. Upon completion of the night shift, he boarded the morning train and arrived at St. John’s Monastery, where he met the rector, Fr. Bruno, Msgr. Oman who inquired: “What do you wish?” “I’d like to enroll in your school.” The rector replied, “You are somewhat late for this term - it is already the month of November. How old are you?” Oman answered, “Twenty-two.” Upon further questioning, Fr. Bruno asked, “What would you like to be?” Young John told him he wanted to become a priest, providing he was not already too old. The rector assured him his age would not deter him from achieving his goal, if he were to persevere, for he, too, commenced his studies for the priesthood at approximately the same age. The Fathers at St. John’s Monastery accepted John Oman and gave him the special help and encouragement he needed. He applied himself diligently to his studies which were to prepare him for the priesthood. He completed the prescribed course in 10 years. He was ordained a priest in his own parish church of St. Stephen by Bishop Trobec, the Bishop of St. Cloud on Dec. 26, 1911, the feast of St. Stephen. At this time, the late Msgr. Bartholomew Ponikvar, the pastor of St. Vitus Church in Cleveland, Ohio was seeking the help of a priest who could speak the Slovenian language, since the number of immigrants was increasing so rapidly. Both Bishop Farrelly and Msgr. Ponikvar extended Fr. Oman an invitation to come to Cleveland. He accepted and three days after his ordination, he left his home in Minnesota to become the new assistant at St. Vitus Church, where he remained for three years and seven months. Following the death of Fr. Lavrič, the pastor of St. Lawrence Church, Fr. Oman was appointed to this pastorate on September 2, 1915, where he served his parishioners for 46 years. In 1936, the late Bishop Rozman conferred upon him the title of honorary Canon of the St. Nicholas Cathedral in Ljubljana, Yugoslavia, in recognition of the many notable contributions he had made on behalf of the Slovenian people, both in America and abroad. Archbishop Joseph Schrcmbs officiated at the investiture ceremonies of Canon Oman. In 1946, when the communists took over Yugoslavia,. Canon Oman helped organize the League of Slovenian-Americans who were pledged to aid the Slovenian refugees fleeing from communism. He has assisted an organization which is currently working for the cause of Bishop Baraga’s canonization. He will also be remembered for his weekly column in the Slovenian newspaper, “The Ameriška Domovina. ” His faithful labors for the Church were recognized by the late Holy Father Pope Pius XII, who honored him with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor. On June 7, 1949, the Most Rev. Edward F. Hoban, Archbishop -Bishop of Cleveland, invested him in the robes of a Domestic Prelate. It would hardly be possible to enumerate all of the accomplishments in this brief biography. In his humility, our pastor would never boast of his numerous achievements. The present buildings, which were erected in the years of his administration, he would credit not to himself, but would say, “These are the products of a people’s faith, love and generosity.” Monsignor Oman would be quick to admit that present in the day of his Golden Jubilee are the Love and Mercy of Almighty God. Love, because His Divine Goodness called him to Holy Orders, Forbearance or Mercy, because God tolerated the weakness of his human instrument throughout all the years of service. Surely, in recognizing this Love and Mercy, Monsignor Oman offers heartfelt thanks to Almighty God, to Mary, Our Blessed Mother and to all his saintly intercessors in heaven. He offers thanks, also, to his faithful and loyal parishioners for the cooperation that was given him throughout his long era of his pastorate. The parishioners of St. Lawrence rejoiced with you on his auspicious occasion that God has given him a memorable day. They thanked him for his long years of dedicated service on their behalf and prayed for His continued blessings. In Loving Memory Of the 1st Anniversary Aloysius F. Arko Died March 1, 2005 Loving husband, faithful father. How we miss your presence here. Home and world for all cherished, Darkened since your passing, dear. Sadly missed by: Wife, Betty Daughters,Diane Morgan, Arlene Primiano Son-in-law, John Morgan Jeffery Primiano Grandchildren Frank, Jeffrey, Alyson and David Greg Rudi on the range during recent competition. Slovenians and the sport of biathlon ^ by GREG RUDL The biathlon range at ^kljuka, near the towns of Bohinj and Bled, will host a Biathlon World Cup event from March 8 - 12. It has Posted events since 1991, deluding biathlon archery. The turnout will probably be 8ood, based on the fact that a January 2004 race had al-most 5,000 watching from the stands, plus more along the course. Outdoor Life Network, a cable TV station, 18 broadcasting the event, tape-delayed. Tou might be asking your-8elf, what is biathlon? If you lvcd in Europe, you’d know, ^cording to an Olympic 'athlon commentator in the recent Torino games, it’s the ^ost-watched winter sport in Ur°pe and gamers the most jthvertising revenue. In the aited States, it’s hardly ^t°wn and only a small F°UP compete in it, includes myself. I have been a Member of the Ohio National aard Biathlon team since ^ and probably the only Person in Cleveland who f0rnPetes in this rare sport angularly). Biathlon combines crosscountry skiing and rifle °°ting. A competitor must - a loop on hilly course r°m two to five kilometers in length with a .22 caliber rifle strapped to their back while stopping periodically to shoot at targets from both the prone and standing positions. The targets are 50 meters away and small, just 1.8 and 4.5 inches in diameter in the prone and standing positions respectively. The winner will not necessarily be the fastest skier, but the one who ends up with the least shooting penalties and the fastest overall ski time. Shooting accurately with a rapid heartbeat isn’t easy, I know first hand. I actually squeeze the trigger anticipating that my rifle barrel will be pointing at the bulls eye in the next few milliseconds. When the target falls, my rhythm is on. Shooting well takes a lot of repetition and knowing my breathing patterns, heart rate, and barrel movement. The sport traces its roots to Nordic infantrymen testing their skiing and shooting skills in races in the 18th century. There is clear evidence that biathlon was the first ski race in human history, well before Alpine. Biathlon’s tie to military war-fighting is clear: mnning after your enemy and still having enough fitness and composure to fire your weapon accurately. This is why the National Guard is such an enthusiastic supporter of the sport. The National Guard Biathlon program’s goal is to produce world-cup caliber biathletes. I’m definitely not in that league but being a member of the team maybe I can recruit someone who can go onto greatness. If you’d like more information, send me an e-mail to rudler@netzero.com Slovenia’s top male biathlete is Janez Maric, bom in Kranj. He was 63rd in Biathlon World Cup standings in 2006. The old veteran is Janez Ožbolt, well into his 30s. He is the only member of the Slovenian team who didn’t switch from crosscountry skiing to biathlon. Not a stellar year for him last year either, as he was 89th in the world. Slovenia’s biathlon team did about as well in the recent Olympic games in Torino as the American team. They’re just not as good as the German, Norwegian, French and Russian teams. So, the next time you’re flipping the channels and see men (or women) skiing with rifles on their back wearing lycra racing suits, remember: it’s a rare thing for American TV - sit back and check out the action. 2005 Slovenian biathlon team. The Seal and the Atheist Two things Navy SEALS are always taught: 1. - Keep your priorities in order, and 2. - Know when to act without hesitation. A college professor, an avowed atheist and active in the ACLU, was teaching his class. He shocked several of his students when he stated that once and for all he was going to prove there was no God. Addressing the ceiling he shouted: “God, if you are real, then I want you to knock me off this platform. I’ll give you exactly 5 minutes. The lecture room fell silent. You could hear a pin drop. A couple of minutes went by. “I’m waiting God, if you’re real, knock me off this platform.” He counted off the remaining minutes and got within a few seconds of the five min- utes he had challenged God. Suddenly a Navy SEAL, just released from the military after serving in Afghanistan and Iraq walked up to the professor. The SEAL hit him full force in the face, and sent him tumbling from his lofty platform. The professor was knocked out cold. The students in the class were stunned. The Navy veteran took his seat and waited. Eventually the professor came to and was noticeably shaken. He looked at the veteran and said, “What the hell is the matter with you? Why did you do that?” The SEAL responded, “God was busy protecting America’s armed forces who are protecting your right to say stupid sh*t and act like an a**hole, so he sent me.” From St. Vitus Catholic War Veterans newsletter. House for Sale 2 Family Brick. 2 Bedrooms. Large eat-in kitchen. Large living room. Euclid E. 222nd St. area. Across from library, school and buses. $159,900 1-440-205-1203 Stimburys Accounting Accounting & Income Tax Services 496 E.'200th St. " Euclid, OH 44119 (216)404-0990 Fax \216) 404-0992 taxtlme@en.com > http://stimburysaccounllng.com Enrolled to Practice Be/dh die Internal Revenue Service Servicing Individuals Corporations t Small Businesses. f The Slov.«- Associati°ns ofjyiovenian Mationa| Hoine FISH FRY PLACE: THE CLUBROOM 6409 St. Clair (Rear) 216-361-5115 WHEN: EVERY FRIDAY (During Lent) Dinner Served: 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. (Take Out Available) For More Information Call: 216 361-5115 Polka Music 7:00-till ? Attention West Side Residents SAAD SIBA1 226-3730 ALTERATION* BULK LOAD PROFESSIONAL MY CLEANING SHIRT SERVICE ON PREMISES 15019 MADISON AVENUE • LAKEWOOD, OHIO 441Q7 (440) 602-5120 Fax (440) 602-5124 Zele & Zele Co., L.P.A. Ronald Zele, Scott J. Zele, Zachary F. Zele Attorneys-at-Law 38106 Third Street ________Willoughby, Ohio 44094 > m 2 SKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 2, 2006 AMERIŠKA‘DOMOVINA, MARCH 2, 2006 10 Jim’s Journal By Jinr Debevec I read in the Ameriška Domovina that there are now rwo persons of Slovenian descent who will be wearing the Cardinal cloaks of the Roman Catholic Church by the end of March. I was fortunate to have met both of them in my lifetime. -When I was very young, my father, James E. Debevec, after the Second World War, went on a trip to the Toronto area of Canada. My brother, Eddy did the driving, and I went along as a passenger. After picking up Anica, a nurse, at a Toronto hospital, we drove out to the Ambrosic residence in the outlying area of Toronto. I recall that while at the Ambrosic place, a young man of high school age came in and took part in the pleasant conversation which lasted most of the night. His name was Aloysius and he went into the seminary, and eventually became a priest, and Archbishop of Toronto. Several years ago he and his committee hosted a Baraga Weekend in Toronto, which we attended. Years later he was chosen to be a Cardinal. In 1998, Cleveland hosted the Bishop Baraga weekend. Our special guest was Dr. Franc Rode who at the time was Bishop of Ljubljana. He was making his first visit to Cleveland and the area residents were most anxious to renew his acquaintances since the days of World War n. During the Friday afternoon of Labor Day weekend, Bishop Rode spent most of the day with Rev. Joseph Čeme, a priest from Slovenia, who was studying for his Master’s Degree at John Carroll University, and Madeline and myself. We visited Cleveland’s Bishop Anthony Pilla at his office at St. John’s Cathedral, and talked about the importance of canonization of Slovenian Bishop Baraga who ministered to the people of Upper Michigan and the surrounding northern states. Later we went for lunch at the Watermark Restaurant. It was a balmy autumn afternoon at the “Flats” restaurant and after a leisurely meal, we sat and talked and enjoyed each other’s company. What I vividly remember was Bishop Rode taking morsels of food from his plate and tossing it to the seagulls and local birds who had stopped by looking for handouts. Madeline and I both thought the same thing, “Here was another St. Francis who thought about seeing that the birds of the vicinity had some nourishment.” A couple of years later Madeline and I were visiting Slovenia when Fr. Ceme said he had a surprise for us. We went with him and he gave us a tour of the bishop’s facilities. We ended the tour with a formal private visit with His Eminence, Archbishop Rode. Both distinguished men, besides their Slovenian heritage and supreme standing in the Catholic Church, have another goal in common. They both have a profound interest in seeing that Bishop Baraga will be canonized and eventually be declared a saint in the Catholic Church. For those of us who take an interest in the Cause of Bishop Baraga, we are extremely delighted at this fortunate and turn of events. Kenny Yuko named Legislator of Year State Representative Kenny Yuko, D-Richmond Heights, was named “Legislator of the Year” by the Ohio Health Advocacy Network (OHAN). OHAN is a coalition of nearly 50 voluntary and nonprofit behavioral and physical health organizations, businesses, and individuals. The organization focuses on educating Ohioans on issues that impact their health care, encouraging active involvement in public policy and promoting access to quality health care. On Tuesday, Feb. 21 the advocacy network celebrated Ohio Health Day at the Columbus Renaissance Hotel. Ohio Health Day is a daylong program held annually in the capital city to give members of the community a chance to speak with members of the General Assembly. “I’m glad that I am in a position to fight for health advocacy,” Yuko said. ' “These issues are important to all Ohioans and I will continue to be a strong voice for the well being of the citizens of this state.” The award was presented to the Representative at the luncheon in recognition of his dedication and leadership in improving health care access for all Ohioans. Defends Writer Rudy Flis Editor, I always enjoy reading Rudy Flis’ columns, and follow his computer adventures, but I am most impressed with his love of God, family, and our country, and his courage to openly declare his beliefs. He has written about the plight of thousands of victims of war and post-war atrocities in Slovenia, and other parts of former Yugoslavia with true understanding and empathy. As a former refugee, I know whereof he speaks. Slovenian holocaust is a historic fact, and cannot be denied. More and more atrocities are coming to light, and numerous new mass graves of that era have been found, despite the efforts of many to sweep it all under the rug. CLEVELAND - Maverick Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek is profiled in a new documentary film, “Zizek!,” at Strosacker Auditorium on the Case campus on Wednesday, March 8 at 7 p.m. This globe-trotting academic superstar has been called the Elvis of cultural theory. Zizek’s observations on life in a post-Communist, late-capitalist world are a scintillating mix of Karl Marx, Hegel, St. Paul, pop culture and even Alfred Hitchcock. The bravura with which he mixes them all up has made him an intellectual superstar, an odd combination of guru and buffoon. Director Astra Taylor follows Zizek from Buenos Aires to New York, where he talks a blue streak in juicy English before adoring crowds, and home to Ljubljana, where he lives in a modest, book-crammed apartment. TV Guide calls him “a larger-than-life figure who St. Mary’s Fish Fries St. Mary’s (Collin-wood) will have Fish Fries every Friday during Lent from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Special hours on Good Friday.______ Tony's... Old World Plaza Barber Shop Haircuts: $7.00 664 E. 185 Št. - at Abby Ave. and Windward Rd. HOURS: 7:30 a.m. 5:30 p.m. M-F 7:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. Sat We love the Slovenian people. We want more of them as our customers. Yes, Tito, Stalin, and Hitler are dead; but the seeds of tyranny they have sown are sprouting anew. Witness the many Neo-Nazis, and other hate groups proliferating throughout the world. Communism also is alive and well, and not just in Cuba. Rather close to Florida, that... Snide barbs aimed at a man of integrity won’t make the facts disappear. Freedom is a precious commodity, far too often taken for granted, and not appreciated until it is lost. Pray God, Dr. Šebenik, you never have that experience. Thank you, Rudy, for your insightful columns. Keep it Up. God bless you and your family, and God bless the land of the free. —Marie Dular Cleveland, Ohio manages to engage you even when you’re not entirely sure what he’s going on about.” This is the first showing of the film in the city that has more Slovenians than any city outside of Slovenia. Joe Valencie, a local authority on Slovenian cinema, will introduce the film. The movie will be presented by The Cleveland Museum of Art’s Panorama Film Series at Case. The film will be shown in Strosacker Auditorium on the Case quad, located between Adel-bert Road and Martin Luther King Blvd. Tickets are $7, CMA members $5, seniors 65 and over $4, students $3. Advance tickets available by calling 1-216-421-7350 or 1-888-CMA-0033. Tickets can also be purchased at the door on show night after 6:30 p.m. Free parking available in Case Lots 1A and IB, located off of northbound MLK between the bottom of Cedar Hill and Euclid Ave. Enter lot at the last traffic light before Euclid. Lodge 146 KSKJ Honors 50-Year Members St. Joseph’s Lodge #146 KSKJ will be honoring its 50-year members on Sunday, March 19. It will be held at the Slovenian Home on E 80th Street. Members being honored are: Bonnie Brown, Lynn Kossakoski, and Diane Mul-lett. The festivities begin at 11:30 and include a luncheon, short program and door prizes. Lodges #63 and #150 will also be joining in honoring members. The event is free to members of the lodges, non-members are an additional charge. For more information or to make a reservation, please call Chris at (440) 357-0353. —Josie Kmet Rec.SecJFin.Sec Slovenian School Program St. Vitus Slovenian School will present its annual Spring Program on Sunday, March 19 in St. Vitus Church after the 10:30 a.m. Mass. Immediately after the program, there will be a social in the church basement. Everyone welcome. Early Renewal Editor, Just read your important announcement in the American Home. Am sending a check for $35.00 for my subscription in 2006. The last notice I received from your staff stated 1 was good until Nov., 2006, however, I am sending this check anyway. ■ • can’t let this wonderful publication go by the wayside. I enjoy reading the Am-Home so much and share the paper with the ladies in our branch of the SWUA (Slovenian Women’s Unio11 of America). —Jackie Kovach Smim New Berlin, w ^n^&Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia ED MEJAC RDC Program Director WCSB 89.3 FM RADIO HOURS: Sunday 9-10 am Wednesday 6-7 pm 2405 Somrack Drive Slovenian Radio Family Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 TEL/FAX WEB: www.wcsb.org Specialists io Corrective Hair Coloring tina & brenda’s HAIR SALON 5216 Wilson Mills Road 461-7989 / 461-0623 Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143, Slovenian Film at Case FOR Freedom AND Justice Ameriška Domovina AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN tN LANGUAGE ONLY SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Thursday, March 2, 2006 - VESTI iz SLOVENIJE - Iz Clevelanda in okolice Prefekt nadškof Franc Rode 24. marca postane tretji kardinal slovenskega rodu Papež Benedikt XVI. je 22. februarja opoldne med splošno avdienco za 24. marec sklical svoj prvi konzistorij, prebral pa je tudi seznam novih kardinalov. Teh je bilo dvanajst, poleg njih pa še trije, ki so že zaslužni oziroma so že dopolnili več kot 80 let in tako ne bodo sodelovali pri volitvah novega papeža. Med dvanajstimi izbranci je prefekt kongregacije za redovnike, nekdanji ljubljanski nadškof, sedaj 71 let stari dr. Franc Rode. Nadškof Rode bo hkrati postal član rimske kurije, kar da razumeti, da bo eden šestih ali sedmih kardinalov, ki bodo najbolj bližnji sodelavci papeža Benedikta XVI. Nadškof Rode je kmalu po uradni razglasitvi dal intervju za dopisnika Dela in RTV Slovenija. Poročilo iz Dela kakor tudi poročilo o reakciji v Sloveniji sta na str. 12 in 13. Franc Rode Začetek postopka za končno uvedbo evra - Dvojno označevanje cen blaga se je pričelo včeraj, 1. marca Včeraj so morale trgovine in dajati dvojne cene na svoje blago, v tolarjih in v evrih. Isto velja za tiste, ki ponujajo storitve. To je bil prvi dan dobe, ki bo trajala 16 mesecev, do junija 2007. Od takrat bodo Pa vse cene za blago in storitve v državi Posredovane samo v evrih. S tem procesom Slovenija uresničuje večletni cilj, ki ima bolj ali manj podporo vseh večjih strank. Uradno naj bi Slovenija prevzela evro kot svojo valuto s 1. januarjem 2007. Zadnja in poglavitna ovira za Slovenija je bila njena inflacijska stopnja, ki je letos 2,5-odstotna. Ta raven je najvišja, ki jo dopuščajo druge evro države, vendar ima Slovenija po poročilu v Wall Street Joumalu še druge prednosti. Slovenija naj bi bila sma-Irana za eno treh ekonomskih “tigrov” iz Vrst ne-evro držav Evrope, to zato, ker njeno gospodarstvo tako hitro raste. Skupaj s Sloveniji sta imeli željo se pridružiti evru s 1. januarjem še Litovska in Estonska, vendar je v obeh državah inflacija daleč previsoka in zato sedaj kaže, da jim ne bo uspelo. Mnoge države imajo tudi daleč prevelik proračunski primanjkljaj, ki pa Sloveniji tudi ne škoduje. Zaradi teh in drugih ovir, na primer, misli Češka, da se bo lahko pridružila evru šele leta 2010, Madžarska in Poljska pa gledata na leto 2012, če sploh takrat. Sicer so nekatere države, ki že imajo evro, bolj ali manj nezadovoljne s sistemom. Ptičjo gripo odkrili tudi v Slovenyi Sredi februarja je bilo potrjeno, da je laboda, ki so jo bili našli blizu Maribora, je bila okužena z nevarnim virusom H5N1. Takoj so začeli s preventivnimi ukrepi. Zelo strogo opazovalno cono so določili okoli vasi Muta in mesto Maribor, ubili so 170 glav perutnine v vasi Št. Primož blizu Mute, to zato, ker je bil njih lastnik v stiku z obolelo labodo. Ukrepi še trajajo. MZA kosilo— Misijonska Znamkarska Akcija bo imela svoje letno kosilo v nedeljo, 12. marca, v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Serviranje bo od 11. dop. do 1. pop. Izbrali boste pečeni piščanec ali govejo pečenko. Cena kosilu je $12, za otroka $6. Nakaznice imajo člani MZA, dobili jih boste lahko tudi pri vhodu. LILIJA ima sestanek— Dramsko društvo Lilija ima redni članski sestanek v ponedeljek, 6. marca, ob pol osmih zvečer v Slovenskem domu na Holmes Ave. Vsi člani lepo vabljeni, da se sestanka udeleže. Krofi in rezanci— Oltarno društvo sv. Vida bo imelo prodajo krofov in rezancev v soboto, 11. marca, to ob običajnem času v družbeni sobi farnega avditorija. Pridite! Postne ribje večerje— Te bodo vsak petek v postu od 4. pop. do 7. zv. v župnijski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. Na jedilniku bodo razne možnosti. Vabljeni ste na vedno dobro večerjo, z obiskom boste hkrati podpirali župnijo, ki praznuje svojo stoletnico. ZAČETEK JE BIL OBETAJOČ, SLOVENSKA EKIPA PA OSTALA BREZ MEDALIJ - Preteklo nedeljo zvečer je bil slovesen konec 20. olimpijskih iger, ki so letos potekale v severovzhodnem italijanskem mestu Torinu. Fotografija zgoraj prikazuje slovensko ekipo ob predstavitvenem mimohodu na otvoritvenem večeru. Slovensko zastavo je nosila biatlonka Tadeja Brankovič. V nekaterih panogah slovenski atleti in atletinje niso tekmovali, v drugih pa so ostali brez zmage oziroma medalje. Prihodnje igre bodo seveda čez štiri leta — 2010 -, takrat se Pa bodo športniki zbrali v kanadskem mestu ob Tihem oceanu, Vancouvru. Daleč so še, vendar moremo pričakovati, da bodo takratni slovenski športniki imeli med gledalci več rojakov in rojakinj iz te strani velike luže. Izjemno je bilo— Pretekli petek zvečer, 24. februarja, je generalni konzul RSlovenije dr. Zvone Žigon sponzoriral koncert v cerkvi Marije Vnebovzete, ki je bil pravi užitek za vse prisotne. Nastopili so nekateri naši glasbeno najbolj nadarjeni rojaki in rojakinje, ki so uživali nadvse zasluženo priznanje od številne publike. Posebna zahvala gre konzulu dr. Žigonu, to v upanju, da mu bo uspelo imeti še več takih programov. In hvala tudi g. župniku Janezu Kumšetu za njegovo sodelovanje ter še vsem, ki so v programu sodelovali oz. pomagali. O Ivanu Tavčarju— Prihodnji torek, 7. marca, bo prof. dr. Timothy Pogačar iz državne univerze Bowling Green predaval o Ivanu Tavčarju, slovenskem pisatelju, ki je bil tudi v letih 1912-1921 župan Ljubljane. Predavanje bo v Slovenskem društvenem domu na Recherjevi ulici v Eucli-du in se bo pričelo ob 7h zv. v spodnji dvorani. Vstopnine ni in je javnost lepo vabljeni. Večer sponzorira Slovenian American Heritage Foundation. Od leta 1998 vodi prof. dr. Pogačar oddelek za nemško, rusko in vzhodno-azijske jezike na BGSU. Spomladanska proslava— Slovenska šola pri sv. Vidu priredi šolsko akademijo v nedeljo, 19. marca, v cerkvi, po pol enajsti maši Takoj po prireditvi bo v dvorani pod cerkvijo prigrizek. Vsi lepo vabljeni! Novi grobovi Lojzka Zabukovec Dne 25. februarja zvečer je umrla 83 let stara Lojzka Zabukovec, rojena Koželj 28. januarja 1923 v Krki, Slovenija, vdova po Damijanu, mati Louise Frank, Marie Sejnowski in Michelle Alter, 7-krat stara mati, 4-krat prastara mati, sestra Angele (Slovenija), Joe-a, Louie-ja, Agnes Tomc in Mimi Adlešič (Slov.), članica društva št. 169 KSKJ, podružnice št. 42 SŽZ in Kluba upokojencev Slovenske pristave. Pogreb je danes, 2. marca, v oskrbi Želetovega zavoda, sv. maša bo v cerkvi sv. Jeroma, sledil bo pokop na Vernih duš pokopališču. 12 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, MARCH 2, 2006 Nadškof Franc Rode po imenovanju... da števila dvanajst ni Slovenska cerkev močne- hotel prekoračiti, po dru- je navzoča in bo imela skega kardinala kmalu povabili na obisk v Slo- Vesel za Slovensko cerkev Za imenovanje je Franc Rode uradno izvedel še/e 24 ur pred objavo Rim (Tone Hočevar, Delo. 23. febr. 2006) - “Lahko si predstavljate, da sem vesel. Vesel sem tudi za < ljubljansko nadškofijo, katere nadškof sem bil sedem let. Vesel za Slovensko cerkev pa tudi za vse Slovence po svetu. Mislim, da je to za nas vse lep trenutek in da smo lahko upravičeno veseli in ponosni na to imenovanje.” To so bile prve besede prejšnjega ljubljanskega nadškofa in sedanjega prefekta kongregacije za redovnike doktorja Franca Rodeta, potem ko je papež Benedikt XVI. med splošno avdienco prebral imena dvanajstih novih kardinalov volivcev in treh zaslužnih kardinalov, starejših od 80 let. Novi kardinal, tretji slovenskega rodu po go-riškem škofu Jakobu Misli na prelomu prejšnjega stoletja in sedanjem kanadskem kardinalu Alojzu Ambrožiču, ki pa ni član Slovenske cerkve, je k dopisnikom Dela in Radiotelevizije Slovenija prihitel z nujnega sestanka takoj potem, ko je papež oznanil imena novih kardinalov. Ljudje, ki so bili navzoči na splošni avdienci, so se še gnetli med Berninijevimi stebri in mu hodili čestitat. ♦ Eminenca, kdaj vam je sveti oče sporočil, da boste postali kardinal? Uradno mi je sveti oče to sporočil včeraj, dan pred imenovanjem, in sicer pisno. Pismo mi je včeraj dopoldne izročil kardinal Angelo Sodano. Tako sem bil šele zad- Cleveland Pubuc Radio WCPN 90.3 FM Tony Ovsenik: 31731 Miller Ave. Willoughby Hills, Ohio 44092 Phone: 1-440-944-2538 e-mail: tony.ovsenik@sbcglobal.net W-A- xz* ”p uJIBA Saturdays 9-I0pm CONTRIBUTOR TO: RADIO OGNJISCE-LJUBLJANA njih 24 ur stoodstotno prepričan, da bom danes res imenovan. Kaj vam današnji dogodek pomeni osebno? Je za vas kaj drugače od danes naprej? Razen nekaj zunanjih znamenj se pravzaprav ne bo veliko spremenilo. Delal bom isto, kar sem delal doslej, se pravi vodil bom pomemben de-kasterij za redovnike v Katoliški cerkvi, verjetno bom tudi nekoliko več hodil na slovesnosti, vrstila se bodo povabila. Kardinale raje vabijo na to ali ono slovesnost. V bistvu se pa stvari ne bodo dosti spremenile. Poleg vas je papež imenoval še 14 kardinalov, samo dvanajst je volivcev, mlajših od 80 let. Lahko iz teh imenovanj razberemo papeževo politiko? Eno je gotovo: sveti oče ni hotel prekoračiti meje 120 kardinalov volivcev. Držal se je tega in verjetno je to pametno, ker če bi že na prvem kon-zistoriju šel čez to mejo, bi se težko ustavil. Naletel bi na negodovanje, če bi izpustil tega ali onega, ki se čuti primernega za kardinalsko čast, pa ga ne bi imenoval. Drugo, kar preseneča ali kar je nenavadno glede na to, kar so napovedovali časniki, je to, da so imenovanja v rimski kuriji samo tri. Se pravi Levada, ki je prefekt kongregacije za nauk vere, Vallini, in jaz. Je pa še veliko drugih, ki so bili v mislih, vsaj v mislih časnikarjev, pa niso doživeli današnjega imenovanja. Mislite, da to napoveduje spremembe v kuriji? Verjetno bo šel razvoj v to smer, da bo v kuriji manj kardinalov, kakor jih je bilo doslej. Zanimivo, da med vami, novimi kardinali, ni pariškega nadškofa in še nekaterih, ki so bili na seznamih, objavljenih pred dnevi, na prvih mestih ... To je seveda čudno. Prvi vzrok je verjetno ta. gi strani pa je v Parizu še kardinal Lustiger, že zaslužni pariški nadškof, ki je velika osebnost, zato odmevna osebnost, močno navzoč v Parizu in Franciji. Verjetno je bil tudi to vzrok, da so imenovanje njegovega naslednika škofa Vingt-Troi-sa za zdaj odložili. Ste kurijski kardinal, vendar tudi Slovenec ... ... in to s ponosom! ... koliko bo imela Slovenska cerkev več besede za vatikanskem obzidjem? V rimski kuriji bom imel gotovo več besede, ker sem med tistimi devetimi, desetimi kardinali, ki imajo največ besede tukaj v Rimu in pri papežu. V tem smislu bo več besede. Se vam ne zdi, da Slovenija nekoliko pozno dobiva kardinala? To ni stvar, ki bi bila v naših rokah. Kardinalsko mesto smo si želeli že za doktorja Šuštarja, to je bilo jasno že takrat, in doktor Šuštar bi si ga tudi zelo zaslužil, vendar vatikanska logika ni enaka slovenski. In kakšna je? Vatikanska logika je taka - najprej gledano na večje in precej manj na manjše. Tukaj, v tem trenutku, se je ta logika ustavila, ni funkcionirala, in v tem trenutku je član majhnega naroda, ki ni zelo pomemben v mednarodnem življenju, prišel na pomembno mesto v Cerkvi. ■ Ob imenovanju nadškofa Franca Rodeta... Radost in številne čestitke Ljubljana (Gorazd Uten-kar, Delo, 23. februarja 2006) - “Želimo potrditi današnjo napoved papeža Benedikta XVI., da se bo konzistorij, iz katerega bo izšlo 15 novih kardinalov - trije so že dopolnili 80 let - obhajal 25. marca. Med novimi kardinali je tudi njegova ekscelenca msgr. dr. Franc Rode, prefekt kongregacije ustanov posvečenega življenja in družb apostolskega življenja,” je apostolski nuncij v Sloveniji Santos Abril y Gastello napovedal, da je nekdanji ljubljanski nadškof in metropolit postal tretji kardinal slovenskega porekla v zgodovini. Z včerajšnjim imenovanjem je papež po nuncijevih besedah še enkrat pokazal, kako ceni “slovenski katoliški narod in državo, ki se bosta ob tem dejanju zagotovo počutila globoko počaščena”. Ljubljanski nadškof Alojz Uran je povedal, da so novico sprejeli z velikim veseljem in svojemu predhodniku izrekel iskrene čestitke. Po njegovem je papež z imenovanjem slovensko Cerkev in narod ponovno potrdil s svojim zaupanjem in priznanjem. Papež Benedikt XVI. je po stopinjah papeža Janeza Pavla II. spoznal in cenil vero naših prednikov, je dejal. Nadaljeval Je. da je rimskokatoliška re- ligija stoletja oblikovala zgodovino naroda in vtisnila svoj pečat v srce Slovencev, čeprav so morali skozi velike preizkušnje in stiske. Ljubljanska nadškofija je novemu kardinalu Rodetu seveda še posebno blizu, saj se je v njej rodil in jo od 1997. do 2004. leta tudi vodil. Njen sedanji prvi pastir Uran se je zahvalil Bogu za obilje milosti, s katero je obdaroval novega kardinala v njegovem dosedanjem življenju. “Obenem pa molim, da bi izredno odgovorno nalogo pri vodenju vesoljne Cerkve mogel kot najožji sodelavec papeža dobro izpolniti,” je dejal Uran. Izrazil je upanje, da bo Rode ostal še naprej povezan z domovino in slovenskim narodom, da bi mogel “statu inu obstati”; to je bilo njegovo nadškofovsko vodilo med sedemletnim opravljanjem te službe. Uran je dodal, da bodo novega sloven- venijo. Pred Rodetom sta kardinala postala dva Slovenca. Prvi je bil leta 1899 ljubljanski knežo-škof-goriški nadškof dr. Jakob Missia, drugi pa je torontski nadškof Alojzij Ambrožič, imenovan 21. februarja 1998. Druge čestitke Naslednje poročilo je tudi bilo v "Delu" 23. februarja, posredovala ga je STA oz. Slovenska tiskovna agencija. Ur. AD Ob imenovanju za kardinala so Francu Rodetu čestitali tudi predsednik države Janez Drnovšek, premier Janez Janša, zunanji minister Dimitrij Rupel, mariborski škof Franc Kramberger in mnogi drugi. Predsednik republike je v čestitki poudaril, da je imenovanje priznanje za njegovo življenjsko delo, je pa tudi posebna pozornost in čast, ki jo je sveti oče izrekel domovini in slovenskim katoličanom. Izrazil Je prepričanje, da bo kardinal dr. Franc Rode novo visoko funkcijo in čast nosil z enakim dostojanstvom kot vse druge naloge, ki jih je v življenju sprejel. Premier (Janša) meni, da visoka čast in odgovornost, ki ju prevzema Rode, pomenita globoko zaupanje Rimskokatoliške cerkve in zasluženo priznanje za njegovo dosedanje delo, hkrati pa je imenovanje slovenskega kardinala tudi v čast in ponos Sloveniji. Rupel je imenovanje o-cenil kot veliko priznanje njegovemu dolgoletnemu delovanju v dobro slehernega človeka, predsednik Slovenske škofovske konference Kramberger pa mu je zaželel obilje božjega blagoslova ter potrebnih preroških uvidov v prihodnost Katoliške cerkve doma in po svetu. Z AMERIŠKO DOMOVINO STE VEDNO NA TEKOČEM ED MEJAČ RDC Program Dirivtor WCSB 89.3 FM RAMO hours: Songs ^Melodies from Beautiful Slovenia. Slovenian Radio Family Willoughby Hills, OH 44094 440-953-1709 tei/wx WEB: www.wcsb.org Dr. FRANC RODE -Podatki iz biografije Tretji slovenski kardinal v zgodovini se je rodil jeseni leta 1934 v Ljubljani, živel pa je na Rodici pri Domžalah. Najbolj ga je zaznamovalo leto 1945, ko je po končani vojni z družino pobegnil iz Slovenije. Osnovno šolo je obiskoval v begunskem taborišču v Judenburgu, gimnazijo pa v Lienzu in Spittalu ob Dravi. Družina se je potem izselila v Argentino, kjer je Franc Rode leta 1952 stopil v red lazaristov. Bogoslovje je začel študirati v Buenos Airesu, nadaljeval pa v Rimu in Parizu. Tu so ga leta 1960 posvetili v duhovnika. Čez tri leta je v Parizu iz bogoslovja še doktoriral. Leta 1965 se je vrnil v Slovenijo in najprej služboval v Celju, leta 1967 pa je postal ravnatelj bogoslovcev lazaristov in predavatelj na teološki fakulteti. Sprva je poučeval francoščino, nato pa še praktično apologetiko, misiologijo, teologijo ne-krščanskih verstev, uvod v moderni ateizem in osnovno bogoslovje. V Sloveniji je ostal do leta 1981, ko je odšel v Vatikan, kjer Je deloval v papeškem tajništvu za dialog z neverujočimi. Pozneje je postal tajnik papeškega sveta za kulturo, veliko je predaval in objavljal. Večina Slovencev ga je spoznala leta 1997, ko je zasedel mesto ljubljanskega nadškofa in slovenskega metropolita. Prihod ostrega kritika slovenske tranzicijske družbe in oblasti je po spravljivem nadškofu Šuštarju deloval šokantno. Pogosto je razpravljal o šolstvu, najhujše kritike pa je sprožil, ko je 55. člen slovenske ustave, ki staršem prepušča pravico do svobodnega določanja o rojstvu otrok, imenoval “sramotni člen”. Zaradi vzvišene drže in brezkompromisnih zahtev Po vrnitvi premoženja, ki ga je Cerkvi po 2. svetovni vojni odvzela država, si je pridobil veliko nasprotnikov. Nekateri mu očitajo, da je povzročil precejšen upad števila katolikov v državi in poglobil nasprotja med katoliki, pripadniki drugih veroizpovedi in neverujočim. Pred dvema letoma ga je papež Janez Pavel II. Imenoval za prefekta kongregacije ustanov posvečenega življenja in družb apostolskega življenja, ki se ukvar-Ju s približno milijonom rimskokatoliških duhovnikov, dna ^ovanju novih uporabnikov biretov-Tradicionalna triroga obre-na kardinalov so v šiviljstvu Euroclero v Vatikanu že pripravlje- kardi | ai° na. 24- marec, ko bo papež Benedikt XVI. imenoval 15 novih na 0Vi Mojstrovina je delo italijanskega krojača Michela Ombrosa. I ji dti!,W .WWV? :H; 'V ______ redovnic in redovnikov po vsem svetu, je član kongregacije za škofe, od lani pa tudi častnik francoske častne legije in častni doktor ameriške univerze St. Johns G(orazd) U(tenkar) Delo, 23. febr. 2006 SLO' 6114 LAUSCHE AVENUE CLEVELAND, OHIO 44103 Tel. 216-361-0300 Fax: 216-361-0321 Dom tel. 216-381-2602 E-mail: felixjgaser@adeiphia.nr:t Slovenska pisarna sporoča, da je dospela nova pošiljka knjige SLOVENIA 1945. Cena je še ista: $42. Ker je bilo veliko prednaročil, jih je bolj malo še ostalo. Ako bi jo želeli imeti, pokličite na tel. 216-381-2602. Poleg tega imamo še vedno na zalogi knjigi dr. Metoda Milača: Kdo solze naše posuši (v slovenščini) - in ista v angleščini: Resistance, Imprisonment and Forced Labor. Na zalogi so še naslednje knjige: Dr. Valentin Meršol - Janko Moder Poletje molka - Mara Cerar Hull Pot molka - Mara Cerar Hull Leto brez sonca - Marko Kremžar Med svobodo in rdečo zvezdo - Dušan Lajovic ♦ Imamo še mnogo drugih knjig na razpolago in jih bomo objavili prihodnjič. Tudi novi DVD “Pozdravljena zemlja” pevskega zbora Korotan imamo. V njem lahko sledite romanju in koncertov tega zbora lani v Sloveniji ob 60-letnici vrnitve in pokola domobrancev ter civilistov po drugi svetovni vojni. Ravno tako smo prejeli CD pevskega komornega zbora Ave in sicer velikonočne pesmi "Kristus je vstal” in tudi “Hugolin Sattner”, zbirka verskih pesmi, in še "Mozaik”, ki tudi vsebuje verske in druge pesmi. Kot nalašč za velikonočni čas. Lahko sami pridete pogledat, saj je pisarna odprta vsako soboto od 10. dop. do 1. pop., v nedeljah od 10.30 dop. do 1. pop. Lahko pa me dobite na tel. 216-381-2602 za podrobnejše vesti in naročila. F. Gaser Knjiga Semiotika kmetstva v tranziciji V Ameriko je vzela motiko, jo obesila na steni Izšel je prevod ameriške raziskovalke, ki je proučevala odnos slovenskih vaščanov in njihovih sorodnikov v Ameriki O Ljubljana - Razmerja med prebivalci Žerovni-ce, majhne vasi na robu Cerkniškega jezera, in njihovimi sorodniki, ki so se izselili v Združene države Amerike, je osrednja tema knjige Semiotika kmetstva v tranziciji - Slovenski vaščani in njihovi sorodniki v Ameriki. Gre za delo ameriške kulturne antropologinje Irene Por-tis Winner, izšlo pa je v zbirki Opera etnologi-ca Slovenica. Irene Portis-Winner, profesorica na številnih ame- VivTI c; • .M-.jTV. ■ ‘.n , t.jf, •yr »j $*3 riških univerzah, je skoraj vse svoje raziskovanje posvetila proučevanju kulture slovenskega podeželja in povezavam, ki jih je vaška skupnost imela in jih še ima s svojimi sorodniki v Ameriki. A kako se je ameriška raziskovalka sploh odločila za proučevanje prav te vasice na robu Cerkniškega jezera? Po naključju: njen mož, slavist Thomas G. Winner, je zelo dobro poznal akademika Franceta Jakopina, ki je imel v Že-rovnici svoje starše in ta- AM'.UUV !.M lil Oiil9h?w mi ivi